Page 1: The · The Beacon MARCH 2016 The Lord is my light and my salva on; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life;

The Newsleer of

St. Paul’s UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST McConnellsburg


The Beacon

MARCH 2016

The Lord is my light and my salva�on; whom shall I fear? The

Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

The Fort Loudon-McConnellsburg Charge STAMP

of the

United Church of Christ

228 North 2nd Street

McConnellsburg, PA 17233

Secretary - Pam Carmack

[email protected] (717)-485-4795

St. Paul’s UCC

228 N Second Street, McConnellsburg, PA 17233

(717)-485-5554***[email protected]

Facebook &

Trinity UCC

P.O. Box 253

13189 Main Street, Fort Loudon, PA 17224

(717)-369-4773*** (Penn Central Conference)

Page 2: The · The Beacon MARCH 2016 The Lord is my light and my salva on; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life;


Month Received Budget to Date Expended to

January $5,168.30 $ 6,930.00 $3,332.63

Feb. 1-21 $3,557.82 $ 5,082.00 $2,195.81

Year to Date $8,726.12 $12,012.00 $5,528.44

Please consider making a generous gi8 to Trinity’s building fund

soon to support the upcoming major improvement to the church’s

electrical system. Thank you.

April Beacon ar:cle deadline is

MARCH 30, 2016. (a8er Easter)

Sunday, February 28 Lenten Study at Trinity, 6:30-8:00pm

Wednesday, March 2 Trinity Prayer & Praise, 6:30pm

Sunday, March 6 Trinity & St. Paul’s One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

Lenten Study at St. Paul’s, 6:30-8:00pm

Tuesday, March 8 Trinity Consistory Mee@ng, 7:00pm

Wednesday, March 9 Trinity Choir Prac@ce, 6:30pm

St. Paul’s Church Women United mee@ng, 7pm

Saturday, March 12 Trinity Family Film, Soup and Sandwiches, 6:00pm

Sunday, March 13 Trinity Elder Sponsorship Collec@on

Lenten Study at Trinity, 6:30-8:00pm

Tuesday, March 15 St. Pau’s Consistory mee@ng, 7pm

Wednesday, March 16 Trinity Prayer & Praise, 6:30pm

Sunday, March 20 Palm Sunday

Trinity Building Fund Offering

Lenten Study at St. Paul’s 6:30-8:00pm

Thursday, March 24 Maundy Thursday service at Trinity, 7pm

Thursday, March 24 Maundy Thursday service at Trinity, 7 pm

Friday, March 25 McConnellsburg Community service to be announced

Sunday, March 27 Easter Sunday


Page 3: The · The Beacon MARCH 2016 The Lord is my light and my salva on; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life;

1 Nancy Lawyer

3 Gary Sweeney

8 Zachary Long

Nathan Rosenberry

10 Taylor Myers

15 Beth Ann Daniels

Carole Grissinger Sieber

16 Chris Myers

17 Tom Hamil

Mechele Shives

Kelsey Barclay

19 Eileen Hornbaker

21 Jessica Pryor

25 Hillary Alexander

30 Clint Alexander

Bertha Byers

BeHy Daniels

Dorothy and Paul Stevens

Gary Stevens

Gene, Elsie and Barb Bricker

Joyce and Thurman Hassler

John Hornbaker

Military and families

Sponsored Children: Adrianus, Marc Philip,

Thierry, Marcela

Zeis family

Jean McLucas

Diane Baxter

Rosie Shives and Family

Elaine Armstrong

Nancy Barmont

All individuals and families affected by


All Sunday school classes

Our Church & it’s ministries

If you have any addi�ons or correc�ons to the

prayer list or the birthday list, please contact the

church office. Trinity’s Ushers:

Edgar Hess and Jeff Zeis

St. Paul’s Ushers:

Kirk Cover and John Glazier
