
The Story of MosesPrince of Egypt

Primary 1 TIOF (RERC - June)

Where is Egypt?

We live here in Scotland.

Egypt is here in North Africa.

Do you know where Egypt is?

Have you ever been to Egypt?

There are lots of wonderful things to see in


Can you think of any?

The Pyramids

People riding on Camels.

The Sphinx

Lots of sand!

The River Nile

Today’s story took place in Egypt a

long, long time ago.

So we’re going to need some help!

Step inside Primary 1!We are going to travel back hundreds of years, long before Jesus was born, to ancient Egypt and the time of the Pharaohs!

We have arrived!

On behalf of myself and the Tardis we hope you enjoy your stay in Ancient Egypt. We’ll be back to collect

you at the end of the story to take

you back to class!

This is Miriam.

She has just had a new baby boy. But the evil king of Egypt has said that he will harm all new baby boys. So she is hiding him in a basket and putting him into the river.

This is Princess Fatima, daughter of the evil king. She found the baby in the basket and recued him.She took him home and looked after him as though he was her own son.She called him Moses.

Years passed and Moses grew into a man. The Pharaoh wanted to build great buildings called pyramids. So he forced the men in his kingdom to work.

The pyramids they built are still there today.

Moses was not happy about how the king was treating the slaves.

He decided to help them to escape.

The slaves followed Moses into the desert. They soon came to the Red

Sea. The slaves were worried because the King had sent his soldiers to catch

them. How would they get past the water? What do you think happened


Moses lifted his arms and called out to God for help. The sea began to move and soon there was a path right through the middle. Moses and the slaves walked through. There were walls of water on both sides of them.

The soldiers chased them. All of the kings horses and chariots followed them along the path through the sea.

When Moses and the slaves reached the other side God sent the sea back to its place and washed away all the wicked men.

They praised and thanked God for saving them.

God had chosen them to be his special people.

They would tell the story of how God had saved them to their children and their grandchildren so that they too would know how precious they were to God.

People still tell the story of the baby in the basket who became a hero!

OK Primary 1! The bell will be ringing soon we have to be going. Hold on tight as we travel forward in time back to your classroom in Scotland! Here we go!

Wow! That was a bit of a bumpy ride!

Hope everyone is ok!

Now let’s see how much you

remember about the journey.

What was the name of the baby in the


A. NoahB. MosesC. Jesus

Where did the story

take place?

A. EdinburghB. EnglandC. Egypt

Who found the baby?

A. Princess AuroraB. Princess Fatima

C. Princess Jasmine

What was the name of the sea

which God made a path through?

A. The Red SeaB. The Green Sea

C. The Blue Sea

Great Job my little ‘time travellers’!

I must be going now.

Hopefully we’ll travel together

again in the future!
