Page 1: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

The Spanish-American War

p. 146

Page 2: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

The Cuban Rebellion Begins


Jose Marti

Republic of Cuba

1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from Spain

Cuba became economically tied with the United States.

1895—Cuba launches another rebellion after economy tanks.

Successfully take Eastern Cuba and declared it independent of Spain.

Page 3: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

America Supports Cuba

yellow journalism

General Weyler

reconcentration camps

United States became convinced to be involved by sensationalist news stories.

Spain sent 200,000 troops and even had Cuban rebels put into holding camps so that they would not aid or continue the


Page 4: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

Calls for War


President William McKinley

“Remember the Maine!”


Cubans rioted in protest of remaining a Spanish colony.

President McKinley sent the USS Maine to protect American living in Havana.

The Maine exploded and McKinley was pressured to go to war with Spain.

Spain declared war on U.S. 1898.

Page 5: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

Battle of Manila Bay


Commodore George Dewey

Manila Bay, Philippines

Pacific Ocean

In early May 1898, an American naval squadron, led by Commodore George Dewey, destroyed the Spanish fleet in

Manila Bay.

The U.S. hoped to keep Spain from sending ships to help in Cuba.

Page 6: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

American Forces in Cuba


Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt

Kettle Hill

The U.S. landed troops in Cuba near where the Spanish were protecting their ships. American troops attacked and took

a village near Santiago. The Spanish retreated and their ships were destroyed

by U.S. warships.

Page 7: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

So…what just happened? a nutshell please.

• Cuba wanted independence from Spain

• U.S gets involved– Cuba is 90 miles from Florida– Wanted European powers out of Western Hemisphere

• U.S ship, the Maine, explodes—blamed on Spain—U.S and Spain now at war

• Spanish colony, the Philippines, is taken by the U.S

• U.S enters Cuba, battles ensue, Spain retreats from Cuba

Page 8: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

The Annexation Debate

p. 150

1.According to Albert Beveridge, why is annexation of the Philippines an honorable course of action?

2.What are William Jennings Bryan’s two main criticisms of imperialism?

Page 9: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

Treaty of Paris 1898

• officially ended the war

– Cuba granted independence– U.S gained Puerto Rico and Guam– U.S paid $20 million for the Philippines

Page 10: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

Cuba is…well…almost free

• Platt Amendment – no treaties with nations who could dominate them– must allow U.S navy bases– keep trade debts low to avoid conflict– U.S allowed to intervene to support Cuban independence

• Cuba finally repealed it in 1934

Page 11: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

Battle of Manila Bay




Page 12: The Spanish-American War p. 146. The Cuban Rebellion Begins Independence Jose Marti Republic of Cuba 1868—Cuba launched rebellion for independence from

American Forces in Cuba



