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© All Rights Reserved. Jeannie Spiro. 2013

The Solo Entrepreneur’s

Business and Marketing

Growth System Workbook Your solo business planner to grow and market your business

online and offline to create a thriving business and achieve

Consistent Growth

Jeannie Spiro, The Career Woman’s Business and Marketing Coach

All Rights Reserved

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The Solo Entrepreneur’s Business and Marketing Growth Guide


This planner is designed to help you create a specific plan and vision for your

business. It will help you work on your goals, projects, cash flow and specific

projects necessary to grow your business.

Answer the questions in each section as completely as you can. The questions will

build upon each other and fold nicely into the exercise.

Once you’re done with them you’ll have a clear and focused vision for the year


Ready to get started planning your business year yet?

Let’s do this!

To Your Success,

The Career Woman’s Business and Marketing Coach

[email protected]

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The Solo Entrepreneur’s Business and Marketing Growth Guide

The Big Picture

1. What is my BIG “Why”? (Why you do what you do, the reasons behind having

your freedom based business)

2. What is my vision for my business for the next 12 months? (Including how

much income I’d like to make by the end of the year, time off I’d like to have

and any big desires I have)

3. What would I like my business to look like 6 months from now?


Number of Clients:

Time Off:

Projects Accomplished:

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4. What would I like my business to look like 12 months from now?


Number of Clients:

Time Off:

Projects Accomplished:

5. What is my required monthly revenue for the year?

6. What is the sum of my current business expenses? (use a spreadsheet or write

out your expenses)

7. Which expenses do you think you can eliminate, reduce or put a pause on? List

them below.

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8. What additional things do you feel you are missing in your business that you

need to include? (What’s on your wish list and what’s on your must have?)

These can be anything from office equipment, further education, products,

coaching/mentoring support, web development, etc.

Items Must Haves Ideal Haves Dreams

9. What do you think is the biggest challenge you will be facing your business in

the next 12 months? (If you don't know, what's your best guess?)

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Your Ideal Client and Message

Part 1: Create Your Ideal Client Profile:

Problem Identification Exercises

To get a better idea of what you want to offer and how to communicate this with

your market (on your website and all of your marketing) you need to be clear

about your message and solution. Provide as much detail as you can (use more

paper if you need to)

1. First, imagine the most ideal client you possibly can. Who is it that you most

want to work with or have had great success working with in the past? Write

down who that person is and some details about them (include their

demographics and interests)

2. What are the 3 biggest struggles they are having right now?

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3. Is my ideal client experiencing a particular pain right now? If so, write what it


4. Is my ideal client looking for a solution to this problem right now? (If so, what

would they put in Google to search for?)

5. What is causing them significant stress right now?

6. What are they afraid of?

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7. What’s keeping them up at night?

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Part 2: Create Your Ideal Client Profile:

Solution Identification Exercises

1. Client identification: Categorize your clients (if you have had any clients

indicate several of them by placing their names in the below fields)

Client A: Most Ideal Client:

What about them

makes them ideal?

Client B: Average Client (not

ideal but it’s ok if you

have more of them):

What about them

makes them average?

Client C: A Client you wouldn’t

want again:

What makes them the

worst possible client?

Note: You will start market your business to Client A types and accept Client B

types. You need to not accept Client C types.

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Part 3: Refining Your Message

1. Describe the solution you can provide to solve your ideal client’s problems

2. If you provided a magic wand and helped them eliminate all of their

problems what would happen to their life? What would it look like?

3. What are the results you provide from the solution you offer? (What

happens to them?)

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4. What are the benefits that these results provide to them? (How is their life,

business, world better?

5. Now create 4 questions that pull their struggles together with your

solution: (Ex: Are you tired of stressing about how much weight to lose and

ready to do something about it?)

• Question #1:

• Question #2:

• Question #3:

• Question #4:

Note: These questions will be used on your website and be able to be

repurposed in all of your marketing materials.

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6. What’s your story? How did you get to where you are today? Here are some helpful tips to use when crafting yours:

A turning point in my life was:

The steps I took to change my situation were:

As it turns out, others were experiencing similar things:

It is now my purpose and mission to:

Note: You will use this in your website “About” section, your Bio and when you

speak. It is also the beginning of your Signature System.

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Craft your story here:

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Your Financial Freedom Plan

1. Identify your current revenue streams. Circle the streams that seem to be

working the best.

Stream Average Monthly Income Derived

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Your Signature System

Step 1: Often times the journey that you’ve taken is exactly what you teach to

others and don’t even realize it. This is in fact a process or system that you’ve

created that get results. Why not teach this system to others who can benefit

from it as well? Once you’ve created your system it can be turned into multiple

streams of income for you from: VIP Days, Coaching/Service Programs, Home

Study Systems, Bootcamps, 8 Week Training Courses, Live Events, eBooks and


The first step in creating your system is to know the Steps you’ve taken or take

your clients through to get them results. Typically these systems come in 3, 5 or 7

steps (avoid 10 or 12 if possible).

Ask yourself this question and then fill in the steps, “What was the first thing I did

(or teach) to get results?” (then fill out all that follow)

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Step 8:

Step 9:

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Naming Your Signature System:

The next thing you need to do is come up with a results oriented name for the

process. Example:

“The Grow Your Business System: How to Get More Clients In 30 Days or Less”

Brainstorm Names for Yours:

Idea #1:

Idea #2:

Idea #3:

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Signature System Income Streams:

There are a variety of ways that you can generate income using your Signature

System as the foundation for your business. If you could create anything in your

business to generate income what would you create? Think of creative ways to

turn your Signature System into revenue streams.

From the list below identify any streams of income that you would like to consider

including in your business:

Streams of Income Choose those you’d like in your model

(Does it or could it come from your

Signature System?)


Service by the hour

Service by the month


1, 3, 6, 12 month programs

Bundled sessions

Group Programs and or Mastermind Programs

6, 9, 12 month

VIP Days: (Virtual or In-Person)

1. ½ Day

1.Full Day

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Teleclasses and or Webinars (60 or 90 minutes)

Training Courses:

4, 5, 6 or 8 week courses

1, 2, 3 Day Workshops

Mastermind Program


Home Study System

Published Book




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Use the Scheduling tools and planners to plan out your year, month and week.

Let’s begin by doing the following:

Step 1: Eliminate Time Sucks: What can you Delegate, Automate, Pause or Stop


Make a list of all of the things that seem to be getting in the way of you being able

to focus on and or work on your business

Delegate Automate Pause Stop Entirely

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Step 2: Big Picture Calendar

Plan Your Year

Use the Big Picture Calendar to look at your year at a glance. Use an at-a- glance

wall calendar and mount the same information on your office wall as well.

Hint: Use different colored markers for each of them.


• Vacation and personal time

• All appointments for yourself and family

• Events you plan to attend for the year (workshops, retreats, training


• Launches, new offers/programs/courses and sales for your business

Step 3: Plan your Month

Identify What’s Happening for the Month (Use the Editorial and Launch



• Monthly events

• Trainings/launches/offers

• Announcements (yours and for others)

• Solo mailers

• Content for your newsletter and blog

• Marketing activities

• Time for Launch preparation (an Opt In page, Sales Page, Promotion

creation, autoresponders)

Hint: Use the Content Creator to help you easily come up with topics/themes for

your market. Use the Marketing Action Planners to help your organize your


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Step 4: Plan Your Week


• Business office hours (client or work time for clients/customers)

• Business Development time (dedicated time to work on your business)

• Social Media Marketing Time: approximately 10 hours per week (1 to ½

hours per day)

• Offline Marketing/Networking/Phone Chats/Emails/Ads (etc):

approximately 10 hours per week

• Learning time (courses/trainings/sessions with your coach or mentor):

minimum 2 hours per week

• Work hours (if you have a separate job)

• Exercise and personal time

• Family and Partner time

• Appointments

• Home responsibilities (errands, shopping, bills, housework, etc.)

Hint: If you are new to getting clients/customers then office hours should be split

between Business Development and Marketing Time. A large emphasis should be

placed on as much marketing you can do as possible.

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Your Marketing Activities

Marketing should make up a significant amount of your business time.

Most of my clients wonder how they will get it all done.

Now that you know your big picture, what you want to create and have made

time in your schedule it’s time to start attracting clients.

Step 1: Know Where Your Market Hangs Out

Identify all of the places you can find your target market (in person, online,

forums, etc).

List them below:

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Step 2: Know Who Else is Gathering Your Clients

Identify all industry leaders on social media and get to know them. (Follow their

followers on Facebook and Twitter) List them below:

Step 3: Use LinkedIN Answers and Groups

To find out more about what your clients are looking for go to LinkedIn. Join

groups you know they will be in. Make a list of all of the groups you can find and

join them. (Don’t forget to participate and share) List them below:

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Step 4: Forums (use Forums to meet other people).

Do a search for your market + forums (Do the same with Events, Conferences and


List them below:

Forums Events Conferences Expos

Step 5: Which training programs and or courses can you join that would have

your target market?

These can double as both education for you and a great way to get new clients.

List them below:

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Step 6: Who is referring to you now? What type of professionals? How can you

get in front of more of them?

Referrals can be the best way to grow your business especially when you’re just

starting out. List them below:

Step 7: Who can you collaborate with, Joint Venture with on a project, cross

refer to?

Joint Ventures and Strategic alliances are a proven method of marketing. Make a

list of anyone you would like to partner with who may be a compliment to what

you offer in your business. List them below:

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Step 8: Social Media Marketing

You don’t need to be on every social media stream but you do need to know

where you can make the biggest impact. My suggestion is to focus on at least 3 to

gain more viral exposure to your business. Now that you know more about your

market you can gauge a better guess where they will be on social media. Use the

list below to check off where you think they are:

Social Media Stream Where my client tends to be






Google +

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What to Focus On

There are a variety of things you should be doing to get your business in full client

attracting mode. Some should be done in all businesses, no matter which they

are. Here are some recommendations of the ones I believe belong in every

business and the frequency of which you should do them:

Marketing Activity Frequency

Social Media 3 x per day = 1 to 1 ½ hours total per day

Networking Meetings 2 hours per week

Newsletter/Ezine (sending to your mailing list)

1 x per month minimum- weekly maximum

Referrals (phone calls, emails) weekly

Blogging 1 x weekly to start, 2 – 4 x’s as you build

Article Marketing 1 x per month

Guest Blogging 1 x per month

Attending Live Events 1 x per quarter

Coffee Chats (for JV’s and Collaborations)

2 x per week

Getting the Marketing Done

Marketing can be very overwhelming if you let it be. It’s easier to do it when you

know what to focus on, when to do it and find your rhythm.

Now that you have made the time, have an idea of where to market; it’s time to

plan it into your schedule.

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Step 1: Use the Marketing Action Planner to check off the activities that you will

be doing and when you will be doing them.

There is one planner for Social Media and one for Offline marketing. You will need

to use both to keep up with your activities.

Step 2: Use the Content Creator to help you come up with content for your

newsletters, Blog Posts,

An easy way to help you come up with your content is to brainstorm the themes

that you talk about most frequently in your business. When you know what you

are then you can find photos, write posts, look for quotes to share and so on.

Take a moment to fill in what your Business Themes are (when you’re done

transfer them to the Content Creator.

My Business Themes: Topics I Cover In My Business

Ex: weight loss, marketing, productivity, love, money, energy, marriage, divorce Name them below:

Theme #1:

Theme #2:

Theme #3:

Theme #4:

Theme #5:

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Now you should have a clearer picture of your total business from your ideal

client, to income streams, to managing your time and marketing your business.

The next steps are implementing.

Many people tend to do a wonderful time of planning but fall short on the

implementation because they need accountability to make it work.

In my coaching programs and VIP Private Retreats I provide coaching, mentoring,

accountability and the how to’s to get it done. I’m always fresh on ideas and

creative strategies.

My mission is to help you get more clients, make a lot more money and enjoy all

that you’ve created.

To learn more and gain further support, accountability and additional guidance to

work on your plan I encourage you to contact me to set up a time and learn which

of my VIP Days or Coaching Programs is right for you. Learn more at: or contact me at: [email protected]

I wish you all the best as you grow your business!

My many thanks,


The Career Woman’s Business and Marketing

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About Jeannie

Jeannie Spiro is The Career Woman’s Business and Marketing Coach. She helps professional

women transition from their job to their solo business they’ve created on the side by teaching

women how to get more clients, make more money and create a thriving passion and freedom

based business she helps them confidently leave the corporate grind behind and serve more

people doing work they love.

She is dedicated to coaching and guiding women throughout the job exit transition and helping

them embrace total entry into entrepreneurship by teaching them how to grow their solo

business, using online and offline marketing strategies to attract their ideal clients; how to

develop an entrepreneurial mindset; how to create multiple streams of income and create a

freedom based financial business plan that sets them on the path to a steadily growing a

fulfilling life balanced business.

Jeannie created her “7 Step System to Leave Your Corporate Job For Your Side Business and

Transition to Freedom Based Entrepreneur” which helps women through all the steps to

become a financially confident freedom based entrepreneur.

Jeannie has had a lengthy corporate career in sales, marketing, and account management in the

health insurance and financial field. But several years ago her entrepreneurial spirit blossomed

when she realized she wanted to blend all of her corporate experience with her love of teaching

and interest in social media marketing, entrepreneurship and helping others leave the

corporate job grind.

She found there was a challenge in what she was learning to grow and market her own business

and realized that those like her, “Undercover Entrepreneurs ™” need to grow their business

differently. So she set out to teach others exactly how to grow a thriving business even if they

are still working. She is determined to help them make the exit and create a booming and

successful freedom based business.

Jeannie and her husband have two wonderful children and live on the coastline outside of

Newport, Rhode Island.
