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The Newsletter of Gilead Presbyterian Church, Carmel, NY April, 2012

Faithful cross, above all other, one and only noble tree! None in foliage, none in blossom, none in fruit thy peer may be.

--Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, 6th century

Dear Friends,

The church staff is busy getting ready for the Easter celebrations. Mary and I are planning worship, the musicians are practicing their hearts out, and Fran has had the young ones chasing Easter eggs on the lawn and greeting a big bunny. I hope you’ll join us for as much of our worship opportunities as possible. Palm Sunday is at the regular worship time (10:00 a.m.) on April 1, and we will wave palm branches as we read of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. On Maundy Thursday, April 5, at 7:30 p.m., we will gather in the sanctuary to receive Holy Communion, just as Jesus did at the last supper with his disciples. It was on this night that the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was first instituted by Jesus, and as we eat with him, we remember his sacrifice and betrayal. On Good Friday, April 6, at 7:30 p.m., we observe a service of Tennebrae, or “darkening,” as we hear the story of the final hours of our Lord and his crucifixion, and symbolically darken the sanctuary just as the world was darkened on that black night over two thousand years ago. The choir will present a beautiful mini-cantata to sing the Passion. Finally, on Sunday morning, April 8, we will celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord with two services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. At the 9:00 service we will have the flowering of the cross, and people are invited to bring a flower (or several) to transform the cross from barren wood to a symbol of new life, and in between the two services refreshments will be served. Do you know how the tradition of the flowering of the cross came to be? One website says:

In spite of its function as a brutal form of execution, the cross stands at the center of our faith as a symbol of life. Saint Paul speaks of the shame of the cross, while Saint John portrays the cross as the principal sign of the glory of Christ, but both recognize that the cross is the source of life. There can be no Easter without Good Friday, no Resurrection without the Crucifixion. Indeed, the cross, rather than the empty tomb, has held the place of honor as the primary symbol of the Christian faith. Christian art certainly has many examples of the cross as an instrument of suffering and death, but some of the earliest depictions of the cross emphasize its life-giving qualities. The flowering cross is found in Christian art as early as the sixth century and is based on a legend that says that the cross itself burst into bloom at the moment that Jesus died. (

May the crosses you bear in your life burst forth in blooms this Easter, as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. Blessings upon you all! Martin

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In the New Testament Book of James, we are told that “Faith without works is dead faith.” And Paul writes of each one of us working out his or her own salvation. These terms can be

misleading. Our own works cannot provide salvation. Salvation is God’s gift through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and no efforts of ours can ever achieve it. I am sure James and Paul know that as well as we do, so why do they stress works so strongly? Isn’t faith in the risen Jesus enough? After all, He tells us that no one comes to the Father except through Him. We believe that Jesus is God, the son, so doesn’t that mean we are saved? Of course we are saved by Jesus sacrifice for our sins. But Paul and John tell us that we can’t stop there. In response to our faith in Christ, and in God’s saving grace, we can’t just lean back and tell ourselves that our response to God’s word is complete. Faith is not a destination, but a journey. It requires an effort on our part to strengthen our faith, and to live as though we do believe that we are, indeed, God’s saved people. This effort is part of Jesus’ command that we repent, that is, we are to turn around, and, like the Prodigal son, return to our Heavenly Father. This is what Paul is telling us, because we are saved one person at a time, and we each need to enhance our relationship with God by a conscious effort to build our faith. James makes it clear that faith is not based on a Platonic relationship with God. While it is important to have a mental understanding of what Jesus has achieved for us, we can’t leave it at that. There has to be a spiritual response and action on our parts, too. If, when I met my wife and believed that she was the woman God had provided to be my lifetime partner, I left it at that, nothing would have happened. I had to get busy and make sure that a relationship developed or I would have missed the happiness that over fifty-six years of married life have provided. The same holds true for our salvation, except it lasts even longer. God has provided a number of ways in which we can act in accord with our faith. Regular Sunday worship with other believers is one way. Regular study of the Bible is another. Teaching in the Church School, participating in the charitable works of the congregation, supporting the church’s stewardship, and practicing a consistent prayer life are also acts that keep faith alive and growing. These acts are a logical extension of our faith, and surely in tune with God’s word as James expressed it. Each Thursday evening, a group meets in the church lounge to discuss scripture. Currently the Gospel of John is the basis for these discussions. The objective is to hear God’s word, and to work toward a better understanding of His love and expectations for each of us. All are welcome to come, ask questions, give views, and defend opinions. There is no lecture or sermon; the Holy Spirit does the leading. Come when you can, and work at strengthening your faith. Let the joy of Easter live in your life every day.

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A Note from the

Gilead Music Department April, 2012

All of the Music Groups are preparing the way for Easter, on April 8. Palm Sunday, April 1, will begin our Holy Week journey. On Palm Sunday, the Gilead Gospel Singers and Praise Singer will join with the Senior Choir in the

remembrance of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. “Gaudeamus Hodie”, will be sung as the children Process into the Sanctuary while waving Palm branches. Maundy Thursday Service, April 5 at 7:30 pm, will be a quiet contemplative Communion Service commemorating the “Last Supper.” Soloists Joan Francis and Don DeVries will help set the scene musically. On Good Friday, April 6 at 7:30 pm, the Senior Choir will present a beautiful “mini” Cantata, “Shadow of the Cross” by Lloyd Larson. This Service is a Tenebrae Service. (The gradual extinguishing of candles) Please plan to attend this very moving Service. O course, the wonderful Resurrection Story follows on Easter Morning with all the Joy and Celebration that brings! The 1st Service will be celebrated at 9:00 am with the “Flowering of the Cross” by the children and Congregation bearing flowers to adorn the empty Cross. The Jr. Bell Chimes, the Praise Singers, Music Makers, Elizabeth Ojeda, harpist, and cellist Elizabeth Pulley will also participate in the celebration. The 2nd Service at 11:00 am will have Piano/Organ duets, the Senior Choir, the Senior Bell Chimes playing and soloist, Alicia Briley. So come, join us on our Faith Journey through Holy Week. April is also the month some of our young musicians participate in NYSMA (NY State Music Association) adjudications. You may be hearing some of them playing as they offer their work & their talent to God by sharing with us in Worship.

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April Schedule: April 1, Palm Sunday, (Communion)

8:45 am - Senior Choir 9:00 am - Senior Choir and 3 Gs 9:15 am - Junior Bells and 3 Gs

Wednesday, April 4

6:30 pm - Senior Bell Chimes 7:30 pm - Senior Choir

Thursday, April 5

6:30 pm - Quartet Rehearsal 7:30 pm - Maundy Thursday Service

Friday, April 6

6:15 pm - Senior Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm - Good Friday Tenebrae Service

April 8, Easter Sunday,

9:00 am - 1st Service

8:15 am - Junior Bells and Praise Singers, & 3 Gs 8:30 am - Music Makers Elizabeth Ojeda, Harpist Elizabeth Pulley, cellist

11:00 am - 2nd Service

10:10 am - Senior Bell Chimes 10:25 am - Senior Choir

Post-Easter Rehearsals are as follows

: Wednesdays

6:30 pm – Senior Bell Chimes 7:45 pm* – Senior Choir

Sundays before Worship- 9:15 am - Junior Bell Chimes Sundays during Church School---M&Ms with Ms. Penny Sundays after Worship- Praise Singers in Knieriem room with Ms. Renae Gilead Gospel Group (3Gs) in Sanctuary

Flute Choir TBA *Note time change Sunday Rehearsal times when playing/singing in Worship:

8:30 am Senior Bell Chimes 9:00 am Senior Choir 9:15 am Praise Singers, Junior Bell Chimes & Flute Choir 9:30 am Music Makers

New members are always welcome. See/call Mary Temple for more information 225-6958.

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Gilead Youth Group News April, 2012

TOO OLD TOO SOON; TOO YOUNG TOO LONG This is an issue that we often recognize as parents that sometimes occurs, but we are not always certain what to do about it. Age 13 seems to be an age that somehow makes us take notice and think about our children getting older. Something about this age makes us notice many new things in their lives. What they watch, what they listen to, what they talk about, who they hang with, what words they use, what makes them happy, what makes them sad and how they dress. It seems that most of our youth at this age feel "pressure" to be too old, too soon. So the question becomes for parent: how do we keep them from growing up too fast yet at the same time prepare them to be responsible, independent young adults. It’s a balance, giving them some space and independence, maintaining rules and regulations, finding family time for discussions, keeping in touch with their friends, leisure choices and keeping them connected to their faith. Most of you have been diligent about bringing them to worship, church school and preparing them for confirmation over the years. Now more than ever, as you face the challenges of adolescents, it is very important to encourage your young teens to be social with their church friends, volunteer for Gilead service projects and come to church on Sundays to pray and hear sermons that can lead to good decision making. No doubt this is a challenge with all we have to be concerned about in their lives. I ask you to remember, not only are we asking our youth to do hard things this year, but as parents I am asking you too to do hard things. Continue to keep faith a high priority in your young teen’s life. CALENDAR OF EVENTS

Friday, April 13: Scary Movie Night – 8:00 pm

Sunday, April 15: Brunch - Following Worship

Saturday, April 21: One Fish Two Fish Dr. Seuss Party

o 6:00 pm

o Youth ages Pre-K-4th grade

Sunday, April 22: Earth Day Grounds Clean-up and Flower Planting

Saturday, April 28: Gilead Youth Host Night at the Races (Details to Follow)

Sunday. May 6: Shoprite grocery collection at 10:00 am for food pantry

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"And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If, in this life only, we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable." (1 Cor. 15:17-19 NLT) All of Christianity is hinged on a single event. No other topic has intrigued or disturbed people more. Some deny it, explaining with fervency that it was impossible. But those who believe in its power are given hope and life. This event is what sets Christianity apart from all other religions of the world. No other human was ever raised from the dead and still lives today, except the Son of God, Jesus Christ. His resurrection is a pivotal truth at the very heart of the entire message of redemption and salvation. The Resurrection goes beyond a paranormal event in history. Its purpose was to redeem man, but it was also used to confound the minds of the Roman soldiers who had witnessed that Jesus was dead before his body was taken down from the cross. It was to stir up fear and fury among religious leaders who blamed his missing body on the disciples in order to cover up their evil unbelief. It was to humiliate those responsible for sealing up the tomb, thinking it would prevent his escape. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was intended to divide those who opposed its miracle from those who desired and desperately needed the restoration it promised. Not much has been written of Thomas in Scriptures, other than reports of his apparent lack of faith, and of the day when he was changed forever. Jesus appeared to Thomas in His resurrected body and allowed the doubting disciple to touch His hands and side. This provided Thomas with the revelation that Jesus was who He said He was, and it proved that He had risen from the dead. Peter was the first to enter Jesus' tomb and see the empty grave clothes. Peter had suffered bitter grief when he denied he knew Jesus on the night of His arrest. After Jesus' death, Peter may have felt there was no hope for him, or for reconciliation with Jesus. At first, the empty tomb had confirmed his worst fears. But Peter's faith was transformed when he was lovingly restored back into fellowship following a face-to-face encounter with the resurrected Christ. The many women who had followed Jesus throughout his ministry had stood shocked and grieved at the foot of the cross. Yet they were the ones to whom the angels said, "He is not here; for He is risen, as He said." (Matthew 28:6) Among them, Mary Magdalene was the first to speak to the risen Lord that she had so faithfully served. Mary stood weeping at the entrance to the tomb until Jesus himself appeared to her. With joy and excitement she ran to tell the disciples what she had witnessed. The resurrection continues to be an anchor of hope for Christians today. Because of Jesus' death on the cross, the price for sins has been paid. But as a result of His resurrection, the power of death and the grave have been conquered. The same restoration that was provided for those who witnessed his resurrection is the same restoration available for those who continue to believe in its power today. Written by: Amy Miller© 2012 ShareFaith, Letters & Arts Inc., All Rights Reserved.

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Sunday, April 1- Palm Sunday Worship Service with Communion will be held at 10:00 am

Thursday, April 5 – Maundy Thursday

Communion Service Friday, April 6 – Good Friday

Tenebrae Service at 7:30 pm

Sunday, April 8 – Easter Sunday Ecumenical Sunrise service at Drew United Methodist Church at 6:00 am

Gilead Worship Services will be held at 9:00 am and 11:00 am, with Coffee time in between

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OUTREACH AND MISSION Our Mission Project for April

The April mission will be collecting shoes to be donated to Rerun Shoes The shoes will be taken to Africa where they will be refurbished and sold.

Rerun Shoes is a social enterprise with an environmental mission. We are committed to sustainable development. Our efforts divert usable shoes from the waste stream in North America to reuse in African markets. Rerun supplies micro-entrepreneurs in Mali, Guinea and Liberia with shoes they refurbish and bring to market. Shoes we supply provide the ability to earn an income to small scale entrepreneurs and affordable footwear to their customers.

All types of shoes are accepted except shoes with holes clear through and winter footwear (it's Africa!).

Gilead Food Pantry The Gilead Food Pantry is open Friday mornings from 10:00 am until noon to offer food to those who are in need. Donations of food or funds are always welcome. Food items can be placed in the basket in the lounge while funds are best given directly to Marj Williams or placed in the offering basket with the notation

“Food Pantry” on the envelope or memo line of your check. Current and ongoing needs of the Gilead Food Pantry: complete pancake mix and pancake syrup, canned tuna, canned soups, canned fruit, canned vegetables, especially corn, pasta and spaghetti sauce. Donations of money are also helpful so we can buy things needed on a weekly basis, such as chicken and other items that are in low supply. The Salvation Army will soon begin supporting our food pantry by offering free breakfast to food pantry clients on Friday mornings from 10:00 am until 11:30 am. For more information on this important ministry, please see Marj Williams. While the goods received during the Kid’s Kitchen Collections have been a great help to the food pantry, please remember that other things continue to be needed, so please continue to bring other items on non-communion Sundays. Thanks!

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Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen

As has been our tradition, children bring an offering for the food pantry on the first Sunday of each month. We are expanding upon this tradition by

introducing the Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen. Each month will have a

different theme, and children are requested to bring up an item related to that theme with them during “Time for the Young at Heart”. The children recently brought home a calendar for the year to remind them what to bring each month. Please help your child to remember to bring this important offering for our food pantry ministry. The April, theme is an Easter treat and/or 2 pound bag of rice.

The calendar is also posted on the Church School Bulletin Board by the Church School entrance. If you have any questions about this offering project please see Diana Drake Behan.

One Great Hour of Sharing

How your One Great Hour of Sharing gift is used

36% - Presbyterian Hunger Program 32% - Presbyterian Disaster Relief 32% - Self-Development of People

The One Great Hour of Sharing Special Collection will be

made on Palm Sunday. It is a world-wide ecumenical event to foster the Christian mission of reaching out to

those in need. The funds collected stay with and are used

by each participating denomination.

So in addition to filling the fish banks our children have received, please consider making an additional donation to support this vital mission. Please make your check payable to

Gilead, but designate it to OGHS.

Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?

And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked

and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as

you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you

did it to me.’ Matthew 25:37-40 (NRSV)

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Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is part of our church mission. There are volunteer opportunities on house sites or off site work. Steve Biolsi is the Project Manager for Habitat for Humanity of Putnam County. He can be reached at 914-774-9314. You can get more information on the web at and you can find them on Facebook.

Deacons’ Fund

Disaster Relief

Severe storms and tornadoes move across the Midwest, Southeast

A powerful storm system spawning multiple tornadoes moved through the Midwest down to the southern parts of the United States from February 28 to March 3, 2012, causing the destruction of hundreds of homes, numerous injuries, and at least 50 deaths.

One Great Hour of Sharing funds are on their way to several mid-councils, and PDA anticipates requests from others as details and needs are assessed. Members of the National Response Team (NRT) have been sent to work with several mid-councils (presbyteries) as they determine how to respond within their communities.

If you would like to learn more about the PCUSA’s disaster relief efforts, or to make a donation, please go to:

Photo by Don Hampton, PDA NRT

Please remember to support the Deacons’ Fund, either by using the special quarterly envelopes or by designating “Deacons’ Fund” on a check.

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Groundswells by Rob LoAlbo

Welcome back to our new monthly column where Shingle readers will read about Session’s activities.

Groundswells: “a broad, deep, swell or rolling of the sea, due to a distant storm or gale or any surge of support, approval, or enthusiasm, especially among the general public.”

Session met on Tuesday, March 13th at 7:30 PM. The meeting began with a scripture reading, as chosen by the pastor, which set the tone for the meeting. This month’s meeting began with a reading from Colossians 3:1-3, 12-17, whereas we talked of setting our hearts “on things above” and “not on earthly things,” all of which is in His name.

After a prayer, Session then reported and discussed the following:

In February, there were 25 pastoral care visits and 33 pastoral phone conversations, one funeral, with our pastor attending two Presbytery functions.

Gilead served communion on March 4, 2012.

On February 19th Carolyn Lewis was made a member. On February 26th, Renae Lent, Cindy Cole-Briley, and Lindsay D’Ascoli were installed and ordained as deacons, while Phil Engler, David Moody, and John Vangor were installed as ruling elders.

Lisa Palmieri requested the baptism of her son Jackson for July 8th.

The discussion results from the annual joint meeting of deacons and elders were presented.

The financial report was given, which showed an update for the 2005 building renovation fund. It was noted that we have only 2 ½ years left on the loan, but that we also have only five months of payments saved up, whereas usually one year is saved. Session decided to present these findings to the congregation and ask for financial help in two “Minute for Missions” speeches, one by Margaret Karell and the other by Rob LoAlbo.

A time-lock safe with digital keypad was donated to the church.

A kitchen committee is being established to monitor use and upkeep of our new facilities.

A discussion of the responsibility of the church during functions involving alcoholic beverages was conducted.

The Communications committee presented a new approach to publicizing church events through print and online media, to be distributed to members shortly. Also, Session voted and approved a new section to the Shingle where, in an effort to connect with each other through livelihoods, members may publish their business cards for $25 a year.

Thanks for following our activities. Please continue to pray for us, for guidance, instruction, discipline, and assurance. If you have any questions, feel free to approach a Session member for further discussion.

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Financial Report

As of February 29, 2012:

Regular Income Year to Date 28,475

Expenses Year to Date 34,253

Surplus (Deficit) (5,778)

Renovation Loan Balance

$ 53,935

Renovation Fund In 2004 – 2005 Gilead completely renovated the educational wing of the church. Some of the major improvements were:

fixed major structural failure of Sunday School wall replaced floors, ceilings, windows, and lighting in classrooms and

hallway replaced roof and siding of classrooms added handicap accessible bathroom, ramp and elevator

In order to do this, we took out a $270,000 loan from the Presbyterian Church (USA). At the time, many of us pledged support over a 3 to 5 year period, and we have substantially paid down the principal and interest on the loan. However, those original pledges have expired, pledging members have moved away, and circumstances have changed. We are now in a position where we may have difficulty paying off the balance of the loan. As you can see from the above Treasurer’s Report, the loan balance stands at around $55,000. In addition, we borrowed $40,000 from ourselves, with the goal of repaying ourselves as well. We have enjoyed the benefits of the renovated facility for about seven years now - but it still has to be paid for. If you are not currently contributing to the Renovation fund, please prayerfully consider making a pledge or even a one-time donation. Thank you.

Our Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast will be held on May 12th from 8:00 am - 9:30 am at the 115 Independent Way, Brewster, NY 10509 Applebee's location. Tickets will be $5.00 each and will be on sale starting in April. A Great Mother's Day gift!!

(Applebee’s will donate back $4.00 for every ticket - a great way to support the church and enjoy a delicious breakfast with our Gilead family)

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Buildings & Grounds: John Vangor *maintenance of church property Christian Education: John Warren *oversee Sunday School program, youth program & Christian Arts Camp program *oversee adult education programs: Faith Discussion Group Clerk of Session: Ann Clark *maintain church records *take & record Session minutes Communications: Rob LoAlbo

*inform the congregation of church events *advertise church events to the community Congregational Life: Lisa Vandenberg *plan & provide fellowship activities *oversee fellowship sub-committees: Designers, Exercise Group, Gilead Gourmets, Flea Market, Holiday Bazaar, Fashion Show, etc. Finances: Brenda Verdesi *prepare budget *report & record gifts & tithes *provide monthly financial review to Session Missions: Margery Amato *oversee mission projects to support the local & global community *oversee missions sub-committees: Prayer shawl Knitters; BESP Nominations: Margaret Karell *nominate candidates for elder & deacon Personnel: Margaret Karell *discuss congregation concerns with pastor/staff or pass on concerns to that person *recommend salaries, raises for paid staff for approval by Session *evaluate staff performance *liaison with Carmel Nursery School *interview & recommend to Session candidates for paid staff positions Stewardship: Dave Moody *conduct annual stewardship campaign *encourage donations of time, talent & treasures Worship: Joan Francis *facilitate worship concerns *offer special worship events *explore new ideas for worship

Have a great idea? Please share it with the appropriate committee chair who will assist you with bringing the idea to Session for approval and implementation.

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Writing to the Heart of the Matter Explore your faith♥ Write to heal♥ Connect with others on the Journey

Come learn more about yourself and experience the healing power of writing, prayers, poems

and journaling in a supportive peer writing group!

No Writing Experience Necessary!

12 week writing group will be held the 1st

and 3rd

Sundays of each month

12:00-1:30 pm

Starting February 5th


Gilead Presbyterian Church

7 Church Street, Carmel NY 10512

For more information: call Lindsay Sutton-D’Ascoli at (914)-450-5687

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GILEAD GROUPS Gilead Gourmets Celebrate Cinco de Mayo!

Date: May 5, 2012

Prices: Adults - $13.00, 12 and under - $6.00; Family - $40.00


Appetizers: Chips with Salsa and Guacamole and Empanadas Entree: Adobo Seasoned Chicken and Rice Tex-Mex Chopped Salad Dessert: Flan and Marguerite Frozen Dessert

Special Music

Almost all food and paper goods are being donated. All the proceeds are going to update the

Knieriem Room.

More news to come!!

Come have fun, enjoy the music, the food.

WHO is the one who will smash the piñata?

If you have any questions, please contact Bill or Mary Jo Brett.

Faith Discussion Group Update Meetings take place in the lounge each Thursday from 7:30 to 8:30 PM. The Gospel of John is currently the base for study and conversation. This will be followed by a look into First John, one of three short books that precede Revelation. Everyone has an opportunity to speak, ask questions, and provide guidance. Please come when you can.

Please come. All are welcome, whether members of Gilead or not.

Stretch Exercise Classes

Stretch Exercise Classes are being given every Monday and Thursday at 1:00 pm at Gilead. Annina and her friend Brigitta have organized this ongoing class. There is a charge of $1.00 per class which is being donated to Gilead every month. Those with physical problems would especially benefit by these classes. Everyone is welcome. If further information is needed, please contact Annina at 845-225-7012.

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SpiritWalkers (Ecumenical Hiking Group)

God spoke, “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature

So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, The birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself,

And every animal that moves on the face of the earth.” Genesis1:26-28

The next scheduled hike is April 21st Storm King Mountain, This is a MODERATE hike; it is uphill and some rock scrambling is required. Bring good hiking shoes and plenty of water. We will take this HIKE SLOW. Hope to see you all there. We will reschedule if it rains. Please note this is a Saturday hike. If you would like to be kept up to date on the year’s schedule and any updates, please join the Spirit Walkers Ecumenical Hiking Group page on Facebook. All hikers must have a signed waiver on file with the church prior to hiking with us, and, if age 18 or under, a signed permission slip.

We look forward to seeing you as we explore the beauty of God’s creation!

Gilead Designers

Gilead Designers will be meeting on April 20th at 6:00 pm, at Gilead. Please see Diana Behan, Ellen Nielsen, or Mary Temple for more information.

For those of you who are not on Facebook!

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GILEAD NEWS Birthdays and Anniversaries Do we have your birthday and anniversary? If not please let us know so we can help celebrate with you. If your special day has not appeared in The Shingle, please either email

[email protected] or give a note to Renae Lent. Thanks!

Sanctuary Flower Donations The flower donation chart for 2012 is now available outside the office door for those who wish to reserve a special date.

Our Daily Bread

Please note that the December/January/February issue of our Daily Bread is now available in the lounge. Pick one up for some daily inspiration.

Sermon Podcasts: or

They are also available through iTunes software. YouTube: Facebook: Public Page:

o Facebook Closed Group:


When you click on the Gilead Facebook page, please make sure you click on the “Like” button – it’s another way to keep up with events at Gilead.

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Shirley DeVries Beef and Vegetable Soup Recipe

This is just one of the many mouth-watering recipes to be found in the 2004

Gilead Cookbook, comprised of recipes from many of Gilead's superb cooks. The

much sought after cookbook will be reprinted in 2012. To order your copy, please

sign up on the reservation form in the lounge.

Needed: Church School

Teachers For 2011-2012

Positions are available in all grades.

Curriculum is provided.

Please share your faith with our youth.

Please sign up in church lounge or contact Diana Drake Behan

845-225-1979 or [email protected]

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The CNS Pre-K Program is Gilead's nonsectarian school

for 2 1/2 to 5 year olds. Since it was founded in 1949, the Pre-School has been a respected community resource for early childhood education. Our staff consists of three teachers and an aide with many years of experience at CNS between them. All are active members of the community and volunteers in the school district.

The school offers two, three and five day programs. They follow the same calendar as the Carmel Central School district.

In preparing a child for Kindergarten, their philosophy is teaching the whole child to grow. They provide a daily routine balanced between academic skills and lessons, crafts, free and structured play time, music, story time, computer time, snack, and outdoor activities on the large playground. The curriculum was developed in conjunction with the area kindergarten teachers to best prepare the child for kindergarten and instill an enthusiasm for learning in a fun loving environment. Utilizing the team teaching method, three teachers give a student to teacher ratio of approximately 8 to 1. For children scheduled to enter public school in September of the year, we routinely prepare a detailed evaluation of Kindergarten readiness. For more information, call the school at 845-225-8044. Fall registrations are now being accepted.

Used with permission. Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc.

Used with permission.

©Communication Resources, Inc.

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Tastefully Simple So far you helped raise over $100 for Gilead, simply by ordering The Food That You Love!

The Tastefully Simple Fundraiser will continue each month with a featured special. A link has been posted on the website, so you can order anytime.

If you would rather place your order with me or have any questions, please call me!

Cynthia Davern Tastefully Simple Senior Consultant

"the food you love, the time you deserve" 845-225-3878

[email protected]

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WORSHIP AND MINISTRY Pastor McGeachy generally follows the lectionary each week, but there are occasional exceptions. We are making these available for those who may wish to read the likely scripture readings in advance of Sunday worship. The daily lectionary and the Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study are available on our website:

Lectionary for Sundays and Festivals Scripture Reference April, 2012

Passion/Palm Sunday—April 1 Liturgy of the Palms Mark 11:1–11 or John 12:12–16 Psalms 118:1–2, 19–29 Liturgy of the Passion Isaiah 50:4–9a Psalms 31:9–16 Phil. 2:5–11 Mark 14:1–15:47 or Mark 15:1–39 (40–47)

Easter Vigil—April 7 Genesis 1:1—2:4a Psalms 136:1-9, 23-26 Genesis 7:1-5, 11-18; 8:6-18; 9:8-13 Psalms 46:1-11 Genesis 22:1-18 Psalms 16:1-11 Exod. 14:10-31; 15:20-21 Exod. 15:1b-13, 17-18 Isaiah 55:1-11 Isaiah 12:2-6

Prov. 8:1-8, 19-21; 9:4b-6 Psalms 19:1-14 Ezekiel 36:24-28 Psalms 42:1-11 and Psalms 43:1-5 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Psalms 143:1-12 Zeph. 3:14-20 Psalms 98:1-9 Rom. 6:3-11 Psalms 114:1-8 Mark 16:1-8

Monday of Holy Week—April 2 Isaiah 42:1-9 Psalms 36:5-11 Hebrews 9:11-15 John 12:1-11

Resurrection of the Lord/Easter—April 8 Acts 10:34–43 or Isaiah 25:6–9 Psalms 118:1–2, 14–24 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 or Acts 10:34–43 John 20:1–18 or Mark 16:1–8

Tuesday of Holy Week—April 3 Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalms 71:1-14 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 John 12:20-36

2nd Sunday of Easter—April 15 Acts 4:32–35 Psalms 133 1 John 1:1–2:2 John 20:19–31

Wednesday of Holy Week—April 4

Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalms 70:1-5 Hebrews 12:1-3 John 13:21-32

3rd Sunday of Easter—April 22

Acts 3:12–19 Psalms 4 1 John 3:1–7 Luke 24:36b–48

Maundy Thursday—April 5 Exodus 12:1-4 (5-10) 11-14 Psalms 116:1-2, 12-19 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-17, 31b-35

4th Sunday of Easter—April 29 Acts 4:5–12 Psalms 23 1 John 3:16–24 John 10:11–18

Good Friday—April 6

Isaiah 52:13—53:12 Psalms 22:1-31 Hebrews 10:16-25 or Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9 John 18:1—19:42

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1 Palm


Roy Delanoy

Lucy Ojeda Elaine Cole Joyce Sc0tt Lindsay Sutton-D’Ascoli Communion Clean: Joyce Scott

5 Maundy


Pauline Silberquit Elaine Cole

6 Good Friday

MaryLou Cassidy Shirley DeVries

8 Easter

9:00 am Service

Roy Knapp Dolores Knapp

8 Easter

11:00 am Service

Paul Francis Bill Brett Mary Jo Brett

15 Don DeVries Karen Miletti Diane Lester'

22 Renae Lent Joe Montana Margo Mueller

29 John Vangor Pat Schwerkolt

Shirley Devries

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4/1 Alicia Briley 4/20 James Davern

4/3 Rebecca VanVlack 4/20 Janet Kern

4/5 Maksim Chepel 4/22 Louise Andres

4/5 Dorothea Evans 4/22 Cindy Davern

4/6 Lee Halliday 4/24 Kim Grieco

4/8 Katherine Chepel 4/27 Mary Allmond

4/8 Timothy LoAlbo 4/28 Skyler Vennard

4/9 Renae Lent 4/28 Carl Mueller

4/10 Patricia Karell 4/29 Pauline Silberquit

4/11 Anthony Stavrides 4/30 John Vangor

4/11 Nicholas Hynes

4/12 Bill Regan Anniversaries 4/13 Mariah Warren 4/2 Dolores Knapp

4/13 Elfi Dierks 4/4 April & Robert Behan

4/14 Lindsay Evitts 4/8 Diana & Warren Behan

4/14 Geri Healy 4/20 Tracey & Thomas Hynes

4/15 Natalie Wright 4/25 Angela & Kenneth Cole

4/15 Elizabeth Erickson

4/17 Mary Temple

4/20 Rebekah McGeachy

Please accept our apologies if we have missed you during the year. If you wish to share these events, please either send an email to [email protected] or leave a write it on a slip of paper and leave it in The Shingle mail slot in the office.

For more information about Gilead Church, please visit our web site:

Please remember that the deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Submissions preferably can be emailed to Martin McGeachy at the church office: [email protected] with a copy to Warren Behan at [email protected], or you may drop off a hard copy at the Office.

Gilead Presbyterian Church 9 Church St.

Carmel, NY 10512 845-225-4586

Email: [email protected]

Martin McGeachy Pastor

Fran Croughan Youth Director

Mary Temple Music Director

Acknowledgements: Some Images © or ©Communication Resources, Inc.
