





Praise the Lord,

This teaching envisages the significance of five fold ministry in the New Testament church and the importance of prophetic ministry today. It brings a deep thought about how God has planned in every minute detail concerning

the edification of church. We could see the five fold ministry and how it is entangled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We could understand our calling and move accordingly, knowing what our role is in the body of Christ.


God created man to worship Him truly and is well pleased by it. Both Cain and Abel worshiped God by bringing offerings, but He was pleased only with Abel’s. Worship was started at the time of Seth as a thanksgiving to the Lord as he was blessed with a son Enosh. In the Old Testament God has designed a pattern for worship and offerings to the Lord. The book of Levites and Numbers specifies the method of worship to be carried out in the tent.


The priesthood of Aaron was changed due to imperfection which does not need daily, as those high priests to offer up sacrifices first for his own sins and then for the people, but a new priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek which Jesus did offered himself for the people forever (Hebrews 7:27).

As per the new covenant made by the Lord, He will put His laws in their minds and write them on their hearts (Hebrews 8:10).


In order to fill that inadequacies, God adopted a new method of worship, that is the new testament church.For the effective working of the church, He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11,12).

All these ministries have specific roles in the edification of the church. Jesus is the first apostle sent by God and He had all these five ministries in Himself. He chose the twelve disciples and they were anointed with the mantle of five fold ministry.

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift (Ephesians 4:7).

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Praise the Lord,

Are you in alignment with your calling? Do you know why you are in the body of Christ ?

Jesus is the head and we are different parts of the body. We each part as our own duty for the effective working of the body.

As we are in end time awaiting the second coming of our Lord Jesus, we should have to come out from the old discussions going on in today’s church concerning food and days and there by causing divisions in the church.

Paul clearly states that Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy with power in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).

Since we have known God or rather known by God, how is that we turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which we desire again to be in bondage? We observe days and months and seasons and years (Galatians 4:9,10). So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ (Colossians 2:16,17).

You were chosen to do His work before you were formed in your mother’s womb, even before the earth was created. It is time to come out from your comfort zone and bear fruit so as to please your creator and don’t let enemy to worry you concerning your future as the Bible says first seek the Kingdom and everything will be added to you.

Paul further says that though the time is short, those who have wives should be as though they had none, those who weep as though they did not weep, those who rejoice as though they did not rejoice, those who buy as though they did not possess and those who use this world as not misusing (1 Corinthians 7:29,30).

God is looking for faithful ministers to impart His spiritual gifts, so that they could make a tremendous movement during the end time.

Let us be a good vessel in the hands of our Master and be a blessing to the church and the world.

Arise ! beloved in Christ, now this is your time to reveal your calling. The clarion call has reached it’s zenith, realize that you are a five fold minister in the army of the Lord. May be you are an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher, confirm it by asking the Lord as the field is now open for the battle. Blessings!

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Praise the Lord,

You did not choose Jesus, instead, He chose you to become His disciple. He wants you to serve Him and bear fruit; to give anything that you ask for. If you stand at His calling, there will be complete protection to your life; not only to yours’ but also to your family’s. The secret

of blessings is in being obedient to the word of God. After the reincarnation, Jesus appeared in front of His disciples and commanded them to make other disciples and to teach these new disciples what He had taught them. But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this, we know that we are in Him (1John 2:5).

Paul says “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called” (Ephesians 4:1). There is one body and one spirit just as we wait in hope for our calling. So, we should have all the lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love. By God’s grace, through His son Jesus, we were chosen to be enlisted in the army of the Lord. It is Jesus who is leading the army and we are His soldiers. We must endure hardships as a good disciple to please Him who found each of us in the End Time revival army.

In a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some are used to portray honor whereas some are to portray dishonor. Likewise, if we are faithful and obedient to our calling, God will use us effectively for His Kingdom with the help of signs and wonders. But if anyone is found unworthy of His calling, he might fall into the hands of satan and used for dishonor purpose. We were chosen even before the world was formed and brought here at the last time for a great purpose. Today’s church should emphasize the essence of the gospel and what is needed during the last hours instead of giving more importance to materialistic things. Peter says “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble” (2 Peter 1:10).

A person who is called as an apostle cannot operate successfully in the office of a pastor like a pastor and vice-versa. It is the same with other ministries of the new testament church. So, you must know whether you are being called as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher or pastor. Alongside that, you should be faithful to the Lord who has assigned this task to you, lest you be counted unworthy of your calling and face the consequences that will occur to those who provoke the Lord.

Arise beloved in Christ, realize that you are one of the ministers in the five fold ministry.

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Praise the Lord,

When a person comes to know that he is called not to be just as a believer, but by His grace to become His disciple and a minister of end time, he must be loyal and faithful to his calling. In the beginning he might have come to the church for just a material deliverance but

shortly he comes to realise that God had entrusted him to do a great mission for His kingdom. Day by day he begins to grow in Christ and when the one who called him is in full control of that person, he will be qualified for the great ministry. Beloved, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High priest of our confession, Christ Jesus who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all His house (Hebrews 3:1,2). A five fold minister should realise the depth of his calling, it is a high and holy calling. The one who called is holy, so he should also be holy in all conducts as being obedient to the word, not conforming to the former lusts in ignorance.

We are called for the equipping of the saints, to edify them to make them perfect to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. So we ourselves should first put off the former conduct which was corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and we should renewed in the spirit in true righteousness and holiness.

Every fivefold minister should understand that he has been called by God by virtue and glory. So those who want to grow in the five fold ministry should add to his faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness love (2 Peter 1:5,6,7). If these things abound in a person, he will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he who lacks these things is disqualified for this great ministry.

God has called each one of us for different purpose, but for the entire building up of His kingdom. Even Hagar the maid servant of Abraham not legally entitled for heirship, but God’s care was upon her as she ran away from her trials, was directed by the angel of the Lord to go and surrender to her maid Sarah, later was blessed by her obedience, how much more we being chosen by God should be submissive and tolerable in our trials and persecutions which are a shadow of the blessings to come ahead. Look at the life of Paul the apostle, he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision but was trained himself to be content, abased, abound, to be full, to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. This is the quality of a minister.

So beloved, we should endure everything that comes to us in order to be qualified as a five fold minister of end time.

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Praise the Lord,

Without holiness and separation from the world we cannot see and feel the presence of God. From Genesis to Revelation we could see the holy saints of God chosen and separated by Him at different times for His purpose. We could see a list of great men in chapter eleven of the book of Hebrews who were used powerfully by God. When

looked into their lives we find each one called differently and their strategy varied from one another.

Each and everyone us are called to make disciples and to work for the kingdom of God, but apart from that calling some are chosen for end time revival.

The calling of being in a state of celibacy is very high and greatly appreciated in the heavenly releam. Such people called to be as celebates are discussed by the church and the world in a different angle. Even the leaders of the present church are viewing this celebate calling with mis understanding.

In the old and new testaments from the beginning to the end we could see men called as celebates. Their way of life related to food and everything will be different from others. Moses, Samson, Elijah, Isaha, Jeremiah, Daniel, the disciples of Jesus and Paul, the apostle all had a life of keeping the celibacy and were trained in different ways and had to go through tough situations and had separate way of lifestyle.

In the book of Mathew chapter nineteen, Jesus teaches on celibacy. “All cannot accept this saying but only to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it” (Mathew 19:11,12).

Among the five fold ministers, not all but some chosen for this great calling are separated by the Lord and are not enjoying this world even though they live here in this world as one among others, but as being celebates.

Peter the disciple of Jesus asked Him what they get since they left everything for the kingdom of heaven. Jesus replied and promised that if anyone leaves wife, children, father, mother, sisters, brothers, house or land for His sake and the gospel’s shall receive great reward here in this world and in heaven (Mark 10:28-30, Luke 18:28-30).

The person who is called as a celebate only understands his calling, but others watch with a different eye. Paul the apostle says he wishes that all men were like him, called for peace, but each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that (1Corinthians 7:7,15). He further warns that each one should remain with God in that state in which he is called.

So let us have an open mind regarding this great calling among the five fold ministers in this end time.

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Praise the Lord,

Ephesians 4:11 says “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;” So some are called for one of these ministries. But some are having many callings at the same time. When we look in to the ministry of

Paul, mainly he is called as an apostle, but at the same time he was a very good teacher apart from other ministries. So he can be called as a teaching apostle. Likewise Peter was also an apostle, but he was also a good evangelist, so we could say he is an evangelistic apostle.

In the Old Testament the Prophet Samuel is distinguished from Isiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel as he has given some authority to anoint kings and prophets, so he can be said as a prophet with apostolic authority.

Look the ministry of Jesus, He is powerful in all the five fold ministry, as He is equally maintaining the propotion.

But at the same time Paul says in Ephesians 4:7 “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.” So those who have the five ministries in equal propotion are under the grace. In them we could see the nine fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. They will be Christ oriented and has the mind of Christ. Paul encourages everyone to earnestly desire for the gifts, likewise earnestly desire for all the five ministries. This is what we need at this hour. Jesus Himself has said those who believe in me will do even more than me, so it is not the time for debates as the end age has come.

If we carry the dying of Jesus in our body, then the life of Jesus will also be revealed in us in fullness with the operation of gifts. So in your everyday life, be your attitude be like the one who enlisted you in the army. Now this is not the hour of meditating the word, instead it is the time of bringing the word of God in to our daily life, there by bearing fruitiness. I encourage everyone to have the mind of Christ, so that the five ministries of Jesus will be revealed in you.

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Praise the Lord,

In the Old Testament we could see three kinds of ministers, the prophets, priests and the kings. It has some similar characteristics like the five fold ministers of the new testament. But apart from others ministers of olden age, Elijah’s ministry is well noted. Jesus has

said in Matthew 17:11 Elijah truly shall first come, and restore all things. As said in the previous episodes those called for the revival of end time has a different strategy, that like of Elijah. He was trained well in the wilderness, God increased his faith by hoping only in God, when he needed provision, also he might be a strong man in keeping holiness when God planned him to stay in the widow’s house at Zeraphet.

Today also those who are called as revivalists of end age are well trained so as to suit the office. Just think of the people working in the military and police, those who are working on border to guard the nations and also as security forces, their duty and training is different from others who are just in the local stations. Likewise the ministry of Elijah was very adventurous and only a person in such a cadre can be successful in the concerned area. Many are called as nazarites and celebates with special instructions from the Lord, to hold strong in their calling, lest they be disqualified in the tests they pass through.

Are you called as a five fold minister for equipping saints for the second coming of Lord Jesus, then be more aggressive and stand firm in your great calling. The Spirit of Elijah is yet to come, but still has been here.

Matthew 17:12 But I say unto you, That Elijah is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. So let ushave an open mind related to this great calling.

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Praise the Lord,

Every minister of the Kingdom of God is subjected to the Spirit of the Lord. For a successful ministry, each one has to be moved by the control of the most High. In one’s personal life, the fruits of the Spirit should

prevail so he or she receives the gifts for his or her work. The character of Jesus speaks of the fruits of the Spirit in His conduct. Jesus had the nine fruits, so His ministry was powerful with the manifestation of nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. Every minister of end time called for the revival, should have the nine fruits and gifts of Spirit in order to have a successful ministry.

Everyone should emphasize to achieve this great grace. So keep concentrating in having the character of Jesus in you. Paul encourages everyone to have the mind and attitude of Christ. (Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Phillipians 2:5). In every day of our life, in each occasion, we have to balance our life, by examining ourselves whether we are keeping the attitude of Jesus in such circumstances. In order to have the life of Jesus to be revealed in our lives, we have to carry the dying of Jesus in our life.

For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh (2 Corinthians 4:11). A minister who has the nine fruits, will definitely have the nine gifts. So my dear apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors, be more aggressive like Paul and other disciples of Jesus and may our slogan be “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Phillipians1:21).

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Praise the Lord,

A five fold minister should have the nine fruits of Holy Spirit seen in him. One of the fruits of the Spirit is love. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22). The love of God and Jesus

beyond the human wisdom should be revealed in a minister. When we look into the ministry of Jesus, the love and compassion towards the poor, sick, needy, and the neglected were seen in Him. In the gospels, we could see whenever Jesus healed a person, there was a flow of compassion towards the people just before the healing occurred.

A five fold minister should be rooted and grounded in love, knowing the love of Christ which passes knowledge (Ephesians 3:19).

He should be an imitator of God, walking in love, as Christ also loved everyone and given Himself as a sacrifice to God.

Worship and praise should come forth from love towards God and not as an agenda. Love towards God and men should be balanced so that the ministry will be successful. Whatever ministry is done, it should be with the love towards God, then God knows him and make his ministry grow. Today God is raising up many ministers through out the world for end time revival who has the love and compassion like Jesus.

The secret of the operation of nine gifts of Holy Spirit is vested upon the motive of the minister. The gifts should be operated for others benefits and not for selfish desires. Peter is saying in his second epistle that everyone called for the ministry should be diligent in adding to his faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love (2 Peter 1:7). The greatest gift God given to man is to love Him and then to love his fellow beings.

Love never fails, but suffers long and is kind.

Love does not envy, does not parade itself, is not puffed up. Love does not behave rudely, not seek it’s own, not provoked, thinks no evil, doesnot rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Paul is saying “who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril or sword? (Romans 8:35).

Oh! Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, Pastor may the unconditional love of Jesus be revealed in your ministry.

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Praise the Lord,

A minister should always be joyful in the Lord. Whatever situations he pass through, but that should not affect his calling. A successful minister will have the joy in his heart always. One of the fruits of the Spirit is joy. It is the joy of salvation and not which the joy which the world gives. If the minister’s heart is full of sorrow or worries

about his family or future, he cannot concentrate in his ministry. That’s why the King David prayed to the Lord to restore the joy of salvation instead of asking anything which is needed for his kingdom (Psalm 51:12).

If there is hatred, envy or doubt there won’t be joy, as true love drives out fear and tension. Even a minister should not be worried about his success in ministry as we should realize that we are not doing our own ministry, but the ministry of the Lord. It is not good to compare one’s ministry with another, as the same Lord is leading each one of us. Even when Jesus ministered in some villages, no miracles happened due to the people’s unbelief, but He was not bothered about it as was aware that He himself was doing the Father’s mission.

A minister should always speak in tongues while doing everything as speaking in tongues brings God’s presence there by making his heart joyful. Likewise he should always worship the Lord, as worship and thanksgiving pleases the Lord making the minister happy. If a five fold minister realize that he is mainly created to worship God, his creator, he will be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. “You will make me full of joy in your presence” (Acts 2:28).

What you can do, do it yourselves, then what you cannot do, God will do it for you. You can joy yourselves in the Lord, then God will fill you with the Spirit of joy which is beyond your imagination. Look what Habakuk the prophet is saying. He had everything, but now he lost everything but he is saying “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation” (Habakuk 3:18).

Happiness is not in possessions or authority, the more you chase it, the more it will elude from you. But if you believe that it is Holy Spirit who is guiding you and Jesus is dwelling in you and you are not living for yourself, but for God, then the joy of the Lord will always be in you.

A minister should pray for grace when he faces many difficulties in his ministry, as long suffering brings joy later. Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. Those who continually goes forth weeping, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing. Competition brings sadness, but if the minister thinks that the other one is better than himself, then he will be joyful always.

For the operation of the nine gifts of Holy Spirit, it is essential for a minister to have the fruit of joy of the Spirit. The only burden a minister should have is the burden for souls for the kingdom of God and nothing else, then he can have a successful ministry.

Every five fold minister should rejoice always. “Rejoice always, in everything give thanks. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1Thessalonians 5:16).

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Praise the Lord,

A minister should always have a peace of mind unless won’t be able to do a successful ministry. One of the fruits of the Spirit is peace. If a person is in God’s will, there will be peace always in his heart. If though in God’s will, but not realizing it, then he could not have the peace

of mind. If we study the exodus of the Israelites, we could understand that they failed to realize the will of God, so lost all peace and complained against the Lord. A minister sometimes has to pass through many trials and tribulations by God’s will so as to have strength in inner man. If he fails to realize the plan of God, then all his blessings both spiritual and material will be held and he could not enjoy it until he comes out of his bondage.

When a man receives Jesus Christ as his saviour, the first thing Jesus gives him is His peace, which nobody could snatch it from him. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world give” (John 14:27). This is the promise of our Lord. Satan knows that the best thing to make a minister weak is to take his peace from him bringing tensions and worries about his family and ministry. Most of the ministers are worried about their future. But the Bible says “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippines 4:6).

If we obey the word of God and do it in our life, God will be pleased with us and He will make a covenant of peace with us (Ezekiel 37:26). If God is with us, who can be against us. So a minister should be in good terms with his creator, the almighty God. Jesus teaches us that He is not alone but with His Father, likewise He wants us to have the fellowship with Him and Heavenly Father in order to keep peace always in our life (John16:33). So a minister of God should always be connected to heaven and should realize that his citizenship is in heaven and not in this world. If he practice in such a way, he will have the peace always and will be able to do a successful ministry. An end time revivalist with five fold ministry calling will be always busy in the Lord and there is a great task upon him for uniting all the ministers through out the nations. This is a great job assigned to him, so he should not be worried about the present circumstances but shall maintain the peace of Jesus in his heart always. What a man wants in his life first is fear of God and then is peace of mind. If he is not having peace, whatever he does will be upside down. The Bible teaches us to live peaceably with all men. A man who keeps peace will worship God, will do good and will have no enemies. Even the enemies are friends to him.

Jesus says “Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called sons of God”(Matthew 5:9). A five fold minister is a man of peace. Without peace of mind, he could not do a successful ministry. “Seek peace and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14)

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Praise the Lord,

A good minister is known by the capacity to bear sufferings given to drink by his master Jesus Christ, who has enlisted him for the great ministry. We could see in the book of Luke 9:46, that the mother of two disciples coming and asking Jesus to grand her sons to sit on either side of Jesus on the throne in heaven. But Jesus replying whether they could

drink the cup of suffering that He drinks. Long suffering is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Jesus has said in John 12:24 that “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abide alone: but if it die, it bring forth much fruit.”

So sometimes God leads those who are called for His ministry to pass through trials and tribulations. Those who have this revelation, they never murmur or ask why it happened to them. If you ask Joshua the leader of the Israelites, why he didn’t complain along with others in the wilderness, he would say, that his time in the wilderness for forty years was not a wasting time but a training period as he knew very well that he was anointed to make the sun stand still.

Paul encourages everyone in the book of Timothy to take their part in the suffering along with Jesus. The Bible teaches us those who weep when sowed will be joyful at the time of harvest. All the saints in the Holy Bible had to pass through many tribulations which varies from one another. Most of the psalms written by King David were at his saddest times. But he affirms that he came to know how good and faithful the Lord is, only when he was afflicted. We are called not only to believe in Jesus but also to bear our cross along with Jesus. When we are afflicted, mocked, insulted or lowered, we should not get rage, instead be happy because God has given us the privilege to be partakers of His cross. We must be bold enough to say like apostle Paul that we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; (2 Corinthians 4:8). We have Jesus our master and saviour as the role model as He himself had suffered and tempted, so will be able to comfort us in our trials and sufferings.

Apart from other ministries, a five fold minister has to pass through many hardships to reach the goal. Each and everyone has great plans by God. So if we submit ourselves we will be placed as a good vessel. The book of Jeremiah, chapter 18 teaches us how a potter makes a good vessel and if the vessel is damaged on the process, how he makes that vessel into another one. Some are having one calling, may be an apostle or a prophet or an evangelist or teacher or pastor, but some may be having double or thrible calling, but understand a five fold minister is covering all the five ministries of the Lord, so each ministry is revealed part by part at different times, so great training is required for this and the one who is called for such a ministry has to endure long suffering. As our leader Jesus Himself had suffered and overcame temptations, while you suffer meditate Jesus as He ignored the torture and suffered cross because of the later reward. The sadness from devil leads to death and sin, but the sadness from God leads to repentance and fruitfulness. A five fold minister should keep in his mind that he is called not only to believe in Christ but also suffer for the sake of Jesus, then he will be fruitful in his ministry. Blessings

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Praise the Lord,

Our Lord God of Israel is Merciful and kind to us. So we should be also kind to our fellow beings. In the ministry of Jesus the kindness of Him towards everyone was evident all the time. For doing the ministry of our master and leader Jesus we should be loving and kind

to everyone. Love suffers long and is kind (1 Corinthians 13:14). Ministers should do their work with love towards the one who has enlisted him and should be kind like his leader Jesus. One of the fruits of the Spirit is kindness. If a minister desires to operate in the nine gifts of Holy Spirit he should have in him the nine fruits of the Spirit. The ministry of Jesus founder of five fold ministry is full with the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. In order to have the ministry in full swing all the gifts and fruits should be in equal proportion. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6:3 that our ministry may not be blamed but by purity, long suffering, love and kindness we should commend ourselves as ministers of God. Kindness is one of the main qualities of Jesus and our character should exhibit this quality in our ministry and life since the kindness of God should not be detached from us. Peter is encouraging everyone in his epistle to add to faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, love and finally kindness. He further states if these qualities abound in a minister, he will never be barren nor unfruitful in Lord’s work. The kindness of God was reflected in all the saints of Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We could see Abraham in chapter 18 of Genesis pleading for righteous men before the angels who came to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and also Moses the leader of Israelites interceding for the rebellious people. Also we could see Jesus bothered about the food for those who came to His ministry. These all teaches how a minister should be kind during his mission. A minister should have a revelation that he should abound in everything - in faith, in all diligence, in love and kindness towards the fellow beings to have the abundance of grace in his ministry from the Lord. Jesus through His sermon on the mount teaches and warns every servant of God while serving the Lord to be diligent to show love, care, mercy and kindness like His heavenly Father who is kind to all creatures. The real love beyond human understanding can be seen in Jesus when He kissed the one who betrayed Him in Gethsemane.

Hey! End Time Revivalist, if you want to be used as a powerful vessel in the hands of the Lord, let you be filled with the spirit of kindness. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger be put away from you and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:32).

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Praise the Lord,

One of the fruits of the Spirit is holiness. The goodness is from God whereas wickedness from devil. A good tree can be known from its fruits. Out of a good heart come goodness but wickedness from an evil one. The quality of a minister is valued by the outcome of the goodness in

him. The Lord Jesus is merciful, gracious, long-suffering and abounding in goodness and truth. It is He who has enlisted us in the army for serving Him. So a minister should also abound in these qualities. The goodness of the Lord is spread upon the whole earth but the devil is trying to block this by bringing mental strain among God’s people. So it is a minister’s duty to bring the goodness from heaven to the believers. It can be done only if the goodness is seen in that minister. One of the secrets to keep away from sin is doing good to others. We could see God telling Cain who sinned by murdering his own brother that if he had done good, he would have escaped from sin. (Genesis 4:7). If we are tempted to sin and is beyond our control, the only thing we could do is to do good to others lest the sin lies at the door and we have to overcome it.

Minister should realize that goodness will follow them if they are right before God. The Bible teaches us to seek the Kingdom first and everything will be added to us. We are the representatives of Jesus and we should have the goodness in our personal and family life, then only we can be a witness to the world. A minister and his family should have a testimony before the people and the place where they are residing by proving themselves as carriers of all goodness of the Lord. A minister should have a deep revelation about the goodness of God. He should be a tower transmitting the goodness of kingdom through his anointed ministry. Look what Paul the apostle is saying in Romans 2:4 “Do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance”. He further warns the believers that unawareness of the goodness leads to judgement. He also teaches to continue in God’s goodness to keep away from His wrath and punishments (Romans 11:22).

A five fold minister should always walk-in the Spirit and not in flesh otherwise he may be lead to envy, quarrels and selfishness thereby disqualifying him to enjoy the goodness of the Lord. So he should check himself whether he is enjoying the blessings and goodness of the Lord to be fruitful in the kingdom of God.

May the Lord raise apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and shepherds with all goodness so as the whole world will be blessed by grace of God.

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Praise the Lord,

Faithfulness is a great quality which a servant of God needs most. It surrounds the almighty God and is one of the fruits of the Spirit. The faithfulness of God endures forever through out all generations. Moses was the second greatest prophet next to Jesus and God was

with him to perform all miracles as he was counted faithful. God came to rescue Daniel at the right time when he was cast into lion’s den because he was faithful not only to God but also to his superior, the king.

As God is faithful in His covenant and mercy to His faithful ones, each minister should have this same attitude towards his fellow servants of God. God will honor a faithful minister and make his ministry grow worldwide. The eyes of the Lord is always upon His faithful ones and allows them to dwell in the land. Jesus teaches by a parable in Matthew 24:25 about a faithful and wise servant who is keen in his assigned task. Jesus tells the parable of the talents and the faithful servant who was faithful in few things made ruler over many things. Also in the parable of the unjust steward in the book of Luke chapter 16, He tells one who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much and who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. Jesus further teaches, who is unfaithful in another man’s cannot be faithful in his own.

We are called into the fellowship of His son Jesus Christ who is faithful to His Heavenly Father, so also we should be like that. Our role model is Jesus who is a faithful high priest in things pertaining to God to make propitiation for the sins of the people. Every minister should hold fast the confession of hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. In a great house there are many vessels, some for good and some for bad purposes. But if a vessel purchased for a good purpose, but is thrown out without care, it may be used for bad. Likewise a minister called for God’s work is if found unfaithful, then he won’t be used for the ministry of God, instead he may be handed over to satan like Judas Iscariot who was used as a weapon by the devil against son of God.

From Genesis to Revelation we could see all holy men of God been faithful in their assigned task. Faithful to God means faithfulness to word of God. So a minister should not depart right or left from the word of God, to be counted as faithful in the sight of God. God is looking for faithful servants in these days to grant the mantle of five fold ministry for a great revival.

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Praise the Lord,

Every minister needs this fruit of the Spirit as without self-control his ministry cannot succeed. Generally self-control means power to overcome sin. Our human body is addicted to worldly pleasures but this can be overcome only by the power of God or otherwise said by

the help of Holy Spirit. All the nature of the mind such as envy, jealousy, hatred, anger, shyness will bring forth repulsive effect and leads to turn away from God’s vision. So such things can be overcome only by the power of God. A fivefold minister should be blameless as a steward of God, not self willed, not quick tempered but a lover of what is good, sober minded, just holy and self controlled holding fast the faithful word, he has been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convict those who contradict (Titus 1:8).

A minister should be diligent to add to his character more faith, virtue, knowledge, perseverance, godliness, love, brotherly kindness and self-control abounding in greatness to be fruitful not barren to have a strong ministry without stumbling (2 Peter 1:6-10). By continuous prayer and striving hard, by grace of God, one can achieve self-control. We could see in the book of Genesis chapter four, God telling Cain that if he had done good he would not have killed his brother Abel which caused to sin before God. If good things are done, sin doesn’t lie at the door and we won’t be tempted. So by praying and having a righteous life self-control can be achieved. One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. A man who cannot control himself cannot control another person, then how could he control a big congregation. God trained a man named Moses, who was very hot tempered, quick to response, who later was very calm and had much patience to become a great prophet to lead the Israelites. We know his story, killing an Egyptian due to lack of self-control but was trained by God in the wilderness, in his wife’s house looking after his father-in-law’s sheep had an experience in future to deal the complaining people. Though self-control is a gift and grace of God, but to a certain extent it could be enhanced by practising. Paul is teaching the believers in the book of Corinthians how he disciplines his body by bringing it to subjection lest he may be disqualified by mere preaching and not showing in his life. He further explains everyone who is competing for the prize is temperate in all things, then how much more a minister should abstain from many things that keeps away from godliness. Imagine a common man who lacks self-control creating distress to the society, then how will be the condition if a servant of God loosing the fruits of Spirit causing shame to God’s kingdom.

God is looking for faithful ministers who are ready for sacrificing their feelings for kingdom sakes and for His sake to use as powerful vessels in this end time. Rise up apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors, get ready for the revival, enlight the fruits and gifts, lest be counted as unqualified. Blessings.

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Praise the Lord,

Every minister needs this fruit of the Spirit as without self-control his ministry cannot succeed. Generally self-control means power to overcome sin. Our human body is addicted to worldly pleasures but this can be overcome only by the power of God or otherwise said by

the help of Holy Spirit. All the nature of the mind such as envy, jealousy, hatred, anger, shyness will bring forth repulsive effect and leads to turn away from God’s vision. So such things can be overcome only by the power of God. A fivefold minister should be blameless as a steward of God, not self willed, not quick tempered but a lover of what is good, sober minded, just holy and self controlled holding fast the faithful word, he has been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convict those who contradict (Titus 1:8).

A minister should be diligent to add to his character more faith, virtue, knowledge, perseverance, godliness, love, brotherly kindness and self-control abounding in greatness to be fruitful not barren to have a strong ministry without stumbling (2 Peter 1:6-10). By continuous prayer and striving hard, by grace of God, one can achieve self-control. We could see in the book of Genesis chapter four, God telling Cain that if he had done good he would not have killed his brother Abel which caused to sin before God. If good things are done, sin doesn’t lie at the door and we won’t be tempted. So by praying and having a righteous life self-control can be achieved. One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. A man who cannot control himself cannot control another person, then how could he control a big congregation. God trained a man named Moses, who was very hot tempered, quick to response, who later was very calm and had much patience to become a great prophet to lead the Israelites. We know his story, killing an Egyptian due to lack of self-control but was trained by God in the wilderness, in his wife’s house looking after his father-in-law’s sheep had an experience in future to deal the complaining people. Though self-control is a gift and grace of God, but to a certain extent it could be enhanced by practising. Paul is teaching the believers in the book of Corinthians how he disciplines his body by bringing it to subjection lest he may be disqualified by mere preaching and not showing in his life. He further explains everyone who is competing for the prize is temperate in all things, then how much more a minister should abstain from many things that keeps away from godliness. Imagine a common man who lacks self-control creating distress to the society, then how will be the condition if a servant of God loosing the fruits of Spirit causing shame to God’s kingdom.

God is looking for faithful ministers who are ready for sacrificing their feelings for kingdom sakes and for His sake to use as powerful vessels in this end time. Rise up apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors, get ready for the revival, enlight the fruits and gifts, lest be counted as unqualified. Blessings.

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Praise the Lord,

The ministry of Jesus was with signs and wonders not just preaching. In these days satan has put a limit in people’s mind by not expecting miracles in worships but just satisfying with the preaching only. Paul is encouraging everyone in the book of Corinthians to desire for gifts

to be operated in the ministry. The gifts are given by God to His ministers for the effective work of the gospel. By striving hard the gifts of the Spirit can be achieved to a certain extent but it mainly depends upon the promise of God which may vary from one person to another according to the calling. The power of Holy Spirit upon ministers may be different in measure and intensity according to their ministries. Holiness and a separated life is very essential for a spirit filled and lead life. Every person who receives Holy Spirit will speak in tongues as a sign. The more the person is filled in Spirit the more will be the gifts manifested in depth. For some ministers the nine gifts are in equal proportion with regard to the power imparted upon them, whereas some are having only one or two gifts but with more intense of power as it is the God who decides to whom to give.

The gifts of Holy Spirit play a major role in the five fold ministry especially those who are in the apostolic office, the nine gifts runs through out their ministries. God is training every minister for His purpose by imparting the power along with the gifts and fruits of Spirit. Apart from believers the minister’s life’s are very hard as they were to pass through tribulations and trials in order to comeforth as servants with supernatural power. Lord has not called anyone to raise their own ministry but to lift the ministry of Jesus though we are from different culture and race, those who have this revelation the Spirit is leading to enhance the body of Christ and is raising ministers for this purpose. There are different ministries and different gifts, but the same Lord is working through all. The gifts of Spirit are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues and interpretation (1 Corinthians 12:8-10 ). Paul is encouraging everyone to earnestly desire for the gifts. The secret of achieving the gifts is practising the fruits of Spirit in a person’s life.

The fruits and gifts of Spirit are revealed in a minister who fears and determines to obey the Lord. The secret of the LORD is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant (Psalms 25:14). The more the life of Jesus is revealed in a person, the more the depths of gifts are revealed. A five fold minister has to walk in Spirit to have his ministry grow. Without holiness and a separated life, God cannot use a person. We have to tune our life according to the direction of Holy Spirit. All ministers earnestly desire for spiritual gifts. Blessings

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Praise the Lord,

The wisdom I mention here is not human, but from God, the wisdom of Jesus, coming through the Spirit of God. It is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God gives wisdom either through visions, audible voice, word of God, through circumstances or maybe even He speaks face to face. It is the knowledge or can be said as the revelation from God concerning the things for edification of our spirit or

material deliverance. Every minister holding the office of five fold is highly required of this gift as the word just preached by human wisdom or knowledge cannot bring changes to human life, whereas God’s wisdom brings deliverance and miracles. God created the heaven, earth, sun, and stars, everythingby His wisdom. Likewise a minister of God should realize that if he is in obedience to the Lord, he may also be able to create something out of the word coming from his mouth. Sometimes the minister have to pass through tribulations and sufferings, it is not for any degradation, but for achieving wisdom for a successful ministry.

I John 2:27 says “But the anointing which you have received of Him abide in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teach you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in him.” It is the anointing of God which brings wisdom from heaven. A minister should always be alert and his eyes and ears be opened always and sensitive to receive the messages from the almighty God. As said before all the gifts are interconnected for the effective working of each gift. The gift of wisdom is essential for operating the gifts of prophecy, healing and deliverance. Holiness and separated life is essential for the operation of this gift. Holy Spirit trains a minister to preach the same word at different places at different times standing firm in the same word. Even matters that have never been heard or studied can be well narrated by the Spirit through the gift of wisdom. Nowadays there are many references for biblical verses useful for preaching, but a minister operating in the gift of wisdom will get the right reference for each word ministered. Every minister should earnestly desire the wisdom of God for a successful ministry. We could see the Israelites winning the battle everytime by the wisdom of God by which the enemies could not stand. Even today the nation Israel stands foremost in all inventions and in Armed Forces because of the wisdom of God Jehovah, the God of Israel. God cannot use a person if he thinks that he is more in knowledge of this world. That’s why God will make every minister to pass through many trials to mould them for a miraculous ministry. Paul the apostle has explained it by the revelation he achieved from God in his epistle addressed to the Corinthians “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7. In order to shame the wise God has chosen the foolish ways to deliver people from bondage as to surprise the unbelievers. God’s wisdom is beyond understanding. We could understand it by how He ordered the Israelites to walk around the Jericho city by praising Him and singing songs and the method He used to break the wall. Usually when prophecies of God are shared with people, they will be wondering how it be fulfilled and they won’t be able to accept it. For example Jesus entered the house of Jairus and said to the people crying for the death of his daughter and saying to them that his daughter is not dead, but sleeping and everyone there laughed at what Jesus said. So wisdom from heaven is required to understand the biblical verses and prophecies. Every five fold minister is required of this wisdom to have a great ministry. Blessings.

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Praise the Lord,

By knowledge the rooms of a house are filled with precious things. To do something we need knowledge. To do anything in this world we need worldly knowledge. But to see things which we cannot see with our external eyes or grasp anything which our brain cannot, we need the knowledge from God. This knowledge we cannot

acquire by education or experience, but it is fully granted by grace through the Spirit. This is the word of knowledge, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Every minister called for end time revival should be able to operate the gift of knowledge. For prophecies, healings and deliverance, this gift plays a vital role. By the knowledge of God we could know a person’s past, present and future. The Red sea was divided by the knowledge of God, likewise all the miracles done through saints are by the knowledge of God. This knowledge and wisdom are the two ends of a rod. The knowledge from God should be delivered to the people with the wisdom of God.

For example while counseling a couple regarding their family issues, the facts which God gives by knowledge should be intimated to the other only through the wisdom of God. Many ministries were stopped due to the lack of wisdom in handling the knowledge of God.

Natural man cannot understand the knowledge of God, only a spiritual person can discern it, to others it is foolishness. The knowledge comes from God through various means, ie by audible voice, visions, dreams, circumstances, or God speaking face to face as He spoke to Moses. It is like a lamp lighted in darkness and seeing things clearly, those were not visible before. So we must keep holiness and lead a prayer and fasting life in order to achieve the knowledge from God.

1 Corinthians 12:8 says the word of knowledge is given through the Spirit to a person for it’s manifestation. When we read the book of Genesis we could see God creating the sun, moon, earth everything by the word of knowledge while the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of water. Likewise the gift of knowledge is to be put into action by the power of Holy Spirit. Mere knowledge will not give deliverance but knowledge with power make things move. So a minister should be with the Lord to have more power in him for the manifestation of the knowledge. This knowledge is otherwise called as revelation. The Spirit reveals the truth. We could see Jesus paying the tax by telling Peter to take the money from inside the mouth of the fish by this word of knowledge. This knowledge is beyond our understanding, fully coming from God.

In these days churches which have no revelation is a failure and people lack deliverance. When we pray for someone rely completely on God to give knowledge about that person and God will reveal. Every servant of God having the calling for an end time revival should earnestly desire for this gift as well as other gifts. God is willing to reveal the mysteries of kingdom to the right person, prepared to be used as a powerful vessel. Let everyone purify themselves to receive the knowledge from God. Blessings!

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Praise the Lord,

Faith is the belief that which will happen or may not happen, something which we cannot see with our external eyes but could be seen with our inner eyes. I Corinthians 12:9 says “to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit;”. So here the faith is given through the Spirit. It is beyond our human wisdom or

knowledge. Ordinary people have the faith what we call common faith is that they believe in God, but not able to accept miracles. People believe that Jesus died for them and still believe Jesus will come again to redeem them. This is the faith given to every believer by God. But God created everything by faith, the same faith we have to exercise for healing and deliverance. The gift of faith through the Spirit is that like of Abraham’s which is believing contrary to the circumstances.

All the other eight gifts are operated by this gift especially the gift of prophecy and word of knowledge. Romans 12:6 says” We have different gifts based on the grace that was given to us. So if your gift is prophecy, use your gift in proportion to your faith.”

Not only the minister but also the one who needs a touch by the Holy Spirit needs this faith. That’s why even Jesus was not able to perform miracles among the unbelievers. Jesus has taught us how to move great mountains before us by using faith.

In the book of Hebrews Paul has well defined about faith and how the saints achieved a successful life by hope and faith in God. God is looking for such faithful servants who can move, create, function many things for the extension of the kingdom. When Jesus called Peter to walk on the sea, by faith he began to walk, but when he looked at the raging sea he was frightened and began to loose faith and was about to drown. We can understand from this illustration that we need faith to overcome all the problems we face everyday when we live in this world. Faith through the Spirit means faith in Jesus. We can see how Moses walked through the Red sea, it was like as if he was walking through dry land. So when a prophecy is given by faith to a person, the same faith that person should have to have the prophecy fulfilled.

We need power along with faith to have the prophecies come into existence. For preaching gospel and testifying Jesus boldness is essential. The more faith we have the more bold we are. Self-confidence is different from faith whereas the former comes out of experience and existing facts but the latter is seeing things which are not in existence. Confidence is a product of the soul whereas faith is a gift from God like wisdom and understanding, without which we cannot achieve anything from God. Among the nine gifts of Holy Spirit, faith plays the major role especially in operating the gifts of prophecy and knowledge as these two gifts will be more fruitful when there is much faith. Sometimes God releases His presence, show signs, visions or manifestations to increase the faith in a person. Those who have a calling for end time revival should have more faith. God is looking for faithful ministers to impart power and faith according to their submission to His kingdom. Let everyone exercise faith in their personal life and also for a successful ministry. May miracles come out of awesome faith. Blessings.

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Praise the Lord,

Every five fold minister should have to operate this gift to bring people to the church. In the ministry of Jesus we could see Jesus preaching and also demonstrating the power of God. This gift is operating with the power of God. I Corinthians 12:9 says “to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit;”. In Egypt the

magicians also did miracles like Moses, but the works of magicians were superseded by the work of Moses. Likewise the evil forces could also heal people. We must understand that God’s power will be released only for a good purpose. For example a person chosen for eternity has to wait for deliverance until God is satisfied by his transformation. The gifts of knowledge and faith functions along with the gifts of healing. By knowledge of God a person comes to know about a disease and by faith, he declares healing in the name of Jesus and God will release the power and healing takes place. This is how this gift is operated.

We could see power from Jesus was released when the woman who had the flow of blood touched the edge of Jesus’s garment and was healed. Diseases which cause due to nature can be healed by taking medicines whereas diseases caused due to satan or by a curse can be healed only by the gift of healing, when the person affected is repented. The ministry of Jesus is prophetic healing deliverance ministry. The heavenly Father was pleased to release the healing power whenever the Son asked because the Son was full of compassion and mercy towards the needy. Among the five fold ministers, the apostles handle the healing ministry more than others, (2Co 12:12 The signs of an apostle were performed among you with utmost patience-signs, wonders, and powerful actions).

The disciples of Jesus who were called chief apostles were very good healers. Every minister should follow the steps of the disciples of Jesus, as they lacked many material blessings, yet they were happy but were spiritually blessed. When the lame beggar at Jerusalem temple asked for something, the apostles replied they have no money or silver but commanded to raise up and walk in the name of Jesus. In order to have the spiritual gifts enhanced we have to pass through many trials. (2Co 4:7 But we have this treasure in clay jars to show that its extraordinary power comes from God and not from us).

Sometimes a minister who is operating the gifts of healing has to adopt new methods as the Spirit leads which many people cannot even accept. For example Naman the leper was advised to dip himself seven times for an healing in the river Jordan. Jesus also spit on the ground and made a paste from the spittle out of the mud and pasted on the blind man’s eyes to give sight. Many like the Pharisees in the time of Jesus may rise up and question the healing minister and in such circumstances much patience has to be shown. God is looking for faithful ministers to impart His power for delivering people from satanic attacks and diseases. Each minister should earnestly desire for this gift of healing and should lead a holy life for impartation of power of Holy Spirit. A person operating this gift of healing should have a knowledge of the ministry of Jesus and how He healed people. May God raise powerful end time revivalists to go to the ends of the earth to heal and proclaim gospel, plunder hell and bring captives from bondage and give to the kingdom of God. Blessings!

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Praise the Lord,

Our God is a God of miracles. To Him it is not a miracle as He Himself is a miracle. The same anointing when comes to us we will also become a miracle to many. The working of miracles is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. God told Joshua the leader of Israelites to tell everyone to get purified to see a miracle in their lives

(Joshua 3:5). So miracles occur in holiness. Without holiness you cannot see God (Hebrews 12:15). Miracles happens in a person’s life, when God visits him. God can come in a holy place. He will burn everything that is unholy to Him. Every minister who operate this gift has to lead a holy life otherwise it will become harmful to himself.

We could see in the book of Acts, chapter19 the sons of Sceva the Jewish priest trying to drive out demons in the name of Jesus, but they were chased back with leaving their clothes, bruised, the demons telling they know Jesus and Paul, but are unaware of these people. Gifts of faith and knowledge function along with this gift as like seen in the gifts of healing also. The ministers operating in this gift are always questioned as the methods of healing and deliverance will be new to some as they don’t have much revelation. Before a person is released for this great ministry, God will make him pass-through many trials and tribulations, so as to achieve patience and maturity. Each minister should know the pain and rejection when people leave their ministry in the earlier days, because when God uses them powerfully, they should realize the pain of other ministers when such undergo the same rejection. Everyone have the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, but only few are deep in healing and deliverance ministry. In order to have the life of Jesus manifested in our body we have to carry the dying of Jesus always in our character (2 Corinthians 4:10,11). Let God rein in us, then the fire of God goes before Him and burn all obstacles and do supernatural. We have to activate the presence of God in our life and ministry by following the word of God and teachings of Jesus Christ. This is the secret of healing and deliverance. Let us walk with Jesus like Hanok in Genesis, in our life and ministry, then we will be a miracle to everyone. The more you are obedient to the word of God the more you do a powerful miraculous ministry. God is raising faithful servants and honoring them with miracles in their ministry to establish them in the end time. Jesus was anointed with the power of Holy Spirit to do signs and wonders and He Himself has said those who believe in Him will do more than He did. We could see in the ministry of Peter where people are healed by his shadow falling on them and Paul the apostle did great miracles, even his coat and handkerchief carried the anointing. So let us be purified and be holy submitting ourselves to our master Jesus who has enlisted us in the army so as to be a powerful vessel in the hands of God. Let everyone get prepared for this great ministry and be like Moses who determined unless the presence of God go with him, he will stay back. May God walk with us and do miracles. Blessings!

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Praise the Lord, Prophecy is a statement from the Lord. It consists of three parts, past, present and future. It is the revelation from God. It is one of the gifts of Holy Spirit. (1Corinthians 12:10 “to another miraculous results; to another prophecy; to another the ability to distinguish between spirits; to another various kinds of languages; and to another the interpretation of languages.”) The gifts of discerning of Spirit, knowledge, speaking in tongues and interpretation

of tongues operates with prophecy. A person who is deep in prophecy is called a prophet and he has an office of the prophet. Sometimes prophecies come out even through those who do not have the prophetic calling. (1Samuel 10:10 When they arrived there at Gibeah, a band of prophets was right there to meet them. The Spirit of God came upon Saul, and he prophesied along with them.) (John 18:14 Caiaphas was the person who had advised the Jews that it was better to have one man die for the people.)Our mouth is the main tool for prophesying. So we should not lie or murmur or speak anything against the word of God. A true prophet who is faithful in his calling has the mouth of God. (Jeremiah 15:19 Therefore, this is what the LORD says: “If you repent, I’ll take you back and you will stand before me. If you speak what is worthwhile, instead of what is worthless, then you will be my spokesman. People will turn to you, but you aren’t to turn to them.) As said the prophecies and revelations come to a prophet when he is having a close relationship with God. The prophets should always maintain a peaceful mind throughout his life. Sometimes the circumstances may be difficult to receive divine revelations, in such cases worshipping or singing songs to Lord might open a path to receive a word from above. We could see how Elisha is getting a revelation. (2 Kings 3:15 Now bring me a musician.” As the musician played, the hand of the LORD rested on Elisha)This is a method of operating the gift of prophecy. Sometimes we never get a word from God, in such cases if we are operating the gifts of tongues and it’s interpretation, praying for a person in tongues and it’s interpretation is equivalent to prophecy. A prophet stands next to apostle in the five fold ministry. To receive revelations, he should maintain a deep intimacy with God and should maintain faithfulness and honesty. Many a times the prophets are led through trials and loneliness to have God’s intervention over their life, not to weak them but to have strong foundation in Christ. John the apostle was put in the island of Padmos for greater revelations. The end time prophets should check their strategy always whether they have deviated from the visions.Moses was faithful in his office, so God was speaking to him in audible face to face whereas to other prophets through dreams and visions only. All the five fold ministers will be operating in the gift of prophecy, but those whose main calling as a Prophet will be deeply operating in this gift. Sometimes we won’t get any revelation, vision, audible voice from God or even not speaking into heart, but in such circumstances you should have the mind of Christ, then what you speak is Christ speaking through you. Our self should die and Christ in us to be lifted. We have to practice this in our everyday lives. The more we surrender and submit our body, soul and spirit to Holy Spirit, the more He will reveal to us. If you want to grow in the prophetic, you should completely transform yourself as a tool in the hand of God and He will use as a powerful vessel. We could understand from the schools of prophets in the Old Testament that prophecies can be made accurate to a certain extent by practising. God is looking for faithful ministers who have decided to keep holiness in their life not following the world, to use as His tongue. I encourage everyone all fivefold ministers to press forward to reach the goal by keeping integrity and pursuing the steps of Jesus so as to be enlisted in the group of prophets of end time. Blessings!

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Praise the Lord,

This gift is very essential in today’s life and ministry. If we have the gift of discernment, everyone who comes to us can be discerned so as to be careful in further dealings. In 1Corinthians 12:10 it says “to another miraculous results; to another prophecy; to another the ability to distinguish between spirits; to another various kinds of

languages; and to another the interpretation of languages.” The gifts of knowledge works along with this gift. A prophet who is in his office should have this gift of discernment. It is the Holy Spirit in us revealing the kind of spirit. The gift of knowledge reveals what kind of spirit a person is having. So more intimacy with God is needed to operate this gift. Our inner eyes and ears, so also the heart should be so sensible to feel, receive and catch like a Bluetooth device to know what is inside in another person. Thus more knowledge and revelation will flow from God to us concerning every spirit of man.

In Acts 5:3 Peter asked, “Ananias, why has satan filled your heart so that you should lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back some of the money you got for the land?” Also in 2 Kings 5:26 Elisha responded to Gehazi, “Didn’t my heart break as the man was turning from his chariot to greet you? Is now the time to receive money? To receive clothes? And olive groves, vineyards, sheep, oxen, servants, or female attendants? Here in these above verses we could see the gift of discernment working in Peter and Elisha.

How we discern a fruit from outside its taste and quality, the same is how we discern the inside of a person by this gift, by the help of Holy Spirit. We have to ask God to reveal a person’s inner man and motives and Holy Spirit will speak and reveal to us everything.

1John 2:27 says “The anointing you received from God abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you this. Instead, because God’s anointing teaches you about everything and is true and not a lie, abide in Him, as He taught you to do.” The Holy Spirit sometimes speaks through circumstances, through our feelings, senses and by smell. So a minister should always be open to Spirit and be sensitive even to the slightest. Not only in the operation of the gift of prophecy but also in healing and deliverance this gift is essential.

In every day life we need right discernment to keep us protected from wrong persons and their motives. The more intimacy you have with God, the more His Spirit will flow towards you and the intensity of gifts will be much greater and discernment will be high.

God is looking for faithful ministers to impart His knowledge and understanding to utilize for the kingdom with much discernment. For a successful ministry a servant of God should have this gift operating in all areas of his ministry. So every five fold minister should be deep in discernment. Let God raise up servants who are faithful in their calling and may they be filled with the Spirit of discernment for a great revival. God is looking for such five fold ministers. Blessings!

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Praise the Lord,

Tongues mentioned here means different kinds of languages. It may be the language of the world of different nations or the heavenly language. Tongues are given to a person as a sign that he has been acknowledged as the child of God. When Holy Spirit comes it is manifested in a person by speaking in tongues. Jesus told the one twenty disciples to wait for Holy Spirit and when they were filled

with the Spirit all of them began to speak in languages which were foreign to them. It is a weapon used in the warfare against the dark strong holds. A person without tongues is like one who goes to the battle without weapon. If we have the weapon it will be easy to defeat the enemy, likewise if we speak in tongues in everyday matters that arise against us, we will see positive results.

In 1Corinthians 14:15 Paulsays “What does this mean? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind. I will sing psalms with my spirit, but I will also sing psalms with my mind.”

The real man is the Spirit and tongues are for the real man to communicate with God and spiritual bodies in spiritual realm. Even if we don’t understand the tongues if there is no interpretation for it, our Spirit knows what is spoken. But the outer person cannot fully understand what the Spirit is interceding.

A natural man cannot know the desires of the Spirit but only a spiritual person. We pray for what we understand with our mind. But we can’t pray anything beyond our understanding. But Holy Spirit in us will intercede for us when we pray in tongues and God will protect us from all future unseen dangers.

Reading Bible by Spirit will give more powerful effect. There are many hidden secrets behind every verse in the Bible which we have not understood, but still with the Lord (Deuteronomy 29:29), but reading verses in Spirit will give more revelation about the verses. When reading Bible, concentrate the mind in the verse and speak in tongues, this will reveal many hidden things about the verses.

Speaking in tongues is speaking to God and angels. It will open the doors of heaven and bring fire, healing, anointing and presence of God to everyone in this world. Every minister of the Lord should pray in tongues always for the manifestation of the Spirit. Praying in tongues will change the atmosphere. It could create, demolish and move many things. When we pray in tongues, our spirit along with Holy Spirit prays and God looking into our hearts will give immediate results.

A person possessed by demon also speak in their languages which appears like tongues, but much discernment is needed in Spirit to distinguish it from tongues. Tongues are a sign of approval as a child of God. Receiving tongues is the basic, but don’t be satisfied in that, keep on praying for hours and earnestly desire for power and more revelation and God will use you powerfully with signs and wonders in the ministry. God needs faithful servants who utilize the tongues at the right time during warfare. Every five fold minister should be a man of prayer in tongues. Tongues are the secrets of miracles. May God fill everyone with power and tongues. Blessings!

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Praise the Lord,

Interpretation of tongues is one of the gifts of Holy Spirit. 1Corinthians 12:10 says “to another miraculous results; to another prophecy; to another the ability to distinguish between spirits; to another various kinds of languages; and to another the interpretation of languages.” Tongues are the media used to communicate with God

and spiritual realm. When we speak in tongues God and angels know what we are speaking, but we cannot understand if it is not interpreted. Like tounges and other gifts, interpretation is also a grace from God. By hard work and great effort to a certain extent we could get the interpretation of what we have spoken. It is like an exercise, speak in tongues, then ask the Lord, the interpretation of what you have spoken, then again open your mouth so as to speak with an expectation that you are received the right interpretation. May be it will take some time, but try again and again. This is one of the easiest way to get the interpretation. Interpretation is of two types.

One is the interpretation of what we speak and the other is what others speak. When others speak, speak along with them and you will be given the interpretation.

The gift of prophecy can also be activated by gift of interpretation. Tongues plus interpretation is also equilant to prophecy. If you want to give a prophecy to a person, and no vision or message from God is received, then look into that person and speak in tongues, and what the interpretation is given is the prophecy for that person. When you are in need of a word, you can ask God in tongues and the reply will come as interpretation.

Most commonly the gift of speaking in tongues is granted after receiving baptizing in Holy Spirit, but it will take years to achieve the gift of interpretation, but once it is received all other gifts will be easier to achieve. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit in you, lest when you speak in tongues another person who has the gift of interpretation might know if the Spirit is grieved. In this case I have to say an experience, once a preacher went to a church to minister and there the worship leader was speaking in tongues during worship and the preacher who had the gift of interpretation, it was revealed to him that the worship leader was grieving the Holy Spirit always. Earnestly desire for interpretation and it will open many doors for the ministry. Every minister should have this gift for a successful ministry. God is looking for faithful dedicated servants for end time revival to impart all the gifts and fruits of Holy Spirit. Every person speaking in tongues and having interpretation can prophesy, but every prophets cannot interpret unless this gift has been granted. Every person speaking in tongues are acknowledged as child of God but every person interpreting is acknowledged as a person raised to the next level in the spiritual realm. May God fill His Spirit and give tounges and it’s interpretation to His beloved’s. Blessings!

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Praise the Lord, The ministry of Jesus is five fold. It is the plan of God to impose this ministry for the end time revival. Among the five fold ministry, the apostle is the first and powerful, given authority to break the chains and deliver people from bondage. Ephesians 4:11says “And it is He who gifted some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, and still others to be pastors and

teachers.” Apostles are like Bishops governing more than one church. They have the authority to plant churches. Under the apostles comes all other ministries. 1Corinthians 12:28 says “God has appointed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then those who perform miracles, those who have gifts of healing, those who help others, administrators, and those who speak various kinds of languages.”Jesus the first apostle, had imparted the apostolic anointing to the twelve disciples and apart from that grace they were deep in other ministries also. For example Peter was an apostle but also deep in evangelism. Likewise Paul had the apostolic anointing, at the same time he was a teacher also. Apostles have the power to heal, deliver the sick, the infirmed, to perform miracles, signs and wonders. The apostolic anointing is of different types. Some of them were given nine gifts and fruits of Holy Spirit, some were given more power of the Spirit. It depends upon their calling and varies according to the area they work. In the old testament also we could see such kind of apostles. Abraham, Joshua and Moses were like the apostles of the new testament.The other fivefold ministries have to be submissive to apostles because an apostle is the head of a church. The functions of an apostle are in the areas of creating, planting, building, teaching, deliverance etc. The duties of an apostle is to govern all the churches under the congregation. Sometimes he works as a prophet, evangelist, teacher or as a shepherd. 2 Corinthians 12:12 says “The signs of an apostle were performed among you with utmost patience—signs, wonders, and powerful actions.” They reflect the character of Christ and the fruits of Spirit in all their dealings. They are the light and path to the whole congregation. God use them to fill others with Holy Spirit in the church. They should stand as an example to others and are the pillars of the congregation. Mainly the apostles are known as church planters, but some may not be used in that way, but in some other way in a deeper level. For example in case of counseling, an apostle can go deep in that area more than a shepherd or teacher. The apostles bring message from God with authority. Apostles are given the keys of kingdom and with that they could bind or loose anything and it will be done so in heaven also (Mathew 16:19).A five fold minister who operates all the five ministries is mainly having an apostolic authority. He is a person who is well trained and is good for his Master’s purpose. Apostles have a special strategy in their life different from others. Most of them were nazerites and some were even celebates. God is looking for faithful apostles to govern the church of God in the end time. When apostles set foot on a new region, that place will be blessed. Every apostle should keep in mind to follow the path of Jesus who has enlisted them in the army. Those who are very much close to Jesus and leading a spiritual life are also given the authority to forgive sins. Joh 20:23 says “If you forgive people’s sins, they are forgiven. If you retain people’s sins, they are retained.” Such are the apostles who God calls as His beloved ones who have the heart of Jesus. May God raise up apostles for a great revival. Blessings!

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