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The ‘Sab seniors July se 250

ka hafta denge’ quiz

QM – Siddharth Mishra

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• This a Space Exploration quiz.

• Questions are easy, and more or less


• Take a guess!

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Gawdtam Q

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White Sun of the Desert (1970) is a classic 'Eastern' or Ostern film of the Soviet Union.

The film is one of the most popular Russian films of all time. Its blend of action, comedy, music and drama, as well as memorable quotes, made it wildly successful, and it has since achieved the status of a top cult film in Soviet and Russian culture. Its main theme song, "Your Noble Highness Lady Luck“ became a hit.

Why would I be asking about this movie in a space quiz?

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Russian cosmonauts always watch this

movie before flying into space.

The ritual has become a mainstay for

crews preparing to ride Russian Soyuz

vehicles into space.

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The Vineet ‘Aa beta teri ####d marta

hun’ Ganatra Q

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The next image is from the audio

transcripts of the Apollo 10 mission,

Lunar Module Pilot Eugene Cernan,

Command Module Pilot John Young,

and Commander Thomas Stafford

discussing something. FITB.

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The Omkar ‘Height of Quizzing’

Amrutanshu Q

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It is traditional for astronauts leaving for space from Russian space centres to be blessed by a priest from the Russian Orthodox Church. The ritual involves getting slapped in with the face with a cross as well as getting a tremendous amount of holy water on oneself.

While it is unclear when this practice began, it is widely accepted in Russia that it began sometime during/after1992.

Why so? Need precise funda.

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It wasn’t possible before Dec 1991 as

the Soviet Union was officially an

atheist state.

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The Prateek ‘Mai chicken nahi khata-

daaru nahi peeta-dealing nahi deta’

Jajodia Q

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While he claimed it to be impromptu, his brother Dean said otherwise, saying that he had thought of it months ago.

Which makes his mistake bizzare : some experts say that the "a" was dropped because of a glitch in the radio signal, but most assume that he just left out the word. If he did leave out the word, it's a natural slip to make : Dean omitted the "a" himself the first time he quoted the phrase, and had to correct himself a moment later.

What is being talked about here?

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Neil Armstrong saying “that's one small

step for man” instead of the

grammatically correct “that’s one

small step for A man”

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The Vaibhav ‘Apna Swag toh Desi hai’

Agrawal Q

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The International Space Station, a multinational project, is divided into two sections: an American and Russian section. In 1998, when the venture began, it was reported that the Americans and Russians got along famously, sharing resources such as food and exercise equipment. Unfortunately, squabbles began after the first few years. One of the biggest tiffs between them was related to the use of an indispensable facility, and the fact that ever since Russians had started using the American ones, they weren’t functioning properly.

What facility? What factors lead to the Russians causing problems?

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Use of toilets.

As the Russian crew’s diet consisted of

richer food than the American, their

s##t tended to clog the toilets.

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Das Q

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In May 2013, Pavel Vinogradov became the first person to do a fairly irksome annual chore for adults, in space.

Mikhail Mishustin, head of Russia’s X, boasted : ‘There's nothing surprising in the fact that the principle of extraterrestrial support, which the X takes seriously, has allowed us to take such a big step forward. Thanks to the modern services we offer, one can practically never visit our offices and remain a law-abiding __________’

What did he do?

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He was the first person to pay his taxes

in space.

X – Federal Tax Service

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The Priya ‘Asif Ghazi ko maar daalo!’

Jyoti Q

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About a month before Apollo 11 was set to launch, the three astronauts entered quarantine. And, during free moments in the following weeks, each of the astronauts signed hundreds of photographs of themselves.

They gave them to a friend. And on important days — the day of the launch, the day the astronauts landed on the moon — their friend got them to the post office and got them postmarked, and then distributed them to the astronauts' families.

Why did they do so?

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Because of the risks involved, and

near-suicide mission they were

undertaking, no company was

prepared to provide insurance for


The astronauts signed the autographs

in the hope that it would act as

sufficient insurance for their family.

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The Siddhant ‘Save the planet bitch!’

Sadangi Q

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What/who is being

referenced here?

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Ziggy Stardust/David Bowie.

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The Anirban ‘Mai bhi Jeff Bezos!’ Ghosh


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When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin returned from space, they got a 21 day quarantine in a trailer instead of a parade. This was done to ensure that they were not carrying any sort of alien pathogen with them.

This protocol was followed for the next three missions. However after the Apollo 14 mission, this protocol ceased to be operational.

Why this sudden change of heart?

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Simple – scientists concluded that the

moon was incapable of supporting

any life form.

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The Rya


Ray Q

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#kolstylz #lel

Who serves as the astronauts' personal

safety mascot?

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On 8 June 1964, Elena Andrianovna Nikolaeva-X was born in the Soviet Union. Her birth was of immense intrigue to the medical community, with doctors predicting the child to have deformities/severe medical conditions. But, she went on to be a healthy child, and in fact ended up becoming a doctor.

Why did the doctors predict so about Elena?

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X – Tereshkova.

She was the daughter of Valentina

Tereshkova and a fellow cosmonaut

Andriyan Nikolayev – the first child

whose both parents visited space.

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Aaaand, that’s it!
