
The 1920’s Way of Life

The Roaring 20’s was a time in America’s history

in which the people faced great economic

advancements, created new social norms, and

worked towards a better way of life.

Historical Events in the 1920’s

1920- Prohibition


1922-Reader’s Digest

publishedTalking movies



(Monkey) Trial

1927-Babe Ruth

makes home-run record



1929-Stock market


St. Valentine’s

Day Massacre

19th Amendment

passed- women

allowed to vote

1926-Henry Ford

institutes 5-day workweek and 8-

hour work day

Herbert Hoover is elected President

Warren Harding elected


1923-Harding dies and Calvin Coolidge

sworn into presidency

F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great


New AdvancementsAutomobile: The most important invention at this time was mass production of the car by Henry Ford

Austin 20 Touring Car $695 1920

Ford Runabout $265.00 ($85.00 extra for starter and dismountable rims) 1924 Michigan

Chevrolet Superior Roadster $490.00 1924 Wisconsin

Cadillac Touring Car $3940 1921

Example Prices of cars in the 1920’s

The automobile radio was started in 1922

New Advancements Cont.Medicine-

Discovery of insulin-1921 People suffering from diabetes can now maintain this disease Discovery of Vitamin E-1922 Immunization against Diphtheria This lead to the vaccine against tuberculosis Penicillin is discovered-1928

Other Advancements- Motion Picture Camera Aerial crop dusting was first done in 1921 New advancements in health- such as the way Vitamin D helps Working to make new discoveries like the first fossilized dinosaur eggs in 1923

All of these advancements prove that America was taking a positive turn. People wanted to learn new things and improve

the country and the way things were done.

ProhibitionGoals:-Lower crime rates

-Reduce social problems

-Lower taxes

-Improve health

Effects:-Raise crime rates

-Introduced more organized crime

-Corruption increased

-Prisons became overcrowded

-Health and sanitation was worsened

Prohibition Cont.The 18th Amendment banned the manufacture, sale, and

transportation of alcohol.It went in effect on January 16, 1920

December 5, 1933

21st Amendment repeals the 18th and prohibition is over.

-Volstead Act- this act enforced the 18th amendment. It prohibited the manufacture, sale, or possession of alcoholic beverages. Along with this it declared that alcoholic beverages contained more than one-half percent alcohol, and allowed federal agent to investigate and prosecute violators.


-Underground establishments where people would go to purchase and consume alcohol

-In New York City alone there were about 100,000 speakeasies by the middle of the decade

-Speakeasies were held in basements, attics, and even disguised as other establishments. People would disguise them as soda shops and cafes to cover that they ran a speakeasy

Temperance: People who were for temperance supported prohibition and felt that it brought positive effects

Words on the tree:

Life Peace

Industry Morality Economy Kindness

Faith Knowledge

This tree represents the positive effects that people believed prohibition had on the world.

Words on the tree: Arson Wars

Instability Cruelty Death

Selfishness Stealing Malice

Intemperance- this simply means the excessive or immoderate use of alcoholic beverages

This tree represents all of the bad things people believed drinking brought on to public.

Flappers-Well known for their loose dresses and skirts along with a unique short hairstyle and the use of more makeup

-They went against traditional values and social norms

- Older generations did not appreciate the image they presented

-They embraced the idea of change and helped women gain independence

-They drank and smoke even through a time when this was not always acceptable

-Known for their risqué behavior

Music-Different music styles began to gain popularity in the 1920’s

-Some of the most popular music genres were jazz and ragtime

-The radio and radio stations were developing rapidly in the 1920’s and it quickly became a favorite American past time

-In its early years jazz music was considered devils music by certain American groups

Music Cont.Bessie Smith:

-Famous blues singer in the 1920’s- “Empress of the Blues”-Became highest paid African American entertainer in

America-She sang about the experiences of African Americans but

attracted both African American audiences and white audiencesLouis Armstrong:

-Famous jazz musician during the 20’s -Started playing music to earn money for his family

Broadway-Broadway really set sail in the 20’s. People were happy about the end of the war and they looked for entertainment in activities such as seeing a show

-There were no limits on themes. Theatre focused on what was going on in the world

-African Americans were now a larger part of theatre. They no longer were excluded from it and were seen in major productions

-Repertory theatre was introduced. This was non-profit theatre that provided training for new actors and offered quality theatre to the public, not only the upper class


“Scarface Capone”

“Lucky” Luciano “Bugs” Moran “Dutch” Schultz• The four gentlemen above were some of the most well known

gangsters during the Roaring 20’s.

• Gangsters were responsible for the illegal activities of the time including bootlegging.

• When prohibition began the crime rates of organized groups went up rather than decreasing like most thought it would

• Those involved in crime were often well dressed and were known for wearing some of the best suits and accessories

• Not only involved in the rejection of prohibition but were also involved in gambling and other illegal activities

• Gangs were heavily involved with political, social, and economical issues of the time

Al Capone-Al Capone is one of Chicago’s most notorious gangsters

-Born January 17, 1899 in Brooklyn New York

-Even as a kid he was a part of two gangsBrooklyn RippersForty Thieves

-He became a part of the Five Points gang in Manhattan

-Moved to Chicago in 1920

-Earned $60 million a year from alcohol sales

-Other criminal activity provided $45 million a year