Page 1: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

The RCARC Beacon“Uniting The World Through Amateur Radio”

Repeaters sponsored by RCARC on Roosevelt Mtn.KE4RX/r 147.015 + (pl 110.9) Roane County ARCKE4RX/r 443.975+ (pl 110.9) Roane County ARCKE4RX/r 441.8125 + DSTAR Roane County ARC KE4RX-1 144.390 APRS Digipeater Roane County ARCK4APY/r 147.120 + (pl 82.5) K4APY RepeaterVolume 60● Issue 2February 1st 2020A Newsletter from The Roane County Amateur Radio Club

Visit Our website at RCARC Meeting : February 13th at 7:00pm . In the Rockwood Community Center

News From The TreasurerHello Everyone!!

I hope everyone is doing well. The next RCARC meeting will be on Febuary 13th at 7:00pm in The Rockwood Community Center 710 North Chamberlain Ave. Rockwood, TN. 37854. This meeting Lee KM4AKE has scheduled a good presentation for the group. Dave Karasko, a TVA Engineer with line interference for this area ! He will be talking about how they search, find, and prepare to reduce or fix that problem. Along with him will be Heath Lewis of HUB. Try to make it to this one if you can. It should be good.

Also in March 12th at 7:00 PM we will have our annual SKYWARN training with NWS MRX Morristown. Plan to stay about 2 hours. Training starts at 7 and

bring a folding chair if you can. Sometimes seats are scarce at the Rockwood Community Center.

On February 2020 The Whitestone Run will be held on a Sunday. 2/23/20 I beleive If you can help, please contact Cliff KD4GT .

It's that time of year too that we renew memberships for the Roane County Amateur Radio Club. Memberships run January 1, through December 31. First year memberships are pro-rated. Full Member is $20. Family Membership is $30 (Includes all family members living at one household), Associate Member (non ham) $10 . Membership is what sustains our club so we hope you will support our club this year by joining or renewing membership in RCARC.

The Dalton Hamfest is coming up on February 22, 2020 in Dalton GA at the fair grounds. This is a good hamfest normally and it's always a good one to bust up the Winter blues and get come connectors or othergear. It also normally draws a good selection of vendors so come on down and check it out. For more information got to .

Finally the Roane County VE Team will have a test session by appointment on Saturday February 8th, at 9:00 AM in the Trenton Street Baptist Church in Harriman. If you need to take a HAM test contact Keith Dalton WV4G wv4g.keith(at)gmail(dot)com to schedule an exam.See y'all on 2/13/2020 at 710 N. Chamberlain Ave, Rockwood TN in the Rockwood Community Center at 7:00PM, Talk In will be on the 147.015+ (PL 110.9) repeater. C-ya!! Jim White K4APY

Page 2: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

Roane County VE Team offers Ham Radio ExamsThe Roane County VE Team offers ham Radio Exams on every even numbered month at the Trenton Street Baptist Church in Harriman at 9 am. If you are interested in scheduling a HAM radio exam, get in touch with Keith Dalton WV4G to make arrangements.Send E-mail to:Keith Dalton:wv4g.keith(at)gmail(dot)comWhat they need is your name, the date you want to take an exam and your phone number for them to be able to contact you.The next exam is on February 8th by appointment. Good Luck!!.

Meet the Roane County VE Team!!

(Left to Right)David Rogers AC4DR, Mike Winters AG4OT, Jim Dalton K4FPG, Buddy Miles K4CPF (certifiedpipe fitter!!) and the VE Team Leader Keith Dalton WV4G.

They are always ready to answer any ARRL Testing related questions and to schedule an exam. Exams areoffered on the second Saturday of every even numbered month at 9:00 am By Appointment at the Trenton

Street Baptist Church in Harriman, TN. E-mail Keith for more information or to schedule your exam.Wv4g.keith(at)gmail(dot)com

Congratulations Cody Anderson K4ZXT!Congratulations to Cody Anderson K4ZXT who was selected and offered the job to be the new

Roane County E-911 Director. We know Cody will excell at this and do a wonderful job for Roane County.Good Luck Cody with the new career !

Jewelry Television in Knoxville, TN has been providing RCARC with Generous donations of retired equipment that has been a welcome financial benefit to our club. Thank You Jewelry Television!!


Page 3: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

Cliffs's CornerIs it time to upgrade your antenna analyzer?

I have an older MFJ MFJ-269 antenna analyzer. I think it was over $300 when I bought it almost 20 years ago. It worked well covering 160m through 70cm bands and would show R+/-j on the LCD screen as well as SWR and impedance on a pair of meters. To plot the range of an antenna, you needed to make measurements at multiple frequencies and manually graph that on a piece of paper. Usually, we just look at the 2.0:1 SWR points on either side of the lowest SWR frequency.Yes, there's actually more to knowing that antenna than just the SWR. While we would all dearly love to have our antenna be 50Ω of pure resistance, the only thing I have which comes close to that is a dummy load. Our antennas are best thought of in terms or R+/-j where R is the impedance and j is thereactance; capacitive or inductive, and all of that changes with frequency.A Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is much like a multimeter that measures resistance. But where a multimeter measures a resistor at DC (0 Hz), a VNA measures resistance of an RF circuit at their operating frequency, measuring both the resistance and the phase (they make up a Vector) of the circuit.At home, I am fortunate to have an old HP 8753C network analyzer. It's large – sized for a 19” rack, and heavy. And it needs the 85044A test fixture to do many functions. Recording the display can only be done via the HPIB interface to a paper plotter. I'm fortunate to have that piece of test gear and the plotters, but it isn't something to take to Field Day or even the repeater site. Plus I'm getting too old to lug that heavy beast around.My old club in Atlanta, NFARL, had a presentation at their January meeting by Lee Johnson, N4WYE, about the “NanoVNA”. The original NanoVNA was a 300MHz kit design by “edy555”, a Japanese ham,in 2016. It was based on a German kit, VNWA3 by Tom Baier, DG8SAQ. The device was then productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone manufacturing of the unit took off in China 2019. The latest iteration extends the upper frequency to 1.5GHz – enough to cover the 23cm band. And it will fit in a shirt pocket!A current VNA from Agilent, Tektronix, or Rohde & Schwarz will set you back somewhere around $50K. Low end commercial units will run in the $2K ~ $5K range. The NanoVNA can be had for less than $100. I ordered the “H4” from for under $80. Basic versions are under $40.Two hardware versions are being sold: The NanoVNA (-H) and the NanoVNA-F.• Frequency Range: 50kHz to 900MHz (The NanoVNA-H4 extends this to 1.5GHz)• RF output: -13dbm (-9dbm maximum), or ~0.1 mW• Dynamic Range: 70dB (50kHz - 300MHz), 60dB (300MHz - 600MHz), 50dB (600MHz - 900MHz)• Display: 2.8 inch TFT (320x240)• USB Interface: USB Type C (power + data)• Power: USB 5V 120mA, internal LiPo battery 400 mAh (Some have a 1900maH battery)• Scanning Points: 101 (fixed)• Display: 4 traces, 4 markers + 5 memories for calibration• Frequency deviation: <0.5 ppm (e.g., 50 Hz error at 100 MHz.)The YouTube of the NFARL presentation about the NanoVNA is available at: I highly recommend you get the PowerPoint presentation:,%202020%20v3.pdf Note that the PowerPoint has many links to forums and optional applications on PC or SmartPhone to enhance to usefulness of this unit.Main Website: Now to wait a month for my NanoVNA-H4 unit to get here from China!


Page 4: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

ROANE COUNTY VE INFORMATIONThe Roane County Amateur Radio ARRL Volunteer Examiner (VE) Testing Team provides the followinginformation. First time test candidates need to bring to the test session:1) a photo ID,(2) Social Security Number, and(3) $15.00 test fee.Please bring correct change. Test fees are subject to change as directed by the ARRL. If you are planning to upgrade to a higher class license, or modify your license in any way, bring:(1) a copy of your current license which we are required to send in with the paperwork,(2) a photo ID,(3) your FRN* or Social Security Number, and(4) $15.00 test fee.If you have just passed an Amateur test for the first time, you can normally find your new call sign posted on the ARRL data base at or the FCC data base at by Friday of the week after your test. Once you seeyour call sign posted, you can legally get on the air on any frequencies assigned to your class of license.The Roane County Amateur Radio Club meets on the second Thursday of each month in the Conference Room in the Roane County Rescue Squad Building on Hwy 58 South at 7:00 PM. We encourage you to join the Club and participate in its activities. Additional Information about the Roane County Amateur Radio Club can be foundat: Roane County Amateur Radio Club has a Net each Monday night, except on major national holidays, at 8:00on the Club’s KE4RX repeater. The repeater frequency is 147.015+ with a tone of 110.9. The backup repeater for KE4RX is K4APY 147.120+ with a tone of 82.5.

The Roane County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Net is called each Tuesday evening at 8:00 on KE4RX 147.015+ repeater with a tone of 110.9, except on the third Tuesday of the month when the monthly meeting is held at 7:00 in the Roane County EOC at Kingston.

Amateur radio tests are given on the second Saturday of even months, i.e. Feb, Apr, Jun, etc. by appointment only. A VE testing team member must be contacted prior to the scheduled Saturday or the team will not be at the test location. Applicants should have studied from the current license study guide for the license class they will be tested.Roane County VE team members are:Keith Dalton, (Team Leader) WV4G: wv4g(at)arrl(dot)net or wv4g.keith(at)gmail(dot)com Buddy Miles, K4CPF: jbuddymiles(at)msn(dot)com Phone: 865-376-7842David Rogers, AC4DR: Phone: 865-435-0159Mike Winters, AG4OT: preachermike77(at)yahoo(dot)com Phone: 865-382-1054 Jim Dalton, K4FPG: k4fpg(at)arrl(dot)net or jsdaltonk4fpg(at)att(dot)net Phone: 865-882-2639 Jim White, K4APY: k4apy(at)yahoo(dot)com 865-603-7212Tests are given in the Fellowship Hall at Trenton Street Baptist Church in Harriman at 519 Trenton Street. Coming through downtown Harriman on US 27 (Roane St.) turn East at traffic light # 7, go one block on Queen St., turn left on to Trenton Street, then immediately left into the church parking lot. Signs will direct you to the Fellowship Hall.*First time license applicants are allowed to use their Social Security (SS) number on Form 605, however after that, if an applicant needs to modify their license in any way, they must use an FCC Registration Number (FRN). The FRN uniquely identifies an applicant in all future transactions with the FCC, and avoids the need to continually provide a SS number on application forms. You can obtain your individual FRN from the FCC by going to the following FCC website:

Learn About RCARC At


Page 5: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

RCARC Net News!The Roane County Amateur Radio Club net is back on 147.015 PL 110.9 each Monday evening at 8:00 pm except on major holidays (Those where US Mail is not delivered). Join us every Monday evening for a great informal 2 meter net!!

Net Controller Schedule:First Monday night : Lee Grace KM4AKESecond Monday Night: Cliff Segar KD4GT Third Monday Night: Don Coffman KJ4VWEFourth Monday Night: Jim White K4APYFifth Monday Night and Alternate: Jim Dalton K4FPG

Anyone interested in calling a net or being an alternate net controller, please let Jim White K4APY know and we will put you in the roster. [email protected]

The Roane County ARES Net is every Tuesday on 147.015 +pl 110.9 at 8:00 pm except the third Tuesday which is the monthly meeting at The Roane County EOC , 230 N. 3 rd Street in Kingston, TN. Roane County ARES welcomes anyone interested in emergency communications and training. Contact Bill Farnham KI4FZT for more information on ARES/DEC bfarnham(at)utk(dot)edu COML (Type III All Hazard Comm Unit Leader)Division of Emergency Communication Roane County Office of Emergency Services & Homeland Security

Important Dates To Remember!RCARC Monthly Meeting will be on February 13th, 2020 at 7:00 pm Douglas Wilson Rockwood Community Center, 710 North Chamberlain Ave, Rockwood, TN.Talk In 147.015+ pl tone 110.9 Plan to come and bring some friends!

NWS SKYWARN refresher 2020!March 12 @ 7:00 PM in the Rockwood Community Center,710 N. Chamberlain Ave, Rockwood, TN.

RCARC KE4RX Roane County N4OESMonday Night Net 147.015+ PL 110.9 ARES/DEC Net 147.015 + PL 110.9

Both Nets Held @ 20:00 hours

2/3/20 NCS KM4AKE 2/4/20 East TN ARES / Emcomm Net2/10/20 NCS KD4GT 2/11/20 East TN ARES / Emcomm Net2/17/20 NCS KJ4VWE (Presidents Day) 2/18/20 RC ARES / DEC Meeting @ EOC2/24/20 NCS K4APY 2/25/20 East TN ARES / Emcomm Net3/2/20 NCS KM4AKE 3/3/20 East TN ARES / Emcomm Net3/9/20 NCS KD4GT 3/10/20 East TN ARES / Emcomm Net3/16/20 NCS KJ4VWE 3/17/20 RC ARES / DEC Meeting @ EOC3/23/20 NCS K4APY 3/24/20 East TN ARES / Emcomm Net3/30/20 NCS K4FPG 3/31/20 East TN ARES / Emcomm Net

Page 6: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

WWW.KE4RX.orgHamfests within About 100 miles

2/22/2020 Dalton Hamfest, Dalton GA. 3/28/2020 Sevier County Hamfest, Sevierville, TN. 6/20/2020 Knoxville Hamfest and Electonics Convention, Knoxville, TN.

Join RCARC Today!! Learn How on

RCARC Meeting Location!Directions to the meeting location: From US 27 North turn left on Stratton St. (at IGA) then 1 block turn right on Front Ave. Turn left on Bates St. then right on N. Chamberlain Ave. Look forcommunity Center. From US 27 South, turn right on W. Tedder St. then left on N. ChamberlainAve. Arrive at Community Center. US 70 , bear to the right on US 27, then left on W. Tedder. Follow previous directions off Tedder. I would have had everyone come to W. Dunn St., but lasttime I was there, it was blocked off at the train tracks. Talk In on 147.015+ (pl tone 110.9) I hope to see everyone there!!

Page 7: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

RCARC Officers for 2020

President : Lee Grace KM4AKE Vice President : Cody Anderson K4ZXT lgracetn56(at)gmail(dot)com ceanderson3(at)gmail(dot)com

Secretary : Becca Byers K4BEC Treasurer : Jim White K4APY rmbyers16(at)gmail(dot)com k4apy(at)yahoo(dot)com


Page 8: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

RCARC Photos Morristown Hamfest January 4, 2020

Phil KE4LSH and his buddy, with Lee KM4AKE

Sterling N4VAV Saluting our Nations Flag Customers shopping our table!

Page 9: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

Sterling N4VAV manning the table.

Phil KE4LSH and his buddy, looking over the table with Lee KM4AKE.

Page 10: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

And many Thanks to Eric Barger KG4RJR of Barger and Sons for their help anddonations on our tower project!

Join Us On Facebook!!Search for The Roane County Amateur Radio Club Group

Do you use Facebook? If so RCARC has a facebook group. It's a great way to stay in touch with whats going on at RCARC and share ideas for the club and events. Check it out. Just search for The Roane County Amateur Radio Club and it should be there! If you need a link, just drop me an e-mail and I'll send you one. Hope to see you in the group!!JimK4APY k4apy(at)yahoo(dot)com

Check Us Out On The Web! WWW.KE4RX.ORG

Page 11: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone

>>>>RCARC Classifieds<<<<Yeasu FT-840 HF Radio - Contact Ed Smith K5QPO edosumisu(at)yahoo(dot)com for more information and pricing.

Icom IC-28H 2 meter transciever. It is in working condition. Display backlight is out but still readable. $50 Contact Jim K4APY k4apy(at)yahoo(dot)com

Comet H422dipole Used 1 year. After move will just use wires.. Been sitting in back.. rotatable, 40_20-15-10m.. used on 17 also. Elements 24'6" horizontal or v. Worked very well for me up only 30'. $150.00. 779-770-3148 text please or email me n9imhqsl(at)gmail(dot)com . N9IMH good on qrz.

1 TB Computer Hard Drives RCARC has a large number of 1TB hard drives suitable for a desktop, RAID Array, or even put in a portable Hard drive case to make a portable external drive. These drives have been wiped and tested to be good by Sterling N4VAV . 1TB drives are $20 each. 750GB drives are $10 each. Contact Cliff KD4GT or Jim K4APY k4apy(at)

HP 4250 Laserjet Printer We have 1 of these left. It has been tested and in working order but does not have a toner cartridge. $25. Contact Jim K4APY k4apy(at)

The RCARC Beacon is published by: The Roane County Amateur Radio Club


Kingston, TN. 37763Editor: Jim White k4apy (at)yahoo.(dot)com

Page 12: The RCARC Beacon...productized & marketed by “hugen79”, a Chinese ham, in 2019. Its frequency range was extended to 900 MHz, and still totally open-source HW & FW at GitHub. Clone