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The principle of Procedural Autonomy of EU Member States

and the impact of EU law on National Judicial


Prof. Diana-Urania Galetta – Full Professor-University of Milan

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• I. The Regulatory Framework of reference

• II. Procedural autonomy and principles ofequivalence and effectiveness

• III. Procedural autonomy and effectivejudicial protection

• IV. Procedural autonomy and preliminaryreference procedure


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Article 5 TEU: The Principle of conferral

• 1. The limits of Union competences aregoverned by the principle of conferral. The useof Union competences is governed by theprinciples of subsidiarity and proportionality.

• 2. Under the principle of conferral, the Unionshall act only within the limits of thecompetences conferred upon it by theMember States in the Treaties to attain theobjectives set out therein. Competences notconferred upon the Union in the Treatiesremain with the Member States.

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Article 291 TFEU: Principle of indirect administration

1. Member States shall adopt all measures ofnational law necessary to implementlegally binding Union acts.

Consequences:A. Member States competence to implement

EU law. B. In a field of EU legislative competence,

implementation falls under the MemberStates sphere of action.

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A) Absence at present of a specificcompetence (no specific legalbases in the EU Treaties) for theadoption of EU legislative acts onprocedural matters

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B) No possibility to use the general legalbases concerning the approximation of suchlaws, regulations or administrativeprovisions of the Member States affectingthe establishment or functioning of theinternal: so neither Art. 115 TFEU nor Art.114 TFEU can be used for this purpose,except in very exceptional cases

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AN EXCEPTIONAL CASE:DIRECTIVE 2007/66/EC of 11 December 2007

amending Council Directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC with regard to improving the

effectiveness of review procedures concerning the award of public contracts

THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THEEUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing theEuropean Community, and in particular Article 95thereof (ex Art. 95, TEC, now Art. 114, TFEU)• Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,• Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social

Committee• Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions• Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the


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Recital nr. 34 of Directive 2007/66/EC

(34) Since, for the reasons stated above, the objectiveof this Directive, namely improving the effectivenessof review procedures concerning the award ofcontracts falling within the scope of Directives2004/18/EC and 2004/17/EC, cannot be sufficientlyachieved by the Member States and can therefore bebetter achieved at Community level, the Communitymay adopt measures, in accordance with the principleof subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. Inaccordance with the principle of proportionality, asset out in that Article, this Directive does not gobeyond what is necessary in order to achieve thatobjective, while respecting the principle of theprocedural autonomy of the Member States.

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Consequence: the so called “principle of proceduralautonomy of the Member States”

Landmark Case 33-76, Rewe-Zentralfinanz eG and Rewe-Zentral AG v Landwirtschaftskammer für das Saarland, 16December 1976“ the absence of community rules on this subject, itis for the domestic legal system of each Member Stateto designate the courts having jurisdiction and todetermine the procedural conditions governing actionsat law intended to ensure the protection of the rightswhich citizens have from the direct effect of communitylaw.”

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Consequence: the so called “principle ofprocedural autonomy of the Member States”

Case C-3/16, Aquino, 15 March 2017

“48 It should be recalled here that, according tosettled case-law of the Court, in the absence of EUrules on the matter, it is for the national legal orderof each Member State to establish procedural rulesfor actions intended to safeguard the rights ofindividuals, in accordance with the principle ofprocedural autonomy…”.

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Consequence: the so called “principle of proceduralautonomy of the Member States”

Case C-425/16, Raimund, 19 October 2017 “ In that context, it must be borne in mind that, in accordancewith the Court’s settled case-law, in the absence of EU rulesgoverning the matter, it is for the domestic legal system ofeach Member State, in accordance with the principle ofprocedural autonomy, to designate the courts and tribunalshaving jurisdiction and to lay down the detailed proceduralrules governing actions for safeguarding rights whichindividuals derive from EU law, the Member States havingnone the less responsibility for ensuring that those rightsare effectively protected in each case”

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 1) THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENCE

The equivalence criterion is based on theidea -put forward already in the Rewedecision- that procedures for actions aimedat guaranteeing the protection of rights ofindividuals provided for by EU norms cannotbe less favourable than those used forsimilar actions in the domestic proceduralsystem.

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 1) THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENCE

Case C-326/96, Levez, 1 December 1998

“The principle of equivalence requires that the rule atissue be applied without distinction, whether theinfringement alleged is of Community law or nationallaw, where the purpose and cause of action are similar.”

“In order to determine whether the principle ofequivalence has been complied with … the nationalcourt -which alone has direct knowledge of theprocedural rules governing actions in the field … mustconsider both the purpose and the essentialcharacteristics of allegedly similar domestic actions”

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 1) THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENCE

WARNING!!!The equivalence principle cannot beinterpreted as an obligation for theMember States to extend their mostfavourable national regime on (judicial)procedure to all actions based on EU law,(See Case C-326/96, Levez, 1 December 1998, par.42)

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 1) THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENCE

Case C-161/15, Abdelhafid Bensada Benallalicy, 17March 2016“In accordance with the applicable national law, a pleaalleging infringement of national law raised for the firsttime before the national court hearing an appeal on apoint of law is admissible only if that plea is based onpublic policy”“It is for the competent national court to examinewhether the condition connected to the principle ofequivalence is satisfied in the case before it. With morespecific regard to the case in the main proceedings, it isfor the national court to determine whether the right tobe heard, as guaranteed by national law, satisfies theconditions required by national law for it to beclassified as a matter of public policy“

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 1) THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENCE

WARNING!!!Even in this case, where the principle ofequivalence is about the conditions requiredby national law for a plea to be classified as amatter of public policy, it is for the nationalcourt to decide if it is so.

It does not matter if the plea can/could bequalified as such (as a matter of public policy)according to EU law!!! (see par. 33 ss. case C-161/15, Abdelhafid Bensada Benallalicy)

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Further examples

ECJ, Dragoș Constantin Târșia, C-69/14,6.10.2015“35. It follows that the principle of equivalencedoes not preclude a situation where there is nopossibility for a national court to revise a finaldecision of a court or tribunal made in the courseof civil proceedings when that decision is found tobe incompatible with an interpretation of EU lawupheld by the Court after the date on which thatdecision became final, even though such apossibility does exist as regards final decisions of acourt or tribunal incompatible with EU law made inthe course of administrative proceedings”

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Further examples

ECJ, Câmpean, C-200/14, 30.06.2016,paras 55-56“the principle of equivalence requires thatactions based on an infringement ofnational law and similar actions based on aninfringement of EU law be treated equallyand not that there be equal treatment ofnational procedural rules applicable toproceedings of a different nature orapplicable to proceedings falling within twodifferent branches of law”

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 2) THE PRINCIPLE OF EFFECTIVNESS

• the second Rewe criterion constitutes a real‘obligation of result’ imposed on theMember States

• Effectiveness has to be understood as theability to pursue the goal established by thenorm of EU substantive law

• Effectiveness of EU substantive law has to beguaranteed at all times and by any means

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 2) THE PRINCIPLE OF EFFECTIVNESS

Landmark Case 33-76, Rewe-Zentralfinanz eG and Rewe-Zentral AG v Landwirtschaftskammer für das Saarland, 16December 1976

… in the absence of community rules on this subject, it is for thedomestic legal system of each Member State to designate the courtshaving jurisdiction and to determine the procedural conditionsgoverning actions at law intended to ensure the protection of therights which citizens have from the direct effect of community law,it being understood that such conditions cannot be less favourablethan those relating to similar actions of a domestic nature.

The conditions laid down by the domestic normsshould not make it “impossible in practice toexercise the rights which the national courts areobliged to protect”.

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 2) THE PRINCIPLE OF EFFECTIVNESS

Case 199/82, Amministrazione delle Finanze delloStato v SpA San Giorgio, 9 November 1983

“14. ... any requirement of proof which hasthe effect of making it virtually impossibleor excessively difficult to secure therepayment of charges levied contrary tocommunity law would be incompatible withcommunity law”.

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The limits to MS procedural autonomy: 2) THE PRINCIPLE OF EFFECTIVNESS

Case C-326/96, B.S. Levez v T.H. Jennings (Harlow Pools)Ltd., 1 December 199827 ss. “In the present case, the order for reference statesthat Mrs Levez was late in bringing her claim because of theinaccurate information provided by her employer inDecember 1991 regarding the level of remunerationreceived by men performing like work to her own ... toallow an employer to rely on a national rule such as the ruleat issue would, in the circumstances of the case beforethe national court, would be manifestly incompatiblewith the principle of effectiveness … the application ofthe rule at issue is likely, in the circumstances of thepresent case, to make it virtually impossible orexcessively difficult to obtain arrears of remuneration inrespect of sex discrimination”.

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Case C-3/16, Aquino, 15 March 2017

“It should be recalled here that, according to settledcase-law of the Court, in the absence of EU rules on thematter, it is for the national legal order of eachMember State to establish procedural rules for actionsintended to safeguard the rights of individuals, inaccordance with the principle of procedural autonomy,on condition, however, that those rules are not lessfavourable than those governing similar domesticsituations (principle of equivalence) and that they donot make it excessively difficult or impossible inpractice to exercise the rights conferred by EU law(principle of effectiveness)”

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Joined cases C-397/01 to C-403/01, Pfeiffer, 5October 2004

“The requirement for national law to beinterpreted in conformity with Community lawis inherent in the system of the Treaty, since itpermits the national court, for the matterswithin its jurisdiction, to ensure the fulleffectiveness of Community law when itdetermines the dispute before it”

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• It is the duty to interpret the norm of EU lawin accordance with the objective that itpursues and in order to ensure full effect tothe EU substantive law.

• It is a task that the national judge is not onlyobliged to accomplish but is further expectedto accomplish in good faith, according towhat can be inferred from the provision ofArt. 4, third paragraph, TEU (principle ofsincere cooperation)

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The Principle of sincere cooperation Article 4 (3) TEU

• Pursuant to the principle of sincere cooperation,the Union and the Member States shall, in fullmutual respect, assist each other in carrying outtasks which flow from the Treaties.

• The Member States shall take any appropriatemeasure, general or particular, to ensurefulfilment of the obligations arising out of theTreaties or resulting from the acts of theinstitutions of the Union.

• The Member States shall facilitate the achievementof the Union's tasks and refrain from any measurewhich could jeopardise the attainment of theUnion's objectives.

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What if consistent interpretation is not enough? The Simmenthal case-law

ECJ, 9.3.1978, Simmenthal, Case 35/76

“Any provision of a national legal system andany legislative, administrative or judicialpractice which might impair the effectivenessof Community law by withholding from thenational court having jurisdiction to apply suchlaw the power to do everything necessary atthe moment of its application to set asidenational legal provisions which might preventCommunity rules from having full force andeffect are incompatible with thoserequirements which are the very essence ofCommunity law“.


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ECJ, Factortame, 1990, C-213/89

“21. It must be added that the full effectiveness of Communitylaw would be just as much impaired if a rule of national lawcould prevent a court seised of a dispute governed byCommunity law from granting interim relief in order to ensurethe full effectiveness of the judgment to be given on theexistence of the rights claimed under Community law. Itfollows that a court which in those circumstances wouldgrant interim relief, if it were not for a rule of national law,is obliged to set aside that rule.22. That interpretation is reinforced by the systemestablished by Article 177 of the EEC Treaty whoseeffectiveness would be impaired if a national court, havingstayed proceedings pending the reply by the Court of Justiceto the question referred to it for a preliminary ruling, werenot able to grant interim relief until it delivered itsjudgment following the reply given by the Court of Justice”.

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ECJ, Factortame, 1990, C-213/89

“23 Consequently, the reply to thequestion raised should be thatCommunity law must be interpreted asmeaning that a national court which, ina case before it concerning Communitylaw, considers that the sole obstaclewhich precludes it from grantinginterim relief is a rule of national lawmust set aside that rule”

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C-689/13, Puligienica Facility Esco SpA (PFE), 5.04.2016

“33 Both that discretion and that obligation are aninherent part of the system of cooperation between thenational courts and the Court of Justice established byArticle 267 TFEU and of the functions of the courtresponsible for the application of EU law entrusted bythat provision to the national courts.34 As a consequence, where a national court beforewhich a case is pending considers that a questionconcerning the interpretation or validity of EU law hasarisen in that case, it has the discretion, or is under anobligation, to request a preliminary ruling from theCourt of Justice, and national rules imposed bylegislation or case-law cannot interfere with thatdiscretion or that obligation”.

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C-689/13, Puligienica Facility Esco SpA (PFE), 5.04.2016

“35. In the present case, a provision of national lawcannot prevent a chamber of a court of finalinstance faced with a question concerning theinterpretation of Directive 89/665 from referringthe matter to the Court of Justice for apreliminary ruling”.“39. It should also be noted that the effectivenessof Article 267 TFEU would be impaired if thenational court were prevented from forthwithapplying EU law in accordance with the decisionor the case-law of the Court (see, to that effect,judgment in Simmenthal, 106/77, EU:C:1978:49,paragraph 20)”.

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C-105/14, Ivo Taricco, 8 September 2015

“58 (…) a national rule in relation to limitationperiods for criminal offences such as that laid downby the national provisions at issue (…) is liable tohave an adverse effect on the fulfilment of theMember States’ obligations under Article 325(1) and(2) TFEU if that national rule prevents the impositionof effective and dissuasive penalties in a significantnumber of cases of serious fraud affecting thefinancial interests of the European Union, or providesfor longer limitation periods in respect of cases offraud affecting the financial interests of the MemberState concerned than in respect of those affecting thefinancial interests of the European Union, which it isfor the national court to verify”.


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C-105/14, Ivo Taricco, 8 September 2015

“The national court must give full effect toArticle 325(1) and (2) TFEU, if need be bydisapplying the provisions of national law theeffect of which would be to prevent theMember State concerned from fulfilling itsobligations under Article 325(1) and (2)TFEU”


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Article 19 (1), second subparagraph, TEU

Member States shall provide remediessufficient to ensure effective legalprotection in the fields covered byEuropean Union law


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Article 47 Charter of fundamental rights of the EU

Right to an effective remedy and to a fairtrial

Everyone whose rights and freedomsguaranteed by the law of the Union areviolated has the right to an effectiveremedy before a tribunal in compliancewith the conditions laid down in this Article.


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ECJ, C-93/12, Agrokonsulting, 27.06.2013

“59. So far as concerns, lastly, Article 47 of theCharter, it is apparent from the Court’s case-law thatthat provision constitutes a reaffirmation of theprinciple of effective judicial protection, a generalprinciple of European Union law stemming from theconstitutional traditions common to the MemberStates, which has been enshrined in Articles 6 and 13 ofthe European Convention for the Protection of HumanRights and Fundamental Freedoms, signed at Rome on 4November 1950 (see to that effect, inter alia, Case222/84 Johnston [1986] ECR 1651, paragraph 18; Case C-432/05 Unibet [2007] ECR I-2271, paragraph 37; and CaseC-334/12 RX-II Arango Jaramillo and Others v EIB [2013]ECR, paragraph 40)“.

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ECJ, C-93/12, Agrokonsulting, 27.06.2013“61. Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of theEuropean Union, does not preclude a national rule ofjurisdiction such as that in Article 133(1) of the Code ofAdministrative Procedure (Administrativnoprotsesualen kodeks),which results in conferring on a single court all disputes relatingto decisions of a national authority responsible for the paymentof agricultural support under the European Union commonagricultural policy, provided that actions intended to ensurethe safeguarding of the rights which individuals derive fromEuropean Union law are not conducted in less advantageousconditions than those provided for in respect of actions intendedto protect the rights derived from any aid schemes for farmersestablished under national law, and that jurisdiction rule doesnot cause individuals procedural problems in terms, inter alia, ofthe duration of the proceedings, such as to render the exerciseof the rights derived from European Union law excessivelydifficult, which it is for the referring court to ascertain”

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Case C-456/13 P T & L Sugars Ltd, 28 April 2015

“45 However, judicial review of compliance withthe European Union legal order is ensured, as can beseen from Article 19(1) TEU, not only by the Courtof Justice but also by the courts and tribunals ofthe Member States. The FEU Treaty has, byArticles 263 TFEU and 277 TFEU, on the one hand,and Article 267 TFEU, on the other, established acomplete system of legal remedies and proceduresdesigned to ensure judicial review of the legalityof acts of the institutions, and has entrusted suchreview to the European Union judicature” (judgmentsin Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others v Parliament and Council,C-583/11 P, EU:C:2013:625, paragraphs 90 and 92, and Telefónica vCommission, C-274/12 P, EU:C:2013:852, paragraph 57)


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National judges as decentralized EU judges

Opinion 1/09, Creation of a unified patentlitigation system, 8.03.2011, para 69

“The national courts and tribunals, incollaboration with the Court of Justice,fulfil a duty entrusted to them both ofensuring that in the interpretation andapplication of the Treaties the law isobserved”


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C-583/11 P, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, 3.10.2013

“99 As regards the role of the national courts andtribunals, referred to in paragraph 90 of this judgment, itmust be recalled that the national courts and tribunals,in collaboration with the Court of Justice, fulfil a dutyentrusted to them both of ensuring that in theinterpretation and application of the Treaties the law isobserved (Opinion of the Court 1/09, paragraph 69).100 It is therefore for the Member States to establish asystem of legal remedies and procedures which ensurerespect for the fundamental right to effective judicialprotection (Unión de Pequeños Agricultores v Council,paragraph 41, and Commission v Jégo-Quéré, paragraph31).101 That obligation on the Member States wasreaffirmed by the second subparagraph of Article 19(1)TEU, which states that Member States ‘shall provideremedies sufficient to ensure effective judicial protectionin the fields covered by European Union law”.

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C-583/11 P, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, 3.10.2013

“102 In that regard, in the absence ofEuropean Union rules governing the matter, itis for the domestic legal system of eachMember State to designate, with dueobservance of the requirements stemming fromparagraphs 100 and 101 of this judgment andthe principles of effectiveness and equivalence,the courts and tribunals with jurisdiction and tolay down the detailed procedural rulesgoverning actions brought to safeguard rightswhich individuals derive from European Unionlaw” (see, to that effect, inter alia, Case C-268/06 Impact [2008]ECR I-2483, paragraph 44 and the case-law cited; Case C-118/08Transportes Urbanos y Servicios Generales [2010] ECR I-635,paragraph 31; and Joined Cases C-317/08 to C-320/08 Alassini andOthers [2010] ECR I-2213, paragraphs 47 and 61).

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C-583/11 P, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, 3.10.2013

“103 As regards the remedies which Member States mustprovide, while the FEU Treaty has made it possible in anumber of instances for natural and legal persons to bring adirect action, where appropriate, before the Courts of theEuropean Union, neither the FEU Treaty nor Article 19 TEUintended to create new remedies before the nationalcourts to ensure the observance of European Union lawother than those already laid down by national law (CaseC-432/05 Unibet [2007] ECR I-2271, paragraph 40).104 The position would be otherwise only if the structureof the domestic legal system concerned were such that therewas no remedy making it possible, even indirectly, toensure respect for the rights which individuals derive fromEuropean Union law, or again if the sole means of access toa court was available to parties who were compelled to actunlawfully (see, to that effect, Unibet, paragraphs 41 and 64and the case-law cited)”.

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CJEU, 28 April 2015, T & L Sugars Ltd, C-456/13 P

“49 As regards persons who do not fulfil the requirements ofthe fourth paragraph of Article 263 TFEU for bringing an actionbefore the Courts of the European Union, it is for the MemberStates to establish a system of legal remedies andprocedures which ensure respect for the fundamental right toeffective judicial protection (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami andOthers v Parliament and Council, C-583/11 P, EU:C:2013:625,paragraph 100 and the case-law cited).50 That obligation on the Member States was reaffirmedby the second subparagraph of Article 19(1) TEU, whichstates that Member States ‘shall provide remedies sufficient toensure effective judicial protection in the fields covered by EUlaw’ (see judgment in Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others vParliament and Council, C-583/11 P, EU:C:2013:625,paragraph 101). That obligation also follows from Article 47of the Charter as regards measures taken by the Member Statesto implement Union law within the meaning of Article 51(1) ofthe Charter”


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Opinion 2/13, Accession to the ECHR, 18.12.2013

“176. In particular, the judicial system as thusconceived has as its keystone the preliminary rulingprocedure provided for in Article 267 TFEU, which, bysetting up a dialogue between one court and another,specifically between the Court of Justice and the courtsand tribunals of the Member States, has the object ofsecuring uniform interpretation of EU law (see, tothat effect, judgment in van Gend & Loos, EU:C:1963:1,p. 12), thereby serving to ensure its consistency, itsfull effect and its autonomy as well as, ultimately, theparticular nature of the law established by the Treaties(see, to that effect, Opinion 1/09, EU:C:2011:123,paragraphs 67 and 83)”.


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1) Procedural autonomy disappears when the EU adoptslegislative acts on the subject of procedure, thusadvoking to itself the competence on proceduralmatters (no specific legal basis, though!).

2) Procedural autonomy of the Member States is subjectto continuous interventions by the ECJ that, with itsjurisprudence, has progressively outlined the limitsof what has therefore been identified (Galetta,2009) as a “functionalized procedural competence’of the Member States”.

3) This competence is constrained by the limits thatemerge from the two Rewe criteria of equaltreatment and effectiveness, re-read in the light ofthe duty of consistent interpretation.


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“The unsafe Haven of national procedural autonomy: conclusions”

What if a national court cannot meet therequirements of effectiveness of EU substantive law,not even by ‘functionalizing’ the national procedurallaw by means of its consistent interpretation?

Duty for the national judge to “disapply”’ suchnational ‘procedural’ norms

Duty for the national legislator to remove from itslegal order every legal provision that is incompatiblewith EU (substantive) law: even this provisionconcerns procedure/process


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• Diana-Urania Galetta, L’autonomia procedurale degli Stati membridell’Unione Europea : Paradise Lost? Studio sulla c.d. autonomiaprocedurale: ovvero sulla competenza procedurale funzionalizzata,Giappichelli, Torino, 2009, pp. XIV-172 (con prefazione di JürgenSchwarze)

• Diana-Urania Galetta, Riflessioni sulla più recente giurisprudenzacomunitaria in materia di giudicato nazionale (ovverosull’autonomia procedurale come competenza proceduralefunzionalizzata), in Il Diritto dell’Unione europea, 2009/4, pp. 961-984

• Diana-Urania Galetta, Procedural Autonomy of EU Member States:Paradise Lost? A Study on the “Functionalized ProceduralCompetence” of EU Member States, Springer, Heidelberg-Dordrecht-London-New York, 2010, pp. XVI-145 (with a foreword by Prof.Jürgen Schwarze) ISBN 978-3-642-12547-8(e book) - ISBN 978-3-642-12546-1 (print book)

• Diana-Urania Galetta, Autonomia procedurale e dialogo costruttivofra giudici alla luce della sentenza Melki, in Il Diritto dell’Unioneeuropea, 2011/1, pp. 221-242


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• Diana-Urania Galetta, La giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia inmateria di autonomia procedurale degli Stati membri dell’Unioneeuropea (Report annuale – 2011) – The Jurisprudence of the EuropeanCourt of Justice on the Procedural Autonomy of EU Member States(Annual Report – 2011), in IUS Publicum Network Review (;, pp. 1-37

• Diana-Urania Galetta, Die "Nebeneffekte" unionsrechtlicher Vorschriftenin Bereichen, in denen keine normative Kompetenz der EU besteht. Eineder aktuellsten Fragen zum Verhältnis von nationalem Recht undEuroparecht, in J. Schwarze (a cura di), Das Verhältnis von nationalemRecht und Europarecht im Wandel der Zeit, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2012, pp. 179-188

• Diana-Urania Galetta, Begriff und Grenzen der Verfahrensautonomie derMitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union, in J. Schwarze (a cura di), DerRechtsschutz vor dem Gerichtshof der EU nach dem Vertrag vonLissabon - Europarecht - Beiheft 1/2012, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden,2012, pp. 37-47


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References• Diana-Urania Galetta, Rinvio pregiudiziale alla Corte di giustizia UE

ed obbligo di interpretazione conforme del diritto nazionale: unarilettura nell’ottica del rapporto di cooperazione (leale) fragiudici, , in P.L. Portaluri (a cura di), L’Europa del diritto: i giudicie gli ordinamenti. Atti del Convegno di Lecce del 27-28 aprile 2012,Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2013, pp. 121-139 e in inRivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario, 2012/2, pp. 431-444

• Diana-Urania Galetta, Niente di nuovo sul rinvio pregiudiziale: laCorte di giustizia ribadisce la sua consolidata giurisprudenza inmateria e respinge il quesito ipotetico del Consiglio di Stato intema di responsabilità, in Rivista italiana di diritto pubblicocomunitario, 2013/3-4, pp. 824-834

• Diana-Urania Galetta, European Court of Justice and preliminaryreference procedure today: national judges, please behave!, in U.Becker, A. Hatje, M. Potacs, N. Wunderlich (a cura di), Verfassungund Verwaltung in Europa. Festschrift für Jürgen Schwarze zum 70.Geburtstag, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2014, pp. 674-691 (anchein

