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Page 1: The plan of salvation

God’s Plan of Salvation

Page 2: The plan of salvation

Adam and Eve in the

Garden of Eden

One Holy


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Oops, not so holy now; they eat from the wrong tree and are banished from the garden.Watch out for those snakes.

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They have three sons, Cain, Abel and Seth.

Cain kills Abel.

He is marked forever.

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Along comes Noah, a godly man who builds an ark at the LORD’s request.

Two by Two, Forty days of rain

Finally a bow in the sky

Never again will I flood the earth says the LORD.

Noah and his family are One Holy Family

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Abraham and Sarah have a son in their old, as in over 90 years old, age. God asks Abraham to seal the covenant by sacrificing Isaac. Abraham says yes, but wait, an angel of the LORD says, NO, go get that ram instead. Abraham is rewarded for his faithfulness and is the father of a great nation.Now we are part of One Holy


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Isaac has a son named Jacob who wrestles with God.

He survives but walks with a limp.

Jacob has 12 sons with 4 wives. He loves Joseph the most so his brothers sell him into slavery.

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Joseph winds up in Egypt, has a few problems but eventually winds up at the top.His brothers come to Egypt for food.Joseph strings them along for a bit but then tells them who he is and helps them. The whole tribe moves to Egypt.

It’s all good until they start to out-number the Egyptians.

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God calls Moses from a burning bush and commands him to set the Israelites free from slavery

It takes some time, but finally Pharaoh agrees and off they go, through the Red Sea. They set up camp and Moses goes up the mountain.

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When he comes down from the mountain, he has a gift from God for the people. Yep, that’s right the 10 Commandments. Not suggestions or some possible good ideas, but commandments.

Alas, they have some trouble and so for 40 years they wander in the desert.

The good news is, they become One Holy Nation after all the trials and tribulations.

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Like any nation, they have their troubles.They decide they want a King.God agrees.He sends in David, a shepherd boy who slays Goliath.

And is made King. So for a time it’s all good,

They become One Holy Kingdom

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But then Bathsheba caches David's eye. So while her husband is away fighting in the King’s army, he calls Bathsheba to him and decides she must be his so he kills the husband.

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After hundreds of years of turning away from God and the Prophets calling the people back to him

God decides to send in the main man.

That would be his Son, Jesus

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The Angel Gabriel comes to Mary and tells her she is to give birth to the Messiah. Mary says yes even though she isn’t married just yet

She has Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem, which means House of Bread

Herod is not happy about Jesus ands wants to kill him so the family flees to Egypt

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The family moves back to Nazareth after Herod dies. When Jesus is 13 they take a road trip to Jerusalem and somehow Jesus stays there, teaching in the Temple. Mom and Dad, aka Mary and Joseph are not pleased.

Things are quiet until Jesus turns 30; He gets baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, gets tempted in the desert, and choses his 12 apostles.

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Jesus walks on water and calls Peter out of the boat to follow him. Peter can walk on water as long as he KEEPS HIS EYES ON JESUS!

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Jesus tells all that he is the Bread of Life and to eat his body and drink his blood. Many walk away, it is incomprehensible.

Jesus preaches the Beatitudes; some begin to plot against him.

Jesus turns water into wine; people start to notice him.

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Jesus heals: the deaf hear, the blind see, the mute speak, the lame walk, sinners come to know God

He raises his friend Lazarus from the dead after he is in the tomb for three days

Who is this man? He needs to go….

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Jesus transfigured on the mountain top, Peter, James and John are overcome…he must be the Messiah

My father’s house has become a marketplace… sometimes What Would Jesus Do means make a whip and turn over the tables

He must be killed!

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The Last Supper: service, sacrifice, suffering

Go and do likewise

Take, eat, drink, rememberThis is my bodyThis is my bloodDo this in memory of me

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Father, let this cup pass from me Not my will, but yours be done

Betrayed by Judas with a kiss

Crowned, beaten, scourged, whipped,

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He takes up his crossFor youFor meLed to death

I thirstIt is finishedInto your hands I commend my Spirit

He diesFor youFor meFor our sins

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On the third day he ROSEFor youFor meOpening the gates of Heaven

40 days later he ascends to HeavenGo; Baptize; I will send the Holy Spirit to be with you always

10 days later, Pentecost, Happy Birthday to the Church

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That’s God Plan of Salvation.

What’s your plan?
