Page 1: THE PENTAGON - Kappa Mu Epsilon · THE PENTAGON Volume XIV FALL, 1954 Number 1 CONTENTS Page National Officers 2 Methods of Extracting Square Roots By Judith Cretcher Enos 3 An Introduction


Volume XIV FALL, 1954 Number 1


PageNational Officers 2

Methods of Extracting Square RootsBy Judith Cretcher Enos 3

An Introduction to Cryptanalysis: Two CiphersBy S. H. Sesskin 16

Integral Right Triangles of Equal AreaBy Harvey Viola 27

A Tangential Approach to the Area Under a Curve ofIntegration

By Charles R. Bonnell 30

Mathematical Notes, By Charles H. Pcarsall, Jr. 34

The Area of Hyperbolic Sector, By H. S. M. Coxeter 39

The Problem Corner 40

The Mathematical Scrapbook 45

The Book Shelf 50

Installation of New Chapter 55

Brief History of Kappa Mu Epsilon 56

Active Chapters of Kappa Mu Epsilon 63

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National Officers

Charles B. Tucker PresidentKansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

C. C. Richtmeyer .... Vice-PresidentCentral Michigan College, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

E. Marie Hove SecretaryHofstra College, Hempstead, New York

M. Leslie Madison TreasurerColorado A. & M. College, Fort Collins, Colorado

Laura Z. Greene HistorianWashburn Municipal University, Topeka, Kansas

Henry Van Engen . - - - Past PresidentIowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa

Kappa Mu Epsilon, national honorary mathematics society, wasfounded in 1931. The object of the fraternity is fourfold: to furtherthe interests of mathematics in those schools which place their primaryemphasis on the undergraduate program; to help the undergraduaterealize the important role that mathematics has played in the development of western civilization; to develop an appreciation of the powerand beauty possessed by mathematics, due, mainly, to its demands forlogical and rigorous modes of thought; and to provide a society forthe recognition of outstanding achievements in the study of mathematics in the undergraduate leveL The official journal, THE PENTAGON, is designed to assist in achieving these objectives as well as toaid in establishing fraternal ties between the chapters.

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Methods of Extracting Square RootsJudith Cretcher Enos

Student, Albion College

1. Introduction. The average person knows but one or twoways of extracting square roots. The long division method as described byShort (24)1 is commonly taught in the junior high school,and if a person is lucky he is introduced to the logarithmic methodof extracting square roots in thehigh school. Actually there are manydistinctly different methods for finding square roots, and for eachdifferent method there are variations and generalizations. My purpose in preparing this paper is to compile as many of these methodsof computing arithmetic square roots as I have been able to find.

2. Short's Method. I will begin with the method most commonly taught in the pubhc schools—the method described by Short(24). It will be noticed that this procedure can be used to find theHth root of arithmetical numbers. The extraction of square roots isonly a specific application of a more general procedure. The steps,which I will illustrate in finding the square root of 2, are the following:

1. Beginning at the decimal point, separate the number intoperiods of n figures each.

V2.00/00W2. Find the largest integer whose nth power is not greater than

the leftmost period. This is the first figure of the root1

V2.00W00'3. Raise the figure found in Step 2 to the nth power and sub

tract from the leftmost period.1


4. Bring down the next period.1

V2.0OW00'I1 00

*. Tho numbora in parentheaes refer to the bibliography at tho otid oi this paper.


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5. Add a zero to the figure (or figures) representing the partof the root already found and raise to the (« — l)th power.

10" = 10

6. Multiply this by n and use the product as a trial divisor.M

V 2.00/00/00'1

10 X 2 = 20) 1 00

7. Divide the number found my means of Steps 3 and 4 bythis trial divisor; place the quotient thus found as the nextfigure of the root; also use the quotient as directed in Steps8 and 9.

8. In one of the (« — 1) factors in Step 5, replace the zero bythe new figure of the root and multiply all the factors.

141 = 14

9. Replacing one zero at a time, repeat Step 8 until all thezeros are used up.

10. Add the products in Steps 5, 8, and 9, and multiply then-sum by the figure of the root last found.

(10 + 14) • 4 = 96

11. If this product is smaller than the remainder, subtract andstart anew with operation 5.


120) ~l 00


4 00

12. If this product is larger than the remainder, the last figureof the root must be decreased and operations 7 through 11repeated.

13. This procedure is continued until the desired degree ofaccuracy is obtained.

When a stated number of decimal places is desired, a short cutmay be applied for finding the last few decimal places of a squareroot The rule asgiven by Wentworth (27) may be stated,"One lessthan the number of figures already obtained may be found withouterror by division, the divisor to be employed being twice the part of

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the toot already found." Since in the case above we have found twofigures, we can find a third by dividing 2 X 14 into the numberobtained by annexing a zero to the remainder. Dividing 40 by 28, weobtain 1 as the third significant figure.

3. Arleigh's Method. A somewhat simpler method has beendevised by Arleigh (1). It is very adaptable for younger or less mathematically inclined students because of the ease with which it can beapplied and remembered. However, the disadvantage in this methodlies in the fact that approximations are obtained by guesswork whichmeans that a great deal of trial and error may be necessary.

The theory behind Arleigh's method is easily explained andunderstood. It is based on the fact that

xs — y* = (x — y) (x + y),or x2 = y* + (x—y) (x + y).In using this identity, we let

y = an approximation to the required rootand x = a better approximation.An example will make this method clear. In finding the square rootof 2, we may take 1.5 as our first approximation. Then y = 1.5,and 1.52 = 2.25, so 1.5 is evidently too large. Now letting x = 1.45and y = 1.5, we proceed as follows:

-.05(1.5 + 1.45) =1.45-





+ 1.42) = -.0861



+ 1.41) = -.0283



X. 1.414) == .011296

1.999396 etc.

y = 1.5, x = 1.45

r = 1.45.x = 1.42

y = 1.42,x = 1.41

y = 1.41.x = 1.414

4. Newton's Algorithm. Perhaps a better method than the preceding, requiring less trial and errorand obtaining a greaterdegree ofaccuracy more quickly, is that commonly known as Newton's algorithm. It is based on the theory that, if a is a good approximationto the square root of x, then Vz(a + x/a) is a better approximation.In words this says that the averageof an approximation to the squareroot of a number and the quotient obtained by dividing that number

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by the first approximation gives a second approximation that is closerto the correct root An example will make this clear. In finding thesquare root of 2, we have:

x = 2 a = 1.5

at = %(1.5 + 2/1.5) = ^(1.5 + 1.33) = 1.41.a2 = ^(1.41 + 2/1.41) = 1.41425.a, = VK1.41425 + 2/1.41425) = 1.4142135.

In general, if two decimal places are known, the next step will givean approximation correct to four decimal places. Similarly if threedecimal places are known, the next step gives an approximation correct to six decimal places. This may be stated: "If « decimal placesare known to be correct, an approximation correct to 2n places maybe obtained by applying Newton's algorithm (12)."

It is interesting to note that Newton's algorithm, as stated, isonly one of several formulas that are either extensions or variationsof the same main formula. If we take a as an approximation to -tyxwith e as the error in a, the binomial theorem will give the followingexpression for e:

x = au + naP^e + Vi. n(n — l)an-2e2 +• • • • + ea.Then, if we consider only the first two terms of the expansion, sincewe are dealingwith the second degree, we obtain

*tyx =a + (x - a*")/™*-1(which is easily shown to be identical to Newton's algorithm when« = 2)

ot'-^x = a + a(x — a")/«xor -^x =a + a(x- a°)/[(» + l)aa - *]or -tyx = a + a(x - «»)/[(» - 1> + «°]


James (16) showed that Newton's algorithm does not have tobe restricted solely to finding square roots. The principle upon whichit is based applies equally well to any root. In finding the nth integralroot of a number, divide any approximation of the root into the number, then into the quotient, continuing until n— 1 divisions havebeen made. Take for the new approximation the arithmetic mean ofthe n— 1 divisors and the final quotient. For example, in finding thecube root of two we would have:

«! = 1.2 = first approximation2/1.2 = 1.66666 •••

1.66666/1.2 = 1.388888 •••«2 = (l/3)(l-2 + 1.2 + 1.38888) = 1.26, etc.

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Though Newton's algorithm obtains a reasonable degree of accuracy fairly rapidly, Dunkel (7) has derived a method by which hecan obtain more correct decimal places faster. He shows that by usingNewton's algorithm we get an approximation, the error e of which isthus limited:

(a* - qy/8a < c < (a* - a)2/4(a + a),where d = first approximation (the assumed divisor)

q = quotient obtained by dividing the number by da = the average of d and q.

In view of this, Dunkel contends that by subtracting the lower limitof the error from a we will obtain an approximation even closer to theactual root. In other words, a — (d" — a)2/8a is a better approximation to the root than a.Similarly the error e' in this approximation is bounded in this manner:

(.d - qy/128a* < e' < (rf* - «)V32(a + a)2.Thus

[a - (d - a)2/8a} - [(d - qy/ 1280s]is a better approximation than a. This series can be extended as faras desired, but for all practical purposes the first two terms are sufficient. An example will make the process clear.

x = V2Td = 1.4q = 2/1.4 = 1.4285714a = Vi{.d + a) = 1.4142857id - qy = (-.02857)s = .00081628a = 11.3142856

(a* - qy/Sa = .0000721a — .000072 = 1.414214 = a„ which is correct to six deci

mal places.5. Uspensky's Method. Another method closely connected to

Newton's algorithm is that of Uspensky (26). He and R. F. Newton(20) have both developed the general formula, which applies toany degreeroot:

s, = sldn + l)a + (n - l)sn]/|;(« -l)a + (n + l)sB]where

s, = new approximations = first approximation« = degree of the root desireda = number whose nth root is desired.

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In the case of square roots, this formula resolves itself into the easierformula

s, = s(3a + s^/Ca + 3s2).This could also be expressed as

s, - s = 2s(a - s^/Ca + 3s2).James (16) shows this method and Newton's algorithm are related,both being special cases of a more general iterative formula; in fact,they merely use different methods of averaging.

As an example of Uspensky's method, we will find the squareroot of 2.

a = 2, s = 1.5sl = 1.5(6 + 2.25)/(2 + 6.75) = 1.4143s2 = 1.4143(6 + 2.00024449)/(2 + 6.00073347) =


This is correct to nine decimal places. In general each new approximation has about three times as many correct decimal places as thepreceding approximation.

6. Continued Fractions. Second in importance to Newton'salgorithm because of the number of othermethods which can be derived from it is the method of continued fractions. The explanationof this method is given by Hall and Knight (12). I will illustratethe method by the example,x = y/%first expressing y/2 as a continued fraction.

V2 = i + (yT-_i) = i + i/(V2 +j)V2 + 1 = 2 + (V2_- 1) = 2 + 1/(V2_+ 1)V2 + 1 = 2 + (\/2 - 1) = 2 + 1/(V2 + 1)


Thus, _V2 = 1 + l/[2 + 1/(2 + l/'")3

with successive convergents1/1, 3/2, 7/5, 17/12, 41/29, 99/70 • • • . _

Each successive convergent is a better approximation to y/2. Thus,99/70 = 1.4143; here the error is less than 1/702 = .0002 so thatthe approximation is correct to three decimal places.

As can be seen, this is a rather slow method of obtaining anydegree of accuracy. If, as shown byGarver (11) and Chapman (5),we use a combination of Newton's algorithm and continued fractions, we will approach the limit much more quickly. In fact, by applying Newton's algorithm to a convergent found by continued frac-

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tions, another convergent twice as far out in the series will be obtained. In the previous example, we found an approximation correctto three decimal places by using the sixth convergent. Now by applying Newton's algorithm, we get

[(99/70) + (2 X 70/99)]/2 =99/140 + 70/99 = 19,601/13,860 = 1.4142135which is correct to six decimal places and is equal to the twelfth convergent.

7. Swift's Method. Another method, closely connected to continued fractions, is that of Swift (25). He shows that if a and c arepositive integers existing under the conditions

2a^c(fe - 1), a2 < he2,where k is the number whose root is to be found, then

m'/n' = (.am + kcn")/(.cm + a«)where

m'/n' = a new approximation.m/n = a first approximation to the root.

Any number of sets of values can be found for a and c. In the caseof fe = 2, we could have anv one of the following:

(a = 1, c = 1), (a =' 1, c = 2), (a = 2, c = 3),(a = 4, c = 3), etc.

It is interesting to note that by using the first set of values, a seriesis obtained identical to that resulting from continued fractions. However, the higher the values for a and c, the more quickly the serieswill converge. Therefore, in finding the square root of 2, we will usea = 4, c = 3, m = 3, and n = 2.

mi/n' = (4*3 + 2-3-2 )/(3-3 4- 4-2) = 24/17mi//n" = (4-24 + 2-3-17)/( 3-24 + 4-17) = 198/140= 1.4143

The error in this case is less than .0001.8. Camm's Method. Though the theorems already stated in

connection with continued fractions are practical to a certain degree,Camm's method (3) is more practical in that it approaches its limitmuch more rapidly. However, without a computing machine thearithmetic would be rather arduous. This method is based on recurrence formulas and continued fractions. Camm shows that a surd ofthe form y/m2 — 1, where m is any number, can be expanded intothe recurrence formula

y/m* - 1 = m - (l/a0)[l + (l/a,)[l +(1/aOCl +'V]


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q0 = 2m, ar = ar.,2 - 2.Thus, the first four terms are

y/m2 - 1 =m-(l/2»0[l -f (1/(4im2 - 2))[1 +(1/C16IH4 - 16wi2 + 2))[1 +•••].

Similarly, surds of the form y/m2 + I can be expressed in the formVw» + 1 = w + (l/?o)[l ~ (l/fl.)[l + (l/«2)

[1 +-••)where

q0 = 2m, a, = a02 -t- 2, ar« = ars - 2.In this case, the first four terms are

V»»2 + 1 = m + (l/2»i)[l - (l/(4m2 + 2))[1 +Cl/Cl6w4 -f- 16m2 4- 2))[1 ].

For V2, we apply this formula with m = 1. Thus,V2 = 1 + (1/2)[1 - (1/6)[1 + (1/34)[1 ]

= 1 + 1/2 - 1/12 - 1/408 = 1.4142157which is correct to five decimal places.

By the application of continued fractions, all other roots of theform y/m2 + n can be expressed in one of the above forms by usingthe formula

Vm2 + n = VXk2 ± 1/ykwhere xk/yk is the feth convergent in the continued fraction expansion of y/m2 + n.

Either of the above forms converges very rapidly to the requiredsquare root, especially if m is large. In general, the sum of r + 1terms will give the 2rth convergent.

9. Escott's Method. Comparable to Camm's method for obtaining a high degree of accuracy with a few terms is Escott's method(10). It, too, is not practical without a calculating machine. Escortderives the formula

VCx, + 2)/(x, - 2j = [1 + 2/(x, - 1)] - [1 + 2/(x3 -DiJ-'-


xn+, = xn-(xn2 — 3).If we are computing the square root of 2, we let(x, + 2)/(xt - 2) = 2whence xx = 6.Then x2 = 6(33) = 198

x3 = 198(39,201) = 7,761,798and V2 = (1 + 2/5)(l + 2/197)(l + 2/7, 761,797)

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= (1.4)(1.010152284)(1.0000002576722)= 1.414213562373096

which is correct to nine decimal places.

10. Method of Marchant Calculators, Inc. Marchant Calculators, Inc., has developed a method for computing square roots whichis designed especially for use with a desk calculator. This methodrequires the use of a table of "square root divisors" (19). To illustrate, we again calculate y/2.00.The following is a brief extract from the Marchant table necessaryfor this problem:

A Col. 1 Col. 2










To determine \/N, we first select from Column A the number nearest to the left three significant figures of N. In this case we select199. Adding 199 and 200, we obtain 399. This sum is divided bythe entry in Column 1 or Column 2 opposite the number selectedfrom Column A. Column 1 is used if there is an odd number ofdigits before the decimal point in N (as in our example) or an oddnumber of zeros immediately following the decimal point; if thenumber of digits before the decimal point is even, we use Column 2.To complete the proposed problem, 399 is divided by 2821347giving the figures 141421. The decimal point is placed by the familiar rule: Place the decimal point so there is one digit in the rooteach way from the decimal point for each corresponding pair ofdigits in N. Thus, V2.00 = 1.41421.

The intervals in the Marchant table are arranged so that thecalculated square root differs from the true root by less than 5 in thesixth significant figure. Therefore, in general, the root obtained bythis metliod is correct to five significant figures, though an error of1 is possible in the fifth figure.

11. Crawford's Method. One of the most interesting methodsis that by which square roots are obtained from a table of cosines.The formulas are easily proven and the work can be done mentally.

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Crawford (6) shows that ifk = the number whose squareroot is to be foundx = that square rootn = any number greater than zero, preferably a power of 10.A = an angle

and if k, n, A satisfy the formulacos 2A = 2h/n2 - 1


x = n cos A.

From these facts we can set up the following table for finding thesquare root of 2:

k n 2k/n2 - 1 2A A cos A n cos A

2 10 -.9600 163°44.4/ 81°52.2/ .141422 1.41422

As is evident, this gives an approximation correct to four decimalplaces.

12. Barrow's Method. Barrow's method (2) is based on thediophantine equationOyf-nx2 - 1where n is any number not a perfect square. Now if two numbersXo and y0 can be found which satisfy this equation, then(2) x, = 2xoy0, y, = 2y02 - 1will also satisfy it. Furthermore, if x and y are sufficiently largenumbers, the fraction y/x will be a good approximation to the squareroot of n. But we can make x and y sufficiently large by successiveapplications of (2) once we have found an initial solution to (1).Generally the initial solution can be found by inspection, though ifthat is not possible, Barrow has shown a rather complicated methodby which it can be found. To illustrate, in finding the square rootof 2 we have

» = 2,f - 2X2 =.1.

For the initial solution we find

Xo = 2, y0 = 3.Then by successive application of (2) we have

x, = 2-2-3 =12 y, = 2-3* -1 = 17x* = 2-12-17 = 408 yx = 2-17* - 1 = 577x, = 2-408-577 = 470,832 y, = 2-5772 - 1 = 665,85?

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V2 = 665,857/470,832 = 1.41421356.This is correct to eight decimal places.

13. Table of Differences. The final method I will discuss isthat most often used in setting up a table of square roots. It is themethod, explained by Hutton (15), of using a table of differences.Any number whose square root is desired can be expanded thus

y/a2 4- n = a 4- n/2a - «2/8a3 4- n3/16as - • • •where a2 is any number that is a perfect square. From this can beconstructed the following table of values.








a 4- l/2aa -f- 2/2aa 1- 3/2aa 4- 4/2a

- l/8a3 4- l/16a*- 4/8a3 + 8/16a5- 9/8a3 4- 27/16as- 16/8a3 4- 64/16a*

Successive differencing results in the following leading differences:AU0 = l/2a - l/8a3 4- l/16asA2t/0 = -l/4a3 4- 3/8aaA3l/„ = 3/8a5.

Given a2, we can compute the values of the leading differences andthen by simple addition obtain the square roots of

y/a2 + n,n= 1, 2, 3, • • • .

Bibliography1. Arleigh, Mrs. M. W., "A Method of Computing Square Root,"

School Science and Matliematics, Vol. 16, (November.1916), p. 750.

2. Barrow, D. F., "On Taking Square Roots of Integers," AmericanMathematical Monthly, Vol. 31, (December, 1924), pp.482-484.

3. Camm, G. L., "Square Roots of Integers Expressed as InfiniteSeries," Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 33, (May, 1949), dd.99-104. V

4. Carmichael, R. D., Diophantine Analysis, New York: JohnWiley and Sons, Inc., (1915), pp. 26-29.

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5. Chapman, H. W., "Approximation to V*>" Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 33, (December, 1949), p. 290.

6. Crawford, W. S. H., "Square Roots From a Table of Cosines,"American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 50, (March, 1943),pp. 190-191.

7. Dunkel, Otto, "A Graphical Representation of Approximationsfor Square Roots," School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 18,(October, 1918), pp. 621-625.

8. Dunkel, Otto, "A Note on the Computation of ArithmeticRoots," American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 34, (August-

September, 1927), pp. 366-368.9. Dunkel, Otto, "A Simple Rule for Extracting Any Root of a

Number." School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 18, (January, 1918), pp. 19-20.

10. Escort, E. B., "Rapid Method for Extracting a Square Root,"American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 44, (December,1937), pp. 644-646.

11. Garver, Raymond, "A Square Root Method and Continued Fractions," American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 39, (November, 1932), pp. 533-535.

12. Hall, H. S. and Knight, S. R., Higher Algebra, London: Mac-Millan and Company, Limited. (1936), pp. 273-280, 292-293. \

13. Hedrick, E. R., "Approximations and Approximation Processes,"School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 8, (December, 1908),pp. 749-750

14. Hutton, Charles, Tracts on Mathematical and PhilosophicalSubjects, Vol. 1, London: Wilkie and Robinson Booksellers,(1812), pp. 457-461.

15. Ibid., pp. 212-218.16. James, Glenn, "A Rapid Method of Approximating Arithmetic

Roots," American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 31, (December, 1924), pp. 471-475.

17. Kalbfell, D. C, "On a Method for Calculating Square Roots,"American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 41, (October, 1934),pp. 504-506.

18. Larsen, H. D.,"A Note on Computing Square Roots," (Unpublished).

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19. Marchant Calculating Machine Company, "Square Root Divisors," Table S6, (1940).

20. Newton, R. F., "A Simple Derivation of Hutton's Formula forthe Computation of Roots," American Mathematical Monthly,Vol. 34, (August-September, 1927), pp. 368-369.

21. Peat, H., "An Iteration in Terms of Euclidean Geometry-Newton's Rule," Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 16, (February,1932), pp. 42-43.

22. Ransom, W. R., "Approximations to Square Roots," Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 23, (September-October, 1949), pp. 54-55.

23. Roman, Irwin, "Calculation of Numerical Roots," AmericanMathematical Monthly, Vol. 38, (June-July, 1931), pp.320-322.

24. Short, T., "Rule for Extracting the «-th Root of ArithmeticalNumbers," School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 16, (January, 1916), p. 70.

25. Swift, Elijah, "Solution of Problem 438 Proposed by Walter C.Eells," American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 23, (January,1916), pp. 21-22.

26. Uspensky, J. V., "Note on the Computation of Roots," AmericanMathematical Monthly, Vol. 34, (March, 1927), pp. 130-134.

27. Wentworth, G. A., A Practical Arithmetic, Boston: Ginn andCompany, (1897), p. 265.

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An Introduction to Cryptanalysis: Two CiphersB y S. H. Sesskin

Student, Hofstra CollegeThe discussion in this paper will be pointed toward solution

of the following cryptograms:


No. 2) 64-39-75-47-54-68-76-60-76-59-75-49-94-39-47-59-66-39-67-57-58-56-76-59-54-57-47-58-54-67-44-47-77-57-78-47-58-57-77-59-77-56-44-59-66-39-65-26-87-48-46-26-74-66-48-58


Cryptanalysis, truly, is a subject for mathematicians; for it requires logic, the patience, and the intuitive thinking that go intomathematics. But it is precisely because of this affinity for the subject that mathematicians being introduced to cryptography must beadvised not to waste time inventing "unbreakable" ciphers, for theseusually involve some more or less well-known systems or combinations of systems already treated in the serious literature of cryptography, or discarded in practice as too complicated.

To the cryptographer, such efforts by an amateur represent thesame immaturity of viewpoint that mathematicians would see in efforts to find formulae for primes.

The material to be presented here is elementary from a cryptographic viewpoint but requires considerable background and somedefinition. These factors will be treated in cursory fashion becauseof spacelimitations so that the readerwill have to supplyextra thinking to make up the lack. However, those interested in going furtherare urged to get the heft of this fascinating subject through somefictional and factual reading.

A gem of cryptographic fiction is Poe's famous story Tlte GoldBug, also Conan Doyle's Adventure of the Dancing Men. An excellent fictional anthology, with a good quickie technical prefacetossed in along with some interesting history, is famous Stories ofCode and Cipher, edited by Raymond T. Bond (Rinehart, 1947).

But for a real taste of the importance of the subject, one shouldread Herbert O. Yardley's The American Black Chamber, which


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deals with modern history and diplomacy, and Fletcher Pratt's Secretand Urgent, which selects important cryptographic incidents fromthe full range of history. Gods, Graves and Scholars, by G. W.Ceram, a more recent volume, has some excellent material on thearcheological cryptographers and their work in deciphering, amongother artifacts, die Babylonian tablets and the Rosetta stone.

Beyond a feeling for the subject—which seems to be as important in this field as it is in any mathematics—there is a needfor specific knowledge dealing with the behavior of words and letters in language.

Cryptography is number theory in the world of letters, andjust as the ABC of much of mathematics is 1, 2, 3, so the 1, 2, 3 ofcryptography in English is E T A O N I R S H, the frequency table,a list almost as immutable as pi. As Parker Hitt in Manual for theSolution of Military Ciphers observes: "If ten thousand consecutiveletters of a text be counted, and the frequency occurrence of eachletter be noted, the number found will be practically identical withthose obtained from any other text of ten thousand letters in thesame language."

Of course, there may be greater deviations between specializedtexts such as military text, or commercial text, and possibly telegraphic text.

We will not pursue this question of specific knowledge muchfurther except to note that the annotated bibliography at the end willpresent sources of information for the reader who may be lured further along what the author has found to be a challenging trail forinvestigation.

The object of this paper will be to show the type of reasoningthat goes into cryptanalysis. The demonstration will include onecryptogram from each of the two great classes of ciphers—transposition, apparently a Greek invention which uses the actual letters ofthe message but scrambles them according to some plan; and substitution, a Roman invention which substitutes other letters or symbolsfor actual letters of the message.

The first cipher to be treatedis the Nihilist transpositions, technicallya double transposition in which rows and columns of a matrixare scrambled according to the same plan.

The system requires a perfect square number of letters, withnulls such as X, J, or Z supplied to complete the square if necessary.Solution of this type depends on knowledge of a language invari-

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ant—uniform distribution of vowels throughout normal text. Vowelsmake up 40% of text, with or without y, with a 5% variation fromthe norm possible.

To illustrate the nihilist transposition plan and to show thatuniform vowel distribution is general for the language and does nothave to be cooked up, we will use partof the first sentence of the second paragraph of this article, "Cryptanalysis, truly, is a subject formathematicians for it requires logic." The scrambling will be doneaccording to alphabetic position of letters of PENTAGON.

The nihilist plan is illustrated in Figures 1, 2, and 3; althoughon a practical basis it can be done in one operation.

(1) raossagoP E N T A7 2 4 8 1

7- C R Y P T2- L Y S I S4- L Y I S A3- J E C T F1- AT H E M3- C I A N S6- I T R E O5- ES LOG

matrix:G O N3 6 5ANAT R USUB0 R MA T IFORU t R1 C X

Fig. 1

(2) columnsA E G N12 3 4TRAYS Y T SAYS!F E O CMT A HS I F AOTURG S I L

transposed:N O P TS 6 7 8


Fig. 2

(3) rowsAEG1 2 3

1- M T A2- S Y T3- S I F4-A Y SS- G S I6-OTt)7- T R A8- F EO

transposed:N N O P T4 S 6 7 8H I T A E5 U R L IA R O CN



Fig. 3

From this last block of letters, the cryptogram may be taken offin one of 641 ways, but practical considerations such as ease in remembering a pattern and flexibility restrict the taking-off to about40 ways, including simple horizontal, alternating horizontal (forward on one line, backward on the next), simple or alternating vertical, simpleor alternating diagonal, spiral clockwise or counterclockwise starting from the outside in or from the center out—all of thesestarting from any corner (except spiral from the center out).

Now as to the vowel invariant, note that half of the rows havethe normal vowel frequency 3 (40% of 8), while the other half,although over or below the allowable 5% variation, have 2 or 4vowels, die smallest variation possible for normality. Exceptions areextremely rare.

We will now attack Cipher No. 1, given two bits of information: (1) That the cipher is English. (2) That it is probably anihilist transposition.

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We will check the probability of transposition by applying certain basic subset tests for normalcy of text. In allof these subset tests,given at least 100 letters, there should be no more than a 5% variation from the normal. For short cryptograms such as the presentone—49 letters—the variations might be greater.

Here are the tests:

1) The letters ETAONIRSH, the nine most frequentin English, make up about 70% of normal text.

2) L N R S T show about 30%.3) Vowels contribute about 40% of text.A frequency count of cryptogram No. 1 shows:


Applying test 1, we find the cryptogram has 36 E T A etc.,which results in the fraction 36/49, a mite under 75%. Test 2shows 17/49, about 35%. Vowels count up to 18, about 37%.

These statistics put all the subsets within normal range so thatit is highly probable that our information about a transposition iscorrect. However, this is not certain. In cryptography, one must runevery good probability to the ground; but good as any one seems, itmust be ruthlessly discarded if it appears not to work. Solution is theonly measure of certainty. In this connection, just to illustrate howdevious and deceptive this subject is, Helen F. Gaines in herElementary Cryptanalysis points out that "an apparent transpositionwitli exactly 40% of vowels and 100% evenness of distribution issuspicious."

For a nihilist transposition, the primary problem is rebuildingthe matrix from which the cryptogram was taken off. Here is wherethe vowel invariant shows its value. Let's write the cryptogram horizontally in a 7 x 7 matrix, and take vowel counts in each row andthen again in each column (Fig. 4).

1 R H E L A G -3HOAVNGR-2TW S E E E S -3NRCLPHN-0GIPAASE4N T E OO S X -3OA S T FM I -32 3 2 4 3 2 2

Fig. 4

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Zero vowels in row 4 rules out the horizontal setup for it isextremely unusual to find more than five consonants in succession.

The vertical setup appears to be more likely. It definitely hasuniform distribution; and in all cases but one (column 4), the frequency is normal. A uniform vowel distribution among the columnsin this setup indicates a vertical take-off from the original matrix,so let's rewrite the cryptogram vertically (Fig. 5). Assume for themoment that it is the original matrix and go to work on it.


Fig. S

From this point it is a question of anagramming the rows; and,thus revealing the key, to put the cryptogram in complete order.Anagramming is an almost instinctive procedure, for it is the recognition of the possibility that two or three letters are consecutive (thebeginner may use bigram charts to check the most frequent bigrams).

The explanation of anagramming in Cryptogram No. 1 willbe simplified in order to save space, butin practice logic and experience will invariably lead to the solution. Look at row 7 (Fig. 5).N G is a fairly frequent bigram. Placing their columns together(Fig. 6) reveals a column of extremely plausible bigrams.

In row 6 (Fig. 5) we have 2 S's, either of which might followH A in Fig 6 to form "has." The S in column 6 would form N G X(might be anull) in row 7. More unlikely, it would form R R T inrow 2. (In practice, this would have to be tested further for complete elimination.) Using the S in column 5 (Fig. 7) reveals goodtrigrams. C H Pin row 3 might be the end of one word, beginningof another.

4 11- N I2- R R3- CH4- L ES-P L6- H A7- N G

Flo. 6

4 1 S1-N1G2- R R I3- C H P4- L E A5- P L A6-H A S7-N G E

Fig. 7

4 1 S 21- N I GH2- R R I O3- CH P A4- L E AV5- P LAN6-H A S G7- N G E R

Fig. 8

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Next, try the R in row 7 as a test for the very frequent bigramE R, and we get (Fig. 8). We are apparently on the right track forthere are word suggestions already appearing. For example, in rows1 (N IG HT ?); 4 (L E A V E ?); 5 (P L A N ?). Lefs try "leave"in row 4 by adding column 3 (Fig. 9). Row 2 (R R I O W) lookssomewhat implausible, buteverything else looks very promising. Notein row 6, "has ge. . ."; "has what}" The only two letters left in thatrow are M and S. Probably "has gems." Lefs see (Fig. 10). Everything looks good except row 2. However, if this setup is correct, thekey is revealed in 4152376; all that is necessary to check it is totranspose the rows according to the same key (Fig. 11) and see ifthe message comes out. The message becomes "Leave tonight onplane for Rio. Watch passenger six. Has gems."

Fig. 9

4 15 2 3 7 61- M I G H T O N2- R R I O W A T3-CHPASSE4-L EAVETO5-PLANEFO6- H A S G E M S7- N G E R S IX

Fig. 10


Fig. 11

The second cipher we will discuss is the nihilist number substitution using a "checkerboard" alphabet arranged normally in a5x5 square with the I serving also for J. (Fig. 12). The order ofreading coordinates is row-column. In our encipherment example,we will use the ke< word COSINE which has the numericalequivalents 13-34-43-24-33-15. For encipherment the key numbersare added to the text numbers thus:

THEPEN TAGON ISMATHText-44 23 15 35 15 33 44 11 22 34 33 24 43 32 11 44 23Key-13 34 43 24 33 15 13 34 43 24 33 15 13 34 43 24 33

CIPHER-57 57 58 59 48 48 57 45 65 58 66 39 56 66 54 68 56The cryptogram: 57-57-58-59-48-48-57-45-65-etc.

1 2 3 4 51- A B C D E2-FGH1E3- L M N O P4-oasTV5- V W X Y Z

Fig. 12

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This cipher is a periodic, which means that it is enciphered byarepeating key, each number ofwhich gives rise to adifferent cipheralphabet. This type can be decrypted by general methods which apply to periodics. However, we will be concerned here only with aspecial method devised as a shortcut by M. E. Ohaver, a cipher expert, and published in Elementary Cryptanalysis.

The primary alphabet—obtained directly from the square—hasonly the digits 1-2-3-4-5. The key word numbers—also obtaineddirectly from the square—use the same digits. If any same key wordnumber were to be added to the primary alphabet numbers, the addition would not change the maximum difference of 4 which existsbetween any two primary alphabet numbers either in their unitsdigits or their tens digits.

So, if a nihilist substitution contains two numbers 24 and 78,or 24 and 69,—with differences greater than 4 respectively in theirtens digits or units digits—it is definitely established that those twonumbers were notenciphered with the same key number.

However, if the two cryptogram numbers are 40 and 84, inwhich there appears to be a difference of only 4 in the tens digits,the zero must be counted as the addition of two 5's in the unitscolumn (since thekey numbers, too, are restricted to the digits 1,2,3, 4, and 5). In this event, the 1 must be borrowed back from thetens digit, 4, making it 3, and increasing the difference in the tensdigits to 5, making it impossible for the two numbers 40 and 84 tohave beenenciphered with the same key number.

There are some outstanding give-away numbers in this type ofcipher. The digit 2 in a cipher indicates a 1 in the key, since 2 canhave been formed onlyby 1 4- 1. Zero is the result only of 5 4- 5.Beyond this thereare four other bingo numbers: 22 (indicates 11 inthe key); 30 (indicates 15); 102 (51 in the key); and 110 (55 inthe key).

In the light of the above discussion, we will now considerCryptogram No. 2 at the beginning of this paper. It is immediatelyobvious that the cryptogram is not the result of a single additionthroughout because the first two numbers 64-39 have a differencegreater than 4 in the units digits.

A run-down on every alternate number reaches the 13th and15th 94-47, which have a greater-than-4 difference in the tensdigits. The cryptogram, therefore, is not the result of a repeatingaddition of two numbers. Period 2 is, therefore, eliminated.

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Investigating period 3, we are brought up short by the 2nd and5th numbers, 39-54, with the difference 5 in the units digits. Period3 is out.

A check on period 4 reveals no difference greater than themaximum in any of the four alphabets. Figure 13 shows the setupfor the supposed period 4.


Fig. 13

Now let's study each alphabet.

Alphabet 1: The tens half of the first cloumn has the maximum range 5-9. The smallest digit which can result in 9 is 4, andthe largest which can result in 5 is 4. Therefore, the only digit whichcan produceall of the column's tens digits, 5-6-7-8-9, is 4. The unitsdigits of the alphabet have the range 4-8. By similar reasoning, thekey digit for units must be 3; and the entire key number whichformed the first cipher alphabet must be 43 since it can have beenno other.

Alphabet 2: Range of tens digits 3-6. Smallest digit for 6 is 1;largest for 3 is 2, so that the key letter must have either 1 or 2 astens digit. Range within the units column, 5-9, with key digit 4.Alphabet 2 was keyed either by 14 or 24.

Alphabet 3: Range of tens digits, 4-7, indicates a key digit2 or 3. Range of units digits, 4-8, indicates key digit 3. Key numberfor column is either 23 or 33.

Alphabet 4: Contains the give-away tens digit 2 and unitsdigit 0. The key number is, therefore, 15.

The checkerboard alphabet may be written into the square inany order, but this will not affect the analysis. It simply means thatanother step, which will not be discussed here, has to be added tothe solution.

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However, in this case, granting that there was an orderly arrangement of the letters as in Figure 12, the replacement of lettersfor key numbers may suggest the key. Alphabet 1, key 43, is S;2, key 14 or 24, is D or I; 3, key 23 or 33, is H or N; 4, key 15, isE. The only pronounceable combination from S (D or I) (H or N)E, is S I N E , which happens to be the key.

Another way of completing the analysis is to encipher the twoalphabets for which you have definite keys and look for word suggestions, working backwards to find the key number that fits thecolumn.

In any event, the rest is simple; merely subtract the key number from the cipher number, and use the resulting number to findthe plain text message letters in the 5x5 square (Fig. 12).

The foregoing material is admittedly elementary; and the careful reader, no doubt, is busily thinking of ways to improve both theseciphers. It is really not worth the effort, for these two are just curiosin a vast subject and were presented here to excite the interest ofpotential cryptographers and cryptanalysts.

In closing, the author again advising the beginner to avoid inventing "unsolvable" systems until he has studied cryptography andits techniques will quote the closing paragraph of "Secret and Urgent."

"It is also worth noting that the Japanese ciphers for the occasion (deciphered by Maj. Yardley in 1922) were composed ona system of irrational bigram substitution, not violently different from the Great Cipher designed by Rossignol (a Frenchmathematician) for Louis XIV in the seventeenth century.Jargon field codes and the Great Cipher again; not even in cryptography is there anything new."

Editor's note: Mr. Sesskin has offered to write another article on cryptanalysis forTHE PENTAGON entitled "Modern Trends in Cryptanalysis" and dealing with so-calledfractionated ciphers. Such an article will appear if there is enough reader interest. Ifyou would like to see a discussion of this topic or of any other cryptographic topic,please Inform the Editor.

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Annotated Bibliography

The bibliography which follows is restricted to writings in English, mainlyof an introductory nature. The opinions expressed in theannotations are those of the author.

Ball, W. W., Mathematical Recreations.

A very interesting chapter on ciphers includes material on substitution and transposition. Good for the beginner and quite handysince it is a standard volume usually included in mathematicallibraries.

Friedman, W. F., "Cryptography" and "Codes and Ciphers," Encyclopedia Brittanica.

This provides excellent expository material. The classic Vige-nere cipher and some of its offshoots are briefly explained. Also includes descriptions of some modern mechanical and transpositionciphers, as well as a description of code systems. The material maybe somewhat advanced for the beginner, but the explanations areclear and a reading would be worthwhile.

Gaines, H. F., Elementary Cryptanalysis, (American PhotographicPublishing Company).

Unfortunately, this is now out of print. An excellent treatisewith complete explanations of theory and techniques for breakingmost of the elementary types of ciphers. Some advanced stuff included. There are 167 problems of varying degrees of difficulty.This book is the official textbook of the American Crytogram Association. (Bibliography included).

Harris, F. A., Solving Simple Substitution Ciphers, (American Cryptogram Association, 603 Cleveland Avenue, NW, Canton, Ohio),75 cents.

Very good for the beginner. The techniques involved in solving monoalphabetic ciphers are basic to the entire field.

The Cryptogram, bi-monthly journal of the American CryptogramAssociation, ($3 a year includes membership).

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26 The. Pentagon

Contains outstanding articles on elementary and advancedcryptographic topics. Special departments offer examples of all typesof cryptograms for solution. The beginner would do well to join.

Wolfe, J. M., A First Course in Cryptanalysis. (Brooklyn CollegePress), S7.

An extensive work dealing with basic cryptanalytic techniquesand methods. Professor Wolfe uses mathematical interpretations andterminology to present his material.

Other References

D'Agapeyeff, Alexander, Codes and Ciphers,Lysing, Henry, Secret Writing.Zim, Herbert S., Codes and Secret Writing,


"Some derive the same sort of stimulus from a technical monograph as others find in a detective novel—to which, in fact, it maybear some sort of esoteric resemblance. It is all a question of taste,and taste is a thing which no one person can decide for another."

—R. Corle

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Integral Right Triangles of Equal Area*Harvey Fiola

Forman, North Dakota

The Pythagorean relation is expressed algebraically by the equation

a2 4- b2 = c2where a and b are legs of a right triangle and c the hypotenuse. Anyset of integers satisfying this relation is called a Pythagorean numbertriple. It is well known that all primitive Pythagorean number triplescan be obtained from the formulas

a = 2mv,b = u2 - v2,c = u2 4- v2,

where u > v and u and v are relatively prime integers of oppositeparity, i.e., one odd and the other even. If we do not wish to restrictourselves to primitive triples for the sides a, b, and c of a right triangle, we can use any integers for u and v, as long ass^tv, in theformulas above to obtain three sides of an integral right triangle. Itis the purpose of this paper to discuss two methods of obtaining setsof integral right triangles of equal area.Method 1. Suppose two right triangles Ti and T2 are not similar andhave areas A, and A2 respectively with A2 = JeM,; the area A/ of athird right triangle T,'f similar to T„ but such that the ratio of thesides of T,' to those of T, is k: 1, will also have the area A/ = fe2A,.T/ and T3 will then be two distinct right triangles with the samearea. By the use of the formulas for determining sets of Pythagoreannumber triples it is possible to get the relation described above andthus obtain two non-congruent integral right triangles of equal area.The procedure to be used follows:

Designate by At the area of an integral right triangle Ti withsides at = 2uv, fcj = m2 —v2, and c, = u2 4- v2 where u and v areany two unequal integers. Using the legsa, and 6i of Ti in the placeof u and v, determine a new triangle T2 with sides

a2 = 2a,bu b.. = |a,2 — fe,2|, and c2 = a,2 4- V = cf.Using the sides a2 and c2 of T2 obtain a new triangle T3 with sides

a3 = 2a2c2, b3 = c22 — a22 and c3 = a22 4- cIf A3 is used to represent the area of Ts, we have


* Adapted by the Editor from notes received from tho author. Tho author is 19 yearsof age ana works on his fathor's farm. He says. "I have computed so many righttrianales that I see Ihom in the heavens."


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28 The Pentagon

A3 = Vi (asfc3) = ajCt (c22 - a22)= a2c2b22 = a2Ci2fe22= 2 ajbicfbf= 4 Axcx*te= (2c,&2)2 A,.

Let T/ reprseent a triangle similar to T, such that the ratio of thecorresponding sides is 2c,fr2:l. If A1/ is the area of T/ we haveAx' :Ax = (2cxbsy : 1 and thus A/ = (2c,i2)2Al = A3.

It should be evident that continuation of this process, using T3as the initial triangle, will enable one to obtain a triangle T3 suchthat As = k2A3; and by multiplying each side of T3 by k and Tt byfe(2c,fe2) we obtain new integral right triangles Tx", TJ, Ts suchthat

Ax" = A3' = A».

This process can be continued for any finite number of steps,and thus it is theoretically possible to obtain any finite number of integral right triangles with equal areas. The sides increase in sizerather rapidly as we carry out this procedure.For easy reference we list the formulas below.

T,: a, = 2mv; b, = u2 - v2; c, = u2 + v2.T2: a2 = 2ei&i; b: = |a,2 — fe,2|; c2 = ai2 4- fci2.T3: a3 = 2a2c2; b3 — c22 — a22; c3 — a22 + c22.T,': a/ = (2fr,c,)a,;fri' = (2b2c1>i; cx' = (.2b2Cx)c,.We may go directly from Ti to the two equal integral right tri

anglesT/ and T3 by the transformationsT3:a3 = 4axbx(ax2 4- fc,2); b3 = (a,2 - fe»2)2;

c3 = ax* 4- 6a!2!;,2 4- &,«T'x: a'x = 2[(a,2 - V)cJ«,;bx' = 2[(al2 - &,*>,]&,; c'x = 2[(a,2 - &,«>,)<:,Example —

If m = 2 andv = 1,T,: a, = 4;b, = 3; cx = 5,Ts: a3 = 1200; b3 = 49; c3 = 1201,T,': a,' = 280; bx> = 210; c,' = 350.

Repeatingthe process using a3 and b3 for u and v we obtainTs: as = 339,252,715,200

fc5 = 2,066,690,884,801c„ = 2,094,350,404,801

T3': aj = 4,143,735,357,600b3' = 169,202,527,102c/= 4,147,188,470,398

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Multiplying the sides of T/ by the same factor used in obtaining T3'from Ts we get

T,": a," = 966,871,583,440bx" = 725,153,687,580c/' = 1,208,589,479,300

Triangles Ts, T./, and T," are three integral right triangles of equalarea.

Method 2.' There are three right triangles of equal area, A, whosesides are 2xy, x2 — y2, and x2 4- y2 where

* = 3r2 4- s2

y = 4rs, (3r 4- sXr - s), or (3r - sXr 4- s)A = xyCx2 —y2) = xy(* —y)(x 4- y)

Let A, represent the area of the triangle when y = 4rs, A2 represent the area of the triangle when y = (3r 4- sXf — s) = 3r* —2rs — s2, and A-, represent the area of the triangle when y =(3r - sXr 4- s) = 3r2 4- 2rs - s2. Then

Ax = A2 = (-A3) = 4rs (r2 - s2)(3r2 4- s2)(9r2 - ss)Using Ti, i = 1, 2, 3, to designate the three right triangles andat, fci, Ci, i = 1, 2, 3, to represent their sides we have

T,: a, = 8 (rs)(3r2 4- s2)bx = (r2 - s2)(9r2 - s2)c, = (3r2 4- s2)2 4- (4rs)2

T2: a2 = 2(3r2 4- s»)(3r 4- sXr - s)b» = 4(rs)(3r - sXr 4- s)c2 = (3r2 4- s2y 4- [(3r 4- sXr - s)]3

T3: a3 = 2(3r2 4- s2)(3r - sXr + s)b3 = 4(rs)(3r 4- s)(r - s)c, = (3r2 4- s2) 4- [(3r - sXr + s)]2

Example —For r = 2 and s = 1 we have the three equal integral right

trianglesT,: a, = 208, bx = 105, c, = 233,T2: a2 = 182, b2 = 120, c2 = 218,T3: a3 = 390, b3 = 56, c3 = 394.

Concludingremarks.Using each of the triangles obtained in Method2 as the T, of Method 1 and computing the sides of T3 by Method 1,it is possible to obtain six integral right triangles of equal area. Continuing in this way the ascent can be made in sets of three to anydesired multiple of three right triangles of equal area.

1 Editor's note—Eulor gave this molhod in his Opora Pottuma 1, 1862, pp. 250-2.

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A Tangential Approach to the Area undera Curve by Integration *

Charles R. Bonnell

Director of Research and DevelopmentCedar Engineering, Inc., Minneapolis

Modern text books make a good, sensible development of thearea integral by the usual procedure of summing rectangular increments of area with the fundamental theorem of integration. The importance of the fundamental theorem could easily justify its use inanother approach to the area under a curve. Although either developmentwill lead to the same end point, the form of the result of thetreatment in this paper can make basic principles more evident andpermit the introduction of new concepts earlier.

Consider the area bounded by the curve y = f(x), the x-axis,and the ordinates at the points x = a and x = b. The functiony = f(x) will beconsidered tobecontinuous throughout the intervala-^x^b and to have a derivative at every point of the interval.

An approximation for the area a&CiC can be obtained by starting with the areaof triangle X^Ci and subtracting from it the areasof the successive triangles beginning with XiX2Ci and ending withXnaCa. Xi, X2, . . . , X„ are the points of intersections of the x-axisandtangents toy = f(x) at points d, C2,. . ., C„ respectively.

X. Xt





v / m> -» iwi ax, -4OXi Xw,X,xa*« *»**'* **i»*.

'Papor prosontod to the Mathematical Meeting May 8, 1954, at Haraline University.


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The area of triangle XjfcC, is Vz {b - X,]/(fc). The area oftriangle XnaCn is Vz [a—Xn]f(a). One side of each of the trianglesX|X|*,C|, i = 1, 2, . . . , n, is a tangent. It is necessary to have anexpression for the x-intercepts of these n tangents. The equations ofthese tangents can be written as

1) y - /(*.) = f C*iX* - *0, a^x.^fe.The x-intercepts of these tangents, designated by X(, can be readilyobtained in the form

2) X, = *, - f(x,)/f(*,), f>(x.) ^ 0The areas of triangles XifeCt and X„aC„ can be written:

3) Area of triangle XJCx = Vz 0> - [h - fQ>~)/f(&)K&)= ^[f(&)//"(&)].

4) Area of triangle X„aC„ = Vz. (a - [a - f(a)/f(«)])/(«)= !/2tf2(aW(a)].

The areas of the triangles X|XHlCi, i — 1, 2, ...,/,..., n, canbe written as

5) Area of triangle XjX^.Cj = '/2(XW - X,)f(xO= Vz [x1+1 - x, + /(xj WOO - f(xJ.,)/f(xVl)]f(x]).

Then twice the area of abCxC„, designated by 2A, can be written as

6) 2A = fOO/fOO ~ f2(«W(«) ~ lim 2[f(x,)Ax, -n_^oo 1


By the fundamental theorem, 6) becomes

7) 2A = fOO/fOO - fKaVf'W + J fWdx


Integrating the last integral in 7) by parts produces

8) A(*)<*tf(xW(x)] = [f2(x)/f(x)]b- fbKx-)dx.a & a

Substituting 8) into 7), we obtain

9) A= //(x)ix Q.E.D.

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An instructive form of 7) may be obtained by performing thedifferentiation a*(f(x)/f(x)] in the integrand of the right memberof 7) and substituting 9) in the left member of 7).

10) 2 /f(x)a*x = [fKbVf00] - [/»(a)/f(a)]

+ $\f(*)f'(x)ax]/[f2(x)]

It is clear that the definite integral of the right member of 10)can be expressed again by 10. Since this process may be repeateduntil the derivatives vanish or until an infinite series is formed, 10)states explictly thata definite integral is a function of its limits only.Furthermore, each term of the series will have the form of the product of an ordinate and a subtangent of the successive functions.

By rearranging 10) in the form

11) /V(x)rtx - /[?(*)/"(*W2p(x)]a a

= *40*c&wao- foo/fooj

it is interesting to note that the difference of the areas bounded bythe two different functions, defined over the same interval, is alwaysexpressable as thedifference in area of two right triangles with sidesthat are functions of the limits.

From 8) we obtain:

12) /f(x)dx = fOO/fW - K«)/f(<0a

-J? K*)<*tf(*W(*)]a

and substituting f(x)/f(x) = Q(x) and f(x)dx = f (x)Q(x)axwe obtain the useful relation

13) /f(x)Q(x)dx = fOOQOO - f(«)Q00a

- /K*)[<*Q(*)].

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Equation 13) reduces to two verv fundamental relationships. IfQ(x) = x"

14) /f(x)x»<fx = f(b~)b« - fCa^a" - n/f(x)xn-'<fx,a *

and when n = 0

15) />(*)<** = Kb-) - f(a).a


If a function f(x) is finite in the interval a ^ x :g b thenequations 10) and 11) are proper if there are no maximum orminimum points in the interval or at the end points.

It is also shown that a triangulation rule can take its placealong with Simpson's rule or the trapezoidal rule for approximatingareas.

The special function f(x) —ex has an exact solution in equation 11), but of more interest is the function of f(x) = ex2. Equation 11) states that two right triangles each determined by a tangentand subtangent to the curve at the end points of the intervala ^ x ^ b have a difference of 3A of the areabounded by the curvef(x) = ex2 and the x-axis in the interval. This simple fact has beenapplied to ballistic problems and has greatly reduced some tediouswork.

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Mathematical NotesCharles H. Pearsall, Jr.

Student, Hofstra CollegeA Note on Simple Areas and Volumes

If(1) P(x) = aox3 4- axX2 4- a2x 4- a3

then from the calculus we have

S P(x)«x = [x(aoX3/4 4- a,x2/3 4- a2x/2 4-a3)]h= h (a0/i3/4 4- a,feV3 4- a2fe/2 4- a3). °

By substitution, it may be verified that

(2) [P(O) + 4P(/z/2) 4- P(fe)J h/6 = /" P(x)dx.o

Thus, if the condition P(x) is satisfiedby a function of x, thenits integral over the interval from x = 0 to x = h is given by (2).

If a solid has parallel cross sections that are cubic, quadratic,linear, or constant functions of the distance from the origin, the exactvolume can be found by taking the sum of the areas of the upperand lower bases plus four times the area of the mid-section and multiplying the result by .one sixth the height. This is the prismoidalformula from antiquity, which then was derived by non-calculusmethods. It yields the exact volumes of ellipsoids, circular cylinders,wedges, prisms, cones, and pyramids or any solid for which (1) issatisfied by parallel cross sections.

It is remarkable that, in addition to being applicable to manycommon solids, the convenience of a mid-section is employed. Thereis indication that the extension of this method to quartic functionswill not yield such convenience.

Equation (2) may be used to find the area under any curvey = P(x). This is the basis of Simpson's rule.1

Some applications of (2) will now be given.Example 1. Volume of ellipsoid of dimensions a, b, c. We assumeknowledge of the area of an ellipse.

V = (2c/6) [0 4- 4(irab) 4- 0] = (4/3>a&cExample 2. Volume of the intersection of two right elliptical cylinders with axes intersectingat rightangles and with a common dimension a, which is 7tormal to the axes.

It can be established that the cross sections of the solid which

•See Granville, Smith, Lonaloy, Qomonts oi Differential and Integral Calculus, pp. 247-MB.


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are normal to the direction of the common dimension are rectanglesand that condition (1) is satisfied.

Therefore,V = (2a/6)[0 4- 4 (4fcc) 4- 0]

= (16/3) abc.


By letting the dimensions a, b, and c in the above examplesbecome a common dimension r, we have the volume of a sphere inExample 1 and thevolume of the intersection of right circular cylinders in Example 2.

To find the area of the sphere, consider the volume dividedinto many small needleUke pyramids each containing a base on thesphere's surface and all having a common vertex at the center ofthe sphere. Applying the prismoidal formula to the needlelike pyramids, summing, and noting that in thelimit the height ofeach pyramid becomes r, we have:

1/3 r (2B0 = 4/3 vr3S = SB, = 4*7-*

where 4irr2 is seen to be the desired area of the surface.Similarly, since the center of the intersection of two right cir

cular cylinders, exampe 2, is r distance from any plane tangent tothe surface of the cylinders, we have the surface of the solid determined as

S2 = SB, = (16rV3)/[(l/3)r| = 16r2It is well known that the intersection of a plane and a circular

cylinder is a curve called an ellipse. I leaveit for the reader to provethat if this circular cylinder were cut open and laid flat, the ellipsewould transforminto a sine curve.This type of representation is usedto visualize an interesting series of curves called Lissajous figures;the ellipse here corresponding to the case where the frequency ratio'is 1:1.

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If in the case of the two intersecting cylinders the radii aretaken to be equal to one unit and if the common solid is viewed inthe direction normal to the axes of the intersecting cylinders, it maybe seen that there are eight 45° sections each of whose area is twounits (see area determination above). These sections will transforminto a plane figure bounded by the arc of a sine curve of unit amplitude and a straight line joining the end points of the arc. This resultis consonant with the determination of the area under a sine curveby using the methods of the formal calculus.

Thus, we see that the prismoidal formula is not insignificant inits range of applicability.

A Note on Finding the Particular Solution to the DifferentialEquation/(D)y = P(x) where P(x) is a Polynomial

It is assumed here that the reader has only elementary knowledge of differential equations. The elementarymethod of finding theparticular solution of the above equation (where it is understoodthat /(D) is the notation used to indicate a function on the differential operator D where D = fl*/(a*x)) is to employ the "method ofundetermined coefficients". This method usually entails the formation of the correct undetermined coefficient equation which is thenoperated upon by /(D) yielding results that must be grouped according to like variables; and then it is argued that, if the assumedparticular solution is to be a solution, its coefficients are identicalwith those contained in the right hand side of the given differentialequation; thus a set of simultaneous equations is obtained fromwhich the coefficients are ultimately determined. Needless to say,the above method has many points where error can occur. The following method of attack on polynomial type will obviate the aboveprocedure. In addition to minimizing the possibilities of error, it issuperior with respect to time consumption. I call it the "Method ofSuccessive Inspection" which as you shall see is an apt christening.

Consider first the case where P(x) is a constant only. Then ifCa0D" 4- axDn-1 4- • • • 4- a„-iD 4- a„)y = bm is the given differential equation, its solution is seen to be by inspection yp = bm/a„.

Next consider the case where P(x) is the general polynomialrepresented by P(x) = boXm 4- fe1xm-1 4- • • • 4- bm-xX 4- bm. Tofind the particular solution, we tentatively assume that it is,yp = (&0/an)Xm where in forming this function, we have considered only the coefficients of the highest power of P(x) and the lowest differential power of /(D). This is done simply because when

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this equation is substituted in the equation fCD^y = P(x) and theindicated operations performed upon it the result has the highestpower of x agreeing with P(x). However, usually after this step hasbeen performed, the lower powers of x will not agree with P(x).We consider these lower powers of x as contributions toward our goaland assume another particular solution of lesser degree. In otherwords, by putting in the above tentative particular solution we havetaken care of the highest power of P(x) and have also obtained atotal of m of the next highest power of x. But, if there were bt ofthis type in P(x), then we must assume the next tentative particularsolution as 2yp = [fc, — m)/an]X'"-'. By putting this in and performing the indicated operations upon it, the next highest power ofx in P(x)will be satisfied. Furthermore, these portions are satisfiedin descending powers of x, so that ultimately we have all that is required. The particular solution is then the sum of all the tentativeparticularsolutions. This method is best illustrated by examples. Suppose that we are given the equation (2D2 4- D — 2)y = —6x* 4-lOx 4- 8, then our first tentative particular solution will bey = 3x2. Note that coefficient is obtained by inspection, i.e.,-6/—2 is 3. Applying (2D2 4- D - 2) to 3x2, we have the result—6x2 4- 6x 4- 12. Note that the coefficient of x2 agrees with thatof P(x) = —6x2 4- lOx 4- 8 and hence no more need be said aboutit. But, when 3X2 is assumed, we obtain 6x; and since we ultimatelyneed lOx (from P(x)), this means we need an additional 4x. To getthis, we next assume a solution of —2x (the coefficient being foundfrom 4/—2 = —2, by inspection). Operating on —2x with thegiven operator, we have the result 4x — 2. Thus the coefficient of xis satisfied. As a result of assuming these tentative particular solutions, we have so far a total constant term of 4-12 — 2 or 10. Butwe need only 4-8 as is seen by examining P(x). Thus, our nextassumption must be something that will yield —2 when operatedupon. By inspection this is seen to be 1 for —2/—2 is 1. Thereforethe total particular solution is the sum of the tentative particular solutions or 3X2 — 2x 4- 1.

The method described above is not very systematic. We nowintroduce certain methods for proper bookkeeping. For each tentativesolution assumed, we have associated with it three columns. At thetop of the leftmost column we place the tentative particular solution.We differentiate as many times as the highest differential degree ofthe given differential equation, listing these subsequent results inorder in this column below the tentative solution. In the next column

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we place the coefficients of the /(D) with the lowestexponent of D(usually zero) having its associated coefficient at the top of thecolumn and the others following it in order. Note: Be especiallycareful to includeany zero coefficients as in the method of syntheticdivision. Multiply corresponding quantities of the first two columns,listing their product in the third column. This column gives theresult of applying the differential operator to our tentative particularsolution. We have a check at this point. The results, if correct, willhave the highest power of x agreeing with the highest power of x inP(x). If this is not so, we made an error in our inspection. By considering the next highest power of x in the third column and comparing this with the needed amount in P(x), we determine our nexttentative solution. We draw another vertical line indicating a partition from our initial results and draw a set of three more columnsfrom which we get additional results. Then, at each time by considering the amount we have in the third columns, we know how to assume next. Inspect the following example and then make up a problem and test the speed and accuracy with any method previouslyused.To find: ypof (D2 - 2D 4- 4)y = 12x3 - 2x2 4- 44




4 12x» 4x2 4 16X2 9 4

-2 -18k2 8x -2 -16x

1 18x 8 1 8

y> 3X2 4- 4x2 4- 9


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The Area of a Hyperbolic SectorH. S. M. Coxeter

Professor, University of Toronto

The analogy between the circular and hyperbolic functions ismost clearly seen in the fact that the parameter for the rectangularhyperbola

x = cosh t, y = sinh tis equal to twice the area of the sector from (1, 0) to (cosh t,sinh i). It is therefore desirable to have a really simple proof forthis well known fact.

Using Cartesian and polar coordinates simultaneously, we havex = cosh t, y = sinh t,r = x sec 0 = cosh t sec 0,tan 0 = y/x = tanh t,sec»0 de = sech21 dt,

so that twice the area of the sector is

/ r2 d0 = J" cosh2t sec20 d$0 0

= / cosh2* sech2t dt0

= S dt0

= t.


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The Problem CornerEdited By Frank C. Gentry

The Problem Corner invites questions of interest to undergraduate students. As a rule, the solution should not demand any toolsbeyond the calculus. Although new problems are preferred, old onesof particular interest or charm arc welcome provided the source isgiven. Solutions of the following problems should be submitted onseparate sheets before March 1, 1955. The best solutions submittedby students will be published in the Spring, 1955, issue of THEPENTAGON, with credit being given for other solutions received.To obtain credit, a solver should affirm that he is a student and givethe name of his school. Address all communications to Frank C. Gentry, Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Problems Proposed71. Proposed by Charles Pearsall, Student, Hofstra College, Hemp

stead, New York.

Given a triangle partitioned into n equal areas by lines parallelto the base. If the altitude is h show that: 1) the partitioning is independent of the length of the base; 2) the location of the Unes ofdivision as measured along the altitude from the vertex is given bythe sequence: hy/l/n, hy/2/n, h\/i/n, • • • , h\/j/n, , h.(;= 1,2, •••,».)72. Proposed by Frank Hawthorne, Hofstra College, Hempstead,

New York.

A rectangle piece of sheet metal with integral dimensions a andb hasequal squares of side c cut from each corner. The sides are thenbent up to form a rectangular box with no top. The value of c ischosen so as to make the volume of the box a maximum. If c is rational and if a triangle can be formed with sides a, b, c, and angleC = 60°, show that c is integral.73. Proposed by Victor Thebault, Tennie, Sarthe, France.

On the sides BC, CA, AB of the triangle ABC, determine thepoints M, N, P such that BM = MN = NP = PA.


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74. Proposed by H. D. Larsen, Albion College, Albion, Michigan.From a five-place table of logarithmic sines, calculate the five-

place logarithms of 2, 3, and 7.75. Proposed by CarlV. Fronabarger, Southwest Missouri State Col

lege, Springfield, Missouri. (Source unknown)If it is known that eleven of twelve objects have the same

weight, show how it can be determined by three weighings on a pairof balances which object has a weight differing from that of theothers and whether it is heavier or lighter.76. Proposed by S. H. Session, Student, Hofstra College, Hemp

stead, New York.

Show that the square of the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + • • • + «, forany», diminished bythe square of the same sum for « — 1 is equalto «s.

Solutions55. Proposed by Norman Anning, University of Michigan, Ann Ar

bor, Michigan.

Show that a triangle given at random is three times as likely tohave an obtuse angle as not to have one.Solution by Morris Rosen, Hofstra College, Hempstead, New, York.

Two angles will determine a triangle in species. For an angleto belong to a triangle it must have a measure between 0° and 180°.The probabihty that two such angles have a sum less than 180° isVz. The probability that a randomly chosen angle of a triangle beless than 90° is Vz. The probabihty that a second angle also be lessthan 90° is Vz X Vz = Va . The probabihty that the third angleis also acute, i.e., the probability that the sum of the first two bebetween 90° and 180° is Vz X Vt = Vs. Hence the probabilitythatone angle be obtuse is Vz —Va = Vs. Thus the probability thatone angle be obtuse is 3 times the probability that they are all threeacute.

Alsosolved by Harvey Fiola, Forman, North Dakota.65. Proposed by C. W. Trigg, Los Angeles City College, Los Ange

les, California.

What is the probability that the ten's digit of the square of arandomly selected integer will be odd?

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Solution by Charles Thornton, Capuchino High School, San Bruno,California.

A randomly selected integer N may be represented by a10" 4-• • • 4- lOOx 4- lOy 4- z. Upon squaring this expression, the lasttwo terms are found to be 20yz 4- z2. Thus the ten's digit of N2 isequal to the sum of the unit's digit of 2yz and the ten's digit of z2.Since 2yz is always even, the ten's digit of N2 is odd if and only ifthe ten's digit of z2 is odd. This is true in two of the ten possibledigital values of z. Therefore, the probability that the ten's digit ofN2 is odd is 1/5.

Also solved by Robert Swanstrom, Los Angeles City College;Richard T. J. Mahoney, Bowling Green State University; and byCharles Pearsall, Morris Rosen, and S. H. Sesskin, all of HofstraCollege.66. Proposed by C. W. Trigg, Los Angeles City College, Los Ange

les, California.If the elements of each of the columns (or rows) of a determi

nant of order greater than two when taken in order form an arithmetic progression, then the value of the determinant is zero.Solution by Charles Pearsall, Hofstra College, Hempstead, New York.

Subtracting any row (or column) from any two other rows(or columns) yields a determinant with the elements of two rows(orcolumns) proportional. Thus the determinant has thevalue zero.

Also solved by Robert Swanstrom, Los Angeles City College; Richard T. J. Mahoney, Bowling Green State University; Morris Rosenand S. H. Sesskin, Hofstra College.67. Proposed by D. M. Morrison, St. Joseph, Missouri. (From S. I.Jones, Mathematical Clubs and Recreations, p. 111).

The combined ages of Jane and Mary total 44. Now Jane istwice as old as Mary was when Jane was half as old as Mary will bewhen Mary is three times as old as Jane was when Jane was threetimes as old as Mary. How old are they?Solution by Larry Rubinoff, Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan.

Let x beJane's present age and y Mary's present age. Then x 4-y = 44. Now Jane is twice as old as Mary was a years ago, i.e.,x = 2(y —a), when Jane was half as old as Mary will be b yearshence, i.e., (x - a) = (y 4- fc)/2, when Mary is three times asold as Jane was c years ago, i.e., (y 4- V) = 3(x - c), when Janewas three times as old as Mary, i.e., (x - c) = 3(y — c). Elimi-

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nating a, b, and cand solving for x and y leads to Jane's age as27Vzand Mary's age as \(>Vz.

Also solved by Thomas W. Martin, Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas; Hugh A. Mahoney, Rochester Institute ofTechnology, Rochester, New York; Charles Pearsall, Morris Rosen,and S. H. Sesskin, all of Hofstra College; and John M. Usry, University of New Mexico.68. Proposed by James Woods, Student, University of New Mexico,Albuquerque, New Mexico.

How long is the arc S in the figure?

Solution by S. H. Sesskin, Hofstra College, Hempstead, New York.Since the length ofarc is equal to the product ofthe radius and

the subtending angle, S = R(0 - x) where x is the angle subtending the remaining arc in the illustration. Now 0 = Arc sin 2K/Rx = Arc sin K/R. Therefore

S = R(Arc sin 2K/R - Arc sin K/R).

Also solved by Charles Thornton, Capachino High School, SanBruno, California; Larry Rubinoff, Wayne University; Charles Pearsall and Morris Rosen, Hofstra College.69. Proposed by the Editor. (From Nicholson's, Elements of Planeand Spherical Trigonometry, The Macmillan Company, 1911).

On the bank of a river, there is a column 200 feet high supporting a statue 30 feet high; the statue to an observer on the opposite bank subtends an equal angle with aman 6 feet high standingat the baseof the column. Required, the width of the river.Solution by James N. Rogers, Butter University, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Let a be the angle of elevation of the top of the statue from apoint on the opposite bank and let /3 be the angle subtended at thatpoint by the statue and the man. Then

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44 The Pentagon

tana- tan £ _200tan (« — 0) =

1 4- tan a tan /S x

where x is the width of the river. Substituting for tan a and tan /?leads to

230/x - 6/x _2001 4- (230/x)(6/x)- x

Solving this equation for x leads to x = 107 feet approximately.Also solved by Cameron Macdonald, Charles Pearsall, Morris

Rosen, and S. H. Sesskin, all of Hofstra College.70. Proposed by the Editor.

The point A is three feet from the center O of a circle of radius5 feet. The point B is 4 feet from O and 5 feet from A. Locate thepoint P on the circle so that the distance AP 4- PB may be as smallas possible.Solution by Charles Pearsall, Hofstra College, Hempstead, Ne%v York.

The minimum distance AP 4- PB will occur when the lines APand PB make equalangles with the tangent to the circle at P. HenceAP and BP make equal angles a with the radius OP. Let j8 be theangle BOP. Then in triangle AOP, cos p / AP = sin a/3 andin triangle OBP, BP cos a = 5 —4 cos p. Considering the area of thequadrilateral OBPA as the sum of the areas of the two triangles intwoways we have BP-AP sin 2a 4- 12 = 15 cos p 4- 20 sin p fromwhich, by substituting from the above expressions and simplifying,we obtain 12 cos 2j8 = 25 cos (/? 4- Arc tan 4/3). This equationmay be solved for p approximately by Newton's Method. Its solution

is p = 10° 3.4'. From triangle AOP, AP2 = 34 - 30 sin /J orAP =

5.36 feet. From triangle OBP, BP2 = 41 - 40 cos p, or BP = 1.27feet. Hence the minimum distance is 6.63 feet.

Also solved by Morris Rosen of Hofstra College who setup thedistance to be minimized as a function of the angle BOP, set itsderivative equal to zero thus obtaining a sixth degree equation whichhe solved approximately by Newton's Method.

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The Mathematical ScrapbookEdited By H. D. Larsen

Poesy has been called a creation, a making, a fiction; and theMathematics have been called . . . the sublimest and the most stupendous of fictions.

—Thomas Hill

= A =

In a number of years equal to the number of times a rhinoceros's mother is as old as the rhinoceros, the rhinoceros's father will beas many times as old as the rhinoceros is years old now. The rhinoceros's mother is twice as old as the rhinoceros will be when therhinoceros's father is twice as old as the rhinoceros will be when therhinoceros's mother is less by the difference in ages between themother and father than three times as old as the rhinoceros will bewhen the rhinoceros's father is one year less than twelve times as oldas the rhinoceros is when the rhinoceros's mother is eight times theage of the rhinoceros.

When the rhinoceros is as old as the rhinoceros's mother willbe when the difference in ages between the rhinoceros's father andthe rhinoceros is less than the age of the rhinoceros's mother by twicethe difference in ages between the rhinoceros's father and the rhinoceros's mother, the rhinoceros's mother will be five times as old as therhinoceroswill be when the rhinoceros's father is one year more thanten times as old as the rhinoceros is when the rhinoceros is less byfour years than one-seventh of the combined ages of his father andmother.

Find their respective ages. (For the purposes of this problem,the rhinoceros may be considered to be immortal.) —A.S.E. Acker-mann in the Mathematical Gazette.

= A =

Why Teachers Get GrayPROBLEM: (x")(*3) + (x3)2 = ?

"SOLUTION": x18 + xB = x3


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46 The Pentagon

"Happy the lot of the pure mathematician. He is judged solelyby his peers and the standard is so high that no colleague can everwin a reputation he does not deserve. No cashier writes articles in theSunday Times complaining about the incomprehensibility of ModernMathematics and comparing it unfavourably with the good old dayswhen mathematicians were content to paper irregularly-shaped roomsor fill bath-tubs with the wastepipe open. Better still, since engineersand physicists have occasionally been able to put his equations todestructive use, he is even given a chair in a State University."

—W. H. Auden

= A =

CryptarithmThis "Three Threes" problem in multiplication has a unique so




x x 3~xx 3 x

x x 3 xx

= A =

Mantisa or Mantissa, according to Lewis and Short, is a Latin(Tuscan) word signifying a "worthless addition, a makeweight." Thedecimal part of the logarithm is evidently the excess or surplus. —Mathematical Gazette

= A =

In a well known university, the names of the president, a professor, an instructor, and a janitor are Mr. James, Mr. Jones, Mr.Haines, and Mr. Ross, but not necessarily in that order. In the sameuniversity there are four students, James, Jones, Haines, and Ross.

The student with thesame name as the professor belongs to thefraternity of which Ross is a member.

The daughter-in-law of Mr. Jones lives in Philadelphia.The oldest son of the president is seven years old.The wife of the janitor has never seen Mr. Ross.The father of one of the students alwavs confuses Haines and

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The Pentagon 47

Jones in class but is not absent minded.Mr. Haines is the father-in-law of the instructor and has no

grandchildren.Match the names.

= A =

What is the angle between the faces of a tetrahedron?

= A =

1 = Is

5 4- 9 4- 13 = 3s

17 4- 21 4- 25 4- 29 4- 33 = 5s

37 4- 41 4- 45 4- 49 4- 53 4- 57 4- 61 = 7»etc.

= A =

How should we define xn when n is a positive whole number?It is not correct, for example, to define x' as "x multipUed by itself5 times." B. Evans suggests that x5 be defined as 1 multiplied by xfive times: xs = l'X'X'X'X'x. There is some merit in this suggestion.The interpretation of x° as 1 follows rather naturally.

= A =

Calculus(To the tune of Clementine')

In a college, seeking knowledge,Maids for mathematics pine.'Tis no fable, Calculus's ableAll grey matter to refine.


Of my darling differentials,Higher orders you combine.Then you're lost and gone foreverIrrespective of your sign.

In a mathematics classroom

Differentiation's fine.

Why be floored? Why be bored?Find the slope of every line.


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48 The Pentagon

Maximum of / is called for.Carefully derive / prime.Be a hero. Equate to zero,And you'll find it every time.

(Chorus)Areas and also volumesAre quite easy to divine.Use some gumption; place the functionUnderneath the integral sign.

(Chorus)In a problem.there's no goblin.Courage you must ne'er resign.If convergent, not divergent,Series may your / define.

(Chorus)—Clara E. Smith

= A =

A Mathematical GameWhat mathematical terms are suggested below?

1. A color 4- a slang word for gentleman.2. Word used with either 4- noise 4- devoured.3. Abbreviation for advertisement 4- a bird 4- a small coin.4. Word used for many 4- name for a single term.5. Abbreviation for absent 4- nickname for sister 4- a.6. English word for Monsieur 4- a word meaning to choose.7. Accident 4- a color 4- a sea bird.8. Word for four 4- contraction for he would 4- word for hurry.9. Second musical note in the musical scale 4- fourth letter of the

alphabet 4- plural objective personal pronoun.10. Word for four 4- rodent 4- noise of a clock.11. Fifth letter of the alphabet 4- exterior of the mouth.12. Word for two 4- girl's name 4- metric measure of weight.13. Attempt 4- type of worm.14. Slang word 4- ome 4- a part of a forest.15. Boy's name 4- ge 4- mule talk.16. Equal 4- short fooball pass.17. Word for two 4- metric measure of length.

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18. Prefix of former wife 4- great American poet 4- tool of a fisherman.

19. Boy's name 4- optical organ 4- flower.20. Abbreviation for professional 4- last syllable of legislative body

4- avoid.(Answers: tangent, ordinate, adjacent, polynomial, abscissa, circle,

rectangle, tetrahedron, radius, quadratics, ellipse, parallelogram, triangle, geometry, algebra, equilateral, parameter, exponent, maximum, progression.)

= A =If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for

it is hard to be sought out, and difficult.—Heraclitus

= A ="In mathematics, as in other fields, to find oneself lost in won

der at some manifestation is frequently the half of a new discovery."—P. G. L. Dirichlet

= A ="But there is another reason for the high repute of mathematics;

it is mathematics that offers the exact natural sciences a certainmeasure of security, which, without mathematics, they could notattain."

—Albert Einstein

= A ="Ah, but my computations, people say

Reduce the year to better reckoning—nayTis only striking from the calendarUnborn tomorrow and dead yesterday."

—Omar Khayyam

= A =

"Mathematics is the class of all propositions of the form P implies Q."

—H. Poincare

= A =

"Nature and Nature's Law lay hid in nightGod said, 'Let Newton be', and all was light."


= A =

"A mathematical science is any body of propositions arrangedaccording to a sequence of logical deductions."

—J. W. Young

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The Book Shelf

Edited By Frank Hawthorne

From time to time there are published books of common interestto all students of mathematics. It is the object of this department tobring these books to the attention of readers of THE PENTAGON.In general, textbooks will not be reviewed and preference will begiven to books written in English. When space permits, older booksof proven value and interest will be described. Please send books forreview to Professor Frank Hawthorne, Hofstra College, Hempstead,New York.Squaring the Circle and Oilier Monographs by E. W. Hobson, Hilda

P. Hudson, A. N. Singh, and A. B. Kempe, Chelsea PublishingCo., (Washington Bridge Station) New York 33, 360 pp.$3.25.

This book collects into a single volume four monographs whichhave already been published separately. Three of these are wellwithin the range of the undergraduate mathematics major; thefourth, on non-differentiable functions, is on a higher level. Bothteacher and student of undergraduate mathematics will find in thesemonographs a varietyof interesting and instructive material.

The first of these monographs, "Squaring the Circle", by E. W.Hobson, traces the long history of man's effort to understand thenature of the number pi. The author divides this history into threeperiods. The first long period of empirical and geometrical attemptscame to an end with the introduction of the calculus. The secondperiod was characterized by the use of the calculus in its variousapplications to calculate a more accurate value of pi. It was not untilthe third period, when the mathematician began to suspect the existence of transcendental numbers and did something about it, that thetrue nature of pi emerged. This period, and the attempts of mathematicians to "square the circle", came to an end with the discovery ofthe transcendental nature of pi.

This monograph touches on many phases of elementary mathematics and is truly a rich source of interesting and inspirational material. Perhaps the reader as he contemplates the almost four thousand year siege of the problem will appreciate the author's observation that "the quality of the human mind, considered in its collective


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The Pentagon 51

aspect, which most strikes us in surveying this record is its colossalpatience."

The second monograph, "Ruler and Compasses", by Hilda P.Hudson, is a thorough treatment of the problem of construction possible by means of the Euclidean ruler and compass. The author develops early the analytical equivalents of ruler constructions and ofruler and compass constructions. As one might suspect, the impossibility of duplication of the cube and tri-section of the general angleare established. Both ruler constructions and ruler and compass constructions from given geometrical data are then considered in detail,the last chapters dealing with special conditions from which rulerand compass constructions may be done with just one of these instruments. This monograph could well form the content of a course incollege geometry.

The third monograph, "The Theory and Construction of Non-differentiable Functions", by A. N. Singh, brings together the resultsin this field of investigation to a comparatively recent date (1935).The four chapter (lecture) headings, Functions Defined by Series,Functions Defined Geometrically, Functions Defined Arithmetically,Properties of Non-differentiable Functions, indicate the general content of this discussion. While the undergraduate will likely find thismonograph above his level, he might be interested in scanning it tosee the general trend. In doing so he will encounter many of thegreat names in mathematics in the last century.

Readers of THE PENTAGON will recall that the fourth monograph, "How to Draw a Straight line", by A. B. Kempe, was published in its entirety in the Spring, 1952, issue. This monograph,originally a lecture to a group of English science teachers in 1876,was obviously inspired by the interest created by the introduction toEnglish scientific circles by Sylvester in 1874 of Peucellier's linkageby means of which a straight line may be drawn. Besides this one,earlier linkages which approximate a straight line and others with interesting properties are described. Among these are the pantographand the linkage by which an angle may be divided into n equal parts.Diagrams of the linkages are given and it is likely that a student witha mathematical and mechanical turn of mind would find construction of some of these models highly interesting and instructive.

—E. A. Hedberg

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52 The Pentagon

Dictionary of Mathematical Sciences, Volume I (German - English),by Leo Herland, Frederick Ungcr Publishing Co. (105 E. 24thSt.), New York 10, 235 pp. $3.25.

Note—Volume II (English-German) was received by The BookShelf Editor too late to get it reviewed. It is available for $4.50.

In the preface it is claimed that this is the first modern bilingual dictionary centering about the major subjects of mathematicsand geometry. It aims to cover a number of mathematical fields,some in considerable detail, such as mathematical logic, statistics,and commercial arithmetic. It does not claim to cover completelythe highly specialized terms of the various branches of mathematicsand geometry, although an attempt has been made to include allimportant terms. Suggestions for additions are solicited. The dictionary does not contain words in daily use in German, except inso far as they might have a technical mathematical meaning, i.e.,Kegel cone is included but not Kegel pin.

When this reviewer, a teacher of German language and literature, conducted a class of undergraduate senior mathematics majorslast year in reading Mengenlchre by H. Hausdorff (New York, DoverPublications), we used whatever dictionaries, literary and technical,were immediately available. As I now look over this book on thetheory of sets with Herland's dictionary at hand, I realize how ourslow and often painful work could have been greatly facilitated.While we did arrive at a satisfactory translation and understandingof the text in most places, we nevertheless often had to compromiseand be satisfied with approximate terms and idioms instead of thepreciseness of expression which mathematics requires. This dictionary seems to have the advantage over other technical dictionaries ofgiving exact English words and expressions within specific contexts.

I feel that this dictionary can be an individual aid not only tomathematics students preparing for a Ph.D. reading examination but,what is more important, for the student, teacher, or professional person who needs and wants to read some of the many articles andbooks which are unavailable in their original form in any other language but German.

—Frederick J. Churchill

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The Pentagon 53

Math Can Be Fun by Louis G. Brandes, The author, Encinal H. S.(210 Central Ave.), Alameda, California. $1.50.Here are collected a large number of tricks, puzzles, oddities,

and other "off-the-beaten-track" items of mathematics by an experienced classroom teacher. These are presented for use as enrichmentmaterial at the upper grade and junior high school levels. Manyreaders of THE PENTAGON either are or soon will be teachers inschoolsof this type, and this book should be of considerable value tothem.

The reviewer teaches in a juniorhigh school where he made extensive use of this book during the past school year. His students understood and enjoyed this "different" mathematics. Some few wereenthusiastic, mostbenefited, and surely no onesuffered from its use.

Probably most good, experienced teachers gradually accumulate a store of such materials. The beginning teacher should find thisconvenient compilation especially helpful, and the "old hand" willfind useful additions for his collection.

The style is somewhat unusual. Numerous rebus-like phrasesoccur (thus "for you to see" appears as "4 U 2 C"), and some students found this aspect challenging. The reproduction is by rotaryduplicator and is not always asclear as it might be, but this does notdetract seriously from the worth of this work.

—Robert Dever

Mathemagic by Royal Vale Heath, Dover Publications Inc. (1780Broadway) New York 19, New York. Paper, 126 pp., $1.00.In a sort of Nihil Obstat to this attractive reprint, we are told

that it is "not detrimental to the interests of the Professional Magicians of America". The reviewer assumed this to mean that no revelations of procedures by means of which such persons make a livingwere disclosed. His first reaction was that a similar Imprimatur bythe American Mathematical Society might well be in order.

However, aftermore sober thought, the very lack of proof notedthroughout the book may well be the key to its value to the undergraduate. Thus, any college student who goes through this book andsubstantiates each of the arbitrary procedures contained in it willhave had a valuable experience. For instance, the number 142857is discussed with particular reference to the cyclic permutations ofdigits which result in its first six multiples, but no mention is madethat this property is an "of course" result of the fact that these digitsform the repeating portion of the decimal equivalent of 1/7.

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54 The Pentagon

Much of the material in this book is simple; some even trivialif looked at "the right way". It may be useful to the student whoneeds practice in "which way to look".

—F. Hawthorne

Books Received by the Bookshelf EditorAn Analytical Calculus, Vol. II and III, by E. A. Maxwell, Cam

bridge University Press, (32 E. 57th St.), New York 22, 270pp. and 195 pp., $3.50 and $2.75.

Analytic Geometry by Edward S. Smith, Meyer Salkover, Howard K.Justice, John Wiley and Sons, (440 4th Ave.) New York 12,xiii 4- 306 pp., $4.00.

Exercises in Workshop Mathematics by Leshe Smith, CambridgeUniversity Press, (35 E. 57th St.), New York 22, v 4- 89 pp.,$.90.

Introduction to Mathematical Statistics by Paul G. Hall, John Wileyand Sons, (440 4th Ave.), New York 12, xi 4- 331 pp.,$5.00.

Introduction to Mathematical Thinking by Frederick Waismann,Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., (105 E. 24th St.), New York10, x 4- 260 pp., $4.50.

Relaxation Methods by D. N. deG. Allen, McGraw Hill, (330 W.42nd St.), New York 10, ix 4- 251 pp., $7.50.


It is hoped that ever}- chapter is planning to send a delegation to the 1955 Biennial Convention. The conventionwill be held at Nebraska State Teachers College, Wayne,Nebraska, on May 6, 7, 1955.

Students are urged to submit papers for consideration forpresentation at the convention. Complete directions for papers to be presented to the Selection Committee can be foundin the Spring, 1954, issue of THE PENTAGON.

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THE PENTAGON is pleased to report the installation of California Beta Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon.


Occidental College, Los AngelesCalifornia Beta Chapter was installed and twenty-four charter

members of that chapter were initiated in a ceremony at Occidental College on May 28, 1954. The ceremony was conducted by Professor Chester G. Jaeger of California Alpha. Professor Jaeger wasassisted by Professor Mabel Barnes of Occidental, Professor HughHamilton of Pomona and Professor Elmer Tolsted of Pomona. Professor Barnes, who was a charter member of Nebraska Alpha, willserve as corresponding secretary for California Beta.

The charter members of California Beta are: Jack R. Becker,James A. Berget, John F. Charnell, James E. Conel, Thomas L.Drouet, Claude D. Fiddler, David A. Ford, Paul M. Foster, NormanA. Harris, Kelly L. Hester, Kenneth M. Hoffman, Donald W. Johnson, Paul B. Johnson (faculty), Robert T. Koyamatsu, Raymond C.Libby, Barbara C. Matson, Kikuko Matsumoto, Donald S. Miller,Elmer E. Moots (faculty), Florence V. Reese, Richard E. Robertson,Christine A. West, Mary M. Wootan, Robert E. Learned.

A banquet at the Student Union followed the ceremony. Professor Chester G. Jaeger addressed the group on the topic of "Mathematical Characters".

We wish to extend a hearty welcome to California Beta. Thestaff of THE PENTAGON joins with the national officers in expressing our best wishes for success to our newest chapter.

€If a lunatic scribbles a jumble of mathematical symbols it

does not follow that the writing means anything merely because tothe inexpert eye it is indistinguishable from higher mathematics."

—E. T. Bell


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Brief History of Kappa Mu Epsilon *The rapid growth of universities and colleges in the United

States in the latter part of the 19th Century led to the developmentof professional societies in every field. The fields of law, medicine,science, engineering, teaching, etc., developed societies with memberships numbering thousands. Local clubs were formed in largereducational institutions to promote interest in special departmental objectives. Desire for affiUation with other groups of similar ideals ledto the organization of these local clubs into national and state societies. In mathematics, Pi Mu Epsilon became the national fraternityfor instructors and advanced students who were in educational institutions offering graduate work in mathematics. The first fraternitiesopen to mathematics students on the undergraduate level seem tohave been primarily science fraternities. These organizations didnot appeal very strongly to those whose interest was in symbolicthinking.

The need for a national mathematics fraternity which wouldappeal essentially to the undergraduate was recognized by both theinstructors and students of mathematics. Dr. Emily Kathryn Wyantis considered the founder of Kappa Mu Epsilon, which was organized to fill this need. Dr. Wyant was a graduate of the University ofMissouri and was a member of Pi Mu Epsilon. In the fall of 1930she went to Northeastern Oklahoma State Teachers College as aprofessor of mathematics. She went to work with vigor and enthusiasm to transform the mathematics club there, which had beenin existence since 1927, into the first chapterof a national fraternity.Professor L. P. Woods, who was head of the Department of Mathematics and Dean of Men, was a valuable co-worker in working outthe many details pertaining to the project. He was largely responsible for the completed rituals used for the initiation of members andinstallation of officers.

Since the first serious group of students of mathematics to beorganized into a fraternity was the Society of Pythagoras, it wasdecided that the emblems of Kappa Mu Epsilon would be those of

'EDITOR'S NOTE: Material for this briei history oi Kappa Mu Epsilon was taken ftomdata furnlshod by Miss Laura Z. Groeno, National Historian; national convontion reports:the National Constitution; an article ontitled "Eariy Years oi Kappa. Mu Epsilon" byJ.A.G. Shirk which appeared in tho Spring,- 1942, Issue of THE PENTAGON; and theobituaries of Dr. Wyant, Dr. Condit, and Dr. Shirk, which appeared rospoclively In theFalli 1942; Spring, 1948: and Fall, 1951, Issues of THE PENTAGON.


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The Pentagon 57

the Pythagoreans as nearly as possible. The emblems chosen for thenew fraternity were the five-pointed star and the pentagon. SinceP = a sin 50 ( a five-leaved rose) fits into the pentagon, the wildrose which usually has five petals was chosen as thefraternity flower.The pink of the wild rose and the silver of the star were chosen forthe colors. In making the crest it seemed advisable that the sciencesusing mathematics should be recognized, so five emblems were selected for these and placed around the star on the shield. The motto,translated into English, is "Unfold the glory of mathematics." Theobjective of the organization since its inception has been the fulfillment of this motto.

Dr. Wyant and Prof. L. P. Woods along with 22 other facultymembers and students became charter members of Oklahoma Alpha,Northeastern Oklahoma State Teachers College, Tahlequah, April18, 1931, thereby making the dream for the fraternity a reality. Onthe same day the national organization elected the following officers: President Pythagoras, Dr. Kathryn Wyant; Vice-presidentEuclid, Professor Ira S. Condit; Secretary Diophantus, Miss LoreneDavis; Treasurer Newton, Professor L. P. Woods; Historian Hypatia,Miss Bethel DeLay.

The following newspaper account was given of the transformation of the Mathematics Club at Tahleuqah into Kappa Mu Epsilon:

"The king is dead, long live the king." This may beapplied to the "Mathematics Club," of Northeastern. As"The Pentagon" the club is dead; as Kappa Mu Epsilon,it lives.

Kappa Mu Epsilon had its Founders' Day banquetlast Saturday evening, April 18, at the Hotel Thompson.At that time 20 people took the pledge and signedthe constitution, thus becoming charter members of the Oklahoma Alpha chapter. The banquet room was decorated inpink and white. Wild flowers and red buds were in thecorners of the room. Tall white candles and floor lampsgave a soft light. Rose nut cups and hard painted placecards added to the color of the room. The menu as writteninside the place cards told of paraboloids, ruled surfaces,and even parallel lines that were to be eaten at the mathematical table.

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58 The Pentagon

Paul Lewis was the Radical Axis (toastmaster) ofthe evening. The program consisted of the fraternity songand the following talks: Parabolas (parables) by "Bus"Layton; Comic (conic) sections by Dr. Kathryn Wyant;Lipstick (elliptic) conditions by Clara Green and Transformations by Dean L. P. Woods.

The formal transformation from The Pentagon intoKappa Mu Epsilon was directed by Mr. Woods.Dr. Wyant had carried on an extensive correspondence with

faculty members at other colleges in regard to the founding of anational fraternity such as this. Among those with whom she corresponded were Dr. Ira S. Condit of Iowa State Teachers College,Cedar Falls, and Dr. J. A. G. Shirk of Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg. Dr. Condit participated in the preliminary negotiations for the founding of the fraternity and indicated such an interestthat he was elected the first vice-president. The enthusiasm for thisorganization spread on his own campus with the result that the second chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon, Iowa Alpha, was installed atIowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, May 27, 1931. KansasAlpha, the third chapter, was installed January 30, 1932, at KansasState Teachers College, Pittsburg. Next was Missouri Alpha, Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield, May 20, 1932.

During the development of Kappa Mu Epsilon at Tahlequah,the Mississippi State College for Women and the Mississippi StateCollege were progressing with their plans for inaugurating a mathematical fraternity. Officers of Kappa Mu Epsilon urged the groups togive up their contemplated organization and become affiUated withtheir society whose organization was entirely completed. They agreedtounite; Mississippi Alpha, Mississippi State College for Women, Columbus, was installed May 30, 1932, and the Mississippi Beta, Mississippi State College, State College, was installed December 14,1932. This brought the membership to six chapters by the end of1932.

Much of the early success of Kappa Mu Epsilon is attributed tothe dynamic and inspiring leadership of Dr. J. A. G. Shirk. He succeeded Dr. Wyant as National President in 1935 and served in thatcapacity until 1939. "The Early Years of Kappa Mu Epsilon," an article which appeared in the Spring, 1942, issue of THE PENTAGON, was written by Dr. Shirk. Dr. Ira S. Condit helped formulatethe policies of the organization and set up the first conventions. Dr.Wyant, Dr. Condit, and Dr. Shirk are now dead. However, they will

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The Pentagon 59

always be remembered in Kappa Mu Epsilon for their many contributions in the development of the fraternity.

Another early leader in Kappa Mu Epsilon and one who hasmade great contributions to the organization over a long period oftime has been Miss E. Marie Hove. She has served in an official

capacity in the organization from 1933 to the present. From 1933to 1937 she served as national historian and she has served as na

tional secretary from 1937 to the present time.

Official business at the national convention is transacted bydelegates elected by each chapter and members of the National Council—the National President, National Vice-president, National Secretary, National Treasurer, National Historian, and the immediatePast President. The convention is held every two years for the purpose of electing officers, voting on motions to amend the constitutionor by-laws, voting on motions relating to estabUshment of new chapters, and deciding matters concerning the fraternity.

It is a noteworthy fact that there has been an ever-increasingnumber of student papers presented at the national conventions. Thisfurnishes evidence that the fraternity is fulfilling its four-fold objective which is:

1. to further the interests of mathematics in those schools

which place their primary emphasis on the undergraduateprogram;

2. to help the undergraduate reaUze the important role thatmathematics has played in the development of the westerncivilization;

3. to develop an appreciation of the power and beauty possessed by mathematics, due, mainly, to its demand for logical and rigorous modes of thought;

4. to provide a society for the recognition of outstandingachievement in the study of mathematics in the undergraduate level.

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60 The Pentagon

The first convention was held at Northeastern State TeachersCollege, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, April 21 and 22, 1933. By thistime there were eight chapters on the roll. In the interval from 1941to 1947 no conventions were held due to conditions caused byWorld War II. However, during this time, the National Councilmet to handle the business of the fraternity. At a meeting in 1947the Council voted to have the ritual revised, since the old ritual didnot express the depth of purpose that many Kappa Mu Epsilon members felt it should. Dr. C. V. Newsom, who was then at OberUn College, OberUn, Ohio, was asked to prepare a draft of a revised ritualfor the consideration of the Council. Using the draft prepared by Dr.Newsom, the Council revised the initiation ritual in 1948. This revision is the one in use at the present time.

The first issue of THE PENTAGON appeared in the faU of1941; an official journal for Kappa Mu Epsilon had been authorized at the fifth biennial convention April 18 and 19, 1941. Thetask of planning the journal and formulating its editorial poUcy wasentrusted to Dr. C. V. Newsom, who was at the University of NewMexico, Albuquerque. Dr. Newsom served as editor until his resignation in 1943. Dr. O. J. Peterson, who was then National President,said, "The publication of such a journal is probably the most significant project ever undertaken by the fraternity." This magazine wasto cater to the needs of college students of mathematics and serveas a medium through which outstanding student papers could be published. Dr. Harold D. Larsen, University of New Mexico, followedDr. Newsom as editor. The first issue under his editorship appearedin the fall of 1943. The Spring, 1953, issue of THE PENTAGONhad as its editor Dr. Carl V. Fronabarger, Southwest Missouri StateCollege, Springfield. Dr. Fronabarger is the present editor of thejournal.

Since the first chapter was installed in 1931 with twenty-fourmembers, the organization has grown to a membership of over10,000—fifty-two chapters have been installed in twenty-threestates. Dr. J. A. G. Shirk has aptly said, "History renders the ultimateverdict as to the value of any movement, and the growth and theinfluence of Kappa Mu Epsilon . . . give a portent of its greatercontributions in the decades yet to come."

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The Pentagon

National Officers

Kathryn Wyant*J. A. G. Shirk*C. V. NewsomO. J. PetersonE. R. SleightHenry Van EngenCharles B. Tucker

Ira S. Condit*O. J. PetersonC. V. Newsom

E. H. TaylorE. D. Mouzon

Fred W. SparksH. R. Mathias

Harold D. LarsenCleon C. Richtmeyer

Lorene Davis

J. A. G. ShirkC. E. SmithE. Marie Hove

L. P. WoodsC. N. MillsL. E. Pummill

Henry Van EngenLoyal F. OllmannLeshe Madison

Bethel De LayE. Marie HoveOrpha Ann CulmarSister Helen SuUivanCleon C. RichtmeyerLaura Z. Greene








1931 - 1935

1935 - 1939

1939 - 1941

1941 - 1943

1943 - 1947

1947 - 1951

1951 -

1931 - 1935

1935 - 1937

1937 - 1939

1939 - 1941

1941 - 1943

1943 - 1947

1947 - 1949

1949 - 1951

1951 -

1931 - 1933

1933 - 1935

1935 - 1937

1937 -

1931 - 1933

1933 - 1935

1935 - 1939

1939 - 1943

1943 - 1953

1953 -

1931 - 1933

1933 - 1937

1937 - 1943

1943 - 1947

1947 - 1951

1951 -

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62 The Pentagon

National Conventions1. Northeastern State Teachers College Tahlequah, Oklahoma

April 21 and 22, 19332. Kansas State Teachers College Pittsburg, Kansas

April 26 and 27, 19353. Agricultural and Mechanical CoUege State CoUege, Mississippi

April 30 and May 1, 19374. Eastern Illinois StateTeachers College Charleston, Illinois

April 28 and 29, 19395. Central Missouri State Teachers CoUege Warrensburg, Missouri

April 18 and 19, 19416. IlUnois State Normal University Normal, Illinois

April 11 and 12, 19477. Washburn University Topeka, Kansas

April 10, 11, and 12, 19498. Southwest Missouri State CoUege Springfield, Missouri

April 26 and 27, 19519. St Mary's Lake Camp Battle Creek, Michigan

Michigan Alpha, Michigan Beta, and Michigan Gammawere hosts.

April 17 and 18, 195310. Nebraska State TeachersCoUege Wayne, Nebraska

May 6 and 7, 1955

Page 63: THE PENTAGON - Kappa Mu Epsilon · THE PENTAGON Volume XIV FALL, 1954 Number 1 CONTENTS Page National Officers 2 Methods of Extracting Square Roots By Judith Cretcher Enos 3 An Introduction

Tlie Pentagon 63



Oklahoma AlphaIowa AlphaKansas AlphaMissouri AlphaMississippi AlphaMississippi BetaNebraska AlphaIllinois AlphaKansas Beta

Now Mexico AlphaIllinois Beta

Alabama Bota

Alabama Gamma

Ohio AlphaMichigan AlphaMissouri Bela

South Carolina AlphaTexas AlphaTexas Bota

ikQnsQS Gonunoi

Iowa Beta

New Jersey AlphaTennessee AlphaNew York AlphaMichigan BetaIllinois Gamma

New Jersey BetaIllinois Dolta

Michigan GammaKansas Dolta

Missouri Gamma

Texas Gamma

Wisconsin AlphaTexas Delta

Ohio Gamma

Colorado AlphaCalifornia AlphaMissouri EpsilonMississippi GammaIndiana AlphaPennsylvania AlphaNorth Carolina AlphaLouisiana BotaToxan Epsilon

Indiana Beta

Kansas EpsilonPennsylvania BotaCalifornia Beta

Location Installation Date

Northoastorn Stato Collego, Tahlequah April 18, 1931Slato Teachers College, Cedar Falls May 27, 1931State Teachers Collogo, Pittsburg Ian. 30, 1932Southwest Missouri Stato Collego, Springfield May 20, 1932Stato Collego for Women, Columbus May 30, 1932State Collogo, Stato Collogo Dec. 14, 1932Stato Toachors Collogo, Wayno Ian. 17, 1933Illinois Stato Normal University, Normal Jan. 26, 1933Stato Toachers Collogo, Emporia May 12, 1934Unlvorslty of Now Mexico, Albuquerque March 28, 1935Eastern Illinois Stato Collogo, Charleston April 11, 1935Stato Teachers Collogo, Florence May 20, 193SAlabama Colloge, Montovallo April 24, 1937Bowling Groon Stato Unlvorslty, Bowling Groon April 24, 1937Albion Collogo, Albion May 29, 1937Central Missouri Stato Colloge. Warrensburg luno 10, 1938Cokor Colloge, Hartsville April S, 1940Texas Technological Collogo, Lubbock May 10, 1940Southern Methodist Unlvorslty, Dallas May IS, 1940Mount St. Scholastlea Collogo, Atchison May 26, 1940Drake Unlvorsity, Dos Moines May 27, 1940Upsala Collogo, East Orango June 3, 1940Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, CookevUle luno S, 1941Hofstra College, Hempstead April 4, 1942Control Michigan Collogo, Mount Pleasant April 25, 1942Chicago Toachors Collogo, Chicago Juno 19, 1942Stato Teachers Colloge, Montclair April 21, 1944Collogo of St. Francis, Joliot May 21, 1945Wayno Unlvorslty, Dotroit May 10. 1946Washburn Municipal Unlvorsity, Topeka March 29, 1947William Jowoll Collego, Ltborty May 7, 1947Texas Stato Colloge for Womon, Denton May 7, 1947Mount Mary Colloge, Milwaukoo May 11, 1947Toxas Christian University, Fort Worth May 13, 1947Baldwin-Wallaco Collogo, Boroa June 6, 1947Colorado A & M Collego, Fort Collins May 16, 1948Pomona College, Claremont luno 6, 1948Control Collego, Fotyotto May 18, 1949Mississippi Southern Collogo, Hattlesburq May 21, 1949Manchester Collogo, North Manchester May 16, 19S0Westminster Colloge, New Wilmington May 17, 1950Wako Forest Collogo, Wako Forest Jan. 12, 19SISouthwest Louisiana Institute, Lafayette May 22, 1951North Toxas Stato Colloge, Donlon May 31, 1951Butler University, Indianapolis May IS, 1952Fort Hays Kansas State Collego, Hays Doc. 6, 1952La Sallo Collogo, Philadelphia May 19, 1953Occidental Collogo, Los Angolos May 28, 1954

' Listed in order of dale of Installation.

Page 64: THE PENTAGON - Kappa Mu Epsilon · THE PENTAGON Volume XIV FALL, 1954 Number 1 CONTENTS Page National Officers 2 Methods of Extracting Square Roots By Judith Cretcher Enos 3 An Introduction

Your Official Fraternity PinIs a Lifetime Symbol of Your Membership

The pin you select now will be a lifetime symbol of yourfraternity association. If lost, replace now from the illustrations here or write for complete price list.


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