Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (5) Nov 25, 1959

Bond Issue Survey Indicates Election May Be Advisable

Ek'CAUM" of' lb~ lncrt'&A&lng nttd tor new tadUUea al the Junior C<>ll<i;o. th• coll•i::o bo&nl m.-y call for a bond <leeUon ,..hid> ... 111 provtde tor e><p&n· .sao. And th~-tt t• good reuon tor eicpanalon. up«l&Jly In e<r· Wn ueu.

Tb<ff on• an the llb"1)', "'hl<h """ only eo ebaln "'hll• tht enrollment of etudmc. l• onr •OO: btolog1eal ...-fence a OCMSl'Jllt that hu an rnroll.nwnt or 110 11u<k-nt.o.. b\lt whteh haA only ~ laborotory MAU; al>op • whtt't' the atudmta tak­ln,: auto meelwllct, -•dini:. machln< abop. and "''odv.-orklllf att erowdod into a :;o by 90 foot bull<llng: home economlao. where food, aewlng'. and art rl•~ arf' •JI c:ontln.ed to a 23 by 311 loot room. daa room. tn which fe'"t:ral cluae:a ba"e to be 11CCllon<d ~ or hw:Se­quate spatt. thUJO lncrttatng faculty loAdl and lhe need tor mott ll\ln.ruetol'8.

Other ltema whlch .,....., ..,,.. c~m that Lht a:nior cla.uel In the l\Jrroundlng area·a high ochooi. are greaUy lnare&alng tn number and would lndJcate a.n inert.SM in the t>n· rollment In the Junior Collcg•. which rtache~ a rtc:Ord enroll· ment thla year of ove.r "00. Abo, tho Untvuatty or ldaho'• pla.n Lo m&k~ a lhrt'.o--and-ont'-­hal( )'tar count> •" .. Uabtc on the NIJC campu.o WOUid be en­hane..S II lhrrc la 114cquato tlaaroom &nd lab<!natory apa~e.

Th• bulldlng• Wh!Oh th" 001· 1•1!• b<>ard red would mO<!l lho nt'f'<h ot lh~ coUegt- for a num· btr of )'tAl'I ft lWO•S\Ory Wint; on lho '°"ulh side of 0,. bulldlng, which would hou.- the! llbntr)' homo -nomla. rooma. blolo,:,· laborntory, and l&r!;er d111vmo~ nn4.I a vtory plain ri,....proof ronercto block or metal pro·l•b lhop bUlldlng ab<lul 5() '""' by 120 feel which \HKald b<' tocalt<I ju1t ~ul- nf th• healing pl•nl

Th" r•Umalrd maXlmum cost of tho bulldlnir• would be ellb•r UH.900 or $293,000. deJ><'ndlng­on whf'lhttr • (C.lnrrtte block or nittlal p~·fab 11hbp we.rt.' bulll.

Th(' COil of Lht" AddNt hwy 1•1 Lh• Junior Ooll•ir• dlllrlct wvu1d bo about I • 1 n,ma. or •bout $1.IM\ ptr ) Cor th• "'"""'Rt- ~payer who may ha\'f

An hff~ ''•hmtlon tlC oboul $1,Geo on hlo 1><0,,.rt)'.

ClrculaUng now I• an un­ alra\\~ .,_Hot to tN•l tb\" l«lln~ ur the taxpayera oon· t'tmln1r the bond LUU.(!. Tht t111 ... 11on.1 on lh~ ballot, and lh• nun,btr or vote. oounttd IO tar Ar(\:

··0o you ad\'~ lht" oollege bc<lrd to plu a bulldlni: pro· f;'r&rn for A(!edtn\tc llUdt"nla. lh•l IJI, a lwo..iul')' "1<1lh "·Ing,.., ThNC v.1ho \'Otc-.1 .. ,.~ ... numbert'<I 31P, ··no" 1 ..

··0o )'OU ach1af' tho cou~,;'° to plan tor a .,ii~p building Cor 'OC•Uonal •luJ~nlJI who would "'°rfn nol lo tnajor In &CR~mlc t'.'OUf'liff•'· Vea. 29-t. ~o. 36 Th• \'Olin,: on wbl<h lypt or •bop b1Uld1ng •• Pl'<'I•..;...,_ la: for th• p,.,_labrl<1>lcd ahop bunatn.t;. 24: for tho conc: ... 10 block ah<>p building, :16 II tho it.raw 'ballota comir tn au.1 .. t•cr..oruy Lht f'lt-cdon mav br ~~!,htn •ltbtr F•bru.o..Y or

Dr. l(Jldow ai.o 03)'• that th...-. 1• • l:OOll> ot f:NlJnR a ftt•• • uniOn buildlnK "·111 comt rrom lh" •ludCflt filot'n"tefo tees 'A·bieb lht' atudtJtt• J*Y upon tnrolbntnt and Ill

t~ btl:1nnln.: ol th~ "''""''°"._' kf'haattr-

Job Oualifications Discussed By Panelists The accoad a.rmbty an Ult. \ h.-.n KA&8ittr Cu., run. an:. ectu ..

t.OJlecc. cultura.J aenn. ~ .... helJ caUonaJ tzaullng exln·cun1cu- I .Mr. ChNUanaon rcm,mbertd ~ov. 15 )tr £<r'arul itstroducaJ lar ACU\'lt.,h:•'• l~nat~ \'t'l')' a profeuor'1 "mark; '"111cro b Tom Jon.- ot the £.mploymnt important} at.Utudu web u =~Y 2 to 0 pt"r- Ct"nt diff"r~~ 5ecunt)• ~ency. \\ho~~ loyalt) and rwpect to the u s. "IU;:;;.n :nr::,n ;~: :'1<~ ~ lrom t.b~ t;. of ld&ho and ~'l'JJC. io,·irmmml &n.J .yatcm, t'"z~.. He aJao ~rnark<!d lhnt- ~~:,.;.. In a ahort ._ii. Mr. Jone.. bthl)' \\Otk ap<on~ :and told thCI atudcnla that their ph) .::..i eondlUOn. 11 looklni; tor a pcl'80n with a '"''n1ng dld not at.op when they little •xtrn dtJllre. "1th loyalty tlnahed Kbool. Ho comp&red Th• n<xl "P<'aktt w .. Dalla.I lo his Job and hi• company. <Ollege tralning to the 1 cla· Ator. IUJ><rlntcndcnt of aeboola The Wtt llpt'&k•r on th• pan<t tJon or a bulldlng and°":.icl. tor dlStMel :r.1. who rpoke w .. Mr. Norman Dorpat, rop. --Sutld your- founda.UOn •tra:o.g •bout Lbc .achoo!'1 ,·tew o! Ml· l"'C",.tcnt&U\•t from \\'4-$hlngton and bulld it RC.Utt." ecung employees. Alor \\altr Po\vflr Company. Mr.

Aid Uuu th• pl'OIJ)OCUve t<Ach· OQ.,,.l commonl•d thnt WWP Mr Jon .. lllt.roduc<d anolllcr

momber or tho pan<l, Mr ).lac. Laughll.n. rtp..-nt&U•• of Ka1-"'~r A.Jumtnwn and O'lemfcal Co. ll&cl.aughlln told of n quuuona.src which wa..e •cnL out to &b<!ul 900 employers In In· duatry and people In charf• ot b!rlng tuchera. The lnd\ men lined the qualltlcaUona they C:0""'°4ot'Od Jn hiring, In th!• order o! importance: lnlegnty. abWty to think, <nthus!Um. lnluau.... drive. &nd ablUly lo communicate orally and by .. -nung. The ll<hoot officl&Ja Ii.led quaUOcatlona OOl1Jddored In hlrllli; o. teachtt lhua : cmo­UonaJ alablUly, abUlly to c:om· munlcate, ability lo gel &long \\1lh olbc_n, Integrity, and abll· 1ty to lhlnJ< tog'lcally. L<!Ml•r­ahlp ,..,... li.ted In Ulh and 111h place -tlv<ly and ICbo!llJl­llc lt&ndlng WU w&y down Ill Zbt pl..,.,.

lllr. llla11Loughlln 1 .... lhe Job of lnlt'nrfC'tl'ing peopi. lnttr•l· ed in working f'or K~r Aluma. num. Re u.oually he.a only :?O to 3(1 mlmn ... ln "·h1ch to rate an individual. Aroaa eonald•rod

NIJC Girls' Sextet Is Popular G roup

'Mio gtrla' antcl _,,.. to be " "''>' popular poup thlJI y.., JudKtnc by lh• doma.nd tor lhelr p.....,.eo at , .. r1oue lunctl<>n& They .....,..ntly enl•rtaln..S at ~ Phl TbotA Kappo. l.o.IU&Uon b&n­quel. and aanir tor • Coeur d • A ltn• Moth•'*' Oub l'OO\' lb Tht' gjrla artt a.1eo u.-orkJnc' on 1<1mo Ovt.almu numben for the ChnaLm.U program.

A amall mixed croup Imm tho

•r mU11 ha•·• lhe Inner qua!Jly Jul.a h&d RUcot'&9 wllb l\"lJC -..·hlch malta a leader \\1th no- pcopl• they l\Ave hired. He th"1 go.rd to pcnonal, b• atat· t•l~pod the topic ''What haa ed that th• ..i.o..1 otrlciala ore made tho dlttercn~ In \VWP lntc""'lA:d In such thing. aa th• rmptoy.,.,. on lhe job betwttn tncht.r"!I ata.tua., num- t.hoft' who att •ucceaful l\nd lier ot Children, and eburch &f. ~Ir. ~~ugbJJn ururucc .. sf'ul !" flliaUon. )fr. Ator ~mmentcd Kal"ltr Ahnnlnum a.nd He pul the an.swcr lnto two that the llchooi. look more Chemkai Co. lloldJI: U l what you can do, •t<ongl)' •l the moral old<> o! a which h• lndlcnlod by )'OW' train· pTOllJ>CCU' • employee Utan do.. er you mun bello\'O that c<luca- Ing-. experience, mnc.u. lnduatr)'. lion Lo th• baaia or our demo· and apUtud.,.. and (2) what

}fr Ator n-mmdrd the atu· dcnta that collogu do -placement bureautt. and N"eom· mended that the atudf'nla uae th .... and kttp a CW'ttnl ....,Ord of lbttr txpcrttnct' and tra.J.nins; H• aao llllld lhal tho ••hoola """""' candtdat"" tor l<aclllnr to be Jnterulod Jn th• local, 1tat~. and national t<lucauon --l&UOftl, and &loo Ill "Jl<'CIAI o~nJ::.aUoa.11. aud\ u th~ Klence dub& which aom• aclloolA 11&\'e tor acltncc mlljora. Mr Ator &let> mtnUon~ that th• local application form tor l....,h,.rw Ula tor a phlloaoph.)' of U!o and a phlloaophy of •du· tauon. Se cloeed "~th tho •latrment that. "To be a luch·

chona, conallUDg of four b<!ya and lh• ;u-i.· lltl<lol, hu been uked to aing Nov :?O tor th• SL Andrews Sodel,y'a SoolU&h banqu•t In th• Flamingo Room ot the AlbloUc Round Tl>.blo. n.. a:tude.nta 'Will .aing "'--o num­btra from "Brigadoon" a muel· cal comedy.

U AR."'l'NG» TO BE '&.''T Mld·-ler ....,,,Ing> allPI

W\Jl ba .... l OU! to ._ alU• ~ta dolnjr kl'"" C work Ill any.....,_

crallc ooclely," you will do (which l.t an onllre-N•xt •P<•ker Jntrodu«d waa ty dlrterent matter). Thia tldd

)Ir OU'llltlANon, manager or lndudOJI work heblt.a (n~ you lb• M.onlgomory Wru-d •lo ... In looking- ror n Job. or ""' )'OU Coeur d' Aleno. He told lho ll.11· looking for "'Ork• U you ""' Rmbl)' that h1'1 company wu In n clock·wntchcr, you won't need the rtr.t pita.., or a $$00,000.000 to worry about your tuture be­txpn.muon prog'l'am ,,,o com- 08\lle yc;>u won"l hA\'C! one!'). lt pany he.a been C..ced with tho nloo Include. 1><roonalll,)• habit.a, probl•m ot finding ~Pl• qunll· 1tadel'8hlp potallal, moUvaUon, r1«1 10 rui re1ponalble po1tllon.o and cmollonol mnlurlty Thll, In th• n!lAlllng program, and la Mr Dorpal ao.Jd. all b<!lla down louking tor people Crom colleg<'JI to alllludea, Md "No develop. who o.n- llllerutod In UU. fleld. m•nt II ecrccllve axccpl Rlr·

Mr. Cllrlatl""-'On commonl•d Iha.I. ma.I\}' appllcanta did not want lo •la.rt nl lhc bottom ln bualn.....a. Thoy iue ''Wllllng to start al vice-president and work up;' hOWC\'~T

Sue Casey, 'JC Coed, On Radio Program

Sue Casey can be. heard ov.,r radio atAUon KVNl ovtry Fri­day night on th«' Shc.rman ~Iuala nnd Elccl.rle Store'• \'nrlely Show from 6:30 to 7:00. Sue announces NlJC C\'CDL9 and nt"'·•. n.nd anyon~ wbo hn• any ttHn.S whkh he would Ukt" to ha \•t read O\ler the rn.d.lo may contact Sut.. Elert!'e a chanc:e to get ln. eomc tree adve.~ for your club!

d•••lopmenr.. In the OnllJ analyal•." Re closed with the ~tatc_ment that, "the altitude which will ootor ovel')'lhlng i. th~ attitude towanl Cod."

JC Married Ladies To Exchange Gifts

Th• lal ... l m«llng ot the NlJC Dl\ln"'° Club Wll8 hold No•'. G wl(.h B<!vorl)' Winfrey and Ruth Noble u<:I-. Cha.lnnan Fem Andcl'90n tt­mlndcd lhc mcmbe.ra to wr1ta In their optnlona lo tht UnlVO'· •lly ot Idaho on propo~ txtcn­llon d1vllltqn &t NIJC.

French Club Still Has Candy For Sale

ll wu decld~ that lhe mem­bers would ma.ko a lunch cloth tor lhe table Ill the home eco­nomlC3 room, and a.ll membent ore to bring n handk.,reblct to tho next m..,tlng The hAndker­ahle(• wlll be aewn on a alrlp oC ml\ler141 to make lho !Able cloth.

\ooldN• 8uUC"t•8h:;... b~ 1bt" <"3.U ma\ .. 11u t,_­••blalJWd from rn'°mbfor"' or th~ •"'n:Qrh Chat> rv,. ·~•.- tlulba,. und tt'"' .,.u~,:r,t 11 mbk•~ "" , .,,·..Sl1•hl hollct..~ (:If,. Ofnl"t•M Of th,. f')Ub ttrr 'ta•m n pkUna: ur thrlr ... uP9l$ 10 ~It 111 thl..,

fund·ndJnr:;- pn>Jec.t. Seu.~ l, J'kl Carnrron.

k~~~.t .• r!:.~!n-t~ s~~~ \::!~'~:;·.,::: s:!!~ ~·n 'if'r ll"''"-hlf'nl: Jro:u•t H oopc-r. a.nd .Jr:.n,, ~t.nnlns:.

The membel'8 al«O oxchan~ ..... ,P<.. Mni. Ml\J'blo MMOn And Mri< Muy llfcKende will..., lhe ho.t~.ucs for tho December mrcllnJ;' Al Lhla mealing each m•ml><-r Ill to bring a p._,,l coatJng not more than a dollar. and lh""• Chrt.rtmaa 1:1tu wtll be ~~chlUlg<d.

AU m.nrrtt!'d women Cit NTJ'C are cordll\lly lnvllcd to lhla and all ocun ... Club muUngs. 'l'ho c.Jub me4!t.. on the tint nur:s-­do.y or csch month. n.nd th~ mt'mbct'x f'Xch.ani:e tdu.a and dl!ll!Ou• problem• and plan&.

;'llA.\IPA TRIP CA!l'OELED Boeauae ot road condllloM.

Lht rcprcaentalh'eti trom SlJC who Wt'fe to Attc-nd Lhe college club• section meeting of Lho ldabo Ron:>t &conomtC'.s A.Mn. at NAmpg ca.nceUtd their No\'. 12 trap. "M\Oat" "'ho were to repre.w.cnt ?\"1.JC wen: May\~• Pttcrwn. Lola MNlfr11. &.nd Enid C•rr1•

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (5) Nov 25, 1959

THE N.LJ.C. REVIE\\' ~ S.W rtuttia, o.i.f tM C.fte.t• Y •• , ., __ _._.,, ...


~1g~ CORlll O'Al.ENE. IDAHO

~E:4iton JN •• Me•u11l'l9 • ed J'itd'f' Reynolcls

""'~••ploy e.lit°' Sob Griff.a Crcvle t;on M•"-•9ff D•'• Nr"i..h Ad .. ertiti"9 M•n•t•' L..rry Goodele l•t1nen M•"•9•' J"d'I Spelfl'l'lu rho109 .. ph•r Sob u.po1d Steff Memben Sy1 ... ,. w .. t.rlwttd ...... AHherl, Jerry c r.ry. Fr•f'ICH

Nowec1i, Neney len9u. rn1 Wett119 Wellt Adt!Tlt, o .. .., Mhrod

PRINTED ).r COEU~ I, "L•N~ PRlSS ~>1Nt S.t r

Blood S.nk WHI Need M•ny D°"or• • The doc; ond h" nurse wo rc1u1'1\ 10 NIJC o• Wodnll>CIO)

Dec 2, for fhe onnuoo blood ryp n9 pro..c, Tho. pr09rom wo >lorlod i,,, yeor ono wO 'erlo nly >hould bo oblc to .l< ' ~ r.e" recor<I on the numoer oi person• in rhe Coro nol Wo • n9 Blooc Bon\ , ''""' only one-io .. rth o' rh. •udcnt body porroe po1ed lo yeo r. jBunch of chic•ens!I Ac•uo , •ho prococ:luro qc te po n leu ond obsolu!oly narmlcw. A" °"7°"o! Better yet, o l Mr ~~ ~

For the bon<1f;t of rho mononty, o meuo90 - you people who hod yOllr blood typed lo,1 yeor under thi< pr09rom needn hovo 11 typed 09oin - your blood lypo ond RH focror aoesn f chon90 wilh lhe color of your hoor (S.. how tho>o foci• lcomoo on b1olo9y stick with o pon.on?)

Rolooso dip$ will bo pouoo oul to lho studonr;. ond ol youn91fon (under 201 mu ' hovo tho•o sl•f» •ignod by thcor poren• or 9uordions before they con hove thoir blood typed. Don I lof thi> lit11o bit of rod lope 1e0re you owoy, however, its more lhor, worth much more traub e thon th<> to bocomo o mombor of tho CARDINAL WALi<ING BLOOD BANK, No1 only is ot valu-

oblo fo you pcr>0nohy 10 lnow your blood type ond RH ioc!or. buT you moy ovo.i bo oblo 10 help somocno, .omodoy. who is 111

doft9o• of hls lifo from kn4ng his blood, So. lots nol only beot l0>t yoor s rnoa:<1ly record in Cordinol

Wof.,n9 Blood Bonl membew lot• sot o record !hot future dos>es ol NIJC will really hove 10 slro;n ro boot! Th" could be our woy

f ochiovin9 immorol - whooP'.! - immcrtol1ty. C..n I you 1u>t hoor lho clou of 1970 now - Go ly, NIJC mu11 hovo roolly hod o •horp >fudont body in 'S9. la 901 100% porloc1pohan 1n tho blood bonk! Gowrsh!"

Subject Of Honesty Brought To Studtnh' Attention Tho ub1oci of hon011y em to bo do cuhod more tm-

quonlly oround NIJC sonco the dromohc N•C. ot on of Chorl.n Von Doren •. ie ond .. -hot thoy hove dono 10 o mon "'ho u•od ro bo •o hi9hly re1pected. This subject sto<iod o •pori1od di"uniOI! n Mr>. Sco!es En9lu.h l11oro1uro don, '° Bob L1opoki btought to tho clou ottonr>on on or.:do from tho ' K0Uog9 E--on n9 Now• which lold the followir1<3 story: Tho sludonts at FrocholO Reg ono. Ho9h School wore tou9h1 o leuon by the r Amer.con h<.tory toochor, Melvin W1o art. The 'loi. held o diu:uuoon on rog9ed tolovosion quiz •ho" , ond in tho word• of \\ 11le1t:

.. lu "'e disa.uod tho sub1oci. I bocoma perturbed o! tlio otritudo of mo>! ot the >luaenu. They foll !hot bocou•o oi tluo b19 mcnoy pri101 ond bocou•e it wOi not ii 090!, it wo• o' 119hr fer quiz c:onre.tonh to occopr on'"""·

So Willott modo up o roof whoppor of on Amorocon h0>tory quit. Ho hintod to nine of tho >tudonh lhol he wouldn't mind ii 1hoy lool od ol tho onswen lyin9 on his don. They d•ci.

Tho none got perfect •cores. Willolt flun•od the rest oi th., Then Willott rovcolod "hot ho hod dono.

They oU obioct.d violently,'' l>o $Cod, comploining ebo .. • 1ho unfo'rnou o• lhe >ituotion. 'Al ri9ht, I told thorn. wo ,..·u now ho•o ono1her cfua.s:on °" i9gocs T\I l,o

A> .. mbly Progr•m Stm Being Di..,.ned The_ 4 t word on o roa:M id1tor1a ·op.c You moy ..,y, Why doe.n t too Khool 90 t pt>aler. ona

lot tha.e "ha "'onr to heor rhem coino, ond loovo OVOl'}-body el.. olone? If o person dO<\n t wont to loom enyihing. why force him to?"

Lost yoor onolhor ideo now lo NIJC "'0' onnovotod "'ith lhe Khoo! Roli9iou• Empi.,.;, Woel. Tho RE Woe\ commiuoe a>n· toctod men from out of town, invited thorn to •peol to lhe 1·u· dont body on cor1oin doles, ond obtoonod money from lho Stu­donl Boord of Control to poy for thCIMI spoolon· +ron1porlotian O•pen .. s w~ilo lrovolin9 to ond from NUC.

So ,.hon tho •pt>o•ctrt orrived o! NIJC, whot aid +l:ey find lhom1elvo• •pooling to? C..rto nly not tho row upon row ot •ace they hod O•pK'od. hov'ng been brou9ht such lon(j cf<1•onco1 to bo the ipeoler. No in>toed they found thomsofvos oddre. ·oa '°" end row> of omp•y chan, w ·~ o low 1tudenb clu rorod ~e-9 ond tn the,o do<i • n. ond they f011nd thom.etvo1 corn,,.,f •g for thoio s!uclon• • attention ... :th tho din of the studen• union ·, full blott. ond w th the st_udants strol ing bod: ond forth ·1itou9~ the 9yrn. Thll'., NUC Ult shouldn I run tho ti , o' in•.,.n9 onon.... ;peoler •o <poo< to on ob•ont o<i<I once.

Smile a 'While Rlcb&nl Boyd, l>."IJC rtudonL

la Introduction to E<ruca.ucoa '°P9oplo who are cwuly pro­~<d ,.1\b bJJltoty are IJUf· ~,,,,.., ...,iuty.·

Pror: W<ro you ocpytns !roe hla l'OP<JrZ

S ludon1: No, air, I ••u Jt11t maklnr aure b~ hAd mine aJJ ncbt.

.. 1 had .a. mc-.t at>Mou. OP'f'r&· llCICI tul Wttlt. I hAd my ollow­antt cut oft·•

Ti ~J;; .:._,; Ir"'

A t' ~1 \ "a;,a.,. a nnr' bw.· nlf'aa d~nmr.nt in.atructor di rt ,.. h<r typical !or on)• proJ«I "hlcb IM uo<kr·

-t.&ke9 a tnut wuh whlch tnllD)'

~JJC ttutf~nla "111 900?.li bft'ome familiar Clul"' on Ya1 .. • thrdulc 1nduJt- accounUn,­rr u muhla~ t •11tn1r and '>o•t!>And """"' of ,..hldl IM

l•ath ... durl~ nlj:bt c1-

\It .. ,. \ a l"' \\"hen UA\" C1' L«M."b

an,; C'&l'ttr, Y ..1ln atALN that •hie M:,;an tnc.bJr."' ..m. rnediate-1.> an, r bu cradu&Uan aron1 tuih Khou&. Ttw.t~r abr rompl<tt'd b<r B :; 1uul lol $. "'"tgrtt~ at lhci unl\Cls&ly ot bu :aon" atutc:. Uhoulli AB r M'V· c:ral )'-"Ar• ur ht&h '1Chool tech· lftlol in Uhno.a. Mw '\:attt -u ab!t' to ao "'uta.iJc thf" •late and lt"~h.'h thta m ' •rulattun \\ th th.,·t• hlltc-nH.l\l pn>-­gram n t that Unu- "bich ahC' Jld CuJ 13 )t'A1a .\ l~t vt ~ c:n.eulnt; '-"''lh:·;:C'a at '-'h ch ~ u.u,ht •nd lhdr ,..,,raphl al ICK:altuna,. t.>b\ Latu ).11.M Yatn 1A\Onle" bobb) lh\ dtn' ~be

uu~bt at ''' c< d.LtfC"ttnt lda("-.,ta ~unna: lbow 13 ) e'-An. 'Tt~) lD­

c .. uOt- !\ . ..n..tltm ::"\ale T~a bsn" Cull.-C" or .\ll<'rd«n. :; o. Momon&oJde Coll•.;• o: :; °"" Cll). I&. "hlcb a. a l>l<Lbodl$1 anaututlon •'riends Cruvt-rail) o! W1clm.a. Kana , "ho<h la a Qt1'akf'r ln•UtUUon, $tuppt"n> bura: ~tate- Teach~rs CoU"c~ or Shopponaburi;, Pa .• and No\\ .Mt~u.-o \VotC"rn ot ~ll\ tr C1ty S" M .\fh.·r Lhl• '&r1«'l) lour f the U $.., -'lt" ~lumed to

;.lhno ~ u a hi11b ocbuol 1 .. ....,11. C'r ln ordt"r abci tat.,Cbl C'Om• pl) ,.,lh ot.pul•Uon. roqw....i b) lkr 1itate tor a teachn' to lttd\~ rdlremmt bcndJ.U.

1"bls. bowC"'ic-;r .... not thir •nd or Mlso Yato cumpuloioa to tra,~l Taklnc ach"allta::e 0: ha' ('(Jn' rnJent aumm~r \"&Ca·

tkm.I ,ab~ managird lO tnt\eJ to lknnuda t..i~ to eastt"m a.od , .... 1.rn CanAda lo ~alro, lo Europe 1,.1< and lhro1&1;bout mo.t of lh<> U S:. 110m1:1 of ,,., hich at-~ Qc-("mpJt.ahN tn lht pr .... '1uuAJv rnrnllun~d penod Anion~ hf'r olh«'r !)(1bb•D

~h Yata numbc'ra 11h4lto-




Perry. Del

>l• ~ < ""'I "VE CO EU R O'AllNE

Ni_ J.C. ~EVIEW. Co • .,. 4 "-'-"•· le' .... o. We4.., N ..... 25. Its• t i

USAF ~cruiting Teo'm Will Explain Career Programs

CaJ'll 7 \ I.. ,.. A.Ir ,,.-d" 1.-. · t 'CT

\rll1AUlj; lldloOI Ml«Uon o:n~•. and L'S.Ar ncnuun~ ttpre-­._it.ats\·a. ~ ~,e:'t. \\ •IU&rn l> ........_ 1U1d T SEt- \."IMlll.._ t.. \\of· tact .._,.uJ M at Nl.1C l>t-<' l tu cou.nKJ 1nt~•ted •PPIK"a1h• f~ t.: $Ar C'ltflur And Aln'CC'D C'.Att't'r proi;nuns.

n.. i.;SAr .. 1ttt.1<>n t m ,. '-' <ClDduct tostlni; pcrlou&I and pro. TIM Ulformat>m !or ••I>­men MKS ..-om:irn .. are uit~r­~J m t~ a\'btlut .. <iUk\ an..a Gltk-<T L.._ ..:bool procram.. m! A.Lr I' rct':

-caatralY lo b<llrl. ... ,.. 'lbomAO, • peno.1

l'P J'tlU: tor av.auan CW•I 6Cboal ...,...J no\ JM • <ol~i:• ,cradUAlC'! A doplocna from any ace>oo.lltLJ b~a o<oiool a. Ille Ll! requlr"t'mct C:a,Jfcl llppL.-.atlt>na mu.\ l><l •&nll•. bctwfft1 •«N or 10 an1t ~~.·

rn• tlll'th~r added -ArpUatnu for the ~ rttf1u..- traanl.n,c ~ M•C",·er ,uu n~ • ~ rrom an aoc~t..S <ol· ~· or unlu·nlt7 "" be.\.....,. UMo a;a ot :O'- to :~'9 w1Ut no tt:1lnC't.1ona or mant.AI at•tu• or lkpnld<tU.10 Tbomao ,. UI bto ln UM'

admlalstratl<m buildll\r °"' • •"berr bf> "1ll Ch• A\1aUon

i:nl'l>.r .....i ~1 .. lry·mak•ns ':i\u44!nta may ha\f' ftQUced lht" nU'lml.anatup M Uw nni whlC-"h

:ab~ "C"AU Sha naa i\Jll'J bttn ac-th r tn man) C"lub• lhrouih­wt birr uteo '-' hlch lnt·lud(' 0.Jla Karpa. Gamma ronty thr .;\mf'nnn Auori•Uun ot Cnl· ' n::ty \\'nn.,.n, 0.llA rt EJ*I· on -::ra uat'" bu.Jniru «dUC1lUon

bonor tl'at•nuly. and Pl Om•i:a r>. and<TJrr&dual< bUaln_. <du· caUoa bc..ncir tratenul} In Mr ov. n v-ord.t:,. --1 ntt\ f't for anyUnng to do.:

lili.U \·atn bomC'toY. n t1 W1n­bdter 111. ~ ... ob• enJuy.,

ib<' compe.ny Of a lari:e tamll u. hlf'h Lncl\adtod one an.. tour alatrn., be-r bf'tlt.Mt Or IAu.L. Vat~•. u em plo)Nl u lM head of the hi.· l<>I") d•putm•nl •I BnuJI•> t,.•nu.-routt~ A aUilcr, H~t•n YatH! 11 ~mpJoytd •• U<"tttary· l•• th• dNn of •tudrnU M th L"ru\: C'n.tty Of IUinolL J ler cl.her lhroc- sbtt·ra an b~ ..-hes ~ \"ato lovnd It P''"1l>I•

:..0 C'OD'W to Cotur d .AICD4" lo tc:acb •bir-n bu atate ~~ h• dlT-el>t pQn. li!k Aid ~- l

>I><- We .. It V•fY m1><b la Ualo t) J&nd ~ .. dcostr• to

""l&Ji'- • °h .. T b-


IHTtJISTATE TTPCWIUTEll Co. <C 7 Sh•rmafl Aw•. • "*"• 4.-)411








Also Qrd.,.. To Go

Soaring School Corii T'- 00\ Of l"&bll.

,... ndan· edU<'llllon .... norty tJ1pl..S in tht put .._

CAIH' a«ordins 1•1 s....n 11. Wm~rt. diroclOr, !'.'E,A ....

rrh Ol'rtalon. C...u ..... .,.,n• 11p about $1 billion a ,...., rrom » billion I 0 youa •iro to $14.~ billion today or lhlo ruol"I! lhan S9 bllll<>n Inc-... • $3 bWIOll l\u IK-c>n lh~ l'Tftllt 01 1nllaUon. Th~ ttmatnln,: 14 billion " '" uM'd t o pay •~l'<"­.,r 11\o.......S •nrollm•nl. txra•· alun or 81;1\ool .. rv1~.. •"4 olhtr taclOl"I Rullnit OUI u.. 1ntlall<>nary .rrtct. C<l>l ~r ~ II• ekmont.ary and -o.,. """°"u ha.I •Ull d.>ubt~ "'""' UH~

ca:1t-t arff"runc t n t.1 to ttto.r }"'OtuU: mf"n •·ho de»IA ' " .. ,. LIK'tr • 1np and f\11011 U>.ir n1ltl­t•I")· o>bUJ;&lk'n a • o pllOI °' rtA\i""lor •n " ~mml .. Jon .. 1

ott ,.,., 11tlatua In tht U !t Alr Fu~ Cart. Thnma• atatfd thftS-<" Mt"f\ Wh() 1Akf lh' r•d"t tt'CAMlnatlon 1u~ undf'r no obhpUon ror mllll•ry otu1v. "111 ••• w1ni: o tto rdf'd th• OPP''" tunll\' 10 dolt nnln• I! thty qu.a11h for the" •' 1at1un ca•litt

""',,...,,, TM t:SA r l"ttl'Ullln11 "'l'<'-~t.ll• ... M s~ Lff and T" Sit. Walla~. wlll IM> a'"Ullblo •t a.a lf'formaU1..n df'4k tn ttti. rommJUH f"O()nl l t> dUM"'Ut• all i\lr Fotte. cattf'r flpf"C'rtUnlllta.


EdUC'•UOn t. m.1 n•• «0ln1 (or• ._ ar J f rom. COC'Uur~ 1por1nc-• to lh,,..plfUt uno.rl1lnly

l<• nnclh a Johna<••

HERBES CITY DRUG "-•"• MOh•-v\ 4-l t H • lOt Sher,.••

•RESC~IPTION srECl ... l lSTS c.-.i;. .. &11, .. s1.1i....,, ... , Su,.,,; ••

-r... ~~ y Stor• ..

Fritz's Coney lslaad J02 SKEllM""'4 "VL

Spoci•lty Is Oilli .M S....,. Fw lllfteh


l tl SHE~MAN >.Vf. Ope• 7 • · '"· t. I p . M.

1 o.,. . w .. 1



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene laundry

& Dry Cleaners 107 FToiot • MOt.. ... 4->Sl6

Fr.o Pichrp and DeGverf


y. ..,.,. 1o ·-""°r..,· 1o ,n-•.ot ... - ;. det..... ~­

'91'*"'"'• •"' .. ._., ~......._ .... ,. •• no ,r..... "' r,., IC.04'".t.fdtt•t* d Mot how cM!" bvt ... ~ 9...ll M.J.,. ~~ ""'... ··d m•ll ........ .. pou~Wo ("Or•• to do ~t ,,,.,. ;,., Ntf•r -withovt •l'tt•••t•_.


fr>11t_.. of tM N l.J. C ..... ._

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (5) Nov 25, 1959

Presbyterian Club Sponsors Many Activities

()ef- of Ow- f'DO'lll ac'lhf"• on campu ... ...,.,..ny IA l.... !oo'UO P-.b)'t<'l1a. C111b. Tb<­voup mt"f'(._, f"'&fh Priday DOOD tor a IUD<"hron """""ll-"C "Uh O r. rf't"1.. _..pon._"f)r. Dorin.: tM S~&l 11tr) •P6"""°' thf" Ml~-. !'(UC' ront~t. ha~rtdfo-or... a.nd part...._. and al<lloO rind 11"'4" for \\ork part,_I~ •t rhf"tr rhurf'h. Sho" "n abo\"f'. all hmf"'tl rMMlln~

lfort tn rf;'bt: ~('CS. - Oon ln~ko.. ~11, Bum­k•r. Lolly RldJanl-. Dian• \\ rt1bt. "'"'"dlni lmmf"dlatf"I) btoblnd: lktba ("ountryma.n. Lnn:-na Prout.. .Jod) ~ nolcb. Sa.ndr11 'f•rir c,...,.. Enid G<rric-. Sl&Adln1t la rnr: Dr. f·••~ ( .. pon._-..or). &is FbJtoa. sar1 of Sharon ~) ndt."r. Lion")· <O<>Odalt-. K•llh 11 .... drt<k. l)a~I Jarob<on.


~~.:~)~"!·~· .. s.~p l01 H. FMrl\ St. • MOlo•wl ._...,



Nip & Kurl Beauty Salon and School

117 ~A A .. • MOl-•wl .. SOU


FRENCH CLEANERS me P"ochip one! o.r .... ry

no H -.I. St • MOlo.•I ._ffll

Stop •t. ..

Louie's ln-N-Out F• mous

Paul Bunyan Burgers EverytlWHJ To Go •..

• Beled Hom • Hombu'9en • Con•yi • Foot lon9• • Hot 0oq, • m nch ~ • • • Shel•• Molt • Colleo . l1.1al • Cold DrU.l • Ice Louie allcl G•ry Orm.J..,

H1"••1 10 W"t e.f C:ity• •

Fewer Deficiencies, Say College l'rofs

\\'t" art' getunl;' t~·er ttu· d~nta ln <n!'in~rtnc •ilh h.lgh .odlool ddlCl<DCl ... ' Aid 0<oan AUen Ja.n.ut'11. nf LMo t.:nn·u·t111h· Sdtool of En~nf'of'rtni; •in th~ TlUrt.11'9 fr"Mhmen stUdeni. • t 11'"1f>lll m malhem&tica would run u h th aa :,0 ~r cmt T~ _., t~ n"Umbtr ttpraenta an.Iv ~bf\ut e Pf'r ~t ...

C H ll<>nd. cb.l<f lllude-nl -oiuur!)Qr. .., • on lha polnt :-;.,... student.I C'Ominit to"

l,;nhf'r•U.Y of ldabo an a.bow: n:c bPU"'r ptirparaUon .S.ot ()t'll)"

rf' toda)""• •tuditntl aYt'nll'\CS: b«'tUr oo UV ..-taoJco: but mort'

,... hlll1nlt' ln upprr 'lf'fl «111 brw.rkd. • HI addC'd that thbi m~nttd tribut.. to ~h ,.rhuot tnC"h~ &a w.-U u ~V· df'nU • p&hCl9 ~ J.trob&bh ~l 90llW tredl.t. too

Tastes better


It's fresher


Be Sociable . . . Haoe A Pepsi



Elks Awards Will Again Be Made Available

Th,. <0nunu1,,. a 2&· yrar c:u ... tom lh~ Elka NaUona1 f"aundauon LI a.n.nounc:tng au annual llCAQJanh1p awarda. Th• M'l\olanlure ran'e from $700 00 1o St.400 00 and 1Mlud• eo •"'ant. tor l;"lrb and 80 for l>o)'W.

Appl.cAUC¢11 •"' M:l"'f•c·ue..J at O<AJ ani.I •l•le- •~u·ll 1n o.t.n to d<"litnnlftf' "h th v.'\U ~ ..-nl t~1 tbe naOonaJ JUdctnc <"Om· milltt. Al •ch ot lheo .. lf'\fla p~ •111 t>t awardocl Thf •lAlt' 1'1M~r •·di rteith e $200 L1:1 the- Co.ur d' AIC"n• compPll· ucrn th~rit' .. ·tU bet • flnt prb.f nf $20 00 tor gtrt. and " •lmllar on• (nr the boyt A M'<'Und prtae ol $10 00 v.-IU be awaN<d • tlhout ttprd to .ICX.

n .. crll•rta by .. h.lch appll· canta ""' judgfll ..,.., och.olar­ahlp, nllunllhlp. s>e'*'nallly. lir&daahlp. a:e.nenll V."OrthlneM. rauurt'ttulnM:I, patrtouam. and llMnct.J nttd

Th• Found.aUon la alM> con­ductmg. tn a 1.1m1lar way. a \·ouLh L.e&d~r6hlp Conlt-"l for "hlch lh<"tt \\ IU bt' lhrtt prltf'a a•·•rdfld to ~rla and lhrff to boya. The ''""l prtua ""' Sl,000 00 lh• a«'Ond $:)00.00. aOd lb< tlunl $300.00. all tn ddmac bonda. In addition. ••Ch •in.neT •111 reoceh·t a $100. - ~ .. t0 ....... .,.,«! locally on tlM ba..-1• •• ~ 16r tM ocbolanih.lp ... .,., Tblll la llC•l a o<bolar&blp <on· t.-L 1-dttalup •IU.uruolllp, appndaUon pirnin'•ra.AOfl.. ~ aourcd'ulnna.. llillYCt of humor -i- aAd .,..,..,,,...,,.,., •• , applkatlrm !oldor rompll· &Dtt .-ttb tM rWa au have nLr)'UIK •dc'bll IA detormtnlnt:

tM """"'"" Acy •lodmt Who la • C"iUZll"'n

of U.. L'alt..S Staid may Ill• an appllaolloa tor c>O.•r <>r both of U><3r awa.rda A ppl!<Stlo,.. ud IMl.nlCl.lofta lur a pplylni; arid tor prm<nU... pononal data ma7 be M<UCod a I lh• "11\9-Lrat'a omce Apphallona for U... leadonblp awanl muot be riled at IU Coeur d'Alene Elko lode• by Jail. U, appllcallono to. the """°lanhlp muat be ln by Feb I~

NJ.JC studcnta lhould t.ak• enc:oura,c<'"menl from t.ho tacl that Anlta Howell, who wa.1 • 110pbomorw .t N'UC t .. L year,

10n the lctdtnhJP award lut , .. ..,. J-0-,-, -TO--'T,-r-,n: \Voii:j}

"Joy lo Lh~ \Vorld' C?ui11l• ma. "-a.couou bc'Jr'n on D"'C 10 a- clon'l ~rtn •ll•ln unlit Jan I tl'dO

H l.J.C. • EVIEW. C.e•• 4'Al• ... ldet.o, Wed. Nov. 25. Ifft ..


A nwnlnder Som~ 111ludt:nta from lut yur aun ha\'o not rlckNI up lh<1r y .. u'boOlu In Lile olll«.

n.o bum&11 bralA la a won· dcrful ~· lt atarta worldllg tho moment }'OU wake up and -·t irtop UDW )'OU are call­od on In cla&

the SNAP-TAB!* the newest fashion in dress shim.

No more muss and fuss with collar buttons, bars or pini.

byl~l!~.~r Simply smart, comfortably simple, Lancrrs Soap-Tab• requires DO pin. dc-bv oc collar bullon. The conver­dblo Fn:nch Culls may be ,.UD widi linlcs or their own button.

ID supab clesagoer fabrics, the Snap­Tab• by Lancer is generously cut.

beauUfully WJon,cl. $5.00


I. X. L. T 0 G G E R Y )I I Sh•""'" Av• •• COEU• O'ALEl'll IOAHO • "-• MO!o<..t 4-4546

Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (5) Nov 25, 1959

SPORTS SURVEY D,- Doh Lle p 1ld

\'oHc\lbaU t11 no"' In KporU pfctu.-., "ot NL/C. TM 10 ltJU>U ar~ each made up or ~IJ:hl malt! !'ltudcnu "fho 11lgncd up fc>r the s::;unc ttnd t.he team cl\p-1aantt- cho.11~n from tht \'ar• ally bukolball toam.

Th•.oe 10 t•am• ploy a och«I· ul,, ot ~Ct' on Mcmdaya \\~edM nc-ad11y1. and ThundAy• nl t2 :SO. ll 18 an int~resting nt1Lc: to l<'f! lh•l tht number ti team us compo&ed Qf fAcultr m~1nb<".nr Ot c->urair, th~ olh~r nine te-ania rnu\· or mny not be out ror blMd. but ll ehould bt tn1cr­caUng lO M"t tbc rt~1t.ll lht" ntxt cta)'· !'11>• profs hobbllni;­around on crutch~ nnd 111Uent­I)" autferlni:; lbl'Ollj!h lll•lr cln•· Id-• Htrt!'~ theo chance Lo J:Cl bAC'k (or thoMO ''unUJNbl°' gl'lldt"•

.. "° i;o lo It. boy•! ('aptaln• .. r lb• Volleyball

t""ms ntt:

\ ... lh<" plrlUrt" .. u,c=:c."~L"-• OOuUn,J: 1 ... hm f1Jr i).-11h n,,,.n and u..,mrt' " ' mtrnt._, In Uu .. ' hH\ ,.,JC 1"1lgu~, \\'nJ.1.y ,\ d:unlt und \ aloli.f" (h,ffnC\\ Df'!" ()fl 1lw nrlns: llt1t· ontl ;fUd.) (."auk I• s..-plnc v-o ..... \l!ll>O ldt·nllflabh.!o llrt" Charlc-i Gundli.. .M_ri., U.o.rburn J{ol)I;, f ....,,."1 .. h. rubuum. omd r-tomn Ru,wll.

Team 1 - John .Adn.n1"­T~a.nt z - OCL ,~e &n. Tenm 3 - ArLhur Gm.nt­Team 4 Cnl')· Rclllc•. Ttan• 6 - Faculty ! no loud·

or can bt toundl Team 6 - Dc11n L\lndbl11d 7 - StrvJet Randhl'Wll Team 8 Rud» Sprnc.r ~an• 9 - Paul \Vt<!nljl. T•Am 10 Ron YMdl

Mn. Scnteo luul 11<-<on tou8h· ming up her womu bn.dmmton p!Aycni b<!ore ah• let.a Lh•m b.­cballeni:cd !or the bodmlnt<•n toumamcnL Ther't1 hnd better ~ a eonte11t eoon lo ace the ~ llUlta or her ho.rd work beto"" thCIC i:trls •nt<r lb• '60 OI•· mplu.

What nboul a pmi: - p<>ni: toumamtml., Af'~ Lhf~ any tUS$;"t.l'ltiOna froll\ the 90uUHJldc~ 1:ym·ball·WhllckCl'll T

A prok-r who OOnl~.JI In Ill\< I• .,.,..;; In fa•t.. ho i. In a clno11 b>• hlmlcl r.


226 S"-•"""" Av•. COEUR O"ALENE. IOAHO

For a Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

Lake City Lanes, Inc. 1414 N. Fointft St • • Co.ur d'A1•"•

Highbrow Recordings B) ('Aul W C<>nlt:

..,,,,. ...... ................. ... In 11 rN brick hOUff m !kV~·

ly 1-11111. Call!., bve.w an ll3-ycar­o1d man~ Uke 11\3.n)' mtude grcnt.11. ho la Cor<"lgn· born. The man ta Bruno Walter To cl&ul· (,:..\I mu.Sc &.on~n he I• k-nown W<ll. Thia la..L WO<>k WU a m<'mombl(\ occu.ton and o. trtumph ot hla cnrcer H(\ ha.a complct•d hU. •<C<>nd <Qmpl•l< tl.'CC>rdln~ or th~ nll\4 Beethoven JJymphonlea. In " muatctuu•' tu.ti ncHr h&.J; homr, Bruno \Valttr ~t\lhercd u. lle'Jtol--d orc:htalnt frtim L.oe Ang-r1ca. 0\'f•r " period or •ll< montba ~Ir Walt•r t~ j lht "' mW:ll'illnl lO dt•\'elnp " perlormoncc lbnt h., hol'O" \\111 .U.nd .... "a kind or l~•Ul· IHt'nt tn thr tHlln.: l h.Mt~ tor Bt'elhO\'ttn,"

.Al la,.l, throus;h tht lnthl r<"­

c:ord•n,: tcchnlquea lnt:ludlnt: •ler<'O a 11ct of IC\'ffi rec:orda ur \\'"lt~r·a pronotm<'l'd condut:Un~ ll' H\'tUlAbl(I lhl'OUJ:h COtumbta Th~e who know thr. B4:c'lhD\'Cn aym1)honh·• cnn \'l:N111lz.«' t.h<-atmnt• ur U\~ "Pa.&Lora.1

"'ht<'h 1,ii ch&n'\Cl~risUc of Wat­t~r·'.:4 nbUU.y. Dun~ lh• "S.-·cnlb'' nnd ··Ntnlh" ht J)rodU~I tl8 n t1'lrntfll 1.."0nduc· tor all lh<" P')\\1't and maJt:!St~· c.lf ~lhO\'ctt'a \\'atklk

1 l"COlmm~nc:I lhc&c rt.~t"\Jln~I to Lh05c:' who Joq~ art; 1 c." • n rt NQ\'''Yt'd throu~h tru ... t:W.•iCAI mu11k But It' you r~iualn um:l\' SlUbbbm. Mil ('Xlll only in th<" tt.alm of loday populAr 90unds. Ricky Nol""" wm ha.\·<' to i;ucrtc<' Pt~A8t' .. don·t r1.M' tn a.nn:t! LC't"1 con­•ldcr thla conllV\'t~Y ae lntdU­)ttnl '°uta \\'(' au .should rc.a.t­tzr I.bat ··rook and roll"' lo • •tmpk. n~lin$t plruul"C' al it.a be-al, but <la.uklll mUll• 1J\- Un$: joy'

The m"jor problem ol 1.b•• futuno a.. not what l~ home to bulld but what "'"' prai:c

"Go Where The Crowd Goes" TEEN-AGE ROCK 'N ROLL DANCES

Coeur d'Alene Teen Club 3221/z Sherman A•o.. - Coeur d'Alene

Wednesday - 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. TOP RECORDS BY K.V.N.I.

Friday and Saturday - 8:30 to 11 :30 LIVE BANDS

Also live Bands Every Saturday Night at KELLOGG - Union logion Hell - 8:30 lo 11 :30 SANDPOINT - Community Holl - 8:30 to 11 :30 WALLACE - Odd Fellows Holl - 8:30 to 11 :30

BO WLI NG \\1':!JXt:SOA \: t.&i\Gt"E

TrAm :O:tundln.I:"'> '" ot' No\. ~

Team \\ L T l ' The Clow111 IS 6 l!?,523 300"• 16 S 12.S9S R~d Onion• JG ~ l~.&60 C'h•rl')· Plckors 13 11 l~.667 Pin Klckcra 13 11 i: 32; A II•)' Dmi;on• 10 H l~.:>:13 Tho Scrowbnll• 10 H 1~.:t'3 Th• Stud• 9 15 l:!,31!! The Rru1dl<nJ>J 9 1~ 12.313 Hoppy Hou,.. ; 17 12. H9

Mrn·,.. llt~h \f>f'Q~ ...

Terry Mc-Kt"nnt•y HJ.I . .0.rryl Jucoblion 1&1. Ken C•mkro Hi. Rtrhard F:i;irr HG. Clrll Srdtg 146 S.\ll•Y 11~. RAiph o·­Oonn.-11 Ht BnstC' Hll\.ch l 12. l);·nn>' Sttllt 1 .. '!! Rtch1ird an,·d t ti Dan W•bb<or HO. Rl~h Nord11lrom 138. Jim HMa U 1 Bill liolatcm U3. Tyk• Cund· lnrh 133. M•l'\'ln Holllni:•w~rth 133. JO<'I RClgn<by 13~ Btll ~'rank 132. Wayne Hohman 131. Don Bh•ln• 130. Ron SAlld•,.. I'.!!> Cordon !dalltt 129. Jack SCh()leJJ 12S. ~nnia Cl .. \N l:?i Ooui; SamrTS l:!I. Hamk Pool t~S. L~·n Kary l:?• , Da''C" HAman 1~3. Bob Burro\\-. 11~ Tom lta.,\· l?l BPb Beran! 1111. Cl•n Burl:'• I 13. Don ln.ko 100. Oou11 Wel4 UI< LA~· Rudo 103

\\ Mut·n· .. IUKh \\ f"ntn.,.

MAnr Cra.~· 1n Judy Rey­no1U. 115 M•<')' Tobler 11!?. Sur c.....,y no.

Mra·-. 111,;. Gam~ T~M')' !d(!KCnAl"V Cordon M11lt:t' • Don Wtbbor

'lr-n· .. IUgb St-rl('<o. T<-rry lrcKenncy Jlnt H<>.-a Don Wtbbcr

\\'omt'u', lll1tb G!UDt' Ju<I.)· Reynoldl

W omon•, IDgb :..rte. Judy R<ynold.t

:!!JI 1911 161

:no •r• H3


3o9 Not<'. s~·c.n.I playl:n &tt now

nttd<d tor l..,,,. "'ho ha\-e 1.,.t rn<m i..,.,. trom dmpplng oc:bool. Pl- <Ontut DAJ'T)1 Jaoob..,n It )'OU know ot anyoai. who v.·01Jld like to join lbla l•Ague



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