
Seafaring TradersThe Minoans & Phoenicians

By the end of class, you will be able to:__ Define “cultural diffusion”__Identify the Minoans __Explain the economic impact trade had on Minoan society__Explain the cultural impact trade had on Minoan society__Identify the Phoenicians __Explain the economic impact trade had on Phoenician society__Explain the cultural impact trade had on Phoenician society__Explain how trade allows for the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and products

Let’s Review…


Location, location, location!On a mapShow Crete, Minoa, Knossos

Who Were the Minoans?Minoans were traders located near the

Aegean Sea

They traded pottery,swords, figurines, and precious metals

Capital city: Knossos

Aegean Sea

Who Were the Minoans?

Who Were the Minoans?Overseas trade brought significant wealth to

the Minoans

What Was Minoan Culture Like?Minoans are believed to have worshiped

many gods and goddesses by participating in ceremonies, creating shrines, and conducting scarifies

Minoans enjoyed nature, arts, and athleticsArts & Crafts: Pottery, figurines, paintings,

tools, weaponsAthletics: bull-leaping, boxing, wrestling


Why do you think they were able to spend time on

athletics, arts, building palaces, and practicing


Image AnalysisDolphins & Bulls

What Happened to the Minoans?Location, location, location! Wrong place,

wrong time

An Earthquake hit Crete, which destroyed the city

After rebuilding, a series of earthquakes were followed by a volcanic eruption, followed by a tidal wave, followed by volcanic ash

Those who were left were invaded by Greece

Who Were the Phoenicians?When the Minoans were no longer a trading

force, the Phoenicians became important traders in the region

The Phoenicians were expert boat builders and sailors

They traded red-purple dye, papyrus, metals, ivory, cedar, art, crafts, cedar (wood), wine, slaves. Trade brought wealth to the Phoenicians

Who Were the Phoenicians?The Phoenicians created an alphabet – a

system in which symbols represent sounds Occupied and traded in the Mediterranean,


QUICK WRITE!The creation of an alphabet allowed the Phoenicians to record information and share that information with other parts

of the world.

What effect do you think writing had on the spread of ideas and beliefs? Use the term “cultural

diffusion” in your answer.
