
A Monthly Publication of St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church JANUARY 2018

The Messenger INSIDE








ST. PAUL GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 4548 Wallings Road • North Royalton, Ohio 44133-3121

(440) 237-8998 · (440) 237-4386 fax

E-mail address: [email protected] A Parish under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America,

and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh

Christmas Celebrations Students in Sunday School and Greek School entertained parishioners following Liturgy with the Christmas Nativity story and Greek Christmas carols.


The following ministries are the lifeblood of our parish and perform many activities to promote the growth of our church. Your participation in these organizations makes our community more spiritually complete.

Philoptochos Rhonee Trakas-Iula Coffee Socials Pam Sitter Festival Michael Lignos John Trihas Messenger Editor Elaine Nackowiz Welcome Committee Helen Dadas Choir Director Vaso Boukis Cantor Nicholas Bodle Organist Rachel Nelson Bookstore Jim & Karen Sullivan

ST. PAUL FAMILY MINISTRY COMMISSION Chairman Little Angels Erin Kubat HOPE / JOY Father Costas GOYA Coordinator Father Costas OCF / College Ministry Maribeth Lekas Altar Boys Peter Keares Religious Education Toni Mannarino Bible Study Frank Chirakos Father Costas Keares Women’s Study Group Elaine Poulos Coffee & Conversation Kristine Tartara Jonathan Tartara VCS Keli Paragios Annoula Tsonton Greek School Kathy Glaros Greek Corner Maria Karlatiras PTO Esther Horwath Senior Fellowship Maria Regan Hellenic Dance Director Eleni Johnson

Deadline for all articles and Organization Minutes is the 1st of the month. Please keep this in mind! Items can be e-mailed to [email protected].

Like our PAGE to keep up to

date on the happenings of our parish. Even if you are not on Facebook, you can view our postings on the Home page of our website.


Priest Rev. Fr. Costas P. Keares, Proistamenos


PARISH COUNCIL President Alex Dadas Vice President Michael Lignos Secretary Rhonee Trakas-Iula Financial Secretary George Anagnostou Treasurer Christopher Cook

Nick Asmis Dr. George Markakis Anthone Colovas Stephanie Ocker Arthur S. Karas Nicolas Parianos Theodore Kokkas Effie Trihas Jason Kouvaras Drew Wilson


STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Bylaws Anthone Colovas Catering / Leasing Arthur S Karas Jason Kouvaras Family Ministry Stephanie Ocker Finance Michael Lignos Home Michael Lignos Nicolas Parianos Human Resources Rhonee Trakas-Iula

Membership Jason Kouvaras Public Relations Father Costas Keares Stewardship George Anagnostou Ways & Means Real Estate Management Arthur S. Karas

Telephone: (440) 237-8998 Fax: (440) 237-4386 Catering: (440) 582-1083 Website: Office E-Mail: [email protected] Fr. Costas E-Mail: [email protected] Fr. Costas Cell: (440) 669-1316


Pastoral Reflections by Father Costas Time is a great gift from God. It is a gift that we cannot take for granted. We acknowledge and thank Him for the year that has passed and for the year we are looking forward to begin. This past year we were inundated with the Pave the Way Project. We are very close to finishing. As Spring rolls around in a few months, we look forward to completing this phase of the project. I’m so pleased with how everything has turned out. I thank each and every one of you who participated in this effort and made the dream a reality. I drove up to church the other night and it was so nice to see the whole outside property being illumined. Also, we are almost done with the upgrade of the lighting of the inside of our church. I know the choir is so appreciative of how much the new lights have illumined the area where they sit. It is also great to clearly see all the icons all around the inside of our church. Many thanks to the Home Committee for always being on top of everything that needs fixing and upgrading around our church property. Besides the physical needs that exits, both around the church facility and for each and every one of us, we also need to pay attention to our spiritual needs. As we strive in our daily efforts to grow spiritually, we continue to offer a variety of opportunities here at our parish for all our members. Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos, the retired professor of New Testament from our seminary reminds us that “The goal of each Christian, as envisioned by the Orthodox tradition, is theosis—becoming like God by grace. The goal of theosis is reached as we daily grow in our life in union with Christ and reflect the glory of the Lord through the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit. ‘That same glory,’ according to St. Paul, ‘coming from the Lord, who is the Spirit, transforms us into His likeness in an ever greater degree of glory’(2 Cor 3:18). How can we progress toward the goal of theosis? By placing Christ always first in our lives. Do you have educational, professional or other plans that demand a great deal of attention? Put Christ first. Are you married and caught up in home and family? Put Christ first. Do dreams and hopes fill your mind? Put Christ first. Is your heart troubled by worries, problems or needs? Put Christ first.

In all things fix your eyes on Jesus Christ and fulfill His teaching: ‘Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else shall be yours as well.’ A beginning is a promise, a new possibility, a hope, a vision. An end is a purpose, a goal, a fulfillment, a conclusion. Another year has ended and another step has been taken in our journey of life. How many more years before the whole journey is completed? When all the steps are taken and all the years have been added up, what will truly matter but to be able to say with St. Paul, ‘I have done my best in the race. I have run the full distance. I have kept the faith. And now there is waiting for me the prize of victory awarded for a righteous life’ (2 Tim 4:7-8).” Let us my beloved remember to PUT CHRIST FIRST, as we begin each day, and acknowledge this gift of time from God as another opportunity to give thanks to Him as we continue to grow in His image and likeness. Below is a beautiful prayer written by St. Philaret of Moscow that can help us to dedicate each day to HIM who is our Lord and Savior.

“O Lord, grant me to greet the coming day in peace. Help me in all things to rely upon Your holy will. In every hour of the day reveal your will to me. Bless my dealings with all who surround me.

Teach me to treat all that comes to me throughout the day with peace of soul and with firm conviction

that Your will governs all. In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and

feelings. In unforeseen events, let me not forget

that all things are under Your care. Teach me to act firmly and wisely,

without embittering and embarrassing others. Give me strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day

with all that it shall bring. Direct my will according to Your will.

Teach me to pray. Pray Yourself within me.

Transform my life into a living prayer to you. Amen.”


Our Parish Her Life & People

Adult Baptism December 2nd

Jamie Hart ~ Adult Baptism Godparents ~ Nicolas and Tammy Parianos


May His Memory Be Eternal

December 13th Nick “Niko” Kokkas

Newest Additions November 14th

Congratulations to Elias and Elaina Antonaklas on welcoming their first child, Chrysovalandi Efstathios weighing 5 lbs 12 oz 19.5 inches.

We would be happy to announce a special occasion in this column. All you need to do is notify the office at 440.237.8998 or [email protected].

for Parents with Kids age 0—6th Grade Join us for Coffee and Conversation in the church hall after Holy Communion to meet other parents and learn about the Orthodox faith. If the partition is closed, you will likely find us in that section of the hall. This Fall we will be discussing, Parenting Toward the Kingdom: Orthodox Principles of Child-Rearing by Philip Mamalakis. This is a wonderful book and you are sure to be encouraged as you work towards raising your children in the faith. We will be discussing excerpts of the book, so if you cannot make it every week or keep up on reading, it is okay! If you would like to purchase the book, you can find it in the church bookstore. If you have any questions, please email Kristi Tartara at [email protected]. For announcements, please join us on Facebook. Search for St. Paul Coffee & Conversation and request to join the group.

Coffee & Conversation

Choir News Vaso Boukis

Choir Director

Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Our choir sang at the beautiful Pan-Orthodox Christmas concert.

May our newborn savior bless you and keep you always in the palm of his hands!

Greek Coffee Enjoy a cup of Greek Coffee made especially for you during the coffee social once a month by the Greek Corner. The schedule for the next three months will be as follows:

January 7 February 18 March 4

Ionian Village 2018 Summer Experience

May 31 – June 11 ~ IV Next (formerly Spiritual Odyssey)

June 15 – July 4 ~ Session One:

July 15 – August 3 ~ Session Two

Registration will begin March 1, 2018


Little Angels / HOPE / JOY / GOYA ~ The next GOYA meeting will be held on Sunday, January 7th following Sunday School.

~ HOPE / JOY are invited to come and learn the significance of Epiphany and participate in diving for the cross. See the flyer on this page for more information.

~ GOYA will be participating in two basketball tournaments this month. Look for more details to be available shortly and respond promptly if you will be attending. Remember, church attendance and being active in the GOYA program are pre-requisites. January 12—14 Annunciation Akron January 26—28 Annunciation Columbus

~ Toni Mannarino

Sunday School Director

Happy New Year! Once again, our children did a great job with the Christmas Pageant! Thank you to all of you for offering the story of Christ's birth the way that you do - those who played the lead parts, the narrators, the little angels, and the chorus. Once again, Baby Jesus stole the show! Thank you to Jerod and Chrissy Downing for allowing their little Michael to play such a special part. Thank you to the Choir and to Vaso Boukis for singing so beautifully. To the Sunday School Staff, without you, this pageant would not be able to happen. We are beyond blessed to have you leading our children. Thank you to Eva Karas and Samantha Sampson for all that you did to help it go so smoothly. You are not thanked enough. To parents for stepping in to assist as needed. It really is a whole Sunday School event!! Classes will resume on January 7th with the annual Vasilopita Sunday. Students will gather in the Teen Room where Jonathan Tartara will talk about the tradition of the vasilopita and distribute the pieces to everyone. Recipients of Attendance awards for the half year will also be recognized with perfect and great attendance. Their names will appear in the February Messenger. January's theme is a Prayer to your Guardian Angel. Teachers will have a lesson on this prayer during the month. We also want to remind parents of students in 7-12 grade that the Oratorical Festival topics have been presented and discussed already in class. Please encourage your child to participate. This is a great opportunity for them to practice their public speaking. Topics, registration, and guidelines can be found on our website Sunday School page.


~ Kathy Glaros Greek School Superintendent

Happy New Year and welcome 2018! Here is another year, and I hope it is an outstanding one for all of you.

The month of December has brought several celebrations for us, including our annual Christmas program. The children participated in the program providing an exemplary performance as they sang the Christmas carols in Greek. You can view the performance on the Greek School page of our website.

They have practiced hard for a number of months and now can look forward to the March 25th program. We are happy to have your children as part of our educational programs and hope that in 2018 we can further our growth and share even more progress with the Saint Paul Community.

During the month of December we had our first parent/teacher conference. It was great seeing so many of you to share positive comments about our program. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped our students with baking Koulourakia. Και του Χρόνου!

As the second half of the school year begins, we are all aware that a lot more learning must be achieved before the end of the year. It is our desire that the second half of the school year be excellent for all.

Parents, continue to reinforce good attendance habits with your child/children. Excessive absences results in missing work which is difficult to make up.

Insure your child/children arrive on time and con-tinue having them study and complete homework.

Please understand your role in educating YOUR child.

We appreciate your support and are honored that you afford us the opportunity to work with your precious children.

May 2018 bring Health, Happiness and Prosperity to everyone! Χρόνια Πολλά και Καλή Χρονιά!

~ Helena Johnson, Dance Director

Happy New Year from the Hellenic Dance Program! As we begin a new calendar year, you will see dance practices start to be more frequent and with more content. Attendance for these practices are extremely important so the dancers get the vital instruction they need! Please communicate with your instructors if your dancer will be missing a practice. Please note, due to the January 21st HOPE / JOY Epiphany Dive for our kids, there will be no Beginner or Junior Practice that day.

JANUARY PRACTICES January 7: All groups (Seniors after GOYA mtg.) January 21: Senior Group only January 28: Junior Group only

FEBRUARY PRACTICES February 4: All groups (Seniors after GOYA mtg.) February 25: All groups As always if you have not paid your dancer’s registration fee, please visit the church website or see me or one of the instructors as soon as possible. Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and blessed 2018!!

For more information, go to:


AFGHAN PROJECT: WINTER ~ A GREAT TIME TO KNIT OR CROCHET! Our Ladies Philoptochos presents every newborn in our community with a handmade afghan at their 40-Day Blessing. Each afghan donated has a tag that indicates that it was hand-made by Philoptochos and a card with the donor’s name as well as the children’s book “What Do You See at Liturgy” enclosed as a memento of this special occasion. If you would like to create baby afghans, they should be approximately 30 x 36 inches knitted or crocheted in washable yarn. Many thanks to Joyce Nicholas for her donation of two beautiful baby afghans!

Our Ladies Philoptochos also continues to create afghans for our home-bound parishioners. These lap afghans are given to our home-bound parishioners who welcome a visit from our Philoptochos ladies. If you know of anyone who would enjoy such a visit, please let us know. Each lap afghan should be approximately 40 x 48 inches knitted or crocheted in washable yarn. Many thanks to Georgia Gallagher for her donation of yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, and carrying case!

In the hall, by our Philoptochos table, are displayed many colorful all-occasion scarves that may be purchased by a free-will donation to Philoptochos. These scarves have been knitted from yarn that was donated to the afghan project. Since this yarn is more appropriate for scarves, income they generate is then used to purchase items for the afghan project. Many thanks to Tessie Lekas for creating such lovely scarves to benefit our afghan ministry!

Monetary donations are also accepted in lieu of hand-made afghans to offset the costs of this project. Please contact Maria Lovejoy 330.220.3213 or Maribeth Lekas 216.408.6070 if you are interested in attending our next workshop. Feel free to come and knit/crochet and enjoy the camaraderie! Our next Afghan Workshop will be Thursday, January 25th from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in our Teen Room. Winter is a wonderful season to work with yarn! Come join us! Yarn, needles, patterns, and instructions are available at this workshop to promote our two afghan ministries.

OCF—ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ~ GIFTS SENT TO COLLEGE FRESHMEN! Our St. Paul Philoptochos reaches out to our college students by mailing OCF Connect Kits to their dorms

or residences. These kits include an Orthodox Bible, Icon of Christ, “Here Me” prayer books, OCF drawstring bag, OCF lanyard and pen, OCF Water Bottle filled with delicious homemade kou-lourakia, as well as other fun goodies for our college students. This Fall we sent nine Connect Kits to our St. Paul Freshmen college students. (See photo of this year’s kit). OCF is the National Campus Ministry Program for Orthodox college students. Greater Cleveland has four active OCF Chapters that include students from CWRU, JCU, CSU, BW and Cuyahoga CCC. OCF plans meetings and various events for the college students each month providing free food and admissions. Please have your students check out the OCF Cleveland page on Facebook for events in the Cleveland area. Free tickets and admission to various events can be reserved for college students by contact-ing Mira Damljanovic on OCF Cleveland Facebook page. Please forward email and college snail mail addresses for any St. Paul college Freshmen and/or to donate, please contact Mary Steve [email protected] or Maribeth Lekas [email protected] .


Philoptochos News Rhonee Trakas-Iula

Philoptochos President

December was a busy month in which Philoptochos sponsored three events. We served meals to approximately 200 people at our Breakfast with St. Nicholas event on December 3rd. Thank you to Stephanie Ocker (chair), our numerous volunteers, our patrons and Frank Langos (our wonderful chef). Mary Pagonakis and her team baked, took orders and sold freshly baked Christmas Bake Sale goods on December 3rd and 10th. Thank you for supporting this yearly event. Ellie Pantazoglou (chair), and her team, sponsored a beautiful Christmas dinner for Philoptochos on December 7th. The Gift of The Magi theme reminded us of the reason for the season. The activities helped us get acquainted and Brennan’s Catering supplied a scrumptious, memorable dinner. A wonderful time was had by all. A team of caring women, led by Mary Pagonakis, made koulouria that attached to poinsettias for our homebound parishioners. Many thanks to Fr. Costas for helping with the delivery of these crowd pleasers.


Sunday, January 7 Vasilopita Sunday St. Basil Academy basket Coffee Social Team 1

Sunday, January 14 Ronald McDonald House check presentation ~

Please join us as we proudly present a check to Ronal McDonald House Akron on Sunday, January 14. Thanks to all of our volunteers, donators and race participants we will be able to sponsor two rooms at the house this year. Additionally we will be donating our time and talents to the House.

Coffee Social Team 2

Sunday, January 21 Coffee Social Team 3

Monday, January 22 Paximathia Baking Class at 5:30 pm ~ Learn

from the master, Kim Kontos, as she teaches us how to make paximathia. For only $10 you will learn to make three dozen biscotti-like deserts,

with friends and love taste-testing these divine little wonders. Reserve your spot through the website, the Philoptochos coffee social table or contact Eleni Johnson 440.785.9277. All reservations are needed by January 14th, class size is limited.

Friday—Saturday, January 26—27 Retreat with Father Barnabas Powell “Taming the

Passions: Timeless Wisdom in Being Orthodox on Purpose.” Free Will donation. RSVP on our church website. See flyer for more details.

Sunday, January 28 Galactobouriko Sunday Coffee Social Team 4

February 2018

Sunday, February 4 Wear red women’s heart health Coffee Social Team 1

Sunday, February 11 Coffee Social Team 2

Tuesday, February 13 at 6:30 PM General Meeting

Sunday, February 18 Coffee Social Team 3

Monday February 19 Clean Monday Great Lent begins

Sunday, February 25 Coffee Social Team 4 Coffee Social Donations Needed We are in need of food donations for our after church coffee hours. Pam Sitter ([email protected]) can accept your plated baked goods donation. Consider Joining Us Mary Steve and Angela Christian are accepting Philoptochos memberships. Your investment will help us support our various charitable organizations.

Thank you for your loving support!


St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church North Royalton OH

Women’s Book Study

Tuesdays (10:00 – 11:30 a.m.)

Classes begin January 23rd!

Our current Book:

“Acquiring the Mind of Christ” by Archmandrite Sergius (Bowyer)

St. Paul clearly states: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ

Jesus…” (Phil 2:5)

How do we acquire this Mind of Christ and where is it to be found? For the Orthodox Christian, salvation is the acquisition of the Mind of Christ which is to be found in the Church. This acquisition moves us from the image of God to the likeness of God and this knowledge is eternal life. (John 17:3) This small book hopes to begin to answer how acquiring the Mind of Christ is possible and why it is necessary in our lives today. The book is available in our bookstore ($15.00). An excerpt: “ …The purpose for which we were created is that we might know God and through this knowledge (which denotes communion) become eternal, sharing in God’s very life”

St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church

North Royalton OH

Adult Sunday Catechism

Immediately following Holy Communion in the Teen Room

Our Topic: The Divine Liturgy based on the book…

“Journey to the Kingdom” by Father Vassilios Papavassiliou

There is no better way to understand the theology, spirit, and faith of Eastern Orthodoxy than by entering into its central worship: the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Papavassiliou takes you on this journey with clarity and passion, exploring the Liturgy as a reflection of heavenly worship and as an invitation to enter the Kingdom of God. The hymns, prayers, creed, and actions of the Liturgy are explained, covering subjects such as communion, Trinity, baptism, sainthood, and resurrection.

“Blessed is the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto ages of ages. Amen.”

What we all too often forget is that we are called

into communion with a Living God.

Let us join together on this life long journey!


2017 Epiphany Home Blessings

On January 5th, we will celebrate the Eve of the Feast day of Epiphany with a Vesperal Divine Liturgy followed by the Blessing of the Waters. The Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan on January 6th by St. John The Baptist presents us with a great mystery of God: “He who is the Master off all is baptized by a servant, and He gives mankind cleansing through water.” As part of our Orthodox Christian tradition, we have our homes blessed following these services. What is a House Blessing? In celebration of Theophany, Orthodox Christians invite Christ not only into their hearts, but also their homes, and we call upon Him to bring the blessings of the Jordan into our daily lives. We do this by having the priest bless our homes with the Holy water from the service of Theophany, offering prayers for our health, our family and the Lord’s abundant blessings in the coming year. What do I need to do? Consult the list on this page to find out when Father Costas will be visiting your area. Before he arrives at your home for the blessing, prepare on a table a deep bowl of water, a candle, a censor (Father will bring one with him in case you don’t have one) , and a list of names of all the Christians in your household. Please note, when father arrives at your home, turn off the TV set and radio, and have everyone stand in reverence for the brief service. Everyone is welcome to participate in this service by singing the responses with Father Costas. In order to better serve those who wish to have their homes blessed, we ask that you communicate with

our parish office by doing one of the following by Tuesday, January 2nd:

1) Call the office at (440) 237-8998

2) Fill out the form on our parish website at

3) Complete and return the form on this page to the parish office.

Please note that Father Costas will be visiting homes according to the schedule below: Monday January 8 North Royalton /Hinckley / Tuesday January 9 Strongsville /Brunswick Wednesday January 10 Parma Thursday January 11 Parma

Friday January 12 Parma Hts/Middleburg Hts

Saturday January 13 Brecksville / Broadview Hts.

Tuesday January 16 Seven Hills / Independence

For areas not covered on the above list, Father will call to set an appointment once he receives your form requesting a house blessing. All appointment days and times are confirmed by Father before he arrives. Name


Zip Code

Phone Number Please check one: Morning Afternoon Evening


EVE OF EPIPHANY Friday, January 5th 9:00 AM ~ Royal Hours 5:00 PM ~ Vesperal Liturgy (*)

blessing of water

EPIPHANY Saturday, January 6th

8:15 AM ~ Orthros 9:30 AM ~ Divine Liturgy (*) blessing of water (*) Indicates when Holy Communion will be offered







All Sundays 8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy Sunday School follows Holy Communion


1 St. Basil

8:30 AM Orthros 9:30 AM Liturgy


3 4 5 Eve of


9:00 AM Royal Hours (NO communion)

5:00 PM Vesperal Liturgy with blessing of water

6 Theophany

8:15 AM Orthros 9:30 AM Liturgy with blessing of water 10:00 AM GOYA BB practice 2:00 PM Metropolis Regional GOYA Athletic Seminar

7 John the

Holy Glorious Prophet, Baptist & Forerunner

Vasilopita Sunday

GOYA mtg.

Dance Practice


5:30 PM Greek School

House Blessings begin. Call the church office to add your name to the list

9 10


7:00 PM Bible Study resumes

12 13

11:00 AM Baptism

2:00 PM Baptism


Leavetaking of the Theophany

Parish Council Oath of Office

12:00 PM Greek Corner


5:30 PM Greek School

16 17 Anthony

the Great

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy

7:00 PM Parish Council meeting

18 19

4:00 PM Rehearsal


10:00 AM GOYA BB practice

4:00 PM Wedding

21 15th Sunday of Luke

Dance Practice

1:00 PM HOPE/JOY Epiphany Dive


5:30 PM Greek School

5:30 PM Baking Class


10:00 AM Women’s Study Group

6:00 PM Family Ministry mtg.

24 25

10:00 AM Afghan Workshop

26 27

Parish Retreat


Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee: Triodion Begins


5:30 PM Greek School

30 Three


8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy


Metropolis GOYA Basketball Tournament ~

Annunciation Akron

Metropolis GOYA Basketball Tournament ~ Annunciation Columbus

Fast Free

Fast Free Week







All Sundays 8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy Sunday School resumes in September


1 2 Presentation

of our Lord

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy


10:00 AM GOYA BB practice


Sunday of the Prodigal Son

GOYA mtg.

Dance Practice

12:00 PM Greek Corner


5:30 PM Greek School

6 St Photios

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy

10:00 AM Women’s Study Group

7:00 PM Home Committee

7 8 9 10 Saturday

of Souls

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy

2:00 PM Wedding


Judgment Sunday (Meatfare)

5:00 PM Apokriatiko Glendi


5:30 PM Greek School


10:00 AM Women’s Study Group

6:30 PM Philoptochos meeting


7:00 PM Parish Council meeting


5:00 PM Senior Fellowship Agape Dinner


6:00 PM Rehearsal

17 Saturday

of Souls

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy

1:00 PM Wedding


Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare) 6:00 PM Forgiveness Vespers


Lent Begins

5:30 PM Greek School

7:00 PM Great Compline


10:00 AM Women’s Study Group


5:00 PM Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Dinner hosted by Philoptochos

22 23

7:00 PM Salutations to the Theotokos

24 Saturday of Souls

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy


Sunday of Orthodoxy

Dance Practice 5:00 PM Great Vespers at Sts. Constantine & Helen


5:30 PM Greek School

7:00 PM Great Compline


10:00 AM Women’s Study Group


Metropolis GOYA Basketball Tournament ~

St. Demetrios Warren

Fast Free Week

Metropolis Clergy Lenten Retreat


IN MEMORY OF: Their Parents by Fr. Costas & Nicole Keares

Mary & Jack Collaros by the Sabetta Family

Gust Dadas by Helen Dadas

Leah Dadas, Paul Dadas, and Cathy Dadas Manolas by Mike Daadas

Irene and Chester Ewald by Annamari Perko

Anna Elliott Karadimas and George J Elliott by Rae Elliott

Mike and Nicholas Paterakis by the Linz family

Mike and Nicholas Paterakis by Gina Paterakis

Bill Pontikos by Irene Pontikos

Georgia, Nikolaos, Ioanis, Kyriaki, Evanthia by Antony and Pelagia Asmis

FOR THE HEALTH OF: Health of their Family by Anonymous donors

The Mike P Dadas family by Mike Dadas

Nick Katsaros by Connie Katsaros

Lenten Dinner and Presanctified Liturgy

Every WEDNESDAY during Lent, a Lenten

dinner will be sponsored by one of our parish ministries. The cost of the dinner is a free will donation. The meal will be served following the Presanctified Liturgy which begins at 5:00 PM.

5:00—6:30 Presanctified Liturgy

6:30—7:30 Lenten Dinner


February 21st Philoptochos

March 7th Senior Fellowship

March 14th ALL Youth Groups (HOPE/ JOY/GOYA, Sunday School, Greek School)

March 21st Parish Council


The Orthodox Church has designated certain days of the year for special prayer services for the dead: The Saturday before Meatfare Week and Cheesefare Week and the Saturday before the first Sunday in Lent. The Saturday prior to Pentecost is also a Saturday of Souls.

Of these days, the Church remembers all the saints and our deceased loves ones. Our church prays for all the dead to express their faith that all who have fallen asleep in the Lord live in the Lord. Whether on earth or in heaven, the Church is a single family, one body in Christ. Death changes the location, but it cannot sever the bond of love. On Memorial Saturdays, the liturgical hymns pray universally for all of the depart-ed.

“With the saints, give rest O Lord to the souls of your servants, where there is no pain or suffering, but life everlasting.” May their memory be eternal!

Prepare a tray of koliva and/or complete the section below and return it to the church office. PRINT FIRST NAMES ONLY below:

February 10th February 28th February 24th


At CrossRoad, we invite teens to explore their faith like never before. During 10 days of learning, discussing, worshiping, serving, and growing in community, high schoolers are given the space to really wrestle with their faith. Session One (June 16—26) and Session T20 (July 2—12) are held n Boston, Session Three (July 21—31) is held in Chicago. Application deadline is February 1, 2018.

The Greater Cleveland Council of Orthodox Clergy has once again assumed the responsibility of soliciting donations to underwrite the celebration of Sunday of Orthodoxy and to support the Orthodox ministries that serve our area. Contributions can be made to GCCOC and given to the church office by February 18, 2018 to be listed as a “Patron” in the handout at the Pan Orthodox Vespers,

Yes, I/We would like to support and help underwrite the celebration of Sunday of Orthodoxy.

Donation Amount: $

PRINT name(s) below as you wish it to appear:

Return donation and form to:

St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church ATTN: Sunday of Orthodoxy 4548 Wallings Road North Royalton OH 44133-3121

Thank You Mitten Tree Donors Daughters of Penelope Erinys Chapter #355 would like to thank all those who donated to the mitten tree during the Christmas season. Items benefited the children of ZOE House and the victims of the hurricane in Puerto Rico who have come to the Cleveland area for assistance.


Boukis, Christ & Photia

Boukis, Gary & Mary

Boukis, Kenneth & Packy

Boukis, Peter & Lauren

Boukis, Vaso & Steve

Bozikis, Kenneth & Karen

Bozikis, Pete & Evangeline

Brown, David & Kathleen

Bucciere, Scott & Alexis

Calabrese, Joseph & Deanna

Cameron, David & Ellie

Cappas, Samuel & Elaine

Carlotta, Vickie

Carvaines, John & Becky

Carvaines, William & Elaine

Celebrezze, Nicholas & Niki

Chames, John & Elizabeth

Charnas, Dorthea

Chirakos, Frank & Gladys

Choukalas, Diana

Choukalas, Peter & Christine

Chrisopulos, Vivian

Christian, Angela

Christou, Steve & Alexia

Chrysanthus, Ifigenia

Cole, Thomas & Marilyn

Colovas, Anthone

Contoveros, Paul & Karen

Cook, Chris & Stacy

Cooke, Albert & Elaine

Cooke, Joelle

Costaras-Vasilakis, Irene

We would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all those who have made a commitment to our 2017 Stewardship program. Your generous donation keeps the doors open, the lights on, the staff to assist your needs, and the ministries running.

If you are behind on your pledge, take a moment to catch up; if you haven’t made a pledge commitment, take a moment to complete the bottom portion of your statement, and as always, feel free to call the church office if you have any questions. Remember, a pledge card should be submitted each year as your individual situation may change. Consider increasing your pledge if you have committed the same amount for the past five years or more.

As of December 22, 2017, we have 436 families who have pledged $301,485.00. Please remember, part of being a member of the parish is committing your time, talent, AND treasure. If you are in arrears with your commitment, you can bring it up to date through our website.

Aceto, Chris & Effie

Alex, Angie

Alex, Dean & Paula

Alex, James & Nicole

Alex, John & Christine

Alex, Rose Ellen

Alexakis, Ginger

Alexandrou, Eleni

Almaliotis, Aris

Anagnostou, George & Katina

Anastasakis, Mike

Anastasakis, Pete & Theresa

Anastos, James

Anastos, Mary

Antonaklas, Elias & Elaina

Apostolakis, Nicholas

Arfaras, Spiros & Joan

Asimes, Anna

Asimes, Dean & Alexandra

Askins, Frederick & Christina

Asmis, Anthony & Peggy

Asmis, George & Sandy

Asmis, Nick & Tina

Ayers, Antonia

Balis, Odess

Baltas, Emily

Barkoukis, Michael & Hope

Bishop, Shawn & Megan

Blair, Robert & Marsha

Bodle, Chris & Georgiann

Bodle, Nicholas

Bosinger, Pete & Elizabeth

Cotronakis, Greg & Athina

Coundourides, Joyce

Crider, Randy & Mary Kay

Dadas, Alex & Rosalyn

Dadas, Helen

Dadas, Mike & Georgia

Dadas, Skevy

Dalakas, Thad & Kyle

Dallas, Rocky & Rose

Daniels, Clara

Daniels, John & Victoria

Daniels, Lee

Daniels, Steve & Elaine

Darakos, Liberty

DeBow, Steve & Michelle

Dellaportas, George & Teresa

Delsander, Elizabeth

Demopoulos, Bill & Mary Jo

Demopoulos, Elaine

Demopoulos, Penny

Diamond, Dennis & Donna

Dimitris, James & Deborah

Dopoulos, Christine

Dopoulos, Jim & Elizabeth

Douzos, George & Vicki

Downing, Jerod & Christina

Dunn, Darren & Mary

Dyke, Barbara

Eakman, Mark

Economou, Jim & Despina

Economou, Peter

Elliott, John

Elliott, Rae

Emanuel, Eva

Emanuel, George

Evanich, Michael & Sara

Evanich, Norm & Katherine

Fazio, Anthony & Mary

Felouzis, Michael & Maria

Filipos, John & Angelique

Filippakis, John & Amanda

Flinn, Mack & Alexis

Forde, Anthony & Mary

Fourmas, Anastasius & Rita

Fourmas, Thomas

Fox, Joe & Alexa

Frantzis, Alex & Nichole

Gallagher, Georgia

Gallas, Steve & Irene

Geanneses, Antoinette

Gemelas, Faye

Gemelas, Gus & Deborah

Gemelas, Sophia

Georgalis, Anna Maria

Geralis, Bill & Lucia

Giatis, Dionysios & Elena

Gigis, Tom

Glaros, Bill & Kathy

Glaros, Dino & Natalie

Gousios, Andreas & Barbara

Gregory, Jim & Connie

Griffin, Timothy & Era

Gugliotta, John & Eleni

Haritakis, Michael & Connie


Harris, Katherine

Harriston, George & Stella

Hassel, Thomas & Martha

Hauge, Nathan & Alissa

Hazinakis, Nick & Anna

Hoiseth, Michelle

Horwath, Donald & Esther

Hourmouzis, Peter

Hovanec, Eleanor

Hovanec, George & Cindy

Hughes, Diane

Ingalls, JD & Christine

Iula, Christopher & Rhonee

James, John & Theresa

Janack, Mark & Anne

Javaras, Anne

Jaworski, Rikki

Johnson, Frank & Eleni

Kadras, Effie

Kadras, James

Kalina, Richard & Maria

Kaloger, Nicki

Kalucis, Chris & Sue

Kalucis, John

Kantzios, Maria

Kantzios, Nora

Karagiozis, Anthony & Gail

Karas, Arthur & Susan

Karas, Chris & Dea

Karas, George & Judy

Karas, Nasso & Heather

Karas, Nicholas

Karas, Sotere & Sophia

Karas, Sylvia

Kargiotis, Evan & Minnie

Kariotakis, Alex & Frances

Karlatiras, Maria

Kartson, Nicholas

Katsaros, Nick & Connie

Katsavrias, Jim & Vivian

Katsiroubas, Maryann

Katzakis, George & Thalia

Katzakis, Gus & Kimberley

Katzakis, Nick & Joan

Kavourias, Helen

Kavourias, James & Margaret

Keares, Fr Costas & Nicole

Keares, Peter

Kelly, Shawn & Maria

Kiriazis, Christine

Knouff, Gary & Myra

Kokkas, Demetrios & Irene

Kokkas, Ted & Joanna

Konstantinou, Kyriakoula

Konstantinou, Taso

Konstantinou, Theodore

Kontos, William & Kim

Kornelakis, Angeline

Kornelakis, Mary

Kostantaras, Dean & Patricia

Kostantaras, John & Clara

Kotian, Rakesh & Valerie

Koulioufas, Maria

Koulioufas, Thomas

Koutsoulias, Anastasia

Kouvaras, Jason & Wendy

Kozanis, Costas & Toula

Kreinbrook, Michael & Deb

Kriaris, Ann

Kriaris, Aristides & Olga

Kriaris, Demos & Joann

Kriaris, Gus & Padmini

Kritikos, John & Joanna

Krokos, Caliope

Krokos, John & Frances

Krokos, Mathew & Areti

Kubat, Milan & Erin

Kyriakides, Rod & Louise

Laios, Alex

Lamakos, Alice

Lang, Todd & Maria

Langos, Frank & Laura

Langos, James

Langos, John & Susan

Langos, Julie

Langos, Steven & Rebecca

Lavdas, Leon & Penny

Lekas, Stephen & Maribeth

Lekas, Tessie

Lekutis, George & Yvonne

Leon, Emanuel

Leovaris, Chrisoula

Lignos, Michael

Lindemann, Ray & Vera

Lingenfield, Joe & Andrea

Linz, Joseph & Emerald

Loizos, Bill & Athina

Loizos, Michael & Sophia

Londrico, Phil & Linda

Lopez, Dan & Nikki

Loucas, George & Sandra

Loucas, Penny

Lovejoy, Chris & Maria

Lucchese, Mary & Leonard

Makiaris, James & Diane

Makridis, Christos & Ivanna

Makris, Bessie

Mannarino, Peter & Antonia

Manuel, Evangelia

Marconi, Stephen & Ioanna

Markakis, George & Maria

Markos, Al & Popie

Markos, Bill & Kathy

Maropis, George & Helen

Maskow, Brian & Julie

Master, Mary

Mastronicolas, Bill & Diane

Matheou, Gus & Diana

Matheou, Mary

Mavros, Chris & Kathy

Mazzeo, David & Debbie

McClatchey, Jay & Nitsa

McGillick, Kathy

Mellis, Mathew & Marlene

Mellis, Rosemary

Mersinas, Marguerite

Minaritzis, Dimitira

Mitsiopoulos, Athansios & Anna

Moliatu, Robert & Paula

Moll, Bill & Becky

Montemarano, Jim & Julie

Moore, Zoe

Moraitis, Helen

Mount, Jonathan & Angela

Mouzakitis, Sue

Nackowiz, Bob & Elaine

Natsis, Demetrios & Caroline

Natsis, Effie

Neculai, Raz & Francesca

Nicholas, Deno & Joyce

Nicholas, John & Paige

Nicholas, Michael & Cynthia

Nichols, George & Annette

Nichols, Lee

Nikolaou, George & Kathy

Ocker, Stephanie

Olenik, Michael & Mary

Opria, Matthew & Michelle

Outten, John & Mary

Page, Gus & Sonia

Pagonakis, Joseph & Jody

Pagonakis, Mary

Palkovic, Franklin & Marie

Pallam, Evanthia

Panagopoulos, Chris & Maria

Panagopoulos, Irene

Pantaleo, Robert & Annette

Pantazoglou, Ellie

Papadotos, Steven & Dawn

Papadopoulos, Demetrios & Michelle

Papadopoulos, Eftehia

Papanikolaou, Mike & Helen

Paparizos, Greg & Charlene

Paparizos, Mike & Christine

Pappas, Ermioni

Pappas, Marko & Rachel

Pappas, Yianni & Andrea

Paragios, Andreas & Keli

Paragios, John

Parianos, Alexandra

Parianos, Nicolas & Tammy

Paterakis, Ergina

Pateras, Barbara

Paul, Harry


Stewardship Commitment Form

Have you submitted your Fairshare Estimate of Giving card? Simply complete the form below or go to our website.

I / We commit $ to my/our 2017 pledge

I / We commit $ to my/our 2018 pledge

Have you fallen behind on your stewardship? Please take a moment to submit your donation today by using the form below or go to our website.

Please apply the enclosed $ t o m y 2017 stewardship



Email Phone

Saridakis, Louise

Saridakis, Manuel & Ruth

Saridakis, Michael & Brenda

Sarris, Mathew

Savas, Betty

Savas, Dennis & Mary

Savas, Kathleen

Schultz, Jeffrey & Amy

Schultz, Ken & Terry

Scordos, Rena

Sejka, Cynthia

Sekas, Theodore

Sfekas, Mike & Sylvia

Sfekas, Michael & Dorothy

Shamblin, Brian & Susan

Shinas, George

Siamidis, John & Charoula

Simakis, George & Efty

Sitter, Pam

Skaljac, Gregory & Stella

Smith, Kenneth & Demetra

Smith, Richard & Christina

Sophocleous, Soph & Val

Sperellis, Thomas

Spooner, Sam & Mary Ann

Squire, Brandon & Melanie

Stamas, Michael & Nancy

Stames, Matthew

Stassis, Persephoni

Stavropoulos, Chris & Pauline

Stavros, Dena

Steffas, Diana

Steffas, Michael & Renie

Steffas, Nick & Renee

Steffas, Sophie

Steffas, Tom & Jamie

Stergiou, Petros & Mary

Steve, Paul & Mary

Sullivan, Erika

Sullivan, James & Karen

Summers, Jay & Heather

Tartara, Jonathan & Kristina

Tartara, Michael & Connie

Payamgis, Antonios

Payamgis, George & Jennifer

Pearl, Hal

Pearl, Michael & Katherine

Perk, Kathleen

Perko, Annamari & Robert

Petsas, Anna

Petsas, George & Gail

Petsas, Georgios & Georgia

Phillippi, Jordan & Ellen

Phillips, Joshua & Kirasoula

Pimpas, Angelo & Mary Jo

Pistiolas, George & Maria

Polichuk, Andrew & Lindsey

Pontikos, Dean & Erin

Pontikos, Irene

Popakiuk, Elizabeth

Porter, David & Jean

Poulos, George & Georgann

Poulos, Gus & Dorothy

Poulos, John & Elaine

Poulos, Nick & Chong

Poulos, Philip

Prinios, Andrew & Lindy

Psarras, Goerge

Psellas, John & Anna

Pyros, Nick

Rackas, John

Rahas, Michael & Helen

Randazzo, Eric & Amy

Rassias, Gerasimos & Andreanna

Regan, Maria

Regan, William & Susie

Ribich, John & Soula

Roditis, Harilos & Maria

Rokakis, Andy & Dianne

Ross, Bob & Angeline

Rossi, Ernest & Betty

Rubertino, Joseph & Frosini

Sakellakis, John & Effie

Salvo, Salvatore & Katina

Sampson, Adam & Samantha

Sarantos, Virginia

Many thanks to those who are using your stewardship envelopes each Sunday. Please note the special envelopes inserted in your January / February set:

▪ Initial Offering ~ defray cost of envelopes ▪ Benevolent ~ anonymously assist those in need

Tartara, Tim & Fran

Terovolas, Jason & Georgia

Tetkowski, Conda

Theodore, George & Irene

Theodore, George & Sharon

Theodorou, Christ & Kristina

Timms, Ronald & Barbara

Trakas, Bruce

Trakas, Jim & Anne

Trakas, Kathy L.

Trihas, John & Effie

Trihas, Kathy

Tripodis, Chris & Kathryn

Tsakalos, Demitrios & Heidi

Tsesmelis, Efstathios & Asimo

Tsigrelis, Constantine & Mary

Tsirambidis, Tim & Julie

Tsolakis, Emanouil & Daneen

Valantasis, Thomas & Rose

Varlamos, Cynthia

Varlamos, Nick

Varouhas, Emmanuel & Olga

Vasilakis, Constantine & Eleni

Vasilakis, Joe & Roberta

Vasilakis, Mary

Vassilakis, George & Olga

Vedouras, Emily

Ventrone, Guy & Mary

Vitakis, Stan & Tsabika

Vlahakis, Liberty

Volanis, Mike

Vondrasek, Dennis & Diane

Vourliotis, John

Wendland, Charles & Madalynn

Vrotsos, Pete & Darlene

Wengler, Fred & Anna

Whitacre, Kyle & Maria

Wiegand, Molly

Wilson, Drew & Dena

Xenos, Tom & Cori

Yeager, Connor & Eva

Yeropoli, Dean & Sevasti

Zaharof, Phyllis

Zampetis, Dino & Kara

Zampetis, Ted & Ann

Zanoudakis, Emmanuel


Featured in our Bookstore

THE FEAST DAYS OF THE CHURCH ~ YOUTH LEARNING BOOK The Church Holy Days are based on the true stories from the Bible. After reading these stories, you will learn how important it is that we find the time to celebrate these holy days in church where the Holy Spirit dwells. In this way we may become worthy when God is calling His children home, and that we may be included.

A FAITH ENCOURAGED ~ A DEVOTIONAL GUIDE TO BEING ORTHODOX ON PURPOSE In the style of his beloved podcast, Fr. Barnabas Powell offers reflections for each workday of the year to inspire us to live out our faith in the real world every day. Read these brief, pithy thoughts for a shot of encouragement to live each day as Orthodox on Purpose.

THE MORNING OFFERING Thousands of readers and listeners have benefited from the fatherly wisdom and insight of The Morning Offering, the blog and podcast of Abbot Tryphon of All-Merciful Saviour Monastery, Vashon Island, Washington. Now Abbot Tryphon's reflections on faith and contemporary life have been collected in book form, with one entry for each day of the year. Start your day with The Morning Offering and keep yourself oriented toward Christ all through the day.

RENEWED DAY BE DAY ~ AN ORTHODOX PRAYER WORKBOOK The main body of this workbook is composed of a series of spiritual exercises designed to introduce facets of the Orthodox prayer tradition in a concise and digestible format. Though primarily geared toward individual use, it can also be a valuable resource in a parish setting for use in an instructional class on how to develop a daily rule of prayer. Journal writing section included after each exercise.

Η Ελληνική Γωνιά ~ Μαρία Καρλατήρα (Μαράκι)

Αγαπητοί μου φίλοι νάμαστε και πάλι μαζί και σας χαιρετώ με την πρέπουσα ευχή, το νέο έτος 2018 να διέλθει με υγεία, αγάπη και χαρά και όλα του κόσμου τα καλά στ’ αρχοντικό σας. Σήμερα λοιπόν καλώσορισαμε έναν νέο χρόνο στην ζωή μας, ας είναι η χρονιά της συγχώρεσης, της αγάπης της συμπόνιας και των καλών έργων για όλους μας. Ας περάσουμε τώρα και στο μηνιαίο μας θεματάκι... Διάβασα στο περιοδικό Crash για δέκα σημαντικές ιστιρικές προσωπικότητες των τελευταίων 6000 ετών, που ανάμεσα τους οι ΕΠΤA είναι Έλληνες. Μία ενδιαφέρουσα μελέτη του περιοδικού (από το 4.000 π.Χ έως το 2016) έφερε στο φώς σχετικά με την ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό σε όλο τον πλανήτη, αυτούς που τόλμησαν..... και είναι ...`` 1) ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ. Η φιλοσοφική του σκέψη,

διαπερνά τους αιώνες μέχρι σήμερα. 2) Ο ΠΛΑΤΩΝΑΣ. Το έργο του με την μορφή

φιλοσοφικών διαλόγων, έχει σωθεί ολόκληρο 3) Ο ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ . Η διδασκαλία Του,

αποτέλεσε τη βάση για τη δημιουργία της χριστιανικής θρησκείας.

4) Ο ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ. Ο θεμελιωτής των ελληνικών μαθηματικών, γεωμέτρης και θεωρητικός της μουσικής.

5) Ο ΜΕΓΑΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ. Ο σημαντικότερος Έλληνας στρατηγός.

6) Ο ΟΜΗΡΟΣ. Ο μεγαλήτερος συγγραφέας των εποχών.

7) Ο ΣΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ. Αθηναίος φιλόσοφος του παγκοσμίου πνεύματος και πολιτισμού.

8) Ο ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑΣ. Στρατηγός και πολιτικός της ρωμαικής ιστορίας.

9) Ο ΚΟΜΦΟΥΚΙΟΣ. Ο φιλόσοφος θεμελιοτής της κινεζικής εκπαίδευσης.

10) O ΛΕΟΝΑΡΝΤΟ ΝΤΑ ΒΙΝΤΣΙ. Ο Ιταλός αρχιτέκτονας, ζωγράφος, γλύπτης, μουσικός και επιστήμονας.

Αυτά τα ωραία νέα απο την κατάταξη του Τεχνολογικού Ινστιτούτο της Μασαχουσέτης, φίλοι μου σας είχα για σήμερα . Ελπίζω να το βρίκατε και εσείς ενδιαφέρων. Ανανεώνω το ραντεβού μας γιά τον άλλο μήνα. Ελάτε να τα πούμε και απο κοντά κάθε ΔΕΥΤΕΡΗ Κυριακή του μήνα!


Remember the Church in Your Will

MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Throughout our life, from birth to death, the Church offers us grace and power by which to live. It inspires us, prays for us, heals us, and teaches us how to confess our sins and how to forgive each other. The Church baptizes those who wish to follow Christ. It blesses our marriages and sends us to our eternal home with prayers and blessings at our death.

The Church is the only thing that accompanies us throughout our life and beyond. We support it in many ways and especially through our financial gifts. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of those who benefit from St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church? If so, you may wish to consider a charitable bequest.

WHAT IS A BEQUEST? A charitable bequest is a method for parishioners and friends to perpetuate their interest and support for their Greek Orthodox Church. Your will can be drafted to leave either a specific gift or a percentage of your estate to the Church. A specific gift can be a dollar amount, a particular piece of real estate or personal property. A residuary gift is either a specific percentage of your estate or it can be the remainder of your estate after you have provided for your family, or other charitable interests which are important to you. For more information, contact the church office at 440-237-8998;someone will be in contact with you.

HOW TO CUT VASILOPITA The head of the household takes the knife and makes the sign of the cross over the bread, saying: “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” The cake/bread is then cut and the pieces are handed out carefully in a special order.

The first piece is for Christ – place this piece on the family’s ikonistasi – the family altar

The next piece is for the Virgin Mary – again this can be placed on the family altar

Then a piece is cut for St Basil

The next piece is cut for the needy

Pieces of Vasilopita are now cut for members of the family. Start with the head of the household, then each member of the family in order from eldest to youngest. Include those who are absent.

Then cut a piece for the house (and one for the your family business)




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