
by Silvia Sellitto

The Story of the Man wholovedthe Yoghurt

Once upon a timethere was a Man

who was living on his own in a wee housenear the highest lakein the whole world.

He did not love people,nor the fake soundsnor the fake soundsof the cities

He loved only one thing

The yoghurt

He did not know Donna, but she did know Goldmundvery well

I’ll tell you much more...she had been in love with himsince ever,sincewhen she saw him coming on thatbright nightbright nightto the village andunder the same starry skygoing awaybathing in the silence of thefullmoonmoon

and then one night....Goldmund,as he came and soon after went away,in the same way he came backfordisappearing againas long as theas long as thehunger would push himone more timeto Donna’s village

But she wastherewaiting for himsince ever

I’m alive springand you are earth burnt by loneliness and pride

you will feed me everyday

with the only thing that I really love love

and I will provide you with food and a bed

where to sleep and dream

So, Goldmund took Donna with him.EverydayGoldmund was drinking Donna’s sapwhileDonna wasfeeling the meaning of her soft thighs the meaning of her soft thighs and of her cosy bosomflowing in her veinsas well asthe meaning of her bodybrimming with LifeLifeand Desire

And I am Hungry. Now

I need YOUto find the meaningof MYSELF

But Life and experiences teach us thatwhen only one person is offeringheart and thoughtswhilethe Other onethe Other oneonlyflesh and things ...

Love and the energy between two peopleare boundto extinguish soon

Therefore Donna ended uprealizingthat Goldmundwas keeping on loving heronlybecause of what sheCOULDCOULDgive himand notbecause of what sheWANTED togive him

So one night without moonDonnaleft Glodmundto a destiny of OBLIVIONorAAWAKENING.

On that morningGoldmundvomitedall the yoghurt

Goldmundnever stopped waiting for her,sitting on the shore of the lake, on his favourite rock

It was a big rock, white, very smooth

From time to time the birds were landing there, the birds were landing there, and rest just for a few seconds

For years Goldmund looked and looked far far awaybut always to the wrong direction
