  • 8/10/2019 The MAKING of a NATION - 1941- Attack on Pearl Harbor Ends American Effort to Avoid War



    THE MAKING OF A NATION -- a program in Special English by the Voice of America.


    History usually is a process of slow change. Customs and traditions flow slowly from day to

    day. However, certain single events also can change the course of history. Napoleon's

    defeat at Waterloo was such an event. So was the first airplane flight by the American

    inventors, the Wright Brothers. Or the meeting between the Spanish explorer Cortez and

    the Aztec king, Montezuma.

    All these events were single moments that changed history. And so it was, too, with the

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December seventh, nineteen forty-one.

    The surprise attack on America's large naval base in Hawaii was a great military success

    for the government in Tokyo. However, the attack on Pearl Harbor had more than a military

    meaning. It also represented the passing of a period in American history.

    The attack would force Americans to fight in World War Two. More important, it would make

    them recognize their position as one of the leading and powerful nations of the world.


    In future weeks, we will discuss the military and political events of World War Two. But let

    us take a moment today to look back at the years before the battle.

    We already have seen how the attack ended the historic American tradition of avoiding

    world conflict. However, Pearl Harbor also marked the end of a shorter period in the nation's

    history. This period began with the end of World War One and ended with Pearl Harbor. It

    lasted only twenty-three years, from nineteen eighteen to nineteen forty-one. But it was

    filled with important changes in American politics, culture, and traditions.


    Let us start our review of these years with politics.

  • 8/10/2019 The MAKING of a NATION - 1941- Attack on Pearl Harbor Ends American Effort to Avoid War


  • 8/10/2019 The MAKING of a NATION - 1941- Attack on Pearl Harbor Ends American Effort to Avoid War


    at large lost faith in the economy. Soon, the economy was in ruins, and businesses were

    closing their doors.


    President Hoover tried to solve the crisis. But he was not willing to take the strong actions

    that were needed to end it. As time passed, many Americans began to blame Hoover for

    the terrible economic depression.

    Democrat Franklin Roosevelt was elected mainly because he promised to try new solutions

    to end the Great Depression. Soon after he was elected, Roosevelt launched a number of

    imaginative economic policies to solve the crisis.

    Roosevelt's policies helped to reduce the amount of human suffering. But the GreatDepression finally ended only with America's entry into World War Two.


    Roosevelt's victory in nineteen thirty-two also helped change the balance of power in

    American politics. Roosevelt brought new kinds of Americans to positions of power: labor

    union leaders. Roman Catholics. Jews. Blacks. Americans from families that had come from

    such nations as Italy, Ireland, or Russia.

    These Americans repaid Roosevelt by giving the Democratic Party their votes.


    The nineteen twenties and thirties also brought basic changes in how Americans dealt with

    many of their social and economic problems.

    The nineteen twenties generally were a period of economic growth with little government

    intervention in the day-to-day lives of the people. But the terrible conditions of the GreatDepression during the nineteen thirties forced Roosevelt and the federal government to

    experiment with new policies.

    The government began to take an active role in offering relief to the poor. It started

    programs to give food and money to poor people. And it created jobs for workers.

  • 8/10/2019 The MAKING of a NATION - 1941- Attack on Pearl Harbor Ends American Effort to Avoid War


  • 8/10/2019 The MAKING of a NATION - 1941- Attack on Pearl Harbor Ends American Effort to Avoid War

