Page 1: The Loving Christ • Sharing His Grace OUR MISSION our Concert Series dates marked on your calendars: JANUARY 31 •



Loving Christ • Sharing His GraceServing All

SUNDAY WORSHIP • 10:00 AM Children and Youth are dismissed following the Children’s Message to attend Church School in the Christian Education Building.

SUNDAY SCHOOL for Adults8:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

ASSISTANCE HEARING DEVICES are available from an usher. To activate the LOOP HEARING SYSTEM please turn your hearing aid to T-coil.

THE FAMILY WORSHIP VIEWING ROOM (off the Narthex) is available for nursing moms and those with special needs.

Music Notes ..........................................2Church Planning Retreat ..................3Disciple Fast Track ..............................3Golfing for God ....................................3Notes from the Chair .........................4Associate Pastor Search ...................4Mission of the Month ........................4Hands On Mission of the Month .....4Church Women United .....................5Roser Guild Thrift Shop ....................5BREd Events ..........................................5Holiday Craft Fair ................................6Stephen Minister Training ...............6October Birthdays ..............................6October Calendar ...............................7


Every Christian that I have ever known has spent time in a spiritual wilderness. We have all

experienced an aching spiritual thirst, only to feel that we are drinking sand.

One of the saddest responses to being in the wilderness is to believe that God has abandoned us. Most of the time, people leave the Church when they need it the most! During times of spiritual dryness, doubt creeps in. We doubt that we are really Christian. We doubt that we have any faith. We even come to doubt that God loves us.

We need to remember that God will never abandon us! “Nothing, in all creation, can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38) We don’t know why God allows us to be in the wilderness, but we need to remember that He uses our wilderness experiences to draw us closer to Him.

When we are in a spiritual wilderness, the most important thing that we can do is to stay connected to

God through prayer and worship. As Psalm 1 reminds us:

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly,

Nor stand in the paths of sinners. Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!But his delight is in the law of the LordAnd in His law he meditates day and night.And he will be like a tree, firmly planted by

the streams of water!

It is when we pray, and worship and meditate on the Law (study the Bible) that we receive the streams of

water. When dryness comes, make sure that you stay connected, even when it’s frustrating. Doing that will

make it possible for the living water of God’s grace and love to move in you and through you again.

If you disconnect, you will spend the rest of your life in the wilderness. Stay connected! “IF YOU ABIDE IN ME,

I WILL ABIDE IN YOU” is the promise that Jesus makes to all of us.

I look forward to seeing you in worship every Sunday.

Together, we will stay connected to God.

In His Grace,Dr. Bob

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Page 2: The Loving Christ • Sharing His Grace OUR MISSION our Concert Series dates marked on your calendars: JANUARY 31 •


DEBIT/CREDIT CARD READERAn iPad debit/credit card reader provides a convenient way to make a contribution to the church or for special events such as flowers, a memorial, Roser cookbooks, etc. It is in the Narthex before and after services. It is simple to use, has instructions, contribution choices, a space for your signature, and an option to receive a confirming e-mail. The reader meets industry security standards, and dona-tions will also be listed in your quarterly giving statements. We would prefer transactions of $10 or more since there is a small fee. Check out the convenience, especially when cash in your wallet is low and the checkbook is at home!



SermonLiving Sacrifices

Romans 12: 1-8

All the music will be either world music or music that celebrates

the diversity as well as the unity of Christians around the world.

The music is accompanied by the Acoustic Combo (see right) with

special music by the Chancel Choir.

They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love~Siyahamba (We Are Singing for the

Lord Is Our Light) South Africa~Trees of the Field Israel~Bread of Life from Heaven Argentine Folk Song~Te Ensalzaré Señor (I Will Praise

You, O Lord) Latin American~Halle, Halle, Hallelujah Caribbean Melody


The children and youth will lead the entire service.

OCTOBER 18Roser Ringers

SermonServant of All

Mark 10: 35-45


Joyful Noise Children’s ChoirSermon

Your Faith Has Healed YouMark 10: 46-52

Music NOTESOctober is a busy month for our Roser Church musicians with all of our ensembles now back in full swing. Here are the highlights:

ACOUSTIC COMBOMary Deur (flute) and Karen DiCostanzo (percussion) will join forces with Scott Stanton (guitar) and Kristen Stanton (piano) to form an acoustic combo to accompany the service on OCTOBER 4 for World Communion Sunday. In solidarity with our Christian brothers and sisters around the world we will be singing and playing music from South America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East. You won’t want to miss this!

ROSER RINGERSOur first rehearsal will be OCTOBER 1 at 5:30 pm, and new members are always welcome! Roser Ringers will play a lovely arrangement of Fairest Lord Jesus for the worship service on OCTOBER 18.

JOYFUL NOISE COMMUNITY CHILDREN’S CHOIRWe have a great group of 17 children involved in Joyful Noise this fall! In fact, the church van that provides transportation from Anna Maria Elementary is full and we have had to arrange additional transportation. This is a good problem to have. We hope you can come hear Joyful Noise sing for the worship service on OCTOBER 25.

CHANCEL CHOIR CANTATAOur Chancel Choir will be presenting an Advent cantata on DECEMBER 13, and rehearsals will begin Thursday, OCTOBER 29 at 6:45 pm. We would love to swell our ranks for this special musical offering so please consider dusting off those vocal cords and joining the choir for this event. This is a great opportunity for you to sing in the choir without making a year-long commitment. Just contact Joy Bennington or Kristen if you are interested.

And before you know it 2016 will be here and we want to make sure you have our Concert Series dates marked on your calendars:

JANUARY 31 • Randolph Locke & Carol Sparrow – vocal duoFEBRUARY 21 • New Orleans Nighthawks Jazz Band

MARCH 13 • Paul Duffy – Irish musician

So much music with lots of opportunities to make a joyful noise!

Page 3: The Loving Christ • Sharing His Grace OUR MISSION our Concert Series dates marked on your calendars: JANUARY 31 •




Led by Dr. Bob O’Keef

OCTOBER 14 & 28[We plan to play the 2nd and 4th

Wednesday of each month.]• At Bradenton Country Club, 4646

9th Ave W, Bradenton, FL 34209• 9-hole scramble for all levels of

golfers. Proper golf attire required• Golfers please arrive at 3:30 sharp• The Buffet will start at approxi-

mately 6:15 pm and the Bible Study will begin between 6:45-7:00 pm

SIGN UP by the Sunday before:Online at

get-involved/Golfing-for-God, complete the sign-up sheet in the Narthex, or call the church office

at 941-778-0414.

COST: Golf and Buffet $40Buffet & Bible Study only $25

(Includes coffee/tea, tax, gratuity and use of the room for Bible Study)

Please pay by check payable to Bradenton Country Club.

QUESTIONS:Mary Selby - (941) 713-5555

or [email protected]; Betsy Grundy - (941) 685-7921

or [email protected]

And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the

wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined.


NEW Luke 5:37-38


Call the office 941-778-0414, write an “R” beside your name on the attendance pad on Sunday or register online at

LUNCH BUFFET INCLUDEDLunch will be served in Curry Hall. It will feature a choice of soup,

a sandwich, a salad bar, a cut fruit bowl, iced tea or juice, ice cream and Dayspring cookies!

Every member of the congregation is encouraged to attend All committee and board members are expected to attend Note on your registration if transportation is needed A love offering will be taken to help cover the cost


Experience peace and tranquility, stunning natural beauty.Web address:

DISCIPLE is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing strong Christian leaders.

The study gives the Old and New Testaments equal time, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God.

DISCIPLE draws upon the work of scholars, the personal Bible reading and study of the participant, and dynamic group discussion to aid understanding of the Bible. Each member of the group needs a study manual and a Bible.

Dr. Bob will be teaching DISCIPLE FAST TRACK soon! Please call the office (941-778-0414) or email [email protected] if you are interested in taking this dynamic course.


Page 4: The Loving Christ • Sharing His Grace OUR MISSION our Concert Series dates marked on your calendars: JANUARY 31 •


I’m writing this during the second week of September. While the weather outside feels like summer, the level of activity at Roser is quickly turning to fall levels. Boards

and Committees are meeting again this month and planning for fall activities, which includes working on 2016 Budget requests. This means we are all starting to think about how the next year at Roser will look. Familiar programs and activities as well as new ones will start showing up this fall and continue into the new year. The Planning Retreat will be held on October 31 and we are excited to see what plans and ideas take shape at that meeting. I encourage everyone to come. This will be a great day spent thinking about how to make Roser Church even better than it already is. Please join us!

ASSOCIATE PASTOR SEARCHWe have received 16 applications for the position and have requested and received sermon videos from 8 of those candidates. The Search Committee has reviewed the videos and will meet to talk about our impressions and decide who to continue with. The next step will be Skype interviews. We are all anxious to have an Associate Pastor on board, but it is necessary to go through all of the search process steps to make sure that we find the right person. We ask for your continued prayers as we go through this process.




Out of gratitude for Jesus’ love, Mercy Ships follows His 2000-year-old model. Millions of vulnerable children, teens, adults and the elderly suffer and die every day from curable or treatable causes such as malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia. Through free basic, health-care and transformative surgeries, Mercy Ships becomes the face of love in action...

A ship is a controlled, safe and clean environment where volunteers and patients thrive. It is the most efficient platform to deliver care in developing countries where access to adequate health care and basic services like clean water, reliable electricity is limited or nonexistent.

More than 75% of the world’s population lives near a port city Mercy Ships has made over 575 port visits to help over 2.42 million people Every dollar you give is matched by over $3.00 in goods and services

With a crew of more than 400 volunteers from around 40 nations, The Mercy Ship is equipped with five state-of-the-art operating rooms and is a fully modern hospital with multi-bed wards, specializing in maxillofacial, recon-structive, plastics, orthopaedic, ophthalmic, dental and obstetric fistula surgeries. Doctors onboard anticipate operating on thousands of patients during the 16,500-ton hospital ship’s stay of several months in port. Mercy Ships was Founded in 1978 and is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

YOLANDA QUINONES will tell us more about her experience on a MERCY SHIP on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 during the 10:00 am Worship Service.

To donate to the Mission of the Month, please use the envelope in the pew or go to GIVE online at

To change the world . . . one nation, one community, one

life at a time.



has been named by the Mission Committee to be the OCTOBER “HANDS ON” MISSION OF THE MONTH. To volunteer to help, please see or call Peggy Nash, 778-6483 and she will be happy to include you on the schedule. At the present time, shifts are for a few hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. If enough people volunteer the shop may open on Fridays as well.

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ROSER GUILD THRIFT SHOPThe Thrift Shop will have it’s Grand Re-opening on Thursday, OCTOBER 1 from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm. Management Team members and others have cleaned and restocked much of the shop and Annex, ready for the coming season. Come and discover the very nice clothes, household and gift items at bargain prices. Persons with nice things to donate are encouraged to do so on Wednesday mornings, 9:00-11:00 am, but may be received at other times the Annex is open. Volun-teers are needed. THE ROSER GUILD THRIFT SHOP has been named by the Mission Committee to be the OCTOBER “HANDS ON” MISSION OF THE MONTH. (See page 4)

Dottie Morasco, a retired Roser Guild Thrift Shop volunteer, hosted some friends from Roser Church for breakfast Saturday morning,

September 12 at The Landings of Freedom Village. Dottie could be seen behind the desk at the thrift shop regularly on Thursday mornings for many years. It was a pleasure for Pat Storey, Peggy Nash, Beverly Schauss and Darlene Head to visit with Dottie, enjoy breakfast and admire her new wheels.

The women of St. John’s First Baptist Institutional Church in Palmetto invite everyone to join them as they host the OCTOBER 2 meeting. As an emphasis on our theme “THROUGH GOD OUR HANDS PROTECT”, Guest Speakers Mrs. Patricia Henderson of the Senior Connection Center—Elder Affairs, and Mrs. Yvonne Daniels of the Manatee Sheriff’s Department will share a presentation on Elder Abuse Protection.

Fellowship will begin at 9:30 am and the program will follow at 10:00. St. John’s Baptist Institutional is located at: 1108 29th Street East, Palmetto, FL 34221. Please call Peggy Nash, 778-6483, so we may go together.


The fall season comes with a busy calendar for BREd. Please MARK YOUR CALENDARS and join us for as many of these activities and programs as you can.

Believe it or not, it’s time for OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD! Each year, during the months of October and November, individuals, families and groups fill empty shoeboxes with gifts of toys, school

supplies, hygiene items and notes of encouragement. Samaritan’s Purse will deliver the gifts to children in more than 100 countries on six continents, just in time for Christmas! Shoeboxes will be wrapped following church on September 27 and will be available in the Narthex starting OCTOBER 4 for you to take home and fill. Pick up a box (instructions are in the box), fill it and bring it back to the Narthex or church office by Sunday, November 15.

OCTOBER 11 will be CHILDREN AND YOUTH SUNDAY. Our Sunday morning worship service will be conducted by our youth. Please come out and have a blessed morning while showing your support for our young church members.

BAYFEST will be held on Saturday, OCTOBER 17. This will involve many boards and committees from the church. BREd will be doing activities geared towards the children. If you have an hour or two that you could help with these activities, please let me know (941-778-0414). We could sure use some extra hands.

Looking ahead, we will have our BETHLEHEM WALK on Saturday evening, DECEMBER 5. This is a wonderful experience, so mark your calendar and plan to join us. Then on Saturday, DECEMBER 12, we will be part of the PRIVATEERS PARADE. We welcome volunteers to help decorate the float Saturday morning and/or to ride the float.

One last note. I’m sure you’ve heard what a great experience VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL was this year. What I want to share with you is what happens after VBS that most people are not aware of. After VBS we take left over supplies that cannot be returned and some of our decorations, and share them with another church that is using the same program. This year that church was Southside Baptist Church in Ruskin. SHARING IS CARING, and that’s a good thing.

Glenda Beck, Chair of BREd


Page 6: The Loving Christ • Sharing His Grace OUR MISSION our Concert Series dates marked on your calendars: JANUARY 31 •


Mark your calendars!

SATURDAYNov. 14 will be our


FAIR! There is no sign up sheet yet, but plan ahead.

Help will be needed in the

kitchen and for the bake sale table. BAKED GOODS will be needed for the bake sale table. This year there will also be a CRAFT TABLE for any-one who would like to make a craft or two to sell to benefit the church. So all you crafty people who don’t do enough crafting to have your own table at the craft fair, here’s your chance to make a few crafts to benefit the church. This year all proceeds will be going to the music department to help with all the extras that are not covered by the budget.

Don’t miss this opportunityto join a new class!


Begins November 4—Wednesday afternoons at 5:30

and five Saturdays from 9:00-2:00, ending with a Commissioning

Service on January 17.

Training includes topics like

• Feelings: Yours, Mine and Ours

• The Art of Listening• Relating Gently

& Firmly • Maintaining

Boundaries and

• ConfidentialityIf you are interested,

please call the church office at 941-778-0414 and leave your

name and email address. Questions?

Contact Dee O’Brien at [email protected].


Rejoice with those who rejoice,weep

with those who weep. Romans 12:15

STEPHEN MINISTERSTrain for over 50 hours in basic counseling and ministry as well as actively participate in their

own Christian growth and effective sharing with others.

They know how to listen, provide perspective, maintain total confidence and privacy, and walk with you through

turbulent times.

OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 1 Tess Coleman 1 Alan Ward 4 Major Leckie 8 Dale Dohner 9 Margret Art 10 Sam Howells 11 Bill Johnson 11 Charles Makovec 15 Whit Daily

25 Sandee Shea 26 Katherine Stratton 27 Donna Hyman 28 Thomas Creed 28 Cathy Daily 28 Dick Gilmore 30 Sara Calhoun 31 Sandra Miles 31 Maurie Workman

17 Marjorie Miller-Motzer 18 Darlene Head 18 Lore Morgret 19 Carolyne Norwood 21 Jim Bickal 21 Florence Carr 21 James Kissick 21 Joan Voyles 23 Heather Blane 23 Mike Selby

If your birthday is not listed or needs to be corrected, please call the office (941-778-0414) or email [email protected].

MIGRANT SEWINGKate Bloomquist, Coordinator of Migrant/Immigrant Services for the Manatee County School System, picked up forty of

the hand-tied children’s quilts done by the sewing ladies of Roser Guild. She was able to meet Margaret Art, Priscilla Barranger and Joan Gray, members of the Thrift Shop management team who were cleaning, and had some bags of clothing for Kate to share with the migrant families also. “The migrants have arrived earlier and poorer this year,” she said, “due to weather conditions up north this summer.”

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9:30 Church Women United at St. John’s First Baptist Institutional Church, Palmetto (see page 5)



Sunday School Class (LG)

10:00 Worship & Church School for Children


(see page 5)8:45 Adult

Sunday School Class (LG)

10:00 Worship & Church School MISSION MOMENT (see page 4)

8:45 Adult Sunday School Class (LG)

10:00 Worship & Church School

MUSIC SUNDAY (see page 2)

8:45 Adult Sunday School Class (LG)

10:00 Worship & Church School Joyful Noise FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY


12:00 Bridge (FH)6:30 BREd (CD)8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)

12:00 Bridge (FH)1:00 Music

Committee8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)

9:30 StewFin (LG)12:00 Bridge (FH)8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)

12:00 Bridge (FH)8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)


9:00 Volunteer Workday

9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop Open

11:00 Staff Meeting (LB)

9:00 Volunteer Workday

9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop Open

11:00 Staff Meeting (LB)

1:00 Trustees (CD)4:00 Missions (CD)

9:00 Volunteer Workday

9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop Open

9:30 Executive Committee (LB)

11:00 Staff Meeting (LB)

6:00 Stephen Ministry Potluck (FH)

9:00 Volunteer Workday

9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop Open

11:00 Staff Meeting (LB)


9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop GRAND RE-OPENING

10:30 AA (CD)5:30 Handbells7:00 Choir8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)

9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop Open

10:30 AA (CD)1:00 Stephen

Ministry (LB)5:30 Handbells7:00 Choir8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)

9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop Open

10:30 AA (CD)5:30 Handbells7:00 Choir8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)

9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop Open

10:30 AA (CD)5:30 Handbells7:00 Choir8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)

9:30-2:00 Thrift Shop Open

9:30 Guild Board Meeting (LB)

10:30 AA (CD)5:30 Handbells6:45 Cantata7:45 Choir8:00 AA (FH)

Alanon (LB)


9:00-11:00 Thrift Shop Donations

3:15 Joyful Noise

9:00-11:00 Thrift Shop Donations

1:30 Joyful Noise3:30 Golfing for


9:00-11:00 Thrift Shop Donations

12:00 AMI Garden Club

3:15 Joyful Noise4:00 Deacons (FH)7:00 Church

Council (FH)

9:00-11:00 Thrift Shop Donations

3:15 Joyful Noise3:30 Golfing for



10:00-1:00 Thrift Shop Open

10:00-1:00 Thrift Shop Open

BAYFEST (see page 5)

10:00-1:00 Thrift Shop Open

10:00-1:00 Thrift Shop Open


(see page 3)10:00-1:00 Thrift

Shop Open


To honor a loved one with SANCTUARY FLOWERS,

please sign the book in the Narthex or contact

Irene Betancourt (941-778-2883)

ROOM KEYCB - Classroom BCD - Classroom DCM - Colman BuildingFH - Fellowship HallLB - LibraryLG - Lounge

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Page 8: The Loving Christ • Sharing His Grace OUR MISSION our Concert Series dates marked on your calendars: JANUARY 31 •

Rev. Dr. Robert O’Keef • PastorKristen Stanton • Director of Music MinistriesKelley Tribble • Transitional Church School Coordinator Bev Hunsberger • Church AdministratorCharles Wade • Facilities Administrator Matt Meehan • Financial AdministratorCyndy Custis • Church Secretary

THE CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTES and Annual Report are available in the eBulletin or the Narthex.

THE MESSENGER DEADLINEis the 15th of each month.Please send your submissions to [email protected]

THE BULLETIN DEADLINE is every Monday at Noon. Please send your submissions to [email protected]

8 • [email protected]/roserchurch • 941-778-0414

512 Pine Ave • PO Box 247Anna Maria FL 34216



They want to be of service. They train for over 50 hours in basic counseling and ministry as well as actively

participate in their own Christian growth and effective sharing with others. They know how to listen, provide perspective, maintain total confidence and privacy, and walk with you through turbulent times.

Please call the Church office at 941-778-0414 or JoAnne Moyer at 215-908-0407 if you or someone you know would like to have a Stephen Minister.

Charlie Knopp Died to Life Everlasting on Friday, September 25, 2015. Our

deepest sympathy is extended to his beloved wife Jean, his family and friends. A Memorial service will be held at Roser at a later date.

Norman Braune Died to Life Everlasting on September 15, 2015.

A memorial service will be held at Brown & Sons Funeral Home, 604 43rd St. West, Bradenton, at 2:00 pm on Monday September 28, 2015. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Ginger Braune, and Norman’s family and friends.

Mary Hedges, longtime Roser member, Died to Life Everlasting in Michigan on

September 13, 2015. A memorial service will be held in Michigan. Our deepest sympathy is extended to her family and friends.

Are you a member of ROSER?

Did you know that you can join as a FULL or FEDERATED MEMBER (retaining your membership in your home church)?

If you are interested in discovering the BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP, please call the church office at 941-778-0414 or Marcia Powers at 941-795-5701 and let us know so you will be notified when the next gathering is scheduled.

Rev. Dr. Bob O’Keef, Cathy Meehan, Chair of the Congregation, and members of the Membership Committee will meet with those considering joining Roser Community Church to answer questions and begin the process.
