Page 1: The Leading Newspap^ and PrinoA William County VOL. VL. NO ... › library › digitallibrary... · tors as Donakl Hall, James W.Ttbe company. Morrison, J. W, Sambrook, Earle The

The Leading Newspap^ and PrinoA William County

VOL. VL. NO. 15.



1, I





LEAGUE CONVENTIOIil ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^Soi Boards.-ADDortionmeot No. I of

••« <w dM GraM Vktery W«a by On

HEU> W MORFOLK NEXT WttJliCcuaty'sd^i^Vand^\,i ^ ^ sion of 1914 and iai5. to be used «xduMvelv for the payment of teiehen' salaries, amounts to

|R521.60. and is divided amonfc LeajTue'the several districts at tbf mte

I of $1.20.per capite of acMl pt^ I ulatioo as follows: I

School Fiopa- AudDftion-

RrentevlUe... 419 $698 80 Co'« ^ -397 *.... 476 40 Oomfries 474 9E8 80 Gain«svm« 747 8B6 4» Manassas 1289 ..1546.86 Oecoqaan 3CU tf4 4t)



The Sute Anti-Saloc.i Convention will be held in NOT folk next Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. March 16. 17 and 18. Headquarters will be estab­lished at theAtlantic Hotel, which IS near the Cumberland Street M. E. Church, where the conven­tion will be held. Sinide rooms ean be secured for 11 a day and double rooms for $1.50.' Meals may be secured at restaurants at wwv reasonable rates. The nil-ways have been requested to eive the usual reduced rates, and full iBf(«nation may be received fiv>m the nearest ticket axent

The eoDventioD will partake of the nature of a sreatjwaise'meet-ioir for the victory woo hy the tonparance people of the State, and will also consider tfaa work wfaidi lies before it m oi^er to secure the most substantial le-sahs from tiial» victory. Ad-

•dresses and discusioos coocem-imrthe lecislation seeded both] forVifKinia and tht nation at lanre will occupy OBieh of the tune of the convoitioa.

Am jmr the many meakers wii] be Dr. Kobert J. Pattersmi, who cond'icted campaigns all over the Brib'sh Isles to induce men to sifinr the total abstinence pled«re: Ur, A. J; BarttH). one of the lead

..a. _

We are sorry to learn, by the ^ item below taken f r o m last

HAL CA1NE9 GREATEST PRooucr ' TEASTERNcouxCEAUMTOiUUMi week's Colorado Transcript, of ^ . ^ the serious illness of Louis E.

b e » ; i ^ T h r « . | > , , S«Mio« of Hi«k a— Tal.' O >x ^ '"< •i—am TitkmU JUoot All SoM-

Tour IfrmnaiaiM to Op— FtMwtl.



Eutor Miaiiy NiflitTka Ditie

• » Eight MacwficMt RMb.

ToUi 3768 1. 4621 60

GEO. G. TYLER, Division Superintendent!



Messrs. Lion and May of ; Dixie Theater, havine constan in mind the class of movaiij v tures that take best with thei large, patronage, havesecujod u attraction for Easter M-ni!av msrht, April _5th, that pitTiis to be of unusual interest ai pleasure to the host <4 movie fan;? who regularty fttendi

This attraction is a^ eight reclj^

i a .on

public awaits with antici-of pleasure next week commencing on Wednes-

y, u.e Lyceum Festival which Its over Friday will begin. With ^ , .„ rjn nt number of season tickets i||. was . oosed of. and everything in

ei(iine&3, success will attend the i.suof these entertainers fnwn

A-i fennsylvania Chautauqua As-.ation. The co<(certs and en-

ElfotU of QMTtar «f CMtwy B n M g ^ t* S v c c a u M CloM by U a l v ^ W«d( ml

Slingerland. formerly one of the editors and managers of THE DEMOCRAT. Mr. Slingerland is one of,the best writers and all President Witaon Thursday round newspaper men that ever sijfned what is known as the

covery: •'H-^J XC- appropriations to compensate the Louis E. Slingerland. seriously* ***•**" ^9' damages done by the . was brought home Tuesday Federal troops in the South dur-

from Sioux City. Iowa. He is, ing the Civil War. The largest


->is*- . -R - - * -

Aa important business actkm. whidi figures iaigeiy two k)cal business houses and of unusual interest in took place this week concemi the hardware tixm of Nash Cdanon and the grocory firm oi'. C.E. Fishery Son.

C. E. Fisher has purchased the interest of L E, Cannon, ju.ior partner in the hardware comui-ny. the change to take fdace im-

imtdiately. The new firm will

drama to^be shown in one night' ^ertainments will be held in the pacious audit(»ium at Eastern 'oliege.

;^our Bostonians have been the opening program.

Td thik speaks highly of the tai­nted young ladies. Miss Mary Irooks, vioUnist, master of the istrument; Miss E/dith Stetson,

artist of the piano; Miss Jean ^owler. readv, and Miss Ethel

jBenUev, soprano, who cmnpose

Wayne er, natiooal attnney of the Anti-Saloon League; H. H. Cberring-ton, secretary of pubbcatioos of the Anti-Sakson League; D. M. Snitli. for many yean national attorney for the Model License League, who will tell why be re­signed; Miiw Margaret Wintring-er. executive secretary of the Na-

Good Chiiendup Move-Mra. EBa A. Bowie, of the

National Woaans Christian T S B -Deranee Unon; Hon. J. Tsykr EUyaoB. BOIL B . E . Byrd. Hon. Wm. bodges llann..Hoo. Martin WiOiaaM, Boa. John Garland PoUard. Senators a Harding Walker. Joiw R. Sanadera. J. E. West, and a Walter Mapp. aD

Vinpaiaas who have! with


Pisho-' Company. {The new partno- of C. E. Nash expects to sell out his grocery business, which he has successf ully con­ducted for the oast six years, in the near future. Mr. Cannon, who has been connected with the hardware firm for the past two or three years, wiU return to his former business of contracting.

and is "The Christian,'' writte by Hal Caide and sakl to he author's greatest Uterary It is a product of the Vitagrai Liedler Feature Fihn OmipanyT and eight months elapsed in th difficult task of presenting thi dramatic elaaent of 'The C tian." This superb feature is _ all-star one and among them wil be seen such popular movie ac tors as Donakl Hall, James W.Ttbe company. Morrison, J. W, Sambrook, Earle The Univmaity quintet, four Wilhama. Edward Kimball. Chas. college men. and accompanist, in Kent, Harry Northrup^ Edith musicand humor, wiU bring a de-N^thrap and Cariotta DeFetice-JIIghtfol aftemotm and evening to '"^ ^ festivaL

featival trio^ composed of Elsie Mae Gwdon. imper-

Waino Kauppi. the boy id Miss Anna Burke.

IManist. known as ? biggest little comoa-

!latform..will give a

suffering with nervous prostra­tion. The telegram to his moth­er Monday stated that he was in a verv critical condition and it was feared he could not live to r e a c h Golden. However, he stood the journey very well, and it is believed now he will recover.



Ftiimr,t»uA2Mk,t Tkirn Ml Hi.s Wfli

beneficiaries are churches whose edifices were damaged.

Virginia receives in the oeigh-bwhood of JaOO.OOa The biJ had been defeated by successive , congresses fw twenty-five yean ,| and its ultimate success is due ii J great measure to the untiring ef-^ forts of Senators Thonuts S. Mar-> tin, Cbtude A. Swanson and Rep/ resentative C C. Carlin.

In addition to this measure the House, by a vote of 186 to 37. passed the bill to pay the Viigin-ia Military Institute $1D0.0QD for the destruction o{ its lilMvy and

On Friday, Mareh the S ^ ' f * * ^ ^ ^ when the Fedoal troops eatocd the town

"The Christian" will be the _. featiRe yet offered at the Kxi By tie first of the month Lion . i iv exrxwt to have their popular a: iiu;> , I. c-n t theater changed f 1 um 'ts prest nt locatimi to Conne Hall. *-!. -re, with

ad oth' I cni m«re.

The CSvie Improvement League of NokesviOe Pobic School held] its fifth regular meetii« on FM-day. March 5 at the sdwol house.

The hMgoe at the present time IS a memberabip of fiffceenand

though in its iafsney alrendy has •ccompiihtd a g n a t deal for Ute benefit 4rf the sdboal and thead-

of educational advan-arouad Nokesviile.

of the

«f had Ht

tecrosBw l lwamiia in the to grow stronger and the

to the Ccmner buikiing

and the picture machine enclosed in a steel fire-iHroof cage, which will insure safety w case of fire.


AT HOME MarciiSf. April 2. Apra C Fi ApciiM „ Jaffi Apt i ia M*r a. lUfU

M. H. S.

U. A.C. C L

.GMtnl H. &

T i w A|inl 12 RancMpk-llaeon Apnlt t . F M t a n H. A. Apea M Aborts H. A. Apcil U .g—iolpa-ltoecw ApcaM „ V. P. L April VL V. P. L

May 18. , St. Jata'sC. May » Maaliallw C U*f» F i r t h i U. M « y a Waahi—taa C lUfU. Ht.St.M«y'aC Mayl.^ J«gMMA.C

|d also one preceding the S{Ming-|)program of magic, which is a

n<>vel entertainment of the Fes­tival. Prof. Springer and bis mtgic will not onlv be an &itar-tabment for the children, but win diaw the dosest attention ci thie older ones.

Frank Stevens, worid traveler and brilliant lecturer, will also be withua. The Battleground. Bel-giam and the Rhine, a lecture of m ^ e d interest, will feature his

E. A. Turner, the doctor <tf who makes sick towns

is a feature entertainer of next week. It is such lectuies aa Ins that makes the small towns Dnieper. He discusses the mail Offer houses and their ap»d many other things of Inanity mterest. No one can af-fltd to miss any ot the enjoyable Menta ot next week, and if your ^Mon ticket haa not been pur-

|The pubKe ispartienlartyaneed 4 bay tiefcats for the ' Festival from soase of the local


Court house in. Manaiwaa. will be heU one of the most intorest-u g meetings that Ae Furnas' Institute has ever been fortunate enough tohold.

Numorous speakers of pnani-nence will be present and dehver addresses of vital interest to ev­ery farmo'. Among than are Prof. Lyman Carrier, of the Bu­reau of Plant Industr,, who *ii! deiiver udd^^^es hjth 'tiorntnc UU UUyiilllK, I s e lnv. ,iohn h S h e r m a n , Sup-nntendent oi Weights. Measures and .\larktt.'5 of the District of Columbia, who will speak to the fsrmers on mat-tars potaining to mariceta.

Aa this meeting will probably be the last until mid-summer, it win be well for our farmeta to make anangenents to attend. Thooe who do not wiU miss hear-u g some of the most able speak­ers on subjects Aat are of the f„„ M,HM nK-%: greatest importance to every T-I njnii. |8B.8»; wiOw A. fsrmer. •<«»«, «1T7.78: Umj* c Uw,

9177.78L CMcDcnMCt .

• r W M L BwteT. i te t—•<. tadc ti Alnr-

Report of theNokesviOe Grad- '^^IS^^^^Z •-*,-# i ed School for the month endii* | a j JHIIIi. d ^ ^ I i S J? ^ ^ March 1st. 1915L EnroUment in eoMty. ««sa t ime divisiona. Numbers iadi-' T n ^ « i i u o a m • . p eate days. j "•«•••*«• ""•«».«,«••.

-,,i,i I, rmin rihi HaB. » ; | CULPETER OOUNTT WilliMiWiw.I»:a«r Walter. »; i*^ I P-L. WiBiaaM. a i w . aatate af

a»; a rnwJiiaa. iluiaarf. 9a.m. Evm Rtxia*^. aS;

of Leadngton in 1864 under Gen­eral Hunter.

The foUowiag ia a list of cfaums aUowed m the Eighth Coi«rea-sional District, the money being immediately available at the of­fice of the Secr^ary of the Treasury:

t ALEXANDRIA CITY :'nist«esAlfred Street Baptist Caurch

1 ! '.lexandria. colored. ^mst? Air jkodria, 93j$m.

\ I itiy Saint Paul's kjpimMpti ChaKh of .\ .>xaBdiia.«.000.

1 ru«t«cs Second PrasbTterian Chardi of Aiaxaadria. $4.3001

TnwtM* WaahtactOM Street M. E. ChBreh. Soatfa. of AJexawhiiL $«a.

ALeXANMtlA COUNTY Edward AaderaoB. wkar. aatate of

Marr A a d i m n . rtfnimd, latcof Atex-awiria camty. 98,lS0l

H c t n af JolM 8 . teteaf


MiMrs: Haniot A. MiBa, SBcS; Addiaaa M. Biwm.


• *' ' fM»saii^vT>»|i&Bgi«.j|a|)t-.. vm* -Kirsaiiaita :-."«»t .-.i

Page 2: The Leading Newspap^ and PrinoA William County VOL. VL. NO ... › library › digitallibrary... · tors as Donakl Hall, James W.Ttbe company. Morrison, J. W, Sambrook, Earle The

Lyceum Fe^val, Man, Bostonians to Open Lyceum Festival

*^ ' H.

a., Mar. T n 8 aricf 19 Springer and His Marvelous Magic



VI8GINU REIMNJRSEO FOR hftf DAMAGES] Continued from <irst pase .

- J . P.

(Church, of Fairrax.

tfL^uicktaoo, kkkoii t S ^ .V«.

- C . C. f - i T h n n n . _ _ ^ , ^ JahB G. hmrr'.

w M S U "iCI^Tk^SS*- "•• " ' • •• o- o . F.-

Vestry Zion P. E

Trustees Andrewc;h«pe| M.E.Church ixHith. $460.

Tnistees Jerusalem Baptist Church I and the Vestry of Zion P. E. Churcj, of Fairfax Court House, Jl.MO.

Trustees Lebanon Union Church of Lincolnia, *CoO.

Trustees Liberty Church of Dranes-Ville, 1700.

Trustees M. E. Church, South, of' (/entreville. »t50. i




I Samu.l ii.i.i—Uurch ti. Kins Sial , Although Anomtad af Cad;

Wa.tsd For the Voica of tii« Paeptsb His Opportuns Mo.nont and How Ha | Uti(,x«< i t - H i s AecapUnes by tha i Psopiv,—Opportun.tias Open For AIL Spciial Lecsons to tha Church, Called to Kingly OMea.

\ » • -


W. Pulimao, a news-ettpondent and student

of soc|roblems. has been ap-ipg^y^^ ^i^fu npTIIF WIITH DOJnt<*UDerintendent of tK» ,"*•"*• VAKwai UFjIBC MWJO


I . . . ^ " • • 3 0 . 0 . F. A * J • '


" • v . E. A. RoAOi^ Paater Suaday School

* * w o j t k L « « » u « ; ; ; i ; ; ; : ; : ; : ; ; ' T O O * ' " "

- - ^-iat-m.

• ^ . S i J A i . I , hilj u. kwl for a kiliK. J «'»»», fhrau;;b tlii.- I'rophft K».-,

j i A , U<'1. bull <uii^„' ,i„ auoJiiUug Of

u . . ' i " ^"»u»'l IJUJ lii<lirau-U God's c-hoW

ert T „ h ^'"'"*^' "*"'• "^ ''^ ^"^ '"'• "'^'^'^" «'^«»' «» bis ha.^7

1^:1'^\ p _ , , i "-^''^^ "•"<^tisrac<or.v an.1 had come uel K T ^ . ^ ' * " ' "^'"*- °^ Sam- "> """^br. sauI made no artompt w uel K. Proctor, deceased. $826. j exiroiM- aulborKy. huvln^ such half


iuperintendent of the* police, to succeed

:hard Sylvester, who Mr. Pullman is 31

(and was born in Fair-ity. His apuuintment

need by the District of ommis&ioit rs.

i' e selection of Mr. IS .said to be a determin-

I'lt Comiiiisiiiuners to iun" W'ashington. The'

eiirarded as ure-!ly new deal in

\d Koiiee alfairs in the capital and an era of

forceinent of the law.

' • luD W a s h PI' . i i t i i t i i .' e ia i i ;j i , in aOs'ii'.^tel

• • «ffocl Nov. -a., l - in. Sctwduio d a u n . puk, I w W « i i y u inf«ra*t ioo u d arc aot a W - i 4BIMa. Traina ksuva Manmsiu u /uUowi : '

i i O U l U l i o U N D .

^.^- * " ' * " > "^"l " W ». n.. f>. l iv»r.c«€in«tioi i '

I'Jt C,oit>oo»u:i« ar.a Kli hmood. • ' No. « i - i (« i l j f t i o v u s h Urmia, 1J.17 a. m.. w i l i i i u o i

at MabaMuu un tUic. . N " 1 ' -Da i ly ••x.-.^pt Sunday. t . I i p. m.. local*

(rofn n;<.>rii/ii/Li>n u> Warr.-r>tuii. No. IO-lyail> lyaJ fur Warrciil»u, CharMt«». ;

V iU« aj,u » », , u C . e* . 4.M p. a,. Fulirnan Farlor ; ( ^r UJ Hbrr.'liLof).

Nu 41 -L^i ly thrtHiah truiri. lii.45 p . m •tofif t o l r t o l f lASM-nion fr«i . V.'a>hinKtaa aad Alajt-»ndrl» a u i (/, tal., on wu<a«n«cr> fcr p u B U at »h>cb KhcduleJ tuaria,

NOi tTHi iOU.Ml .

;««m War-

Yal > Casfk u a CaU Far iialp Dooput off treatint,' yoar ChiW'b

Cough i t not only saps their strength but of I leads to moiesenous ailments.

MANAasaa, VA.

Cant b t t k and Chu»«h S tnwta

M a a a K M a C l M a

aonansSafitoT. ::;:: {i".!L:r


. "few of tba marreloas bits ot ma^le t performed br Spdnger, the mail who ) will iitjstify yoa OD the btst evoilBg <r of tha Ljcavm FestlTaL Of c o o n e

theae are oolr "MAnples" of his feata. but yon wiU find that they will p « n l e yoa aad caose yon tv wonder U. after all. thare is aoaathing supmtatnial aboot this auuL Of cowaa it ia all trkkerr. bat the moat bewtldertiw tilekHT iawKinabie.

Tka lUoatratioB shows, for inataace. Jila great throne Ulnslom. The stac* • ast with the bis throne, ba-

wUeh are two elactrical ambreUaa. Itiiiwi Is racNBt when first shown.

In HM twlakUns of an eye a queen revaaled there. Where docw sha

c o n e froaT If you can thnirv it out yon fare aasarter t l^n bine banttred and ninety-nine out of every tbooaand. One minute the thruoe Is vacant. The next Inatant the qneen aits there. That% all we know about It.

Tha alatittkal nmbcellas foim one of tha moat bcantlfnl trick eSects shown by' any magtrlsn At a wave of that wondarfni wand th« amkrrilas are Utaminnted wit t man.v dUferent eal-aced iighta and are tilled to orerflow-Ini; - with hOBdreda and hundreds of baantlfhl roses. The effect is net only m y a t t f y l ^ b«t is beauttfnl beyond daaertptian.

The Keliar trnnk track that won that 'jrarld f>mi«a magirisn his greatest re-known Is alaa performed by Sprlnxer.

with the added mystery i v 'u by tha ose of a t^Ma* tmnk. Apparently ev-erythlng i n s i d e . ^ trnnk can ha saaa by the audience, and yet ^tringar la handcnffed. padlocked in a Mc bag and then i^aced in this tmak. which is roped. b«t In a moment he caaaaa walklnK oat from some places and that trnnk and bag are found to ba eav*y.

The Bmingar entertainment Is nat ! "an evening far chadrm." b«t it la a I profcram that will dtaUenxe the eloaast I attention and beat ibMgkt of the ladnlts. although, of oourae. the ehO-jdren wiU revat In tha <leaghtii of tha • surpilata and haTnat of the eveninc. I In that wapett moat of us are dUI-I drea. We all Hke to spend a coople of

p o n i e d and amiued.

BAPTIST CHUitCH Kav. B. IM QoaXLas. Paatar

—Syjf IT- ' ^ 1 ' ? * JT^y SoBd^ St 11 a. « . a ^ ' % ^ g — ^ School ovary Stm^f at &«


CATHOUC CStHKH kav J'aiaaa f>wn«>. Pkatw

FOUR CRARNING ANR TALENTED YOUNG LADIES. rK_arejctTtie«ed^pt««t |^hla iaai;* « .STOTpadjJfc.n. W - r - « . i r^i.a»a«.

. ._ ^T'^^y** >r*? «* to 0 1 ^ om- l ycanm Faadval The BoatwUnn. are

U«t the nmn.g,:SftL!Sr^ha"^;^S.?^!^^

• ft^-th^TtiwiMrti^r^^aSliL •"*" ^ «—«^«*t"««>y. tJ»ughharprafa,««, * ' S . S * J J ' ^ 2 i J v ' ^ t ! ! ? ! ! l . * ^ * T ? ^ l _ ^ ' * * ^ -wea of her Ufe hi B««OQ. and her marfc«l » n n S l L ^ t l ^ ^ ^ ^ S , ^ ^ ' l ^ L 5 ^ J ^ ! ! L ' ' T ^ ' ' " ' ^ ** **** "*»"»» ^'y- I V » t h a . a y « « . o f S S S i - ^

i . « « ^ w t ! « S r ! ; ^ ! ^ ! J ! . * * * " * * * " " * " ^ * ' ' ' " ' y - Mlas Edith Stetaofctha planiat Of W ^ . la an attlst. whethm aha la pinying aa an accompanist oc aa a aoioiat. i^—~ »-•

Festival Trio—Music and Merriment I

I i he l.v-viiia ht*s{iv;il Js u.iin;; to he a 11 , i ! i I tliint fi>r <nir town. ••/ «•»•".;-.•. ; ;;; t'i:> iu:iii:iKetUfnT Is hitiiuC Th<- i-.;;hi II"!!' wtn-ii it »ny« that it fc askrUL- -PI; , ••rr of tli.- f«>stivals OB t pr. uu.i rli:.; I he |>r.i:;r!iiiu< are wort tile ii..,i.i.-y Tliere is no charity PTO H silifHi • oiuiv.i'Tnt wiib tbfa» enterprise. •J1i.-s<. i.;w;r;:ais srp worth while au.., wo::l,| cu«i nuiiy timen the adDiissionl priiT If they wcr« not cuotnrtcd for; oo lite rin-nit |>faiD a«lopted try ^'' '^ restival-*. -The p r o - a m is worth th j ' mouey~ is a good siocaa aad a ^tsf;

ank Stephens, XnveXer

•Uant piatri

. who appaara flrat day's proRram of oar Lyceum ttval. Mr. Stephens will lecture on a subj«-t that ia of worliiwiile interest

J«st at thia time. "The Battiegroand— Belglnm and the Rhine."

('tank Stepbeos ia a man who has tmrried extensively with open eyes and mind. Be saw mu<-h.«and he nn-

jfjf tha ma^y'luexperieuced have aeixed' upon the imaent grMt war as an exmse for Kiving travel lee-tnrea on subjects coocemlmc which they iMve only a snuttering of know I-edKC. i>[e|ibeiu: uas traveled ami lec-lur»^ for y-ars oiHler tbe maosfrMnenl of the Ht'iiry <;c«>rse I.«<-tare Bureau. rhc rnlTcrstty Extension Society, tha

I'niversity Lectnren' Aaaociatloi. the New York CHy Board oT tbe People's Institute at Cooper Ionian and other educational organisatiant.

His great lectnre ua that section t m t is naw hohMng the Jei '^ earth w o c a wUTl

I intefcac by th« wa lactlaa of colored viewa pictures which lie carries with Tbe motion iiictnrcs sdtow real as rbey iraitsi>ired nn and around < prent hrtfT!e»»el«l<«.

The cufuins of Ste|>beDa to i will he nn ev'-nt of marked intefcat.

""BBTIEKIAK CBUBGK. ' ~ . Wte. a. Duxma. FtaMaL

at Ua .aL


Trustees Zoar Baptist Church, of cristerahurK, $700.

Trustees Broad Run Baptist Church of Fauquier county, S890.

•trustees Carters Run Baptist Church ot Fauquier county. $900.

Trustees Grove Baptist Church, of rauquier county. $600.

Trustees Mt. Horeb M, E. Church, aouth, of Fauquier county. 515a

Trustees If. E. Church. South of Marshall, $600.

Trustees Presbyterian Church, of Marshall, $300.

• ^ t e e s Grove Presbytanan Churdi, of MoRiarilla. $1,100.

Tmataaa M. E. Omrch, South, of MornsviUe, $7S0L

VaatiT St, Luka's Epiacopni Cfaarch,

'e a s T ; w(. I


ofR«ninctor.$660. — « a » e . « i aXr*^*"** ^*^^ Episeopnl OwKh, V**^**^. possibly to all the tribaa.

ofn»Pi«B..$B6a """^ ««l«««»8.«r.«iJLJr.iSS'


beariea support from th» rctiinieU home, re-811 lius his life • fiiriiicr; but njuy b<> Mire he paiienlly ivaicins

! for I lie oiJ|H>riune. : or r's.vtUoloKlcsl, I moment «lit-u with

God's blt^ssiog he would enter upon *•• d u t i e s and respoDstbUitfes as king.

Saul's fiuin life continued o n l y « • o n t h until tbe ontortonlty n i e ABunooltea. reaidlng In the anat « Israel's posaps«Jons, had tee •rmt Ome besieged Jabesh-gUead. When tte dty asked terms for aortender tha Ammonite general'a tannt waa that « • 00a condition he woold save their Uvea - t h e y ahooid each aohmlt to h a v i w • » vye put out. as a ahame « • InnaL

m m e waa asked-aevcn d a y a - f o r d e -MeantUne mcsaengen weredla-

VVhv :<? You aon't have to. Dr. King'Vew Discovery is ju»t the rem­edy y: Child needs. It is made with soothi.heaiiriifand antiseptic balsams, i WilJ ickly ciieck the Cold and soothe vour liJd's Cough away. No odds' now H the < 'ough or how ionjj stard-'•>K, .. King's New Uiatovery will

fS'opi It's guaranteed. Just get a j bottlerom your druggist and try it

^'*- l*i~Ltmiiy rxuept Suaaa>. ,ucaJ rentuo U» VV'ajihin> IOD, J.'jiia. m.

No. I i - l>i i i iy t i i o ; ^ h traia U l t i r M i C>>ar-Ui^lv»viiif, WitrrvaUjii, Maaaaaa* Mui Watffaiaif-U»n. y.t-5 a, rr

No. U-Iya i ly (r-m HarriK«Ujr» Ca Waahiiur-Uin. iti.iu n. m. li.limitK | - a r l « t a r . i

N i > - I ' - U a i l y ;>«iu. i i. p. m. i«>nn.»:U at Or- i • n x . « i th C a O. iruiii KnhnKjnd and <Mrdu«»- '

'^"^•'~"^''> '' '•'"JKh tmin lvtw«H.n MK) V\m<r.: .j:„ri. 7 i . ip . m. <»„i,.,ci« at Oranxr wiyi 1 Oi 1> (:.,r, Ku^^hinolkj UM. GotJonsvjlia.

Nu. j» JK,,;. Iml train tKta,een Uairiaoa-buri- »nd V, d-nn.yur.. local frwo f - ' a i i a i tu W ahhtfii:t'j(.. 7..i(. ;.. m^

No. 3li-l»ai)y thr. . , i lh train rua^tm and alacp-miccar»fofWa,hiB«tuoaBiiN«.«f York. U' . lSp. a, S«oi>a«a Saa.


No. «a-I)ai;.v rocal tut Harritonburs and iBt»r-OHid'.itt uni. in. ». Wa. m.

-No. 21 -Uai ly Joraj to Har.-iioolKus. S:U p. m E. H "•'>.*F>ijij.j j

Vir.^-f rt.»Klent and CrfAvraJ Maaaaer S. K HAI'.DWJCK H. F. CARY I

P^matnr 1 ralfir Mjrr Ganrral Pi i irnir»r A c t C. W. WtLSTMrRY. G . « r a l A c a s t

Ws*hjnirto«. D. C.

.E.HOCKMAN HOI taw la HtTi M CtMtr Thwt


Sanitary Plumbing and Hot Water Heating *

GaMlene Engine Repairing Pump and Boiler Work

All Work Pronptly Attended to ud Guaranued-Ny Prices Reasonable


To el strong, have ^-^^ »nd diestion, sleep s-Hindiv and enjoy life, te Burdock Blood Bitters, the fanul system. Price, $1.00.

good appetite and) PROPOSALS

Farwr caUat la VoMlha.



No P o t t s e r E s t i ^ e .

AMTsTions treapaaaing on any part of the lortner Eatate wtthoat a per-But la n i t ing from Mr. D. Ml Pitts, a u n n g r e r the eatate. will be proae-« * « [ •> O e ftallexfeentof the law. No i mr said g ^ S j S L * * ^ * ! ^ J ^ ^ y previoua to complete

The undersigned Commissioners, ap­pointed by the Board of Supervisors of Pnnce William county, invite bids for the erection and completion ot an iron beam bridj^. with concrete abotnienta. complete, to be placed over Red Shoal

I Branch, on the county road, in Brents-viile Magisterial District, between the landa of Ells Bros, and John N. Hooae

Separate bids will be received and considered for the bridge complete aad in place, for the abutments aad for tbe necessary fills, or a bid may be made for said fills, abutmenta. and bridge

putting the aame in

dmreh . Sooth, of

3 a. BL

UNinED BKRHXXK *•*. 'ML W. Banx. 1

Tmateea ML E . I UpperviUe. Saft.

Tmateea Old School Baptist Omrch. UppenriUa. $260. ^ ^ v - ~ r a i .

Tmateea M. B. Chnrth. Sooth, of Warrenton. $1,190L

takn stapa etr ly hopfaig that he tkalr deliverance.

• M U waa appointed lender; the nay-^ l o g i c a l moment had come. B e k B . • d the oxen he had been driving a n i •wtplecea to all the tribes; aayhig ttatt 1 ^ 1 ^.J^ ' •Wmd. to becmn. .

will be aceapted. | gowT ttaveling contfaon.

Oefc2L1914. ^ ^ ^ ^ 7 M • " • ? * ? • »>««« WiU be received b / e i t h -^ " ^ * - 4 7 U , e r o f t h e undersigned, under s ^ . op

' to and u d n d i a g N o o n o f Apnl V . ISIS.

A RARE BARGAIN SpeaficatMns m ^ be had by ;

> tioa to either of the '


CoasnusMoera. I P . O . INokearille,

Dr. A. E. Turner, the Sick Town Doctor

FRANK S T E P « C a S - « ti

The University Quintet

SURGEON DENTIST t c i a l l H M M t n i j

KING GEORGE COUNTY Wm. H Taliaferro, admr. eatate of

Jamea G. Taliaferro, deceaaed. $8,910. Tmateea Fletcher Chapel, of King

*J««»« eoonty. $1,500. j

• ^ _ T ? ^ . ^ f ! g b V C r e e l c P. E. Church, j

^ | o ^ S i ^ ' G M i ^ ' ' e i ^ ^ . V i i M l L ~ ~ " LOUDOUN COUNTY

Franda M. Brabham, of Loodoun coanty. $600L

Wm. f McKimmer. admr. eatate of John McKimaa^. deceased, $1.2M.

R. G. Johnson, ndmr. estate of l « w -is W. Mann, deceaaed. $500.

Elijah P. Myera. of Loodonn county. n .190. ' ' i

G. W. J. Mack. admr. estate of An

Trustee's Sale Tn-tee. i>;^^rtm. Church, of I i ^ ^ oTthr^^^rr"'*•*««• * ^^'^It Z^I^^^'V^^ i^

^ r ^ - l l "" "**•*• ** J * « ^ T h * '» *"» '"«> *wo mtemiban electric KINP. r -Knn^^ ^ . , WM a pecnuar command for a Ung- I ««»«. one mile from mUmnd. foor^ i lM

««t It touched the right spot, fbr t t o w i ' ? ] S ^ « * • » ' Richmond, in line af •"""dred and thbty thowand mesTM! 1 ? ^ ® Ifrowth, on the National Hirfiwnr •ponded. The mesaenmrB «i»n!!Zi ^ f I"*"'^"^"ond to Waahington. Large *beab-glle«l w^T^^L^ST^Tlir i t S T i S ' ^ ' ^ ^ cor the next day- a n d t a * ^ ^ * * ^ '^ » ° ^ outhwfcbngs. sw«> »A fh^VZ:. " ^ ' W v * •»• «"OfSStream of water, wella and apnn«a. • ^ ^ e besieger, that by the time f L.»1| adapted to gmN^nl f a r S S f c A S ^ - '

them to do aa they wished! i * " P 5 « 3 ^ H I ^ » S m n c e to he dia-1 j _ - , posed of at a wonderfiil saexifice. If' • • ?«•"«>«» •» the terma and pro-

inti.rmm*^ „^t^ ^ ~ ^ ^ vuMus of a Deed of T^BSt bearing date I *•*,**<*•> •» Jannarr. 1914. ezeestad


^ 1 Valuable Farm


O f c e - H i b h a a Giddinca Apnrtmenta.




L L C I V A .


TH S trmtrmt TH* la «nr «r t i » n [ju 1 • • « ' | -m L I _ - an the amt M i B * ^ a » < » ^mJ ^ ^ « * y . i^rWhia mm'

•ml whNe «fN> Is a . the mam y«n wM ha I n i i H a u d aa a n«n*ev ^ XA/TZZIZ ! • > - n lad* a* XMtnmj ^mmt. a o mnmm- k a ltv» « « « . . « « ,

• ^ msktac ifcr. *m*H t.nrnn pr»wper

rtfvinHy. dort«« ar p h O o « , h y " i e ! - ! ^ " ^ ' " ' ' ^ • hm a new ki«| •* J r « r ^ r « L ^ i "ll^r • " ^ "'»'• "^ the

onr I ^ m *^rT^l7^SZ Z r ^ T . ^ I ^ T r * ' "^

ThH-..^^^Twwn^ ^ or A. a r r , T : : : r •" ""• '^'^ '>f thw^ Mker tMacs wf»w»d ta^ DM- and thHr i m a - j ^ T . _ ^ ^

. . - lit . J J L I ^ i _ _ _ _ • " • • l » n « ' ^ * • «*• ^*«wfc«a W M a . I»w :«r «f iwwna- that he la M m i J^T " " ' | ™ ' ' * k»**wi«im.. Mid i the imrvr.rt wnrk «r Ma Wi^ He M l TZMIJL R I the « l . r a « ^ » ^ ^ . , , „ ^ • • ^ ^ ^ , , ^ p ^ ,

anyrfciac r-v** toWy , ^ _ _ . . * * * .•»'«•? We*, tlwvr ht. i « a

^ ^ mn»«i« Me. wahr a*> t» the tar* after y<m •>•••» «M an Mae that Ma 1 • • m. TT* ^ T""-^- V o » hMft

* '"^ "^ "^ ***- """••• -Wh. .* - .d«y .^Ztr

ihHr afVMvni W - T T T T * ' • ' * * ^ ' ' '^••'» ' " — t » aw. ^ __ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f i i ^ «0^ atf^r yi^m miT9 hrm§

a M ar sr wtde ^ r ^ M ta p l M M f * -f*.raar at T..W...- ThaTs ^

MW •» . • Trl^ "^ ^ -**•« M» K and m, Oa^tfi y — • ^ "w*i«». nvf wwh ««a»r w<sHh 4wnM hr a mas^ l^aast^H wMte th-naat , la y « » ^ , ^ ^ , ,^^,^ M «we Ihm |«

n k> MBch iertan-» aa thhi Ihni •** M N M N .



VA. '



drea Poland, deceaaed. late of Loodoun coontT. $4,200L

Trustees Mt. 2Soa Old School Bi^ttist Onrch . near Akfae. $275.

Trustees Presbyterian Chnrch, of LovettarUIe. X25.

Tmsteca M. E. Chnrch. Soath. of Middlefaors. $196. |

Trastees M. E. Church. South, of 1 Unison. $150.

Trustees Baptist Chnrch of Waters ford,$S2&. j

Maiy U U o j d , aAnr. of estate o f ' JsMca LloTd. deceaaed. of LondonnI

mnty, $2.M9. Bmrr M. Sasith of Londann connty.

sum*. ' ' ORANGE COUNTY.

Tmateea New Hape BnptiR CWrch. • * Orange eann^. $M$L

PRINCE WILUAM COUNTY Wm. H. Poiwsd. admr. eatateo'Jahn

I Pohnd. deceaaed. $2,flf|7. Rofcert Wntem. af PriMe William

enmity, $568. Tmstecs Fercat Bin

•# Dnmfrie*. $].000i VcatiT St . Pnni's P

Harmnrket. $l.e«9. STAFFORD COUNTY

G. B. Waltnee, ndmr. estate af N. Blake. decenae< lawaf StMFenI

.»l .79». Samnel Pitzhngfc. admr. cafate of

Henry Rtahogh. deccnaad. Mteaf Stnf-

Sawh L a . Smith. Mary EBen Smrth. •* ^ " ^ y w g W * Smith. hc«m af Sn- , _ _ ,


• B. Chmch. af ~

SaiU divided his atmy into three uona. and from three different 4 — -t««a came suddenly ap<w tbe besiegers. n o t l n s them and drilvering the lamel-**«. Thereupon they realized that God had indeed ^nven them a wtoa Wag. whom they had been slow to lec-OfBlse: and they inqnired tor theae who bad spolMn against Sanl. aayiatr Let them now be alafat. However, the Ung wisely and sracronaly — n i •TTtere shall not a maa be p«t to ' death: for today the Lord bath wronght' aalvation hi Uraei.'' '

The Divina Character Vindicatad. Although the slaughtering «f these

latereated write or see

Manaasaa. Vircmm. • and duly recorded in Libm « , folio « ' — —^ : 2, of tbe land recorda of Prwec William

fxmty . Vireinia. and default having j been made in the payaaent of the firat

SPECIAL Prices in up-to-date

PORTRAITURE New styles MI Mountings—

New medMMi of Lighting whereby you get the

' most artistic results

Harman's Studio. MANASSAS. VA.

gemard L Bryant


fiOOHNG A SPECIALTY Woik Csnsmataed

When in need of anything in my line esO 00 me at my resi-denee on East Center Straet.


Well Dri l l ing Work Promptfy Done kt

- M a

n « signify that they went to the the­ological HeM. there to suffer eternal I »onnents. On the eontrary. they mer ly went to the tomb, to sleep untS in Gad's amnire;iient Christ vrooU die aa the worid-a (tedeemer. and at His Sec-and Advent wonM begte Ills wotk of ; ««Utag back froaa death all that a m i.> ^ their gnveit. i Pbsoe er write ta either

To srasp the sitaation vrc m w t le- i that all

at Beasooable Prices GIVE U S A TRIAL

note aecured thereov, and thereby tbe entire debt becoming dne, and baying been requested by the holder of said notes, the nadenigned traatee will sell

i at poWic auction for cash sufficient to pay the notes and mterest and coat, and as to any sums over that amount

: upon such terma ns may be stated npoa ; day of sale on

SATURDAY. MARCH 26. 191& : m front of the IVeplea National Bank m the town of Manaasaa. Prince Wil l ' ham cooaty. Virgmia. at 12 o'clocfc, all that certain tract or pnreei of famd ean-taining oae bundrnd and ei«cht*en acres more or less aad known as Signal HiO. and beinK asore fohy described in the 1 aforesaid deed at tmat fmm Lydin J . • Arey and Charles Arcy to the under-; l o i ST M I c ScfeMl g m d b r n s t e e . BKTA!« G O U M N . ' ^ ^ W. U. G E C S X . Tmatee.

Ancttonaer. u u


University ofVirginia i f fblHi

M. E. Chnrch.


„__ • » w d e r a death • J « « K e : and It mattcn little whether y y * * » ft'^ stwrvatton. sieknesa. pea-" " t x * «T the awocd. The * • • * . "Dylns. than sfaaU dle' ' -nat nve. aayhaw or aaywhete. TUa tect >•» • dtsthKt bearing «n evefTthh« W e m i B i n g to the LorTs anthortes-W j o f wars, parmisaionof famlnni.etc.

While God has eaflorccd the penalty. - T t * waces or ate la death.- thns ma».

, l f««teg Hii Justice; He j way ba* hem pceparimc tmr the

fexcatinn of H I a Lore. His ibM ate^ wan I* (be •>r His !(on In for .\<laM'> sji^ der wMi-h the 1 Is drtth. « l l l eMshOaa a Kinsdom w h i c h wm bind 8 « u n . m->r*se h a m a n i t y frMn the II luKs «r the mme. a s d i ^ stnrraN (be

I . L U. T'SS S3SR*'2i^^- ' ^ ^ •»-TIHICITHA.

It wm Pay You

toi deal at tbe Depend-ahfle Store, where you'll fii i g«>«~nWr Mnc •s AseatllwvcryLowc^ P* co» ooapled with po-iit» service. Your pat^ ro pge solicited.

iir.L SMITH Mana<«ML V'a.

• I U M K U W MM l^Mtarfc. U M OH- . M l . „ ^ « « • » • . r - ~ t « , . M t k , . IMr «* Virvimim. ?".'-^^' **• rmmitrtmm •.' tfcv x a c r M Viral

, a i M r r M i w M i r « i » r •»<»w af rHtliTMiM. Ttm^y^.^,t^,„Kt K tar a

•C rr.»^.tT (r.«« rk» i m 1

»»r»f.<«». it la • . r* ! ! ,^ d a n I K , ^I

Hebron SeJDinary

iege Ftcparatoty, Englidi scientific Commennl, Englisb-BibK M u ^ and Short Aj^jiail*

toial Cooraea,

f*n pprfMtfcm. F«r (ha

can•»wiatiaii l«^m kvmim frvm KanTa « • .

They. Uke Seal. hov« h . . . •<<;«»*. n«» «niT ( o b e i be i r t i m -a Raym prleni.


b>4 Oystea QuK, PtK itiy dtd

« W « M S C S . iwiii I i T^-"Trstr* •» til wi.ain 1

Page 3: The Leading Newspap^ and PrinoA William County VOL. VL. NO ... › library › digitallibrary... · tors as Donakl Hall, James W.Ttbe company. Morrison, J. W, Sambrook, Earle The

,4&" . r , • < *



i __ __

^kt MunuBBBB firmorrat. PUaLiSHSD Mt

TW Vir«iBia Publishiac CeM|»aiv (IBC)

r *.UMLa4 dwaMMdbsai HaMiiW^VL. unlcrU* Act »t Mana I. U H .

r. K. CAWaON. >««•••• MMia» W. W. CAMISOM. AMCWM Uhw

SUS9Ca»TKMI SAIItt Sr^yJ.*"^"*—' HOi f^ft'itmuh^ " "I'!"r"! rjl!J l[lim I!]]Ili![ .tf


Despite Imr lamei^' may be luckier to be Ti

The Hatfue is still ^ for an anDouncemeot t;

Berahardt will act After sU it I than a classic dancer,

; map. and the world waits hopefully ; is doing business at the old stand.

Charles Becker insists that he is KO-enthal in the unfortunate accident

With remarkable tei ins to put the killing: class.

oil. "Przasnysz also ou

edv. but another of n vowels out of. j ^ .

The quickness wi inc ch the Russian Government abolished tbe use of vodka is c^n ed to excite the envy of the prohibition party in this country, j

No. gentle reader, not a nerve rem-(Russian cities that they knocked the

The uatriotic remteK:' W::* ».•n Howard Taft ad'aia^*^ tttu

I W H Y N O T A G R E A T E R MAMA<&R\s?

Two years ago Uaoassas awaicened to the fact that it needed civic imorovements and needed them badly. Citizens realized that with the installation of water and electricity, together with our adequate railroad facilities, a new era of progress would be opened and the investor would find here an ideal field for commerce and • industry. We have the public utiUties. the excellent field f<w in­vestment, with every advanta^re. but to little use have they been, put

How numv citizens have looked back on the Manassas of a few years ago, when we had as manv if not noore industries here than ; we have at tbe present time even though our opportunities are vast-1 ly greater. Locally we know that Manassas offers an attractive j place for manufacturing industries and the ckar thinking citizens | realize that the future of the town to some extent depends uoon the i aquisition of such enterprises, and many will ask "How do we eet j them." Inform the outside worid and when capitalists hear of our! resources it is probable that little diflfculty would be encountered in k)catiiig manufacturing oiterprises in'our midst

The purpose of our Business League is to make progress to a greater Manassas, and the united effcMrts of citizens through this omnization woukl probably accomplish needed and wonderful re­sult*. If we are to make use of splendid opportunities actiQp must be taken toward securing these industries-and the payiolL The distributioo of the workmens' earnings anaong our btisiness estab­lishments would be a powerful impetus toward tbe goal to which westriTe. "Greater Manassas." This outside inteiest could be created bgr tbe citizens gettiDg togetho- and ftuing the problem. These things won't come to us. you have to go out and get them. Too« your horn. The time is OKiortune.

tion to him as a man vr\ these are times to show

refuses to nu.oe a £r">';-ir, Taft lericanism—not partizenship.



DECEMBER 31. 1896

Be CI Inside and Outsi

If yoa woold be healthy, strong and

hapnr- Baths keep the skia cleanandin ^oodconditioiL Bat

what about the inside of tbe body? 1 can DO more afford to nef leet it

ii..d the outside. It ia jost as import-system be eleansad of the poisonoos by weaknesa of tbe dicMtive oxgana hver.

DR^IERCErS Golden Me ical Discovery

(In T n b l ^ r UqukI F* Clcsiuc* Uw * jsUm—aad ir facalcli that it purines the ! diccst food so that tt naliw strc&s^hen mil Xh^ organs. Yoa may «»»il younelfuf it botti* or a bos of tshlsa ir trial box. Addrws aa balow

| * n | * P "Tit fttrm'm Cmmon < P U P J . iaw >•«•« em notipt et • • • nr. V J l . Pi««iw Saml

It pat* the liTer ia radk a cawditiwi of • - • a U sUKId. It iMlpa tk* atooaeh I biood rich, rad blood to noorislk sad

rorivifyiaic iaftnaaca by cattiac a istilii ias rtsalnr nr mad We for a

[E 30


Congress has at last adjourned, tbe Sixty-third congress having expired by Umitatioa oo Mardi 4. The work of the bodv has been of great benefit to the country and to the world, and but for the European war tbe United States woukl now be enjoying the great­est prosperity in ail history. Tbejariff was lowered and tbe bank-

big bankers in New; While the

ipg laws were amended so as to deprive tbe York of the ability to force panics at thdr pleasure, shipping bill failed, the shipping trust kist its fight to control tbe Panama canal toUa. Taken all in all. the congress which has justj lassed into history has been one of great aeeomphshinent. Its work; was wdl done and the mesnbers are entitled to tbe eongratolations j of the eoontnr. Honvevar. the countiy noxr needs a kcislativerast. | Th«e is no problem requiring pressing atfentioa, ThepeonleDeedi a rest from political agitation so that they may devote dacir time to their own affairs. Business knows lost wbae it standa It has nothing to fear if honestly conducted, therefore it cango ahead un­der full steam without apivehensian. for tbe demagognes and politi­cal agitators are taking a vaeitioiL Confidence has been iMtavd and all that b needed is united effort to make tbe times better for years past in spite ci the war.




On Thursday and Friday of next week, March 18th and 19th, I will have on display a beautiful line of the latest and smartest styles in Ladies', Misse|^and Children's Mil­linery, with a ikde range of prices.

My spring ^^ck is direct from


$50,000.00 500.00

55.590.28 Diridend paid, 6 per cent

- r

DECEMBER 3 1 , 1914

$ 50,000.00

- - - - 26,000.00

Deposits : . . , . . - - - - 243,148.15

Divideod paid, 8 per cenC


Surplus •

The National'Bank of Manassas

No artist can paint a

Oneeiaagreat while a

Women liye kager than

It is e a v for a man to

she can paint hetaetf. falls in lov« with his wife,

They are never talked to death,

after be breaks into tbe

and each model is the very last word in Spring Hat Fashion, trimmed and finished by expert millinars.

My line of Noti<»s and Fancy Goods has also been received. Ask-ii^ a continuance (^ patnmage frtHn my friends and the general public, and thankii^ than fixr that of the past, I am yours to sarve.

u i



Low Prices on Meats and Groceries:

BoOiiic'Meala ' . • > 10c a

Good Roasts . . . l 4 c t D l S c a

Round Steak 18c a pound

Sirion . . . . . . . * . . . 2 0 b a p o a a d

P o ^ Chops 16c a pound

Sausage 15c a pound.

Prices OD Groceries in proportion. All kinds of Country Produce wanted and Highest Cash Prices Paid for same.



[AVING detennined to devote my WIK^ time to L the Real Estate and Insmanoe business, I

h»ejby solidt aU ]xt)perty for sale and reouest those having {MToperty for sale to list same wiUi me promi»dy. 1 promise to deal fairiy with aO and wH] give the bosiness my best attmtioii. Yoors to Serve,


We stdi antidpBte Winter.


Qeetrie Ugktsai^ Starter (Gray A Davis); Bosch Magneto; Instant CJne Man Top; FoU Straun Line Bo4f; Hcicvy Toft^UpiKiistciy; Deep Cofaions; Kain Vnrai Wind [Shield; Built-in Wire Wheels; Goodridi Tires, 32x4l; FihreGMriesB Block Motor, Water{ UndcrCo'id; Gnagel Bait in Mabogany Instnnnent

r; Signs] Horn; Center Control; FosC Res4;^.jRshe Rails; WIKCI Base, im

^•ippsd, 16iOibs.; Price, 1000, Wl^Pi^yMsre? | : ^ C K. BOINME A 901^


HENNERIES J. H. DODGE, VropneUtr >: Virginia

Sw a White Leghorns; R. C, Rhode labnd Beds; Barred Plymouth Rocks; Indian Ronner Dncka AH of prise winning striunaw Some dioiee mala% fowls now for sale a& a reasonable price Abs

> in season. Place yoor onfer ear^y.

• r

J }






Dealers in Suple and Fancy

iroceries Confectionery, Cifars,

Tokacca Etc



AB tbe larbon taOen atmoBptwre became moK pare receta

Th* lie«»y-l>oueU Slolb an,! ilumiuwh gave place to Wm boiu varieUeii of auiouiU. cumniwu totluy.

Xbe «>ec-iaUaition la the ca.s« of man". creaUon te sbowa In iUa trast auperiurity over tbe lower aniaial*. The drst man Adam. »va. an imaKe of bU Creator, tbe bl^best type of fleshly or aiilmal being. That image of Ua Cr«itor cousiated tn hla moral and intellectual UkeueH.. It i. difficult to Judge from present bunuut conditions aU that Is meant by Gods Hna«. becauae we have no .ample of perfect humanity for compariaon. -AH bave ainned and cone abort of tbe glory of God" in which Adaai waa created. (I aalm 8A> Bin and Death bare reigned and tbe GodUkenem baa been lost. All need BeetltuUoa.

It waa toward tbe cioae of tbe Sixth Day, or approximately forty-two tbooaand ye*ra from tbe time of bectnniae tbe o ( ^ ISK of Buth. that God created Man.

Tbe imace «( God from thU sundpoint would mean a human being thorooghty In tune with tbe laOidU One. OM that wooM b«Te HO wnghtaooaDcaa nor iniquity to Um. Adam'a trua. SWMlon w . . » t tba reanlt o* i g « « ; . e ^ « » of p „ , wUftjlj^e.^ It waa the r«Ml« «t temptatloa. wbtek bte IteitMl knowledge McntMtML HI* rcapoasihUity waa for the knowledge be^«^ •waed. Bm knew that be wa* dteobcyl^ God.

Wh«i tbtokto, •< man I. the ta.^ er God. w« InrtlnetH^ iMk back to -Tke MU Ctariat Jem." -b.1, . baimlea^ ^^. Had and acpnxate CMM aisnen.'* and nke tbe tm. Adnm. wboM penalty He tmmm toto the wortd «• meeC-l Oerinthbuw U:SS.

"After 0«r HkMMaa let htm have doBi^on.- Adam'a Ian over t ^ lawar anlmala was Uke God** ^'—^ Datrecm Angela, althoagh la GeTa liMce. do aa« have a 0««^ •kn drtartntaw aver creatwtaa *( a laiwar oedar. Matfa aearthiwwn br ate. la t» ba laatacad by MMahihl AelaSa»-21.

mill ornxK. anooK "XTi apnoBc


, .,_ ' •*•••" othera tram Otim papM- eaeta b«M>.

X^^*- : ' ) J ^ ! ^ ^ . . ^r*? » «*'^ ^ » ' be«utlfBl bool. t..pubUrtwl to 1 . iJ^J. *iata*ia <ia <»i|i.a.L«iici'w iicinwaie itxt^Jb ujuiuiwil

tor mt9*j day fai (he jmr. wUh apMca Ibr'aot^npiu'opi>o2te.'''^i&' ' booBd: gat edaw. WaaapU ew dleplay at th« afllee at tbte i

tmn fEEtk mm nm

boy In tbe first pfakee boy evety-tbinfc yoa need ia some other pfaKC: If yoa have a fkming mill, send off for aU yoor floor. It sounds better to have it come


uusr Complaint has been made to

the Interstate Commerce Com-soission acaittst the Chesaoeake and Ohio and Sootbom Railways

- ^ by a number of corpontioas en-from a distaaee. even should the I xaxedia the retail coal business qoahty be inferior. If you have)at Manassas, Culpeser and War-akiekyard. send off for yourrentoo, that anreasooable and bnek. it makes a man fed im- discriminatoiy rates are chaixed Dortant to ship in a few car > on bitanunoas coal from the New loa^ of brick, nodiffetence if he: Riverfcoal district in West Vir. sbooMfaavetopaymoreforthemigiaiatoCalpeper. M...«^Tst and than he woaU at the home fae-, Warteaton tones. If yoahave a Kood jobj Uw »t*ia «2 «—t«. • » — . i ^ of printing be sure a«I not Kive w S T v ^ ^ ^ J ^ r T it to th* tmmx « « » » . . c J -. virKUMS pontts to Colpeper

^ ! ^ J ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ « and Warrenton, and $2L10 to Ma-to a atv press, if it does not cost w^^^ w mamr

A city may easily have tocl much "home talent" in its tea^-

i injf force, as a result of prefer* jence for trraduates of its oi*n j teacher-traininir school, accord-iiijT to Dr. I-'rank A. Manny, of | Baltimore, in a bulletin on "City Training Schools" just issued by

! the United States Bureau ot Edu i! calioQ. ! f

j "No greater misfortune catcff^ I come to any school system than ' [to have a steady inbreedinjr o i t f - I a v » n r 1 l ^ v » a i n jhome talent." declares Dr. M a n - f ^ ^ ^ a n O V a T a U l jny. "The board of education!] , tihould insist upon the selection jof at least one-third of che new! jl H i i A o / l f M l CSaa^^^ teachers each year from outsijde f t l i r C d U I U I r i r V !

[the city limits. The preference J j in appointment for local graduates I — — . I is not always in the interest,of ij r I the school system. To say that , ^" Manassas or anywhere i j a teacher must suffer the penalty P^^ rneaiOS a great loss. We : I of being accounted less worthy pP^'^sent two of the best fire i because she has graduated from ^^su^ance companies in Am-j some other training school than ^^^^' ^ ^ sohcit your busi-i the one in the city where appli- p ^ ' , , ^^^^ ^- ^' ^- Bui^-I cation is made for a position is to F^' Manassas Va., j sU-angle healthy competition ! j among teachers. Inbreeding i s / ' | H I ^ ^ A - . r r I today the blight of a great many > • J - WCClZC tt L O , school systems in this country." '

The city of Spokane. Waslf. closed its city-training schooIVor teachers some years ago. Dr. Manny declares, mainly for tbe reason that "the school authoii- b c R V F n IN A N V C T V I r iii ties were embarrassed by the I ' ' * ^ ^ * ^ ' ' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - • ' necessity of selectinsr as teachers' ~ o - o - o — those trained in the local institu- ^ complete stock of fresh Candy tion, even though they were iii- * ^ ' '"**' Cigars, Cigarettes, ferior to otbere." f i^^"^^^ ^^ Smoking Tobacco,

«?«m««* • K T -^ .1. . .- Novelties, etc, always on hand. Some of the cities that have tee cream in any quantitv^d

training schools for teachers have i pavor—and only the best made endeavored to meet thfe iat»^ed-<i _ o - o - o -ing problem bv limiting the num-l I c o-.«-ui^ u ber of teachers to be selected J - t . DCaClUeY. MaiiaSSaS from the k>cal training schodls.' Thus PittsDurgh. in opening a ' ^ school, made a rule that not more than 60 per cent of the city teach- ^ > | ET THE HABIT ! ers coald be drawn from this • O TO RKT T '«? t school. Indianapolis has f o r " - ^ ^ " ^^^-^-> •' years limited the number of teachers trained in its owa scrioo! to not more than four-fifths rhppp^^ [ft ftllL ^ r y tourth teacher must com from outside the city. Newari N. J., places the proportion of experienced teachers from out-

I side sources at from one-fourth

WHITE SALE The White Sale, consisting of all kinds of White Goods

just received at Auction Prices begins at Jordan & Jordan's. Haymarket. Va.. to Jay. March Uth. 1915. 3.500 yards of bleached and brown Cotton. 5c to lOe. all yard wide. A spec­ial grade of fine bleached at 8je. worth lie. Bleached double Sheets, three for $1. Towels from 50c a dozen to 50o a piece. A special grade. 22ix44 inches, at 10c. Towel Crash at 4c to 12c a yard. Table Napkins. 25c a dozen to $a50 a dozen. Table i)amask. 22c to $1.25 a yard, napkins to match. White Counterpanes. 62c to $3.50 each. Longcloth, 8c to 20c. Nain­sook. White Organdies, etc. Pillow Case Muslin. 45 inches wide. 10c. Ready nude Pillow Cases. 45x36. 8c to 20c. Val and Torchon Lace. Embroidery, etc. Also Ginghams, 5c to to 6ic. Calico. 4c to 5c. The usual bargains in Tinware. Enamelware, and 5 per cent besides.



nLETHONE comwcnoH


HanrislMug. Pa., its teachers from

to one-(bird. secures half elsewhere.

Reports from 43 dties show according to Dr. Manny, that "Baltimore, Md., and Paterson. N. J., have the smallest wopor-tion of teachers from outside sources; while Newark, N. J., Oevdand. Ohio; Rochester, N. I., &nnin«diam, Aht, and Oata^ ha, Nebr., have the largest per­centage <tf teachers trained ebe-whCTC"

-iarjflways ill's Brea<liaraTways fresh and it'is baked right here at home in the most modem and sanitary way. Cakes and Pies of all kinds

You Need a Tonic ^*t2^ ^ S?°*** to you, you know what kxuc to lake-pmlm, Ifae woman's tonk: Catdni is com­posed of purdy vegetable ingredients, which act !!!l*'L,^.?^'yL°" * * weakened womanly orgaw. S ^ t S i S S S 2 ^ ^ to strengftlSd h S £ « nas oenented thousands and thousands of weak. aihng womoi in its past half centuiy of woodoful succ«s, and It wiU do thcsarae for you. '"*~"=™

loucan't mal(e a mistake in talaag

CARDUI The Woman's Tonic

iWiss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. N a 4 Alma. AA for women. Before I began to take Cardui, 1 was so weak and nervous, and had such awhil dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and - » ^ o i i g a s i evcx-xnov-nno can cat moai oiirUihtsr^ Begin taking Cardui today. SoW by all dealers.

Has Helped Thousands,


Manassas roooi


\<M e n tpvercat an Mtaek oi Rbea-matwai fpooi eaaiinc on. b«t j«a ean stop It atawat muncdiately. SloM's Lmiwaat gently appUed to tba aoie jamU or maadp pefwatrates ia a tew m a t e * to tbe ia&aaed spot tkat caMcs tbe pan. It sootbes tbe hot, tender

rn,- _ . . , , . iswolle* feeliiiK. and in a verr ahart This rate, the eomplam- tbne briaca relief tbat MataMrt mbe-- ' " • • >»'«*»« wtil yoo exper»eo it. Get

a bottle of Sloaa's Unoneat for 2Sc af intbebonaa

SwoUea Joints. like aihnents.

•f nat aatiiHiii bnt


y«a double what it woMid at lHNae..„».<4»,^ ;. ^ :_. -V _^_i-» I ants cnaTRe. is disciiuimatorv m i -~/"-~ —•" 7«~ •»p« the i ^ iofan: it . i a « . » . - ^ ^ * ' * * * * * * ^ Wash-1any dnMiat and h«»« it

^ ^ ^ i ^ - t ^ t ^ ! * * * ™^ "^ N 'HWt N e w s . Y S ^ * ' ^ -* -T ^r*^. * ***^ i which enjown rate of >L5» per '»*-

We Mt* BOW placing oo aale odds Mi ends «f onr cntii* a t o ^ You

win find here HMny articles yon are in need of. and at awfal(7 low pAeaa.

In fact, tbe pricea are so low that w« have to vake this a "Stfe for CaabOnly."

Call early, it will certainly pi^ TOB.


• kiTaiM]


nTempk School of Music :n Nanassis, Vi. S ^ o o E a o o ^ o o o ^ o o c a o o ^

D 9 I


RailraMl Ties» Koogfa Oak Lumber, Telegraph and Tekpbooe Poles, and Pnii«, lor which w« pay cash.


C M. Larkih & C a




We have nKyved oar C«I and Wood Yard next door to


Page 4: The Leading Newspap^ and PrinoA William County VOL. VL. NO ... › library › digitallibrary... · tors as Donakl Hall, James W.Ttbe company. Morrison, J. W, Sambrook, Earle The

/ ' iff*


TOPICS OF THE TOWN C. L. Barnes, of Washington,

made a business trip here yester­day.

W. W. Buckley, of Clifton, was a Manassas visitor during the week.

Miss Sallie Larkin. daughter of Mrs. MolUe Larkin. is reported quite iU.

Dr. W. R. Tulkiss. well-known in Mana&saa, was a visitor here this week.

Chas. R. McDooakl of Cath-arpin. was a Manassas visitor during the week.

Miss Martha Strother. of Marie-ham, is tbe ffuest of Mrs. J. R. B. Davis this week.

C. Shirley Leachman. of Alex­andria, visited his father. C. C. Leachman. last Sunday.

C. A. Heinekin. of Haymarket, president of the National Bank, wafa a visitor here yesterday.

Buy your season tickets for the Lyceum-Festival which t a k e s i^bce here three davs next week.

R<4>ert Newman, of Bridge-<<irt. Conn., is visiting his par­ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. New-

vn. K. M. Jenlcins is able to re-

.^Toe his duties at the Cngior-Camptf store after bdng qmte ill for a week.

Mrs. B. A. Elhot. of Milford Mill, has been a guest at the home <tf Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Buck this week.

Miss Downes arrived here last evening aad will take diarge of the trimming department at Mia. A damson's millinery.

Services at Trinitv Epiaotnial Chnrdi Sunday ai 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Sondav School meets promptly at 9:45 a. m.

Y. M. a A. CoUege, scheduled to piav Eastern theopeniivbaac ball game of the year in Manas­sas oo March 22. canceled the game

Dr. H. U. Boo^ of Eastern g«i<l«a«w addressed .thip iitad«>*.

Charlie Whitmer, of the U. S. 1 W. K. Reid. of New York, was Navv. is visiting his father. J. C. the guest of friends in Manssaas Whitmer. j last week.

Mias Julia Lewis, who has been! R. Weir Waters, of Culpeper. ill for the past week, has now spent Sunday with relatives in recovered. Manassas.

Dr. John C. Gordon, of Nokes-! Miss Lillian M. Jones was in Washington

V—~ Francis spent Monday

guest of friends last Sunday.

H. W. Herring and J. R. Bur kle. of Nokesville. were Manas­sas visitors this week.

Mr, and Mrs. Norville Larkin. of Washington, a r e guests ot relatives in Manassas this week

Mrs. R. J. Adamson, who wat ill for two days this week, has

ville, visited his brother, Bryan Gordon, on Monday.

Mrs. L E. Pope has been con­fined to her home with an attack of grippe the past week.

The family of F. R. Sanders arrived here this week and will make Manassas th«r home.

H. F. Tompkins, of Washing­ton, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Davids.

The Prince William county Board of Supervisors are in ses­sion at the court house today.

Miss Sue Brawner, of Broad Run, was the guest of friends in! Manassas and Bristow this week.

The board of directors of tbe \ National and the Peoples Banks i held business meetings this week, j

Mrs. Isaac Shacklett. of Wash­ington, was a guest at the home , t i. u *» J-of her father. W. J. Walker, this! * ^ ! * . ^ J ^ . * * * ! ° ? ! ' ^

|MrB.C ^Washington.

^Mrs. W. G. Covington is visit-her parents near Warrenton.

Mrs. Harvey Steele is much iproved from an attack of la ippe.

k Mrs F. E Garrison has been Mv.!ii:e i to her room for' several ia>3 v«i'ha cokL

The ixirformance of "The Giri and the I'ramp," given in Con­ner's iiull last Thursday night, jrew a mall audience, although

1 declared the entertainment high order.

The ManswiB H i g h School khi j f Th

recovered and able to be out-of- classes are busy taking tests. A doon. I lumber of students have return-

Douglas Merchant was t b e h d after being absent several guest of friends and relatives in ^ y s from sicknesr. Herbert Alexandria this week in view of |larkam. of Norton, entered the I taking a position in that city. lecond Year class this week. |

bodv last Tuesday on "When a Lesson is Learned and How to Study.

A meeting of the guarantots of the Lyceum-Festival which is to take i^ace here next wedc was bekl in the real estate office of C J. Meetze last Saturday after­noon.

"Father's Time Piece." a com­edy reel "The Lonesome Trail" the two-red feature and "Tbe Potter and the Ov" offer first-class attracti<m at the Dixie to­night.

Three box cars of fieijAt trun No. 71 were ovotumed near the coal bin yesterday morning. The accident was soon cleared away and there was no bindenmce to tnfiic

The new uniforms for Eastern CoUece baseball team arrived this week. They are a beautiful shade oi light gray with a dark stripe. The word Eastern in red letters is inscribed on tbe shirt front. Stockings and caps of red and white complete the outfit.

At Norfolk, Mardi 16-18. the State Anti-Salooa League Con-vention will be hefaL Addresses will be made bv some of the most criebrated speakers of America. AO chorcbes, Sunday schools and leagues of this eountv are invit­ed to nend ddegates.

COUNTY CiuiMfAN. Tbe W. C T. U. wili boU a

"Praacis WiUard Memorial Soc­ial" at the home of Mrs. A. E. Spies Fridav afterwrni. Mareh IZtAZ o'doek. A vngnm wfll be given aad refreshmento serv­ed. AI egrcbany invi«e4. Ad-•MHiea Mcents. Proeeedst»c» tatheWiOMd

Miss Susan Hutchison returned yesterday from Hickory Grove, where she has been the guest ot her brother, G. A. Hutchisor

C. J. Meetze will return ihe

week. Wm. H. Brown, isesident of'

the Peoples Bank, nude a busi-' ness trip here Tuesday from Washington.

Rev. and Mrs. A. Conn^. who have been spending the winter in Cuba, returned this week to their home near Manaaaaa.

Miss Marx Lipscomb has re­turned from Plainfield. N. J., where for two weeks she has been the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. C E. Lipscomb.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Gea L Lars^ who for the past ten days has been a patient at Sibley hospital Washinfcton, will return home this week.

Rev. J. K. Hammond, of Col­peper. addressed the congrega­tion of Trinity Episcopal dmrdi last evemng. Rev. J. F. Barks, the kxal rectn-. preached at Col­peper.

K Rural Credit Association meet­ing Saturday. Mareh 29. under dte aoscices Northern Virginia

'Partv, rs Intitute. Experts from Wu.-j..r..<c(M) and Richmond are

last of the week from Richmord. 'xivcu u to be present Blany ;•^^ subauirtial farmers in Fauquior.

'General Assembly the past we^k. ^aiax and Lwdoun counties ill wel! a:i Prince William have jroiiiised to take part F irther oaruculars will be given next

Veek. t^-

A meeting of the Young Ide.ns' Christian Association of Eai»teni College was held last eveuiog. Mr. Estes made the address to; the members.

Get your reserved seats for the .* BIDS WANTED

Mrs. Katherine Francis, oflcontests tot

Attentisa is called to tbe

\i^^^m^^u IVv OV pCnvWBv VV •HBB0I9* aas diMhet. MaMan Seeae l«r Snocrvisor of BnwtsviBe <iistnet. and a C Hatebissn for Snper-

«f GaiaesviOe d i s t r i c t . weH ksswa

ia their respective distrieto aad i totbe

take* to Sibley hosDital in Washington. Monday and underwent aa operation Tuesday. She is doii« as well as could be expected.

Poultry for profit or pleasuie Interesting and instructive arti­cles, written by experts frtim all over the country, appeu on the poultry page of the Washington Sunday Star. Have your news­dealer leave you a copy every Sim-day.

George L Larsen, who for the past few months has conducted a second-hand furniture s pre here, has decided to devote his time to the trade of paperham;-

i ing and painting and will offer i for sale at pobiie auction, on : Cento- street his entire stock of i second-hand goods this eomiiig I Saturday. Hardi 13. at 10 a. m. I Comdt Keefe. of Easten Col­lege basefaaU squad, had his many

^ candidates practicing on tbe dia-jmond this week. About twenty reported for the first work-out and from now on with wcntber

; permitting traiaing will take place ont- tf-doors. The season opens two weeks from Homhiy with Randolph Macon Academy play­ing here.

Clyde Simmons aird Alfred Prescott who have been the debating tcsMi of Maaasa s High School wiH g* to Cbfttin UMMwrow night where tbe tion of "Wemaa's S«ffr«e" wiH be argmnentcd with tbe team of the Chftoa scbosL The

«f this event wili aiaewhiebef tbe sebosb a n to be RpreocMsd at tbe later H»h Sebwri debates to be held CfaariotteaviBe.

off A •iiiaiii «r

togoto CSf

perfwmance of "Rip Van Win kle" to be bekl in Conno's haU tomorrow night They are on sale at the usual place and are going rapidly.

Little Qiristine, youngest child of'Edgar and Mary Wbeaton. died Saturday nii^t Mardi 6, at their home near Orlando^ af-tK* a short illness with membnn-ous croup. Mr. and Mrs. When-ton extend thanks to their many frioids for their kindness and sympathy in their recent bereave­ment

Manager Rowland, of Eastam ]; College baseball team, has placed season tickets for a'l iic-it'trijnies on sale. There are nin. J: th^*

-' I will receive bids until March Ifith for putting a foot-bridge

North Fork, at Thoroogfa-PALHER SMITH.

I4t4 Gainesville. Va.


Durdiasing ttit. : tickets lito ou>-or has the sd^aiiiaxo oi .. >roo discount The coli-gt- pr rr.ise-a first-dass ball team whicfa shoukl have the suiqxMt of Ma-f H ^ S *

Oae a Pttt« fouy, tba others a n ~ porpsae and hsati draft -tba kiad that are hard ta

ra ara in aaadaf a troe aad will week

Alaa ahaat see boahels ILF.MYEKSw




are any better than yours, or will be any more carefully cared for in this safe bank.

This is YOUR bank, everybody's bank, and its splendid time-saving , business-promoting facilities are at the command of EVERY depositor, be his balance large or small.

Why not come in and talk it over? Now's the time.


Peoples National Bank of Manassas, Va.


L«t roar Liver cot torridaod 70a mre 10 for a spdl of miaciy. Evetybodr K«ts aa attack new aad thea. Thoas-aads of people keep tbcn^ Liven active ? ^ ' S ^ * * ^ l 7 "»«««Dr- Raw's New L«'* Wis. Fiae for the Stofaach. tooL S t t i p ^ Diniaiw. Coostipatioa. Bil-

bated. te^Scatyear

Begin Now! Matarinl m ^ i t o w

to do it. W e hniMfle Lime-SalplMW,

ate of Lead, aad Bordeaux MLOuie.

We have it in powder form, which is a mudi more conven­ient way to handle Lime-Sulphur. In buying it this way yon not only save yoursdf trouble, but you save tbe freight It is much dwaper to take the water out of vour own well than







Marble i Granite Mi cBEianr vwi IF Ml ons

Center Street, Manassas Va.


B FRESH GROCERIES I You are :ordiaUy invited to

line: Tkebtest models in Hats frcNB PhdadeipiHa aad New Yorit mt entire line w3l beworthtof:



always «n band, aad daasware, and Raana at

Country 's ~

Abo a eonmleCe iiae of Qnaa Fnawfl and /Hnware. Sto««s the beat ptiees possible for

whcited. Agent for Getmy



D I n

L0\-KD ONKS o r THK L * n J. R. iBf Airr.




COUNTY :-At tha ret iuest of many fneflds throuKhout tho county. I have eoacluded to announce my candidacy for tJM office of Sheriff of said eountv, subject to a Deaioeratie Primary to be detarmined upon by the Countv Com-arfttee.

Should 1 be honored wiUt tbe office it la my purpose to select an acceptable deputy resident in tbe lower part of our oouaty, and if tbe present jailor will accept tbe position he now holds, it is my purpose to retain him in that po­sition.

I take this opportunity, in tbe eveat 1 sbouid fail to see all tbe voters, to pledce my beat abilities to a taitbful and impartial dischaive of tbe duties of

videa by law.


Archie Hagenbuck is the guest J. R. King expects to start his John Schinder. saw mill in tbe near future

Mrs. Frank Schneider, who has F. C. Graffam has recently been very ill, is convalescing. purchased a 5-passenger car.

Mrs. Greenberry Grimes, who i Miss Rose Wheat, who has been has been quite ill, is improving. . sick during tbe past week, is im-

J. R. Hagenbuck has sokl his j proving.



th* office aa provii

Fab. 24. s!Si6. Req>ectfully.



COUNTY : - I hereby announce myaelf a candidate tor the office of Sheriff of said county, subject to tbe Democratic Prima-nr to be held thia year. 1 respectfully so­licit your assistance, pledgins myaelf to disebitrxe the duties of said t^ce to the best of my abibty. if re-elected; fearlessly, faithfully aad impartially aa in the past.

Mr. John IL Hooe will continue aa my deputy above tbe Run. and Mr. W. J. Ashby as jailor.

Respectfully. CHAS. A. BARBIS.


PRINCB WILUAM COUNTY:—I hereby snaounce myaelf a candidate for the ofllee of Commissioner of Revenue, sob-jeet to the Democratic Primatj to be held this year. I respectfuUr aolieit voor assistance and pledge myaelt to diaeharce the duties of saifl oOea to tbe best of my ability if re-«leetad

Reqwctfnl^. S. T. CORNWBLL.

To THS VOTERSOF BRBNTSVILLB MAC-ISTKRIAL DISTRICT:—I reaoecttnlly aa-nooaee mysdf a candidate for the office of Supervisor, subject to tbe actioa ot the DeBMcratie Pnmaiv ta be beU latar. If it BhooM be your pleaaure to elect me to this office. 1 proaiae to faithfM-ly dta^arre the dntiea of Uie offiee la •ccotdaaw widi the Uw aad the wiA-as «f the taxpayers to the best ot my abtlitT. 1 m i l try to aae and talk Witt

voter before dw PriaaarT,


ToTHX V0T8R8 OP BRRNTSVILLB DIS­TRICT:—I hereby reape«tfnl|y awiiwi 11 myself a candidate ter the offiee of Saparriaor ia BrentsviUe Distriet, aob-jecC to the Deaweratie Pmaaiy thia year, i earaestly solicit your siqiport. aad sboald I be elected. I pladf* myaetf to disdiarce the dutiea of aaid offiee impartialty. civinj; to each part <a tbe District its proportionate share of the fuada. . Eevectfally.


property and expects to go to Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Fritz Kozendorfer. who has been ill for some time, is im­proving slowly.

James Pierson. of Fair View, expects to move to Catharpin in tbe near future.

Mrs. Will Fairfax and her two chiklren, Homor and Bertha, are visiting rehttives near Pleasant Valley.

Joe RandalL having sokl his property near Fair View to Mr. Kauffman. of W. Va., has moved to ChantiUy.

Miss Pauline Spenc«r. who has been attending school at Garrett Ptofc, Md.. expects to return heme about Apiil 1st

Ashton Fox and his bride have returned from Kensington, Md., and will make their fi^ue home near feasant Valley.

J. F. Kyaa. of Areok>. has jost about completed his new bam. On account of having no place to store his wheat, he has recently threshed about 000 bua.,and we areafraki he has missed a good market ASUBSCRIBBS.


wm FOB At tbe nrcent aohdtatioa of a aaa>-

ber of ita voters, I hereby »—~~*T myaelf a candidate for Saperviaor ia Bieatsville Magisterial District, sub­ject to the Democratic Primary, and pledge a faithful performance <rf the respoBsibie duties of the office if elect­ed. M

Pnranaat to the request of a aaasa tmeetiagot reprtaaatative voter* mid tax-pi^crs of Hsaaasaa District. I bere-by anaeuwre mysdf a candidate for the office of aaper^iaar for Manassas Oiatriet, Prince Wilbam eoaatr. sab-iact to the Democratic PliMsry to be bcMin the year m s .

It having baea luaiiiitJ that I saa a Rsaabitaa, I desire «• atate Aal I a a a Pamauat aad have been affihanil far

' ycara with the Deaweratie partr. BiapattfaHy.

J . J . Cuanna.

To Tax VoTKRs or MANASSAS D » -TRicn- l hereby

' rar r -dcctMM as Snpai^navr vor iDistiiet.

experieaee ia the office. I " that 1

toasrte their best

B.N. HaislipwiU have his mffl ready for grinding soon.

Mlas Lizzie Crosaon spent the week-end with rehtives here.

Robert Gushing, of Vulcan, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W^Una.

The Catharpin Hunt Oub en­joyed a sploidid fox dmae Mon­day.

F. W. Rollins had the misfoi^ tune to kise a valuable hone last week.

Miss Annie May Turner spent Sondav evening with Miss Min­nie Downs.

Mrs. E. F. Brawner, who has been ill for the past two weeks is improving.

Arthur Loveless met with a painful, though not serious, acci­dent last Wednesday.

Miss Vk>la Keys, who has been visiting in Washington, has re­turned to her home here.

French Brawner, of Washing­ton, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brawner.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Garrison and little.daughter. Evelyn, were guests of Mr. Garrison's parents last Sunday.

Mrs. J. L. Brawner, who has been quite ill at her home on CHurch street during the past week, is somewhat better.

D. W. Crawford, who has bem under treatment for aopendidtis in a Fredericksburg hospital, has recovered and returned to his home here:

On account of the inclemency oi the weather and sickness,

me of the Hia^ School boys were absent from their studies for a while.


Cail Hdf

laiiJ leml aodi

I a complete line of wall see ns. Newman TCo.

illpaper. i-Trualer

MOTOIS—We are motor spec-Let ua solve your motor prob-

We carry a full line of^new ed motors. Eugene I. Rosen-

(Co.. Inc., Baltimore, Md. lOtf

roiy( HUB HUCli SiU


SnUG HOUSE CUAiUNC-Use ir's Cedar Spray, which waa so ifully demonstratod in Manas-' vicinity last year by Wm. F,

If for killing ail kinds of insects, death to bed bugs. Harmlesa

Endorsed by U. S. Gov­'t. Sold at Bell's Bakery. 2Sc

including sprayer. 15t4

rot U U - A 5,000-gallon Cypress 1 ank, larg^ wind null, aad a 25-foot steel toww cheap. Apply to Thos. H. Lion, Maiywaa. Va. i2tf


n nafumiah your home. We have a eomnlete line of bouse fumishinfrs. Our prices are tight. Newman-Trua-iM'tdw. Co.

WAMTl •—Cheap farms or farming lands. An; ime desiring to sell give full de-sen ition and location, also lowest nric L Write John M Primich, Box 26, llanassaa, Va. 14ml

•AIM IS ML-SOe a gaL Separator Oil 60c kgal. At Austin's. lOtf

F M W ;


R. L. Spraeer and Lutho- Rit enour made a business trip to Washington last Saturday.

We are sorry to say that Rev. Cole will preach his farewell ser­mon at Sudlev next Sunday.

Master Laney Tum«r has been on the sick list during the past week. C

Foraloag tiaae Charchvillev N. T.

Na6748 Report of the condition of Tbe

Peoples National Bank at Ma­nassas, ra the State of Viigiaia. at the done ttf bm^neaa. March

L R. Ritenonr spent with E. A. Turner.

Clayton Harrison has r^umed home&om Baltimore;.

Mlas NoveUa Ritenonr tpeat Sundav with MrSw E. R. Turner.

& F. Leedy visited his mother. Mrs, J. W. Leedy, test Monday.

Mrs. M. A. Compton paid a flv-ing trip to Manassas last Satar-dav.

Ward Turner has been spend­ing a few days at bis home near Stone House.

roo R.

allpaper and Room Moulding Geo. L. Larsen.

rOK 1 >T—Furnished o r unfurnished a. F w partieolars apply to

Presoott, Manassas. Va. Mrs. 16tf

tUTKB PIATB—ground at Aas-> Haraeas ShopL lOtf

N l J|ll—A good f reah cow, giving 3i gailoaa of milk per day. D. J.

Ar BgtoB. Msaasaaa. Va. 8tf i



[HEN buying candy you naturally desire that which appeals to you and at the same time causes you to feel that you are getting tjie worth of your money* We have that kind.

Come around and find out for yourself. We are pleasing many every day, why not join the grow­ing army? We use the very best material obtain­able and make our candy fresh every day. Physi­cians sanction the eating of good, pure candy—we would not dare dispute their views on the subject, would you? Four of our big specials ar« Cherries dipped in milk chocolate, Butter Creams dipped in bitter chocolate. Chocolate and Vanilla Caramels made with cow's cream and black walnuts thrown in to tempt you, the "melt in yoiir mouth" kind of Fudge and Cream Nuts. You know where we are, in the old Journal Building, opposite the Newman-Trusler Company. Come around and see us.




VE h|re added to onr Hardware a com­ae of FamitnrF. Caah er NewoMB-Tmaler Hdw. Co.

sntm nm SAU^A 4-iamp Fa Mus HoUow Wiie L i f t ing Sys-'—ffor sale at a bargain. Tea | ^

[saolaae taak. Everythiagiaper-eoaditioa. Suitable for store. church, or anylarge place aeed-

•a«|a good light Thia is a bargain Enquire at Democrat


-Gat the Ediaan Maxda Bulb D. Wenneh'a. itf

12 Uf KOKS-and 8 borse blankets to | m3f at coat at Austin's. lotf j



We are prepared to offer the farmers of Prince WUUam county Red Ck>ver. Akike or Si4>ling Ck>ver Seed, testing 991 per cent purity, for 0.25 pa- bushel We wiU also olcer Yellow Bk>oming Swee^ Ck>ver Seed at $7.00 per bushel, and Orchard Grass Seed at |2.2SL We guarantee togiye you the best seed at the knrest price. Callorwrite.

spent Sunday with Un. parents. Mr. aad Mrs. Leedy.

n*CMi«ii«iaMrt Around the stove of the eroee roads

groccnr is the real court of last reaort. for it Baally overrules all others. CIHUB-berlaia's Coagh Remedy h a s beea broudit before this court ia ahaoat ev­ery craas roada grocery ia thisceaatry. aad has alwaya received a favorable venict. Itiaia tbecouatrystotcwtiere ama expects to receive fuB value fiar

that this wmtdj ia BMM* ap-

N a 5082 Report of the condition' of The

National Bank<tf Manusas, at Manassas, in the State of Va., ginia. at the dose of bushtess. Mareh 1 1915:

Reapecttaliy years. JAS. r. GoucK.

To Tas VoTSBs or GAMBsvnxs Dis-1 o—ft?» TKiCT:-! aercby saannaet myaelt a< "«"«»'•

" ' fer rt atittieti to tke alBii ai •at , .

to the Damitratic Priauwy to be _«»•?'^."•f-* "• " 7?^.". , 'tMsycar. I reiptttfaily a»-(o»rii>MI kMka <• «k» • * » «Mv«r

licit year a»in«aar«. aad praawae. if itr- ' * x ^ * elected. • • fsNHI U M datisoef d » a«ce j J^^H^m, t» the beat of my abif'' ' — ^ - - - - — ' aa 1 ha«« m tbe past. I fiamtm ... f:j!;*.»

Reaaectfallv. i.i—1«—ST —«WI U. C. HuTcmaoK. tm» MM* ^m>«


T. M. Pierey. Jr.. afwat day foot hunting in the




Personal Property

R. B. tcra kmg visit to Un. Wkite. ia Vulean. W. Va.

W. C Dnvis and T. M. Pierev Jr.. started t»Hokmwme

t» dK bad ts

^ Having decided to devote my entire time to paperhanging and paintings I wiU offer for sale

un.«*|at puUic auction at my place on Center Street, bdginning at 10 o'clock a. m^ rain or shine, on

^ Saturday, March 13,1915 entnre stock of Secood-haiicl Fumiture, conmtmg of Six

Ekctiic Domes and other electrical fixtures* Pianou Washstands, Tables, Bed Room Suits, Wheeler &

^» Wilsoa and Singer Sewing Machines, Chain, Refruerators, '" Bahf Carriages, Scales, Mail Box, Trucks, Win£>w and

'^^ Screens, Beds, Bed Springs, ChiM's Bed, Morris Chair, Chairs, Cubboard, Bal^ Orib, Mattmses; Step Lad-

AI the above goods are in Brst-dass concKtioii.

A l sums of $5 and a credit of three months w 3 begiieii,the

Ifrs. Walter SHitfcUn and Mtic «< W)

Hr. Un. I. S- fSKSsn. at

f TW www ftm i

£^'^iL'^'r::pn vcd security and pajafale at the Natkmal Bank of Manaa-


Page 5: The Leading Newspap^ and PrinoA William County VOL. VL. NO ... › library › digitallibrary... · tors as Donakl Hall, James W.Ttbe company. Morrison, J. W, Sambrook, Earle The




4 #

/ Th irmioEham Manassas



Farm V Vo • o


A Group of Imported Hadmey Stallions

It a

m Importer and breeder of Percheron, Belgian. Shire, Coach and Hackney Stallions.

^ n supply you with whatever is nt J H in yfv r CJt uniy, Thc EUi JPOM 'iVar . ^^ that raises good horses today is the one that will make money^ Only importer m t

ion is jieedeti ia your vicinity write to me. I now have a fine lot of Stallions on hand and

>-e oreeds. Write me about yoar wants. Correspondence solicited. South that handlesabov

MV T» KTKT TK FMT M i MEOH SAMTOUIM A NECESSm AFTEIlUn the College and which was tbor-, oughly enjoyed. While every j

When interviewed Saturday af-1 Never has there been a mace number was attractive, we would, give special eanphasis to tbe dra-1




The discaac begins with a very | temoon, an officerof the Virginia isoccessfol Teacbera' Association r e d u d angry looking sore be-j Anti-Tuberculosis Assoda t ion | in this county than the one held tween the two toes. Iliis soon [Stated that in bis judgement im-j recently here. Evoy session was

okeratedand then en-1 mediate orovision for some <tf the j fall of interest and was worthy with^rt advanced cases among the negro I (tf a much folio-report than could

^^noling frtm the month fol-{consumptives was the first stepi possibly be given i t We would loiwa. (kt lifting the mucuona I to be taken in the battle against like to pay a tribute of appreda-•MiBbraace may be fonnd to be'consumption. "There is not a j tion to Mr. llaeManaway. who nkcrated ia irregafav fines, ran-j bed in tbe State, except in the presided with such tact and eft-niagoften op mto the nostrils^ ,penitentiary aad the insane asy- jdency. and to Mr. Russell. idM>

The animal fteqoendv smacks loss. We have at least 16.000, supported him so ably. Although •*» JiP*- « » « among the negroes. It b i there were necessarily a few

There is a fa lh^ off in weight •• unthinkable that tbe people ot [ changes m the original program. aad ia the amoimt of milk the Virginia will anv k>nger tolerate i tha« was no perceptible embar-ammaltiYe*. sodi astateof alEairs." The as-! rassment and every speaker was

HOST TO TREAT THB DISEASS aodation faas under way plans i Ustoted to with attention and Itnlatr i f nun siiimah ia • liii h ^**' ' * * * ' * * * ^""^ f<^Hw>mintna^| « > ~ A i,,*.....^

the disease asnean, aad thoae "^ •<uting a farm colony for; Taming aside from the weigbt-lywbefe near *^^'*^ *'°'''''^^^'*'' Neither the ier matters of the convention

location of tbe farm, nor the plans Thursday evening marked one of . „ « . . _ '*«' *** bmUings wiB be deter-

• e s n t h e OnMtC

matic selection from Macbeth rendered by Mr. Harriman in hisi Those highly professional rtyje. _ ; poiatiDent

A C. E. U H.

Appointments in tbe Government service are made throogh Civil Service ezaminationa, held four times a year.

the examinations are placed on the liat forap-to the percentage they make in the

As ertrromt kaows, tbe ba>w«lt the >ew«r«tw ajaUm of tibe ba4y. it ia of the greatest iamrtaDce I they HMfve «*ee each imf. If t » i bowels becone egmstipated. take a doae of Cbainbertam'sTaUeCs jost after sap­per and tfaey will igiiw.t tSe < " Obtainable eveiTwkere.

•TTO The Seatbera Woman's MaKazme »

offerinc a tnp to tbe Pan—ts Pacific i E^xfositkxi with all expenses paid by; tber. Fall iatonnatioa wiU be scat am'

Wiite. Manacer ExpoMtioa Toor. Soatbera Wswaa's Mi NastmOe. T«

Those who thoroughly prepare themselves for the < get the high percentage. If you can rend aad write. TW nalisanl Cenwyaadcaea Schnsla can prepare yon to make a hiidi percentage.

If you would Uke to have some government poaition. mark the coupon opposite "Civil Service Exams." and the Schools wiU send you a list of positioas in the government service, and full informa­tion r^arding preparation for the examination.

In addition to these the sdiool f onsishes iastmction in 239 other
