
tu es. FnacnifTl did hiuiaeil' fc-rett credit by tbe

i'ool, deliberat». »ml torturing e»j»ff!ti«>ti whichbe made ff the pret. ocet on t:.Iber, tide, and bycithu a parallel case where the Executiteiminhlhave marched the army to the Mexican fh»twfora hostile puraoei and the House lnterpt*ed to

prevent war Tl II »u-winn tool the »lud out

ef the eneuny's taili an. sbose of rretler flanr*d

afriaet the mast II Ihej and neree aaai »«Wev«r b] chitalric ga*. , ,

T. mach eanantendnaion eaaaol be beetowedtoot aohleaot, erl h ?«.** ao other rewardthan it- own cot.,. :,bi rirtue Sueb a oneicame

amder bj aaaarfatb i./. sdej and for the pub icityI.n!» fin atwonatable Mr. Trufleu ol Masa*

chusef ta ¦ BManber » ao ban cam. i n spec! tor bli

Mithin, discharge of dutj snd un..Ltrusive ,1. p rt

moot in the Honor, became informed that a female*!avi wa« retained In bondage under circnmataneeiarbirb artrooted hia sympathy and aid rhe mas-

Jer ami old. Infirm and not without a ihare of

tiurt.finity. He waa willing to sell the woman at a

price bafow her value, rather than the should be-

amaae tie property of diaaipated bora. An ar-

raagemenl was aa to terms, and .Mr. Trafton,in hin quiet and < aorgetk way. went to work, head¬

ing tbi Hit with a liberal lubaeriptionhimeelf, andsecuring the rest in a single day tr«.m members on

the Ripublican side. The papers were executedlei* morning, and the sun has BON S'-t on one <-la\n

lea*. The treed woman will aecompan) Mr. Traf-}on to his home. This i« pure philanthropy, audliio mere/, *'. it is twice ti'eaa>-.I:

It Neaarta ba teat tire* and him that tatst "


1NTKKNAL IMPROVEMEICTS.AH the bills iuu< d o> low Lave passed the .Senate,

nith the exjeptioa of et-vsa, whicb ware disposed ofo U.< meaner state! in the BOtBt appended to thetable:

o.i Bafws* aVaafc,11Mr. Gass..,3 Mr. Can.

For vh it ei Aru ,nnt.

10! Mt Wright14 Mr. >ö;de.' .,

IB Mr Wade...tfi hi W sue ..

29j*ix. ."»rwerd.

J5,.Vr ntaait36 Mr Staart...,37..Mr Stuart....

l»".'|m>nina chvntiel nverBi Clalrrtasa. (.i(fr. rs»

!>'¦'(>. rbanut-l o'-r Klais,I to. Man , Kr >r .... (aVal/Oli

B >b >r. Newark, N J. ...

.'i!> ma oi Mlaalatiri BitCoi;naaiit, ttbio.'Hi uii. Oha,.I

17 Mr. *Vm*t.\>utabuia. < >*Ja.18 Xr. ».n.' nh, Mr Waas. Cleraland,CMÖo.120 Ml Hade. Month Black Hirer, Ohio.}il Hr.Wae*. t».rp,,r» Oa>o.I2S Mr S-arard. <»a (Jfah'd (Vk 1.. <» t'ojSt Mr. Seward. HuMi >i Bawale N. i ..

.M'Kr Sewnrj. H irhur of üuikirk N V.iSjMr. Sewanl. S<ko-.» Bay Ca'ga Ca N V.iSi Blr, Stfwtrd. f»u..i:« Bay Wataai27 Ml S'Wfc.-J. Ütwaia, Maa tot\ .3|Mr. Sewsal. Stenn, dtad«s. L. 0 lathi

bujioi. (Haakwataff)lRaw Ii rk.J

Mi ti'li <if Outontronjrtiver, Miciii/«j.

I «rl.or at Mai laattt. Mb.'r at BMm'h Oi K ila-ICB7-K1 River Mich.I

5.r. Stuart. li^rl. r mocln -iouih Bl *

Itir»r, Mirlil.'au..._.Mr Si.oart.jItarlor mou'o Ora'idi

Knot. BTteatasa.IMr. Stuart. U iunouuilj Bit:k Lake,

I Mr Muart. I lUrb..r New Boffai...Mirb.BaiXtS. siuait. Hatbat mcnta t.ujtuLi

mBirar.Mlählcaa .|

tl Mr. Stoart. H^iborat 8t. .loi»ob,S! Mi. Stuart. Ilarb.r pieri at .Moan*.,1a-la- m I Micbinaii.j»3,Mr Sruut. Harbor ^tntb Mtukejja

I Kivor./51.Mr Geyer. M ;,p: Rner.I)8|Mr f>sj«;.l.M,.«..uri Riv^r.M Mr.rrait. F« ,s*co Rivn Md.MlMr. Feawadao. Hr'kwatrr. Partlaad Me.

Mr. Ft.iet.e:. 'Irswtr.tti.aiu :.i i...Mr FeatetK>a.Br kwa'er n: 0»i'» H,-^d'

an 1 l;a||le Le .re.|«will orj ii-er aadI

I lataad, Mau..Mr. SnoitH". >ea wail on tir«*t Br*Wf-j

j ter't lalaliJ Ma-a.iMr. J5'[Oaianimwit nork'n

I PiymoaiaBaacb. Maa*..|Mr. aumi.»r. : [BkwtT.lijaiii.iali'br Masi aor Urea: tV\>ou*1 Hola. Maas.

iMr SuBuu.r. HaiaerN. Badfard,Maa*..IS Mr. SSebastiac.Vtkar.srji Kiver .

TO .Mr ."¦et a.tiai. Bad Rner at taa Ra't

->i Mr. Samper.

71 air Joaaaoilawa.1 BaatBJr Battda.l'p't Mi*t52 *lr Wilier. lUrsor Sainiiei i «I.«I Mr IV.14a. Hatte« Msaitowof «Vis.,P9 Ml DodB*. -i Tbor Ka- ii.e. v\ i».90|Mr. Do<ht». Hatbatst Katataa Hi..Hi Mr Dadaa. Harb« 1 at Ö Mts tgaa.tVnW|atr. Oc.3»«. "-rt..,- «. M Iwaaaaa.Wlif>l Mr. B»)arr. Delaa-'a Break» .i.-r, 0»;.53 Mr Bayard. itteas fa.aud. Dal.98'Mt Hazard. II rtavaf Nawcastle. Dal116 \.f. tllr.'sr.|U.,rfc,«Tof Frie. PsBB....117 Mr. I'udra.|.kte»Di dreoge. Like Mwalit vr .ic:*a. IHarbor of DaBaqaa. Iowa132 .Vr Br.ihead.I Ohio Kirer.r.134 Mr. Wade. Ilarb. r of V <¦ ii.i'.'ioa 11.If ar.Bel. lei.i.eaeee Biraf.IM Mr, s:imrt. Mica. City, barber o! lud.IB* fx Tr. ffibetl. I Itavola River.!i>j l»i fruniba.i. HasBaratCalebaaa, III...'166 Mr. Tr-oaibu.i. Harbjf at tVaabatan, III.mis x. M.lion. Harbor Aralacbieola, Pia.1*4J Wr. Heil of TtJBB.. Harbor if Charleatoc, S.C179 Vr. Saward. Cava Cod Harlw, Maa*..'tnlMi k, I. CaaaPcat Btvar.N.C...Ttl Mr. SuiriL«r-. Ta-i'itoii Hirer, Maaa.i.911 Mi. t>.oa»u

H 00(aglta,000

11jmll.snaIJ ...


13,.» SiIt,---IH.oOOlO.lSKI:i v"I'l.VO

1 .-.IMl


(I I ','HlO




It 0,0.1vtl'.O"!

1 ijäeam,«06


M,9M19 ro<

=>,. So

ti itbat Otv.rget' »11. Ii. cCfaLbel »i ttell liata,!tut ltlror. Naw-Tasfe..

ii iv .! 1. Bwaaeba, La.|Harboi al Mobile, Ala....|Huda ,:. It..,r.1Harb, r i«f Providence, R.IA' -iia: .lava Hay.»Faltoot Bad Hn-i.Inian* paa'e bet. B Jotmai

am|Mr. aawari. aadBkMsryssMrars.Pal

'JjalMr I-:.).«/<3'Mt. It.1 Imln ...

411, Mr He.:'. IV.tlS.M: .-.«au .

t2t|Mr Jim«a.248 Mr. Ktijaaiii.StylM Bel a

2,(00I MBS4'» BM)los.Btei .10.'.u 'IV.ii IBS11,(1-0Ji,.i»iII If017.SCOIte^sjsjSÖBMInno2*>."00

i 1)25,4011|o)lS,no«

as,eM13,0.10S ',0 014 imJO.t'Oö.SO,.» Nil



j.'OO0 >.ov»ItJMS

IflOjM 0at ,<ioo73.3007,0.;i)3.IHO


i>) Became laws SB IBS *tb of July by a rote of two third* uf^ .- House.(b) Laid ...i IBs ibl* ic :h.- Senat«,je) R»;r<;trJ ii. tl.e PeLa'e.(41 Met}at acted on.

Total aas act ai prot Mated in bii a Otifiostlai in tbeMev 'e.*i 1 M*W

tea! aa ,jd a* obbI if| roj.riated ia tbe H'.'ise billBM up .vemeot Ol DtS Moia-a Raptdj, l'iiperMio », pfi, »uiib bil. baa paSM . BStfe HoaaaS... 20. .000

Kroai wk b av l>a dsdtietad tbe sum ptu[Ki-eJ to baaptM ia". J h tbo bin* laid, on tbe Table o: re-

Jattaab] laa Seua o. tio/eafoUl an.i^d bj bilk) that have paas..dSJjjl.'1 .¦ ¦*. >ta.a I .»


Te rt* BVBBV of 1*' > V. 7

Sik: In jour roBDarks on the Toti on Got, Reeder'aolaiire.' .a seat in the House of k- presentatives as

Delegate boas Kansiw. you say, " Cases are fraqaenl' of the elt t tion ol such Deli-gates in the most informal.'and nn.tboriifd BBBaaer. We ar« ooafldeaf the" first Dahfate from Keilas, (then called Nt braska),"the Rer. Tboaaai JohLsoo, was so sleeted. Tbita a BBwtahe, but one I slu-uM pa«s il nnaotlrtd Mere it

not lor the injustice it d.*-s my-..-If./ was tht- fi t Delegate Sleeted t. CongresH '"from

" aTaarai then tailed Nebraska, I was aleoted by n

'pontani i.s BBOTBnsBntoi the people, and ICBHBStflWtv-h^i^'ton in accor-laiitm with their expressed will,pterM-n'-.l Ul\ tV.det'es t>l e!e. ...11, aO'l. tii.'ll^h Ii"'

admitted to ft Beet n. tl e Mouse, 1 pre.i the Inttrestsef my Tenitoij upon the rraBtidfiratiim of C'opgre*-wrth racfc (Bt 1 Ml that a bii] foe. its or.'ani/a.ion p i-sedthe il. us, of Kepn-ti laiives by a luige majyii y. andwould hare pa.-s»d the js.-tiate had it been brought f.>

a vot< a*, th at i»essioTi; but unfottuuntelj far tbe conn,try axd f,: myself, this «:i» :: >t dOBO.

I war aleeti 1 f<»: th. BBOBad session f th.- lad ('on.f v. h, tin- Antonta ,.f tba )> ar, -. a

Oanraalii a ¦ « th. |«. r/f tbo I rritory a-M inbl dat Wfsndsl a ei. -'.-.i ...-hid a ProTislocal QoTemmi M.> Bata*art Brst niajasted and the plan proposed by">.' f- M CoBveBt at I was Bcaatiseted for rs>olecttoe. BM a poti aa -.1 the Obbti atfoa bolted andMother Cotrrent,©, w .. Muad, at which Mr. TbomiiJoi.ns.-t. wa, non.-- itad a- .tM,.t:tor. The faiefof the laeaaa ttarvaa at Wasbingtoa aided both h«money and personal kafakBOS, with my oppoi i'Tins I tan prove. 11.- r. prjal 4* ibe Wsaouri Compromj-e w- * now Ii. Biritatod, an ! it wa, thought im¬

portant tosstCi s t al IBB l.rrif.,1-, sbntt,,] >.. r,.,,r...stated by one ferwabfe to ibat m. a>u: . Hence baintet', rem B At <i as ail th<- ludiat. Agi all ari «. ui-.lerthe rotitrolof the GorenimeBt thej obtaiai Inane*largo fn.j ion rots> persora who wars .> .1 citizen* iffth*- Cl ftt d Sta'es, Bot were willing to baxtraiae «u. hand a 1 ot. i a^a.. M b MUM t! n Agenta t >1 itbom "it Laay aid not do so I wottld 1. ei.-c» d, and"hrivg Lhem Bnnet the White inaL s law*." Hut a

U'sjori'y of hi tuai c:ti/> -e vot> tl (<>r in yt the 'Vruti.1 ate ..f sWtksj was given to asp oompttiioi by the1'iuv j..oi.i., Qoretrioi 1 oontesied the eiectkia, bnithe ConBrnittce oa E ..< .101s, t<> whom lbs ." bj t watrtftrrad aerat came to any dscBTtoa tbenoa. Mr.afoBBBce btaJned ativi cmpfoymt at ia ths I od an

Ii. j art;i ret, aad ibrvBah th iaMPOBaettta ity of Iini.autreattts madi biau f rich, aad I was takaa skn, aadlere been an the rerg .f ths grata most ot the timeS.lll 0

It wax at I tbe Boliej <>i ihr Pi ->iaverv party to

lave ;:.e co^-.try i,^:^ 1 , ^ k.Lv*-u a« Neomhu

I open tbt settlement oX all; and for that reaa/K it WMMl h| «rt lot Indian colon'*ation. and Kt sett eianut by«i Me nv ri WM forbidden by law unCor heavy p»r ./

'P. < w «'.*'.-.!.«!, w#.r,- by *\ir- am p

rite I't ''«.' BOB Hot nmiinctanf c-i, whi'I; it is ooli, neaeary t r mi- bet* to rcnU impel en DM t<. urgemoo lb« ». «.!¦ of tl.'' Tesviton Um du er*ty r.t aT n lorlal org.».--.»»t:« r. f net irttn mear difficultiesaer on one coons en wa- Ihrcoteaod Wrth imorivimnen'by ' be fiosnsBaadiasj i flic*r of on*- of the n,i t\ry ^,^r,t^it ii i' Territory, for my attempt at '. rtooloJion, as heceiled I..

Bnt to give a history of Dry rar y -truegU hi habahofNebsaska, (theo Including Katna- wtwd taker anorettf>a tl an I l ave ioeliaajtieii to spare. Fat I cat \\

without teat of refutation, that but to- my effortr therewon I no Boa be e -.her Kntirae it Nebraskaopea tothe settlement of >be white fan. I have aaoxiBoedit in b money am more time than any other Iiviust manin the cause et Kusa-, BOd have never received onerent in letuin.not i vi t the usual BSlleegean 1 perflam hitherto paid to informal Delegatas. Thea doaoi, 1 beg of you, deprive b> of the Conor to which Iam entitled. I have paid deafly enoagh for it. andtbitk [shoa'd lave fail credit tor what 1 have done.In y our Almanac ot the current vear you have done mes nu'ar injaatioa, and 1 trust yoB w..l" make the Correc¬tion in both < awn.

In rmn dtoQov. Reeeer. I entirely agree with you.He ongbl to have been admitted, and I so urgedwhenever I bad a Coi sin .--mat - ear. without refe taeeto the BUM, I m< an lie. ict i, w bo, to tell the tru'h, isv . ty f«r fa in I', bag wilbont fin, altboogb, had he evendot,,-1,;- datv tu- Hi vemor of Knu-v. the preaeai con-

drtiOB of aflair- ooald aidly have t eer averted.itwas a fbrefooe on< luiion.

Yearsresaactfallv, ABKLAP.I) GUTHATe.IVaakaifSea, /.. c.. Ann s, issa,



A treaty wa^ e?gn«d yesterday by ti e need men ofthe Creek Nation and the Beet* tary of the Interior bywhich ti . lon&et are to receive for their Alabama landclaims, At ., a million of dollars. Two handled thou¬sand of this is to be applied to agricultural purpoeee,at d the be ant e per capita. The delegetiofl leav to»noirow lor the vVt-et.


SENATE_vTashixotob, AugT; f S Bate passed the House biM *»tu>-f' a million

ano a half acres of land to btavdasippi for railroad perpeace,The Senate paased several private bills, audthen,

aftei diacaaring it m arly five lours, adopted the re; rlat the Committee l-O lucisn Affair-, tba n«

,. y\- .<:.;, mot eaaary to enable K. W. Thon es ¦'" receive #43,000 for aervii at rendered the Men^meneeIndiansMr. WLLLKR moved lie t on-idcratioa of the

Pacific Rnihoad bill, but there being no <iuorumpreeent the .Senate hdjourned,

BOUSE OK REPUEaENTATIVES.Mr. WASHBURN IM ; reported a resolutionto

pav QOV, Reeder mileage avi per <M*-ra'o the timethn". Ins claim to a seat as d'-V;;«»e fiom K&neae wa.s

J»c oed. Adopted by 83 majority.The House then "oosidered the b.ll BkikiBg for Linbihousee, Coast Surveys, Custom-Ileuses, Marine Huapital*, \ i.

An aBMndment appiopriating moo,ooo for the-oon-tiaoatiOB of the \\ aaunugton Aiiueduit \ra |g bp25majority.

niejMOceedings wer^ du!!, and without dispoaug ofthe bilf, the House adjourned.

Al;KANSAS ELECnON.Civcivnati, Tnureday, August T, 19S6,

A dispatch from Memphn- stnts-s that in CrittendenLToanty, Arkansas, the whole American ticket is

^looted, and that the State hoi gor.o by a lar^e ma-

ority for Yell, the Ameri. an catidiJate lor (lov.-rnor.

IflSSOURI ELECflONiSr. Lot i-, Iburrday. Aug. ?, H'C.

Calloway Couaty gives Erring over Polk o ma-

i»iity.Aaderaoa, American, for Coogn is, beats Rj hmoud,

l>emoemt. al^>ut ftSO in the COUOty.Si at) County gives BSBjotity tot Ev iag.Litcoln ('ounty gives Polk 300 majority, and Rich*

Bioud, 1>< ruoeru*, for C-agTi .-s. about !;.. .-.

KENTUCKY ELECTION.LoriavitlJt, Thursday, Aug. T, 954,

Thirty-six OOBBtttl heard frirn, Btoatly Cooapltte,give the Americans a mi.iority of 9,073, which Ls a

I>emoerat:c gain on the vote for Governor in ;-.""< of5,605.

ClBi is v vn, Thursda;., Aug. *, 850,The following counties in Ken'.uck,. give Ainer.taa Courty, 2il; Llnioln, 800; Boyle, Mf>;

Canad, 115; Clarke, 505j Sjanctr. Duvis, Laru«,Mead, and Breckenrldge conntiei also give imallAmerican niajoiifies. Beott Oounty givea 4MDeotO<eaatic Btajortty, and Ti ui*>all has gone DeeMoratk byaMtiall majority.

IOWA ELECTION.DVBVttVt, Thursday. Auj. ?, 18541,

The following counties give the folioaiog Republi¬can majorities:

Scott County, ^0; n- nry, -TO. I), smonies, r?0;Louiaa, 3C0; JeiTeraoa, 300j Vaa Barea, S00); Worth,irgtvir, 500; JaeJuoa, ISO; MusCatme, :i.>0; Linn, 500;Hucbanan, 850j I»elawaie, 120; Clayton, 400; Iowa,200; Fayette, 100; Blech Hawk, ".v, Jobaaoa,Cedar, oie town, 150, Totai Republican majoniiejrucived 1,860,Duluiiue ^ivis -00 and Lee ISO L>. mcs.ra'. c major¬

ities.Timothy Daira and Samuel R. Curt;--, Repubti aaa,

are elected to Ccsagreaa,The State is claimed by Vhe R< pubLcan* by 5,00u

n. jorkty.WasmaoToit, Friday, Aug. -, 18 .

A dispatcL has been received ben from Burlington,Iowa, statmg that the Republicans have earned t-\ ery«tL.i k.tin. State ticket, Ccnsjre-s, and the Lagisivtu re.

NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION.' Rai iion, Friday, Aug. 8, 185Ä,

Wake, Johnston,OraBge, Alamance.OuiIfard, Rowanard Davidson Canntiea, have beer, heard froai. withbarge Democratic gains in all, except GBÜford, whero

(iiimer gams 400. In these OOtudies the DaSBOCtats^nin five members id the Legislatur. Peal C. Keiner-on - elected to the Si nate in Organe County, whichis a DcBlOOTaiic gain.

WltMiaOTOn, N. C.. Friday. Aug. -, 1850,New*Haaover Coaaty gives f50 majority for Bragg

.a large Democratic gain, ('o'umbus C«>imty gives

.^?o majority for Bragg.a large Democratic gain.Brunswick baa gone Amerlcaa by 89 majority, whichi* u ga.n for Qikaar.

Brcaaova, Friday, Aug. -, 1158,HalLfra (eui.'y ghreetWO Denuaraiu R-pn-Beuta-

tivea, and probably an American Senator.It Norrhomp'on County two Decaocratii Rcpr-

¦ewtathrcs and a D« an-erat.« S. rat. i are akaoted.Wayne County gives Bragg M majority, and in

Bertford be baa a email gain.The returns gem tally show Iba» Bragg is ei« ;« d.

WiLMiacToa, ft. C Friday, Au^' 9, 1050,The retataa are meagre; they ladieate the electlou

of Bi-Mgg. s. far, the Americans ga i Ii roe Membersof the Legislature.MICHIGAN.IDEMOCRATIC STATE CONTEhT«

I ION.Dktroit. Hieb;, Tharaday, Aug. *, 185*.

lie DemooiaticStata Coarventioa mel vestevday,' ad aommated Alphens Fo'ch, formerly Caited Statess. (i-,.r, f,,: QoVeraer, an»- K. H. Larbr p fo' Li;< v.rtor. pisaidiBtiol Bssfitora and ibe otherStol< Picers were ohm nominates}. The Convenfou adoptedAitiMaii.i Iuh rete ntions.

TUM OHIO RITES.Tu r -avoea Fi i1»' A«g -

There i- twenty mine* oi wa''-r in the GbaansA^dsmm Vino River, nüd i; i, ul ü-*,.

I Kli m

i1: asI 1090

t iml no1 r»I '«-I if; po' rmro


M I I know- (R MilUr. j 00, l*"S»«"..';.><: r-l.iuh,. Hi..*i,, *ri. | 0»51j,0«1*'. i '^a Cto*noMa »f r I. -fi*. I >*.. ( Burro . «, a

*U"l. I ». f , .¦ ,.} toMti» tim>th. l«»w ftliae.... , i ..

<; I c I. M. Cn.t,. I nr.»*. ¦.' I-'B . w». I ii 1'nr.f.. i*<

i. o v .i.,.f. i fw'r r h«ij.' J ei

W B l.jir.m. I If. H Hill. '.I

1 K. Mote. 1 i' * I'. HvhM.M 1 si u. l M ». M rrrtj .J Ott«.... . 1 <* ( F. M,rn ..

A (»rru ar.. . U ¦ Of T»t.JW |»tl. 1 (s". Sinr«l Kmsh... .'.'.' j

V l.»wi»-. 1 ,/ KrinWln H«4t.fj_.."! «i

B w l Kall <. ic'ir* Praoif.St Met* 1* Tjlrr. V i V^ 1. (Irani. I w|n C Ciwpla. .

B I. » W Ina Wo ..oo...'A. N l irn BttM. I BS, A. Ptefea.Rai Mr K»t>i. ! v MvroB A'.>.!...B P Jn.lm. I toltnraf.Mm A 1,. 1 Oi|l>. ( B «»Und....""I Hik». 1 OOiL-.i K. ir.

.' I Hnl. I or In \ tiUfce-tof N T fB liin.noi.l. a ou H. c. Ln.ofcobr....BtlMaia. i erlf b ri*rk ......

Bit L Marfaa. i OS w'm Boen asa .B Hi- . S BOiVVniiara AlBeietea..J 1 M. I Bftw Wmv* .....\ £

trho. . I M / I ki.iibt." I ZJ . I « .'. P Uili.n. , v

I. Ii Lent*!. I eo j p^.w*.'

J. Celewel. i « J p L*kr«.J £II M II... ktall. I 1A R Ma-far.-... .

2M. P. Ataensta, Wheel- IWUIm« C Palates. ( S

ins-..- . - CD K M. fwl.i l4UM. n'ata»i.OB k V»! i--.«. i wP BaLSatl. i oo|.i. B#a«T«-k. ... j^ Boa. .... I M a. naaiBionf. », nr,

J Trr-. S nr. rj«o Mit ma... i LTI)r. BT. R. CofrBen.... I i' R F Loom n..... ] »0

J N Su.::h. I " Jain«.» Pa . j ^B, Ki.»->h. 1 <0 W. .Iraswi<n.j w,II. f. V»h».*ier. I '« J. Btill.1ooK. Hri^biu. 1 '*> li K-lloM, jr. j n,J H..«worUi. ! i« I, a. Orora». ] ,.

I.. II. .»<rth. 1 Dt C. lV>«tou.1 »0ft. Mm Ii», kl. I (> B. Smith. I ooL l:n.lrl»»e. I B AN. Dfi ock. I SKit. Km... I 9$ L. Leach. | ii

W (ir»l.,uj. 1 J. B I.»r.r§. i LH lin.vsr. I «i K. C. Ball. 1 n,,I.. Utu*". I B 8 R. Grmid. t <*

W, vinkftir.-l . \ S v Bet |«u ...

0 K Mun. 1 M K r.»n)otii».ooIi. L i. I 00 9. p. Blndaa,.i S'u w, p,.p*. I M r. T»t-t. . S

Mra Pope.I ii \V BV. 1'iutifer. i ,wH H. (i. 1 OB I IVUU»a. S.1 Attie.l. I NIB r. i'uke.i j|

L K.... I .'<'iPri»lid. i rr.

II K I. (' JO r } ItaitB. mU R Sni tli. I IBir. Km»». 1 ..,

lnniih ritz. 1 tOjp. fo.t....;.. JMi) ^«rkt»t. I "'if) Lormit*., I ..1 M Bam »«. 1 Ml|a A. t.r in.K It Menial. I DO A. W. Tr. I M1 EOweHi. 1 fO'l L. Hi-«r.«. I lrnJ I» L. vii». 3 N.|J. L Hui.ixai. ¦ ,

ft. M. K«.-.e. 2 ff,\g Wlvm..j ,.

Bl ir< KiTul.'u-ii. I K'J. M. I'errj. 5 00J. 8 J"i.i.e»». ] ir.

K. iViMbl. 1 C<lA H. W ruht. iaiA. hi rr. S 00

C L Chrk . i ,»iJ B. 8». Kwitb. i iviB w ftoit. j tt)'. Hiwr... i ouA. M Ti rnp».1. jii.a. R Ct«a*4a...... i >*)

J. W. 8.. I M (mi. j. Keilbgii. 5MDaLvil*. ra. II M t, B Mataarl. i i«.

Tare M»io.. «ju|..vr.brr« N A. C. CrrifBl. j («'.I.. MiKiiv. i; id »V. 8*cr»..'. 1 11

t D Väi»:»(k. 1 NHL. B'eBfMC. 1 i«A C(itrj'r)Di«.j. 1 r*< I, K. 1 .i- :. | noJ. BaJlMtM. I I ¦ 8 I.e«n«. 1 in

K. L.iinircott. 1 (i .Inns» d.|.;o«.. 1 Oua awl kuiu Bn o lorHe ._

. *;*y«fl. 5 ?. l»*al.a>2 sei 79n Cci^oiio. I rol

FROM BOßTON.Fi m Au Ocr.'ioaaJ Com »jondoxit.

Bostov, TtnndBj, E<ig. ?, 1856.It no happened, the da> I put B3J !a*t letter to

)ou ir to the post oflic*. that I had to mrnf m toWBover niiibt. For. though I aua j-otir OeeaalooalCorrnpODdenl from Boetoa, v.J notrt5th«tandir.gthe iiicretliblf pi'.ii- I am at to U*l! you every thiagyourpupi r BTOold be tanexfcet without, I trust >ouhave t(M> good an opinion of mu to suppose that Icould be staying in town at this season ol the jear.It would be aa fatal to one's cha*acter as to be Men

in Lm don in September. If I were capable ofsuch an action. I shou'd hate at least the virtue todmy it, f-hutting t.p ihe front of my house, Ihingin »hc back putt s, and stealing out of the backdoor when Bobodjr WBB looking. Hut. then, any¬body may be in town at the most f'irbiddea time's,tor a special occasion, and thu was my ease on t'aenight Ü; question. Bat I was puzzled to kno*what to do with myself that evening. Not an ac-

queil iii the city, and not a theatre open. Ibed nboui made np my mind to go sod see the pi rforming elephant at Don Rice's Cirrua, ander atent on the waate ground at tbo bottom of theCommeo, which is pieaaantlj called the Public(iarden. because of the potentiality which existsol there being a Garden there at some modtime coming when mj eye luckily fill OB B placardannouncing a aeetmg in Faoeatil Mali of all iufavor ol the election of M Hard t»limore to thePresidency. Of coarse, 1 at once jumped at thechance of seeing the Filimore Eiephaal petlbrmiaFani uil Hall for nothing, instead of aeeiflg Dftflhu e s go through his motions under a tent for a(juat'er of a dollar.

I would i ol have y> 0 infer fro^i this bet that Isin a Pillmore nan yet No; I remain on tkafence, open to 0..I10 . merits trom any quart* r

hi a i'd proposals sei I be received for some timelonger. In the mean time. I make tree to BJBOae

myself with sucii humors of politics as come in myway. So I went to Ihe Killmore meeting, and I

give you my word I tic l hi lieve Don Rice'seiteiiaintnent could have ..¦ -n iolf as eateiteinittgor his Eiephaal have played huif as comical tricksas this one. I had to take a standee, as the boxeswere ail full. ai.d the pit has no scats, the few inthe orchestra and about the stage being reoervedfor particular patrons of the company. The housewas well filled; but it seemed as if there wen-

ijuite as DBB) Fremont as FiUaton men, judg¬ing from th< noise when his name was firstmentioned by the Manager in his introductoryspiech. This I was surprised to hear, inasmucha- he was immediately pronounoed t<> be a SouthernPro-Slaver] Democrat. Indeed, the chief objec¬tion to him n the part of the Manager seamed tobe that be wasn't Anti Slavery enough. S<>onalter the curtain rose, a portion of the companymade what is technically termed, 1 belive, thelirandi Kntr>e, bearing B variety of banners,among tbeaa two which were not unfurled. TheManager received then aud announcing that theysymbolized, the one Fn n <mt, and the other Hum*-

thing 1 lost, but obviously aometbing »eiy differentfron, lim .-hin k t) i m out uj on the air and toldjtheaudience that thej might choose between thetwo.ibe one. which shadowed fourth your hero,

presented no less a personage to the view

than the Pope id Rome, with tiara 00 head,and crosier in list. This was a surpriseto nt, 1 confess. Of couise. I knew thatMr. Fren^Mrt waa a Catholic; but I had bo ideabefore that he was the l'ope I don't wonder thathis oominath n has struck teiror iuto such raaaiea

of our respi ctpble Knoa Notl ü n ui I Den ucrata.The ether banner contained a Ibatniabed copy ofthe COnnterfeit presentment of the tV (Jirl thatused to hanv. on ti e outer walis of l|arnum - Mu¬seum, and 1 dare sa> doea etill. What the Palf;irl had to do in the matter I had BOt philosophyrnongbmmycompoeition tasUviae. As soon as

these two works of art were displayed, s mil ibowl went up, f. rue d of shouts and groans andhiftts. ObvteuBlr, either the r<»:»e or the i'atGirl did not meet t'ht state of Blind of the aaeem-

b v. Presently, a heroic Www acaled the plat-fo'rm and seized the Papal ensign and broke theBl iff, Bl d the prOUd banner disappeared in thl I llof fight The martyr himaeil was knocked downand well pummel*d bj the garrison of the plat¬form he h .d invaded, and appeared to I'*1 nearlykilbd. Of course, it was supposed by the wht le

meetiog tbat he was some Republican, more

zealous than wise who bid ti-.n* resented w -iat he

esteemed an affront to his candidate. Bot ll was

ii ineb thltg at all as if afterward evolved. It

was a »talwart Kuou Notbiog, so fall ofrighbindignation Bgainal the Pope that be could uj tkeepbis fingers ill bim. It was aoue time before he

eonld define his position so a» to stay the area ids<.f his friends if such be "fcithful, as Sowaaonfhv- tl \ are I e certainly bad BO reason to com-

plain of the fidelity of Ms frieede, Whea the

hoe state of the case was understood, this true

martyr was comfortc'. and rttVsM M well as

cireamstaaeea would permit, and ca'ned out

I, dily b) the bystanders.Ivi other attempt or two was tnsde to rear th.«

bataer "tarn bat flying,'' but Us appearance was

Ihe aiaaalef sucL raaaevred uproar that it wns

.UtKk at last. . i Mr. traetu* Urtx »>*. *\ *ra

tote! perforn er from >mir eity. »pT^red upon tuboards and bad uj enconr^ing rooppfc'-l Tbi»" f»"*rd 255* fl,r ¦* H I not Ld th. vnylimit ar) divm.,,etiJ,.rt,,f'be downfall, .trh, p.".**,IbfM eves have looked IpOl the 6*00 ef thai rrettman. TjbfJ bave r,,t.«. M th. M p|e ,.Xl.ti,M.

have heard bim »peak, If n.,t. I ahall n..t do himthe lt>jn*tice te Beeeribe hin oratory, it i. er.n htt. mj that m ti alter and in manner*, in snbstance

j bj.d m form, in tboiuht and in erprea«i..p ir\ Th, Nnr \ork Ufte», in blaek rmal aad patttajoon« ai:.- white waiateoet Coold Etogyriu her.k -f*. snppoBti.g her penmnitied nn.i to do her beatsat more' 'Ihe eLtertaininents of t(.v,rrrxeluded with some grouid and .ftv tumbUns{Tff% lofty, some of |t)bi Mr. David Pau] Brownr,t l*r. ilai't li.IitM. I could not think that he ap*Barer*** to ao much advantage an on the seen-:wk*h< he Im -a ott»-n distinguished himself as thefriend1 **nd advocate of the most oppressedinred.«! our countr) men. I «»«¦ and h-ar.i binthere or? B tru!J bistoricaJ.oecnafon*-*-tke tiro: hear-hu urdet tbe F'laitue 8lnve Idil.when ho ap*ot-nrt- i an -counsel tor the ilare and procured bii

.-. .'¦?rue. 1 "bail never forget tue expreaaioD ffinerfaee*..¦ h» avoided t ie clnininnl t«.r riotbarm* iat "p hi* rase properly, so that be bad tonisei.arar the-! ibat after he bad stretchedthe law te*tfee ¦tteraaaat to arre him a chance to

perfect i:. It a new edition of .leffrev« withadditions ind atucndntioaa, Bat Mr Browe'i.tore of good, works in tttn hind is an !-,rg~ that afew political ragen'ee will be pas.ed lightly overid making '.p the aivotint of bin life.

it ia rathe- tsM 1 should have forgc<tpn to snv

anjii.i:*: In my lent about tbe rJurlingnme audlir.-oks dueL TenxOw a ('oi rcapondenl expressedth. «er..,, of tliii roojrnii'.irv that it would havebeen better pleoed eould Mr. Buritagame hareaaowered Brooks u Mr. Wilton .iid. Bui ti it Ituppot.e is the fuel ke dees hold to "the Iot twelw* paceB" M &D Appellate Jarisdtatfon oltt last resort aad ao could not tche that gr ...;.it is n thousat d pittei that be shoild not have re-fused to meet Brooha on flu ground that the per*petrator of a feloniona assault, attended with seeheireumutarirf« of cowardice and cruelty, was no

more entitled to tbe eoual Mtiafactioa of a geutleii an than a felon jtint diaeharged from tb< peti-tentiary tor a nimilar oflense vroeid be. There isno equal;!) in such a meeting. It was the reciMt«nitiofl of Brooha as a geDt|gnutn in his first com*manfentiena with him that mre the people here*abeuta a kind of disgust at tae whole business atfirst. It is generally agreed, bowerer, thai Mr.lJurlingamr stands now much better than .u ant

time, the fighting bypotbesiabeing<*ooceded. No*bod) ioubts that he did mean to Bght, and thatthe aeleethiB ol Canndnfor the place of meetwas a proof of it. T.> be sure, Tha Aittrtimtrhad a twiiddlinu article about "his having ap*"pointed a seeminslj Impossible place for the"duel!" As if two daya were too much to dcToteto a pilgrintutge to a p'ac^ where one was going to

risk all his da.ts.' And it must be within tl e mem*

or) of the senior editor ot The Adrtrtistr that theparties toone of the two <ir three Intal duels overtouirbt bj Booten men. thought it net too much totake ajonrnej te Canada, and in midwinter too,I think, for the jmrpose, aoene forty years ayo,when it must have taken a week or ten dajs hardtraveling to get there. When men are in earnestabout a bttsi&ess like fiiat. they don't stickle ab Uta trifle of hundreds of milee, more or I.-ss.

brook* s pretentC of bodilj fear in crossing Neu.lersi) and New-York, though very likely roalenough, was none the less laughable. It certainlywas a cue of " fouling each bush an officer.But, or the other bar d. the danger of Mr. liurlin-rame in a Slave >tate would ha\e been more in

imaginär). Suppose Brooks bad abet lorn in Vir¬ginia, of course he would have been unmolested,and probablj would have hud a triumphal entryinto niehmond, and a public dinner. But if Bur*Iii Käme bad shot Urooks, does any one boliereti t* matter would knee rested there ' There islast as much law in Virginin against dueling i InAlarsachusetts. Would Qoe. Wise bare sufferedthe law« of his State to be broken by a New-Englaider with impunity 1 There would havebeen no need of eppeoJitigto Judge Lynch. Theregular criminal process would bare sufficed eitherto sacrifice him hyfoimof law, or to drive himinto e.aile to avoid it. There can be no safety foran) Northern man it be tii;ht a duel with a South-en one in anv Slave State. Congress should setapart a portion of tha Ten Miles Sqi ire to answertins necessity. Bhode lalaad used t«. be tho 1oi hm.or to w hich Massai buat tt. men resorted tosettle tto ir litt e aliairs ol this «.ort. About twentytears ago the last duel wna fought there be weena u'cntii ninn ol this sit) and Joseph Leawell Jonesol North (''iro':;ia, commonly called ShoceoJones,from his resideuce there. After it wnaorer, theGorereor of K. I. wus diapoted te make somestir about it, upon which it said(tori don't touch tor it) that Shocco er.>l« t"

hia I Tcpllericy. adaialaaj l.iin 10 DC fUiet, ,'ind toeOOSider that it was a great compliment to a littleState which Major Noafa once proposed t » put inhis breeches pocket to have gentlemen use it forstu b honorable purposes. If he abould be tron<bit Foil e. the oul) difference it would make wo lidbe that the parties would take their Stand ou theother side of the opposite frontiers and Jirt n restthe State1 It seems to tue that some tuen arrange*ment should he made as to dm Is between North*en and Boothtrn men. The only safe place forboth parties will be exiictiy along Mason 67 l>ix-*<u'e Lmc. 'i lit* Northern combatant should standon the Free eidi of tbe Lino, and the Southernmen Ol the slate side, and Jin across it! Withthis pun I) gratuitous lUggestioB, I IchTO the sub¬


NIAGARA.From Our Si'c'ai Currftpoi.deu*.

Niaoaba Falls, August 7, l"356,It takes new just nineteen l.-urs t>> leave the

Hudsob Btrer Bniln-ad depot at New-York ar.d be

set down at a hott I h-re; that is, leering at Ö in

the afterroon, :ad traveiin»; express night and J.'>.'ibe drawbacks to a pleasure trip, cousi-tin.", in

being shut up eighteen hours of that time iu thecars, nr. not worth speaking of. but add- d to tb it,

thete on- sobm other abstractions Cromooe'i g lyetjnhieh are habitnaliy praeticed ia American cars,

and wLich might with a little attention and goodfi cling he remedied. One of these is th-* pr u*tieeof mixing on a seat which ma) be vac ttd ntornen-

tanij- by the otiginal ar.d rightful pa-t-.. Su -h rjf-

tiaiji*m as this wot.1.1 never fora ntoottatbe eoduredin anv country sa .e whore, in some partieelnrathe rudest license *. praci ted bj cars, i itur i

under the beliefthnt it exhibits equalit) and Iii - r

t). his not unusual to see bgentleman surrendehis-eht tathtr than make a scene. It argueshelnoui neglect on the part id the eompanp, tb-*-its mit g are not so thoroughly understood to be

like me law* ot the Mod >s and PefBisttS, thai thl /cannot be violated. The only thing that Bmh< 11 8

loergitadinal barbarism ot railroad eaJr-eeaMeodura-able is the understanding *ha' a muddHng "P w .1 r

sons t,cd parties af !ea»t d«**s not d arive one «,f aseat. Another di flection from the rightful ebiUMOfa pleasure trip eooaiata in the nasty personnl habltaof sonia:.) An arienna, nt Uhei too poor nor ol snreto travel. At m> side v. as a uiaa spitting tobaccojuice, and talking with a set of tobaeco-sp f.-rs.

Tie execrable Bltbineas af sueb a proeeeding was

MtketleaUy varied bv an. tner BMW, who hoi n coldin the head, and left hi* poekd kendkerchiefal seme, and bleu his noes with his »gers.I hi u, at anothi r social t::it In keeping v Ith s

{obtained several tines stBBBgsrs walk hop.up and down the rar expe..ting thnt SOSBe one olthe parties oeesmying two sent* instead ol one

w. old have the aeavtBB) re o*Vr the srroogtblrybeldone) and indeed, a gentleman cay arell h»s-

itate to ask as of a rirht a place sjtaxfxide t man

Who ha* n- t the tir.-t idea OICOUrteBy. It .e,(nireacot-.di ntlon, Whether a da) snail be spi üt along,aide of a man, bj manna of aaiang a place nextkhm, wiien the nseoMit) oi aaeh an operationslow* tbi ntnvi partv to be m.t.t f. r the »....cia-

tlon of gentlemea. MeBmers sad Bestiness I..'.even reason exi«f* wb) for perSOOS Who

dti.w L"w to bvhave. theaaeetTea, aad are dja-

poatd to pay for the pna-ile**, in ,°*t freeand enlightened country, there shouio **with teen arratgeal in the Kurvpean plan, loCei-lodiaeJll placed, and subject to the moat ru~*ddieeip'iue. as they could he, o.ieh comiiartme.'tBOtalBg I'M tour persons.

(»r,e more growl: A raskweniag in thecbereeter ofAmericana ie the habit m vacating a.iht when a woman preeents horeelf in a eiow h

< nr or OBtoioae. Hut it i* remarkable that Ametl-run women make no aehaowledgment, as agon-«ral thins, f< r Mel coorteey, They posse** then.eltea ofaeeh seats pretty much aa If a dog hadvacated them, without « bow or BckOOWledg-n ent. Are such manners feminine, to aay theleant I

'i hi* portion of the country baa been dismally<>> prived of rain. For nine week*, a farmer toilsli e, tht re baa been but one hour's shower.a thinguopneedeated, His crops of wheat, barley, po¬tatoes, eYc a!' except rye. ire well-nigh ruined.He com-dain*. likewise, that the laud is held intoo large rarer!*, and that it isimpos.-ible for a poor" u .'. I--" r. k. on to boy a farm, and moreovermegabit areaosmall as . laborer, that with a

family depeadhig nhim, he cannotaarethenieeMto en rat,.. He pointed Olli TarioUl parcelsol land held at |£0 tjoi $100 an acre,rouplainiog that the pnreha.fa farai. evenn small lärm, was ionaeeaibie to Ihe laborer. Heet Di den d the u ititttbx of Slavery as the chiefenrii ontbe head of the laboring white man ofthe North and said his Beigaben were of that rvayot waking, being la an imtnewec ma ..rity for Fre-n.ont. He grieved Ve in- America Id sheit nntry anew too much.meretnan the greybenda.rtkjr it won d nor read the lessons of pr. Frank¬lin, eke. Soitnill be seen that feftersou's aore oathe body politic »s. like the far-removed regioni ofwestern aovj I'ork in eertaii matten, advene toeconomic rfmplidtiee.

\\ hat ckai. terisea Ike Bonrpany at Niagara is itstent b-and-| -» analitj beyond all other say Su-ninercouncils. Pe pie stay a week er aBaonth atNewportor Saratoga. Here they often . do np" the guide-b«M'k in a <iay »r twoand are i if. And yet it wouldseem 'hat the nablest landscape sertBOnoa Hod'searth, the ifieat waterfall, alight be road to contritehearts and love-dimmed eyes tordavs ami nights.I ... b < nr that the student of th: i fluent page ofnature ;azes 00't, be becomes BOl only more dls-aevered from the Ikings ot the earth, earthy, butUte sublimeat fullueee, nobleneaa; head, heart andeye-suffioing majesties oi the aeene are more andne re crescent the longer he stays.


Cunctpcn.'.enc« f Th* N. Y. Msano.h üuubbi RO, August ii, 1856.

Although personally unknown topou, yet 1 demit my duty to the cause ol Freedomand Fsemoxt,u> wain you against believing the many ridiculousill ris I thai are circulated from this place. In yourj'aper of to-day, you have a dispatch announcingthe rcDomiaation of the Hon. .lohn C. Kunkel forCongress by an American County Convention.I his is not the- fact, and no such t'onveution svbsheld at all. Hut a regular I'uion Convention ofall the opponents of the present ( orrupt KatioualAdministration was regularly called and held, inw hich the Fremont men, Finmoremen, Americanamtl all others to opposed, wer.« represented andthe liehet thus BOminebid is represented by atleaft/n Fremont men oat of eleven candidates.Our able Congressman has proved true tothe cause of Freedom, and will prove trueto Fremont. We have two Fremont papersin this county (Dauphin), with large circulations,and FUlmore none. In Lebanon County, part ofthia Congreeaiona] Wetrict, two papers ai«-pufi-li.-i ed. which preferied 1 illmo re some time since butthey have both hoisted the Fremont flag within thelast two w< eks. Such ai e the signs in this part ofthestate and Ci DgreaaioDal i>istricr, and we are gain¬ing largely daily. We have a large Fremont t Hub

ifttl bed la this b< rough, and all tht Obi-Line\\ hlgl are opealy for Freedom and Fremont.


IOWA ELECTION.c am at 't Tho N. v. Mhana

luv v: OKI, 1 iwa, Tw »d*y. Aug. ', i

I wa, "the first Free Daagbter of the MissouriComprtmiae,'1 declaied hereel! nobly yesterday forFieedomaad Presstent. This (Scott) Cbanty fairly h>dicatsa Hio n suit ia the State. In ties county, at the

lea election la April, the Damoeratic (so-canoed) Uoketbad a majority <.f votes. Testerdaj this eoaatpnave the Republican ticket a nisjority of neariy 400

votes, notwithstanding a low m cot ojaonoi of theissue being complicated with local qm-sti >us. On thed'-< Lnbirra?std -ue of Fi> . <lou» and bUvery, ia No¬vember next, Iowa will roll nr- «. «n»j«nty ..f *,onnvotes i"i Fremont, the snthnslssna and oonaaonoe afwboas Mends or <! -upporli t- are Biibeuuded.


.A Mr. Kilbtir, aFfllmotelte, s»at.-l m a speech atlb adil g, l\nr.. last Monday, that Col. Fremont WBI

(ot the total abolkiOB of Slav ry everywhore sad the-olu'i' n oi »!,e Fnion..It a reported thai Mr. .1. clan, y Jones of Pean.

l as bt' d II d '.¦ as Sir. Bucbaaaa ¦ Minister to Ba¬gband. He w.M b a^.| uiati d, ae presume, at the sametorn that Cot. Forney Is mad..- gecntary of Btaaa,Aiigu.-» Bebtoat Secretary of the Treasury, Dam K.s..Li's secretary of War, and uaaahByaderaCol¬lector ot New Vt rk.

A gli at mass meeting '< f the bk adfl ot FrSBBOBtatil DaytOfl was h- I t in a gtOVS at Kittery, Me , on

Ihi it), last. Ichabcd F. W. Eaxey, Hannibal Hatn-l.n and others made <pe< i hes. Mr. H imliB was

receivtd wish trr-.-a* enMcisiasin. They-ay Ma.-je ;s

alive for llamlir. and Prem -nt.

.A c tr-srsindent f l. t M'.'le, Bureau Cmnty,ID., says there is hardly any BoUtioal divisi' n amon^'the pei; le Iben ; everybody i* (be Fremont, A gnatBcpubbcsa maafing was h -Id la that county on thei b. Al>--r-i UtKx>b,Knox,Cook,LovejoyandStiphmads speecbcBi.ll, mala members, of the New York State T a"h-

eta'CoaveatioB, sow ¦ session at Troy, were can

vr.-sed as to tlieir Pre,idemial pr. termers onThursd lythe 7th; 129 wen tot sTreraoat, fae Bsataaaaar, tffor Ftlhxore, 9 b.r Gerrit Smith, and If BBOVfcVsli.The Fresm nt Club «t nimtedsle, Penc, bald its

second meetiag oa the Oth inat. It was a cheeringmeetlag. They e-.y Way in. Co. will ^'iv. From mi -oo

mejonty..A oiriesjuaalrat mites to say that a et »ry in Tin:

!.'" is that Wepptasren s'alkt, Dstetsam Co., is for

Pe.av.?e. i* all bash. Then ere avoreBeoaenecrit Ffiha raises there, »nd sjora Fiemanteri »haui.!..: WMysOUT -orre<ronden^..Tht M tie Et »inr JVVssi fFllsnanre), in alluding

to tLa fact that 7" Nett OHeoo* Ikwtttnt '/.¦ i'"tsfsstroBg '"' Frensiint, :-kJ "why they do not pull" down hb satabBebmont. b It lh i.+ that Hepubli-. anism .s to be made asctional.St || si etkw paity has juai uien t.te tield, win' h

will probably run ne..k urid ue -k With th»|Kilhnoreitce.T> ¦ BiUt J' aee, a rsskyions weakly at* DBftiartsre,editfd by the II« v. Thea H. v skton, BsanhaateeJndgi M Leanmt President, and the Hen.The! I

FnlhtghayMB as Vies Pre-ident.. Aeeofdhsg to Tie Lyon* <S. t.) Rep''eaas,

.! n sn not a d- j. n y :n"j bmnj .n that town who do

n«.t go fir Fnmont.-ihetditui of Tie »F |Va.)//eraWavows

birnsaU u favoc of pasmal smsnes'pafioej, " «^ej/' out«i rsaosrd pnr the sansperitp of the white muab-'. itants of the State.-An intrll:,-ont oi th* «-»¦>.. at pre.-e,.: so.

joari . it Faa-etw'lK Ocndaga C>-. N. Y -t.'.-s

ander date of Aaguat i, ll ^s>w!.,w-'MOOOinr a sew day- a' this thnrng and b a itiful

if. *i .rMi^S. tin. r^C .:. a

,n '-.ow h * tba pali BdoU Oasndaga Count,beat* far the esose oi bnma«t freedeaa, Then SMhwt

ji a 1 athi \ iO sind 'As> ar- ap-

j a-- ut'iy e4h»u «1 of the ir. cans \ fot they an as quiet

a* leaabiTh-rr- L», >>*». art n antta a ;;a«w N_.o« or Pfl rn.rr- irgn. tat* i bj J

, brrk- nr and tonM Bra>e\hea 7,. ,I . u h.itmiwii I« Im place, ia fact t! roU r.f >»

I '.. .> Baatl I Mi Mn Iba ftV I M & .


1 \ .'.d /in i '' .( ., o-i-».. nn j,.oi iflain a Ksi.Kh- to a crowdedau<. >-d> «t, arbirt.»,f, ;r a. ...Tfrn,-,. «rttl ibf ptiM« faeliag Iba! he ha* 'i at Man.:;. c K-tkv ..>, aal hseiavwa ,.M w tc. r#n »at it in ..'i. r ae>dBaBf loww. Tu- peoal£»!"'.r bi «an %..t.- an taajbaaaaah !morr. ncnaf both loaki d tjon a» rr;na! repr<«. n'itivee oi t:, M»r* Power, rfe nalatcnaaaa so. Uta«I f ü ra. re, i n- Iba; da boo. a No-th-m mu

ar.¦ ... k..l oj r: vfv i. .trr,,,,f an-.'d-.g.ia». Kr. n»hat I h, ju d team irÄ|t, ,. !h# ,. ,ni

»l.r. !),. hn> w aV.ti vrtm».-bepl B| an,. n-{ th. *Obl | ai.d diaaolu«.» .j,,, _, Ä, Jtili.» icadi fae a 'et reo

>f Iba coamtry ia .

; dbaa bH"o j'Vrit'? d, and vr« rnay look - a L.ei.vif' harreat in s',r-aher. t ».

.M <«ru I L'iraart tv Iir>>ok** havp b*a»n %| f\i,,, Cosa, wrHea aa tha; the audir-coc mmirsal] and farlotn, and tbe gnat HaadJao a pj^B 11 ryIi II "a ¦' bi BBob treul] n\< r..,!h.ig <>i Pro Maren" Kativee.' Ihr< cx-apni-ion was chip- Lvely. T.wrlti * Ii. n: BotWieb, C. nn., aa followr" Um Old fire* af Ir»l are trkinuleaj in Kartei n (Saa>

Dectieof. N v, r ,lid N. a f.. adi a » aBatj witaeaa-t'.h totcBBi eBthBalaai ai tl. aaaae ofTranaaet aa>Ul '.ii ' na<->e le-. \\ c )h! i r,,u«iia*

rwetiBfofuui Praaavnt aod Üaytea Chtb aa Mradajerrnitg. M. rr t!.«n - .. w,«ri-ir.-»ur T..aai'. the ir. aiaa 'i aaaaa w ra % Idad u>OUT I .. DBahiOf a total ..f 1 at3 i:.. :i.I..-m. Si'. old( .ii i ectic at do rn a! l,#Jf ujuionty >ura f >r UmPall tlncer.

" Alt« r Ii üit'g i-pi. . h J DA «n BaiBBel M.»U, of <lhi*->Iii (l| ... bi ¦? A bar! Bay, t! <. i'luo waf p oanaladwith aapieBdiu flag ftvaa raaaa at tbo. Laflfaa'a*aaabiPreaBOBt >4ir'). A|<r.«..ii!e f.. Tua Tviavai aag-

11» n. tbii Club wi'l n nd !>r. I» Wi hui and K. Ii.I'urnl ml, ir"|., to i an%,.»»i a:i | f..-rn Kreow>r.f B'>dHaytoa Claht La erstj % aga ia taai <Vrurre>ir.ciiuiiIl^fricf, in ! ?i. r-f gi r*.. ii.»ti are ri a.iy to in.-rt ..:-.a.w

b af tbe .»pjK) itiim al aD tnor.'. Will the Oliveria D.-triet« iti thir Stau att OB the above

bfet rlaCai.t i, C. iafi'tni ur, Uepublnaa ."%iiaa

iprpfgtiaalng flu. !j, and tb.- Lmbauan party Im .^U'tadually Bipadl out. lb e.'^s;"The rt-a aiaa of tbi oarty aodree-u v ..>>

Keynai ur on Saturdayavi rura/. lleunide au rxe-l'entFi utt! ..t.iu') addrau,oa tba 'Glorvof nariBBariraail tuen'- dt'ttjdrd tha et btm of the iVmoera'te partjrgenerab) aad LhBatarf partieBlarty, loc hi* cour.* onibeMshM L#Bw-.bBt wbt o be eaaaa ha tba raal iaaate,tl Kiineae (,>, In- hoi.r wv up atv he li >-

U ii : to eay. 1 Bttdaiataad the htinwaai aarMcia. mtl ia *ay, to iaity the Statt-. II« auakei do eeovi'itahere.". Thr I'm h AaajBCial, a lenditi^- and haft .-niiai

J>. mieiafe papar, pul-hrhed at Monti:. 'lo, NulHtaajCoBBty, BT, If., tbla araai hauls down th« Biu hiaan

flag aad bohata that of l^ntoRt and Dayton. A w.

r. nja nd nt, whoHi^ni bun.-. If L,, toiiJii. nt< thrri'up«^Ba follovrs:

.' TLia mi.Id. n and nn'-xj. eted ehange aih' cary dv«may into tba rank* of the doB|b^iBCed Kannaa.n i ia.-k-, PaBrocraey la tblaootMif sr-ae barB baaa.. iBttaar bwajatj* bb tba sarppott ot thai pap«r . 11 itarrae-sni iBbaorlbetBa It aa beatawad that na Braaaaat.'uiinw dantatad by tba BBftatl aotioa of thu radn-aiDeBtorracy *f tbla coanlj*. With tbla aad the otherai paiotM wl ..!. we ate tie. i» .nc fiotu llaji'-Slie !a*nr.d Ai.ti-N. bra.-ka ' Anaerieair*, you may count on

a ;.rettv evi lily orawn hni.ot il thai e« uu'y l>*twi^«aIIa atomt autf indouiitalile Explorer nnO hu« PagitiTa-BlaTC'Law ot aapalitrir, where tin-re war- a plurality ufabout 1,500 fur tbe lat .er laat fall, while Uuubaaaa wilfbt now era. Qeorge W. Liotd, bbb., aao afear ohiastai .1 o:ont prorsiai tt lawji ra, and Chan. 11. Van Wyeh,Di-tritt Attoiury of tbe OOBJ ty, both forrairly Demo»ernte, will etun p this and the kdjwlaing oouru;«i lorFn e Sjieu h, Ki< ». Kaii>a-. Bad Ku ninr.t.

. From Tioy, Fa., we have the following:" In lo«dtil>g over I'm I n I BOdyOB pat IVnn-

IjlTB&ia doWB BB dOObtfBl 'or Fremont. I wiali to lotton km * t.1 at tbla la not a donbtfal -. etion. I r. aealapentnlew ntontha ti lrOgnCo., and have tiav. .-iBronnd ngOOd itBI, and 1 tind most erery uiao f..eKu m>>it. 1 am BBttfloairyanqaaahted wituu.r.* aftl .. rotera oi ibraainwBabipa. anu 1 have aasa oolr onevoter that waa for ltucl.anab. Tioga i <.. »»r. . >

gt.'ut majority lor Fieu: nt. 1 saw a (..-Milan BBBjlaeOfot I'ott.r Co., who aajathal tbi Geraaaaa are all l*rFn e Kan.-a.- and Fn ntonl Rl re il Bra 'ford we aie

wide nwaki t. r Frunou'. and WB aillijivn Man our

voteawith ..» u-» wtttj it Pi ntiajlvaaia -lot.ti a ai ithern roanttoa will not be to btaaaa.1. Dntikuk, N. Y , ban begwa well. See what ia

ui deiwritten i" A lartre and atethnaMatii aniaithnj wan h«-ld la-t

i't< Mi« in reapanaa to a < n ' let ah Ihoaa,*hrtBaateetiBB«,f former aflattiaa, who are bow la favor of Ptaa hail,

fti Bjiet eli, Ktet'loni, autl h IBBBBBBi Uoe of .yUl

largeai haUa war til...1 to aretttowiBgi aha II.>o.11. t.iy Pntndi rgß»4 >-i NN'1 etri. Id and otaen made ai>l«

ipertots. Fretnool aad tbi " beeotifal" warah dorn d with rrenn adoui cbeen rwj >tar» ago thiavi!i:*:c gave fiov. (,'laik aoane ~J rataa, fha KaU

Ireda will testify their abi.oei ot antrnfedK'.i ¦** Ai.d HBVerp B)r|trrlaioaa by voting: for (hei. I.l»> pn', Ilie'e idol, tie- people* el.-uce.The BBchanna ai d Pilbnorv forcee Ib thai pl«. .. a-..

abont eqaal We axpad to hare a large pluralitynrxl NoTeaaber, If not a nraiJoiity orat oiSCbantauquc i« beconlng aioaaed Aoaa her .'ethar^y,and Will oil up auch BBl^jorftj for Liberty an.l Um*m ,i ij aa wa* i rar before rqaatwl. The <fay> of thaliaik-l.antein party.the upholders of th<- irreal iiulli-. . no ta.-t dtkWBBg to a .-Ion-, aid the " tint. 11 BradDemoctacy" an- perfectly nppaliatd. [Abacty MMtand il ml tnuuiph. lleav. n (pead the oaaae!

" lUftTI "

. In f BBfBatf r, Pa,, tba goodwork goaa hHrarelyan«A reliaUeaoRBBpondoat say-:" Abont three month* ago there were rary atraaai

fteilnga manif« «t d in fatrot of both F'tllmore anlBuchanan A strarger pursin'' through her.-, andfeeling tie political ea< iteni.-i.t us it tin n wee, wouldhave thought that Pillflaora ami Hm hanan wouia i,avecarried everything Im fore 11.» tu. Hut, far theeahe ofY n . don and Humanity, I am happy to «täte that the

| b bare awnkmed to n aaaae of duty, which t»

giving tiro to n gesarnl rartdalloo in poiitica anaooB*l wei aa mi atet a rtroog .. ree oi th< anoat staun, u

and true Ben, who will give their eatJrt a:a anJs'n iigth tor such ni. aauriM as the restoration of thaMil otiri CoatpaoaaiBB and tha estabUakaMBl at Free-donj .ii Kansas. And tBBBB Ku. harinti has a, know-!> tgetl ihat he is no naore ihree Fiilmoreha.diflir.-riMi

.... b.'-it«d A.I.any i.-. ..t.< t. .-,.<«>.L- emt-.- Ineonr.. the oppoahlea loaiag gronadi many of taaiflea.'ir/ men, who see that tin tr righf« and pno- pleaar>' to be s«< ritlc. d. and that they -hall be ' suhda> <J,'nr. w, it. ipeet re of faiamii taBa, rnaaana* t<> th>;rescue, btiehUog ob their ntnaar t " peHHaafwwitaeaand tfaouting lor Freedom."A otreBpoaatcni in Ionia, Michigan, ..*,%-.

ua*topohtteB, theptonpaet outhe side of .fosticoand Liberty is Uuly bright. Tha r.ounuation of Fte-BBOnl upon the .Jelt. rtoi.iaB BaJtfolBl prove* to b pop-u nr ad strong beyond our u «: rar.guuo exfsita-tiona; whikthatef Ilm hanan, apon the Atri.-an prat*foil .s heavy and logy. TbeRepabUcaaaaretherefora. cthosiaatie and confidant, While the flhain J>eu«o rm jnr.- deip. ndent and diecoaraajed. Mkhlgeh hiriatr t<r

Fr»motif, 'The world aeenai tarnad aruBad' far hl l

aad btteat oa akttth \ him to the 1'n-sidency. I». wi'ibe doue."

Michigan) il on tbe eaf- -ide, and is .Memnnsd Ur

among the forenaoal in the i . KepnW-.aa¦. tt November. Iho atthjoaaaa' lattt il !at«<f

Ai n Arls.r, Julv tt: ,

"The caaae of Preedeaa ard iVaBBoarl rooa bfivvafoon in tiis atrctioa ofth« 'Piaallalar Mat. Jk.- great-

fuv oi ol the

naeetirr. It ht SBld hem byoM men tiAt n.ter tinee..' AfZa of flair-oi. ha* tha BBttM unbo .nde1 realb.. ii.aniferfed for any political. and dat*. Ou s.ttV

ui'. ireBlBg Btaw. Blaghaai addreaeed, a Ibik« tad.. -.j.. ling Lb thai ett) I ie Conti llocjo

p to ovi raVwinga Oor. H. ia a D^nvs-tat of¦ yasBYaeB school, auo, aa such, wan elecktdr ».-v-ral

tiniea to a a«at ua the S'ate LegiBlal utc, blU tias baoatwicain 1.11gn s, tit. ted by the !>. ¦ c .t^. II.« re-

i>j.-< d to -u< eumb to the s ave Foa. r, andhrta 'ate'yBeeB doing ^issd woik in tte causa <¦! Fiavdoin. Haia a i andidate for reaction to th»- gBMrantotial. Lair.Hi* th Utm ia a tix-d fact. That you may aote thes gi.s of tho times, a man by the name af HeCWafkl b

. -u .. j r- -p. tus for a t * ;¦ .\>*t ?

poblii ed here, bni bie OBly aupport, thns fair, ia treani ii in tna llBahaiBiBtTaanacaatf TaslhaaBamctf

ais urcatiig very coioutl toward the lvi.uw-Solt>-.ngs..We Lave not recorded with due prtjatlaerice the

fact tl al Jal a H. Janria ia aaneanj has Ihtanaet a*.» arh >

kaeetahei licwb d poeit>on mfav. r of Krttr.ot'. "r.

J.:v iwa*twoytaraa*to the l>tmot-rat:c taclidtttoforStati CngiBeer aid gurweyer, nnd eeanntnoaa, ne

an -V.m» a* b..'i Ura.ter the,.,-t-i a n

.fall wto ki.ow Lin. ( oMcnative to ImJ. .t ap ..... Ian b» m btenwan

lot r BBDOtrt froflB renaeaBBfl .e l..gbs ,t p-.t .. .mj*» ;atiOB, the praaa vat ion ol tba lU^v yM fram doa>»- -

tu.u.- lead foctifn *w( i' 11 1

on in tam section oi tue o»i«";. ,

eat »tbuiaaanpr^^J^f* 111 fttV'! J&\tIUcai iBdidat i! T Ba. ibbi ijamawh » mi atfoaapta to hava at l.-a»t a rtBB*ct
