Page 1: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

The Kennedy Assassination

Page 2: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-


• Governor Connally- Governor of Texas

• Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy

• Texas School Book Depository- Where Warren Commission says JFK was shot from

Page 3: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-


• Warren Commission- a seven person committee appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the JFK assassination

• Warren Commission Report- a 26 volume report that was put out in 1964 and stated the Warren Commission’s findings

Page 4: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-


• Grassy Knoll- a hill where some people and the House Select Committee believe a shot may have been fired from

• House Select Committee- a committee that was appointed to re-open and investigate the Kennedy assassination in 1976

Page 5: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-












DRIVER Gov. JFK and Wife

Page 6: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Why is there controversy?

• 76% believe in a conspiracy theory

• Psychological explanations– Magnicide theory– JFK is father figure

• Whole nation experiences loss

Page 7: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Peculiar Circumstances

• LBJ and Texas ties• Atmosphere of cold war• No judicial process

– Lee Harvy Oswald assassinated by Jack Ruby– Jack Ruby also killed

• Other assassinations of the time– Robert Kennedy– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Page 8: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Peculiar Circumstances

• Key witnesses silenced– 2 reporters go to Ruby’s after he kills Oswald

and say they find information, they are both killed

– Cab driver killed- Oswald takes cab right after assassination

• Entertainment Value- is exciting and dramatic

Page 9: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Peculiar Circumstances

• Disappearance of Kennedy’s brain

• Credibility Gap

• Botched Medical Evidence by Warren Commission– Issued in 1964- 10 months later– They conclude 3 shots from book depository– 1st- neck of JFK, 2nd , Conally, 3rd- head shot

Page 10: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Peculiar Circumstances

• Limo driver slows down

• Oswald is 5’8” when enters Marines, 5’11” when he leaves, man they do autopsy on is 5’ 9”- some say it is a different Oswald

Page 11: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Warren Commission Report

• Problems with this• Zapruder film shows Connally reacting .7

seconds after Kennedy shot, takes 2.3 seconds to refire – Either a conspiracy or magic bullet– Say this bullet hits JFK in back of neck, exits

out neck, strikes Connaly in back, exits chest, goes into wrist, exits out, and lands in leg in pristine condition.

Page 12: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Warren Commission Report- 3rd Shot

• WC says shot from back from book depository, but head goes backward

Page 13: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Warren Commission Controversy

• 1st shot- – Dr.’s in Dallas do tracheotomy– Don’t see wound in back of neck- assume shot

from front– Jackie has body moved to Parkland hospital

• They see wound in back, tracheotomy and head wound

• They re-write autopsy and mess it up.

Page 14: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Warren Commission Controversy

• 1st shot- neck– W.C. sketch indicates wound 5” down back,

also hole in jacket– Report says shot in neck

Page 15: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Warren Commission Controversy

• 3rd shot- head shot

• Neurological spasm

• Policemen behind JFK hit with blood and brain matter

• 6.5 mm rifle wouldn’t cause brain to explode like it did– Conspiracy? Different gun?

Page 16: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

House Select Committee

• Study the assassination from 1976-1979

• Say it was a conspiracy

• 1st shot missed

Page 17: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

House Select Committee

• 2nd shot- could have come from book depository and hit both Kennedy and Connolly– Neutron activation analysis- same material– Said autopsy sketch was just a bad sketch– JFK reacting to first shot and put shoulders up– Would also explain why Connaly says not same


Page 18: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

House Select Committee

• 3rd shot misses- fired from grassy knoll

• 4th shot- head shot– Use dictobelts- recreate the scene, come up

with same sounds– Use Jet Effect to explain head going backwards– Say wind catches brain matter and blows it


Page 19: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

House Select Committee

4th Shot-– X-ray skull and see beveling motion in back

where bullet entered.

Page 20: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Why there is controversy about the grassy knoll

• Umbrella man-– Think he is the signal man

• Orville Nix film- shows people running toward grassy knoll

• Julia A. Mercer testimony- saw two men, fit description of Oswald and Ruby, one went to the knoll

Page 21: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Why there is controversy about the grassy knoll

• Lee Bowers- reports seeing smoke from grassy knoll

• J.M. Smith (policeman)- says man holding gun shows secret service ID- – Secret service says no one there

• Dictobelt locates shot at grassy knoll

Page 22: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Motive of Oswald

• Personality- resented authority

• Has difficulty establishing meaningful relationships

• Wants to establish place in history

• He is a radical committed to Marxism

• Has ties to Castro

Page 23: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Feel FBI Is Involved

• Oswald not on list of dangerous people

• Hoover destroys FBI files on Oswald

• Feel they are trying to cover-up

Page 24: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Foreign Government Involved

• Cuba-– Feel Castro is after Kennedy as part of Cold


• U.S.S.R.– Think they sent Oswald back to kill Kennedy

• Vietnam- Diem family– U.S. helped overthrow Diem and have him


Page 25: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Involvement of Mafia

• Can link JFK, Oswald, and Ruby with ties to the mafia through phone calls

• Mafia provides JFK with money and women and then he sends his brother, Robert Kennedy, the Attorney General, after them.

• Judith C. Ernor, one of Kennedy’s mistresses, murdered before she can testify

Page 26: The Kennedy Assassination. Definitions Governor Connally- Governor of Texas Lee Harvy Oswald- man who shot President Kennedy Texas School Book Depository-

Involvement of Mafia

• David Ferry, contact agent for CIA, has ties to mafia

• He dies during the trial and his best friend is killed the same day.
