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  • 8/6/2019 The Keeper of the Sparks


    The Keeper of the Sparks



    are ON E . . . I NF I N I T E . . .

    beyond / the Endless Way . . .

    Though at times, the valleys call

    wouldst hide the mount whereon, form dies.

    Though in the broader sweep,

    a fleeting step to That, which IS.

    For ifTHOUwouldst tap

    the PARABRAHMIC . . .or reflection pure,

    through SOUL or SPIRIT:

    Then listen well, O Chela,1

    to your Instructorsthe Sons of Fire.


    Whom as OURSELVES,though not ourselves the YOUNGER


    of HE in WHOM

    stands beyond, That (Endless Way) . . .

    Or where through the numbers doth HEEE span:

    Five / six / three / four and one4

    . . .

    do we enter into life, that is a death,pass onward through the door

    whose pillars twain stand foreer

    a sign of strength, and truth

    divine. Thus do we enter quick,

    1Earth humanity as the aspirant, or disciple. Pronounced chay-luh.

    2 In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire are They referred to as solar Pitris, [Fathers or Progenitors] and

    sacrifice themselves to give man his egoic body [or Soul]. They are also the Fire Dhyanis [orContemplatives] and emanate from the Heart of the Sun. The Secret Doctrine (S.D.) Vol. II: 96.3 Our planetary Logos Who breathed, us forth, into being.4 Connected to the five ray Lords governing the five Root Races of Humanity: from the first manifestroot race the Lemurian to Ray Lord thefifth, corresponding to the coming in of the Sons of Fire

    through to, the intermediary rays and races until the final race with ray one then governing and the

    Will of the Lords of Sacrifice shining forth, unto completion. All being worked out through divineordered Plan. Equallythey relate to our HIGHER SELF aspect within, our planetary Logos.

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    within the tomb . .

    and die.

    Thus are we raised again

    upon a WORD, on high:Upon a fivefold sign,

    and springing forth,

    we live.5

    Then listen well, O Chela,

    to your Instructors . . .

    Whom as the very R A Y LIVES

    OURSELVES6. . .

    Dost lift men out,

    of the prison of matter7

    unto, the light of day:

    five life-giving forces raise

    the human consciousness unto heavn,

    and of form,

    to under-standing.8

    The secret equally lying hid,

    for our younger brothers9

    raised again by the five,10

    after much effort to life,and con-scious understanding:

    Or herein, the secret,of

    the resurrection in the planetary senseenacted also by each, achieving son of God.


    Though before, such Life, set free.

    Doth the mystic exhort een,

    that Life, Itself.12

    5 Quoting the Master Djwhal Khul with a slight adaptation Whom Himself appears, to be citing froman ancient record.A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Esoteric Psychology Vol.I:264 by Alice A. Bailey.6

    Or rather through our due embodying of that ray Energy or Life governing each, of the root races.7 The dark prison of matter.8Ibid:263 the true sense of understanding is here meant, or as it is divided into its 2 component parts.

    The hyphen is not here used, for metrical purposes.9 The three subhuman kingdoms of nature.10 The five rays, 5, 6, 3, 4 and 1 working through humanity who raise the younger brotherly kingdoms

    via five spiritual points of contact.11Ibid:264 adapted.

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    Though in turn, must eer be brought,

    to the ONE, as through the marriage

    of heart and head . . .

    or through at least ones courting such,

    all know the Thinkers thoughts:13

    The childs perceived beauty

    of the breast,is the sweetness I succour

    A childs truth, of Life, Itself.

    Without reverence to the breast

    of the Soul

    the Spirit and Flesh cringes

    and withers.

    Deceiving feelings and thoughts

    plague the innocence

    of youth, of marriage,

    or motherhood.

    But life moves on.

    The skeleton of the plague

    devoured by the greater Life.

    The Eternal Youth or Wife, or

    Mother of the Soul pours forth

    the redemption of illness or evil.

    Forward progress waits not,in the breast, of the ascending

    spiralling Swan of Eternity.

    See to it then, that Spirit is not

    held from the innocence of youth,

    nor the sweetness of beauty that lifts,

    the Soul from its moorings.

    For ever and a day, have we worked,

    for this moment of End-less-ness.

    12 That mystical exhorting pertaining to, that mystical perception or peculiar quality in every humanbeing an innate, inherent characteristic which is inevitably present [at a certain stage]. Education in

    the New Age:113 by Alice A. Bailey.13 Again referring to the Soul or its faculty of mystical perception that all will partake of, at some time.

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    Yawns of the causeless Cause

    that brought all forth is naught,

    but reflection, of our tiny Soul.

    Sweet, but the maidensbreast, the youths vigour,

    but alas, the One Soul, of her breast,

    his strength, WE ARE. To have bid,their progress onward move:

    For Life, Itself, the greater LIFEof the Soul PURPOSE ARE WE.

    Bidding fair tidings on the Sea of the

    Soul do we Captainreflections, of SELF.14

    And so beginneth,

    that END-LESS WAY where leadeth . . .

    to thatWAYLESSWAY,


    where NO-NUMBER for HE of WHOM . .

    NO-BE-NESS IS.15

    Ee n s o . . . what more relevantfor Soul or Triadal service

    mustbe done, and done todayupon the plains of earth?

    Then Listen well, O Chela,

    to your Instructors

    the Sons of Fire

    now living within,

    the Hearts of Men.

    Have words wrought

    the deep gulfs

    14 The Soul here can also refer to the Spiritual Triad. To captain or master SELF (or Monad) might we

    say really starts at the atmic plane for a Master, Captain or Chohan of the Wisdom. Relating to the

    Constitution of Man or those planes the Masters or Chohans have a due percentage of mastery over.15 NO-NUMBER can be ascribed to He for Whose Impenetrable Infinity and NO-BENESS IS, formortal minds not endowed with the fullness of such implied state our limiting minds might define, as a

    COSMIC PATH OF ABSOLUTE SONSHIP if not higher where such PATH itself maybe an inaccurate term,

    or for that which IS beyond all conceptions of BE-NESS i.e.,NO/N-BE-NESS cosmically speaking.

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    of silent cipher heights?

    Has the winged Bird

    dropped the immortal Egg

    into each heart and mind

    where each breath, stilled to hear

    the subtle unfurling shrills

    of meanings numberless yet, singularly relevant?

    Does not ONE HEART beckon to embrace,

    O Thou ALL-IN THE-ALL . . .

    of the I AM-/THAT-I AM?

    If, so . . .Be Still . . .

    be in the WORD . . .

    Through the BREATH . . .

    that sustains . . the REST . . .

    That inner PEACE, of perfect SILENCE yet not, for onself alone;

    but through that inner note ofthe ONEWho guides, and serves, for others sake!

    Then listen well, O ye Sons of Earth,

    to your Instructors


    from the SEA OF FIRE .

    I am the Alpha and the Omegathough via the Three

    man enters not.

    It takes the fourth

    with the fifth16

    from whence, came he.

    Whereof, a sound, from

    the soundless SOUND

    issues forth from soul to soul

    to all who were asleep.

    Though awakening

    16 The fourth and fifth principles.

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    to newer threads of life. . .yet in their semi-slumbering

    a question faintly, could be heard . . .

    followed, by another and answers

    for that which was to comeand part that, for the ONE and Only

    and so, instruction grew:

    Is Life, an endless beginning

    perfections unreal tune,

    our path of ceaseless circles

    to hide, the Masters Room?

    Should not, His sturdy doorway

    enter we, through toil and pain17

    someday our answers

    unexpected blind bestow? :

    O Mystery of all Mysteries

    solar Lords have learnt,hailed in Thy song of Centuries

    lost Word refrain.

    Till Thy DAY/ BE-WITH-US

    Gods also intone:

    Last sylvan Mysteries of the BOUNDLESS,Silent Watchers resound:

    Unborn seeds

    of future SYSTEMS

    stir like Saviours

    in the night;

    as Days BE-WITH-US,

    silent SOUND . .

    darkest pitch . .

    is LIGHT.

    17 The Path of Initiation is known as the line of greatest resistance and not simply references to the

    outer obvious explanations but in terms of energies and forces more subjective, and esoteric. Onesown inner Master the Soul must first set ones foot upon the probationary Path, leading to the innermysteries of the Masters Ashram or Room. And the obstacles along the way for the initiate the Soul

    or Master within to penetrate and overcome ever bears testimony to the fact that before the initiate

    takes initiation he already initiates, himself.

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    Where no beginnings

    nor yet endings

    dissolvd through SELF . . . remain:

    Impenetrable . . INFINITY . . .soundles SOUND . . .


    * * *

    And then yes, as old Daedalous . .

    perfections Song

    is Life.

    Upon whose wings

    we cross the Waters

    the very spheres

    to other worlds.

    That far-off echoes are not phantoms

    but our Pillars of,

    that Room.

    Where walks

    the Master,

    and the student,sound

    and listen . . once


    to ceaseless ripplesof no beginnings nor

    of endings


    And thus, behold :

    Unfed Mystery . .

    Of All Mysteries;

    soundless SOUND . . . .of all.

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    AND SO. . .Let the Keeper of the Sparks

    breathe with the breath divine

    upon the points of fire18

    [outposts, of the SILENT ONE].

    And let Him kindle

    to a blaze that, which is hidden, that

    which is not seen and so illumine allthe spheres whereon God works.


    At the centre,

    the soundless SOUND

    bathed, through the Unmoving Ocean


    centred without Seed:

    The sparks, the seeds

    of future systems draw nearer still.

    The Great Architect

    can now create. And kindling

    through breath divine

    directs the builders21

    unto the place, whereon

    CHOICE, is made. And thereby bridge

    the Endless and the Higher Way,with the ways of men.

    Hail then, O ye sons of Earth,

    to thy Instructor the Keeper of the Sparks!

    Then lift up thy head, O Lanoo.22

    Dost thou see one, or countless lights

    above thee, burning in the dark midnight sky?

    I sense one Flame, O Gurudeva;

    I see countless Undetached sparks shining in it.23

    18 In one important sense, Ourselves, our primal and ageless higher SELVES, the sons of Fire.19 A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Esoteric Psychology Vol.I:67 by Alice A. Bailey.20

    A mystical phrase we might call, for impenetrable Infinity, or the Absolute Boundless Condition.

    Referring to a motion so infinite in velocity as to elude all sense of motion at all.21 The sparks or builders of the Flame including both the deva and human evolutions.22

    Lanoo here implying humanity or those moreover awakened to Soul knowledge, (the Sons of Light),and bearing the same or similar meaning to that of chela.23 Taken from The Secret Doctrine Vol.I:145. Also deva from the Sanskritverbal root, div means to

    shine thus, shining One. There are many types of devas and form another evolution alongside the

    human yet, equally form a part of mans constitution. Under Christian terminology might they be called

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    Through expanding a Cosmogenesis theory part lent from another (universe

    theorist found in a speculative book A Dweller on Two Planets) and partadded to by myself, at a University of the Seven Rays PhD course that began in

    Sydney Australia 1993 and to which (theory) holds, some relevance to an ideaat the beginning of the poem. Or to the effect, that NO-NUMBER-YET-ALL-

    NUMBER in the opening lines lends itself to such theory though of whichhaving also now, been a little updated or adapted herewith.

    Number from one angle under the Science of Correspondences interprets God

    to man and this care of number with greater accuracy. Though whereof or

    what part, does No-Number play? Number and No-Number I suggest are

    closely interdependent. Number implies vibration: the rate at which energy

    vibrates. In this light,

    When it is said that the Logos produced the worlds through meditation it

    means that within His own centre of consciousness there was a period wherein

    He brooded over and meditated upon the purposes and plans He had in view;

    wherein He visualised to Himself the entire world process as a perfected

    whole, seeing the end from the beginning and being aware of the detail of the

    consummated sphere. Then, when His meditation was concluded, and the

    whole completed as a picture before His inner vision, He brought into use a

    certain Word of Power which had been committed to Him by the One about

    Whom naught may be said, the Logos of the cosmic scheme of which our

    system is but a part. With cosmic and Logoic initiations we are not concerned,

    except in so far as the human initiations reflect their stupendous prototypes,

    but it is of interest to the student to realise that just as at each initiation some

    Word of Power is committed to the initiate, so similarly to the Logos was

    committed the great Word of Power which produced our solar system, that

    Word which is called the Sacred Word, or AUM. (Initiation, Human and

    Solar by Alice A. Bailey:150 )

    Such Word of Power our solar Logos brought in and committed to Him by theOne about Whom naught maybe said was, and still is or sounds, as a number

    or vibration holding the whole system in place. All number proceeding from

    the overarching number or Word might be said within the confines of cosmicspiritual identification or livingness as being known to such Lives duly

    identified with or through such levels, thus progressed. Through an under-

    standing and study of the sacred Word as perhaps somewhat touched above

    may this idea, be seen.

    In the ageless Wisdom mention is given regards the process of first coming into

    being or as with humanity that of, individualisation and such having also the

    the Angelic evolution. And are sometimes referred to as the fires, or the fiery-forces side of all

    substance and matter. The devas of the lower three worlds, the lower mental, emotional and physicalplanes are unconscious and the contacting of such are thwart with much danger. Those above from thehigher mental plane to the remaining subplanes of the cosmic physical plane which comprises the full

    spectrum of mans being may well thus be eligible for truly assigning the term (in a united group

    sense), Gurudeva towards man in the three worlds, the pupil or aspirant. Deva is pronounced, day-vuh.

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    same or similar relation to, birth or entrance into a new or higher state of being

    or consciousness known as, initiation. Individualisation in other words is also

    seen as a form of initiation. Yet another term further symbolising initiation is

    that referred to as the midnight or zero hour. For the purposes of the initiatory

    process itself we may equally suggest with the newer state on the side for the

    initiate-to-be, to be hearing (and sounding at the appropriate time) from one

    angle is a note paradoxically in a certain way unfamiliar yet at the same time,

    in another holding familiarity. The point being or proposed though is that, the

    initiation process represents or symbolises both a newly recognised number orvibration and yet, in terms of its broader Eternal Now or Future ramifications

    holds if you like through the confines of the Present certain significant

    untried components to it: responses then that the new state for the initiate will

    experience with or through higherplanes or lives not earlier accessible. Sowhat were also saying is that by taking initiation, makes us equally purer,

    more whole, sacred or virgin-like or if you will to make one less finite, or an

    approximating of the infinite. Such implied terms in one way embody or

    indicate the notion behind this zero or midnight hour. However for some types

    of mind perhaps the more appealing or impressible realisation of such an

    infinitization of SELF maybe more readily perceived through drawing upon or

    adding a larger sweep, of the macrocosmic view.

    Or in other words and to lend a little from my cosmogenesis theory is that, a

    COSMIC RESONANCE existed prior to the birth of the universe, or the coming in


    or REALITY. A pre-COSMIC-birth state of IMPENETRABLE INFINITY if you

    will and implying (in such state) an equality or an alignmentof



    or, as coined in the East, of PURUSHA with

    MULAPRAKRITI and with each of these we might further symbolise by a

    circle or whereby, both standing side by side just touching each other to form

    two joined circles or the sign, of Infinity. I also additionally propose, that

    prior to manifestation such ABSOLUTE BOUNDLESS REALITY which wasto manifest received a WORD OF POWER from a paradoxical greater

    EXISTENCE than een ITSELF, or the point that Im trying to make is that such


    was that COSMIC


    or SOUND

    that made manifestationpossible.

    Each circle in itself through the WORD recognised by the ABSOLUTE set forth

    their own highest and lowest note or vibration and with the highest meeting

    with the lowest on each of the circles. As the SOUND and WORD received and

    meditated upon by the ABSOLUTE (though still prior to manifestation) grew;

    the circles emerged into spheres. Each sphere irresistibly attracted the other. At

    the point where they touched they folded over or through a 90 phase shift


    IMPENETRABLY INFINITE PRE-COSMIC SPIRIT and IMPENETRABLY INFINITE PRE-COSMICMATTER in the sense of both impenetrably infinite and, (to use a limiting reference point) beyond, allcosmic stellar or galactic systems and the BEINGS or LIVES overshadowing THEM. Use of the term

    PRE-COSMIC here in both cases refers to that state prior to manifestation of the Absolute Boundless


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    superimposing one over each other to which then in my PhD outline a further

    geometrical elaboration for the bringing in of cosmos relating to proposed basic

    geometry interrelated to the three cosmic laws and the three expressions of the three

    fires or aspects: rotary, spiral cyclic and forward (cosmic) motion was suggested.

    Though the point to it all in my relating such to the NO-NUMBER-YET-ALL-NUMBER state of the ABSOLUTE

    25having some bearing or relation to the

    opening part of the poem is that NO-NUMBER represents that IMPENETRABLY

    INFINITE Element or GreatIn-Breath aspect of the ABSOLUTE and in a

    secondary though related sense to its combined IMPENETRABLY INFINITE

    SPIRIT and MATTER aspects responding to a WORD OF POWER from the realms

    paradoxically from a LIFE GREATER THAN THE ABSOLUTE. Whereas,

    ALL-NUMBER to all the numerical permutations i.e. all lower emanatory

    vibratory percolations of that WORD OF POWER the ABSOLUTE coming intomanifestation received, through Initiation. An Initiation we should not either

    overlook as being equally the Infinitization or making Whole to some shorelessOcean of Impenetrable Infinity needing to be made manifest or finite for the

    purpose of Infinitization or abstraction (a consummating act of theinfinitization process) to the greater fullness of Impenetrable Infinity not bound

    by the finitude of manifestation.

    A further way of explaining this might be by saying, that the ABSOLUTE



    also simply NO-NUMBER in light of its vibration or numerical energy rate thatJUST IS, of an impenetrably infinite rarefication or speed beyond therefore

    ALL-NUMBER, though equally the source for all number, energy or vibration, assimilarly the INITIATE OF ALL INITIATES as much beyond, ALL TIME, as

    NO-NUMBER IS. Added to these, a VIBRATIONAL-ZERO (VZ) of all


    INITIATION STATE OF ALL INITIATIONS and so on and so forth, ad infinitum.

    What more clearly though is, the ABR/C of All ABRs/Cs? By first defining

    what it isnt, may help at least briefly here. As for example we might realize

    that the infinitization process of initiation whilst in manifestation is very much

    consigned to a relative infinitizing modus operandum. Of which, an ABR/C of

    All ABRs/Cs is definitely not. From one angle its the Impenetrable Infinite

    Rarefication of the Unmoving Ocean of the Boundless Unmanifest that Ever Is(the II RUOB UEI), Yet, the Source, For All That IS, Manifest or

    Unmanifest. In a sense then, I propose there is equally an impenetrably

    infinite number of IIRUOBUEI states all energizing through impenetrablyinfinite VELOCITY and EXISTENCE though all equally IMPENETRABLY

    ONE, yet of course, what THAT REALLY IS, WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY

    NO IDEA, and again, the phrase, THE LIFE AND THE LIVES rings true.

    25 Or the INFINITE INITIATE.26 There is suggestion by students of the ageless Wisdom or via comments made by the great Sage and

    Master of the Wisdom Djwhal Khul that there exists more than one kind or level of Parabrahm orABR/C. Thus this added qualification for lack of better nomenclature. See also footnote 23 forqualifying such ABR/C of All ABRs/Cs though a qualification due to our own limiting powers such an

    ABR/C of all OTHERS per this earlier footnote may well indeed hold a source of error though

    nonetheless until a better theory comes along, might it best serve our purposes.

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    Nonetheless, and as above implied how this proposed ABR/C of impenetrably

    infinite speed or rarefication works out, for us, as the source for all number,

    energy or vibration I suggest holds the same, for that continuity of the

    process for the Sacred Word or as it was, is, and will continue to be for our

    LOGOS and ourselves for untold millennia or in other words, have we,

    through the AUM the said source, for all such vibrations, energies or

    numerical measures in the solar system. Therefore, the essence of the Sacred

    Word for us holds through our highest or Monadic aspect27

    a reflection of the

    ABR/C or its alluding to No-Number and/or the Infinite in the words, soundedby the human Monad glimpsing such Infinite:


    where NO-NUMBER-YET-ALL-NUMBERare ON E . . . I N F I N I T E . . .

    beyond / the Endless Way . . .

    Though (to realize the fullness of such Infinite) we must needs also

    enter into life, that is a death,

    pass onward through the door

    whose pillars twain stand foreer

    a sign of strength and truth

    divine. Thus do we enter quick,

    within the tomb

    and die.

    Thus are we raised again,

    upon a WORD, on high:

    Upon a fivefold sign,

    and springing forth,we live.

    And so, like the ABR/C hathd listened well in receiving a Word so must we

    too, listen well, and through time and time again until the top of the ladder is

    reached, or as noted:

    Then listen well, O Chela,

    to your Instructors . . .

    Whom as the very R A Y LIVES,OURSELVES . . .

    Dost lift men out,

    of t he prison of matter

    unto, the light of day:

    five life-giving forces raise

    27Though the Soul especially the Jewel in the Lotus of such Soul is also related on the lower turn of

    the spiral.

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    the human consciousness unto heavn,

    and of form,

    to under-standing.

    It is here, through the Path of Return to the Fathers House where we may duly

    approximate such steps of the infinite that do not stop, but through, their higher

    rarefications of impenetrable infinity or of no-number-yet-all-number can

    we, like the Keeper of Sparks, and the Grand Heavenly Man and so on and so

    forth unto Infinity Itself, blaze forth through such an Absolute, BoundlessCondition that we have always been, forever are, and will always be of

    which, the opening verse, alludes to.

    Readers of the Two Books of the Stanzas of Dzyan (the ESSENCE OF THE

    SECRET DOCTRINE) may recall, the comment,

    Since there can be neither two INFINITES nor two ABSOLUTES in a

    universe supposed to be boundless, this self-existence can hardly be

    conceived of as creating personally28

    thereby possibly discounting the suggestion to any infinite ABSOLUTE

    BOUNDLESS CONDITIONS or INFINITIES I put forward above under such


    BOUNDLESS CONDITIONS (ABC of all ABCs), or similar. The context of

    the quote however appears to allude to one such Infinite of the two, bearing thestatus of an attribute- or personally-laden (even though, of a so-called

    infinitely so) conceived Absolute for which, no Absolute can be created or

    attached to anything with attributes. Though through D.K.s later allusions to

    more than one Parabrahm through His Alice A. Bailey phase (or dispensation)of the teachings is the line or direction along which my above implied ABC of

    all ABCs is put forward including naturally one without attachment to any

    personally created or attribute-laden Infinities and therefore well appearing to

    greater robust plausibility.

    All the above thoughts therefore form from one angle under this collectivegeneral theory, on the vibrational zero, the impenetrable infinity or no-

    number elements the initiate (cosmic or microcosmic) faces and works

    through. There maybe further correspondences but for brevity this significance

    and meaning pertains to this implication in the poem. It therefore links the mostabsolute boundless condition or reality with each human being. It stretches the

    imagination or the powers of identifying significance of each and all that

    much further or that, the concepts we might label as cosmic or limitless (as

    several that come to mind, as that of Nirvana, the Higher and the Endless Way

    for example) are in fact well possibly intermediaries or interceptors (if suchwords are permissible) to a grander pattern, of the Most High. Nonetheless its

    28Ibid. Book I. COSMOGENESIS, Proem:36 by H.P. Blavatsky.

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    simply all relative: or as it correlates to ones grasp of the great science of

    correspondences. Yet whereas in fact the early stages of the Higher Way along

    with the Lighted Way which precedes it are resoundingly for the majority of

    disciples today from the angle of practicality, the most relevant for landing or

    grounding within humanity that, well indeed, humanity too in, or through

    their light, see Light and thus grasp the needed vision, to tread or mount the

    Path, as they before them, have trod.

    The poem is furthermore about a journey. The title somewhat alludes to this inthe nature of the ABSOLUTE found here upon the earth though the majority

    knowing very little, thereof. Or in other words, there has been no real specific

    sustained access by the masses into the precincts, of the Lord of the World here

    referred to, and for due reason. This poem is definitely not a work for themasses. It is however also an experiment in a larger format including the

    lending of larger amounts of quotes from the Ageless Wisdom. The

    experiment is equally one of the combining of numbers of my earlier poems to

    the forming of a newer and hopefully greater, cohesive whole. That I may have

    erred in some manner anent the details of this or that for which some may

    propose the mixing up of ideas or concepts has occurred or for the sake of

    capturing my audience may equally be true oruntil such being corroborated

    through the Knower that I Am That, (all Are, so to speak) if not, the I Am

    That I Am. As most assuredly I do not profess to be perfect, as a Master of the

    Wisdom Is. Yet, this is my path. My learning and equally sharing path that for

    some it may serve, for others, it may not. It is incumbent upon each and all to

    choose its living usefulness as hearts and minds, or as souls and little wills

    within the one great Heart, Mind and Will of the Most High, on Earth. These

    are some of the connections I am trying to bridge within the reader as equally

    within myself. Or to word it otherwise might we call it simply that building of

    the planetary Rainbow Bridge of humanity known also as the Antahkarana.

    Though as I build still not yet the Master Builder can I at least so try to aid or

    construct such a Bridge or Temple of the Lord upon the plains of earth, or as itmoreover appears within the pattern of the heavens. And so thereby help, the


    Stephen Thane June 2011, Revised January 2013 Commentary Included