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q 2000 American Meteorological Society

The Influence of Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies on the North AtlanticOscillation*


Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

(Manuscript received 8 May 1998, in final form 9 March 1999)


The influence of Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies on the atmospheric circulation over theNorth Atlantic sector during winter is investigated by performing experiments with an atmospheric generalcirculation model. These consist of a 30-yr run with observed SST anomalies for the period 1961–90 confinedgeographically to the Atlantic Ocean, and of a control run with climatological SSTs prescribed globally. A third30-yr integration with observed SSTs confined to the South Atlantic is made to confirm present findings.

The simulated interannual variance of 500-hPa wintertime geopotential heights over the North Atlantic attainsmuch more realistic values when observed Atlantic SSTs are prescribed. Circulation patterns that resemble thepositive phase of the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) become more pronounced in terms of the leading EOFof winter means, and a cluster analysis of daily fields. The variance of an interannual NAO index increases byfivefold over its control value. Atlantic SST variability is also found to produce an appreciable rectified responsein the December–February time mean.

Interannual fluctuations in the simulated NAO are found to be significantly correlated with SST anomaliesover the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic. These SST anomalies are accompanied by displacements inthe simulated summer monsoonal circulation over South America and the cross-equatorial regional Hadleycirculation.

1. Introduction

Interannual-to-decadal variability of the atmosphereover the North Atlantic sector in winter is characterizedby the so-called North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) te-leconnection pattern (Walker and Bliss 1932; van Loonand Rogers 1978; Hurrell 1995). The classic NAO pat-tern is defined by correlations between the mean sealevel pressure (SLP) field and the NAO index, measuredin terms of the difference of the standardized anomalySLP over Portugal minus that over Iceland. The NAOconsists primarily of a zonally elongated north–southpressure dipole, with a predominantly equivalent bar-otropic vertical structure. The nodal line of the dipolelies approximately along the axis of the mean jet streamover the North Atlantic; swings in the NAO are asso-

* UCLA Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics PublicationNumber 5186.

1 Additional affiliation: Institute of Geophysics and PlanetaryPhysics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cali-fornia.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Andrew W. Robertson, De-partment of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los An-geles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1565.E-mail: [email protected]

ciated with fluctuations in the meridional pressure gra-dient and the position and strength of the jet. Since the1960s, the NAO index has exhibited large decadalswings superimposed on an upward trend (Hurrell1995). These have been accompanied by pronouncedanomalies in temperature and precipitation over Europe(Moses et al. 1987; Parker and Folland 1988).

The dynamics of the NAO and its interannual andlonger-term fluctuations are still largely unknown. Ev-idence from general circulation models (GCMs) sug-gests that the NAO is an intrinsic mode of the atmo-sphere, with an essentially intraseasonal timescale (Sar-avanan 1998). The dipole pattern may result from av-eraging over several of the atmosphere’s preferredpatterns of variability (Cheng and Wallace 1993).Anomalies in the NAO can persist for several consec-utive years, due either simply to random fluctuations(Robertson et al. 2000) or possibly the influence of SSTanomalies. Bjerknes (1964) hypothesized that fluctua-tions in the NAO index on interannual timescales andlonger are associated with ocean–atmosphere interac-tion. Deser and Blackmon (1993) and others found anapproximately 12-yr cycle in SSTs off the east coast ofNorth America, with concurrent changes in atmosphericcirculation. The location of these SST anomalies co-incides with the Gulf Stream, suggesting that changesin ocean-gyre transport may be causing them. Using a

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coupled ocean–atmosphere GCM, Grotzner et al. (1998)found evidence of this scenario, whereby midlatitudeSST anomalies influence the NAO, which then driveschanges in the strength of the subtropical ocean gyreand its northward heat transport.

The midlatitude atmosphere clearly forces large SSTanomalies through fluctuations in the surface winds,temperatures, and humidities (e.g., Cayan 1992). How-ever, the reverse influence of Atlantic SST anomalieson the atmospheric circulation over the North Atlanticremains poorly understood. Several atmospheric GCMstudies have investigated the impact of prescribed north-west-Atlantic SST anomalies, but have failed to reacha consensus. Palmer and Sun (1985) found an equivalentbarotropic ridge centered downstream of a prescribedwarm SST anomaly over the northwest Atlantic. Penget al. (1995) found a marked seasonality with a ridgesimilar to Palmer and Sun’s (1985) in November, but atrough during January. Robertson et al. (2000) founddiffering responses in two 10-yr-long experiments withthe same SST anomaly. Using a 30-yr GCM integrationforced with observed SST between 388S and 608N, Lauand Nath (1990) found an NAO-like pattern to be sub-stantially correlated with SST fluctuations over the trop-ical South Atlantic. The impact of the El Nino–SouthernOscillation on the North Atlantic appears to be weak(van Loon and Rogers 1981; Chen 1982; Graham et al.1994; Lau and Nath 1994).

The goal of the present study is to investigate thesensitivity of the atmospheric circulation over the NorthAtlantic to SST variations within the basin of the Northand South Atlantic Oceans. Our strategy is based on thedetailed analysis of three 30-yr-long atmospheric GCMintegrations. In the first, SSTs follow their seasonallyvarying climatology everywhere. The second experi-ment is identical to the control, except that observedSSTs are prescribed over the Atlantic Ocean, with cli-matology elsewhere. A third integration is made to con-firm our findings, with observed SST variations con-fined to the South Atlantic. This simple strategy allowsthe influence of the Atlantic SST variations to be iso-lated while eliminating potential contamination by SSTanomalies over the Pacific and other oceans. Our ap-proach contrasts with studies in which observed SSTvariations are prescribed globally.

The paper is structured as follows. In section 2, weoutline the GCM and describe the experimental design.In section 3, we document the simulated variability interms of winter (December–February; DJF hereafter)averages of 500-hPa geopotential height fields. To ex-amine the model atmosphere’s covariability with SST,a singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis of wintermeans is performed in section 4. The main finding is acorrelation between the model’s NAO and SST anom-alies over the South Atlantic. The interhemispheric te-leconnection is examined in detail in section 5. In sec-tion 6, we examine model variability in terms of a clusteranalysis of 10-day low-pass filtered daily 700-hPa

height maps. We conclude with a summary and discus-sion in section 7.

2. The GCM experiments and time-meancirculation

The model used in this study is the University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles, atmospheric GCM, originallydeveloped by Y. Mintz and A. Arakawa in the 1960sand revised and updated continuously since then. Theconfiguration (version 6.8) is similar to the one de-scribed in Kim (1996) with the following further up-grades as used by Kim et al. (1998), more details ofthese upgrades may also be found in Yu et al. (1997)and online at Theshortwave radiation absorption by water vapor in theKatayama (1972) parameterization scheme is computedfollowing Manabe and Moller (1961). Vertical mixingof momentum in dry convectively unstable layers isparameterized (J. D. Farrara 1997, personal communi-cation), and the climatological distribution of ozone isprescribed from Li and Shine (1995). In addition, moistprocesses in the boundary layer and moisture exchangewith the layer above have been revised (Li and Arakawa1997), resulting in greatly improved surface latent heatfluxes and boundary layer stratus cloud.

We use a relatively coarse resolution of 48 lat 3 58long, and 15 layers in the vertical with the top at 1 mb.Similar horizontal resolution has often been used in re-cent GCM studies of the atmospheric sensitivity to SSTvariations (Lau and Nath 1990, 1994, 1996; Graham etal. 1994), as well as in sensitivity studies of the stormtrack to increasing greenhouse-gas concentrations(Lunkeit et al. 1996). The main structural features ofsynoptic-scale eddies can be captured quite realisticallyeven with coarse resolution (Metz and Lu 1990).

Two main 30-yr integrations were made, with the SSTdistributions computed from the GISST2 dataset (Rayneret al. 1995) for the period 1961–90; each run is initializedwith the atmospheric state on 1 October 1982. The controlrun (CTRL hereafter) uses the 30-yr climatological av-erages of SST for each calendar month (interpolated lin-early in time by the model). In the second experiment(ATL hereafter), observed monthly SST values are pre-scribed over the Atlantic Ocean (908S–908N, 758W–258E), with control values elsewhere. A third 30-yr sim-ulation was made a posteriori to confirm the findings fromATL. In this additional experiment (SATL hereafter), ob-served monthly SST values are prescribed over the SouthAtlantic Ocean only (908S–108N, 758W–258E), with con-trol values everywhere else. All model analyses are madeon the model grid, with the GISST SSTs averaged ontoa similar 48 lat 3 58 long grid.

Figure 1 shows the DJF climatological mean 500-hPageopotential height fields from the CTRL and ATL ex-periments, as well as from the National Centers for En-vironmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospher-ic Research (NCEP–NCAR) 40-Year Reanalysis data

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FIG. 1. The time-mean 500-hPa DJF geopotential height 1961/62–1989/90 from (a) CTRL simulation, (b) ATL simulation, and (c) NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data; (d) ATL-minus-CTRL difference. Contour interval is (a)–(c) 50 m and (d) 10 m. All maps are of the NorthernHemisphere, north of 208N.

(given on a 2.58 lat 3 2.58 long grid) corresponding tothe period 1961–90 (OBS hereafter). The model per-forms reasonably well compared to other current GCMs(cf. D’Andrea et al. 1998). However, the climatologicalmean troughs over the western Pacific and eastern Can-ada are noticeably more realistic in ATL (Fig. 1b) thanCTRL (Fig. 1a), where both troughs extend too far east.

The mean height differences between ATL and CTRLat 500 mb are shown in Fig. 1d. The rectified effect ofAtlantic SST anomalies is substantial, with maxima overboth ocean sectors, and a large zonally symmetric hemi-spheric component. A pointwise Student’s t-test appliedto Fig. 1d (not shown) indicates all the major featuresto be significant at the 99% confidence level.

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FIG. 2. The std dev of 500-hPa geopotential height DJF means,1961/62–1989/90, from (a) CTRL simulation, (b) ATL simulation,and (c) NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data. The contour interval is 10 m.

3. Atmospheric variability I: Winter means

a. Variance

Figure 2 presents the standard deviations of 500-hPageopotential height December–February (DJF) means.The CTRL simulation exhibits three centers of vari-ability that are located quite realistically, although thevariance is underestimated. The ATL experiment showsboth a local increase in variance to near-realistic mag-nitudes over the North Atlantic, and a remote increaseover the North Pacific. Despite the model’s rather coarsehorizontal resolution, interannual variability is not se-

riously underestimated in ATL. This is also true of theintraseasonal variance (10–90 days), which matches ob-served values over the North Atlantic, while the 2.5–6-day bandpass variance, characterized by synoptic-scale waves, is underestimated by up to 40%.

b. EOF analysis

To identify the spatial structures that characterize in-terannual variability in the simulations, we begin witha standard empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysisof DJF-mean maps of 500-hPa geopotential height over

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FIG. 3. The leading North Atlantic EOF of 500-hPa geopotentialheight DJF means, 1961/62–1989/90, from (a) CTRL simulation,(b) ATL simulation, and (c) NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data. TheEOFs were computed over the region 208–908N, 908W–408E, andare plotted in terms of hemispheric regression maps of the re-spective principle component with the 500-hPa height field. Thecontour interval is 10 m.

the North Atlantic sector (208–908N, 908W–408E). Fig-ure 3 shows the leading EOF for each simulation andOBS. The EOFs are plotted in terms of hemisphericmaps of 500-hPa height regressed onto the amplitudetime series of the leading North Atlantic EOF. The lead-ing EOF accounts for 46.6% (CTRL), 50.0% (ATL),and 43.3% (OBS) of the variance over the Atlantic sec-tor. Hemispheric maps are plotted to identify any extra-Atlantic aspects. The leading observed interannual At-lantic-sector EOF (Fig. 3c) closely resembles the ca-nonical NAO (e.g., Hurrell 1995). The model’s NAO isstrongest over the northwest Atlantic, with a much more

realistic north–south dipole in ATL (Fig. 3b) than thecontrol (Fig. 3a). The ATL EOF exhibits an exaggeratedzonally symmetric hemispheric component that bearssome resemblance to the difference in means betweenthe ATL and CTRL simulations in Fig. 1d. An appre-ciable zonally symmetric component is characteristic ofthe ‘‘Arctic oscillation,’’ which has been identified inGCMs and observed data (Kitoh et al. 1996; Thompsonand Wallace 1998). In all three cases, EOF2 (not shown)accounts for about 20% of the variability and consistspredominantly of a monopole centered over the NorthAtlantic.

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4. Covariability with SST

We next perform an analysis of cross-covariance be-tween the GISST Atlantic SST and simulated geopo-tential height fields in the ATL experiment using anSVD. The cross-covariance matrix was constructed be-tween winter means (DJF 1961/62–1989/90) of SSTover the Atlantic (408S–708N) and 500-hPa height overthe North Atlantic sector (208–908N, 908W–408E), fol-lowed by an SVD of the matrix. Prior to constructionof this covariance matrix, the gridpoint data were mul-tiplied by the square root of the cosine of latitude, sothat variances would be weighted by area (Branstator1987), and then truncated by projecting onto the leading10 EOFs.

Just as EOF analysis optimally partitions the varianceof a single field into a sequence of orthogonal vectors,the leading pairs of singular vectors in an SVD maxi-mize the (squared) cross-covariance between two fields(e.g., Bretherton et al. 1992). Pairs of time series areobtained—consisting of the expansion coefficients ofeach pair of singular vectors—whose squared covari-ance is maximized, though their correlation is not, asis the case with canonical correlation analysis (CCA).Nonetheless SVD and CCA generally produce very sim-ilar results (Bretherton et al. 1992), while SVD is con-siderably more straightforward and transparent to apply.The SVD method has been used and discussed exten-sively over the past few years in the meteorologicalliterature (Wallace et al. 1992; Newman and Sardesh-mukh 1995; Cherry 1997).

The leading SVD mode accounts for 77.3% of thesquared covariance between Atlantic SSTs and NorthAtlantic geopotential heights (Fig. 4) with the secondmode accounting for just 11.4% (not shown). The mapsin Figs. 4a and 4b are homogeneous correlation mapsbetween the given field and its expansion-coefficienttime series in Fig. 4c; the latter are derived by projectingthe singular vectors onto the respective original datafields. To identify remote associations, the correlationsin Figs. 4a and 4b are not restricted to the geographicaldomains used in the SVD analysis. The results of theSVD were found not to be very sensitive to extendingthe analysis domain of either SST or geopotential heightto 608S.

The SST field (Fig. 4a) exhibits large positive cor-relations (.10.8) over the equatorial Atlantic extendinginto the South Atlantic, with smaller magnitudes in theNorth Atlantic. This SST pattern accounts for 27.8% ofthe interannual variance of GISST SST over the analysisdomain. The accompanying height field (Fig. 4b) showsan NAO-like dipole over the western North Atlantic anda pronounced zonally symmetric hemispheric compo-nent, similar to the leading EOF (Fig. 3b); the modeaccounts for 47.7% of the interannual geopotentialheight field variance. Negative correlations exceed 20.8over Greenland and the polar regions. Positive corre-

lations exceed 10.8 over the western North Atlantic,and also over Korea.

The expansion-coefficient time series (Fig. 4c) arecorrelated at 0.59 and are dominated by interannualtimescales (with a broad spectral peak near 5 yr) andan upward trend. The 99% significance level corre-sponds to a correlation of 0.51, using a Student’s t-testwith 24 degrees of freedom. All estimates of the effec-tive number of degrees of freedom utilize the autocor-relations of the time series via the method of Davis(1976; see also Chen 1982). Subtracting the linear trendfrom both geopotential heights and SST at the outsetwas found to make very little change to the structureand (co)variances of the leading mode.

A significant linear relationship between South At-lantic SSTs and the simulated NAO can also be dem-onstrated using simple indices. Using DJF averages, anNAO index was constructed from the Greenland-minus-Azores 500-hPa height difference (see Fig. 10 below),with an SST index defined by averaging over the tropicalSouth Atlantic (48N–168S). The correlation coefficientbetween them is 0.45, which is statistically significantat the 95% confidence level, with 24 degrees of freedomestimated.

To identify any observed counterpart we have re-peated the SVD analysis using the NCEP–NCAR re-analysis geopotential height data in the same domainsas above. The leading observed mode (Fig. 5) closelyresembles that discussed by Grotzner et al. (1998). Herethe configuration of SST and geopotential height cor-relations in Fig. 5 is consistent with observational ev-idence that atmosphere–SST covariability over theNorth Atlantic is largely determined by the atmosphereforcing the ocean (Cayan 1992). Over the South Atlan-tic, however, the SST correlations in Fig. 5a do bearbroad similarity to the model result.

5. Interhemispheric teleconnections

To test the robustness of the model’s pan-Atlanticmode, a third 30-yr simulation was made, a posteriori,with GISST SSTs (1961–90) confined to the South At-lantic, south of 108N, with climatological SSTs pre-scribed elsewhere (SATL). Figure 6 shows the leadingmode of an SVD analysis between DJF means of SSTover the South Atlantic (408S–58N) (since North Atlan-tic SSTs do not vary) and 500-hPa height over the NorthAtlantic sector in the SATL experiment. The mode isindeed similar in most respects to that found in ATL(Fig. 4). The SVD time series (Fig. 6c) are correlatedat r 5 0.53, which is significant at the 95% level with18 degrees of freedom. Some discrepancies in patternoccur over Europe, with positive geopotential correla-tions in Fig. 6b largely confined to the North Atlantic,and over the Arctic where negative correlations areweaker. Constructing simple indices of the NAO andSST over the tropical South Atlantic in the same wayas in section 4 yields a correlation coefficient between

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FIG. 4. The leading SVD mode of GISST Atlantic SST(408S–708N) and 500-hPa height over the North Atlanticsector (208–908N, 908W–408E) from the ATL experiment,using DJF means. (a) and (b) Correlation maps (contourinterval: 0.2) of SST and 500-hPa heights, with the re-spective expansion-coefficient time series shown in (c):solid line, SST; dashed line, geopotential height. The cor-relation maps extend beyond the geographical domainsused in the SVD analysis. This mode accounts for 77.3%of the squared covariance, 27.8% of the SST variance, and47.7% of the geopotential variance. (c) The time serieshave a correlation coefficient of 0.59.

them of r 5 0.39. This is again statistically significantwith greater than 95% confidence (with 28 degrees offreedom estimated). Repeating the model SVD analysisin section 4 using the same South Atlantic SST domainas that used in Fig. 6 produced very similar results toFig. 4.

To examine further the interhemispheric teleconnec-tion in Figs. 4 and 6, we construct precipitation andcirculation anomaly composites for warm-minus-coldDJF seasons over the South Atlantic, using the SATLsimulation. Figure 7 shows mean (Fig. 7a) and anom-

alous (Fig. 7b) DJF precipitation maps from the SATLsimulation; similar-looking distributions were also ob-tained from the ATL experiment. The climatologicalprecipitation maximum over Amazonia is quite realis-tically simulated in both extent and magnitude, whilethe intertropical convergence zone and the South At-lantic convergence zone (SACZ), though present, arepoorly resolved—probably due to the relatively lowmodel resolution. The composite anomalies in Fig. 7bwere obtained by subtracting four cold DJF seasons overthe South Atlantic from four warm ones (defined by

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FIG. 5. The leading SVD mode of GISST Atlantic SST(408S–708N) and NCEP–NCAR reanalysis 500-hPa heightover the North Atlantic sector (208–908N, 908W–408E).Details as in Fig. 4. This mode accounts for 67.4% of thesquared covariance, 74.1% of the SST variance, and 42.1%of the geopotential variance. (c) The time series have acorrelation coefficient of 0.74.

one-standard-deviation anomalies of the SST time seriesof the leading SVD mode in Fig. 6c). Shading indicatesareas that pass a pointwise Student’s t-test at the 99%level. Positive precipitation anomalies are located to thesouthwest of the Amazonian climatological maximum,with negative anomalies to the east and north of it;together these anomalies represent a southwestward dis-placement of the South American summer monsoon cir-culation, with a weakening of the model’s SACZ. Com-posite SST anomalies (not shown) reach 11.5 K along

258S, while the pattern is similar to the correlation mapin Fig. 6a.

Figure 8 shows the streamfunction and divergentwind at 850 mb. Consistent with the DJF-mean precip-itation maximum, there is strong low-level climatolog-ical convergence over Amazonia with centers of com-pensating divergence over the eastern tropical oceansand in a band between 158 and 308N (Fig. 8a). Figure8b shows composite anomalies analogous to those inFig. 7b. The major features in Fig. 8b are significant at

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FIG. 6. The leading SVD mode of GISST South AtlanticSST (408S–58N) and 500-hPa height over the North At-lantic sector (208–908N, 908W–408E) from the SATL ex-periment. Details as in Fig. 4. This mode accounts for73.0% of the squared covariance, 38.7% of the SST var-iance, and 38.0% of the geopotential variance. (c) The timeseries have a correlation coefficient of 0.53.

the 99% level according to a pointwise Student’s t-test(not shown). There is an anomalous westward intensi-fication of the subtropical anticyclone into southern Bra-zil and Uruguay, together with anomalous low-levelconvergence into south-central South America; the latteris consistent with the intensification of the southern por-tion of the Amazonian convergence zone seen in theprecipitation anomalies. Composites of the GCM’s la-tent-plus-sensible heat flux anomalies are weak over theSouth Atlantic (not shown), and there is little evidenceof direct thermal forcing. In the equatorial region, the

anomalous surface fluxes are directed into ocean andwould thus act to reinforce the warm SST anomaliesthere.

In the Northern Hemisphere, there is a region ofanomalous low-level divergence near 108N, 608W, sug-gesting that the regional Hadley circulation, with meanascent over Amazonia and mean descent near 208N, isdisplaced southward, consistent with the southward dis-placement of South American convection. Figure 9shows latitudinal profiles of the upper-level 200-hPaflow, averaged zonally between 708 and 308W. The mean

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FIG. 7. Precipitation fields from the SATL simulation: (a) DJF mean (contour interval 2 mm day21),and (b) a composite of warm-minus-cold years over the South Atlantic (contour interval 0.5 mmday21; zero contour omitted). Eight years are included in the composite, for which the SST timeseries of the leading SVD mode (Fig. 6c) exceeds one std dev in amplitude. (b) Shading denotesgrid points that are significant at the 99% level according to a t test with 7 degrees of freedom.

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FIG. 8. Streamfunction (contours) and divergent wind (vectors) at 850 mb from the SATL simulationfor (a) DJF mean (contour interval 3 3 106 m2 s21), and (b) a composite of warm-minus-cold yearsover the South Atlantic (contour interval 1 3 106 m2 s21). The divergent wind vectors are scaled asindicated by the key in each panel. Details as in Fig. 7.

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FIG. 9. Meridional profiles at 200 hPa of (a) zonal wind and (b)meridional divergent wind in the SATL experiment, both averagedzonally between 708 and 308W. The solid curves denote the 30-winter(DJF) mean. The dashed curves denote composites of warm-minus-cold years over the South Atlantic. Details as in Fig. 7.

North Atlantic subtropical jet (Fig. 9a, solid line) peaksnear 408N. Composite (warm minus cold) SST anom-alies over the South Atlantic are associated with a de-celeration of the jet maximum, with accelerations toboth the north and south (dashed line). Profiles of themeridional divergent wind are shown in Fig. 9b. Cli-matological northward flow associated with the ther-mally direct cell originating over Amazonia is pro-nounced between 108S and 208N (solid line). Composite(warm minus cold) SST anomalies over the South At-lantic are associated with an intensification and south-ward displacement of the regional Hadley circulation,with anomalous northward flow between 308S and 108N(dashed line).

6. Atmospheric variability II: Planetary flowregimes

An interannual NAO index for each simulation andthe NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data is plotted in Fig. 10in terms of 500-hPa height differences between Green-land and the Azores. The interannual variance of theNAO is realistic in ATL, and about five times greaterthan in CTRL, while it is not much reduced in SATL.

To understand further this increase in NAO-like in-

terannual variability, we next perform a cluster analysisof the model’s intraseasonal variability. The concept ofweather regimes (Rheinhold and Pierrehumbert 1982)or planetary flow regimes (Legras and Ghil 1985) hasbeen introduced in attempting to connect the observa-tions of persistent and recurring patterns with synoptic-scale or planetary-scale atmospheric dynamics. Ourguiding paradigm here is the hypothesis that the rela-tively small amplitudes of interannual-to-decadal At-lantic SST variations exert comparatively little influenceon the model atmosphere’s intrinsic intraseasonal modesof variability. Circulation regimes can be defined interms of local maxima in the probability density func-tion (PDF) of 10-day low-pass-filtered daily geopoten-tial height maps, with bumps in the PDF correspondingto recurrent and persistent height patterns in physicalspace (Kimoto and Ghil 1993a,b). A regime typicallypersists for several days to two weeks, with rapid tran-sitions between them associated with the nonlinearityof atmospheric dynamics. PDF maxima correspond, bydefinition, to relatively populated regions of the atmo-sphere’s attractor. Slow SST variations, by contrast, canbe expected to influence the less stable (more turbulent)regions of the attractor, and thus influence the frequencyof the transitions into one weather regime or other.Changes in transition probabilities will manifest them-selves as changes in the frequency of occurrence ofcirculation regimes (Legras and Ghil 1985; Horel andMechoso 1988; Palmer 1998).

The CTRL, ATL, and SATL simulations were con-catenated into a single 90-winter series of daily 700-hPa geopotential height maps over the North Atlanticsector. Intraseasonal variability was next isolated by (i)subtracting winter means to remove interannual and in-terexperiment variability, (ii) low-pass filtering at 10days (Blackmon and Lau 1980), and (iii) subtracting themean seasonal cycle on a daily basis. Here we selectthe 700-hPa level for ease of comparison with previousobservational studies of circulation regimes (e.g., Kim-oto and Ghil 1993a,b; Michelangeli et al. 1995). Re-garding the comparability of variability at the 700-hPaversus 500-hPa levels, the leading winter-averagedEOFs were computed at each level separately and foundto be very similar. The PDF of this dataset was thenconstructed in the subspace of its leading four EOFs,using a kernel density estimator and an angular metricin which length corresponds to pattern correlation be-tween North Atlantic height fields in physical space. Aniterative bump-hunting method was then used to locatelocal density maxima (Kimoto and Ghil 1993b).

The leading four covariance EOFs of low-pass-fil-tered daily 700-mb height data over the North Atlanticsector account for 76% of the variance, from which fourregimes were obtained, using a kernel smoothing pa-rameter of h 5 358. Figure 11 shows composite hemi-spheric maps of daily 700-hPa height anomalies for theset of days belonging to each regime. Daily maps areassigned to a regime if they have a pattern correlation

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FIG. 10. The NAO index computed from each of the three GCM experiments and the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis. The index is defined as the difference in DJF-mean 500-hPa heights between(708–868N, 608–308W) and (388–468N, 608W–08). The standard deviations of the time seriesare 36.7 m (CTRL), 86.1 m (ATL), 75.3 m (SATL), and 85.5 m (NCEP–NCAR reanalysisOBS). The correlation coefficients between the curves are r 5 0.30 (ATL and SATL), r 50.26 (ATL and OBS), and r 5 0.07 (SATL and OBS).

of 0.91 or greater with the central map; this strict mem-bership criterion ensures negligible overlap betweenclusters and assigns 17% of all days to regimes. Theuse of a higher dimensional EOF subspace is impracticalwith the length of dataset available (Silverman 1986).However, similar regime patterns were obtained by re-peating the analysis using the K-means clustering meth-od as applied by Michelangeli et al. (1995), in whichclusters are constructed in the subspace of the leading10 EOFs.

The four simulated regimes in Fig. 11 exhibit Atlanticdipole patterns to varying extents, and approximatecounterparts of each can be found in the observedweather-regime analyses of Kimoto and Ghil (1993b).Regimes 1 and 2 are characterized, respectively, by atrough or ridge centered near 558N over the centralNorth Atlantic, with weaker anomalies of the oppositesign centered to the southwest. This pair of regimes issimilar to the persistent anomaly patterns derived fromobserved data by Dole (1986). Regimes 3 and 4 aremore dipolar and resemble opposite phases of the ob-served NAO in Hurrell (1995). Thus the regime patternsare quite realistic despite the model’s coarse resolutionand despite its underestimation of the bandpass varianceby up to 40%. The leading interannual EOF in the ATLsimulation (Fig. 3b) is similar to regime 3, although,unlike EOFs, the regime patterns are sign definite.

The extent to which these four intraseasonal regimescharacterize interannual and interrun variability was de-

termined in the following way. The low-pass-filtered 90-winter combined dataset—with interannual variabilityretained and the mean seasonal cycle of CTRL sub-tracted—was projected onto the four leading intrasea-sonal EOFs from which the regimes in Fig. 11 werederived. The number of days in this dataset falling intothe four intraseasonal regimes was found to be 1308,which is little diminished from the 1391 days classifiedin the intraseasonally filtered dataset from which theregimes were derived. Thus, the circulation regimes inFig. 11 do appear to be relevant to interannual and in-tersimulation variability. Figure 12 stratifies these 1308days by experiment. While all four regimes are aboutequally prevalent in CTRL, regime 3 (positive NAO)occurs much more often in the ATL and SATL simu-lations. Decreases occur in the other three regimes, par-ticularly regime 4 (negative NAO). The spatial structureof regime 3 (Fig. 11c) resembles the time-mean differ-ence between the ATL and CTRL runs in Fig. 1d. Thissuggests that the change in the simulated stationarywaves due to Atlantic SST anomalies is partly associatedwith an increased excitation of regime 3. Interannualvariability in frequency of occurrence of regime 3 isplotted in Fig. 13. The 30-winter averages in Figs. 1dand 12 can be interpreted as large-amplitude interannualfluctuations in the prevalence of regime 3, integratedover time. However, consistent with the interannualNAO indices in Fig. 10, the coherence between inter-

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FIG. 11. Atlantic weather regimes of daily 700-hPa heights from the three GCM simulations concatenated together, filtered in the 10–90-day band. Shown are anomaly composites for all days falling into each regime (contour interval 10 m). The four regimes contain 422, 356,343, and 270 days, respectively, out of a total of 8910.

annual fluctuations in ATL and SATL is poor, and thereis clearly a large stochastic element.

The SVD analysis in section 4 suggests a dependencyof the model’s NAO on interannual SST anomalies overthe tropical South Atlantic. We have examined the prev-alence of each regime in the ATL and SATL simulations,according to an index of tropical South Atlantic SST.In ATL, regime 3 was found to be markedly more prev-alent in the upper tercile of South Atlantic SST anom-alies than the lower one, but this result was not highlystatistically significant, and it was not reproduced in theSATL experiment (not shown). This negative result inSATL is consistent with the weaker correlations overGreenland found in the SVD in Fig. 6.

7. Concluding remarks

a. Summary

To investigate the influence of Atlantic SST anom-alies on the wintertime atmospheric circulation over theNorth Atlantic, two principal 30-yr integrations weremade with an atmospheric GCM: a control simulation(CTRL) forced with (seasonally varying) climatologicalSSTs, and a simulation with observed SSTs prescribedover the Atlantic Ocean (ATL), using climatologicalconditions elsewhere. A third 30-yr integration wasmade with observed SST variations confined to theSouth Atlantic (SATL). Our main results can be sum-marized as follows.

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FIG. 12. Histogram of the number of days that fall into the fourweather regimes, for the CTRL (white), ATL (grey), and SATL sim-ulations (black bars), all with interannual and intersimulation vari-ability retained.

FIG. 13. Interannual variability of the frequency of occurrence ofregime 3 in the three 30-yr simulations, in terms of days per DJFwinter.

1) Observed Atlantic SST variability produces an ap-preciable rectified effect on the simulated NorthernHemispheric winter-mean circulation, leading to amore realistic simulation of the stationary waves.The effect is characterized by an increase in the zonalindex, with a large zonally symmetric hemisphericcomponent and regional intensification over both theNorth Atlantic and North Pacific (Fig. 1d).

2) Atlantic SST variability leads to a broad increase ininterannual variance of wintertime geopotentialheights over the North Atlantic as well as NorthPacific. Near-realistic variances are attained over theNorth Atlantic in the ATL simulation, while CTRLsubstantially underestimates them (Fig. 2); the in-terannual variance of the NAO in ATL is about fivetimes greater than in CTRL (Fig. 10). Only a modestdecrease in the variance of the NAO results fromsuppressing SST variability over the North Atlantic(SATL).

3) The leading mode of covariability in ATL betweenwintertime North Atlantic 500-hPa heights and At-lantic SSTs is characterized by statistically signifi-cant covariability between the model’s NAO andbroad SST anomalies over the South Atlantic (Fig.4). This mode was found independently in the SATLsimulation, where it is similar although weaker overthe Greenland and the Arctic (Fig. 6). A similar modewas identified in observed data, too (Fig. 5).

4) The model’s four intraseasonal North Atlantic weath-er circulations—defined via a cluster analysis of dai-ly fields, filtered in the 10–90-day band—have spa-tial patterns (Fig. 11) that compare encouraginglywell with observed estimates despite the model’scoarse resolution (Kimoto and Ghil 1993b). The fre-quency of occurrence of regime 3 (positive phase

NAO) is found to undergo much larger interannualvariability in ATL and SATL than in CTRL.

b. Discussion

Both the ATL and SATL simulations exhibit a similarinterhemispheric teleconnection that suggests the fol-lowing scenario. Anomalously warm SSTs over the trop-ical and subtropical South Atlantic (Fig. 6a) strengthenlow-level meridional temperature gradients and inten-sify the subtropical low-level anticyclone over the SouthAtlantic. Low-level convergence into the southern por-tion of the South American convergence zone is thusamplified while the SACZ is suppressed (Fig. 8b), giv-ing rise to a net southward and westward shift of con-vective activity (Figs. 7b). The sectorial Hadley circu-lation emanating from Amazonia is intensified and dis-placed southward (Fig. 9b), giving rise to a region ofanomalous upper-level convergence (Fig. 7b) over theCaribbean. The NAO anomaly obtained in the simula-tions may be a barotropic response to the upper-levelconvergence anomaly over the Caribbean. In a casestudy of February 1986, Hoskins and Sardeshmukh(1987) demonstrated using a barotropic model that anupper-level convergence anomaly over the Caribbeancould produce a large rise in streamfunctions over thecentral North Atlantic. This is consistent with compositestreamfunction anomalies found in the GCM (Figs. 8b).

Rajagopalan et al. (1998) have recently reported ob-servational evidence of a significant coherence on de-cadal timescales, with no phase lag, between tropicalSouth Atlantic SSTs and the NAO, with warm SSTsassociated with the positive phase of the NAO, as foundin our GCM. Venegas et al. (1997) have found an ob-served mode of covariability between SST and SLP overthe South Atlantic (their mode 2) that resembles the

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GCM mode and is correlated with the NAO in the samesense.

Two additional 30-yr simulations were made with 1)observed SSTs prescribed globally (GOGA) and 2) ob-served SSTs limited to the tropical Pacific only (TPAC).The leading SVD mode of covariability between theNorth Atlantic geopotential heights and prescribed SSTsin their respective domains was an El Nino–like modein both GOGA and TPAC experiments. No teleconnec-tion between the NAO and South Atlantic SSTs wasfound in the GOGA run, which we attribute to the con-taminating influence of El Nino together with the short-ness of the 30-yr simulation.

Although both ATL and SATL simulations indicatestatistically significant correlations between South At-lantic SSTs and the NAO, the latter is not significantlycorrelated between the ATL and SATL simulations, norbetween either simulation and observed data (Fig. 10).These low correlations are indicative of the large amountof intrinsic NAO variability, and larger/longer ensem-bles of simulations are required to address the long-termpredictability of the NAO. The low intersimulationNAO correlations also suggest that the model’s largeNAO variability and time-mean signature may simplybe stochastically forced by SST variations. The occur-rence of regime 3 (positive NAO) exhibits a large in-terannual variability in both ATL and SATL comparedto CTRL, but only in ATL did increased frequency ac-company warm SST anomalies over the South Atlantic.

Interannual variability is increased to near-realisticvalues over the North Atlantic. Our result contrasts withthat of Saravanan (1998) who found no such increasein the variance of the NAO in the higher-resolutionNCAR Community Climate Model when observed SSTswere prescribed, compared to climatological SST forc-ing. Our result is thus model (and possibly resolution)dependent. The GCM’s response to Atlantic SST vari-ations is nonlinear in character. The ATL simulationshows a strong time-mean rectified ‘‘response’’ to SSTvariations leading to a more realistic simulation of thewinter stationary waves over the North Atlantic andremotely over the North Pacific (Fig. 1). The SATL-minus-CTRL difference is very similar, and both arehighly statistically significant. This response occurs de-spite the fact that the control experiment was forced bythe time mean of the SST fields used in the ATL andSATL experiments. This finding suggests that the at-mospheric quasi-stationary waves may have an impor-tant component associated with variations in SST. Interms of circulation regimes, this rectified response toSST anomalies over the Atlantic is associated withstronger excitation of regime 3 (Fig. 11c) by AtlanticSST variations (Fig. 12).

Acknowledgments. This work was supported byNOAA under Grants NA66GP0121 and NA86GP0289,and by DOE Grant DE-FG03-98ER62615. The GCMsimulations were made at NCAR’s Climate System Lab-

oratory. We are grateful to P. Chang, M. Kimoto, andM. Latif for useful discussions, and to the two reviewersfor their valuable critiques, which improved the man-uscript. Thanks also to F. Lott for help accessing theNCEP–NCAR reanalysis data, which were providedthrough the NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center (


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