Page 1: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Order of St-John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller Under the Constitution granted by his Late Majesty King Peter II of Yugoslavia

The International Herald

EDITION 01/2016

World Headquarters:  

St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217


Phone + 356 2123 0712  

H.E. Lieutenant Grand Master Peter Gabrielsen OSJ 

  H.E. Grand Commander

Paul M. Borg OSJ  

H.E. Grand Hospitaller Vincent R. Bonagura OSJ

  H.E. Grand Counselor Boudewijn Franck OSJ 

H.E. Grand Marshal Roberto Volpe OSJ


Ch. Jan Lambrecht, CJSJ 

pro fide, pro utilitate hominum  

Page 2: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Table of content

Knights and Dames in St. John

That week…

May I introduce you to: Grand Marshal: Roberto Volpe

May I introduce you to: Grand Counselor: Boudewijn Franck

Grand Priorate of the Low Countries - Prioratus Flandriae

Charitable Operation - Prioratus Flandriae

Charity concert - Prioratus Flandriae

Montenegro Commandery

Priory Australasia

Feast of St-Blaise - Low Countries Priory

Charity Concert Loon, Commandery Low Countries


Little word from the editor














Page 3: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Knights and Dames in St. John

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is now just a year since we had our Sovereign Council Meeting, which was a grand event with participation of the largest number of Knights, Dames and Guests ever. Those of you who were present, may remember, that after the great honour was bestowed on me to be elected Lt. Grand Master I promised in my opening speech to do my best to serve the Order and especially to work for the highest possible level of mutual information within our ranks. I have the greatest confidence that this issue of The International Herald under the new redaction is a fine link in that respect continuing previous great efforts, so that the aim is that all members of the Order will receive and be able to contribute information to all others.

As we all know the Order has two purposes: pro fide pro utilitate hominum, for the faith and to the benefit of mankind. Those two are linked closely together, and both must be observed in order to underline the Order’s foundation in solid Christian tradition.

The humanitarian aspect in pro utilitate hominum is lived up to in many most recommendable ways by the members throughout the world and it is fitting in this place to express our mutual appreciation of the many good works done by everyone, each in his or her way.

Peter GABRIELSEN Lieutenant Grand Master OSJ.

It is custom for the Order every year to have one mutual humanitarian purpose, and this year and the year before the purpose has been a beautiful combination of both purposes because of the purchase of the Hostel on the Camino di Compostella, which in time will prove to great benefit for the many pilgrims expected to stay there and at the same time in a modest but important way show the Order’s colours to a prominent place in the World.

Speaking of the Faith I wish to underline that it is a duty and a privilege for Knights and Dames of the Order of St. John not to boast of ourselves, but on the other hand not be afraid to profess the faith when need is. Especially in these troubled days with wide migration from Islam and others it must be a duty to maintain a clear attitude and not water the Christian values out in fear or misunderstood obligingness without for that reason forgetting to love our neighbours.

With this I wish all Knights and Dames of the Order and their nearest and dearest all the best in the coming time in expectation of a fruitful work together within an Order which fortunately during a great number of years has been and still is growing in number and represented in more and more countries.

Peter Gabrielsen

Lieutenant Grand Master OSJ.


Page 4: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

That week…

First the euphoria of the glorious procession, the cavalcade, the popularity, the joyousness, the acclaim, and then...   Just a few days later, the traditional meal, which started as a gathering friends, but which became so disconcerting: the calamity coming ever closer, the testament, spoken in such a probing way, the painful wake.   But the worst still had to come, the violence, the arrest, the hate of a mockery of a trial, the jeering torture, the humiliating execution, the end of belief, the end of hope, the end of love, the very end.   And suddenly, suddenly there were some who spoke of an immense, streaming light, of a perspective of an angel, or so they said!

But they did not believe it, how could that be after such a week! Almost two months is what they needed first and lots of powerful help to be able to recover from so much fear, so much desperation.   But nevertheless, it was there after all, that light, a promise was kept, strong enough to carry mankind through the ages.   That light is what we wish you today strong enough to dispel all the darkness from your life, strong enough to be able to believe in the hope in the love for always.   A blessed Easter to you all!     Hans Vanackere Prelate OSJ Chairman Ecclesiastical Council.


Page 5: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Order of St-John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller Under the Constitution granted by his Late Majesty King Peter II of Yugoslavia

The International Herald   May I introduce you to: GRAND COUNSELOR: Boudewijn FRANCK      

Court of Antwerp •  Judge since  September 1st,1991 •  Different Special Mandates •  Officially retired on 30 November 2013 but on the demand of

the President of the Court  and with the approval of the Minister of Justice still active as judge.

•  Since November 30th 2013 : hon. Vice – President of the Court of Antwerp.

Other responsibilities as Judge •  Since 1995: Member and since 2005 Vice-President of

SOLIMAG: the national solidarity fund for Belgian Magistrates. •  Since 2005: Lecturer I.G.O. (Institute of Judiciary Affairs), in

particular about communication  between judges and the other actors in justice

•  Since December 13th, 2010: President of the newly founded National Committee “Management and Control Central File of Seizures “, with office in Brussels

Professional career 1972 - 1991:  Barrister Antwerp Bar  (since 9.09.1991 hon. Barrister) 1976 - 1988:  Alderman for Budget of the City Wommelgem (since 1989  hon. Alderman). 1978 - 1981:  Vice President European Union Young Christian Democrats (office: Roma) 1981 - 1984:  Assistant of the former Minister on Foreign Affairs Leo TINDEMANS 1984 - 1985:  Member of the Belgian House of Representatives  (M.P.) 1988 - 1992:  Hon.  Consul of the Republic of Malta in Belgium. 

•  Since October 14th, 2014: Magistrate – Assessor in the in the new erected  Disciplinary Court and the Disciplinary Court of Appeal for the Judiciary.

  Within OSJ •  Investiture 20.06.1999, St-Martinchurch, Ieper •  Appointed Bailiff in 2009 •  Member & past President Supreme Court    Charity and other •  lecturer for the Association of Flemish Cities and

Municipalities. (2005 – 2010)  •  director of vzw. AROP, a protected workshop for

mentally disabled adults (350 persons, since 1985) •  director of vzw. SPIJKER,  catholic boarding school

for girls (since 2004)   3

Page 6: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Order of St-John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller Under the Constitution granted by his Late Majesty King Peter II of Yugoslavia

The International Herald   May I introduce you to: GRAND MARSHAL: Roberto VOLPE      

In the General Chapter of Fossano in September 2002 it is elevated to the rank of Commander of Grace and in December of that year assumed the lead of the then Commandery Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta.

In this role, in June 2003 he makes the first of three missions in Mazury and actively collaborates with the charitable works of the Order in Afghanistan, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burquina Faso, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Morocco, Romania and Ukraine.

In 2004, one of the two promoters of the second humanitarian mission in Cameroon. In November 2005 as Commander of Justice is put by Headquarters of Malta at the head of the Council of Regency and in February 2006 he was appointed Prior "interim" of the Priory of Italy.

In this capacity, together with the current Council endows the Priory of Italy of a new dimension, more current and dynamic, with particular attention to the field of communication and international diplomatic relations.

In April 2006, during the Sovereign Council in Malta, it is elevated to the rank of Bailiff Grand Cross of Justice.

Appointed Prior of Italy in the General Chapter in 2007, and elected Grand Marshall on the Sovereign Council in Brugge (B) in September 2007.

In summer 2007, he is missionary in Cameroon. With the Delegate General of the Sisters of St. Anne, Sister Letizia Lo Re, recruited four dentists as volunteers and establishing a medical center in Bamenda, where in month of July only care was given to more than 700 people.


Roberto Volpe is received into the Order in November 2000, three months after obtaining his first position as Standard Bearer of the Priory.

In November 2001, he participated in his first humanitarian mission in Albania and Kosovo in cooperation with the Carabineers and Italian Army engaged in Operation of Peace "Joint Guardian". Together with other members of the OSJ team, was decorated with the medal of NATO for the valuable services rendered.



Page 7: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Order of St.- John of Jerusalem-Knights Hospitaller O.S.J. Grand Priorate of the Low Countries Prioratus Flandriae

Castle in Moerkerke

H. Mass celebration by our Prelate Johny Van Rompuy and Reverend Peter Verbeke.

Admission of three new members in our Knight Order - june 2015.

Joint celebration by a delegation of the Grand Priorate of The Low

Countries an affiliates.


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Charitable Operation Prioratus Flandriae

Operation of Charitable Council during the period 2011 - 2015   The Charitable Council works under the legal form of a non-profit association. During this period Hospitaller Fra Roger Van Praet was responsible for the organization along with other members of this Council.   The allocation of budgets to the charitable works or charities is detailed in the attached graphics. The procedure is as follows: each member of the Order may make a request to support a specific charity. The Priory’s Hospitaller adds to the invitation of the agenda of the Charitable Council a list of to be supported charitable works with a brief description.

Totals Home & abroad 2011 - 2015 During the Charitable Council, all charitable projects are thoroughly presented by the Priory’s Hospitaller after which each member of the Board shares his opinion on the feasibility and amount of aid to be approved. The charitable works are approved by unanimous vote and presented at the next priory council. In the next chapter the support for the charities is then confirmed by an openly voting. Only in very exceptional conditions such as natural disasters or urgencies this procedure may be waived. In that case, the Priory’s Hospitaller will be notified of the urgency and immediately consult all members of the Council to approve the acceptance and to wire the amount of emergency aid. At the next Charitable Council this aid can then be confirmed.   During the period 2011 - 2015 there were only four urgent requests: Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the earthquake in Nepal, a typhoon in Zambia and the urgent replacement of a water pump in Togo.


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18 7

4 3

Number of projects abroad

Afrika Azië Amerika Europe

€ 36.320 € 12.496

€ 7.000 € 5.500

Totals per Continent

Afrika Azië Amerika Europe


Page 10: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Under the auspices of the Order of St.- John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller PRIORATUS FLANDRIAE

livestream broadcast

See YouTube, on the channel: “Music at St. Paul's” and on the Facebook-page of Music at St.Paul’s and on the front page of

Donations possible by PayPal

The full profits will be spent to fight the poverty among children in Flanders  

THEME: • 11 centuries of Knighthood • 11 centuries of music • 11 centuries of Mercy

Saint Paul's Church in Antwerp  

Charity concert: Sunday, April 10th, 2016


Page 11: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

WALK through 11 CENTURIES of MUSIC HISTORY PART I •  Oproep (Frans D’Haeyer) Het Antwerps Thebaans Kwartet •  Ubi Caritas Cantando olv Luc Anthonis •  Alta Trinita Cantando olv Luc Anthonis

•  Greensleeves Philippe Malfeyt/Didier François •  Hendrickje Van Kerckhove •  Pur ti Miro (Cl.Monteverdi) Hendrickje Van Kerckhove/Lars Piselé Philippe Malfeyt •  La Provençale (M.Marais) Philippe Malfeyt/Didier François •  Le Basque (M.Marais) Philippe Malfeyt/Didier François •  Concerto nr1 RV 269 (A.Vivaldi ) Antwerpen Camerata olv Dimitris

Nadja Nevolovitsch •  As steals the morn upon the night (G.Fr.Händel) Hendrickje Van Kerckhove/Lars Piselé

Antwerpen Camerata olv Dimitris Spouras •  Jesu bleibet meine Freude (J.S.Bach) Nicolas De Troyer/Cantando olv Luc Anthonis •  Toccata in D minor BWV 565 ( J.S.Bach) Nicolas De Troyer •  Exsultate , Jubilate (W.A.Mozart) Hendrickje Van Kerckhove/ Nicolas De Troyer Antwerpen Camerata olv Dimitris Spouras •  Le Nozze di Figaro K492 , Act I Wilfried Van den Brande Non Piu Andrai (W.A.Mozart) Antwerpen Camerata olv Dimitris Spouras


Page 12: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

WALK through 11 CENTURIES of MUSIC HISTORY PART II •  La Vaillance (G.PH.Telemann) Het Antwerps Thebaans Kwartet •  Sonata nr7 in C minor , op 30 no 2 Eliane Rodrigues/ Nadja Nevolovitsch Allegro con brio (L.Van Beethoven ) •  An die Musik & Wanderers Nachtlied Wilfried Van den Brande/Eliane Rodrigues (Franz Schubert) •  Cantique de Jean Racine (Gabriel Fauré) Cantando olv Luc Anthonis/ Nicolas De Troyer •  Élégie (Gabriel Fauré) Eliane Rodrigues/ Luc Tooten •  Slavonic Dance 72/2 (Antonin Dvorak) Eliane Rodrigues / Nina Smeets •  Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise I Op 22 Eliane Rodrigues (Frederic Chopin) •  Primavera Porteña (Astor Piazzolla) Eliane Rodrigues/Nadja Nevolovitsch/Luc Tooten •  Bess you is my woman now ( George Gershwin) Hendrickje Van Kerckhove

Wilfried Van den Brande/Eliane Rodrigues •  Sleep ( Eric Whitacre) Cantando olv Luc Anthonis •  Tonight (Leonard Bernstein) Hendrickje Van Kerckhove/Lars Piselé

Nina Smeets/ Eliane Rodrigues •  Pirates of the Cariibbean-arrangement Eliane Rodrigues/Nina Smeets/ Nadja Nevolovitsch (Jarrod Radnich- arr.A.Nevolovitsch) Luc Tooten/Antwerpen Camerata olv Dimitris Spouras •  Pomp and Circumstance March no I Land of Hope and Glory (Sir Edward Elgar- arr.A.Nevolovitsch) community singing Community: Eliane Rodrigues/Nina Smeets/Luc Tooten/Nadja Nevolovitsch/Lars Piselé

HendrickjeVan Kerckhove/Wilfried Van den Brande/Nicolas De TroyerCantando olv Luc Anthonis/Antwerpen Camerata olv Dimitris Spouras


Page 13: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Montenegro Commandery Icon FILERMOSA On October 25th, 2015 we visited the National Museum in Cetinje and gave honor to the  Madona Filermosa the protektor of the Maltese Knights. For the occasion, the Metropolitan Mihailo and our brother Proto Bojan gave a speech and prayer for the well-being of all Christians, and especially the Brotherhood within the Order.

The topic of this gathering was that we hope that the brotherhood will find strenght to create some adequate rooms for better accessibility for the admirers and believers of our protektor the Icon FILERMOSA: 

for that we particulary thank the Mayor of our historical capitol: Mr. BOGDANOVIC. After the ceremony, we visited the national  park Lovcen,  enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and snacks that were made by the host, who is sending his wishes for you to join us some day to worship the Icon FILERMOSA. Most sincerely in X° and St.-John, Vasilije Pejovic.


Page 14: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Order of St-John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller Under the Constitution granted by his Late Majesty King Peter II of Yugoslavia

The International Herald

THIS COULD HAVE BEEN YOUR PAGE, you know !! Make yourself heard, from all OSJ’s units. We DO want to know how you are doing over there, on the Pro Fide, the pro Utilitate Hominum !!!!! Send your contributions in Word format and in pictures soon, for the next 02/2016 edition, to [email protected].

We want YOU for The International Herald !


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Following the retirement of HE Bailiff Emeritus Royce Pepin AM, MBE, OSJ in August 2015, the Grand Priory Council at its meeting on the 30th October 2015 formally elected HE Chevalier Peter Wiltshire GCSJ, to be installed as the new Grand Priory of the Order in Australasia.   His election created a vacancy as Prior of the Priory of Victoria (including the Commanderies of Tasmania and Geelong; Ballarat Founding Group; Gippsland Peninsula Group; Melbourne Metro Group) and subsequently HE Dame Barbara Abley AM DJSJ FACN was elected to that position.   The Grand Prior and the Victorian Prior were installed at an Investiture/installation at the Geelong (Victoria) held on 27 February 2016 in St Mary’s of the Angels Basilica, Geelong followed by a wonderful Celebratory Luncheon at which a number of Awards and recognitions were made. The Priory was pleased to also welcome four new Members to the Order who were invested at that same Service. This Photo is taken immediately prior to the procession into the Basilica.


Page 16: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

FORTHCOMING SERVICE In recognition of the Anniversary of The George Cross Award to the People of Malta every year our Knights and Dames (and family members) of Order of Saint John Hospitaller Australasia are invited by the President, Serving Brother Benedict Soler and the Committee of the Maltese Australian Association to participate in a March and Ceremony at the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance. The Ceremony this year will be held on Sunday 10th April 2016.   This Ceremony commemorates the awarding of the George Cross to the Island of Malta and their defenders in March 1943, by King George VI.  The Shelter of Peace symbolises the courage, faith, and loyalty of the people of the Island, in pursuit of freedom, justice and human dignity. Malta, was at the time in 1943, the most heavily bombed place on earth.

Chevalier Peter Wiltshire GCSJ Grand Prior Australasia

Dame Barbara Abley AM DJSJ FACN Prior of Victorian Priory

From L-R: Chevalier David Osborne KSJ – Chevalier Neville Findlay KSJ Chevalier Alston Park AMJPKSJ – Dame Helen Rodd DSJ

The newly invested Knights and Dame


Page 17: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

For the 35th consecutive year, the Loon Commandery, Low Countries Priory, organised the Feast of St-Blaise in Walsbets, in a church originally built and repeatedly restored by the Knights Hospitaller for the pilgrims, on one of the many roads to the Holy Land. We honour St-Blaise, Patron of all Hospitallers, starting in the presbytery with a warm welcome with coffee or tea and local jenever - just to chase away the January cold, of course - to our fellow Brothers and Sisters of other Commanderies and the Prior Louis and Sister Sonia of the St-Alexander Nevsky Priory.

This year, we were glad to have a group of 61 OSJ-members and their dear consorts in church. In an appropriate procession, lead by the Bible and the Cross, we proceeded to the church to celebrate our yearly Holy Mass together with the local parishioners and pilgrims, at the ending of the yearly St-Blaise novena.

Feast of St-Blaise, Patron of the Hospitallers, Loon Commandery, Low Countries Priory.

This year’s Holy Mass was especially dedicated to our dear Brother Jos Lammers (°22.07.1926 - + 16.03.2015), our former Chaplain of the Commandery, who was for several decades the shepherd of a local cluster of 3 parishes, among which Walsbets. He was a very eloquent Priest, who wrote some 60 books and booklets, among which three compendia of weekly sermons to serve his fellow Priests who were less inspired every Sunday to compose their own weekly sermon. Many of us cherish a grateful and warm remembrance of Father Jos for his true shepherding and wise guiding, for his gift of speech and bright mind. Our current Commandery’s Chaplain, Father Robert Bollen, although inspired in his own right, was so kind to bring us for this occasion one of these many sermons written by our mourned Father Jos. At the end, we received the traditional St-Blaise’s blessing with the crossed candles.


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It was very encouraging that the local Province’s Immaterial Heritage Administration attended with three officials our procession and H. Mass, as they are to decide which Immaterial Heritage to save for the future in that area: their presence could add positively to all considerations about whether or not the OSJ-church of Walsbets – after many centuries of worshipping of St-Blaise and pilgrimage - will be closed down by lack of sufficient Clergymen to maintain all parishes in working order.

After the Holy Mass, the OSJ-group gathered in the well renowned restaurant Aen de Kerck van Melveren to savour an excellent banquet in the sheltering warmth and friendship of our Brothers and Sisters and consorts.

Looking forward to next year, we do hope and pray that this Walsbets church will be kept open for the future. This Feast of St-Blaise is too much a nice tradition for the Low Countries Priory to just let go.

Battle stations, Gents ?

Jan Lambrecht, CJSJ,

Main intendant and Vice-prior Low Countries.


Page 19: The International Herald · 2018. 7. 26. · The International Herald EDITION 01/2016 World Headquarters: St. Paul Street 223 Valletta VLT 1217 Malta Phone + 356 2123 0712 H.E. Lieutenant

Charity Concert, Loon Commandery, Low Countries The annual social contributions to be paid by our members are far from sufficient to sustain substantially the charity works our Commandery especially cares for, more specifically the local projects in our own Province. Therefore, we have a.o. the annual Valentine’s day-buffet to support the Hof van Loon-project, a residence within the ‘Weyerke’ facility, founded by some of our members for care and support for people struck by an acquired brain-injury. For this Hof van Loon, named after our Commandery Loon, we were offered and honoured to accept the moral sponsorship. With the guests and their caregiving team (both volunteers and staff) of this Hof van Loon, we had a most memorable Christmas celebration, last December.

To support our dear projects, we occasionally organise a Commandery‘s charity concert. This time, it was a concert by the girl’s choir VILLANELLA, conducted by Mrs. An Alen, and introduced to us by our member Ch. Luc PONET, an internationally reputable Bach interpreter. The venue: the Chapel of the former Landcommanderij Alden Biesen of the Teutonic Order (our sincere apologies !) in Bilzen, Limburg province: these were the former headquarters for the Teutonic Order for a large region and for many centuries. But as well, this is a site very well known to the whole membership of the Low Countries Priory, as we had the memorable national Investiture of Knights and Dames at this location in the year 2008. It was a full house, that night, in different meanings of the expression !


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A nice surplus was the opportunity to put young, local talent in the picture. Not the least important, apart from the wonderful concert experience with a cosy reception ensuite, we were able to hand over 2 cheques for a total of 15.000 € (some 16,520 USD or 22,900 AUD) to Saint-Gerardus: an institution which provides multiple forms of vital assistance for youngsters with locomotory disabilities, and which most suitably sports the motto ‘to care together, to enable ourselves’.

This remarkable cheque was due to the sponsorship by the Limburg Culture Fund, but more than this, due to the tremendous efforts by some individual Commandery’s members to find sponsorship: special thanks go to Dame Lucia Janssen en Ch. Yannick Boes for that result. With this sum, Saint-Gerardus purchased an intra pulmonary percussion ventilator (do feel free to check this on the internet: I had to do so too) and another nice, shiny machine with LCD displays of which the technical name escapes me for the moment: but both machines are a daily and vast relief to the guests of Saint-Gerardus, so we were firmly assured !

No doubt: to be repeated !

Jan Lambrecht, CJSJ,

Main intendant and Vice-prior Low Countries

Starting with the Hymn of Saint-John on organ by our Commandery’s own Kapelmeister, Ch. Luc PONET, and continuing with one of his own compositions ‘Suite La Hesbaye’, the girls’ choir then silently walked in and started their most exquisite and fairylike concert: they grasped our full attention and emotions from the very first minute, until the very last grade lingered and faded away in the Chapel’s vaults. Voices from heaven ! When I close my eyes, I still hear the touching ‘can you hear me now ?’, and I still see them perform the sign language gestures that go with it. They brought us a warm repertoire from Karl Jenkins, Crosby/Stills/Nash &Young, as well as contemporary composers’ work, like Kurt Bikkembergs and Sebastiaan Van Steenberge (the latter being a new member and the Kapelmeister of the Antwerp Commandery), and we enjoyed some traditional folk songs too.

Click to batch the video


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Order of St-John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller Under the Constitution granted by his Late Majesty King Peter II of Yugoslavia

The International Herald

Personalia International obituary: Has passed away from this life to join the risen Lord, to our deepest regrets, but in deepest gratitude for his achievements and fraternity within the Order: on January 16th, 2016: Ch. Francis VAN REMOORTERE, CJSJ, former Secretary-General to the Lt-Grandmaster Michel Bohé; Chancellor of the Low Countries Priory for 13 years. Requiescat in pacem !


Elections and Nominations: Ch. Peter WILTSHIRE, GCSJ, has been elected Grand Prior for Australasia from October 30th, 2015. Dame Barbara ABLEY AM, DJSJ, has been elected Prior of the Priory of Victoria. Ch. Biz OBLEY, KJSJ, has been elected Prior of the Pacific Priory from January 1st, 2016. Ch. Philipp H. MAYER, KJSJ, has been elected Prior of the Deutschweitz Priory from June 28th, 2015. Ch. Frank JACOBSEN, CJSJ, has been elected Commander of the newly created Norway Commandery out of the Dagmar Commandery. Ch. Luc VAN EECKHOUDT, CJSJ, has been elected Prior of the Prioratus Flandriae Priory from Januari 1st, 2016. Sincere congratulations to all, and all the very best in the new functions, pro Fide, pro Utilitate Hominum !

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Little word from the editor

Dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Arms,

You are looking at the new edition of The International Herald, 01/2016. Enjoy…

You will have noticed that there is some change in styling, but that will not affect the content, of course.

The new format is simply more adapted to these times’ modern toys: iPids, iPods, iPads, iPuds, iPhones and every three character-word our children and grand-children speak about and communicate with.

Please do not overlook the This could have been YOUR page - call !!!

Awaiting breathlessly all the content that is swarming in for the next issue 02/2016 via

[email protected]

We remain yours most sincerely in X° and St-John.

Jan Lambrecht, CJSJ,
