
1. THE HOME, THE WORKFORCE, & HAVING IT ALL An overview of these themes from The Feminine Mystique & Why Women Still Cant Have It All 2. THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE Author Betty Friedan described life in the 15 years after WWII, where women were taught that fulfillment lay in femininity and domesticity. 3. Previously, women had fought for higher education; now girls went to college to get a husband and, on average, 60% dropped out to get married. 4. Most Likely to SucceedThe average marriage age of women in America dropped into the teens. During this time, fourteen million girls were engaged by age 17. 5. It was expected that marriage would transition them into a life of happy domesticity in the suburbs 6. and in the home they would find all the purpose and fulfillment a woman could hope for. 7. The Home 8. Cooking 9. Cleaning 10. Laundry 11. Teaching the next generation 12. & Spending time with their families 13. all while beingstylish and feminine. 14. Women had it all. 15. And yet.. 16. They began to look at their lives and wonder Is this all? 17. Friedans 1963 book The Feminine Mystique described what women simply referred to as The Problemrevealing that many women were actually unhappy in their lives as housewives. 18. This book served as a catalyst for the beginning of the second-wave feminism movement in the U.S. 19. The Workforce 20. The numbers of women gaining degrees and working outside the home began to rise 21. But although many women set out to achieve this: 22. What many of them actually got was this:Low status jobs Less opportunity for advancement and lower pay for equal workUnder-representation at the highest levels 23. Feelings of isolationHostility or the need to constantly prove themselves 24. And being stereotyped, sexualized, harassed, and/ or not taken seriously. 25. Having It All 26. Because even after the struggle to enter the workforce and gain equal rights.. 27. In 2012, Anne-Marie Slaughter made headlines when she left her high-profile government job to spend more time with her children, then wrote an article about the difficulties of creating a successful work/life balance. 28. While some women feel satisfied with the balance between the demands of their work lives and their home lives. 29. Others feel it is unacceptable for women to have to make trade-offs that men do not have to make 30. Like feeling guilty or being labeled a bad parent for working outside the homevs.Father works=responsibleMother works=guilt, negative impact on family 31. Being called a traitor to the feminist cause if she didnt do her part to break gender barriers in the career field 32. Or living with inequities both at home AND the office. 33. Many women trying to have both a career and a balanced life have faced limited options: 34. #1: Make it work.somehow 35. or #2: Choose between them. 36. You should be able to have a family if you want onehowever and whenever your life circumstances allowand still have the career you desire. --Anne-Marie Slaughter
