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  • The History, Principles, & Business of London Fashion 1.Testimonials from past students 2.Scrapbook pages from a former student 3.Photographs of Vanderbilt students in London participating in the course
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  • THTR 216 London Maymester Testimonial Shelby Hughes, Film Studies & Arts Management, 2013 I attended the Theatre Departments 2012 Fashion History Maymester in London. As my first study abroad encounter, this trip was absolutely unforgettable. It opened my eyes to other ways of life and cultures in the world. This journey was a catalyst for me, inspiring me to continue to seek out study abroad experiences. England was fantastic, and a wonderful place to explore the inner workings of the fashion industry, a scene Id always been curious about. Moreover, it was the perfect opportunity to dig into some of its roots. London is a really safe place to study, and just magical all around. There was always so much to see and do. From adventures on the tube, travelling the beautiful countryside, eating fish and chips and gelato to our hearts content, experiencing living in an English flat and bonding with fellow Vanderbilt students, and immersing ourselves in the thriving and sophisticated art and theatre sphere of London, to witnessing the countrys rich history Id always been fascinated with come to life, my study abroad experience in England really resonated with me. It allowed me to grow as a person, and I feel like the insights it presented me with made me a better-rounded student and artist alike. I would highly encourage anyone considering this trip to go for it! You will find that it is no doubt a worthwhile adventure to embark on and a gateway to broadening your horizons for years to come.
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  • THTR 216 London Maymester Testimonial Alexandria Chanel Baker "Traveling to London, a city rich in history, really enriched my understanding of the arts' important place in the development of today's modern societies. Fashion and architecture have been used as mediums through which people within a distinct culture have shared their values and beliefs with other cultures. My time spent in London was nothing short of amazing and has widened the once limited lens I use to view the world."
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  • THTR 216 London Maymester Testimonial Emily Stein During the London Fashion Maymester I greatly enjoyed visiting Sabina's design studio. Through this experience I learned a significant amount about the work and craftsmanship that goes into creating a custom-designed article of clothing. Sabina's dedication, creativity, and innovation was enthralling. Furthermore, it was inspiring to have the opportunity to meet her in a small group environment and ask her questions about her work and the design process. I also found it exciting to design and sketch my own dress concept while gaining direct feedback from a renowned wedding dress designer. Overall, the Fashion Maymester in London was a class that I will never forget; through opportunities to explore the enchanting city and delve into a unique subject area in a city renowned for it meticulous fashion community, I truly began to appreciate a new culture.
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  • THTR 216 London Maymester Testimonial Reema Shihadeh The highlight of my experience on the History of Fashion London Maymester was getting to visit the various museums and sights throughout London. Specifically, getting a chance to see the ballgown exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Christian Louboutin shoe exhibit was really fun. I learned that from simply looking at the clothing in a piece of artwork you tell the time period it is from and what the societal or cultural norms might have been at that time, which I had never thought about before. This was also relevant to the many musicals and plays we were able to attend, which were amazing! Through all of the various places we went I was able to see how fashion is part of everything and anything.
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  • THTR 216 London Maymester Testimonial Audrey Jackson Studying Fashion History in London is a wonderful opportunity to immerse oneself into the topic. Due to London's rich history and preservation, there are many opportunities to observe past fashions in manners as diverse as museum exhibitions and castles with historically dressed actors. In addition to the history of London's fashion, you are able to experience how that history has created the rich culture and fashions seen in London today. What better way to experience a beautiful city than to study one of the most beautiful aspects: fashion?
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  • THTR 216 London Maymester Testimonial Demetria Kimble "Traveling abroad to London in itself was an amazing journey, but the London Fashion Maymester enhanced this times ten! With trips to British museums, theatrical productions, and other historic sites on the syllabus, I was really able to be immersed in the history of British fashion and art. I gained an understanding and awareness that could NEVER be captured in a book. Fashion's huge importance to society is truly exposed in this class. Before this trip, I never really grasped how important fashion is to more than just a girl's daily wear and making sure colors and patterns match for the day. Instead, it speaks a ton about a time period, about people's views, political, societal, etc. It truly is an outward display of a person's innermost sentiments. For this lesson alone, I thank you.
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  • Pages from a THTR 216 student London scrapbook, 2013
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  • A map with the student residence buildings, mid- to late-nineteenth century converted townhouses in the beautiful and conveniently located Kensington area, provided by FIE, a London-based non-profit educational organization
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  • Sabina Motasem You will experience working with a custom wedding dress designer who trained at the famous school of fashion design, Central Saint Martins. We will see first hand how she creates and manufactures her one-of-a-kind, high-quality pieces Sabina Ali, the founder of Sabina Motasem, spent several years on the high street in design and production and in media/marketing as a graphic designer before designing cocktail dresses. In 2005 she designed a friend a simple and elegant wedding dress as a gift. Several gifts later, orders quickly followed and the idea for Sabina Motasem was born.
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  • Sabina Motasem Her designer wedding dresses, inspired by a bygone age, are created using the finest silks, and a superior innovative cut, all to garner the best quality. The glamour and sophistication of old and new Hollywood shines through with her vintage style wedding dresses. Stunning geometry and simplicity combined with simple shapes.
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  • A Vanderbilt student dress design turned into a technical flat, ready for production!, at the workshop of Sabina Motasem
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  • The Making of Harry Potter An amazing exhibit of the sets, costumes, props, and even some of the animals used in the films
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  • Ticket stubs from theatre shows and various tours
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  • A Tube map for getting around London West End Theatre productions including Wicked
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  • Pictures of students from past years
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  • Costumes on exhibit at The Making of Harry Potter
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  • Taking trains to Hampton Court
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  • Bath, Royal Crescent
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  • Students crossing Millennium Bridge linking the City of London at St. Paul's Cathedral with the Tate Modern Gallery at Bankside
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  • Day Trip to Hampton Court
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  • Afternoon tea at the Fan Museum
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  • Vanderbilt students at play in the lobby of the Victoria and Albert Museum
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  • View of Tower Bridge from the Design Museum, Greenwich
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  • Riding trains!
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