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    25-03-09, 12:15 PM

    The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Gonna start all the way from the beginning, inshaallah it'll be helpful. Yeah, it's better taught face to face - but watchthe video's I'll paste the links, then go over my notes, or even write your own notes. =)

    Tajweed class 01

    Tajweed =


    ja wwa da


    Which means, to make something good = the art of beautifying your recitation. It is also to recite the Qur'an the way





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    it was revealed. To do this / the chain of narration of recitation should go back to the way in which the Prophet recited.

    The book being used is called []

    A gift to the babies [ the tajweed baby ]

    = opening = = lock = an explanation = a small gift something nice = = the objective here is a baby/ beginner in the science of tajweed.

    The point to note is that the early scholars would make everything into a rhyme, so the title of the book also rhymes.

    = Opening of a lock, an explanation of a gift for the beginner.

    There's two types of hifdh.

    1) Hifdh ul (missed it, he spoke too fast) = which means memorising from mind or chest2) Hifdh ul kitab (I think) - where everything is written down.

    The basmalah is very important which is why the author began with this. Then he continued with ahamdulillah

    Allah begins the Qur'an with surah fatiha in which we say basmalah at the start and then recite thesurah. The author is holding onto the example that whenever something is began without basmalah it is cut of of itsbarakah and blessings. (refer to our ayah a day thread - you'll get more information we got it all down alhamdulillah=P)

    This type of poem is called al himar, it is set up in a scale that has a wajn/rhythm which means that last word aregoing to rhyme. It's called a himar = a donkey so anyone can memorise it.

    = He says = hoping for = the mercy of the Forgiving (attribute of Allah ) = Always = That's his name = he is = = From the village of Jamzur - a place right outside Tanta in Egypt. The people of tajweedcome from there.

    This is the manners of the teacher, the adaab of them so that we know who we're being taught by.

    [ will carry it on in a bit BTW I'm not sure why it's gone funny up there when I've written down where the word comesfrom, I'm sure you can get it though, I can't change it right now.]

    Last edited by .: Anna :.; 25-03-09 at 05:47 PM.

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    25-03-09, 12:18 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    I have a mistake in the name of the book being used. =o So I'll correct it in a bit.




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    25-03-09, 03:13 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    = All praise belongs to Allah = Blessings on the Prophet = Mohammed 's family too and his companions. = Those who = = those that came after them.

    A verse in poetry is called bayt.

    The shiekh said that Allah send the Qur'an down on the Prophet and Allah said;

    73:4 or add to it [at will]; and [during that time] recite the Quran calmly and distinctly, with thy mind attuned toits meaning.

    Abu Lubabah Bashir bin Abdul-Mundhir (radi Allahu anh) reported: The Prophet (salalahu alyhi wasalam) said, Hewho does not recite the Quran in a pleasant tone is not of us. (Abu Dawud)

    = = distinguishing break in a speech, if you want to go into a different form of speech in the sametopic.

    = ha is to get your attention = a type of poem/ words that come on the scale that rhymes to make it easy. = = Those who desire, whoever wants to/ seeking. = about. It is the most used word in the Arabic language that's why it means about here/ with regards, and notin.

    = noon, is an actual noon. = It has the sound of noon. (I can't really explain it well.. ) Tanween the act of making the noon sound.


    So with the we make the sound of the noon and point to it with the signs and markings without writing theactual letter down.




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    = Elongation/the extension

    = = I have named it (the poem) = something nice/a gift for the babies/beginners = on the authority = scholar = it's another village around tanta. = The perfect one (literally) *

    * No one is perfect, only Allah is Perfection

    However the author, writing this book saw his scholar as someone perfect, but we don't call them perfect. AllahKnows Best about him. (but we leave it)

    = hope = with/it/the poem = to = benefit = The student/the one who seeks/expert/ =The reward for the effort = Acceptance from Allah it's a beginner text, so inshaallah, it gets accepted by Allah, as it isaccepted by the people.

    = Reward because Allah wants to give it, even if we haven't earned it.

    (I have some stuff to add to the letters so yas there's mistakes but I don't know how to get it, but that's it. Lesson onecomplete Alhamdulillah!)

    ^^ It's a playlist so it's cool.

    I'll try updating every week. Anyone can contribute. =)

    Last edited by .: Anna :.; 25-03-09 at 05:46 PM.

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    25-03-09, 04:47 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    ohh a playlist, thats a good idea tht they did like tht

    for notes sis


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    .: Anna :.


  • 6/23/2014 The Fiks - Tajweed class notes 5/24

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    .: Rufaida :..:Fa Firroo Ila-llaah:.

    People praise you for what they suppose is in you,but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you.

    ~ Ibn Atallah

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    25-03-09, 06:11 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    for the notes.


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    25-03-09, 07:08 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    These vids are quite good for learning tajweed. Only about the makharij though. And it's also incomplete.


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    speak good or be silent

    "And thus have We willed you to be a community of the middle way."(al-Baqarah: 143)

    Allahumma innaa na'udhu bika min an nushrika bika shai-an na'lamuh; wa nastaghfiruka limaa laana'lam.

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    25-03-09, 07:15 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Oh cool.




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    26-03-09, 10:29 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    for the notes. I am planning to start the tajweed videos and your notes and definitely going to beuseful.

    Insha Allah, continue to share your notes with us.


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    27-03-09, 03:56 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Tajweed class 2:

    There are ten things in every science that you have to know before it is studied: The 10 fundamentals:

    The basics of every science are ten;1/2 the definition and name3/4 What is the subject title? What is its benefit?5/ What is its nobility next to other sciences?6/ What sciences and subjects is it related to?7/8 Who started it? What tools must we use?9/ What issues does it deal with?10/ What is the legal ruling regarding it?


    It's name and definition:

    Tajweed; tajweed is from the name jawwada meaning to perfect something. To do something in a beautiful mannerwithout losing its properties. This is said regarding speech and actions.

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    the time frame from starting from 118h (the separation began) to 229h (it was on its own). This is mentioned herebecause prior to this time the science of tajweed was connected to other sciences: Sarf, Qiraa'ah and tafseer. Duringthis timeframe it separated and became a study of its own - not directly connected or tied to the other sciences.

    In order to study tajweed one must have some knowledge on Qiraa'ah, Anatomy*1 and Arabic.*2 Some of the utensilsused in teaching tajweed nowadays include listening to CDs of classical Qaaris reciting so the student getsaccustomed to hearing the proper way of recitation.

    *1 Become familiar with the workings of mouth and nose, as well as how you put your lips together andclose.

    *2 You must know how to read Arabic. Not transliteration.


    What it deals with:

    Tajweed deals with issues like idh-har*1 and idhgaam*2 - terms you will learn through study. It deals with abgeehajjaka wa bhaafu' aqeemah. These are the letters of a laamu qamariyah.*3

    *1 idh-har is a type of letter that when you hear it you recite it clearly.

    *2 idhgaam is to enter something on something else.

    *3 This is letters (deal with when we get to it).


    The ruling regarding the study of tajweed:

    The legal ruling concerning studying tajweed is that it is fardhu kifaayah.*1 However, whoever recites a single wordfrom the Qur'an has to recite it with tajweed and it makes it wajib for whoever that wants to recite the Qur'an.*2

    *1 It is not an obligation on everyone - as in not everyone has to become an expert.

    *2 however whoever opens their mouth it is wajib an obligation to recite it with tajweed because that'show Allah revealed it.

    [You have to study the tajweed along with practicing. The ulema have said the only way you will learn tajweed is by 'moving your jaw' -

    practicing what you have learnt. This statement is called tahqeeq, there's four different recitation, 2 of which are;

    1) Tahqeeq

    2) Tarteel]

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    27-03-09, 04:01 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes



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    .: Anna :.


    .: Rufaida :..:Fa Firroo Ila-llaah:.

    People praise you for what they suppose is in you,but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you.

    ~ Ibn Atallah

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    27-03-09, 06:29 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes



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    Writing notes is really helpful alhamdulillah. I really want to continue with this, inshaallah, I can and I don't stop halfway.


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    27-03-09, 07:05 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    dont worry sis u have me to come and bug u if u stop doing it


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    .: Anna :.


    Originally Posted by scribble

    Writing notes is really helpful alhamdulillah. I really want to continue with this, inshaallah, I can and Idon't stop half way.

    .: Rufaida :..:Fa Firroo Ila-llaah:.

    People praise you for what they suppose is in you,but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you.

    ~ Ibn Atallah

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    28-03-09, 06:57 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Tajweed class 3:

    Al- LaHn

    Al LaHn simplified is any mistake made whilst reciting, there are of two types:

    1)Major mistakes:Al LaHnul Jalee

    Reciting the wrong letters of words, such as pronouncing HaTaba as hataba. Reciting the wrong vowels such asAlhamdulillah hi rabbUl aalameen. Other mistakes include 'an-'amta 'alaihim, where people put an 'aayn where thereis a hamza. Likewise in the shahada mistakes such as ashadu is pronounced without the ha. Similar miss-

    pronounciations such as these that change the meaning of the word is called al LaHn.

    Any person who is incapable of being able to detect this kind of mistake should not lead the salaah, unless he is he

    best reciter amongst them. The messenger of Allah said: (translated as)

    Your imaam in the salaah should be the one who knows the Qur'an and this includes the one who knows best how to

    recite it.

    (and example of this is Ibn Abbas who led the prayer at 10 years old, behind him was Abu Bakr radiyallahu anhu andUmar radiyallahu anhu, unfortunately nowadays those that are chose to lead the prayers aren't chosen due to their

    good voice, however some may lead the prayer due to authority or status. This part of the deen should be preserved)

    2)Subtle mistakesAl LaHnul Khafee

    Mistakes in the sifaat of a letter. Like forgetting id-har or ghunnah. Elongating where it is short or shortening where it

    is meant to be elongated.

    Qiraa'at, Riwaayat, Taruq

    Qiraa'ah: Any difference in reciting the Qur'an that is attributed to one of the ten imaams of Qur'an in Qiraa'ah. These

    ten imaams of recitation are:1) Naafi Al Madinee (warsh) ?2) Ibn Katheer al Makki (Hafs) ?3) Abu 'Amr alBaSree




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    4) Ibn 'Amr Ash-shaami5) 'AhSim alKoofi6) Hamzah alKoofi7) alKasanee alKoofi8) - (they didn't turn to the board.)9) - "10) -

    [I'll finish it off later inshaallah.]

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    28-03-09, 09:55 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Hafs is the student of 'Asim. And Warsh is the student of Nafi'.


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    speak good or be silent

    Originally Posted by scribble

    1) Naafi Al Madinee (warsh) ?2) Ibn Katheer al Makk i (Hafs) ?3) Abu 'Amr alBaSree4) Ibn 'Amr Ash-shaami5) 'AhSim alKoofi (Hafs)6) Hamzah alKoofi7) alKasanee alKoofi8) - (they didn't turn to the board.)9) - "10) -

    "And thus have We willed you to be a community of the middle way."(al-Baqarah: 143)

    Allahumma innaa na'udhu bika min an nushrika bika shai-an na'lamuh; wa nastaghfiruka limaa laana'lam.

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    29-03-09, 04:09 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes




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    29-03-09, 07:56 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Tajweed class 3 continuation:

    ...These men studied from the companions of the Prophet , the students of the companions and in a few cases eachother. A famous scholar by the name of Mujahid wrote a book called "the Book of Qiraa'at" in which he mentioned




    Qiraa'at, Riwaayat, Taruq

    Qiraa'ah: Any difference in reciting the Qur'an that is attributed to one of the ten imaams of Qur'an inQiraa'ah. These ten imaams of recitation are:1) Naafi Al Madinee (warsh) ?2) Ibn Katheer al Makk i (Hafs) ?3) Abu 'Amr alBaSree4) Ibn 'Amr Ash-shaami5) 'AhSim alKoofi6) Hamzah alKoofi7) alKasanee alKoofi8) - (they didn't turn to the board.)9) - "10) -

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    and named the what he calls the most famous recitations known.

    Riwaayah: In Ibn Mujahid's book he mentioned two students from each imam. What does that mean? The imaamslearnt from different sahabas and tabieen which led them to learn different ways of reciting the Qur'an. They hadtaught some students one way and another student a different way. For each imaam there are two narrations:

    For example: Hafs said to 'Aasim, "Abu Bakr recites the Qur'an different from me" (Hafs and Abu Bakr were thestudents of Asim) so Aasim said "I taught you how to recite the way Ali ibn abi Talib used to recite and I taught AbuBakr how to recite the way of Abdullah ibn Masood.

    Riwaayah therefore means the different way in which the two students of each imaam (major ones) were taught torecite Qur'an. So when we hear the statement "Hafs an 'Aasim" what it really means is that Hafs is reciting on theauthority of Aasim, or reciting the way he was taught by Aasim.

    Since there were only two narrations written in Mujahid's book these became the classical recitations, everythingelse, for the most part, is considered irregular and/or unacceptable. The classical narrators are:1) Naaf'i has Qaloon and Warsh2) ibn Katheer has al-Bazee and Qunbul3) abi Amr has Durree and Soosee4) Ibn Amr has Hishaam and ibn Dhak-waan5) Aasim has Shu'bah and Hafs6) Hamzah has Khalaf and Khallaad7) Kasanee has abul Haarith and Hafs ad-Duuri8) Abu Jafar has ibn Wirdaan and ibn Jamaaz9) Yaqoob has Ruways and Rooh ustaadhu Bukhaari10) Khalaf has Ishaq and Idrees

    We're doing three inshaallah. (I've highlighted which student)

    Tareeq: is the term used usually only by experts in this field. Most people who memorise the Qur'an from theneighbourhood Qaari or their elder relative and they have no idea which tareeq they are studying. However, it is notreally relevant or important for the average student. Tareeq is the way the student of the Raawi recited. They are ruleswithin rules that state that if you choose one way you cannot recite the other way at the same time. Tareeq is theway the student stuck to after learning from the Raawi.

    * Warsh accoring to the tareeq of Al azraqi * Hafs according to the tareeq of abu Muhammed ibn As-Sibaah* Khalaf according to the tareeq of Ahmed ibn Uthman

    4 modes of tilaawat:

    1) Tahqeeq - slow deliberate manner, educating the listener in the process so that every letter is heard and theelongation is in the correct places.2) Tarteel - To recite the Qur'an melodically without really trying to educate the people but reciting the stories in theQur'an so the people can hear it.3) Tadweer - To recite the Qur'an melodically but faster than one would in front of someone. This type of tilaawah isdone by oneself or in front of tutors.4) Hadr - This is read in a fast manner usually when reviewing the Qur'an.

    ALL these modes of recitation are still read holding tight to the rules of tajweed.

    Alhamdulillah - end of lesson 3. =)

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    29-03-09, 01:06 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes



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    .: Anna :.


    .: Rufaida :..:Fa Firroo Ila-llaah:.

    People praise you for what they suppose is in you,but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you.

    ~ Ibn Atallah

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    31-03-09, 06:15 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Tajweed class 04

    = = Rule = = = The letter that is ma'roof. It's well known and simple as a letter of the alphabet. : = The = Rest/reside (literal meaning) As a terminology, it is the absence of a vowel sound over dealing with aparticular letter.

    = The noon that has no vowel sound over it.

    The sign for noon sakin is from the letter but the tail has been cut and the diacritical mark has been taken away.They use because it comes from the word which means the absence of or void of.

    The number five above the noon in stead of the kha is the same but it is easily and quicker, both are accepted.

    = and = the tanween = The form of the word is = the root of the word is In between that there is a so: if the are removed from the word what's left? = the tanween means noon, it means the sound of noonas apposed to the saakinah that is ma'roof, that is written. The tanween is the sound the noon makes without it beingwritten down.

    [will carry on later inshaallah]




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    31-03-09, 06:52 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Actually I don't really understand the thing.. =s How did he get there from the word tanween.. ? He said the formof the word is .. so it's a rule or something?




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    31-03-09, 11:56 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    I have a question. So is it warsh qiraa'ah that when in written form like in the mushaf they don't have the sakoon onthe alif and stuff like that? Or Hafs.. because in one of my mushaf the markings aren't there.. well I've noticed thesakoon isn't. =/ But in the other there is..




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    31-03-09, 01:18 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Signs of tanween:

    Fathataan, khasrataan, dhammataan

    The difference between noon saakinah and tanween:

    Noon saakinah happens in the beginning, middle and even can occur at the end of a word, it happens in




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    one word.Tanween happens between two words.With the noon saakinah the noon is actually written down.The tanween is the pronounciation of the noon.

    Noon Sakinaah

    [all the noon sakinaah]


    There are 4 types of tanween:

    1) Tamkeen 2) Tankeer 3) Muqabalah 4) Iwad

    Tamkeen: Comes at the end of names and at the end of the word:


    Tankeer: Comes from which means not there, void or something that is not recognised/unknown.

    That's the Zaid we don't know, that's why there's a tanween there. Or it's done for a name that is a non-Arab name. Itisn't found very often in the Qur'an.

    Muqabalah: Refer to the below example;

    = The tanween above that word is in place for the noon. It doesn't make sense to me but it doesn't have to, it's theArabic language. (for the females?)

    Iwad: Iwad means it's in place for something else, for example:

    = this type of tanween is in place of the ya which is one form of Iwad.

    Another form is when it comes in place of a thought:

    The tanween means:

    = Every person/all of us. OR

    : = all of us.

    Allah says in the Qur'an:

    (there's a tanween Waantum heenaithin tanthuroona) The tanween is in place of the whole sentence.

    Why, then, [29] when [the last breath] comes up to the throat [of a dying man], the while you are [helplessly]looking on - [56:83-84]

    The tanween there is in place of not having to repeat the whole sentence again.

    Alhamdulillah - end of lesson 4. That was a bit confusing. =/ But hmm.. we shall see.

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    01-04-09, 02:19 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes




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    Tajweed class 05:

    = for the noon (the letter) = if = = it has a sukoon over it = and = for the tanween = four = rules = so take = = To make something clear therefore is "my clarification"

    He is saying for noon saakinah and tanween there are 4 rules, however there needs to be some clarification. One ofthese rules have 2 parts to it which will equal 5.

    = so then the first() = rule (the word is missing) = = which means back (body back) which is really big, also salaatul dhuhr is called salaatul dhuhrbecause it's plain as day, it's clear. Id-har as a terminology it means that you have to pronounce noon saakinah andtanween clearly and independently not mixed with the other letters.

    = before certain letters = (letters) of the throat = six letters = set and straight in order = so then you should know what they are.

    He's saying that before noon saakinah and tanween when it comes before the six throat letters it is going to be id-har,which means it means to pronounce the noon distinctively - you should KNOW what they are.

    What are the Throat Letters?

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    01-04-09, 04:03 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    = =




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    = then = = :The mu in front of the word means "something or someone that possesses the meaning of" the an at the end of theword means two - meaning the and the .

    = = It ignored something/lazily as a terminology it means that there are no diacritical marks overthem.

    = then = =

    ************************FROM THE PREVIOUS POST**************************


    Can't finish it right now. Will do later inshaallah

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    02-04-09, 09:19 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Okay so the first rule we've already been through. The six letters of the throat that are in order, so the letters that arementioned have been mentioned in order the letters come up through your throat.

    How does noon saakinah and tanween come?

    *Noon saakinah and tanween come in one word*Noon saakinah and tanween come between two words*a)When it comes between two words it comes as tanween b)When it comes between two words it comes as noon saakinah

    (the noon saakinah/tanween and the hamza)EXAMPLE: / / (sorry for not markings on some and not others.. =o)

    (the noon saakinah/tanween and the ha)EXAMPLE: / /

    (the noon saakinah/tanween and the 'aayn)EXAMPLE: / /

    (the noon saakinah/tanween and the Ha)EXAMPLE: / /

    (the noon saakinah/tanween and the Ghayn)EXAMPLE: / /

    (the noon saakinah/tanween and the KHa)EXAMPLE: / /




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    (NOTE: (right to left) the examples are the noon saakinah in ONE word, then noon saakinah in TWO words thentanween in TWO words.)

    Alhamdulillah. END of lesson 5 wheeeew. =P Haha... yeah sorry not putting all the dhamma fathah and khasra on allthe words buuuuuut ... =o I already written it now.. =/ You can make it out. =P

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    05-04-09, 02:33 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Tajweed class 06:


    Idgham: Is to enter something into something else;

    1) Cover: When you're behind something that will protect you. 2) Concealment: When you're behind something that conceals you but you aren't protected.

    As a terminology it is to enter one letter onto another letter. When the noon gets onto certain letters it gets covered,or it gets concealed. There's tow types; cover and concealment.


    = The second is = Idgham = six = before? = in() = yarmaluna = In these letters (according to the scholars of qiraa'ah/tajweed) = it is clear

    There are 4 rules for noon saakinah and tanween:The first is idh-har, it's before six letters ( , , , , ,)The second rule is idgham: if noon as saakinah and tanween come before the six letters ( ) idgham is therule, and it is clear according to the scholars of tajweed.




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    = However (ha = it) = Two types = One type.. = you make idgham = In the (idgham) = with ghunnah , , , = = (In these letters, you do idgham with ghunnah) = It's there to help the poem go on

    IDGHAM || ||

    || ||

    With Ghunnah / Without Ghunnah|| ||

    With Ghunnah

    ( )

    || ||

    Without Ghunnah

    ( )

    To conclude:The second rule for noon as saakinah for tanween is called idghamIdgham means entering something into something elseThe letters of idgham is Idgham is of two types: ghunnah and without ghunnahGhunnah is the sound made from holding the air in the noseThe one that has ghunnah is The letters that don't have ghunnah is

    Alhamdulillah, end of lesson 6. =)

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    10-04-09, 08:19 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    So in my own words I'm going to review it all from the beginning up into where we have left off. =)

    Lesson one:

    The opening of chains, a gift for the babies/beginners.

    He (the author) hopes for the mercy of Al Ghafoor (the Forgiving, attribute of Allah) always, Sulayman (that's his name) from Jamzuri. (where he

    is from)




  • 6/23/2014 The Fiks - Tajweed class notes 17/24

    All praise belongs to Allah, blessings upon the Prophet and his family, and his companions.

    Introducing (or a break in speech concerning a different topic) this poem about noon saakinah, tanween and elongation

    I (the author) have named this book a gift for the babies on the authority of Shaykh Mahyiyi (dunno how to spell it but it's another town in Tanta)

    the (one whom he thinks is perfect, again, only Allah is perfect)

    I (the author) hope to benefit the student/expert/etc with reward for the effort (from Allah) and reward (because of Allah's Mercy).

    Lesson two:The 10 fundamentals:

    The basics of ev ery science are ten;1/2 the definition and name3/4 What is the subject title? What is its benefit?5/ What is its nobility next to other sciences?6/ What sciences and subjects is it related to?7/8 Who started it? What tools must we use?9/ What issues does it deal with?10/ What is the legal ruling regarding it?

    Lesson three:Al LaHnul Jalee - major major mistakeAl laHnul Khafee - minor mistakeQiraa'ah - Any difference in recitation of Qur'an that is attributed to the 10 imaams.Riwaayah - How the students of the imaams taught their students differently.Taruq - The way the student of the raawi recited. They are strict rules to follow.Tilaawah - of 4 types;Tarteel - Melodically reciting Qur'an with rules of tajweed.Tahqeeq - Like a student learning emphasising each letter.Tadweer - faster than the abov e two but still melodically.Hadr - to go fast, rev iew.

    Lesson 4, 5 and 6:

    The rulings of noon saakinah and tanween.

    For the noon that is saakin and the tanween

    There are four rules plus clarification

    The first rule is id-har before certain letters...

    ..of the throat are six set straight and in order so you should know what they are

    Hamza, ha, then aayn, Ha, without the markings, then ghayn and KHa.

    The third rule is idgham before six

    () in ( ) (in these letters) according to the scholars of qiraa'ah/tajweed it's firm.

    However, there are two types, one time you make idgham

    () In the idgham you make ghunnah (for the letters: )

    Wow, is that all! =P

    Alhamdulillah, next up lesson number 7.

    Last edited by scribb le; 10-04-09 at 08:47 AM.

    Reply With Quote

    10-04-09, 08:46 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Tajweed class 07:




  • 6/23/2014 The Fiks - Tajweed class notes 18/24

    = there is no ghunnah = when = (the noon as saakinah and one of the letters of yanmu) come together (in one word) = in a word = then do not = make ghunnah = when the noon saakinah is before the ya (because ghunnah is between two words) = another example like the above. = recite the two of them like that (like tilaawah)

    There is no ghunnah when the noon as saakinah and one of the letters of yanmu appear together in one word like and because ghunnah happens between two words unlike id-har. So if they appear together the rule is id-har ifthey do not then the rule is idgham.

    Examples of idgham:

    Reply With Quote

    10-04-09, 09:24 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Idgham with ghunnah: the letters are entered upon each other and the length has increased.




    Guests Originally Posted by scribble

    Tajweed class 07:

    = there is no ghunnah = when = (the noon as saak inah and one of the letters of yanmu) come together (in one word) = in a word = then do not = make ghunnah = when the noon saak inah is before the ya (because ghunnah is between two words) = another example like the above. = recite the two of them like that (like tilaawah)

    There is no ghunnah when the noon as saak inah and one of the letters of yanmu appear together inone word like and because ghunnah happens between two words unlike id-har. So if theyappear together the rule is id-har if they do not then the rule is idgham.

    Examples of idgham:

  • 6/23/2014 The Fiks - Tajweed class notes 19/24


    : /

    : /

    : / Alhamdulillah enddddd. =)

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    12-04-09, 03:00 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Tajweed class 08:

    I'm not gonna go over the review again. =P

    = to enter something into something else. There is two types, ghunnah and without ghunnah.

    (BTW he said and I'll just say it too, you can't learn tajweed from watching these, you have to go to someone to learnit proper. =))

    = the second (type of idgham) = idgham without ghunnah = In/regarding = the lam = the ra = then = Tikrar, saying the ra without it bumping

    EXAMPLES: (with noon saakinah and tanween)

    : /

    : / Alhamdulillah end of lesson 8. =P Yeah was short.




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    22-04-09, 04:36 PM #30

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    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Tajweed class 09:

    The third rule:

    = the third rule (for noon saakinah and tanween) = = heart (to flip something, inside out - one day you like something one day you hate it/blood comesin one way then pushes it another way) = it flips the noon into a meem. Imam of qiraa'ah says to keep mouth slightlyopen.

    = iqlaab is ONLY in the letter BAA

    Will finish later insha Allah... =o I am slightly distracted..



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    24-04-09, 11:41 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    = the meem = the nasality sound from the nose. = = Hiding, or a sutrah so no one can walk in front of you. Ikhfaa is when the meem puts cover onthe noon, the meem then glides into the baa.

    Iqlaab is the third rule concerning noon saakinah and tanween, when the noon comes before a baa then it is flipped, itturns the noon into a meem.

    EXAMPLES:Noon saakinah:

    = The noon is with iqlaab (I dunno how to put the little meem over it) Tanween:



    Guests Originally Posted by scribble

    Tajweed class 09:

    The third rule:

    = the third rule (for noon saak inah and tanween) = = heart (to flip something, inside out - one day you like something one day youhate it/blood comes in one way then pushes it another way) = it flips the noon into a meem. Imam ofqiraa'ah says to keep mouth slightly open.

    = iqlaab is ONLY in the letter BAA

  • 6/23/2014 The Fiks - Tajweed class notes 21/24

    = tanween has iqlaab flip it to meem.

    Alhamdulillah. (Ikhfaa will be discussed in next lesson insha Allah)

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    24-04-09, 03:24 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes



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    30-04-09, 11:18 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    This is really cool I found the poem

    =) Has English translation also.




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    01-05-09, 08:26 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes



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    .: Anna :.


    .: Rufaida :..:Fa Firroo Ila-llaah:.

    People praise you for what they suppose is in you,but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you.

    ~ Ibn Atallah

  • 6/23/2014 The Fiks - Tajweed class notes 22/24

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    01-05-09, 10:08 AM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    I came accross this on youtube, do you guys think itd be any good?


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    01-05-09, 12:42 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    Yeah, you could listen, I've not watched them ones..




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    01-05-09, 01:07 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    ive not listened to it (and cnt click now trying to get baby 2 sleep) but it looks good i think its definately worth trying

    insha Allah i will listen 2 some of tht later for link


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    .: Anna :.


    .: Rufaida :..:Fa Firroo Ila-llaah:.

    People praise you for what they suppose is in you,but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you.

    ~ Ibn Atallah

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    01-05-09, 01:07 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    sis,these days I am learning tajweed alhamdulillah,so your lessons will be very beneficial for me may Allah subhanahutaala reward you for your great effort ameen!!


    muslim sister)

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  • 6/23/2014 The Fiks - Tajweed class notes 23/24

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    01-05-09, 01:12 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes


    Alhamdulillah that's really cool.. aww insha Allah my notes will help lol, I've just really been writing them for myselfmostly.




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    01-05-09, 01:14 PM

    Re: The Fiks - Tajweed class notes

    ive watched the first 2 ones which were basically general introduction, like where you make the sounds for eachletter, but havnt got round to listening to the others yet which i think are the actual rules


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