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Page 1: The Fall

The Fall

Catechism Questions 166-171

Page 2: The Fall

If you just received this new shirt…

…and this happened…

…you wouldn’t have a second chance.

Page 3: The Fall

How did the devil ruin God’s creation?

Page 4: The Fall

Who is the devil?

Matthew 25:41

2 Peter 2:4

The devil is the leader of the many evil angels who sinned and were condemned to hell by God.

Page 5: The Fall

How does the devil do his evil work?

1 Peter 5:8John 8:44

Genesis 3:1-62 Corinthians 11:3

The devil uses lies to deceive people and hurt them by leading them into sin.

Page 6: The Fall

How did Adam and Eve’s sin ruin God’s creation?

Romans 5:12Romans 8:22

Satan brought death and suffering into the world by leading Adam and Eve into sin.

Page 7: The Fall

God’s Word and My Life

Which of these items is a reminder to you of the fact that the devil ruined God’s creation by leading Adam and Eve into sin? Why or why not?• Thunderstorms and tornados• The weeds that grow in lawns and gardens• Watching the sun set in the evening• A bad cold• Watching a hard fought football game• Watching a program on television

Page 8: The Fall

God’s Word and My Life

Evaluate this statement: God promised a Savior for the world rather than destroying the world and starting over again because he couldn’t stand to see Satan laugh if God himself destroyed what he created.

Page 9: The Fall

Who is Satan?

Page 10: The Fall

Who is Satan?

Page 11: The Fall

What does Satan do? What has he done?

Seeks to destroy people

Did God really say…

Uses lies to deceivesinsufferingdeath

Ruined God’s creation

Page 12: The Fall

How did the devil ruin God’s creation?

The devil ruined creation by using his lies to bring sin into the world.
