

The Problem and its Background


Ever wondered for once that waste that you throw has other

uses if you really think about it. Well we, the researchers

thought about it and we discovered that orange peelings can be

used as candles. Isn’t that great? With this new discovery we can

provide a new source of energy that can guarantee to help people

especially those living in rural areas because with this we can

provide them a perfect solution to their money wasting problems

like decreasing the bill for electricity as our study will

guarantee a longer lasting candle that isn’t tight on the budget

of poverty stricken families. We also can benefit and learn that

every waste that we throw can be recycled into new things that

will increase our knowledge about the world we live in today also

give us life benefits to greater improve our society. Our

research also aims to inspire other fellow scientists to discover

more things about oranges and other materials that can be

recycled into greater things.


Background of the study

The study is all about figuring out a new way to use

biodegradable waste like orange peelings in a new way. This

research will focus on orange peelings which are not visible to

people that it has use and also by conducting this research, it

will help us to recycle and enhance our crafty skills in using

orange peelings as decorative candles. The researchers conducted

this study not only for personal intentions but especially for

the people who would like to save up and lessen their electrical

bill. The product will be produce is surely convenient and very

useful. This study may help many people in saving up and letting

their creative side bloom.


The main purpose of the study is to find out the effects of

orange (Citrus sinesis) peelings as a different source of candle

light. Specifically the study also aims to answer the following


1. How long does the orange candle lasts longer than the

original candle?

2.How long does the orange candle lasts?


3. Will the amount of oil added contribute to adding the

amount of time the orange candle lasts?

If so then how long?


Null – There is no significant effect of orange peelings as

a different source of candle light.

Alternative – Orange Peeling is an effective different

source of light and it’s very helpful and convenient to




Orange is good to our body because of the Vitamin C they

produced but after eating up that fruit you throw away the peel,

did you know that the peeling of the orange can be use

afterwards? It can be use as an alternative candle and even

produced a citrus fruit scent and perfect for anti- mosquitoes

and also using orange peelings as your source of light can

decrease your electrical bill and saves enough money.

The present study informs the researchers to understand that

Orange Peelings has a benefit and use. The study will help the

Researchers enhance their eco-friendly and creative minds work.

To our Society

Our study will help decrease the weight of their budget

they have of electricity especially with the price hike going on

with electricity companies this will help them focus on more

daily needs than on other menial things.

To our Country


Our study will help decrease the trash found on the streets

as our study will provide the inspiration needed for people

to find other uses for their wastes to their convenience

rather than just throwing them away mindlessly and also

decreases the pollution amount of burning away fossils to

make electricity.

To all the Scientist

Our study will provide them the knowledge of thinking

more ways to do with the peelings of not only oranges but

other fruits as well that will help greatly in the benefit

of the lifestyle of the people.

To the Government

This will help them with less things to worry about in

the prices of electricity as that is a huge problem with its

prices going high and with less rallies about to decrease

the prices of it.

To the Environment


Our study will help lessen the amount of trash thrown on

rivers and lakes so that they can once flourish again and provide

food and home for the living organisms there also it will help

decrease the flood problem that our country is having today.


The research focuses on using Orange Peelings as Alternative

source of light. With this, the researchers will be formulating

the Candle using Orange Peelings.

The study was conducted and observed inside the campus of

Dominican School Manila, SY (2014-2015).

The experimentation that will be performed is for the

discovery of effectiveness of Orange Peelings as a different

source of light.



The Researchers gathered the needed materials in able to

perform the experimentation of the candle. The materials needed

are Orange Peelings, oil, match or anything that can light the

candle wick and knife or any sharp objects that can cut the

orange in half. After the preparation of the materials the

researchers will now make the candle. The researchers will

observe and gather all the data of the experimentation to be

analyzed formulate a conclusion.




Orange Peelings

Oil Match or anything to light the candle wick

Knife to cut the orange in half


Making of



Gathering of





Candle wick - is usually braided cotton that holds the flame of

a candle or oil lamp for a set period of time depending upon the

amount of wick.

Rural Area - is a geographic area that is located outside cities

and towns.



Review of Related Literature and Related Studies


According to Healthy Lifestyle,2004, “Fruit Peelings is very

rich in essential oils, which gives characteristic aroma to the

fruit. These oil glands are spread all over the peel but denser

near its pits. These oil glands are quite uniquely prominent in

citrus fruits like lemons, and oranges” which shows that oranges

contain oil needed to light or prolong a fire needed to start a


According to Barry Bearak, July 13 2003, New York Times

“Families often endure this hungry period on a single meal a day,

sometimes nothing more than a foraged handful of greens. Last

year's food crisis was the worst in living memory.” It means that

there are people who cant even buy enough food to feed their

families so why bother buying a candle you are just spending more

money instead you can save your money for food and also be able

to light your house at the same time by recycling orange peelings

after you eaten the oranges.


According to Gonzales Iris, March 26 2014, “An additional

7.5 centavos per kilowatt-hour will be imposed in the monthly

generation charge of electricity consumers for a period of six

months after the Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) sought to recover

unbilled charges for January amounting to 45 centavos per kwh.”

This means that the price of electricity is going higher and

higher and wont seem to stop anytime soon so why waste more money

on electricity when you can just light a orange candle that lasts

for 6 hours of light.

According to Anderson Caryl “Orange peels are particularly

effective for use as a natural fertilizer. They rot quickly if

you bury them, offering rich stores for vital nutrients to the

soil, including potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium

and sodium. You can dry and grind peels to use as mulch, or apply

them directly to planting areas.” This shows that with our

experiments help people will find more uses for wastes like

orange peelings and recycle them to help benefit our country.

According to Dayton Daily News, July 16 2010, “ The reason

why the river and our neighborhoods are so littered with trash is

because people don’t seem to care where they dispose of their

garbage, be it out the car window, on sidewalks, wherever. I’m

constantly cleaning up my front yard of debris” so instead of


people throwing their trash here and there our study will show a

good example that even useless thing like fruit peelings can be

recycled to something new.

According to Healthy Lifestyle,2004, “Oranges contain a lot

of Vitamins that will help increase the body strength and

resistance to sickness like Vitamin A and C.” so our study also

helps in maintaining the proper intake of vitamins the body


According to The health site, orange peelings help keep

mosquitoes and ants at bay: The citric smell of orange is a

great deterrent for mosquitoes and ants. So simply applying a

little orange oil on your body or spreading some crushed

orange powder in the areas that ants enter your house help

naturally keep this critters away.



According to Murugan, Kumar, Kovendan, Amerasan, Subrmaniam,

Hwang (2012), The genus Citrus of the family Rutaceae includes

about 17 species distributed throughout the tropical and

temperate regions (Shaw 1977; Davies and Albrigo

1994). Citrus oils are mixtures of very volatile components as

terpenes and oxygenated compounds (Sato et al.1996). Limonene, a

monoterpene, is the major component of lime and other related

citrus essential oils (Lanças and Cavicchioli 1990). Citrus

sinensis (orange) is a small flowering tree growing to about 10 m

tall with evergreen leaves, which are arranged alternately, of

ovate shape with crenulate margins and 4–10 cm long. The orange

fruit is a hesperidium, a type of berry. Like all citrus fruits,

the orange is acidic, with a pH level of around 2.5–3, depending

on the age, size and variety of the fruit. Parasitol Res Although

this is not, on average, as strong as the lemon,it is still quite

strong on the scale—as strong as vinegar.Orange oil is an

essential oil produced by glands inside the rind of an orange

fruit. It is extracted or steam distilled as a by-product of

orange juice production. It is composed of mostly (greater than

90 %) D-limonene (Bauer et al. 2001) and is therefore often used

in place of pure D-limonene, which can be further extracted from

the oil by distillation. Many researchers have reported on the

effectiveness of plant extract against mosquito larvae


(Kalyanasundaram and Das 1985; Govindarajan et al. 2008; Kovendan

and Murugan 2011; Kovendan et al. 2011; 2012c, d, e,g).

According to Study mode (2014), Candles have been used for

thousands of years and up until the early 1900s they were the

single source for artificial light. Candles also have a rich

tradition in religious services in many faiths through-out

history. Today, the candle is no longer the single source of

light but is used abundantly in religious services as well as in

birthday celebrations, holidays, and home decorations. Our candle

made from orange peels is homemade candle and everyone can make

it easily. If you have an emergency, and need to light something

you can’t see because of the darkness, but you’re out of candle,

don’t have a cow because our candle made from orange peels will

always be an alternative. You will not spend a large amount of

money to have a candle because you will only use common kitchen

materials to make our homemade orange peel candle.





In this chapter you will find out on how to make the orange

peeling candle and its materials complete with step by step

procedures on how to do it. Furthermore it presents the flow on

what the researchers did and how they did it complete with the

amount of time done.


The researchers used experimental method because the study

needs to be observed and experimented to gather data that will be

used for their analysis.




The researchers Gathered the materials needed to do the experiment and divided the work between themselves

The researchers followed the step by step procedures using the instructions given and used different amounts of oil to

determine what is better

The researchers recorded their observations and presented it to each other.

The researchers placed the orange candle in different locations around the house at night and see what happened to



The researchers gathered the materials needed such as Orange peelings, Oil (preferably cooking oil), Match or anything to light the fuse, Knife or any sharp object that can cut the orange in half to do the experiment and divided the work between them.

The researchers then followed the step by step procedures using the instructions given and used different amounts of oil to determine what is better.

The researchers placed the orange candle in different locations such as Living room, Bedroom and Kitchen at night and see what happened to them and gather data according to the amount of time with different amount of cooking oil used.

And Lastly, The researchers recorded their observations and presented it to each other.


The researchers set up the orange peel candle in the Living

room with a small amount of cooking oil and it lasted only for 4




The researchers tried a different room which is the bedroom

and we put a moderate amount of cooking oil and it lasted for 6



The researchers tried putting the orange peel candle in the

kitchen with a huge amount of cooking oil and it ended up after 8


The researchers choose to have the 3rd product because it

lasted for 8 hours and the study focuses on helping people to

solve their high paid bills, through this study of orange peel

candle that lasts 8 hours it can help a lot.



Presentation Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter discuss about the results and interpretations

of the survey questionnaire. The following were the presentation

and analysis of the results gathered from conducting survey in 45

different people.

I. Demographic Profile

Table 1. AGE of the respondents


19-20 25 60%

18 and below 15 28%

21 and above 5 12%

N= 45

Figure 1.


19-20 18 and below 21 and above

Majority of the age of the respondents ranges from 19-20 which has a percentage of 60%.

Table 2: GENDER of Respondents


Female 30 70%

Male 15 30%

N= 45

Figure 2.


Female Male

Majority of the gender of the respondents are female which has a percentage of 70%.



Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations


With the data the researchers have gathered we found out

that using oil or other flammable materials besides olive oil has

different effects and none of them are as good as the effects as

the olive oil. Furthermore we have proven that the amount of oil

affects the time that keeps the orange candle light.


The researchers therefore conclude from our studies is that

orange peelings can be used as an alternative as a candle and is

affected by the amount of oil added onto it making it last longer

than your usual candle. Furthermore attempting to use an

alternative to olive oil is invalid as it does not last very long

nor does it burn the orange as well.



The researchers recommend to anyone wanting to follow in our

research or are willing to try our research to be careful in

making the orange and lighting it for it takes a considerate

amount of time lighting it. Furthermore we recommend that they

make sure to pour the olive oil directly at the fuse to hasten

the time lighting it and decreases the amount of failure.