


THE DEFENDER By Miles and Freddie

You chose the crossbow and with one arrow of your crossbow the dragon comes tumbling down!

CROSSBOWThe church bells ring to warn that an attack is coming. It is a huge dragon. SHIELD

WHICH WEAPON WILL YOU CHOOSE!The dragon is too powerful and your shield is burned to ashes.Go back and choose again

But soon after the wizard is back with a strong , tall and green Ogre and a fire demon! You have to make a quick choice . Do you chose to.

Attack the fire demon first

Or do you attack the ogre first

YOU DIE!!!The ogre killed you!You attack the fire demon and slay the fire demon with one slash of your sword congratulations!

Its a final assault from the wizard he has sent a evil mutated cupcake and giant evil candy cane with legs!

The choice is yours.

Will you go home and hide under your bed!

Or do you fight like a man!

The candy cane charges! What do you do?

Do you stand strong with your sword

Or do you dive to the side

11After recovering from your injury you get up but when you dived you lost your weapon so you take a flame thrower and you burn the cupcake to ashes and the evil wizard flees from the kingdom forever and you get all the money you want!
