

Global History: Spiconardi

Reasons for the Crusades

Pope wanted to increase his power

Christians believed they could gain salvation (entry into Heaven) if they fought

Control of Jerusalem

Nobles saw land opportunities to start their own kingdoms

Serfs hoped to escape feudal oppression


The Third Crusade (1189 – 1192)

Saladin United a great deal of the

Muslim world under the practices of Sunni Islam (becomes sultan of Egypt and Syria)

Well respected by Christians Seen as fair & chivalrous

Often freed Christian prisoners

Captures most Crusader cities in response to raids on Muslims by Raynald, a knight and Prince of Antioch

The Third Crusade (1189 – 1192)

Siege of Jerusalem (1187) Saladin offers a

peaceful surrender of the city

Balian, the highest ranking lord in Jerusalem, is convinced by citizens to not surrender & fight back

After 13 days of fighting, Balian surrenders & hands over keys of Jerusalem's citadel to Saladin The fall of

Jerusalem inspires the Third Crusade

The Third Crusade (1189 – 1192) The Christians

Richard The Lionheart, King of England Anti-Semitic Slaughtered 2700

Muslims at Acre Frederick of

Barbarosa, Holy Roman Emperor

Philip II, King of France

The Third Crusade (1189 – 1192)

Outcome Richard becomes leader of

crusade after Frederick’s death & Philip’s return to France

Needed to return to England to deal w/his brother’s planned usurpation

Negotiates a peace with Saladin that would allow Christian pilgrims safe passage to Jerusalem

Once again, it was a failure for Christians

The Children’s Crusade

The Children’s Crusade Thousands of children were set out to the Holy land with no arms. Believed God would give them Jerusalem Children die of cold, starvation or

drowning Some were sold into slavery

Impact of the Crusades

Despite being a failure for the Christians… Returning crusaders inspire interest in the

East Trade increases = Cultural Diffusion

Increase in religious intolerance New Religious Orders Founded

Templars protect pilgrims traveling to Holy Land

Hospitalers cared for sick pilgrims Kings power increases as Nobles’ power

decreases Feudalism weakened

Rent is paid instead of services provided


Identify 3 effects of the crusades Identify 2 causes of the crusades Identify 1 difference between the First

Crusade and the Second & Third Crusades
