
The Cities of the U.S

By: Christina O’Toole and Izzy Nickoloff

The longitude is 20 °N

The latitude is 155°W

The average annual rainfall is 64-96 inches

The population destiny is over 250 people per square mile

The approximate elevation is 0 feet

Honolulu, Hawaii

The Latitude is 35°N

The Longitude is115°W

The average annual rainfall is0-16 inches

The population destiny is 50- 250 people per square mile

The approximate elevation is 1,000 feet

Las Vegas, Nevada

The latitude is 35°N

The longitude is 120°W

The average annual rainfall is 16-32

The population destiny is over 250 people per square mile

The approximate elevation is 1,000 feet

San Francisco, California


Slide #1 produced by Christina O. & Izzy N.

Slide #2 produced by Izzy N. & Christina O.

Slide #3 produced by Izzy Nickoloff Slide #4 produced by Christina O’Toole
