Page 1: The Church Caller 17 Caller... · 2019-10-02 · 1 Corinthians 3.1-9 Sunday, FEBRUARY 19TH SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY Leviticus 19.1-2, 9-18 Psalm 119.33-40 Matthew 5.38-48 Sunday,


The Church Caller

A monthly publication of Ellington Congregational Church February 2017



8:45 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.




Isaiah 58.6-10

Psalm 112.1-9

1 Corinthians 2.1-12




Deuteronomy 30.15-20

Psalm 119.1-8

1 Corinthians 3.1-9



Leviticus 19.1-2, 9-18

Psalm 119.33-40

Matthew 5.38-48



Exodus 24.12-18

Psalm 99

Matthew 17.1-9

Resolution of Gratitude for 2016

As presented at the Annual Meeting January 26, 2017

By: Robin Miller

When I was called and asked to do this, I immediately

thought I would have to enroll in a Toastmaster’s course or

at least, as Don suggested at one time, have papers put

down on the floor under me. But you’re my family, so that

makes it different.

So…Resolution of Gratitude. I started by googling the

word Gratitude…it said “Thankfulness” ... I googled the

word “Thankfulness” and it, of course, said Gratitude. I

was really hoping there would be a word that would jump

out at me and get me started. But the word that kept

echoing through my head (after the initial panic subsided),

was “Change”.

Being the year of the election of a new president,

“Change” is inevitable; and most people don’t like or resist

change. Let’s take a look at “Change”.

“Change” can be necessary: You HAVE to change the

litter in the cat box, you HAVE to change your socks, you

HAVE to change the burned out lightbulb and you HAVE

to change the tires on your car when the tread wears out.

Continued on page 2

W.I.N.D. ~ Worship in New Directions Is on a winter hiatus and will resume on Wednesday, March 8, 2017

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Resolution of Gratitude continued from page 1

“Change” can be enjoyable: Like the loose stuff in

your pocket, the change of seasons, changing the

channel on the radio to a better song, changing the

route to work to break up the routine, changing your

hairstyle or color, changing out of your work clothes

into those oh so comfortable “hang around the house


“Change” can be a choice: Buying a new car,

giving up smoking, deciding to eat better, to finally

try the couch in the living room on the other wall,

or to make your favorite chicken recipe WITHOUT

the onions this time.

“Change” can be daunting: Starting a new job,

getting engaged, making a New Year’s resolution

and trying to stick to it, learning how to use that

new cell phone, and as I said before, change in


And “Change” can be very scary: Losing a spouse,

a child, a parent, a sibling, a job. Having to move

unexpectedly, a sudden change in your health or the

health of a loved one.

Does Ellington Congregational Church “Change”?

You bet it does. And is “Change” also something to

be thankful for? You bet it is! Let’s look at some of

the changes.

We welcomed 7 new members this year, baptized

11 children and added 14 confirmands to our


Tonight we make changes to boards and committees

by installing new members as we do every year

which helps to keep fresh ideas and new insight


The parking lot has been expanded, adding 39 new


The labyrinth has been improved, cleaned up and

made accessible to persons in wheelchairs.

The sconces at the back of the church that were

damaged have been replaced. Some of you may

say, “That’s not that big of a change”, but what you

don’t know was that was on the Trustee’s agenda

for over a year before we finally found a solution.

(Thank you Amy Zander for your amazing work on


The church was painted and broken window panes

were repaired, a couple of doors replaced, there is a

new copier in the church office and the list goes on.

We give thanks for these changes.

We can also be thankful for the LACK of

“Change”. We still have Don and Karen as our

pastors, PLEASE God don’t let that change….

Leigh Lezotte is still in the office making sure

things run smoothly, Sharon McLaughlin and Lori

Savino still make sure the checkbook balances and

the light and heating bills are paid, Esther Pezzella

still makes sure all the choirs are on key and in

place every week, Lisa Crocker still keeps the

Sunday School program fresh and exciting for our

children, the boards and committees meet and make

decisions for the life of our church, TELOS still

makes a difference in other communities,

confirmation class prepares our youth for a faith

based adulthood, there are always members to plan

and make the meal for tonight’s meeting and for

coffee hour after worship, you all continue to

pledge faithfully and fund special projects and we

still have the best Farmhouse Fair in town.

Through all the changes in the life of our church

and the lives of all of our members, we still have

the unchanging stability of our church family and

how can you not be thankful for that?

On a personal note: my sister belongs to another

congregational church and during the summer they

actually close down, so she comes here on occasion.

She always takes back something we do here to her

church and tries to get them to CHANGE! This

year she got them to change the foil on the

Christmas poinsettias from green to gold. She

always tells me, “Your church just does things


One last thing however, there are some things you

CAN’T change, like your age, but most importantly

you can’t change the love of our God, the love of

Jesus and the love and dedication to and for each

other as a church family and for that Dear God, we

are eternally grateful.

Page 3: The Church Caller 17 Caller... · 2019-10-02 · 1 Corinthians 3.1-9 Sunday, FEBRUARY 19TH SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY Leviticus 19.1-2, 9-18 Psalm 119.33-40 Matthew 5.38-48 Sunday,


From the Moderator Q: HOW DO YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT?

A: One SMALL BITE at a time!

I don’t know who originally said that. I probably

should know and it’s probably someone famous, but

it describes perfectly how most everything around

Ellington Congregational Church gets done!

While we think of the ‘work of the church’ being

done by the Boards, Committees and Groups at

ECC, each group is made up of individuals whose

own special interests and talents are shared to

support the church. But even the members of the

various committees can’t do it all. As you have

heard over the past year through the “Know Your

Church and Where You Fit” initiative, there’s A

LOT going on here at ECC! And maybe as you’ve

listened and read the different components of the

“Know Your Church” initiative, you’ve realized that

traditional committee work is not your ‘fit’. And

that’s okay. ECC is not a “one size fits all” church.

There are many opportunities to share your talents

and take a “small bite” to support the ministries of

our church. A few recent examples of ‘small bites’

are changing all the light bulbs in the Sanctuary

which took about 2 hours and the job was done and

replacing or rotating the rubber stoppers on the

bottoms of the chairs in the Social Room… 45

minutes and done. And there are bigger elephants

like the Farmhouse Fair, the Annual Golf

Tournament and Winterfest…none of which would

be successful without the help of those who take on

the “small bites”.

So by now you’re asking yourself “what small bites

can I chew off?” I’m glad you asked!

On March 25th there will be a wonderful event at

ECC: “An Evening in Vienna”. This will be an

evening of gourmet hot and cold hors d’oeuvres

followed by classical music and ending with fancy

Viennese mini-pastries and petit fours. This

fundraiser event will be open to the public and

‘small bites’ will include kitchen help (just 3 hour

shifts), wait staff, parking attendants, ticket sellers

and more. Please keep your ears open to more

information about this event.

Another opportunity is to help with the Fellowship

Ministry by signing up to make coffee and set out

the treats for Social Hour on Sundays. This Ministry

is a small group who offer a big service to our

church. There is a rotating schedule of those who

sign up to help; the more people who sign up, the

less often your name comes up on the schedule.

There is currently a very real need for help at the

8:45am service. You don’t even need to know how

to make the coffee because there are instructions

right on the wall! JoAnn Scott who manages this

ministry would love to hear from anyone willing to

help her out, even if it’s only for 3 -4 four times per


There is a sub-group of Women’s Fellowship who

coordinate meals and receptions for family and

friends following funeral services. This group of

women (but men are welcome!) provide elegant

meals in our Social Room based on the preferences

of the family. The leadership team is in place for

this ministry but volunteers are needed to be

available to prepare food, decorate, set up and clean

up for these receptions. There is a need for

volunteers who are available during weekdays as this

is the most common time for funerals. Obviously,

there is no way to predict how often you may need to

help out, but being available to assist in this very

important ministry would be very appreciated.

These are just a few examples of the “small bite”

opportunities that are available. These ‘bites’ don’t

require monthly meetings or long term

commitments. The time to take on these ‘bites’ may

only be an hour or two now and then, but the

rewards continue in the fellowship, outreach and

comfort that these projects provide.

I am not really a big “dessert person” but I do like

sweets. Just not a lot of them at one time. When

considering dessert, my normal response is “I don’t

want the whole piece, but I’ll take a small bite”.

Hmmm, a “small bite”.

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Ellington Congregational Church, UCC

Saturday, February 4th

What’s a Summit Meeting? Who goes to this church meeting?

Are you on a committee?

Or going on to a committee?

Are you a new member?

Or a long time member?

Are you confirmed?

Or a member of TELOS?

Everyone attends! P.S. A Summit meeting contains prayer, planning, and people

Our ninth Annual Summit will begin with

registration and coffee at 8:30 and will end at 12:00.

Marsha Andzans


(snow date: Saturday, February 11, 2017)


Wednesday, Feb 1st


Wednesday, Feb 8th



7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in Room 201

It was a really big trip so we’re planning two nights to

talk about it! Join Pastor Karen for a presentation

about her trip to Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia

with Hartford Seminary last October. On Wednesday,

2/1 and 2/8, hear about the local connections to the

largest Muslim-majority region in the world... and see

what a beautiful experience it was. No preparation or

reservation needed. Just come! Hope to see you there.

Ellington Congregational

Church proudly presents

“An Evening in Vienna”

Saturday, March 25, 2017

This is a special event – don’t miss it!

Our primary goal of this fund raiser is to


10,000 meals to “Feeding Children


Master Pastry Chef and Award-winning Baker

Roland Schneider will be preparing a scrumptious

variety of fine hors d’oeuvres and a beautiful array

of Viennese pastries, Apple Strudel and more.

5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Assorted Gourmet Hors D’oeuvres

& Soft Drinks

6:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Live Classical Music

Presentation featuring

Music of Johann Strauss & Mozart

7:45 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Viennese Pastry Table &


Tickets are $40 per person

For tickets or more information contact

Janet Wieliczka at 860 871-1080


Cathy Leonard at 860-875-9427

[email protected]

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COMMITTEE…if I don’t know what the

Committee does? Well, most people wouldn’t, and

there lies the basis of ECC’s new initiative for 2016

and beyond:

“Know Your Church and Where You Fit”

(each month the Caller will introduce you to another

committee, then that committee will host Fellowship on an

assigned Sunday, stop by and meet the committees)



Who We Are and What We Do

The Christian Education Committee guides the

educational ministry of the church by supporting the

children’s church school, confirmands, youth group,

adult education, and intergenerational activities. The

committee provides oversight and leadership around

educational opportunities that encourage and nurture

the life-long process of faith formation. The

committee consists of 9 members and typically

meets on the first Tuesday of each month.

The BCE responsibilities include:

Lend support and encouragement to the pastors in

their leading of the youth group and confirmation classes

Assist the Continuing Education Coordinator in the

planning of Sunday School programs, children’s programs

and intergenerational events

Staff One-Room Schoolhouse and Cradle Roll

Partner with Youth Group leaders to support joint

activities among children, youth and adults

Collaborate with Pastors and Adult Education lay

leaders to sponsor a variety of opportunities for learning

and Christian formation for adults such as Bible Studies

and Book discussions

We welcome any thoughts or suggestions on how we

can improve the ECC Christian Education program.

Please feel free to contact any of the following BCE

committee members:

Laurie Hinze, Chair

Joy Cloukey, Secretary

Gary Duckett, Treasurer

Lisa Crocker, ACE

Deanna Piotrowski, SS Assistant

Alexis Leonard

Colette Aldrich

Ellen Panagrosso

Michelle Mather

We look forward to meeting you on

Sunday, February 12th

at both services and fellowship!

Diaconate Corner…

Thank you to the Pastoral Relations Committees!

There are two behind-the-scenes committees that

many don’t know about, yet who perform some

very important functions that support our Pastors.

These committees are actually sub-committees of

the Diaconate. Each committee consists of 3

different people, so each year 6 members of the

Diaconate are serving on one of these committees.

The 1st committee is the Pastoral Relations

Committee. This committee serves as a “sounding

board” for the Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor has

complete confidentiality with this committee, and is

able to discuss matters of either a personal, pastoral

or human resource nature. They may be needed just

to listen, to offer advice, or to assist more directly

on behalf of the Pastor if necessary. Conversely,

this is the committee that serves as a conduit

between members of the Congregation and the

Pastor. Should a member want something

communicated to the Pastor but they are unsure the

best way to do so, they can bring their discussion to

the committee for assistance.

The 2nd committee is the Associate Pastoral

Relations Committee, and serves the same purpose

as the above committee. It consists of 3 different

people from the Pastoral Relations Committee and

maintains the same level of confidentiality on

behalf of the Associate Pastor.

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Currently serving on these committees are:

Pastoral Relations Committee:

Bryan Forst, Carolyn Ladd, Basil Stone

Associate Pastoral Relations Committee:

B. J. Aldrich, Joanne Raulukaitis, Beverly Russo

These members change annually, so members of the

Congregation can always be directed to the right

people by the Chair of the Diaconate. Pastor Don

has expressed how helpful these committees have

been, and we can feel good knowing that these

important committees are supporting our Pastors

and our members in a personal and caring way.

An ECC Adult Education Series

Ancient Roads: from Christ to Constantine

Embark on an exciting and visually stunning journey

to the beautiful and important historical places of

Christianity, starting from where Christianity was

born, growing from a small movement called “The

Way” to its eventual place as the official religion of

the Roman Empire. Today, Christianity is the largest

religion in the world, with over 2 billion followers.

Author and distinguished history professor Jonathan

Phillips, takes us on a 12,000-mile personal journey

through seven countries in Europe, Northern Africa

and the Middle East to bring this rich history to life.

This journey is both entertaining and enlightening,

full of sights and sounds that capture the essence of

Christianity’s early history and its incredible triumph

against all odds.

Wednesdays, January 25 – March 1

10:00 - 11:30 AM

Lenten 2017 – 6-week study “John: The Gospel of

Light and Life” Thursdays at 10:00 am or 7:00 pm

March 2nd – April 6th


The Fellowship Ministry was started several years

ago by Growth and Nurture. The reason that Growth

and Nurture began the fellowship was because

previously, each church board or committee was

assigned a month of providing for Social Hour. This

was very difficult for some committees who already

were doing service on Sunday mornings, such as

Sunday School teachers. The premise of having this

Fellowship Ministry was to provide a way for a

broad number of people to serve. This ministry also

did not require regular committee meetings.

Joann Scott has been coordinating the Fellowship

Ministry for the past several years, and she continues

to organize the schedule as well as serve. We are

very grateful and appreciative of her service as well

as for those who bake and/or serve after both

services. This is a loving ministry and an excellent

opportunity to get to know other members of the

congregation on Sunday mornings.

Please contact Joann if you are able to help with this

ministry. She particularly needs help after the first

service on Sunday mornings. Joann can be reached

at 860-454-4189.

Join Us On

Wednesday, March 1st

at 7:00 p.m. for our

Ash Wednesday Service

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Some Lite House Keeping

You are important to us…

Moving or have moved?

Change of Name or Phone Number?

Would you like to see your birthday or

anniversary listed?

Please notify by note, email, phone call or

drop-by the Church Office with your current

information as soon as possible.

When mailing items through the United

States Postal Service to Ellington

Congregational Church, please be sure to use

the mailing address:

P.O. Box 216

If you should need to ship an item to

Ellington Congregational Church, please use

the shipping address:

72 Main Street

Thank you!

The Church Office follows the Ellington

School System for delayed and closings

due to inclement weather.

For Sunday Service delays and closings

due to inclement weather, see and

WFSB Channel 3 screen streamer.


REMINDER: Please provide your past

year's Boards and Committees Minutes to our

Historian, Lisa Sirag if you have not already

done so, so that they may be filed in the

archives. There is a mail box for the

Historian outside of the office and the minutes

may be left there. Thank you for your



AND NURTURE Name Tag Reminder: Let's make it a New Year's

resolution to put on a name tag each Sunday.

Wearing our name tag is a sign of welcome and

hospitality to visitors and newcomers. If you need

one or a new one, there is a form to request a name

tag in the Narthex or call the Church Office.


Winterfest Café 2016 has come and gone with the

net proceeds of $627.60. This being my first year

taking over and coordinating from Marcia Hesse, I

wish to thank ALL the volunteers for your hard

work and enthusiasm: In the dining room – Donna

McKiernan, Alex Fox, Bob Russell, Maggie Russell,

Sue Hannigan, Al Tiedt, Janet Wieliczka, Olivia

Wright, Scott Noble, Pastor Karen, as well as all of

the TELOS and Confirmation individuals who

pitched in. Additionally, the kitchen coordinator,

Joann Scott and her wonderful hands-on team that

puts out a warm and delicious menu enjoyed by the

many families that return each year or were new this

year. Winterfest couldn’t happen without all of you

and the team effort!

Any suggestions for Winterfest 2017 would be

greatly appreciated and thank you again to everyone

involved in making the Winterfest Café such a

success! ~Jill Tiedt

Join Us for Friendship Class The Friendship Class meets the first Tuesday of the

month at 1pm in Room 201.

February 7th at 1:00 PM

All are welcome to join the Friendship Class at any

time! After a short business meeting Pastor Karen

will present what the ECC Confirmation program is

all about and how the young students prepare

themselves for this journey.

Then on March 7th, Bev Russo will once again

present, the topic will be about Hospice, something

she has been involved with for many years.

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Mark your calendars and join us for these wonderful

and interesting topics.

Should you have any questions about the Friendship

Class, please contact Dianne Durgan at 860-872-


We hope you can join us for these inspiring and

educational conversations. And consider bringing

a friend!

Sacred Stitches met in

January and we had two new

women come to our group.

Actually one new person and one

returnee who had been away from

the group for many months. We

were glad to welcome them. After a short period of

instruction, it didn't take the newbie long to become

adjusted to piecing and pressing and following a

pattern. Our wandering quilter had a quilt layered

and ready to be quilted by mid-afternoon. Our stack

of NICU quilts and quilts for the pre-teens is


I was told by someone that I should explain what a

sewing kit is. A sewing kit is a box of small hand

tools such as fabric scissors, a small pair of thread

scissors or snips, a thimble, some needles, a couple

of spools of thread, dark and light, a fabric marker, a

tape measure, a seam ripper, a small ruler (6" is

good), a pencil and small pad of paper for notes and

anything else you think you might need. The box

can be a Christmas Card box, an old candy box, a

fancy plastic box, a tin box, etc. This is not some

great and grand thing but something you will

continually use, the contents of which will not

change too much.

If you think you would like to sew with us, bring

your sewing machine, your sewing kit and a bag

lunch and come to the Social Room on the second

Monday of the month from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. We

furnish patterns, ideas, fabric, coffee and fellowship.

Maybe you just have a question. If so, call Peg

Doffek, 860-454-7360 or Judy White, 860-875-

6642. Our next meeting is February 13, 2017.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We invite you to join us as we begin our

14th year together. Our meetings are the

fourth Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the

social room. The dates for 2017 are January 26,

February 23, March 23, April 27, May 25 and June

22. We do not meet in July or August but do resume

in September.

We had a busy year in 2016. You may have noticed

in the annual report that we presented 125 shawls

and eight lap robes thanks to our dedicated members.

These hand-made items have been given to church

members, community friends and neighbors, friends

and relatives, Vernon Manor, Visiting Nurses for

Hospice baskets, Woodlake at Tolland, Cheyenne

River Reservation, UCONN Medical Center in

Farmington, CT, Middlesex Hospital for Hospice

and Veterans and Network Against Domestic Abuse,

Julie's house, Enfield.

Prayer shawls are available in the room off of the

Narthex. Take one to a friend in need or perhaps for

yourself. Please help yourself.

If you would like the basic pattern before the next

meeting or would like more information, give me a

call at 860 875-1543. ~Jan Starkweather


Throughout the year seasonal decorations quietly

appear in and around our church.

We all enjoy these seasonal additions especially the

Christmas wreaths, garlands, poinsettias, candles and

greens arranged in both the sanctuary and social

room. They are most attractive and provide an

inviting atmosphere.

Thank you to everyone who participates in the

decorating and also the clean-up. It is appreciated!

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From the Historian…

As we pack away ornaments and prepare for a new

year, many of you have spent a few minutes

thanking friends and family for gifts you’ve received

this holiday season. I would like to make my first

article a thank you note to ECC friends who cared

for our records room, a small vault located in the

stairwell in the education wing. It was constructed in

1973 by the Ludwig builders, from plans by

architects Russell

and Dawson, to

house documents and

artifacts from our

church’s past. This

room is well

organized thanks to

Mildred Dimock and

Debby Wallace, who

spent about six years

in the early 2000’s

organizing and

labeling everything.

Describing the scope

of this effort, Debby

explains that “we

sorted items, created

binders and or

boxed, wrapped hard

covered books, organized and repaired the

blueprints, labeled and created an inventory.” This

includes records of committee meetings and

memberships, baptisms, confirmations, weddings,

funerals, pastoral installations, special events like the

275th celebration, as well as artwork and

photography which illustrate our legacy as a church

entity. Debby said that a generous donation from

Women’s Fellowship paid for the new archival

materials. Thank you!

When Wendy Peterson became historian in 2011,

she and Debby began an ambitious project to

catalogue church blueprints (with the help of Fred

Bird, photographer), which are from the planning

and building of our 4th church in 1915-1916. Also,

Wendy and Debby took photos and catalogued items

listed in the Memorial Book (Book of

Remembrance, which is located near the nametags in

the Narthex). In early 2013, the Trustees authorized

a “moving project” when every item in the records

room was temporarily moved out to re-caulk the

cinder blocks with a fire resistant caulk. Debby notes

that this project was only possible because many

church members assisted with moving items in and

out. Thank you to you all!

So many people took great care with these treasures

from our past, starting with Nellie McKnight who

acted as unofficial historian prior to 1968. Some of

those who acted as historians include Wendy

Peterson, Debby Wallace, Mildred Dimock, Sue

Bird, Nancy Lombard, Edna Edwards, Dawn Stone,

Robert Zehner, Janet Peck, Leona Debartoli, Martha

Curtis, Cecilia Dahl, and Evadne Lovett. There are

many others who contributed to the efforts of

preserving our church history, and we thank you all

for your efforts!

In August 2011, as Mildred Dimock was stepping

down after 20 years as church historian, the Caller

thanked her for her service, stating “as a church

evolves and sets direction for its future, a deep

undertaking of its roots by us all is critical”. I am

honored to be the newest caretaker of historical

items of significance to our church, and Debby

Wallace and I hope many of you will let us introduce

the records room to you… come take a peek! Please

email me ([email protected]) or leave me a

note in the historian’s mailbox and let me know if

there is a topic you’d like us to try and examine in

future issues of the Caller.

Lisa M. Sirag, Co-historian

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Missions Mail

One Great Hour of Sharing The One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) special

mission offering of the United Church of Christ

helps to address global disasters,

refugee/immigration, and development ministries

throughout the world.

When a disaster strikes or people are displaced or

made refugees by violence or extreme poverty …

Your contributions to One Great Hour of Sharing

make it possible for the timely relief,

accompaniment and recovery of the most vulnerable.

We thank you for your ongoing yearly support to

this crucial Mission Offering.

OGHS envelopes will be found in the church pews

on Feb. 26th and March 5th…

Your donations may be placed in the

collection plate.





Low Sodium Hearty Soups

Any Brand

Any Flavor

Crackers of any kind to go along

with the soup


Suggestions when making an offering:

To make the Financial Secretaries job easier, please

keep the following suggestions in mind:

1. Use your offering envelopes to assure proper

credit. Except to make up pledges for the prior

year, do not use old envelopes as the giving

number may have changed.

2. If you do not use offering envelopes, please note

your giving number on the memo line of the


3. Make all checks payable to the Ellington

Congregational Church. If the check is for a

special offering, make a notation on the memo

line of the check to indicate such. The Treasurer

issues one check on behalf of the church for

special offerings.

4. Please do not include an amount for a Sunday

School Envelope in your pledge envelope as

these records are maintained by another


5. We would appreciate if you do not include coin

in your envelope, but if you do, please tape the

envelope closed as the contents can fall loose

into the offering plate.

6. In an effort to save our members time and

checks, it is unnecessary to write more than one

check when submitting for several week’s

pledge. Pledges are recorded as of the week

they are received, not the week on the

envelope. Again, it is important to note your

giving number on your check.

If you do not have envelopes and would like to have

them, please contact the church office. The same is

true if you require a giving number which is for

tracking gifts that are not received in envelopes or

received directly from a financial institution.

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If you have envelopes, but use them less than once a

month, please consider giving them up and make

your donations by check at whatever interval you


Any questions, please contact the church office.

Fragrance Sensitivity at Church

For many people being exposed to perfumes,

colognes and chemicals can pose a serious health

risk. So be considerate of your neighbor and think

before you apply. Thank you!

Next Meeting: February 11th @ 8:30 a.m.

Any questions please Contact:

John Bellezza (860-875-1434)

Gary Chaplin (860-875-9907)

Scott Noble (860-749-7005)

Richard Steele (860-649-4732)

Mark your Calendar…



Saturday, May 20, 2017

Service People on Active Duty

The following list contains people called to active

duty. Please keep them and their families in your

prayers. If you know of someone who should be

on this list (or have a correction), please contact

the church office at 871-6606 or sec-

[email protected]. Thank you.

Full Name Submitted by

143rd Regional Support Group CT Army National


250th Engineering Battalion Army National Guard

Allysson Belval

Bill McDonald

Chelsea Hinton Jay Walpole

Chris Perrett Moriah Nutt

Chris Saucier

Damon Matus

Danielle Hanson

David William Chokas Andrie Bellezza

David Nutt

Del Plato Donald McLaughlin, Jr. Janet McLaughlin


Evan Peterson

Gary Feldman, Jr.

Greg Fearnley

Ian Rivers

Jessica Lannan


Josh Smidge

Kyle Ciesco Melissa Ciesco-Rolland

Larry Oliver

Nicole Walsh

Rachel Korzub

Sean Belmont George & Marty Nickerson

Tom Kutscher

Troy Ciesco Melissa Ciesco-Rolland

Safely Returned

Jeremy Allen Jon & Lyn Allen

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Help support TELOS as they will

be selling Munson’s Milk, Dark,

Almond and Crisp Chocolate Bars until February 12th.


Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and more…Sunday, Feb. 12th

TELOS Bake Sale

after both

Worship Services

Stop by the Social Room and

purchase a snack, Sunday

Family dessert or weekday

brown bag treat.

Thank you for supporting the mission work of the

ECC Senior High School students. All of the money

they raise through the year goes toward their annual

Missions trip.






SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2017

This year’s ECC Team will be headed by the

Confirmands and joined by the TELOSians, P.A.C.E.

(Jr. High) and everyone else who would like to Walk

to support Hands on Hartford.

Bible Sunday

January 8th

After a celebratory

breakfast hosted by the

Board of Christian

Education, third grade

Sunday School teacher Gary Duckett, joined

ECC Associate in Christian Education Lisa

Crocker in presenting Bibles to the following

students during the 10:30 worship service:

Nora Borst

Declan Budd

Lauren Galeota

Rachel Milheiro

Nathan Pashe

Joshua Redekas

Jackson Scott

Myles Shelley

Lillian Simonson

Brooke Wilson

Nathan Wright

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The Women’s Fellowship of the Ellington Congregational Church is open to all members and friends of the church. We encourage you to participate in our organization.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

From The Message, 1 Peter 4:10


Hopefully this year will settle into a peaceful and

productive year for all of us. The Christmas Pot-

Luck was a really nice evening. The array of

delicious entrees and salads was only topped by the

magnificent desserts created by Roland Schneider,

certified Master Pastry Chef. Honestly, your eyes

could hardly take in how spectacular it was. The

Yankee Swap was fun and it turned out to be a very

festive evening!

Now, please mark your calendar for Saturday,

February 25th, the annual Women’s Retreat. This is

a wonderful way to be kind to yourself!

Happy days and blessings,

Susan Mason, WF President

P.S. If you can find the time to help out “An

Evening in Vienna”, please let me know.


“Refresh your Soul with

Psalms and Lavender”

Saturday, February 25th

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Annual Women’s Retreat

This is for all women of

Ellington Congregational Church

$20.00 includes continental breakfast,

lunch & gift bag

Sign-up in the Social Room during fellowship until

February 12th.

Questions or financial assistance –

Please see Susan Mason

So come, relax and enjoy!

April 30, 2017

Annual Spring Tea

More information to come in the

March and April Callers.

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Most requested recipe provided by: Robin Galeota

Butternut Squash Goulash 1 lb 93% lean ground beef

1 large bell pepper, chopped

1/2 cup chopped onion

15 oz can fire-roasted diced tomatoes

1-1/2 cups peeled butternut squash, cut into


1 cup beef broth

3/4 tsp chili powder

1/8 to 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

1/8 tsp dried oregano

1/4 tsp salt

1 large zucchini, chopped

1. In a large pot or Dutch oven, add beef, red pepper

and onion; cook over medium heat, crumbling beef,

until meat is no longer pink and vegetables are

tender, 6-8 minutes; drain.

2. Add the next eight ingredients. Bring to a boil;

reduce heat to low. Simmer, covered, about 20

minutes; add zucchini. Continue simmering until

vegetables are tender, another 20-25 minutes.

Adjust salt to taste. Serves 4-6.


1. You could also use ground turkey or ground

chicken, whatever you have on hand.

2. This goulash will be very thick and chunky. If

you prefer a more soup-like goulash, add another 15

oz can of fire-roasted tomatoes.

3. No butternut squash? Try using sweet potatoes


Nutritional Info (per 1/6th, about 1-1/2 cups): 169

calories; 5.5 g fat; 11.7 g carbohydrates; 1.7 g fiber;

16.8 g protein.

hawkwing REMINDER:

Women’s Fellowship collects gently

used coats and new items for the

Lakota people in South Dakota and

the items are distributed through the efforts of

hawkwing, a non-profit organization. There is a box

in the Narthex for depositing clean coats in good

condition, and Jan Danforth faithfully collects and

stores them each week. Our congregation has been

extremely generous in their donations and every

donation makes a difference, so thanks! For

additional information about this mission, the

website is You may also see

Janet W. or Peg D. at church as they coordinate the

hawkwing missions for our church.


Campbell Labels & General Mills Box Tops! The Elon Homes

and Schools for Children continue to

benefit greatly from the Campbell's

Labels and General Mills Box Tops we

have been donating. Just a reminder that it is the

UPC symbols on the labels - not the front panels -

that are needed. The labels may be placed in the red

box located in the Social Room or holder on the

back bulletin board. Many thanks from Elon

and ECC Women's Fellowship. Please keep those

Box Tops and UPC's coming!

The Christmas Poinsettias

are given in loving

memory of:

Ralph & Lenore Edwards by Cathy

Andrini & Susan Cyr

Paul McKinley, Dorothy Cella, Howard

Hinckley by Charles, Catherine &

Michael Cella

My son, Jay Paul Adams by Nora Adams


Kenneth & Elizabeth Burke by their

daughter, Nora Chapman

Nana & Grampa

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Grammy & Grampy

Our Parents by Dave & Joyce

Loved Ones by David & Jan Danforth

John D. Dzen, Sr. by his wife, Virginia

Art Forst, Maryellen Forst, Dorothy &

Harold Lord by Alicia, Will, Nick,

Sam & Kate

Charles E. Gross by Chas & Julie Gross

George & Audrey Sumner by Chas &

Julie Gross

Sue’s Parents & Tom’s Father by Sue &

Tom Hannigan

Henry A. Hary and Robert & Evelyn

Gross by Vivian & Daughters

Marshall Heim by his wife, Betty

Valerie Stula by The Hinze Family

Dorothy Tilton by The Hinze Family

William & Joan Litty by The Litty Family

Stu Magdefrau by Jamy

Stu Magdefrau by Curtis, Allie, Landon

& Kenley

Christopher Miller by Robin Miller

M. Bradford Gardiner by Robin Miller

Nana & Bumpa by The Oliver Children

Our Parents by Joanne & Bill


Ethel Robert by her son, David Robert

Ruth Litz, by her nephew, David Robert

Grandparents by Bob & Maggie Russell

Grace & Albert Wollenberg by The

Savino Family

Vincent Savino, Sr. by The Savino Family

Fred & Phyllis Muska by Janice


Judith Wrobel by Janice Schaeffer

Mahlon Shoup by Esther Shoup

Doris & John Arens by Dawn & Basil


Madeline & Vincent Stone by Dawn &

Basil Stone

Austin by Keith, Beth, Jason, Katie &


Our Grandparents & Father by Beth &

Keith Tautkus

Ada Lee & C.A. Herrin and Bea &

Largent Thompson by Curtis & Ada

Lee Thompson

The Christmas Poinsettias

are given with love in

honor of and/or

celebration of:

George & Angela Marcarelli by Alicia,

Will, Nick, Sam & Kate

Tom’s mother, Phylis Blanchard by Sue

& Tom Hannigan

My Daughters, Carol & Sheri by Mom

Thomas & Kathleen Stratakos by The

Litty Family

My Church Family

My mother, Phyllis Potter by Barbara


Our Grandchildren by Grammy & Pop


The beautiful poinsettias adorned the

Sanctuary throughout the Advent/Christmas


Thank you!

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The Church Family News



Feb. 1 Sharon Senk

Feb. 4 Teri Firetto

Feb. 5 Nick Forst

Feb. 6 Colin Charest

Feb. 7 Janet Wieliczka

Feb. 9 Stuart Maslak

Feb. 9 Mary Lu Scarlato

Feb. 9 James West

Feb. 10 Christine Miller

Feb. 11 Duane Van Deventer

Feb. 12 Juliana Adams

Feb. 12 Amanda Hinze

Feb. 13 Ada Lee Thompson

Feb. 13 Thomas Cottle

Feb. 13 Derek Fox

Feb. 14 Andrew Manseau

Feb. 14 Ryan Boor

Feb. 15 Janice Schaeffer

Feb. 17 Donald Tubbs

Feb. 17 Melanie Timura

Feb. 18 Mariah Crocker

Feb. 19 David Robert

Feb. 21 Katie Tautkus

Feb. 22 Emily Malt

Feb. 23 Ryan Mocadlo

Feb. 25 R.J. Traynor

Feb. 26 Joel West

Feb. 26 Jack Walch

Feb. 26 Valerie Walch

Feb. 27 Jacob Stone

Feb. 27 Phillip Simonson

Feb. 28 Casey Rice

Feb. 29 Nathan Pashe

FEBRUARY Anniversaries

Feb. 5 Carol and David Feindel

Feb. 8 Wendy and Brian Wright

Feb. 13 Ellen and David Adams

Congratulations ~ 35 years!



The Prayer Group meets at the church for

one hour every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. to

pray for people in need. If you need prayers

for someone or would like to be included in the

Prayer Circle, please let Carolyn Ladd or the

church office know.


We thank the following for

providing sanctuary flowers

in January: Joann and

Michael Scott in loving

memory of Roland and Julia

Roy and in celebration of Jackson Scott’s 9th

Birthday; Penny Gates in loving memory of

Rev. Robert Eddy; A Friend in celebration of

Giving Thanks; The Bailey-François Family in

loving memory of Betty François; Ginny and

Bill Hogan in loving memory of my mother,

Helen Krouse and my aunts Rita and Honey.

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Don’t forget our

church website.


since the last Caller

Bob Durgan ~ Carol Hagopian

If you go to the hospital and

would like a visit by a Pastor…

Please CALL our office as soon as you know

you will be admitted.

In your admitting process, you will be asked if

you are part of a local faith community

(church). If so, please answer YES, and give

the name and town of your church.

You will also be asked if you want your name

released to representatives of your church. If

so, please answer YES.

If you say no, or if you do not give the name of

your church, the hospital will not be able to

release your name to us.

We give God thanks for the

life of

Elaine Blair

Raoul Fortin

Alice Kalas

Our sympathy is expressed to all the families and

friends of Alice, Elaine and Raoul.

Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted.

(Matthew 5:4)

(To announce your special happenings, i.e.,

birth, engagement, wedding, graduation, or

if you see that we don’t have you

acknowledged in the Birthday and/or

Anniversary announcements, please call the

church office or send an email. Thank you!)

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Christian Education News (Sunday School, Youth Groups, Confirmation, Adult Education)


February Sundays 5th 10:30 Sunday School & Communion

Children will begin in class

12th 10:30 Sunday School

Children will begin in worship

19th 10:30 One-Room Schoolhouse

26th 10:30 Sunday School

Children will begin in worship

This Month in Sunday School

The children will be learning about Jesus’ many

miracles. They will also be learning about and

preparing for the mission project, “Heifer

Market” ~ March 12th and 19th. Details are on

the next page.


A mission-based

program for students in

Senior High School

FEBRUARY Confirmation & TELOS SCHEDULE Sunday unless noted:

Fri. 3rd 6:30pm Confirmation

off-site - TBD

Sat. 4th 9:00am TELOS Leaders

Meeting - TBD

5th 9:00am -





No Evening


12th 9:00am –




Sale &





19th No Meetings

26th 5:00pm




For updates, check

Thank you for supporting the mission work of

the ECC Senior High School students. All of

the money they raise through the year goes

toward their annual Missions trip.

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Heifer Market

March 12th& March 19th

Heifer International was started with the belief that

ending hunger begins with giving people the means to

feed themselves. Since 1994, Heifer has helped more than 5 million

hungry families in about 125 countries move toward self-reliance through

the gift of livestock and training. Heifer provides 24 types of food and

income producing animals, as well as intensive training in animal care, farming practices

and community development.

Heifer also is devoted to providing communities with clean, healthy water

for daily living. Millions of people around the world still lack access to

clean drinking water. Many homes lack running water and some families

don’t even have a well nearby. Instead they spend each day fetching

water. This chore is often left to the children, especially girls, leaving no

time for school. Heifer helps families and communities

install irrigation pumps and teaches them the value of water conservation.

Heifer has helped millions of impoverished families acquire and raise

animals and then they pass on the gift of their new skills and offspring to

neighbors in need. Instead of just helping one family, each heifer gift can

be passed on to help strengthen a village, bring peace to a country and end hunger around

the world! Heifers recipients love to pass on the gift. They take pride in helping their

friends and neighbors and they feel empowered to end hunger in their own community.

Each Sunday School class chose an animal or basic

need like clean water they wanted to learn about and

try to purchase for a family in need around the

world. The children are gathering information and working on a poster

board together in class. They will be having a Heifer Market to try

and raise money to purchase some of the animals and clean water

irrigation pumps. The markets will be on March 12th and March 19th

in the Social Room immediately following the 10:30 Worship service.

Please come and see this wonderful and fun mission project the

children are putting together! Thank you for

your support!

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Report of the Nominating Committee Presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting


Moderator: Marsha Andzans Financial Secretaries: Jon Allen

Asst. Moderator: John Bird

Clerk: Betsy Cottle SS Assistant: Deanna Piotrowski

Asst. Clerk: Claudia Steele SS Financial Secretary: Scott Noble

Treasurer: Sharon McLaughlin Historian: Lisa Sirag

Asst. Treasurer: Lori Savino Asst. Historian: Deborah Wallace

Auditor: Karen Conley

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service or who have retired:

Wendy Peterson


Earl Palmer-Lavoie 2017 Alan Tiedt 2019

Bryan Forst 2017 *Brian Cocuzzo 2019

B.J. Aldrich 2018 Basil Stone 2020

John Bellezza 2018 David Redekas 2020

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

*Basil Stone 2016 Brian Wright 2016


Carolyn Ladd 2017 Anna Carroll 2019

Jennifer Boynton 2017 Beth Cocuzzo 2019

Joanne Raulukaitis 2018 Carol Hagopian 2020

Beverly Russo 2018 Sharon Gluhosky 2020

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

Katherine Meyer 2016 Laurie Hazleton 2016


Melissa Ciesco-Rolland 2017 Susanne Hannigan 2018

Esther Shoup 2017 Ginny Hogan 2019

Harriet Gass 2018 Joan McCarthy 2019

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

Dottie Marshall 2016 *Ginny Hogan 2016

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Board of Christian Education

Colette Aldrich 2017 Gary Duckett 2018

Laurie Hinze 2017 Ellen Panagrosso 2019

Alexis Leonard 2017 ______________** 2019

Michelle Mather 2018 ______________** 2019

Joy Cloukey 2018

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

*Andrie Bellezza 2016 *Lisa Sirag** 2016

Cathy Leonard 2016

Board of Trustees

Todd Rolland 2017 Jack Hagopian 2018

Amy Zander 2017 Cathy Leonard 2019

David Feindel 2018 Karen Johnson 2019

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

Robin Miller 2016 *Karen Johnson 2016

Stewardship Committee

Jol Sprowles 2017 Douglas Metheny 2018

*Richard Steele 2017 Wade Overgaard 2019

Jeff Reardon 2018 Claudia Steele 2019

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

*Wade Overgaard 2016 Penny Gates 2016

Music Committee

Tom Mason 2017 Janet Wieliczka 2018

Sarah Pashe 2017 Scott Noble 2019

Nancy Parker 2018 Robin Miller 2019

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

* ** 2016 Rob Wallace 2016

Memorial Committee

Lou Jeffery 2017 Cynthia Morton 2020

Vivian Hary 2018 Judy White 2021

Ada-Lee Thompson 2019

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

*Judy White 2016

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Christian Growth and Nurture

Kelly Jackson 2017 Christina Pettee 2018

Curtis Thompson 2017 Dottie Marshall 2019

Virginia Dzen 2018 Leslie Ledoux 2019

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

*Duane Van Deventer 2016 Susan Mason 2016

Board of Ushers

Bill Senk 2017 Bob Russell 2018

Jackie Charest 2017 Robin/Jeremy Galeota 2018

*Bill McAllister 2017 *Elaine Duckett** 2018

*Chas Gross 2017 Duane Van Deventer 2019

Tim Adams 2017 Lois Timms-Ferrara 2019

Karen Johnson 2017 Stuart Maslak 2019

Edwina Thirsher 2018 Laurie Hazleton 2019

Mark Hany 2018 Ingrid Royle 2019

Peggy Falcetta 2018 Dottie Marshall 2019

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

Ada Lee Thompson 2016 Marsha Andzans 2016

*Dottie Marshall 2016 John Andzans 2016

Robert LaPierre 2016 Michael Scott 2016

SUBSTITUTES Carol & Jack Hagopian Richard Malone Robin Miller Dan Parisi Alan Tiedt

George Nickerson Claudia Steele Brian Cocuzzo David Danforth

Marsha & John Andzans

Appointed to 1 year terms by Moderator

CT Conference & Tolland Assoc. Reps 2017 Scott Noble Betsy Cottle

With thanks to those who have completed their term of service:

CT Conference & Tolland Assoc. Reps 2016 Scott Noble Esther Shoup

Nominating Committee

Alice Sprowles

Jack Hagopian

Deanna Piotrowski

Melissa Ciesco-Rolland

* = Unexpired Term

Underlined = Person elected this meeting

** = Appointed to fill term after Annual Meeting

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Greeters: (10:30 am)

Lou Jeffrey Bob Russell Bob Russell Sue Hannigan

Welcomers: (10:30 am)

Lay Readers: (10:30 am)

Jol Sprowles Alice Sprowles Basil Stone Jennifer Boynton

Deacons on


(8:45 am)

Al Tiedt

Beth Cocuzzo

Joanne Raulukaitis

Al Tiedt

Jennifer Boynton

(10:30 am) B.J. Aldrich

Earl Palmer-Lavoie

Anna Carroll

John Bellezza

Jennifer Boynton

Bryan Forst

Carolyn Ladd

Basil Stone


(8:45 am)

Richard & Claudia


Richard & Claudia


Richard & Claudia


Richard & Claudia


(10:30 am) Ingrid Royle

Bill McAllister

Ingrid Royle

Bill McAllister

Ingrid Royle

Bill McAllister

Ingrid Royle

Bill McAllister

Food Bank




Richard Malone

HVCC Food Pantry

Cheryl Dinse

Crystal Lake

Community Food


Laurie Hazleton

Ellington Food Bank

Debby & Rob


Fellowship Hosts: Ministry of Fellowship – Joann Scott

Page 24: The Church Caller 17 Caller... · 2019-10-02 · 1 Corinthians 3.1-9 Sunday, FEBRUARY 19TH SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY Leviticus 19.1-2, 9-18 Psalm 119.33-40 Matthew 5.38-48 Sunday,

THE CHURCH CALLER Ellington Congregational Church United Church of Christ P.O. Box 216 Ellington, CT 06029-0216







(TIME VALUE February 2017)


Resolution of Gratitude p. 1 – 2

From the Moderator p. 3

Annual Summit; Evening in Vienna & Neighbors A

World Away p. 4

BCE & Diaconate p. 5

Adult Education & Fellowship Ministry p. 6

Friendship Class p. 7

Sacred Stitches & Prayer Shawl p. 8

Historian p. 9 / Missions p. 10

Men’s Fellowship p. 11

TELOS Happenings p. 12

Women’s Fellowship p. 13 – 14

The Church Family News p. 16 – 17

Christian Education News p. 18 – 19

Report of the Nominating Committee p. 20 – 22

Gatekeepers p. 23 CHURCH STAFF

February Calendar p. 24 The Rev. Don Bailey-François, Senior Pastor

Just For Kids p. 25 The Rev. Karen Bailey-François, Associate Pastor

Esther Pezzella, Director of Music MISSION STATEMENT

We are a welcoming family of Christians dedicated to living and sharing Christ’s teachings through a faith continually renewed by God’s grace. We come together in worship, study, and mission, bringing a diversity of talents and offering opportunities for each member to express a personal faith through shared responsibility and service. We commit to provide a Christ-centered atmosphere for both individual and communal growth in which all can realize their full spiritual potential.

Adopted 9/11/94

Lisa Crocker, Associate in Christian Education Leigh Lezotte, Church Secretary


8:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. (Monday - Friday)

SUNDAY WORSHIP IS AT 8:45 & 10:30 A.M. Communion is served the first Sunday of the month


[email protected]

Web Page: