Page 1: The Big Sir Column December, 2011 WEBSITE: branch8.sirinc · tribute to Roger Miller and his LDL team for the bi-annual

The Big Sir Column

Big Sir Column: It's been a privilege to serve as your Big Sir, and on reflection it's been quite a successful year. We moved to a new meeting place and survived their (longer than expected) renovations. We attracted new and existing friends to join us as guests at luncheons; more than half liked what they found, and joined Branch 8. We honored two new HLMs, and members volunteered to fill vacancies in leadership roles. The number of activities increased to 40 during the year and it seems that we were meeting the SIR goal of “Men Enjoying Active Retirement”! None of this happens by accident, of course! Branch 8 is lucky enough to have a lot of dedicated members who make things happen, and make it look easy. There are probably 150 roles that are filled to make things happen, and that’s not counting the members who volunteer as golf marshals each week of the year. It’s difficult, and probably unfair to single out any individuals for specific praise, but I really want to thank Bill Peterson who has implemented the move to the Hilton. There are a lot of details that he deals with every month, the result of which is a smooth running and successful luncheon. I also want to thank the ever active Don Atwater who continues to launch new activities, and pay a special tribute to Roger Miller and his LDL team for the bi-annual Ladies days; Roger has continued to inspire the team despite his serious medical condition and his personal loss. I’m pleased to hand over a vibrant branch into the capable hands of incoming Big Sir, Gary Plisco. Thank you all for your support and encouragement, and with your continued enthusiasm Branch 8 can look forward to ongoing success. Derek Southern, Big Sir

The Little Sir Sez

The Little SIR Sez This year has been a very good one for Branch 8. I especially appreciate the many suggestions that you gave me for luncheon speakers. We had some informative topics (health and fitness, senior fraud, alzheimers & dementia, Caldecott Tunnel, Cal and 49er’s football, behind the scenes & presenting ABC nightly news, insider view of WC Police Dept., River Monsters & America’s Cup). We closed the year with Branch HLM awards and our 2011 President of SIR, Bob Mannell, with some words of wisdom on continuing to maintain membership. Please continue to give suggestions for luncheon programs to next year’s Little Sir, Stan Johnson. It will simplify his primary job of obtaining luncheon speakers. My position, as your 2012 Big Sir, was made much easier by this year’s Big Sir, Derek Southern. He eased us into our new digs at the Hilton with much help from Bill Peterson and the many behind the scenes meetings with Hilton management to iron out problems during the year. The transition seemed to go smoothly but it took a lot of effort on their part

December Hotline Editor: Ekk Keller

NEXT MEETING DATE IS: Monday, January 9, 2012

Executive Board: 09:00 AM Social Hour: 10:15 AM Luncheon Meeting: 11:30 AM

Greeters: See next issue of the Hotline Branch 8 meets the second Monday of each month at the: Concord Hilton 1970 Diamond Blvd., Concord, CA 925-827-2000

Hotline Index = Spouses / Friends Invited

General Branch 8 / SIR Busines


Officers & Committees Back


Astronomy 8 Barbecue 14 Birthdays 3

Bocce Ball 8

Book Exchange 13 Book Group 9 Bowling 10 Bridge, Basic 6

Bridge, Couples 5 Bridge, Duplicate One 6 Bridge, Duplicate Two 6 Bridge, Duplicate Three (New) 6

Bridge, Rubber 5 Computers & Technology 10 Cribbage 11 Digital Photography 12 Dominoes 10

Explore and Eat 9

Fishing 11 Golf (18 Holes) 5 Golf (9 Holes) 9

Golf (Couples) 6

Heads Up Walkers 7

Hikers 14 Internet Games 13

Ladies Day Luncheon 5-17

Let’s Dine In 1 8

Let’s Dine In 2(New) 8

Let’s Dine Out 8 Luncheon Menu 3 New and Current Activities 15 Poker 10 Pool 12 SACHe 14 Single Sirs Dine Out 11 Sirs Bargain Wines 15 Sirs in the Kitchen 8 Sums In Retirement 12 Sunshine Report 4

Travel Events 13 Wine Finders 13

Wine Tasting 7 Writing Your Life Story 12 Absences & Bringing Guests

925-901-4826 or [email protected]

by Thursday noon before Meeting



For an announcement on our

annual donations, see our website

just above the menu.

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Little Sir Sez…Continued from page 1: Derek also handled the "hot issues" of Hotline home delivery vs email delivery and contributions for next year.

Derek you did a great job and will be a hard act to follow. Bill Peterson did too and he will be following in his own footsteps. There were numerous volunteers who contributed to our Branch’s continued success and I know Derek will make those commendations.

Lastly, I wish each of you, your families and friends a very Merry Christmas and happiness throughout 2012. And please celebrate the entry into the New Year cautiously so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your SIR, Branch 8 throughout the New Year. Gary Plisco, Little SIR

TREASURER’S REPORT Report OCTOBER 2011Treasurers Report

SIR Branch 8



Annual contributions $57.50

Interest $0.21

October Luncheon $4,904.00

June Balance Adjustment $16.43


AT&T Telephone $20.95

Printing & Supplies $58.80

Officer Expense $24.00

postage $16.88

Loss/Gain ($176.69


Leo Barrella, Treasurer


Give Us Your Suggestions, Please I’m sure everyone enjoyed seeing two of our best members receive the Honored Life Member awards at the November luncheon. Congratulations Sirs Dave and Ron – honors well-deserved! As we mentioned in last month’s Hotline, the highest honor the Branch can bestow is the HLM award, and they come few and far between. We also have an annual award for the most active member, but there are probably more of our members that deserve some type of formal recognition beyond these two awards. The MRC will be kicking around some ideas to increase recognition for branch members. Some thoughts include recognition of years of membership as various intervals,

bringing in exceptional numbers of new members and perhaps even some sort of a Branch 8 “Sir of the Year” award possibly patterned after the HLM selection process. We asked for ideas from the membership, and to date, have received NONE. That’s a disappointing big, fat zero! Come on guys, get your thinking caps on and help us out. So if you have some ideas, please contact Ed Benson ([email protected]) or any one of the other MRC members, and pass them along. As for last month’s comment card comments: There were 25 cards submitted containing 30 comments. There was the usual split in opinions with some liking the food, some not, some thought it was too expensive, and others thought the portions were too big. Serving the salad before the start of the program got another vote, as did free mailed Hotline. On a healthy note a commenter suggested more fruit in the dessert mix to benefit diabetics and weight watchers. We still have at least one member who thinks Branch 8 is too big. Several members thought the branch was being run well, that the Hilton is way better than the Elks, and that we had a smashing success with 2011. State President Bob Mannell said our meeting was excellent and that he always enjoys coming to Branch 8. The most interesting comment was to change the name of SIR to Seniors in Retirement.


Rule 60. Members are obligated to attend all regular luncheon meetings unless prevented by illness or absence from the Branch locale. Rule 100. A member may be notified in writing by his Branch of the pending termination of his membership (Rule 107) should he be responsible for any of the following:

(a) Miss three (3) consecutive regular luncheon meetings without having been excused by contacting the designated Branch Attendance person prior to the meeting date. (Please note that Branch Regulation 2 requires that notice of absence be received by noon on the Thursday before the luncheon in order to be considered excused. Months May and July are considered consecutive as are months November and January in applying the unexcused absence rule)

(b) Did not attend one-half of the regular luncheon meetingswithin the previous twelve consecutive month period.

NOTE: Excused meetings cannot be included to achieve the minimum attendance. (Minimum attendance for Branch 8 is 5 of the 10 regular luncheon meetings. Ladies Day luncheons are not included in satisfying minimum attendance.) Rule 101. Certification of attendance by a member at another Branch meeting will be considered as a credit to his attendance record. There is a maximum of two visits per year.

Attendance Hotline for Excused Absences

925-901-4826 or email [email protected]


If you change any of the above, please notify:

New Email Address .. Bob Barnes

[email protected]

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Attendance for the November luncheon Active Members:

Membership (Prior to Luncheon) 304 Members Inducted 3 Inactive returning to active 1 Excused Absences - 44 Unexcused Absences - 5 Members Attending 259 Others: Applicants Waiting 5 Visiting Members 5 Guests & Speakers 6 Others Attending 16 TOTAL ATTENDING 275 Visitors Robert Mannell State President

Steve Johnson Div. 4 Golf Chairman

Jin Willey Div. 2 Golf Chairman

Denton Holmes Guest of Ron Holmes

JoAnne Perkins



Dick Davis Terry Vincson George Huega Tom Hensley Mark Jensen Ray Tenzer Steve Nelson Carl Moyer Butch Roundsaville Joe Williansom Chuck Witneben Barry Brown Bill Peterson, Attendance Secretary


Here is the luncheon menu for the next meeting. We are planning new menu items as well as including old favorites. So look for them here each month and plan to attend and enjoy a delicious meal with your fellow Sirs.


Ladies Day Luncheon

at Round Hill Country Club

Sliced Angus Sirloin or

Cypress Island Salmon or



We offer a vegetarian meal option to those who cannot eat the regular monthly entrées served at the luncheons. This is not intended to be a choice made each month simply as an alternative to the regular menu but to do our best to accommodate members’ health, dietary or religious needs on a permanent basis. Please call to discuss your particular situation. Bill Peterson, Attendance Secretary 925-676-5295


Bring a guest, but if you want to be sure your guest has a place to sit and gets a meal, you need to do the following:

Call the Asst. Secty. Attendance, Bill Peterson on the attendance hotline: 925-901-4826 or by e-mail [email protected] no later than noon on Thursday before the meeting. Then he can adjust his count for the caterer.

Easy, isn’t it? Just keep bringing in those guests. When you sign the guest in, give him a copy of the Hotline which has an application form inside.


Name Date Name Date

Roy Couch Dec-01 John Gass Dec-16

Paul Gaddini Dec-01 Clark Morehouse Dec-17

Gary Plisco Dec-03 George Marich Dec-19

Richard Brown Dec-06 Richard Schally Dec-20

Harry Hubinger Dec-06 Bill Barnard Dec-21

Pump Pumphrey Dec-08 Bryan Keefer Dec-22

Richard Hersey Dec-09 Bryan Keefer Dec-22

Bill Phelon Dec-10 John LaSalle Dec-23

John O'Brien Dec-11 William Hunter Dec-24

Rich Burke Dec-12 Marvin Kreitz Dec-25

Kenneth Main Dec-13 James Lunn Dec-28

Leonard Kulawiec Dec-15 Alan Schulze Dec-28


They belong to our new members, so let’s make them feel welcome. Don’t forget to say “Hi” and introduce yourself. You can talk about your SIR activities and ask them to join you.


As an incentive to bring in new candidates for membership, a drawing for a free lunch will be held in January and in July for members who bring guests to meetings during the previous six months. You can use the SIR cards available at the check-in table to invite guests. For each new guest sponsored during the six month period, a member will have an entry in the drawing. Bring one new guest, have one chance. Bring 3 new guests, have 3 chances! And for your efforts, you do not have to be present to win. .


Non-Responsibility Declaration:

All activities arranged for or by, or sponsored by, Sons In Retirement, Incorporated, and its Branches, are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their guests who desire to participate. Sons In Retirement Inc. and its Branches do not assume any responsibility for the well being or safety of the participants, or their property, in any matters pertaining to said activities.

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A complete archive is now on the State website at You can open

the file and sort on any keyword by using the binoculars icon. Just click on the icon, and type in a word like activity or activities in the box and all of the activity articles will be indexed.

The Winter 2011 issue of SIR Happinenings is at Walt Schick


To assist with finding a rideshare partner you can request a map showing which members live near you. This map is only available by request from Derek Southern ([email protected]).

To view it and addresses of members, you will need Google Earth on your computer. Derek Southern


Please Note This Change: Those Sirs who do not have transportation and would like a ride to the monthly luncheon are invited to call: Bon Wadors 937-8160 [email protected]


Since the last Hotline Report the Sunshine Committee has: Sent no condolences Extended wishes for a rapid recovery to: Allen Makely, Dale Henderson and Pete Tehaney The Sunshine Committee relies on Branch members for information concerning serious illnesses and deaths. Sunshine Committee ([email protected]) Larry Mersmann ([email protected]) 925-935-9124 Robert Laaback 925-938-5228 Mike Hegeler ([email protected] 925-937-2718


For articles and photos to go into the Hotline, please send your input before the 20th of the month. Include meeting dates into the following month(s) so as to keep your group properly informed about meetings, deadlines and upcoming events.

HotlineEditors: Jim Ripley [email protected]

Pump Pumphrey [email protected] Ekk Keller [email protected] Dan Weller [email protected]

Website Editor - Webmaster + Activities Page Derek Southern [email protected]

Golf page Editor Bill Hunter [email protected]

Please send text and photo input to ALL the above Hotline Editors and Web Editors, as editing tasks rotate, and you cannot know for sure where your input will be needed.

We, your Editors and Webmasters, are here to serve you, and we need your very important input.

For the Website, send input anytime, but expect some possible delay before input is added.

Aspiring Editors

Hotline Editor Alan Ensign* is moving on to focus on his responsibilities as golf treasurer. We invite you to contact him and find out the duties (only once every 4 months!) and to join the great staff of Co-editors of HOTLINE. Volunteering as an editor brings you into contact with more of our members, and you get to know what's happening before anyone else! It is a great place for a newcomer to Branch 8, and it helps you see what other roles you might volunteer for at a later date. Some experience with modifying and formatting Microsoft Word 2003 (or newer) documents would be helpful. *925 820-8974 / [email protected]

Activities at Other Branches

The list below gives contacts for activities that welcome any Sir, space being available. Note that © indicates couples activities—bring your guest. Contact Walt Schick if you any questions.

Activities at other branches continued…

Breakfast Call Philip Magen 256-6548

Bridge Lunch 2nd

/4th Tu Milt Greenstein 376-5589

Comp Training Call Lo McCarthy 935-3939

Historical © Call Rich Sjoberg 254-1661

Model Railroad Call Ted Westphal 283-5467

Stamps Call Rich Sjoberg 254-1661

Walkers © Each Thurs

John Hayes 938-5376

Walkers © Each Tues

Lyle Deck 254-3829

Woodworking Call Gary Plisco 939-2483


Branch 8 Membership Report New Members inducted: 4

Dick Smithousen MD-177 (Reactivation of membership) Roger Lockwara MD-306 sponsored by Bob Barnes MD113 (3)* Jim Ripley MD-307 sponsored by Dave Davis MD-108 ( 4 )* Paul Gaddini MD-308 sponsored by Bob Hagler MD-117 ( 3 )*

Members Requesting Inactive Status: 0 Members Leaving: Resignation/Death/Transfer: 0 Inactive Members Leaving: Resignation/Death: 0

New Applicants: 4 Bob Laurence sponsored by Bob Barnes MD-113 Jim Styles sponsored by Ed Bensen MD-101 John Schweitzer sponsored by Scott Graff MD-122 Mike Frey sponsored by Barry Brown MD-188

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Orientations completed in November: 4

Branch 8 Membership as of 11/14/2011 Active 308 Applicants 8 Inactive 20

Bill Barnard, Membership Secretary


LADIES DAY CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON This is your final reminder that the Ladies Day Christmas Luncheon will be held at Round Hill Country Club on Monday, December 12, 2011. Your reservation should reach us by Thursday, December 8th. Meal choices will be either Sirloin, Salmon or Vegetarian and you'll be entertained by the musical group "Jump In" A reservation form is attached to this issue of the Hotline, giving you the details on the luncheon. Also attached is a Group Reservations form that can be completed for from four up to ten people. If you are completing one of these forms, be sure to put the names and menu choices of those people you wish to sit with and include full payment for the group. Then, send it on to Bernie Rosner, whose name and address are at the bottom of the form. We will again have table and door prizes, with good food and entertainment. The affair is a lot of fun, so bring your favorite lady friend and have a good time. Roger Miller, Ladies Day Chairman 944-1452 [email protected]


Golf Hotline - December A few hot rounds - Lone Tree - Mike O'Neal Net 65 Bob Samson Net 65 Poppy Ridge - Alan Ensign Net 68 Lake Chabot - Jim Regan Net 65 The 2012 Golf dues are $52.00 and are currently payable with a check sent to Gordon Batesole. Make the check out to 'SIR Branch 8 Golf'. If you do not intend to renew your membership, please let Gordon know so that he will not have to trace you for payment The First Annual SIR Branch 8 Club Championship was played on consecutive Mondays in November. Participation was high and the competition even higher. The winners were:

Bob Samson, Gross Score Champion, who shot an excellent 155 for the two days. He won by 9 strokes. Dwane McGlothin, Net Score Champion, who's net score for two days was 132. He won by 2 stokes. For complete results visit the 18 Hole website, Branch 8 Tournaments. One big high light of the event was that Dave Platter shot his age AGAIN on Day 2 Our Annual Turkey Shoot was played on November 21 in an event called the "Mulligan Jamboree". Each player was allowed four mulligan's to use at his discretion during the round. It was amazing how many players did not use their full complement. There were two flights for scoring purposes and the winners were; First Flight - Ed Myrtle who shot a net 65 Second Flight - Jerry Raftery who shot a net 64 Again, we had a player shot his age - Jack Stack shot a 82 (note - he has done this a number of times.) Darryl Sweetland: Chairman 672-4967 [email protected] Wally Freeman [email protected]

BRIDGE ♣♣♣♣♦♦♦♦♥♥♥♥♠♠♠♠ – RUBBER

RUBBER BRIDGE November delivered some slams and a couple of leftover ghosts from Halloween. The card distribution was pretty brutal about separating the haves and the have–nots. The have-nots seemed to be stuck with bad cards all day. We did not keep score for the ghosts because it might be too embarrassing. The top turkeys this month were: Brian Woolf (5340); Bob Kahl (5150); Bud Grisante (4750); Jerry Milano (4290); George Schulza (3930);and Al Welch (3760). The scores ran from 5360 to 1590 and the median score was about 3500. New players are always welcome. We play on the first Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM. We meet at Carl’s Jr. in the Nob Hill Shopping Center located on Oak Grove Road near Ygnacio Valley Road. Be sure to answer Ray Veronte’s e-mail as early as possible because the last person to call may be eliminated if the tables are full. Rod Spicer, Chairman, 935-5306, [email protected] Ray Veronte, Co-Chairman, 798-3177, [email protected]


Thanksgiving week, and we were still able to have five tables, thanks (no pun intended) to three substitute couples who

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stepped up, Tony and Dorothy Watkin, Ernesto and Sofia Tong and Les and Carole Hopkins. It was an enjoyable session for all, regulars and subs.. Although competitive, the scores were more spread out than recently. The top couple was Tom and Marilyn Baker with 3,450 point, followed closely by Les and Carole Hopkins with 3,360. Third place was taken by John and Lorus Mosher with 2,980 points. There was then a significant drop off to fourth and fifth places, Rod and Mary Ann Spicer with 1,780 and Brian and Heidi Woolf at 1,740. The remaining five couples were grouped within 450 points of each other below that level. With the resignation of Rod Hughes as Chairman, John Mosher has assumed that position. Despite what was written last month, John will be polling the members to see if there is interest in having a December 19

th game (the Monday before

Christmas). Keep watching your email for information. We will definitely resume on January 16, 2012, the third Monday, no matter what happens in December. We meet at Carl’s Jr., on Oak Grove Road in Walnut Creek with play starting at 1:00 PM. Join us for lunch before hand. If anyone is interested in joining the Couples Bridge group, please contact Rod. We are always in need of substitutes John Mosher - Chairman 925-685-1887


Basic Bridge is divided into sections. There is a learning section for brand new players and another section to provide experienced players an opportunity to practice and discuss points of play and bidding principles. In both sections co-eds are invited. The play is relaxed and non-competitive. The only cost is a “gourmet” lunch at Carl’s Jr.

Basic Bridge starts at 1:00 PM and ends at 3:00 PM on the first Thursday of the month at Carl’s Jr. in the Nob Hill Shopping Center. Carl’s Jr. is located on Oak Grove Road near Ygnacio Valley Road. Call or e-mail Rod Spicer to reserve a seat.

Rod Spicer, Chairman, 935-5306 [email protected] Harry Hubinger, Co-Chair 837-4381 [email protected]

BRIDGE ♣♣♣♣♦♦♦♦♥♥♥♥♠♠♠♠ DUPLICATE – ONE

Duplicate Bridge One Results for November Thanks to Ray Veronte for doing the set-up this month. Fourteen regulars and two substitutes showed up for a challenging round of duplicate bridge and clam chowder soup. As with last month it was a clean session with no goofs. It was

very competitive with 2/3 of the boards(14) being played as partials. 5 boards produced game bids, and 2 produced slam bids. Good session. The winners for November are: 1. Hubinger and Woolf 38 2. Powlesland and Cramer 35.5 3. Myrtle and Thompson 33.5 Thanks to subs Rod Spicer and Walt Schick for filling in. Ed Young will do the set-up for December. Subs are always in demand so anyone interested in playing duplicate bridge should call a chairman below to get on the substitute list. Tom Baker Chairman 689-4577, [email protected] Dick Long Co-Chair 831-8649, rlong11@sbcglob

BRIDGE ♣♣♣♣♦♦♦♦♥♥♥♥♠♠♠♠ DUPLICATE – TWO

Note: A detailed Duplicate Bridge 2 pdf file is posted to the activity page on our Branch 8 website.

Max Creamer Chair 262-7407 [email protected] Walter Schick 934-0656 [email protected]

BRIDGE ♣♣♣♣♦♦♦♦♥♥♥♥♠♠♠♠ DUPLICATE – THREE

Contact Chair: Jerry Milano 934-3496 Co-Chair: Walt Schick 934-0656


COUPLES GOLF Thursday December 8

th at Diablo Hills Golf Club is where the

Branch 8 Couples Golf group will gather for another fun day on the golf course and social time with lunch at the Greenery. Leo & Judy Barrella will host this event, so let them know that you plan to play.

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This will be the last time the Barrella’s will be asked to host an event. Leo has agreed to be the chairman of this activity for 2012, and the chairman has many responsibilities of which “hosting” is not one. Thanks Leo for stepping forward in typical fashion of a SIR Branch 8 member. A magnificent fall day greeted the group in November. The Barrella’s, Batesole’s, Hersch’s and Yarberry’s attended. I had the pleasure of observing them playing the ninth hole where most stopped by the beach for a sand shot. Gordon Batesole had by far the most spectacular shot as his ball soared over the green for parts unknown to the spectators. However, Gordon’s well placed shot hit an upper limb of a tree well beyond the ninth green and ricocheted back onto the green. Gordon approached the green in a manner that the shot was planned. Ask him about it. Perhaps he will tell. Chairman: Don Atwater 673-1669 [email protected] December host: Leo & Judy Barrella [email protected]


Our recent tasting was a planned outing to Livermore Valley wineries on November 4. This was a drive yourself trip to 5 tasting rooms (6 wineries) in the Valley. Tasters brought a picnic lunch to be shared by all. We started at the Les Chenes winery where the owner/ hosts served us several Rhone style wines (prices were about $18-28) from grapes grown on the property. This was also our picnic spot and the owners joined us after the tasting. As an added incentive the owners served us 7 different mustards and 2 homemade chutneys-also for sale. Their Estate Syrah and Petitt Syrah were hits with the group. Next came Bent Creek. This very popular winery served us all the wines (prices $15-30) from their tasting menu-about 8. On to Crooked Vine/Stony Ridge. Here again enjoyed all the wines on tasting menu-about 6 or 8 (things getting fuzzy now). Their Syrah and Petitt Syrah were very good and on sale. We got a huge discount on a mixed case. Feeling good so up came Murrieta’s Well. This beautifully redesigned old building (now owned by Wente) had some good but expensive wines. They also had 6 ladies in pink wigs (with limosine service) partying for one of their member’s 40

th birthday. Our Ron Luttinger

joined in long enough for us to get his picture with them. Sorry, Pump said can’t print in color (too expensive) but he would furnish me a pink crayon. Last stop was Ruby Hill winery. Lots of shopping trinkets here plus the wine which was on the high side and just ok. Very nice facility and tasting though! .

No home tastings until January so if you want to join our activity contact Bill or I and we’ll put you on our email notification list.

Gary Plisco, Chairman, 939-2483, [email protected]

Bill Barnard, Assistant Chairman, 939-

8927, [email protected]



December 1, 2011: Lafayette-Moraga Trail: Meet at the Lafayette Community Center on St. Mary’s Rd. Leader: John Hayes. December 8, 2011: Danville Iron Horse Trail: Exit 680 at Diablo Rd. and go west to Hartz Ave. & turn right to Railroad Ave. Meet at the RR Museum at the corner of Prospect & Railroad Ave. Leader: Ray Tenzer. December 15, 2011: Martinez Regional Shoreline: Take 680 toward Sacramento and get off on the last exit to Martinez to Marina Vista. Turn left at the light. Go about three miles to Ferry St. Turn right across the RR tracks and turn right again. Go about 75 yards and turn left into the parking lot. Leader: Clark Morehouse. December 22, 2011: Clayton Library: Meet at the Library Parking Lot on the left at 6125 Clayton Rd: Leader: Lloyd Gunderson. December 29, 2011: Contra Costa Canal Trail from Treat and Bancroft: Take 24 to 680 toward Sacramento. Get off on Treat and go to Bancroft and turn right. Look for the shopping center with Safeway in it. Turn into the shopping center and meet at the flag pole. Leader: Bill Peterson. January 5, 2012: Contra Costa Canal Trail from Heather Farms: Take 24 east to Ignacio and turn right toward John Muir Hospital. Past the hospital turn left at San Carlos Drive. Go to the last parking lot on your right and park: Leader: Ron Luttringer. January 12, 2012: Jewel Lake in Tilden Park: Take 24 west and get off at the Orinda Village-Richmond Exit. Turn right onto San Pablo Dam Road. The lake is an easy walk. There are turtles, interesting birds, and sometimes otters. It is also only a few yards from the Tilden Park Headquarters and the farm that has farm animals; some of the animals are unusual in the USA. It is hard to find so I recommend that we meet at the Nimitz Way parking lot and I will lead the caravan of cars. If you know where the Jewel Lake is, then meet us in the parking lot at the lake. Leader: Lynn Jones. Lynn Jones, Chairman 935-5510

[email protected] Dan Weller, Assist. Chairman

253-0114 mailto:[email protected]

One hour walks start at 9:30 AM and are usually on flat surfaces. At 10:30 we leave the trail and go for coffee,

talk, and refreshments.

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Do we have fun….we sure do…..just ask the Dine Outers…….. The 2011 season for the SIR “Let’s Dine Outers’ has come to an end with a very successful Dutch Luncheon at El Charro’s Mexican Restaurant in La Fayette hosted by SIR Don and Diane Wesdorf. We brought together 24 SIR and their Ladies for a very enjoyable afternoon to end the season with a new challenge: Dutch Luncheons. We now look forward to another year of Dining pleasure in the coming year of 2012. Come and join us when our Hosts and Hostesses introduce us to their favorite local Restaurants. We expect to start of the 2012 season with our January Dine Out at Ristorante Forli in Alamo. Watch for the particulars in the January 2012 Hotline. Until then, WE WISH ALL OF YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR….. The “Let’s Dine Outers” [email protected] Ph. 925-228


Astronomy November

There will be no December meeting. See you all in January 2012. Happy Holidays.

Larry Lange, Chairman 254-6281 [email protected] Derek Lofquist, Co-Chair 939-701 [email protected]


We have terminated Bocce Ball for the 2011 season. We hope to see Bocce Ball players in the May/June 2012 time frame.

Bob Barnes, Chairman 686-0106 [email protected] Larry Mersmann 935-9124 [email protected]


The November dinner was held at Cassanos'. The meal was over the top.This group can really put a menu together.The evening culminated with the disappearance of the Lauterbacks' car keys.Some one mistook Sandra's purse for theirs and left for home. A mad scramble entailed to find the missing purse.Fortunately, the purse left behind allowed us to identify the culprit. A phone call was made and purse and keys were returned by a unamed SIR who drove up in pajamas to return it. Never a dull moment at Dine In #1. Next dinner is on Jan 20. Ron Cassano at [email protected]


There are currently 7 couples in the group. For more info please email SIR Asadoorian at [email protected].


Hand it to the Italians On November 15, 22 Sirs in the Kitchen met at Casa Benson for a pork meal prepared differently than most of us had ever had. The entrée was porchetta (pronounced por-KETT-a), an Italian delight. Executive Chef Ed and Sous Chef Al met a couple of days before to put two of them together. Basically, porchetta consists of two, two and a half pound pork loins rubbed with a mixture of olive oil, garlic, pepper, fennel and rosemary then rolled and tied in a five pound slab of pork belly. After aging tor two days to let the spices meld, both were roasted to perfection and served to a group of slathering Sirs. It was served with Chef Al’s pan gravy, Chef Tommy’s oven roasted potatoes, Chef Derek’s asparagus accompanied by Chef Gene’s hollandaise sauce, Chef Ed the Smaller’s dinner rolls and Honorary Chefess Donna’s tiramisu. What a great meal! Of course, Sirs being Sirs, it was washed down by plenty of wine, beer and maybe a bit of water. Oh yeah, the SitKs’ were presented with their Christmas gifts by EC Ed, and all were delighted. Sirs in the Kitchen is having two Christmas Galas, one on the evening of December 15, the other on the 19

th. Two meetings

are necessary to accommodate all the members and spouses/SO that want to attend. The meal will be a reprise of the last couple years – oven roasted USDA primeNew

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York strip, twice baked potato casserole, probably haricot verts with caramelized shallots and Caesar salad. Dessert will be assorted cheesecakes. Beverages will include mixed drinks, wine, beer, soda and water. Now don’t you wish you were a Sir in the Kitchen?

Sirs in the Kitchen is now at 38 members. There’s a possibility of a second group forming sometime after the first of the year; more about that if it comes to fruition. If you want to join, drop Executive Chef Ed an email ([email protected]), call him (925-943-7011) or catch him at the monthly meeting. So far, we’ve always had room for anyone who was able to attend You don’t have to be an experienced cook as our members have all levels of cooking ability, or have a kitchen large enough to accommodate all of us. The usual shared cost for the luncheon and wine is $15, and that’s the best deal in town. Should any Sirs want our recipes, email Executive Chef Ed, and they’ll be sent to you.



Wednesday, November 30, 9:00 A.M. Closest To the Pin, Bill Cooke, Marshal (691-9325) Wednesday, December 7, 9:00 A.M. Doughnut Day, Bob Sherman, Marshal (936-9709) Wednesday, December 14, 9:00 A.M. PINE MEADOW, Bob Sherman, Marshal (936-9709) Wednesday, December 21, 9:00 A.M. 3/4/5 Club Tournament, Bob Sherman, Marshal (936-9709) Tuesday, December 27, 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY, Bob Sherman, Marshal (936-9709) Wednesday, January 4, 9:00 A.M. Doughnut Day, Phil Philpot, Marshal (937-2260) Please note that we will play at PINE MEADOW on December 14. We will play on a Tuesday (Dec. 27) on the last week of the year due to the 18 hole group playing on Wednesday We held a “Closest to the Pin” contest on October 26 at Diablo Hills. Barry Brown not only won this (7 feet from the pin on #3), he also shot the only birdie (3 on #9) and had the low score of the day by far, a 37. Great going, Barry! He chose a tire pressure gauge for his prize. November 2 was Donut Day at Diablo Hills. We had a good turnout of 21 for a cooler day. Barry Brown again had the low gross score of the day with a 39. Bill Barganquast was second with 42. November 9 brought us to a “Fewest Putts” contest. The winner was Bill Barganquast with 15 putts. He chose a flashlight for his award. Four guys came in second with 16’s. The low gross for

the day was a 40 by Derek Southern. Three were is second place with 42. Birdies were shot by Dave Perkins (2 on #3), Bob Jones (2 on #4), Wally Freeman (2 on #4), Barry Brown (2 on #3), and Stan Johnson (2 on #4). For November 16, we played at Pine Meadow. Marechal Duncan shot a birdie 2 on #5 while Stan Johnson had a birdie 3 on #6 (the pin blocked a potential eagle). Stan had low gross of 35 while Marechal was second with a 40. Come on out at any time. We have a great time! The majority of our golfers stay around for a drink and some stories at the 10

th (19

th?) hole. You may sign up in advance at the luncheon

meetings or call the week’s marshal to get a special pairing or starting time. Sign ups or call-ins are requested but not required. Foursomes will be arranged at the first tee, as needed. Stan Johnson, Chairman, 938-7016, [email protected]


By the time this issue comes out, the Ghost Fleet Cruise will be history. We had 30 SIRs and their significant others signed up for this excursion. Thanks to all of you who participate in the Explore and Eat activities. Your support is appreciated. Since October will be our last exploration for this year, we will be doing a summation of our ramblings in 2011 in the next issue of the Hotline. We are always open to suggestions for new and interesting places in the Bay Area to learn more about. If you have a favorite or two that you would like to share with some very inquisitive members of Branch 8, please let us know and we will check it out as a possible destination for 2012.

Dick Schally, Chair [email protected] 260-5534 Larry McEwen, Asst. [email protected] 939-3216


Seasons Greetings The next meeting of the Book Group will be on January 31, 2012. It wil be at the home of: Steve Tiller 1465 Ashwood Dr. Martinez

We will get together at 2:00 PM and review: "Country

Driving" Author: Peter Hessler Steve Tiller [email protected] 925 229-4432

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We play dominos on the 2nd and 4th Wed. of the month at Carl's Jr, located in Nob Hill Shopping Center off Oak Grove Rd and Ygnacio Valley Rd. Play starts at 11 AM and ends at 2 PM. We always need new players. Bring $5 for the kitty. It is an easy game to learn and lots of fun. Dieter Lauterbach Chairman 672-3124 [email protected]


Come join us for poker! We offer refresher games at 10:15 before the Monthly Luncheon for any member that wants to try again. Call Dan Franklin if you want to sit in to learn. You can also sit in to help our new players. We now have nine groups and the playing days are in the table below.

First Monday First Tuesday First Friday Second Tuesday Third Monday 3

rd Wednesday

Third Thursday Fourth Monday Fourth Thursday

Our groups meet usually from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Group members rotate as hosts, providing drinks and munchies. Deal rotates; dealer calls the game and antes a quarter-- three-raise limit. We play nickel, dime, and quarter. It’s an inexpensive way to spend an afternoon with a great group of guys!

Walter Schick 934-0656 [email protected] Dan Franklin 820-7312 [email protected]


At the Nov 17, meeting Phil Goff delivered two very interesting presentations. The first was about backing up your computer in the “cloud.” Companies such as Carbonite, Mozy, & etc., have become extremely popular. Phil discussed what these company’s have to offer and then provided information on some free alternatives, such as Google Docs, Microsoft’s Skydrive and others. Following the break, we raffled off some excellent prizes that

Barry Brown contributed. They included print books, e-books, gadgets and software Following the break, we raffled off some excellent prizes that Barry Brown contributed. They included print books, e-books, gadgets and software. And finally, to close out the year, Phil covered everyone’s favorite subject: shopping – online for Christmas. You can find Phil’s presentations on the CAT Web site: There were 58 SIR’s attending the November meeting, of which 21 were from Branck 8: Bill Barmard, Don Bierey, Barry Brown, Dave Davis, Wally Freeman, Jack Kearney, Zebi Kerekes, Mike Lone, Clyde McAdas, Larry McEwen, Bill Phelon, Pump Pumphrey, Jim Riley, Derek Southern, Dean Steichen, Teeb Thomas, Al Welch, Robert Wells, Don Wesdorf, Jerry White and Leary Wong. There is no December CAT meeting. Please plan to join us on the third Thursday of January 2012, for more interesting discussions, prizes and comradery. Meetings of the Area 2 Computer and Technology Group are held the 3rd Thursday of each month (except June and December) from 8:45 to 11:00 a.m., at the Walnut Creek Elks Lodge, 1475 Creekside Drive. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned user, we try to offer something for everyone. We ask for a donation of $5 to cover the cost of the hall rental, coffee and cookies. All SIR members and their guests (spouses included!) are welcome to attend. See you there. SIR Bill Phelon [email protected]


Winter League

Tom Baker Places At Brentwood Tournament Tom finished fourth in the singles event and Tom and his partner from branch 81 finished second. This is very impressive considering that there were over 100 bowlers participating.

Fall / Winter League The Area 2 SIR league is at Diablo Lanes in Concord. We bowl every Wednesday, starting at 10 AM.

This league is for SIR members only. There are 3-man teams. Let the Bowling Chairman know if you would like to participate.

COSTS: Lane costs, prize money and administrative expenses are currently $13 per week for three games. All bowlers must join the USBC (United States Bowling Congress). There is an annual $18 fee for the USBC.

Alternate SIR League Branch 19 (Concord) has formed a SIR league at Clayton Valley Bowl. The day and starting time and costs are the same as the Area 2 league except that this league has 4-man teams.

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SIR State Tournament Schedules, Applications, and Results Are On Line:

To access the SIR State bowling information, open the state bowling web site at You can find tournament schedules, applications, and results on the site.

Upcoming SIR Bowling Tournaments:

ACTIVITY CHAIRMAN: Dan Weller 925-935-5510 [email protected]


SINGLE SIRS DINE OUT We are a group of SIRS who like to get out of the house once in awhile and share a good dinner and some lively conversersation.Each month, one of us acts as a host , choses a restaurant in the area and arranges for for the group, usually about ten..There are a wide wide variety of pkaces where we dine from Italian, American, Mexican, Chinese and others. Of course the prices have to reasonable. Some of may also share a bottle of wine.We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30PM and are usually out before 7:00PM. Our November dinner was at The Pasta Primavera Restaurant in Walnut Creek and was hosted by Bob Cramer. Ed Young, 925-934-5407 will be our host for the December dnner and he has chosen one of our favorites: El Charro Mexican Dining 3339 Mount Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549 925-283-2345 Come join us and enjoy the fine food and good company. Bon Wadors, Chairman 925-937-8160 Steve Tiller, Asst, Chairman 925-229-4432



All SIR members and guests are welcome and, indeed, encouraged to participate in fishing trips as well as attend the monthly meetings. Next meeting will be Thursday, December 15th, at the Legend Sports Bar and Grill at the Diablo Creek Golf Course at 4050 Port Chicago Highway in Concord. Meeting starts at 8:30am.

Well, the winds of 2011 continued unabated, and winter made an early appearance. In this tough fishing year, 8 tough fishermen went to Davis Lake in late October conquering the elements and the fish. Terry Miller, Harry Sherinian, Bill Landers, Ed Djikman, Rich Bal, John O’Brien, Dick Thomson and Karl Droese all caught beautiful rainbow trout from 16 to 20 inches. Meanwhile, closer to home, Carl Moyer fished with John O’Brien and Harry Sherinian on the ocean for Rockfish and Ling Cod, with Steve Nelson catching small sturgeon from Pittsburg, and with his daughter on Shadow Cliffs catching 4 nice rainbows to 3 lbs. Harry Sherinian caught a strong 50 inch sturgeon fishing with Terry Miller near Pittsburg. Joe Peterson caught a hefty 12 pound striped bass from the Sacramento River. Mario Moratorio fished Lake Berryessa 4 times, catching good sized king salmon, rainbow trout, and smallmouth bass to 3 pounds. Fishing with Mario were Joe Miscione, Paul Dubow, Jim Lynch, and Karl Droese. Rick Fend braved a rough ocean that kept everyone else at home to go on a rock cod/crab combo trip out the gate. Despite the rough conditions, Rick brought home 6 big crab and a nice limit of Rock Fish. Joe Karg, Paul Dubow, Terry Miller and Carl Moyer fished the Sacramento river near Pittsburg for 3 good sized stripers. We will be very busy this winter with: delta fishing for bass, catfish, and sturgeon, trout in local lakes, party boat trips for kokanee, sturgeon, crab and rock fish,. Our next meeting will be Thursday, December 15th, at the Legend Sports Bar and Grill at the Diablo Creek Golf Course at 4050 Port Chicago Highway in Concord. Meeting starts at 8:30 am. For further information, please contact:

Karl Droese, Big Fish (925-376-0468;) Carl Moyer Branch 8 Coordinator (925-685-5243;) Dick Thomson Treasurer/Secretary (925-944-1760.)


Cribbage Results – November November 2, 2011 – We had twenty-one SIRS participate. Bill Douglas had the high score for the day with 368 points. Second place went to Steve Strobel with 298 points followed by Joe Anthony with 266 points and Jack LaSalle with 244 points. November 15, 2011 – There were twelve SIRS who participated. Steve Bishop had the high score for the day with 228 points. Second place went to Al Kapp with 219 points and third place was a tie between Jack LaSalle and Larry Mersmann with 175 points. The Cribbage Group meets on the first Wednesday and the third Tuesday of each month at Carl’s Jr. which is located in the Nob Hill Shopping Center off Oak Grove Road and Ygnacio Valley Blvd. at 1 PM. Please join us if you have played Cribbage or would like to learn the game. Our next three meetings are on Wednesday, December 7; Tuesday, December 20; and Wednesday, January 4, 2012. Overall Results through November 2011 are as follows:


January 17 Stockton

Jan 30, Feb 1 Sonoma

Feb 14, 15 Livermore

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Highest Individual Game Scores Rob Laaback/Steve Bishop 151 Bill Douglas/Jerry White 139 Herb Hellsten 127 Jack LaSalle/Larry Mersmann 127 Herb Hellsten/Stan Johnson 119 Highest Daily Total Scores Bill Douglas 368 Dieter Lauterbach 364

Larry Mersmann 337 Stan Johnson 317 Steve Strobel 298 Greg Ryan 292 Highest Per Game Average Score (50% of Games Played) Stan Johnson 29.04 Jack LaSalle 26.88

Al Kapp 26.67 Terry Mason 25.01 Herb Hellsten 24.41 Greg Ryan 24.24

Chairman, Herb Hellsten ([email protected]) Asst. Chairman, Bill Douglas


In November we gathered at Dave Davis’ home and shared photos of assorted mushrooms, some of them quite beautiful and exotic. We also viewed many scenes from halloween, and other charming photos. Attending were Dave Davis, Zebi Kerekes, Robin Lamont, Jock MacKaig, Clyde McAdams, Larry McEwen, Hans Pable, Bill Phelon, Pump Pumphrey, Jim Ripley, Teeb Thomas and Jerry White. On December 16 we will meet at the home of Robin Lamont, with the aim of sharing Holiday Images, and as always, “member’s choice.” An assignment for the January 2012 meeting will be to present your very best photos from 2011. The Digital Photo Group meets at 10:00 AM on the third Friday of each month, with occasional exceptions. Our meeting locations rotate amongst the members and a $1 per person contribution is suggested to help cover the cost of coffee and snacks. Pump Pumphrey 682-2188 [email protected] Bill Phelon, Asst Chair 254-8338 [email protected]


As we continue with the sixth year of Writing Your Life Stories the group continues to enjoy working together writing their personal histories, as their statement says:

The members of the group are grateful to be able to meet with like-minded men as encouragement to leave a legacy for children and grandchildren. We all realize that if we don't write our life story, no one else will.

It is a lot easier and more fun to write our personal biographies when we mutually support each other by writing short stories and reading them aloud to trigger other memories. Our next meeting will be 10:00 am on Wednesday, December 21 at Vintage Kensington Place (in the second floor Game Room), located on Geary Road near North Main in Walnut Creek, just off I-680. You can become part of the group at any time; please call or e-mail me so I can have a syllabus ready for you to use. Roger Sperling, Chairman 933-5588 [email protected]


The Area 2 $ums Investment Group will not meet in December 2011. Our next meeting will be on January 25, 2012. Meeting details to follow in the January 2012 newsletter. Co-chairmen: Allen Espenmiller (Br-174) 925-376-3977 George Schulze (Br-8) 925-429-1756 Leary Wong (Br-8) 925-457-0807 Ken Nakashima: Coordinator for (Br-171) 925-376-0421


It’s winter. Time to do some indoor activities. Did you ever play pool in your younger years? Have you ever thought about playing again but didn't want to go to the pool hall by yourself? Just like Golf you only become good at putting the

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ball in the pocket if you practice. It improves eye and hand coordination. It might even improve your game of Golf. Because you're a SIR’s member you have the opportunity to get together to play some pool (just for the fun of it). We play for approximately 2 hours. We meet and start at 11:30 on the first and third Mondays of each month at Masses, 2721 North Main Street, Walnut Creek. The cost is $5.00 for as long as you want to play. This is a special rate that Masses gives the SIR’s members. You can also play during the day, at other times, for the same $5.00 fee. Just tell them you're a member of SIR’s. We play mostly two man teams of eight ball, or a unique three-player game, called “Crazy Eights”, depending on the number of participants. There are plenty of tables, so come on down and join other pool players from Branch 8 and other branches in the area. If you have not played for awhile, don't be bashful. Come on down and join us and get some practice. We welcome new pool playing and potential pool playing members. Jerry White ([email protected]) 944-9068


Sign up now to be notified about 2012 Internet Games opportunities. Being pro active, connecting members with comparable interests, is of prime concern for the new year. So please send an email to:[email protected] Include the following information: Name Email address List games of interest Games members expressed interest in last year include the following: Backgammon. Bridge, Checkers, Chess, Cribbage, Dominoes, Hearts, Mahjong, Pinochle and Poker. Those with new interests are encouraged to list new games. Internet Games Chairman – Don Atwater, [email protected]

Assistant Internet Games Chairman: Bob Barnes, 686-

0106 [email protected]; Poker and Cribbage have

competitions. Contact the chairmen to be included in a

future game..Cribbage Chairman – Don Atwater, 673-

1669 [email protected] Poker Chairman – Ek Keller,

685-1505 [email protected]


W I N E F I N D E R S----

Contact Bob Price for details of Novembers Wine Finders get together Thanks, you all, Chair Bob Price [email protected] 937-6814 Co-chair Tony deLosada [email protected] 945-1730


Book Exchange We need DVDs and CDs too! Although the book exchange activity has exceeded our expectations, we can still use more, especially electronic media (such as CD’s & DVD’s). So bring them to the November or January meeting. All of you Sir readers will have to take a month off, as there will be no book exchange in December due to the Ladies’ Day Luncheon. So stock up in November. Remember, the exchange only works as long as you contribute books, DVDs and CD’s and you return the books you’ve borrowed. Also, as a reminder, please put a date (such as 11/11) on the item you borrowed so we know it is a “keeper”. There should be a label on the item for you to record the date. Your co-chairmen, Ken Main, Tom Kerns, Rob Laaback or Don Biersey, swing by the book exchange tables periodically should you have any questions. Any oversupplies and duplicates are donated to the Contra Costa Library System. If you have any questions, drop Ken Main an email him @ [email protected]) call him (925-945-1065) or catch him at the monthly meeting.


December 16, 2011

BEACH BLANKET BABYLON Enjoy a musical comedy performance. New ideas have been added that will keep you laughing and applauding for more!!

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Included is a hosted dinner at Firenze by Night, one of San Francisco's best Italian restaurants. Depart Heather Farms parking lot by motorcoach at 3PM and return at approximately 9PM. Cost: $110 per person For more information or to reserve, please contact BOB HAGLER, 925.934.7620 or [email protected] October 26 – November 11, 2012 Canada & New England

Aboard NCL Norwegian Dawn. Beautiful scenery is always on display when cruising down the east coast during the peak weeks of autumn. With the fall foliage seemingly aflame, sit back and enjoy Mother Nature’s dazzling show. Travel Events cintinue… Along the way visit an exciting array of east coast ports including Quebec City, Quebec Canada * Portland, Maine * Boston Massachusetts * New York City, New York * Norfolk, Virginia * Baltimore, Maryland * Charleston, South Carolina * Miami * Key West and Tampa, Florida. Package price includes round trip airfare, transfers to/from airports, transfer driver and stevedore tips, government fees and taxes, overnight stay on board the Norwegian Dawn while docked in Quebec City PLUS a 15 night cruise down the east coast and all meals on board the Norwegian Dawn. Package price starts at $2335 to $3475.

Contact Jim Lunn @ 925 551-3329.


Lynn Jones was our exhibitor in November. Lynn shared some of his collection of artifacts from journeys around the world. Fascinating weapons and apparel from tribes rarely visited were displayed and created interest and conversations from our members. Stories and photos from his travel experiences intrigued our members who stopped by the SACHe table. Exhibitors are wanted for the year 2012. SACHe stands for Sir, Artisan, Craftsman, Hobbyist, etcetera. In general items that you have made or collected probably are items of interest to our members. Please contact me to discuss what you have to display.. We want a new exhibitor for each monthly luncheon-meeting. Chairman – Don Atwater, 673-1669 [email protected] Asst. Chairman, Bill Peterson, 676-5295 [email protected]


ATTENTION HIKERS! We hike on the last Tuesday of every month on regional trails and meet at the time and location for the hike as shown below. Our hikes are usually 4 to 8 miles long and usually take 2 to 3 hours. WATER, HIKING SHOES, AND STICKS are always recommended. Some of us have lunch at a nearby restaurant after the hike. New members, ladies, and Guests are always welcome. December 27, 2011: Lafayette-Moraga Regional Trail This is a paved trail which will be an advantage if the weather is wet. The hike will start at the Olympic Boulevard Staging Area in Lafayette. The turnaround will be at St. Mary!s College in Moraga. The hike will be cover 10 miles over a moderate and level route with a few gentle changes in elevation. Meet at 9:30a at the Olympic Boulevard Staging Area parking lot. From Highway 24 go 0.83 miles south on Pleasant Hill Road and south to Olympic Boulevard. Turn right on Olympic Boulevard and find the parking lot immediately on the right. Leader: Erland Persson [email protected] 925-932-5328 Chair: Ray Tenzer Ph: 820-4744

Ass”t Chair: Enrique Arvizu Ph: 687-9992


Annual Branch 8 BBQ See You Next Year! Annually, Sirs in the Kitchen puts on the Branch 8 BBQ, usually held in June before the really hot weather and travel time. We will publish the date next spring, and we hope that many of you can join the hundred of us from 2011. Until then, have a great Thanksgiving! Should any of you have any ideas on how we could improve from 2011, please let Chairmen Ed Benson and Walt Schick know.

S irs

A rtisans

C raftsmen

H obbyists


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Sir Bargain Wines We’ve started a new activity as announced at the November luncheon, Sir Bargain Wines. Here’s the concept: BevMo and Grocery Outlet (as well as Safeway) hold significant wine sales at least twice a year. During these sales, the opportunity presents itself for the public to purchase some terrific wines at a sharply discounted price. The problem is, out of all the possible selections what wines should be purchased? We are working to solve that quandary for Branch 8 members. An email roster of participants will be kept, and the participants will be informed when a meetingcoinciding with the above sale times will be held. Reservations will be taken in seniority order (first on the list based on initial signup) on a first come, first served basis. Although this is a couple-friendly activity, single Sirs or those whose spouses/SOs are not interested in the event are welcome and encouraged to participate. A committee of volunteers will purchase a selection of the wines, those attending the meeting will taste and discuss the quality of the wines selected to find any real winners. White wines will be tasted with hors d’oeuvres brought by each couple, and red wines will be tasted with a simple dinner prepared with help of the participants. Meetings will initially be held at the Chairman’s home, but eventually rotation among member homes will be considered. The size of each session will be dependent on the number the host is comfortable in accommodating. Meetings will be held in the evening, beginning at 6:00 p.m. This activity as complimentary and not competitive with Branch 8’s other wine-oriented groups. There is no formal blind wine tasting, and the price of the wines is significantly below that typically found in the other two groups. We will communicate our tasting results by email to all Branch 8 members so they might also participate in the bargains. Our first meeting will be held sometime after the first of 2012, and at least four meetings a year will be held. We estimate that

the cost of the event will be $10.00 to $12.00 per person for the selected wines and the pro-rata share of the dinner plus the cost of the hors d’oeuvre brought to the meeting. The Activity Chairman is Ed Benson ([email protected]), and he’s ably assisted by Dick Schally ([email protected]). Please contact either of us to be included in the participant email list. At the time this was written, we had 15 Branch 8 couples on the list. We will also have a sign-up sheet at the January luncheon. Let’s go find those bargains! Chair:Ed Benson [email protected], AsstDick Schally [email protected]


NEW AND CURRENT ACTIVITIES Our SIR Br. 8 just added our 40

th activity with “SIR Bargain

Wines”. Chairman Ed Benson states the new group will search for bargain wines available at periodic sales generally held by BevMo, Grocery Outlet, ect. The activity is complementary and not competitive with our branch’s other wine-oriented groups. The first meeting will be held sometime after the first of the new year. Interested? Ed Benson at 925-943 7011 or e-mail at ebensonbwa Mike Long, Activity Chairman, 925-930 8401, [email protected] Jock Mackaig – Asst. Chairman, 925-934 8797, [email protected]

S A C He Exhibitor Lynn Jones Lynn shared some of his collection of artifacts from his journeys around the world.

Honorary Lifetime Member awards presented by SIR’s State President Robert Mannell to Dave Perkins and Ron Smith

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Explore and Eat group on the Suisun Bay mothball fleet outing Golf Awards

Stan Johnson receiving trophy from Don Atwater Golf jacket awards


Jim Ripley Paul Gaddini Roger Lockwara


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SIR Branch 8

Ladies Day Christmas Luncheon

Round Hill Country Club 3169 Round Hill Road

Alamo, California

Monday, December 12, 2011

10:45 a.m. Social Hour – 11:45 a.m. Luncheon Entertainment - " Jump-In "

Folk and Oldies from the 40's to the 90's

Door Prizes!!

$37.50 Per Person

Luncheon choice of:

Sliced Angus Sirloin or

Cypress Island Salmon or

Vegetarian Meals are Available Luncheon includes: salads, appropriate starch, vegetables, coffee tea and dessert A table will be reserved for single SIRs or SIRs whose wives are not able to attend.

For those putting a party together, reserve your table of 10 early.

Reserved tables must be paid in total at the time of reservation. Meal selection for each tablemate must be provided at time of reservation.

Reservation Deadline: December 8, 2011

No refunds after 12:00pm: December 8, 2011

Reservations may be made by mail or at the October or November luncheons

Tickets indicating meal choice will be provided at the event.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ladies Day Luncheon – Round Hill Country Club

Please print name or names below, as you want them to appear on your name tag.

Name:________________________________ SIR MD#__________ Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one)

Guest Name:______________________________________________ Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one)

Mail checks (payable to SIR Branch 8) to: Bernie Rosner, 12 Henry Ranch Drive, San Ramon, CA 94583

Number of tickets _____ at $37.50 per person. Total:________________


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SIR Branch 8 Ladies Day Luncheon – Round Hill Country Club Monday, December 12,,2011

Group Reservation Form

Please print tablemate names below, as they are to appear on name tags.

(1) SIR MD #_____LastName:____________________First Name:_______________ Guest Last Name:___________________________ First Name:_______________ Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one) Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one) (2) SIR MD #_____LastName:____________________First Name:_______________ Guest Last Name:___________________________ First Name:_______________ Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one) Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one) (3) SIR MD #_____LastName:____________________First Name:_______________ Guest Last Name:___________________________ First Name:_______________ Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one) Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one) (4) SIR MD #_____LastName:____________________First Name:_______________ Guest Last Name:___________________________ First Name:_______________ Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one) Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one) (5) SIR MD #_____LastName:____________________First Name:_______________ Guest Last Name:___________________________ First Name:_______________ Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian(Circle one) Sirloin or Salmon or Vegetarian (Circle one)

Completed form, with amounts due, should be submitted at time reservations are made

Mail form and checks (payable to SIR Branch 8) to: Bernie Rosner, 12 Henry Ranch Drive, San Ramon, CA 94583

Number of tickets _____ at $37.50 per person. Total:_________________


Page 19: The Big Sir Column December, 2011 WEBSITE: branch8.sirinc · tribute to Roger Miller and his LDL team for the bi-annual

Mt. Diablo Branch No. 8 State-Level Volunteers----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

State President Bob Mannell 408-264-7121 [email protected] Director Region 6 Dean Steichen 820-3573 [email protected] Governor, Area 2 Ron Smith 314-3066 [email protected] Computer, Area 2 CoChair Derek Southern 253-1646 [email protected] Publicity, Area 2 Walt Schick 934-0656 [email protected] State Committiees:

Publicity and Tools Ed Benson Growth And Membership Walt Shick Walt Shick Dean Steichen

Insurance Roger Borgerson Infosys Walt Shick Travel BobHagler Derek Southern

Dean Steichen Branch 8 Officers-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Big Sir Derek Southern 253-1646 [email protected] Little Sir Gary Plisco 939-2483 [email protected] Secretary Erland Persson 932-5328 [email protected] Membership Secretary Bill Barnard 939-8927 [email protected] Attendance Secretary Bill Peterson 676-5295 [email protected] Treasurer Leo Barrella 933-2372 [email protected] Asst. Treasurer Paul Laderer 943-1392 [email protected] Directors Ed Benson 943-7011 [email protected]

Wally Freeman 673-1191 [email protected] Bill Hunter 947-6947 [email protected] Mike Long 930-8407 [email protected] Jim Sowell 939-4670 [email protected] Bon Wadors 937-8160 [email protected] Committees------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Activity Coordinator Mike Long 930-8401 [email protected]

Asst Jock Mackaig 838-4623 [email protected] Audit Herb Hellsten 686-6398 [email protected]

Asst Larry Lavik 935-6946 [email protected] Chaplain Fred Nelson 689-6714 [email protected]

Asst Ted McKillop 283-3407 [email protected] Computer Help (MAC) Dick Brown 676-9048 [email protected] Computer Help (PC) Jay Caldis 939-1893 [email protected] Email List Maintenance Dave Perkins 256-9569 [email protected] Historian Gary Plisco 939-2483 [email protected] Hotline Editing Pump Pumphrey 682-2188 [email protected]

Ekkehardt Keller 685-1505 [email protected] Dan Weller 935-5510 [email protected]

Jim Ripley 891- 4007 [email protected] Ladies Day Luncheon Roger Miller (Chair) 944-1452 [email protected] Member Relations Ed Benson 943-7011 [email protected] New Member Interviews Ed Myrtle 229-2371 [email protected] Roster Bill Barnard 939-8927 [email protected] Sunshine Chairman Larry Mersmann 935-9124 [email protected]

Asst Rob Laaback 938-5228 Web Master Derek Southern 253-1646 [email protected]

Asst Bill Hunter 947-6947 [email protected] Luncheon

Seating & Setup Bill Peterson 676-5295 [email protected] Badges Bill Douglas 945-8009 [email protected] Larry Mersmann 935-9124 [email protected] Bill Peterson 676-5295 [email protected] Drawings Ed Roth 937-5944 [email protected] Greeters Clyde McAdams 415-793-2900 [email protected]

Darryl Skiles 827-3818 [email protected] Guest/Visitor Bill Johnson 284-1728 [email protected]

John O’brien 932-0414 [email protected] Need-A- Ride Bon Wadors 937-8160 [email protected] Pianist Ralph Bagdonas 838-0568 [email protected] Songmeister Roger Sperling 933-5588 [email protected] Tickets John Fidler 837-8703 [email protected]

Paul Laderer 943-1392 [email protected] Leo Barrella 933-2372 [email protected] Mann Wong 376-6388 [email protected]

Page 20: The Big Sir Column December, 2011 WEBSITE: branch8.sirinc · tribute to Roger Miller and his LDL team for the bi-annual


Mt Diablo Branch No. 8 Sons in Retirement

1970 Diamond Blvd.

Concord, CA 94520

Editor Ekk Keller


A Non-profit Organization PLEASE DELIVER BY DECEMBER 6, 2011

for Retired Men devoted

to the Promotion of Independence and

Dignity of Retirement. TO:

«Merge Record #»

Sir «Name» «address» «CSZ»