  • 8/10/2019 The Benefits of Blogging to Communicate Information


    The Benefits of Blogging to Communicate Information


    Barger initiated the term blogging in 1997, as a log of the web or weblog. In its

    simplest form it is a website with dated entries, presented in reverse chronological

    order and published on the Internet. Descriptions of blogs allude to them as an

    alternative to a personal web page; however, this connection over simplifies both the

    content and the process of communicating through blogging. The word blog is both a

    noun and a verb. People who create and maintain blogs are called bloggers. The act of

    posting to your blog is called blogging and the collective world of blogging is the

    Blog-o-sphere. (Paquet, 2003; Bartlett- Bragg ,2003). There are a variety of blogging

    software tools available that make creating a blog exquisitely simple. Once youve

    signed up for one of these tools, such as Blogger, Blog Spot, Blogger Pro, Diaryland,

    GrokSoup, Greymatter, Movable Type, or others, youre in business. You do not need

    to be a programmer the desire to express yourself, a computer, and an Internet

    connection will suffice. How bloggers see themselves and the purpose of their blogs

    may be related then to what motivates them to produce content. Although the topic of

    that content can vary widely, studies suggest that most blogs focus on relating

    personal experiences and thoughts (Huang et al., 2007; Papacharissi, 2007; Zuniga et

    al 2011). The categorized five motives for blogging found out were;

    To seek information,

    To provide commentary

    To participate in community forums

    To document daily life

    To express oneself.

  • 8/10/2019 The Benefits of Blogging to Communicate Information


    They concluded that information creation and consumption and social interaction are

    the impetus for all blogging efforts, which is supported by other research (Kaye,

    2005; McKenna and Pole, 2008; Zuniga et al, 2011). In general the motives for

    blogging can also be the derivative for its benefits, the benefits being the general

    communication of information.

    Blogging to Communicate Information

    According to Forbes, last year (2013) via a study conducted by theCharlton College

    of Business Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts

    Dartmouth revealed that 34 percent of Fortune 500 companies are now actively

    blogging, which represented the largest increase in the number of Fortune 500

    companies currently blogging since 2008. However, fewer are cognizant of the fact

    that above and beyond giving a website substantial SEO benefits and promoting

    healthier user engagement statistics in general, it can also play an integral role in their

    higher level marketing strategy as well. This means more and more people are getting

    used to the idea of blogging and using it as a very effective tool for disseminating

    information and for consumer engagement. It is can also be used outside the circles of

    business and be used for your personal growth as well. Therefore the benefits of

    blogging can be classified into two basic categories.

    Benefits of Blogging for Businesses

    In this modern age of the 21stcentury your traditional way of marketing products and

    services are not as effective before (Barker et al, 2008). The introduction of

    technology and the Internet have changed the playing field for marketers and

    companies. One way of diversifying your marketing strategies is by blogging. One
  • 8/10/2019 The Benefits of Blogging to Communicate Information


    important benefit is that it is cost effective and a very cheap form of marketing if it is

    done right. Both new and existing businesses can benefit immensely if this form of

    marketing is incorporated into their marketing strategies. Also, it is very easy to

    integrate it into your day-to-day business activities, as it does not really need a lot of

    special expertise to do so. Having one person designated to blog for your company or

    business is a plus if you can afford it but it is not mandatory if you can use a computer

    and can articulate your information in writing. In addition, it is also a very cost

    effective way to have customer interactions as well as feedback. The Internet is one

    medium where you can reach millions of people by just a click on a computer and so

    therefore in the communication of information as well your reach and time of reach

    can be very important, most importantly businesses. Blogging can unite all these

    factors and get information to the people that matter the most to you and your

    business. The last but not the least blogging can also provide Search Engine

    Optimization (SEO) benefits to any new or existing company and business if it is

    done effectively. To the layman who does not understand what SEO means, it

    basically the benefit of the name of your company or business popping up in a any

    search engine when certain keywords associated with your business is typed on the

    internet. This can be very beneficial to any company as it can bring in new business

    prospects from all over the world with respect to the service and products you


    Benefits of Blogging To Individuals

    Most people associate blogging to individuals who run businesses or have some form

    of financial benefit from blogging. This however is not accurate. Individuals can start

    the act of blogging to better themselves for various reasons like career and even

    general confidence in life. One benefit of blogging to most people especially young

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    writers and journalists who will want to experiment with their ability to put their

    thoughts on paper use blogging to develop that skill. It gives you an avenue to

    develop both your research skills and writing skills if it is a career path you are

    interested in. In addition, it can also serve as a fertile ground to grow an image for

    yourself as a person of influence in certain areas of your expertise. There are so many

    examples of beauty bloggers, car bloggers, real estate bloggers and so forth that built

    their brands and images via blogging. The added advantage to this is that it eventually

    translates into income for an individual, which is also an added benefit for blogging.

    The last but not the least, just like any form of human interaction there is the need to

    connect and network with other individuals. Blogging creates that perfect opportunity

    to do so. Interactions with people who view and read your blog can compound to

    various relationships that eventually builds a network of people who are relevant to



    In conclusion various ways can be used to disseminate and communicate information,

    blogging is one of such ways. Its inexpensiveness and mode of flexibility to practice it

    is a sure way to communicate information. However just like the golden rule of life,

    practice makes perfect and so once you start blogging do not stop. Continue to do so

    and all those benefits mentioned above will be your potion in one way or another.

  • 8/10/2019 The Benefits of Blogging to Communicate Information



    Anne Bartlett- Brag (2003),Blogging to learn, Knowledge Tree Journal

    Cheng- Yu Lai, Heng- Li Yang (2014), Determinants of individuals self-

    disclosure and instant information sharing behavior in micro-blogging,

    Marydee Ojala (2005),Blogging,

    Brian Ekdale, Kang Namkoong and Timothy K.F. Fung (2010), Why blog?

    (then and now): exploring the motivations for blogging by popular American

    political bloggers,

    Homero Gil de Ziga, Seth C Lewis, Amber Willard, Sebastian Valenzuela,

    Jae Kook Lee and Brian Baresch (2011), Blogging as a journalistic practice:

    A model linking perception, motivation, and behavior,

