  • 8/11/2019 The Balloon Effect: The Failure of Supply Side Strategies in the War on Drugs


  • 8/11/2019 The Balloon Effect: The Failure of Supply Side Strategies in the War on Drugs



    Iaabrfjnm tb Tbd`rt OiaAbun, i prbc`ssbr bc Liw inf Wudlja pbljay it th`

    Pnjv`rsjty bc Ailjcbrnji inf W`t`r T`ut`r, in `abnbojst it th` Pnjv`rsjty bc Oirylinf,

    r`tijl sil`s bc jll`mil frums jn th` PQ ir` wbrth ipprbxjoit`ly $37 djlljbn whjl` mlbdil

    r`tijl sil`s ir` prbdidly irbunf $907 djlljbn, idbut hilc th` sil`s bc th` (l`mjtjoit`) wbrlf

    phiroia`utjail jnfustry inf jn th` sio` l`imu` is abnsuo`r sp`nfjnm bn l`mil frums

    suah is tbdiaab ($476 djlljbn) inf ilabhbl ($404 djlljbn).4

    Vh` cjrst supply sjf` o`thbf th` Pnjt`f Qtit`s trj`f tb us` wis itt`optjnm tb

    jnt`rfjat frums it th` PQ dbrf`r, whjah his sjna` d``n shbwn tb d` in unr`iljstja strit`my

    mjv`n th` sjz` bc th` abuntry inf th` thbusinfs bc ojl`s bc shbr`ljn` inf unprbt`at`f

    dbrf`rs. Abaijn` js dut bn` `xiopl` bc th` mbv`rno`nts r`abmnjtjbn bc th` cijlur` bc thjs

    tiatja ilobst 47 y`irs imb5 Jt js tru` thit is jnt`rfjatjbn `xp`nfjtur`s hiv` mrbwn, th`

    iobunt bc abaijn` s`jz`f his ilsb mrbwn frioitjailly5 wh`r`is jn 9:89 jnt`rfjatbrs

    s`jz`f 9.= tbns bc abaijn`, th` tbtil oiy hiv` d``n is hjmh is 67 tbns jn 9:8=.

    Nbn`th`l`ss, nbt bnly fjf tbtil jopbrts ippir`ntly jnar`is`, dut th` prja` bc abaijn`, it

    dbth th` jopbrt inf r`tijl l`v`ls, ilsb c`ll ripjfly.1

    I obr` r`a`nt `ccbrt tb `rifjait` jll`mil frums it th` sbura` his ilsb prbv`n tb d`

    jn`cc`atjv` it `jth`r r`fuajnm th` supply bc jll`mil frums br rijsjnm th` whbl`sil` br r`tijl

    prja`s cbr th`o. Vhjs tiatja jn`vjtidly l`ifs tb n`w sbura`s bc supply d`jnm f`v`lbp`f

    inf drbumht bn-ljn` br tb prbfuatjbn bc obr` luaritjv` (prbcjtidl`) jll`mil sudstina`s.

    Ablbodji wis brjmjnilly i oiebr supplj`r bc oirjeuini jopbrts tb th` Pnjt`f

    Qtit`s jn th` 9:=7s, prjbr tb in jnar`is` jn liw `ncbra`o`nt `ccbrts tb stbp th` soummljnm

    4Tbd`rt E. OiaAbun inf W`t`r T`ut`r. Frum ]ir H`r`sj`s5 L`irnjnm crbo Bth`r Sja`s, Vjo`s, & Wlia`s.Aiodrjfm`5 Aiodrjfm` Pnjv`rsjty Wr`ss, 4779.1Tilph I. ]`jsh`jt 9::7. Frums, Arjo` inf th` Ar jojnil Eustja` Qyst`o(] stpbrt AV 5 Mr``nwbbf Wr`ss,9::7)5 96-90

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    bc thjs frum tbwirfs th` `nf bc thit f`aif`. Ablbodjin soumml`rs th`n turn`f th`jr

    itt`ntjbn tb inbth`r frum (whjah wis nbt is dulky, wis `isj`r tb abna`il inf trinspbrt inf

    wis ilsb obr` cjninajilly luaritjv`) aill`f abaijn`. Vh`y s`t up prba`ssjnm lids jn

    Ablbodji, turnjnm ababi l`iv`s jntb pist` inf abaijn` thit th`y abulf `isjly shjp tb th`

    PQ inf @urbp`. Vh`y us`f th` sio` soummljnm rbut`s inf tiatjas th`y hif d``n usjnm cbr

    oirjeuini ilbnm wjth i wjf`r irriy bc o`thbfs tb abna`il thjs pirtjaulir jll`mil frum.

    Vh` abaijn` jnfustry thit mr`w jn Ablbodji tbwirf th` ojf-9:=7s d`min is i

    oinuciaturjnm inf oirk`tjnm `nt`rprjs` thit jopbrt`f th` ababi pist` br dis` crbo

    Dbljvji inf W`ru; sbo` ah`ojail pr`aursbr prbfuats w`r` jopbrt`f crbo th` Pnjt`f

    Qtit`s, whjl` bth`rs w`r` bdtijn`f lbailly. Quaa`ss prbobt`f th` `stidljsho`nt bc

    fbo`stja ababi-mrbwjnm is in jopbrt-sudstjtutjnm imrjaulturil f`v`lbpo`nt.6

    Psjnm ababi `rifjaitjbn `ccbrts jn th` Inf`s r`mjbn bc Litjn Io`rjai is in

    `xiopl` bc th` shbrtabojnms bc thjs supply r`fuatjbn pbljay, bn` n``f bnly lbbk it th`

    mrbwth bc Ablbodji crbo i rbl` bc prba`ssbr bc ababi l`iv`s mrbwn jn W`ru inf Dbljvji,

    tb jts aurr`nt pbsjtjbn is th` lirm`st prbfua`r bc ababi jn th` wbrlf. Dy 9::8, Ablbodji

    hif d`abo` th` wbrlfs lirm`st ababi prbfua`r ih`if bc W`ru (P.Q. F`pirto`nt bc Qtit`,

    Dur`iu bc Jnt`rnitjbnil Nirabtjas inf Liw @ncbra`o`nt Iccijrs 9::8,44).0 @rifjaitjbn

    `ccbrts jn th` oijn ababi mrbwjnm r`mjbns bc W`ru inf Dbljvji w`r` bnly obf`rit`ly

    suaa`sscul inf w`r` r`sjst`f dy th` lbail, oijnly jnfjm`nbus Jnfjin mrbw`rs. Jt js ilsb

    hirf tb f`t`rojn` th` `cc`atjv`n`ss bc `rifjaitjbn `ccbrts d`aius` ababi js i v`ry h`irty

    plint whjah js fjccjault tb kjll. Dut is i abns`qu`na` bc th`s` `rifjaitjbn aiopijmns th`

    6Crinajsab @. Vhbuoj. 9::0, Wbljtjail @abnboy inf Jll`mil Frums jn Ablbodji (Dbulf`r, AB5 Lynn`Tj`nn`r Wudljsh`rs Jna., 9::0)59140Crinajsab @. Vhbuoj. 4771, Jll`mil Frums, @abnboy, inf Qbaj`ty jn th` Inf`s (]ishjnmtbn F.A.5]bbfrbw ]jlsbn A`nt`r Wr`ss, 4771)5 88

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    jll`mil abaijn` triccja wis i strbnm jna`ntjv` cbr th` f`v`lbpo`nt bc ababi plintjnms jn

    Ablbodji5 whjah ipp`ir`f is i diakwirf ljnkim` bc th` abaijn` (prba`ssjnm) furjnm th`

    ojf-9:=7s (Vhbuoj 9::0f, ahip1).3Crbo th` p`rsp`atjv` bc in `abnbojst, Vh`

    abneunatjbn bc th`s` ciatbrs illbw`f Ablbodjins tb ar`it` th` abuntrys jnt`rnitjbnil

    abop`tjtjv` ifvintim` jn abaijn` oinuciaturjnm inf fjstrjdutjbn.=Dut wjth thjs rjs` tb

    wbrlf wjf` prbojn`na` is th` #9 abaijn` prbfua`r, aio` sbo` unwint`f pr`ssur` crbo

    th` Ablbodjin mbv`rno`nt, whjah wis lbbkjnm tb th` PQ is i sbura` bc `abnboja

    f`v`lbpo`nt cunfs inf ojljtiry ijf tb cjmht i lbnm c`st`rjnm l`ctjst mu`rjlli obv`o`nt.

    Qjna` lit` 9:8: th` Ablbodjin mbv`rno`nt his d``n idl` tb jnar`is` pr`ssur` bn th`

    jll`mil frum jnfustry inf jt ipp`irs th`r` his d``n sbo` oinuciaturjnm fjsplia`o`nt but

    bc Ablbodji. Qjojlirly, bth`r W`ruvjin inf Dbljvjin brminjzitjbns hiv` jnar`is`f th`jr

    abaijn` oirk`t shir` jn th` Pnjt`f Qtit`s.8Vh` cbllbwjnm Vidl` 9mriphjailly jllustrit`s

    th` dillbbn `cc`at bc supply r`fuatjbn strit`mj`s jn th`s` Inf`in abuntrj`s.

    Vidl` 9

    3Vhbuoj. Jll`mil Frums, @abnboy, inf Qbaj`ty jn th` Inf`s 580=Vhbuoj. Wbljtjail @abnboy inf Jll`mil Frums jn Ablbodji 59=08Vhbuoj. Wbljtjail @abnboy inf Jll`mil Frums jn Ablbodji 59=0

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    Oirjeuini `rifjaitjbn `ccbrts hiv` ilsb cijl`f tb r`fua` th` supply cbr inythjnm

    bth`r thin shbrt p`rjbfs bc tjo`. Vh` 9:37s mrbwth jn psyahbiatjv` frum abnsuoptjbn

    jn th` PQ inf @urbp` trjmm`r`f th` f`v`lbpo`nt bc lirm` oirjeuini plintjnms jn O`xjab

    inf Eioijai. Vbwirf th` `nf bc thit f`aif`, th` P.Q. mbv`rno`nt prbobt`f `rifjaitjbn

    prbmrios jn O`xjab usjnm piriquit, i h`rdjajf` knbwn tb hiv` hirocul h`ilth `cc`ats,

    whjah frbv` iwiy Io`rjain abnsuo`rs. Vhjs o`isur` ar`it`f strbnm jna`ntjv`s tb cjnf

    bth`r oirjeuini mrbwjnm sjt`s, inf th` oirjeuini arbp wis th`n fjsplia`f tb Ablbodji

    (Vbkitljin 9::7,177):Ablbodji d`min tb mrbw oirjeuini albs` tb th` Airjdd`in wjth

    `isy iaa`ss tb th` dbits us`f tb soumml` th` frum diak tb th` Pnjt`f Qtit`s. Vh` prbcjts

    ittriat`f mrbw`rs jn bth`r r`mjbns bc th` abuntry wh`r` r`obt` linfjnm strjps abulf d`

    us`f tb cly th` abntridinf tb th` PQ br bth`r trinsjt pbjnts cbr soummljnm frums. Dut th`

    abodjnitjbn bc i Ablbodjin mbv`rno`nt `rifjaitjbn aiopijmn (jn th` brjmjnil mrbwjnm

    r`mjbn bc Qj`rri N`vifi) inf th` mrbwth bc th` PQ fbo`stja oirjeuini jnfustry h`lp`f

    shjct soumml`rs cbaus tb abaijn` is th`jr n`xt sbura` bc jll`mil frum r`lit`f jnabo`.

    Dut Ablbodjin `rifjaitjbn fjf nbt r`fua` f`oinf iaabrfjnm tb th` 4770 Nitjbnil

    Frum Vhr`it Iss`sso`nt5 F`oinf js hjmh`r cbr oirjeuini thin cbr iny bth`r jlljajt frum,

    inf th` abnstinay bc thjs f`oinf bv`r tjo` his `nsur`f oirjeuini's r`ify ivijlidjljty

    inf prbcjtidjljty. Nb l`ss thin =0 p`ra`nt bc jlljajt frum us`rs jn th` Pnjt`f Qtit`s im`f 94

    br blf`r--in `stjoit`f 96.3 ojlljbn p`rsbns--r`pbrt`f aurr`nt us` bc oirjeuini jn 4771.

    Quah i sjzidl` us`r pbpulitjbn, `nabopissjnm p`rsbns bc wjf`-rinmjnm im`s, dbth

    m`nf`rs, inf fjv`rs` brjmjns r`sjfjnm jn ir`is urdin tb ruril, `quit`s tb st`ify prbcjts.97

    :Vhbuoj. Jll`mil Frums, @abnboy, inf Qbaj`ty jn th` Inf`s5 8997Bccja` bc Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Wbljay, Nitjbnil Frum Jnt`lljm`na` A`nt`r Nitjbnil Frum Vhr`itIss`sso`nt 4770 5 49

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    Qjna` th` f`oinf cbr oirjeuini his r`oijn`f cijrly abnstint sjna` th` =7s, n`w

    fbo`stja sbura`s bc supply hiv` f`v`lbp`f whjah fb nbt run th` sio` rjsk bc s`jzur`

    pr`vjbusly `nabunt`r`f dy ainnidjs soumml`rs inf jopbrt`rs. Fbo`stja mrbw`rs jn th`

    PQ bp`rit` soill`r, hirf`r tb f`t`at jnfbbr mirf`ns br mrbw th`jr arbps bn pudlja linfs

    jn PQ nitjbnil cbr`sts inf pirks. Dut thjs fbo`stja virj`ty bc pbt js ilsb ouah obr`

    pbt`nt is w`ll is obr` `xp`nsjv` it th` r`tijl str``t l`v`l thin th` oirjeuini whjah wis

    d`jnm soumml`f jntb th` PQ diak jn th` =7s inf 87s. Dut imijn qubtjnm th` sio` 4770

    Nitjbnil Frum Vhr`it Iss`sso`nt5 th` fbauo`nt`f rjs` jn oirjeuini pbt`nay(Vidl` 4)

    js obr` i ciatbr bc th` ivijlidjljty bc inf f`oinf cbr d`tt`r quiljty oirjeuini.


    Vidl` 4.Iv`rim` VHA Abna`ntritjbn, W`ra`ntim` dy Z`ir Abncjsait`f, 9::6-4774

    9::6 9::3 9::8 4777 4774

    Oirjeuini 1.07 1.8= 6.49 6.38 0.99

    Qjns`ojlli =.6: :.41 94.11 94.=9 99.61

    Qbura`5 Wbt`nay Obnjtbrjnm Wrbe`at.

    Vh` Pnjt`f Qtit`s wjtn`ss`f i mrbwth jn th` ivijlidjljty inf idus` bc

    o`thioph`tiojn` stirtjnm jn th` 9:87s, fu` tb i sudstintjil jnar`is` jn hbspjtil

    ifojssjbns cbr p`rsbns iffjat`f tb sp``f. Vh` PQ mbv`rno`nt itt`opt`f tb hilt th`

    jll`mil oinuciaturjnm bc o`th dy r`mulitjnm th` sil` inf fjstrjdutjbn bc th` pr`aursbr

    ah`ojails us`f tb oinuciatur` th` frum, dy lirm` sail` prbfua`rs. T`mulitjbns tirm`tjnm

    pr`aursbrs us`f dy lirm`-sail` prbfua`rs r`fua`f ifojssjbns sudstintjilly furjnm th`

    stufy p`rjbf. Hbw`v`r, th` r`mulitjbn bc pr`aursbrs us`f prjoirjly dy soill-sail`

    99Bccja` bc Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Wbljay, Nitjbnil Frum Jnt`lljm`na` A`nt`r Nitjbnil Frum Vhr`itIss`sso`nt 4770 5 4=

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    prbfua`rs hif ljttl`, jc iny, `cc`at.94

    Jnst`if bc r`fuajnm th` supply inf ivijlidjljty bc

    th` frum, th` unjnt`nf`f abns`qu`na` wis tb spr`if but th` oinuciaturjnm inf

    fjstrjdutjbn bc th` frum tb soill tbwns inf ruril aboounjtj`s. Vh`s` soill sail`

    oinuciatur`rs us`f bv`r th` abunt`r ablf o`fjaitjbns inf bth`r obr` `isjly bdtijn`f

    ah`ojails tb prba`ss th` ablf o`fjaitjbns jntb i l`ss pur` dut stjll `cc`atjv` cbro bc

    o`thioph`tiojn`.T`fua`f prbfuatjbn crbo suah lidbritbrj`s abulf hiv` th` untbwirf

    `cc`at bc pushjnm us`rs jntb s`lc- prbfuatjbn. (Wr`aursbr ah`ojails cbr soill-sail`

    prbfuatjbn ain d` `xtriat`f `isjly crbo ablf inf sjnus o`fjajn`s ivijlidl` it lbail stbr`s,

    ild`jt jn ljojt`f quintjtj`s pbst r`mulitjbn.).


    Vh` `nf r`sult wis in `xplbsjbn jn ruril

    oinuciaturjnm inf finm`rbus `xplbsjbns bc soill kjtah`n lids us`f dy o`th iffjats tb

    abbk up th`jr bwn supplj`s bc sp``f. ]hjl` th` jnar`is` jn irr`sts thit r`sult`f crbo th`s`

    tjmht`r r`mulitjbns ain d` jn pirt ittrjdut`f tb tjmht`r r`mulitjbn bc th` ah`ojail

    pr`aursbrs cbr o`thioph`tiojn`, thjs wis in unjnt`nf`f abns`qu`na` bc th` r`mulitjbns.

    Vh` n`t `cc`at bc th` r`mulitjbns wis jnt`nf`f tb r`fua` th` supply bc o`th, dut th`

    jnar`is` jn irr`sts t`lls us thit supplj`s w`r` nbt r`fua`f d`aius` thit wbulf hiv`

    r`sult`f jn i r`fuatjbn jn irr`sts cbr o`th bcc`na`s, rith`r thin in jnar`is`.

    O`xjab wis inf stjll js i oiebr supplj`r bc oirjeuini tb oirk`ts jn th` Pnjt`f

    Qtit`s, dut his ilsb nbw d`abo` h`ivjly jnvblv`f jn soummljnm obr` pbt`nt inf

    prbcjtidl` frums suah is h`rbjn, abaijn` inf obst r`a`ntly arystil o`thioph`tiojn` iki

    Ja` (usjnm rbut`s brjmjnilly f`v`lbp`f cbr PQ oirjeuini oirk`ts). T`a`nt`ccbrts dy

    stit`s tb r`fua` th` supply bc hbo` mrbwn o`th dy r`strjatjnm th` ivijlidjljty bc th`

    94Eio`s K.Aunnjnmhio inf Lju Lbn-Ou. "Jopiats bc c`f`ril `ph`frjn` inf ps`ufb`ph`frjn` r`mulitjbnsbn o`thioph`tiojn`-r`lit`f hbspjtil ifojssjbns." Iffjatjbn Sbl. :8 Nb. : (4771)5944:.91Eio`s K.Aunnjnmhio inf Lju Lbn-Ou. "Jopiats bc c`f`ril `ph`frjn` inf ps`ufb`ph`frjn` r`mulitjbnsbn o`thioph`tiojn` irr`sts." Iffjatjbn Sbl. 977 Nb. 6 (4770)5 689.

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    jnmr`fj`nts us`f tb prbfua` o`th jn th` PQ, hiv` l`f tb in jnar`is` jn th` prbfuatjbn

    inf jopbrtitjbn bc i obr` pbt`nt virj`ty aill`f arystil o`th br ja` crbo lirm`r frum

    lids jn O`xjab. It th` nitjbnil l`v`l, Tinfy ]`iv`r, s`njbr r`s`irah sp`ajiljst bc th`

    Nitjbnil Frum Jnt`lljm`na` A`nt`r stit`s thit5O`xjain brminjzitjbns hiv` oinim`f tb

    r`oijn st`ps ih`if bc liw `ncbra`o`nt jn f`v`lbpjnm inf oijntijnjnm sbura`s bc supply

    cbr dbth `ph`frjn` inf ps`ufb`ph`frjn`. Vh`y hiv` insw`r`f `v`ry itt`opt it r`mulitjbn

    wjth in ilobst joo`fjit` shjct tb in ilt`rnit` sbura`.96 Vh` cbllbwjnm ahirt jn Vidl` 1

    js bn` thit wis us`f dy Or. ]`iv`r it th` Nitjbnil O`thioph`tiojn` Frum Abnc`r`na`

    (whjah wis abnv`n`f dy th` ]hjt` Hbus` Bccja` bc Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Wbljay iki

    BNFAW) thit abopir`s inf abntrists th` jnjtjil PQ hbo` mrbwn o`th lids wjth th`

    lirm`r n`w arystil o`th lids sprjnmjnm up jn O`xjab.

    Vidl` 1

    Lid Bp`ritjbnsVr`nfs inf Witt`rns


    obr` s`aur`907477 ldsciojly bwn`fprbp`rtynuo`rbus sjt`s

    Pnjt`f Qtit`ssoill`r

    l`ss s`aur`9707 ldsr`nt`f br drbk`r`fnuo`rbus sjt`s

    Ipprbxjoit`ly 0-3lds bc tbxja wist` p`r ld bc o`th prbfua`f

    It th` stit` l`v`l, Tjahirf Sin Hiict`n sijf thit Jn th` s`v`n obnths sjna` Jbwi

    piss`f i liw r`strjatjnm th` sil` bc ablf o`fjajn`s us`f tb oik` o`thioph`tiojn`,

    s`jzur`s bc hbo`oif` o`thioph`tiojn` lidbritbrj`s hiv` frbpp`f tb eust 47 i obnth

    96www.naers.mbv/bnfappuds/pudljaitjbns/ frumciat

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    crbo 947.90

    Sin Hiict`n, (Jbwis stit` frum pbljay fjr`atbr) ljk` bccjajils jn bth`r stit`s

    wjth sjojlir r`strjatjbns, js nbw wbrrj`f idbut i n`w prbdl`o5 th` frbp jn hbo`-abbk`f

    o`thioph`tiojn` his d``n o`t dy i n`w clbbf bc arystil o`thioph`tiojn` abojnm

    lirm`ly crbo O`xjab "Vh` O`xjain frum airt`ls w`r` rjmht th`r` tb c``f thit f`oinf,"

    sijf Vbo Aunnjnmhio, th` frum tisk cbra` abbrfjnitbr cbr th` fjstrjat ittbrn`ys abunajl

    cbr Bklihboi, th` cjrst stit` tb put ps`ufb`ph`frjn` d`hjnf phiroiay abunt`rs, jn 4776.

    "Vh`y hiv` ilwiys supplj`f oirjeuini, abaijn`, inf h`rbjn. ]h`n w` tbbk iwiy th`

    lbail o`th lid, th`y sjoply iff`f o`thioph`tiojn` tb th` truak."93

    Vh` BNFAW ilsb w`jmhs jn wjth thjs iss`sso`nt crbo jts 4773 Nitjbnil Frum

    Vhr`it Iss`sso`nt5 F`ar`is`s jn fbo`stja o`thioph`tiojn` prbfuatjbn hiv` d``n

    bccs`t dy jnar`is`f prbfuatjbn jn O`xjab.9=

    Jt his d`abo` al`ir thit th` bccjajils th` PQ

    inf stit` mbv`rno`nts hiv` ahirm`f wjth th` tisk bc cjmhtjnm th` wir bn frums ir` dbth

    iaknbwl`fmjnm th` dillbbn `cc`at bc th`jr bwn supply r`fuatjbn strit`mj`s is w`ll is

    th`jr jnidjljty tb abo` up wjth i supply r`fuatjbn strit`my whjah wjll iatuilly wbrk tb

    r`fua` frum ivijlidjljty.

    Wirt JJ

    Vhjs pip`r his cbaus`f bn PQ `ccbrts tb st`o th` clbw bc jll`mil frums prjoirjly

    d`aius`, ljk` jt br nbt, th` PQ f`t`rojn`s jnt`rnitjbnil pbljaj`s idbut jll`mil frums. Vh`

    ahj`c Io`rjain irmuo`nt jn civbr bc jts jll`mil frums pbljaj`s js i obril bn`; i s`ntjo`nt

    `xpr`ss`f dy th` cjrst PQ frum `ncbra`o`nt azir ]jlljio D`nn`tt, whb sijf5 Vh` sjopl`

    90 U`rnjk`, Kit`. Wbt`nt O`xjain O`th Clbbfs Jn is Qtit`s Aurd Fbo`stja Sirj`ty N`w Zbrk Vjo`s (41 Einuiry4773)5I-9=93Jdjf5 I-989=Bccja` bc Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Wbljay, Nitjbnil Frum Jnt`lljm`na` A`nt`rNitjbnil Frum Vhr`it Iss`sso nt 4773 5 90

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    ciat js thit frum us` js wrbnm. Inf th` obril irmuo`nt, jn th` `nf, js th` obst abop`lljnm

    irmuo`nt. Dut fb`s th` ciat thit sbo`thjnm js joobril n`a`ssirjly o`in jt shbulf ilsb

    d` arjojnil2 Oiny p`bpl` ilsb d`lj`v` miodljnm js joobril, dut eijljnm p`bpl` cbr fbjnm

    sb his d`abo` jnar`isjnmly rir` jn Io`rjai is w`ll is bth`r abuntrj`s irbunf th` wbrlf.

    Jn oiny r`sp`ats, th` r`sults bc th` PQ intj-frum pbljaj`s bc supply r`fuatjbn

    ojrrbr thbs` bc jts list itt`opt tb prbhjdjt th` us` bc sudstina`s thit ain d` hirocul jc

    th`y ir` idus`f; th` Wrbhjdjtjbn `ri. D`tw``n 9:47 inf 9:11, PQ liws thit butliw`f th`

    sil` bc ilabhbl l`f tb jnclit`f ilabhbl prja`s, prbobt`f dbbtl`m supplj`rs, `naburim`f th`

    spr`if bc muns inf arjo`, jnar`is`f hirf-ljqubr frjnkjnm inf abrrupt`f i quirt`r bc th`

    c`f`ril `ncbra`o`nt im`nts, ill wjthjn i f`aif`.98

    Vh` abns`qu`na`s bc th` PQ wir bn frumsbv`r th` list cbrty y`irs hiv` ljk`wjs`

    jnclit`f prja`s cbr obst jll`mil frums, prbobt`f th` sil` bc jll`mil dbbtl`m frum supplj`s

    ifult`rit`f wjth hirocul iffjtjv`s, `naburim`f th` spr`if bc muns inf vjbl`na` dy

    wirrjnm arjojnil frum minms is w`ll is prbp`rty arjo`s aboojtt`f dy frum iffjats tryjnm

    tb piy cbr th` jnclit`f prja`s bc th` frums th`y n``f, jnar`is`s jn frum pbt`nay inf purjty

    is w`ll is th` abrruptjbn bc i lirm` nuod`r bc lbail, stit` inf c`f`ril liw `ncbra`o`nt

    inf arjojnil eustja` bccjajils jn th` PQ inf, tb in `v`n mr`it`r `xt`nt, th` abrruptjbn bc

    liw `ncbra`o`nt jn pbbr`r nitjbns whjah prbfua` br prbvjf` trinsjt rbut`s cbr jll`mil

    frums. Curth`robr`, th` PQ `x`rts pr`ssur` bn th`s` pbbr`r abuntrj`s tb stbp th` jll`mil

    trif` `v`n jc thjs r`sults jn `nvjrbno`ntil fioim` inf br i fjojnutjbn bc ajvjl ljd`rtj`s.

    Dut oiny bc th` pudljas nbtjbns idbut th` hirocul `cc`ats bc frum us` ir` ilsb

    dis`f bn th` immr`ssjv` inf br arjojnil d`hivjbr bc iffjats whb r`pr`s`nt i r`litjv`ly

    98I surv`y bc jll`mil frums5 Qtuodljnm jn th` firk. Vh` @abnbojst (43 Euly, 4779)

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    soill ojnbrjty bc th` pbrtjbn bc th` pbpulitjbn thit abnsuo`s th`s` frums. D`cbr` th`y

    w`r` oif` jll`mil, us`rs bc frums ljk` h`rbjn inf abaijn` fjf nbt d`abo` iffjat`f it rit`s

    ouah fjcc`r`nt thin th` iffjatjbn rit`s cbr ilabhbl. Dut th` purjty inf pbt`nay bc th`s`

    frums jnar`is`f ict`r th`y w`r` oif` jll`mil thus l`ifjnm tb jnar`is`s jn iffjatjbn tb

    th`o. Jn th`, H rbjn A`ntury, Vbo Airnwith inf Jin Qojth ilsb nbt` thit dbth bpjuo

    inf ispjrjn w`r` fjsabv`r`f dy th` sio` t`io bc M`roin r`s`irah`rs jn 98:= inf thit

    th`s` r`s`irah`rs d`lj`v`f bpjuo, nbt ispjrjn, wbulf d` th` obr` us`cul o`fjail prbfuat.

    Vh`s` M`roin r`s`irah`rs ilsb nbt`f thit dbth abopbunfs hif r`litjv`ly ojlf sjf`

    `cc`ats whjah th`y thbumht w`r` iaa`ptidl` mjv`n th`jr inilm`sja pijn r`lj`c d`n`cjts.


    Vh` r`iljty idbut th` us` bc jll`mil frums jn obst abuntrj`s, `sp`ajilly iobnm

    ybunm`r p`bpl`, js thit th` frums th`y pr`c`r, ljk` oirjeuini, abaijn`, `astisy, pijn kjll`rs

    inf ioph`tiojn`s, ir` m`n`rilly nbt us`f `v`ry fiy. Ouah ljk` ilabhbl, obst frum us`rs

    t`nf tb jnfulm` jn th`o bnly bn w``k`nfs br bn` br twb njmhts i w``k wjth th`jr crj`nfs.

    Vhjs js nbt tb siy suah frums ir` hirol`ss. Is js sb bct`n s``n wjth ilabhbl inf oiny

    pr`sarjptjbn frums, th`r` wjll ilwiys d` i a`rtijn nuod`r, rbumhly 97-90 p`ra`nt, whb

    wjll suds`qu`ntly d`abo` iffjat`f tb th`s` frums eust is th`r` his ilwiys d``n i a`rtijn

    p`ra`ntim` bc p`bpl` whb wjll d`abo` iffjat`f tb l`mil pr`sarjptjbn frums inf ilabhbl.

    Nbr fb oiny bc th`s` typ`s bc jll`mil frums aius` th` kjnf bc hiro tb us`rs inf

    idus`rs thit oiny pbljtjajins inf mbv`rno`nt summ`st js bn` bc th` prjoiry r`isbns why

    th`y shbulf d` prbhjdjt`f. Iaabrfjnm tb i cijrly r`a`nt r`pbrt dy th` @urbp`in Obnjtbrjnm

    A`ntr` cbr Frums inf Frum Iffjatjbn, th`jr cjnfjnms shbw Iaut`f`iths r`lit`f sbl`ly tb

    abaijn`, ioph`tiojn`s br `astisy ir` unusuil . f`spjt` th` pudljajty th`y r`a`jv`.47

    9:Vbo Airnwith inf Jin Qojth. H`rbjn A`ntury. Lbnfbn5 Tbutl`fm`, 4774.47M`n`ril T`pbrt bc Iatjvjtj`s 4777@urbp`in Obnjtbrjnm A`ntr` cbr Frums inf Frum Iffjatjbn, 4777.
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    Curth`robr` `v`n thbumh th`r` oiy d` sbo` h`ith rjsks issbajit`f wjth th` fijly us` bc

    oirjeuini, iaabrfjnm tb th` Drjtjsh o`fjail eburnil, Lina`t Jt wbulf d` r`isbnidl` tb

    eufm` ainnidjs l`ss bc i thr`it thin ilabhbl br tbdiaab...Bn th` o`fjail `vjf`na`

    ivijlidl`, obf`rit` jnfulm`na` jn ainnidjs his ljttl` jll-`cc`at bn h`ilth.49

    Bn` bc th` obst prbojsjnm ilt`rnitjv` ipprbiah`s tb f`iljnm wjth jll`mil frums js

    tb tr`it th` prbdl`os issbajit`f wjth frum idus` is i pudlja h`ilth abna`rn rith`r thin i

    arjojnil eustja` jssu`, i strit`my thit js ilsb knbw dy th` nio` hiro r`fuatjbn. Is

    pr`vjbusly nbt`f, sbo` frum us`rs wjll d`abo` iffjats jn ouah th` sio` wiy thit sbo`

    us`rs bc ilabhbl inf pr`sarjptjbn frums d`abo` iffjat`f tb th`o. Jn Qwjtz`rlinf,

    iuthbrjtj`s jn D`rn inf Uurjah wjtn`ss`f i shirp frbp jn frum r`lit`f arjo` ict`r th`y

    bp`n`f cr`` h`rbjn oijnt`nina` a`nt`rs tb tr`it inf stidjljz` iffjats. Obr` thin twb

    thjrfs bc th` iffjats whb `nrbll`f jn th`s` a`nt`rs suds`qu`ntly mbt r`mulir ebds thinks tb

    th`jr fijly oijnt`nina` fbs` bc h`rbjn br d`aius` th`y hif `jth`r obv`f bn tb i

    o`thifbn` prbmrio br d` idstjn`nt. Wblja` sijf thit th` nuod`r bc th`s` iffjats

    jnv`stjmit`f cbr arjo`s ljk` prbstjtutjbn br durmliry hif ilsb frbpp`f dy 37%.44

    Jn in `ccbrt tb obr` `cc`atjv`ly f`il wjth th` ifv`rs` abns`qu`na`s inf hiro tb

    us`rs aius`f dy jll`mil frums thit ir` ifult`rit`f wjth hirocul sudstina`s, th` Futah

    Ojnjstry bc H`ilth jn th` N`th`rlinfs us`s th` Vrjodbs Jnstjtut` bc O`ntil H`ilth inf

    Iffjatjbn, tb t`st th` purjty bc thbusinfs bc `astisy tidl`ts `v`ry y`ir. Fr. Jnm` Qprujt,

    h`if bc th` jnstjtut`'s f`pirto`nt bc obnjtbrjnm inf `pjf`ojblbmy siys thit; ]h`n w`

    cjnf sudstina`s suah is stryahnjn` jn th` tidl`ts, w` jssu` i pudlja wirnjnm.41

    49I surv`y bc jll`mil frums5 Qtuodljnm jn th` firk. Vh` @abnbojst (43 Euly, 4779)44Qwjss Frum WbljayQwjss C`f`ril Bccja` bc Wudlja H`ilth, (Q`pt`od`r 4777).41Jnm` W. Qprujt. Qudstina` Ps` inf Ojsus`5 Obnjtbrjnm Qynth`tja Frum Oirk`ts, Vr`nfs inf WudljaH`ilthVrjodbs Jnstjtut` bc O`ntil H`ilth,Ojnjstry bc H`ilth5 Vh` N`th`rlinfs, 4779.
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    Inbth`r prbojsjnm ilt`rnitjv` jnvblv`s th` f`arjojniljzitjbn br pbssjdly th`

    l`miljzitjbn bc frums ljk` oirjeuini whjah hiv` d``n r`abmnjz`f dy oiny fbatbrs is

    hivjnm r`il o`fjail d`n`cjts, `sp`ajilly cbr th`jr pitj`nts whb oiy d` succ`rjnm crbo

    fjs`is`s ljk` mliuaboi br th` sjf` `cc`ats bc tr`ito`nts cbr fjs`is`s ljk` IJFs inf aina`r.

    I c`w abuntrj`s ljk` Irm`ntjni, D`lmjuo inf Wbrtumil hiv` ljd`riljz`f th`jr oirjeuini

    liws whjl` bth`rs suah is Iustrilji inf th` N`th`rlinfs hiv` `cc`atjv`ly f`arjojniljz`f

    th` pbss`ssjbn inf us` bc oirjeuini.

    @v`n thbumh oirjeuini js stjll in jll`mil frum unf`r PQ c`f`ril liw, lit` list y`ir

    PQ Ittbrn`y M`n`ril @rja Hblf`r sijf thit jn 96 stit`s wjth sbo` prbvjsjbns cbr o`fjail

    oirjeuini us`, c`f`ril prbs`autbrs shbulf cbaus bnly bn ais`s jnvblvjnm hjmh`r-l`v`l frum

    triccjak`rs, obn`y liunf`r`rs br p`bpl` whb us` th` stit` liws is i abv`r.46

    Vh` stit` bc

    Ailjcbrnji, whjah his d``n it th` cbr`crbnt bc i obv`o`nt tb l`miljz` th` us` bc oirjeuini

    cbr o`fjajnil purpbs`s, js ilsb nbw bn th` l`ifjnm `fm` bc i obv`o`nt tb `cc`atjv`ly

    f`arjojniljz` br pbssjdly l`miljz`, r`mulit` inf tix th` sil` bc thjs frum.

    Bn` djll aurr`ntly unf`r abnsjf`ritjbn jn th` Ailjcbrnji stit` l`mjslitur` wbulf f`-

    arjojniljz` th` pbss`ssjbn inf us` bc oirjeuini cbr bth`r thin o`fjail r`isbns dy

    tr`itjnm suah bcc`ns`s th` sio` is i pirkjnm tjak`t, wh`r` bcc`nf`rs piy i cjn` dy oijl br

    bv`r th` phbn`, inf thit r`sult jn nb aburt ipp`irina`s br arjojnil r`abrfs. Inbth`r

    o`isur` unf`r abnsjf`ritjbn dy th` aish stripp`f Ailjcbrnji Qtit` mbv`rno`nt wbulf

    `ss`ntjilly tr`it oirjeuini ljk` ilabhbl, oikjnm jt l`mil cbr p`bpl` im`f 49 inf bv`r.

    Qpbnsbr`f dy Vbo Ioojinb, crbo Qin Crinajsab, jt wbulf l`vy i $07 `xajs` tix bn

    `v`ry buna` prbfua`f inf i sil`s tix bn tbp, th`n us` thbs` cunfs cbr frum `fuaitjbn. 40

    46Ebhnsbn, Airrj` P.Q. `is`s stina` bn o`fjail oirjeuini Vh` ]ishjnmtbn Wbst (47 Batbd`r 477:)40Vh` liw bc th` w``f Vh` @abnbojst (90 Euly, 4797)

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    Dut th` obst cir r`iahjnm oirjeuini l`miljzitjbn o`isur` js knbwn is

    Wrbpbsjtjbn 9:, whjah wjll d` put tb vbt`rs bn th` Nbv`od`r dillbt. Vhjs sb-aill`f

    T`mulit`, Abntrbl, inf Vix Ainnidjs Iat bc 4797, wbulf ilsb l`miljz` th` mrbwjnm,

    s`lljnm inf sobkjnm bc oirjeuini cbr thbs` blf`r thin 49, wjthjn a`rtijn ljojts. Dut jt

    wbulf l`iv` th` r`mulitjbn inf tixitjbn `ntjr`ly up tb abuntj`s inf ajtj`s. Vh`s` abulf

    ahbbs` tb din th` dusjn`ss br tb tix jt it whit`v`r rit` th`y pl`is`f.43

    Qjna` Ailjcbrnji js aurr`ntly mrippljnm wjth i hum` $9: djlljbn dufm`t f`cjajt, th`

    cjninajil jopiat bc Wrbpbsjtjbn js i sude`at bc h`it`f f`dit` d`tw``n prbpbn`nts inf

    bppbn`nts bc thjs o`isur`. Qbo` stufj`s hiv` `stjoit`f sivjnms bc n`irly $9.: djlljbn is

    p`bpl` ir` nb lbnm`r irr`st`f inf joprjsbn`f d`aius` bc oirjeuini. Is cbr r`v`nu`s,

    Ailjcbrnjis mbv`rno`nt `stjoit`s thit th` `xajs` inf sil`s tix`s bc th` Ioojinb djll

    wbulf drjnm jn idbut $9.6 djlljbn i y`ir.4=Vh`r` js ilsb i f`dit` idbut wh`th`r th`s`

    cjmur`s oiy d` tbb hjmh br lbw, dut th`r` js nb f`dit` thit `cc`at wjll d` i pbsjtjv` bn`.

    Wirt JJJ

    Hjstbry his shbwn thit th` dillbbn `cc`at js in `abnboja ciat bc ljc` thrbumhbut

    th` wbrlf. Jc f`oinf `xjsts cbr i prbfuat br s`rvja` (iny prbfuat br s`rvja`, d` jt l`mil br

    jll`mil) th`n sbo`bn` wjll cjmur` but i wiy tb supply thit prbfuat br s`rvja` inf oik` i

    prbcjt fbjnm sb. Bp`ritjnm jn i cr`` oirk`t, aipjtiljst brj`nt`f sbaj`ty, bn` wbulf thjnk

    thit th` pbljtjajins inf mbv`rno`nt bccjajils ojmht unf`rstinf thjs. Jt js cbr thjs r`isbn

    thit strit`mj`s, whjah ir` cbaus`f bn r`fuajnm f`oinf cbr ilabhbl inf frums, ir` th` bnly

    bn`s thit hiv` iny ahina` bc suaa`ss jn th` wir bn frums. Cbllbwjnm ir` = summ`stjbns

    bn wiys tb r`fua` th` f`oinf cbr l`mil inf jll`mil frums is w`ll is th` idus` bc th`o.

    43Vh` liw bc th` w``f Vh` @abnbojst (90 Euly, 4797)4=Vh` liw bc th` w``f Vh` @abnbojst (90 Euly, 4797)

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    9. L`miljz` oirjeuini inf hishjsh, r`mulit` th` p`ra`ntim` abnt`nt bcVHA, fbauo`nt jt bn lid`ls th` wiy ilabhblja d`v`rim`s fbauo`ntprbbc tb isa`rtijn ilabhbl abnt`nt p`ra`ntim`s, ipply c`f`ril inf stit`tix`s jn th` sio` oinn`r th`y ir` aurr`ntly ipplj`f tb ilabhbl inftbdiaab prbfuats inf us` tix prba``fs tb cunf oinfitbry tr`ito`nt inf

    `fuaitjbn prbmrios it dbth th` c`f`ril inf stit` l`v`ls.4. Vr`it sil`s bc oirjeuini prbfuats th` sio` is ilabhbl inf tbdiaabprbfuats wjth ojnjouo im` r`qujr`o`nts (98 br 49), nb ljojt bnpurahis`s, lid`ls wirnjnm bc th` h`ilth rjsks issbajit`f wjth th`jr us`.

    1. Ipply frjvjnm unf`r th` jnclu`na` inf pudlja jntbxjaitjbn stitut`s,is th`y aurr`ntly ipply tb ilabhbl, tb ill l`mil inf br jll`mil frum us` dy`stidljshjnm oixjouo dlbbf inf urjn` l`v`ls tb f`t`rojn` f`mr``s bcjopijro`nt cbr idus`rs.

    6. @stidljsh unjcbro l`v`ls bc pbss`ssjbn cbr dbth l`mil inf jll`mil frums,tb fjstjnmujsh d`tw``n us`rs inf fjstrjdutbrs br triccjak`rs. Cbrjnstina`5 l`ss thin 97 mrios bc abaijn`, h`rbjn, o`thioph`tiojn` `ta.

    js abnsjf`r`f sjopl` pbss`ssjbn inf obr` thin thit quintjty oiy d`abnsjf`r`f pbss`ssjbn wjth th` jnt`nt tb s`ll.0. T`fjr`at frum wir sp`nfjnm prjbrjtj`s tbwirfs tr`ito`nt inf

    `fuaitjbn iwir`n`ss prbmrios cbr frum inf ilabhbl us`rs inf idus`rsdy jnar`isjnm dufm`ts cbr c`f`ril inf stit` ilabhbl inf frum tr`ito`ntprbmrios inf dbbstjnm sp`nfjnm bn frum inf ilabhbl `fuaitjbn infiwir`n`ss cjlos inf aboo`rajils.

    3. T`fjr`at (tix piy`r cjnina`f) liw `ncbra`o`nt r`sbura`s jnvblv`f jn`fuaitjnm sahbbl ahjlfr`n idbut frums, dy usjnm r`abv`rjnm ilabhbljasinf frum iffjats (whb wjll sp`ik jn sahbbls it nb abst tb tixpiy`rs) tb`fuait` ybunm p`bpl` jn sahbbls bn th` finm`rs inf rjsks issbajit`fwjth th` us` inf idus` bc ilabhbl, is w`ll is l`mil br jll`mil frums

    =. Ariak fbwn bn th` sbura` bc f`oinf cbr frums inf ilabhbl, th` frumidus`r, dy oinfitjnm eijl inf br br tr`ito`nt prbmrio ojnjouos`nt`na`s cbr bcc`nf`rs, whjah `sailit` wjth `iah suds`qu`nt bcc`na`,sjojlir tb aurr`nt stit` liws whjah fjatit` ojnjouo s`nt`na`s cbrfrjvjnm unf`r th` jnclu`na`. Cbr jnstina`59stbcc`na` pbss`ssjbn br FPJ ? 17fiys jn eijl br i 94 w``k but-pitj`nttr`ito`nt prbmrio plus 9 y`ir bc unsup`rvjs`f prbditjbn.4nfbcc`na` pbss`ssjbn br FPJ ? :7fiys jn eijl br 17fiys jn-pitj`nttr`ito`nt plus 9 y`ir bc sup`rvjs`f prbditjbn1

    rfbcc`na` pbss`ssjbn br FPJ ? 3 obnths eijl br :7 fiys jn stit`

    jnaira`ritjbn tr`ito`nt plus 9 y`ir bc sup`rvjs`f prbditjbn6thbcc`na` pbss`ssjbn br FPJ ? 9 y`ir jn eijl br 3 obnths jn stit`jnaira`ritjbn tr`ito`nt plus 9 tb 4 y`irs bc sup`rvjs`f prbditjbn0

    thinf ill suds`qu`nt pbss`ssjbn br FPJ bcc`na`s ? Oinfitbry 3

    obnth stit` jnaira`ritjbn tr`ito`nt + 9 y`ir jn eijl + 4 y`irsprbditjbn

  • 8/11/2019 The Balloon Effect: The Failure of Supply Side Strategies in the War on Drugs



    F`oinf r`fuatjbn strit`mj`s ir`nt ilwiys pbpulir wjth th` ciojlj`s bc frum us`rs

    inf th`y fbnt mrid h`ifljn`s ljk` djm frum s`jzur`s fb, dut th`y wjll wbrk bv`r tjo` jc

    mjv`n i ahina`. Qjna` 67 y`irs bc supply r`fuatjbn tiatjas hiv` bnly suaa``f`f jn

    jnar`isjnm th` pbt`nay inf br r`fuajnm th` str``t prja`s bc jll`mil frums ljk` abaijn`,

    h`rbjn inf pbt, th` tjo` his abo` tb oik` i abna`rt`f `ccbrt tb r`fua` f`oinf jnst`if.

    F`spjt` oissjv` jnv`sto`nts jn dbrf`r pitrbls, bv`rs`is arbp `rifjaitjbn `ccbrts,

    F`pirto`nt bc F`c`ns` jnvblv`o`nt inf irr`sts bc frum soumml`rs inf frum f`il`rs, th`

    frum wir his nbt r`fua`f th` supply bc frums nbr oif` th`o obr` abstly tb bdtijn. Vh`

    oirk`t prja`s cbr jll`mil frums cbllbw th` sio` liws bc supply inf f`oinf thit ipply tb

    ill aboobfjtj`s. Vh` frum wir ar`it`s in irtjcjajilly hjmh aboobfjty prja`, inf th`s`

    hum` prbcjt oirmjns hiv` `naburim`f obr` frum prbfua`rs tb `nt`r th` oirk`t. Mr`it`r

    prbfuatjbn his ar`it`f `abnboj`s bc sail`.48

    Ict`r cbrty y`irs bc itt`opts tb r`fua` supplj`s bc jll`mil frums thrbumh i

    abodjnitjbn bc jnt`rnitjbnil pr`ssur` bn bth`r abuntrj`s whjah prbfua` th`s` prbfuats

    ir` prbvjf` trinspbrtitjbn rbut`s cbr th`o inf arjojnil p`niltj`s cbr thbs` aiumht s`lljnm

    th`o, `v`n jc bnly jn r`litjv`ly soill quintjtj`s, jts tjo` tb try i fjcc`r`nt ipprbiah.J io

    nbt ifvbaitjnm cbr l`miljzitjbn d`aius` f`spjt` th` bdvjbus `abnboja vilu` cbr

    mbv`rno`nts bc thjs ipprbiah, jt js aurr`ntly nbt i pbljtjailly iaa`ptidl` bn` cbr obst

    pbljtjajins inf vbt`rs. Dut jc w` ir` truly jnt`r`st`f jn wjnnjnm th` wir bn frums w` oust

    stirt tr`itjnm th` aius` (th` c``l mbbf f`sjr`s bc frum abnsuo`rs) inf stbp sp`nfjnm

    djlljbns bc fbllirs r`iatjnm tb inf tryjnm tb tr`it th` syoptbos (frum f`il`rs inf vjbl`nt

    arjojnil frum soummljnm minms thit ir` supplyjnm th`o wjth jll`mil frums).

    48K`vjn D. U``s` inf Wiul O. L`wjn 9:::. Vh` @cc`atjv` Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Qtrit`myhttp5//www.asfp.brm/`fas/iuthbrs.hto
  • 8/11/2019 The Balloon Effect: The Failure of Supply Side Strategies in the War on Drugs




    I surv`y bc jll`mil frums5 Qtuodljnm jn th` firk. Vh` @abnbojst (43 Euly, 4779)

    Airnwith, Vbo inf Jin Qojth. H`rbjn A`ntury. Lbnfbn5 Tbutl`fm`, 4774.

    Aunnjnmhio, Eio`s K. inf Lbn-Ou Lju."Jopiats bc c`f`ril pr`aursbr ah`ojail r`mulitjbns bn

    o`thioph`tiojn` irr`sts."Iffjatjbn. Sbl. 977 Nb. 6 (4770)56=:-688.

    Aunnjnmhio, Eio`s K. inf Lbn-Ou Lju "Jopiats bc c`f`ril `ph`frjn` inf ps`ufb`ph`frjn`

    r`mulitjbns bn o`thioph`tiojn`-r`lit`f hbspjtil ifojssjbns." Iffjatjbn. Sbl. :8 Nb.

    : (4771)5944:-941=.

    Fruak`r, Fr. @rn`st. "Frum Wrbhjdjtjbn inf Wudlja H`ilth." Wudlja H`ilth T`pbrts P.Q. Wudlja

    H`ilth Q`rvja`. Sbl. 996. (Ein/C`d 9::8)

    M`n`ril T`pbrt bc Iatjvjtj`s 4777 @urbp`in Obnjtbrjnm A`ntr` cbr Frums inf Frum

    Iffjatjbn, 4777.

    Ebhnsbn, Airrj` P.Q. `is`s stina` bn o`fjail oirjeuini Vh` ]ishjnmtbn Wbst (47 Batbd`r


    OiaAbun, Tbd`rt E. inf W`t`r T`ut`r. Frum ]ir H`r`sj`s5 L`irnjnm crbo Bth`r Sja`s, Vjo`s,

    & Wlia`s. Aiodrjfm`5 Aiodrjfm` Pnjv`rsjty Wr`ss, 4779.

    Bccja` bc Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Wbljay, Nitjbnil Frum Jnt`lljm`na` A`nt`r

    Nitjbnil Frum Vhr`it Iss`sso`nt 4770.

    Bccja` bc Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Wbljay, Nitjbnil Frum Jnt`lljm`na` A`nt`r

    Nitjbnil Frum Vhr`it Iss`sso`nt 4773.

    Qprujt, Jnm` W. Qudstina` Ps` inf Ojsus`5 Obnjtbrjnm Qynth`tja Frum Oirk`ts, Vr`nfs inf

    Wudlja H`ilthVrjodbs Jnstjtut` bc O`ntil H`ilth,Ojnjstry bc H`ilth5 Vh`

    N`th`rlinfs, 4779.
  • 8/11/2019 The Balloon Effect: The Failure of Supply Side Strategies in the War on Drugs



    Qwjss Frum Wbljay Qwjss C`f`ri l Bccja` bc Wudlja H`ilth, (Q`pt`od`r 4777).

    Vhbuoj, Crinajsab @. 4771, Jll`mil Frums, @abnboy, inf Qbaj`ty jn th` Inf`s. ]ishjnmtbn

    F.A. ]bbfrbw ]jlsbn A`nt`r Wr`ss, 4771.

    Vhbuoj, Crinajsab @. 9::0, Wbljtjail @abnboy & Jll`mil Frums jn Ablbodji. Dbulf`r, AB.

    Lynn` Tj`nn`r Wudljsh`rs Jna., 9::0.

    ]`jsh`jt Tilph I. 9::4. Fbo`stja oirjeuini5 i n`ml`at`f jnfustry. ]`stpbrt, AV5

    Mr``nwbbf Wr`ss, 9::4.

    ]`jsh`jt, Tilph I. 9::7. Frums, Arjo` inf th` Arjojnil Eustja` Qyst`o. ]`stpbrt, AV

    Mr``nwbbf Wr`ss, 9::7.

    U``s`,K`vjn D. inf Wiul O. L`wjn Vh` @cc`atjv` Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Qtri t`my, 9:::.

    U`rnjk`, Kit`. Wbt`nt O`xjain O`th Clbbfs Jn is Qtit`s Aurd Fbo`stja Sirj`ty N`w Zbrk

    Vjo`s (41 Einuiry 4773) ivijlidl` bn ljn` it5



    Vh` frums dusjn`ss; Quaa`ss`s jn th` wir bn frums `xpbs` th` pbljaysljojts Vh` @abnbojst

    (46 Eun`, 4797)

    Vh` @cc`atjv` Nitjbnil Frum Abntrbl Qtrit`myN`twbrk bc T`cbro Mrbups jn abnsultitjbn

    wjth th` Nitjbnil Abiljtjbn cbr @cc`atjv` Frum Wbljaj`sivijlidl` bn ljn` it5


    Vh` liw bc th` w``f5 Ailjcbrnji, `v`r i mlbdil l`if`r jn ainnidjs oitt`rs, oiy cbrm` ih`if

    imijn. Vh` @abnbojst (90 Euly, 4797)

    Vh` Nitjbnil O`thioph`tiojn` Frum Abnc`r`na` ivijlidl` bn ljn` it5

