Page 1: The Reflector · 2017-12-22 · The Reflector December 24, 2017 Who Is Jesus? To Christians, Jesus is the most significant person that has ever lived. I believe a strong argu-ment

ELDERS William Berry Dave Domingue

Tom Loftis Steve Stout

Email Address: [email protected]

Office Number: (478) 922-3056


Lance Leavens

Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:00 am

Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am

Sunday Night Worship 5:00 pm

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm

Ladies Tuesday Morning Class 10:00 am (September—May)

1947 Watson Blvd. Warner Robins, GA 31093


The Reflector December 24, 2017

Who Is Jesus?

To Christians, Jesus is the most significant person that has ever lived. I believe a strong argu-ment can be made that Jesus is the most important person to ever have lived from an historical perspective as well. He has done more to impact moral teaching and has changed more lives than anyone else the world has ever known.

Who then was Jesus? Another way to ask the question could be, who is Jesus? These ques-tions, though similar, imply something very different. One is worded in the past tense and the other in the present tense. The questions posed, and answers given, are extremely important. Let’s consider for a moment the question who is Jesus?

Jesus asked this very question of His disciples when He said, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” (Mt. 16:13). Many people had great ideas about who Jesus was. His disciples said that “some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets” (Mt. 16:14). Jesus gets very personal though and asks them “who do you say that I am?” (Mt. 16:15).

Peter, as was his personality, readily responded. “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Mt. 16:16). Ten words that are the most powerful words anyone could ever utter. The term “Christ” is an important term. It is not Jesus’ last name. It is a title with significant meaning.

“Christ” is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word translated “Messiah.” Peter, in speaking for the group, recognizes Jesus as the one God has chosen to be His “anointed One.” The Old Testament is full of anticipation of the coming Messiah who, like the Kings and prophets, would be God’s anointed representative.

Peter also declares Jesus as “the Son of the living God.” Again, another important title. In ad-dition to being acknowledged as the Messiah, Peter also recognizes Jesus’ deity. Jesus was more than a man. He was more than a prophet. He was the Messiah and He was God in flesh.

Who is Jesus? That is a question that is just as important today as it was when Jesus asked His disciples some two thousand years ago. Just as Jesus made the question personal to His disci-ples, it must be personal to you and me. Who is Jesus to you?

-Lance Leavens

Page 2: The Reflector · 2017-12-22 · The Reflector December 24, 2017 Who Is Jesus? To Christians, Jesus is the most significant person that has ever lived. I believe a strong argu-ment

The church library is available Mon-Fri, 9AM-3PM. Our librari-an is Peggy Maddox. Link to use for searching for books: Ladies’ Bible Class will take a two-week break and resume on Jan. 9th. Love Bears Teams: Stuffed bears are due this week. Costa Rica Campaign: Dave Domingue, David Smith and Tim Childs will join three others from the U.S. to evangelize in Grecia, Costa Rica January 12-19, 2018. If you would like to contribute toward the campaign costs, please earmark the check for “Costa Rica Cam-paign” and give to one of the Elders. All Bible Classes and Wor-ship Services on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, will meet at the regularly scheduled times both morning and even-ing. However, all Bible classes will meet upstairs in the audito-rium. On Wednesday, Dec. 27th all classes will meet up-stairs.

Exposure Youth Camp 2017, Dec. 27-30th in Huntsville, AL. Please pray for all those attend-ing as they are traveling. 5th Sunday Area-Wide Sing-ing Dec,. 31st @ 3PM at the Gray church of Christ. New Year’s Eve Fellowship Dec. 31st @ 6 PM in the fellow-ship room. Lads to Leaders will meet Jan. 7th. See the bulletin board for schedule. Men’s Fellowship Luncheon, Jan. 11th @ 11:30 AM at Ole Times Country Buffet. Sunday Night for the Savior will meet Jan. 14th in the fellow-ship room following evening worship. Please bring finger-foods or desserts and drinks. Lads to Leaders will meet Jan. 21st. See the bulletin board for schedule. WR Rehabilitation & Nursing Center Singing Jan 28th after evening worship. Please check the bulletin board for local/state events.

TOPICS FOR SUNDAY: Sunday Bible Class: Auditorium - Lance Leavens: “I Believe the Bible” AM Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 AM Lesson - Tim Childs “The Grace of Giving” PM Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-2 PM Lesson - Lance Leavens “The Example of the Wise Men” The Elders request one of the following versions be used for scripture readings: King James, New King James, English Standard Version, or New American Standard Version

Attendance-week of Dec. 17th Sunday Bible Class: 149 Sunday AM Worship 240 Sunday PM Worship 114 Wednesday PM: 110 Finance Contribution: $ 7,492.77

Weekly Budget: $ 6,971.48


Infant AM Jan Stout Toddler AM Fran Brennan Andrea Shah PM Sherry Lazzaro


Page 3: The Reflector · 2017-12-22 · The Reflector December 24, 2017 Who Is Jesus? To Christians, Jesus is the most significant person that has ever lived. I believe a strong argu-ment

Ruby Law has returned to Houston Medical Center and is in ICA, Room 6406.

Jim Lucey is in the Medical Center of Peach County for rehabilitation from hip surgery.

Bob Sisk will have a pacemaker and defibrillator installed Jan. 8th.

Tommy Haskins is still dealing with pneumonia and is very weak.

Richard Borum is recuperating from a broken kneecap.

Linda Caruthers is recuperating from back surgery.

Bill Camp is having health issues.

Charlie (Buster) Bynum is TDY for an extended time.

Aubrey Jones is awaiting test re-sults from a surgical procedure.

Lynelle Meadows is at home with C Diff Colitis and other health prob-lems.

Betty Birk, Laura Rector’s mother and former member, has moved to a nursing home. Her address is post-ed on the bulletin board for cards or letters to her.

Jan Maxwell, Leon Maxwell’s wife, is at home recuperating from shoul-der surgery.

JR Churico, Debbie Yoh’s father, has bladder cancer.

Curtis Churico, Debbie Yoh’s brother, has been sent home after discontinuing any further cancer treatments.

Larry Gadd, Christy Claypool’s brother in Ohio, is recovering from a heart attack.

Debbie Decker, the mother of Ash-ley Casson, is recuperating from hip-replacement surgery.

Sympathy to the family of:

Jane Woodruff, Steve Stout’s sis-ter, passed away Dec. 18th.

Hulette Minchew, Calvin Minchew’s mother, passed away Dec. 8th.


- Via Bulletin Gold

A Gift List Anyone Can Afford

The gift of listening, even when we are busy and don't want to be bothered. The gift of a handshake, pat on the back, or a hug. The gift of a note or letter long put off. The gift of laughter, a cartoon or quip, a riddle or joke. The gift of a game with a person who needs a partner. The gift of a favor at the least expected time. The gift of cheerfulness to those around you. The gift of privacy for the others who need it. The gift of a compliment. The gift of a smile. The gift of a prayer for all those you gifted above. -- via West Erwin church of Christ, Tyler, TX

Please pray for all the on-going Bible studies.

Page 4: The Reflector · 2017-12-22 · The Reflector December 24, 2017 Who Is Jesus? To Christians, Jesus is the most significant person that has ever lived. I believe a strong argu-ment

Your elders meet every Sunday at

3:00 pm in this building.

If you wish to meet with them ,

please let them know.

God’s Plan of Salvation - * Hearing of the gospel: Rom. 10:14-17, Acts 10:33 * Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God (faith): John 8:24, Rom. 10:8-17 * Repenting of my sins: Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38 * Confess Christ: Rom. 10:10, Matt. 10:32-33 * Baptism for the remission of sins: Acts 2:38, Rom. 6:3-5 * Live faithfully unto the Lord daily: Matt. 10:22, Rev. 2:10

Where Bible Studies/Lessons can be seen on Cable TV & the Internet Gospel Broadcasting Network Tue. 5:30 am & Fri. 11:30 am GBN app (on smartphone) or at 7:30 am daily & Thursday 7 pm

In Search of the Lord’s Way-Cable TV Internet: Cox: Sunday 7:30 am channel 3, & 7:00 am on 9 Watson Cable: Sunday, 7:30 am, channel 6 GBN: Sunday 8:30 am & 8:00 pm; Mon-Fri 11 am/pm Direct TV, Sunday, 7:30 am, channel 367

Getting to Know Your Bible Cox Cable—Macon, GA: Tue. 1:00 pm—Channel 18 Thur. 8:30 am—Channel 18 Sat. 6:30 am—Channel 18 Analog TV: Channel 88.6

The Elders’ Edification A Heart for Prayer

We often want a lot from God: good health, strong relationships, prosperous life, etc. But, it is surpris-ing how little we actually speak to Him. Matthew records Jesus saying, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7–8). So, why is it that so many who want so much ask so seldom? Someone once said it is because God is not real enough to us. Everything else seems more real than God. This world is real and our problems are real, requiring real solutions – often immediately. Each day brings new challenges: the kids de-mand more than I have to give; work wants to steal more time from my family; others want me to conform to their expectations; and much more. We can physically see the pain on a loved one’s face, hear the sobbing of the brokenhearted, and touch the tears of those suffering. All these problems are real. They demand our time and control our hearts. Jesus also faced real problems from people who demanded His time: followers were seeking food from Him (John 6: 24, 34); crowds were seeking to be healed by Him (Mark 1:32–33); religious lead-ers were seeking to kill Him (John 11:5). But, despite the demands from those seeking something from Jesus, He sought to do the will of His Father, making time to pray. As was His custom, He went to the Mount of Olives and prayed, saying “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:39, 41–42). Jesus was in agony, praying very fervently (v. 43). He did not depend on His own strength or will, but sought strength from the Father to do His will. He did not allow others to control His heart, for He loved the Father and did exactly as the Father commanded (John 14:31). God wants His people to turn to Him in prayer, that we would seek His will and not our own. Each of us need to spend time alone strengthening our relationship with God through His Word and in prayer. We should all pray for zeal to desire the Father’s will, pray for wisdom to know the Father’s will, and pray for courage to do the Father’s will. Make time to pray for those things that are in your heart, praying your will is aligned with His. “And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” (Matthew 21:22). Shepherds