Page 1: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

T h « SOfft,^ a n d 4l9t tr>W d e a th s o f 104<

Afofftc V aliev oc ■ llM w W red Nov. 25 as n

0/ accidents in c o i n and Jer

1 countfei.

VOL. 81, NO. 224

B a l l o t B o :


Discovery th a t a n u m b er of bnllot boscs have been stored in the courthouse, bn.scment, outside a locked storeroom from which liquor evidence disappeared, was made Wed- nesdnj' a fte rn o o n a f te r a number of county officials nnd employes hnndlinp elec-

^ tion m aterials could not state where ballot boxes from spe- , cific precincts have been kept ! since the Nov. 2 election. ,

Qticstlonlns o f courtl1ou^e «m- i ployc.1 revealed Uio ballo i boxes would be ncccMlblo to nlm osl anyone I —persons who kiicw they hnd been 1 Jtored Uiere a fte r elecUons In i ycfirs, persons who knew they were otored there now. and nnyone fa- ; m lllnr wlUi Uie a rm ngem en t of j rooms In tho courU ioaio bivscment. ! No dooM p ro tec t th e boxes where 1 they were found. ■

An Itupectlon. m ade by looltlnR j through tha «11U of th e btvllol boxes, revenled Bomo contaln ln it larKO brown envelopes, o the rs npparently tm pty . and otherB conU ln inp bnlloLv II could no t be det«rmlne<l if the bulloLs wero m nrked or uiinmrked.The bftilot boxes were locked but keys to tho padlockii w ere eUhrr In the keyhole o r iitiached lo lhe locks.

Tlie (i«tstlon of w here Uio balloi boxes huvc been k e p t a fte r n b SUll WM filed In d is tr ic t court caJU „ Ins for both «, recoun t of vote.i In ji the slierlff'a race In six prec lncls and for n co u n hearlHB on nllcKed errors o r IrreKulnrlllcs on tho pn-it of elec­tion boarda In thoso precincts.

T h e suit waa brouK ht by Jes.i O. En-Mmnn. Duhl. counly Rcpiibllcnn ren trn l eommltleo chtilrrnRn. nfialn.'it

^ jRsso & Carlton. D em ocratic candU . r « d a to to whom th e county commls- “

sloners gavo Uielr cerlltlca to of elec- l a Uon after canvosslnn tho returns.. . Named In En.itm an'a com plaints aro __ Twin F bIU p rec incts 6, «. 7. 8, 8 and t2.

ProjecuUnjt /tl to n w y E vere tt M- ev Bwecley registered surprise when Informed w hero th e ba llo t boxes , w rre kept. Ho « tjit« l th e only law of which he knows rcg a n lin s cus- cu tody of ballots n f te r election la ftcc- tion 33-1104 of tho Id ah o code a n - nnuitcd. I t provldea for trnnim lsalon , of supplle.i to th e cw inty comml.i- •lUmers and cu-stody. p c

A fter dcscrlblnu Uie duUes ol «li'cUon JudRC-'. In Uie type of m p - plies and m anner of dcUverlnff Uiem p to tho clerk of the board of county’ ^ commLv.loners, tho law stnte.i; VO

•Tho second poU lis t. toRether WlUt tho ballota, m u s t bc, by said

c - „

Red Seeking ™ Withdrawals Of Arab Units

PA R ta, Nov. 35 (M.R) — R im lnn DclCKBle Bemi'on T snrapkln sub- In f mlUed to Uie U nited NaUons pollU- bo:

^ c a l commlttce todny a re.-volutlnn _^cftllln iT for w ithdraw al of all Amb ___

nniilcs and o ther forelRn m ilitary jxTsonnel from PalesU ne.

T he Soviet proposal would apply no t only to Arab forcca w hich In­vaded Uio holy la n d Jnst Mny 15 ni

“Lw io severnl hund red A mcrl- y< cnn. u ritisii, F rench and BelKlnn n< m lltno- observers se n t to he lp m ain- ai inin tho United N ntlons truce. !-■(

nrltU h Plan Softened L-DrltAln nlso subm itted a ncw pro-

po.inl which Boftcned a n earlie r ^ lirltlsh rer.oluUon calllni; fo r com- plrle endor.''ement of th e proposnla of the late Count Polkc B em adotta

Tin- B rlthh re-^oluUon contained mnny clmnKe-i proposed by tho United Stjiles to brlnff th e two west- em powen closer toR rther In Uielr views for a final P a lestine »ctUe- mrnt.

SUll D iffer 1>Tlie rr:.oIutlon s till d iffered on

mie kry l-.Mie—wheUier to recom- nirnd tel boundaries on w hich Ambs , and Jewi musl biuw Uielr final set- tlt-mrni nr Iriivo lho two partiesfrrr to nrKOlliitc th e ir frontiers. '-----

l l i e Drill-'h propoBnl, if pax,'.cd by i t ■■ Uie U. N. crncra l aa.iembly. would JV l clearly Isy before I.srnel the moral obligation to give up tho PalesUno Negev to Ihc Arabs In re tu rn for Jewl.ih-conqurrcd w eatem O alllee. T(

The re'oluilon souRht by the . United su te s would a t lea.«il soften

A lhat obllgtiUon If n o t It a lio . W hether. quM

----------------------------- th a t

Guns, Ammunition Seized in Garage ”

NK\V VORK, Nov. 25 (,•?’) _ A ^rU; truiklnrid nl nrnu nnd aniinunlUon by police enrly todny a ta n upper M anhattnn Karnge. Uon

Flvo men were a rre sted a t Uioscene, nntl cli.irt.-ed w ith viola tion of An

' UliJ BtffllvUiiTie.-pons) la x ;--------' T o]oPollco said the Ilve denied know - any

Jng lh e lr cratcd carso . w hich w as Japacovered over w ith nld clothlntr. ron - lied*I»t«l of rifle/.. mr.clilni'Kiini. uuunu- formm u o n and oUier weapons. th a t


ft, K thtraH lc — ^

1048 tn •occur- __ _

a s resu lt - - ■ M ! _ !) In U n - - - M S . ___

Jerom e - .

________ A Rcgl

OrtkUl citr >n>t Coualj N«»ip*l'n

D x e s i n R e c

i b l i c S t o r a ^of * * * *

“I Ballot Boxes P

'I ^

D ^ ^ n . and outside a ft ballot boxea rthlch have been thero iln I* sta le law. lirow n, cottrthonse cuiloill: 2 liquor evidence disappeared from the s 1 * * • ,


Now com cs th e p ay -o ff In the ;I transp IrinR In ou r T w in F a lls coi - la s t y e a r o r so.^ - I t llhL-itratcs th e irresponsib le , g som e o f o u r m ost Im p o rta n t cour

F ir s t I t wa.^ th e s tra n g e d lsapi I- evidence. T h e feeble a t te m p ts to 5 w ere p a th e tic to.'^ay th e le a s t, am

tlo n by th o se supposed to b e In au culous.

Tho.-ic reapon.ilble fo r th e aa ■ ev idence tried to excuse th e ir n . In d iffe ren ce by m in im izing tho

p en ran ce . f B u t a ll t h a t w as pen n y a n to <* rev e la tio n w hich now com cs to lli .. R ep ub lican c o u n ty c h a lrm a n ’.s de

votes c a s t fo r sh e r if f In s ix Tw in r W here w ere th e ba llo t boxes?1 A f te r 'm u c h scu rry in g a ro u n d ai

covered th n t som e of th e boxes w ith keys a tta c h e d to th e padloc a n y o n e w ho m ig h t choo.'^e to ava fo r w h a te v e r pu rpose any such m ind .

Now t h a t M r. E astm an , th e Re , h n s a-skcd fo r a recoun t, a num be > fic la ls f in d th e ir faces very red., How cou ld th ey Justify a recou . InR them selves, now th a t th e pu• boxes h a v e been han d icd s in ce th

Thanksgiving CiCLEn/ELAND. Nov. 25 M V-Tlie

I niallm nn brought a JG3,500 cliccK y rstrrdny to Anton Low, 40. wiio

I never enmiKl moro Uiau ^ l .C j an hour. Necdlr-ss to .my, toiiny Is a big Thant-.Rlvlng for the Low;k "

The check wn-n a rettlcm cnl for Low's (ILsmL^al of a *175.000 su it ngiiln.M the Airline ll .■;enk•er and T rn n ife r corporaUon, De- '" 'f ’ U-olU p fc

l l i e su it rcNUltcd from Injiirlc.^Low suffered In nn uccUlrnt Inst whe Ja n . 5 on Uie exprc.-.s hlghwny nin.-i between D etroit and Willow Run ngrc airport, mor

Low sjw nt several months In a D etroit ha ip lta l nnd *Ull needs two m ore operaUoiu on hLs Ires.

Mrs. Low escaped with a few «crfttche.s nnd did not *\ie, but she received a *100 check to J ; '" ' waive any dam age claims. Jiy},

■ I thro

MacArthur Snubs Reporters’ Pleas ™

TOKYO, N or. 35 (ILfiJ-Oen. D ous- la s M acArUiur and hla subordinates Tlie failed to U ko action today on a re - quit queist by foreign corrcspondenw th a l the pre.M b« ad m ltu d to the I t execution of Hldekl Tojo and stx o lhe r Japanese warlords. ’

T lio Inst official word from .Mac- ArUiur'B public InformnUon oflice drop was th n l the "executlcns will t>e jj r secret." T h e day, hour nnd loca- Amo Uon of th e hangings also Is a close- »jme ly-guarded secret. delcE

. ^ l _ ^ J 3J l^ t U h a l . J l i c . . c n r t fo r U ha

axjy tim e, a spoke-wiaa for th e Th Japanese defense sccUon of the n l - may lied w ar court said th r defense a t- iif th torncy 's "can only exllre. . rexrct cents t h a t Uietr efforts were Insufflclcat." gtidd

Regional Newspaper Servinc

r .urt

j c o u n t S u i t

i g e ; K e y s j* * * *

s Not Inside Lockc

de a lockcd storeroom In th e cou rtliousr h 0 since election In keep lnr w ith eou rlhaus iloillan, U Inapectlnr a ncw lock and h u the storeroom. (Staff p lioto-enrravlng)

* * * * —

ORIALHE PAY-OFFthe goings-on which have been 5 county courthoiu^e during the

ble. fiilp-shod m anner county business Ls h andU ^ ' '-' Isappearance of liquor, lield ns y ' ts to explain this little mystery wt , and the pretense of Investlga- th n au thority was even more ridl-

• safekeeping of the mLwinKlr ncgllBcnce, inefficiency and to tho Importance of the dlsnp-


Uo compared with the newest c|J:o light in connection with tlie wis dem and fo r a recount of the t*''[\vln Falls city prcclncUs. ®'’ !s7 No one seemed to know,id and buckpasslng. it was dls- a.vtes were righ t out in the open cd idlocks for the convenience ofavail himself of the contents, °l,

ich individuals m ight have in oc thl

• Republican county chnlrman, ’ mjjer of Republican county of-

ecount, they are probably wc ! public knows how the ballot e the election?

Growers Get S; Assurance of

Wlieat M artsW A am N Q TO N . Nov, 25 lUPt — jw i

Secre tary of ARrlculture Charles f . p rr U rannan assured farm ers todny th n t Set nny new In ternational w lirnt nRree- the m cn t u’lll gunrantce them fn lr co t pricc.s.

"W e’re going to ncKollate n new w hent agreem ent which will hnve cal m nst of the term s of the prcvlou-i ftU« ngreem ent and. we hope, even th e m ore." B rannnn told a reporter. th r

T n im a n SU Irs F l th t Presiden t T rum an, who mnde the

w lient agreem ent one of his p rln - clpal cnmpnlgn lv,ue.». Uild the -j U nited N nllona food nnd ngrlculturo ,^^1 organlM tlon yesterday he would n„ti flKht to ge t n new ngreem ent n ° ! through congrc-M, ,

“And I rn th e r believe we'll get I t o f Inpproved th is tim e." lie told Uie ___laughing, npplaudlng delegates,

T lie original w heat agreem ent "1 1 was signed Inst M arch by 3B w heat f p roducing nnd coiuum lng nntlons.T lie agreem ent died when qu it w ithout approving It.

C naran leed Market I t would hnve guaranteed A merl-

can w heat fnrm ers an export n in rkct J*" , of 165,000,000 bushel* a yenr fo r w in five years. I t al.-.o provided a f irs t- -lUin year price floor a t JIJO a ba-.liel dropping lo 11.10 in the fif th year. "(."X

B rannnn 's price a.-juranccs to A m erican farm ers appnrently were a im ed a t s ta tem en ts by some FAO deleeates lh a t Uio U. 8, mny find It h a rd e r lo drive a new agreem ent n 03 ftivornble as Uie orlglnnl. ble.

T hese delegatea said Uils country F rn i niay l>e lu c l^ to wUid up w llh * a. n flf th -y c n r p rlee Ruaranier of 00 fa s t c en ts a bu.sliel. W hent prlfM have coffi skidded sharp ly in recent m onU u. th e r

%. \ W \ \ f <


i t K e p t

A v a i l a b l e* * * *

ked Storeroom

j s r basement, are part of a num ber o f Johouse cnslnm bul nnt In krepinc w ith InI ha-ip he InsUUrd on the door a f te r wi E)

W e s t T r i e s t o S

I W r e c k P e a c e , 3

' ; r ^ e d s D e c l a r e 3

L .‘'P A a iS ; Nov. 25 l/l->-Hl8h rank ing , Soviet bloc sources charged today _; Uie w cjtem powers arc preparing to

w reck a Berlin setUement to fu rth e r th e ir m lhtnry pUins In Europe.

T lih waa Cdstern Europe's uno f- flclnl reply to rccent commenUi fro m ?yw estern rources th a t Uicre Is lit tle hv-pe of KUCCCM for cu rrcn i e ffo rts , to end tho Berlin erlsLv

Tlia iiccu-saUons came from In- forinniits claie lo tlin Ruw hin d r le - piiUoa and its Aatcllllcs In the U n it- cd NaUons RCncrnl lu.^rmbly. T ha^e r,‘‘ who commented refii.vd to pe rn ili Uicmn-lves to bc IdenilllDd by name; o r nationality .

“ObJeeUves" Dlscloed Tlicjc castcm diplomatic sourcc.s

n.v.i;rted In Inten'lcwa th a t the U n iu ^5' cd Stntea. B riU ln and Frnncc seem ben t ou throw ing nway nny chnncc of u Berlin accord so Uiat, un tlc r x cover of heightened tension In th e I G erm an cap ita l, Uicy can achieve these obJccUvu:

1. Pu,ih th e projected norlh AUnn- tlc defentc p act tlirouRh the U nited S uites congress.

2 . L-iunch a program for rcarm ln« w c.item Euro.Tc.

“EsU bllsh Bases” ;3. Ei.Ubll»h UtilU^d States m ilita ry <iir

bi» n t key contlnenU t polnU. \ViO ne eaalcm European dlplom nt, ciu

w ho 1s In frequent contact wUh A n - u d rel Y. Vlshlnsky, deputy Soviet fo r- rff, clgn m lnlater and chief of Uie R ua- wa s lan U, N. delegaUon. said: an

"The w estern powers do no l w n n t i a Berlin aftreemeni. They have. In &l cffcct. repudiated Uie accord , . , die reached In Moscow Aug. 30. T licy Do hnve. In fnct. rejected the plea, p ro - «nv iw.ned by H erbert V. E\’n tt. A au ra l la . bnl presiden t of the ni.jcmbly, and U. N, -] Secrcliuy-G cnera! Trj'RVc Lie. to s * th e big fou r to begin Immedinie nc - 1 eotlnUons, Pl„

"DeterloraUon- Cblm cd of"Tliey a re now claiming Uiu po lltl- j>a!

cal situation In Berlin Ls 'd r tc rlo r- E. fttlJig.' Y et they hnve always cliUmcd H, th e SltuaUon there wns bnd — n Pa; th rcn t to pcacc. They have iilw;\ya A c liilm td the re are. In cffcci. two abo cltlca. Surely the selUcincnl of ex - tlot l.sting difference* would Improve, no t Ing

Bcnemt atmo;,phrrp." nfii T lie six n c u u n l memb^•r^ of th o ta li

security council are hludylng fou r wor power replle-s U> a quciUonnairc on pro. Berlin 's currency problems In o rd e r wltl fo flnu a cli.e to poi-ilble se ttlem en t the o f Uie B erlin crisis. con

What Happens Joins Reds?

E-Hlor'i BoU: WS«t hipp«a> t*. »n cou Amfrlfss »h» Join* th. Communal v trlr"

Wh.I Ii hli dITtj*Ilf. I l l , ' " ^|iu r ...h ^u iu , , „ i „ : y , th^

' ’7 ” ',* in Ilurn»J him i„w.W lb. fommuiiUU-) ,P

— —■ blutB r LEO TURNER um t

in> B laff Correspondent HNE^V YO RK . Nov. 25_Pnul Cro-v m "

We. farm er H an 'ard schoolmate of fur;iF tn n k h n D. Roosevelt, arose a t 7:30 lOor^ ^ H e prepared a b reak - tlvitf a s t or fried eggs, prunes, toast a n d cinfcoffce for him self and two (fuesu. 'th e n left fo r work. Crojhlfi Is Q uecaa a ra t

■ H M K


Walkouts < , Ended by

DockmenBy The Assoelated Presa

T h e a trik e by 05.00U A F L dock w orkers, w hicli fo r m ore th a n tw o weekH Ims paral.vzed sh ipp ing ' o p era tions a t p o r ts f ro m .Maine to 1’irK in ia , np . p ea re tl near nn oiul to d a y . A t th e nam e tim e a lO -nu in th .s trike of union piiot.s aK ainsl N a tio n a l a irlin e s w ns Hultled.

T h e negoU.ilors In Ute cilm co;i: i shipping tlrup agreed on te rnw for a ending the walkout, npiirovliig ii p;iy ruli.c of 13 c i'nu nn hour, retro ,ic iiv r - to Aug. 21. for i.omc G5,000 A PL lotiir- nhorcmi-n. Tlie agri.-rint iit Li siibjrc t to rnUflrailon by union niriiibrr;; nnd Uie Individual inip loyeri.

, Koofht 2S Cents T lie .M-T, lnt<.Tn;»tl[intil Iy)ni>

tnoreiiicn 's ah-iocliiUon ;.iTUck Ifi niiys m;o Ul supiiort of di'miilid;. for a JJ ceiit-'i an hour hike in th r nu-night dayUme pay ru le of $1.". ,, nourly, TJie emjiloycrs had offered

Tlic ngreement beiween ofJlrlul;, ot UIC union and Ihc .S'ew York .Ship. (. pm g n.i!,ocl.uioii. repreM-ntlng tlic cininoycrs, camc nfter ii iilitht mon. Cyrus ClilriK, head of th e fn l- e rnl medlaUon and conclllaUon i,.t v - n Ice, who announced the n g re n n n it , *i Joined In the conferencc-i ye.Mrrday ' In nn e ffo rt to end the crliiplini; w alkout.

250 Vessels C aught tlM eanwhile, pending ra llflcn ilon

by tho rank and flle and the em - rr ployera. some 250 ve.v.els enuilried | n] aLrlkcbound a t mn}or eiu-.l coiu-.t d, porls. T h e strike also h as ciiiL-.cii )„ railroad.* to embargo Uie nioveinerii le o f export frclHhi lo ilic c,l^l. c u t off jj Mnr.ihnll plnn Bhipmcnt*. forccil the clo.?ing of some Industries nnd m.ide Idlr thousand 'io f ra ilroad .w jd o ther Induslrlal workers. I*'

In Southam pton. E ngland , the Cunnrd W hlto SU r llne.-i i.ald the Q ueen EllzabcUi, worlil';* blKgc.-;t ocenn liner which has been U rd up for more than a werk by the .strike, will s.ill for New York Sunday. N ear- ly l,500pa.v;enBem hnve been s tra n d - f ed nbo.vd the liner since la,^t S a iu r- day. .1“

1311. Week In U esI Tlie ILU will .lulimli the n«rec-

n irn t lo members of 37 local;, fo r a ratilieation vote on S;.turd,iy . O n de the we;:l coai.t. Uie m nrlllm e nlrlkc hc i-nt. red 11.1 13Ui week, • tu

Tenii'. of Uic se lilrincn t of th e m, unicin p llou strike were no l u n - be noiinrrd- However. O, T . Uiikcr. p rr:.tdenl of Nntlonal nlrlliie.';. and hnD.ivl(l Uehncke, head of th e A irline re:

(r.B llBBH «n r .lu r-n S) In

Jui’y Verdict S I s ‘Not Guilty’In Water S u it»

A slx-mcmber Jur)' rrU irned a v r r- I’r' d id of no t guilty a t 5:11 p. in. Wedne-sdny In dLitrict court In Uie • ot th e AUte vs. J, H. H tandlcr. P“ 11 look th e Jury Jusl 15 m inutes to "'c decide t h e ease In which Stnndlec wns nllcged to have liiterfrrrd w itn nn Irrigation hcndgRie. Wl

Tho verdict wa.* ^lgnrd ijv .Mrs, ■ & lna Bailey, foreman, Aflcr Uir ver- 33' d ie t had been read by Deputy Clerk DorLi Oliver, Judge Hugh A. B nker ^ <H-.ehnrKed St-mdlce and exancrnteil 1 - bnll. ^

T he cnse wns apjicnled frt<iu Judg<- S. T . H nmllton’s probate cDiiri.

Te.Mlfylng during Uie were / Elmo J. Farrar. H ollbirr. ;iianncer Tli of Ull- Salmon River C.uial com - Imi I>any, Standlee. Harry Mills, Jo h n hnE. Hayes, O, A, Kclkrr, John Jone.--, wh H, L. Stnndlec. H arrv K.iton. J o h n mli Paxton nnd Mr*. Harr)' Mill;'. '1

A fter th e defen.-^e rested It-i cn-ic to about 4 p, m.. Judge Baker quc.s- n tioned Uie advlsnblltty uf c o n tin u - nal Ing liir Unl then or w alling unUI mo n fiiY 'nianksglvlng. Upon a.-,ccr- I ta lning from Mra, Balli v, the on ly am womnn Juror, thn t going un w ith th e lhe procrrdings would not In terfere wlv w ith h r r Tlinnk.'KivltiK rve du tie s , of th e Judge ordcre<l the alloncyfl to I he conUnue. Isnli

3 to One’s Life ' 1? Follow This Hcounty chairm an of llir C om m unist i,» pnrty , jiu,

A.', h r clung lo n strap In n erow d- tloi ed subway cnr. he looked like ft C »hy collrge profr.v'.or. Y et h c 1-* roo lender ot 2,000 ccminuni.-.t m em bers in Uie borough of Q m rai. He w ore mu n p lain <lark suit. iv!;iir sh ir t n n d npa blue knitted necktie nnd carried a n his umbrella.

H is w hite httjr Is thin: h e h a s a con mui lache and gonlcr. A r ri lre d in - c fu ra iice executive. Craible llvca g rc lOone becaiaie tila communist a c - are tlv ltle j have coat him dally a iso - tnot cinflon with his family. on

"Ms wife and I imvr been .vrp- bou a ra t« J since IBIO," he said. “T h er« , ^

I W ^ t ^ i V

N ino Irr iR a tc d Idn h o C ounlii

),18 Bf ;AlincUl^l

T hree ] T h an l

I CrasM^iKic V ii l lo y '9 T h iin k a c iv in i ,

1, tic'.H Iiiul lh e in ju ry of hcvcii jiei , 111.' I‘)17 m a rk of :IS tr a f f ic fati . w ays so f a r th in y e a r .

I).',’1(1 an- Norma .Jean Price, 1 or aiKl Mrs.-lJoyd StraiiKhn. Twin 'V Tlio I'rice trirl wa.s killed nt C

Valley Resid « In Thanksi

ll' ^■alk>y r e s i i k 'n t s to d a yK iviiiK I h a n k s for the b o u n ty t neiKlil»i>r.H a r o u n d t h e w o rld .

>t T h e T h a n k s fT iv ii iK d a y h: >• t r a i l i i i o n s o sta lil i!< h o il :527 y e a r

.sh a re d t h e i r h a r v e s t w i th th e i r . 1 I'l T i)(l;iy , i n s t e a d o f m e re ly bri: •- i i e w ly .p lu e k e d vc fje tah le.K to a co

th i.s i i r o s p e rn u - s n n d p e a c e f u l ^ n a t io n w e r e ? l ia r in K t h e i r r

g o o d s i n t e r n a t i o i i n l l y Ih ro u K h tli ( ‘ M a a ll p la n ,

n Valley obr;rrvftncfs ningiid from• cnrnmunlty enlerprl.srs In several ‘1 plnce.i to fam ily RiiUitrlnKs In hun- 'I dreds ot hom es. SlKnlflciiiice o f tho 'I holidny wn.s stre.vicd In union rcn '- t ice:, of chiirchcii In T a in Palls, f u u h l nnd o th e r placci.

I B ut the t r & S £ U iL y ^ J ^ ^ WLtblcs r e m u l n c d i i ^ U *1

. cclebrnUon f o r Amcrlcan.v. who cl gnUiercd th ro u ch o u t th e land for rl'

, family reunion.* and Ui cat tu rkey It' , nnd trim m ings, ^ services repo rted rallroada• nnd nlrllnea nchcdulrd cxU-a fn-

clllUrs to h a n d le the sUenm of honiebound tavelcr.-.. HlKhwny.i werr Jammed, b u t th e na lionn l ileatli loll wns light, nccord lng lo r ;irly reporl.i. .

n e a tli T oll l.iKlitI Mngic Valley wclcnnitcl honu? s tu - g r I deni-, nnd o th e rs re lu m n l for the in: holldnys nbo . b u t w;i.mi'i a.n for- an

tu im tr on Uie ilfa tli lo ll. To 10 a, wr: m, today a t leaM th rr r I5c^^on:l hnd me• been killed In Irafllc inLiliapii.

However, no l a ll jicr.ioiu licnded .ip: I homewnrtl for ilic holltlay. Many : resldenLi w ere outbound to reunion* Pf'

In other- pnrlii o f Uie .-.talu undnation, or lo th e m any toolbnll ofgames nnd o lh e r cvenls wlilch have ‘I'ibecome trnd ltlonaJ. =|'’

RualncMcn Closed Mo.'.t p laces o f buslnc.'.* w rrr i

do.-,id, bu t rer.tnuranl.1, iliiMti-rs and mioUier plarc.s of nmus--nirnl wrre of

• Jammed. F o r a fi'n- Ilie holiday Jol ' m eanl more w ork th a n iL'.unl Ui rd . iirovlde for th e deniniid.i of those foi

Inking a rc.'Pllc frnm dully ia;>k.i, eaiI In W ashington, P r t. 'ld c n l T rum an he

plana to ^pcnd nioM o f the dny lO*; working a t hLs de:.k, cxccpt tor time Rl\, o u t for a lu rkey d ln n rr at Ulair to, house th e street from the to

W hile House. whMr. T rum nn y(:;;trrduv rrciived a na

33-ix>und live O regon Mavler tom Kri(C.nttnu.J .n I’. . . :. C.l.m,. : i an'

G r e e k s ’ P r e m i e r

I s “ R e c o v e r i n g ”A 'n iK N S. Nov. 2.S :ur»-Prcm li:r

TliemlMoeIc.i Sofovili-^ wii;. reported f“ Improving s lcndlly l-alay n f ir r n ?h rn r l nttnck h i hL^ ollicc in:,t n igh t I w hich physlc la iu nl flrr.l fr.irerlj m igh t take Ills life .

'Hie B8-yeiir-old prem ier wa.s pni to bed In h is o fflcr , convened Inio a ho.ipHal room, atter phv.MrlJin*said Uiey fcarerl 11 woalil b.' [;itul lo '—move him. C

Hc was to receive n Krllrral rx - monm lnntlon la t.T todny i.> .Irtm n in e Intlhe rxnct ci.iisr o f the nttnel; nnd tow hrUier he can contlm ic Uie r.iraln t‘»lof worklns. I t wa.i conr.ldrrril llkelj 1he enn conllnue lus premier. trasnld the feared ll would be fa t* l lo ^

J When He Man’s “Day” ’1

1,* no hnrd frr lln g s betweenJiu t polltlcnl differences. O rganlta- I’"i,tlonnlly. ftlie Is a Dem ocrat." ^

C roible ha.*, a U irre a n d cne-hnlfroom n partn ien i In suburban For- “i;*;' Hills, -n iere i« one o the r Com - „m unlst m em ber i n - th e 65-fntiiily thenpartm en l lioii.'.e. H e knows none ot “ ,h is o ther nelghborr.. '

"Thren tim es n weelc a maWcomea in and clonrvs up," hc snld. t ,

Crosbip h as a .ion, ■10. and fourgrown daughters. Two dsugiiters y jore unm arried a n d live wlUi Uiclr tu l,m o the r in a s ix -room friuno hou ie m tlon a qunrter o f an nere o f liinil he rouliMUght for Uiem In a .Mn/i l Ncw u- Ul

<C.Bllniit4 •!» r t f s II, CeliiBB 4> COH


B • Prem ier|E -Z ^ — 1 7 ^ took a fl- tonight 1


r bJ Aoilll IIur.«u^of^r^_ul.ilon»

K iSed ik sg iv in j sh es inA-inj: ho lidny wn- m a rred Thur.sdi I iiersons. F o u r a re ho.spitalizcd. T l fa ta litie s . F o rty -o n e perso n s have

:e, 15. d a u g h te r of J l r . and M rs. F i ‘w in F alls.n t G:.'-.8 n .m . Thur.sday w hen th e fi ---------------------------------------------------------- U i

idents Join sgiving Rite

idny jiiineil o th e r A m ericans in ty they a r e shnriiiR w ith th e ir gju

poly hrouR h t a new b re a d th to th e y ears ii};o, w hen th e P ilg rim s eir. Ind ian neiK iiburs. pn,brin g in g th e i r baked corn nnd tio

a com m unity tab le , tho people o f p ‘'1,1 * » , » " I

h Truman’s Call S Gives Thanks

For Blessings -I, © dc;

WASHINGTON, Nov. 25 tllPJ _ a t , T ex t Of FxasldeDV^rtuman's T hanks- ru:

,> A y p a r t i f l r i i t i m : s J i <^ ThaiilLf- oc;

iM sfiappttM efaB ir'earH huuchts In - hv10 cllne. as In pm rloua years, to the Jos )r of o u r bIes.Mngs. Tlie splr* he y Itual endow m enti of our country a re awl

undlm lnlahed; « e may, aa always c I;, walk aa free m en unafraid. O ur h a r- m ,.

veau hftvo been bountiful, our p ro- th - ,f dueUon of roo<Ib abundant. O ur re- - i , „ source.* have perrnltted ua to a id the i 1] needy a n d hclplr.w of oUier lands., We urc privileged U> pnrUclpato In 4

In tem ntlonal cfforla to advanco h u - ; m an weltnre. Wo are profoundly

- Hrntcful fo r Uie exisleiice ot an In- , c irrnn llonal forum where differences ^- among nn tlons mny Iw submllted toI, world opinion w ith a view to h a r- y-> d monloan ndJu;>Uncnl. f

We prny thl.* year not only In the :I .iplrlt of T lianksglvlng bu t nl;io aa V suppllanL* for wl.sdom In our ap- . \ s pronch to th e problems confrontlnff J this nnllon, n r]ievlng In the dli'n lty 1 of m an und hl;i r igh t to live In frcc- c dnm and peacc. wo ask divine guid­

ance In help ing to .safeguard Uie-.e glft-s fo r ourielvcs and other peoplea

r Now. therefore , I, H arry S. T ru - I m an. P residen t of the United SUiteac of Amerlcn, In con.sonnnce w ith tho '■ I jo in t rcsoluUon of congrcM approv- ) rd Dec, 26, ISHI, dcslgnnUns the: fourlh Tliur.sdny of November In 1’'^" ., each year as Thnnk.sglvlng dny. do \ hereby procla im Thur.sdny. Nov. 25.I ItHS. as a dny of nnUonnl T linnks.; giving: and I cnll upon our clll;xn.i Tr to ob.ierve th n t day by giving thnnk.s '; to Almighty G od for llir bounile.s lev

which have been be.ilowrd upon our wlilI nation nnd by resolving lo render laic, Kriicrous n.N3l:iUiicc to the hungry mat

and homele:.s In o ther lands, lh a i Qrenrw lng our devotion lo Uie caiL'c w hiof Koo<livlll am ong men, fror

In w itness w hereof, I have here- wou» uiiw se l my han d and caui.ed Uie lout

;.ral of th e U nited SUitca ot America hoirlo be affixed. to j

: Mother, 5 Tots,' Continuing Trip ; After Aid Given[ I__________________________________ I fihnl

O.MAHA. Nov. 25 f/l'r-A n Iowa ' ‘J';!’! m other nnd h e r five rjnall children,

. intercepted he re while hiU:h.hlklng; lo Colorado, resum ed the Journey ' 5

today—tliLi iim r by bus.Tlie Salvation a r m y provided

travel tlckeL* and monry for food. „ ‘1“Tlie ca.ic cam e to police n tlen llon ^,’1 ’

. l i c n n truck a r t ie r reported . to Imthe fnmlly hlU:h hiking on a hlRh- -----wav n l Ih r west riiiLikirts of O maha.

Two pa tro lm en found Mra. Em m a.Dorr-ry. 20, Pnnora. nnd chlldrcn !rnnging In age from 23 m onths lo —(7 yrars. f j j

Mr*, Donsey .said she le ft Pano ra h aycsterdny. in tend ing U) go to her ]pnrcnU*’ home In W ellington. Colo. O r

Tlie h ltc h -h lk ln g children worewiow suits bu l one hnd no Block- noIngs, Mra. Dorsey'a baggage eon- asisLsled of a sm nll ovem lghl cnse nnd r i .a partly filled .sack. T h e m other fn id udthe fnmlly h a d been living on coun- itty relief fo r several monUis. i

PH V SIC IA N SEES KING ' W N D O N , Nov. 25 <-P>-Royal phy - ^

ilclnns todny vlslled King Oeorge VI, who is suffcrhiB from nn erW rlai S ,, a ilm ent e ffec tin g hia leg*. A ulhorl- i ,h UUve aources described the v b it as “ , routine. T h e king carried out hU u-iunl sU to business a ad a tlcuded lo corrcapontlenct. t —

^TE BULLETINVTHENS, Nov. 25 (U.R)—AlUnff :mler Themlftiocles Sofoalis k a sudden tu m for the worse Ight find w as put under oxygen.


in 2 ig D a y

V alleylur.sday by three traffic fatall- d. The year’s total now exceeda have m et dealh on valley high­

's. F rank Price, Burley, nnd Mr.

:he family car was .struck by a— Union Pacific switch engine

a t th e fir.Ht railroad crossing on Httito highway 2i5 west of Jeromo.

S heriff Qnlcn Hnll said t t ap- ■V peared the engine wa.i backing up ■r when It struck the cur. Tliere were

no slBnal llghU-, a l lho crossing.T lic Price ca r was crumpled on Uie

. r ig h t Nldc to Uie middle o t th e vehl- clo, T lte cnr U-aveled 05 feet paat Ui» po in t of Impact nnd wreckage wa*

,C a trew n over an area of 135 feet.P a rcn li Injured

A ho Injured were Uie girl’s p a r- ent.*. M r. Price received head lacera-

id tlon.* and Mrs. Prico received mulU- ) f pie in ju ries, A broUicr, Don. 13, re­

ceived hend lacerntlons and another b ro ther. Je rry . 0. »u.italned a broken leg. n i e P rice family wna ntshed to S l. V alen tine 's hospital, WendeU, for

S heriff H all said Uie Price family I wns en rou te to Bolae for T banki*

giving.Coupe D em ollshtd

s T h e flvc-pa*,uniRer 1030 coupe waa dc.iioll.nhcd. T ho accident occurred

— a t Uio sp u r llnn trncji to t t ? Wood-s - ru ff Seed eoQipary.

C o ro n u J . nr. V/',ley wiM the death -1- occtUTcU n t the w ine railroad c to u - Q- la g w h tre Duji Qergcn, 30, WenA-lI.- :»e lo st h u life w «eu the truck Id which

h e W.13 riding struck a - ra i lro a d r« sw itch engine loat Sept. 21.>'* C oroner W iicy said an iiKiuest Into >■* Uie dcnUi waa pending. Names cf

th e ra llrond personnel Involved wero =• w lU iheld by Sheriff H alL

T h e body is a t th e W iley ftmeral hom e. Jerom e.

® Tlie d e a th w u th e 12Uj of the year In Jerom e counly.

;> .SIdeswlprd TreckMr. a n d Mm. B traughn were lulled

IC.nticmwl Dl. r . s .

„ C h a n c e s D im

i: O n U . S . A i d

il F o r C h i n e s e;* WASHINGTON. Nov. 25

N aU onnllsl China's chances of get- . ting nny quick new American aid ■ dw indled ohan>ly today.' G overnm ent ofHclals aald the ,. answ er to appeals for moral IJ and m nterlnl help will bo delayed „ pcndlnc n Uiorough study of this „ county'.-i ability to g ran t 11 and Uie 5 prospect-* of succesa.

ItCTleir Is SUfed I., T lie en tire problem. It was said.

Is undergoing review by Uie top- ..s l e v e l nnUonnl .iccurlly council, ir which ndvLrea Pre.ildent T rum an on r In icn iatlonnl, domesUc and mllllary y m atU :n..1 Q uestloas facing Uie council are e w hether Uic U. 3 . can .save China

from communism , w hat tho bill— would be. nnd w hether U would e louch off dangeroai InflaUon a t n home a n d Impair American efforta

lo pu t w eatem Europe back on Ita feet.

Com plexity AcknonledeedT lie com plexity of th e problem

wiL* acknow ledged yesterday by Sec­re tary of S ta te Oeorge C, Marshall.He snld It hna to be considered care­fully.

Coniildcmtlona ouUlned by M ar- fihnll w ere congreas’ atU tude tow ard I

Increased he lp to C hina, the avail­ability o f Amerlean resources, a sd j

; th e e ffec t a la rge aid program cn I ; u . S ^ com m ltm enla elacwhere In tho

, I t Is n o secret th a t th e adm lali- trn tlo n la w nry of underw riting th#

• p rese n t govem m ent of Oeneralls- ; slm o C h lang K ai-shek. j

I Back in Black i1 POR'TLAND, O re , Nor. 23 l/P) i ) —O regon, llAtcd as a bad credit

risk fo r a few days thla m onth, 'f h a s I ts good name back. i

Investo rs who shied a iray from ; O regon bonds are buying again.

' 'T h o altuoUon l m t enUrtly ; n orm al." s.-Ud P. H. Y ouof, m an- Ager o f Oregon B uslneu and T u

1 RwearT:h. Inc. “But I f i cleared I up eonslderabl;. Tho «tat«'s e red .

I t h a sn 't gone enUrely to pot."’The money muddle eased a fte r

O regon's a ttom ey general ruled th a t « » 0 old age pension—ftp* pro>-ed by th e votera w ithout any w ay to finance It—wa« n o t »Uw, b u l a direcUTO to tb e lc«la*U tu re. B e t&id s ta t« seed do scUl&K abon t I t unUl tUa la«» - la tu re m eets n o t jicar.

l i - 1 , ; : : .


Page 2: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

—Ghicago-Typo- ^ Strike Enters L Second Year

CHICAOO. Not. 23 (URJ—T he C h i- {rom CARO newnpnpfr strike en tered If* iinmolecond y e u todar. l» ^

T he five mnicfc newnpivprrs were n. m.,malclnE moro tnonty th im rver. D ut jicw ifome o t the slxllclng lypeseitcm werr rnpellvlnir on fltrike brnrflm p«ld by Trii.itUielr union. out '

TTie wnlkout, hcrnlded ft.i r m njor Aiiclfte*t of the T n rt-Iln rtlry lax . brgan lO-ni:Nov. 2<. 1CH7, when abnllt 1..W0 Rnybmembers of lhe AFL Tj'poeraphlcftt Fello'union left the ir Jobs In newspaper n t cneomponltii: nvims. enclri

The pnprr.i U nm nllafly pul.- njnfuJhhcd plioto-enKfavlnK editions, niiroi They hnvc h rtii a-.lni; ihe prfrc.-vwhich doc.i nway «Hh '••‘irln typejetlera. ever Mnre. Chlciu;(.aii.i have almu-M forKuUfn w hnt nnormnlly prlnt.-d iicw.piiper Jooks ‘" ‘jIlkr jo im

n lit cirnilnlloii Ij< .•MK.ut normnl nnri ntlvrrtlMnn liiirawr h n j Jum p- >■“*'* <•<1 Impr.sMu-ly,

N e K O tli i t l .n r e .•.miliiulns. nnd It nppenrci! lli;>i th f nrw.ipnix-M and the iinlnii iiilKhl bc n c n rrr n c irc n r n t iliMi ever before. R ut \ T l r there wns n> r.iri'Msl of luiy Im- T C

Alroui I’.OIO.OoO ninn-hoiir.'' hnve T bren loM in th r Mrlkr. T lir wnRf _ J '

i7?ooanm\ T i o " ^ fb r m iio n ' h"^ ^ pnId Rtrlki-rii wanr.i of Stn a week to unm arried prlntcr.n nnd $ilO to m a r­ried men. I lio s r who man the lokrn pickct llnr.t which have n ia r.'h r.l In fron t o l rc»-.vm;wr otlirr^ .••Uu-r Ihc ’’ *trlke t)eK.m kpI iiddllldnal brnefli.i. j *"

The union .■'nld lodav th e Chlcnso utrlkc hM c o n It s4.sn2,lia, o r abou t P ' ' ‘" M8t,R42 ft m onlti. ‘n ip inoiiry hM come from a-v-,i-.v,!jieiit.\ lm|>ci-rd <m [ wnrkInK typerettem. The to ta l of all rtrlkr:. callr.l by lhe unlcn ulnce pft.-^ iKe of the T a ft-H artle y [ Ou law w.i.n se t by the unbm o.i $U,-

M any of the ChlcaRo Btrlker.n have taken job,. .•Incwhcrc. and .iome have left the eliy. Rcmr nourcc.i 5 " e.itlmnted Ihn t of ttir l.-MO prlnlern Involved In the wnlknut, only 400 "rrlvi ■would be avallnble If Uio strike ended irnddenly.

----------------------------- T p

W. F. Hacking Is p Paid Last Honor „

HEYBURN, Nov. 33 — rM nrrnI I > •ervlccj tor William F. HacklnR•were held M onday n t Uie H eyburn , . LDS chapel wlUi Dlshop Noel C roftofflclntlnn. comt:

Prelude and po.ithidn were p lay- m eet«d by Mr*. W llllom ChrLMenren and hnll.B choral Rroup. Includtnu Loren ed.Wilcox, Hnrold Moon. Lund Chrln- j .ten.ien. Hownrd Jen-cn. R u th Ilc lner. nndD oIb Jc n ien and Mm. Harold M oon. Grnneanir two numbem, berly

Golden M offett Knve the lijvoca- r<iillrUon nnd apeakcni were Blahop C roft, ^jrs.P re iid en t R. O. H atch, nnd E lm er r rn nHelner. R u th Hclner and A lfred prnnT hax ton w«ia solos. A rlhur Dnyley j,iarlgave tho berftdlotlon. , , ,

PBllbenrcrR were I. J . C lnrk . J . E. BmlUj. A rthur V. Daylcy. Sidney f , , . . , Lorien , Ltind ChrLitrnsen and Cal-vln Ifclner. o .j,

n o w ers were carrletJ by M rs. Ro.i«Pfttrchnd. Mra. LjTin Crofta. Lor- ^ rln e H unt, Lucille Jen.'cn. LeonaNelwcrt. A nnie Jenka, M nrlnn Son, w lA rre ttA Morrl.^on. Irene Hetnze, "IE d tlh H andy, Pat.iey U fle r . W llda n *H<Birch and B arbara S tlm pion . t l

B urial wn.1 made In the H evbiim Oronccm etery wlUi W ilfred Wilcox rie- day idlcatlng tho (rrove. He

2 Killed, 4 Injured In Plane Accident lo.

ANDREWS AIR BASE. Md.. Nov.25 (U-ID-An nlr force D-2S cril^hrd I J Into ft parked C - l i iron.^port planee irly today. kllllnR two per.vw s and POInjuring four others errimi^ly. Bncllt

All wcro t)ellevcd to br nlr fo rre iip Ipersonnel. Uie

T he crnsh took p lnrr ^tl<l^tly nfter BrnJm idnight du rln s a he.nvy m ln . T he Dl;C -U . on B fllRlit from CmiK alrba.'o seiilfnenr Selma. Ala.. wn;i brouKhi down fullo’f irs t w llh Rround-control equipm ent, wasI t WM .-Ilitlnir on Uir firld w hen the Tlie ■B-35 also Btte.upted to land nnd dcKr<plowed Into It, forr

Traffic FinesW olter H eller paid a fine of »2 »ny-'

and »3 court costs m Ju itlrc c ou rt she i In behulf nf Leo R. P lor«rr who wascited for drlvlnc a truck wlUioiit the tCTO.SS wrlRht (itencllled on It. R eller JL O 1.1 thu ou iier of tlir truck.

In c lly couru flnw of *3 eaoh wcro paid by Allen Mowrr nnd F.W . Steel for p.»rklnc In nllry^. nnd OCM ildred Emberton for im proper Dcpi;parking. Aiiinist Wahl was fined *2 mi.k«for double pnrklnK. Klk.s

O vertim e parkins flnr.i o f Sl willaplpcc w rre iiaid by .1. J . W in lr r- visli,holer, F- Brenner. W, Ab- exaltbo tt. Henry Schulkr, J . W. IloberLv ThA. H. Bm llford itwo*. John L rlser. Dec. P a l Cocknim, Merlll Miller, VeninR’n chali Dalrj-, Bemlce Pope, fJenn W nlker. ment Don O nni'T . n Mr^. O. tran d e r . J . tend E . Rehwolt, A. T . Wal.'KTO. Mnry EUlen. C, F- Dover. LnV rrn LniiRh-lln . W . A. Flower. G eorsr H. F ree ­m an . Vny R. O arnnnd. M rs. Al W estertrren. Mr?. R. J, Cook. O . A. B chnlU er. Len Devrr, Charlr.i W or-rell. Bertha Wilson, R. U Wntjwn. '------U M. Parker. Mr*. Lee Q oerU en. Bt. Lee Logan. Dnlr Lincoln, a Mrs. Cnro Collins, a Mrs. B ro m . R. J . p r lch rr . P- m W. Christensen, John Doe, H. O. wlUi U n d and Jo h n Hansen. Ins,

T h e H o s p i t a l m S.'ducl4 be*1 VEracrgeney beds only were ovalla-

b!e Thur.\dJiy a t Uie T-J.ln FalM eounty hospital. VUIUnc houra nre Irom 2 to * and 7 to 8 pjjj,

ADSIITTED ‘C U rroce W alcott, Jr.. ond Mr.^. B.

B. Stom. both TU'In Palls ; Jom es Bliclciteti. Glenn.i Ferry, and M n . n i 3 Joe D tv io T i t . Pller. chur

DHi.MIKKL-D offlcMelWn Beck»lih , Jo h n Glese nnd char

Mr*. HoTBCe Snider and son. oH T w in Decl P i Uj ; Jftjnei Carver. Pller. a n d Mrs.W . O . W oodj, Hansen.

T~ 7 ~-------------------- Ben:

Weather, T w ta FaBa and Tlclnlly—P a rtly O T c tioody today, Inereaalnc c londlnr*! reclt. i« n l th t w llh rain Friday. U tU # Whll c b u r e In U ap e ra tu ra be m


TodayJack Parrar'* car Uie only one

parked In th e 200 block of M ain ave- nue west a t 7:30 a. m . . . . Y oungsters making a noisy departu re on a tr ip from In fro n t of aparU ncnt houM a l i-smo Ume . . . Dill Dyo lacing alioe* PUot 111 Tlliir.^-Ne*s building a t 3:30 " g r f 0 m.. back again a t 8 a. m . . . .B rand dami jicw car, w ith 3Trl02B0. w ith " trlk rape holding down the hood . . . char; T rusty opining Tllank^KlvlnK waa 1041. not m eant to be spent In Jnll . , , A nclrnt au to parked for houra in T h lO-mlniile ?.one . . . Sheriff "Sw ede" Ravboni unlocltlnB h is offleo . . . pron; Fellow working «wny w hile looking pcfir n t calendar nlioulng •T hankiBlvlng'* |1 . . rnclrclrd In red . . . Corker upanlel roiifaw d t>y antics of hiim an« . . . , Harold Kpark-s bragging aboul com „ , t e l on h i . l .rn . I.. O hio . . . IT .l . ; r itr lan s happily Ignoring tro fflc slg- i;; ' nals blinking a t empty s lreeU . . . _ Cirorgr D rtw rllrr and d a u g h te r h a ll- lni! friends on street* . . . J u s t aeen : ■ John A. BaLsch. jr . . . . ond over- h rard ; Newcomer'* opinion of T w in Fulls males. "Most of them would need a special dl.spensallon from frtivldriico lo rench lho level o f to - tai drpravity ."

VSalley People Join Rites for Thanksgiving ‘™

turkey as o K ift-ht^ seventh—from 'ttir Kxrhntinr etuh, .Salmi, Or.-, '

In Nrw York and J-hllodelphla. d rp artm rn l storrs stage Ihelr big f 'r t h •niank.sKlvlng jwrnde/i feo tu ring Rantn Claus nnd Inyl.-vnd wonder*.

In .Srattlr, (hr iJoeing A irplane rnmpntiy gave 2.'.,000 employe* n tour-diiy holiday.

On Nrw York’s bowrry. th r D riwn- \ jM and-O iitrr o*wclatlon p lanned Its annuni turkey dinner — w ltlt th e I J nirnl on the bo irr . 1.

For ihour.ands of new A m ericans,Uils Is th r lr first T lm iiksglvlng. V j •n iry are the Kuropean-s recen tly T

X ' i 1'; ;"

Leaders Selected S°S For Coming Year By Rupert GrangeRUPERT. Nov, 33—O ff lc e n lo ^^an

heiid the Rupert O rango du ring th e pute.' coming ycur wrre elected a t th e la s t wins: meeUng of th r group In tho G uild hnll. MaMer Howanl Bnm.s prenld- T li ed. riKhl

J . n . Culley wna elected in n s trr J’hlli nnd N. K. Jcii.sen. overseer. O U irr I'tJ' Grnnge officers ore Mrs, T , H . M a- » u t berly. lecturer: John W est, n tew nrd; Unlti Fiillrr Fenton, a.vslslant .stew ard; Brldi Mrs. A rthur Morgan, c h ap la in ; M rs. hou.r P rnnk M arlcle. trranu ro r; M is. aiiy F rank Saylor, secretary: a n i e T ti Morlcle. polo keeper. tho

Mrs. C lay Bo««r*, C e n a ; Mrs.Lotilo E l l e r e n t o n ; M t$. ^CUrk. P(UDcm». '- ttK l'*M n.'^X nQ cr Denton, women'a assUUm t stew cnL * * ' T lir executive commltlee w ill In- elude Dr. McMillan. L F. Candeaux ° \ *' nnd Ralph McCnll.

William O., the new coun­ty ngent. wa.s Introduced. H e 8i»vo n short ta lk . Mi

t l WB.S announced Uie Pom ona O range meeting would bc held P r l- •'O 'n day a t th e Hopewell school.

Refreshm rnU were se n ’ed by Mr.v "" q Lou Reed. Mrs. Dorothy C hapm nn ^ , nnd Mrs. J . W. Murphy, ®

10-Year Sentence "Sk Decreed in Killing rSSPOCATELLO, Nov. 35 tU PJ—M rs. comr

Bndle Fl.sher, Poc.iUllo, to<lny faced unlo: up to 10 yenrs Im prisonm ent for Ule stabbing death of <4-year old \ \ t Brnjnmlno Pox. la-st Aug. IS. » i

Dl.^Irlct Judge Isaao McDo<igaJt seiitrncrd Mrs. F isher yesterday fulIowlnR her trial In w hich 6he was found guilty of m aaslaugh te r.Tlie charge had originally been first dcKreo m urder but was reduced be- fo rr convlcUon.

Judge McDougall denied th e de- fense a ttorney 's la s t m inute plea of clemency. " I reallio ahe haJi a la rge _ “ fnmlly nnd hn* on addition on th e J’” ' ' way." McDougall said. "B u t I th ink .she should be punished,"______ I__________ moll

Lodge Official to “I; Visit in Gooding S”

OOODINO, Nov. 25 — Dl.strlet Deputy T . W. Dakan. Caldw ell, wlll •’'V'! make his official visit to CloodlnK . Elk.s lodge on Dec. 7. A eln.vs o f 50 will be miUnled n t th r tim e of the vlsll, Bccordlng to Mllen D aniel. ‘

i-he E lts ciiarlty ball wlll be held I T i Dec. 3, accortllng to Harnld K oenig.chalrm nn in chargo of a r ra n c e - |nient.s, n i e public Ls Invited tn a t- Jtend the bnll. Ny

- ■ govr

Magic Valley Funerals

DUHI— aravcMtlB r ltp . to r M r.. Caroline B, Deggs wlll bo held a t 3 p, in. M onday a t the B uhl cemcter>'WlUl the Hev, Max G rern leo o ffic ia l- , Ing,

K tM nE R L Y -P unera l .le n lce s for o,,V.. Mr.\. E llrabcth Fiscus will be con- ducted Bl 2 p. m. Frldny a t th e K im - 1' berly ChrlsUnn ehurch. T h e R rv. Jnm rs Dradford. a&sisled by th e R rv. ‘ ‘ , C arlton Moore, will offlclote. Burial WUI be made in Sunset M em orial "? park.

BURLETi'- Puneral sen lce .s for f ? . P>-t- M elrln J. Kidd will be held a t 3 p. m. Sunday a t the D eclo LDS church w ith Bishop Roy D anner OfflclaUng. Tlie VFW wlll have E / charge of mllliary rervlcea a t the dow; Declo cemetery. m en

_____ — tOWTTW IN PALLS—Requiem mBsa for Umo

Beninrd J . D ltter wlll be celebra ted eon a t 10 a. m . Prlday a t S t. B dw afd 's P lCatholic church wlUj P o th e r J . P. ho leO Toole 08 celebranL Ro.sary wUl be thelirec ited a t 8 p, m. today a t the flllnW hite m ortuary chapel. B u rlo l wUl It w.bc m ade In the Twin PaUs cem etery, th n r


D o c k - S t r i k e ------------------

Near End in ^ Eastern Area

irtaai r»»* Ont)PlIoL*. ns.ioc1,Itlon. Nild both parU cs CaJliagreed lo df.)i> rouiiliT claim* fur R.damaKc,s Sll.liO.OOO. *nio m nnstrike .•.trmiriMl/Inmi a pllol'.i d ls- callecharg.; afler i.'lan iling crackuj) In moU104.1.

Itcliirn Soon OraiT h e 133 uiiu.n pilot* on str ike

idncc Feb. 3 wlll r r tu rn to work •'as prompUy iw ^.lf^ly rcfiulrem ents ‘‘‘ perm it,'' said Jnmr.'i M. Londls. for- m er cIvU aeroiiauUcs board c hair- „ m „ I h o m en.,,,.,I l h . a i.o u lr . T h r ‘ '™ airline has m uliKalnrd Its opcraU(.n.i Blonc Uic eastern sr.ibonrd w ith In- di’pi-n:lriilplIot.v

In Phll.idrli)hta a new c on trac t provldlni; for a 10 c.-nt.t, an hour w.-ige IncrciiJ.t) tod.ty brought to nn ® end the l.mKcst m ajnr jitrlke hero .since the war

2.100 Workera Affected U ial•n ir Bgrrrm ent was rea d ied U te W rd

yrsterdny by tlio Midvale comp.uiy. largr.M Mcrl j.kuii In the c lly . and * the Pcilrrnl U b n r union (AI'L ) r tp - reienilMi.- th r j.U nt's 2,<00 w.irkcrs.

T h e emplnyr.^ w rn t on str ike „ May 2a In prn trsl a«aln .'t pay cuW ranging from 10 to 53 crnt.i an hour, X

Oprrnllon-s a l the p lan t. rlo.M-d for _ lb r past l)l mi)iitli ;. will tie reiim icd S

T h e new rm ilrac t .'l lin lna trd the pay cuts in addition to providing Uie wiiKe lncfr;uv for iion-pr.Hltic- tlon w orkns. In rn -.i'r'. tor m .tclilnc shop ciitiiloyr-. :vin t>r etrctdcd Ut I h r th .r .............. Oh,.. Tho . . r r c m r n t Ja b o called fnr n iiiilon shop, five ..- i- palil^ h.dldays iinniiaily a n d due.i f,

C I O A p p r o v e s u !h .

P u r g e o f L e f t " t .

W i n g O f f i c i a l s ™»

POHTJ.AND, Ore.. Nov. 25 (U.Pl— lui.'il;Tlie CIO was p rrpat rd today to a u - slanUiolze lt.s Iradrrs to purge o ffld a ls 2. of .^mnlI unitiMK, rnoMly In (he le ft prevwing, which have fnllr<l to orgnnlr.o dinga nlreable liloc of w urkinrn wlOiln Tlthe ir flrld of Jufl^dl^;Mon,1. m rn

T ho factional figh t over ti ia t Is- r.-<iusue wns blllMl ns tlio loM big con- orete»t of the CIO cDiiventlon w hich derw rnnglrd this w rrk ovrr m any d ls- by cpute.s divlillns tlir lefi and r ig h t T*

R U tilh t r .a ln W lni SawT lie ovrrwhrtmlnK At.'ength of the

MKhl wins. Ir<l by CIO Presiden t Phllll) Murray, luu. d riven th e left- Ists Into \ com rr nunln nnd ngnln. n u t the big le tl wing -nnlon%—the United Klrcirlral Worker.s and H nrry BnUrr,' longshoremen's nnd w are- hou.^emen's union — hovo e.scaped jjpfi any ,'erlous thrrni-s of puiilslim ent. -

T lic fninll imlons. however, were ,.x„i tho tnrget.s of a speciol re.'oluilon hended for the floor of today'.s ho li­day s m lo a o l th e con\.-ntion. t t j y expeclcd tp e»il f"'" ''mixiwer- J[5t tnC'UlB OIO exvratlTC board to take a n y acUon deemed nerr.isary . short of revoking Uie chnrtrr;i of existing unions, to build CIO oganlnitlon* in a rra s where it Is now n rsk .

M urray Set K la je s i “aM urmy s r t the .stage for n rgu - fritt

m rn t over the sm all union,'. In hLs sprr keytiote speech M onday w hrn he Tl singled ou t some CIO nfflllate.s a n d sprn snld they lind failed to c a r rv ou t Uie taxlc CIO goal of orgnnlzing tlir uno r- to «i g» n l« d . mal.

He iinm rd Uic Unlii-d Public tofi W orker.1 niid Uie U nited Officc and lure Profe.'slonnl W orkrr.i. u n d rr le ft kern wing lendenshlp. nnd Uie r.-uvll clerks ; unions, which Is Identified wi!li the I f \ rig h t wing nlthoiigli 11 h.-u bren \ J \ ripped by In u rn a l fluh is over Uie -i CommunLst L*iue. Hc said .some o the r J unions also hnd fnlled. y,

Woman Accused Of Slaying Freed '’™

BLACKFOOT. Nov. 25 i,V ,-M rs.! -j- P rank Leppert. 23, rharged Jointly - , | f WlUl her husband w ith the m urder U st m onth of Max S tn if lln g . did q .,, no t hove to si>end TlinnksKlvinR Jn ordijBll- I .'.e,M

Dl,Mrlci Judgo Preston T h atch e r _ ye,«erriav gran ted nppllcnilnn lor J2.500 bond for Mrs. Leppert. nnd nlic W.U frred. H rr, 2fi. re- J mnlne^l In the Hinghnm ruiinty Jnll. w here the couple were placed a fte r ; " th e ir nrre.M more th a n a m onth aKo,

T h e L eppcrtj yesterday ril.-.l a M dem urre r lo the flrM drKrre m urder charKP, and Judge 'n ia : .! '. .r .vei I Monday morning to r;ilr on Uie 1

T lir couple was a^rr^:^d a fte r !la\th e ba ly ot S tirlflm i:, .1 r .uuiu-r, ir,riw as found near Ahrrdn-n Oct. I ';, a n'He had been shot throi;i;h the tiead. Uie

Key Town Taken S By Chiang’s Units

NANKING, Nov, 35 <U'’) -T l i e llir govrrnm cnt cen tra l nrw s agency rr!l sa id today tha t natlnnall.M troops >- have rrrap lu rrd Suhsi.'n, krv rail l,„;i tow n 43 mllr.i -ou ih of .Sui how. and u-,ir havo cleared Uir coininimistn from jm ; a 20-nillr arc to the r.outheaM, ,

T lie rei>ori said m ajor tichtinK 1 now has slilfled sou thw ard and a ; big battle Is raglnK On a 30-mlle j f ro n t belween Cuh.Men ond M npl. K j ea.-.t of the Nanklng-Sucho-.v rail- *

I i ’wus not clenr if the n-capture of SuhM rn hail rco|>enr<l railway tr a f - t. fic nloni; th r 200-m lle fltrrteh be- K;,, tw een Nnnklng anil Kii'liow. T h e •,r. report did not nienUnn w hetiirr na - orti. Uonallsls hnd recaptured tin- com- rolr m unisi-held tracka north o: t^iiii- i; nlen.

Basement of Hotel i’ Is Swept by Ure

EASTON. P;i.. Nov. 25 .-V— A pre- dow n fire swept th rough Uir b.vv;- m e n t nf the L afayette hotel in m id-; towTj E**ton today. Dam age wos es- Umated by Fire C hief O tto John - son ox >]50,000,

Plrem en hurried to Uie 65-room ho te l and aided th e 50 guests in Lt th e ir escape th rouch the ,-imoke- Iii-ai fllletl lobby and down ladders w.-k h iro r It wa* Im jw slble to make headw ay mis.- through Uie f.moke. ' Lyai

' ■ V

—Twin-FaUs-NeuB irth ■ Hofoi

A w n waji bon W ednesday a t the ThT w in PalU eounty hospital lo Mr. mg 1a n d Mrs. Dcxler WBOcIrs, Eden. begin

CaJle<! to SealUeR. A. Dlniineld I rf t Tliur-^day Wale

m om lng for h^rattlc where lie was Pol called by the critical lllnr.-.s of h is nightmoUier. Nfore

-------- Jewc:G ra n ie lo Meel

M ountain Rock Grnnge wlll hold M anIts regular meeUng Prlday evening Twa t the Community church. Each Wcdifam ily U asked to bring sandwiches, coun

-------- GoodHomo for Hollilay Twin

MBurlne Doren, studen t u t Brig- berrjham Young unlver-.lty, Provo, U tah. Twin I,s BitendltiK ttir •ninnksglviMK holl-dny a t ttir homr of her parent" Mr. Honeond Mrs, W. C. Borrn, 533 r i t l l i nvc- Oonue nonh , cine,

- — PhanI 'ta h n I 'ln rd S20 Uie :

David D, McCorquodaIr, Provo, weekU tah , was fined 320 in city court pocaW rdnejrtay for Intoxication In a Twin public pl;ir.-, Juditment wm.-, delrrt.-don Ellzntirih Joanne Dirch, Pocnlrl- Mlnj lo. wtio pl.-nded guilty lo the ^a^le

______________ ___ IdJI.

Truman May Seek to Hoid EEj Export Curbs /"iS

I offlcWA.SHINGTON, May 25 -.1’. — ' IpR

AdmliilMrailon sources p rrclirtnl to- , nnd day Prr.-.l(ienl T rum nn wlll a.Nk ttie , univ new conk-r.--s to keep export controls I grndi In forcr throuKhoui lho 1, - o four yrar,. of Uie Mnrshnll plan. ,,racl

They said the request would fit In w ith both U. S, forelsn policy, par- ,1,^ tlcularly th a t r rla lrd to th.- -'cold war." nnd lhe dome.sllc anil-liifla - tlm i proK-ram, |b e ii,

T h r lr explanation:1. n i e controls fum lsh n means

by wlildi scarce liidustrlnl ttoad.i p ' l l can tx- c h ann tlrd to wc-stcrn Europe *• to nld Us recovrrv and ^l^lultnIle. oiL'ily krpt from rrsch lng the Ila-i- Rtan t.phere. O /

'Iliey aLw fumlsh o means of ice.s 1 preveiitlnd forrlKii buyers from bid- Tues ding up the price ot American good*, nacl.

T lie rnntroU. wielded by the com- coun m rrce drpariinen i through licensing

a ; r X d u l e d ‘to expl"e''l-v't. 2b 'un -der a ••leitiporary extension vote<l • by congress, I

•n ie infornianUi, who cannot bo nam rd , said Sr<-rclary of Cnmmrrce .Sawyer ho.s MiKgrsted to th.r PrrM-rii-nt th a t lhe control powrr;. hr rx - J 'tended Ihrough 15:i2 so they will 'm r[covrr the plonnrd life i.pnn nf the ‘'n^ 'Europraii recovery proKram. Mi

T lir liusl c<ini;rcv.s wrnpi>ed control Joh rauUiorltv Into an nc-t glvuiK a n ti- chortru st Immunity to firms entering r.-.-tInto "voluniary nKrecment.s" m ru- t.luytion senrcr industrial materlnls. hucl> uircO.S sleel, 'm e Uw r.rl Feb. 2fl as th e benrexplratlnn dnle for Ihe whole busl- j,,,n e - * - '- __________________ and

Boys, 13, Admit 4 Theft of $1,847

SF./\TTLE. Wa-sh.. Nov. 23 (U.F>J— w rliTw o 13-ycar-old boys nrrrr.ted , 5,,^,nlKht th a t they stoic ^ o n $1,047 from n grocery store nndfrittered It away in n spending q ,

^‘’ 'l e two yomiK.ster.s la ld they fiprnt part of the money riding In

to anAther. ITiry ak .i ren ted a play- m a le 's m otor bike n t a rnte of *10 to »l'i per hour nnd bought n m lnia-

K'o.;™ i'» ''h.s."'"’‘ °

Demand Heavy for Idaho Seed Spuds

BOISE, Nov, 25 OP/—Dcu'nurt haso the r state.s lor Idaho 's crrtU ifd nn tl ,rruLMcred seed poUti>c. Is uraUfylng Iiroof th a t thLs sla te doe.s 0 good productirri Jnl)~hut it result.-. In rc - t1m.ivlng somr ot the bcr.t sred stock. pu,.t

T his wn.s the word of U, D. Pelkey, theextrnM on i'ot.»to . |•,eclal1^t for th e orinUtilvcrslly of Idaho. a.s he w arned mltlGem sta le grower,-, lo place Uielr bcfr o „ lr,= lo r r r , 1,11.0 .n ,l r r^ f . l r r r a.-.ei-.l no-A', +

R ciurtilng from n Held tr ip J U irough m ajor seed producing areas. ■ ^Pelkey reported th a t .-ome Krowcr> +h:\d sold ih r lr .:ntlre errllfled stock J 10 sro-.i'ers In o ih rr stales.

More Lower-Cost I Housing Foreseen tWASHINCITON. Nov. 23 IUP.» — +

!la>inond .\I Kotry. the Rovrril- J m rn t's housing U):.%, i.xlny predicted ♦ a iu:w Iip.swinn of home building in ♦ Uie $e,000 clx'.v. J

Foley said builders have sklm m rd « the crcam oft the housing m nrkri ■> and are ready to turn to lowrr price j. ratiKrs to mnke su rr they keep busy. ' +

"And we hoi)o." h r ndded. "U iat J llir lowrr price w on'i be completely I t rrlU vted In le.-J hourA-.-" | J

For the first time since th e w ar. 1 + hoiiir building ha.s takfii a d iiw n-i,j. w .irJ tu rn . T he trend sW rted In <• Ju iir, Only 12,000 homes were s tu r t- ? n l in Oclober. 22,000 lr.-.s th a n In Uie + . . h , r „ o „ U . .K . r . . , o . _

Break-up Okayed i For Color Films |

t o s ANOELEd, Nov. 23 tufo— , JF .a 'tm sn Konak rom piny . Roche.«- ♦: .r , N. Y.. hns nKrrrd In a court ♦o rder lo brrnk up a monopoly of ^rolor movie tllm. ♦

Unner o consent decree signed ye-s- 1t,relay by Pf<lrrnl Juil;,-.- William C. +Matiie.s. Ea.sUnan aKn-ed to llcen-e tIS color film patrn:., to any uppll- 4.caiit w itiiout royalty, 'n ic com pany ♦ promised lo llt.-tnr nil Its n rw T

j pateM s .in paym ent of ••reasonable i .

K.lstrnan said ll would sell color Jn.itlon and agreed to tlve technical + *naUo nand agreed Ui give technical *in ro m o u o n to a ll licensee*. I

PLANE MISSING X LONDON. N ot. 25 (/T-y—U, S . nav? j

Iii-ai!f|uorter5 here satd today a n a 'T plane with four Bboard Is ♦ between G ibraltar and P o r t JLyauiey, Morocco f + 4


agsju i_£ri_ef_ l_ ^

{oropUmlst D anee T he Soroptlm lsi club Ib sponsor-

ng a square dunce ond breakfast leglnnlnB a t 10 p. m . New Y ear's ;ve n l th e A m erican Legion hall,

,Valer Leakage. o t £Police were notified Wrdne.vlny In

ligh t of wnUrr leaking InUi two Clay •tores. N ewberry's and Coronet swlp(ewelers. by J

«{arrUge U e e n tn *HTw o m arriage llceaw s were !«ued woa

Wednesday a t lhe office o f the T l :ounty c lerk to C harles WUklns. 214 3oodlng. and LaD onna Murphy,t^i’ln PalU . and to Harold Stokes- He >err7 and PnU-lcla Arklnnd, bo lh oft^-ln PftlU. four

fnnor (jtudents | T lO ordon D. Hoynle. senior In m rd i- .

line, und Emily Brookle Swallow. 1 Sl iharm ncy Junior, were Included on he honor roll for the first nine- 'P " ' vcck period a t Idaho S late college. Afte ’ocatcllo. Doth are residents of I . ln KalU, I hlRl

-------- 1 pileM lnnetotana VUU T l

M r. and Mrs. E<1 •niom pw n. Bem- dJI. M inn., have arrived to vlsll at hc hom e of th e ir son and daughter- ] n-law . Dr. and Mrs, L uther Thomp-1 on, a n d tam lly, 817 Shoshone .Mr.-rl t ' " ” lo rth . T liey plan lo contliiuf Uu-ir T rip lo C alifornia, relurnlng to ih ti r by 1 lome In Moy, 1 Tl

S'ew D octor Here I T!D r. O len Voyles h as esUblLshed

offices o t tho Medical Ari* build-; ng to procUce lnU :m al medicine O j m d diagnosis. A graduate o f the Jnlvcr.slty of Nebro-ska, he did post- :rodim te work n l lho modlcol cen- er of th e University of IndU no and d ' iractleed for the three years In la r l Indianapolis. He la o d lrlom ai of -n d he American Board of tn te r n a r ,,rc- itcdlclne. Dr. nnd Mrs, Voylc^ anil , h e ir four ch lld rrn reside on Ellrn- 5eih boulevard eaat,

Final Rites Held i|;l For W. T. Harper S;

OAKLEV. Nov. 25—Puneral serv- en t- ce,s to r W illiam T, H arper wcro held le r; ruesday n l th e Onkley LDS tnber- Due lacle w llh Lloyd F., Sm ith, BUhop's P*"* rouncllnr. In charge. ,

Nellie MnrUn plnyed the prelude \p d posUude, and Jo h n and Lloyd MarUn snnc o duct. InvocaUon wns | A jlven by Verl Clnrk and speakers ' W ll »'cre ninhop Rosel Hale, Lewis, H ar C n ich flrld nnd Charle.s S, Clnrk. j H ai Davlil M nrtlndole rend a i>oem, " A 'K in Word 10 Dari." w rllten by Weston H arper nn his fn ther 's BOlh blrtli- N :Uy, ic

MiL-ilcal num bers were given by,-''C»' John M artin . F orrest Sevrre und a chorus, inchidliiK Mr. and .Mr:.. For. | re,-.t Sevrre, John M arlin , M rs,' A t.|.iy.t Sm llh nnd Mr^. Ooldrn A Ulreh. C hester LoveUnd gave ih c 1 betiedlcllnn, , {

Pallbearers were Kimball. Amold A and Jny Hari>er, Lnvnr W hittle, in';. R alph W.'lKht and D;vn Hillixiker. ilu-l

now er.s w rre cu n led by Ann hot. Bedke. Ethel M artin . Fcn* M oncur, carl Norma, .loannr. Julia and M elra* » H arper. S andra Hollingsworth, UiU W rlKhl. Han.'oii. Carolyn r.on Hanger. Fannie Klsk, l,aurrl Webb. N orm a and Inga Critchfield, nnd ‘'l-'c M arr-e Holliiig,-.worili. ^

B urU l wa.s m.vle In tlir Oiiklry cem etery wlUi 1-ej.lIe P. Hnrpcr dcdl- e ating the grnve. "P n

Christian Church “ ” Sets Observance

T h e P irs t C hristian church wlll ob;.crvo "orKnn day - tills Sundny lo _ rnl- c lutids tor the final pnyment on thr- church 's nrw oruan.

P a il,, of Ih r organ havr orrlvr.l nnd the wlll be i.lilppcil In a tr-.v ; days. Nece,-jary conMruollon work ' h as been com plrlrd for liislnllalluii 1 of th e organ, Charles All.-n, S e a tU r.! • ‘ Is expr.-t.-d ta arrive about Dec, 1 to Install th r orunii. (•!="■

T h e Rev, Mark C. Croiienbrrger, i pu;.tor, raid members an.l frlc.-nd.s o t , Clu th e church are urg.-d to mskc mem- S orlal Kifts. He .sal.l the .irgnn com- n ln n u tte r wanie.I to pay for the organ before It Is lastalled. R t;

++++i++++<.+++V +++-!'-f'>-t+t-t--*--r+

I Attend


I K R A NI S T E A K H+t and *■


i 8 1 4 M a i n A v e i

I T W I N FJ (N c .n r 6 I’o iiU

I Featuring:I STEAKS-+



i OpeainR- 9

3 A i - e I G U e d

" T n ^ A c c i d e i i f s ”

O v e r H o l i d a y .

(Ff— p.«» Ont) p .„ .Bt 1 ft, m. Tliursday five miles sou th nt Shoshone on U. S. highway 83 *;®“ In Lincoln county. Sheriff E a r l b:sd C laylou SBid ihelr 1047 sedan side - « :‘4 •,w-ipcd u mobile diner truck driven by J e t t Thomn.-.on. 437 Sccond ovo- »;»o nuo east, 1*w-ln f-alls, #i30

T lie U)p le tt sldo ot Uie sedan WWi cut off. inoo

T lie car wns owned by T ed Lewis, t»i4» 214 Ninth avenue easl. T w in Palla, w ho was riding wlUi the SU nughns.H e was .slightly Injured, A the la .04 H uff. iiL-u) Twin Falls, was th e fou rth passenger in Uie vehicle. Bhe li! WOJ. Injurc.l sllKhtly, .44

Thom ason wn* uninjured b u t h is w ife, N.-ttle, was sllRbtly Injured.

Sheriff Clayton snld lho d e a th »':i4 c a r w-a* trnvellng ut n high ra te o f io:sa spe.-d w hen Uu- mlshnp occurred , |« ; ‘J AfK.-r sink ing th r mabllo diner, th e p.m. c a r iraveled 415 yards down th e i : »u hlRhwny und swerved Into a rocU p ile nn lhe riKbL side of the road .

T h e mobile diner traveled 24 i . f . ynrcls nfti-r the Impact, T liom aaon * •« to ld Sheriff CUyton he hnd hla tn ic k in th ird gear and waa trav e l- « •« ln« nbout 15 mlU-s per hour a t th e

TlK- Injured per.-ons were tren lcd s’:w by a Jerom e phyalclnn. o

T lie bodies are a t the WhUe m or- lua ry , Twin Falls,

T ho deaths were Uie fourth and f if th ot the year In Lincoln county.

Burley Rotarians fe Hold Sons’ Night J i

BURLEY. Nov. 25 — Burlry R o- larlnn.s held ihelr nnnuol " fa th e r ks a n d son ’ party with LaMnr C raner. / i p resident, in charge.

Jnck Peier.-on led the com m unity singing and each father InUoduced h is son or kumi. WllUrd H orp.'.ter ^ w ns in charge of the program w hich Incluilcd a talk by President R a y - ■ : £ m ond Snyder. Scjuthem Idaho Col- lege ot E5d'icatloa, Alblon; dnnco i J j num bers by Unrbnrn Church’s s tu d - I S .c n ts : a rending by Mrs. A lbert C a r- ___le r; guitar r.f;cctlon.s and a D onald D uck Imllntlon by Kay CU rk; tw n 1 J p lnno numbers by Chuck T erhune . J u l o n d a poem by Robert Cnrmody. ,

Each gursl -.vns presented a g l t t y from the club.

A.sslsimg with nrrangem enU were W llllnm Roperl and son. Jim ; H nrry H arpstcr and son. W lllnrd: Janie.s T H anrrI and .son, CUrence: M lllon ml,-.- K ing and son, Hermon, und S. H . four K unau and ,son. Lex. s tro

Nexl Tue.'tlay nnon th r R otarj- m n c lub wlll rn tertam the Burley h igh occt ,.chool fo..lli«ll leam, wllh H. O. H all t in charge of the pro'jram.

Albuquerque Hotel S20

Is struck by FireALHUQUEnQUr, N, Nt,. Nov, 3S com

/4 ^ -n a m c , '. routed . 3 lo<lgrrn from j nnd tlu-lr bcdji 111 a MI111II third tloo r , F a t hot.-l In dov.iitown Albuquerque , v. lil early today. , ?21.

Sotae fled partly .Ire-.srd and even G shocI«W. T hanks l.> u quick a la rm , broi no n e waa Injurrcl. T hr fire wa:. con - s i7 tro llr tl abou t l-.vo h-urs after It wn.s :a * dU'.coverrd. H

Plre C hief Art W rslrrfold sn ld a M th e bla;-,e .started In tbe r ra r o f a . ,t ; groiinil floor jidoI bull. I t quickly whl spread to paris .i[ » dru« !.tt>r.-, to j W r-.tern U nion trlrsra;ih office a iul n sewing m achine ,-.torr.

Church Services m',; Slated in Rupert

nC P E R T , Nov. 2S-E \-angrlL stlc f.rrvlces will begin Sunday a l tli<- BnpUj.l c h u rd i here niid continue u n til Dcc. 5 under Uie direction ot lh o Rev. Edwin F. Hall, pasto r ot th e Jerom o BapiLM church.. T he Rev. Mr. Hall b a grndunle o f the N orthefn C.iptlst •Hi.-ologlcal .Sem inary . Chlcaico. III., and n g ra d ­u a te nt th o Mroilv nible la stltiite . Cliicago,

Service.^ will !>o held ev.-ry e v e - | n ln g except on Saturiliiy, |



id the i

MING Io v . 2 7 I



'd I ,

D R I V E - I N I ;

r e n u e S o u t h | |



O F T D R IN K S |

L M , D A IL Y I


Twin Falls RadicKLIX KVMV


iioa •Cd-to C. Hill *100 P*»tn* r»n4*tiOS Boon* IlH •» *

r its & r N ‘i r . v :<;<4 Juni.u Shinn TilS •Fuluo L«.U.7:00 t^oni lit I'lanMn 7l44 Plr*kln PolnteTi» 'm V m 'n ’w ___sisO ‘c '^ n It'T/r.l U.tO Blioeff10:00 Illthfl.IJ U«i>ort.r FRIDAT

I!;;: i | susm.m. l i l t ijill* YoartiJO Call U> rriT tr TUS 014 ChUholm 7

lU Kill Knrrnl tiOO Frinli tUmln|>>14 ail4 Ilrf.kf>>l lli»<

'44 r * r '" * ^ iS'eS

»:44 Kr»0.!r M«Hin tlil4 •Th« Itapor <!•10::a C)<>p<l lt;Rint lli<4 Roundup Tla«11 Iso 'U j Trursiory Is'iM •Qu«o fw • Ci : ' “d r.Mj Arnold i:>4l * N t^ u J l l J M11:30 .*;•>»* liM MotI* KallnMi:i t4 J»n Cnrtxr ::00 Atl«rnooB Jtm

i s i k -.'u v .-K '.- .

iS S s j i r '-1:30 !<un,|oirn K«rtn*<l« tliO ■CtpUIo MIdnli

Jun,..i Shlni. «:00 r « i ln » T .riJ .7:1(1 j - ’® '

il:'oa _________iii'oo signott

J C S H O P P / N & l ‘ K P A Y S L E F T „

I ^ ^ ^ ^ H R I S T M A S S E ^ I *»“ '___________________________________ "A:

Livestock Sales ■ Steady in Light

HolidayVolume ondT lir Twin Falls U veitock Com - '■

nii;.Mon company's weekly a u c tio n ®foun.l Uir calUe m arket steady to "Istronger wtlh only a llah t holiday pUInru n of noo hrad fold W edne.-day, snUoaccording to Chris Cnllen. co-ow ner. Sli

T he first fed steers of the ae.ison Thor mudo Uielr appcnrance w ith only u f.-w ..f t:ir lighter ivelghl-s selling a t$i;5 to S2H.30, l-'ceder steers b ro u g n t BnS20 10 $2:100 whili: Hol-,teln stcer.-i forgibrouglil 51fi to 117.30, walk

F a t rows .sold n t *13 to *20,00; her Icom m on' nt Sl.^ to »18, and d in n e rs fromnnd cu;icr,s brouRhl »13 to »15.50. "IF a t hi-lfrrs fold for S20 U> *22.G0. mewlllle f tr d rr hrlfers brought J18 lo U ih'f J l , JU

G.iofi Stockers and feeder cnlvcs sure-brouKlil $ n txj tlO.50, BulU sold a t Bi;S17 U) 522 and Vealers sold for J20 pr«n:o $24, prlc;

H lg li.;l priced Mock to Mil wns t h e 'II Miiall lol ot Hereford stock calvc.s kind a t JlOO to SlIR per hend to r steer;, whll.: lie lfrr ^’ockers wdd from SH5to $100. P

-----------------------------celveVISI^nNG RELATIVES tho I

CASTLEFORD. Nov. 2 5 -M r. a n d H , aMr.. Tom Novncrk nre vlslUng re la - R rintlv .s in Iowa nnd AUbama, Oerr

P r e -Chr

t l________________________________ sP R IC E S S L A S H E D

fo r Immediate Clear­ance.

V A L U E S that Chal­lenge Comparlaon

E V E R Y COAT haa Guaranteed Skins

W O R K M A N S H IP is Faultless Throufffi- out .

F R E E STO RA G E all 1 N ext Summer j S

N'dw’H y o u r chance to K ot W ii Ih jit lu x u ry F u r C o a t y o u f l U w an t , . . o r lho F u r y o u h(ipc(] to bc able to « iv e H e r fu r C hri.stnm s,

U niisunl. wfl n d m il. a honafido c lrnrancc <»nle b e - foro C h ris tm as b u y in g i.s ov e r . . . b u l i t ’s o u r w a y of .■’iiyinfj Thank.'? f o r a p rn n d ,<<onFon,

Hui/ A 'o to and S A V E !

f o in c curly fo r cho ice ac lee tio t b e l te r o p p o rtu n ity ! U se o u r Bui

No in te r e s t o r c a r r

I f You Don't Know F urs—

THEFURN e x t to O rpheum


die Schedules L(SV KTFI-AM.KM 1K1TCIE8) ( m o K1LO-W.T MEC> jiBtanseaBUla iNDCSDAT TBUtaOATrand* sAUrkh ru ill*

*!» M«lc IUU

PolnUi* " C:»i. » ill Cdltlca

---- ».J0 xMr, p. A.„ . „ T , «

*il4 Ut“ W..« "dHkfn

iiU Son* Mt1,«u.1 iii»diii>«r

Ui*4for a Dw s!o.i Jlc>.r

y*rt«u l;oa » S t . .4 114

aII«t tlumptd* ^

t 11 -I

» ; » is"rV.f c'v'i*• nm »;»» «|-44H:» tn HSjiS-ntirltlmn 1i):fO

aTh.M Sjs> Ttio

‘Kindly’ Q erk Finds It Pays To Be Helpful

p A Y E r r m ’iLLB, n , c .. no-t. tU.PJ — MurUia CulbrcUi. p retty 19- year-old blonde, a tarted h r r caree r aa a muslo storo owner hero tc^lay convinced th a t It pays to bc kUid to somebody's mother.

Sho •■ cotildn'l believe U" wh,-:\ th e son of the woman she bc-frlend. d bought o u t lho .store and pre.m -.ud U U) h e r as ft bliUiday pre.'cnt.

"And a ll I did." th r bewildered girl said, "woa get her a gloss of w ater."

“Ju s t a Clerk*M artha was Just a c lrrk Ui .-\iidrr''-

T ola 's m usic store whi-n she w ent on vacation last ium m er to M.vrtl. Beach, S . C. Sho didn 't give Is a ,s»v - ond though t w hen an eldciK- w om­an silling In ft holcl lobby, a 'k ed fnr a gltvvs of wnter,

- I go t It for her.’' M arihu r \ - plolned. '-and wo got Into u c^nuer- snUon ond got lo be good tr te n d ' "

Slio also m rt the womsn'a >.«i, T hom as .M, Baker, a PhlU delphU renllor.

H aoded $7,500 Bnck a t work. M a rllu had aln-.c.'.-.

forgolicn tho inclilcnl w hen U ak .r walked Into the store ond h Jiid rd her a »7JOO "b irthday reniembraiK.- from tiU moUier.”

"I U iought he WlUl niikuiE fun of m e " she said, •'Thrti he a.sketl ii-.-, ;

: U there waa an>thing ebe I w-.nti,.!Ju s i in lun . .Mariha replied. "W Ii t *

, 8 u ro -th o siore,"B ul B aker w a sn l kidding. He

I prom ptly n.-.ked Tola fo- a purc!ia'<- prlcr. w rote ou t u check und Ka\>' lhe whole Uitng t J the girl wlio w-:.

, k ind to h is mother,

n iR T H A N N O lN C rn PAUL. Nov, 25—Word has been re ­

ceived of the b irth of a daugtiler t. ' tho Rev, and Mrs. Emil RrUiier, No\.H , Bt Anamoose, N. D, T ho Rev. Mr. R rlm er was form erly pasU'r of the G erm an Baptist chun:h here. ^

Christm as


eetion! You’ll never have a ir BudRct or L n y - A w n y i'hin.

carrj-ing chnrgo

irs—Know Your Furrier

R SHOPPhon* 413


Page 3: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Ballot Boxes 'Foiiud^i&eysr Ai'e Attached I

« !> « r x , OMt Bin »he ballo l box, B

■ r.j hv ih ra i *r^5ed up and th e n ® % :th one of said Judcea. I g

hy lol It lh«y c n n n o t Hand th e sa id poll n

• l i ' l »r.d ba'JoSs m a 't be k tp t M tf t »T *1 unbtvAfii lo r a l least e Jsn t W

c:coU\a ». YE srtp lte n Told |

T h f Saw provUM for an fxcep - )lo tJif boxes In ease Uio .A

IvU U>: a n J U lIoU a rc required in 'JSc j^ - \ arviU-.s um trr a u i e f lec tion K

~. . . . aud only w!\rn Uio I Phav ln s ballot box la fijt

■vv;-.arvp t» ^^r^Td u lih a Aubpt>cna K^.un la pttxluce Uie sam e B

>;i c fu r i a% evidrnre In any sucitN ic r f n irn t;on rd c-vsc. wlicn u ic ^

lUAT be opened under Uie tll- g *r t< l i« \ pJ tfte eourt." n

County CV iii CJu.-le* Uulles h a d R»U led e .vtllrr W ednritlay Uic boxea ^h a d br\-n kcp i in tlie coiirlliouNC Mb a .'r ;r,rn l In .» lixUr.1 room. AnUccI Bn »{V th e b-.riot b a \f j had bi-cn RWavVvt c u lj- iie the locked .’•toreroom. RliullM 11 wai the custom l a«khen h e lo^^b olfl:« live and one* ^h a lf jx a r s asvx H

" A tte r lU n c SlotcD* HAvkrvJ If l-.e ttouM li.a e t'‘:p fK

pl.w<Al m Ih f Morrixxwi ii..w, UuUi's iS ftiCa \V. C- U ivttn . c«iirihou.'u cumo- Hd la n . h e iho'.iKht 11 «-ou:d be a Rorxl RJdra. Ilr\^ttn•^ rvptj- was “.M lrr ttic Rh .'f^e L» Rucloli>h Hc\:klif>l- Mte r. vvcrt.' j.m iior. In ,uintli<r M

;,»M llie b a \rs li;i\o | Sbevn v;vxTTd . ;i:. Mc ihc .Mori-raoni Qa t ; r : . lc. B *

IV.illfN rr:ie:.»;o\l it I ' a courihoii.-<• B S

:V 'i;\.v :u 'r-.‘lliil lo j ofb-'A.-.V ll-.tni’.-hv,'.

RoUr* TelU roHcy He it.MrvJ U is Ills pvillcy !o hnvr

a> li! ;> to O o tt i th Ihe b>«,r a.s [k.,- .'ib:e, AV-J t;..>t he 1' !n lfn .1 only i;i r>>.viv.ns ih e m.iit iiAl m v ik J to r J Q t.“le v\Mf.»L'-x!o:irn« olliclal f.inva-sv C T

T tir cv'iiniy e> rk fmpha.-.i.-ed h e A l i^ rt jc u la r eare to .rre Uie b.-il- 1*1

K'S K^Te. Tkere unilfr l,>ck and key c\'r.M,»niir a tte r they ue re brouKlit L ? lo h i \ bj- eIect:on ntiiri.-\In p .r :u 1 IvU'Tv ih.e c\;.Moner.'< bcjrnn I.'-)

Ue aI.x' he has p lnrrd lu [iffa vaiils :h e poll bo 'ks Jroai Uir I n

j\:rc lncia Ib lrd in Ea-.unnn'a E f lcvxiuC.Mnt. S |

i lu ’.:e i rc\-.\!led th a t on rlrc llo n Hn u r it a M dio Maiion r e i^ n e r r.illrd H

teiixmA lu im a lale p refinc t. B SUxil.fx saM he ;nl,-.:nir<1 him Uic S S w ly rrtur:--; he hart ivcre in the

bos .xr.l1 lhe r rp a rirr ques- 1*4*' tKv-.ed h is firMre lo fvprn the box. llullr.v ia;>) he dirt not o p m th eK«. , ' /

« lt t » t r n l M a rk in g Vln,-.;nli'.tt, u lu-n Bullc.t /

.v.virx; i;-.r l.v.->!ian ot Ihi- b.illolKAfi irw n th e .mx precincii in j o',

h r -. srt It iMUld bc lllf- IjA ' n t v v l t to ti-.ow iTwii ulilc-h prrcliicL'i

» v \r r j l i\m iiH -t niinibera had been fc m.vriiAl vvi llxe boxes aurlin; Ulf- ^

He drv:,\r\Nt Ihe <viily to d e - S B

1»; N \\ c.\u;o nvulrt be lo o |x n It, r ^ " wliiv-:, he .l;.l i-.ol ttL'li 10 do. llulle-\

r*''“ ii'iV ' 5 " .1- '>tev.llvvi to Uxe f.\cl tli.M r^ r li of Uio tv>viv.c!.\ cvMivenieil hsil w hat U ,

a-s a il,'Ub:r U-.\ril cii:iipo.M:il r

C«M»»plrarj NeeUrd W >lie .V.M.1 «i; n i,oii!.l h a \e to bc h i i c '

vv'ivsv: Aoy i.> thrvw ih r r!o rii„n nti.l M M.i'.tM he vv.r.MJci.v ll rvUm-.rly im - hk.-ir a-xxthi:-.- u ro iis a i the

r /V« . ; r a ab>v,ii »;p en i n .vv rvvn i beror^ ll k .i .i l a uarr.rv t th e b^^Te m-ere nut in ItCUMiN'un .MAtr.l he w i ld not! Art*-:i p rrcn;cl n:>y p.,rUc- fmwviUr ba^.^; bKW eomr. a re :

H r\'ttii .saia h e h j J a V.-y to th e holp,»t".-rrv>om and th a t he had reiili.ced N’"- Ith e Ivvk a r.d h«.-ps “a lter Uie bo«i.-o l«ek.«»a ta k e n , ' H« w ld he had Elvin eonlith * oUier k e j fo r the Yale p idlock h r J '.V'i>hertlf lUxxi, R. because «- r.

rourt rx h lb lu midthere . Ion"

^ _ T a b D c - IU « m en l *'“ ‘o * h o VQi.ld hM-e

! f : ; J Drx)*n re- T \ ^r^ird tr \-v .e^ w w k tn a sliop rH u ,# l - 'G. m the biiii.l- r t '• ';-e «^^«l;>mrnl 2 "

‘leUvcrj'meii __

K.\! th.e tim e th e bst'tol boxra were T)v,m

p..v':i',cr.>i>JirC. a in u iy iiir>*e h o b w n*,„p • ij r.-.ak;:-,c tnU M in 'm ^an• b b i l i i m . , wav;'er.:nK a ta lfe blade w lin - ne .l «

to reet f r w t h r " ^ n « b o x e r 'Co.-.rtr CvWHKsumcr D eW ltl It.

Tc-Mr*- -sa-d h e havi lieard of e lrc - ^ • ' • t 0-. irr^-a-.aritirs but decbred -W e

t.r .I any in our cx.iint," Com- m---.v,-v,rr U W. lla u t ln s i,ek a r» :>,e e.v^e only UirouKh x\;i»t il , , h e h '. ; h fir^ l and read. '

Ju .ltr» H at» Them? .\un lh lllAXU:-.’ m ;.S a o n of b.ilint b c u e y

•.•,;i,:er Uhe o t score 1 e.vV.;,vi '' un;ev.< Uiry had bern t , , tuT irv-. ,- \rr ;o R'allr? a,% w aj tHeCo«- .'.-.v-e T a l .i t'alU p rrc ln ft- \ p l i - u '

Ke.-o.-.-. O o en , chairm an of the evxn.-x^.v.v.s-rr' -t.Mrd a ll appeared ^tn w ! f r »• •--.r c sn ta .« bul pointer: b-^rn n

A -.l a ll th ry :-.M M work wlUi were rxV.i ;»vk-. Q .;e 'tionrd r rrn rd -

^r.c lh e Kvi;.-: S-.\r.'. he .vucj tie be- ; .'UNl .vxr.e « v :r v.\ U;r courUioa^e .«• .. .-t.^rrs M Iliilil Clly h.ilU ^>^1!

,\.x Mr »v i;-.r ubu la lian of Uie «I>^nill j-v ;:-.r cv',-.ntr . Lhal ».vi «!"'

o.-;-.e x . :>.t m I know, a i • f 'd.» .’ la ;r n',r\ 1.1; couniy com- ----------

a FalLx la.'t week, belnif 1H;' “K” «n Udnmi

to t-'.f ti::t:niliy of u ie ir p 'm .v'b. A sd a re.vs.'uijoa to Uial n f e e i io;>;Kd »M draw n up to be p^ 'scnlcd a l th e He

tv d e rlf i..e a ivrr--.;rntea on Uie be doi

wivMBl e lrtk j and J iid jra a^ tn tlic

rmmsDAY, KOTOJraER 2 5 , ii

Forty Ballot Bt

V; ;■ j

.Shown above are p a rt o f aome <0 lia m riit. An ciprn lool chest, lii\rer richt,

1 of th e I»-k-i have (he keva e ith e r fainter¥ V 41

Disputed Ballot


A innnr (he nix batlnl boxes nhnnn h i t^ fn .m .llspulril Twin KaIN p rrr ln r t^ . Krnr a re No. 12. Jl-iputeit, keyx fu-iteneil In Inck hoir, con ten ts .^hiiwlnc th rousb (he «Ui: No. P, dliipuled, no key visible on lock; Ni lock, cnntenta Tl^lble; No. 3 «r 10. n rlll con tenU Tlnlhte. O ther pree lncls quesllone by Je^s O. E aslm an aifatnst Shrrlff- l'.Ie rl . R. F;a^tman xreks a recount and allecen I th a n 50 voles cast for S h rrlff ll. It; lon" . . . erroneously an d /o r tlirnush mist on (he p a rt of the J u J je . an.l clerkn . .

Dewey Ends His Ta 2-Week Vacation, ( Returns to N. Y. n.*,!!

NEW YOflK. Nov. iUM'-fiov. n iim ias F„ I>'wcy iirrlv.-.l buck In ‘icvc Y ork Lxliiy from a iin.',l--l.-c. j “ •'» ‘ lun vncallon In lM r:.-n, An/.., U n - ie<l and hcnllliy and rr;i<ly to r c - ! ‘ '.!‘" ' i im 10 hLs < n l Albuny. j f

Arcom pnnlrd by h1. wlfr. h is tw o ' „ ,y _ on.v hl.s prer.s seerrtnry. J’i iu l ; u iir tl x)ckwo<Kl. and two Nrw York .'.Lnl<- I Hp , roopera. the unsilccr.v.tul Hi-pilbll- I (1,,.^,. :in ciindldnlc .ilcpprtl oft nu A tnrrl- I .^iKniii n n A lr lln n plane a t 1j» G im rdia t „ ( leld a t a . m . nlfiht

“I've hnd a Rood rc.’,l nn<l lot.s nt from uur.lilnr nnd wondrrlul hrx-.pltiiliiy." hc wi >cwcy told reporters. ••Ihii my Kolf tom or core hn .'n 'l lmpmve»l any."T he fam ily will apcntl T liankstilv-

IR a t th e D rw ry xiimmiT hom r nt ■awlinc, N, Y.. nnd re lu m U. Al- any Sunday nlRlii.Dcwcy .snld h r hnd "no pollUcal C

lan.^■' excrp l to complete tils rc- inlnlniT tw o year.s n.i Kovcrnor of irw York. Ue added th n t hc had ren worklnR on hl.i annual mes-saBc > the .^tnle IrRWlature while in r lm na.

HOLIDAY IN NA.MPAnU H L. Nov. :5 - Jn m e s J . W ine-

a r nnd cmn(l.v3n. W allace, nro ivndlnK Uie holiday In Nami>.-v w ltl;1-. daiiKlitcr, Mr-s. Howard Bhcldon. nd family.

rlnB th e p rlnclp ij dlfflcuUy in ob- L iJninR elccllon boards. He ILMcd ^ le p rew n i « a l r as t t for con tlnu - ■is .^rrvlce between 8 a jn . and 7 C» m.. iO ccnt-s an hour n ficr Umt. U W Kd w ith a lim it of $8 In nil. ff H c fAld ft recenl mceUnR ot coun- K ■ c le r ts propo.^rxl Uie S4 amount.s Q doubled, w ith sim ilar chn iigcj B. Uic o th e r paV fac lon ,

6, 1948

Boxes With Locks

1 , : ' ^ f / ■■

■ r \l'\

J i l W

0 liallnl boxrs sicire.j outside a lorke.l sto rljTht, lil.Irs p.irl of them . I.ncks can be s. astencd (n (Iirm or In (he kryl.ule». (S t

=/. If. It * -----

O t B o x e s H e r e U

...-Jgm ^

' s ii . f "1C

• l |n " 'CTREBBW ** ^ Tl

^ :r;

1 ^ * 1*i'hr

m tw rn m m nmlh i th e enl.-«r£emenl above a r r four J 't i '.: Krom left to right, Inp lo I>.>ll..m.

. lock: No. 7, dKputcd, krv In k r r - ’•III; No. 14. undl-<pii(ril. unlocked: k ; No. 5, dl.iputrd. kry f.T>lrnr<l lo n r llh r r d lspulrd, key in krvlm lr,Uonnl In a dls(rlcl court .u l t fllnl le d Jesse K. Carlton nre No. 6 aniJ Ken In each nf (lie p rr .in rt^ itioro ll. Kayborn w rre ri.iiiilnl for C arl- A I misconduct, fraud and ro rn i|illon

. . iS laff liliolo-rnsravlnci

Taft May Resign JS, GOP Policy Fost r''”.',

^tILAN. lia ly , Nov 2,'. n ji'' .'<c-ii. ' ' ^obiTl A, T aft. It., O.. vn v .ir.,n ..u '.,.r, n Italy, .-,ald UKliiy tlicrr u .i' n i 1 x.',.',il)iliiy he mij;i,t n','lK-n as cli.iir- ' nan of U„. .-.ciini.- Ih-i.uhllcaii i..,l).-y i . f , , ■ommlUce w hm he rciurn:. !■> ilie Jiilli'd SIntc.'i. '[.jii

"I cnnnot s ta te iinyllilnii o r nial:i- t„ „ ..■ ny drcl.nlon.i unlll I hnve oiiM illrtlny party ." T afi wil.l w hcn n r . l : r d _____vlir th rr he would rc.-,lKn. -------

He Krlnnrd nnd added. "O f cour.-.r.. ^hiT f U n iK>.',.',ibllliy o f my re - j

T n tt nrrlvcd by niilomoblle la s t Vl.r dfiht a fte r a Icburcly drlv.- norlh rom Naples nnd Itome. He .'.aid Pho IC would continue to Swltr<Tland omorrow. —


& r 6 B a j 3 % |ji ttl mu» ■ win nui»mi«i fl

I v S — a n d K e y s 1 1

" “ b i SJ

• •'J i i f l





b o m b I b H H S M E ^ H mthe

I storeroom In (he rour(hnu’e b asr- kVIi; be seen on many of th e lioxrs, Moul wn.i

iiholo-rn trav inc) rrcc

U . s . , B rita in 3 O k a y F re n c h „ f ;

Y oic c i l i Rulc'S™LONIDON, Nu'.'. i,T ,-T lic UlilU d

C.iTniaiiy. Ihc llilll:,h lin d e n o tlk i '

A i..r.-U;ii i:ii;i( .s|),),iu lold n 1 [ licw:, ciiiil.-r.-ncc lliat the U. H, an.l I l in t,.In h ;a e a.'K.-.l llir "KrrlK'h IKOV.Tiimi'in ...ll.,!! hr liivlU-.l lo hr-(•<):iU' 11 inrnilii'i ot ilir H erm an io;.l \ f coiilrul Kroiii) and lln- ^l..'l'l cuiitiol

‘■ 'u p 'u u ll l n„',v. lh a t direct r e p n - S ;en ta ll.iii li;t:. l,rrii h.'ld up |iriidlnKa proiKXM'll fu .11)11 1,1 II,e Kieneh■■'H’aiuin i-onc in (.icrniaiiv iviih C,Ilii..',e of th .' V. .S, and Urn,Ull. ni.m

W ithout .'laU,ratlin:, the ^|„.ke... „tl-rn ia .y .a ld th a l It. 1.;,., „o-,v bui-n d c u,.„,

ly. He .-...Id till- d iiall'i of n l r ‘r | r l l d i " 'm ,' re|>ri'... iil»lion have not b ,-n work.-.! dele ou t a:, yei. bul Ijiat Ih ry liavc been I'rdt'^ll.'. ed ill P.irl:,. j„ „

Ih c aeltoii ni,irked a ni;iji.r '.l .p jg, v lowar.I t^UliiK th r Ki,-nch a iirealer HH", voire in b!« pow rr an uni.-eiiieiil.-i tnr rc.'.t-,‘c.-,tcm Kiiropc iiitr.:nitlijii. Al- tiouilliouKh there have been n.i ;,|,[ei •.lal.'ni.„t.K. <llpl,imi.llr cln-l-s i,.-.e -fihave reiiorli-d Ihnl ;,ii.-h ii.-ium In, , bro.ibecdiiie r-.-.enUiiI If Ihe I-'ieiieli ,, i;i.emnii-iiL i.s to bc iitabilircd, hruk

I'ourist Killed in ”i Gate City Crash S '

POCATOM/D, Ndv i,T ,-K r. il i .SiinddViil. JO. Trlnliliid, Colo wa-il kllleii UUd hi', wife nnd Iw,. children \ T : were Injured In nil atiioniolilk' colli.'.- ' * lon near licre ln.\t iiU;hl.

>!r;.. Paulluo Haiidoval w.i.-j rcixirt- n l 111 crilical condition at a ho.'.p’iia!, • W l l i r couple'.-, children. I'red j r 4 <iru' "ur* '■'■nnusly 'in- Hn'rt

IJi'piity Sheriff Jnmrri John-iin 'I,^'t’i ^-ild llie Sandoval car and nn au lo . : i- liiiilille <lrlVeii by W illiam A .Mor- ' r,-' rl-.<iii, l!,'i, PocaU'llo, collldeil lieiicl-nn ' r.l an iiKcrM-cilon five mile-, iiorih- of ticrc. -MorrUon c.icapud r.rr- . loiLs In jury.

All Are Rescued In Plane Mishap

1X)3 ANGELCS. Nov, (upi._a m.-utIVnn.i-World ftlrlhU'.i Coii.Mellatlon !).••ra.^ll-land(.•d nnd burti.d a t minil of J. •Ipal a lrjio rt to<lay a tle r ra.ll.uii^r

^•err n 'inoved unhurt.T he plane wn.i deMrove.1. Q U

..przissV S;:;™ ';;: g=ih m '

■Hie plane took off from Wa.-.|iliu-- ! on and .Mopped n l Knnsa:, Clly <n I •oule t^ L a n AnRclc.s. M‘>*t

D R . G E O . I>..SCHOLI-:u V ,L DR. JA C K 0 . FK N C E

Vl.Mial Analyats Conlnci Len-ci OPTOMKTIIISTS

Phone 210ft m „ a inTwin Falls

V W E S T I N G ]^ L A U N D R (\ W i t h e x c l u s i v e 11

\ LET us PROVE1 SAVES UP TO 10 OAUXJN3 A J u s t set the dial fnr th r .'.ire of

2 W ASHE3 C LEA N EIl-nxcIusU r wa.shlnR ncUon.

O >IA3 T H REE WATJ.TI TJTMPE «'-* ‘tium . . . Luke W arro -fo r Whl

fabrlM .__ I A NKEDS n o b o l t i n o d o w n -V ■* vibration,■■ r C L O T Iira CAN BE TAKEN OI

o D U niN O WASH CYC1.E.

M & Y ELEClfF o r your UViHnc7ioi;ie/\|>;'Jiuti



Illinois School ^ d -O tttl-E a d --

Brings Threat ;.AVA, in ., Nov. 25 lury — .Scho.>l '

nu itio rltlrs th rea tened to<luy lo t: expel nny sliidrnt.s catiHhl prac- - llc ln s " rtd -o u l." th e la tes t hli;h school fnd In w hich tecn.nk'erx *■ v irtua lly ho ld th e ir b rea th unlll they >' fall iincoii.scloiis. (

J . II. H nnim ack. principal of the T rlco consoll.hilfd hlRh sclinol, i.i- I (lUcd th e b a n a fte r fre shm an Earllno W ard pavicil nu t for two hours nnd cam e to In an "hy.sterlcal" con-

"lU -cl-ouf becam c iiopular durlnit th e pii.M week or .so. Slildent.s woul.l kneel, b rca tlie deeply 10 limes, cln-e Ih rlr lip s ftround th e ir Uiumb.i anti puff ou l th e ir clicck.1 until they tu n ie d red and fainted,

Kecam e lY anlle Fellow .'.tudmi.s bccanie fnm tle

w hen Ml-v, W ard failed to recover co^sclou^ne.-.^ ye.'arrday. 5<'hool- m a tcs said !.he had m ade hrr.'clf '•rcd-oiif* U llnie:i i>rrvlou.',ly durliiK I Uie dny.

I l i e o lh r r j.tii.lents tried lo rc.-,tore 1 h e r by alaitplni: her wrLsi.i and 1 pourlnK wiitiT on tie r face. W hrn lh a l fa llrd . Uiey cnlled Unmmiu k.

H anim nck Mininioiicd the ;;,S2 r,liiilent.s in to an n;;'m ililv wlille tli- Klrl Mill Wll.'. out a iul let them ll.-ti'ii lo tie r soreaiii.s a \ iv ptiyi.lelan r r- rUiri'd h e r to eoii.',cloii;,ue:.;, w llh I I h t^ h e lp of .'lllnu lan ls.

S lu .lrn l U am ed '■I'm dcilni: this for Uie iwycholo- T

Rlcal e ffri 'l." Haniiiiacl: warned the ( J M iidenu . " I t I ra lc li anv one of v,.„ ' pulllnK lha t Miint avaln . wi-'ll onlv, have 2&I r.lii.leni.s In ihl;i<~>l.'

Ml;..s W ard wu.'i .nirelehed ou t In th e Klrl';i dre. - Ini; room of the .-'cliool Kvinna.'.luin wlilli- lhe M udent Ixxly wa,-: a:;r:cMililrd In Ilii- i:vm. .«li-" recovi-re.l fullv a t le r :..'ieamlm; au<l | : ;iobblnn hy:.lrrleally a-, ^.tie revived.'

H am in;irli ; aid a a tuden t lold him ■ . , th a l h e and o the rs " in e d lo :ce « llo i could red -o u t th e faMeM," j '

.Spread ItapUlly : *'Several n irb told Hammncl: Ihrv “

learned llu- s lu n l In a rc.staiiranl | ' a t nearby .Sparia. III. n i e prartli-e .spread r.ipldly arnoiii: Mudeiits who I I’U would '•rc (l- i) llf !,erretlv <Hlrliii: rr- cr.':s and a f te r .-.rliool hourv.

Tea.-hcr!^ hnd leariie.1 o t the fiid ' 1 bill had not been able Kj eateh a;iv- one In Ihc a c t u n til Ml--.-. W unl vr, fall.-<l lo lec-ov. r coiv e l . m M i c l i o

Doclons he re :;al<l Unit th e pracUee tur

ot carbon <ll.ixl.le In liie hl.Mid. 'n i r . ,,,, reMilt I', M iiillar lo a jillot':. 1)1,ill:-

Venezuela Reins Seized by .‘J-Man !i Jun ta of Officers

CARACAS, Nnv, 2.'. iUI!i -A lliiee- l

..ll-rleli V.'in'^uelii loii.iy i.Iier a ;in

liouiiced lh a t l.lL'lll.-Col. C.irl.v. Del- ,‘o ttiulo C halljaii.i, fornuT niliilM- r of Jr.. delciv.e. will ;.<'ive a.\ pnM ilcnl. op]

l’re:.ldeia Iloinulo C!alle«o,, plai-eil uu 111 office In Ihv tlr.'.t d ircc t eleetlou In Veuc.-iiela-;; hhUii-y lu Dn-umlier. . hH7, wnr, r .'po rled liudi'r'.e a r- J . rc.'.t a t hl.i home. T he nillll;irv an- nounced he w ould be nlvcii all con- :, due 111:, oflh'e.

T iie liilnl',Lr\' ol d c le ir e denied In bro.iilcaM repiirl.-, tiom Loiulon thai a 1,-enenil .'.trike of oil workers had hrokiii oul 111 Ziilla sta te , Mte of'la',', r ich oil deposits In the M aralbo area.

The iiillll.iiv look control of the i;<n. niiii. n! a ft.T I>i-e:.ldeul Clulle- i:o. I'-.: ten n iiliia ry demand.-, for a Kre.iU i \ol(«' 111 11'..' Koveniliii lit.

Ninth in Series Of Plays Slated

n v h a i Every Wom.'in K n o w s.-th c ' Ilraiii:itlc c.miedv by S ir Jnnicri | Ilarrie, will be [ire.-.enled from 8 to ll:JO p.m. F ild ay ow-r .'.tatlcm KV.MV ,.i the iiln lli 111 the .'.erlc.s of •'Greal l^eii.-:. From (ireai. Play.'," i>pon-

' lle iir iid e I.awreiilic. Mar'^of'uroad- i-ay iiiid Hollyw<kKl, wilt play the iiiirt of Maci-rlr Wylie, th e wlii.-mme l„-,» of CiahLNhli'ls. Scotlanil, who •.ijitiiie-. Jo h n Sliaiid . an opltiloual- -d. .•.elll-.h au .l M 'lf•renter. (I lioiiio i :o-Aii l).)y w ho th rough m ain ' .tn-in:ili au .l awk-A'ardne:..,, -aIus a oc:d eh'ciloii fo r Uic Iir la^ h p.irlln- neiit. 1

D-'iiiiLs Kliiic wilt j)orlray Uie role f )f Joliu .Shand.

IKAI> T!.M l~S-Nt:\VS WANT AD3. ^

QUICK RELIEF FROMS ym ptom i of D Is tre s iA rliln s fro m rSTOMACH ULCERS»uE to e x c e s s a c i dFreeOookTollaofHomeTrealmentlhat ^ Mast HbIp or II Will C o tt You Nothing CU.r - I.rrr million licit Ir. r.r M.o

OUttH* nV *omV or* a«»ln«». Iliartburn. tic .,s.k f,.f ••iKiilartf-. •Uleh lUlly j;


3 H O U S ER O M A T !e Waicr Saver j

E H O W I T . . . ‘N3 O F W ATER A lO A D of Ihe load ••isU e. Kenlle b u t thoroiinh

PM PE R A T U R E S -H ol . . . Me- W hlte, Colored or L>cllcale

IV N -In r ta lls nnywliere. no


C T R I C C O . Ir rr S(orc - T /.our I '.I ) I



N e w O f f i c e r s

. VVir n fflr.r« fnrA m erican Veteranx, were IntU llcd a t m re t tn c th li week. The new offlelab,

' a re M. K. I loan lree, a ilju lun t: m il De I c h a irm a n : T. M. K nU ht (itan illnc),I th e bu lld ln r commlK er. and F. M. P

rom m ander. T h e »ei»lotis a t whleh tl r r s were In tu ite d w at held a t th e nen

In j a t th e c o m er of H arrUon anti K (S (aff p 'ho to .cn trav ln ti

I H | . . .

| L a l » o r N e e d s

D r o p S h a r p l y „

O v e r M o n t h J

] T.ah,)r tu rd s tn th e M.iitlc Vallry : rii.M cuiitiuurd lo drop \r,lth only fiJ |' Job .iiinilii.:,, on Nov. ;>i), i.ccordlni: ^: In A. J. Mreks. nianai;er ot the P j Idnho f.tatc em ploynirnt j.ervlce of-

• lu Iliirh'v job oiH-nlni;.'i n rr nlmn ,t '' t:< 'n.cNi-.lrnt nnd th r num ber ot a p -l „

I I'Uc.ini', .-.intinue.i lo increxve, T u d ) '.•a ;ue Mliialloii exL'.ts In ■I'wln Fall.-,, ’

•Mi'-l:.'. ,«ald. *■' In .letoiiie and l.lncoln countici,

'.Mill llie .'ii.linir of iii:rlcultiiral h a r- vrM uoil:. Ihcrc I.N a .Mirpliis of la - — hori'i.'.. -.vhlili will iirevall IlirnliKti T tun.-,t of (he ttluu-r.

T h r I.)titty Reed CouMriicUoil (oiiip.iuy. • Falls, bei:an won: l .r t we.'l; on a eon lrac t to coiL'.trucl 1 llll- bed, ilnilnaKe slriiriuri-.-.. a .'hi V.’- f„..i cr.iK-retc btlilne, a cni'.lied .Su m avcl .‘.urliK-e aurl a bllumlnriii'. "p. .'illl.iee im 4,(;-7 Iilllc.'. of llu- Iduiin Dn CN-iitial liliiliwav betwi-i n C,irey a u r l! I’lratio in Ulalne county. I •:

In (ir'iwllllR m e Wllli,T ^.•a.•.on o l f ; '' Joll ,'.i-ari liy Li bcftliiniin:, "f

l.alior deiiiiind iu Idaho now pre- .•.--nl;, an nlma>t eonil.lelely rr-vencd . M tiiaiion from Unit ot :iu iia \.i uko.N ol in nm ny year.-; ha.-; th e rr be rn V, r o su d d rn an.l .-.o earlv ii ehauKc : fr.nn ol labor lo Uie ‘ , opim.'.lte .-.lluallon ol an lucnaM ni; , ‘ uiiinber o f unei,niIoyi'<l. M.'cLs .Jild. „ ,

I t Ls r.s.entlal th a l viilvi-.s Imve co n e .:t cl.-arancc au.l tlmin,.-, au .l eut lh a t they he properly ,'e a l« l. If th e 'm u etininc la lo run lanooUily. lam

P E R R I N E P H A R / ^


T H I S W E E K ^

Bei-kk-y Pock.'lLIGHTERS

neffu litr 81.00 A SP E C IA L ................. 4 9 c

5 0 c L y o n ’s

TOOTH PASTH (20c T c k _


S S v ' ” L ....................5 9 c I

T w in Head licctro, H ee l —

S H A V E R 5UcKuUr »I2.7, ITlila week only p 7 • “ 5 ' |

CIGARETTES ILucky S trike 4

r r r t T T t L oiiJ OnidCli.-.N!erfl<'ld __

>4 C<

$ 1 . 8 _ 2


P h i l l ip 's .Milk „ r

MAGNIiSIAr ............- 5 9 C

.........- . - 3 9 c


5rs Installed by DA-ll a t the jrroup'a ' _ ' •'lab , Irf t to r l ih l , " ' 'V ' , ' Jll Deahl, publlrKy Im ) . chairm an of . ^M. Petemon, po»t :eh the new lead-; new DAV build- •• / ml Khoup t( r f t(s . .......... J .

:: . / AJ ,


B a d L e a k ^Fur thl- ilUnl tim e In n.s mnny i

nmnllL-, •I'wln T .ilh waa pracllc- / ’ ally wlthrniL w,iicr h itr Wc<ltir.>

, day when ii •liad leak" cnii.'cd 1I wiii.-r to be ,-.hui <iff In th e cliy'.i J

-(Miieh main while rep a irs «crc'• belnu miide. HiJ| H. W lhoii, .-.iiix-n.l.'ior nf con.-,: street.; and water, .'a id the by- ‘''m

lia:.i m ain was iLM-d whllo ilii>lr,ik was belnc rcp;iired. U. c of nnnith e .'.mailer main rc.Miltod In a "nd

, drop of jire.-.NUri'. Cl. , The leak ilt'velo|«-d In th e msln 'nH< .1 111 the vU-lnlly of the Orntice

I Tiiui;.iK)rlatlon roinp.iny Al 305 c'lnlFlllli avenue w^^l. “ liir

W ater .'crvlei' wii.s rer,tored 10 ^eoi• nuniial by H p. m. J'lU • Fcrc

' L o n d o n P a p e r I s ' i i

; R a p p e d b y S o l o nI WA.SIIINC.TON. Nov. 25 i.JI — nldI .'H iialor C.ippi'r. It., K ans.. r.nltl thP M.irI .Siiiulriy 'I'line-, of Liiiirlon .-.lios'ctl »i'CO:■. 'i ).« ir ta .'li" ‘ In crlllrlrliiK Cicn. c,iui1 niM-.'.hi 1). Kiri'tihower'a boolc, Cru- Pnl!;.arli- in lOur.iix,.'' man

I T he Kiiii.lay 'nmc.s’ mllllnr}' cor- man[ re'.ponrlent wrote i;i;,cnliower'ii story nirn

ot World war II pave kk> niiiclt 'nn .eicrlil to the Anu'rlcaii.s nnd no t naie

; enoUKh 10 the ilrUl;.li. Me u l t l Clydfu rllier the n a r would have rmled IH

■ .MHiner had Ki.'enhower iicctiitrtl D. 1_ M ar;l;;ill Ilerniird MoutKomfry’.'i I’aul

plan.', for aliaekliiR Clcrniany. VJlr; CapiHT, a m em ber <if ilie .'■clialc C.ill

' forelKii rrlallon.i eoiiimlUce. li.-.iietl Orlr• n .-.latenient .-.ayUlif lie wa.s "jdiiic- iwilc

w hal .-.lioek,-.!."•| Ci.pjirr Tiild Kl.'.enli.iwcr •'a |i|mr-t.e u tly li-anerl over iKickward lu lu v - m•IIIK tribute lo Ciriirral .\fontj:wMry L irrla n d the Eniilkh a-nerally .'- Auk.


J B fm (m ‘

!^ 0 R P ^

/ 0 ) C 0 >Ibcli:«nl Hi:,

p i u c m ^ «FR O M . V *

S lll 'J lf f iT

P E N & P E N C I L

S E T S ^

K e m i r

e o n to u r Six 1 / V K c m in jr to n

I 'o iirsom o ...

Aak for Our Christmas Gift

C olgate Dcnfjil C ronm , % LnvKow G ian t S i z e ......... 50e $

Col^'alo n r its h lr s s S h n v c *Crcam,H-oz. J n r .......50c T

S i|u ii> l, 's M in e r a l O il,PiiiL Size ......................69c ' ‘

Caroii] i B ile S a l t iT ab le ts , lOO’s ............9Pc ®

B alm A rK cntn, S m a ll 'Si?-e ............................... -19c ' n,I-nrK’c S i z e ................... G8c V B


DAV Chapter ^

s ) - i t / '

ACA Officers Are Reported For Minidoka

n U l’ERT. Nov, 35—ABriculUiral con.scrvaUon a.vinchillon elecUon re - hiriL'i for Mlnldnkn county have been l.ibulntcd w llh county oflicera named for Accqula. Heybuni, P*ul nnd n u iw rl communlUes.

C hnlrm an of Uie com m unity eom- inliiee tor Acefpila Li a e o rse H. Seft- iiiiui. wlUi w . C. G entry elected vice cluiiriuaii and B. E . Uiuunavsen reg ­ulnr member. F lra t a ltcm ata Is OcorKC Sulllvnn and Q ordon U oland will .serve ns second a ltem M e. Curl Fcrch wns elected dclfsnto to th o cnuiity convcnUon and K enne th Itochford u llcm nle dclcRatc.

u c iiu lu for Heyburn com m unity I are: A rthur D. Sm ith. ehnlrmiLn:I It<Nlnr?y C roft, vice ehnlrm ftn; D on-- aid Avcrj-, rcRular m em ber; Joa < M .irucli. f irs t a ltcm ntc; P nd Abo,J M'conit a lte rna te : Civrl E. M ers. de l- . c,iale. and W . A. MorRim, f tltem ate.

Paul: Iliirvey H.ilIlnRer.- c h a ir ­man: J larpcr Kuasftker. vie# chalr-

. nmn: Orville SUmp-ion, regulixr ; nirmber; C h a r lts Locander, f irs t aJ- \ icriuito: Clyde Culley, second a lte r - L n;iie: John M artin , doleRiite, « id 1 Clyde Piiyiie, n lternale.1 H upcrl: ivrnlc Mnrlele, c hairm an :1 D. R . Broadlicad. vice c hairm an ; s I’aul ItOKcrs. rcR ular m em ber: Floyd

VJlrr.s. f irs t n liem nte ; R a lph M c- e C.ill. .lecnntl n ltem nte : O ris Gibson,1 OrlriMic, und Clinrlea Norby, a llc r -- iwile.

LKAVE FO R W INTER- n u if l . . Nov. 25 — Mr. and M rs.• L irry I.lnd hn rd t le ft M onday for Los __^AiiKeles. Calif., to spend th e w in ter.



O M P A C T Sin l H itdnul — D orothy O roy

nnd I->cnlnir In Paris

$ 1 . 5 0 . . $ 1 0 . 0 0

S 8 . .0 0 to S 3 0 . 0 0

?minffton, ElectricS H A V E R Sr Six .......................... ...$23.50^ton 'F ivc .................. ... 21,50mo ................................ .. 19.50

Gift Book — / / 'a Free

I Lnvori.i Mouth Wnsh, !?1.00 Size .............. _79c

I Va.scline Crcam Huir i, Tonic. B o tt le .... .......53c ;

Pazo Pile Ointment, ,I P e r T u b e _________ 69c •

Fitch Dandruff Remov. e r Shfimpoo, 16-or^...89c I Prophylactic Tooth

Brush, round end,' naturfil o r Prolon

B r i s t l e ----------------- 49c

tMACYr w m T A U £ ,

PAOB t h r e e :

Page 4: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

MUtilUb*] IB IMS tnd Ih. Twin fill i S . - i «i»6rC

r j r a t n ' , ” j : V ™ a : ; m s ?- f 'po» “e » k . ?S T?°n r»lli. Ic)«l>o. undrt l>>i « l e« «


Uj th?« nvn lh l"! -------------------------------------Il» m month* —

HT UA11-—rATAIlLC IN ADVANTB WIlWi. Counlr. N ...41I______

‘b*. .................... ................................

Th*jrn!»r luu. of "urtnatit »'» i"-UIJ w •JdH Ui.rH.. I.r (-hii't«r in , l»U Lj

P U N IS H IN G AGGRESSOR A t tlm w It I.'? easy to th in k of the

as som ethlnK th n t " Ju st h ap p en ed ’ rlb lc c a ta s tro p h e w hoso crfcct-s mus' w ith for a Ioiir tim e to com c. b u t tro p h e m ore like a n a c t o t n a tu re men.

I t Is d o se to us nnd y e t fa r aw ay sequence.s iiri' all a b o u t us, b u t th e y e t In piinipecllvi-. T he burnlnK hai: enem y w ar lord.s hn.s subslcliKl, In th e fe :ir of a new w ar a n d th e neetl t It occupy o u r thouRhUs nnd b lu r the line.

T hon th e lonpc t r ia l i)f fo rn ior Prei and h is co m p an io n s In Japanese com es to a n end. A nd .suddenly Ihr of W orld w ar II becom es sh a rp , th a t It w as th e d e lib e ra te crca tlon h ea rted , co ld -m lnded , cruel, blgo T liesc Japane.'sc, like th e ir na7.1 parlr a rc h ite c ts of a w a r u n m a tch ed for find destru c tio n . A nd now. like I th e y m u st pay fo r th e ir crlme.s,

Thl.*! l.i .<iomethlng new, M anki su ffe rin g ond s lo rlfy lnR war.s Ihroii h istory , a t laa t d ec ldcd th a t th e t of th o u san d s m u s t face tho .sam as th e m u rd e re r o f one. Y et th e re v w ho objected to th i s dcclslon a f te r ll b erp tr ia l o f th e nazl.s.

T hey clalm cd th e re wns no pree auch a tr ia l, n o r even any laws to d e fe n d a n ts ’ crlm cs. T h e co u rl we c u to r aa w ell a s Judge. Tho nnzls dcm ned a n d conv ic ted before they v T he w hole Idea w as unsound bet very m ilita ry w ho prosccu lcd Goc h is clique m ig h t m e e t n s im ila r fa o th e r wnr.

T h e pub lic g en era lly wa-s n o t r p ressed by th e se ob jections. And even less room fo r fa u ll- f ln d ln g In tria ls . Tojo a n d th e w ere given e s t tr ia l In h is to ry . T h e ir cases w by civ ilian Judges.

T h e evidence wa.i w eighed cnrci punL<5hment wn.^ fixed In proporlli w eig h t of th e ir c rlm cs—w lililn th e w h a t Justice can exac t. N aturally , o f T ojo a n d th e o th e r .six cannoi th e ir offense.^.

A t any ra le , th o p re c e d e n t Is ; w h ile It is Jusl, I t c an n o t cover t possible fie ld of w a r crlme.s. The G erm an w ar lo rd s w ere n o l pun lshe Ing a w ar. a.i aom e of th e m clalr

; th e y could n o t h a v e b een p u n lshe h n d n o t lo st it.

A v ictorious aggre.ssor In a world n o l legnlly be punl-shetl by hl.s vlnil m ore likely t h a t h e n jlg h t adopt, l d e n t of N u e rn b e rg n n d Tokyo lo p lead e rs w ho re s is te d h im .

T h e only .solution, of course, l.s th m e n i of ag g rc i^ lo n a t its .s tart by b lned force of In te rn a tio n a l action th e U nited Natlon.V Job. So fa r t N ations hn.s g iven l i t t le cause for It could fore.stall a n y se rio u s th ren peace. T h e w ill nnd th e mean.s th a t hope m u;;i be fo iuid. Punl.shm gre.sslon a f te r a w a r Js m orally rip Is f a r from tho p e r fe c t answ er.

P E T IT IO N FROM SALlMf If the dem an d for nn liivc.stlRat

s ta le fish a n d g am e d e p a r tm e n t c r e su lt ot c lrcum .siances o u tlin ed b5 D erm ott. d is tr ic t c o n se rv a tio n ol p e titio n fo r s uch nn Inquiry shou ld in to the n.shean.

A ccording lo M cD erm ott, a n Salm on h ired n n a tto rn e y nnd .si c u la tln g a p e titio n a f te r he wa.s n n a doe deer and fo u r b lue season.

C hief co m p la in t o f th e pe iillo i re s id en ts of Salm on Is th a t th e .stal g am e d e p a rtm e n t l.s cxercl.slng und ity , p a r ticu la r ly in th e search ing moblle-n.

W e can u n d e rs ta n d why .some person m ig h t ta k e offense a l havi sea rch ed , b u t w hen .someone Ls arr Illegal gnm e In hLs possession, nl t e s tin g In th e w orld on h is p a r t to w in h im any s u p p o rt w ith lh e p

W ith re fe re n c e to an rn tlre ly case, h n v ln g n o th in g to do w lili f ish nnd gam e d e p a r im rn t. we o' T e te ran law e n fo rre m e n l official d a y p o in tin g o u t th e le n g th s to w so m e of th e m a s t rig h teo u s indlv go w hen th e y a r e c u u sh i In an v io la tion ." To th e ir own con.'10 so o th e th e ir h u r t pride, th ey ti11 a p p e a r th n t so m eo n e else, th e la m e n t o ffic ia l p a r tic u la r ly , Is resp th e ir neg ligence , d e fian ce n n d IrrIty.

Unless th o se w h o signed th e abc h a v e m ore rea so n fo r p ro te s t th a r on th e su rface , I t sh o u ld bc looki h av in g been d es ig n ed fo r a n u lte r

'w h ic h would on ly re f le c t lo th e cr s ta te I lsh a n d g am e d e p a rtm e n t.

A couplo In O hio w ere p in c h e d 1 o n th e ir 15th w ed d in g an n lv e rsa i bUlzl


h . „ ^ | T U C K E ^

W A SJIIN G T O N -Presl Comp*nr. m ost diplom atic aides, hi" Aiilwh Dnrklcy n rd Scnotc Lin:

* _______ ‘ coIlaliorntlnR on e lralfR jlion oJ Rcpubllconn hik


” DLOreasonably

I. c. A, BcnntorB. moal oi whom lion l j -1 nf iiiiho. btick him for personal—-------------------- Till* group consisted ivr.3 wpstem Dcmocrnis, 10 r

uble men Irom Dixie n ’• A.1 usallist lhj.i bnnd t

Incllneil U> oppose or lo SORS diillonfl on economic, ir th = i» .,t ; ; r ,■ned”— a h o r - variety, m u s t b e d e a l tb u t a c a l a s - o r r o s i T i o N —In tii

I tu r e t h a n o f cun counl on about 40 th f num ber of loynlLiu s h l ot 34 DeniocrM.s iti

iw a y . I t s c o n - „nil-<.n ^outherm•^s a. l l i e y a r e n o t roundup providts lum: h a i r e d o f t h e inajurUy on coiiirciviTJ.i

I n I ts p la c e cetl lo p r e v e n t who brmi.. ur t h e o!d o u l - rrscrvntlon on mi M. I.-'

eplMxIi- nnrt tlie "purKc

P r e m ie r T o jo ^ J f , r v n m c f verliLr'iTie se t r e a c h e r y ^^nUi u a n d ■/ th e m e m o r y v rti.- ltu m an {y).'.liu-n. :rp . W e r e c a l l lu>|)ed lor a Dewey virji i l i o n of c o ld - blBotod m e .p a r ln e r s . w e r e du wcd ccjiin:1 f o r s a v a g e ry an<l the Dfmocriil;i. U Lke th e n a z ls . " h ic h dio X nim un iirri

len.u n maJorUy ot lh e ^, , 'I 'hclr 1m |)onance In

a n k ln d , a f l c r un-m imu.iuoi povh r o u g h o u t I ts dlvtclua!" and ns r rp rr,he m u r d e r e r s *ta lcj. if Ih ry pl:\y ihels a m e J u s t i c e m„” nclv

e re w e re s o m e tall to iLer t h e N u e m - n ie y . too. reallre LY

-so tew men ol micU ip r e c e d e n t to r ".'"1;:,,,s to c o v er th e i w a s p r o s e -iz is w ere c o n - q l ' a i i k k l —m e dc; le y w e re t r i e d , m ovins hMk and torUi 1 b e c a u s e t h e j

G o e r ln g a n d Elu-iKirr.i r f a t e in n n - nnU Counally. Trx.

•nicso men will Uf iti lo t m u c h im - ”A n d th e r e is pr^vUlrd Ihey aro no t 5 in th e T o k y o ot cuutnii. u i. y w ;iv c n th e lo n g - Jish i b itu r iy hi^ civii

e s w e re h e a r d ? Z V " n r r S “ " " ‘ ’ Inn:,much lui levera

c a r e f u l ly , n n d inicre.^tj. Uiey nmy m>i jo r l lo n lo th e P" « i f.Mcn-Mnu oi it-i . t h e l im i t s of •a lly th e liv e s■nnot p a y f o r saxcp tib ie to i3a

loIIowlnK:Is .set. B u t , ToU:y..N. 11.; AUcrn a

/ e r th e w h o le ^T h e n a z l n n d ” V tiic M' nii-ii il l s h e d f o r lo s - bi'llet, r.vpcTl;illy .'ince c la im e d . B u t o o i* nmat. break nwu: ,i .sh .a It they

policy Ifiulcrs In placeo r ld w a r c o u ld promLv-ii tim i ut v ic tim s . I t Is T rum an.

T ‘ C O N T ..O ._ ,V „ hlo p u n is h th e Uicrr.ibouls bctweci

W hile Hou.'c fo rc o . IllIs th e p u n i s h - vlrt\l;illy contiol .■-•liatct by th e c o m - “ ' i ' ' ' ’m o n . T h a t Is v< ,t.r-Jrom:a r t l i e U n ite d nbovc. <ir vu-c versa if tf o r h o p e t h a t net.

h r e n t to w o rld . ! »a n s to tthoT iim vn?^uii'iiV n'hI s h m e n t o f a c - wiTe'uiu'inVd or yi>u-ly r ig h t , b u l l l ------------^

_ _ V I E W S (I .:\1 0 N , SK A U . WE O l

tlg a tlD li o f t h e v iu 'l fv i*hi-'"'G''m^'?'t i'i n t com c.s a-s a t-nttVn' Ub^T,u-' has' b,;d by P , J . M c - ard it. hu.Kl.n o f f i c e r , lh e ’ii'B annoujKcd obji

o.ll.l bc th row n 1,^,,“ ’; " ,,,'™;?.,,°', J;the Nrv,.(la Itli-a lh:itl

a r o s ld e tu o f ';:! Th'- new d u tn i < Id . s ta r te d c i r - ■>' ’>>e way. w ith .s a r r e s t e d w l lhtse . s lm l o u t o f ^r.mkly, w c'can Ihl

OiiLii Ull-.. In onr opli l i l lo n f i le d b y '■> »''• •llh .ra l'- sl ; .s ta le a n du n d u e a u t h o r - M.'.pi'.'!<m''ii'r3 now‘.‘''ni

;h ln g o f n u to - ti ,r « i,ir opm i» lkT T he lltxTnl.i. who ni

i;om e I n n o c e n t cnl nh-iaiK m . m.iy i. H a v in g h U c a rs a r r e s t e d w i th c o .m .m o v

n il t h e p r o - m i.- .tiory is innkln m r t I s n 't g o in g _ "K iu tor w.,u ncu;

.h e p u b lic . y ^ n ' i n S o ^ ^ h c 'p i ' :Ire ly d i f f e r e n t d o ^ i iv .rk l i n e w ll l l t l i e s l a t e -R xca-r nu-,- Uitrri>'e o v e r h e a r d a r:ither iclal th e o th e rto w h ic h " e v e n txou.vers."I n d iv id u a ls w ill -L'xciL-.r m,.," UiU-rp

a n a r t o f la w m '"” m o f fomtp.-tabi;c o n .sc ie n ce a n d "Vc.-}- u d l f«rduro;

_ 1 utinoyert o rator. And ey t r i ’ lo m a k eh e la w e n fo r c e - -■Exdi.'r m e.- .'a id tlr e sp o n .s lb le f o r me bike."d I r r o s p o n s ib l l- 11'= "B iiator Ic/t ih

' Uie r.leeve and .shook h. b rlucen hl.s teeth.'-Co;

; a b o v e p e U tlo n an.i yotrii do u h a i V(th a n Ls e v id e n t d o r - c . v . n . r iio m ilo o k e d u p o n a s iP u trw m .j l t e r lo r pu rp o .se ^3C cred it o! th e ^ Mu.n«.„un t . i.he ;o;n-.d o r lhe Ilo______ there, wllh thft obser\-il e d f o r b a t t l i n ge r s a r y . W e d d e d "K\lchtn c u r u m s . 'i

huldcrs, m ink coat— ■;

L ’ S N A T I O N A L

P 7 . 1 0 1 0 _ ]P residen t Tnim »n‘» im srt^st Mid Q - es, headed by Vice President-elect O ; L iaison O lllcer Leslie Diflle. oro ateRy tie.ilKned lo prevent ft coall- and 80-CBlled Dlxlecrats In th e _____

ppcr cham ber ' from atalematlnir10 new W hile Hous# leglalitlve roBram. ^ “5 A lthouith lhelr canvass of the NO?

iiu re m em bership disclose* th a t fo r ai 16 adm lnlsirn tlon wlU h a v e e e l eo Tonger support than a t any limenee Mr. T rum an assumed the T w inresidency, there U no assurance some: t th n t h e can force o r w rangle caUea^option or the broad social and la s t t:onomlc reform s which he pro- B u tilsed In th e eam palfn. fo r »

. . • suBse.DLOC — In the M th congres.n aom etably solid bloe of n p ro-T rum an PoJlejI'hom could be depended upon lo sHHersonat o r political conalderatJons, to Unled of 2S northern , border a n d n o r th

10 relatively Independent or va rl- xle nnd two Republicans, m d Uiere were 29 who were always or lo whltUe down hla recommen-ilc. itOcIoI. Induslrlal. a srleu ltu ra l A Iiroposals. Tliey numbered 4I> con- aboutnd 10 Dem ocrats of th# D lxlecrat “ Id. c

11 th e nex t .senate Mr. Trum nn It iO members, a gain of 13 over ■alLsU heretofdre. These will con- * " t.s throuKh thick and thin. U off- . . rs and four Hrpubllcans, T h a t “ “/ • ' him w ith an extremely narrow

iposiil'oii''o't -I'j'will dwindle to *7. larlr i))> of 3H Hrpiihllcans and nine . nil ty w ander ofl the W hite House ^.M l.s’.ue.s after the court-packing iiirKc" of lU3a. p ,cv.-r hr a uiopnui allKnmcnt of

L% hberal.s In the Uiille<l Statc.s. and on llir far rlt;ht of Ule Roose- J: i.n. M any cil them had privately

. Inclui

xtrnorcllnnrlly niirrow margin of lary will exalt the stiilu.! ot fifteen cciuaily between the Republicans, I t Ls thlh l)iil:incr-ot-i>0fter Kroup jaun

a rriu ine rs i.cck to win over to a t bowth e W hile House proposal*. , t; In Ulo ^enatorIal household will ou t, power and prcsUtje, bolh as In- out.reprerriitniivp% of th r lr respective l o u' lh e lr cards carelully lu the Kanir. Tin ;m will nclilrve a i>cr;oiiul fame

ndvnnlnne.-i fur their constlliients J “1 lo ihe in olherwlte. M arrc th a t rarely were Uie vote.i of couricti prim e iniiviriancc to n I'resI- “ f * like KOod on the iiiiist lmnd^olnc | eomb a tch o t proml.'cs ever mndc lo Th.

lhe t

D em ocratic members llslcd as orOi lu ihLi dun and doubtful twl-

Jnhn.Mon. K, C.; RumcII, O a.;. L.a.; I'u lbrlulit. Ark ; Olll'-tte, l a .

:in itiellned lo *upi>ort Mr. T rum an. -I& u IX'mocrat. On many m ailers I

•irr. industr)- and toelal reform s, *no t loo extri'ine or nnlnKonlslIc -------

icy will b r with him. Uul they will 0 \’.•ivil riKhis propasalfl. and mny be- iv tUI In th a t (juarrrl us to turn against 13 m

G ln e n J nre <iulte friendly to prlvato getUI- iii>l be tiK> rnltlIIsla^tlr over pro- Tl' if (cdcrul u tility systems such n.s m ak

CitlZl• * * tecte

-Tlie R epublicans looked upon as0 i3.irkley.Ulffle advances ars lho

then;rn and Fli.w lcrs, VI.; Lodkie, .Mn.vs.; m an ,e.s. N. y , ; Vandenbcnf, Mlch,. *ind

lOO.QII-11 liav r frcuueully rxl' e:.^e<l th e In i ince the recent eli-ctlnn. th a t the K ° l nwuy from the coii.ser\iiUve per- Hodi iietice.s w hich hav« goN'triicd 11 Inhave been ndvanced a.i passlbla " ly '

p lace of S enator T all. O, Severnl ArIt u tm ost c(X)[>crntlon lo I*i-':u1i-iit 1” >! '

• • nltiKh a d ifference of only two voles iween th e W hite l^lU^e nnd nn tl- t*o '' •••.. and a few other men can nioU •liat<i IccLslallon. .. " t" "•m iv ra ls rJiould de.-.ert .Mr. Trunm n Ame to r Ini.tiuice. hc miKhi pick up five Al

from Ih r Uepublte;in.% mentioned s If th e G O l’crs do itie dl.snppearlng

fronelected few wUI be eoiiried n.s as- c u rt■ll,lently :c. any lovely .^cl,o>,ileaclicr '■«»•

a h am let where nil the other nirls you-know -w hul.

O F O T H E R SE Ol.T-NT.VADA .NEVADA?tly in lo r a new campaign to Ne-

.-.tale. A IK-W oit;anl/.illini called as been form ed, with Prnnklln G lr-

obJi'cUve Is the leKnUznllon of all ot Knmbllnn, iiichidlnn pari-r.iutuel 10 hiLs a lready Kone Uiwarrt h im any o the r sta le wr urr t.imlllar ■tflt rvldcliUy u-iint.s li> lu, thev lth UoLsc bri-oniini: a -.econd Reno.L;i,s Vctcas. and other burgs falling

nc dexrer.s ot wide openne.-s. >1 th ink of iiothinK Idaho needs )

opinion w r tiave nlresdy sons too •ll" side In IKiuor by Uie drink nnd ' iid nlth<ni^;h Ihi.s was not the miijor- : ;liuM IrKlslalure met we have a strong 1

w. n fte r more Uian a ye.irs tria l c f !Ih-T. I10 m usl n o l be eonfased with polttl- ,ay Iiicf (Hiltc a -c r ip lo keep th# . •ra<ly have,—Niimpii t'rre P rerj. |

>IOV MAN'S I 'A U A niS t | '.akliik- Ih r rounds In Drltaln: ad(lrrs,sinK a crowd of worklnKmrn. '

..I the common man." he snld. -.snd • plea urc.s of lhe rich. You WlU walk w r,irlnu a top h a t . . . ' ;in tr rn ip lc d a member of Uie uudl- ' I th e r 'ave a cioth cap." p refer 11. a cloth cap." weni on the

w ear a cutaw ay c u n anil pinstripe

iU-no.sed th r Inlerruiiter ai.iin , "bu t ' r tabu l in corduroy* "duroys If you lii-'i.'.t." rnnuniied Uio i•And you'U ride to work In a Rolls- |

\ld the cockney, "bu l Ill'd ra ther u «

f t the iilntform, grabbed Uie miin b)- xjk him roushly, "Listen you." he wild . "coinr.s the era of Uie com.unn n u n , a t you urt- blooming well ordeted to hompM>n. "How to U ke an Eii,;lbh-

EYK-OPENKRle.'.ota hii.s sent along a shopping U'.l-e floor o f a Sears, Roebuck outpastiser\-atlon lh a t It may be tndlcaUre oi■osperlty curren tly being enjoyed &>•ru le, hereV. the lUt:ns. durnliiK wool, ix)Uio maalier, iwtIt— T h e Hew Yorker, I L

S H O T S ^ ^ m/ ]


TRY ING , ANYWAY War Shooter: tNow th a t p lie iuan t season Is over _ f

3r anoUier year, perhaps you c a a ' A e t som e rational Ideas for the navy - i B a p ta ln on w hat people who live In V ln l^ l l s are calletl. I'm a fraid omo T a in Palls residents have been aUed lot« of bad names during the la t th ree weeks. J HD u t w ith nome-calllng behind us

or anoU ier year, may I make a ' ugge-stlon? I I you havo to call 'em ‘, # r omethUigs. how about T w i n » ■oJlera? A nything else sound* even llller. Of course, you can go hack . v0 Uie old t rn n s of southslder a n d lorthslder for Tw in Falls nnd erotne.

. . . S 'A lo l of si;lf-mnde men keep qu ie t ‘

b o u t It becau>e of the poor Job they Jd. oplne.1 the Office PsychlairLsL

MAKE.S A DIK FElttN CE ^Ily a Ouy: '

A n cn t lh a t 318 mllea jwr year for ' If. sn a il. H al thing

33 Inchea per hour Is feet per brok«lay. 3 0 ii. duys x 48 equals la.BOl'i nndcet. . .2B0 feet egiials one aille . E\'en0,80Pv feet divided by 5.;W feet gieak:quiil.'i 3.1831 mlle.i per year <lay«.

D ecim al points make a dllference, Uiathavo nu slide rule, th a t

T he Ryder F a n the I(Filer) pn rti

P . S . Here's a problem for "Slide courtlu lc r " ; Ci>w.s cost SlO |x-r head . Uie ' logs *3 per head and aheep 50 cent-i I -n i>er head. Your bank roll loial.s [cres1100. B ring homo 100 hend of stock, (Uetncludlng som e of each. T ry th a t mlgnme on your old slide rule. sianc

* * * for In o Ht'.M DEP'T. read

Kum I’u tnam Ufted a SR.root more U u n eh w ith his crane, dunked U bonr ( I n t Into the Potomac rivera t W ashington a fte r fire broke i-),o u t on the boat. The f ir r w ent moreout. bu t (he boat >rui alm ost n f c ilo U l wreck.—LT news Item. bccain i e c u rr killed. j,nrti

J u d g e Jo h n LaRofk, Saulls Sto . M a rlr. .Mich., plunked down a S3c ou rt fee lo file suit for recovery , of «H ccnU allegedly overehangrUe o m p a n y .-U P neiri Hem. -,„V

T h r re bucks worth ot p rincipal of ‘““ vhe th ing , ,7'"!]

FA M O fH LAST I.TNK - . . . C lean It all up unless yoa

like tu rk ry hash."GENTLEMAN IN T IIE " ' f

FOURTH ROW j p " '■I Inmi

BOB H O P E 3O ver 700,000 Amcrlcaii.1 nre ex- Uie

iv c te d to visit Europe in Uie ne.xt ------13 monUis.

G ee. Uio Republican* a n really getU ng ou t fast.

100,000 troops . V

H odges and 50.000 „troopfl . . . In I t-nly we'vo go t Or.son Wells.

A nd a lo t of Callfomlan-n a re go- liit; to Eiiglnnd for a change of Iok. . . A group of Amerlcaiw were su n - 4 n lng Uiem.sclves on lhe beach a t f l Uie RlverlA wlim one F rench kid m took a look a t them , tu rned to h is M m oU ier and said: "I don 't u n d e r- | B sta n d , m nnia . . . you lold m e a ll W American;; 'h ud grecnbaciis." W

A nd Uiojo American tourlst.s a re « plcklnif up everj’thlng in flight fo r N .souvenirs- In facl. a school teacher from Milwaukee grubbed the iron c u rta in nnd hnd it hnlf woy In h e r vall-'.e before Stalin noticed It was gone und ran lor his bnUirobc.



. C O A L F L (

B I N 7

B U T IF Y O U F I N IY oull find Uiat Uie New IRON COAL-FU3W " IS the answ er to y<

; Iron Firem an Stokers produco a b lum inous flame which gives o tf

1 am oun t of rad ian t heat. H eat In t

T R A I N E D E N G I N IA survey of your p resen t h engineers, given w ithou t cost to ask for UiLs freo service—





Now U ial It Is al) over. I w ish much Ir, T n u a a n would te ll m a w here b« a e saw those 76-eenl l u n b chops price l a t he Ulke<l about so m uch. housi For a long tim e, fa ir to good hi*

imb chop* have been Ateady to r*pr« brl*lt a t t 3 a u n i t eonai

. in tho hum blo Innr 4 ' w here ro o ra * « rv - ,r,h■ : ‘'0 m o the rs m y - . . j ,r | K ; - ' m odest w anta a n d „ r t i

« « seldccn speak

r n l T / ««n‘V \h ’?Ta“ '' bar# IltUo a h ec t *®o®|

of *enlle b u l l - . '. m uscle o t a size

^ and te x tu re su it- ' '-1^^ \ a y t ; ' b laek-cyo .h tr j

SI?;teaks are pracUcally ou t o t p r in t . . ^ ecauae they s t4 r t a t $4 for the ilnutfl version, w hich is n o t a j,»m' leasure of Ums b u t a n o ld F re n ch „ ^ irovcrb m eaning: “How d id you I n m - Ind th e steak? Oh. 1 found I t u n d e r ■ - -iv ne of th e peas."Beyond tha t, s teaks go Into Lhe, He

netnphyslcal realm o t th e noncom - | burg nlttnl maybe. I t Is no t a sub jec t good or tlie wallers, bu t ono fo r agen ts lovlr nd negoUfttlon. ] theIf you are renlly serious, lh e H“ B'

h lng to do la go to a licensed “ f''* irokcr and get him to scuffle a round 1 md bring In a s e t o f offerings, srou ^•cn th e Stork club do e sn 't carry leak as an arUcIe of IradB these i f lays. You will u n derstand w h a t di^ci h a t meona when you rem em ber men hue tho S to r t h as been p rac tica lly fsjc h e Inner sanctum of th e s ta te de - well )nrlm ent, the FB I. th e suprem e wag' :ourl and Uie se lflcu se c re ta r ia t of are h e W llto House for 10 years. loUie

'I lie menu doe-sn’t Invito your In - .sam' c re st In sieak. I t sn a rls : "Boiled I peoi Uct mignon, DalUmore, $5.00" F l l e t ' pay nignon means slcak . b u t 1 un d er- I I t land the Daltlmore e ffcc t Is Ju s t.e x io or prestige w ith people w ho h a v e . lh r l ead nbout hl.siorlc pigging In O allt- ; mnn nore when H rnry M cnckcn wiui In pani ^lunUcroys nnd Uiklng violin Ic i- lllv o on.l. han

T here Is no such th ing no a D altl- , real no re stcnk. bu t It m ig h t a.s well sn •end "filet mignon. C hester. P n - ," : hou ) nobody ever usks a n y , mln larticular.i. nt $5. 1 afte

If Mr. Trum nn doe.i know w here Jum lamb chop.1 go for 15 cents, JiLstldie 4-hai Ls his poslUon on th a t, a n y - Y

I t Is Just as silly lo nrgue for n ai>«5’lat, iiiillonwide price fo r a laml) retn-hop to all clns.scn ot cuslomcr.s a;i Rf”l would be 10 dem and a B tandard th nl ag r for nil of us ncrov th e countrj'. T h t

W hrn wages n rr regula ted by th e wa>lovcrnm eni. ihroURh lh e unlon-i. ns 1 Inm;hey nre In mnst of th e trades, th e re • Kro';s no rea;.on why n m an w ho m akes urd5135'l l week should br giiarantee<l dolllamb chops a t the pricc he paid fellI 'h rn Uip snme Joh paid on l) SCO, mlr

H r ourIu to pny n t le as t tw ice n.s Isn'nu c h for everything w h a t- \rv er 11 Is ih a l he Is producliiK coM i fan Uie consumers roughly twice ns a %


We m nln ta ln a compi m ain ta in and repair ar

We Stock iht

J b w a t e rjO Q O I and can make immed | H H n | with galvanized pips

' ^ Q Q Q 0 ^ ’'


: R R E A D I N G T H I S

^ L O W S F R O M — ^


^ ' ' i \

_______^N D F U E L C O S T S AitON rtREM A N form l.s m ost rena your problem. eftcciive heating «ia b right, hirhly - ilic side walls a

o tf the Kreater.l U Mihr.lanllnlly lo«In Ulls lumlnnua henUnB.

N E E R S - F R E E H E A ’U healing plant, ni-idr hy our trained cost o r obllcnUon U, you. will rIvc you lliIce-N O W !

k>nvenient Paym ent Plan



lPPEAR f r o m T i___ w am e

^ - A r N G - t - E r :Tiuch. In m sny case*, h e should X m ade lo pay an e x tra penalty « jrlce for h is eggs. under»-ear and ‘ iioujie because a large portion of ^ :iu w sges-say about one .th lrd— *? rtpresenls sheer extorUon from Uie ■ ronsumen.

girl •T h is Is the money h e g tls for m othi

Tiock-work. loafing, *ome classes of Tortal'lO 'P crtat tim e nnd arUflclal overtime. ArUflclal overtim e la the Jouble-tlme for Saturdays which the p a I jovcm m ent helps th e union* to Darlg •ollcci for men who in sis t on work* Uob, Ing Balurday* bu t never show up on Falrv: Monday*. slore.

T hey get ono day's pay free and farmi: there are millions of Uiem In on K enn Ihls. For lh a t day 's pay they pro- to T p duce no aparim enis, no automobiles or an y th ing else. Leo

Mock-work Is varloua. bu l lhe cen t hamburger mnn who g e ts 120 a day ■=— • OS a n oiler on a UtUe engine ru n ­ning * pum p or a hoU l w hich needs ^ only a dab of grease In the cups ^ once a monUi 1s a good example. Um{

H e puts In his Ume gnaw ing ham* burgers and he U usually a no- good In-law of some fine, home* loving. G od-fcarlng fam ily m an in Uie council of th e llkea of m n k Hague. Ho ought to poy IS for his U mb chops and I t w ouldn 't be the worst Idea to garn ish them wllh ground glais.

I f my argum ents seem to suggest di^crlrolnaiory prices u nder govem­m ent control and If th a t smacks of foacfsm. I have expressed myself well. Dut discrim inatory conuols ol wages in favor of certa in groups are bound lo Inflict hardshlp.i on oUier bunches of people unless the sam r outhorlty nlso compel* the people getting ex travagan t wages to pay extravoganl priccs.

I t would be a wise crlUclsm of Uie extorUon of the building trades It th r lr members hnd to pay six m onths' ren t for five m onths ' occu- jiancy. Tlicy get six dnys' pay tor flvo days on Uie Job. I t would bc ha rd to sny how m uch work they _ _ really do. bu t w h * a you count out sn hour a day a t »3.50 or »3 sn " (S hour for travel to a n d fro, 30mlnules of coftec-Ume. m om lng a n d ------aftem oon. 10 m inutes for whlstle- jumplng a t close of day. you shorten Uie tt-ork-werk one m ore day.

Your honeat a rtisan really gets (Ix days' pay for four days' work and even a t lh a t h is production is retnrilcd so much th n l you would be Rfticroiis in sUiUng lh a t he delivers th reo days’ work for six days' pay.T ho sheeper In M on tana ha* no way ot n rrd llng Into h is price of Inmb chops double-iim o for the

' KrowUig th n l la s nn lm als do on S a t­urday.', I concc<!r th n t he m ust be doing wrll, for he Ls nn nrbltrary fellow who will tjull shcfplng In a minute w hen h e su-specUs th o t he Isn't.

Moreover, like a ll th e re.«t of tho farmc.-s, he 1ft now n porn-slte with a veiled lnterc.1t and the price of

U M P ^AIRING Ismpleie pum p departm ent to ^ ‘lr any typo of domesUo water

the Famoua F&W


R SYSTEMSimedlal* tnstallaU on complct*


2 l8 ^ a a At«. B. TwlD FatU. Ida. I

5 U R N , D O N ' T i

I S _______ \

A L A R M I N G . . . ^rcndlly absorbed by th e most

ng flurfnccs ot a boiler o r fumaca Its nnd crowil sh e d . T lie result ,• lower fuel bills nnd lic lter home f i

A T I N G S U R V E Y S jIned nnd qualified heaU ng gu llie fuct-1. You nre Invltea

lan ll

H l _ l

/ I


hops In c lu d a « h » r r »ubal<ly paid p p 7 tho sa m e go rem m en t which ram ed h im th a l If he d idn 't re- t w I !.-rt M r *r h r woiilfl be a historic s m t c . . Octobcr

A few ycn rs ago when a larm s repon 1 ;ere n in g th a t unions were growing by Dr. 100 stronB, Ib e ta u n t always was. speclw. too slrong fo r w hat?” headofW hen M r. T ru m an says Ifl cents p o r t ih

1 too m uch for a lam b chop, w hat 1,503 hc ,oes he m e an too m uch? Too muchor a m a n draw ing 1125 for four ci ;ays’ work? O r too m uch for a city Irl w ith a dependent child cr no ther on MO a week?

------------------------------ club, ")OPERA TE BUSINESS prcsliti

FMRVIEW . Nov. M - M n . Del d em ; ’ Jarlger a n d two son* Vem and HmcW Job, have reu im cd u> operate the ’■alrvlew service *U tlon and grocery *•■lore. T hey nre living In the house arm erly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. ie n n e lh .Miracle, who have moved RE' O T » ln FalU . FAUI

------------------------------ Mr*. VLeon m e a t Is more lhan 73 pei Chlco,

:ent w oter. Uves lit




REQUIRES ONLY 10 M ■110 M ain A venue S.

' f i r e s f o


Th«tov«lle»i»OYtnih«woildio g „ ' M y ‘‘MerrY ChtltffflOL" ExctI* g gl

|*nl *alu«l n

5 9 < > . o x I'm t H E N V E L O K S | |

P S S s

\ 59U'<^ \ ^


Mok* youc d>ole* fro P k ^ . toII»«11on o( ntw ond E

S f . . 1WITH D4VIL

THURSDAY,DAY, l^OVEM BEB 28, 1 9 « -

Eeport Submitted ;T w ) be«res, o s a hog. a n d S63 pan * 1

If caicttw i woro ecndcm ntd d tulng------ 3 -X to tw . according to th a moathljr ■eport su b m itte d lo th a city council >y Dr. D . A. Jackson, c ity m e a t In- ipeclw. D uring the monUi. a ,m le a d of lIvestoeK were killed, h is re- » r t ihowed. ine lud lns 6M beeves.1,503 hoers, 93 aheep ond S< vealers.

a t J D PIC K S O m C E B S PAUivTEW. NOT. a a — o r n c e a

m ve b e e n choaen by upper«Br*da itudenta a t a m eeting o f the ir S l a iA :lub. T h e y a re W alter W agnerT ^ ^ rc slie n t: BUly CUfton. Tlce p ru i- le n t; K e n n e th Tverdy, secretary:HMcld Peterson o n d Lam bert L a u d a , sergeonta-a t-anns; Larrjr Voss, t re a su re r , and Jo a n Sl«wari, l l b r a r i s n . ________

RETtlBN T O CALITOIWIA FA m V IEW , Nov. 3> — M r. and

Mr*. VoJ SauUe have retum ed lo Chico, C allf.. tilMr visiting n la - lives h e re for tw o months,

i C O O D ^ ^

BRAKESIn sp ection




C 10 M IN UTESPhone 75

t o t t e


CHRISTMAS CARDS g ;S«nt} g r« tln s » to 21 fritndt H Ion lb«»e corti* with bfloutlful M jC hiiitm o i ^ e n « t .


8 S I Chrtffnot Card* g Each O ne DHf«r«tit^ Sioutllul Oirittmos dMlgm,^ Mch o^ff n « « end dlffirMl Ifl


I I N D I V I D U A L ^IAS CARDSole* from Ovr q IooI j » iw ond E>*otfllIvl co>4 r]

M v a o m


Page 5: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

m m m m k


2 Bll^ ----------------------------------------------

C h i l d r e n ' s

2-SNAP <3f) P a ir only. Woltiec) a(. point o f a lra in . . C om plete ly ft;l

^ lined. Sizes 12>,4 to S,

3 0 0 P

B O Y S ' C O T T (

Reg. 1.98Wn,i])fiblc, Pni>iilar co lo rs r. B row n. G n:y nnd n iin ‘ w ill m ntchin^r n trip e . S izes to If.

60 PB O Y S ' S U S P E N

r o w n o Y F l

Reg. 1.98R lvoted Pockotfi. S a n fn riz rd ,

^ P o p u la r Rluc Je a n . S izes 2 tc ^ 6 .

A p =

V n

I I ot«It PltltlM

A -"E"-b.iiy~

»_-L.<Jr l* l» r


^ o f




ji4 0 m & r ^ r •I Rnnwv

Klr.•^ -

i ' s R e g . 1 .9 8

» GALOSH" n 9 9 ^ '


) P a i r

r r O N P A N T S I

h 9 9 c *PAIR


V F K U IH U r)

r 9 9 c ,


I , :

25, 19.18

— ----------------------------------- f

^M s .




3 9 8nnvy WhKfl Elk, Oenuliio, Intlinn riid.-.l .Mo.xaMii, All Idrnl Rift for lirr.lrc• 4 Io 7.

T o d d l e r s

D R E S S E SR e g . 1.98

6 4 CAtlincllvr liicp Irlminrd collim. Plrntfil WllbL, Aj.v)rltd color*8 lrf* 1-2-3.

C H E R R I E SO N K I 'O I I N I ) l l ( l . \

R e g . 1.00

6 9 <A *Wfft npfclnl for tlmt bln ChrUHiiii.i llni, iJiiy hnlf * do-rn iir morr uiid .volve mnnv Klftproblcin.1.-

p m ~ l ^

I k . Silvct's#r r * ' *

f J p |H H | Low P r ic e

sM S f Mai1<‘ liy the la

in America. Pr« ly i)elieve your lickk-d pink on

W metnl in 18'‘rmost expen.sivc

k detaild in ornpracUcul Klft itl

\ ■ ,

W E H A V E S E L E C l I T E M S Y O U W A h A N D M A N Y O T H t


Women's IR eg . 5.90 t

4 0 %C asua ls and P rc ssy ijlyle.^i. crepc.-i. In h o s l o f .sea.‘<onal C( f ro n ts . Hi^'h and V neck.s.

w om e: 4 5 - G A U G E r

I 'h o iee of :J N ationa lly adv e rti Hoiial shad i's . Also Me.«li hose. A ll .size.s. Key. 1.3!>......................

C H I L D R E N 'SW h ite O nly, 'ru rn c d down cla.>i c u ff . S izes 8 to lOK.....................


Kla.stic hack . Ura filtint,' frunl lo 10. T earo se only K cfiu lar H.OK ..................................


R A Y O N p yH and le^. c u f f hoUom. No fru; a n d T en Sm all, Medium a n d LarKC Ilcf:. I f lc ..................


F'jincy Btripe.s, popu lar coa l .st S ize s A to D. Rck . 3 .9 R .............

5 0 - P c . S e t

verware. i r n i s h - P ro o f C hest

ic ed f o r L im ited Tim e

1 0 9 5e la r g e s t m a k e r o f S ilverw are

P re -w a r q u a lity . Y ou'll hurd-

n iir cyfefl o r th e p rice . She'll he

on C h r is tm a a m o rn in g . Rnso

1^" N ick e l S ilv e r, a s used in

d vc n ilvcrp lfiled w are . . . Fine

o rn a m e n tn tio n . A beautifu l t i te m ._


C T E D W A N T E D C l-

I k N T T O B U Y . . .

h lE R S F O R T H I S GA


; Dresses0 to 16.95

, OFF•.s. Fnille.s, (Jahardine.'* an d ll colons. Z ip p er a n d butt<in

lE N ’S

; N Y L O N S Ie r tis e d brand.s. P o p u la r sea-

............................... 7 7 * = ‘


lE N ’S

H E P E S L I P Srun l. Tailor*'.! .'. li)), .size.s r,2

3-59[E N ’S

P A N T I E Sfro n t o r .si(!e sea tns. W h ile

3 2 - 9 9 ,___ ____________________________ .V

N ’S ni

H P A J A M A S "ai

.......................2 - 9 9



R e g . 3 . 0 0

2 5 %K<-t'p ihcn i w arm th is C

re m a rk a b le vnlue. E x p e r t ly t i Snf)Wfluit,«. S izes 3 to 12.

S c ra n to n Ci

L A C E T A B I. O vera ll .si7;c 72 x f)0. M nke 1

------- m iH c fn l -h D n K fh D lf n tc f f i----------I R cffu lar 3 .9 8 ................. .............. ..


^ m I

: h r i s t m a s m e r c i -. A N D W E H A V E

3 A L A E V E N T . C O M



DRESS !D ress W h ite an d F an

R e g . 2 .9 8

1.99An IdenI ( J if l fo r .several me y o u r .slioppinff lis t. T h e y 're nil foriznd. M ade of fin e ya rn com bed co tltu i. Fu ll cu t. c a n lailor«-d w ith n<*al box pl<'at I Size.s M to 17.


T h e s e 2 B i g D c



R e g . 4 7 . 5 0 — N o

An iinhn ird of v.iIiip In .Mra’s iM.llcr IJl'c';.,-,liliii up In ll lonn -.viMritiK.*miirily t4illorc<l .siili. A fine neleetlon of K^bnr- _ | d ln rs. covrrlo, uro.^trd* Iand t^vlsu. Slro^ ItG Io .fG.

D R E N 'S

OWI T SCOATS)0 t o 1 6 .9 5 ,

, OFFri.Htmas S easo n w ith n tru ly y ta ilo re d coat.«. S n u g f i llin jr




ke h e r hnppy . t h i s _^cnr-w itl]______

2-49 sn<

A L L P l

M a d e B a i

P a y a b l e

C H A N D I S E I N A L L ^E S H A R P L Y R E D U ( M P A R E !




. ^\ \ \ crAv

men on \ \ V r \ \ \ ' V u 3 ^ nil San- y ,

irn dyed


J R C H O I C E ?

3 a y s O n l y . . .

t'llyTtised= 0 R M E N

' J o w O n l y . . . I

j g o o l

5 4 " W id

W O O L ER e g . 1.99

S u it woiVht.-i. P la in s , C herks aiut

8 0 S q u a i

PERCAR e g . 49c

Plain , sm all print.^ nnd In rt N eedleized . :56” w id th .

8 1 X 10 8

S p rin g M aidReg. 3.19

Snow y w h ite . T y p e 140. Pop­u la r .size in n b e t t e r shee t.

5-Pc. L u n d

BRIDGE-------------R e g T 2 .-gS---------------

S p u n R a y o n a n d C o tton . As­so rte d p a t te m B .



B a l a n c e o f N o v . ,

i b l e J a n u a r y 1

I L 3 S T O R E S - D U C E D T H E S E

Q | i

W i d e


1 .5 7| u a r e

:a l e

3 7 c I1 0 8

lid S h e e ts

2 . 6 7 II n c h e o n


^ □ 5 9 “______


Page 6: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

T w l

S ta rt!

Friday,Wc are alrcs lines of Wanl ALL MUST



te f t -


Ilf'if ^

mS c ' ’ r ^ ’ ’’



a / '

in F d L

ts T o r r9 A.Ar, S a t u n■catly making prep intcd Furniture.,. r GO! During


: P <

I I ' l l i i . i

- r - f. ■_______


U s A

n o r r o \ISA.rday...2cparations to movi . . Living Rooms, I ng tliis Gala Two-1



U s e Y .


F a c i l i t

CHARGE:I f you don’t have ; ch arg e Account— opt-n

i CONTRACT:P a y 20 '': down . . . ba m onth ly paynK'nt.s. En n itu re whilu you pay fi

LAYAWAY:A .small deposit holds y on lay-aw ay . . . balan je n t m onthly paym ents

U - T i ^ ,

HB"’p F^I■ i ' ' ' . J U

^ V . . ______ ^ ; ; b S s o ^

" ■»■' :J..


. B ig Dc)ve into Our New S , Daveno Suites, I D-Day Pre-Christm »r the home, and at


f o u r i r ^A t

[ ) I T ^

t i e s Ve an .\ndpvson ,-------------)t-n one today.


, balance on easy E njoy your fu r- .

y fo r 'i t. 4>

]h your choice on -■lance on conven-■nta, y



2__8f).*15Club T:

i , / , 5— 17115 Ii I I I i Freizct I v s \ 1— M9.95t i / I ' \ H hic 1)1f j ' . ' J l ) ’“ i n i ’ ..I - 1 3 " / 2—;{!>.i)5

i .ix f :d■ i — in n s :

S > a a g |J ^ ‘7 Chintzi M B B p n . 7— >9.05

STER 1m K r ■ 1—SD.95tT W ■""O 50 inch

ALLROO;Choice c Maple.



a y s o f I

-' S t o r e . . . S o w c l i £

B e d d i n g , B e d r o c

m a s S a l e y o u w i l l

a t S u b s t a n t i a l S a v


It's our Famous “? sleeping- comfort. Rolled edgre. Full


e liab ie" I n n e r s p r AND BOX SPRING i

R i-K. .18.59 “ R i:.! L a I^iIk‘1” Bob Spriiijr—

• MATTRESS—231 Ci construction, Flcxnln

m m • BOX SPRING—Mat( W InK. 72 Coil.


' W a t e r f a l l " 3-lic rc is a truly Lovely qiiiility W alnut Voneer

R-Drawcr drop ccnter -J.Drnwor Watorfnll C

^ 2 r • MATCHING NITE I o r •V A N ITY BENCH ....


.95 2 PCE. LIVING ROOM im ir F rc iz c ......................................... ',95 2-PCE L1VIN(J ROOM, _ irles of London .................................'15 LOUNGE CHAIK> T y p e ..................................................5 OCCASIONAL CHAIRizc and Vclmir ...................................95 2-PCE. DAVENO SUITE (; Dnmank ...................................... '5 FCLL SIZE MAHOGANY) ...........................................................................'5 FULL SIZKED OAK HEI) ..................................

S nOUDOIR CHAIR.itz Covered ........................................5 7 ' , / x 9 ‘ ALL WOOL ,\XMIN-:r R C n ...............................................5 MAHOGANY BUFFET nch .......................................................

L DINING OM SUITES:c of Period nnd .^Iode^n. Mahoga c. Dropleaf or extension.


$ J ^

RE & Ai c o n P r o d i

F u r n i t uhave taken Drasti oom Suites, Dinii 11 find the answer 1


L 9 P. M. F G MATTRESS3 COMBINATION! “Siesta.” Full 219-coil for irt. Heavy Damask tick. Illl and twin size.

3R 69.90— VOII S.^VE .....20.90!

>ring Mattress3 COMBINATION

Label” M nttrcss—39.50 “Red Itr—

I Cail Nuchmun Units, Permaform xnlntor insulation, taped edges, •latchinff heavy woven stripe tick-

IR 79.00—YOU SAVE ..... 20 .001

i - P c . B E D Rvely Spite. S-piece Bedroom in ;cr

ter V anity w ith large plate m irror.II Chest nnd full pane) Bed.

:e s t a n d ............................11.88.......................................... 7.88


......$ 2 1 9 - 0 0

......$ 2 4 9 - 0 0

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. . . $ 1 2 9 - 0 0

.........$ 2 9 - 0 0

$ 2 9 * 0 0 2 3 -8 .95

Z $ 1 4 - 0 0

■.":.... $ 3 9 - 0 0

$ 6 9 - 0 0

)% Off nosany, Limed Oak,

a l l p u r

Made Balan P ayab le J

VPPLIAl u c e W a r e l

u re V a lStic Reductions on ling Room Furnit r to your Christma

FRIDAY N5 b o t h fo


5 SR O O M S l

11G4.95 Fam ous Mak*:ARD t a b l e .......................................8.95 TA BLE LAMP. Onyx ba^c, lomplel* w ith S h ad e ............................6.95'IN-UP LAMPS ...................................4.95 MAHOGANY BOOK CASE4 inch ......................................................4.95 MAHOGANY BOOK CASE6..inch ......................................................0.95 CEDAR CHEST,erlod o r M o d e m ................................8.95 LINOLEUM RUGS0 ’ x l 2 ’ ....................................................................95 LINOLEUM RUGS■x x9’ ......................................................9.95 MAHOGANY;h in a c a b i n e t ...........................9.95 MAHOGANY:h in a c a b i n e t ................................

6 WAY FLOOR L•onre finish, Mogul type. 10” Refle wl. Complete with nhade. Reg. 10.95


p t 'w

URCHASES lance of Nov.,

» January 1

VNCEe h o u s e

ilu e s! *on many nitui'e..; mas Gifts


^ .0 0 _


j f o o

> U I T E

) 0 0

$ 3 . 0 0

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....::ZZ$3-oo$ 2 5 - 0 0

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$ 5 9 . 0 0

$ 7 . 0 0

$ 4 - 0 0 K

$ 6 9 - 0 0

$ 4 9 . 0 0

I LAMPR ctlcclor e . S S 10 .06_____» • < » < »


Page 7: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

m m t m i

T iv .Pre-ChF r i d a y a i

. . . our i_____________ _



Larg:e Selection of St;P atterns ....................


„ E l e c t r i c \

Reg:. 6.25. A Christma U nheard of Price. Vis

T w in ^Reg". 19.95. Hardwood Heat Regrulator.........

‘ Sand\«S h e ' l l p r a i s e y o u t ( -

s u c h a u s e f u l g i f t

V i s u a l h e a t i n d i c a t


^ o f

'jj/2 fa ^liristm a!a n d S a t u r d

‘ G reatest Dii Value i




,E C E M

Styles and

A R e a l

C h r i s t m a sA T WORTHWHII


W a ff le;mas Luxui-y a t an Visual R egulator..........

W a ff lelod Handles. *

^ M ake Her a Ho| \ on Christma:

Realize a Big

Mfich T oRegular $10.95I t h i s C h r i s t m o s f o r

f t . W o o d h a n d l e s . |

: a t o r . "

25, 1948


r J /sIS S a le !d a y O n l y :

innerw are ! in YearsK


RE SETegular $7.95


i Irons3 .7 7

i Irons1 0 .7 7

lo p p y Housewife nos Morning, ig Saving too!

s o s t e r

6 . 7 7 1

— -------------------- 9 ^



Q ONIOY a n d h

Reg. 35c...

A Dual PurpO!

^ Coo

Cookie Sm Maker nnd

National Brand. Rub­ber Bumpers. Easy to Clean ...........................

TRIPLE COATED E•I QT. SAUCE PANS.Regular 9 8 c ................................

COVERED 8 QT. KETTLE. Regular 1.89 .............................. .

KITCHEN CValues lo

Red Handles. Knivc.s, Forks. S Soup Spooii5 ................................

CHOP PLLarffe. HeaNT. Blue and Grccr RcKular 60c ................................

K itchen FOODHenvy Mesh w ith S tout Hand! Rcffular 49c V n lu e .....................

ALARM ClRcBuInr 3.1S. Hnrnl Wound. Plus 10% Federnl Tnx..,_.........

HEAT PReprular 35c Vnlue.Felt Bottom. P ln in .....................

WOOD SAL>Heavy Wood F ork and Spoon. Regular 98c _____________ __

WOOD MIXI^Regular 2.79. L argo Popular Si Mixing or U tility B o w l______





17crpose Everyday Useful Item.

okie Press 98c 6 7 c

Sm art Set. H andy Cookie nnd Decorator.


SWEEPERReg. 5.95

T n r *J L l l5 ENAMEL WARE I................. . 1 7 c

................ 3 7 c

CUTLERY, lo 39c

5 , SpOOIlH,


™";................. 7 c(



... .........1 . 7 7


.......................5 f o r 2 5 c '


™;.............. 4 7 c

:iNG BOWLr S ize in a J





AutomaticReg. 19.95

1 5 .7 7 ^Rust

AluminumReg. 1.25

You’ll nici m M C you’ll enjo


E G G B lReg. 89c— v m m W h athm is

m C this linic s

3 -S pee

E l e c t r i c HReg. 25.95

2 2 . 9 5You can sec th a t Boy

W ith



’ 5 “ Down ^CoiiTftnfutf

Monthly Paymcntf

a l l pl

M ade Balt





ic Toaster §/Nationally advertised.Light and d a rk Regu- lator. Removable C rum b Tray.

st Proof

n Percolatorm arvel a t the price. An item

;njoy using again and again.

uble Whip


ousewife wouldn’t be pleased wi le saver. Buy one fo r a friend .


f ^ l X E R g

Hifjhly A d v e r t i s e d Mixer. Juice E xtrac- tor nnd Two Mixing v | | l

I BowIh included. ^

toy or Girl Now , . . S uprem e

ith One of O ur Fam ous

^ING BlmiCED for this.

^ RE(

I ® * 4piH BOYS’

I Red ar

GIRLSX— l i '

/ [ n ‘A Boy or

Wheels . Balloon T

' : ; l PACE SEVEN •

PURCHASES balance o f Nov., ble January 1

3 M E R C H A N - - L A Y A W A Y


n . “

;d w ith Ijnd.

emcfy H appy!

ilKESis 2-day saleREG. $48.00


4 2 “YS’ MODEL d and Maroon

SLS’ M O D EL... In ;en and Light {:enOne on Layaway fo r th s t

o r GirL Rlffld Gothic

lels . . . 26” ^ e c l a » • « xm Tires and Tabes.


Page 8: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

p a g e ~e t g h t

G o f f R e a d y t o T a k e P o s t o f R

C o i u ' t J u s t i c e IBO ISE. Nov. U (>r;—Rep. Abe I H

O orr h u been quoted u luiylng he v o u ld ‘‘accep t Uifl nppolnUnent lu j ^ H 8U l« Mipreme court Ju.nllce 1( It

O o((. Mov;ow utiorncy who n'As defeolcd by Dcniucfat Compton I.W hile for rcclw-tloit na /Ir.M dM rlot

ux n poc.;.lljIc rrm illilntr for llir np- B S S poliiLini'iit t<i t tir . 'U tr auprriiie a J m

M iller.^ ^ ' *” K S.Mlllef lo I lc s lm E f a .

M lllrr will rtJlgn beforn .Inn I lo acccpt hiB »fnl In th« U. S. cpn-

Thr«T ilLstrlcV conn Jinu rs uIno Q J Shave b<-en mentioned u pou lb le f l |B |c>lndldAlr^ for ih r Judicial prut. J P UT hey arc JiiiM r C. -I T.iylor. Idnho W Mrn lls ; .Jiltlfir O. A. BiiI!o:i, W rU rr. | B Band juclxe H ush A. njiltrr. R up rrt. H B

Im m rilla lc iy a f l r ' t:ir rlrcllnn H H |G off Jinld he mifihl r rt iirn to the arm y In which h r 'r rv rd u cnloncl | ^ H In W orld w ar II l | B |

To Conililer Bar III muVElnc Ihe nppulntnirnt. Oov.

C. A. Robln.^ will c<jn!>lilrr bnr iui> K H hoclnilcm rirommriidH lions. W hen P a u l I ly a lt of !^wht<.ti w;i,'. nunifil . K S

d rn th o l 'ju M I .'r K A lihle'", | H

th r l r cndiirrrniriil. 1 2 0T lir Idnho I'lill-. ni.'.lrlct Dnr an- . Roj

wx'lnllotl h:i5 c iiilor'cd Ju d g r T ay - iw err lor.

T lir l<liiho B ar iiwoclntlon will m e et In UoUe D • < nnd It Is cx- pected th n t Kroup'# recom m rntla- I M Unn will be Atudled U irn. V ^ ' l l

T lie m eetlns orlKltmlly wan cnlled by th e nttom ey* lo consider furUier « p rogram for reoruftnlrlng tiir Id a ­ho court sy»u-m and lo con.ildrr les- l.nlasion Increaslns sitlarlrx of dl»* " tr lc t and »uprema eourt Judgrj. ^

------------------------------D O t

Idaho School Unit vl,, Schedules Parley "r; For Report Study ‘T“,BOISE. Nov. 35 l/pj — T lie s ta le rollntji

com m liK 'r of th r N orthw rsi A-'.-.o- iii> ihl clfttlon of Secondiiry nnd HlKhrr I'l rry. M hools will m eet here Frl<iikv and ■ Irrrklr Sa tu rd ny to rxnm lnr rrpori.i of Po; ilar at Idftho hlRh fchnols w hich nre n iem -; “ •wh bera of Ihe oHOclaUon. | n m

TJie «ljito com m ittee » lll iirrpare llll rep o r lj and recom m rndntloai fnr wha-o th e annual nicrtlnn of th r N nrth -i u w est nMoclniloii to be held In .Sp<>- i • , knne Dec. 0. 10 and 11. |

A lton B. Jones, a in te .'uperln ien- d e n t of public In.^tructlon. nald t ' ' ' , m rm brr.ih ip In the necrediuiiR n.n- soclaUon BlvriTKchool.'the ndvaninue of m utually rxi-linnclnR crpdltn wllh m em ber schooU throtiKhuiii the im - ’ ' I ’f f ' ' tlon .

H e M id Idnho hiui 02 hl«h /cliooU H-hlch do n o t belonc to th e N orth- «ho:o we.M oniioclntlon. bern\i.'-

M ember.i of th r .\tjxle ro iiim ltlrr '‘ 'I-:' a rc OeorKc Fields, p rincipal nf lio l 'r V'*' h lc h *choo5; G eorcr Llkrnr.v.. j.u- pe rln ten d e n t of s'hool.s n t Duhl. nnd O . D. Cole. (lUte high achool au- perk'lsor. Boise. '

___________________ T )ir\

First Governors ‘Missed’ Holiday pSjl,

BO ISE, Nov. 35 W ^ T l ie f i r s t Tliunlt.iBlvlnK day In Idaho v.■tx pro- „ ,,,rr i cliihned 70 years n « o - b u t only t.f trr the Iwo lorrllorlnl Kovmior.i h a d overlooked the hoLday,

O ov. David W. Dullard w m f ir s t to rem em ber In laoo, W illiam . W nllace. Kovernor of th r Idnho ■ ,, , . terrltorj-, fo rso t Thanlug lv ln i; cn- tire ly In 1HG3. Mis auccevor. Calrli 1 ' Lyon, ubo overlooked the holiday. ;

O ovem or" Ballurd'.i proclrmintmn '•Rked the fronU er people o f Idu lio . , le r r lto o ’ to aclcnowledBe th e ir "m er- , cles and bleiBlnga by of n r» ti- ^ tu d e and praise to th o A uthor of k theso bountiful ilf ta ," mu.

Water Committee Sets Study Meet

BO ISE. Nov. 35 (/D—T he Mato „ , j . , vaU rr ullllrallon ronu iilitre '‘ 'H p ,h , ' i m e t t her* Nnv. 30 to dl^cuM pro-1 ,iu (rrr posfd IrglsUlJon In .'rlllin ; up a I j j , , , „ •Ire iun pollution control aBetioy

, »lan.hin , C. Clare, secreUr>- of Iho com- „unlOi

m itt^e . wild rrp re .v n ia tlv rs of n iin - n ,Ins. rrcliim atlon, forcM pukIiicI.', jn rclil' h e a lth di-pnrtnirnt, ll.^ll and Kainr departm ent, inunlcliitillllcv. am i ol.h-' , e r indujtrlM and group.% a-oiild n t- j U nd the .lewlon. I “A n

Clnre .lald the ccm niiliee would If 1 Btudy recommended Irsl.'latlon in I me. . . w'orfelnK m il a b e tir r uilllrjitlfiri -Tru proKrani In Icl.iho. ’nip' ooninii;ti-«'' a,^av was Art up hy Uir 1047 Irulslaturr. w;,rd. M ark R. K ulp, tln le rcclainallon cn- "Goi Slnecr. U chairm an. and (

----------------------------- fiunllv,BU IIL LOItCE MEETS driinh.

BUHL, N(iv, 25—Mrnll>^•r. of lh e s>i:ni Moose lodKr m et WednrMlav n iuh t.] :n(v.i i- Toplc-s lni;lu(ird Incorpratlon and i,-ti Ijv plnrw for u Moc'-e h.ill. I y<-.irs 1


E n

A v o id I h c ' ' i

C r o w d s ------- / « « l r n CA t t e n d M a t in e e 'a n d D in n e r H o u r S l io w s

■ _ F M l l u a a - » t - 1 2 : Q l l . J l : 0 3 . - 6 . a ! I . J l : ;

I 4 0 c t i l 2 ;0 0 » P .M .— 6 0 o A f t e r :


n - i - - .

W h a t Mi

■ Boy clllien* of the C hlld rrn 'a Vlllnie: in e rrd a <(unillon ii-.iially Irft li> piyrhn ln t

H- H- >(■ *

uhildren Themse Qualificatioi

IW Slt^lNK It r. AHI.IU M I falUifi; N tA .Slaff CiirTripnnilriil "Miii

DODUS F T R n y , N. Y .-A frr<-ltlr- ' '•iit.i s ai-<-d Iren-nKc hoy lli'k.xl hl.i iK n-i'li> ,v<i' II and Arrnwlcd on a M irft of ta h - Kld.■ e> rt, )ni>«r: ■ niiich-

•'A paren t »Iioul(l hr Iru th fu l and ■ood. . .- ,In the s.-ime slnir-roofrd.

ollnijc and In ollii'r.' tJial ninlt'-ip llll-. hoyr,’.,-l7r vIlhiKi' nt D>)!>n- "*irry . lOO >oim>;Mfi:. likf iii'-

lar anr.wt r.i lo the ruie.itlon: ** j “"Whiil tnakr.s n K'hmI parent',’” i it i ' n m a-.uiil wav to find out ha.^ j ‘ „

>een to luik child psychnlnulst.n, i _• ,'ha'.o Atudloiis wnrd,-. on ih-- . iib-1 ",c t llll inaiiv a t>..nk, :T i l l s IJnir Uh- itroxn-iip nn t.lm rl-1 •• )r.i (Itu-ItKllni; .-111111 iisyi-tu)lo-i , istji who run till- CTUIdirns V U -■ iRft drcldr<I to k-et the nn-.wrr J r « n I lie yoijiiKMrri tli--ni.-.<-lvr-.. T ii.-irl ‘ ‘ ource-boy., lirtwe.-n 10 and lO - ic iu u ir ,

Mr nnti.-.n-., ymitli:' whi:; nor.- Itjnlflcatit, Ihry arc yoiUlK--.irr.s ‘ “ ' ■ hoio llvc-H have been In c o n lllc t: “ I crnu.'.r of parrnl.s who were a Io n s ',:iy li,.m „ ny ,u„ ly\U ,r„ l '

T h r l»p an -.u rr: Trulliruliiriiii. ’ Variously r\pir.v .,-,| th a l wu.-. i n - ' f^ni.U;.-

equJrrinent fo r Kood piiienthood in a |>er ccn t of th e nn.iwci.N u r i t t r n ! {jf"'- own by the villaBr'.r buy ciil.-.m.'. ' ■l-'X';"- T liry pu t honr.ilv<I <04 I>rrl

nd 11 Qiiirt m in i follmvol in th a t a iu 'ih r rdrr, Aftrcllon, which in;uiy r \ - I'rl.-i have )iut u t llii- lop o( p-ir- about ithood fiunlltlr.5, ran /.IxUi mi p r r Drinkli •IIP lit the Children .1 Vlll.nte. T ;io ' cleanlli ilicr lilKh-:.corJnK Idcali (fill lo iK iIthrlttli ,T <-riili: Con.ililrrallon of o lh r ;... ' Til.-

t hiiiuor, Jlrinnr:.', cvrti-lrn ip i-r- miK.plli Inr.'.n. ' Roodl-'iir many of thr.-r lioyi, th li -A-a;., At th r :i- Iir.-.l clnin.-c- to talk ou l Ih c lr . 11 Is v rlliii--. nhnui tlK- ui:;t:ilil.' h u n e ju v e In

in v.iiij the r»:.t of th r wuilil. th,- u i iJiit the Iinswrr.i wrre; fa r m ore -truLhf

la tiiir than the ntjrs of Uir l a b o r - ------- —I handivriiJnit would ind lrste . Dc- r— iM,*r ol whnl th r tr ll\i-s h.iil lir .n r lo rf they rann- to th r vlll.'iv:'*V stud rn tj 111 >rlf-cinri it;oii. tiu-;

l. opportunity to jvi.-.s ludicm'-nt ;II lhe good nnd b^d (juailKes in arrlit.'. i "If I n r r r In pirk m» nnn p a r - [

ill«," « ro (r a U • > • nld. " Ih r

"ifrrrn l f ro m ll .i .^ r l’ 'h n » r nc>«' tir? niav as u r il Ih r on ,.iic.llirr la n d , Tlir.v uiiiilil hp ' l i ond rr- landlnt, C l talr. il l leiilrru In : ]unM inirnl hut fair In J iid rm rn t. 'It mil iirrr'«arll> InrcrlfnI, hill irslvlnc. . ." I

llir. lUttcr. ,v.ii;.-!l!iirr -.M.- ;llil'“A m other and dad who will c arr

' 1 s r t Inlo Iroiihle and love

'T ru lliliil . . . d" i>i>( lioM r.ic is '^^ay (nirn rl.llilrrn , slr.tishlt< ir- ';trd. no healliii; alioul llir lu i.h ." :"Uiioil h a h lli . . , Illll to ijiu rre l

nd d lh l . frlrnd ly u lth all the unlly. ni>l to eur»e, nol tn j r t riinh. ,

r.irs h.ld bcrn lUlcniitr:; by an un-


B n d s T o d a y !

> « « r | ^

:T <

o r2 0 _________ C a q ______----------------------------------------------- ct e r 2 :0 0 — K iddte.i H e |

M a k e s G o o d P a r e r

Inie: AVlih <0(1 o llirn . they a n . ‘ Vlll hidiiKlots. - th e ii

selves Give Ans ions Making ‘GoilUifiil fiithiT Niul a U t'.cr m o th e r: tlic ot:"Miiiiy tlmej I have h e ard jiur- hli'u! Miy to Ihrlr children, ‘wlm t In d) you exji.Tt «! ils?' W h n l u.i linys Id.i exiirrt nt our p .irrnls I r u 't very ih r otiinch—111 fiict, iilini; seven thhi:.;i. rU cr \la l any iivcrin;r boy or s l r l cx- Hehi-ct.i. I wnnt iny parenl-s to like hulldliIld understanrt me. lo lu t c n to w hnt i■ to Kiiidr me ilKhl, to raise romnnir In a d rcrni linnir. to feed and tho re<,il’,.- 111.: propi-rly, to i r a r l i mr <l.v,vnIUi |lll!llt^ lor Uiili -Acirk iititl plny. «row) help tne oMalii a cood rduciiilon . m rn t"If nio-.t. p.arnt.i would civi- lhe polk-c.

iilld thive ,>evrn IhltiKii, Juvenile 'ITlui-lliuiu'-nry »miltl drup nnd se p e ra - Tlieyon.-, in lhe hniiir would be .-.olved. ulm t■f rnl|^^r, [Mtrnii rnn 'l do I h l i nll 'vhelliV th rinvlvr^ . they ina-.l tmv.- our elaborell) ’ fully JlIn Mhiil they hnve uTltteri dowTi old vl

ll th r o ilirr ^ldr of th r ledKer - pJiren'hnt mnkr;, II bail parent— th o bo \s "Holow why they liiivc roiiic Io the "Pallillilrrn’.i VillnRi- to find n tnblllty, "Mu T liry put tiiiBUlM; a t lh e to p of irir ll-t i93 iK-r irnM ot iindeslr- hie rjuallllefi In a parent, In ipa-rn re wns r.eronil, wlUi o thur ^Mil.-, ixillitik: trom utt m no p r r r rn t ■’ Hull- nri;at|vc vole: Iluldliii;-uili;i'., lorK'-tliil of inoniL-.e., tu,-. i- c'.', roinploliiinK. IrrlLablUly. ho-.'.l- e-',. .-.elt-plly. alw.iv* "too l l r ix f losten. 1W hrn they fliiLihe<l wlUi the ''

•tunl fItll-.^!lonnal^^, Ihi-y tivik

-iwn llle:e rpoiltflneous frrlniK.i BRJjout the bnd -:ldc of p a re n ti ; n c rlnkluR, swearing. RanihllnK. un-canlliic.-Li, f a v o r i t i s m , upend- MIJ irlttlnr.1.1.Tiie lun,i who w r o t e U ii'j ' — hu;.. nre Ilmlltn; the fflrt <if nt-iK’Phrtc they pm down in the \ /fC>od parent column l.i txi;.slble. \ g,

th r Children's Vlllani', of ronrr.e. \ ''Is w ithout tlielr parents. They I ^

■•e In grouiw, in cint.icc;. w ith n \ ^ ‘0i;::;-c molher nnd Intliei— Hal \ «I.- Ullaur :r rs lo 11 Ilirv have llir \ruthfulnc.>^." ths "fulm r.v.," nnd \ C


nnd SATI:KUA> f f iNinilT DANCK ^ 9


roNT.\rr. ni;vaii\ i MUSIC BY

H ll-L M K in iN n H K ^anil

Nick & Nora Ch; New 1949 Frazer IVI


K E P EListen for clues tonight...

lucky finder! Hear the Ne

The Thin Man...mystery.. Tonight, 8:00 p. m. - S


^STOKES S A O sT a F161 Sccond Am'ruc

-------- T B I E S P J E W S . n V I N T i

e n t ? G e


. *co u n tr

I y y O erm a. L i i a B L ^ ^ tatoe«.

' In ^

too wc or a cr

‘ 000 bu

^r g W M r < / 418,000

W m B t 'v f l R E t payersS'W W C", f / v j ru n . £3

j f/ ': J n and WlI S r t 'u l A '* ' J f ’ i- ' t " Industi

^ i ^Potato

Item o

I perla—7


■ '

V llla te r: Prom t r e n - a je j h m li , he an-.»vrr on im u n -ii in . in l'lee

¥ ♦ ¥ ¥ otherUiroKK

iswer on rood’ Parentsle o ther nuallllrrs they now sre an 'cu!;,. crnllcIn d l^-ovrilnp Uib >ort of life, the lys live In w hat m iuht pns;. Irom J] ‘'v

u - r X e " ’’H ehlnd the tac.ide ot Rabled lHdlnK.1 and tr r r.s lu ild rd Inwns Li -Vfrwl hn t Ihe vlllnKr authorlllr.i cnll -a ” ^ im m unity for iihadjin.ted boya." gccVct. 10 repllea of nn aduli town sealed ir u r j- lc hoj',' In It. the iKiys jnmprt•ow up tiniler ih n r own K.iv.-rn- r n t ol nuiyor, Judne. rh ir l of «lk-c. .md i>Uicr civic olflclaU. gw n r T hus, they earn a readjusted life, nbiy jj hey nbn ra rn the rlghl lo say l':it tliey Ihink l.» a K'»id p.ircnt. p„ h e llir r th ry miv It In I'slnfully j j fabon ite sent'-tice.i, or lu the pain- ---------Illy Almpln M ni^m rni o[ n l«-year- J t U d vilUmrr w ha-e nnlv ileilrc.i In iireni.i are:"Honr.'ty.• 'P atlrn re‘■Mii:.t llkr chllilren,- ,

CMnXiHTiiF.A Tni:—Kisinrni.Y





\ la ih* J JM .xp

m f f r o m

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ERS! maybe the -

New adventures of

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MD SERVICE il;n u e N u rth

i e r m a n F a r m P r i (

W o r k i n g — b u t A llBy PE T E R EDSON greifi

s-EA W aahlD fton Cofre«p«ndeiJ» p a s iIVASHINOTON - We*l«Tn O er- mca-niny tl now oper.itln f under th e Island -.i*jiiR or th o 0 . 6 . poU to -p rlcopport program , w hich haa been “ "<5^ a h o t pollUcal 1/^ue In th is lo unto^ ever »Jnce Uie v fx . To b « inna ii farm ers to raLie- m ore po- Pi-r•.ots. p rlee support-! were offered m and

th e Amerlcan-BrltlAh blzone «urpr:ra. I f any th ing , th e p lan worked to thi) well. I t resu lled In producUon u . s .a crop now estim ated a t 7 5 0 ^ .« on It) bushels. F o r slse. com pare lh a t -Onetb V. 8 . producUon l u t year ot miRhi),000,000 buaheU, tary IDItone officia ls say tho expert- he lutn t w on 'l COM the Amerlcnn la x - trad eyers m uch If nnyUilng hi the lonx Braui n. Eniploj-cs of the O erm an slnte.i d w orkers In m any of the lam er ‘I I klu s irle s wer« advanced enough L-- :.oiy to buy up a full year's supply e:in b

potatoes, to pu t In storaRe. So surpli of Uie c rop will be taken up. u h.ita ioM . have bern removed fro«n manyI- ra tio n lis t and here Is cne food nc.'.im of w lilch Uie G erm ans cnn buy irnm

m uch os they cun a fford and catet OJ m uch a s Uiey can hold. Umt i

ftm erlcan Lcglon'.i legislative- ex- theyrls—coniprlalng oue of lhe moM T h 'w rrtu i lobble.i In Wa.ihlnKton— KriUct lh a t th e new connrc:.;i‘ will --o ore receptive to un lvenal mill- relief

ry trn ln ln g IrgLilutlon, Tho p rc- l“ xpa•tlon Ll boi.ed on tlio fact th a t boonco Allen. 111., will no longer be ECAa irm an of th e hoiu-e rules com- cour.i n ice, w hich botllitl up ihLi andtier im p o rta n l IcKblnllon ull MlcroKKh th e Mse c*mKrc.i5. S'cv rules f.sracla lrm un. Adolph Snbaih, Ia lo r tioii.i.•rr. flay.-v

Hownllatw lire Jubilant over the Ik- .-j rcilun ri'.iult. nnd ihliik it U n -iU . S. iivcn U trlr chnticea to gain t la te - rn t n od In th e nex t congress. Demo- Jdeiil llic pln ito rrn calls for "Im juedi- In n .iiuu-hnod" for lhe H aw aiian Li- Uiat id.i. R epublican platform called liuyln ly for '-eventual statehood." lin - r.lovni illnii Dt.-h-i;iitr Joseph R. f iir r ln n - nuivl 11. u Kcpubllcan running on a rniu-i la tehood no'.v" platform , was Kcnce erwhelmlnRly reelected lo con- dire r.**. Pre.sldent T rum nn. In terio r U.N." c re tary J . A. K rug und U ndcrsec- larj- O.icar C hspm an nre nil com- E lUrd lo Klving Hawaii l u . 'la ic - U.S itxl. W ln i worrJe.i Uio Ihi-A-nllan.i co-a-, risl b the doubtful n tiliude o l j im d un R ayburn . Te.xns. who will i>rob-1 nivii: lly be nex t .ipeaker of the thwri id w ho In (hc past h ^ nol been p rarl 0 e iiihusla jtle . IIf Reptibllcan.-i in Uie Both con- ' rii;AI

p t a r t i n

n o o n ;A P a r a r r io u n l^ 9 H B P Q B M |^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Picture jtorrinqJOHN



K it tP• MOt4TY ^




Qj NM' j

rice Supports Bo Almost too^WHI ~Erei« had been sm arter find had r ia t i l e d the Ha'»-#llan s la lehood J lea-iure la st yesr, the sra lefu lilanders w o u ld probably h tv e phm lect«d tw o ' lU publlcan senttlorsnd two Hepubllcan congressaien Twin iJ swell O O P voles 111 the Blst. qj

------- d lstrlcPi-rry D roxn. new na tional com- aid B.

•.nnder of the American Legion, m enturprlsed eveo'body on hLi f lrs l visit sefislor3 th e capital by adm itting th a t th e OLhiI, S. mlRhi i»'.'(lbly go overboard vaneern llR natlonnl dtten.ic p rograoi. ehle IOne of Uieae days It Li pawlble we graphjlig h t find ourselves wiUi a mill* Tyler,iry budgti we Just couldn 't a lfo rd ." pairs;,e said. Drown is a building con- anlmaractor and consinicUon m an from Ing; Airauniont, T rx, Junior

-------- Kelt•n ie Itlea llm l the .MJr.-.hull plan bulidh

• i.omeUiliiK JtI. l to assist A mcrl- Oletin,nn bttilnr.*.'. hy taking up slack arwl mu.ilc;urphl^ p.'odufilon In th is country ^s h .ird to kJll off. ECA still gets Buck,lany Iriier;. Irom American bual- repair; ■e.'.i fl^n^ ilL-aling In everythingrnm coar.-.t piiu-.phaio rock lo dell- pe'-’cloale marhliii: tooLi, crtnplnlnlng “'’R- »h n t they arc not Keltlng any orderr. ment: r a.i many ordci.-. from Europe asMey hsd anllclpaUrd. , Charlt T h e answer Is th a l th e purpose

f ECA n to nld Europe to recovery Fllimo o a.i lo uei the burden of foreign chef (iff the ncck of the American ax p ay c rs -n o t Just to provide &oondogcle for Amcrlcnn business. A :CA pul* ll more tactfuUy, of bul lhal'.i the d rill,

M lrha rl H, Coniay, mem ber of the ^ ^rJlcII mlislon lo the UnJled loii.i. ciune lo Wa.ihlngti)n< w ay.-v «Ko "to try lo find o u ^ h e . n il American jHjIlcy on Palesuhe," k- .-.aid the policy exprex-.ed b y 'tn e I, S. drlesatlfm In Pnrl:i wiui d lffer- n t from ilic one exprr.i;,cd by Pros- Jen i Trum an,In dlsciL-.'ing recenl ParLi reports

lia t lhe hrnell Kovcrnmcnt w u uylm; a rm i in Rur.iln and Czecho- lovnkia. Comay chiirurd; "1 ani iiiivliiccd th rre stories were delib- niu-ly pliuitecl by D rltlih Intelll- cnce ai;vnls nnd Umed to preju- Ire !j’,e PnlrMlno case before the I.N."

E.M Tlt l)KH,VTE TOURNEY _____u .s iv K - t.s r rv o p i d a h o . m o^- —

o'A", Nov, I’.’i—John Fm nk.'. Onklry, nd Chnrlr.i G lib and M rrrd lth lli 'iin . Twin Falls, were among hiv.Pi on a deliale U am eni<.TlnR a ira r llr r del;,ite n l Spokane,

ADS. ^


U.I.SlEN CE V / I /T IIVER j Eoo;

LAST SHOW------1 10 r,M .

iK S G lV I N G t r e a t : --------

I H Q *r

---------------------- --------- T H U R S D A T ,

?oai-d Grants 59 Eagle Award—^ To Boy Scout boJ

Bannoc:PhUlIn Cufiler wna approved for in prov:romotJon lo Engle Scout by Uie d ra ft cwin Palls dU trlc l Doy Scout board said.: review W ednesday n l jh t In lhe , i_, Istrlct court room. T h e Rev. Don-Id B. Black-itone. council advance- Zlent chairm an , p resided a t the ^ ^ d u

GUier S cou tj cerUfled Ior ad- incem cnt a re : M erit badges. Ar-:ile Brov.-n. home repairs, pholo- - ,{?raphy and personal hen lth : O arth f “ i f ' yier. an im al Industry, home rc-airs; PhUllp C ueter. flrsl aid to 7 . “nlmnls, conservation, wood car\’- If® ,‘g: Avery Floyd, personal health ; "if, „ ^iinlor Ju lian , ptri.onol henlUi, i „ J i ‘ KclUi E«bert. In rm layout ond

ulldhig a r r a n g e m e n t : Jimmy ilenn. home repairs, fnrm layout.male; KenneUi M cDonald, poul- Adams7 keeping, a n d read ing ; Albert uck. cycling: Dob Ludlow, homejpnlr.i.,'a fe ty . da iry ing : E arl W alk- tiflcd :r, scholarship, rending; physlcnl Tilley,eveloptnrnt: Lnrr>- Juchau , rend- Dewayrlg. schnlar.ihlp, physical develop- Eecorlent: RoKer T yler, an lm aj Indiwirj'; Bobby •lary We.'cotl, an im al Industry; Webb,harles Park, personal health , home son. RJspalrs, anlm a] Industry ; H arland D onaldlllmore, an im al Industry, and Fred T h e <tittenkorth, hom e repairs, a l 8 p.•rrie lollowlng Scout* were ccr- tr lc l cc



• FOLK DANCI^M • Combination Clasae

M I A l A l . , apiinlsh Caslnneta OFFERS: • Adult K eep-Fit Cla.

ENROLL AT 513 Sixth Avenuo Norlh —

Friday, November : or Phone 1865-W or 2

Classes Starting Saturday, I

| R ^ D O U B L E #y r o w MONEYS WORTH

1 A N D M O A K

in r n n--------------------------- STARTING -



Virginia Bruce ,

M a y o • B e n n e t t

— ^ R o b e r t H u t t o n

' y / D O ORS OPEN FRIDAY M 5 --------------------------- COMPANION HI

a r «


i l - A j


ID A T ,~ N O V E M B E R 2 5 , 1 5 4 8

)9 Gem Staters

Call in DecemberBO ISE, N ov. 25 O D -A d* aiut

lannock counties will lead th e >ut*1 providing m en for lh e December ra f t ca ll, B rlj.-O en . Jo h n W alsh aid.A loU l o f 50 m en wlU bo called

p u n der th e selecUTo service pro­ram in D ecem ber. They wUl report 3 InducUon centers a t Bolso, 8po- ano a n d PocaU llo Dee. 16 a o d IT. ^ Q uoU s by counties a re : WPocatello a rea-B nnnoclc. 0; Twm

■all*, 4; Bonneville. 3; iwo cach rom Je fferson . Mlnldolta. Bingham nd C assia counUes; and one each rom r ra n k lln . U ncoln. Custer, lear L ake. B lalnc. Bulto. ClMlt. •eton. F rem on t. Madison and looding.

Bolsr a re a —Ada. 8; Canyon. 8; Va.ihlnglon. 3: Valley. J. Mid idam s a n d Boise countlcs one each.

Ifled fo r Ilr.1t class rnnk: Dale 'llley. Bob A nth ls. Fred Linde and )ewayne A*h.

Eecond c lass rank will go to lobby • W heeler. Bill Johns. Fred Vebb, R o b e r t Inam a , Jay Claw- on. R icha rd Barrell, D uane Mc- )onald a n d N orm an Arrington.T h e c o u rt o t honor will be held

I 8 p . m, W ednesday In Ute dls- rlcl cou rt room.

In o ------------------------ ll,fG CLASSES ’IC • BAI.LET NCING ^Classes for Dcglnncra Ianeta li'It Classes I

ATh — to 5 p.m. nber 2r>th' or 2732-Jlay, November 27






)N H IT ' ~ ■



Page 9: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

• 1


P I A I '

I kF^om the liixurloiin concfrt Brantl to lho conipiict ni)lnrt model fo r amall hom es and I •po^thienta. you'll b« sure u> rind th e piano of your dfslre In onr selection of lam oiu m akes . . . nnd In a wide eholee of flnlshcx. Olve ih« fam ily a piano this ChrlJl- mas.

r a d :

------ II


P H O N - 0 -Consoles. coniliinationM nnd ti to su it your every need nnd purne. A flmall (ii jjohit will h(

^ Christmns.

I ’


RECORDSI Sliphtly u.Hi'd in dcmon.qtrntion


0 1



^ G U L B R A N S E N




■ f I


O - C O R DIld tnblc niodclfl . . . radios nnd priced to plcnso every ill hold your ncloction until

PJ We Invite you to rl*It oor

iieu-ly rrm odeled nnd retleeoratcd record depart­

m ent. A eom plotf selec- tJon from BriintJ opera to tliB late.1t chlld'fl n unery

rhym es. Mnke Thla a ■•Record" C hn.itm a* . . . fir*

miiBlo— tho (fUt th a t wlU bring en joym en t Uirough-

oiii th e year.


RECORDS■Ifcl^d group o f popu la r tune* lally p rlcfd a t

I for 9 9 «

26. 1 9 «



FRIDitWe extend a most c( pletely remodeled ar this added room, we but m il also be able m ake your selection; and we wish to take made this success p<


i f fARE BEST OF ALL!Make It a truly wonderful ChrtsUnai , . . with Rtflji tho whole family can enjoy . , . 6lft.-i that add fo mueh to the beauty and eonitorl nt homr. nticJ brlHR Incrfiulnc plei&ur* as ye«r* ko by.


S U I T E SBeautifully dc.siKncd, fin room HuiU's that will ndc ta lity to niiy home. Youi lovely new styles in ric: mnhognny or mnple finis prisinKly nKuiarntc pricc set.s in both clirome and ■




idXE W L Y m

A Y ond ;N O V E M B E I

t cordial invitation fo r all and enlarged to give us

ve W'ill not only be able to ale to display our mercha ons. We have been doing ■ke th is opportunity to th



L I V I N G> the O n e c o m p le te f lo o r o fo"” '- v o lo u r s — freize.'?— n il in

o f p o p u la r n e w .■^hndep. b y r e n l c r a f t s m e n t o a s f

r R O O M

f i n e l y m a d e dining* n d d g r n c io u H h o s ii j- . '

i’o u r c h o ic c o f m a n y r i c h b lo n d , w a ln u t , f- T ^ j a ;

i n i s h e n — a n d a t n u r- iricc.-?. A ls o d in e t te .nd o n k .


NTStil Ch

^ A





SATURi^R 2 6 a n d 2 7all to stop in and visit ou us more than twice the to increase our stock ar handise better to makd il ng businss in this same lo( thank the people of Magi


i i i ; ;

G R O O M Sof living' room suitee to f I in the Hmarteat new Btylinp. unc dep. Fine qunlity fu rn itu re dcsifi: aK.'iure you of exceptional beauty ,

. r t i n

® ' l I !T-(

e ni.-io have a good nelection of I> vinp Rockcrs, Tables, Lamps. Cedr irrora . . . items thn t will mnke cxc »5 Giftfl. Shop Enrly. while sclect jte. A amall deposit will hold your Christmns.

B E D R O (

An unu.'^ujilly fine selectit where you wili bc sure to lookinK fnr . . . w hether yt em styling' . . . and .it p you. Blonde, maho finishc.s in finely const nic Rive yearn of lonff hard wt

8«e Artdltlo:




R D A Your new store. Com- le floor space. With and add new lines,

(! it easiei- fo r you to location for 30 years,

agic Valley who have


S U I T E S ^se. from . . . niobair.s— und in a wide .selectinn

ifliffncd and constructed Jly nnd ycar« of .service.

f Lounffo Chairs,'e d a r Che.<!ts andexcellent Christ- F

lections are com- j |our purchase un- i

) O M i

S U I T E Siction of bedroom nuites t to find just w hut you are y

r you want period or mod- B it price.s tha t nro sure to 'lahoRany, w alnut nnd onk nicted furn iture th n t will I wear.

lU lonal Adi on TaK fi 17 and 1)1

~ B RSIC • A P f



uA r ra n d eelecUon of famous nstlo electrical appUnnces, We Invito you a dem onatnillon of any on» of these i •ee for yourself how you can save lln

• N O R G E E L E C T R I C R A

• N O R G E R E F R I G E P

• N O R G E W A S H

• N O R G E P

• A B C - O - M A T I G W A S H E l

• P R E M I E R V A C U U i

• W E S T I N G H O U

SHOP EARLY... ‘A Sm all Deposit WIU Hold Your G ift U ntil Chrigimas ,



A eomplete new departm ent fo r oui enable ua to carry an iinm unlly wide piiliem s—IncludlnB w ilds, lone on tc Special dlsplny rnclu mako It easier fo of your choice.

SPECIAL OBDEBB: As • order from th e ts r lo r j any Lhat we do n e t happen lo 1


- •P A G E N IN B



nationally ftdvertlsed IlnM tn lo you lo atop In any time for these tnnchlnca. so Hint you can

ave Ume and money.

; R A N G E S

:g e r a t o r s


3 E F R E E Z E R S

5 H E R S

: U U M C L E A N E R S


CARPETTMENT'or our n igs a n d carpeU. wfO ,• wlt!e iw w ritnen t of colors and

on to n c f. unrt floral pa ttem i. isler fo r you to select the carpel

As a n added aerrice, we ean TJ any npetlal cnler* or patterns en lo h av e in stork.

. BROADLOOM {[jk from the mills of |B MOHAWK

iS b \


Page 10: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Civil Service 'job Openings

Are ReportedT ho U nited S iou .i civil service

commtision hns nnnounced Uirvt np- pUcAUons wUl be ncceple<l unUl Dec.3J. ro r Junior professlonnl iiMl.ilnnl, jun io r m unnger wuiLitBnl, ond Junior iiffrlcuUural nssLitnnl exRmlnnUim!i. •ceordlnK to H. F . Ilexront. locnl eecrctiirj-.

PoslUons n t *2,074 a yen r In • W ftshlngton, D. C.. und UirouKhout

th e U nlled S ta le s will be^lUcd /rom theso examUuitlons. Exomlnntlotis I a re of pa rticu lar In tere it lo ccjllrse | KrndUftie.1 nnd senior .itucleiits, r.lnce ' ' they o ffer nn opportunity to bcKlii u_ carccr tn tlie federnl spn lee in n variety of professions, K cxroat fluid.

BcMnSnntlons for perm uncnt pro- . • bttUonnl appoin tm ent to tlie tlona of pa in ter, grades 11. 13 nnd . 18: »nd carpen ter, gmdes 11. 13 nnd i 18; nnd carpenter, smde.i 12 nnd U ' - n . u-ere nnnounced by th e fed- T em l civil eervice. thn

T h e en tnm ce pay for the po.nlUon Len of pa in ter, grade It. Is 81 JO 'in hour; Kra grade 13. 11.3! an hour, and grndP »ml IB, ll.W an hour. I’ny for tlip poM- phn Uon of carpenter, srade 13. la *1.20 an h o u r and grade 17. 31.41 nn hour.

Applicants for the cxiimlnatlon.i X for pa in ter nnd cnn>enler will be J _ | | graded on th# basis of tlielr exper­ience and training. No w ritten tc j t -in Is re<julred. J J

F u rthe r inform ation and appllcn- Uon blank.i mny be obu ined frmn nt n e x ro a t a t the T *'ln I'';Ul.<i po '.t or- were flcB. optlr

----------------------------- ber*

Big Quantity of Grain “Insured”

W ASHINOTON. Nov. a i (,1’)—Tlie Inlllfagriculture departm ent reported "•'•■'I-'.'t l i a t 200,723J15 busheU of 1018-crop Alrvg ra in hnve been plnccd under kov- t;vpem m en t price .support pr(«rnni.'i. I Vwl'

O f Ulls (lUantlly. 231,013,712 biL-,h- IJ'i'lleU weri' ^lo^ed under lo:in:i nncl *“ 'r.100^03 bushels were coniracU-il for P ‘nL'»ale to tho government. lludn

W hea t mnde iip the bullc of the I’l«'»tr a in , toWlInR 310.779,000 bu.-^hch, comr

---------------------------- .SteelREAD TDifES-NEW S WANT ADS. lips,

I A L E X A N ]

I© I t he were to do th e pick in ' fc^ t t a t Alexander'* no w hen you

eome to a m en 's store. Wc assist yon In yon r (iclrcUons anyUilnR in wenniblcs from

r t ' sm nrt new hnt. Wo hiivc iprefer, too, a t reiuonnble prli

I GIFT ROBESW A complete r.ok-ctlon offill styles In w arm wool;i, .ilf f i or colorJul co ttons. All

p $8.9

If f i \ V - \ patleI ? ’ \ 'Off \ rend>

II %S n= More Helpful =W S u g g e s tio n s

® • Suits andM Topconta

W • Sport Conts nndw Leisure Jflckcts

m • Slacks

^ • Billfolds snd^ Costum e Jew elry

• LuRgnge by Snmp- sonitc & Hollwood

® • D ress Gloves

W • B e lta & S u s p e n d e rs



Soroptimists In

Two nrw member* of the H urley Sore thn p ren ldrn tj of the Burley a n d Tw in T L enaperl Hlrpheniinn. left, a n d M m. \ Heated are Mrs. Helen rhilllp^. Irf l. p m i llm lst club, and Mr*. M a ria re t ilamiiU photo-rnKravlns)

¥ ¥ » ¥

Initiation Rites ArBy Burley’s Sor(U U nLpy, Nov, 2S—T r-o members club,

were Inltlntrd Into Uie tliirlry S o r- Ar: optlmLit elub n t t d inner with m em - Mrs. bers of thn Tw in TnlLs cltib as spo- CamcJnl fn ii'itr Wrr)

Mr.v M nrunrrl Iliim /.trert prrr.lrt- Mr.v«1 nn<l M n, l.rnaiHTl .SH'p!ii'ii.Mm M kH nnd .Mr . .Mnrlr IJurnr.-.i In-InlllAlrd, w ith Mrs. I-^elyn SherroU r""" n.vL'.Un« In th e ciTcmony.

Alrvnn IIpIHc entrrl;iJne<l with n solo tivp (liiiicp and .'oiii;. nnd Tohy JVwkr::, U irry IlatriH d iitiil M rrlinDudli-v prr.M-iilnl iv NrKrr) Inp num - CAher, w ith l).illy CliivKin a-i ncrom - Mr.,.p.inLM, l*liylll:i Novi.'.-l nii<l Joyce DnlrlludKi' pinyrd .'.evrrni Violin nnd rntioipliinci diii-t-i. A *hori nddre.w of w rl- gon. comr Wll,'. lilvrii by M ri. CnslUin.Stcel.'unllh. w llh Mrs. Helen P h il- Mo lips, prer^Ulrnt of the Tw in FalLi pd m

' O D E R ’S

kin ' he 'd no doubt do n you aclcci hln KlHi.. W e're prepared to eUons nnd cnn offrr from ht'. shoes lo n live th e briinda men e prlce.i.

in of ciilor.i nndj 1;i, .ilrck rnyoiu r . . \

All *12CS,

;8.95 to $18.50 y ESS SHIRTS >Drer.iy w hites or fancy[inltprns In sh irts by VnnHrii.-rn. F.V,Icy. M anhatlnnnnd I'rull-of-lhe-Ixx 'ni. AU y ^ . ^ 's lrrve lengths and neck ^

\ .1i3.4.5 to I5.).95

GIFT TIES Iffy.lUuHlrriLi of colors nnd ' /p a tte rn s w llh hnnd-'.onin Klft rnvclnpc.i provldrd. a ll •rcndy- to ptH im drr tha

ifl.oo to $3.00 *

Rnyons. wools, p a rt

sorim ent of color* and p-ittertiB.

SSc to $1.75

DRESS SHiPresen t him » l ih a gl^t cerUfl Rood for tlie purchase of Lhe fan Ja rm an . Fortune or D avld.wn d oxfcrd.i. They are ht* fnvorltes are avnllnble In block or b row n I host of *tylc*.

f & l 8 i ^ i a t a ' c a s i i m s ^ o S i &

Initiate Pair Bs F

■ .1 cood '* hono



« i r


t - ^. I j Dual

fo r I

th e

SoropllmUt elub poM above w ith fer ] .'In Fall* group*. K tandlng are Mr*. e*sa; n . Marls R u r in i , new member*, p rrslden t of tlir Tw in Fall* Sorep- Q< am strerl, Burlry p re ild e n t (S ta ff w u

m it tV V V V Nam

P a tr

\r e Conducted *p^n

aroptimist Unit pclub. nJvIng Ihp response. . ^

ArrnnKrtnrni.A were In chargo ol Mrs. .Mnrjorln Klink. chnlrm an, Mr*.Carol T horn ion and Mr*. F e ro l n Wrrfc-I, Our.H.s Irnm T-.vln J ^ l ls Were Mr.s. T h rim n Tool.-on, Mrs, M arjorie Atklii.'.cin, M l" W lnlfretl Sm uln . ^u ,,, M n . J i'nn lc .StcuMrl. Mr*. M iui- -p j, , rm r T rrry , .Mr;.. Trcit.s H ullcr, youi rio ri'ncp Schull:, Mrs, Noma C reed u,o nnd Mrs. PhllUiKi,

T A KIN (i VACATION p r " ‘'CA.STLEPOIID. Nov. 25—Mr, and »nd

Mr.H. I, a , n n iir r r ; nnd Mr. nnd Mra. niedD nlr l-'lntlers tvnd dnuKhters n to vn- Jnrniion ing In Wn.shlngion and O re - O lr lgon. prog

M(«lcrn refrlneratlon wa.i Inven t- Ar ed In 1001. hour

S > v -

t &r \ ' - - ^ r

■ ■ 3 ■


-V SWEATERSrull-ove^s. bu tton nnd

> 0 3 p ^ 9 d p p rr fronl.-i. long and shurt r.tccvcs. M»iiy col-

.ors and color eom blna- „„

SH O ESerUflcate

?7.45 to

r , ; ”i $14.95

a i s i ^ s ^ s ^ s i s i a i s s a a i s i a s i :

Banquet Held For Football Wj Players Here

T h ir ty - s e v e n p l a y e r * , the ir . w coaches, yell leaders nnd guesis were | i l honored a t the annual "Druln bnn- quet" In room OIB a t th e Twin Fall* h igh Khool. T he dinner was served by Uie home economic glrU. ■ ■

Background music was provided during th e banquet. Featured on the H H program was Owen Kovcy, who sang "Lovo Somebody" and " l i Only H appens W hen I Dance W llh You."

Toast* Given T o as ts were given by Coach HanC ■ ■

Powers, who spoke on "B tor B H Beat"; Snpt. A. W. Morgan, who H 0 spoke on "B for Drldse," and ^ D uane Bell, whoop them e w*a "II fo r Bunch .” V.?

Com ical *lorles wera told »bout Alb* th o U top players of th r season y>y o th e r members of the team . Clo.-;- ing the proKram. Jana DlfJendnr- I p fer presen ted one of he r humorous - ^ V essay*. 1V1

Head* Con>mltt«« iTJQ enenil ciialrm an ot the program |

w as D onna Rae Dagley. Her com- J m ltteo included J a n e t aillesple,Nancy Mugel. M argaret Weaver ana Mo P a tric ia Parrot. Apnc

Mr*. Oene Thom as, eophomort; lo T aponsor. and e ight sophoniorci. rcRiil *erve<l as tlie cleanup committee. hold«

___________________ DIt

Pastor Speaks at School Assembly ““j

T lio Hev. Donnld U. Dlnck.^tone Toi atldre.Mcd T»J;i Fulli h lch .tchoul the i StudenU Wciliic.Mlny a t th e r lnhth K, annunl ninnki.ulvliig nsj'iiilily. eomP "Tlie S ta te nt the W orld nml How Ihc* YounK Puople Am ConctriirU ' waa tho AUbJrtt ol Ills Ullk.

T h e senior hlKh school a euprlla eholr. im iler the direction of Ilob- e rt W ibon. snnK hcveriil numbers und H. N. Ivcr.Min snnK. nccom|i;i- nied by Mrs. Nillle Ostrom.

Jn ii t DUfendnrtcr, .'.ccrcinry ot O lrls’ IciiKUe. wils In charge of the progrnm .

A nything moving nl 00 mlle.i an hou r trnvcLi W) feet per .^ecl)nd.

Icn ^ I

f c iI I

C C 3 ! ; I



HATS IOlve h im a gift ccriltlcaio ^ nnd let him select h h own h n l from Alexander's big stiKk fea turing the fii- ^ moii.1 Realfltoi Sell-eon- 'rfq fonnlng hat* and o the r ,V w rll know n brands.

S - S7.50„S15 f ! ■




Firm Selecla

Show n above a re new tsenber* of tb e are O . J . B othne. Twin Fall*: W. B. S tn Albany, Ore., and W alter P l^ m a n n . AI

♦ V * ¥ -------

LepI Offices far 3 Mining Firm Will Be Opened Here

Movlim Ulc Icgnl otricc of the q Vpnche M ine compnny from Jerom e 0 T w in FftlLi Wiis decided n t the CRiilnr ann iial meeting ot stock-lolders he ld here. k ;

D irectors were elected na follows: Mr.i,5. J . B othne, T w in F.ills; Guy S. B crliiinoiw, Jerom e; Claude Ducrge, AI- n ro ■',i;iv, O re.: W nltcr PlaKmnnn. Al- I-uc]u n y . O re.. ond W. S. Slrubbnr. planjw rct Home, Ore. lyv,-c

Tom M ahan. Jerom e, presided athe meetlnK. Oi

K, W. S nydrr. man.iger of the ih c e■ompnny. gave n report, revlfwhiK j pliiti he* bnckgroim d of proKrcsji a n d ! com:

Y o u ’ lT h a n. . . . not only on Thj KivinK Day, but also di the cold months ahca you’ll take the precai to store . . .

A FBIN24-HouiSERVICE. . . If your liritllng syatem r< ijiilres ImmrcIUte a lten tlo t Note lhe Kmrr*rney P h o r Num hrr for yaur com m unit llslrd In Ihls ad. A phone ca will lirlnc prompt a ltrn tlo b.T a Coal ilra lliic Kxpcrt o n lR ht'. SiiiulaTs or holiday Fnr w r r k i l s y rm erR rnelr phone .Tnnr Coal llra U r .Srn’lr r Krtallrr. iCoal DE MVi:UY ll nnt su b jrrl to t l • tl-h n u r" offer. NIcht. Su t day anil hulliUy srrs lce r rs lr l r lrd to rm rrffrnetea I h e a tln t F.Qlfll-MENT)

I Ffil U I H LKmrrgrney Pho r

Homr Lbr. & Shields' W right F u e l

H U R L E YKmereeney P hon

Peter* F eed ■

DECLOKtnerjeney P li.

Declo E levnto M organ-Llndt

FA IR FIELrm rrgrney P h .

Camas P ra lrli Inc.




:l8 New Board of D

tb e board ef d irec tor o f tha A pache M ine S tm b b ar , Sweet Heme, Ore.; G uy H. 6hz , A lbany. (Staff pboto-cnxravUiK)

no rk of the compeny In tho p o s t O fficers of the group are Dolhne, O L c

srcsldcn t: Claude Duergc, vice p res- Iden t: M ahan, secretary; E. E. L a- r u m e r , Jerome, treasurer, and H a r ­ry Ja y n e , asslstnnt secretary. .i, -

T lio group voted lo hold Uie a n - nual meeting on the th ird Tueaday in O ctober In IMO.

V ISIT IN KISniEELT *KIM BERLY. Nov. 25—Mr. a n d Ch

Mr.i, Gene Cheatley and Mr*. H allle housiB erk ln . Ycllowatone. M ont.. S lamnro vlslUng Mrs. Berkln's sister. M rs. W eblt.ucy Slrlckcr. ond family. T ney e l , \*p la n to leave soon for Norlh Hoi* G reelyu-ood, Calif., to upend the w inter. Stoci

----------------------------- MomGrea-iewood. a low p lan t u*ed by M err

• hcppherdcrs and campers on tho Pl.ihiplitin.i ns a quick-burning fuel. Is a S tnncom m on shrub in Wyoming. Carll

11 B e Ji k f i ^lead, if;caution m

^ U L L

1 . . . ^It's a wise the b e tte r,

i bound roaimost ce rta to to be cl

J J . ing. — Anolbecause ol may occur Cool R etai

llliiIdara- Burning th"“S Y O U R he;o th es u n - maximum

es In

F o r prom pt, courteous B e rv lc c , tGLENNS ]

I'hone G« E m rrfency P h .r i t Conl Co. Bol.'.o P aye tt

HEYBUUI■uel O ’- Emergeney Ph.^ H eybum Tei•hone 472.J .lEROMEcd A: Fuel .. Eniergrncy Ph.

Dol.'.e P aye tt

Z^Ly Wto. RU PERTEmrrgeney Pho

ELD BoLie Payeti'h . (W eadell) 268S M cBride'sa lrle G ra in Growers. R upert S ton

\ W ooltord Ml


Directors 200

— ~ o" ^ Dlstrlci

•• be the

M here 1; b i K L i : - ' . J g w > w in be

Uie^ m y g g y E P person: O M W C B w . The

I V l l B n V wanls

k Boise tduUe« supren

Fraji master teec h a ira

Mine com pany, t c f t to r i f h t . th ey strong . B hnoni, Jerom e: Clande Bnerge, Ju d i

college----------------------------------------------------- w in \a

Stage Crews for Class Play Told •

Stage crew* for “G host W anted ." In chi :he T w in Falls high school senior jiass play, have been selected byBvallne Fi.iher, director. T he play Is FA II my.itcry-comedy to bo given in studerlhe high school auditorium Dec. 2 T h an land 3. dren 's

C holrm en and the ir a**l.itants a re _____house chnirm an. Bill Po tter , H elenB lam m erjohn: p rom pter. U oyd ElalntW ebb; business m anager and tick - son; ce t.\*C nrm a Lou Johnson. M arilyn Croin;G reen . Lonabeile Stevens. D arbara Don 'S tockham p, Shirley Orow, H elen Ahi; iM ondragon: advertising. D uane n e ll, AnnlsM erry Stayner, Lona G rabert. J e a n GeorgFi.iher. Louise Hall; program s. Bob HlcknB tnnsbury. Pnullne Lowe; lighi.1. Bob «cn; iC arlton . Bill T aylor; m ake-up , S tan :

' c o

M - 0 -se precaution! First, :r, quicker service. Lot ja d s , unavoidable del ta in . Then, too, your c leaner, for m ore eff lo th e r reason for ord< o f tem porary s h o r t

:ur la ter. R ight now, o ile r has on hand a c nany kinds a n d s iz th e RIGHT size, typ h ea ting system reqi Tl com fort and econoi

c. call any of the followinR Coal Rd(S FERRY MURTAUi

P h . (Duhl) 6S Em erreney Phcay ette L br. C a Fnrm ers S «

SHOSHO>1 J ” -

. t w i n f aayette Lbr. Co. l.m ergrncy Ph<L um ber Co. Benson Con:t L br. 6i M ercantile Lbf- ^»fp M ndc Cityt i McCoy CoslP h o n e .48 W arbers Dn

? r '“ ■ W ENDELSto rag e Co. Emergency Ph«d M ill i Elevator Boise Payel

>tfer home heath


200 Expected a t r Dinner in Honor i

~ Of Judge-Porter—A fellowship d in n e r In h ono r o t

District Judge Jam ea W. Po rte r wlU i t th e f irst Joint m eeting of the Lions. Kiwanis a n d Rotary cluba here In «e\-eral years. The d in n e r r t l l be held a t 7:30 p. m. M onday a t th e Legion hn ll w llh somo 300 persons expected to attend.

T he dinner, sponsored by th e K l­wanla club, will h onb r Judge Po rte r who U scheduled to d e p a rt fo r A Boise soon w here he will B.vsume hLi ^ dutlea t s a m em ber of th e .a ta te suprem e court a l te r Jan . 1.

F rank S tephan will scr%-e aa toast­m aster and th e program c o t ^ l t - tee ts compo.ied of H erbert W est, chairm an. K lw anU : Horold A rm ­strong . RoUr^', a n d Ver Co*. Lions.

Judge H ugh A. Baker. R upert, a college c laannate of Juds* Porter, will be guest speaker.

M usical en terta inm en t will m furnished during th e dinner hou r by quarie ls from th e KiwanLi and Ro­ta ry clubs. Edw ard W. Crane. Ro- U ry . and Ja y HUI. Lions, will bo In c h a n e of g roup glnglng.

MAKE COLLECTION FAIRVIEW, Nov. 25 -L ocal school

s tudenl.1 have collected 154 a.i Uieir T hanksgiving p tferlng lo th e Chil­dren 's home, Bolae.

Elaine Bodenatob. C orm a Lou Jo h n ­son; co.itumea. J o a n Campbell. Clara Croin; properties. G len na HostetUer,Don Wallia. Floyd Pfeifle. ile tb c rt A hi; general stage m anager. Wesley A nnls; carpentera. John Florence. G eorge H alpln: pa in ters. H oward H ickman, Don E verton. Boyd H an- oen; sound cffccts. Joe Hawes and S tnn Barth. _________ ■


-W!rst, because o f Later, on snow- delays a re a l-

>ur coal is sure efficient burn-

>rdering now is i r t a g e s which ow, your CHS a good variety

s iz e s o f cool, type and kind equires m eans >nomy for you!

al R ctn lle ra ;PAUGHey Phone Mrrs Seed and Supply

H O NEey Ph. fJrrom ei 32S*J Pnyetle Lbr. C a

: FALLScy Phono 0S2-R n Conl & Service Co.Lbr. i t Coal Co,City Fuel Co.

V Coal * TTnn.ifer ;r s Dros. Cool * T runsfe r

DELLcy Phone 2CM



day . NOVEMBER 2S, 1S4»


Page 11: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

FHA Termed Best Success O f‘New Deal’

W ASHINOTON (4^ - W ght now th e fe d e n l houslns •dm lnU traU m < n tA ) «pp«»rB to b* one or the niMt. (uccesMut T opslfs Ui«l ir«w out ot th e e u ly d»y» of lh« new dual. S lnc« FlIA w u «et up tn 1U4 m w t« » je s h» re b w » Insurrd on l.»

_ 300.000 home*. And sJn « IMO PllA m h t4 n o t MUed Ior on* « n t of « -

PRIM m oney frotn '« on Its own bccauM Aome-buy-

in i A tn e rlo n s *re paj'Jnj o lf th e ir m ortga«M quicker ihan »•»» ex­pected. Moat FHA-Bw arani«d m ort* « w es ru n from M to 25 yeara. b u t n t A h a s aJrtady w ritten -p*>-ment m ade in fuU~ on more than M8.000 m ort«a*es. nearly ha lf ol them,

r a y o f f i S * in * r THA found lh a l durlii« the l i t e r

w ar years and up to mld-18i7 peo­ple were paylnc o ff Ihelr loam a t «. n r t lK r p«c». Those « « ta the year* w hen more th a n the u suaJ' num ber o t people In a tamllj- were a t w ork a n d the years tn which vet- e rn is w ere coIIecUns their m u iler- tn e -o u t beneflLv

rH A w ss set up merely to esse Ihe m a n n er In w hich people psld off loans for homes and lo Inrre.i'e ihn am oun l o f such loan monry. I t doesn 't lend any money l ia c l f - l t slm plv te lls bank* th a t if a borrow- e r falla dow n It will make th r loan BOod. Y e t I t ha.1 markedly chunifed the m a n n e r of m aking nnd taking loans. H ere are .-(Ome of the chsnse#;

Pay tnen li Lumped 1. r U A m ade it possible for the

m a jo rltj ' of home-bu^-ers to pay o.'f In m on th ly tnilallm enta which eover every th ing—Interest on the loan. am orUsaUon. real estate taxr.i »ud fire In ju rance. l i bccame es.'lcr for fam ilies to f leu rt w hether their in ­come would rover sucli paymrnis. |

Before FHA home-buyers a\u;illy took f i r s t and aecond m origajci. T he f irs t m oneago would be ’»Tit-

* ten fo r a mnxlm um of 13 years, bul th e second m crtjaB ea had to t* rr- newed every three to five yesrs a t a cost of Bro\m<l J300 each ilm r tn ' betw een tlm ea there were tases nuJ ' fire Insurance.

Ttme f jp a n d e d3, U nder n i A rules mortgaites

c sn b« pa id off over a much longer period, tro m ao lo ao years. i

J. FH A exam ines a ll homes before i It g u a ran tees the loans to make cer­U in th e p roperty U worth the am o u n t o f the loan,

4. n i A will In-iure m ortaasrs up to OS p e r cen t of Ihe value of the pro i)rrty if l l L-. under W.300. They ll go up to 90 per cen t on o th rr humes. T h a t ru ling dropped the .n a of ih« dou-n p aym en t hom e-buyrra hnd to make,

r i lA ho,% Imd good luck with th# borrow eri it guaranteed. I i Iiun fore- rlfifj-rt only <0M of Ihe l.30(i,000 hom ra It Kuaranteed. In rnrlv No- 'r m b r r only one foreclniecl pro|>rny was on th r n tA hooks, ’n ie fore- clwiire.'* o(.,M 1--HA J2.400.000.

^'^nd iDcreasnl n iA M*ru<l ou t w ith a revolving

fund of Sl0,000.000. T h a t h a i been buU t up to IIJO.000,000 fmm

^ th r fee of one -ha lf of one per iTnt w hich rK A charges to insure h'>'"» loan.1.

r a A h a d a goodly number •nem les w hen U sU rted . B ut th'* ^ a s t congress broadened Its loeninc powera wit^i very little debate.

However. cauUous experts i n " W aahlng ton . both In ond oui of the governm ent, po in t ou t th a t KHA hns * no l ye t U k en tho rea l test; e le rl- * ous (lepre.vilon. I ts loans hsvo been gua ran teed In a period in which boih em ploym ent and prices rose ulowlj- and constanU y.

Atomic Bomb Affords Relief For Leidiemia

By HOWARD W. BLAKESLn:____ A P Sciene« Editor

N EW YORK. Nov. 3J_T7,e atom - 10 bomb in Nagasaki gave one man a good tre* tm en t fo r his leukemia.I t did n o t, h o w e« r. cure him

T h is healing effect of a n ' atom ^ b U reported in the American Jo u rn al o f Surgery hy Dr. Austin M

of th e University of Chlcaco,O ne of th e prc):evo^^ of Uie

rUga-iakl m edical .-.chool,- he wtHp.'. • ^ »«fff«nB from clironic JW3 myeloid leuketnla. and Ii.kI nol been I'

re jpondlng well to n d ln tio n the ra ­py. enjoyed prolongrcl remlMlon m a resu lt of Uif, rarii.Mlon received a i ctho tim e of Uic blnxt,” __

Thla profe.vsor got a big do^e nf ^ gam m a rny.i fro.Ti th e fl.ixh of in r C bomb, th e «ame ray., th a t c.Mwed nn ^ e itlm a ted eljrht to U nfr cent of Jtipaneso death s. a ],o l a a of ha ir gam m a rny« are exactly ' the sam e a s the X -ray.i which Uie ‘,V.' profes.vir had been recelvlnn and ih. which failed lo help hl^ leukemia.

The be»nb r«)'.s. however were mere penetraU ng than mosi X-r.^ys or mMi rad ium gam m a raj-s. The professor wajj in the N agajskl medi- iral college, which was onlj- a lew hundred yards from th r point where the bomb w enl off. He *•#, d Q j. dca enn-.ish so U ia t out In the open the rsya would have cai;,ifd h li deaUi e\-en If orcu.M lon and bum* fallea ^ to kill him. rtl

T lir l)u;:<:ir.g walls fJilelded lum r.iir from Ihe full force of the bantir, W h gamma rii.vs. and a t Uie xame time ^ho by iJierr lurk gave him Jum iho r^iv do.iacp uh ic h helped his leukemia. A

X -ray.' and gam m a rays ne re r k“ “ cure Iriikc-mia. T lir rava make a •■‘bli paUeiii frcl be tter for var>’ing trln lengtti.1 of um r, and the bomb uui of th is fo r the pmfe,*Aor for an un- hou

. usually long Ume. golr ■ $ ! , -----------------------------Uial

MacArthur Urged For Mission Post

TOKYO. T hursday. Not, JS (4V - ^ Aldr.’ of O eneral .MacArthur de- d ined com m ent todny on propaialith a t he Jiead an American m ilitary , n rmis.iloii to Chltia. .

• • Some Cha-.e.^e inform ants in rernjW w hlnglon said yesterday G ener- r ^ r 'aUssimo ChU ng Kal-»h»k would s ip refer M acA rthur for th e p o s t M ae. .ihiiiA rth u r 'i aides, when lold of the*# tha reports, aaid any such a.ulKnmrnt dcsli *Wild be a m atte r for th* s f tle dc- rr-nv p u l o t n u 1™ '


Red Staiii (T h e CblncM com m anU ts' recent •

§ amoBBt o( te n ilo ry the red* have u

| 9 th e if hold cn m n c h u rU . how they ji


In 1343 tb e eommanlit* In easlem llttia te rrllo ry here, a UUe there. Thr



;er In 1W6 they had swarmed over most all o t M anchuria exrep t :^Iukdcn sn d i

ire to Suehow, guanilan of Nanking. naU

In n i 7 ( l.i.nit K al-,hfkV n.iti->nalht som euhiil, rrr jii lu rln s much of ,Manc th re a t lo .Suchnn.

U U N IO ^


T oday the red llt ir ^ again nt ' ' m un is t hanilv. Conlrnl nf t C hlang 'a fu tu re a» to |i ni:ni In Clilda I;

; S c h o o l C rossing ; Suggc-sted l)v T

rr-.««ln« t''*''""*'’'"-! ' ' * j Vldi

T lie Asaociftted Con.'.ultAiil.' s ta tr , .• th e de.ilrablp protertlon tnr -rlir-nl ero-vMnes placea Ui- mtr.L-num rr- en« str ic tlo n on bo lh nlotorl.■;.^ !»•- . . i-i,, dcatrlana nnd Li lulflciciitly rc.iaoii-[ able and luglciil lo cncotirni:'- the vu-i cooperation of nil sgcnclfj involvrrt.'

T hey esrh school br R.ilt-'ceri ed tn .Itudy I t i vlrliiltv I/i ;.<'Irrt t!','- - i num ber of offiti.;! chool crc.\-.iii;;>. niulW h rn th is t.1 dmip ih r finv.u.ilic'. lun,^hould be inarkctl cU-arlv on i h c . l i l lr a v r n in i t . g,il,

As an Im portuin nddltinnul .«:>lr- RrniKuurtl. th e tra ffic rxpcrti Ii.m h |m ri. that.ible Mgn reBdliiK "a to p for P'xlr.v- T h rtr in n s” to bc pl.urd In the r.-nter a trnof Ihe cro-,^w.ilk only <liirliis t!i-> ,„ r^hou rs w hen chlld rrn nre actunlly be-golng to a n d from Jchool. Tliey warn ut,'*. U ia t these f lg m .ihould no t re­m a in In lh e Rtrrri diirinp otherhour.i a n d a lro nrtvhr nc.iltiv; nrl.ool „waminK atKna hfinK crw ird prr- ,,,Vm onen tly a l Uie curb. ,

T hey urge nn nr<lli;a„rr « h lrh fu!'w ould clearly provide that Mlirii ~ 'n erojsu'alfe* arc no marked and iiro-t ^ t « I by IhtM! special glop Mum, nj.~,all vehicles will ^lo? w hen Die cro-.s. . r walk Ll occupied by pcde.urlatu nndrem nln slopped until th e iwdrMxlans C l rea ch a p o in t o f u fe ty .

^ o o U w u a lly accept the respon- ' p_IbUlty o f p ja c jn i Mgna in ' f

' th e t t r t e t and renovinn them n t ^de signated hour*, tecordlni; to the «eoniullnnu-.. who ailnilt ';n-|:>l ef- “ lo r t U needed to mi uiey sro uaed •

; 25. 1948

I Over Qiinae n t Ticterie* spotlight ih e trem endoua *• U k en iln ee th e end • f -Warld wa^-IT.

ley jiow th rea ten a ll of no rthern C hina.

Z R E P U B L IC ^ J^ ^ /

. A » . % 2 0 N E W

■ ■■ 1.1 ■ ■ Q «HMOSA

"lem C hina wrre apoUy. eontrolllng » They h.->.i v ri fo penetrate deeply Into

H I N A ^ ® ^ u.ZONE -

HAINAN |c T ' so iil

most of norUiraM.-rn Cl;i:;a, ronqurred and a corridor louth. They wero close

naU unallsl capital. i

R E r u n L ic '^ 4 < ^ ^ f f ^ *


f ,. ...t — I {_o_ -soo'}

la lh t arinlei. Mad drivpn the rn li bark I M anchuria, breaking ii|i th rlr «lrong

^ ^ R E P U B L I C ^ g ^ m m ^ ^

: -i:;NANKING>»IVv r- V

:cii>d level. All M anrhurl.i U lit com- .^^lrrn C h ina Ii virtually rompleta.Ilia h sh.iky.

" Protections Traffic Experts

]n,i sperlfii 'd . OriMMonally the slgn.1 will 1)1- ,Mnirk mill dnmftKe<I. they

■ IX'liit Dii;, init It 11 frasoiinljlc .supply ,<>r .-.iKtis b ;,rciirrtl th is meihod pro- I 'i t . i ”. fl |jn;.lllvr imd c lrar-cu l pro- . te riio ii for ,'('hi»i| children.i K'.p-->-laIlv rUlc-r Twin F illlisrhoo ls tiM- Ihc ;.c'iii>.)| s.ifr;v p.itrnl. tho enniDci'iN !>.'i:r\p' t iv ir plnn for

;!i-h(wil ,-lillcl Iin .trrtlon \v||| prove i.intl.vfartory T liry n,|,l an additional I stu;K<-ll>-ii ll, rnnl;r ii.v ojK-rntlDn

-W h rn t lv ,TO-,.,Vlr,Iks are marked nncl Uir s;kii'. pl.uf.l, n i,^Iunrtlf>n „f tli-- .-aretv palrol to hold .■hlldr.'ii .,n l!i.- Mclr«-:,ll; „ n tn „

I gup in irn ’fin oecur-. nnd un til n Kroup of rh ild rn i huvr cnlipctrrt ro Jh ftt ih ry mav cruv. in n (jroup, T h li w in prrvent ih iitlrrn from slrnKcllnK b»<k nnd forili ;irro'-i lhe .it.rrr! i-nniprllitiir an rxciv 'U .' num ­ber of s top .1 on the pnrt ot nioior-

I .K .W r rO K I’ORTLA.Mt OAKLF-V, N'ov. n;, _ u-allar« A.

H ale nnd .son, Klliihri Hair, have ■ Hone lo p„rtlan<I, O re , w here, Kllph- t « n i r ir r iv r nu'clical I r e a l - ;


GUARANTEED - LOW COST !R a d io S e rv ice

P ro m p t r ick -n p - Pboc* S8A :

A n d e r s o n R a d io I S a l e s & S e rv ic e j

7J7 Main A»ena« Weil

. J

y ' ( $ m I '


i rep r' • D A N

Y A R D l

Cologne - Body Powder

S e ls l.v ■ Vnniloy ................................

Perfum e andC ologne Si

$4.25 $5,

"T h ree Silent M essengers"

By Lcntheric. Tweed (ttf) Mirncle nn ti .Sh;inKh;ii

T o y ^ ^ ^ 'PIANOS I

■'■(■s. T h p y R fn l ly P la y


1 - 4

A Gifl for H im — Electrie

SHAVERSR cm in g to n -R jin d , S ch ick 1

nnd S u n b e a m '

S15-00 .0 S23-50

iLL of the jam nus, fine hou?C5

Qpresented in o u r big stockR 4 N A • L E N T H E R I C • L


dy LenthericTweed Se

1 0 0 0 Set.s<-** A t tr a c t iv e ly Boxed ....

Evening in I Sets Sets

^ 75c ,„s

Lentheric ;" ATOMIZElO 1 'Mjiny FrtiK rance.i ’Z - W j 3 ....................


In r i i r i s tm a s Cnlor.i.

l'’in r i)r.'ci,>;ion liiiilt eiit-

li'i-y. o.-\rli .-'Ol comiili!l(;!y


S3.50 S15.00\

5 $3.98 to ^ .9 5 ^



LR v G ill)crt

W SlO-50


Tlore’fl f u n fo r th e E n t i r e F a m ily




Casco and G. E. m

- a HEAT PADS I$4.95 $7.951

" iGiniFirW IM O[

from 1



I Paris

, $25-00




Powder Boxes

n y i r ^

L „ d „ i “

Now Siii]imcnt .lust in from New York

$3-95 .n2-00 I

DollFURNITURE (A Complete Sot for

E verj' Room


----- E tcc tr le -C o ro ---------------- 1


NUT SETS IB o « I , Pick.i I and N iit (TQ I C r a c k e r ...... ■

'V H a U H H l i



^ ^ A V I N


$2-50 $10-00P ark e r *51’


SHAVINGL u x u ry S h av e C ream . A qua Vc A fte r S h av e T alc , S P E C IA L


SHAVINGShavinff Bowl a n d L otionin a Briffhl C hrislm a.x Box ........

W O O D nU R Y

SHAVINGS h av e C rcam . Sham poo .A f te r Shavp T alc. L o tion ..............

WRISLEY.^jiriicc A f te r S h av e L o tion and Cologne .......................... ...............

H U N D R ED .'; O F O T H E R ITEM,

MEN LIKE AL e t U.s H elp Y ou in M aking

- D R U G VJA bsorbine, Jr.

1.25 size Por Now only .............. I By

ASPIRIN SB ottle o f 1 I /»100 Tab.s ............. l i * - Gly

DOANSK idney Pill.s 4 Epa"fic S ize ................5-lb

All Kinds o f Toys


- Electric "

TOASTERSK l . *14-95

.■J P lcce Pln.stlc



I E 0


NG SETS.....*3-00 $5.00


'EN SETS $17.50



NG SETS................. $2-50

MG SETS.................. $1-39EY SETS..................$2-00TEM S

: AND USEkinff Vour G ift S e lec tio n s


Popular B ra n d s ^ Q / »By th e C arton .... 0 5 / ^

SuppositoriesIn fa n ffl 1 0 # *G lycerine ........... X O ^

SALTSEpsom 1 Q -6 - lb . B n c ............... 1 J * -

---- --------------------:OWBOY %

PLAY SUITS Il i f t i any:hild Lovcn $ / 4 Q K '••• Jow O n ly ........... ^ 4 ' ^ ^

ays and Games ^

' '‘V,

Page 12: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Nichols Sony He’s Late on Holiday Menuny IIAUMAN W. NlCIIOt.S

WAHHINGIXDN, N<lv, 2r. lU.P) —So fur »35 you r.rrvrtl cIkIi I by cu ttlnn tlie cornprs. fo r Tliiitilcs- jflvlng rtlniier.

I'm w rr>' I'm *o liitr bul \oii rould liuvp (lc)iii- Ior 1.-m Uiuiialx biick>-

T nkr \V,i:,hln«loii. oiip nf (lie lilflhrM jiriccd liiuii.i In llic country.You -RnnL turkry . Al 73.03 c-iit.i n

pound, of c<iur;.<’.

(“'"'rl’l ir’nnm.

, , , (■(i ll prr.'tin lui un ftpjytlr..T7 T lilrty -

two criil.v for Tour of Ihcni. Two yninx will .-•r-.e riKiiu -nmi-ll be nno llirr :o .-■•nt.-.

n l l h rrlfpv ,’n ic i l >011 u n til .‘OIIIP Imrviircl

bpfl.i. A c.m, Miri'iul iiroimcl oihoiik , i Uic bui-M.'. nml family, com r to ID | cfiii.-.. wlio niiyUiiiiB nbout hlKU

You m i'll n lll lle clilvr to rn iiln d I a iKMly ih^a th-- i.ilKrim <laib <lulin Jiave to irnilnil atiyb<Kly llin l npiilr:i m groiv on U rci- So—CD ceiit.i m Ju«. »

Appl'S for tlio »fthul. r i f l t c n cents al KorUi would be enouch, wJlh full I'l apiiIi'A brliiK" In !.ciu\oit,

U'imf:. •nii.nk.-.KlvliiK w l t U o i i l

UilPK c-une m ilic WiiUiinKion nm r- V k»t n t 33 MnU fo r two c(in».

O lh tr llrm a Inexpcn*l»«OuKlit to have a l i t t l e celrry.

Tw cllly-rlKlil <-fiil\ nortli. ,Som r plrltlr:. fo r tJie (Ilp-ln

About 2'J r c n u . '">>■aiDURh ciirroU to Ro nround oiu:i- Mju

♦ r I w J c p - c c l i t .v lirnn o i l s - th e mUe<l kind you buy 111

a bo*. «<> you d o n ’t Imvo to « . your tjwn tlinir nurt bixkmn ;<xUi. ,, ctc. Riy «bout 211 r r n U "

Jiiin. Arouiiil 23 cciiti. ,nulK-r. Nl), no l tit HlP.-.e l>rln” .. .

B u t w ith marKnrlne, the p rlrr u onlv 311 crnt.'„ nnn

Coffrc or mllk. Well, uc 'll st.y lUc to ta l (jru-i' rua-. iibdut Jit ii-iil.-.. ,

And Uie iiilnce p lc -0 0 g.-nl.v , T o u l fo r .'iKlll, S5.89.

Did You Co O u t:Bay ro u took Uio.' p eiKlil folK.t j.fn

e u l to a hotfl. A marUiii around ),nv for n ih o r t food coiiir-on. l l i c d in - ^ ne r and tlu ' fiui.n. And w liat would ^pn i t COM you? i;. ,

Well, in Uu- U-:.t pUirc;. around ,,„ri *70 In W ruhlnKton. pUw tipk- ,

And »o you had w rkry lod iy »l jjen home? —

O r .ilesk?

..... . LlW rll. I ’m M.rry I d idn 't kiv<- you

m y cl'fiip menu brto re iliLs iiiiir. I havo hnrt it m iny notebook for a long Ume. ,

MnybP I ow* you an apolORy.

Reds Lose Again S In French Ballot „

PARIS. Nov. 25 W — Prciiiirr nrwH enri Qui'ullli'';: ino<lerate nov rn i- Yorlm eni beat Uie cominunL-.t.i In pnrlln- the :m rn l ngaln today. 4TJ lo ino. bn'i;

T lie nntlonal n.i.-.embly by th n t t;.,Yote tnblcd a com m unU t que.stlon Mimi<m flRhilnc betw een communwtfl nnrt Mnnpolice licre A nn l'i loe day, In necord m nw ith l-'rciicli iinfMlcc, no .\prclfli: c , >fluc;.Uon "I'.i jilaci-d before th e n%- to nicm bly. *' loila

Six communlfll.1 (ind »\ip|x>rtcrs ■~r indlcnied lhe lr Intentlonn to a.'kqueillons more or lr.« rela ted lo 111th e flRht had the motion cnrrled. sun<

Response Is Good , For ‘Silent Guest’ ^

BOISE. Nov. 25 fU P - A nu m b rr nf Idaho clllrrii-. h ave rr.-.pondril to Oov, C. A. Hobln,-.' n|)|)rnl to e iili'r-ta in a "Mk-nt Klle^t•• n l tixlay'n M'- T him kjglving d inne r luble by for-w arding the price of the ment to eolUUle sovem or'i office. Ft

Tho fund i will be »ent lo th e n a - wer<tJonnl chairm an. Oov. Jnm es II. bumD uff. Pa, dltli

T hU year'* xllont kup.-I CHmpalRn JurliwUl run from Thank.-RivlnK Uirounh QiiilOhrliOnns. TIib funds aro udm ln- Joylst«rwl by the U allod N aU oai ch ll- juriid ren ’i •raerKency com m ittee bbI tn> U%o feed hunRTT ch ild ren In ICurope. p„||,t h l i t r en.1t anrt th e middle ra.1l. j,,,,,,

Real E sta te TransfersInferm atloo ru m lsh e d by nnd

Twin Fall! Till# aad tntoT n iit Company

n - . , r . , D ‘

- lit Ijiir* A Whtimirr,^<iYI* i'*rT»ii A r , - , , r i i

comD ^ . >»t»T r « r ^ n ». H. I . lU.i-r. chlltl

'’' i s r ' r . r . ’ K . r i

^ 'r>r.i:"lu!irh W. Pnti.r lo I<.x Sn~l. ■''< IM M ; N\V«J .IWI, r.Ki, drs

S ' ™ i'l,,.

n f^ l: W'^Vrr u. J

Ilmll t>, llikr u> Tml UnJ». Il« ; del

“ i l i l i : to H— »rrf iIti^-prr. t l : e r .» « I. ioi T. block T4. u ,,

■ l)^ '\\Mlll.m n. SmllX t« T)i»~lor fill., f''"

s&a’ ”=» ""IJ!S

D««4l Xorit C, To:rruin ta LaV*rn« B tlk.ln , IIC; r i r l SW 'i SE!4 IJ-lO.i:.

.« *


1949 March of][; ' ■'

■ I '; J

t An overw helnilnr futid-raW nr prcibir :i m a rrh nf illmr> ilrlvp, eouiily rlialrm ri:

a p lnnnlnc aeaion lirlil In Twin KaIIh V s a ltrn d eil llie inrrUnc limit nn na Krnvi 1 Ibe drlvr, dUplnys Ih r nrw enlii eollrct<

If * Jf

■ Workers Told ol I Funds From‘Mi

nciirc.M-ntatlvi'i tif Ki'Hi|i. cnnducl- HlliK iiiarcK of d liiif. drlvl•^ In Mniii '" i "

• MjimIc Viillcv coundi'.'. were l..|il lirrr W rdiirj-duy Hint they farr nn rivriwhrlinliiK pri>lilrm In rnl'in>j !’i fuiid.s rturiti),; Ilir l!M9 d r lir wlilch iliul

• Will l,c hrld fioiii Jan . H lo :il, JaclK enyon I3i-tmcil. ill)l^c, i.tnlr Mn.

cluilrnian f*ir (hr niiircli of dliur'i Ktiiidrlvr, told tile r''iirpM'nlal1vi‘.>. lh a t rlmi

' Id;iho rrrrlM 'il iijijinixlniiitrly $7.'>0.- ront, 000 from lhe rplili'inc nld fuiiil uf iha l

Uir Niitloniil Kiiiniiliillnii fur In - chn]fanlll.- I'anily.'.ls. I lr ,v ild Ulr Ix.r- comrowrd .sum r.priv'-nti-il morr lliaii anilllirre Ilnic- th r iiniouiil to Uir malnntlonnl foundaUon durmn llie 10 Cllll

' jcnr.i m arch of dlmrn rampiilun.' nnrl• hnvr b rrn condiictril. clinl

Mtliouuli Idaho ha.i not «n l.jir: ‘ rjildrnilc of |>ollo durlni; M'-IH. tlic I. :

U. H. pulillc hnd tli f.rrvlcr lla:. i i '- i .f r r i I jiortrd 107 have brrn Irciil>-<1 drU

to da te in th e laiU calrndnr year, i Alw D ennett reported. ' Twl

Luxury Liner Wili ~ Depart on Sunday

' S O irn tA M n X > S . EnKland, Nov. j',‘ 23 lU.fD—Some 1,1110 pnwnm-r.s who lirsan n .'.II-In strike <in the lifsuilnii.i lln rr Q m rn Klh-ahrlli w ,ir tolil li>- il.iy llu it tlirv uiiiilil r.;iil f..r Ni .v . York lit H u. ni. Sun<la>. •"!

A notice on th r pur.irr> bullnin buard ,ir t U ir d a tr of ..alllin: n ftrr nrw.s WU.'I rcci'U nl tha t th r Nrw York diM-k .‘.ir lk r, ulilcli lur, d i'lm rd the ;>hli>'» ,'.alllnt; Ior ilitlit <la> n, had bri'll ;,rttlrd , (j|.

E.xcltrd pa.'-\rni;rt;. rh rr in l anil .ihiiutod i^lirn thry hraril th r nrw-..

in riitiipllaiii-r with an on Irr h\ 1 '.ipi, m" C. M. Fonl tiuil Ihc. wuulU h ..\rto r r t iin i lo I->tici,iii in .■pn-inl ii'nlii. '------loiii.y „ r tomorrow. J .

•T he j.trlkc In Nrw York h .u b rrn j,.j .ifttlrd and It l5 rxii-K-trd th r ;.hip will sail a t (ippro.xlmatrh ;i a in. . .. Sundav," -Mild th r nolU-r on tlir tml- ,, - Iriiii Ixuud.

1 Dies, 4 Injured “ * In 4-Car Mishap

SA i.T i..\K i; r n v . n ..v ,i- ..Mt.-. Vti-I^im.i l’,irk.-r, Mun.iy,WiL. killed last n u h l m a fiuir-c;u- eollLsliin.

Four persons Injured In the crn.ih were G nll A.ihton Parker, 37, h u '- bnnd of Mrs. Pjirltrr. in frrlnu.i nin- dltlon from m idrtrrm inrit hr.ut in- Jurlr:.; Mr. und Mi. Marrv 1. v.m Qtllll, )r , r,ich 3.''. facial Injiirlr-., anil Joy Riley, 18, lu n d und tnck in ­juries,

U eu t. r . Clnrk flnnforrt of the police tra l llc ilrt.ill i .tUI flap.- lilK- ham, t<>, Lviiicl .r^tllt;llIl.^ Inr

nvklr.v. dilviii;: i^lKham^. jiuto'und Ule nne r t rh n i li> I’ ,ui;rr ralildrd. nad th e P n rk rr niacliinr cnrrened tnto two o the r vehicles.

Divorce Asked on Desertion Charge

A diTorce eom plalnl tlinrKing de- frr llo n wns filed W rrtnrvlnv In rtli- trlc t c o u rt by V nicrle C, .^trvrinor.

w rrr n ia rr lrd I>rr. 'Jfi. IH:iH. In Nortii Collins. N. V,. nr,d hnve t»o minor children.

In ndtllUon to the dlTOrt^i Steven­son spekx custody of one of tbe minor ch ild ren nnd nr.fci to li-ivr cii.'ti'ily of th r o tlirr clilUl awnrdrd l<i Mr.'. .Sirvrii.ioii. Il»\lxirii nnd I!a>t)o:n nre hln nttomey-i.

Prank BackfiresC A M im iix-.f:. .sta.M.. Nnv. :;.-i

H’.—Kliilit Mft-sirhiLKett.i In.->ti- m te of TechnnliHcy Rtiideiiti hnvr drawn .vi*;yn.ilons for a pniiiK which. If succrMlul, would have in ltlnlird U iirvanl sUiihiLTi witJi ir>-root .-.(lu.-irr -M IT" Irttrr.i rtur- lii« th e H-irvard-Y nlr mime.

Police fnlrt the 8tudMit.i p lan t­ed wires w ith the Intention oi delonntlne a la ir ntt.\ched to the lelUTf. burled In iwa-der un ­der th e stadium turf.

a i;id lum workmen db<overea Uie device nnd noUflrd police a few dnys before th r Knmr. Thry w lM d nn M IT itu d e n t am irday as h» prepared to *et off the blMt. R a n ’&rd offlelnli declined to. proaecute.

»f Dimes Drive Plai

w ly ' . '' v i H i


HKiiaLi£»5a i3«iroblrm \n furlnc M-ibn In the 1949 I.erm en In Manlr V^llrv » r r r (ulil « l ,Mi>lln \Vrdne»ila>. S rv e tjl p rniin* who !Mc^enviin H rllnrll, .il.itr rlialrninn far ilrillrc to r lo lie uird h> the eam pa ljn . of

* . * V ¥

1 Big Need for March of Dimes’ "

H r jHilnted out th r r.\i>i-n ,r of i-oiiviilcsconl can- of ti.illmt.i Mrlkrtj ,,i,„ hi Ille 1017 rl'liirinn , t.ii ;- th rr wllll car.r.s Itl 104n. rrMlllril in Krriit4-r ,,| . rxprn.irr. tlil.\ y rar lhan In lfH7. „ |„

I’rrson;, nltrndlnw th r •.r-,.,|nn In- r lu d r Mr:.. MabrI :iau iu lrr\ and ; .lack D avlrj lilain,- cnuntv; .i' Mn.. VlrRlnlii Il:iuk. ;.n ir tiiry nf th r , \ Ktii.rrl. chaiitrr. anil Mrs. il, llrn fro . r l ia p tr r clialrinjin. Imm Minidoka '1|" ro titi try ; Mr: H arrv Durall. d rlvr chairm an , and Mr.v-s K I--ro-,tra-.,n, .‘." ‘J c h n p lrr chnlrm an. fmm Camu-. countv: Mir. -S. T H an, Hhccliimr,and Ilu rril .................... .I rh r c lialr- ’>m an. trom t.inroln m un iy ; Max I’fo Cllllrtte, liurlrv, ilrlvr chairm an , 'h* nnrl Mr. Curtf., Hiirlry. rouiily F rh n ln n a ii. from C.iv-.ia cuiinly; Nrl.s Pu ', drlVr clialnniui. and Irw in hr I. Matie. chap trr rh,i1rnian. Irom nlll

l .I r ro n ir routitv. un.l K .M, IJnsirtl. lih' d rU r ehalnnan . utuI Mr;.. l--raiiklr j)rd

I AlworUi, chnp lrr clialrnian, from 'T w in F a lh county, wni

Defense Py io u .N CiTV. Nov. 'j:. i . v . -

Abr K. S.l(lnlt, will) oprnitr.-, A ll i ra ir r lii-rr. rrcrlvi-<l n tr!.-photir ^ call a t liK hom r Ir<i:ii n ix irtrr |,;,i

.Mr. -Sjuliilf,- .'Mil Ih r |>ciil. i. ' '

■■I cj'iirt M'r." i"W hy ratl'I you :r.- • t,v-n.-<'au..r of ;ill thl- .Miiiikr • , f j ;"Sninkr? Wha!. ..tnnkr'’" 1••wiiv, th r ; Hum llie Uve.

( ll- r- I I,.|„ •n m l hou .S,,ill,If le.iilinl ,„ If l

flnnir-. In n Jl.Mi.lHX) lit.-.

J a i l S e n te n c e G iven i'lmr iL l- R . Nov, 2 :>-O m rr I.llitrr w.i;. Car

Ilnr<l SIO, $.') civ.ts anil ua . i:iirii I.-) .'rm

lii JiiilKr ila.-rl II ' I .mimu- ' ja .tIcr nan ci.iirt <ni a c h n tr r of .i....,iill. ,ii-ci

W h a t w i l l y o u g i i

f o r C h r i s t m a s ,

W.II .1 k* »t.. M«tl rtink.t. , .d»<lii . . . »«ll It k . . .

»M( ikM HR MM vfcH. ^ W yMn H. . . fK. #Ht •* » MANO ANOLI*»ONS? ^Th^ STORY » CLARK •»(«<{.*, >4 •fc* fniMf MWMic MlU trm«<»■«< *«• • »*•••. k» «w«« A h M a>d ifcH It T>•MeiMr Mlh )«*«« kMfN H Ml Hi

V U Jt M »*k C c n H r TO ^ S «a. k M r and pU y you r S' 9»*t N O W . . . *4iJlo I

it m eet *««i

M u s i

I C h *:

N ext to Orpheum

I anned at Session i

o n i S | H H S M

I.eft In rU h t nre K. M. DoMclt. Twin .Mrs. Virnlnln llaH k. Iluperl. f.rrrrta ry < IMrrrlll Summer. Jerom e, chairm an of tlrlvr In Jm m ir rnun ty i Mr*. hVankle of Ih r Inral rh iip lrr. and IJennell. (Hlal

Ellender to Ask H Slum Clearance, Housin.g Measure hn.s

W ASillNtiTON, Nov,'2.') (,V .-Scll- al>" 1-1: liih-r. 1). L:i.. ;.al<l h r will ‘’rlli ii: k c ,u i;ie -, l-.i ";.|H-rdy rtu ic tn u -n f nl Iie-.1 inll Ioi Iril. ral .iluni cU-ar- ann- an.l low .rrnt liou.MnK', A

K lln id .r Wll- rn-i.ulhor of the T a il.W lrn ilrr .W ,,,u e r hn,i.-hiK bill which uas bv the .•senate b u l 'lail.'.l to K.l full cm,trrv,.Ional ,.p- N liioval. I!owi-,rr. Ihr l.H:h <.-onnrc;,s Ih r did lla:.^ a ;,lmll,ir hi.u:.ln« bill mlnu.i two im portant i.rovl-mn:. of th r «>TI-:\V m.M.Mirr-.'.lum clr^iranrr and -----Inu- le n t iml.tlc hi>u.'.lm;

•Hir l,niii..|,il,a le.;.;.|al<)r .miUI tJir pr.ivl-.lon:. .-- laiiiiril by ckhku-.i arc vltully needed.

Kjirllrr. Kllr-tiiirr hart callrrt nn P io slilrn l Trum an He lold iirwsmrn h r dl.sciis--rd; iUiil Ird rral pilucatlnll Iruh-l.illiui wltli the Prr:,- Idchl. 'I'lir Pie..|.lenL favored h f.':. h r ;.al<l, 1)111 illd not liiill- c .itr wll.It priority Midi IrKl.-.lalliili wntild haw in Ibe ndmliiLilnaion'aproRHim

Police Report on 2 Minor Collisions

Two minor collbion.% were InvcAil- i:alrd liv rllv p.illrr Wwlnr.sdny. T iir r r u c rr no liijuilc-. and Uie

i A .olll.Mon i»n irte il h'clwern' a ; iriii-K driven by Cirrald HorcJ>. -171;' Dl.imoiid h tirr t, and n ;.rdi.n driver

by Clarcnce K. .Slew,irt, route I, at ' 1 II p. m. ,it Ihr ln lrr:.rcllon «I I l-lllh m rm ir w,. .i und .Srcond .'tre rl I w r.t, wln.-li il.imni.'.il th r rli;h l I Irijiii-r nf 111.. sieu,ii-i m .uh ln r, the

Wllnr-^.r; Inki n llirrrn Alice M ' il.-.i,:,Iille,-. h:,rl Jif.l hacked h rr .ill-

:i)ll lll...t: ol Snn.lioilr .MtceL ;*IUIll ;it ,);t';j jl. m uhi-n an aulomobllu <hivrn hy L). A lbrethsen, C arry , c.ime <mt of a drlvewny and •Muirk Ihr r.uir of th r I frn iander v. til.-tr ’n i r r u m ,'l<lr ..f th e H er- namle,-. ;.,.ii;,n ..m,:. h.ully dmiiuKed, .ii-ciiiiliiu: r<i till- iilfl(-er:. irport.

\ , 2 9 4 £ ^

g i v e your c h i l d

a s , t h i s yoar?

- M M HN Ik . w

KjkYIHC. . . .h W Mk <>Mi H TO-

M onnow . u « M Ml TMVAUtH

. . . »«n r«* ««Miir r w chW W > ta pitf. MtA«THE l>Aen. m 4 tm I I lW>k tk

»•..( rM MUi m » m ^

t o m o r r o w . . . .« r STORY fr CLARKJio c f *h*


P h o n e 2022


I in Twin Falls H

m h- T i ' p-i'

- A <

r .L v '" - -

- '‘‘t.' ■ >>

I^M T im ii ff r I Ir


’ n i’i



win Falli. county drive chairm an : J}', «ry of the Minidoka chap te r: Mr*.> of (lie women-, illriilon of tbe " kle Alworth. Twin KalU. ehalrm an ‘ H laff photo-enK ravIni) "

Hope Fading for “ 37 on Lost Ship i'S

NEW YORK. Nov, 3.1 lU Pl-H ope hovhn.s been nlmoM abandoned for 37 np i-rewmen iibonrd ii Urltl.'.h frciKlitcr n” 'briipvwl Mink by a mid - Atlimtlc n.n.'-lorm. Uie Kunril rrporied to- loday. tni,

A wlde.sprracl alrplniir .learch for the S.2fi7-t<>n frrlKhter Uope.-.lar will '■r:' be callcd off tonlRht unle;.:. trnces Iof the ship a m bc tound. u ,

No mc.isiiKf h in t>cen liearil from 1 the vc.vrl rdnrc Nnv. H, •Alirii ll rc- tUi pnrtril It... |x>Miloii m <00 mile.', leaof ArKcntiii. Nfld, | mu


Special Purcl

C o aJii.-'l in t in u ' f o r y o u r h o lii w i'l i 'o n u ; s l i ip n ic n l o f new l>ickiiiK 11)1 tlic'.si? v:ilu(.,s ot \vc lire lia iijiy lo p a s .i U k \v)ii-n .s iv in trs ;iiT su :i)i|) l lu -sn tiin iu rn .u -.

Nez<D A n\V e\e jiiM unpacked several nicrrhandi'.r includlne I'prlm holiday wesr, *kl w ear, dre and other Itema for C h rtitrr tn d Uaierl# I t a rrU ln* dall

Henry Learns U. S Men Ai’c Tougl

By HENRT BletEM O R g b^uinO N O L in.U . Haw aii—li 's » Jona Uie '

f ligh t from Tokyo to Honolulu, bu t thinp.TwnKcra do no l hnve enough Idle n nUme to ffcl InU) mlchlef. wan

T h e plane U no more lim n a ir- Chli borne before Uic i

jKiaslng out p rin t- A ~ . cloai

the .slic of bed [ _ you

Jorm.1 arc Riven to S ■' pulyou w lthU ie c o m -p ; , l j |p llm enta of Uncle . r--Sam ’s cu.itom* o t- I A , j J Nflclnl.i, dow ns U , saidwhom nre .Mraln- £ V ' - ' youInK a l l h e l r V - ... ,leniihes In Hono- n«L««,r» yoululu. enRer lo e*- of ,CAvnte abonR th e n iln a of your ^hliluRKnRe. J

L el ll be i-ud rlRlil now lh a t no cnunlry on earth ha.s as efficient f, ucUfrtoiiLi lti.siiccKir;. nji those who tenttunr Uie rcii. white and blue sus- fn,,, pIcloiLt frowiui of th e UnlWd SUiles.In Ireland about a ll one haa lo do to b ren o ihmuKh euAtoms Is to injjf liave nn -O " a t Uie .itiirl of Ills j in.-une, ,

I said my name wns O^McLemore If 1und ilii v wrrc Jln l.ihed wlUi me in joli' five niihutr.s. In ICiinland I wna ncnreful to wliMle n few bar.i of cu,t"Go<l Save the K ior" nnd hta mnJ- <,U5e.-.ty's men scarcely noticed me. In u ,jTurkey, PakLstan nnd Indlii my lUR- ,t„ fKUKr wiLH iKUMrd a fte r cun.ory ex- houiiinlnaUon.' th a l w ouldn 't have this tu rned up an elep lm nl had I hado n r In my suitcase. - iov,-(

T he Slanir.'.r ex;im lnatlon took u.MnluiiRcr. but It wa.-. ull done Jn good Hintfun. The officials d id n 't seem to portc arr whal you brouRlil In: they were to sjiL->l n.% curloiLi a.1 n bunch of mon- und- krys ns lo w hnt you owned aridhow everj’ihlng worked. T hey held 'TVup rtrc.vrs to .nec nbout the lengUi 1 J \nnd cut. .Mari-d a l ihemiclveji in tn-,iiKiilfyin>; mirror;;, undid razor.i J[lo how they worked, snapi>ed q ,tonii>.ict.s up<'n und Ahut for thu . „ purr dt-liRhl of Ihc sound, nnd sen- er;iHy hnd a RiHid. InterestlnR time.

Uut, no'. .V) '*hen you flrs l rench UiU, S. soil, *upi

TlirrcX Ihal dcclurullon I men- punturned brforr, to sU irt with. 11 theleavrr. nothlmj to KUr.^^wo^k. You A!

I niii.-.i ll.n evciy single Item you hnve Dtc.


Lt Ev<l o l i d a y w o n r w c h a i R r c c c iv c d th is n e w i-oat.^. W c w o n ' f o r t i in u U ' in H <m a r o c f t i l b iiy i ii;r t r i p a n d now

U ic .4aviiijrs on to y o u a l ii lim<! : i l i |) n ‘c ia t i 'i l . W 'c i i r s f y o u lo ,-<ce

j 100',; W ool

P V E L O^ .Sijiicrblj t.iilorcd coal

nble m uirrlal yoiril II ont.itundlnK va lu n a t

SUfI and nou >ou have Ihew l t io and h a ir a cuat

wear. All sl:e.i In a

■ M l M ftdc to SoilS l n t 9 .1L ).75.........................


I kI P

n ir . 'e—® but we

to you

K ew S h ip m e n t Lii.scia

C a l i f o r n i aMore new .styles In this uutnljm fum out C allfonilft Stroller. Sup tu re these coats, m ark Uiem as ehoote from . too.

'rivals...r ra l InrRe shlpm ent.i o f crlrp new prhiR prlnia youH w nnl for your

dre.isy holiday drcsBei. blou^el. l i tm a * flving. S m a rt nsw robei dally.

• S. Customs Kl igbest in,World Fbought «lwr« y a ti-h a L’ -haan-otik-w*- --------,Uie country a tid lt« price. And don 't ' th ink for a m inu te th a t If you make a m istake U ncle S'a bloodhouiid-s El« won’t caU h U. J u s t try ILitlnR a I"!*: IJ Chinese bact-.crn tcher fo r <0 cents m an ' when you really paid 50 cenla for It. <>* Ui The m an'll know It. H e cnn come JlKhte close to telUng you In wlmt lown. Twin whnt Ahop. and w h a t Ume of day nlBht you bouRht It. Vln

They have a .•|H-clal sn c rr they n>“slt pu l on when you try to tell Uicm I wlmt a Krcat shopper you are. nnd Bodci the w onderful bnrgn lns you picked up. U ever nn expre-'-'Jon on a fnce year, iiald "Oh. yeaJil" U telrs do when you RlRRllnRly Inform them lh a t Uie Rec cnrved Jade rhiR you nre wenrlnR and J you manoRed to Ret fo r a |>tickaRe a n i s of clsaretlca from a dow n-and-out W. / Chinaman. nnd '

I defy any tm v e le r to feel c a n - Ga pletely Innocent In th e presence or B<xlc: ft U, S. cu-itom-i m an . I hnd forRol- elcctf ten lo ILit a tin y packet of llRlitep nionn flints which I Imd purchii.^ed in Drrll HonR Konit. nnd when Uie Inspce- offict ta r puIW Uiem o u t and read the T ed f label nnd «nld. "HonR KonR. hull?" mltte I could tn.ite Uie brcnd nnd water In iny m outh, nnd bfRan wonderinR mi-nt If I could flUind aolltnry wlUioul Joe C SoliiE ;.tlr-crnz>-.

U s ■niiirlnR. U ioush. Umi our cu.itotn.1 men nro its pn tlen t. courle- ous and e ffic ien t aa Uiey are. All i the ports of e n try a rc bndly under- f stalfc<l anil for n m nn lo work a 31- _ _ hour .shift 1.1 n o t n t a ll unuaunl. If . thlK siiuatlon Isn’t remedied I aiiR- Rest tha t a se lec t few of u.i bc al- lowe<l lo chrck our own lURRaRe. u.'lns Uie honor system , the next “< ciin time We comc In from a foreign port. I wlil p rom he rlRhl now nol " " to MiiuKRle in m o rr lim n on r small undesirable alien per au lttase.

Deadline for Spud Loans Announced „,sDciidllne for iwLnto loans U Dec. bniL-.f

8. nccordlng lo Ben Jn a ien . of the n locTwin FnlLi county agricu ltu ral con- pemilsi-rvaUon iLisoclatlon. the c.

Uenn Rrower;. who wLih to hnve of Po support on bean.i should flle for|iurchai.c iiK rrem rnl by Dec. 31. nt .Mnthe inlc.-l, Juii!.rn Mild, ,liocs

Ali grain loam, will be ou l by a ta teDec. 31. hc ndde<l. land.

II |R' 'H0IP

e n tIhlfl

low >im<‘

I3 U R S /I

coat.-. In a fine, h rrv icr- I.rn like- T he?r w ould br jrs a t lhelr orlRliial price Ic the opportunity to save /cuat you’ll bc proud lo j

In a h a il o f r ich colors. ^

..... S39.75



nu ct>n »ave tub.itnnflnily on these f iii ' rji Ults In styles you'll llkr nnd we have n coir w range If you «1ll cnme In Friday or ir.'.e would sell reudlly at llu-lr ornnnal | It we bought them a t a price and wr ii.i,-:. you during th la e ren t.

icianas by

a Stroller 'LnljindlnR nrw fabric fa-ihlonrd hy the . Superb detatllnR, d e ft tnlloring fm- m as fashion iendrrs. Mnny colors to

/ f f t ’s i \ e w Y o u ’l l F i n d i t i

" ‘ j U A Y F /


Kleinkopf Is Retui’ned as Grange CMef

ElccUon of officers for IMO and a talk by E lm er Dos.iett. couniy chuir- mun tof Uie pollo drive on the coals of Uie foundnUoii for 1049. hlRli- llRliled Uie regulnr meeting of Uie Twin Kails G ninge Wednesday nlBht u l Uic Odd Fellows hall.

VirRll Kk-lnkopf wa.-i reelected m aster of Ua- O ninar, w ith Kenneth # Poc being nam ed iis over.-.ecr. Cor.i Bodcn.iUib was iclfctetl to fill th« officc o f lecturer for the comlnc y e a r Mra, T om Siiccdy wn-i elected chupluln,

Rec.^e G ilck w.i.s clectcil .Mcward and Noiili Oliver wa:. named a n l stew ard. Mrs. OKle Gale;; nnd W. A. Poc were 'clectrd secrctnry nnd Ireastirer. respccUvcly.

G atekeeper for 1949 will l>e Irvin Bo<lcnstab, Mildred Klcljikopf wni elected C eres; LydLi Rawnol. Po­mona, and Lillian Sullivan. Flora, Bertha G llck w;li elected to Uin oftlce of w omen’s n.'.ilstanl .-itewnrri. T ed Scott was nnmed executivecom- mltlecmnn.

Following th e mrrtniR, rrfre:.h- mi-nt'i were served by .Mr. nnd .Mrs. Joe Corles.s and Mrs, Aiimi Woodn.

Gooding Boy Hurt When Car Upsets

GOODINO. Nov, 25 -A car driven by CiOvln Poulton. H. son of .Mr. nnd Mrs, J . W. Poulton, overturned Wednewliiy nfiernoon ns Uie youiii, iicconi|unle<l bv Cnrry Runyon, wna on hLi wny liomn from r.chool.

T lir nccldcnt occurred th rre- <iu;irirrs of n n illr ...outh of town. Young PoulUin jaw nnoUier c a r n j v * proachlng from Uie sou th nnriT turned lo h is side of Uie rond. lost control of Uin car. which crossed th r highway and upnct.

Poulton i-.-.capcd Injurlr.', while Runyon r rr r iv iil s c r a t c h e s nnrt bniL'.es. A ftrr ^lr,^l nld ireu tm ea l I'l n local physlrh in 's office, he ws» pem illtcd In RO home. Diiningr to the r a r wn.s rstlmiiteil nl $300. Chtrl of Police R , T , Casftdny, reportert.

More Uiun 3r. iH-r cen t of Um thocs inuimfiicturi-d In the Unllwl atate.', a re produced In New Eng- land.

Ili a •


: O V E R T Sf ill ' rjii.ilitvn com plrir M l'dP to SpH nt

if s .um ilay. „ „ r i ;Mnro


S59-75a n d

S69-75 .See T h e se Tom orrow

d il at—

FAB IR"®'—

SDAY, NOVmraER 25. 10 «

Page 13: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Odds Against — — ^Epeedom—fop--

Jap LeadersDy J . M. RO BEnTS, J r .

AF ForeU n A ffairs A nalyitSome or th e etmvlcUd Jnponese

w ar crlm tnals &re planning oppeals to th e V. S. supremo coiurt, bu l the odds are th a t Jap an wlU *oon w lt- n ts s the execution or tm prlson-

V m ent of th e m en ehlcfly responsible fo r PcMl Hnrbor.

A« O enera l M acA rthur sold ,]n conflrm lnf th e ir Mntences. "no m or­ta l ftseacy in tha p resen t Im perfect evolution of civilized society seems m ere entitled Co confidence In the in te srlty of Its solem n pronounce­m ents" than the In terna tional court w hich convicted the T ojo gans.

L u te d Two nod O n e-lU lf Y cnn T he tria l lasted tw o nnd n half

yesre, Every protecUve device of w estern law was throwTi a round the defendants to protect, them from nny mUcnrrlage of Justice. T lie for­m er prem ier himself was perm itted to tu m th e court fo r days Into ft prQpasandft forum and for n time th rea tened to steal tho shew from th e prt>secut«ra. ^

T he court even save lerlous con- slderatlon to his clnlm ot nuilonal self defense, a claim which Uie Am erican prosecutor lllccned to "a highw aym an who would assert the r ig h t to self defe iue because his In ­tended v ictim refused to surrender th e m e ins o f his ow n defense lo be used as a m eans o t bringing nbout hln own dcjtructlon ," “

Seven Face H an c ln i ^Seven of th e defcndwiLs Jnclurilji^r ”

Tojo fnced hnnBlnR. Sixteen Kot life term s. Two got lesser prison terms,

Nol one of them claim ed a t Uir ^ tlmo of P earl H arbor th a t Uie Jnp- *'■ ^ anese em pire wns under U ireni of

nttuclc by anyone, Thoy hnd been hi pu t on notice H years before, by Uio L l'tton report to Uie L eague of Na- Y Uonfl recard lnc th e ir actions In 6i

. M anchuria, th n t the world coniltler- al cd them unprovoked uKKrt.'.'ors. b ■flicy took no hccri. Every move re Uiey made wus dellbcrnle. Mimlly ^ Uiey tried to s ta b In Uic buck while jq Uie w estern world wa.^ tied up with m H iller's w ar. nnd U ncle 8.Tm tj.ped Uieiii down w ith h is le t l hand.

D relare Itulr* Invalid T hey and .•■ome IcrhI pcdunt.s iir- i.

gue lh a t tho rules u nder w hlrh Uiry were Lrle<l are mviilid bccaase iliry wcro mnde n fte r the crim e wns eom- m itted . nf

Tw o Brem In tfrna tlonn l t.rlbunnU have now held Uml oiiUiinrd world oiilijloii liu.s Uic rlKht tu iiicif out punl.\hineni on a com m unity biusls, lb n.t 111 the rruse of th e old wc.stcni ’*'* visiliini^'.s. when cxUlliiK IcKiO tech- nltjuo fnlLi to cover flnCTnnl vlolii- "c tions,

A mrrlcnna. on Uic w hnlr, hnve d h - ba pliyccl Ulilr In tr rr 't . In tlir Jap .i- fn ncsr irlnb . T tiorc h no R rnit public Ai pre.«ure for revrtiKf, Af M ncArihiir an put.s 11, i[ip obJcct 1.1 th a i tlin irlul anil pmil.'.hmpni ,'lmll "^iimmoii all op prr.'.tinh of Kood wlll to Uie rnillr.-x- Hi Uon nt ilip iiit/T tu illliy of \v ,ir - vo th n t nio.*.l nmllKnanl rcourKo nnd hi:

r > cri'ntcM !.in o l niiiiikliitl—and cvn i- Oi tiinlly to lln ren im cla tlon by nil nn- riii Uons.-

North Idaho Man “ Willing to Serve I'J As County Solon SLEWISTON. Nov, 25 I lr r l cn

f^lirow lcr. l^wlM on Orchnrd.i. hiu% wliiidlcnii'il ho would continue n.n s ta le caircprer.entaUvf from N rzprrcp coun- whly If Gov. c . A, Robins offers him hliUie office. plf

Ciuvcnior Robins snld Schroedcrcould rclnin h is iwnt as one of Nez- pa:pcrcc coimty'.s iwo rfprr.sentntlve.s thlliul added Unit he hnd n o t yc l rnn- vcilucied Kchropdrr n s-to wlifUier. ho iiowo^iM bo w llllns to flirve a no ther nui

Schrncdcr. n D rinocrat, wa.n elect- n ” ed fiUte reprc.'.cntaUve In I'MI and fiir 1040 bu l choM; U) nm for Ncrii.-rte •• counly co:iwnL'.Moncr and wu.i eli-ct- .iv, ed. Governor Robins .^ild he would »,,, have to resign one of the two postA since stnlo law prohlhlt.s tho hold- InK of two

(Vhrocder .^r\ld hi- would rc.iirn il comity cominl.v lnnrr bu t ii i a i ' ,my I 'l ' ' ncucm would have lo iiwaii r.'cch.l ot word from O ovem or Robins rc- .. sn rd lnc Uio lesIslaUve

Joo R aienkrnnr. I.ewi,Mon fnrm- er nnd Emplr.- Air lines vice pre-.l- dent, was d ected s ta le rcpr.vli.nla-

.M -• ' " ’“•cvrr. h.- nncl W. J , " I'ollck, dhappcurcd on n

central - r e . Oct. 3( . „ a • ’

Doul are now presum ed dfnd.

Bean Purchases ”'j Are Resumed by ~ Federal Agency

SPOKAN& No>-. !S ,,r>_T l.r en im rnt U In Uic m arket fo r Uie pure u se of f irs t and second K-rnde <!:ird edible peas nnd bcan .\ Clans Ci rf.rrr., chalrm nn of th e sla te pro- T»'li diir[if>n nnd nmrkeUnR ndm lnlstrn- prr.s Itffi, .1ld iKTe. r

I’ltr rs .s;ild Uic commodity c rcd ll -n corio.Mtlnii Iiurchnsrd for ly.iiKl- P'-a br.-vns durlnR Um no„

. 'n “ 'c th l' ;Ti-.,- rlin irm an .-.aid federnl iccTe

■? i zctla.•l.^ liv Ihr tediTal nucncy hnve vnn ’bern mndr fur export purI>o.^es, he Do,,'aridrcl ___ ■

I'lr.'.L Knulr [)r-it hn in s have of' .ibroiiKlii K'llrM from *7.83 to jvito o f tiper hunilr 'd fxnmcLi. nnil „f .

* flr^l nnr! Ix- I \.iric ty prn.s hnvc ,been bouKh; a l lo tu per h u n - nl.,,. dre<l w-ltli Coinrnrto w liitrs selUnR a t J5.20 «) $:.V. per hund rrd , All prlcc.i h n \r b--.-n TOC countrj- ^hlp.phtK iwlnLv ____

T. F. Resident“on S Poet Committee J "

DOISK, Nov. 2:. (/7’, - M rs . M . B. SwanN ash of Coeur d'A lene haa been R«ld.nam ed chairm an of a com m lltee of Twinfive Idnhn women to nld in lhe Do!i>e. selecUnn of a poel Inurrale forIdnho. Ma,

T he npiwlnirapnt^ were m.idc by LslanfOov, C. A. n<il)in- . ’ • plnrli,

Mrs. Jreae W clch Urlii-om, poet srooir


Give Eye-Wit

,cd r n u l nueuem ann (k ft l KHil Georic ft mereiy a s to o re for the govcrmncnt.

^ If If If

2 U. S. Oilmen Gi ;;; What Reds Don - By S. BU RTO K HEATH T

NEA S ta f f Correipflndrnl fi NEW Y O R K - I t tom e of Uie lefi-

w ins labor unionists could siudy w hat Is going on since Uic reds took I “ over Hungikry. they would kick Uiclr I '

f j Oft-n com m unists ou t fast, T lial Is '* ’' iy, ono conclusion of Paul R uetlcm ann; ” liP nnd OcorHc A. D nnnantlnc. who |

havn Men w ith Uielr own cycn w h a t ' of com m unbm does to the worker and I ;n his union . j ”:io R uedem ann, from Hnrt-sdale. N .' h, a - Y.. Is p resid en t of MAORT. Uic In S iandnrd Oil com pnny (New Jersey) ■ ({• r - flftlllnte recenU y srlicd by Huiiftnry.■s- D annnntlno. from St. LouLs, is n dl- 'i-j

rector nnd production e rpe rt. They I ni ly were nmong th e fIrAl businessm en' s:i *= to re tu rn trf D udapcst nfter t h e '■n llhcrnilon In lO-IS. nnd stayed unUl hi

th ry were force<l to Men "confrs- ir “ ■ /.Ion;." th a t Uicy hnd MibuciKnl th e ar

rountry 'n oil production, nncl r r- ui I ' lea,nrcl l.-\,M m o n th . , .M... rx to rlcd "confpA'loiis' »u rc '

ujpd ns on excic.e lo grubbing nnd nailonallrlnK M A O nT. which cun- irols nnd produce , nboul W p r r ,

m c rn t of all ih c oil known to cxi.M ''I' It 111 HunKiiry—enough to supply nil

the country 's donjesUc rcqulrcmenis. with f.ome le ft for e.^port.

I- Red propagnndu U ii.ilnK t h r '" I- "confe.--slon.s' In nn a tlcniiil lo

th n l M AORT wns holrthu:1- back (in i>ro<lucUon. und rr ordi-r. ” I- from Uir hom e offi'.-r, n.i ji,,ri of lc Aiin-rlcan pr'-pnriulon for a w a r ' ir af;n1ii.M th e Sovlu i union. ;»1 "A.S lonK IV.S nil indiLMn- wn.-.11 operated by private owner.-'.' taul n, I- R iirdem unn, " th r union had n tjlK- voice, M anaK i'nirnt couldn 't even u-c d hire nnd lire w llhoul 1L-. approval. II- Dui Ih r inom riit th n l Industry wn.- | ■ ■- niillonaIl.-c<l. th e union hccnmc' ja '

inerrly a .-.lootin tor ih r Rovrrn- \ tn ment. lliruuKh u h lrh ordrr;. w ere 'cx l.ssiii-d luid w.irkrt.s trrro rl/cd , I fo;

■’Coftiniunl.'.;.'. like to havr e v rry -!, Ihhig 'voh iiila ry .' 6o the w orkm .' lh ' are urxrd . n lrnait rrqulrcd. m : :- •drbnie.' But th r d rbate Is llkr »' nn 1 to ln llu r ln n ballol. I t has n j>l;icc by -I only for 'yr.v ' A fooll.nh w orker, w.i

who say;, 'n n / or even qiic.itlons. | Ra: c can .'xp"<-i lo lo.v hU Job luul. iH '- when hc ir in i to K d nnotlin-, fincl.-ij tl" T himself blarkllsl<tl from nil cm-

ploymeni. | thir ''n il.', Kocs beyond m atters o f ,- party poiicy. I t is n:mn.\t n s thintf. One w orker, for rxample,- ventured lo c rlllclzr a pnrty fiuic- j 5 tlonnrv for tiMni: th r cimipnnyr nutoniobile lo cha.M- nround th e '. ,

niRhl club nnd rrd IIrIu dhirlri.s.• He wn.s fired, and blncklUled. 'm e■ functionary w ai.ii'i even rcprovt-d. I• ‘‘Nor ciin II worker Kct. hy p;i;,-• Rivcly. H e hiui to work nt h b cdm- ,

munlsm. He miir.l n ttrnd rv ro ' mretlnK. overj- parndr. A rhtvk-, list Ir. k rp t (in nltendnnce. in <iur ccn tral office th e re were !>'rer 1™,

; mecUnKs n w rrk . nd ilrevr.l by hlKh-piiw-rrrd p a rly pniiiaKniiili;:.-.. 1

'T o llhi.Mrute how they •*iirK. ,.u.there w as Uio m eeting n t w hlrh ihc roucompany w-ns criticized for Klvim; con too m urh to u.s workers by wav o f ,MKliil wrlfart?, .Mich a.s In nu-r.s or „I1 'blrllis. slcknr,%se.s, di-,;:h-.. mid d|.p Uniilar cnirrk-rnclcs. •Ann Mi-.m i-.\-IravaRnncr.' Uie .'.pi-akcr;. riilli-<t H. noj'

■'Doc-s nnylxidy have anyihuK lo ehasny uKalnsi pcUllonlnK ihc coniii.iny x-ticto redure lt.s contrlbuilons? ' ih r pun men were asked.

"Nnt one voire w a ' ral.'<-,i nRiiiii.'.i of i th r moilnn. l l carrtrcl u:ianlniini.'.ly.' izrd

Cabinet Officers Ri Appointed Under New Constitution BCK;

Cabinet oftlcer.s for Diinnr Dril, Wa? T»'ln Fftll.s hlKh school .nuilrnt borty I- prr.ildciit. wore ra tlflrd hy the hmne wi-n of rrprc.'ciii.-iUvi-s rcm iily . will

’Hic cab inet o fiiccr.' nre provirti-d "O' for u n d rr Uic new conMiiii- '-=rv tion w-hlrh Is p a lte r ii rd rIo.-cls niirr th r national coti.-,iliutlnn. Oun

T hr n rw r.ccrct.iry of sla le 11;. i-c- fl'’!*' lected by Bell Lh H rlrn MrKv,rn Jone.'.; M -crcury of Uca;,ur>' Is Lo;;n Ciilii O rnbcrl: M-crrUiry of pep. KdUh Kr- atUe vnn; ^ ec reu ry o t boy;.' lnlraIIlU^ll.^ Sl’ Don H iiturd; secreU ry of tttrl.'.' lu- ^ 1". tram urals. M arilyn O reen; f rr r r ii ry of the .'cnute. Jo e Hiiwcs; w cn iarj- O. I o f th r house. J im Cri'cd: .' ' d rn i of ac-tlvitlr.-,, Natl Prnw tll'; rccii-l.iiv of rllKlljlliiy. P.TL P a rre tt- yill queen. Donnn Y oiitig; aHonir'y.Kt'ii- e ral. Ken Kaler. nnd srcrri.irv of c lllrrrifh lp , J a n e t Glllc.'ple.

laureate of the G em sta le for mnny yenrs nnd au th o r of mnny i>ocm , hns mnvrd lo Ro'.em ead. Cnllf.

Men-lng w ith M rs. nn Uit coniniliiec wiU be Mr,v. O ladjs Sw ank. Lew-lsion: Mr;;, AKnr% Jm t R«ld. F irth : M rs. O llv r .Mae Cook Twin TalLs. and M rs. E lranor Allen.Boise. ............ ... -u - . ... '—

MarrLiKi- rites in the Andnnmn Islands .iliniih- ol i>il>lirly t’InclnR th r bride ou th r bride. sroom 'i lap . I

25. 1948

(Witness Report

i f ■'C ^ l O i


o rtc A. B a n n an tln e: The nsion btcame tn t,

V- Y ¥ ¥

Give Report on )o to Labor Units

T hat Is how com m unist democracy funcUons n t labor union level."

■ J. "One .snboURe charge agulnst ua," jjy said B nnnantlne , "w as thn t we spent oljitoo much m oney on workers’ hous- .[y I Ins. W r bulH a lot o f nent. modem 'ijih o m i's for o u r men. 'Flie reds said

■ they w ere to o good for workers. Tlie ,0 I money rould b e tter have been used

I In o th rr ways, jij I "Vuu know how Amcrlcnn labor

I unions feel nbout •speed-up' snd I incenUvo p l.ins . W ell, over there -bonuses nnd special prlvllcKej for speed-up a rc fundam enta l parts of

I the com m unist Ihree-year plan. And y - ,n mnn who doe.m 't produce whnt Ls i* 'tx p cc ird or h im frcoucnily Is fired -yjav.d bliiL-kllstcd on the charg# of

sabot;igc."' Tlie R o icm m en t. Ruedem ann snld.

-II has Rfoupcd ull H ungarian Indus- '* I’l 's Into fo u r cn tegorlo , A. fl, C. le and D, nccordlng lo production vol- '• unu- and num ber of employes.

, MAOnT Is In g roup A. re ' "Llkr e v rr\' Industry In group A.

Ull- lop ..iiuup, M AORT Is enilllctl to onr top m an w ho can be p.ild 3,iOO floriii.s n m o n th . At the nrtlfkinl ex-

.,._'rlmnKc m te U lnl Is $280 a montli. ,j bill m hiiyUiK power It'Ll nboul JlOO,, "T h r fch rdu ln lells how many

mrn. In cnch com pany In any grniip, IP I i hnll be paid eac h wnge rnte. Tliere's ^ no collecuvc barKalnliiK. The iinlnn

has no more tn say nboul li ihwi ni:i;i.i;;i'nirnt dor.s.

'' ' When «-r w rrr Ih rr r we hnil a •l-t-lioiir w-i-i-k, w liii iinic and a hnlf

' . Inr overtime nnd double time for : Saiurdny. .Sunday nnd holiday over-

' llnie. Now. u n d rr nnllotmllraUon.Uir n in i work 11 -tu-hour week brfore

^ ovrriunr hc«lnr,. W r have had no ' ' word alxnll w lin l 1;, done nfler Uic ‘•| 4!i hour;, h ave b rrn worked,''

I "Bcciiu%e food hnd been eo sauce," c ,s .iid D annan tlnc , "we formerly had• j tnick.s .'.courliiK tho farm ing nn-ns, c cxrhanKlUK kerosene ana (.•'‘•■•oUnc

' fnr fi'cxi fn r o u r storr.v - ! l 1ie K rivrninient now hn;. nholblu-d

the i-ompany store.'..” o: MAORT w ns th r second Import- It nn t forclRn-ow ncd Indiistrj' sclicd p by Ihr red Kovernmrni. ’nn ; first r I w.i;. a Ford nr.,scmbly plant. All Him-1.1 Rarlan-owned IndvLsirlcs rmploylng1.1 ill m any n.s 100 por/oii'. w rir nn-

I tinnalizcd I1U-.1 Kii;.ier. In uildlilon.- the K overnment.selzcd nil pro;ierty of

I the owner.1—th e ir homes, cars, bnnk f accdunU'.—on lh e KroutuI iha! ihey 1 had been p a id for w ith proliij from

the businc.ssc'i..’1 "Tliere wcri' rcixiri-. tlwt ull biL-,1-

1 ni-; nnployltiK 20 or morr w rrr to . 'b r tia llo n a lli rd ." .Mild IVinnunilne,

"but th n l h n d no t hnppciieil when ; we left.

I "W hrn an Industry' 1,-. nnilonnllzcd, somrilnii-s w orkrr;. a rc p:n:no!i-d to miUKim-mrni, b u l th a t n rvrr I.ims

, long. Soon Uipy nre rrplaccd by par- . ty fftvorlic.^.

; I "A m nn nnm cd S;rKo, foroierly w llh a Rur.slan-spon^orrd rxport- Import com pnny, w-ius made dpputy K dirral miinaKor of our blR ciil com-

' Piiny. -n ir m animcr'.s nam r l i Szrk- ■•ly. and h r wa;, the Hunnarlun rfiulvali-nt of tl crrtlfled public ac­countant.

• "ForKac;;, a n cx.,’jilc.-.m,m. no t of oil. was m ade he ad of the technical ili 'parim cnl Iti charRe of croloRlcnl,

iiphy.slcal. rnB lnccrlnn and produc- Uon work. B enda, :.nlc:.ninn for a chain of s to re s ,'.elllnK hosiery •sweiiters, clc.. was m ade lirnd of purchiLsc. siiICA and accouniuin.

'-niiii'-i typic.Tl of the b:icknround of men cho.'.en to opernte nntlnnol- Izrd IndiLMrle.s/'

Rites Set at Buhl For Mrs. Beggs

d u h l , Nov, V 5-M r«. Caroline B. DesKs died III h e r home In Seattle, Wa.-ih.. Nov. ]{I,

I-'imrral ;.rrviec.s and crrmatlon w rrr held In S e a ttle a n d Uir ashra will be ;,hlpi>rd to Alla-ri.-.nir;. mortu- n o ' Ul Buhl fo r Kr.ivt.sldc tunrral i-erviers a t 2 p. in. Monday. The Rrv Ma-x G recn lcr. p.vMor of the DunI Pr(^^bytrrlall church , will of- flrlate,

Mr.s, BrKKs w iii bo.Ti In Pttaliims, Ciilif.. May 3. lOM, and went to e«. atUe to live in 1QB9.

.•;hc 1. survived by one dsuKhter. Mr.s. J . H. S herfoy . Uuhl; two foiw Byron P. BcKR-s. T;»coma. and Merle O- Dckrs, S eatU e; four griindchll- d rn i lltld H irer Rrrai-ni-aiidrhlldren.

aih-cr L-, tl i r bpn condui-lor ot e lecirlciiy, w ith copprr nrxi.

------ t r e a t -------Y (H -R


IC E C^fEA.Mand rcn lly good

C H O C O L A T E S ______Doxpd o r n u lk - - r ia r r

C h ristm as O rders .Now. FRKDEItlCK.SON-S

--’■n Main Avr. R Pt-.rur 3'J8

What Happens Joins Ee3s‘

(Freai r»M On<) (J e n o y town w hen his wife would nol t longer accept h is i>olltlcal ld«u and r moved ou t a fte r nlm ojt 33 year* of m arriage. T h e son, an enilnecr, j lives In Pennsylvanln, T ho rest ol , th e fu n lly lives In New Je ru y . He , has five grandchildren, a n d llie ony grand fa ther, h e collects pictures 01 r them and paste* them In an album .

“Hardly u monUi goes by th a t I j don 't see aome of my children uud g Brandchlldren." he said, " i leave r politics a t home,” c

None of hl» children, o r »on«-in- 1 Uw la a pa rty member. H is p a n d - children go to M ethodlH oncl r E pbcopallan Sunday schools. Cros- i- ble would n o l tell where hlj d i l l - t dren lived. r

■Tliere's no need of cau.slnj them any unhappiness ." he said. v

He arrlN-es a t h is office In room r 510 o t th o com m unist state h e ad - i qua rte rs building on E m i is u n t r e e t c

e around 10 n. m. He confers w-ith other pa rty workers, takes t t r e of f, his correspondence, arranges m eet* c ings. p repa res speeches and doeii oUier po rty work. | j

Two years ago Crosble retired « from a profitable Insurance b u s l. I i ness, tu rn in g l l over to h is jouns-114

g ^


nt 9- m‘"I m

rcar \ \of \ \id \ \ •Ls•d Aof V J /

’• V kT



I -------------------- ^

cl j


:1 f t / f

I / j

f i

‘ / '

cimo •

t u n m

Ith e B u ila r l

^ w o n N , B . C every W .fun i3nd big ne w i obc

Jobile® cJuring fh« noxi

»:ao A. .M. STATION


IIS to One’s Life tsrFollow THis

e r associates u n der an agreem ent, 3 no th a t will give him an Income for 33 U

m oro yeara. | \- r Wlll be well taken care of un lll 3

r am 100 years old," he said. 'T licn M l have U) wtirry about making a 1 living." : ,

Pau l Crosble was bom in th e \ " CongregaUonal church parsonage a t i

W oodworth. WLv, 10 mllea west or t I K enosha. HU fa th e r was a Con- I

Id g regatlonnl m inister, b u l qu it Uic ; ve pu lp it and w ent Into buslne.u Uo-,

cause of an "increasing liberal r e - i / Cl* llglous ouUook." I ,d- •’T h e break cam e when certain . icl m em bers of Uie church objected to , 5- h is driving a sp irited horse, which, 1 II* h e had reared from a colt, to a i

rac ing sulky," Im Crosble was ed ito r o f Uie H sr- 11

v a rd U te ra ry M onthly and a c o r- ' y m respondent for a news agency w h en ' ji- F D B was editor of th e Har\'arG j i et Crim son. j 1 lh -H e would kick us from u n d e r-Ij of foot, Uien go to work," Ciosble rc- r t* called. 1 esi Crosble lauiili a IJnllArlan B un-It

Iday school cln.-.i n l CambrldRe a n d ' [ sd wna grnduaied from H nn'ard In t ■I-Uoos, n yenr n fle r FDR. H r rnnir ^ii-|u> New York where hc niip 1

Smilin Ed s. ^ \ come iu

W g e t your tlJree com ic boot


i ^ ~le f Brow n R o d b fltufdoy momino. lo b o v to u r Jintjl#next few weeky. ______________



Ee When He P s Man's “Uay”|in tiy e a r In a bank , th e n h e w ent to ' 33 western K an sa s w here he tried his :

I hand a t w hea t fnm iln i; for two III years, ,acn "I camo back to N rw York In lOOB f

a flnt broke." h e said, " I went Into *■ Uie Insurance biislnes.n n.s a .stnp '

he Bap. I ha ted It. b u l I prospered In a t It." Croible was nn nrtlllery llou-i^ or lennnt In Uie f irs t W orld w ^ f l g h t . 1 n - Ina n t Snn M lhlel a n d inrfTie JSausc-; he ArRonne. '■'” •] Croeble becam e a m em ber of Uie ‘ «*j Communist p a rty In 1033, the year

I the new deal s tn r te d Ita fnrm po licy ' in _ s policy w hich new d eal foes call- ■, to ed "pUmiiiK u n der crops nnd k ill - ! , c h iiiii ; lltUr pigs," P rio r to th a t he hnd '

•‘ been a D em ocrat d ia lr lc l leader,I "W hrn th e adm lnlatruU on tr lrd

r - | t o corrccl th e s ltuaU on of wnni T - , u n ld s t p lenty by de.-.troyUiB Uie , en plenty, i w en t to th o New York , rd I telephone d irec tory to find the

I headquarters of Uie Com m unist r - |iw n y , m a few month.v I w as a c- mrmbcr of th e p a rty ." h c said,

I His dnughters wero being courted r n-1 th rn . He doesn 't reca ll any u n - "1 ;>d pleasanuicis. b u i th lnga became In worse Inter on. T lie fum lly left. Dp- C n r ^plte Crosble’s c ffo rta Ui shield IIP them, the fuel th a t h e w as an uvuwcd {

d says: iu now nr ttetf, book!

^I f* )

T rv rLook, mothei

\ Parly Shoe:




S m art new Bu.i p lays and all tl y o u r youngster in g w ith Christ lo o k in g Buster

« » s ty le s o f a ll , rq u a li ty , as a h F itted by X-Ra;

o U c s ly 12, 121 -. U


communist fre ip ien tly n ibbed off an T hLs children. \

1 One daughter Joined th e WACB,y j“j aiid i*u.->“likkcu~oul u f u tdlinillfciil

■ leaving for overseas w hen the arm y I learned who he r f a th e r was.

t o ' His son was refused a navy com- ^ his mission in the sea-bees. L ater hewo was drafted and aerved two yeara ^

I a.l a private before h is loyalty was,[IB' established nnd h e received a f irst re,to lleutcnanf.s commission In th e arm y Uc

engineers, UcIn Asked If theaa th in g s d id n 't h u r t o t

I Uie family, he replied. a rI 'T h ey do. ihey do." Uc

J f . ; At noon. Crosble w en t to a cornerfaiidwleh ahop and h a d a bacon and ZI

, tomato sandwich a n d a chocolate Mm alted milk. to

\r l ■ the office a t S p. ra. and , , returns to hla a p a r tm e n t. L as t n lghl, : he broiled a chicken for dinner for C«

. hlmfelf and tw-o New O rleans "slu- —denU" who are sta y in g a t h is place b

Irfl intending a com m unU i short l i

Usually h e a tten d s some party m a t ^ h t ^ He h a s few callers ^

u ? ------------------------------“Tt"'I HOLIDAY V ISITO RFILER, Nov, a a - M rs . Re* K im- ««'

,ed mri, Salem. Otf.. Is spending *r« in- Tlianksglving w ith h e r m olhrr. Mrs, lie .MnrKit' M uiser, a n d nunt, Mrs. ,,,' )p. Omyblll.r i d ------------------------------■cd RKAD TIMFJS-NE'WS WANT ADS, J",,


? Iler! Wonderful stbot ses for Christmas at


nakiMBER 2 7 t o DEC

Buster Brown Shoes for Christr 11 the m onths o f school ahead! sters at the J in g le Bells Jubilee, iristm as sp irit an d th e handsoir iter Browns y o u 'v e ever seen . . 1, nam ed fo r S a n ta ’s re in d ee i alw ays, p u ts r e a l v a lu e in y


$ 3 . 4 9 $(


“ Veterinary Board ™ —To-Study4*ernu5^

BOISE, Nov. 35 (;p )-T he iU le T*U jn. e rlnary axamlnlOB board will meet he here Prlday a n d Saturday to c<m*Jd-

e r licensing of 13 appllcanU, ras Mrs, Kstella S . M ulllner, a tat« d l- j s l recw r of th e bureau of occupational my licenses, sa id seven applicants seek

licenses th rough reciprocity w ith u rt o lher statea, one seeks r e ln i ta to n en t

and four o the rs wlU lake Uons,

:iBr .Members of th e board are J . A. nd ZIebarUi. Pocatello: R. o. D errer, ate M eridian, and A. J , Powell. Lewli>

ton.n d ___________________th t Rome h a d sew en la the S ix th for Century B. C.

Hurt Like -Sin! But Now I Grin

Thouiands chant* groans to rrlac. Us*• atriort' formula fo r«ll«v« <ll»e(»mlort

a f c , A 7 r . . ;f®' I.... llir,.. toa .y . Follow t,b ,l airKlIonfc

lu r lalo at a lf drug stores «TcrywbBrfc^ In T>ln r>ll> at Bar.Uer Ont lad WaV

CAN ca

- g j ^ vocoi

« ^ l \

hool and at the


ellsleeECEMBER 18 ^

iristmas paraes, school :ad! Get them now for lilee. Our store is burst- % dsomest, prettiest, best :n . . the most popular ^ ideer. B uster Brown in your shoe money.

I$6-95 I

f ___________________

j n 6-----------------------------------■)—

Page 14: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

• B e t r o t h a l o f A n n o u n c

. . . . . y '——~ ■ — . —- ' ~ ' Tt

'i ■

BAKHARA C Y rilE R (BUff rn tru rln s )

* * * *Mr. niKl Mrs. L . I!. Kor.klru, Twin

F;ills. iim iniiticr Uic- .•iii^,.t;i'mulll nl th e ir iliui(,-!itc r. Harl;ar;i I.e.' C.vplicr, to A rllm r » . IJaImIi. wm of Mr. nnd .Mr:i. A rllm r O, ll;iL'.cli, Hu/cJ- ton. l l l f! urdcUiiB hnn been fcl fo r Dcc. J3.

MIm C>-i>lu'r wn.i Krinluutcd from Ttt-m F a lls hlKli M-licxil In tliu el:u-j of 10<n. Hhr li;un licni I'lniiloyrtl Dy th e U an ian l Aulo coinpiiny slncc Umt Il/ijc.

Balr^li fttlonilcd r.cliool n l I^nz* elloii nnd i;ru(liii\to(l In 1043. Hf rccflVMl i> yctir of inilnlnK u t Idrxiio SLilc cdllccp, I’.x-alHIo, H r w rvrd Jn thp iiniiy u ir cor|vi diirlin: Uic wnr un<l Im now cnKuual In farmliiK ■wllh hln m ilicr.

A fter a v,c<l(llnk- trli) CullforiiJn th e couple will inakp th r l r home In H nrelton.

If. * It-

A l b i o n G r o u p H a s

A n n u a l C a r n i v a lS O U n iE n N IDAHO COLXEXiK

OK EDUCATION. Albinn, Nov.—Sludcnus mill fucully o f Similicru Idnho CollcKr of liliicu tlon n ltrn il . cd Uip nnnuni cnrnlval nnd dancr flponiorrd by llu- n.v;ocliit<-d wotncii irtudcntA In tho lilndcnt union lm!l room.

W inners Jn th n cnkc wulk nnd O ther enrnlvnl concc.v.loas wrre nn- nounccd. SikcIhI fciitiiri-.n were thn ionu iio iPller. J)h0t« .-.lioij. SICK- grnm s nm l Uie tunne l of love.

K ay Wllllo. M nlnd, who wa.s the fortune te ller, n n d Betty Joy Wll- llanu). Sum iirln. wi rr crowned kitiK ftnd (iiiern of th e carnival by l)<-uii M ahoney. Albion, s tuden t bwiy presldenl.

Door iirlr.e w;ui AwardKl to Lo'vcl! W alker. maUienmlle.i li.-.tnictrjr,

AlbJon hiRh school si ulent.i were nUo UivltcO.

♦ » ♦

M a r r i e d F o l k s

C o n d u c t P a r t y ‘ACEQUIA, Nov. 2 5 -T h o youni; {

m nrrled roll:^• cliLs.* of tlic MIAiw rilc l|n itca In a im rty Klvrn o l the ‘M d StcvcrL'ion hnm o recently. J

Pn rty (jnmu* w.-re pinyed wJUi \. M rs. D u rriu jt an lender. A potluck '

lunch wa« .sen'cd,auM t.1 w ere M r. nnd M rj. F rank f

BuUcr. Mr. and Mr.-.. .Srn-iicur P n r- 'ker. Mr. und .Mr;;. Harold yi-aiinins, ‘Mr. and Mr;;. D clbcri Pntk.-r. .Mr. ;and Mr.i. Den D urran t. Mr. und ' M rs. DuiircJ ChticK. Mr. :iiid Mr.i.Mxvrlon A llen. U icy Han.M-n, Leland •’ W hltUe. W alte r C nrtcr nnd r

M a r i a n M a r t i n

P a t t e r n

/ ' M I J "

YOU LOOK SO VOUNC.:W an t to look lovely? Ixx)k no

fu rth e r . lad y l A deep nceklinc fram ed In a yoke, new Krnccfiil Bleevw. po red Aklrt. provide the qu ie t f la t te ry you love eo miieli!

P f tt tc n u D3B4 ro n ic i In .^lw 34. JO,38. « . 42. 44. 40, 4U. 81:e 30 loke.i P 4 ’. ynrd.i 30-Jneh fnbrlc,

T ills easy-to-u.'-.c p a tte rn rIvm perfec t fit. C om plete. lllua im U d sea- c h a r t show s you evcrj' st«p.

M tiny m ore slencIcrliInK fn-nhlons Cl In your co rrec t a Ij* . Al! In our th M arian M a rtin fnll ond w in te r p a l- wt te m book! SewJnB doUarj» mnke <!e fa.ilUon w ith w earable a Uvable (ityles. C h r tita ia s g if ts too: juxl free patt«T ) fo r new Khouldrr Bc pod prin ted In tlie book. F ifteen cen ts more brJnci U ili book to youl art

■ <


j f 2 C o u p l e sn e e d b y P a r e n t s

.. ____

I■ I

I M AUnEKN D o w nI (HUff cniraT ins)

* * * *Tw in M r, nnd Mr.i. WUlard Dowd nn- 111 nJ nounce th e rnKiiKniicnl nnd iip- Iili'T, iiionctihu: inarrlnnc nf thelr duiiKh-

Mr. te r. M iuirern. I<i I..iHoy J-leenor. n /c l- ,,on of .Mr. nnd Mr^. G. H, Fiec-

« l no r. Tw in Fall.i.MLw Dowd ha.1 n llrndM Hiilllstcr

frnm hiKh school nnd Is now nttrndInK ela.-j r i l r r UkIi *<'hool,

F l.o iio r Krniluatrd from Holll.Mer lilcli ,schiK)l In 1344 anil I.i now drlvhlK .-^hrxil liiLM-s.

I t j z . w.-<!<llnK 1.1 plunnrd for Uilr.

iv'r” , ,

n “ s H a i l e y C o u p l e

W e d i n D o u b l e

R i n g C e r e m o n yIIAII.KTi*. Nov. :.■)-D ix ie Moek

und C.irl Andrr.snn w itc unllcd in ■IC nuirrluttr un Nov. 19 In n double r lnc

eeretnoiiy n t l p. m. In llir of- Y-,1 fin- of Ju.Mlce of th e Pence OeorKP

M. Dnilcher, Klkn. N.-v,M K TJie new .Mr;i. Andrr.-on, <lntiKtitcr . of Mr.-<- R. I,. IVior;;nn, Hnlley, wili :i<rn u iii r id In a fn.c-k of dove Kruy w ith •nd- ninichlnk' accr.v.orlc.i, n i e coupic uice u itrn d rd by Mr. nnd .Mr:i.tncii W llllnm Chnnibcr.i, Klko, wlio are linU lonc-tlnie friend.'.. Mni. Chnmbcrr.

wore a black suit rnseinble, nnd ro llow lni: the c rn tnn iiy the rou - nn- pl,. w ent on a ,',hort trip, relurnlnK IhR to Halley whi're they aro now a t

CE- hom e In the Wendllck apartnicrit.-..

. r a ' C e d a r D r a w C l u b

™ F e t e s H u s b a n d sCFTDAfl DRAW, Nov. 23 —W omen

ivcl! Cednr Draw club entiT -talne<l th r lr ha-.bnn<Li a t n ban-

' quel n t Uic >.tho<iI hnlL^e.K lxhl lnri;e table,-, wllh sctllni.M

for npproxlniately 150 perMin.-i w cir ilrn ira tcd wlUi bu tton chry.ianUjr- niiun.i nnd n u t cup.i u.iini; th e i Tlii>nk.'.RlvlnK m otif. L, O. Cobb o l - '

■ ferrd prayer betore the bnnf|Uel.(. y T lie p rnnnini Inchuled two vocal! ini: N ;idlnr Muchncek: a■ J . hum orous ren<Un>: by Ileliy Ann

lioniir: two :.hort plnys, ••Pr(ifc,v,or Cuckoo" and "I^uly-.-i Choice," nnd

1th se lections by B ernlrcr

TakliiK p a r t In thp plav.i wero I K aU uT lnr Stonemel.i. ^^ance.^ Vnn- i ■/i.nte. M arcella A 'kew. .Mubel » op. Vadii K:;rdcl'., Audrey Moorr, Vlala Ullk.'.. Vli.lel mill t l id e n Heii.irls;. 1

Audrey M oorr lind charxu of Uio <

» ;

H a r v e s t B a l l t o

B e H e l d F r i d a y I

T lir LDS fnurUi w ard will hold ft !har\e .'.t bnll n t «;no p. m. Friilny a t .jthe fourUi w ard. Tlic dance Is srw i- » ao:ed by the MIA.

A llan Devrle.s orchc.ntra wll! fu r- in b h, Durlsii; Intrrm lv.lon fthere will b<- ll Iloor show, '

L aD ran Clirl.Meiivrn and K.irl M utthrw arc chnlrnien In chnrnc ot the <lnnce.

¥ ¥ ¥ t

G A R G r o u p H a s j

S e a s o n a l D i n n e r •'T lir T liaiik.'vUliii; ixitluck dinner v

of llic CiAIi wn.'i held ut the home of M rs, Winn liy ra in . A larKe num - „ ber o f m rm brr.i and one ou t-nf- „ town m em ber. Mrs. Mabel R lchnrd- .',011, Caldw ell, nttendeil. ,

T lle ir were seven drp.irliiieiit o f- ,. fleer;, iire.-ent, Mrs, Rlch:ir<l:un In- speclcil Uie D an McCook circle , book;; durliiK* the sevJon. [

A fter d inner, Ranu-s were p rr^ent- I ed bv the com m lltre In ch;ir>:e.

T lir nex t reKUlar buvliic-.'. m eet­ing- of th r OAR wlli Iv lield ul 7 p. ni. Dec, 3 n t Ihe Amerlcim Irjrlon ’■ h:vll. c

* * » <■

H . B r o w n s G i v e "

P i n o c h l e P a r t y ;!FIl.K R. Nnv. 2.S — Mr. nnd Mrs.

HarnUl Drown Rftve ft pinnchlc party a with Ii1i:h r-core prl?r.i won by Mrs.A. HiiliUnRft nnd Cccll Mncaw. Low wore i>rl:r.-. were received by Mra. L. lihvnnLi nnd Dnle S co tt nnd tm vel- liij; p riie was nw nrded to Merle Al-

,0 Oue.M.i Mere Mr. nnd Mr*. M erle «AllLM.n, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Macnw. ’

„] Mr. nnd M ri. L rhm nn Iklwnrds, Mr. vnml Mrv. D;i!p .Scott nnd Mr. and VMr,i, A n HulrlnKn. Tw in Falls. “

B u h l W C T U U n i t

; P l a n s f o r S u r v e y SBU IIL. Nnv. 2S — T lie Women-fl Jr

IS Chrl.'.llun Temi>erance union met n t w ir th e D uhl C h ru tla n church. Plnns -- were cnwle to select a vice presl- e <!ent from r n c h of th e cliu rd ies for c 0 survey to de term ine the actual

c trcn sU i o f Uio orRanlKitlon. Mrs. r i r B c rtlia K l/ley pre.ildent. ta'n n i c C hrljlm n.i p a rty has been W 1 a rt fo r Dcc. 17. m

S u n d a y N u p t i a l s

M a r r y V . N i c h o l s

t s A n d C . b . B o r i n cBUUL, Nov. 2 5 - A double r ln

eercmony united In iiiArrliiBC Ver Nichols. V an NuyK. Cilir.. and C D, BorhiR n t 11 n. in . Himclay a t th

| H C lirb llan church In liuIil. n i e Ue\ H O O eorxe C, Shoem aker gvrformed th | p H cerrm ony.W in T h e bride wu* nltlrcJ I n a wintc

w hile *ull w ith cviniiiij b lu e ucc«i n |M Aorles. She wore a roriiKC of whlt^ H b orchld.H and pink e lf ro'cs rend cnr

rled a w hile Bible.Mm, Lyle Wlniin.-;. Al.iLcr of th<

bride, wus h e r utlrndant. She wori a royal blue ,-;uli n n d n cor.«ai;u o w hite rmebudx. Lyle Wliinnn nttend eJ Uie brldcRroom,

AIao nttend lnR . th e vcddlnc wcri Ell norhiR, bro ilie r o( U ic bride Broom und hln wife'. E.llth. Mrs., El IJorliii; wn:t dre.v.ed In ft K rcrn sill

B m w ith a cor;.nj:e of red ro.Hcbud.1. " ’ [ H | rrrcrd liiK tho 'cerem ony, Putlj B B Denn Wlnun.%. nleco of t h e bride ■ ■ pbiycd "1 Love Y ou T ru ly " an t m "Becati.ic," She w ore i corsnu# o;

pink cnrnnUons nnd rcMbuda.T lie bride has been In bm Ir

the Snn Fernnndn Viillty. CiUlf.. foi tlio la.M few ye.irs. T lit b rldegrooir ha.n been in the dniR sloro bailnea.' In Duhl fo r .several years nnd hnj been iictlvr In civic nllalr.s. Hc hu;

lip . ;.crvrd a;; Ilrr^i(ll-Ilt o f Hie B u h l Ro- URh- ‘"O ' club, covrrnor o t the 1 JOth dLi- ,,„or trier. «f Jtoiary Inleriiatlofnil. miLitci

ot IJulil .M„;.-,nk l<,<l(Tf. m em ber ol llir scho<il lKi:ird, director of IdiOiG

ii.iirr Pharm arru tlcn l ii.-:»oclallorII nnd Is n l pre;,n il n n d d o r In Uic

Pre;,byterlan church .-iiKl w o rth y p a ­tron of Ih r Order o f tlio F^.itern .Star. He ;,erved U'. ch .ilm iun o e Iluhl clly roiiiiell ;.rv,11 y e a r s nnd Uitrr n i mayor.

Ullr. A fler llir (rrem oiiv Itir ncw lyw rd C<aiiilr le fl for .Snn Vallry, ixiid plan lo take a tr ip iiirouKli t h e soulh a fte r the holiday..

T liey will be a! h-iinr ;.t 423 U th ^ nvemic. Buhl, n f ir r Dre. I.

i y G u e s t s A t t e n d

F a i r v i e w M e e trlliK F A in v iiiW . N„v. - T h u P w r- n t- view Ken.iliiKtoii wiui en trrtn lned » t

orne Ihe home of Mr.i. r-'r»iik C hnnd- llT w ith n fa ir alteiulanre nnd two

h tc r Kiie;.i;i. Mr,i. H. HarKff m u l .Mrs. WILI Jolm Chapm an, Iluhl,*'lin Roll call wa', a a .w ern l w ith Jokrs. uplc Naiiir;> w rrr draw n for llu- nniiiml Mr-i. Chrl.-;lmns exehaniie o f pfi.v. One ol nre Hie la te ron irrs niiul.- u m otion Hint

brrr. nil tho'.e liirdy wlUioul s vnlUl ex- cil.’.r be tin ril »iid th e nu>tlon cnr-

•ou- rled,ililR Frunl: Harrnii iiXsKled over• a t the program ttlileh opennl w llh the nt.-.. .■'h)i:liiK of --.Swi-ri an il lo w " by u ic

Kroup, .Mrs. J . A. C lark tr a d nn edi­torial on pe rfrillo ii: ll vocn l .lolo

) wnr. pre.X'iitell bv Mr;.. I-'riink A t- , kill.',, -nvo vtx-al duet.-, 1)V M rs. Clle:>

H e ler Noll, nnd Mr.v K rim rtli K ear- chcr arcom paiilr.l bv Mrs. Lroniird U'Ul were - J u a n l la - nml "Pen,:y

‘■r- O Ncnl,"n i p proRrnm ended i l t n u nui-

sirnl <iiil?, w llh |>rlrr.-. Ko!Hk: lo Mrs. l.<oiiard L eth nnd Mr>. K rtineth K ia ieher.

T h e licvde.'.s .^frve<l trlrtv'.hnifiit...

Jotiriii-d to 'n i< et nex t w llh .Mr:,. ‘"■'•I l;luier tichriKxler.1' '“ ; V- * -Y.

™ F o u r L e a f C l o v e r

™ C l u b H o l d s M e e tAI.DION, Nov. 2 i— Mciliber.', of

rro the Four L r,if Clover cluli t-t.nvcnrtl ,n - nt Iht; hiiine of Mr.K. V, W, Neyniim ,h - for n bu:,liir;.;i nnd jiocbl .m.-.M(ih. r r , Pauline Slmon.'.en prr'Iilud durlni; 11(1 the l)li;4lle;,;t mrelliii; nl u liic h th e '

liroiiri.m for Ihe enmliii; y a r w„.r jie

Roll eall Wll.'. aii;.Vfrr<l w ith ' ■Wlmt ThanlciKlvinK .Meniu^" A .Mii. ' den t from a iC H prese iU nla feadliii;.

Mr;;, OUiiIy.i G ray w.i. t h e n ,. slslun t ho'itc.'.i.

Tlie nex t nieellnR w ill Ir » cover­ed dLih lunelirori Dec. 1 s l l l i r home nf Mr:i, J . H, C hiiib iin i i^ ith Mrs.

_ C. E, aim on'.eii as u I h ir - tejs. All liiembeM nro lirtrcl lo at-

“ tend nnd brliiK n c<nfte<I di.h. n i l s will be Uic ln. L dull iJtrrlmi..

'»■ for 1940.¥ ¥

«■ M r s . H . H o l l o w a y

H o n o r e d a t P a r t yMr;;. Hui:li Hollowny. Jiuu-uetor of

Uie Mnr^- M arth a clnvi of t h r P in t ■ JlapILst church, wa.i M irptbrtl •nie.v. day nftem oon when mrnib.T;‘ of b rr ’ cll;..'. honored h rr n t tlip h o m e of

■ r .Mr.r Nellie Pe rrc ien h r r lilrtdday und we.ldinn nnnl-

'- r iir prrK ram Included j.H-nis and■ * n rmn-k «rddlni;. Mrs, Holloway w;us :

- prr.-.eiifd a Kill. ,Abcul <0 piT^.oii.'. w ere •■n-vrd te- i

, fre-.|i!ii<iit.-. includinR lbr b lrlh tlny , f- r.ilce in th r ho-,:e.v

I ' H e y b u r n ' s K i n g ,

Q u e e n S e l e c t e d ■3 HEYHUUN, Nov, 25—Ktnl. M cln- :

,n tire a n d Lorrl-ta Chrl.«lfa«on wrre 1 cll(i-en kUiK* nnd (jueen cf t h e cnr- 1 nival .ii>oii.iiir»-d by th e sm lor eln.-.s n l tlie .-chool.

n i e fre.slimnn rla;.s won th e prUe . for Uie be.M dw o ru tcd Ui)t>fh niiil

^ Ihe Arnlor ela.-;s recelvctl lli«- prl?r 7 lo r ,'i-lllni.; th e m o 'l ;.crlpl. TMe benn

KUf\vJnK Rame wils won hy G Inui ,

'f- A larKe crowd a tienclrd llic- affnir. 1 iW * X: '

u S e r v e D i n n e r '** FATIIVIFTW, Nov. mul v

Mr^, Che.Mrr N oh ent<-n»tiii-<l ul a I t pre-Th.ankr.Rivlnu d inne r f o r Mr 11 and Mr^. H. A, LlndM-y atul M r. iin.l I .•

^ Mr.i, C . A. Lliid;;ey a n d linilly . Mr M and .Mr.s, O rn rr IJnd«ey nnd and Mr.s. Cecil John .ston mul f;.milv Ni

Tlie C, A. Llnd.-eys nml lhf> H. a. LlnclMy.*, then left to ^prnd T lia iik i- • ► KlviRR w ith ll ^J. te^ a n d diUKhter In »

. Colorado. T lic C. A. L lnihey.i uul { speiu: n ffw wx-cks vJsltJlit rclnllvp,•a In's while the H . / . LJnilM-y.,It will .spend U,e w in ter In IlllnoLi, »IS ¥ ¥ ¥

>r P i n o c h l e P a r t y ''»1 H n 'D U R N , Nov. 2.',—M r nn<l M n. r »- R ichard Bllncoc piitcrtaliird n l U o

tables of pinochle. M r. iiicl Mrs, n W ininm Ix>(i won hiRh *«irc nml I o

Mrs. Ja ck Loll re«;eivi-<J lu»- icore. [ o

s M a r r i e s i n B u h l

> i s

r in g 'Vem

> ith e! n e v . J B "

w hite ‘ 1

f th e .

KC of , •„ „ , i - ^

irlde- ■s.. Ell1 su it • ' - -

Pu tty - ^bride ^ m , . . ..

a n ti MKH. r . . I ) . BORINGof (Klaff rn rrav tnc)

i " ! , ' ; W o m e n ' s ' I d e a l '

5 S I s R e s p o n s e A t .1 h ns ^ p.i j " G a m m a S e s s i o n, ALBION. Kov. 2S — "Idenl of iLiter WomanhrHxl" was th e roll call re-

- f flpotue iit 'lh e mi'ctlnK of Ihe Oain- a t IMe home of Miiye

niinn Johnw u. e u r O lcnn Bimcr,i th « cl»np<cr rorre.-ijioiKllnK secretary,I, Knve a on '-improvlnK YourIt rn ^ ‘■'■•■'"I'nlUV,''; . , , Mnnber.1. not pr.-.,ent n t the In.M

m rriln i: when I-J;.le IJnRren rrrvirt- eii on UNKSCO i;iive Uirlr family

l.U.-,I tinlloiialltles nml backsround;.. Mrs.Jo h n Ha-yr..; rlalni,.d nncc.lry to

‘ ' Erie the Red frnin D enm ark who rn.clieil. the- American cnnlh irn t In th r . l l l h renliiry.

Otlier.i.Rau- ihe lr urice-try from FJiKland In JiU.-i. nieiiiber.ihlp In Uie IXuiBhier--. of. American Rcvolu- Uon, naiiKliter. of the Confederary. William Tell, .‘Switzerland, Oermimy.

> o f I-'iniirr and Scotland.• C l n-wii;. lilted Hint i.ueh a bl.iid- ••nJr- hiK of bltxids niwl Ioiikuc.s ;;hoiild d lit b r able to f ir iltr llu- United NnUons nnd- rdura llonnl. .v lrn tlf lc and cultural tw o orRiiiili’atiDn for proinnilni: peaire

.Mrs. llii.)iik-li ri-nl un(fer;;inndln«.O ut-ot-iow n jier.-.on;; nttm dini;

)krs. the ;er,.',li)ii were .Mr;i. John Hn'ye.-. mini .Hare honur memb>T; Mr.s. Vera le or O 'L rnry, prUiclpnl oT Junior hli:h; Hint S u r OIrnn llilrin-, teaeher. and ex- El',le l.lni;ren, rh n iitr r prr;.ldem iiikI

c ar- Htnte vice iire.'!d|.|il, nil Twin F;ilh;Mrs. Nlna Ornce, Mr;;. Dana Co.

nver I well. .Mr.-,. M;ihel Wnl.von, Mr:;, th r . H erthn Heiifrn, Nft'.. V lrnlr .Siilllvaii Ult- nnd VirKlnIn Ibuvn. a ll Htiix-rt, nnd'

edl- .Mm. .Slrlln Ke.s;,on. chnlHcr vice; .lolo pi-i-.-.ldent,.Hurley. | A t- M riub rr. of th e Gnm m n chapter

lie:;. Will mVrt for n Clirl;.tma;; prORrim

....... ......•Ki:y T h e ehapler 1-. helping teacher.-,

nnd chli,llll abroncl throiiKh cm . nui- .■'ado for rblld ren nnd CARE Mrs. tf. .-i. if. leth r - ^ _____

™ |: '| C a l e n d a rMr:.. I-----------------------------------------------------

A l)<»; U.T lh e ,sp.-el:,l m-trreM moun or in.- nr.-.i ward MIA will N- held a p. i..ri<l„y al Uie flr-.t Kvery.,ne Is Invited.

3 t ’ T h r R rllrf .soclrly of th e LDS ' „ f fourth ward will linid lL annunl ba-

„P(1 .-.lar nnd rooked food .sale n t Ihe;,. R<,.|.iiek i.nil com pany .store

(111. '* “ 1. Sutiirclay, Proccrd.i fromIni; I'"- l)a:.iar will h r lp o pera te Uie Re- the ' ’l;-f ^"< lo.v for th.: cn iltiK year und v„,. i.I 'o .1.1,1 („ ti„. f„„ ,i t„ build u

new Ch.ipel Ith ; ¥ ¥ ¥

l i : S o c i e t y E n j o y s

P o t l u c k D i n n e r" ■ PAKlVIinV. Nov. 25—m e ZCDJ 1

l.xlKc- and C7x-c(i Social .mil U terary society enjnyf<l a John potluck din- n r r n t thp Falrvl,-w hall.

- Tll.; nfleniixm W;i... .-;peni in play . “ • ln.< pln.K-hle. Ill the w.iiii.ri'-. dlvl.

slon prL-es vnTe awar.led lo M r.. Jbc Machacek. hl«b; Mr.s. Anna P a b t .'.■■cond hluh. and M rs. A nion 8u-

, chan. low.A nton Siu-luin r ir e U n l hlk’h prlre

.. . In th e men'.-, k-rotip. .Second IiIkIi y y t i i to Pole Tr.sar, low to Herman of Vovs and travelini; to .Mr. and Mra. Joe Travnlcek.I-.v- ¥ ¥ ¥

'S V i s i t o r s H o n o r e d

II- A t D i n n e r A f f a i rPAIRVIIilV. Ko,. l5 - .M r„ L o u t

Robbins nnd .Mrs, Roy ne;in en lrr- tnlnr-d n t a d inner a t the Robblni home In honor of Ju n io r Tvrr.Iy Texx'i. nnd Helen Snyder. O rru o n ,!

“> whn lire vlslllnn here. 1OiirsL-i were Mr. nnd Mr.i. Henry!

Kiillk and fnmlly of i v i i i Falls Mr, nnd Mrs, A nton Uobul nndfum - lly. Mr, and Mr.r H enry Ebbcr.i ourt

J {arnlly, Mr. nnd Mrs, Charles U llr..wn an.l family. Mr. nnd Mr:!. Roy n- lle;in „f sii.i;;hone. Mr.s, Mnrv Ku- rre Ilk nnd Evalyii nnd Mnry Lee Jan - u - kowskl.

* M ¥

j>c J . M a r t i n F e t e d

" O n A n n i v e r s a r y[IIJ I’AUI,. Nov. 25—Mrs. John M a r . '

, till .'i iierta lned a t d inner n t h e r ', liDiiie honorlnK th e b lrilid ar »nn l. I ver.-..iry of her !

Kolloivinn d in n er five tables o f ' p ln ivhle were Jn plny. j

HU:h score prize for the men was I lul wi-n hy l ii r l Brower nn.l niKh for i

a I the women w ent lo Mrs. Eiirl B row er., Ir. I U)w f„r the men wa.s uwarde.l to i iKl I .N'orbrrl H uber and for th e women I !r. :to .Mrs. W aller Stoller, Mrs, Forrest I li.lZ e in k e niid J , M nrtln won a ll-c u t ' Iv. I awards.A. ■ ¥ ¥ ¥ .

i',; N o - H o s t D T n n e r I

“ H o n o r s G u e s t sJ-' FII.ER, No. 25 — F ile r chapter I

No. 40. OES. Rave ft no .hoi.t d tnnet Tiir.-.<lny evenlnK In tlio neU- Ma.'«n- Ic temple wlUi escorts as pucata.

Som r 50 people Altended th e din- rs. ner which w ai served cofcwria .0 .■■tyle.•s, A !.pe<-lal met'LlnK followed wlUi nn 111 [ obUuntlon ceremony tlv e n by Uie


ll L o i s M c I n t o s h I s

■ C r o w n e d Q u e e rRIC IIFIE L O , n W . 3 3 _Loi» U(

Intosh. d a u g h te r of M r. and Mr J, S,' M cIn tosh , w as crowned auet

K of Uic sen ior biUl F riday evenlni MUs M cIn to sh WAS sealed in swing In n fenced flower eardc setilnR w hcn h e r d a n c tc s portn t Ted B rush, p laced Uic cronTj on ht hend.

Them e of th e a nnun l school danc wa.1 "U nder Ihc A rches.” T ho fnla ccllUiK of Breen and w hite frnrlanil

H I formed an archw ay leading to th I f V flower decked alage." i T .T 'il.''.™ "'* *>y Donaid P rldm ore . senior c lasa prcalder

I j d and his p a rtn e r . • M nrllyn M oatt <. OUicr clasa offlcera In the aiarc

were E ldon Jo h nson , vice president Patric ia Jen,icn..B ecrctary. and Shlf ley Pale. trcn.surCr.

.MiLilc fo r th e dance was playe by W ayne S keem und hU orchestrj Tw in Fall.n. .

• v ' - M embers o f th e senior class na the lr p ftrtnern w ere en terU lned ' b

n m idnigh t supper followlnR ih dance n t tile hom e of Mr. ond Mr; C. M. P rldm ore and son . Donnld.'

___ . * * ■ * ' * .

R i c h f i e l d Q u e e n

. t .

on'I 0'

w H n v r -;Iiiye f l *

i lwhot In . 1

■„«„ V.Uie ' !


I.O IS M cIN TO SH i-ui;c (.Staff enKravine)

C a t h o l i c W o m e n

“ i P l a n f o r B a z a a raiKl UUIH., Nov. 2 5 -T J ie Catholic db ; W .mirtr;, leilKlir m e t ftt th e home of Co. Mrs. 0 ;.car K la as Where th f mem. Mr:;, her;, n iailr plnn:; for th e Chrbtmii.s van] b.ii^.iar, f.iod ;.ale and party , nri.l! A chicken d lnn .-r will be r.erved vice, beKlnritnK n t noon Dec. 4 a t ihe

I American I.e«lon hnll, ftlonn with tin- Dter food sale nn.l biuriiiir. I n th e evrnhiR ^ml a p;itty will bc held. n iC 'C evenl.i will will be o p .n lo th e public,

Mr.s. J lm B erry nnd Mrt. John W .iwier prr;.lded over Uie .lUidy

Hefre.shmriil.s were ;.erved n l the Clo:.e of th e iiftrrn.>«n by the h.);.les,';

“ I M r.. Klii.i,, n il'. ii-..-.l:,tr<iil luv.tcMe-. Mr.s, OeorKr W nehlerly . Mr;., Jlm Jame.s ,iiKl Mi'.'i, Alberl 0;,terki.m p

__ ¥ ¥ ¥

; ; ; ; F r a n k B u t l e r , j r . ,

;ed. s H o n o r e d G u e s tACEQUIA. Nov, 2.-.-Krank Iliil-

D S I.T. Jr.. wa.s Kiie.-.i nf h.innr ut a ba- blrUiday p a rly a l Ihe Arlo Kent

ore n i e ev.'nlliR wili sp,-„t pliiylnK om Knme't a fte r w hlrh luiieheim wus ^e- nerv..»l.m.l Guc-.M.s •, n.ul).ir;i llaniar.l,1 u Phylll:. l. il;.rliai,i P.irker,

Caroler Oimii, C.irnlyn Vni;lie.i, Jenn G lrniid. .Myrna K ent. Clynell Oa.lKer, D everr K elli, Iceland .Siilll- vnn. Howard Tlmm oii;.. John 'lYacy, Al WliUlii« nnd Arvdii Keiil.

5f* Frank received m.uiy mil... from I hl.s cla.s.'.m;ile.i.

“ I ♦ » *

S p o n s o r P r o g r a mly . OAKLEY, Nov. 2,'. - . 'n ie sluicev |. MIA officer;. .•.ii<iii;.or<-d a muMcal'Ibc procram vSuii.liiv In the Onkley sec-s l. ond ward chnpel. |l u - ----------------------------- — ----------------------

les ^oy

■>- " I t ' s S T E R L I N G ■


y notecl foi- i ts fine c.illccti. ‘f-; jjif ts , fo r tw o K'l'iUT.'itinn.s. I i|. I tr iu li t io n to sei'vc you w itl

o ; ' p ive. All iiackc.i hy th e a, I qitnlit.v a n d prr.-o.iml servici

t h i s w e e k w ith y „ u r C h ri.s lto ,:n ■st j

G i / t . ' i i r n m

j ^ 0

serl K § j r /

§ / m f m

B a n k & T n i . ‘<t 151,Ij^.


s T w i n F a l l s B r i d e

s e nIs Me-

Mn. queen

In a ardcn irtntr,



rlands ^0 the

B h ^ H l


ilayed . . ' ’lestra, B r m

■ 4 ' \1 '%


l ^ '” ' .MR.S. MERL DEDOARD (S ta rt en frav in t)* ■* * *

J . . F r e n c h a n d

p l M e r l D e B o o r d

r a E x c h a n g e V o w sB b Before n biickitrnund dccoratlor

o f . whlu- and yeltiiw chrysanUie- m um s. Jnckle F rcnrh , duuRliter ol M r, nnd Mrs. TUm F rench, becamt th e bride of Mcri DcDcard. :ion ol '.Mr. nnd Mr.s, ll. O. DeBoard. route

B B T l’e Ri'V. Clariiice O rlffln . F iler M s - pe rform ed the weddliiK ceremony

O ct. 14 a l the F ln l C hurch of the Nnzorene.

For h e r we.ldlns the bride was fttUred In a uray i.ull w llh black ac- ci-;wirlr;; nn.l n c'or.-i;iKe of pink ro;i.>

■ bud;;. T h e maid ot honor. Lconn Cam pbell, cha'.r n brown r.ult wlUi brown acce.s,'.)rle.s nnd re corsi.Ro of w hite ciirnatloiM.

Best m an wiu. Denn DeDonrd, b ru th er of the brIdeRroom, Joyce K nox .saiiK "" nud Ray-

I m on Etiw iir.b j;iriK ’•Sweetlieiirt.'. Forever." Thi-y ’Acru- uccompaiileil a t the plnno by Mrs. Jo h n H o lom b .

nie .b rl.IeV . niiiihir was a ttired In _ _ _ ri bliuk dre;.i and the brUleRriMim'.^

m other wore a black dro'.s wlUi , blnck iicee'.'.orlr:,.* The briile nriidualcd from Tw in

FalL' hlRli .school In ID4U, n i e l u r brl.Ieirrooiii iillended school In T tt’ln hollc “ ' “ I •'■ervrd In the arm ed force.i,e „( fo r two yrnrs. He Is employetl by lem. ‘ ‘' f OintiKo Trun^|)„^lallon rom . tnn.s P=” ‘>'- T liev |iliin lo make the lr home

In •IM.ln Kills., n i e bil.le •,. i..‘ hoiioied nt n jJiower

‘ Klvrn by Mr.... Al Hiinkln.s. lll l* ¥ ¥ ¥

O f f i c e r s S e l e c t e d

A t D e c l o M e e t i n gludy DECLO, Nnv, 25 — n i p Uiirlev

.^Inki' M -M en iir»l Glriiner;i et.;clrd ,, officer;, n t Divio with the Declo

K-roup a-; hoM.M axlnr HoKRnn, Hurley, was cho-

!!rn Pfcslden i; l!eiili;i Nurloti. Dec- lo. vJee Ju lia .Moffett,

' ' View, a e c r r I a;,iirer, und Elaine Ca.*.]>er:.on, Unltv. hl.Morlan.

I-'nr UlO M-Meri, Normnn Hur.M, Drelo, wa.s r lec lrd iiri-ldent: KelUi

, c f Lar.sen, Hurley, vlei' presl.len:; rtob-

flTil- 'in--r.u’r , T ' ' ‘' ''‘t a T h e procram liirliideii -souks and <enl ,^kll.;i w ith each want iiresenlliiK n

num ber.yhiK Retre.'.hmeni.-; w rrr .s<tvi-.i ut the was of Uic evenlnRs en lerla ln -

■Us. . F e t e d a t D i n n e rF IL E R . Nov, 2,’. — Mr, nnd Mr.i.

; T rd Slerc- Kave a dliitirr p.,rly U.m- “ '>■ orlnR Mm. L. O . Dibb .m her blMh-

! (iay niinlvrr.sary. O -.vere .Mr, nn<l Mr.s. Cobb and .Mr, nn.l Mr:.. Juc Lu.x and tamlly,

¥ ¥ ¥

n U n i t H a s D a n c e-ake; OAKLEV. Nov. 25 -A Farm llu rrau •lenl dance Wius held Saum lnv u l the sec- Rnlnbow hall. O Irn Crllchfleld',-. o r .

Ichc.'.lra furnl.ihed Uie music.


3 f o r G i f t s ! "

E L ItY C O M PA N Y Ihls b.‘on uction o f je w e lry . (lianirnni.H,1.4. I t s p n r l o f th e STH RLIN G

w ith }jift.s y o u 'l l be proud to ‘he S T E R L IN G tra ititin n o f rvicp s ta r t e d iii 1910. See ua ri.slnma lis t.


R c f l c c t Y o u r G o o d T a a t c

Tw in Fnll.n

J e O r e g o n G i r l A n d

n R . E . P e n c e S e t

H D a t e o f N u p t i a l s^ H j -JotiD c . Bedlnstlcld. U iO nindc.

O re.. announces the ensagcm cn t of h is daughter. Hazet M . BcdJngfield. to R obert E. Pcncc. non of M r. and

■ ■ M rs. Jo h n O. Pence, Tw in Fulls.T h e nuptia ls ha re been calendared

for 3 p. m. Dec. 11 a t Uie Pence home. 333 SlxUi avenue east.

Miss DcdlnRfleld Is a sm d u n te of th e La G rande hlRh r«hool und a t- tended the Easteni O regon Colleso of Education.

Pence l.i a g raduate o f T w in FalU ^ '8h school and Uio U niversity of

• I California. Berljcley, Cnllf.¥ ¥ ¥

M W i l d G a m e M e a l

H S e r v e d H o d g e sKETCHUM. Nov. 25—A wc.stcm

them e furnished Uie moUf fo r dec- om U oiu a t the Odd Fellow und Re­bekah wild game d inner Sa tu rday evenlnR Jn lhe Odd Fellows hall. Mrs, Almn Sm ith v a s general ehnJr-

m e R.-une for Uie d inne r w as fu r- nW ied by the Odd Fellow.^, whllo th e Rebckalia completed th e m enu

d w lth many covercd dishes.Alonro K. Price wiui toaslmn.sler

■Uld hitnxluced dlsUntmlshed mem- , \ ^ c bers of the order. T hey Included

piLit pr.'--.UIi'nLi of Rebekah a.-.;.em- a tlon bly. .Mr.s. Audrey Fam lun und Mrs. iiUie- A lathea D. Venable; Rrand KUnrdlnii e r ot o f Ihe Kraiid lodije of Idaho. OrorRn camc Venable, und noble grnnd o f local in ot lodK.-;;. Mr.i. Almn Sm ith and Leon rou ic HnrrLs. Price Is n past Rranil pn trl-

nrch of the Kraml encnm pm nit.F llrr. Selection' on the prosTilni were nony rioxolony by the group. -Clio:;rn f tl,,. Flower of Idaho," a vocal .solo by

Mr:., Efilth EllK Hyde; " n i l s nnd n i a t . " n reiidlnt; by Mr.i. Rny OIr.en

4 nn.l a niiinber of piano srIccUon.i by ro;ie- H nrry Wallers. Oroup sliiRJnK wn.s *onn accompanlcd by Walter.s. wlUi T>’c d.'c.irnlioiin were lonned by ;o of ‘■he Reeve Art company nnd Iticlud-

e<l flKurlnes of w ijiem dc.iiicradoes, Durd, In.lliiiis and aiilmiiLs.Joyce PollowliiR Uie dinner Uie Kroup Ray- " '‘-■"I 'I'l-' bnllronm for dancinK to

niu;.ln lurnl.shed by W;iller.s, Mr;i, Cliff llelilley an.l CliU-k,

i ' . ' ; M r s . H u r d F e t e d

A t F a r e w e l l P a r t yrw ln ACl:X)UIA, Nov. 2 5 -T h e Ace.iul;» n i e Relief i.oelely hoiior.-d Mr;;, J , H, '

r tt’ln H urd -.Mth a f,irewell p;.rty a t th e ' ii'Ce.i C. A. itnbtiliLi hnrne.:1 by Ciamr.s '.vere p|»yi,| n t e lnht Inbles rnm . w ith pri.'/ s wi.n by Mr.s. CIovl;. Fcr- lome rln for hi«li an.l Mr.'.. Diiard Chung

for low, A i.Diluck lunch wa.s ervrd ;>wer nnd n i;lft wa.'. pre.-.entrd lo .Mr.'..

Uiir.l by the Rroup.Oue.tH u e rr Mr.s, D. .1, M uckln-

J !o:,h, Mrs. Clcori;e William;;, Mrs.J C. A, Itnbblns, Mrs. Jiime:i Hrm srli.

Mr.s. Diiard ChliKR, Mr.s. W. C, Nleh- • - j n "I'’, 'Valter Cnrier, Mr;i. Beu

• y D urrani, Mr:;. Sarah Loveland, Mrs. urley c io v u Ferrln. Mr,*, H. G rr.-iihali-li :clrd Mr:.. Thoni;is 0;.lerhi>ul. Mr.s, Dim >-clo Lln.laiier, .\lr.i, O rrin Robblii:., Mr...

F rank IJuller nnd Mr;;. O rornr Har- cho- iinr.l,Dec- .Mri.. H, C. Huller, Mrs, Arlo rfetl, K ent. Mrs. Marlon Allen. Mr;., D. F. and P a rker. Mr.s, .Scott W olford, Mrs,

r ian . H elm Elber. Mrs, ll. D, C1iui;k. Mrs,, K. Rnsmii'.srn. Mrs. C, A, Brev^. :e iu i ertoii, Mrs. Jame.i S lep h rn 'o n . Mr-.., to b - Harold fir,mion;., Mr;;. Ira K ent, Mrs, ; a ry - Spencer P.irker, Mr;;. Gladv;. W ever-

rnan. Mr:;. Delbert Park rr , Mr;.. R. C „ j„, Wild.-. Lucy nnd M axlnr

lg „ Parker,

, r P a r t y a t F i l e rFH.FCR, Nov. I .',-M r. nn.l Mr;i.

It.iy G nibb enierialiied with a ehlll i .Mipper and pinochle p.irly fo r Mr, ii

r nnd Mr.-.. Dale Adnms, .Mr. nnd Mrs.n . L, Wllllnm-'.on and Mr. a n d .Mrs, ■

Kiii.' J " ' ' Lux,HlRh .rcore prl?.e wn.s nwardeil to 1

M r. nnd Mr;;, Lux nnd low ncore p rU r to Mr. nnd Mr.s. Wllllamr.on. [ i




V oj / R eg . P ricc

SIZ E RANGE A A A A to 0 ■1 to 9

• V A L U E S TO 7.9.') R E D U f• V A LU ES TO 8.!)5 ItED U C• V A LU ES TO I2.n3 H ED U

197 P a i r s — V aForSPO R T NOV



, OPPOSITK o n p i iE


i d & o d m g B r i d e ■

^ l e l ^

idarcd f; -v

a te of t ■' ■ ' ' p AId a t ^

dOTs' ^ HOOrKEt •(SU ff e n jrav lnc l

rroup * * * *IIK to

T e m p l e S e r v i c e

J W e d s M . S t e v e n s

A n d E . B . H o o p e r' r y OOODINO, Nov, 25 - A nuptia l eriul;» ceremony perform ed In lhe Salt,J. H .;L nke City LDS tem ple Unllcd In ; the m arriage M nnile Slcven;., dnughter

ot Mr, nnd Mrs. Stev.-n.s. nbles Oo<>.llnR. nn.l Eldon B. Huoper. non F e r- of Wllllnm Hooper. E tnn. Wyo.. m hugg September.

The bride a ttired In a white .Mr... br,x-;„ied M,tln dre:;; r.i:liioned iMth

long pointed !.lerve;i and flltc tl bo- MrV fo'Aing Into a prpUim.

lisrii I‘>riner MLs.i Stevena n ttend -..,,1, • e.i niUs hlirh .sch.iol nnd Is n grnd.U,.,, uale of the LDS school of nun.liiR .jj... Ill Idaho F;ill;;, She has bern em-

.,1,.|V U tah, for the p;isL0 :,„ 111 m onlhs ;i;. a sun;lc;il nurr.e, an.l

li;i;. been active In church wnrk Har- ^

n i e brlilegi.Him ;;erve.l In Uir nnvy “ Arlo .lurliii; th r w ar nnd Ls no-*- a tten d - -

D. F. lnr: UHAC In Loi:un,Mrs, Following a short wrddUiR tr ip fo Mrs, T clon iialli.nnl park, th e couple U

irevi. livhiK a t :ci K .s t T hird nurth.Mr-.. I.'>i:an.Mts, ; ¥ ¥ ¥

i t c T u r k e y D i n n e r

H o n o r s B . H u r dACKqUIA. Nov. 2,1 — J n m Com-

.-.lock entrrialri.-<l a l a tu rkey dinner in honor .it Illlly H urd, who is Icav- Im; fur O.HKllng.

ehlll I The table decnralloif. Cfirrlr.I our Ml". ' 111-- ■riiank;,mvliiR motif.

Mrs. t!iie:,t'. were Buddy Irw ln. Rudciiii .Mrs. Kent. I^iuli.r F rancis Viigues.

Dora Dallallo.* Lnrry Roliind. Peggy <1 to Ferry. Hov Dnllnllo nn.l the hosle.s.s. icore j A .soclnl evening followed ih r d in-

i i B i i . i i , | , m i » I


^ D U fE I) T O ........................$ 5 . 9 6CnU C EI) T O ........................$ 6 . 7 1lED U C ED TO ..................... $ 8 . 9 6

-Values to 6.95

r s FRIDAY, 26th



Page 15: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

D u c k s , S h

P o p u l a r f (N E W YORK, Nov. 25 <U.R)—D

team, Oregon neverthclcas wns prom oters of bowl frames from c

The once-dcfcatcd Webfoots, ’ down th ree invitations—to — play in nn American Legion

" game a t Los Angeles Dec. 18, to piny in the hnrbor bowl a t _ Snji Diego, Calif., New Yenr’a dny, nnd to piny in Hawaii Dne. 17.

O regon AUilcllc Director Leo H w - rl!i In llm alcd th a t hla webfooU would bo IntcreaU d only In a "m nJor bowl ganiB" presumably, the Cotton, SuKttt or O rnnse bowl#. And f even th e n . Oregon vould need ^ PuclUe Coaat conference pennla- elon to piny a u th a gftinc. f*:

O regon In Race gT here 'w m 'n o Indication from II

e ither th e Cotlon, Sugnr or O range ■ bowU how they Ic it nbout Uie mat* B ter, bu t O regon dellnltely wm in H the rnce. B

Oklohomfl. meanwhile, eecmed m etktmnrlced for the fjiignr bowl. T he W Soonerx. In a n Intormnl poll con> g ductcd by « locnl newspaper, ex- n pressed th e desire t> go to the New H O rleans Rume. nnd the Sugar bowl r a

, people n lrendy hnvc Indicated they fei w nnt Olcliihomn It I t beaU Okln* K hom a A. nnd M. Saturday.

' G eorgia SecureCeornln n b o r.urely wlll gel tlic

o the r SUHRT bowl bid ir ll bcnU « OcorxlA T ccii iJiLn wrcJf. B u t what ]/ h T ech pulls un upael? bi

T J ia fs w h al N ortli Carolina was w ^ woiidcrlnK. I l w m pretty drJInilc *1 ^ th a t C aro lina already hnd a Cotton

bowl invllnllDn. bu l an Infonnrd Ir M urcc Bixld lh e T ar Heels may ni gam ble a n d wnit /o r n pavilble ei Sugar bowl Invitation where there’s — more m oney. _

S m alirr BowU T M rnnw hlle, lhe smaller bowls were ■*-

m iikins m atchr.s Insler than Uic ^ football Inns could llghi on them. ^

W hnrton . Tfjc.. Junior college BKreed to play In the O leander bowl n a t G nlveston. Tex,. Dec. 29. and the W RnLiln bowl a t Presno. Calif,, paired unrtcfeated. untied Occldentlnl eol- j lege agalnn i Colorndo A. and M. Ari

T lie Sun bowl a t E Pa?o. Tex,, ihi however, received a "no thanks" jus from L iifuyette college. LnFayeite i P residen t R alph Hulchlnnon nnld bet th a t tlir; team 's Negro MnUbnck. Ari Dnvr Show ell. would not have been goc pprm llled to play the game ngivlnsl c Teniis M ines, nnd *o he rejected Uie pio bid, fro

------------------------------th l

Idaho’s Hunting Season Draws to |y; End Next Week l“;

BO ISE, Nov, 25 (-V;—Tlie Irinhn 'o himilnK ^cn^on li iirnrlng ll. clo:,.; ><>“

, ^ ll.-; .spo.'.on.'i on tiplnnil gi'nie birds ~ r nnrl big Kiime r.liut down Nov. 30.

•n io Stiitc fish nnd game depart- m ent ndvl^cd Kunn.r;. ih i.t ihi- Deer r i a l mlKrnliiry bird ri'fUKc In Can- yon county would oprn today for nxintcrii. T lir on the refuge ' ^alMi will clo;.o Nov. 30, i “ fc

T lir phriir.unt .■'eo. on to r moM of | ' the .lUtte a lready hiis cln,Mx| bul L' , open un til Nov. 30 in ,%oimiweati;ni 'IdalK, rolll,ll..^. elU(

A ,',prcinl phruM inl hen hun t wlll 3, be held In Canyon, Gem nnd P,>y- r'-le I'oiintle.'., Inchidlng th r Derr r ia l refUKt. on Dec, 1, The bag und ]K. •.(•.^slon lim it wlll be three lipiur '

Hlio-.tlng of d r r r In Piinhandle Leg rtiuntler^ In.iU ilnlll Nov, 30. n.i doer. the -SC-won on elk nnd deer In a iV portion of I-’ilnh county, Tlie <li'rr ' ' sm rtin on Ihr- middle fork of the P , Kiilmon riv e r nlro, Nov. 30, ^ I

Twin Palls Boxer 'c Joins Idaho Team ™

M OSCOW, Nov. 2S t,Vi — Conch ['hrF rnnk YoiingV. rail for fre.'Oinian uboxer.i a t ih r Unlver.’ liy of Idaho „bniattracU-d n tlo.-.n r,i!i(lldatr.% llii-, ^hv Wn-k,

Among th e randUIat--.'. .-howlng ini:promlM- n r r T rank i->Iirvarla. 125, \VrlB lackfoot: Dob Crandall, lu-ivvy- „ r '

No ..e lw u le hnn be.-n ar.nnKcd ' r h •( for the freshm an sqund yrt. l„ b

MizeSigns 1949 1'3 Giants’ Contract

RA NFOnD. Fla.. Nov

m rn l a fte r talking with the alugBmc rn ,n fir-.I ba /em nn. '

S'oLirhdin ill,I t>,m j'.o iirntiin did no i dlsclosr the c irv lrnn .w ,f the HKrcement with Mire. cn|^

Valley Cage Sclic' f , . j*

J.n! I_--r....,Un».'honiV‘hn'tnf'.""*' ■{*'

T,'.: I r..,.iln».ItA'NSSy f 'l

Jtn . : i — hnm». ' [[“

r .h . |S -M umu«h «t Klml,>Tlr. iJ ;CASTLEfOBU j f '

nc-. I —n,ihi. j "

Hr:::J>n. 14 —I'aul al HuiMrt. '

J.-., I*-riuhI. a - .r .: i —Murtauch.t<rM. Dm

Jan. 75—HaMllOT. hooi*.FtK 1—Ui'ruiuh. b«n«. r !!r«i>. t —ll«r.a.a a t KImWlr. J ,"

J ; ;IWe. n —Haffrman, hcma. r.fcDae. II—DUm, botaa. fcb


h u n n e d o n

f o r O t h e r)—D efeated in the balloting to na vas w inning a popularity poll amo: om one end of the nation to the ot its, who took their ballot 1ob.i to C-----------------------------------------------------------

3” Marine Gridman 11; r — ........*“ ' ■ :

i ■: !

10 UUlaEJS f B y a t f

P F C . nO BBRT TATB c . . . »on of M rt. NancT T ate.J, K im berly, who I t p lay tnf r l f b t » ir ha lfback on th e -W aaflera" foot- B'i

ball aquad a l Pearl H arbor. I ta - ] walL T h e --Iilanderv" are one or e e ig h t acrvlee leam i entered In Uie ^ a n H th n«TB| distHet foolball leap ie "O’ rt In iho Ulands. T ale aervea In the y m arine*. (U. S. nary pholo—* U ff , c eng ra rlnx ) pa

, Duck Callers “j ' .Set Squawking ; Meet Saturday ,- ST U rraA R T. Ark,. Nov. 35 uVr~ lh<

Are you one of those persona w ho kn;• thlnlc th e call of n wild duck Is ^

Jusl 60 m uch squawking? Prif If BO. hero is a wnm lng—you had r rii b e tter Blay away from this eojiUrn 1. A rkansas city Saturday or g e t a In< good Ret of ear plugs. Jt O n tiittt day. the world's cham - »er5 plon duck caller will he telected

from n group of sportsmen who n Zth in k the quacking of tho gnme bird I Ihns n il the maslcal appeal of a ^ sym iihnny orchestra.

Home o t the contestnnu wlll Im ita te the cnll of the duck w ithoutthe benefit of a caller. The conteat »»hns bren won twice by men who h 'hav r depended on a flexible la rynx m!

, to reprotluce th e langungo of lha K.

; T lie contr.M Is not Judged on how -j m any ducks the conlraU nl can

. b rin s down, bu t U based on th e •!•'

. tone nnd riuallty of the language «

. th r cn llrr ii.w In h h one-m inute m.

. gav.ip .-.r.'olon w ith lhe birds. i- I

. I Calls which the ]udge.i *111 h e a r "•

. I I ’ T h r lonu dl.^lance or "hall", 'c a l l—long. Illsh pitched sountU, ,,, I : , n i c feeding c n l l - a /e rles of

c lucking noises. i.H3. T lie mating c a l l - a serlro of low iJ ' '

toned g n in tv j,.',’T ills year’s cllatiiplons with br

nw nrded a »1.000 U, S, savings bond t by till- T liad S. McCollum American j , „ Lrglon iK*,i, sponsor of Uie contest, j .it

Wilson to Have I Proper Funeral, Wriijley Declares

CHICAOO. Nov, OS - Hack n, Wll.ion, form er Chicago Cub home Jj- ! run khm-, will hav r "a proper tune r- K 'J al.'- P h ilip K, WriKley. p fr^ ldrn l of th r ChlriiRo Cubs .'J ld Wwlne.-.dny. T

WiLion’a body lay unclaimed tor about 2i hours In th r BalUmore i. 1 c lly ho ',pltul morgue. J*- 1

•'A group from the enst Is n u k - \ Ing a ll funeral urranBemenis." said \(. ' W rlsley. "Nobody • wants to U k r c red it fo r It, bu t h s wlll have n proper tuneral."

WlBley did no t Identity the e ast- >Un c m group. H r r.ald, however, he |’- \ rh rckw l w ith "people In B&lllmorr i. ] l<i b r .^ure th a t no such thing would JL . ta k r pltice." M.

"Ditjeball ]>roplo wlll make all lhe y nrranitcnient.s for the tunfrnl," he nddud. »«r.

Hc wild ser^•|crs tu r Uie tormer Cub n r r . who d lrd T llf.'dsy nf lung m! rond ltlon . [iriiUablv wlll hr hrld a t K < till' rn d of ttir werk. "

T KiiJK c; e t s piT<-Ht;iri ”CLRVEUVND, Nov. 2J l.i". - P i t-

cher Jo.- Hnynes. one of Uie fe* ou l- M undlng pinyrrs on the Chicago !{" W hile Sox. hus been traded to th e r..v. C lrvrljind Indlnns for second-sirlns Ji**' ca tcher Joc Tipton.

lieclulcs fcJ * : j b^i’r . ‘

iiSli:™' iflhoma (Junior m nltj) llaiv,

Jan. 14—lltrhurn at nuD«rt. a »Jan. I&—Ilnhf. hnma.j I - ' i l z J l '” - 'Jon'"'- ToJan’ - sZ m

rib! t l t ^ M J * *

Dm 1 Dl r&tt<n * : Tw

p J i tlJan. . t R w rt.Jan. 31— hnm,,

*—Albto^'awVr.**”'^ " ' f tb . n-KUBb«ttr. a«ar. Tm

25. 1048

I C o a s t ,

• B o w l s !' n a m e th o w e s t e r n R o s o b o w l i m o n g p r o m o te r s a n d w o u ld - b c > e o th e r .to C a l i f o r n ia h a r d , h a v e t u r n e d j

* * * * I

League Must |(; Approve Any | ; Oregon Game I

LOS ANOELES. Nov, 35 (/P>—If I; Oregon wants a bowl b id , only th e I

joUier members o f lhe PacUIc Coast ■conference can c u t Uio W eOroots In. I

' Commissioner Victor O . S chm id t 9I came up Wedne.sdny w ith a careful KI explanation o f t h e MtuaUon. I jI Schm idt, who la also a law>-er. m nde f lI I t plain he 'd heard noUilnR officia l; I4 th a t he wna aclUng up no proce- I dure; th a i he w ouldn 't un less O re-I eon asked for It. *H W hiipers O eard . ^iJ B ut from the f a r d is tance . Miami f5 and New Orleans, to be exncl, cnme _ n whisperings th a t th e Webfoous—co-5 champions of Uio coast. b caK n only -■1 by Michigan, H-O—are In th e ru n - I1 £ o " ls O range n n d S ugar J

Here's what Schm idt enys: ■■A coast contrrcnce ru le p rohibits I

ft member's porUclpallon In any | gam e sponsored by a U ilrd pnrty. one olher than the two team s in ­volved, <The none bowl, fo r whichCalifonila edged ou t O egon. Is spon- t_ nored by the PCC and th e B ig Nine).

Otjly In Hawaii AnoUier rule prohlblt-s a m em brr's

parUelpatlon In nny New Y ear's —- game except In H onolulu, where ^

the Pineapple bowl Is sixDn:,ored by iUie University ot Hawaii. ^

The rest Is quesUons and nn-Nwrrs; ^C,in auch rules be w aived? Ye:,, f

by th r olher member*. V Unanimously, o r by a m ajorliv

'•ote? A majority vote. In th is caie. HNo Prvccdenl -*

U there a precedent fo r Uil» In. th e coa.1t. conference? N e t lo his co> knowlrdgf. on< W hnt would bc Uie procedure? T r

Procedurei nre nnt, set u p u n til a iioI need tor Uirm arlsrs. fn I T lierr 's no nerd, a l th e m om ent.1 In this cnse? No.

As of this TkTlUng, U ia t would of, s r rm to bc thaL .ji,I I__________________________________ Nl

i I Bowling Scores

, 31" ’,7.' M, u f . t h ' » « i) : j»h:

F£t::" ■■■■■. iiiT,.'ai. . :..i t: :..- ;i: | a i

U n , |.o . H»n,!l.aD _________ llT llT U t *>■ j m ,

m: K ii i^ ^ r : . ■■ u ! }.?; J!'i L m ; ............. 1=1; ''■■■ ' I ' of. . . . .. .... I,. . ■ N„Touh ............. n , , 54.

ItanlK.P i r 1 - 11- I 't Bntl....r . . ...... , i : •)

Mtrl. Si.-lil.Vr ■ ' 1'.- !■: '.1: m;ii-t Itrl..-.n ' |f-> irr, jn i cef

ita-d* 'H. l'o.*n ...'! il!n

!c ! S r - : z r ; 7 : ! ;i IS; :S

................ - . T i r T

ii in i w......... I

............ .1‘: J " J " ' 1)111Tolala ___ :tn Tit r.i: ar.v

i| I!i' ----------- ll ! IM 'il? 'h e

...............J l ,1" , _ _ _ VK■'■““ I - .....................t: : Ml IIEI :so: 'i

Ma r v i r Tl ^"1Hanrtl -ao .. . ....’ . Vvn '*2 MT fro;n. nr».ii»y ___ _ in u ’. n i Do<}‘ - - ... - ...... }j* >«i buili: k i'/m " '' IIS IW J-,: r iit

T , I - ! . . • ^' ' Ihc

K 1:.; I-‘i JU Km N. Hnun-,1.. . . .11" I '', jr.i. Oiil

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r z U

ii I i AT . . -------- ' . T S

.........“ rM .^ rr ................ . ICH IJ4 111 r.'j foolw „ " . , .........- - ' - I” !!*; V ; ?klr:-;.r-rih,vg,r:i:-------- --uS f- I'-i b<^.'-1- . . . n o n s .,.3 day

■tv,.'. tt: t t : *;t: n r ; th u......... .............^ ‘ hrn

, , , ; ; ; S "I', -Sian.iw ______ III I fj ;:-j Ar . ,si„ d!„ , , i : „ ,M 311 undS: : 1;; r.1 yi !i;

T o u l .___ ___ “ Ti r i j .sisII -J. jxctjioTriJi,'’ “ ' I-- !-■ *o. r io f w . |«;r o i . t i --------------- t ' 'y: -i'iA. rior»;«-;.'Jr! _1". i : ‘i •>••. :1; s :


1:1 i « u rf! ----------------iJ ; » • ! |? *11 Dan

lli iii ill T«aU __________ m 141 2«:> u mzr= iii i;i IS! Ki

i \ i I?; }JJ VA -I B r t . n ----------------- !f* i ' r iJI JI ; of "------ .. i»< j . j ___I *** mln

—________ u ! I l l i l l m i lyn

" Z Bull]

° ''


I Tweire forw er Dnhl high achool gri< Idaho Coilego of E daeatlon wtn lho < conference. Baek row, lefi to H ih l, pic S lraxn rr and O orln llulse. In lhe f in

II F rank ChaHlon and C rli Cagle. Jim ‘

; Expert Mab ; Unreliable 11 NKW VORK. N ov . 25 (/P)—A ■ In 1918 wllll n fiu n l e f fo r t to ndc

552 cdrrcct K'iii-‘.'<.scrt and 150 mi: J A rm y vs. .N’a v y — A rm y haKn't ---------------------------------------------------------p l,

' Georgia Nears S Griti Defense b,' Title of Year

1 NEW YOnK. Nov. 25 (,TV-Only a t ° s com|>lrtr c()llitp.,|. agnJnsi Oeorgla

on SiiiuKliiv can deprive Oeorgln ^n f Trch.N Multiiorii Fnginerr.H of 194a . . . I honor:, as th r n /u ion 's c rra te s t de- ,

triu lve foiithali un it.In n lnr gainr.s t h r T rch defenders .gj

havu grnnieJ uDixjiirnl'i iin average i,. I of only 131.1 )un;.s. both by land und ,

uir. whllr tiic’ir clo.stM rivnh. m e Nlttnny Llorj of P enn Stnte. hnve t., virldc'd 105.4 yards. T h o sUUstIca vlc nro Aupiilird by th o natlonnl collegi- i u tr ntliU llc bureau. n l

Tcch no t only lewLs In overall o- rlcfc nslve srrnii;ili. bu l uUo Ls top.v 111 halting opponents' ru.shes. Only i

; ■ .’m O ynrds have been nvcruged -ni j through ItN llnr by opijosing oiill

. I earner.-., coinparrd lo 7:>.3 ynrtii • i yielded by ;.n'(ind placc Penn.' I T lic N ortharM rm Wlldcalr, s tunn i- ; i a good chiinee of carry ing tbe n u - ^'j, I I.on'.', be.'l p,us defense rccord Into I uicii- bowl gumo agaJn tt Call-1 -

; j tornin. illclimond Is th e p rc ic n t , . lru<l<T. having yielded an nvcrngc of 4a uiTlul yurd.i per game, witii N oritiic .stern u cli>;.c-up .vccoiul ut 54.1 y;ircLi. iirlghtun Young L-, third , Wllh ij.5 , tolluwi'd by Mar>-laiul, _ ) Brown, Rice nnd U tnh.

T h r NorUi C aro lin ii T .irhcrh , . , slrong bowl gam e asp iran ts from , .,j till' .Simtliern cuntercnce. bi>;i;.i r.t- ceptiunal defensive efjulpmeni, T nry q . tand third both In overall dr{en.^c j- and In holding opponents ' lushrs nr.d bMldes have th e besi l»inilng r uveruge, 44.3 y a n ls on 60 bools,

Minidoka Sheriff S To Wrestle in '7 Match at Rupert

HUPERT. Nov. 25-A lthnuK h tint hilled ns Ihe moln cv rm , n p te llm ln -, ar.v t>oui between M inidoka County le l

.shi-rltt Ron Hnwk<T. nnd Tom j i Hirni, Japanese w restler trom Fllrr, I v will highlight th e weekly wre.MlIng i f.„, caixl Saturdny nponsored here by -,, ^jc^^Rupcrt A m erican LrgUm nnd ym

■nir main event will fenliu-e Lew Laird, 250-pound Sem inole Indinn from JnckionvUIe. Fla,, and Gene ci, Bowman, form er all-A m erican foot- I,” bull player from Tenne.'^.sce. Boninan ru les among the top ten In world's hruvywelght WTesUIng listings. '

Thn I/ulrd-Bowmun bou t will be the flrsl ha lf o f a double mnm ^

In Uie lecond hn lf of the mnln ^ rven t. Lord A lbert M ills, Umilon. f l Enpland. with tack le P n t MrCllI, Oakland. Callf. jj

The matchea will being a t 8 p. ni. Mi­in Uie Rupert civic auditorium , lior

Utaii Favored in jili Annual Big Game

SALT LAKE C H T . Nov. 2S l,V,— ofU tah’* game of Kame*. th e lOUi n n - nonual U tah unlvcra lly -U lali S tain hmfoolball classic, fin d s th e U U h R ed- flcl J 'k ln i.a fnvorlto to win.

B ut u all tan s know . Uie lurkey bo iduy c lau lc Is one of Uiosc •'any- offi th lng -can-happen” events, so aheavy tum out Is cxjiceted lo tho 'Dcontest. Clearing w en ther I* rxpecl- I .

A UU h win win give Uie ned^kln• L lundisputed c f th r Sky- ^ line GU conference cham plniyhlp nnd a possible bowl bid on the ba-.sis of Uielr record of no dcfrala ;1 "to 'u s c ^ '* open ln* 37-0 los* J ”

'___________________ Hr

SET FOR NOTRE DAME “VSEATTLE, Nov. 25 (-F,—W ashing- f ra

U.n.s Hu.skle* wountl up the ir home proipractice program Tue.ndoy nml le ft Hb} a ir W ednesday m o m ln g tor S a t- exvn cloah WlUl Notre OreDnme a t SouUj B end , In d . Mlc

B atketball C oach J a c k G ray h a i We le tte rm en on hU

Includ- 8,00.

! S ili .T . ^ CuM ad TrujU lo, Do- t n m lnlcan Republic, w here th o Brook- out i m D odger, tra ined U st


M Boys Stai- at SK

' ’/ill?. M v >

grlddera played im p o rta n t parts llilt ti Jio eham plonihip of th e newly tormrd I . plctorr* Kennjr Moore, LInyd OIrdiM, < I f ln t row, left to rig h t, a re D alr Carbl Im Todd ll no t pictured, ( rh o lo by Ilal

kes Last Fon 1948 Pigskir

By AUSTIN DEALMER— A n.sw criiiK th : j b e ll f o r l h o la s t : n d d a f e w p o in ts to n n n v u ra iic t m iase .s i i f t o r n in e w e e k s :

K n 't lo s t n K » n ie .'in d N a v y Im sn ’! p la y U u 'i r b e .s t a f fa i i i .s t t h o l r - s e rv i c e r iv a l s , In il. t b n i r b e s t , t h i s y e a r in ik h io t o o k<'0 (1. / A rm y .

Georgia T cch va. G ro r lu - I f me I. Bulldogs win here, they can have J. the work.v Georgia.

Texa* ChrlsUnn v.s. SouUiem Methodist—W ith Ita role o t Colton J. bowl hosl and n l leaa t half in- tereal In the EoulhwfAlern confer- - , ence title ns.sured. S.MU really . hnsn 'l much to piny to r S a turday . A hefty votc to r Sou thern MeihodlM.

Cornell vs. P e n n sy lv a n ia -P en n 's d i'trnding cliamjxs a rr 70 i» ln t fa- vorltcs. Dut li’.'v tim e ^omcbo<ly e l« ' hnd th r UUe. Cornell. Ji"

WiLililiigton vs. N otre D am e- Ju s t nnoUier w hbU c Mop tor Uie Irish nn the ir way to nnother nll- vlctorloiLs sca.son. N otre Dume, ,

.Ml.i.-ljslppl S ta le vs. ML-wlr.Mppl- Regardless of w hal cUo linpi>ens S.iturdny, the choice he re Is .Mis- il.sslppl.

.\Uchlgun S ta te va. S a n ta C la ru - Tlie only U am to beat Oklulicmn imd Nevada, Sunl.^ C lnra coulu claim Uie UUe a.s g ia n t killer of Uio • year by up.^cttlng M Ichlgun S liitr f f .Saturdny. Otir giic.-.-. Is th u i -SnnU Clara hns had Its fun . Mlchlgnn su te .

I Texas A and M vs. T ex iu i-T he Longlioma could Ue for th e Soutn- , iie:,t title by ttlnn lng If S.MU should l«»e, bul don 'l b r l on Ih n t combliin- lion. T exa ', “ 'i

Oklahoma v.s. O klahom u A and M -A U c r wnltrJtig Uirough Uielr own conference. Uib powerful Sooncri ‘ can write Ihelr own tlck.ri If ihry wtn UiLs biiturduy cla.'.h. Okliihomn. “ I*

T ulalir v,s, Loulnluiia S ta le—The O ren i Wave sUll can sJiarr the SouUieiulern crown and rate s the P .j nixl Saturday. T \ilanc.

Penn State vs. W nshlngUm S U te —lliL' NltUny Lloius finally stubbed th rlr low against P itt, l l 's prob- ably loo laic lo regain enough pre.i- tlKe {nr a m ajor bow! bid bu l thcj sli,,ulcl i;et bnck on the w inning side Prim S tatr. O

ttunnlng rapidly over th e rr.u of Uir week's b e ltrr gum rs: CJ,

Friday O lKrritiirky nvrr Mlnml iF b .t . Si, r

^t,lry'^ ovrr Jo;.e S ta te . Brig- Qp, j hnm Young ovrr T em pe (Arlz.i

j Saturday '!!1 Vnnderbilt nvrr T ennrs.''cr. North p . jC nrnlina ovrr Vlrglnln, Alabnmn ' ovrr Klorldn. Clrmson over Auburn VlUanova ovrr N orth C aro lina S la te ,i.i Arkaii:<a.s ovrr W llllnm and Mary,»lcr over Dnylor. M nrquetie over Arlrona, T rxns T ech over H ardin- Simmons. O rrgon S ln tr ovrr N r- -hi bniskn. Collrgr ovrr Holy ,,»i Cr<>•. , M aryland nvrr W rst Vlr- ‘he glnla. Fordhnm over New York U nl- u,g

____________________ his

Oklahoma Shuns Orange Bowl Bid

NORMAN. Okln.. Nov. 25 Mi-mlirrn nt th r U niversity of Okln- homa foolbnll s q u n d dlscla'^fl W rdnrsday th e Soonrr;* voted to turn dott-n an O range bowl bid nnd »piii on n drri-slon ovrr wheUicr to iicccpi a con llng rn l bid to r the c su sa r bowl. bnl

IJr, Oeorge L. Cross, president hw of the university. s:ild h r knew of no ,vurli aetion taken by tho Mjuad F rt hut Mild It could havr voted unof- f.-. fk-lnlly. bns

have reoeivMl an O range ,iu, bowl bid bu l tli irc has been no Uie offer trom Uie Sugnr bowl," hc said, net

Pitt Tackle Is Lineman of Week ™

NKW YORK, Nov. 25 (.?>—Nick Eolkovac, P i tt tackle, who startled thn foolball world w ith th e touch- down run th a t upsel P enn S law , pV.' gnlned fu rther honor.s W ednesday.Hr WM named lln rm an o t th e week In Uic Aasoclaled Prevs j>oll.

Dolkovac. a 210-pound sophom ore ^ f ra n Youngstown. O.. d id himself proud agnlnst Penn S tate .

He galne<l the top si>ot over tfte excellent play of B rad Ecklund, Oregon oenter: DonUnle Ttanaal. Michigan guard: Len S tafan-n , North Carolina tnckle, a n d O erald W eatherli', n ice centcr.

8,000 W ATCn CrTATION SAN BRONO, Callf., N or, 23 W >-

A crowd of approxim ately 8,000 ra c ­ing fan j watched the f lr^ t publlo workout of C alum et ta rm ’a ClUUoa a t Tanforan W ednesday. T h e w ork- _ out was a side featuro o t Lhe lu u a l afternoon race*. L _



^ T L - . - toi• '* an

ll leaion In help ing th e S o u lh rm *"iFd Interm ountaln C ollrglale A th lr tir r-o oe, Oene niedaoe. D ean Slaaon, Hoy :'arbln, Harold l ln i te a d . Dob Ciele,Ilal n ia tlb e w i-iU ff engr^ rlng) j

— -------------------------------------------------- :o |

recasts of in Season ilist rdittiii of piK.>4kin p rc tlic tio n s .!(■ th a t now Ktand.s a t .78G on an

plrisn 't won. T h e Middie.s alwav.s--------------------------------------------------------- ,

Army Records i; ; Fail to Worry : Navy Gi-idmen i'; ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Nov, 2J „l’, - -'P: , Slullstics. those bm-dcn.'.ome und , wom."omc th ings, hav© been J“ '

Into the drink lui N ,n? hoL^t^ sail tor , It.-'footbnll cruLv against Army S a t-

Capt, Tom Hnm llton, who knows more ihun n llltlo abou t M iddle- . '

. C ..,l« t.ll.s , l , y : “

. fp a c t D apritcr* ‘■ "In Uils rlvnlrj-, perhaiw lh e doi>r

bucki'i haa been kicked over m orr , ' . often Uian In a n y o ther -irilrs." ,, The cnptaln lias had first hnnd . experience. He'.s now nth le tlc d lrrc - „

tor a l AnnapolM, bul buck In 1020 hc . wa.1 a triple th re a t bark who-.e drop- , kick deadlocked a tavorwl Army J,” !

J Exactly 20 year« la ter h r ro tun ied i , to lhe scvrm nhorer to conch the ini 1 KhUy regurtlcd midshipm en. They I stunned ano ther iireat Army eleven

nnil fell rh o rt of deadlocK by jusL n'b . three e.xtrn point/;.

Point to Conlral I T } ia l2 1 -1 8 h n lr.rah cr. which end- bu . ed WlUl Nnvy u breath nwjiv from de'

nnother loiichdown. niakca ll ruMer tea to r Ihr deteat-dogKed tn rs to scorn 1

, the excrcillngly cold facts. c^, Not mily have Army'.s platoons onl

mowed down eig h t toes while Nnvv H r was losing lo th r same num ber Ihl- tius W est Pointers hnve run fnr ahead nf b • the Middles In vlrlunlly everj- de­partm ent. E

"We know Army h as n g rra i Inc team ." says Coach Oeorge Snuer. "They'rB fast, stropK und opptirtuii- Ists, B u t we-re goinn to exteiui them to Uie lim it. Arm y Is in for n long

|nU c„,o™ ^--------------------------

Beau Jack Takes “j” Smashing Victory “

PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 25 i-Vi - UBeau Jack , tw o-tlin r torm er ligh t- JOweight cham pion now rnmpnlKnlng J l /1in Uio u-ellerw clght rnnl:.-., .-.maslird iVJyoung Chuck Tnylor of Cnalpori. rPa., bandy-legged wiui n bolo piuich haito win on a technical km>ckout in .,.i|two m lnulej. 43 .seconds of the . i . .th ird round Uinlghi a t convention ,.„ihall. Jack weighed 114. T aylor H5. yoi

A crowd of *J30 pnid *13.671 to u,r.w alch the form er Augusta. Gu.. shoe «Rhine boy. ba tter Taylor nbout w ith ^,| rig h t hojid roundhouse punches undshort, searing le fts thn t nlmosl t.ire w i,the Pennsj’lva rln boj"s head off fni,his shoulders, -r

I t WAS ev ident from the first tew -i,i'm inutes th a t th e vetrruii Jnck hud i-i-ino IntcnUon o t lrttln>; th r bout no o f’ 10 rounds as h r movrd uern-ss th rring swinging w in, lx)tli hniid-. u l whithe surprised Taylnr. ^hu

----------------------------- ,.y.

Chandler to Ask Questions on Deal

CINCINNATI. Nov, 25 |.l■^-.Bavr• ball Com missioner A, IJ. C h a n d lr r ' haa summ oned L eo Duroi-her. m an ­ager o t th e New York Ginni.-,. und Freddie Fitzsim m ons for n con- ' ference during th e Clilcano w inter baseball m eetings to rxplnln I-'it/- : sImmons’ signing os a couch w ith ,Uie Olant-s. th e commlr-slontr's of- tlco announced Tuesday.

W aller .Mulbry, aecrctnr>' o t bn;e- ! hall, said th a t w hen F lif ilm n io iu j algned w ith the New York club n.s a coach "about a m onth ago '’ he rtlll waa on Uie re.serve ILit of th e Dailoii | , Braves aa a conch. I '

'T h e comniK slonrr want.n to look Into U iat m n lter nnd U lk w ith ; D urocher and Fitzsim m ons about , 11." Mulbry said.


DELIVERY fNow Avallablo ]


GORE MOTOR CO.T hird a s d Bhoshone 8 t S ou th 1

^ m m

T a F a W o r f

I I n C a g e P ii Baflkctball practice a t Tw in Ff

Htcppcd up by Conch Ed L anders I for their f irs t cage Kume of th e h»

The local hooimterH will play inin Pocatollo with nil team s in ----

[ tho Bltr Six conferencc. T he -m-r I tournnmetit will pive Landers

an idea of (he B ruins’ •streaKth in leagin: play th ia H

Landers rciw rled Don Hnznrd. Bob TFnlnsh nnd Harold Pnm y have look- 1 1 ‘ cd goo<l in early prncilce. G uards

1 on Uie team arc tlKhUng for s ta r t - N>1 Ing posHlon.\ L andrrs snld, —Ui

.Moved to Forward camHe hns moved Nolnn Pord. to r - footl

I w ard on the 1047 team, buck to nchoI guard to lneren^r the rebound do tI MreiiKth for Tiviii FnlLs th is year. SixI T lie Bruins wlll bn strong n t th e Bt

cen ter position w ith Mnrlon Hlskcy. BolsI Hlskey Is shaping Into a good boaril bo i

Bruin cngers, as ob.\erved bv Pocr Coach Luiiders *o tnr In prucilcc, chai hiclude:

Fa1u«h la Proinlting PcBoh P n lft jih -n v c fed , 11 Inches, thel:

.'ophomore. torwnrd. Tlie moat p ro - dror mlslng youiiK member o t the .sqund AI and ft h a rd worker. He wlll probnbly 13 t mnke Uic varsity as a sophomore. trad

Don H az a rd -F iv e feel. II Inches, a t I Krnlor. furwnrd, Hc Is n good jum jxtr O nnd faM, H r Is expected to take over pn : one of Ih r forward Joba to r th e In I Urulns, b u t lacks ciperlcnce, cvei

.Marlon H l.'key-S lx teet, one Inch, the senior, center. One of Uie m osl ini-

' proved bnll players on Ihe (ujuad B. I and n gcxjd worker. He Is expccted lo niLsl

play n lot of bull for Uie B ru in s ycai this season, ■ nnd

Panmn* Improvni ofD iln Pnrsons—Six tr r t , one Inch, bait

Junior, guard. Lacks experience b u l O l.s a coiuiclentloua worker. Ho h a a wou Improved rapidly, scor

John Bl.iho[>-81x feet, two Inchcs, T lunior. centrr, F l r j t year of ba.iket- d id ball, bu t h r ha.s made the cool rupid progrr.'s of nny boy on Uie sfpind. H r Is expecird lo mnke th e vnrslty in hLs first yenr a l th e M spon . i

J Tom FIll^h—Five fret, n ine Inclirs. »J Junior, firw nrd. He Is a h a rd driver, I r b u t n t pre.j-ut Is overweight. A.s . soon ns h r rounds Into shape, h r l.s ^ ,

i-xpcctcd to B.Mumr pnrt of Uie fo r- I w ard's dutlrs tor th r B rulnv

Harold p n m lv - .p iv r fre t. 10 inches. Junior, forward. He U r x - , ®' pcctrd to mnkr the var.sUy a„ .. '‘"K

. forward. He Is probably th e b e st , sho t from tho tloor on the (wiuud, “ '7

fn.M, bul larkji cxprrlencc., Nolan Ford — Five t r r t , n ine ' Inchr.s, juniur. forward nnd gunrd,. He Ls n Kob<l competitor and hn* u {"‘'T

g rea t d rs lrr lo play. He Is Improv- ■ inu rapidly nnd will see p lenty of ' action before th r sra-'on U over., .Small, but Fast’ Merlin H ow .ird-F lvc feet, flrven ,= Inelii's. Junior, guard. Hc Is a h a rd ‘' “ K ’ worker In spite of liK slr« and Is nn ' ' r.?fcellent ball handler. Hc Is c ap - I nble of leading a tiu t alinck. ^

Jay C n l l- r iv e feet, e igh t liichc-s, senior gunrd, Hc is sliori on ubillty , ' '1”

• bu t Is u great hiL-ller nnd by the I de.-lrc lo piny hns mnde the varsity

Daic N lel;,.iii-F lve fret, nine Ineh - f!".! c^, .'cnior, guard. He reprenenU th e

. only expcrlenerd man nf th r .stjund.H r wu^ n roculur on Inst ycur'.-. tenm . fiust nnd U a good bull hand ler. H c Ti.ri. Is working hard to keep h is Job,

Cood Ball H andler Emerson C ln rk -P lve feet, seven n,'!.!

lnche.s. Junior, gunrd. He is n n o th e r u i ; smnll boy und Is n good bnll hand ler.H r Is o!ir of the best shots from lh o s " floor and Ls cxprcteil to becomc a ita good ball handler for n t ;u i brcnk .

Dale D cuglc-F lve teel. J l lnchc,s. fre.shman, guard. This is hl.i .. yenr ot bn.skclball nnd hc shows u n - lim ited po.sslbllltles. I t Is possible fo r Mr i h im to mako th r tram n.s a fre.'.h- num.

BYU Hoopsters to 5'k Meet Bengal Team

POCATEXLO, Nov. 25 — Ba.sket- ' ' hall wlll mnke lu debut In P oca - »•' tr llo thla Frldny and a n u rd n y w hen ? ‘ t h r IlrngnLs of Idnho S ta te college w. rn te ru iln th r Cougar* of B rlghnm Young unlvrr.'.lly. The gam e wlll be C0^ th e opener for bolh teams, D;

Althnuiih no odds hnve bren tjuo l- on i ed, thn Brngals wlll en ter the g n m r Lyoi ns decided underdogs. Conch Floyd nigh M illet l.s bringing to PocatcUo n Jam tnlrn tcd crew. i,puv

T lir Cnugar.s wnn the cham pion- burg .-.hip of th e touph S'<yhne Six looji liK 1 In.'.i sra.'on und u r r making no bone.s of tlir fa r t th n t Uiey Intend to Pe make It twii In a row. Four regu lars ' Nrw who hcliH'd lo fnahlon la st years I hook ehnmplonshlp n rr bnrk to help Uie I Flnl; "Y" defend h r r Inurnls. | pinyi



We offtT !ireci?ion facinp o f the

YOU KNOW GOOD VALVhelp enKine power. Well, wc tc.


We can help you there a lo t. Ni dition cylinder hend, th e valves, rods and in.stall cam bushings,

FO R G E N E R A T O R S & S '

WC siigKest you have arm a tu re i fore another Bcason.

BRING IN TH E TRACTOWe’ro hero in our now m odem


r k s H a r d

P r a c t i c ein Falls high BchooI hns beon dors as ho prepares hia B ruins the Henson Dcc. 10 in Pocatello, l y in a round-robin tournam ent------------------------------------------------------- --

; Nampa, Boise ‘ Battle Today I In Big Game

NAMPA. Nov. 25 (UJD — T ension - U io kind Uiat two years ago causcd A n ear-rlo t—m ounted In two

- footbnll enrop.s lui N am pa h igh> Bchool and nearby BoUe p rep a re d to 1 do ba ttle loday In Idaho’s la s t B lf . Six fooUjall confercnce sam e.: Bolh the Nampa Bulldogs an d th«. Bolae Bravei have good reason to I bo nervou.i. For Nam pa, tho gnmo

repre.nenU a big chnnco lo tlo tho V- Pocntello Indians for Uic conferenco ■, ehnmplonshlp.

BoUe Ctsaneea Por BoUe. I fs a chance to booat

i, thclr niandlng to second plnco and- drop Nampa Into Uilrd spot,1 Also, Nampa w ants to nvenge tho y 13 to 7 defeat they suffered In Uio

tradlUonal Thonk.'gtvlng day s u s s I, a t BoLse lasl yenr. r Coach "Babe" Brown of tho N am - r pn M]uad predicts his team w ill b# e in lop .shape for the contest. How­

ever. he wns reJuctJint to prcdJet 1. the outcome.

nihb PeaalmUtIo 1 Boise Conch Bob Olbb w as p e u l-0 niLstlc. He nald "UiLs U Juat n o t our s year. T he Nnmpa /,ijund U bigger

nnd taster, but our boys have a lot of .spirit nnd wlll mnke a bo<x1

1. baltle of It,".1 Olbb pedleled th a t both t*ams a would score but th a t Nnmpa would

score more often.1, TJio weaUier bureau a t Boise p re-- dieted "partly cloudy to cloudy and t cooler weather w ithout snow o r rain .

' Pill League’s• Leads Remain■ Unchanged° S tandings ot the I jid lea ' M ajor , lenguc an the Commercial league In ; local bowling piny rem ained v lr tu - , ally unchanged over lo st week’s re - '• sulus.f. Oem S tale Oil Is still lead in g In1 the women's league by a t h « c -■ gnm r margin, followed by New C en-

. irnl MarkeU ’The G arrc lt ’T ransfer . team holda a three-gam e lead over

the Hl-Ho squad In th e Com m ercial league,

n Sw ift’s, Insl season's Com mercial jj league’s champs, finally clim bed out „ of lnst plnce two games a h ea d of . th e Bcmi Orowera.

Commercial lengvm team s will pair , off Friday and the women’s league

wlll roll Dec. 2.C LAUIKS’ MAJOR t.rAdUKJ. Tcm. W„„ Lnat Pfl.

f i" i . ‘i '" n ‘J }i •” *e llu>.l.,lr„ma H ill .MO

I 1 11 ..t s?;'?;|:tlcV.nn. im : 11, rrnm, 15»: Jt. Bur-

1 Ji'JIst'l'. E- McVrr.^lSfl; a. Manlo'. HfhNlulff fnr t)K. 3

t;.m -Stat. Oil V.. .V.- Cnlral Uark.t

I COMMERCIAL I.KACUr■ T ia o ifff_____ j S" i ? ‘ .T-i

'‘taH™''Q:!lli.Cr«Ti“ Z;” i? ;3 ;J:» Pam«ll«fi .............. in ; t .iMi)«*n Gfnwm _______ 13 57 !s:4

*'1* ' «’'»f*»a bnwlft»! Commo-n.I l l ; Kay. IIO: Uorrl*. I ' i ; Showafa. t'B;L«. 117; D. McCfacV.a. ,r.. ITI5 ScnllS,ITl : D«mln», ITO; rrica. Ue; Ha..Icy, IM.

rrltfiy'a Bfhcdula . Gr^-m^v.^^ni It,) Lur.-h ^

5 w’ rb .rn

: CONN K JG irrS TO NIG H TDALLAS. Nov, 23 Billy C onn.

- on n cameb,ick tour, m eets Ja ck ie- Lyon;, o t O klahoma C lly h e re to -I nlghl In n 10-round bout— and t Jnmea J , Broddock. who onee waa

heavyweight champion, enys P l tts -• burgh Hilly will have a f ig h t on

> P en ttl Lund, rookie forw ard o f tho . ' Nrw York Rangrrs o t Uie N aU onalI I hockey league, was bom In H eU lnkl,; F inland. He Is Uie only F inn ish

I pinyer tn the big Ice wheel.


f the valves and vnlvo sca ts.

ALVE SPRINGS |vc tea t each spring fo r ten - 6

IN E REPA IR?it. New equipment to recon- ^ alves, pin bu.RhinKS, to align n g S ’

6 STARTERS |tu re and bearings tested be- ^

CTOR OR ANY PA RTdem shop to help yoiu


■■ " . . . - IPAGE TOTEBN •

Page 16: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

I c^ie^a The Idaho Department® Christmas it lias scrvei® selections are yours a t


t o \W Affttin , . . Jt’« <he Mftho 1f f i a t outfit


P M ade b y A. C. G ilb e rt— 3W sm o o th re m o te con tro l. 'M Kiniit locom otive. Now tw® a n d conl dum pinpr f e a tu r

® 100 Toyn in o n e — fo r boyM f o r o p e ra tin g to y s ..miuf t S ize s 2Vi, 6V- ^V-.,

® B O Y S AN D <

W D o n t’ M iss T h ese -

© S c ie n tif ic G inn t L i f t T ruck® \V heel B arro w s, a ll s te e l. InW A u to T ra n sp o rt , w i th 2 amr^ S -G ear .-jhift N y -L in t cn r .^ L a rg e S te a m S h o v e l ............^ O ffic ia l size B iiHkctbnll .....^ A ll s ire s o f T in k e r T o y s .....^ E ducfttlonn l " “ P la y Skool"© L o ta nnd loin o f prood pnmcj



I “Confidentially,

I Carol Tone JW T h e r a i s n 't a k e e n e r lookIn£

^ n o r a m o r e ta s te f u l s h o w o f

^ b y th e and^


W ^ P K W g i g l W K i W l W

^ o m “ T :ent Store is known fa r and rved the Magiv Valley with I a t the Christmas Store.


YLMjho D ep a rtm en t S to re T o y lan d f o r e

m tstand inK values . . . C O M P A R E !

A N F L Y E R F R E I G H T T l

•t— 3 /16 -inch scale m odels. S u p e r P roi. Choo-Choo nnd sm oke, so u n d s IV tw o-rn il tra ck . A utom ntic , u ncou r a tu rc s ........................................................... .

ERECTOR SETS• boya of a ll nfccs . . . la rg e r s iz e hn ..m ade. I t ’« fun to bu ild w i th n i/i:,, and D '.i ; .............................................5


wc — See T hem Today A

r u c k ............................................ 5 .& 0 Ajl, l a r g e ..................................... 2 . 4 9 A

sm all ca rs ..............................2 . 3 d

...............................................‘ -» 8 A........................................................... - * . 9 8 n1 ................................................... 1 . 9 8 “s ...................................6 9 ( i lo 2 . 1 9 L'ool" toy .1..................SOC to 4 . 0 0 Linm e .s ......................... 4 9 < to 7 . 9 5 pc

!y, rd give himl o w

E Ensembles”j k in g s t r ip e in a ll sh ir td o m

w o f h a rm o n y th a n is g iv e n

h a n d k e r c h ie f s .


i’y ' n « i » i M (

H gndkerchlefi 65c


^ CHIand wide as “the Christm pith merchandise th a t mal


NO ^o r eom plelc selections

R E !EIrIUf lr t


c r P o w er worm drive, n d s nnd looks like a coup ling g g

W ithla te s tlion.

c have electric m o to rs rioush n genuine eri’c tn r......$ 3 . 1 5 to $ 2 8 .9 0

C h ild ren ’s Rooks, ull a g e s ............

All S teel Doll Sw ing .........................

All S teel Ironing B o ard .................

All S tee l Doll H igh C h n i r ..............

All S tee l Doll B eds, sm all ...........

All S tee l Doll I?cdH, l a r g e ..............

Doll W alkers .................

L o ts o f pull-loys, fo r l i t t le tot.H ..

Lot."; o f puzzles, p a in t .set-s, a tic so ts, d o t se ts , nnd nu s e t . ' i .......


Downttlairs Sto

JM ^OdBi

R I S T M itm as Store”—and deserve nake the nicest of g if ts ...

BUDDY L FIRE TRUCIdR iil wheel cxtetulon hook nnd Inddcr ride 'I r t tnick. Rubber Uren. dunl bnck vch steering, removable Beat.


i th P o laro id J r . m icroscope len.«, t e s t l ig h tin g con tro l fo r c le a re r ob.- )n. L o ts o f fun. y e t ed u ca tio n a l, ni 3UH view s th ro u g h th e m ngic lens.

3.10 and 6.85

..........................10«i to 1 . 6 9 ^

.......................................... 1 .9 8

2 . 6 9 ^

3 . 9 8 \1 . 9 8

2 . 9 8

2 . 2 9T ops ir

............... 7 9 < to i2 9 IHtick-em se ts , p a p e r doll F o r ng ..........................4 9 < to 1 . 9 8

favorite st;"P u ll n cloud o v e r y o u r b e d ” w ith spe lls th e u tm o s t in lu x u ry a t a r f lu ffy — y e t so p ra c tic a l— a n d give b u o y an t. Choose o ne w ith e i th e r i c c n te r p a t te rn , p a t te r n q u ilte d in C u t s ire 72x8-1. C o lo ra : G old , g re y o u rs u n til C h ris tm a s .


Oder tnytbing. . .

and tverythian

1 1M ^four best choice is the

TAILORED SUPUnder tbe klimaot. DM<iIeHkir1«(l tuit. tba moat Siring. w*(|>. wtUted drcM. .. the ArtemU Tailored Stip (oUowa^vur linn to (aabtoo. SCB il tha fonnuU . . . the oeloaiTo Artemi* cut that rombioM (traifbt plu* eunrnt plu*LU* liaaa Xe> pTa joa the Gt of 701U hfe. Dur>Mil rajcn crcpe; petal.«hiUor bUek. 32 to4t; S2S to3S»



( S a ' T H E C H R I S T M ,


l e e e g g g i g i i ^ g g i s g i g i

AS STO]rverly so— fo r this year

. Nationally known br:

JUNIOR TOY TRF o r all age c h ild re n , s izes 10” t

S tu rd y tu b u la r frn m e . ball-bcj B r ig h t re d a n d ro y a l blue ei: w ith 'h o ld ed r u b b e r sp r in g sen t

6.90 to 18.95

CKride -cm vchccla.


'Sn.«, w ith ob.-iervn-

1. m yste- iiH.


)s in s te e r in g s led s . All .steel runny )(l bed. Ideal ex e rc ise toy Cy • nge .4 2 lo 16 ................................. « «

stylos in DOWN COMFO■ith one o f them! c tm ifo r te rs in ta a m o d e ra te p rice! W on ile rfu lly I

^ ives th e in w a rm th . Tine.s ,er a p lain quiltc ti de.sigii o r one th

in d a in ty tra p a m ito ty p e i |u iltin g g reen , p ink, am i blue. A .small dow

r FALI.SM A S S T 0 R E " ^ , g j 3 i 2 i

■■ y. , _

JSWIS®6W<P«H»«Ct©eS- .........- - - -

^ R E ”ar makes the 42nd brands in complete

IFRICYCLES ^0” to 20” f ro n t w h ee ls . T f l g K ■bearing f ro n t w heels. f en am el f in ish — som e ^»entH, la rg e tire s . ^


CHAMPION Y„, „„robe it

S L E D S y o u r ir Goldmii

n n e rs a n d fram e, h a rd - Misses.

2.98 . 5.90 "

Covertf of coloi


t a f f e t a o r .satin, th n t ly lu x u rio u s , lig h t nnd n e s t dow n th n t rem ain s e t h a t ha.H an e laborate ing.

dow n p a y m e n t will hold BAC $24.95 to .$29.95

ust tor you...

' I ' lrf c t r ^ Yo.

' fo c U d

mixes a s ty ufcnliirc

JIlGllT CAP “ifh t Cap to »eni yoa dffaroinj.

tnade of niitUng erepe and Iou

of laeel I t ’a Artcmia* rodpa for

iQtiful d r e a ra m . . . In petal |li||H!

er blue Bur-Mil rayon ertpe. 1

iinpagne Uce. Sue* 32 to 40. J

w^ 7.75 T

________________ l li

i S i 3 i 3 i S 3 d l 3 ) 3 H 3 a d S i 3 i S


■rmmsDAT,E w p s i ® a s s i s ! ® « i « t g t g t g i g i «

-------The-Glory-That-Is-Y(withDIM STlITEXTRON* M

5, and th e g lo ry th n t is your.s In w it be in nav y b lu e . . . brilliant. H oman ir face w ith a convertib le collar tl n in long lap els , of glowing ray o n dm iat. J u n io r S izes 9 to 15; ises. 12 to 2 0 ...............................................

just unpacked Ladies New COAI

/ert.s! Gnbardine.*;! In n wide !;electlo colors. F la re b ack style.s. All si'/.os ...

Main Floor Iicad(/ to

ACRS YOB DP... I SeantifuUy! j

J o h a o e e n d«M pretty tlung# for you

year ta c k ’a tu rn e d . . . in an original.

ew Kricft of hjgh-riding, c lo«d ankle straj

Yoors for femixrinity. . .

U cL w v d gUaccB.

ty l f i lllll.^trnt<•dnliircd In Bcnulno ____Tinzon LltArd In |^clnnilnR bronze.





F v k l n f U t S tab i Bhoold Validated a t (ha Slora

3 i 3 i S i S £ ; ) 9 d i 3 S l 3 i S S d S £

lAT, NOVEMBER J!, 1945

s-Yours---- ffl !

IPES j '

n ^ ^ a '- t t^ quiltedum an s t r ip e s h ig liligh t ^a r t h a t m ay bc w orn .wr •ayon s a t in Uned w ith

r : .....1 9 -9 5 I« d IOATS igloctio ,. O K i t oZOH u p fpQ

ircoj- Dep't.


'71 I3T y o u w h en

I'liiimililliiiiiiillllllllil^ '\


,RKING LOT iTl STO RE ^ A honid OsSlora ^

jiiiiiililllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIi I

s s s ig j s s s f i s s s s jI

Page 17: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Odd Business Keeps 2 Vets Busy in N. Y.

NEW Y O RK tu.W—People who My free cnlerprlne In on Its l u t less

. ' haven’t h e ard o( Jo h n Fordon and V incent B ers. ft couple of youns w w velenm a who'l^ do anyth ing lo r a price so lone as It'a Icsal-

Tlje tw o a re p a re n ts cf a thrlvlnc new business nam ed “Beck *n' Call.-

^ wnich takes on ony Job you can ’t or don’t w n n t to do youneU .

T heir servlees range rrom w alklnj dogs or c ity opo rttnen t dwellers to providing on "ea r” for your troubles; from locutlna a fo u rth for bridge lo flnd ln s a de-scented skunk as a blrlhduy s if t fo f » woman.

“In aho rt,” sixld Uio scholarly- looklns Fordon. "wcUl do Just about any th ing ms Ions a s Uie cllenU pay and th e a ssignm ent li legitim ate.”

T heir en terp rise . currenUy housed in the ro rd o n -B c rg otflce-home npartinen t. was Inspired rive m onths aso during i* penthouse party given by Jo h n ’s sister. Prances, his onc- Ume p a rtn e r In a suece.wlul model­ing agency here.

T um ed o u l the pn rty wiis a pa ln t- Ini session a t w hich the guents slppa tjrerresh jnen tji wlUle they re­did 4 ^ k |J l lw o r k anti furn itu re on Uie p ^ ^ k s e terrace .

Help“Berg u K s ^ ^ ^ . l d e d righ t then

lh a l m oybe I h l ^ ^ H e a lot ot peo­ple m th e coun try wluTd psy money

, to keep from getting dlrly, T lin fs I how wc flta rtcd ." oald Fordon.\ Beck “n ' Call began w ithout even

a te lephone listing a n d has grown largely because c lien ts te ll prospec- 1 live c llen t i ab o u t Jt. Fordon nnd J Berg a lw m ailed o u t some 25,000 cir­culars ou tlin ing th e ir services. Tliey w ent to eveo 'one In tho Social Rcr-

^ Ifller, to auch groups as ad agcnclps,” InrRc corporaU ons and commcrclnl

pholoffraphers. a n d o thers living In J] Uie Fonlon-D crg nelshborhood on ^ th e Eiwt Side. ^

’’A m ailnc Uilng." sa id Fordon. ^ •"We gol aevem l cnlb* rrom eoclnl ? rcuLitcrlle.’;. Tliey d idn ’t wnnt m to ^ do ihlnKs fo r them . T liey were h u n l­lng p a rt- tim e Jobs.” y'

Richfield People S Report on Visits •

lU CH FIELD . Nov. 23 - Mr. and i ' Mrs. L ester S tubbs und son. Lloyil _ Pny. and h e r m olher. Mrs. An?w Cotfmnn. Shoshone, nre spendlnB a m onth In M ounta in Orove, Mo.

Mr. and M rs. Ja m es L nthrop and **' children u n d h e r a lster. Mrs. Robert W arrlnBlon^Pocotello. a re vKlilnK In Bueno Piirlc. Calif., w ith Mr. and U Mra, R obert K crfoo t und fnmlly und ^ Mrs. Ellaa Flavel, m o the r of the Women. ot

Pa tric ia und Allen Crawford. Bak- ^ r r . Ore,, u rc vW tlng th e ir fuUicr. J,C. Craw ford, ond brother*. W urren mid B aden.

Mr, a n d M rs. C. F . Chatfleld nnd daughters urc vU ltlng h e r paren ts In _ OranKCvllIu, Tlicy p lanned to Apcnd T lianksglvlng dny wlUi Ivun Woods. " a student a t th e university In Mos-

MCOW," Clarcnce L em m on h a s returned ?

a fle r receiving trco lm en t a t a. P ort- ^ land clinic, ™

M rs, DoroUiy neynold.s has re- tu rned from L*ram le. Wyo., nfter VlslUng h e r son, W llllnm Reynolds, and fam ily.

Mrs, Jo h n Schenk w as cnlled to Ucoii -(.•ccnUy by th e d e a th of n relative.

Castleford Group Scans Road P an

CASTLEFORD. Nov. 2 5 -A n In- 'c.MlRaUon on r>o.'-.-.lblc widening of UlO Buhl-Cft.itIcford road Li being n;u(le by a com m ltlee of the Cua- , Uoford Men'.n club. A

Tlje com m lilce. w llh Ray PetU- f l John a.1 chairm an , wns se ltc lcd and V Clven In stn ic llons a t a meeting o t * tlin club M ondny n lgh l,

TJie elub also propaied bu t didn 't take defin ite action on Nponsorlng ft Boy Scout troop. ALw nppolnied wn.1 a nom inating ccnim ltlee com- po.sed of U B. Shleld.1. chaJnnnn OcorHC Bllck and Ray Colhern, T hey wera In structed lo have nom- ln e « p r t ic n t n t Uie nex t meeUng.

Chet M cLain. Inlrotluccd by Qlcti n m . p rogram chnlrm an. prf.^enlcd aeverol rcela o f InteresUng |>lcturc.i.

- K . nicmber.s ot- 't th o Everyw oman’s club, .Mrs, Or\’IIIe ^ l y d e and M rs. R aym ond H atfield

were In eharge,

n Is esUm nted 20,000.000 meteors dally “ ‘ w p h e r o f th e eartli

Ic*n handle it a pf>9nogr*ph iM fdle," lay t nAniwh.

Don’t be needled by emeniencles which rc<julre Im m ediate cash.

• O ur aerrlce Is designed to help you m eet certain obllgaUons ^alckly, cheaply a n d w ith • mliumum o r red tape.



■ ~

iie ft |H g B n y J n |S 2

l o r ■ '

to 1.I a lan.

'o u t


leneo- D«b W arberg, director o f -th e lU

poInU ou t th e lettering on th e baek iackets, modeled by.CUrf Simmon*,

'cn M ¥ ¥ ¥

M Divided up, No J I Dii-ectorTel” i It divided 1 j_ In to enough smnll parts,” WlLwn C. t gj, C hand le r. Id ah o Fall.i, naUonal d i­

rec tor o f the Jun ior Chnm ber of JJ, Com mcrcc. lold T u ln Fulls Jaycee;; i I i a t n m eeting and banquet a t the r

Legion hall. i, ll- "C om m unity scrvlce Is the re n t

you pay for lh e space you occupy." j- C hand le r aald In quoUni? Ivival P e r- i: ry. nn ou ts tanding Tn.-ln Falls Ja j-- o cce w ho wns killed during the w nr. c

C tiim dler defined Uie orKonliatlon i ]S as being one in which young m en ^

. le am civic conscloiLiness through con.sUTicllve ncUon. ’n ie Jayccei ,

u.1 m eet th e need;i of the people, he j

"Color o f skin, physical m akeup, d ress. nnU onalliy nnd language arc „

f t n o l considered In the qunliflcallon.i . Jn fo r tt m an lo become a member ot m Uie Ju n io r Chnm ber of Commerce."„l C hnnd ler M id, - n i e only quulltlca-

tlon Is Lhnt h e be between Uie ages of 31 nnd 30, T here Is no plucc In J' th e orgnnlZiiUon for sclfLihnc,'.-;," J '

J C hnnd ler told o t plans to con- Btruct a building os a naUonnl w ar m em orlol fo r Jnycecs who were klll-

,(] cd du rin g th e w nr. ••(in H c poin ted ou t th a t the Jayeees in sc

TuL^a. Okla.. hnve raLied 1100.000 J tow nrd construction of Uic mcmor- „■ lal .10 they miKht hnve It construct­

ed In th e ir city. Tlic local Jnycec A c liap ter w as th e second In Idaho re

. to repo rt a full aubierlptlon by Its Bi m e m b en for Uio fund. I mi

NaUonnl Jnycce wnr memorial la week h a s been scheduled for Dcc.IB c


• GRAN ; Frid£R



SPECIAIi. Featuring5 —1

’’ i l


fo r those a tten d in g this dem onstration

I 25. 1048

Iwin Falls Jayeees

> lU te Ju n io r Cham ber of Commeree. baek of one of the Twin FalU Jayce* ' on*. T w in F a lls Jaycee p rttid e n t, WIU ]

♦ ♦ » * '

) Job to o Big,'ells Jayeees Hierecd 1 to Dec. 7 by Paul Bagwell, n a i C. tlonnl preilden t, Chandler added."* P lans WLTC dl»cu.v5cd for n Joint

mccUng of Uie Jayeees and Uic B n i- in B ooiters’ club Dcc. 0 a t th e Lc-

lie Kion hnll w ith O. J . Bothne. C ham ­ber of Commerce secretnrj-.

Leroy K elnde. acting dm lrm an .'• read two letters from o the r or«nn- r- l7jiuons compllmenUng the Jayeees J - on the lr 3t;ind Bgnln^t questionable

cumic books. Tlie letters wero from the Fiill.s Avenue elub nnd the

'» T-Aln FalLi PTA.' auc-.',Li were BUI Lloyd ftnd Je rry 1

Jose jih f^n . Twin Falls, and R onnia Jones and Oeorge Long, Klmberli-. c

R obert WllLi was appointed c linlr- E ' • m;in of Jaycee Christmas acUvlUc.i. p

Will!, and h l l eommlltee will ru rn lsli tl focd bn.skets to needy fam ilies d u r- rr

}. inc Uic holiday seiuion.New Jiiycee Jnelcet.i were w orn by

es m em bers n l the meeUng. Tlie „ Jackets, blue and gold, have ’T I '

JayccTs" on Uie buck in gold Ict- ler.i. T lie JnckeUi will bo w om u t

, r nll mecUnga nnd during acllvltic.i.I- Stcvo Jam es T(-a* appointed

••chimibermald,’' He will serve as n serK cant.a t-nrm s durliiK meetings.

> TALK GIVEN AT FILER> FIL E ll. Nov. 25 — Mrs, Ju a n ita :e A nderson. Phlladelplila. Pn.. ficia 10 rcpri-senUillvc for the 'American a B ap tis t Publication aoclety a t Phil-

nilclphlu. Pa ., gavB nn lUu.iUuted It ta lk on Sunday school work n t llie c . 'B a p tis t church Monday evening.

ND OPElay and Satu



\F (

• "V

• 1

\ J J • r

Exfro LiberalD u r i n g T iic i= e G r a n t

EA S Y TE.See Additional A di on I

ies Get New Jacke

m y-' J-

e . io n in a n a ie r . fa r leH. Id ah o FalU. Cham ber of Commerce, and Oeorgo

, Jacket*, blue and gold In color, will I- all.actlT lU ei and tu ln re m eetings. (B

CautiousSALT LAKE CITV. Nov. 35 (U.PJ '

0 —Jam es W allon woa keeping a ' close.,wntch on h is c a r today. I t ;

fti wii.1 stolen twice here yesterdny. , Police recovered th e vchlcle .

ln st iil«hl five hours a fte r U was stolen the first ilm c. Noticing tlio j Ignition keys were ml;«lng. the ow ner lefl to ge t tooLi to s ta r t th e cnr. I t was gone w hen ho r e - . tum ed.

‘ • Police found It a a h o rt tim e litter and todny are h un ting two m en .lecn driving Uie vchlcle dur-

“r ing Uie time It wns reporWdZ

ry DAUGHTER GETS TREATM ENT UNITY. Nov. 2 5 -M r. and Mrs.

O all Bingham took M rs. KelUi r - B ingham and rm all daugh ter, Ru- yi. pe rt, to Salt Lnke Clly. U tah , where 'l l the child will receive m edical trea t- r - m ent fo r a paralyzed leg.

RELIEF AT L A » ForY our COUGHCrcomuliion relieves promnilfbecauie

^d it Rocj ris 'u «o ilie »eatot the cmuble ts to help lootcn and expel germ laden 3. phlegm and aid nilufe «o »oolhc ind

heal taw. loider. inllimed bronchiil mucomnicmbrsnej.Tell yourdnigpiil

a «o »ell you a botile of Creoroulsion la w'iih tiie ucdcnunding you m utt like n the way it qukkJy a llij 'i the cough

Of )'ou are to hive your money b icL

CREOMULSION(o rC ouehs.C hestC olilt.B ronchiK t




'{ } y n m ^V ^tJicrica’s

Faslcxl ,W asher- I



W E E K ’S W A SH !

• W ashes Clean i ■ T rip le R inses• D am p D ries

• 6 sheets and 6 pillow cases (12 lbs.)>n 10 m inutes.

•al Trade-ins i•and O pening D ays

T E R M Son Page* 9 and 18



"'Tm '

a iu . natlenal direc tor o f tb e Jtm lor • ! orgo Bever. fa r r igh t, look on. The , » lll be w orn by th e local Jayeees a t I. (S taff, photo.engravlng)

FAST DAY SET iF n ^ a , Nov. 2J—T h e Filer LDS j

, church will observe ' ’faat day" S un . 11 1 day. Tlie da te genernlly Is the first] ■ t Sunday In Decem ber, bu t it .was i ' changed of th e conflict with i ‘

, Uie stake confercnce m 'i-wm Falls, I ‘

i C i f

i r ^ ' • ■ • JI, i > J J

I W’ou.' O'Nfiin M ucfim e ^C u n ' .Spin sp.trks liu t

I c jn 't burn, fires long burjt on one witidixifj. a i a 23 inches lu i i g l . , . Z ! l . .

Mfcidli'stif, W ort on thli l l .m d , IV t.U p T rack!Kl,l> lir.ivy.i;.mi;c mct.ij. re. 1 -b ..i(cr> 'r .l. - / a joibie umlrf .h . l io o c i . . . . i ; : : -Flap,

r .c m 'n s J „ p „ „ - , . .U ,c rnni-inlic Lipslick. r.ll, i ;o . . c . , „ d r .c c r o u . . , e r LislVci: Al c r c .c d .o 075 - a l l in f...(cr rom.tncc . , , A -

' V __________

Moi;.' . . . 1,-, Mcnnen ■ wlicn il conic* lo qcxxjgrooming Give a scl “o( Crc.ini. T.ilc, H e or SiU n Hr.iccr . |7 5 Walnui-a n d C .ca n iO il I i : Bed Lan

all direc^ ^ Rubber

Gent Plans to i Make History ; With ‘Shakes’ ,

B y B A R M A N .W . NICHOLS 'W ASH IN G TON . Nov. 23 (UJO — 1

T h e m a n In th e red beard, Baggy ) P onU U ld Kravy-spolled brown sw eo u r U o u t to make hlatory. • h e said.

And, u usua l, Jlm Moran, th e Hollywood screw* ball am ong press agen ts, InU nds to bo c o m m e r c i a l abou t it.

J lm w ho's v e a r* i ; A f r a j | H n | tng th e ch tn let>tuee because h e R j* ■ i y } ‘

■ lo s t a presldenU al IeleeUon 'bet, p lanato bust In onPresiden t T rxunonand shake h im byth e h and . • TTien. o t m u NlcM*hem riy. back tofilm toft-n a n d re«ea Uie shake a tfive bucks a. shake, three ror 10and ha lf a doscD to r (33.

*Mr. T n im a n . o r eourse. being willing.) *

T heo ry DUcloaed I Jim ’s theory Is th is :

"I got to think ing ," he said, “ th a t a whole flock of people havo never m e t th e Presiden t. They’d like fo shake h a n d a w ith him . Since th a t Is- impossible foe m ost folks, they’d setUe to shoke tho han d th a t shook

I Uie hand .”, And pny fo r It, to booU

__ C a it la Planned• Bo a fte r M o ran M ilts the first

m ltl In th e land , ho 'i going to s lu f / h is " sac red " paw In hfs righ t

^^1 pants pocket a n d ru n right ou t to n . j u hospital. Ho a lready has a contract rsi I foe fast ac tion to have the hnnd . , „ i P u t In p la ste r o f .p o ris for a safe,

j cican ride back west,' ' ' ' "W hcn we g e t home,” Moran said,Ils.! "we're going to have a p laster ^


B u y E A R L Y fo r the U EST B U

C H R I S T M A S h i ; : ; ; ;

g r e e t i n g s m ;

$1.00 Valuel m — BOX or1 6 CARDS. . . . 0 9 ®

Sff tfn» fine assorcmcnit

.■■y —

. , _ ATime-Sat><h t t a Drtrf/ng.' Soft. T h cju icc -K

I of.hch.m dl<

f e S r . . . 2 L »


IX Fncfor’i 1-M/yii.oocl ^“rly Amcrict...P an .C .-ikc ,R oL .6e, t^'ins! “ Ifom c'siifk & Facc I W d e r pfOld Spicc I’II in pl.isiic r e n -l-oiince boitic il-y-typc b o x . . . . 0 — of Toilet W ate

or She n e a d in B a ir A new T octier Inui.grain N iie-R ram a »ure gift I Lam p. AcJiujtablc in l«.iuly’i in chro

Jircciionj. *> 1 f t 2->!ice model. >b«r cord »ct | 7 U.L. Approved


break ing session and the ii IH be In * |buslnesa.” I

' J lm c laim s ha already has a lo t Iof celebrities lined up for a t leaat Iono sh ake eaeh, ., I

BUmnUle Bosloesaa “ H e figures tha t' th e y u follow hU- f^ suggesUon to bring » lot of people >

along. T h a tH stlmulatA business »a n d th e first thing you know, somo fpho tographer wUl U ks b p ic tu re, tT hen tho .peosanta will w an t to t'

" g e l in on Uie acL • f-‘J’* “By th a t tim e,” said M oran. “ I ’ll a^ probably bfl ablo to give'e tn-fr-break s

and com e down on Uie price. Maybe ”I I to <4.50 a shake,__ r

T h a f .P r o t t c t Yowr

a « d

0 * r R tp u ta l le n10

ng •

continucd.patronagc mean

la. immediate profit wc mighike

=*“ K Jc> ro f< juc!tionab lc i

I UNION MC________________ Authorized FO


^ TWIY . “ 2 MAl^^ AVI

• f>‘SHr nssso

i r ^ N i A S P I R I It^U R E 5 -G R A II

A L L f (Liroi, on* b o i ik ) ____

^ RIN!Large size 5c witl Giant nizc a t S'lc-

E P !_ T H R E E D A Y S <

i {Liolt OM esrton) _ _

“100 S o c ie ty ............

•S a t« r /o r M om— ,C c K in R il ia tc u ls \ P T P R ’ ,w n .o O N E tu m f.mdlc. i j g j ; / o A L Ed u n t .

^ \ V a la ri (o

H I ^

P I f Tioat C h o ic e ^ ' ' f on Selection ef ^

: / FOUNTAIN ' i P E N S

I 98c' - V Vnluc.1 to J

n c r ic o n 'f ba th lom Box” icc I’ow dcr and

C a r f o i t \; f 50 BOOK ■

. , 1 m a t c h e s

\ 2 ; 2 5 « .

________ j / c” e a ^ ■\ s h a i ^ o o

ift h il. T lii* : V 7 0 # * Jc h r o m e . . . a I \ / ” y

, ' ■ ^ 3 . 4 9


. . IC O M B S J

- a im it2 )


=HelpKIdDDon’tU tU ae^eho , Blnmnatlolfataa,

pie AaUat, or CIcntci tJndtr Brta, doo to

.“ ■'«* wtierabU without UJInr CT8TEX.

e ^ n ont excM a c lS A iu l* )^? * .^? !^I l l •:ak SatUfaoiloo or monar back auaranuod.?be — ------- -


.* .Your good will and

mean m ore to us than any

might make by selling you

able m echanical condition.



rWIN FALLSV AVE. N . PHONE SOfftscffvfo ro UMir QUANrmts

RIN TABLETSr^'-IOOis.ISO: w ith purchase of 9 A m ; 340—both __ ______

'PSOM SALTn? :L5r16=‘UES21cii» T«* ea TolUul*/, lg3S«»> onj Jl

I \ l S A V E R S \ l. I L In out Package

* M \ 1 2 *«*■ 4 ^

r l ' e f X m N utrine ' I k i W \ f CHOCOLATES 1 ,

. M 7 9 c )o X Rich—Delicious ^ .

I . Tk 50c S / i e ^ ^

- ] ( )I

} 51.39 SIZE \ ^I O i i SERUTAN I ^

y \ 8 2 ^ I


PAGE SEVENTJi! ^ ::'{)

Page 18: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Ailing British - « n ^ * a i s e d - Z

For His Acts j|B r DEW ITT M A CK EN Zir ■

AP F o re lr i A ffairs A naty il H T he MTlous artcrU I a llm en i of

K tnz a e o ire VI of D rlU ln U * H m a tte r o t mor« than on lln iir? con- H c em . since It comrs In th e m idst mM of ft 8 re*l erliU In the h is to ry of the em pire and commonwealth. >•

I t Is a t momfnl.i llKc thin th n t we ^ view the ruUr in the llBtil of u f Kymbolle figure whCAC kIiiR:-lilp U th e chlcf bond which h a s hi-lcl Uie vast eominonwealth to se the r. Hmt [T | bond l3 a delicate one. whodo | J : strehBth comrs Inruply from -the « | I c harnctrr pt ' the w cnrrr of the IM crowii. j a

Tou«h to Held on % tI t's touKli on A fellow I- l>e «

resa riltd lu. n symbol w hen lie is H 111, T lm l's u time when he docin 't M B w ant respcctful hdiiMKo. bu l iili'" '- B j garden variety of sym im ihy—and ■ ■ happily In ih r privriil m.-.livnce the ^ king Is Betiint: not only m' . ' li'it Uir vast sympaUjy uj w hich ho Is enUllcd because of iiervlee to his people. chop'

K ing Oeorge u wliai m y youn t ____ 1aon would call a •'KO(xl Kti.v.” T h n fs __M iipl a df;^rlpiloii il-. I could 'T ’J l figure ou t for this w illing and X 11 ' httm ble .•.cr\’.m l o t Ills subjects, nnd i rv e been ft-atehln* h im In action j fo r a : year*, much of th a t time a t cloee range. FIL

re rfa m it G reat Service of thfWb can so further, I th ink , and

aay without exaggeration th n t Cudiir Qeorge VI ha.1 rendered h la cotmlry a t Cc a grea ter service than pe rhaps any Jlrb of his moderh predecesor.i in tho Enrl Jong line of British sovcrelKns. T hafn jpenk' n swceplnu Jlivtcmcnl, b u l I call niectl; your atten tion to th is : unng

Georse was th ru st w llly-nllly upon nLio " the throne a t a m om en t when xjr Edward VTII and “th e woman I ,i.iuri love" had rocked ll m ost danger- where oualy. T here are parloua day.i for kJns, and Edward th rew stones a l cnnm th e gods.

Doubtful I le rllage goneao Qeorge cama Inlo a somewhat

doubtful heritage. T o m a k e m atters w orw ih b nation sho rtly wns plunged Into a second W orld war. and tiiLi was followed by nn econo- m ic crisis which h as sh a k en Eng- ‘’S'"® land to the foundations.

A less steady nnd ndapU blo and hount loyal ruler could ea-slly have com- Tetl pleted th e dam age growlnB out of • th e abdication. j

V IS m N O IN CALIKOKNIA J CAfrrLEPOBD. Nov. 25 — Hill ]

K lnyon h a s gone to Sacram ento,C a llf , to visit h is aon-ln -law and

. daughter. Mr. and Mr:i. D . Drown, a n d th e ir In fan t w n. H e also will visit his b ro ther and alstcr-ln-law .M r. and Mrs. Oeorge Irvine. In Y reka. Cnllf., en route to Sacra­mento.

C om sugar* a re m ade for food I proce.isoM, leather tan n ers , rayon producers, cnram el color bum era. '■ a n d bakers.

G RAN DFridi


f H


PHOIthe cor


A $ 6 0 h

- A T N



Teeth? You Said

At th e ripe young a<e of II n io n lh i. n< in .. has a ( lea tliln r *rt nf 16 K flh . lllu mn b a lle t ure U-iaally S or 3 y rars old bcf< c hoppya.________________________________

Filer’s Residents Report Activities

FILER. Nov, 3 5 -T lie ilcjree team 6 i.nde af the Kller a ra n « i' will conler th e _ _ _ llrs t and second cli-nrre:. for the ' Ci'diir Draw GrnIl^:e ttUliiy evening n O m Ccdnr Uraw. B t t i j

llrb e r Dennison. Twin FnlU, nnd Enrl Qulflley. Buhl, were Kursl m W r.penkrrfi n t the M?f5 sncram cnt K K mectliiB. Verln Urll. Tulii Fulls. H B inng two snlo.'i w ith Uriiy Jenkins, g . i r - ivLio Twin Falls, a t the plnno. | B | B

Mr, and Mrs. Harold Nelson have returned Irom Lo.-, Anurlr.i. Ciillf.. where they were culled by Uic 111- ness of her mother, Mrs. Millard Cannon.

Mr. and Mrs. B U. McGinnis have gone to Talm Springs. Callf., to «L tpend th e w inter. Mr. and Mrs. iH O K enneth Shook have rented the ir home. » ' '

Mre. C. P. Oliver w ent to Pocatello Mondny for a week visit a l th e home of her dniiRhter, Mra. J. Q.Shsw. M r. omi Mra. Shaw have a n ­nounced the blrUi of n son.

Ted Ola-islnner. sUidrni a t the

I Kcaluring I v '' BARBARA BAKER’S JJ

Home Made Type Uia

CANDYNow EseltislTely a t V uO<

P e t e r P a n ! ^________________________ At Y

) O PEN IN ( d a y a n d S a t


ockard-B el5 N - 0 - C 0combination that gives yo

I O . . .A P H O N O G IA N D


tM AdOltto)

id Mouthful Ca■ ■ M I B g S i ■ P m i B B^ K v . ^ Robliu■ ■ f r . ' ^ concei■ N m ' 'B k jL ' *<9 j f resu lt

. Rosi' ^ r i ' , ' . W * ' ^ tied t

canvoj• T h e

th e n (" m ake

. . Demo<‘ from 1

since '' g ^ . a Le«


'.'s;1. Dunald I la r r rt l nf Bprlnrfleld, T h e H m other. Mrs. K. D. BarrcU, u y s scarch

before they acquire th a t m any (or tt E m plr

-------------- ------------------------------------ movelollege of Idaho. Caldwell, was ome tor the week-end.Spi-clal cniMcIc services a t the ‘

:nptLil church hnve closed and the _ x-.tor’s a.vT!,il(\nt, the Rev. John Kiideni. hn/ returned to Boise.


^ « A ! ! 4 ! ) ! e O P « 1t h e i n L a u n d e r i n g 1

✓ want more suds? 1-.✓wintwhiUrdods?

✓want brijhter colors? i-, ✓want 8ofl«r water?

✓wuitBtreak-freebluInj? • ✓want sofl while hantis? ‘ .

v ' want lo protcct your washer?NO OTKCR PRODUCTOOES ALL THESE THINCSI \Ust wiu. your

*^ ^ u a i o n t e t d

M Y ^ r

JGi t u r d a y


' ■ '

' " I

■ f l w I

S 3 4 9 .5 0




C O S T !Olttonal Ada oa Pa iee B and 11


: a s e o f ‘W ’ K State Solon Is 3 ; Being Queried Si;D O ISE. Nov. 35 0J.I9—Oov. C. A. s ta te

oblna Is ••investigating" lho law scm Ioi m cem lng appolnuncnt o t a rc - e f 'y ‘ laeem enl for S tate Rep.-elecl Joo canno ' oeencran :, believed dead as the a u l t o f a plane crash. “R oscncran t's election was certi- ed to the goverTior by the sU to c lslon mvaa.ijna bonrd. todoy.T h e certification of his election len opened the way for Uoblns to g w ake nn appointm ent to replace Uie «m ocratlc representaUve - elect om Lewlslon. *■

M lsslnr tilnce O c t ' iKHofiRoscncranz h a s been mls-nlng nee Oct. 34 when hc took off w ith Lew iston buslnessman-trlcnd, W. Mnran

Dollck, Irom Moose creek to ii«nrj’’' ewlalon. T he plane took off in the to afternoon, due In Lewiston In n hour. I t hna never been « c n shtiio- nee. H unters lu the Selway river rea report hearing a plane crash fjJIiu,' l a t a fternoon. L<k> ^T h e a ir foree and Idaho civil •■•’T'*" :a rc h c :s have olven up the h u n t „)r th o w enlthy vice pre.ildent of >jiin»T m plre Air lines and his friend. A !in»ka lovc to probate and prove his will as been filed in probate court In ew lslon. thus emphasliInF! the be- R ru ir ef th n l the legi.ilr.tor Is dead. ,

Won by UM e M arjln .De^plte his being missing in the


f e *. iI’o p u la r ^

MILK i <

O v W hy Ig S p f e P a y I


C igarettes ■ $ 1 . 8 3 c

I i 'I RICE Crackle! ^ ■ ■’“P:

H Rice Krispies r

^ I’lickuKc *


TOASTIES 'Packncp .. .. 1 9 c I <




Erb Drolhcrs c t t ;M arket t i | .

U t'ItLEV n i r i iT - Economy GroceryShelby D rive-ln ‘ *PPlk -N - Pak n cC L O

CARET e i» Palteraon^s Market

CASTLEFOBDC. St u . Food Service

GOODING f a i r f ;J C Painter t Co. Ra]

TIMES-NEWS. TWTN F.ane. Roeencrans v a s elecled to (• s ta to leirlslalure by a wide m a r- iT lU 1 tn the DemodQlle sweep o t th e I I te Nov. a.H is election poaed a problem for e legal authorlUes o t Uie s ta te . MO 1C law yer pointed out th a t tho c f- Mra.:e o f leslslator, unlike the o th e r th e hi nsU tuU onal clecUve offices in th e Mr. Me does n o t continue a t te r one v lslllr sslon ends, so the m an who fo rm - Waah. ly held th e post from l ^ l s i o n Mr. n n o t rem ain as legislator aa would aro n

th e case I t the otflce tnvolved a t Ne 13 lh a t of lhe governorship. Mr.R obins b expected to make a d e - chlldr lion on th e m a tte r someUme la te Mrs. doy. Annie

- Mr.

S N A K E R IV E R R E P O R T I- —■ ' ■ ' for tJ

NOVEMnER Jl. l l i lrom iTporu b/ butMU o( rKlsmatlon. Qglolofl:il .« v ,r . .->d sea, b• llun nrConi. V ..r Aeo ValUCck^n U k t______ :7I.II0» Sll.OM* ----------r n " . r . i i ; ' ' z z z ; «.»io* lo.wa*»M j-i»k».__ ____ U.J70abur* ..................... I ,tt0 l .<>00

fl» * c .B 'r ;i 'u 'r^ r ii ,o i j:T i^ i,oof:9»o‘ F ................. 1,100 2.i«a

ik> WiilfoU______ SI.JM* »4.H0» ^.well'. U rr/ ______ J,4M Sj*50 ^

likV rhtr 'tVuilnVr J.JM 1.5J0 i<r*-(i«t; oUi«r gu.nUUr. In .•eanil-fMl. IT*:lplUllon po iw rrki JIur»n 0.1« Inch. . ^ Mr. Unman ciporl. pro-lpll.llon t l i^now iltplliii Mnran II lnrh». llrnry^*Vr U Inrhn. Qttut l.ka :Slnchn. Sn.k.

’ t.>nn Cr«n>1>ll. Dldrkl ttnslnrvr

^ B 2 S E

ICATE V “ * “ “ 3 XMAS


_ - • ’ T5ST1 Coin* In fbr oa anti

* 2 5 0 0 7 .ISM J ' ■ ■


N o . 2 C a n s ............................... X l t

W lin lc K F K N K L C O R N . S m i V n lle y . V ac. P a c k . 1 2 -o z . 1 7 «

G H A P E I 'R U I T , S haver.HN o . 2 C a n s ...............................1 9 C

T U N A , W h itu S t a r . G ra lo i i N o . 1;. S i re Can.s ..................4 1 t f

S O C K E Y K S A L M O N . R a l - u eI .im c li. N o. 1 C a n ............... 7 4 <

B L K N D F ;!) .IC IC E , 01(1 S o u thIG -o u n c o C an .......................2 5 <

I ’i iU N E S . LIlr^:e Suiiki.-<tP o iin d i’ackuKO ..................

R A IS IN S , P lu m p L M e a ty2 -iio u n ti Pai'kaKO •• ___

P IC A N U T B U r r K R , S c lio d l-b o y , 2 -i)0 iin(i J a r ..................6 9 <

C A T S U P . P ie rc e s ' T o m a to .U-07.. B o ttlp ............................ 1 9 <

T K A , L ip to n 's O rnnR o P e k o e\ \ . \ h . PackiiK o .......................3 3 <

C A U N A T IO N . Q u ic k W h e a t .•1[ -. Ih . PkK ................................3 7 <

P K P . Kflloi;^r-s, VkK .................. 1 S <


.G.A. Store N ear 5tO SIE VII.ERCtty M .irkrt Pller M eat C

i t c r E - T:H FIELD FoodlandPiper 's Grocery M eacham Fo

W hIUey's MaCLOS h a w 'i Market I " IN FALLS

Ja m e s ' Foodl: T n i c n W ah l’s FoodD ietrich M trcim ile T urJev 's IDA

IRFIELD finOSBONXRay Jones & eon CUy G rocery


tlurtaugh People ^ Tell About Trips aj

M O R T A iaftl. Nov. 3 5 -M r. and:ra. w a l l a s 'n i g s s a re spending «le holidays In K ansas C ity, Mo. 02M r. and Mrs. John B land are wsiting relatives In W aUa W alla , M^aah. OTM r. and Mrs. John Savage. Jr., J *-0 ruesta o t Mrs. BavQKe'a paren la M1 Nezperce. W Mr. and Mrs. C. E. B lackburn a n d ^ illdren spent la st w eek-end wlUi K [rs. B lackburn’s m other. Mr*. JW nnle G oodman.M r. and Mrs. Jo h n O kelberry Ca p)cn t la s l week-end In Boise. kTBUI D aniels haa gone to D enver ^

)r the holidays. w a:— 3 ? g(

Oold can b6 extracted from th e ^•a. bul th e coat Is g rea ter th a n tho a lue Pt th e meU l.________________ ^ ^

‘ T E s T n iEV ERY O N E IS M C A L L IN G FO R |

5 0 ' C i | . S |r ? v t R S - n < \ T T f n ^ - F i i a n i r P ‘r

i ,o o e .o o<TOIS^CON- \

W Pric#^ H8.95

2:1 5 0 lbs. 2 '

1 Q l b s - 9 i

umberjnck ^ lb. " ^ F ^ rand .......................... ^ tin / 1

ng Garden ^ C2 Can.- . . . . I c

H iirs Eros. C EPound C»n.«, . , . J «

W hile h

I k I N O iS Granula

^7. SO A

1 9 « I _________________

• I t f llordcn’p


i e j " ............ 619C — — — —

S p t 'r r v 'h I’.\N '

. ^ ' j i FLOU ■feant jd Potniij g

S 9 « m 3 ^ 4 Bon...... 3


' w l CAKI

1S « ' PackaKO 3

i G R E S S l V E , I N D E P E N

a t Co.

1 Food EtoreI M arket E n g p w «

'oodllner'ood CenterIDA .

eery and M a rk rt



H ere They Are AG IF T PA C K



POTATCice Your Frtmd* a True Cljt

Each po tato hand Bclect- 10 lb. C cd. individually wrapped , 5 lu <■ and podtcd in a ttractive ^ , contalnora. 30 1>>- C

DeUvered Ani/ichcro <n the U

60 LB. B O X ES.........$5.0


! E.S.HAEft' Box O T J-T W IN FA U .8 , IDA!


t r w f r \ f | A N E W

«>M A unt JenP A N C A K m d

3299.9S R B B l . . . br m U»« d id*.L— ^ ¥ S r ^ - \ tne. pgno

— p . llm l l

' G R A P E - N l

Lux Flah

' 5 «. . . »m cM m

c Kinff nulatcd

)AP 34C ' g j



AN CA K K Swift's Clt[ ) U R D . ^ B r ~ fc-*- If*srANt otA U cm-

^ A - 1 T - a «x«c»-5 2 B g ] 3 u i i a w N n

TO ILETX E I Fine Quj ty -\ | i n Northern ..............i/ W l \ W A X PA P E R

Grandee, Per Roll ...


DAT. NOVEMBER 25, 1048



TOES Ite Cifl item IDAHO

lb. C a r to n ............$ 2 .5 0 W. lb. C a r to n ............$ 3 ,0 0 KI lb. C a r to n ............$ 5 .0 0 jg» the United Statet W

(?e nn Pi-'os express Ss . § 5 .U U CHARGES


.RPER I, X D A IIO ^Phon* t20J ^

JlB L E A T of Com meroe Offlee vk

n ^ o u s ^ 1 ^ ^ S

Jem im aI R O U K - — ^


V WITH o u a I lMj>1tOV»

s rsE-NUTS ^ a cT M E A l p*» ^ 9 ^»«. kM carMl

M a k e s

- 34=

• S u d s

n Soap2 C akes 21® I

s b t j b s s i s ^ b ' ’

> o g F o o d

„ 14®

> C l e a n s e r

r"s 2 23®*AI04.L


..3 Rolls 25®:o . i... ...... ..23®!> IG A S T O R E S


Page 19: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Leaders Join ’49 March of |

Dimes Drive \S O IS & Nov. 25—Oov. 0 . A. R ob- |

Itis and 10 other sUUwldo leaders I jollied today In prcparaU otu fo r th e I I04 i more)! of dimes cam palsn fo r I lunds to com bat polio—the crlppU ne I dlseoAo th a t h u reault«d lor expendl- [ till i; 111 la a iio of nearly tJ\ree-<juar- I t«rs of u million dollars by the N a- I

^ U onal PoundoUon for In fa n tile I Pftralj'sl.'j since early !M7. I

A ppointm ent of O ovem or R obins I a s honorary 1940 m arch of d im es L c h a ln n a n and tho 10-m an advisory | com m ittee to o iils t in Idaho 's c am - .; pulgn w as announced by Kenyon I t. fc (K en) D ennett, BoUe. s ta te m a rc h | of dim es chairm an. I

■ t> T h e m orch of dUne.i u-lll be c o n - s * ductcd across Idaho from Ja n . 14 i

to 31. IMembera of tlie odvlsory com m it- |

tee are Joc Imhoff, OoUe, c hairm an I of tlie opera ting board of Idaho s ta te J EHks conviilescent home; Jam es L . [ L j'nch . BoUe. execnUve secreU ry, I Id ah o S taU Pharmaceutical as.iocla- I tion : Don Dafoe, Rupert, p re^ d en t, I Idoho Edue.itlonal aMoclatlon; J a c k ! M cQuode. Moacov, A<ncrlciin L e- I Itlon departm en t commiindcr; A r- I tlju r O allpcuu, Coeur d’Alene, p res- I Idcn t, Id ah o S tale Federation of L u - 1 bor: tlia R t. Rev. F rank A. R hea. BoUe. bishop of the EpUeopal chu rch of Idaho; Qcorco Heraley, BoUe. Btot45 GraiiKe miister: Uie i M oat Rev. BUhop Edword J . Kelly. Boise. Idtiho Cuthollc bishop: z , ! Reed M illar, president, Boise. LDS aUlce. ond Dr, F . B. Jeppesen. BoUe. presiden t. Idaho State so­ciety. r

D uring the 10<7 Infnntlle p a r- i" aly,^ls epidemic when 3S3 clUzciu

^ wpro .itfuck by the, Oovem or ~ Robins, him self a phyilclan from

St. .Maries. aUo ser^’cd n.i on hono­ra ry cnmpiilBn official. Idaho ro- erlvcd natlonnl recoBtilllon lh a t year Iwcuiiso of lu rccord 43-ccnt,s-pcr- w: fJipliR contribution to Uic mnrcli c f <11 dlme-1. ,,l

A to ta l of 107 Infantile p.iraly.iU nr cases h as been reported to dntc th is lo yenr. «e

B e n n e tt has returned to Boise nf- Vi te r conipletlntt orKanlrjitlon of bc m arch of dimes lenders n t Coeur rl' d 'A lene. Moscow. BoLsc. Tvi-ln Fall.i. Id ah o F a lls and Pocat<llo. nr

---------------- ------------ VII

Activities Related L° By Fairfield Folk SrA IR V IiW . Nov. 25— J e n n n r

K earcho r Ih home from Uie Collnre of Idnho. Cnldwell,

Ju n io r T\-erdy U to leave UiU week for H nm llton nlr ba.ic. nortli of San F rnndsco . He has been here on fu r- 5" louKh. fa

M r. nnd Mrs. Ivan Howard have re tu rn e d to S alt Lnlce City via Po- eate llo a fte r vUltlng the A lbert K o la rlk fam ily here.

H elen Snyder hiis returne<l to W ooclbum. Ore.. nfter a two-week Viicjitlon tt'iUi tlie Louis Robblnn ' fumlly and oUut rcliitlvi-.s here

M Mr, and Mrn, Jolin Prllucik and r ' G all have gone to the midwest for

ft w in te r vacation. Mr. and Mrs. S tan ley Fo rest uro residing a t th e ir “ place d u r ln s the winter,

M r. nnd Mr.v Cccll Cnihoun nre 'n tiiovinK th is week to the ir new placp n e a r BuliL Mr, nnd Mrs, M ark fikecm s have purchased the Cnihoun plncc. cci

.Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Rowe und o" M rs. Ed Lucke. nil Milwaukee. W ls., PC m id .Mr.i. Jack Jonia, Milford, In., wore reccn t vlsllors of Mr. a n d ’M rs. Pc: L, M . H udion. foi

Hearing Held'at K, Jerome in Death foi

JEROME. Nov. hcarliiE for Rny 81ms. Chico. Callf,, on B chnnte of involuntary m an- s laugh te r in the traffic death of r n n ,^TuTO cr was held a t1 30 p. m. Wcdne.vlay In Judae W ll-Jiuin ComMockV. probut/; court

T he jucign jnui he would study th n tran sc r ip t and wlll give hK de- cUJon in th e cnse a t 2 p. m. M on-

M rs. L aT um er died Nov. 1, She wu?i In jured in n colll.'.lon between ntitom obllcs driven by 81ms nnd Mra. R, O . Frecmnn. Jerome, six

n o r th of here on U, a. highway I

• Juvenile Grangers Name ’49 Officers

i ,;™ ™ ".';;:O ther o f- '

V Pelcr.ion, stcw ord: i

i S y '2 ’-'

B(Uy, F lora ; Carol Peterson. Ceres.^ id Jo a n Johnston , Pomona.

TK«r«w»i«yo»i9l.JyffomLy~. ^* WKe«<>to«lc«l>;>Kin

Tk«l .h .n lh . «.uy«d, T® dfixl Umo"4j»

/ S»»< ll:pf>»d thm lU «nj f , | h . ,

O l Sboabons N. P h o s i 3788Twin,FaIla


Irrigation E

e>b- j E S m w .


nsles I S I ' *


^ I rr lra tto n erosion oucb a t U pleton y e a r en M oflc Valley farm t, aeeordli

'* c a tio n eroalon a t lho low er end a t » Fletn red a t the upper r i t h t li an Irr

£ ’ over-lrrlca tlon of a bean field in Tnlr ,g field . (Soil c o n ierra tlo n serrlee phoi e. # If M *

r- Soil Erosion inu

E Control PlUt H A im V ARNOLD Ic

ir •'W hen you r.ce outcroppings of i>r•- w hite sub-.wll In fields, w ater wl?f d itches und your fuvorltc fUhlng lo

.^tr(■ltm full of silt and m uddy w ater, acU nnd layers of s lit deposited a t Uie ir;Is low er end of a field, th e n you are i(

Aeelng a t J lrst hand som e of Mnglc ly’- Volley's n w l productive top f.oll fii if bclMK carried down to Uie Snakeir r iver nnd beyond our m c forever," Ims. T liu t sU itement wo* m ade W ed- Ai

ne.iduy by LuUier Jo n w . soil conser- Imviitloii service d is tric t su p e n lto r . In edcom m cnilng upon th e th re a t of wa- byter a n d wind erosion to M nglc Vnlley offnrm s, BoUi conditions ore found In be

\ Moglc Valley—w ater eroMon on Ir- nnp rlgated lnnd nnd wind ero.sion on ■«' .g dry land.

T h e problem U n o t u conditionIj noted Mono by governm ent experti J*® J, In a ll parts of lhe naUon. Jones .lald... b u t Is one of IncrenslnB cocKcm to

fiim iers. Hc quoted a pioneer farm er ,p on Uin Twin Fiills tr a c t ju; saying, "I I. can show you IrrlKiitlon d itches four •t fee t lilRhcr Uian Uie fields on either

,Mde which a t Uie t im e ’Uiry were Q con-ntructed year.t ngo were level ij wlUj the ground.”IP O n the (Ither cjiircm c. th e distric t qiinUtt thl;; clu.vilc (J rem ark by nn On-gon fiirm er. "Well.,r young romi. you c nn 't te ll mo any- 5, Uilng about form ing; m o and my;r bojrt Imvn w om out th rco of them ." bei

T urn ing to conservation surveys (itie In .Miigle Valley. Jonea ll.vted Kj,P figures ns showing the uffcct of ero- nillc ilo n In UlU men; n jr, Jerom o county: Blxty-fovir per Ui

c cn t of Uie agriculiurnl lnnd iia s lost nn tl one -th ird of the orlKlnal top .■soil. 33

p er ccn t lias between one-foiirUi coiund thrce-fourtlLs, and ab o u t Uiree re'pe r c e n t has more th a n th ree- ngfou rth s. pn

T w ill Fulls cotm ty: E leh ty-four iKper ce,nt liu,s l(<st oiie-fourU i of tho st4ilop noli nnd 16 per c cn t hn.s lost flubetw een o n e -fo u rth and Uirce- ori

I fou rth s . On 1.2M ncre.\ on e ight tej, fnrnw In Uils county, CO pe r cent has i

lo st one-fourth and 40 pe r ccn t has ed; lost between one-fourth a n d Uiree- pc: fo u rth s of the top soil. m«

I O n a s ta le ba.-iU, th e problem Is no stn

[ l o o k i T; NOW


N e w E Q t: 5F‘ i s s 2 » in c h: LAVATORY

-H . C. I .IT T I.E ”


A u to -

m a tie

$ 2 7 9 . 9 5 ^ ^ ^ "

73.000 B-T,U. Ample slzo for a av't la rge 5-room home. Now: F u r- eco nace h eat w ithout P u m ac c cost, opt T h is om arlng sim ple u n it is In ­sta lled directly In Uie noo r. Come In ond see Its m any dUUnct fea tures.

R o b t , E .420 J U I N A V E . S O U T H

25, 1948

Erosion Guts Pres

IctBrtd here m a l U In 1»m e f a Uyer ef eordlni to federa l aoll eonserrsUon aerTlc of a field n e a r D le trleh , w here the w ait n Irrtia tlon-eroded field In Jerom e eosnl Twin Falls county, ih o w ln r lil t b e in t de pholos-ilarr e n fra v ln til

¥ ¥ * *

in Magic Valley! Problems, SCS

le u serious. Jone .i stated. A ctual soli al 3f and w ater lovj m eoaurem enla mado si : r wlihln rccen t ye a rs show a top Mil Ir Ig lovi ns high an 200 tons o f soil per ft r. acre nnd m ore. An>-where there U >e IrrlgaUon, h e w arned , there la ert>- tr •e fion. the om oun t depending upon the u Ic lyiie of soil a n d the slope of the xi '11 field. f,X Kuilonally. th e picture U a larm - n

Ing, the con/iervatlonlst emphasised.1- An c.siimotcd 200.000,000 acres of i„ •- Und 111 thl.i c o u n try have b « n ruin- n ed enUrely or severely ImpoverUhcd I- by craUon. S om e 60.000,000 acres ■y of strictly ng rlcu ltu ro l land hnve " n been destroyed beyond fu rth e r iLie ,. nnrt ano ther 50,000,000 ocrcs of crop “ j n land are npp roachlng th a t condition.

Jones po in ted o u t there Is a wide !" n vnrlntlon of soil nnd slope condl-

Uons In Mnglc Vnllcy w hich makes ll ImperaUvo fo r farm ers to rtcog-

0 nlie those v a ria tio n s ond trea t them *'> accordingly. D uring the war ihLs bi practice was ca lled th e selecllve m

. scrvice of lands. T h e global conflict P«U over, hc sa id , b u l Jhe w ar agoinst alerosion con tinues, I ec

.. To show Ih o t I t Is possible to con- ••'1'serve .soil, th e con.scrvatlonlat d ie d cann Incident In w hich SCS engineers ar

'• helped a Je ro m e counly farm er. The® cnclnecr suggested relocnUon of a er’• certain d llch to m nke u ic ol wn,sie nt* wuier from a ne ighbor's fan n . rc >■ A lthough th e farm er objected —

because hU co rrugalloas would be* filled by th o In rae nm ount of silt in ' lhe neighbor's wa.%te w ater, he fln-* nlly decided to reloenle his dllch.

He InsU lled a s e ttlin g bn.iln to catchr the silt from th o neighbor's farmt und Is sp reo d ln s I t on hU own farm.3 T urn ing to w h n t has been dotie to1 combat soil e rc»lon. Jones briefly B reviewed Uie hL^tor>- of Kovemment- nRencles h a n d lin g Uie cenlurj'-old

problem. F i rs t fede ra l ocUon came Inr 1020 w hen 11 soil ero.tlon experiment B staUons were csLnbUthed. From ihelr t findings th e so il erosion service was- organised In th e departm ent ot In- t terlor In 1033.» In 1933 congrc.wlonal acUon creat- J ed the soil conservntlo:i .scrvice ns n

perm anent agency In Uie depart­m ent ot a g ricu ltu re . I t provided for

0 state leg isla tu res to enact bw s to I

S e e w h a t IW A T LO W ER P R i d

You Can Have Those


necessary pl;

^ to"*!



n>r 5 Room 2 CHome— holeONLY . . . U r ,

$434.00 m P a70,000 B,T.U. 'W in heo t the average 6-room hom e, easily and economically. Q u ie t, efficient lo operate.

ftlso fe a tu re : CHRYSLER COAL FU RNA CES AND }T ^

S T O K E R S ^

L e e S a l t

•esent, Futine Mag

r e f soil an Inch deep or more eaeb Ierrlee cxtlm ates. Shown above Is Irr l- Iw iite d llch h o i been tilled v l th alll IconnJy. Show n a t lower r i jh t U th e It depotlled a t th e lower end of (he I

* W « « I

y Presents 3 Official Says11 allow fan n e rs to organize soil c o n - I10 servntlon dl.strlets nnd request he lp I11 In conscrvnUon problenus. All b u l a I ;r tew sla te s have pos.«d such laws, B

Iduho passed o con.servaUon d ls - i tr lc l law In 1030 and since th a t tUne B

'« th ree d is tric ts have been form ed In I Mnglc Valley. TJie Wood river d ls - ■ tr lc t Includes p n ru ot L incoln a n d “

'* Ooodlng countle.-!, the n o r th s ide cmbrnce.s p a r u o t Jerom e and Oood-

’* Ing counile.\ nnd a th ird dU trlct 'T woa formed In Ooodlng county. f‘

Jones explained these d istric ts nre ■ n sub-dlvLslon of the stnte govern- f ® m rn t and ore directed by a. govern-

Ing body o t tlve re.sldent.i o f th e arcn ' atfectcd. FormnUon of the distric t;: “• j m ust bc volcd by the m ajority o f ih c _ . landow ners and pnrilclp.itlon U vol-

u n ia o ’. h r added.T lie SCS provides techiilca! uwJ.-il-

n nnce lo farm ers In the dlstrlcUs In L, helping Uicm apply conservuUon (. meUiods to prevent fu rther lo js o f ;l producUve Jiolls, T he agcncy cooptr- ,t a les w ith th e exleiiilon scrvice nnd

\ eounty ugent.i In developing cxtcn- . .slon dem onstraU on plaiLs to .show d con.sen,-ntlon pracUces tor pa rticu la r s area.i,e In two forthcom ing iirilclc.s, wind a eroBlon, con.-.crvutlon pruetlcr.'i uml e new conservation devices wlll be de­

scribed,d .. „ I ___




Low Prices Every Day




t y o u g e t !CES


$ 1 9 3 . 0 0

hese th ree m odem styled plece.i. jmplcle w ith fnuce ts and Uill pipes,

A P e rfe c t Christmaa


REFRIGERATOR2 ^ b l c foot F reezing locker will hold up to 70 lbs, Froren foods.Lorge m o is t control com part­m ent. 2 aeporiite cold controls.No covered d ishes; no detrosUng. lA at sh ipm en t thU year Juat In. p e Ideol C h rU tm as gift to r the family a n d hom e.

C adllU c V p rifh lV A C U U SI

l - o n ly : e u a ran te ed : complete with a ll « tt* c h m e n ts S 5 5 . 0 0

l e s C o .




agic Valley Fai-m F


d ---------------------------------------------------------c NOMINATED FOR QL'p;N I\ UNIVHRSIT^ OF IDAHO. Mm-'

cow. Nov. 35—Ja n rt Love. Buhl, hus t._ tjccn nominated by her sorority, Pi tl. Beta Pt, a.s one ot the canJUlaivs | i'. for Holly week quern. The iinntiul v. ivcnt Is bcliiR iiponiored by Uie ii

J. !oi>hoiiioro cluij. I cR — ' _

J ' A

■ I

w4 \ ' l l

I i ^

- ®

** i f e . J


I Production F

I I'A STGU'S W IFE VISITS s-l HAILITY, Nov. 2 5 -M rs . Leo Dar-

ton. wltc of tt proipectlvc poitor tor [’i . t h e Hallcy Com m unlly BapUst L'S; ehurch, h a s been vl.ilthig here, Sne I'l a guest n t the ArUiur Berry le luiini' nnd wan en terta ined by other

I church m em bers during her stay.

f /

II inliP' *

ThanksL o rd God, wo give T h

H um lily , in our sim p l

F o r a ll iJic gracious gi

. H a s t deigned so richly

F o r l i f e — fo r every p

F o r this, Tliy w orld , ar

W c givo Tlicc thanka,

l l i c green beneficence

TIjc k indliness of rain ,

O f fipringtime from a I

T h e earth lhal bea rs tl;

In grnlilude fo r T hy 3\

W c tliaiik Tliec, L ord,

F o r courage, wise and

F o r all Uic laugh ter am

T m old tlic pattern >

F o r Irulli and tru st anc

F o r fa i t l i th a t lets u s le

f W o givo Tlice thanks f

F o r feel to tread T h y p

, F o r hands to touch, anc

TJiy nam e in every love

F o r friendsh ip w ith oui

B ul m ostly fo r T hy lov

I DAHOl£ ! & c : t i a u ! ( l / - O o t i S o

Pastor at Filer , Talks for Third I Of Local Events JI An address o n “Experim enU l Th<I Fa ith " was delivered T uesday eve- theI nlng by the Rev. J . O. W ilfred , pos- fpci•I to r o t IhB Filer M ethodU t chureh. —^ a t the third In tbo c u rre n t series o t P "I "family night" m eetings sponsoredI by the MeUiodlst M en 's clubs,I After the poUuck supper and so- ,

clal, w ith Edw ard W atte and hU I5 commltlee presiding in th e klWhen,I the program chairm an , K en t T o t-■ lock led group singing, accompanied J by Mrs. Tatloek a t th e p iano. Three F. pupils of Mrs. Eulft C onner present-• cd a short program o t Instrum enU l c music. F irst of th c lr num bers was a I pUno trio by P a tric ia Bell, Shirley

KestUr and Mra. Conner. T hen tol-• lowed two trio num bero ployed by

Shirley K «U er, flu te ; E la ine T hom - I• as. violin, and P a tric ia Bell. vloUn,

\ ~ | --------------------Are y o u RUi

I inJoy aaI active f i f e r ^I wM theI SPORTSMAN ^I TRUSS 1I (ll lOrlI »wkt( 1I • Sl*«l trvu waor.ri . . . l> IC r«linllon s>lrh r*ol comforl. T>i* Sp.I Of mdat port! to govs* or plncK ThI port I. n>xlbl«. Y•^ end il CAH7 SII pod romatni (Ix d h Iti poiiilon. .I mov.. »ltfi rh. body. Th« Sperttmoa lien for all r*du<lbl*lngvln«IS«mIoB w«taelHfy,oct[v««perlifl»d»v»r>

3 C e n s ld ir l i i i i i ( i i t■ • SdentiliuIIy Deiipid • R ® for Self'Fltlinj a 11

• Maximum ProlecUon Ke Parsoaol Flttloa

3* l*y Over CoDolfr Fen

PERRINE PH>^ P errine Hotel

<lTaM C r ^ * r -■ i - o - '

/I 'T)

:sgivinga Thee thanks ihis Uay,mple way, yus gifts which Thouc h ly to e n d o w —

ry passing minute —d, and all tilings in it!

nka, dear Lord, for these — nco of Irees, rain, tlie birtlin a barren earth — 'rs the bread •wo breakl y 3\vecl sa k e . ;

ord, for healing song, and tall and slrong;r and llie leara / jcm of our years; A; and constancy, ^is lenn on Thee! ^

iks for ears to hear, ^hy pathways here, ^ , and lips to sing lovely thing —1 our fellow men — 1' love. I

A m e n i 7

¥ P O W E R^ M U C H - C o s t s S o U T T L E I

P A G E N IN E T E E N ’

accom panied by Uni. C m « r.FoUowlns th e H er. K r; WUfred'*

address th e group sa o s too ther song. A p ray e r by th e Rev. Albert

S T he lln a l m eeting o t th e oertea will be held a t 7:30 p. m. Tuesday,

ll The Rev. D onald 'Wnlker, pastor of !• the Jerom e M ethodist church, will J. speak on “ Holiness." • ' '

J P T o r d Ti Moving & DeUveryn, ^ ■I- S e r v i c e

Local o ad L o o r DUtanee M orlng a n d I la n l ls f

P h o n e 2277 T w in Fans

E O D r > t e a n b f e b aV r w K I ^ BTORAOK COn, ___ _________ ^

t-dftmMfMdHtir. ' y n i l>»rierll<ii«rU(«nd.d. SlniUSlTll

th rh .........................}teJ«Ksw It ll poiilbU lo Q*t moalmvm . !}>• SportwTion hot no il*«l bonds plncK Th«u It nothing lo bind. Iv«iy CAH7 SUM Why! B.coum lho Inw •oUilon. whR* Iho •0(1, ptlobU trvM Sportimon pce«ld«i moalnvm ralan- 9l Samloa end won'l illp und*r itr>n- »d »v»rydoy itratchlng ond banding.• • i ie n t ld l fao ln ra s

• Real Comfort Without Fticliofl ;• 11 Is Uneondillorully

Cusnnleed 1M t K e n e -P v t Oo cmd !Fcrget Ym t Rsptvrtl

>HARMACYHotel C o rn e r


■ I

: R ^ '


Page 20: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Speaker Says Farm People [~ Gone in U.S^

••Whot W en t WronB In Clvlll**- tlon" WM th e lu b jtc l of a lecture ^ by Dr. Drowne « t the hlKhuchool aiidltorium WetlneKlny n lsh t n^ th e second nroitram on the cur- ^ re n t T o w Holl seriw. g

•T he Bchlevcmfni of our clvlllra* H tlon now ts th a l ve can produrn H Iteina In abundonce." he Mid, "We H tnke food to r Rranted. but before H th e Bdrent of machinery mnny peo- H pie w ent to bed hungry." ■

No Kami Propte ■Brou’n e m aintained lh a l there w ,

arc no asrtcultura l people left In fle.sterii cJvlllMtlon and no rural peolp left In InduitrlallK d Inruls.

•n u .1 Is u ne-A' kind of clvlllm ti'.n, a miiclilne ngf. he Mild. "Mncliltiery mennn energy — tlie poi»rr to co thlni'A and utomlc '•nrruy iJi m e climax." he eold.

"Wc llvr In a new ace bul v.e try Io liitnk In terms of the old ^ pgt.- he decloretl. ’'Wc are alR-ay» ~ jav ln s oiir money for a rainy day and 05 ft coiueniirncr «e nre Ilv- ;n s a continual d rlid r."

F.»«reaiel; T hrifty =Dr. Drott-ne made lhe^e o t» cn 'a -

iJoiu. th a t Tw in FalU m u il be an extremely tlirlfty communlly. •'rw in K jlb l r:ivlne Its w ealth. judKlii.’ from 111' lock* rf lhe hlsli #eht>:i «nrt tlie curtains." he re-ni«rkert.

•m e uld order ot dlvltlins upper and lower cliia.\es ha.\ ch an te d , he .•aid. •'AI UUC time the •*ealthy mai»

Ihr m>!fcr clai) nflUlfd only lo Ml on his biicksroimd nnd tw iddle lila title." he !idded. “

Deniocrney b the f irs t complete arlilevcm eni of Uie m odern ase. und m aaj cducallon wo* also made p(i?Albte by the miichlnc Age. nc .■Mated. T liree ihlnns th n l ihl* aso hn.i brouBhl about are liberty, equal­ity ond frawrnltj^.

CUcses Eqttallaed "Wo havo cqunjlzfd th e clawca

in ihoiiRhW. cldUilnB nnd mnnner.'." JJrowre .'a id. "Al one tlm o the poor comfortcd Uinnselve.^ by saylne.■TliU U our lol, and the re la a lot of It,'-'

H e w ent on to »Ay th a t thl* U th e mo*i charlU ble, jenerou* and brotherly generation of people the world haji ever IcnowTT. "W e have be- L-come RO enlightened In th is age th a t _____we recogtUio cruelty aa Inhuman," he said. O 1V

••Wa have {aUed to use th e m a- £i chlnery adefiuately nnd th a t wns » h a t w ent WTonu w ith clvlllrivllon." hc (lcPlare<1. "We do no l throw awny Uilns* of the p a tt and th a t is our BU trouble. We will no l accept the ne«r. and 1 O ur mlnd.1 a re like Junk-fllled a t- cen t t i c . -

n«hln(l In T h ln k ln f chargBrowne ndded th a l w» have n o t \JJmm

MioURhl an ta r t an thine* havn of iwl changed nnd we hnvo n o l kepi up ou l tl w ith th e m achinery. A |.

"W r havft energy b u t the energy for r Is n e t employed constructively,” h e tim e wild In eoncliLMon. " rnduslrla t paid revolution dffterve* a paychojoflcal E rb. i revolution- W t m u n utream llne o u r B*y ' m inds to keep up w ith lhe m achin- Tw ery." ■ B h w

DrowTie tt-an Introduced by H ugh pald Phlillpa, p resident of th e Rotnry c lub. Ma

T hp l e j t of hla lecture wn.' taken *«lult from h it book "W hat W ent Wrong.'* 5 5 = H e Is also the aiiihor of 'T h la Be- lleving W orld," "See W hat I M ean" and o the r b est sellera.

A t Ease on ftUg*Afl a lecturer he woa completely

At ease on th e stage and nddrejsed th e nudlereo an Informally n* though th iy were th# people nex tdOOT-

Dr. Browne la a p le a ia n t chanqe from the dow n# of speakers who alouily m ain ta in from th e lecturc p ln ifonn th a t th# world U currently Eolng to th e dogs. His optimism is bo th r rf re a h ln i and eneouraglnR.


W lnfleld H u rs t have received word of o g ran d d iu g h le r born to Mr. nnd Mr.i. Lee H urs t. Logan. U tnh. Mrs.H urs t Is th e fonner u u h n a s tock ­ings. d a u ih t* r of Mr. and M n , Bur- d e tt e tock lncs. Vi««.

One CaughtDECLO. Nov. : 8- A l least one

^ taglc Valley residen t w as among the hundradB of persons whose travel* war* delayed by th e recenl sto rm In th e midwest.

Lols P lsher. Declo. was re tu rn - ins from a tr ip easl w hen Uie bu.« a h ; WM riding waa stolled In the sto rm n#ar G rand I«land. Nebr.51ie and o the r passenger# were tian sferrad to the iro ln . to con- Unue Uielr trip to Cheyenne.Wyo.

MlM r u h e r . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. n . P. r ishe r. Declo. had openl two m onths In the e ss i w here she visited m any historic placea.


H e a r i n g

S e r v i c eFRIDAY, NOV 26

1 to 5 P. M.' T h is Office will be dosed M -

d ay . Dec. 3rd. M r. a n d Mrs.T au g h t will be a ttend ing a Honotone Convention in Ean r ra n c ls c a

Sonotone of Twin Falls

l2 6 V i Main A re . S.' IV Id FaUs, Idaho

1 John C. F a u jh t , M gr.Phone 2581-M

1 .



A F ly


2 Men Fined $25 By Judge in Buhl S™

B u i r u Nov. :5 - T bo flncM of »3S celvirnnd M ccrtta lopped the lis t of r e - ____c e n t levies by Judge A. J . Amos.

H orace rre n ch pold ono on a charge of disturbing th e pence.Jim m y Coiinerly. flnec^ on chnrKcs of ii.tlnR ob.'cene language. Is serving oul tho o lher In lieu of paym ent.

' A U fine was assessed Ju n io r Bleco for running a stop sign a n d w e r - tim e parking fines of t l each wern paid by Oliver Mnr.«den. L eonard E rb. O. E. Caskey. W, T . A tk ins end B ay Wllklnnon (3).

Two trans len ti. Roger Been and S ho rty U ttle . bo th Owyhee, Nev., pa id fines for dnm kennesi.

M ay rile.i Uke no food In th e t i , a d u lt stage. L - _ ill time doors open fc your Christn

d r e s s e sREDUCED U P TO ..........Chw^.e from drcscy and tallore type.i In a wide v .irlply of fnbrlc su e s 0 to 15 — 10 to 30 - 18' lo 34' j — In new fall nnri wlntf Blylfs.

s u i t s . . . .REDUCED U P TO

4 0 %New fall and w in te r niill.i—In varied fabrics.

n e w fa l l

m i l l i n e r yFormerly Forn ierly Fonnf

Ifl 5.9S lo 8.SS ia 10.

$ 3 $ 5


ly in the Ointmeni

r T H i a 16 A U N T '\ MATHILTA SHE'SG 0 i ^ J G W l t H U 5

OK OUR. •QaT E . ^


-enarrur.a nnd t'lvo Mini. V ictor nnri Mr.n,Donnld, urc .■'iienriliii: th is w ork In le r nSnlt Lnke Clly where Doii;<l[I is re- Callfcelving medical trea tm en t. Howi


A flS U R ia vou SA FE DRIVI]




Third and fihoshane Kt. S ooth

:ime for yottr Chri.'itnina ShoppioR ;n for better Rolcction. nnd s;»vo on is tm a s g ifts!

I b

± I / ^«lIored ■ / nbrlcs. / W~ I8>, / A . PRICEw inter


coats.... ^REDUCED UP TO

2 5 % •SpeeUl group ot fall nnd Y winter coat.s.

..............REDUCED UP TO

onBrrly ^ M f ^ . 0 0 0

M 2 P R IC E ______^

_______________________________ f;





m t uT_________________ _____ ^_JEj------ ---------------------------------- ^

%>■J / 6 <»v.'Vir-


Mr.n, Den McCnmn.i and baby riaugh- icr nnri Carl DodUoiri, Sacriunento,Callf.. vlslled with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnes.


)AY FOR A 3 C K -U P


rh o n e nit— — —

pinK — bo h(*rc w h c n th « o n y o u r W in te r i i c f d s —


K e w f a l l s ty lo s f /— b r o k e n lot.-i

skirtsREnUCr.D I T TO

C o lo rfu l p la id h 1 A — l im ite d V 2q u a n t i t i e s .

wash frocksREDUCED VP TO

W aR h a b le fn b - J / b r ic s in c h e c k s , / i s tr ip o H a n d f lo ra ln .

purses• R E D U C E D ....

Special j r ro u p o ff n l l a n d w i n t e r t>*pes — c x c c l lc n t C h r i s t m a s g i f t a


J. S. Officials Co Fear Decade Of Tenseness w/A H i

W ASHINOTON. Nov. 24 WJO— h a d i Igh U nited s ta le s offlclols fear eould le world Is In for about 10 yeara were

In iernaU onaJ U nslon and Jitters, A f c an be s u t c d au thoritatively to- comr

»y. • th e eThey a re there fo re convinced th a t said reb irth o f w estem Europe's m ill- proct ry pow er, w ith American help, U ren t s e n tla l to o u r own na tional se- $3J 0 irliy. . A 1T h e n e x t congress will be asked to publl ■ovlde th la a id th rough a form of by fc Hilary lend-leaee to th e ffve weat- recee fl U nion na tio n s, according to ay rce In very close touch w ith plan- -------:ng on th e subject. drog

Recondition M ateriel AsHe sa id th e nex t defense budget th e n lit oon taJn fund# to recondlUon In E vne of th o IIB.000,000.000 or so In flela ill iu ry e qu ipm ent le fl over from Inclu rorld w ar I I . Bome of th is may go n ls t I Europe u n d e r th e a rm s program . Pore B u t th U source sa id tho hulk of V ur. u ropeaji n rm s a id m u st comc from Itrcn 1 a p p ro p r liU o n separa te from the rgular m lU t*ry budget. Ho Indl- Ued th a t n o specific do llar figure as y e t been discussed.High governm ent officials expect - drop Jn ependlng fo r th e Euro- f i

ean recovery program nexl year. » h is anvlng u expected to be de- oted to E uropean rearm am ent. /

Aid T erm ed Snecesa In th e op in ion of these offlclnls,

i e M a rsh a ll plan Li niiccecdlnK In ■ealem E urope beyond expectntloiih. lul they believe m lllla ry nlri eeded lo bolaier E uropean nailoa-. I g a in s t th o fea r of Invasion a n d ' snque jt. ITlil.i fenr. I t wa.n nald. lijielf n I

P e ^D O E

A .




Committee Urges I m ust

Thrifty Shopping —Foi^Goveminent

WASinNGTON. Nov. 35 <UJ9 — of U\ H oover commission ’‘task force" Uiue(la d estlm aU d today the go rem m en t - —:0Uld save tlMl.OOO.OOO a year if I t S f irere o nma>ler shopper. W

A supply committee's rep o r t to th e f t;omm laslon on reorganliatlon of SPhe executive b ra n d i of governm ent V flald a lfo Uial slmplled purchasing Mjrocedures would help reduce p re- g r;ent governm ent Inventories by B fI3jo0.000.000. M

A portion of th is report was made gf5ubllc aa the commission, headed | f5y form er Pre.ildent H erbert Hoover. Krecessed for Thanksgiving a fte r a. ffi

iro g on economic reco%-ery. &Aside from recenl economic gain*. »

there have txen o the r development* wIn Eiirope. th a t offer A m erican of* Aflclal# oome encouragem ent. T hese f finclude lhe re-b lrth of non-com m u- Wnlst labo r organlM llons and th e a p . ^p a re n t Ideological break between gsYuROfilnv M orihal TllO and tho Vkrem lin. m

" A Order your ®vJ Thanksgiving M

table (iccorations now. ®• A t priccs tha t will ^please you. f tPHONE 2674-J

E S I TA S M A S H I . W M A N U F A C 7



■ B h E m H d o u b l e d iM m B r e g u l a i

s h o r t s r i n g l e b r

W g B ^ U REGULAIB t t f f y . a H B (s in g l e b r



l o n g s .■ ■ ^ 9 0 8 TNOLE DR

-SINGLE DRSHORT ... s i n g l e b r SHORT ...


wo-day K islon . Th# commlaalon In a y« nust send to congreu b y Jan. 13 T h e ts recom m endations fo r stream* ch ase c Inlng th e gOTemm eat

Com m enting oo tbe wmala .and Kl lu p llo tio n In federal ptirchaalng. -DEC1 a r . H oover po ln tfd out th a t h a lf K idd 1 >f tho 3XMOAOO purchaM en ters D tah . i Mued by th e clTUUn ageDclw alone ter.

g ■ l/fTi? MUSH OH oom m PO oma wtNAVEg OHLY SMCPKT

i ^

III _________1 ^ : 1» __________________W fR B TEATURlf D O L L 2X All T y p e» S i r e a n d

inEluBH!i a s g i s i g i a s a a a i s a a a

Y ’S •


M E N ’S T O ’

) ALL 1

S U ]. . i P R I C E D y f A

- y

■ 2■ I U S T L I K E A C H R I S T O

C h o o rw F ro m T h i s O t i ta ta n d l

o f M e n 's F i n e S u i t s , B u l

S T A R T S F R I D A Y '

E BREASTED BLUEL A R S ...................................................................

E DREABTED BROWNL A R S ................... - .............................................

E BREASTED GRETL A R S ...................................................................

E BREASTED BLUET S ............................................................................

BREASTED BLUEL A R S .............. - ..................................................

; BREASTED BBOWKL A R S ...................................................................

: DREASTED GRETL A R S ...................................................................


Z BRSABTED BROMTfs ..................... .......................: BREASTED BLUET ............................- ...............................................

J BREASTED GRETT ..............................................................................

A L i S A V :


n a year a re for tlO o r less.-T h e paperw ork f e r a ttn i l« pur*

lhase costa m ore th a n •IO," b« aaid.

K ETUBN8 F B O M ^G D E N_DBCLO. -NOT 2S.T^-Mr«^ailb«rt-—— O dd h as r e tu rn e d f n m Ogden,J ta b . wher* abe visited h t r daugh*



^ r O T S T O T ^ J *

e and P riccs A


\ I NE







STMAS GIFTtandlng Group B ut H urry!

Y 9 A. M.

................ SIZES 36 TO 44

................ SIZES 36 TO 44

................ SIZES 37 TO 10

................ SIZES 36 TO -12

................ SIZES 37 TO 42

................ SIZES 36 TO 44

................ SIZES 35 TO 44

............... S IZES 37 TO 40 A

................ S IZES 38 TO 44

................ S IZES 38 TO 40

............... S IZES 38 TO 40


DAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1948

Page 21: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Draft Boards Fai —Rejectin^Big^

Sliare of MenW ASHINOTON, Nov. 25 (U.fO— ° o S f

D ra lt rejections ftveragcd 10 per cen t tor mont of the country dur* ^In i O ctober. It hnd been dUclosed today. Jl,

M»J.-O en. Lewla B. Hershey. ae- lecUve eervlco director, w ld Uiose c ^ m u

f t tigures were no t surprising. ij,.SelecU te service headquarters said Q „ n-

t h i t on th e basU of reports from .pric « s u t e s ond UrrltoriM. «.000 m en bu.,inc of d r a f t age appeared a t Induction ccuUvi fttaUone fo r examination In October, houn b u l 33.000 of these were rejected, and T h a t m eans th a t only 30 per een t O ranc of the available men were accepted T he for 31 monUw or army duly. th e bi

Double W ar I I Rate dlnnciT h a t b double the rejection ra-.e

of 33J p e r cen t for the entire W orld ,w ar I I d r a f t fo r the five-year period ^ cMrf in Aui.«.l, IWJ. ^

•T hoae e-'tlmates. and I liiivc no ,reo ion to doubt lhe lr accuracy, urc -nrf . no t surprlalng to me." Iler.^hey ^nld in an Interview . •They Indicate th a t _ _ the m en w ho were examined and re- | J f | Jected w ere, for tho pnrt, nUso rejected d u rln s the wnr," 1

O ldest Are F ln t H ershey pointed ou l th n l under r ’JL

m e p rese n t sy.item of culllnft men vblto i IB th ro u g h 23 yrnrs of »kc to build 'f ' I 'l' up th e peacetim e armj-. the oldest w o belnB callcd first. Vetcrnn.- a re durlnj exem pted even thnuph they fall in M*"- th e d r a f t aKe cntcsories. spend:

•"When you call up a mnn for In- dueUon w ho l.i under 28 bu i over 21 'Vlilln years of a se . the chantc-i are lhat he waa cn!led up for eer\-lcc during “^ d J tho w ar nnd alflo rejeetrd Uim," Idaho

. . t h e d m f t direc tor snld. 'T h e r r j r r - holWa p t i o n ra t« b liable to bc lilnliur thnn Mf-

It WM (liu-lnK the wnr t)ccnujie ilu- ^arm y'* Btandnrds are more .Mrlcily applied, and becnuse we <lo no l cx- pect to havo our manpower pool r r ^ . B tablllrcd u n til we get down to ilie younger m en." Mr.i. :

D fclinf* GufiB HcT.ihey declined to linznnl a ch'lUlri

guess a t th e over-al! rejection rn ir pnri-nt fo r th la peacetim e draft, bu l snld sm ith th a t ••when th is leveLi off. It wlil j ^ r l bo consldem bly leas than the prea- *ttiden e n t 70 p e r cen t." M r nr

O ne o f th e reiu-«nn for the hluh EJiei rejection raK Is thn t conKrcM, In a t Cnl revlvlnB selective service, demnnded s u t e ■ h igher jtraden from Induclers talcing th e armj^'s Reneml cln*sltlcntlon j i test. T o pa.«, a potentlnl .loMlrr L i l O muot Rm de 70 on an exnm coi'erliiK rr\ 150 questlon.i to be ntviwrml in I ] te « th n n an hour. During th r v,nr. h e wa* In Uie arm y If he scored 50, .

— _ h e r o

Filer Reports on Trips and Visits aiSit,

PTLER. Nov. 25 -M r. anti Mrs. O. ^B. Van Wlnlclo and Eva Jeiin H unt- <«■ have so n e to Nrw Mexico.

M r. a n d Mr.'<- no b c n n rnn lon “ • are upcndlns iJir n t Losan. mnde U tah. mcnW

^ Elsie Allan. Niimpa. I.i vl;.llinB h e r b ro lh er, H an 'ey Allan. READ

M r. a n d M rs. Jam es D. Olbb, _ C am bridge. In., are s p r n d l n f j ThankSBlvlng dny n t the R. V. OlIcK •*»' home.

Mrs. Rex Klmmel. who hn.i bern a IEuc.ll of he r moiher. .Mr.-, M nrric fM usaer. nnd uunt. Mm, M illie O raybin . will leave Friday for her hom e In Sulem. Ore.. nccompanJed need by h e r m o th e r who will .i[x;nd m e w in ter w ith her. Her aunt will ko n.1 fa r n.i Pendleton, Ore,, wlirre fhe will visit her daushter, .Mrs, I 1 K Or%-aI P eterson . I

T lie lo u r principal nu t crops th n t I American.'! cn l nre nimoncls. IllberLi,' ^ walnul.1. and pecans. i

Remember Th

ONE p r e s e :Would Enjoy Re


A fun-*iia I r t i iH r l Mb«t »o com potl If f « l d i l

See o u r Oiu-AliaM Today! See how sh irts b rc e ie th r o u f

cn tfid f itc v e - jite ro ll. See b o w itll ■ntom ag icn ily a t th e to u c h o f a *sog!

jl Ml .THI NIW mOR AUTOMAOIC Ws«« N W l . Hivm, darnp^rr tlortxi autemofllgi DWrM»l>«r ta IH Sm W ltnl« 11 ORti«.

BUY IT NOW 01 ________ LAY-A-WAY P


Fairview Grange Ru! -Chooses Officers- _Yi

At Dinner Affair waPA IRV IEW . Nov. a j-N e w officers 5.“

.ave been choaen by the Palrvlew 3range. M aster U W ynn Ttiompson. ^

O th e r officers are Don Hlgbee. ov- rsee r: George Atktn*. steward: R. ''!>«« >i :. M ajor, a sslsU n t oleward: Glailys la Jo r . lady BMlstiint stew ard; V er. “ 'VJ ° la H ard ing , chap la in : Elvln Noh. rea su re r: Ada Baty. secretarj-;:he.itcr Noh. B“ tekeeper; Ella Kud- 1C, lec tu re r: C harlattn W avra. V "* ’ :eres: D ella Lindsey, Pomona: M ar- orle W ood, F lora; F tank Atkins. u.ilnei.1 a sen t; Chuxles Latham, ex- cuUvc com m lttecm an; Letfle Cal- loun. home economies chslrm sn, n d Shirley K aercher, Juvenile I Jran g e chairm an. -

T h e new officials were chosen a t z h e group 's annual Idaho producti «• llnner recently. At the meeting th ird ■ .nd fo u rlh degree.i were conferred ipon M r. nnd Mrs. Henry Wavra.J r . a n d Mrs. E dw ard Wood nnd Mr.,nd M m. C. A. Lindsey. ;

Accepted fl.i members by transfe r i'cre M r. and Mrs, Albert Klelnkopf " m d M r. and Mrs. A rthur Bell.

Holiday Guests, - Jaunts Reported

F IL E R , Nov. 25 — A num ber of .'bltorr. ore spending ThanluHlvinc n r i l e r whlie some Flier realdenls ire vlBltlng friends and relatives luring tho holiday.

Mr. ond Mrs. E. A. Beem nre pendlnit Thnnk.iglvlng n t the home if th r l r dauRhter. Mrs. Leonnrd Vlillnms. Nnmpa.

Mnr>^ D eKlotf, G . F. DeKIoU, jr.. n d Roger V incent. University of dah o &ludent.i. nre home for tne lollday.

Mr. nnrt Mr.v Roy Reiser nncl iiby n iul 'Mr. und Mrs. F rank Snur- ;ff und fajnlly. Pocatello, nre jpend- nc T hnnksglvlng w llh Mr. and Mrs.'re d K nnpp and family.T h a Rev. Jam cs W. Bro*-n and

Ir.l. Brown drove lo Pocnteilo to pend TlianksRlvlnK wllh friends.

Mr. nnt! Mr.i. V. D. Onrber und h lltlren , Snndixilnt, nre vJslllnc her nn-ntfl. Mr. and Mrs. O llbert imlth.

Enrl Pond, Idaho State college Itidenl. Is home w ith hla parents,Ir. nnd Mrs. A. E. Pond.Ellen Rue Joslin . Collfige of Itluho

I Cnldwell, and D ean Joslin, Iduho ta te coliege, a ra home.

! loyds Loses on Trip Cancellation

LONEX>N, Nov. 25 (U.R>-A m em - ,c r of Lioyd.-? U nderw riters raJd „ icre cancellation of the B ritish ayal to u r of A u.itralla would cost iir com pnny 51,000,000.O ne firm m gnged to publish nnd

Istrlbu ic Uie official booklet of the Dur took ou l JIDO.OOO In Insurance,•hlle o th e r larjre policies were taken u l by n m anufacturer of buntlnc. nd an A uslrnllan newspaper which inde rxterwlvc ndvnnce a rran se - lenW to cover the lour,

j :a d t l m e s -n e \ v s w a n t a d s .

Bcc Line Truck Rental

U - D R I V EV arious type trucks for nil your tll•(^dR — Drive ll yourself. Have M oney, Rates Rea-ionabis — No B ond Rrfiulrcd.

TRUCKS for RENTBlakc Bros. Mobil Scrvicc

5 Po in ts East Phone H73


J B l J C ^ J L Woman



with tha


V g l a d ir o n “

U nute Sbir! Demonstration i r o u g b th e G la d tro n 's pa t-

‘tU i r o n io g c an b e dooe

■ in g le k n e e c o n t r o l

WA5HIK IN AaiON I MOjeoIjy. Sm how It ain«rf> to oORti to h m V*fO « « h .n U ONR

ON OURirPLA N_________

^ s m \ \ 2


Rules Revised for I and <

-Yuletide Packages 3W ABHINOTON. Nov, 33 tU PJ-T hc -Clolci

ommerce deparunen t haa revised to asis regu la tions on overseas g ift p a r - m a tela to speed C hrW m as aW pmenis. Th<I t elim inated tho requirem ent fo r viewe

peclflc export licenses for nhlp- wheUle n u by grocen, departm enl stores an in nd oUier commercial g ift shlppera.U nder th e new rules, effective a t ,•

nee, shlppera m ust aupply a lis tf senders and foreign addressees. OAihis will enable the departm en t to wns Ihecjc and make cerU ln th a t th o Jack

HS 0 ?l O C

_ Here A“ LcnkV Autom aticB L O T O R C H

Smnll size. rig h t fo r t l

Z ....................................

2 Cell r u s t ic I

FLASH L IG H TCornpleio w ith bivllcrle.i. As- nr Mri4*d colors.Now—Only ................... ne


For car.-.—trucks. Ideal for day o r n ight d riv ins—


STEP LADDERS, nil sizes , IRbNING BOARDS, 2 onl


17 inches long— Blue Gn PLASTIC BATHROOM FI!

Assorted Colors. Towel X CASSEROLE FRAMES. CI


H A N D d r i l l :No. 2EOO No.

$ 1 . 3 9 i $ 1 .

Wood BorInK

BIT SETSBlx filua in Set t Eleven Rise

$ 2 .9 S I $ 4 .,


I , 1 O n ly t


Automatic control valves; 4 charRc: durable: dependable. SPECIAL AT O N L Y ..............

“ M240 Addison Avenue

TIMES-NEWS, TWIN Ilifts reach bona-fide duU naU ons m d do n o t go in to European black f Q J narkeu .

T ho revised regulaU ons allow onlyme shipm ent a week to any one r e - _____:lflltnL nut-ai>-<ndWdxnU m ay sYiia' BUI0 as many reciplenU a t he wishes mor *1 n a single gift sh ipm ent. a trip

T h e new regula tions will be r t* Canui 'iewed on Jan . 15 to determ ine Uirec vhcther they shou ld bc adopted for Mr. in inrtcrinlte period . and ^

___________________ Mrs. ^nA U GH TER DORN

O A K tr \ '. Mov. 23 - A daughter Mrji ,-ns bora Sundoo' to Mr. and M n . from . ack n is e r a t , th e Oakley hospital, derwe;


h i s in a K c n u in c , o ld fa a l i io n e d c lie . . . e v e r y i t e m m a r k e d d o w n n; s c d . . . n il f i r s t c las.s m e rc h a n d i s e .

n Addition to Our Red Taj Discount on Every

> In.’.ure every cuslom rr thn l makes a pur •- reduction on eveo 'th lng no t covered b

A?-e Only A Puit i c

H Vr t h e h o m e N o . 30 S izeZ.19 $12-95

2 Rfls O nly—Blpycle _ _ NalG enerator Sets r

Com plrte w llh Kcncrntor, hend * nnd la tl light, w ire, clamps and ' con- 6 2 A C nectlon* _______ Exti

F irestone Federal


Clo.iing o u t our enU rt ms to c k -29cNo H tr w nn


M & H O U S E W iIzcs ■{ l o 12 f e e t .......................................

o n l y ...................................................................) t R e m o v e r , $ 1 .0 0 a lze o t R e m o v e r . 2 9 c H ire .,’A N S , W h i t e E n a m e l , R e d T r i m ......iv c Y o u r F e n d e r s ) e E n n m c l, L o rR C S i z e ........................

O p e n S t y l e , ■with R a c k , O v a l S h a pG r a n i t e ............................................................F I X T U R E S ,

e l R a ck .s , S o n p D L shcs. e (c . ..............i. C h r o m e , w i t h M e la l H u n d l c s .........

■T recii


I ’ _ A s s o r te d . l i z e s -

j2£. $1.69N e w “ V crd -

LIGHl4 A t k t o ^Viitt,

C h o ice — e a c h ....


ly 1 2 2 5 ‘'S l o v t r "

1 S O F T E N E Rj ; 4 0 ,0 0 0 g r a i n u n i t : e a s y to r$169.5<

LE_J»Aue W e s t

i ' o l k s R e p o r t o n

E v e n t s f o r B u h lBUIIL. Nov. 05—M r. and Mrs. Sel- o r T liom pson h av e re lum ed from tr ip lltrough S ou th D akota und

anuda w here th e y spen t about ‘ iree weekn v is iting relatives. Mr;Mr. and M rs. L ynn Brown. Mr. «on. id Mrs. Leon Bro^k'n and Mr. and :rs. N. D. W lh o n a re expeclcd home , om a tour o f T exas, Nebraska and klahom a.Mnu Borin J e n sen ha* returned om Ban F rnnclsco where she un- .Mr. rrwent m a jo r aiXTBcr -. Whllo In pect


■i c l e n r o n c cn a s a d v e r - Il is c .

Pag Special Sale Items W y R etail Item in Our Stopurchnr.e In o u r slore during this sale c

:d by th e la rx e r RED TAG SALE PRK

art of the Man^“ W e l to n ”

VISESilze N o . 2 0 S iz e

95 $ 6 -9 50

N allonallr K ao w n *Speed-Waj*

E lectric Irons u.o n lj

Quick, e ffic ien t. A QE xtra specia l a t . . . . 9 A * 7 v

"GrBjeo'* P ressure Type ^

L ubrica to r I EiFor n il l>-pe fnrm ma- chlner^^, c a rs o r tn icks. }■Now a t on ly—

$ 9 . 5 0



/ A R E S ( V................ 2 0 t; OFF

N o w $ 2 .9 8 ...69<5

..19C $ 1 .5 0

.............................9 8 c

........................ $ 1 .8 9h o p e .................S i> e c ia l 79p

..........................c a . 2 5 c.............................69C

r e c is io n L o c k ” ••

lENCHES —09— N o w R c d u c c d to —

9 a n d $ 1 . 9 8

c r d - A - R o y ’* E le c t r i c —


............................l O c o u r


I " B o r s ” B a lh r o


N e a t e n a m e l f i n i s h . G

..........$ i



:u llfom la. she vlslled h e r son-ln- wteki aw and d a u g h te r , Mr. snd M n. Al> Oregc In H annon . Berkeley.Mr. and*- M rs. Z. R eed MUlar.

irn ren m d -F e ste r-S o m w o ftr^ h o -a i------- UNends BYU, will spend the T hanks- Leo ' living ho liday « t the hom e of M r. ^ e l r md Mrs. P o s ter Sorenson. »nd 1

Mr*. Ben J0ha*50n Is vl.iltlng h e r on. Albert, In M cOlll, N ev, VMr. and M rs. J o h n O oodhue and * t

luiiKhlcr. P u tty , have Ipfl for T a - oma. W ash., to spend the holidays , i'lth th e ir dau g h ter. J tMr. and M rs. C harles L atham ex- J

lect to be aono ab o u t two or th reo * ♦ * _

f f i


I A ll I t e m s n o t so ld r e m a r k e d t o rcR iilo k e p t in o u r s to c k .

We Are Giving a F lat W ?, Store—During Saleale of hnvlng a rea l savings, we're giving PRICES.

n y S p e c i a l R e d j

One Liirfirc Group


A f f ^ O ! O F F RcRular • i l F / o Marked Price

Out Thes© Oo—Sate N ow

Air M aH resses SLIU . s . A r m y M a te r ia l .^ . 5 jtrnv; o n ly — a t J u s t — c a c h — site—

$3.95•'G rayco- Pressure

G rease GUNService s ta tio n (j-pe—com -plete w ith 10 fool hose . "**Ideal fo r com blnw nml . • ’heavy du ty farm m n - H,

Stspecia l ClM coul—


:d t a g s I

B U Y ! S A V E ! I


' 2 Only— PIPI-: CUTTERS—S BOLT CUTTERS. Three 8iz< "V ulcnn” No. 1— PIPE MSE, “Toledo” PIPE VISE. Heavy BOX ENI) WRENCHES— lai


Genuine "Diam ond” D

TOOlTncludlne %-ftrlous ^lscI1 of P liers—Wp

LUGGA►ur entire stock—BaR>t—Cases ....



ES1. G u a ra n te e d . C om ple te w ith

^ 5 . 9 8


weeks on a trip to Waahlngton and Oregon. j J

viBrr DAUonxERTIMT-T-V thOTa

>0 Cheney. CTtlco. Calif., tlslted ^elr daugbier, Mrs. Earl Howard, ,on„ »nd family her# recently.

t L o u H e U e r tC* F IR E and AUTO ❖



sold duriiiff th is sale will be Rular m arket prico ai?nln, and A )ck . . . 80 hurry in and save

^ T o l>I Tag Sale Items

LIGHT Fi:- O ur entire atock

ar and Incandescent, ce fixtures a t .......... .

1 Only—Wool nUe<J \ _

SLEEPING BAG 3. 7 “Henvy duck covcr. negulnllon etandari

$ 1 1 . 9 5


TRUCKAll metul—compact—stur- Cdy, yrt Uchl enough to _ ,handle wlUi ono liand. 'Clo.Mns 01,1 now al oMy-

" $ 1 . 9 5

I o S l w ^! S A V E ! ^

i & H A R D W A IlERS— Rcf:. S7.25—2 only a t ............>—Spcclal a t ..........................................Sizes—ALL REDUCEDISE, o n ly ................................................avy Duty—Holds 1/2 to 4 inch pipe- la r g e n.H.sort. sizes .......... .................s ty le w ith clamp.s .............................

S . . $ 3 . 2 9 “ Plumb" SINGLE Bl S . . $ 2 . 9 8 "P e rm a ir Single Bit

. . . . $ 2 . 9 8 TRACTOR SEAT CU:EELS. A sst. Sizes and G r if s ...........:, Die C a s t ..... ..................... .................nh" Q uality, Asst. Sizes ....................RS, A sst. Sizes— All Now ................

1” Drop Forged

>LS 1-Wrenches (Crescent Slyle’



L A V A T O R I E Svith fi.xturcB to the ^CIAL A T .......... ........................... g

L arger Sizes a t a Real Buy

= S ^

inr. .)■

PAGE T W E ^ ^ N B ';

DO YOU KNOWth a t ChlropracUo «nd P h n lo - therapy b f l ^ ironderlul —

precsure? Good bealib c«o b t

' “ PH O N E 2383DR. M. H. MACDONALD

Chlropraetle Pbyslelaa CATHERINE

AIACDONALDP hyslo lh trap isi

130 U aln A n N ortb


itock of Fluorescent ’cent.. 1 /........... / X PRICE

Range Boilers^ n d n rd ........ $ 1 5 - 5 0 I

landaril _ „ $ 1 9 . 0 0 I



T h is sd ls a t a regulnr ad ­vertised price of H its a gallon regularly.

$ 1 . 0 0In S sa l. Cans


4 R E...................... $ 5 .9 8 '...................... $ 5 .6 9 ,

....... $ 4 .9 8p ip e ..........$ 1 4 .9 5..............25% OFF................... ............ 5 0 6,E BIT AXE 2 .9 8 e Bit A X E .$ 1 .9 8 r CUSHIONS 9 8 6..............25':;, OFF.............. 30 % OFF............. i s r o O FF.........-...25% OFF

2 0 %OFF

2 0 ^M m \ ^ OFF

jS !


$ 2 4 . 9 5 13uy ^

D : . ^ IPhone 551

Page 22: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

Books Added _ To Shelves of

Library Here"“T h e foUoi-ln* books have been

added lo the T w in FalU public llbmrT. aecordlns U> JesiJo Fraser. Uhmrlftn:

FlcUon: T h e B le F lshennan. I D o u g iu ; A Clouded S tnr. Pnrrlnh: I O ay Pursuit. Cadell; Oood M om- InB M lis Morrlaon. C orfrao; Uwt StaBO Volley; B onham ; T lie H a i. band W ho R an Away. D obon; On th e Blm or th e ArcUc. H cnclM ; N orthern Llghtji. VcrcH;

- Pft«8«Be. E rdm an; a n d Bold OaU- lean . Blythe. ^ ^

N o n -ric tlo n : A M o n Called K W h iu . W hllo: n n re Hooked Hub*. W J . K en t; A Job lo r Every W oman. '.-W N eusehuts: Painting Ior Bc«lnncrs. { //O O ordon: Technique of Oil PalnllnB, | | | | Tauber; S ew lrs fo r the Home, Plcken; O andhl and S talin . FUeher; EncycIopedJa of J e w e l r y Arta, O rleger; Your Income T ax. I-awer; M ahatm a O nndhl. Jone.i; I ia n c Builders’ Handbook. D uncan; Tne • . P lague and I. M acD onald; Oil wno PalnU ng, C arlw n: Simplified Ea- lion aenUaU of Oil PalnU ng. CarU an: [or To the Arctic, M lrsky; Complete 4-H Book of SkUns, HnllberK. Jl' '

Juvenile: K ins of the W inds. ««> H enry; Snow Dog. K Jclgaard; Scar- ira« le t Hill. Melga; Red Eaelc. O’M oran; Rabbut, LawMn: Phan tom Back- Held. Brier; T hreo Lltlle Clilncje •»> Olrlfl, LnlUmore: T een-age Foolbnll j J O a to rlfs . Owen; TJio Lilnnrt S tallion. . Parley; Doctor D ollttlo and Secret A lA ke, LofUng; Spooka of Lhe Val- lej*. Jones; Ll Lun. Lod o t Cour- a«e, Trefllnger.

------------------------------ HA

Movie-Maker S Goes on 0>m fom

Fan SurveysHOLLYWOOD. Nov. 25 (U,PJ-On Dlxor

Nov. 3 a Holl>'n,'ood producer shove<l , h is p ro fu slonal poll c lm rts In a dnlry draw er, climbed Into h ln convertible, hlch . a n d aet ou t on hla ow n to cover the chum p o u n d he previously Ihoush t Uio „nd k profeaalonal poll takers wcro cover- Ulg. LuK

H a ra ttled th rough little towns count a M ehlnned over sodas wlUi lUUe a t th people. And ho d id n 't lell anybody ^tock he was Maxwell S luine. a big-shot ]{(, producer-w rlter-d lrector. on ^

He waa Juat a In blue Jeans pcnni and a tw o-day bcnrd u.iklng co.iual quesUons on w h at they thought of th e movlea Hollj-wood Is tu rn ing out Q ovadsys. CA!

“HBavy- B tnff C a t Blue"A nd I found ou t." Shano aays, be wl

“T w o weeka of driving th rough one- Sievci horae towns was enough to score me opera' « little . Nobody w ants hea\-y stuff g ^ m a n y more."

H e filled up h is eas ta n k five gal- lo i» a t a tim e because "1 could gub w ith more service s ta tio n operators th a t way." He stopped u t highway cafes where lho trucks were lined up a a d looked up th e w altresaes and . truclc drivers Inside. i

" I , Btnick up conversaUona w ith # m ote l operators and drug atore ■> ow ners and ba rtenders und ran c h ­ers.” Shane suld. " I atopped a t ev­ery lllUe road.iIde s ta n d I pnued .”

Found O n l JI t took a lo t o f ham burgers and

m a lts and cups of coffee, but Shario found ou t w hat ho waa looking for.

“T‘vn nlwavs Umiiffht— nnrt t.hl-i --------Will probably get m e ru n ou t of town •om e d a y - th a t producers and d i­rec tors should take off every oiwe In a while a n d g e t back to th e peo­ple,” he said.

“T h e m inute you c row V erm ont . . avenue you're In America—and M aw ay from Iloltywood. M ovle-mak- c rs should drive ou t once In a while a n d m eet th e custom ers . .

Sounds llko w h at they wcro say­ing a few years back about Nev Y orkers discovering w h a t lies west of th e Hudson river.

Anyflp-ny, S han’s broken tho Ice.

i Youths A rrestedIn Shooting of Dog J"

BTTHL, Nov. 25—Preo on IIOO bond cach are four youths c harsed with tho ahooting of a d o s -T ria l da te has n o t been set. ..

T h e boys were a rraigned before , Judgo O. Z. Rudy on a com plaint Issued by A lbert H ansen . T he youths are Tom and Floyd Collln.i. both t ( B uhl, and M arvin D ixon and SId Robertson, both Tw in Falls. Tliey eoi p leaded n o t guilty.

B est potaloe.i a re firm and clean, havo shallow eyes, a rc free of cuU, decay or green spots.

»CTIONS. ^W ateb UUs eolomn dally for newi e f Magle Valley's fa rm aactlon i a a d far th e dato th e ir U stln n vU l appear In th e Times-News.C heck the ir a d t fo r locaUoa aad »□ neceMaiT InformaUon.

NOVEMBER 26 3. O. ChcTaller

AdTertlsemenl. Noy. 13-14 BoOenbeck & HoUenbeck, Anct’a.

NOVEMBER 2D Ed T olbert

A dre rtlseaen t. N o t. ZC-il O aear a a d H arold R laa t, Aneta.

NOVE^!BER 29 AUen Sehiffler

jU fcrU aem ent. N o t. 20-21 BoUeabeck « UoUenbeek, Aocl’i,

NOVEMBER 30 B olaad E . WIUU

A drertlaem ent. N ot. 2S HoUeabeck * UoUenbeek. Aoct'a.

DECEM BER 2 3. O . W inkle

A drertlaem ent. N or. SO-Dec. 1 CoL W alters, A octloaecr

DECEM BER 6B e rt I . N elson

A dT crtlacaea t. D ee. S-4 n o ^ c ln a Jk R a m e n , AscUoneera

/ DECEM BER 6 M. A. P e w n an

A drcrttsem eat, D ec. 1-S B w e i4 * O aear K laaa , A ncta.


1 . . -

Wins 4-H Trip U.



. , . Haxelton h lth aehool Junior, Atkli w ho waa awarded a Irlp to the na- Uonal 4-11 congress a t Chleago pn'l*^for h is ou tstand inc <fork as a from 4-H club member. Dem ard, 18. Is _ til >on of Mr. nnd .Mrs. Claude U ernard. H aielton. (SU tf en- uS;

* ¥ ¥ peac<

Boy at Hazelton Ip Awarded Trip to “™' 4-H Club Parley

HAZELTON. Nov. 23-W oody Ber- dnnci nnril. »on of Mr. and Mr;i. Claude nnd Ui-murd. Ls iimuni: .MukIc Valley f icphwlnncr.i of trlixi to ihc imllonal 4-H Prt; concre.v, In ChlcnRO. ill.. Nov. 28 be m to Dcc, 2, He wna awarded the irlpus fltiilc w inner of a Junior leader- " ted

' T lic youth 'Is in h h fourth year of 4-H club work u.i u mcmbiT cf tiic Dixon StuckruLuTS club. IILi p ro j­ects u b n huve Included t>eaii.i and d e , dnlry cattle . A Junior a t H nielton sn v d i hlKh ftchool. D enm rd won Uie grand c a ro l chiimplonshlii In llvc.iloclc fitting b ro th and KliowhiK a t the dLitrlct 4-H fa ir Cnllf. In Jerom e thl.i year. rUe.'t

L ust he rcprescn ltd Jerom e Shoe! county on n llvc.itock JudRhig team cnt.i, ttt tho Pacific Inlen iatlonnl Live- a n d i stock expofllUon n t PorUand. O re. Dcclo Ho will depart for ChicRRO Friday on u tr ip Rpoiwored by the J . C.Penney stores of Boise valley.


Blue haa none to Seattle, Wash., to ae w ith her dauKhter. Mrs. Mabel Stevens, who Is recovering from an jpera tion .


A N I M A L Sl»H O N E US C O I.l.K LT

G sedlng 47 - ICaperl U ■ ■Twia Palls 314 V .y

ID A H O H ID E & m T A L L O W CO. a


I f Y ou A rc Fccdint: C a l t lc c




a re ready to feed witliont any fu rth e r your feeding prosram rconomlcnlly.

S U N D U IE D POTA TO ESwill store anywhere, to you can a tock pll self n sleady supply during the fee d ln i

T O T A L D IG E ST IB L E N U T R IE Tcom pare favorably wllh other popu la r I



R E G U L A R S /

n c Q i



We Have Buyers fo r

Wc nre assured an e x tra livestock th is week— Don’t n you to buy or sell.



PH O N E l i WAYNE w rr.t., Own.

___________________ Home Phone—B a r t

U.N. O b je c ts T o p ic o f T.F. 1

— € lu t r S e s s io n ' T•■The world Is our neighbor,” was

tho them e of the Twin Falls Sorop- tlm lst club program presented a t a , d in n e r meeting here Tuesday eve- yj,, n lng. »i thl

T h o program, prew oted like a ■!>»"« rad io quiz, was under Uie direction of M rs. Thelm a Toolson. qu ianaster. Th. Members parU clpated In a q u li on >h» C Lhe Unlled Nations. » "7 ‘'

T ab les were decorated w ith flags 3f th e 66 member nations of th e Prtnt U.N. w ith place cards depicting members of th e U.N. assembly.

Te*U Knowledie M rs. TooUon said the object of

the progrnm wa.i to test members’ Knowledge of th e Unlled NaUons and explained the U.N. Is for everyone l 1c< w ho believes In freedom and hum an cr*at< righ ts. She added the organliaU on affeni the only real hope for world

Q ul'i w inners were Mrs. M arjorie AtklnAon, Mrs. Nellie Ostrom. M rs. M nurlne Terry, and Mra. Helert t n ju Dailey. They were presented p r iu s trom Mrs. TooUon.

G uest Kpeaki Elslo LlndKren. n gue,it of th e club. i»4«

ja v e a talk on UNESCO.She explained the object of

UNESCO U w cswbllsh pe n n an e n t „ in penco through education, science and :u ltu re . She pointed ou t th a t by “ J « understftndlng the customs of o th e r p ,u r fieople.i and bcliiit to lerant so In ou r Kou idi-as we can help to promote good ‘h* will nnd world peace. ,

Club Plans Danee D uring the bailneas m eeting.

members voted to sponsor a square ■ Innce and New Year’s eve in d to hold a nim m nse and w hite .•IcphniU sale Dec. 11.,

Proceeds trom both activities wlll 3c uoed for th e club project fund. ihi

M rs. ChrlsUna Poterson was InlU- Wr. ■ »tcd nn a new member, "nie InlU a- _ * Ion was conducted by Mrs. H elen c i-r I’h llllps. president, nnd Mrs, M aurlne .itm r fe r ry , vlcc p reiident.

CALLED TO FUNERAL DECLO. Nov, 25 - Mrs. M ildred m7,u

m y d e r and children. Michael a n d m»nu Carolyn. Menlo Pnrk. Calif,, and he r >rother, Janic.i Dnlton. Pnlo Alto. i ," 'T :n llf., wcro cnllcd here 10 a ttend la s t ih .t i •lle.i for thc lr nephew. R ichard tn .tt Shockey. Tliey ure visiting th e ir p a r- ;ni.i, Mr. and Mrs, Jam es D alton, tn d slater, Mrs, Robert Slmptot, a ll Up« 3cclo.




s m i N O• ik>n«'r




i k I f e e d F '7ER ,


lc or Sheep, We Have



• r fo lIh er p repa ra tion and will fit In


k p ile them now lo su u re yoor- ihr^iu (d ing aeasoD. t f •

JE N T Slia r feed concenlrates.




JR CATTLE rO P PRICES for All TjTJe Stock rlh.i

Ira {rood run of a ll types I’t mi-ss thin sale whether


R O W E R S W S I O N C O . Ltn K ; '.O w ner, M anager ,B a r ley Crt9-JI





Proceedings of the Board of County

T w in F a lb C o an ty , Id ah oT .ln I<I.ho. ' ‘* '1.'Ucicb<r 11. im .lOiM a’cWk A, M.

REHUI.AR OCTODgK HCaaiOS , „■ Ttl. UoiM o( C«»nU- Cotna>U.kin.rii m tt 'T .X

£ ” K ;XHMl. Comml»il«n«r YMti* aU«iit.

Ea«ali»lt*n «f Bm o IiIm 'Th. Ho.rd «i.™tn.d hild h , *• *•

lh* Coonir Auilllor lo M<ur. drpulti o( , i^ i . Dubtlc rui>a.. tnJ ruun4 In t>i.r« ln r*Ili lltnk *nil Trial Ci . trt»h<i r in l Naiiopil Uink al Holit, Uuhl

F.IU, i c - r K.fDurt N»II®n.l B.nk of , _ Uohl. to b« “•

Upon approol ot th<u •Murlllo Ih*Il<h.rd »»»mln«l lh» W itt of IS. Ci-unlj- r>MUur«r tnd f.und htr b .t.n r. or ,JiU <lmu U, b« .Ithin lh< .u tuu .rr limit.

UMr LIxRMt Ct>nl.d

II .I1M 1 I. .f Kt.rk L«nJr. - . t . r - mw«r. ,

CnrilUlUn i t T .i t .Upon r»in«l of r . C. And«r»on. Tru*.

llrtthr.n Churrh of Chrlil M ih.)-n -nth . .mwni of « .n . ■' '

A pr.rll.n»nt

“3j7rr.“;'rnZ'u"mi'!^'iio , ,11 ri*r I

r t^KENYON nns'tN . ’

DULLKS. Cltrk. « > -TwIri r.l^U. I.I.ha .

n ru -t.A R >ilowa ..I Counlr CommI.ilowr. w.i

>»r» «nd thr clrrk pftitnl,Aathorlialltn I. AlUnd Mttllm

C, W. D.l.h. Counli- Astnt. .n.l Wllmtra. I'rlftl. Cluli AL-tnt. "<r. *uihcrl>..l i.. Uoili'oct.iW stlh, ::is*«iid 2sih,” "'* *•

Aulhgrl»ll.n I. H.ll tl. 8. TriMurr ^***Tht lo ..k 'ur.|" w...|.|.r.ll<m th.

Slhrr«>r, ■. ini»<c| br Commliilonf rIU«klB». •_.«'ot\dr.n;ir Ciimmluiliin.r y,',

r.7h| (or'Ihi^l) J “ u l u'Jll7lr,«" .'?d “tiulp-Upon r"l'l «I1 Ih. tott upon U>. wuilon

(u r"* / (ir 1 A t

lioutln. huilnttj (rinitclt.l unlll AI'n Ith. hour of 1:0« n>I>a;k p. m. wh.n • rr. A.bTtobrr *'AIU.1! KENYON

C. A. CUt-LCS. Cl.,k ^

nSr.ULAn OCToilKR HrTssto^“ ■ 'IJTh. Ili»rd of C.jmn.lMi<,n.r. mtl

*kin«r» Cri n*’MVl'*Votinf^” ” r ' l h . ”eUrl« *•App.lntintnl «f Btr'Ift Offlr.r

W. 'V. Krtiits aniJ J, Tr.l t)«vU of th . ^ . .9 (Im.rlc.n I.»sl..n. .ml M. K. Ilounirr, of‘arr thr llc,ar<l »int rfiiint«>l Ihf .iipolnl*Ktnt or VIrelnl* D.hlnut^i m Trtnpnrtrr 7 '° ^ »«^ee^O »l«r to fill iht^.«»ncr er«U d

3r0.n"ll.“^V ^J^I^pIhl./^l.f°l^"pp.'^nU,d TtmpormrT Sfr»ic. Olflcrr % ptrli«J f >.<lnnln( Uriolxr 11. IVIS. wUh ••lory ‘

.({ic. r ip tn t . Hfltr Ih. f lc l month nol o »j«c<«0 SIO.OO ■ monlh,. g i r a - L T . i i a . y T . - a ; ;

^^ovtmUtr 1, lOiS.KENYON r.IlKKN.

“c! ' a . 11UL1.EH, CIccV. Ch.lrm.n.

Twin id.b«Nn.tmW I. ISO

RRCULAn OCToiltU BEBHlo's ' !'•' '' T h. IkurU nf Countr CommlMluntri m.l

,l Ihto tim. to r « r... >11 mttn-

"*i!**f{h U "ll ^. ^ 7 " . r r . “u or’dtr*td“5r'’«~n^ “ ‘•'.r.

C.rargln., tlS.I>7: John Ol* . 'V <r.brri. ITJ.M; U trl. WuIUchlre.r.

HMlth Hnll Si Utt Cl.ltni u, h . Jr.w n I’*’' ' m lh . Ilralth Unll T ru t Fund w .r. >p<■rovwl «Bd w«rr*ni« -«ct ordtr«l dciwo .i folio-*! " r * ‘

Normt Uirrain. Crtts, IISS.VO: Ann. tJin <nl*hU i:Vl,JO: U. 8. I-«l. IIOS.OO. " ■»:

D t.r Llctntt Tr.niUrrtd M ctnt. for Ui« tt l t nl hoiilnl .n<l

Ir.ught btrr tr .n i.d t.. Ft.nk «. Clark. *“'* 1 at.r a a tlin ^ t«» L.llojr [Irnlon, waa Irtni- rtr«) to J, H frtn r.,

Iluullne bu>lnr<i Utn>.ct«I untilhi. hour o{ S!0« oVWk p. m. -h .n • r^'.*1 w u uk tn until ISiOO o'clock t. m. ‘

KKNVON CIIKEN,M t- t : Chalrmtn '■'•t''

C- A. 1IUL1.KS, Cl.rkT -h r .l i ., IJ.hoNo.tmWr ». 1»1»10:00 o-rlock A. VI. REGULAR OCTOnKH HtSSION •

Th« llntrd of C"untr Comnilt«lontri m .l^and Ol. ft.r» prntnt. ^

it'a^wM Uk'rn“uni‘il'''l’e.;0« oVtoc*'kV tJ.*!' * ' ' KENYON o n rcN .' c“ a . DUl.Lr.<S^C).rk Chairman


^^IlMlln. tr in » r i« l until

A li- i: ■ Cha'lman • '" 'JC. A. BULLE.S. Cl.rk

10:00 o'cl,vk A. M. REGULAR OCTOnr.R SCKSION

Th. lUutrJ of Co-tnlT CarawU.lon.r. mA •

b .r. a»d 'w i Tb. Doar< ean»t*».il (h« »9lt« c ^ l ln

l-'l. tl« ti»o Md No«. I, S»l». • '«• nd mtd. UM’ffllowlns ahtlrtct of aam.i ’mprN.m. OJfk. NumW tMU

PHESintNTIAL ELECTORS V'"* W. J. C r.^ Bcw.Klhtl rarktT, l»n>. OljtrU n. C trlrl. Snlih. Rtp. , ">Frank U Bt«h.n. Ktp....................... T ill 'n* ,•

iUrrr WallMv, l'r.«i*J'.*l.. tb»r.Mn. Gordon Tirlor, frojrtMU* , ITJ '^V'* C. t . ltol,«, Socl.lljtDt, C.ory» Aupptrl.. Gocltjltl ht*lrCUrk r ItBll. 5o.liU.l ....... ................11 »«!>■K E. rtTMna. Prohllw NC

Jehn.on. Prohlb. TIIEn. E. )Ir«lop. Pr»Ml.. - ................. ... t l (W«


!“r'ii2;'?i2^EEEE*;!i ESP»ul WMtfTt ___ ________________ » Ul«C

REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRCSS fkdJohn C. S.nb*n." .....L.I.------------ lit* ht«kA ittl L n u a - ^T0« Um <


LEGAUADVERTI3EMENTS ^:. w. ■■D.b«“ pm - ..................... ii» f«iu

3TATE aHNATOR r««c :ar1 n. 1~ln. R*p. __________ 7ta» u

-fss - g s a r i a - — — ^ ; ! ; i k1..r-.^L. H .m ja .^ n i . ___________ | |S 2 Ir".Uh«r II. Wlliin'. 0«n. ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ' *ai« IL l

COUNTY COMUIKSIONER atld. w. iiaw v iw ,"# .^ ''/,.* ’,_______ rn»A’alt.r n.«», Utm............................. u ; s with

COUNTY C0MMI83I0NEB • mw.;iS.cnnd 01itrlet> .u«h

•ho, a. Dllldi. llni. T».i and. T, (i’«l«) Cf.*l. D .m .__________iso j for IL lUjborn. U .p .__________ M il «riKlr»t E. Ctrlion, D»irt ...... — —_ _ 7 3 2 S l« P<V .. _______ K:ora E. BUrrai. D.m......................._M»JI T Hamlfl?®” *' * JUWIE Uak

■ COu"NTY"‘jlu‘rCRlN¥ENDEHT‘**'’*’ lo ^)orU Slradltr. K.P. .......................... »(U aaldi-noSKCUTlNG ATTOUNEY B»

.rardon W. Smith, H«i....................... »OTJ ttldAS3i:.<SUK mmi

;llfford TiootpMn. H n. _ _ | |6e upooc S ' S j " ________ r :

SURVEYOR tbul'■loTd Jo.. M.r.r. Rrp. ____ _______ i m «M

JUSTICES o r TIIK PkACB mmTwin Fa:i. I 'm lsc t lo ■>

Vfoth» Ilonk, l l r p ._____________ SMS taU'. O. p^jBiphr.r, l>rm......... S.

nuhl r r« ln « and E. Ruiij. R«i'. '.'.~"'."ZZZZZZZ!Zl«« frnir

Uanltr A. R .p .__________UST K.llcJ. rink.. n,m............... .................n s «•

^nn.rd IludtU.^i, H»p........ ............... i n t.rC. Ilttuiock. Hep................................. < Cllr.I .rvtr Moni«om.n-. D tm .________ «:i.nor.r,tr^^m^_^._^..^ --------- S nan<I.r I'oU.r, R.1..................... ... ........... 771 n.m

K. Wanl. Dm........_______ ______8SB kn...II 1', ..... ........................ ITl t^Uli .n Wtlfht. Ilrp....... ....... ...... ...... I t ttrll11..._Gi.i.ti.“ {,‘* r ______ : « fi'k'^

T .i" ? r .l* ? .V i? n c - " :r .

J . . . Jlaurh, ------ 7«Jft'm. WhIlaV.r, l|.p. _........... ..........H07liKl Ltwit, l ltr .................... *..._.......... IM 'Km«r» I>rm. . . . . . . ITS CONSTITt^TtONAL AMENDME.STS

i ' l " ll, N».''« ....................... ............55.

All liuilnM to com. ^ ‘for« tli. lloaH at

!.n'.I^nrrUVlr!. dii!“‘ ‘‘Kr.NYON GREEN.

IIULLKS, Cl.rk Chairman


rwiN FALLS. IDAHO. AUTIIOUIZING^NIl I-UnVimN<: FOR TIIE CONBTHUC- J '^Nl) TO 3KUVK THK KOI.LOWiV g TER.I'AiiK sunniviMibN. iii.ocks i a n d : f ' OF HLWnT.GIU;EN SUUIIIVISION. LOT h*»i: OF p rt.0 Nr. a u d i t io n , ih .ocks, i. f«'«'


TION n , TtnvN.^iiii- 10 soiiTii. r angeII. KAST IlOH'K MERIDIAN. IN TWIN H»DESlVl'NATiN^G*'*THV^°l)K%lCT*” ?NMr'MAnr*’As'LOCAL’s ^THK GKNKIIM. rilAliAlTKIt " w

i P S I I l l f s l s iM?;NTs'^nTo\'’iD(^^^^ ■'a ' ‘mVh n e‘r V ?


WHEHVAS. th .r . w t. Str.lof«r. o r .-Falli. HUl', ' f I d X . ' r V i l ’t'inn which lh" , . . 1.1 .nd trnimclMH tnd dc.

SP!r--l^l ’ st“ .M*ij7*”lmp[l«"mint “ •J!Dlitrlfl No. 71. an.l r.>|ur.ilnr^tlU n

Th*"M^ Cauntll^offor. l^ rcoiuilon '.ijlj '’and ” r«uU rlr r...H^.>n,l ‘*'*{' l"t.n- •***

E , S r S ^ K T . ' . » ^ • *

tht clt,'‘h.ll l^ -r-ln fal)., Id.ho,* L tl.1 7- ' tlmt .nd pl.ct f..r Ih. ht.rin* and «on.ld. *“*■ rr.tlan ul ..Id i<r>'tMU by th. cllr counell. '*"wHKia;AS, th. CKr Cl.rk no tk . 'j

n.vrl'iil.Vr"t'Ni:^:V (^ 7 h V « n ir rS X n "li;ot Itt.ral ..w tr lln .. tnd Iht llm. wUhInr« rrm « u " 'r ‘tS ? « « L ‘n of «^d1i>* rt.‘.'^‘whtn lUth pt«l.«l* wi'uM U. hrtrO and V?."r C n C r ’ ih.' M n .;: r" ;h .r . : .v ;\f " * ‘.'h':lm^,,r....mrnt. p r . . p ^ lo U m .d .^an^ t^

f r fJ.HI oHkt ln ''^ .''c ilr o! Ti'irr.Yl..''st'.M T"!'of Id.ho: and fl”

Jnd Ol. ..Id cllr CUrk"h.'‘. mvU ‘.'J[jS'l'*lm.lllnt of uTd *o tk« »"l'‘’h .w uid*pw *thtt th. d .l. of Ibt I .t l ruklic.llon cl ttld notk. and th. d tu of tht m.ltlne ef i/ia ..Id notka w u mor. ih.n f l.. (II dan l-rfor* th. Ulh day o( Oclolitr. IX I. tnd ■lu. and l.wful m.t.c. m u> .U llmtt. m«U _ . t.r . and lhlnt> tnd In th. m .nttr rt.)Ulr«l f tiV'V irEllEAs! ^n"al‘'n'’rr . 'l« u flW NOI

tt.InaL lh. m.klnr nf ..I-l ImprovrmcnU ** and Ib. <r<tlkin of ttM LoctI S«w«ra>« P‘*lrlcl NV 71. wM.h p«> or pr«;1jd . iht mtklii* of Mid »„ ,1D w rkt^ lM

Wnr.itF.AS. th» couiwH upon u ld h.*r-

irv ijjM i'r i ' r i* rJ ::i" ‘; : .r tU ‘ 'i a r ; ! ~ " s r Jrr. lhal lh. crrailon of ..k l dktrlcl will U r i ^ for th. bt.1 Inlrrat ot th. cItj tnd th . r-u t

ht.ln* tmuir*] J«rl.dlMlon 10 ordfT Ihtpropo..d Improttui.nit; g j '"


(W.llon 11 Thai th .r . b». and th»T* I. |>nb.htrtby, <t».i>J wlihln th« CIW ot Twin — n ila .^d .h^ U<.1 S « . . r t i . Impn9.ra>ml

u>« Cllr t f Twin r t lh . C«uaU at T ^ta iU»

L E G A L A P V E R T ia E M E N X a L E (

ralla. SUU «r Idtbo. aa thowa m ~tU Ual*r«rard«I p itu tlMrwf. l»*wlLi tgn

Ulcck. 1 tnd S ot W nt Ptrk SuMI.l. t i . l a•fain. Dlock. I tiMl : or D«Wllt-GrMa w1U>

" r i a . . .- l l te k - 1 -e t- F n n li .p . Otbora-. |,w «ISubdl<l.lon. DIock. A tnd n e t Dtoik«r> Twinir-a n.tKli.UI«n. T t t Numbm <01. 4 ||. 1. , ”«1«. 4*1. in . « I . ««, *14. SU. SM A f lu uand (T«, .11 of .aid proMrtr btinc In for Uaald Cllr of Twin Falb. Countr of Twin «U UFtlla. SUU of Idaho. o«| Section 1. That th tr . ihtll b* «on>tnKt«d

within . aid dl»trlct n«w tnd orKlstJ UurtI Adml••w tn la b« of auch . l u and lo b« Itkl «i trd•u«h d« ih .Bd t l .ueh p ltca ta te fnrnUh rofc.jaod Pto.14. tn ad«uau ouUm for aawtst ____(or .Mb kx. Uaci tnd ptrc.l ot latul la• vch dliUkl and to b . to Uld tnd con. rtriKtad a* «o pfovld. • cnv ltr fall In lA p.rmlt tb. ( rn flow of Mwai. Into lh. Coun' trunk ..Wtr b«r<ln(cr. ton>lnKt«d or la In b . ninitrucwd In ..M cllr. tnd la b« pro- Adtit * |M with Ib. proptr and nactMtry ('u.h No' Unki. mtnholt. and arr««torlt« to furnUh .l«n .• complti. tfw tr .rtum for *11 th. tml> Duan tonr .mkr.c<4 within th« bound.rlw of ot t t “ (Uctkia *. T lat th . « « l and . .p e n t , of Ihl tl ttld ImpruTnn.nt and uf th* ttkl Imprst.. t f u r mmt dUtrlct .hall ba Uaw tnd tattttcd lh* «upon *11 rtop.rtr In luth Iwtl Inptor.. tnmt dlitrkt In proportion to lh« numhtrof aoutt* ftrt of .uch Itnd. tn t InU tbultlnf. tdjolnlnc. contlsuou. and adja- '

lo lh•"h!^'?^'iu*dtrl.•d to a«h propMlr'b"S«tiun I. Thtl no p .n of lh. loUl coil

|™m*lh,‘Mn7rVlT«nd1!f'lh^ a w ‘o^*Twln ; HKIk>n 9. Th.t upon th* p*.>as. nf th(> ’

Ul. Cunimltt.. on .Slrt.u and .aid Commit- U . on Sltfrt*. loa.thtr with th. Cllr En«i. ' n « r or oihtp prup.r tulhorltlt* of uld itc-S'tdinl lo^thj ^o.UronI“ T ‘ lMl5‘ or'dk nine, whkh .hall conUln. tmon^ olhtrs ; r . i ‘ ; . : r . v v ' v . r . ~ r s - s ; 'kn..wn. th.t th. n.m . 1. unknown, a dt.r f '^ 'am **f t« » « .^ »nd th. 1ctrilfr lh. ..m t to ih« CHr <Luncl| of'wid !CUT. and th* Cltr Council tbtll thtt.jpon <mtnl th* ^mptrlr owntr> In ..Id

..f’ th y a tr u7’'Tl|lJ'Va*ilifTd.*".'!Ihilr ditrrttlun. provld. (or In. i.^rmtnt ' of th. roti .ntl rxp.n.M of t.ld Imiirov—

Im*lro^^tm^^''^l.T kr'i" '* ''^ ‘“l h '

Src^^n T, Th.l th . Maror and Council < ( ^ ^

^J'A s’sKR nv THK COUNCIL. Nc.rmb.t ‘ ‘MtiNKlI IIV THK UAVOII, No..mbvt

CON.STA.STE J. I.EI.SCIll ulilllh Nur, :i, 1VI1 In...

*"cHAnL()'frt*''HAZtLTO I’I.hlKf. ^Irr

r r 'C '”' ‘lh . flL.1. ol Idaho. In »n.t'(!rr Twin' r.l'l» Countr. by U>. abov. n .nifl rl.lntiff, .n.l J.l'.d Ih. ..Id ci.mi.UInl”wl*hln"lwtMy COI .l.r> of Ih. >rt>lrr of Ihl. .ummolic anl you . . . (unhrt notlfW th.t unlr..

‘’^Yr,^'".Vu'?ihTn’‘llfW th t I 1 I- I, tirf.^corniil.lnl. plaintiff . ih« .b..>.

w |'tlct'’ cgr'tl th ^ " ': :* d ^ iy ^ "^ U ‘'n■ti^C. A. ^

Grtydon W. s H r * " ’'™ ‘L:<inart] K. JacU

I'abll.h Nov. n . D«-. V,*16!'53. UIS in v T ta t io n T o ii diph

S.«M 111(1. -will trc.Utd by th, Clrrk of Cla.. A School DUlrlct VumUr 111 Twin F.ll. Countr._Twln F.ll., .St.t. .,fD tcm b^ 19, an.l will th.n 1>. opvntd ' ’ llrtdln»"'’wm*'’b*'for th . trr<tlan o( . concr.I* foundtllan and hrIck w.ll <(,n.DulWIn*. LjcttKl In llrcllon II, To- .Mp 11. Ktnt* 17 U, > le‘’i\trn"r.'°Illdd!ne’ «l)l*lko'^‘lnf lu,'lr*'ihlr.f a conerrt* w.ll f..un.i*ilon'^''^n.|'7l..'rMW Jw ttil upon **^.>ond.V*n'..n''i''.7iJ iKtUd In SKtlon : i . Tswnih|i> ll. Iltn;.17 E. D. H. Thl. alructur. .h.ll b. movrl to lh* di«crlh..| .hn.t whkh U ‘A* loc.tlon of .bo..Sh.mrack School, Thr bulMInu t.i l.r

“S LZ .TZd« lm .u d win b. r*Jtrir.l. Th« “chool lloarO.of CUu A Ik Hm I Dl.irirt No. 411,Twin Falli. Twin Fall. Counlr, Sl.U oftU* b“da'i^*d” r w‘i 'r,.'i‘il'foVml'llTr'.,In fo ? :" « lh. li'mV o"f‘ th . I.l,'|,ll’ / a Sill*

Work*ri Llcnpa to do »ork uiid.r''*!ht KS',EMh bid th.K Ix 3^mi>.nlrd hr • C.r.

tlilrd Cl..«k. C h l t r ' . Chrrk, or . Uld.tcr.All" to b.*m .l” piy^ .l. “I 'th r n .« " A W> School Dlilrlct Nu. <11. In T«ln F.ll. Counlr, Id.ho. Tn b. In lbr .mount of nol

*^^blddtr^*tnar hi. bid tfirr wVtl

th . .tk i award of lh . cnnlr.ct I. <1r[.rr\l I.aiN (or a p.riod .«c...lln» flfir.n d » .. I’ublronlrtct docum.nU may U .w i'im rtt tht TcUofflc* of Ul. ArchltM't. Frank II. I’.r.dlcr, CamJr,. Holn>» C. t.t<h, Room. I'hv.i:.|S>]< Fidttllr Nttlon.I ll.iik Hulldlns, M.KTwin F.Ilt. Idaho. A drpoilt of Twmly. Eit.fiT. DoD.r. ItlS.OOl will ht rmulrr-l •• a fur th* r l .n . and Si'rrlfk.tion.. and SiHKlfkaliotv. .ill b* . . . 11. Int:itbir. Nrw

iilfntd br th . Fill,Clrrk nf tho S.*hooI IU>.rd of .Sup*f L*!.* Cc^nU?' Mi't'i Vf*‘ld.’hfc I.hrf '^"'^CLyV fI koON^*'*^® T.?J

Chtlrman of lh. Hoard. Humrcb.1 Wot. » : Dre. t. ». ISO.__________ L*uNOTICK rOR rURLICATlGK OF TIUE

A rroiN TEP ro R pro ving w ilu

c o u N ^ f st a t e^ °Tdam'o^

ru n u ta l ot an ordrr of Ui. Jud*. of i.ibt •tid Court, n td . on Iht l7th day of No. luniir«abcf. ISIS, nolle* It h.r»hr *l.rn lhat n««i Mondar. IM^ISlh iS*r of No».ml»r. t ta .Court Itofn* ®f »»W Court, t i ih^ c<iun»hoiM* la Twia Falla. Counlr of T»la Fall*, R<in‘Sttl* of Idaho, baa bnn arpolnUd a. lh. Pomtim* and pUc* far pro.ln« lh. Wl)| of S.w,*.ld Rarnoad t . MerrUon, d.crair.1, an.1 Munfor bMtlar Ih* tppliratlon of lUnn.h Frdrtm * Morrlton for tb* to her of Ftdi

iT ti tS u O ^ r* t*p"pt" *nd 'I Jn u il vWJ

“ “ • '^ " ' ' • " “ """•M A liY .A L M O N . ‘ S i fSEALl CIttk, lie|>ub.t Nor. II. U . II. IKS.



CEASED. ,Nstk* I. ilrcn by th* ondtf «Sm

lUa*4 A dslaUtnlrU • ( U>* EaUU «f m i


l e g a l ADVERTISEMENTS LECtoaU F ttoaea. d«e«u*d. td th* tradk R tr D tor* at nad tll »«TMBt btrloa tlalsa Ftllt 1 tia lM t Um tald dae«**d, le ahlklt lb*n Twin

S 2 t* . to'Vht « « X dw Suirttm . t l ta* D*t.Uw ef(|c*« of rrto k I . 6twb«n, Attoni.r.Twin FtlU lUnk i.>i<t T r« ( Com ny build- ' la*. Twin FalU. Countr of 1V|a Ftllj, f lu u of Idtbo. Ibta btlnc th* pltc* fUad Publl.! for Uw uaiuMlloB ot tb* bulnati et m M -------«auu.

OtUd N ovtnW IT. IK I. InNBTTIE rrreHSON. C«inli

AdmlaUtraUlx of tb* EattU ef L«ult | b UFcUrMn, <W*«t*d. Mor*.

rnb-s'NoT. I I . » : 0*c. >. ». l l l l . Noll- aiwut

NOTICE TO CBEOrrORa It) lh* rtx>btu Court et Twit Fall* ohibli

Counlr. Ktat* of Idaho. withinIn th* Hatt*r of th* E.UU ct Du.n* Q. tion oi

Adttna. Der*«.*d. lh* of Notk* ta h.r*kr (ly*a br th* uad*r- Natlae

*l«n«l. lh* tdmlotair*trli ef tb. * iuu of ihk b<Duan* Q. Adtma. dK*t*W. te lh* cr*d|loti Uon oi of tnd all ptrton. ha .lat eUlnt .( tin it Utt. tha atM <I*cm*d. to aihibll lh«n with lh. n«-t*aarr rouchrr.. within four month* t f u r th. firtC puhllcttkin of Ihli notk*. to lb* .*|d admlnUtr»trlr. t t lh* oHIc* «( rubll.:


tCltr Pulldlnrai

rrvj.0. ^ Cltr Duildinc . ... ..........

j l^ .a n u of Poiic* ........... ........ ..——--------m:ic. Ju tt i .-S a l .rr and Surplk......... ...... -

... .................... ....................

nld?.^MI!n^'’n.J*J'^T&J»lpr^tni■■;::::;:~.:S u p p l l r . ....................................................

r ... an.l OII_ ............... .................-........ .......

A.jfllinr ............. - ........ —- ..............M .jor'. IJ ........................

S.' .Vl^ a” d'surp"t«*.lcOAIl’’uc!''"..:^


Alrrort .................................. ....... ......... .............

®'"*V M h k

T.i.iit.o.ipi ' M . I ' . ' r ' . ' .

KiiKlnr.rlim' ,'lal.'rlc.".t'.l .Sun.llr. "Slrrrl Uahl

r .rk .1Su^rlnum ltnt ; Golf C.iur.. L.b..r ......................................

S-lmmln» Tool .............................................


I '.^ a liy 'In d ’ lnlrrR uiran ." &,” i»' L k .n .nflu." F^nrhl'..Sal* of Carhat* ..................................ItJStll o” Pa'ikOlh.r Ilrv.nur .........................Amij.rmrnt D.vlc. l.'i'rn.ri

a.l* uf llulldintTF Cotillon Frt ' V. . . ...'V,'.', '.'V,


W tur Rrnt.*l Grant I 'trm m t . .IV...".” .'.'*...'....


\Va*t‘r X p i . . Cltrkj l l \ .....................................

llbli'r"’ . * ..............................ftfdc. F-i'glp n " " _TcUplK.n— .................. ................................C .n.l Malnlrnancr ................................ .............I'll-i Fltllne. anil .........................M.t.r^IlM..^tn-M-arl. ................... .................

Nrw i-lp. illn. ...................- ....... ......1. . ' ’I,;!;.Sup.n'Bl.ndmt and 4 O p.raton____ ...Chrmlctla .......................... ...................I.l»ht and P o w .r ------------------------- J" 'Hrat . .. ______ _____________________ ___Sm!?liMTltr^ilnr>la;hlhr7^“ T -I.~ " ''Z ........L abor................. ........................ ....................


A lrp ^ Fund ..................................... ................

Ub7a‘rr*'Kund"!..™.!! “ 1 . ..i:.' . ......Rrcrrallon F'und _________ ______

USEXrr.NDED DALANCES OF R.nd In irrrit A Slnkl F d *Uond’fli'^VtlOT a "inW^wlViTnitV; .....S.w.r Hond Fund . ... ......... ...............Munklpal nulldini Fund .... ............Frdrral Alrvorl lTo}»-i. Runw.y Con.tructkin Fur Ftdtral Airport I'rojrct. LUhlln* Fund .F«ltrtl Alrpurt I'rojKl—Admin. tIMi. Fund

« - .s ! J I S S f a : ; i z r ; z a r V K s iAmu.t<B*nt Drrlc* Tnitl F u n d __________ __Loetl lmpro»«B*nt Dlilfk' No. 71

Ilond lUdwnptlon F o n d _____ __I htr.liy otrUfr lh*t ih* fotrtolfti i7.t«nmit1«

and b*1l*f.Ccn>l

8ub*crt>>«d an i *w*r^ to Ixfor* m Uk JItb 'il J. II.

.S.*.,m iu h Not. M, I t u


LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTE tr D. Ac**. tUort-r al ta*. ta tb* T»l«Ftllt Otnk * Trail CoBptar Balldlnc. t t Twin r t l l t . Twin FaU* Co«ntr. 8UU oT Utba. Ull* b*l»f l ^ . P l y nstd for th*

AdmtnUtratrU ef tlta aaUto ef Duta* Q. Adam*. d*e*«M<]. Nor. II. II. I t . P*«. U •. I»4I NOTICE TO CSEOrrORa_

In tb* . i'tobat* Coun ef Twin Falli ' ^ b’’ ui’*® ^“ «? of lb*'’E*Uta e( Mlaal* A.“ nJ iI J ; « lr« br l ^ ondml,n«l*i*cutor of th . will of MlnnI* A. Morxtn. D*rM*«l, to th* <r«llto™ ef »»d *11 Prrwinf * b t . l i ^ a l t n a tzaln.l th* m U dK u.« |. « X

H '« ! •u^dlnr’l^wln^^^

Uon ^ 'ih .'hu.rnM * of uM .tlait.Utlad Nor.mbrr S, ISH.

Mtrlon Morf.n F.»*.rutor of th. •HI «f Mlnnl* A. M.iri.n. Drct.irj

PMbll.h No.. 11. II. JS. Dre. I. «. ISU


Approprl.lion Eip«ndrd Unripm.Icd______ I dso.oa t SSO.U t IIS,»I

s.oooioo i . :bs:«i i .tuIjd r ." ,r~ ~ iis,sio,oo s,:»o,oo ii#,oofl!oo

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.............'*'-j.vor,n>'o 11,«7S.:0

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»,Ao I ,iB,3:«.:V ilw,775'7i ' FL'ND«. OCTODER JI. l l t l ^

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■nd''Jowp Ar*». *lc.. Fund --

m«t'nr7orri<l'lr.~ih« b« ®f mjr knowlrJr*Ccnilatir* J .*r

Citr Cl*rk Jltb >Ur of Ne^BbOT. ISU

J. II. Dl.ndford NeUrr rubll*

f i

Page 23: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

A c n o i t tL U c k otL Quill for lat«r«al

w iu ia i (Ilk tl . tUUlx) oa U>*. . D = ' s r - " i'lSX', :U. l»tu» «0.

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— '<G> Oo 1;


■But R en tr . . . I bought them





•e lu tio n e r Y M ttrday^ » u n l« ~DOWN I. »«<,ib Am*«e*a jV

L OaauiBW to» m ua trr •, ** J«WUJ» BMltk*• • ““ * I. ThtBfl U « .

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_ __ ___ »1, \Vonii»Hnt t»M6 j M. Ohuinm u g - ™ ,

MAJOR HOOPLE1 W W I 0 M & 'B O M B 'W iS A S a C O R R eC T A S T H R B S P tO M fi OH A SLO T M ACrtlM B.*—

T H i a GSh^TT T (S HOTTER.'M ^ MtcKeu y

“ ^ # 0 1 .0 8 - V ;H C IQ O .R .'f.

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:em purposely to m atch 1" "J rest

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S, 1 9 «

OUT O i m WAY\ y \ - ■ UgTEM.* IP T<

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r f M ^

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' s l K S" D o n ’t g e t « o r e . p e t— \*cu fcrt

r e s t a u r a n t s a r o a b o u t l ip s t ic k o a j

n si ^ ^ T l r ■ . ^ i e r r —



By W I U J A M S

^ I T n 7 * ^ \ — 1\ I »43T I ’

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■7-^ THOUaHT VWD‘' 1 B f"~WHO " %Wfi a OET BACK- OH! J I H W fcavoo )T 0 -

E x recT iN ;/w ir

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f l H B E 2

f a a r o o n ^ w o t tg y i \ ■xocm.

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■<' - \ J I ■mit CLOCK V / c a m TM* ~

W J I ’ K R AGOOD V THA T 3 T iL l . '1 P ■- LO bK AT HER V oO N 'T PROVE V


have U |> n e y / ~ ) ^ / / 1 want I I WOTHB* a V«C© WTTH v o u - < nANUT. V m is t e r . ' * z o ! f )!io < 3 E j ' C L


^ I A M ? ; SGRFiSORVHCCK,J ___ -< TH■^tJU^GEST, RiCHDii;

w a a w . 1~ ) i r o j f f r c A N T V tSW l.N * I TAKE AJs»?rH« M

l u K c w ^ c s i « s m J jaSTr ji£\*\L "wa.*

^ T n*5 200 « i i t » l ? ? ® i 3 B SU II SrcAlGHTSOUTH.'IDUIL^r ^ ^ e n a buck ow hge . J « ,© « f l

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I9 1 fc •■’' V n u

^ ^ ^ ™ 8 ^ x ^ iE * ’*^^cSSu^/8ii^5Z!

RELAX AM3 V tn l \i MS. WlCffiS, SHOf Y 1 COt/S WTTH ^ T H « BIRO AtC WE. I HA' K eXPKE5«eO fTA •SURPaSE TO U9. LOOC ^

- \ PCC y o jj A V •SN'T ALLBAO.V^

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} ^ ^ ° o s ”' w r ' ^ rS T ve .'^ew ® ^ o f cNOT GOING ->BA CK SqM P-M H MAYI TOGIVE H ERIT hAT AIN'T MAK

| . . .n o vou w vB TO ftuv UP evo tv <ELSPHANTINtNPtA?®/// HOW ICH)PVOU THIMIC m s 009JG TO TA*« TD FEK8V THEM TO RTTZANPUt??.'?

^ HowDovooKNOWTwia A ie tiP ryLV. WIU BE RJCCEaSFULF/PAWOSV HOVOOVOUPBOPOSSTOOABACe 1 ^/ / -IWBSa KAYBUWJCW OJ TWB > / \il r MEANnve ? / 5 L _ . — C ^ r V * ^ ^


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WOT r MJ THOUGHT / AUWyft " W ‘.O VOUWXLP / o > o t o m \ 5 ‘ rr HELP u» I OP «E H vas R •c . EAT rr. i AwNTiB r t

J lu f l-

fo* ^ ^ T * C « > « 5 0 « t ^ 1TO I '


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Page 24: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

WANT AD RATEStn u u - e -w — _

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, 'T--S:.S'„?=,SS sf,


s | p S ] iMOTHER'S CAFE

W ILL BE CLOSED Oil Tlmrsciay

Thimkt^givin? Day



F = = = l lRUG & UI’HOLSTEUY u4y__ CLEANING ^

VllUll LOVtI.Y FUllSI IllN !' •"•D U RA .CLEA Nro ^



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-rfeia a ? ---------------- ”%■


LOST AND f o u n d ' ^



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■ ^ H ELP W AI^TE —



i BURLEY BOYS!Wantiul L—





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;i, W RITE- "Box 19-A Timcs-Ncwfl

pefcA-sstFIIRNISHED APTS._________

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N E E d I to N E y I I I



F I D E U ^ ^ N A jnO NA L BANK

i j LOANS & I'TNANCING 1 ' o» j j


; HEAL E S T A T iT w X N T bT r




ji j S i y

I S S K :



iS b —Ar

HOfllES FOR SALEjo6D 'l«>ii.'. H .:s. : w m .. l-tw. liw . t i *

Hjvwond lliirlo''. lloi 184. ______ U.ilKAJITUlJI. Vl---lr-»>m hou.r. l.uHi In ^

ivte. r.clii.iv . .1 » “ l>- j q IIinilon ^>-.-.1 .Ibnrirl; U r„ II. n( rr>.,«

l i B S g p S ^ I I

i t o o j ' _


.■5800.00 DOWN I





PAYMENT Will Buy a

. I .OOO HOME *=FARM'''liEADQU^^^^^^


’''^" 'C E C IL C. JONES


L E m ' a ! riL rPIN ,'A K '-W y; n l')|..r.r. l l f l l


'"’“ ' “ '■’"cECIL C. JO N ES ‘U i..ui» iu.,k * ■i,...u Km. :., I'h. ;o*i ;







-------f X R M S l 'O i r s m i

SPECIA L LISTINGS ■ 8 Good Acrc.i ^ ^

LORTZ REAL ESTATE I . . . . K i.,v .) , ..;:.M..

b u s in e s s AND I


“ • M iv L O c n A r iiis r . '

:n f a l l s , roAHO

J L I . . . 1

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FARMS FOR SALE4(1 A n ita . niw.houM. BMr CMil«for<l. _ _

n.MO. T«m>. WrlU Dex 2IA. TIbim*

r o u choU. n .« knrt. lulUbU (at lrrlf». frum o«II>. iiMr Durln. ••• GIU<tU ^ «nd IUck(M7, R««1-E«UU Axcaer. Uut- "

C. A. ROBINSON. R ealtor |

p s S l l C.i. E . W H ITE AGENCY . I

. W . . . ! J

1 5 1 5 1; T | - S 7 f i r g £ ^ j


' F . R.^MANN ^



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m m m MF. J . BACON -


m m: E £ r : i? S " S ! '^ l ia “'. E. W. JkROBERTS i CO.


m M § mi S g s ? i i 3 j




::t o r y

_ llt la ..

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100 ACRE FARMOn triM-t. Kull • • » r rliht. lUa m*J« ^




^ S ;llB ffiM

I- I 320 ACRE I *


g f ’

I p l l l l i l 'LAVERNE BALDWIN



i l ' i i f iS f







^ 1------------------------------ iP- m a n u r e LOADERS ' jTT AND . I i? HANG-ON PLOWS

- Uoi.} TTKKm

_ PA U L EQUIPMENT ^ a n d w e l d i n g SHOP


I----------------- --------------------1 HA

P h o n e ■=“S

---------------------3 8 . --------- p

FARM i m p l e m e n t s


with hlih frant «ad lilt lo«<J«r. A>1 condlUon. Ptlc t lo .til.



s . ‘; : ' ”r - ‘ ........ . ■"it-iNcii rujw oila.vooT MOWUI ^oU.



F or The I Forguson System

See T his Drill T-o-d-ii-y! —


I "h m v a y ^ o ^FARM MACHINERY CO. ^




: H i ? " ' fj I E : : : : ; : ' |


i I - O U R MOTTO— *-

i r r Th...- Implrm.nt. w


^ ; t S I , ......... -

: I p - ;; | L S . „ ^

~ PL O w a

S l l r - .

I " l i s i s . . ;ALSO °




HAY, GRAIN AND FEED= ^ T s 2 « ? I S S g

dam aged '•WHEAT

A.ilUbli no«SI.M HT hundr«i


REGISTEREDSpo tted Polnnd Chinn







Or Si;o “ FAY COX




Page 25: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

TH U R SD A Y , N O V E M B E R 25 . 19




Klr.m.1. tWk'r- "7.*','“ ' W

P E A V Y -T A B E R CO.:o : Sho.hon. St. K. I'hot.. SOI

Loe Ch>ln>ClMuUUof F«n»Boll Flr> * Tll*

OuuU» Whll« r«lnt Kur ilui rip« ritllnst

UiiJInJ JliU 4 Tublrij N»w Toll*U * D»lh TuU S,ro.1 T»nk* * AniU Iron |___

aiMl I'litca A Cim. Wlr*

H A R R Y K O P P E L C O . —is: s m a. . . s. i-huB. ::5W

R E B U IL T M OTORS ~ F u lly G uarnntccil iEXCHANGE PRICE I

Aa Low As I L iiiKonn MotiKu A ...... ............ ( —r,HKVj;oi.KT -------------------- 'j-----------------wom! n i r . I 1‘LYMOUTII --------------------- I

f EASY TERMS 01'All •t|nvi n.Dloti h»*t MM: CtI1t..I>t.

Inc cam inJ mnln Ixirlnct.

C . C . A N D E R S O N F A R M & H O M E S T O R E —

_____________ ________________ ) j r i

S-U -R-P-L-U -S n i f

S -A .I.E -S Js UI-OCK HIOM r . 0

UUSK lir.D ; .E T .'................... t ‘.5iilutiV M«lU5»ra n IJT™' .("t llINoriil.All.S ll.'!'. Armjl . .......0 I'l'

u .:h r r jfUiA ...........— .....i.-.v: J;;;

M..hllllc S|..l ....... ........... B.V5 I-----

D A V I S .M O TO R C O . i

^ T H E -----

T L M E S -N E W S

I.*t F e a tu r in g n

Lovely Sclcclini!

of L _

N U -A R T —

C H R IS T M A S C A R D S>siTii -sin.sATimns


G IF T STA TIO N ER YCltMrlr tnd tiio c il 'ilr rrln’.«d L-—

J O B D E P T . Ca57T I M E S - N E W S

F U R N I T U R E . AI’ I’ L I A N C K SllsKi:'o llV ..lVt, . ot l-rcom I


L ya-T iiic . . . i n m.chin.'(nV ".il.. Ir;

^ g S ^ . 5 ^ S * £ ' ' r I J-IIACTICAI.I.V ---- rrn>7 1)1

LATE mM.l Frl«id«ir. .Inirio r*iiw.. lil, »n»JO. T.rin.. .1..

?.15 ItUG anil Om, t„ i. („ j.k.I mn.ll- ,5,,

S i i i E ;

oMi .tirf IlnlUnc) hot ilr furn»c/*?l5 ®

t r . tL K.fiuy. Itup.rl. M.h<, ------

HUNK IlED .SETS •«lih ; tomfBflm ••ch. (» ih ir Mllow*. ^(Irn III prif. ».«5. •



VnVx ’*'* E V E R T O N 1J.6

M A T T R E S S F A C T O R Yu t Snd A'*- 6<ratb rbgc. (I.W

4 S T O V E B A R G A IN SOnr m~(.I I. IJJS




M O U N T A I N S T A T E S l. I M P L E M E N T C O . <

IIO X&<i Ar*. S. T»Ib r>lb

5. 1948

- P h o n e _ 1 .

. 38

F U R N IT U R E . A P P L IA N C E S _1 I---------------------------------------------------- - ro a


YOU’LL BUYSADDLES ~ h.n.|.to«1.4 .nd b ..k .u » «tump*-! .KldlfJ. A. low «■ tl(9.3i __^







You Can’t Mias 1 J 7 When You Shop a t

SEARS ROEBUCK &. CO. ij■-- - ------------ ^

S P E C IA L S E I^ y iC E S ^

GuarinUH It.rrlt.riXar S .rrln I ^ U>:ia Vdl.r ll.t 'lf.ra'.lun B«rvlc* yA



b.v« (bout b«lf. Cu4rsnt»^



T R U C K S A N D T R A IL E R S S?;

■■“ S E ^ a i i v s s ' j r r ; ; : — h

l).M>nr IralVt ImuM. Mutl ‘x •‘4I tt,'. vr-V. In.,'..irr Txucl. L»n. M.tkrl.

llUILlTlI lmni». 11>0 S'.fnol Univ<n>l. ilr.-p« •!< <.s.rlir.tnl on »h««l.l. Al.'r j.ll.n . |j :0 » n j u^. r«fk Tfii;*f Oil'., ^

\VcMWrart>Cnr(inaHo. Thry .r* cnrj). ^nscrallon n'l.l linl «*l.r h»iUf». b .. ^

Llr«r. Tniir; innt t;!iUt-ln>: I'u- I .n .,,. oi: .l-:tri^ w.i^r W. h ro .r; f|«.jl.n»^^<-ondlllan ^ U o ^ .f .c ^

r - ' -" ^ h1945 !J

INTERNATIONAL KS-G ^““"‘'wi?!**'*’ '■ f*"''l“rlo. sr.alT/T^ufld*

M cV EY 'S. INC. S

t = r r = *: M


r .n .l . vJ4


GMC INew Trucks M

...... . ^TRUCK SALES W

AND SERVICE CO.:is ;ti.! At., a i - iti r . iu Yi-

'----------------------------------------------- ' ZifA U TO S FOR S A L E

zoi'-rJir.’ a..**u. # « "* * 'n “ ‘!,'Vipr-‘w


Chrysler and Plymouth DEALER

fl-YSIOUTII Sp*:l»l U.Uia cirt

1»|; I’LYMOUTIl Iluilro . Cujp.Ijiir, fOIlU Conv.nlbl. Cou». »V

Ull UUICK Ho.Ufflitl.r ^»!.nIMl iUIICK Sur.r 9.<Un Viviu n iE vnoL E T Sr«-i»i d.Iqj.

n ts IIUU.<iON s.ilao* S«dan1531 CIIUY5I.EI1 l-docf Sr!..i Wf.1'j : s OLU.S.\!OU1U :. hot mm


PHONE 123 O uaran teed Uied C ari M

SEE SrfI>eU O r Chnrlle


lvl» CIlEVnoLCT :.df. .Wn. Tullr “ i ' lVlulrr.<J }A

13*: IIUICK iluptT l-1r. FuHy r.^ulrr»J 1518 I-ONTTAC 4.0f. Wn. m ilr

i»n I'LYiiouTi! <Kif. ru:ir

1516 ro m f 'f l DI 1 a?-

UM ri.VMOUTJt D .tui. 4-!r. Mr.

‘- f - '1511 OLDSMOUII.K S»1*B.U.. Ilydr..

1910 ciinY.'!i.rn i-if. M153S rilKVnouCT :-dr. ^>ln. fullr M

13JJ FOItn D.luia Cr'- RadJo ^


JE SSE M. CHASE. INC. SrtAn Itlaho In.lllullot. •!n<'. 1517IN SID E SHOWROOM AT------- M CORNER O P SHOSHONE------- » AND SECOND ST. WEST-------- Sd

T\VIN FALLS-----------------B

------------------------------------------------------f e


ro n a CM .Md T «iu M> t* *M —

»*« IIUICK r>»iim-ri«w. Lik* naw. Then.

JM» rORD :-)oor; trall.r hoti»«- »?i »otilh

1>17 4-daor ladiin. Prlot

Isn tlERCUItY: r*dtn. Ii<4lar «nd o«.r- ■Iri.f, ITtcf.1 rliiht. 1"0 if l »»tn>i« . . . t . L

l»l» ClICVn^lLET. IJ.OM mll~. A-1 fon- __dliliin thruuchout. I’hon. SIU. T»ln

m : CIIEVHOLCT 4-W r .».l»i>. »c7rSH. no«rr.on***o°ul. _________

'or; £t-i.| bUTI prkod ttihl f”f Qukk

i 'm ''uU ich“‘ .Ti'l«l; *»oJ ............Ihroufhojl. r*ti bo .n n «l IJI* 7tl>

Tvlj CHtVIlOLl.T rlnU ln. .t\l»n. .vr.l-Im t"ftillt(on; folly tqulDPpl. Coins.

I .'7- tjb i f Camn- Ph'in. <miJI.

'»*Sh* Sheriff _

P ' ------l i Kris K ringle'sI GIFT GUIDE arI CHUCKLEI CONTEST

i i E n t e r

i l l

^ F r e e T h e a iVv Kvrrj- (l.iy 'Ull CliriMiniK. 'i frcr

UckeU lo tlie Idalio will be i.wa OT contesi to g fth c r \vlllj 3 wcrkly i

you need clo to en ter Is to clip a kV Ciiii'.li' ••■pctlon mul tlic'bnliitiec o

trom nny oilier p a rt ol tin- cIni M ni;il:c up a luiuiy -''cquencu. Pa

hum orous coml)lniillon po.v.ibln N? K rlncle E ditor. Tlmes-News. W

this colum n dally. Cnll lor yi'i ^ ofllce.

I 3 - WEEKL'Pi-;iiii-proof S lip from iri.s L iidir;;’ B irth a to n e RiiiK fr

M W i'stinpfhousc A u ton in tic t W; O iin

I GRANDT.'ibli: L am p fro m H nrry



T»iii FaU>

W ln.i 2 itck rij 10 W "Mls-i TullocV-.-' Mlllltiii'-*4 or th e comlni; nttractloii nt i5 ' ll'*' O rplK um thcMicr. All M tlck ft.1 subject lo trdera l t:vx.

TIIK r i i r rK I .E ^

wr. UUY OLD OOLD. liUMO.* I>k

5 ? c „ „ w S 5 S - ^ : - ™

f .

'f- S U P E R FO R T R E SS I LU G G A G E

A rruovE D nv -mulini;.;



M CA.s


i i I-------

T O IL E T KIT.S Wf, A VALUE o r i n , 09


l i A c . l . I» ji sEAUs nKsT Ki'N'imii;kV AUTOMATK

P O P -U P TOA.'= -!‘KRkV ONLY 119,05W S E A R S RO EB U C K ct ® CO.

M . _______ ' rI ™^ T IM E S -N E W S

I.s F e u tiir in p it

L o v e ly Sclcrtinn

^ of

N U -A R T


S Al^o



i f - S B - T B S - T S - J iS - T S a ^ S S J S - S


: i F f e S f r A

A U T O S FO R S A L E ~

1947 C H E V R O L E TfLCETl.IN t 1-OOOn OtDAM }„'

lUdlo. h u m tad ilr.tid* Ura* 1«EiMlI.ot Condllloo |«

M cV EY 'S. IN C . i;

L I*

IVii; (ll.Umulll. I.<l.n.^i:'^ i*

I-'I"1'.'37 JTnrU MUtn It

Chfvfolcl Mj*n (Tl I*>37 lh<ltat.d»i 18

I'.|J7 I'lymomh :-<I(v.r

IMi lr t'''tk


= n d =

’. r N o w ! n

□ t e r T i c k e t s =free iicki't.-i to the Orplietim onrt 3 i.w ankd an prlic.'. In llJc Chuckle

•kly priies and a urantl prlee . All Up a Com plete U ne (rom the OUt iCc of Ihc complete lines Oip to fl) cInijlJled sertlon ot tlie paper to

■. Pastr up the llnM In the mo^t J ilbln nnd m nll or brlnu It to Krld K. W innnn will tin niinoiincpd In r yi'ut llcUet:. nt llic TlUKvi.Ncws -----

:l y p r i z e siri.s H alu A ppare! S hop

K from th e .IrwcI Boxtic E lc c tr ic Iron fro m R iser- L «

ID P RI ZEirry M u s^rav o M tlsc. M n rt


n i.H M C E DAVtUSOS -----Twin Fall" -----

W ins 2 Ucketa to fer •S m a r t O lrli D on 't Tnlk"

, nr tlic comlnK nttracU on a l n , tlir Idalio l l i c a t e r . AU

tickets BUbJcct to federal tax.H ERE IS THE CHUCKLE ^

I Vm. mik-ht ti. 'l»tk .n.l B.l Ailr. 1-----r .(.J- Ono lh»l will h»»J> i«i- —

llini .nd crti.B» wllh viln.


rhuno ::I3.U 9>1 Walnm

A Gilt Sha Will ArrTKlau —»CADILLAC I-----

VACUUM CLEANERSUprijhl „r 7a.-l. Trr.

(7t,00 VALUE r o n t3:,C4 ' Whil. ihay Im U



acl^om « aio^, C^nipl.t. ^i..rk.v.

"Gaidlt^k. IU. tn AJn. iiI.iio"I W A R N E R M U SIC CO. I

- ■“ 1 no P IE C E S E T —

S IL V E R W A R E f ~nt... m.Ul 19'.;. ................ .. '''** CUT Iiox^'scLU'm;!)

C. C. A N D E R SO N CO.

_ ^.irrs^ T H A T I'l.rASKi

'ValfU IrriT]*.’ alub']. A t-in *l!rSELUCT y o i;k s now ^W IL S O N -B A T E S i—



Cra.lnc RUnal.—rio«d lo> .rt T unr.l.—S«litK T—Luht.Circuit hratkart * mtny oth'n.


I'* lUin r. Itw., «;l

I ^ \\7oO F T H O S E Gl




C L A U D E B R O W N M U S IC &. F U R N IT U R E 1

S 5 « W 5 3 W J B I s . J B g ! g - j B t » 7


;N f a l l s , IDAHO


iai9 v o u n Kor<I.<r IdH IIUICK Kor.l-'rl l l l DOUUU Mon olckuD ,,ISU CIIEVHOLCT *'1(17 irilKVJKll.KT A.rnicvltn ,,IH7 CIIKVIIOLCT Tudor J; 1li( (1LDAU0IIILE {iodth.llom « IIUICK ...,.rr :I»t( ClIKVnOLET Fuidor JjIV.; s i i s , : i i s - : s r . " : r . . sl»ll CIIEVllOLKT Tu.Im | ,,l«4l MniCUlIV Club Coui-a , !.I»l« UUICK K..nlor \.15!» D.-IOTO Kofilgf I },1«1 I'ONTIAC Fordor 1 '1»I7 FOIID ig.lor ' ,,IIS4 FOnD TiKlor |I»SI CHEVROLET rot.l. r18S» rOHD rkkup , ‘


‘ o[..n l',.'n lrc i tnd hunJail'

>tONO<;ilA.Mnt' r.TATlOJ.’l IIY I » (in. f i l l j

°TEi!LiV“r:'V nvK TuY\'o?

iii;a u t ik u i.i.v 1MONnaiAMi;^ I'KSCILS

JAY 1 |'|i!'l‘* '“ ''* ‘ '* '“ '|‘w ‘ »<


p h o n e ' IM-’ ‘ ■ jW.»tln»hr>u»« Applianc** Suil.btr.'mli.f».Carl.on HtJIo.

Cnn..>lldtlH Slokcr. IM &. Y E L E C T R IC CO. I


VISIT US I.S 'Oi;U NEW LOCATION 1An.l . . . „,ir ..lcc<l..n ..f I Al

Kl-.-tnrtl Arnllanr.. ^ ,<(.<•>. K cfrljrrilor.. Kr..>.r. ^ |




• L .tfo a.1~-t|,.nn ioo .sE YOUK c ii ' t CAIILY

HEAL SKIN TUU 1,111.B A R Y n O L I.

.?3.03 *'C. r . A N D E R S O N CO. :

C A N A R IE S I J lr.fAr.ANTEED .SlNlitll,". ']

FO R I3.H9

M .H . K IN G CO.



For *11 EUMflc.I mil. I


IJIA.M OND lli in h v a rc ' ' ' '


• r.t *^.. fl.-l Ill..rl,r,|‘w ,-. ■

■ ciuiosu ''FnoM ’ " Sp•W .wrltll • •I-.n.d jj

N O R T H S ID E h aF U R .M T U R E CO. j i g j


ooLF r i.rii.sU IJ


T H E S P O R T E R . IN C. SW Ii;..m hin» Ior Ih. Sp-t!.m.n

i:ik. UMc, riu.n. ; u j


B L A N K E T Swith alnclt * Du*: ControU


u n CEDAII For IdMl Ma*11h

And n«iru i r .r ^Try TTi...


! FOR I ^1 B E T T E R B U Y S i-! A N D t

M O R E B A R G A IN S [; Seo T h e s e :

1*17 KTUUEIIAKEU Con<n>*nJ«ri *11 ^ I3«< KVrsV:lt‘4«l''-^r..0.n ~I»I7 ClieVKULET Aaro...Ui>1917 ITINTIAC. i^toor tf ltn 1»4S ►oun l.i..M<nttr co..[-.1043 FOIiD S-Ooor. naw rnulorISJI OI.nSM<)im.i;^»*!an.ii.| Ihl. <*r

I li-ll ^ " n t IAc' s- uT . ^ * "I IVtu v.n Tudc-r

1»3> IIUICK Si-^vl.l; Ihla r .r h t. ,I r«condllluii.>).I IIUICK (-.lour: '«ry d o n I lt|3» »;LYM0UIII ««pa. l i j : cilEVIlOLETVwkupi R O E M E R ’S '

S A L E S & S E R V IC E "1 M.ln I!- I'hnnp UJ' GUAHAXrtEU A .■'QUAllL DLAL \

I i— ......................... ift

i-hujstm a :: caiui.s , .ri^ |' ''" 'i i|msTMAs't:AViD!i™'* " ^ 1I) '... :!b :b s t b : - f ,

- ............. ..................

T U W E L S E T S _Su.l.hl. I. r .ry ^ ^ .r- .u n ti.U ^


V A N E N G E L E N S ^■------------- ' K

O IL -O .M A T IC I IA lr-C ondliloned ru m ac M ff2

li. rONVKItsION t>11, llf1lNi:ilJ Y♦ ha ih a n t iik a t in i: 'W

A B B O T T S ' " ' - u H e a t in g i ; P l u m b i i i i ; . J

' ; ------------------------------------------------1 ’•*


S,.,p in *, ^S N O W B A L L ’S 5,«JS P O R T SH O P

KOU TIIE P"'Hf.sT i-l a t i: i.uncii .TK

tn .

............................ .................. ■}§ '

S T O P 5: SH O P I ^ <A T T H E UNKJUiO >

;12:! M A IN E A S T------------------------------------------ ' ’

J U S T T H E T H IN G S I '^5 T O P L E A S E HIM

M cV E Y '’S INC. iiij

- if Special W

C hrls tm aa O ffer HO.OS LAMP FREE

W IT H EACH or D .v.;uon (Ty

M OON'S PA IN T & r u B N iT tm r IN

= = ^ ‘1 ----------- ::;:^7777r------------- ■» ■>

- K 'i r s r '- & r—ALL r..lin> lUIV.I - i i i

C O -O P S U P P L Y IN C. ,jj^

iftT A K E A D V A N T A G E

O F O U RSI-IX-IAI. LOW I ',n r r .in iiiiMi; I uiiM siiiM , , *« i:




I 'A ■'''T H IS W’E E K S JA

S P E C IA L S A L E r JI-



5 W E E T 'S F U R N IT U R E W P H O N E 1295

T H O U G H T F U L G IF T S »Hro..r.L.u*hll-. !.h.ll Chin. If i

»»»rtI’” "oJ'T ‘ r i:DUNCAN-MILLtn , ,

CRYSTAL •y’Cl *'In F .r . I - .tu r ..

NUT now I. SETS -\(i 1»WUh rick. A r r* a « ^ 10


liEAUTIFUL ykT --.r... * .Vo..IU«

,v 'IN F A L L S — _ i ! H A R D W A R E C

P h o n e_ _ a tL

r 3 8 I

AUTOS FOR SALEUNU.^UAL btrz.Ini TrlvtU own.r. >«4(

l’onil*« ( cenxitlbl.. rtdlo. wtlOT «B<t luo lin t hMt.ri aootlUhli do* whil*- ~.11 Lif..Qutri iuh».; rinn *"11 »il»»«ln.;.(lr.1 thia month, loc.lly. Urtnd Baw r—i<-»-l .m lnu mwh.nlc.l iI.Ik i* • moBlhf.Want Cttli In or>.n l.u.ln«i. Call Ulll N.lwn. S43VW






WL rnoMisc Nor t o tnvr. you

J 1911 PLYMOUTli i lu'^ T l

I I0» f'LVUDUTIl'dlal.TMjLV.r. II

j 1'.>U FLVHOUTII cL...« 13:v MODKL A rot.bur ? m i s .lo n Int.rntUontl

ii NIGH^rAND^^^tlMlAV

\ . PHONB 813-W

! T W IN F A L L S =1I ‘ A U TO E X C H A N G E







; ’”,V KU Doniii; s-.prw.

i .........;

: ■’ " ■ s s ' - s ,




I r— - jYOU C A N 'T D R IV E A

; “BARGAIN”B u t

! H E R E ’S B A R G A IN S " You C a n ”


: ;;



C O .M M E R C IA L U N I T S i>




i i^ i IBtl SluJ.b.Vn Plrt-uo


- _______________

PA G E T W E N T y -F IV B ;-^ ^

1 A U T 0 3 F O R S A L E ., i m rOBD 2.door. BaaUr. -r*ai«. '.S' J^bbar. flK.n, tU l l . KI-BWrlT^ ~ ;aELLINa 00 iwmunt of tbk ttta l llO .

^ ■ n m A r t A n iV . NOKra’iiDB « r t? c o .» tboo* U»

ii B-E-T-T-E-R

- B-U-Y-S

19J7 ClISVnOLET SUlamttlar renJor 1»IT ClinEVOLET SlylratiUr TUdor ISIS CIIEVnOLCTSpocUl Da-

Lu.t T«Jor-------------------- IUJ1.«l l l l STUDEDAKER Cofflnan<I<T ' Farter ........... ........ 1«5,«0USI STUDEUAKEB Prttldant

I»» RTUDCBAKEK Chimpioa C o i r , --------------------------- 7M.«

jjjs-c-e D-i-c-k

T-W -I-N F -A .L -L -S M-O-T-O-R C-O. I-N-C.






fivr i im ^ *'•



Cnr.s A rc C iicapcr T han E v e r B efore

P R IC ra ^ w f M AQI

s F C I k ; " ' "

a s :

m ! E f , S '" r r .T ' 'r ”' ‘"‘S ' S - —: : : : E : r r r " " - ■

! ! ! ! S 3 L 'r . L r r . w

m s I-LYMOUTK 2-loor ..d .n }


iB S : IN E W U N IT S |)

ss& sio sD A ^ T i« o u “ i





Page 26: · Th« SOfft, and 4l9t tr> W deaths of 104< Afofftc Valiev oc llM w W red Nov. 25 as

■ l i i i i SChristm as is ju s l arow lim e . Penney’s, always ing effcct o f Christmas


HERM nke It b Blenmlns. dazzling ChrUlnifta fo r Umi •'wnieone a p rc lA lS h e '* sure lo like any otip of th« s if ts Penney’* hnve jc lcc ted here , o f courw th t. 'f n re Jusl * few of Uie mnny,

Penncy'd cun offtr you. Jiw l B few BUBRCRllanii to h e lp th n t poor fellow who d o « n ‘t hnve any Iden whnt to ge t th n t "speclnl person" for ChrlRtmna. She'll like whnt you buy a t Penney'/i.


HIMKATd to please M anl Vou're eu re to plenne him wlUi pur- ehxises from Penney'al Ties, h iindkercljlefs. socks, shlrln, iw cnler#. scarfs , gloven, whm m nn can’t uao them ? All In h la favorite eolora. tool A BIk D lK. BlB selection frotn which

I to choose n t Penney’*



GIRLST oys are Uielr fnvorlles, ol course, b u l they’ll be purUcu- In rly pleiieed wllh handsome c lo thes from Penney’s Down- RUilrs Store. Tliose Tied nydcc fth lrt/. bellJ. billfolds, nnd su­spenders are nlwny.i tops wllh bro lher. S lslcr likes fu izj hood.1 nnd Kloves. D rcsi tliein u p for C hrlalm as n l Penncy’fl


! H O M Ii l

L nat. but by no m eans leaat Is th e hom e. Give ll ai ne^ BleamlnB splendor by nddln a n y one of th e Rlfla selectc h e re . W h a t could bc mor p rn c tlca l th a n a tonster. com fo r tc r . b ttth m at seta tmd. «u T h e w hole fam ily could us a n d enjoy IL Sugsesllo ii-B u just one g if t fo r th e homi for tbe w hole fam ily!

| . . .


i i a f s i i iround the corner, the old Chr nys keeping with ihe times, it mm. We'll help you choose thi

iiuv^ H A N D SO M E


“ 2.98for

Fine slm uliiled leallicr.i, suedes, plnall'c, pulent-1 n t n liny 2.00, All In he r.f ttv o rlte fnll colors.

pur- S R ^ S I T Y ^ in T P L A IN’Ties.


H 1.49D on't ml.'.B Uil.i cnln Tow ncrnft n w ortm en ll Ony, bold. nent. con.iervallve—11 tie (or every


s e jRi^rhl fo r H urd W ear


1 A Qayder I 7

fuOT HenvywrlKhV nhreivklii lln rd and tliftn irlm nicd w ith r.licarlUiK to tu rn

incy’fl. nwny w ln lr r ’a coUlesi

C O M m N A T ^W A F F L E IRO N

leaat GRILLl i i ^ d. «tc.Id use W anips for broakJtisl — srllle i1—Buy sandw iches for lunch — nil fronhome, Ih b hnndy comblnntlon. Chrom«

flnlah siecl.

r iR H i^ v n w p R n v

Zhrisimas spirit has already 9 , invites you lo their Big Cl ; that spccial gift too. Courtei




4.98W lm t could b r more precloua th n n # benuilful rayon sa tin

•r?; Kown? Dnlnty ince trim Blves ih em n jiiKClnl BorBeoua look. 8 lMS 32-40.


2.98Com e III nnd look a t sleek

:n ft TowncrnfUsl Feel the /.mooth. cnt. tl«htly-w oven broadcloth. Bee cry the n e n t Nu C rnft collars. Slses

H -17: alcevcs 32-33.



98<?and T op-K rnln plK.'kln billfold on «

tu rn n r d R yder card . Pnckrls for ! ca rd s nnd paprr^.

^'^^"^'*1i a n W T o i ' - u p


18.95P o p -ln two allces of bread—

rilled noU ilng else—w hen brend la from Kolden brown ll ftulomnllcnily

irome pops up. U nndw m c chrome fin- l.ih.


V_____ _________■

dy filled many homes. The sU Christmas Opening Friday,

rtesy always prevails at Pem DON'T MI.

GI VE ^ F ^ E ^ i '”l O V^^^


9.90“ EXQiiblle In, epch piece

hna Kold-colored frnm el Brunh, Enilrror. powder Jur. comb, cream d

'*'■ Jar. irny. G if t Do*. 1




3.98•ekth . An.iwer to lots of gift problems—!ee Penney'# th rU i-prlccd cotton sea pajam as. Colorful new stripes.

Cont style. All sires.

HOYS* PANTS H andsom e Cnvnlry lw>ll pan ts. S lse t 4-B.

3.98S ires 8-10 ...........- .............. 4 , 9 8

Boj'h* SPORT JACKET Oood Jooklns uporU coat. Slse

V, 5.90S ires 8-lC ..............................7 . 9 0

E D O l ^ l

SO e a s y t o USE


7.90nd— Pour th e b a tte r on cast nlum- I ta Inum griddle — w alch Indicator cnily for correc t hent. Soon—n crisp fin - Kolden w affle. S m art chrome

fin ish . •


stores are being decorated i y, Nov. 26.' Every departmei enney’s. Penney's Christmat t llS S IT !


H andkerch iefs

98CEmbroidered w ith de lica te flower B d e sltn . somo w ith Incc con itra l w 'Three to a box. vl


H andkerchiefs

25C- P ine quality cotton han d k er- I1 chiefs. Whiles, colorful prin ts. <1. Big n " * lT " slzcl Penney priccd r

so you enn buy—by th e dosen. j



: 119F le«r-llneQ flnl knit co tton w ith H cd Ryder p rin t on fron t. Sixes

0 4-H .

^ R I A F T E T A


„ 19.75to r r i lle d w llh the duck down t jp —covered with rich rnyon taf* m e f c u . 7a"x04“. A Klfl—budget



•d in beautiful red, green, blu ment will be packed J u ll of c nas Slore opens Friday, Noi



1.50B^-enlng In Pnrls Is f i r s t choice w llh mnny. G ift box contolna vlnl, 1 o t eolognc. wes

He'll Bc Proud o f T h is l ]


2.98Drown cnlf-flnLnh saddle le a th e r Sn(cowhide) w ith handy four-leaf m i

1 removable p«ft* cnae. T w o bill B rpocketa. Uo




h Brlffht colorful plnids woven In s r ig h t Into the s tu rd y m nterlal. bi

Long sleeves, J r e s s co llar. 3-B. pr

V Long W earing Chenille


3.98m Fashion M anor quality se ts fo r Cf . th rif ty irtft Riving! s tu rd y yam •>e t m a ts and covers In v ivid shades, e

W ashable. c

mblue and silver as is the tradi tf values so your buget will har* Xovember 26,9:00 a. nu

Lovely Embroidered


2.29■-Mr." and ‘'Mrs.”. "H is- and •■Her'B'’—or delicate flo ral p a t- te rn s embroidered on these long wearlnK caseal




1.98Sm ooth, lustrous ray o n crep# muffler# In nen t spaced effecU. ^ , , 1.11 B righ t pU lterlng color eom blna- *“• Uons.




S h e ll bo p retty as & snow queen . . . In Ulls softly k n it wool parka price and m atching gloves. Budget priced.



2.98r One bn th 'tow el. h a n d towel, and olv«1 wash cloth—Rift boxed. Three buy1. colorful floral p rln l designs to • In «

choose Irom ! flon

-------------------------- — THUKSDA1

Iradition at Christmds ,I hardly feel the strain- \



1.00 LBoxed spray pin nnd earring sets, or necklnce and enrrlng sets all priced low for Chrlslm ast



2.98 ,Only 1.08 for thla bronre flnl.ihed smoking aU nd . Brass plnicd highlights, 37 Inchea hlglu


98CLarge a ssortm ent o f wnrm mlt« tens. E x trn speclnl for Chrlilmn*. . . capeclnlly nl this Penney price. Solid or striped.SIrea 3-8 .............................. 6 9 6

m m ^


9.90Olve one ond save enough to buy one yourselfl F luffy chenille

• In w hite or pnstel ground* w ith flora] designs.


SDAYrNOVEMBER ,-1 9 4 8 ------
