Unemploymen leaps again V WAS^GTON (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s hi , ______ • . to Novembtf. ’refaarnli '1. _ ~ ~ ' 0»P da^_(rf_U Depirtment'reportedl The OJ PCT cent li cdlain to iomase Jimmy Carttt to' pro natkn’iugglngecooo tsxo. .........71m Novtmber UDCC OJ per cent below tt -'' frtaNlihed In May, U -UmeirlWBthitJoble ______ . .perccDtlevd.-_____ Rising steadily from in Uiy.'DoenqiloymeQi cent between July ac ; __________ ratewM ffi^i^rif . .. - . lastDecembCT. Some 300,000 p o K s mes->wdre pot oot of ..\.._pIoyin«ahU«l6r.adult -------- slaothehltftesllevelfa lUs towgbt to 7J ’ AmerlcamujKmidoyec ill bri .Wholesale prices rise -- WASHINGTON (U PI)-^ WliOlesale _ cosl^or fudim(T«nsumcr-ready^ November for IHcWond stfalghl men saldloday. But despite a Bpccding of tho Inflal monltis, w h o l^ c p rl^ were only 4. year-ago.' . ' V|^blcsdlc'prlcc8 felt'In'Jonu&ryi'f vaulted 0.9 per cent inSepfemberbefo •-■■■■thcpasltwomonths,'.............- - - - TheLaborOepartmenlsaldJlflWhc ^ ._ias._e In November from a 1967 base ___'that~co>tIwholesalB buyers <l.ooq In monih. ......... PHccs charged to wholesale buyers cost of productlpn'ln maklngconsumm Lebanon force threatei ' BEiRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - Lcttls hovetmlytwo-daysleflinwhlchH&cot order to turn in Uielr guns or risk peacekeeping iorce- -------- Col. Ahiped Al HalJ, the Lebanese ( doniinaled force, has warned that his confiscate lanks. armored cars and ar not hand them in voluntarily.- Arab League sourccs said Hajj api collecting heavy weapons from bolh si Leftist leader Komal Jumblatt ^ Id on Ihe arms issue would l« dccide Moslem, leftist and Palesdnlan chiefli , S outh A frlcd In turm oil CAPE TOWN, South AlrlcaJUPI)" thfough a segregated black townshii ' suspect in an altempt to queli mound Police said 200 suspects were pick( day-long operation In Gugolelu, a su , . cUyondparliamenturycapHal.There For three days previously, the. bla scene of orson and deraonslrndort ' policemen, trapped In a patrol car si slone-throwlng crowds, open^ fire, k Gen. DawidKricl, in charge of .na ...about COO policemen ;vferc..involv,cd. operalion. wilh a rm o ^ personnel streeU find police on foot making hou< Drn|{ for arthHtlN? WASHINGTON tUPI) - The Unil joined forces to see if an experiment! . reduce tho Inflammation and pair without causing serious side effects. ---------- More-thprHlve^nillion-Amerlcnns disease. If.lhe two-year Inlemallortt effective and safe.'Dr. Israeli Jaffe College said more, lhan a million p< ixjneflt from It. Bhodesian Iransitlon s GENEVA. SwiUerlond {UPI> - demanded .today thal Britain os ' Rhodesladurlnglhepcrlodleadlngui ______ Bishop,Abel Miobrewa, prcsiden Council and” the most modcrale dftli Rhodesia conference, requcsled at a I_ :i.lh al Brltnln-Kupcrvise peace ond;or government. " , ‘ , Brltolnhas set March 1.1978. aslhi under black majority rule. Cool bctuiici p’. i-t. : -72nd Year "t ___ I (UPI) - Uoimiploymcnt ' . I higbert level of 8.1 per cent ~ - p : dtodsy. -1 Joh. Indeajse ma Octobd- Is seci jinssm m P ^ d o il dect Car )rovkle STtlmulus fo- tbe-’' V oony -r possibly by cutting ____ ^ con eiec lem^doymeot rate wsa ]i^ — Lan tbe recenkm peak of 8.9 OffI 1975. It also was the . exp >IessQess has reacbed tbe 8 - P ... •.......... ......_ lodt im a 1970 low of 7.3 pCT cent entboveredJustbelowS^ ’ m[m and October. Nov e m b ^ s' «nf — of sdult IH of 9ok In November, Juit u lt o ttn h ise to 6 ^ per cent. ____ ^ 9 :f(ffl978............. ' ; U million’ tbe number of fti. . ' ^1 ’jef I food, rose by O.G per cent i_n_ loniii. the Labor peparimciit 1allonratelnthcpast:thrcc ’4.2pcrcenthlglwrUuippni!' 'i'Pebrua'ry o'nd sfore easing to 0'.6 rliolsalc Price Index-istood se of 100. This meanS' goods'. ' :rs arc Incorporated inlo (he ler good^. ............... ened H tlst and Palestfaian leaders ' H t»mply-withiin-Arab Lengue— =— ik a.confrontatl&n vdth tite - 'H • ■ ■c commander of the Syrian- -• ils troops w lliruse force" to - artillery ir the two groups do . apparently planned Ic^begin " isldesSundjiy. , H j ald’thelefUsts'.fjnal position ded today in a meeting of * .1 ’ir-R'I^t.ppllcelioveswcpt^' H ihip. picking' up hundreds of ' V ntingarsonandvlolcnce. ' :ked up Thursday.during the* suburb of this southern port i;rc were nd incidents. . black lowiiship has been the ons. 'Wednesday’night, two ' surrounded by shbutjng and .killing two youths. nationwlde rloC control, said . cd. JiiJhur5day:5->:c{cahuR'l !.-H el cars patrolling the dusty ]usc-to-housesearches. n l^ Slolca andiU is^ Htive ntal dragrpcnccillamlnc. con , aln of rheumatoid arthritis ins-euffcr from thc'crippling - lhal study shows.the drug Is ffe of the New York Medical persons la (his nation could ........... iNonght------- —• Bfa'ck‘nationalist leaders assume overall_£ontrql;or-.J, ^ juptoblackmajorilyruie, . ___ lent of the African Nationah- ' the four black leaders al the' ■'' ‘ t a full meoling of delegations------------ •order-durlng-the tronsitiohal,-_____ Ihcdeadilneforindcpcndence ' ' ’ . XUi ^rrniygrpon/5 A ... Church, 5 ___ __________ lo\ ' Tarm,l3-]4^ .“ I tlWng, 11-12. Bl» Opinion, 4-S S Sports, 2S-28 ' Valhy,J_5_ _ S, mri Id •PLAINS. Go, (UPI) - C yrus Vance. lilt. dbqaMiTdijiijmTaiioroti'Sfifljwf bhnson administration,'\dll bc nom ecretary of state by President-dec !arte;.4oday, informed sources said. Vance was expec.ted to attend Carti onfercncc. tod ay..along .wilh Vice, F iect W alter Mondale ond Atlanla bai Jince, whosc'nomlnatlon as dlrect( >ff|ce of Management and Budget xpeclt^ to bo announced at that time. - Press Secretary Jody Powell conf Irr odoy that fjrlftr..wo^d.Domlnate..'.'i AFDam ris / . -„FINK. Tex. (U PJl.- In,most cit cusatlohJbat someone "bought ihi town of 12 It's just Ihc normal wa; things:";— --------- -- - M ayongatrfcla Wbrlght announcec she hod sol'd the'Fink General Store and Pam I*oltlmore of-Denton.-Texi munlty’s city h ^ is in tho store, so irioyorwcrifwTAlheblllofMle. ....... “We had no Idea of selling out." Mr said. “Bill Latllmore was looking for the orca ond hadn’t found unjihlng h daho^s LargesirEven • TwIn^Folls,-Idaho, Fridoyr:0< is Vai ce. Plow key ' officer In addition" to W ^;r,_in.0icj::;.,aittw er3ffeflly<}UCTffi omlnoted-BS undersecretary in the Jecl Jimmy was coming to Plains I. hissclectlon. , < arter’3 news Sources said, hiwc e_ Rrcsi,dcnt-_.:_forelgn pollcy.adyieer banktr Bert for the presidency, wa Ktor of tho- E S I briefing at which el was also madopublic. - le. ■ Vance was this Carl flrmcfl early , guest Tuesday night li L.Va.cablncL:__ without .explanatlon. • • TOB rcfdscenxnt dian rising ImmedlaWy b eloi ' wjriuTS 'pour fiOQorte T niwDdtheniooIowlBvd c d ittf . I tw th iee liijrgB tt . Uw Dew d aza^ ' k (Texa citles an ac- Fink.” . the mayor’s As wellasbelng4h ^p,lmLln-lhls— Finlc,-thc-confununlli way'of doing .NoUonal Flnk'Week _ ---------- -------- — whlcKcverybodyjivtr iced Th,ursday of Fink Is honored., ore to Robert '“Wehadbecnlnfrji 'eXr Tho com*-^— In Fink.'.l-L3ttlm6r« ; SO th^Job or atiy' ldea'‘tho' Albtl decldcdlofindoul." Mrs. Albright Mrs. Albright said fora place In' - about the sale, but fin Ig hfi-likcd but "I guess thinking a ening ISeivspaper 'rOecember-3.-l 976— - ■•.— iiro e t( " to Lance. Powell refused to brief! j5nbns''thatVante,--a-tiefeTise— econo I the Johnson'a'dministration, Var alhs for thc,announcemcnt of the II \ KlJiSl' liwever. Vance, who was a Vanqt 'teer for Carter during his run .. ..negot was to attend the 2:30 p.m. and s hid) his nomination would be Cypn .. . ,.ini Carter's unannounced-house conin iht in Plains, and attended — Th( tlQn~rT_Cartcr!s-flvc-houT-_ ran- B B S g B S M 3 B S 3 8 M » f a > 3!A & »\i“ «'• d*m «t-American Falls-is- - - will Do jelow.thieolddam fright)^ . Hjeco xTte blocks and form up new d levdoDtktspich^lnthe pot^ ‘gBttdjesoeartbefarsideof pnjeci otodcstfaroagbwUchwatCT tbenev as) may we< ig4he home of a family named mli unilyJsJhaJsIte nf \hCLnnnual____^alo Veek’ccleljralion. the day on hoi 'Jhthe world w ithiSolastnamc ------- " d . , sill Infrjgucd by all of tho goings-on we’ loro saH.-"I-reaHy didn't-have " dm Ubrtghla-'woiiId-selin>ar-wr‘ it." - ■• 'd id said at first-sho. wasn't sure on Jt finally gayeJfL._________ ' Blc ingaboutairoflhoMMveh-day" P .... 1 .............. ieflng by the nntipn's most dIstint onomlsts andbnsfac^ leaders on Wedn i/ancc. 59/woiBd provide a clear cont 8 lively style of Secretary of Slnle iislnger. Less flamboyant, than Kls inqe nonetheless has earned respect gotiaUne'a6HiUes at.thc.Vietham pcac d at forums on the Greek-Turklsh sp! 'prus. fn New York, Vance could nol be reac rnment. The norninallon of L.ance, a Carter fric n-the-itatc-highway departincnl- Dow to the ttoblnes for power gend condrete blocks rising at either end ' dam rep'reaent about Unw room ring and lonnlng, according to Jack 1 ject managu- for Beditd, Inc., onstr Dcwdam. ror^s p in weeks Uial wc work helped me ma( mind,” she'said. "W illard-ihcr- olreadylias retired. aithouRh he work; hourshc^'asldo. —"It T\-3sn't rasy lo say yes.-I-have sinking feeling In the pit of my'ston we’ll still lUt! In Fink and be_around t durlngN'atlonalTnhkWcek. " "I gupBsfrom apractical standpoint did-was rl^rtrThtillm'e lo retire is wl: oa-top»I don'rTuibw how we couli Bicentennial FInk Olympics we had Ihl Mayor Albrtght remembered thing: tv.nl.iirof ^ ad Stj tlngulshed Carter’s term as Geoi ednesday.— *-cxp«ted forirecJtirCi rontrast to' • would get a'tablnet-1 nte Henry spcculationhascentere Kissinger, Powell also reporte< » t for his had declined an offe icace.talks___ president of Jones and split over sted Industry repre^r to explain their declsioi eached for Such meeting wouli ond productive" after friend who 20. Powell said, nl-during.^ ............................................. - H . one-tl BySHM - BURLEY - The An dam on the Snake 1 completed.accordlng Tom Shafer, Twin 1 the project,^d Thu was 30 per ^cent o November. Reporting ala.m e£ Nine In Burley, Schof ^ ^ ^ ^ H 7 - r c m o v e d a b o u t 17S,00> ' and debris ondhas pli -ifo-wld-about-WM ' hove been pour^'. the eo^Dcer repo . Constructlw^., Dat -------Hesald malnlenan to auure flood c replacement dam f ' Reason. ?y thal tin .. cDoereletobavobcci oflhespUlwayonthe jH B B B ' ' ' SdialCT said BaU BBBjHI- .twotota. alaB «&-'^fidehiiirbv-May r u n o ff s 1^ April and 1 - Ttib'sccohd t ^ 'l . dam, remove portlo EffiDplete tb e cndosu , Sdiafer said BaU -excoedcd"- the. r ^ structlon schedule. Key lo, completl replacement dam Is ^ July ' on whelKr < ■ IjflH B I breachlngofth^oldd , That decision will ^ ___ ccprcsentatlvcajLtl] the ^aceholden. tli Engineers. H jH ^H Hesaidthctwoprii P 3C IH _____ Is.lh(LCODlractor_: assure completion above the new dam In (Oooth Death H ofGiln under SALT LAKE CITY mother Is .trying t( ' , murderer’silealh'wii tho state’s and nation' BcssIcGllmorc.be tralIer~court"ar asked the Utah and U ^ ^ ^ ^ H —^thcexecutlonof her SI ------ ji!-love'Gai7>vor)u and signed 'petitions filed by attorneys o Bothcourtsdclaye( judges - nine on thi ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v c lb o llh c .state's. consider the appeals I The U.S. Supreme ( sjeratkxL -appeal-by ottomeys 3)d of tbe - scheduled td be ele Ktnths of ' Texas State Prison ck Eakln, Gilmore, has osked t< istxucUng The pale and gaii Saturday; enteretf th strlko while waiting- _________ __ • Prlsoncellforthocoi stbougi nake up my 1 '"In a hurry- when ^-husband), National Flnk.Day.an >rks as many "Thai firet'year w frecb“arb«:u6^»apo ive a kind of— didn't,fecd25 persons tomach. Bul a sln^e phone call id to help out newspdpereilher. ■‘But Ihch w gol 3l^t.:what^\•e -.-Eventsand.thecalls when j-ou're' 200 or moro people < ould lop the built up tolm orc.lh 1this year.'-’- . during our Fink Olyn ings chaiig^ tHoimnds'upoh lhous ' ■ r atejl! Jeorgia govcnwr,-haa'been . ^ rCarfer recmllysald-IanCB ------- let-Ievd position, and most - [ teredonlhoOMBposIllon. jrted Thursday that Carter. ’ ; ‘ offer by Thomas Grahami • ' T ■J- andLaughllnSteelCoip..,for. . ill ^ntatlves to nm e to Plains t Ision lo raise sted prices. .',,.;; ' T ;• ' i ould be "more appropria.1#'-— fter Carter takes offlce-Jan. . . am..:.J third' jlete,’ JANEOT«^“ e*NmwTttir' IA merican Falls r^ilaceocnl - •-11 ce River is about •ooetWrtf ‘ .: j Ingtoltsenglneeri dj rtnFallsehtfneertachatgBof ‘' ■''!! Thursday that tbeuew. ilam V C I complete by the end'of ,< meeting of the of -. u';. iufer said the contractorhdb •!■ 5.000 cubic yards of rock,.flon • ^ s placed 200,000 cubic yprdM f . iaslflbutmentofthedam,.--. n ihlp y°rJt ___»» cported that conlhiued good - lhgcontrartor.rrfrdonH.BalI : - - Danville, Calif., 00 schedule. - lanceof lhat£lw (!u!eap]^r9— -- ^ I contro) abllllles- on the - -|{ n for the 1977 spring flood — time, the contract calls for , /; t>ccn poured to equal the heljJjjLw' i.theexisltngdMn. ■ InU ffa». -• ' vioWJi sin977.'i(r control-tjje - " -^ n d la ta the spring-. . . ; sk is to complete the coocrcte' ' rtlons of tho existing dam and ! losuresi^tlonsonthenewdahi.: ‘.j 3 ^ “has met and, at times, ; ........ ; r^lrem ents under the coo-'' . ; e. ,' ' . ; ■ . iletlon of the contnvd^al ' \ 1 Is a decision to be made next .1 i r ~ o r 'r » i ^ pw)«!Cd“ v7mr — r ilddatnlnmld'Seplember- . vill be mode. Schafer said, by if the giireau of Rcclflmfltiofi. . 'the contractor and Bechld , ‘ prime questions will be: ,: or_suffjei^rit|y_onl6chcdulejo_____ )n In time to begin storage nlnNovember? - -::i Bthmedoap.U) > iwish " I more . | r study'. [TY (UPI) - Gory GUmore;s • } to thwart Uie condcmn<^ ;i wish by appealing his cose in . - '| ;lon'shlghestcourts. , ’ . bedridden wilh arthrllls in a j a r Miiwaukicr orc7;~has d U.S. supreme courts to block * jrsononiaooday. --------------------- iry " Mr^ nUmnn><nlrf jns seeking stays which were I s opposed to capital punish* lyed any decision until all ihclr ' • 1the U.S. Supreme Court'ofid 7 p's highest tribunal -coifld ~ als today. ne Court Is also considering an J eys for Robert Excell White, electrocuted Dec, 10 at the »n In Huntsville. While, like • [ >d to be allowed to die. gatint Gllmorcy who turns 3S | ir the Ihlrd week of his hunger . ing-ln his Isolated Utah State ; .courts to mle. hen, wc started cclebraUng . i I'.andNationnlFlnkWecli," :■ r when we said we'd provide . lpo[nwrNntlonal Ftnk-Daywc----------'j jons. I don’t rcmerabec gcltiag - ____ :all from a radio_«ation or, ' got'bi Chase’s Calendar "of. Ills 8tarted,comlng jnJiVe hod - —j ilooutthosocondyoar.and.lt i.thanASOO in. 1975, a ^ .th e n - liymplcWockthlsyearwotod r-------J lousands-V_____' ____________ ! _____ 'J II -I

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

Unemploymen leaps again

V W A S ^ G T O N (UT '- • Jumped to the yew ’s hi

, ______ • . to Novembtf . ’refaarnli'1 . _ ~ ~ ' 0»P da^_(rf_U

Depirtment'reportedl The OJ PCT cent li

cd la in to io m ase Jimmy C arttt to ' pro natkn’iugglngecooo tsx o .

• — .........71m Novtmber UDCCOJ per cent below tt

- ' ' frtaNlihed In May, U -U m eirlW B thitJoble

______ • . .p e rccD tlev d .-_____Rising steadily from

in Uiy.'DoenqiloymeQi cent between July ac

;__________ r a te w M f f i ^ i ^ r i f. . . - . lastDecembCT.

Some 300,000 p o K s mes->wdre pot oot of

. . \ . ._ p Io y in « a h U « l6 r .a d u lt-------- slaothehltftesllevelfa

lU s tow gbt to 7 J’ A m erlcam ujK m idoyec

ill bri.Wholesa le p r ice s r ise

- - WASHINGTON (U P I )-^ WliOlesale _ c o s l^ o r f u d im ( T « n s u m c r - re a d y ^

N ovem ber for IH cW ond s tfa lg h l men sa ld lo d ay .

But desp ite a Bpccding of tho Inflal m onltis, w h o l ^ c p r l ^ w ere only 4.

• y e a r -a g o . ' . 'V |^blcsdlc 'prlcc8 felt'In 'Jonu& ryi'f

vau lted 0.9 p e r cen t inS epfem berbefo•-■■■■thcpasltwomonths,'.............- -- - T h eL ab o rO ep artm en lsa ld JlflW h c ^ ._ias._e In N ovem ber from a 1967 base___ 'that~co>tIwholesalB buyers <l.ooq In

m onih. .........PH ccs charged to w holesale buyers

cost of productlpn'ln m aklngconsum m

L ebanon fo rce th reatei' B E iR U T, Lebanon (UPI) - L cttls

— hovetm ly tw o-daysleflinw hlchH & cot o rd e r to tu rn in Uielr guns o r r isk

• peacekeeping iorce--------- Col. A hiped Al HalJ, th e Lebanese (

doniinaled force, has w arned th a t his confisca te lanks. arm ored c a rs and a r not hand them in vo luntarily .-

A rab L eague sourccs said H ajj api collecting heavy weapons from bolh si

L eftis t leade r Komal Ju m b la tt I d on Ihe a rm s issue would l « dccide Moslem, leftist and P a lesdnlan ch iefli

, S o u t h A f r l c d In t u r m o i l

CA PE TOWN, South A lrlcaJU P I)" th fough a segregated black townshii

' s u s p e c t in an a ltem p t to queli mound Police sa id 200 suspects w ere pick(

day-long opera tion In G ugolelu, a su , . cU yondparliam en tu rycapH al.T here

F o r th ree days previously, the. bla scene of orson and deraonslrndort

' policem en, trapped In a patro l c a r s i slone-throw lng crowds, o p e n ^ fire, k

G en. D aw idK ricl, in charge of .na . . . about COO policem en ;vferc..involv,cd.

operalion. w ilh a r m o ^ personnel s treeU find police on foot m aking hou<

Drn|{ for arthHtlN?WASHINGTON tU PI) - T he Unil

joined forces to see if an experim ent! . reduce tho Inflammation and pair

w ithout causing serious side effects.---------- M ore-thprH lve^nillion-A m erlcnns

• d isease. If.lhe two-year Inlem allortt effective and sa fe .'D r. Israeli Ja ffe College sa id m ore, lhan a million p< ixjneflt from It.

B h od esian Iran sitlon sGENEVA. SwiUerlond {UPI> -

dem anded .today th a l B rita in os ' R h odesladu rlng lhepcrlod lead lngu i

______ Bishop,A bel M iobrewa, p rcsidenCouncil and” the m ost m odcra le d ftli Rhodesia conference, requcsled a t a

I _ : i . l h a l Brltnln-Kupcrvise peace ond;or governm ent. " , ‘ ,

B rlto lnhas set March 1 .1978. a s lh i un der black m ajority rule.

Coolb c t u i i c i p ’. i - t .

: -72nd Year

" t___ I

(UPI) - U oim iploym cnt ' . I h igbert level o f 8.1 p e r cen t

~ - p :

d to d sy . - 1 Joh.Indeajse m a O ctobd- Is seci

j i n s s m m P ^ d o i l d e c t C ar )rovkle S T tlm u lu s fo - tb e - ’ ' Vo o n y - r possibly by c u ttin g____ ^ con

eieclem^doymeot r a t e w sa ] i ^ — Lan tb e r e c e n k m p e a k o f 8.9 OffI 1975. I t a lso w as th e . exp

>IessQess h a s rea cb e d tb e 8 - P... •.......... ......_ lodtim a 1970 low o f 7.3 pCT cen t e n tb o v e r e d J u s tb e l o w S ^ ’ m [m and O ctober. N ov e m b ^ s '

« n f — o f s d u lt I H of 9 o k In N ovem ber, Ju it

u lt o t tn h is e to 6 ^ p e r c e n t .____ ^ 9:f(ffl978............. ' ; ■U m illion’ tb e n u m b e r off t i . . ' ■

^ 1’jef Ifood, ro se by O.G per cen t i_n_ loniii. th e L abo r pep arim c iit

1 a l lo n r a te ln th c p a s t : th r c c’4 .2 p c rc en th lg lw rU u ip p n i! '

'i 'P eb ru a 'ry o'nd s fore e as in g to 0'.6

rliolsalc P r ic e Index-istood se of 100. T h is m eanS ' g o o d s '. '

: r s a rc Incorpora ted inlo (he l e r good^. ...............

en ed Ht ls t and P a lestfa ian leade rs ' H t»m ply-w ithiin-A rab L engue— =— ik a .confrontatl& n vdth tite - ' H

• ■■c c om m ander of th e Syrian- -• ils troops w ll i r u s e fo rce" to - a rti lle ry ir th e two groups do .

a pparen tly p lanned Ic^begin " is ldesS und jiy . , H jald’th e lefU sts '.fjn a l position ded today in a m eeting of


. 1

’i r - R 'I ^ t .p p l lc e l i o v e s w c p t^ ' H ihip. p ick ing ' up hundreds of ' V n tin g a rso n an d v lo lcn c e . ':k ed up T hu rsday .du ring the* su b u rb of th is sou thern port ’ i;rc w ere nd incidents. . b lack low iish ip h as been the ons. 'W ednesday ’ n ight, two ' su rrounded by shbutjng and .k illin g tw o youths. nationw lde rloC control, sa id . cd. JiiJhu r5day :5 -> :c{cahuR 'l ! . - H el c a r s pa tro lling th e dusty ]usc-to -housesearches.

n l ^ S lo lca a n d i U i s ^ Htive n ta l d rag rpcnccillam lnc . con , a ln of rheum ato id arth ritis

in s-euffcr from thc 'c ripp ling - lha l s tudy show s.the d rug Is ffe of th e N ew Y ork M edical •p e rsons la (his nation could ...........

iNonght-------—• Bfa 'ck‘nationalist leaders a ssu m e o v e ra ll_ £ o n trq l;o r - .J , ^ju p to b la c k m a jo r i ly ru ie , . ’___lent of th e A frican N ationah- ' th e four b lack le ad e rs a l the' ■ '' ‘t a full m eoling of de lega tions------------•orde r-du rlng-th e tronsitiohal,-_____

Ih cd e ad ilnefo rindcpcndence ' ' ’

. XUi^rrn i y g r p o n / 5 A ...

C h u r c h , 5 ___ __________ lo\

' T a r m , l 3 - ] 4 ^ . “ I tlW ng, 1 1 -1 2 . Bl»

O p in io n , 4-S SS p o rts , 2 S -2 8 'V a lh y ,J _ 5 _ _ S ,

m r iI d

•PLA INS. Go, (U PI) - C y rus V ance.lilt. dbqaM iTdijiijm Taiioroti'Sfifljwfbhnson adm in istra tion ,'\d ll bc nom e c re ta ry of s ta te by P resid e n t-d e c !arte;.4oday, informed sources sa id . V ance w a s expec.ted to a ttend Carti

on fercncc. tod ay ..a long .wilh V ice, F iect W alte r Mondale ond A tlan la bai Jince, w hosc'nom lnatlon a s dlrect( >ff|ce o f M anagem ent and Budget x p e c lt^ to bo announced a t th a t tim e.- P re s s Se c re ta ry Jody Pow ell conf Irr odoy th a t f jrlftr..w o^d.D om lnate..'.'i

AFDam ris/ .

-„F IN K . T ex . ( U P J l . - In ,m o s t c it c u s a t lo h J b a t someone "bought ihi

town of 12 It's ju s t Ihc norm al wa; th in g s :" ;— --------- --- M a y o n g a trfc la W brlght announcec she h o d sol'd the 'F ink G enera l Store and P a m I*oltlm ore of-Denton.-Texi m unlty’s c ity h ^ is in tho sto re , so ir ioyo rw crifw T A lheblllo fM le . .......

“ W e h a d no Idea of selling o u t." Mr sa id . “ B ill L atllm ore w as looking for the o rc a ond hadn’t found u n jih ln g h

daho^s LargesirEven• TwIn^Folls,-Idaho, Fridoyr:0<

is Vaice. P lo w key ' o fficer In addition" to W ^;r,_in.0ic j::; . ,a ittw e r3ffeflly<}UCTffi omlnoted-BS • u n d ersecre tary in the J e c l J im m y w as com ing to P lains I. h issc lectlon . , < a r te r ’3 news Sou rces sa id , h iw c e_ R rcsi,dcn t-_ .:_ forelgn pollcy.adyieer b a n k t r B ert fo r th e presidency, wa K to r o f t h o - E S I briefing a t which e l w a s a lso m adopub lic . - le . ■ V ance w as this Carl f lrm cfl e a r ly , guest T uesday night li L .V a.cab lncL :__ w ithout .exp lanatlon .

• • TOB rcfdscen xnt dianr is in g Im m edlaW y b e lo i

' w jriuT S 'p o u r fiO Qorte T n iw D d th e n io o Io w lB v d

c d i t t f . I t w th ie e liijrgB t t . Uw Dew d a z a ^

' k (Texac itle s an ac- F in k .” . th e m a y o r’s ‘ A s w e lla sb e ln g 4 h

^ p ,lm L ln-lh ls — Finlc,-thc-confununlli w a y 'o f doing .N oU onal F lnk 'W eek_ ---------- -------- — w hlcK cverybodyjivtriced Th,ursday of F in k Is h o n o red ., ore to R obert '“ W eh a d b ec n ln frji 'eXr T h o com*-^— In Fink.'.l-L3ttlm 6r« ;

SO th ^ J o b or atiy ' ld e a '‘th o ' Albtl d e c ld c d lo f in d o u l."

M rs. A lbrigh t M rs. Albright said f o r a p lace In ' - about the sale, bu t fin

Ig hfi-likcd b u t " I guess th ink ing a

ening ISeivspaper 'rOecem ber-3.-l 9 7 6 — - ■ •.—

i i r o e t (" to Lance. Pow ell refu sed to b r ief! j5nbns''thatV ante,--a-tiefeTis e — econo I the Johnson 'a 'dm in istra tion , Var a lhs for thc ,announcem cn t o f the II

\ KlJiSl'liw ever. V ance, w ho w as a Vanqt 'tee r for C a r te r d u r in g h is ru n .. ..negot

w as to a tten d th e 2:30 p .m . and s h id ) h is nom ination w ould be Cypn

. . . , . i n iC a r te r 's unannounced-house conin

ih t in P la in s , and a tten d e d — Th( tlQ n ~ rT _ C a rtc r !s -f lv c -h o u T -_ r a n -

B B S g B S M 3 B S 3 8 M » fa > 3!A& »\i“ «'•

d*m «t-American Falls-is- - - will Do jelow.thieolddam f r ig h t ) ^ . H jeco xTte blocks and form up new d le v d o D tk ts p ic h ^ ln th e p o t ^ ‘gB ttd jesoeartbefarsideof pnjeci otodcstfaroagbwUchwatCT tbenev

as) m aywe<

ig4he hom e of a fam ily nam ed mliu n ily J s Jh a J s I te n f \hCLnnnual____^aloV eek’ccle ljralion . th e day on hoi'J h th e w orld w i th iS o la s tn a m c ------- "d . , sillInfrjgucd by a ll of th o goings-on w e’ loro saH .-" I-reaH y d idn 't-have " dm U b rtg h la - 'w o ii Id - s e l in > a r - w r ‘ i t . " - ■• 'd id sa id a t f irst-sho . w a sn 't sure on

J t finally gayeJfL._________ ' ■ Blcin g a b o u ta i ro f lh o M M v e h - d a y " P

.... 1

■ • ..............

ieflng by the nntipn 's m ost dIstint onom lsts a n d b n s fa c ^ le ad e rs on Wedn i/ancc. 59/woiBd provide a c lea r cont 8 live ly style of S e c re ta ry of Slnle iislnger. Less flam boyant, than Kls inqe nonetheless has e a rn ed respect gotiaUne'a6HiUes a t.thc.V ie tham pcac d a t forum s on the G reek-T urklsh sp! 'prus.fn New York, V ance could nol be reac rnment.The norninallon of L.ance, a C a r te r fric n - th e - i ta tc - h ig h w a y departincn l-

Dow to th e ttob lnes for pow er g end condre te b locks rising a t e ith e r end

' d a m rep'reaent about U n w room ring and lonn lng , acco rd ing to J a c k 1 ject m a n ag u - fo r B e d itd , Inc ., o n s t r D cw dam . •

r o r ^ s p i nw eeks Uial wc w ork helped m e m a( m ind ,” s h e 's a id . " W il la r d - ih c r - o lrea d y lia s re tired. aithouRh he work; h o u r s h c ^ 'a s ld o .—" I t T\-3sn't r a s y lo say y e s.-I-have sink ing feeling In the p it o f m y 's ton w e’ll still lUt! In F ink and be_around t durlngN 'atlonalTnhkW cek. "■ " I gupBsfrom a p ra c t ic a l standpoint

did-w as r l^ rtrT h tillm 'e lo re ti re is wl: o a - to p » I don 'rT uibw how we couli B icentennial FInk O lym pics w e h a d Ihl

M ayor A lbrtght rem em bered thing:

tv .n l . i i r o f ^

ad Stjtlngulshed C a rte r’s te rm a s Geoi ednesday.— * -cx p « te d fo rire c J t irC i rontrast to' • w ould get a 'ta b ln e t-1 nte H enry spccu la tionhascen te re K issinger, Pow ell a lso reporte< » t for his h a d declined an offeicace.talks___ p residen t of Jones andsp lit over s te d Industry r e p r e ^ r

to explain th e ir declsioi eached for Such m eeting wouli

ond productive" a f te r friend who 20. Pow ell sa id , n l-du ring .^ ............................................. -

H . one-tl

B yS H M

- BURLEY - The A n d a m on th e Snake 1 com p le ted .acco rd lng

’ Tom S h a f e r , Tw in 1 th e p r o j e c t , ^ d Thu w as 30 p e r ^cent o N ovem ber.

R eporting a la .m e £ Nine In Burley, Schof

^ ^ ^ ^ H 7- rc m o v e d about 17S,00> ' and d eb ris o n d h a s pli

-ifo -w ld -a bout-W M ' ho v e been p o u r^ '.

■ t h e eo^D cer repo

. C o n s t ru c t lw ^ . , D a t-------H esa ld m a ln le n an

to a u u r e flood c rep lacem en t dam f

' Reason. ? y th a l tin .. cD oere le tobavobcci

o flh esp U lw a y o n th e j H B B B ' ' ' SdialCT sa id Ba UB B B j H I - .tw o to ta . ■

a l a B « & - '^ f i d e h i i i r b v - M a yrunoffs 1 A pril a n d 1 - T tib 'sccohd t ^ ' l

. d a m , rem ove portlo EffiDplete tb e cndosu , S d ia fe r sa id BaU

-excoedcd"- th e . r ^ s truc tlon schedule.

K ey lo, com pletl rep lacem en t dam Is

^ Ju ly ' on w h e lK r < ■ I j f l H B I b re a ch ln g o f th ^ o ld d

, T h a t decision will^ ___ c cp rcse n ta tlv c ajL tl]

th e ^ a c e h o ld e n . tli E ngineers.

H j H ^ H H e sa id th c tw o p r iiP 3 C I H _____ Is.lh(LCODlractor_:

assu re com pletion above the new dam In


Death H ofGiln


m o the r Is .try in g t( ' , m u rd e re r’s ile a lh 'w ii

tho s ta te ’s and nation ' B c ss IcG llm o rc .b e

t r a l I e r ~ c o u r t " a r a sked th e U tah and U

^ ^ ^ ^ H —^thcexecutlonof h e r SI------ ji!-love'G ai7> vor)u

and signed 'pe titions filed by a tto rneys o

B o thcou rtsdc laye ( judges - nine on thi

^ ^ ^ ^ ■ ^ v c l b o l l h c .s ta te 's .consider th e a ppea ls I

T he U.S. Sup rem e ( sjeratkxL -ap p eal-b y o ttom eys 3)d of tbe - scheduled td be ele Ktnths o f ' T exas S ta te P rison ck E akln, Gilm ore, h a s osked t< istxucUng T he pa le and gaii

S a tu rd ay ; en tere tf th str lko w hile waiting-

_________ __ • P r lso n c e llfo rth o c o i

stbougin ak e up my 1 '" In a hurry- when ^ - h u s b a n d ) , N ational Flnk.Day.an >rks a s m any "T h ai f ire t 'y ea r w

■ frecb“a rb « :u 6 ^ » ap o ive a kind of— didn 't,fecd25 persons tom ach. Bul a s ln ^ e phone call id to help out new spdpereilher.

■‘But Ihch w gol 3l^t.:what^\•e - .-E v e n tsa n d .th e c a l ls when j-ou're' 200 o r m oro people <

ould lop the built up to lm o rc .lh 1 th is year.'-’- . du ring o ur F in k Olyn ings c h a iig ^ tH oim nds'upoh lhous

' ■ r

a t e j l !Jeorgia go v cn w r,-h a a 'been . ^r C a rfe r recm llysa ld -IanC B -------let-Ievd position, and m ost - [ te redonlhoO M B posIllon . • jr te d T hu rsday th a t Carter. ’ ; ‘ offer by T hom as G raham i • ' T ■ J- an dL aughllnS teelC oip ..,fo r. . il l^ n t a t l v e s to n m e to P lains tIsion lo ra is e s te d prices. .',,.;; ' T ;• ' i o u ld be "m o re appropria.1#'-— f te r C a rter ta k es offlce-Jan . . .

am..:.Jthird'jlete,’J A N E O T « ^ “e * N m w T t t i r 'I A m erican F a lls r ^ i la c e o c n l - • -11ce R iv er is about •ooetW rtf ‘ . : jIn g to ltse n g ln e e r i d j r tn F a lls e h tfn e e r ta c h a tg B o f ‘ ' ■ ''!!T hu rsday th a t tb e u ew . ilam V CI com plete by th e e n d 'o f ,<

m eeting of th e o f -. u';.i u f e r sa id th e con trac to rh d b •!■ 5.000 cubic y a rd s of rock,.flon • s p laced 200,000 cubic yp rd M f . ia s lf lb u tm e n to f th e d a m ,.- -.

n ihlp y ° r J t ___»»

c p o rte d th a t conlhiued good - lh g c o n tra r to r .rr f rd o n H .B a lI : - - D anville, C alif., 00 schedule. - la n c e o f lh a t£ lw ( !u ! e a p ] ^ r 9 — - - ^I contro) a b llllles- on th e - -|{ n fo r th e 1977 sp ring flood — tim e , th e c on trac t c a lls fo r , / ;

t>ccn pou red to e q u a l th e heljJjjLw' i.theex isltngdM n. ■InU ffa». -• '

vioWJi s in 9 7 7 . ' i ( r con tro l-tjje - " - ^ n d l a t » t a th e spring-. . . ;sk is to com plete th e coocrcte ' ' r tlo n s o f tho ex isting d a m and ! lo su re s i^ t lo n so n th e n e w d a h i.: ‘ .j3 ^ “h a s m e t and, a t tim es, ; ........ ;r ^ l r e m e n t s under th e c o o - '' . ; e . ,' ' . ; ■.iletlon of th e c o n tn v d ^ a l ' \1 Is a decision to be m ade nex t . 1 i r ~ o r ' r » i ^ “ pw)«!Cd“ v7mr — r ildda tn lnm ld 'S ep lem ber- . vill be m ode. Schafer said, by if th e g iire au of R cclflmfltiofi.. 'the co n trac to r and B ech ld , ‘

p r im e questions will b e : ,:o r_suffjei^rit|y_onl6chcdulejo_____)n In tim e to begin storage n ln N o v e m b e r? - -::iB th m e d o a p .U ) >

iwish " I m ore . |r study'.[TY (U P I) - G ory GUmore;s •} to th w a rt Uie condcm n<^ ;i w ish by ap pealing h is cose in . - '|

; lon 'sh lghestcou rts . , ’. b edridden w ilh a rth rllls in a j a r M iiw a u k ic r o r c 7 ;~ h a s d U.S. sup rem e co u rts to block *j r s o n o n ia o o d a y .---------------------iry " Mr^ nUmnn><nlrfjn s seeking stays which w ere I s opposed to capita l punish*

lyed any decision until all ihc lr ' •1 th e U.S. Suprem e Court'ofid 7 p 's h ighest tribunal -co if ld ~ a ls today.n e Court Is also considering an J e y s for R obert E xcell White, e lec trocu ted Dec, 10 a t the

» n In H untsville. While, like • [ >d to be allowed to die. ga tin t Gllmorcy who turns 3S | ir th e Ihlrd week of h is hunger . ing-ln h is Isolated Utah S tate ; .co u rts to m le.

hen, wc s ta r ted cclebraU ng . i I'.andN ationnlFlnkW ecli," :■r w hen we sa id w e'd provide .lpo[nw rN ntlonal Ftnk-D aywc----------'jjons. I don’t rcm erabec gcltiag - ____:a ll from a rad io _ « a tio n o r , '

g o t 'b i Chase’s Calendar " o f .Ills 8 tarted,com lng jnJiVe hod - — j ilo o u t th o s o c o n d y o a r .a n d .l ti.thanASOO in. 1975, a ^ . t h e n -l iy m p lcW o ck th lsy e a rw o to d r -------Jlousands-V_____' ____________ !_____ 'J


Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

biStanli~ T ' B O ^ E ltJ P H - Idaho Tianspo

m em bers agreed Thursday lo f B aaln .re siden ls M 'days lo provi Inrorm olioa In Ihelr flghl to halt roi

:• • U.S. Highway 93 ihrouRh the ir arec : ■ -..-'n i<{:;SU ile.T ransporta llon^D cF

reconunendcd th a l the route be" s ta le highw ay w ith U.S; 93 All

Shoshone to Arco and .C haltls-1 m a jo r federa l road.

' ’id f lb a Highway A dm inistrator 1 eipT Q lri^ tho l-lhe reason for th e i

- v i j ) bccause h is dcpartm cnl w as h g r tlin g federal approval of h i ^ w j

• , ihe’S lanleyB asln. • -

iz |3 D ) ttE BI.

, j | _ T.A.>Ted’ '• i^ g fie iM E - T. A. ‘T e d ” fl

C iiw fo rd . 75, Je rom e, died■ vffdncsday otlcrnoon ol Magic C

• - \*dlley M anor In WendcH a fte rfllftrief Illness. ' - o

-v B o m Ju n e 2S. lOOl.-tn Belle Cfllv e , lil., he a ttended Illinois bEfhools and moved lo Idaho In |

(fecor EsIInger n e a r Twin p iJalU ond m arried Blanche C

.Q ju re h D ec. 7.,1929.'ln T w in , c p ills ! They farm ed n e a r EdCli;^" "Ji

- » d F ile r prior^lcMiravltig lo - — “ A ro m c In 1930. M r. Crawford ci

w as e m p lo y e d ,a t A ndrus c' da rd w h fe for. Povprnl_y_pj(re___Si

: - - i I j e R o y A .

J h A G ERM A N - 1 L c l ! o y ~ w T r ^ A l b e r l - W a s h l i u m r - S J T — >v

H agerm an. d(ed W ednesday a l D iJogerm an of on apparent If H|!arto(lficlc. ________________' ^

; B o R i'-F e b ; • a s .’ IMD, at. • p < ,Anai£irlcc>,'Olda., h6 tnarxled . ^'• ^ e ic n 'J h m c o n * in 1931' in' ' .p ,

aocl(ton . CalIf. T hey lived In ^ — ^ S o c ld o n ^ u n t iU y o a r o g o 'w h c n - ^ T “ ^ y : -m o v e c ir - io -H irg o rm m T -~ a ,

■ . . . K ■;M r . ' 'W o s h b u r J i w a s j a o

raw n B e rd n ffe 'B o p tlS ttl iu rc h ' Si a n d p a s t "m as le> of .th e oJ

........ S lo cE lo n ^ aso fik L o d g er ‘ ' ' dl- • Surv ivors in addition to tils . K

• : ; ' ------ - T a fa t e eJE R O M E T o ro L e e *

^ m ^ Jn fa n t_ d n u g h tc i:.o f-M r.___aI _ l _ i r y j .B e e m T " " :” . ;icrom e. -w as s illlbom Wed- j

h e s d a y . o L i l . ^ B e n c d l c f s , ^ ! •v posp^tol. 9 • . »

I S u r v iv o r s b e s id e s th e c p o rc n ls oro one h ro lh er, Rfclc. -,

_ J e r o m e ; , .h e r g randparen la .-r"- M r. ond M rs. T n im an Beern.

. Je ro m e; ^I^s. Iva \Vcst, Eden.: ^ < ind M r. and M rs? Calvin

M ann. Je ro m e^___ ; i ' ____________' ; ' ......... . - a

•• • * ■ • n

— ^ - E l e f a - M c G r u w ^ Jf f 11 : D E C L O -> - M rs ; E ld o >

’ : , M eG raw . 50, ■ D eclo, died fc _ _ _ J h u r s d a y _ j i i 6 h L „ a L .C a s s ia . -1.

M cm oria l Hospiloi in Burley of-------- :a lingGringUlntss,-^— .— —

. ; C o m p le te o b i tu a ry and jfuncrai se rv ices will b c 'a n - • .TMunccd by P ayne M ortuary. [Burley. J

; Edna P. Fonda “: TWIN FALLS - M rs. Edna y e a r i Fonda. 83, Twin Falls,d ie d a t M agic V alley Memorial i

. ;Haspltai th is m orning a fte r a \|sho rt illness. ’ I• tW h lte M ortuary will an- f

. jiouijcc.acra^ngements.-'' 1,

I '

' W b m a n r o l l “ - c r o s s e s ^ D e a. _ ; S H O S H O N E .C a ilL J ilP ll- a

:F o r the g rea te r honor and •- ; g lo ry of J im m y C a r te r . °

. 'n c ^ e c l e d sp o r t o f ro ller- I*: isko tlng . L inda Rcingold did i l . ' ' c

; She ro lle r ska ted across Death ": V alley . . H; M ias R elngotd. a Icgey • ** : 24-year-oId . ^ o rn p le lc d the.Jo u rn ey T h u rsd ay , ro lling ^

- ;d o w n th e H ighw ay in to ^ ' 'S t)o shcneabou t4p .m .. righ ton \

,--L _Jschodu lo .-ll had token h e r th e — ib e ttc r p a rt of th ree days to • ;coverlhe l25m ilcs . ^

! S h e c o l la p s ^ 'a l the side of — rth c T o a d rb u th y tra ln c r . 'G f lry ~ ~ li

;H udso'ri. so ld lh a t w a s ‘Hue ; m o re lo anuelfton l lhal she v

- • i 'h ad d o n c itth a n to e x h a u s llo n r v { " W e 're rca tohaD D a.tlie .trip— a ; Is o v e r," sa id Miss Relngold, a -

landscape g a rdC fw r_ from ,U s^_ l ; A ngeles. , . -

_ -i "P h y sica lly .w e 're a . l i t t l e t■ ■ ; U red . bu t w e 're In h lg tr £

^ i r i t s ^ ! -------------------------- ; . . f: . S h c w a ia c c o m p a n le d o n th e j

- ;.Journey by Hudson -:;'_w ho.- • B k a t^ tii^ (iistahco wllh he r — (

: 1 Olid 0 p ickup truck 7orryIng-u < i I pub lic rclotions m an. o doclor— (

: , 2 T im e s - N o w s , T w in Falls, Idaho ’ '

po rtal Ion B oard H e M id . the) allow Slon ley d a rd s a n d to lDvide additional w ould bc ijrrodcslgnationof designated hljrea.' *Dutaspokc;)c p a rtm e n t-h a s— ' ' a dozen p c rsK rdeslgna lcd a redcslgnationA lternalc from th e a rea and f;• becom ing the sa g flngecono

Bbth T ed S)ir D ean T isda le S tan ley ChamIC redcslgnation ...............Bennett.--an .I having IrouW e ^ shopping cen,woy p ro jec ts In a long the rou

’ C r a w f o r d

and had farm ed since 1950.H e w as a m e m tx r of the

Church Of God.Surv ivors a rc h is wife and

one daugh ter, S harron Lee Crawford, both Je ro m e; one bro ther, ( g a r l ic Craw ford.

' F lier- and M.v_eral .nieces,and_ ___-n cp lio w s i-:^ —-.--^— :---------------------

p .m . S a tu rd ay in Hove Funeral Chapel by Rev. N orm an Ar- chcr,_B urJaJ will b e . in the

■Jerome C e n ie le 'ry . '" - • — F r ie n d s ‘ m ay c a ll, a l l IhC . 7 ‘ : chapeJ th is afte rnoon and evening a n d un til 1:30 p.m .

.Saturdny^____________ _____________

W a s h b u r n

wife a re tw o sons, Kenneth - W a sh b u rn .—S t o c k la o , :^ n d .^ . i—:^ D avid W ashburn. F a irfie ld ; ■ t h r e e d a u g h t e r s , J u n e K raetsch nnd C aro l W olcoll,

; F re sn o . C a lif .; i l g ran d - ; 'c h i l d r e n ; 2 g r c j » t . - _ ___

•g randchildren : th ree sisters,- D oris-B avo 'ond M rs, F ra n ce s

rGcorEgr t w t t r E s c a io n rC alif--:---------a n d M rs .. P e o r f W adlcy ,

.K ingm an, A ril. , • .Funeral s e t t e e s will be at-

S t o c k t o n ' - ^ o n d a y T ^ o c n H ^ - ^ a tra n g em en ts o r e u nder the d irw tia n -o f .Thom pson-Sears - - F unera i C hapel, G o(^ing.

e B e e m ' - — - -G raves id e se rv ices will b e a t

- -J I—a .m .— S a tu r d a y - ^ I— th o — ~-~~.Tpm m » r<»mplf»ry ir iU iS lak c _____

P residen t -R ic h a rd ’ E verson . «_ L D S C hurch.,conducling._____» ‘ Hove F>iny;al Chapel w i l i _ F'

d irec t se rv ice s '" a n a ''ff reh (Is "Ip

■ m ay m eet a t th e cem e te ry . ^

E n i ' m i a B a k e r s«

___ BU RLEY - E m m a -B n k cr .___ju89. B uriey. died . T hu rsday ^e m orning a l C assia M em orial ^o

- H o s p i t o l — a f te r —o - l l n g e r i n g - T ^ llltiess.-

Serv ices will b e announced •. ' ' byM tC ulloch’s.

— Hiiar Parkes----: B U R L E Y - i^ i la r - .p a r k e s , ' .65. Buriey. d ie d -T hu rsday evening a t C assia M em orial' ' -

. Hospital a f te r o sh o r t illness. • M cCuiloch’s w ill onnounce

funeral a rran g e m e n ts . ■ si. . ■ ol

F u n e r a l S e rv lre N >BUHL — T h e funera l for ^

H lrum C. L ap ray . 78, w ho 3ledW ednesday in T af t, Calif,, wljl (o bc a t 10 a .m . S a tu rd ay a t theF a rm er 'C h ap e l. B uria l will be {j,In the W est E nd C cm clefy . fQ

- SIa

lleEskatef «

and canii> ii;gcquipm ent.. T here w ere se v e ra l m ishaps alOTg th e w ay . T h e - truck .

the PR m a n ’s w ris t. T he lent ; 'co irapscd on th e m Ihe ’ first n ight out, ond th e n blew off the ' jq truck .th e . nex l day , forcing

, them to b a c k tra c k to locate It. j .Miss R cingoid , a . ro ller-

skallng en th u s ia s t who even ' ska tes In the superm arlcct, sa id she w w ind up crossing

_A m crtca .'8 .-W orst_deserl- o n ------s k a l« because o f a Joke tha l D s ta r ted w hen s h e . w as a st v o lu n te e r In t h e C a r t e r W cam paign' - skatln i! doo r, la ^

- d o o ra l lh C n r tc r l i t c ra tu r c . ■ •__Sh'e did not expec t C a r te r to c

win. s l i c 's a i i i r a m r ^ T i t r c m m - . 'b i vo lun teers thu l it he did, ' ’r i l 'o

- s k a t e D eath V alley ,"--------------r — r

S he .a lso , w anted to c a ll at* . D ._lenllon to 'th B - 'ln c k a d a tsa c a l“ TN

a ltitude m any people have tow ard exercLsc a n d keep ing In sh a p e , a n d p ro m o te th e S; s p o r tin g - B t a tu s - o f ro l le r ' 'W

. skating. ■ ■ ; .- ' xShe h opes h e r D eath Valley^

d a y s 'p rnv ldod " li shul In the a rm - to r ro l le r . .b a t in g a.-i at) jii

" Olvtftolc-BDort." , ’ ' B


I ’ Fflday.Docombof3.1978

the road 'd id not ■mcel f c d c ra rs ta n “ lo bring It up to c u rren t specifications impossible I f ' i t rem a ined a U.S.h l^ w a y . -------.ikesman for o delegation of m ore than ’rsona fro m 'lh e Stan ley Basin said Ion would reduce tou ris t .travel into id h a v ca drastic effec t on an a lready momy.1 Springer, Challls, rep rese n tin g the am ber of Com m erce. a n d 'J a m e s R. n attorney rep rese n tin g ' a S tanley renter, urged full pub lic hearings ■oute before any final decision wa.s

Farmers I. . JB O IS E ^ _ ln J sJ lJ lh J in n u a l.^ ___IJI'convention this week In'BoIse,- m

Ihe Id ah o F a r m B u re a u pc T e d c r b l lo n 'v o t c d 'to support 0£ -Icglslalive b o a rd s -o f -re v ie w — p< s im ila r io th e S t a te o f ItJ

..Colorado’&Sunsel Low.----------------cl-

M eeting a t th e Rodewoy Inn Sunday through W ednesday, P* IF B F m e m b e rs v o te d to ,

• s u p p o r t— a — n u m b e r — o f — M reso lu tio n s in c lu d in g th eboardsof review ._________________ ^

T h ey v o led fo rra lif lco tio n o f a, the sta le w ater plan by the Icgislalurc before th e p lan is

Jmp.lQm.ent{!d,_:--------------------------IdThey opposed any fla t r a le y(

proposals for u lliltles^Such a s i

Meter IA L E X /^D R IA , L a. (U PI), to

.— Belly A m brose Is c o n - . . st: sidc red an excellen l ‘ police officer by he r chief, bu t she’s •

.be ing busted back to tn e ter m aid duty — and Ihcro a re n 't ; jc any m eters, R i

M rs. A m brose; 41. Joined-the y/i force in 1070, se rved a s a m e te r y,; m aid for a*verai y e a rs and , . then bccanio a Juvenile officer op ■for two ye a rs on m e le r.m a ld 's ^ sa lary .S herecqn llyco rnp lc lcd , t |, a -cou rse In Juvenile la w .cn - cl.forcem ent. which cosl the c i ly .........J2,i43. , . . b e

When she re tu roed . she w as b t

~ T ¥ S l l f e■ • ; , - . • V n

A d ^ t t ^ W ednesday . nei . L e o n a r d . . - B M w n .^ i 'B v —Mt

Samuel 'W adswbrih ond M rs. - . Su JoscphPotucek. all Buhl; M rs; a n Kenneth L eonard nnd M S .,C . Jci J r Connell; .Ijqth FiiOr: Ji>ah- poi

- ' ' -M i

f a u j t l n H e m o r J a l

' A dm itted Da- - Sandl G lle srJo Dee Pium lcc,— Mi

Doris Nelson. E lm er Tlw m p- „ Ca son. Debra H art, Mary G arola , ", ,. W anda B ray and W illiam . C r

-,Alorgan,--alUBuricy:-ne3WOOd ■ - --B j;,a r , _ O a k k y : - . .’J i c h a c l ___--i

bschaak and Kevin B ar'relt. ’ 'b o th M allii; H e le n H ale, •••QaRley;- f t l j |>cl .^ D a n ie ls ,__ .]

“ RU})Cri;--.Samiy -D a S n g lo n ,- Sp D eclo; -C h n rien c .-I^ickcU, Hi

-Rruriaugh. ............ — n f jD iim issod '• ' -V

Mark Ehle, Sondi._ G ile s ,! . . Sarah'M nl. all Burley;- D ebbie '

'M ille r; K im b c rij-m td -Jcn n lfe r~ Tu Taylor, Declo. . .

.. ~. . .B l r t l a - - . : . . ' . . . - ....... iA dauRliter w as bom to Mr. Mi

and M rs, l.con P e te rs o n . Mi Burlev. Hr

' ■ ' (


in“ - ” ....... r e a c h e d ;— ----------ins T hey sa id a study w as bc.S. econom ic Impact of th e chanj

the bo a rd ag reed th a t if the; an ro rm ationnodecislonw ould t)ild c o d a y s . ....................... .. ■ilo '' Bennett told the board th a t I dy I a re a w as "very c ritica l.” Hi

tho t would reduce Iraffic into he the a re a hord.R. T he a re a is faced w ith j;o stey " iox ' i ia se " while the dem ond gs tlnues to Increase, Bennett sol a s "A ny reduction in traffic c


t r a i s e r s ^ = = ^

> W p ^ O r t ^_jCPposflLa-ouId,-they- a ) rilcnd<-— one-

m a k e e lec tric ity : m o re , ,ex- U g pensive for s m a U ^ r s , such.- , . .wor o s ho m e o m ers , sincc ’ the Ir

-pow er-com pany could deljver ' o iih I ts pow er to la rg e u se rs m ore B ur

-cheap ly .- ----------------------- - o fM em licrs o lso su p p o rte d — com

p rese n t planning and zoning " p a r i la w s w hich p la ce respon- fedc s lb l llty fo rp lan n lng a n d io n in g ■ placo t th e c o u n ly ie v e l .------- -- o r e

T h ey do not,’ how ever, Icgl:-S uppo rt-ony -new -law s^fn -the-------- -n

o ro ao fp lann lngandzon ing : E nv IF B F m em bers voted lo Age

' suppo rt budget s e ^ lo n s of the b u n - Id a h o -L o g lfila tu ro -o v c ry -tw o -~ th e -

years.'"T he reasoning behind p re \ su c h a m easure', according to -fedc

maid tnetetold she* would re tu rn to the t:c la ^ s tre e t- Monday, o s a m e ter civil m aid . Y,.. m a k

'•S h e 's , a v e ry c ap a b le o b e j person , a ve ry qualified per-.S o n ." p o l ic e c h ie f J a c k R odgers sa id .T h u rs d ay .''‘Her- w ork in 'th e Juvenile division . w o s ju s tf ln e ., '

"B u t under th o law I hove no . option bu t io m ove h e r into the m e tc f-m o ld position because -> . t h o f s ' .h e r c iv i l s e rv i c e . . "1 c l a s s i f i c a t io n ^ bein

M rs. A m brose sa id sh6 w as - m y be ing d isc rim ina ted against theh b ccau se olh e r sex . Since she Is ^ J ro n

M a j i i p V i i l l c > .v M e o i o r i a l -hotlb IlichardM n. D eclo; Pau l W ar -MoBo!yv-~Viola“ Tom lirtson . . R u n Sunni H earin. D ustin LlCkley M fs ond M r s /R o y Dcm ls. . a l l o la r J e ro m e ; V cm lce Plo tke, Jack- ’ - , p o t ; ’ L aync D cB oard. E den; * - c i

.M rs. Ja m e s B ecker and Mre. w ill L a r r y S t r i c k l a n d , b o th /viie G ooding: J a n e t C a r te r and - nnd D aria Stauffer, both Pau l, and ‘ daui M rs.-Ronold Bra'iin a rid F lo y a I and C arpen te r. bplhSlXKbonc! W er

. Je ffe ry Newijiun. M rs. Orval KfmG ra y . M js. L es ter M cGregor. ___o n d

. C on" - M l B M o k n - M p m o r t Q r -------R u s

. ' A dm itted ' - - - " -L ucinda Still and Marsha v . _

S p ro ^ e .'b b th 'lf c y b u m ; Verio H all. E lsie M ae Clarit. LIm .

i r a j i w a M —a n d —R a y n i ' o n ^ ^ - , -GcnUy. all Rupert. • f® "

D ta m ln r f V e r la H a i l a n J ‘ J o h n •

T um lnsk i, both Rupert; - -- B i r t h * .....................

--S o h s-w c rc .b o 'm to Mr, and M rs. John Holl, Rupert, and . ^ i l i M r. a n d M rs., Vernon .S t i l l , ., H pvhiim Jose

■ m Y ^ n r m r m r "days to ................................................ .. -" c o lla p a

IS being m ad e on the Bcnhcrhange on th e a re a and opposed ' th ey had any new in- such an u ld tK made fo r a t least . th e hig^

...................... way93.!th a t th e economy of the -— Tisdal

H e said any chango -possibly into th e a re a would hit Transpc

w as doi" a s te a d v decline in the_______ designaiiand for se rv ices con- Boardt ts o id . a c h a n g[fic could c au se a to ta l. J a n . 1.1

'•••'' '

ittlitT O I 11

V to o f U c ^ p la te ta g s n u r a

tr^ t lO B S l l f iW— !i:.ieidlvU ies.J^ .com m Iltee_em p!c

n m p le 's e t

^uns% law- ttie -i i:e jiib e i. i s t d “ f r« iT h e '“^ 'T hLiegislalure ono full scss.iooioi:___supj'w ork iogonjeg isla tion .,.' • ' -. -- H on

In o lh c r-o f flc ia l action . id •o im ed a tlth c A m erican F a rm -u5e^ B ureau Federa tjon , m e m b e rs , jn fo o f th e IF B F ' rcM m m ended , -con ; c o u rt action rela ting lo a . [on , p a rtic u la r w ith reg a rd to fede ra l ru lings should ta k e - i n n p la c c in a c ou rt nearest to th e n '■ a r e a o f f e c t e d b y t h o bar] Icglslolion. exp.

— -n ie 'fecom m ended -tho l-the-------- r iE n v ir o n m e n ta l P ro te c t io n the A gency sho u ld c a r ry Ihe b c l b u rden of proof, in ove rru ling A m

-the-use -o t-certo ift-pcsH c ides— tle n prevM > u8 ly -o j)p row «H ^lhe r— ^^11 fed c ra lo rs ta tca g en c le s . poo]

, e r i e s sd a a l f l e d 'a s o m e te r m aid by ^ c ivil service, she sa id , she J* _ m okes only o s m ukh money o s _0 beginning patro lenart %

••■niere o re no m e ters - i th a t’s w hat I 'm trying to gel i a cro ss lo th e m ." M rs. Am- .1 b ro se said, She oiso sold she w as next in line for promotion to s irg e a n t If she could se rve j a so re g u la ro ffic c r.

" T h e m en a ro opposed lo,m y b e ing a se rgean t. They fea r |m y com ing o n - th o lin o -a n d - ..........th e ir having to take o’nders ., _ fro m jiw m q n .’ ' _ . . ___ :j_i


W arren Von N esT T ilrs.' L uke' ~ R um feli, M rs. G erald Keith. ! M fs. Dav[d K ibbeland D eJean O landen 'a ll T w in Falls. 'o. D ism issed W edoesdoy, y■Q eo Will and Mrs. C hariey '

W illiomson. bo th Filer: Alisha « Allen. Rupei%; O iplia Pe terson I ond M rs. K enneth R e in k ta n ddaughter^ a il Buhl; P au l R eed ___a n d M rs. Scldon Slilriey, both W en d e jl: J n m le - D en ton , K fm bcriy; M rs. Craig H addena n d dau g h te r , -Sh o sh o n e :_______C a r o l e - I ^ p p , Eden: Mrs. H u sM lIH ec a 'an d so a Hansen, a n d Irm a Sapien. Heyburn.

B irth j^ D a u g h tc r s lO'Mr.-^tmd M rs. — B re n t Stauffer, Paul, ond M r. r

fond M rs, G era ld Keith . Twin 'F a lls ,- ahd' o 'son toT W r’and ‘-j M r8;'Jam cs Becker. Gooding. , J

C o o d l i i jK C o a a ( y _ . ^A dm ittjU V

, K enneth,. .Bfirllom c. . M rs.W iiiiom D anlc ls. Mrs. E vere tt „ T rad e r. -Ova E verett, Mrs.Jo se Luzar. a ll Goodlnc. *

pse of fh a r^ n a l b u s in e s s , " he so ld ." nhctt sa id w hile the residen ts o f the sed any change In the rou te designatii an action w ere taken they would like li ilghway designated a s '"S c en ic U.S. 1 J3.";dale sa id he fell th a t the boa rd ( ibly pursue such a request, b u t ' i sporta llon D irec tor D arre ll M annings; doubtful lha t It could bc ob ta ined i plated a U.S. rdulc.a rd C h a lm a n C a ri Moore, Lewiston, s inge w as m ade it would nol bc m ade 1,1978.

isg W T . . _____.. . .^ . BO

.................... — I Supr■; uiiiit

- . . ' . J . . b e e

■ ' ponyv ers

l l l l l l l l l l l ^ ^ tcrc!


, - now ,, dusb

B g x ' 1 1 W j ‘ ' •', comi

W l / i l i . r i

0 6 B 6 B i g E y ' ~ ‘ — on~i


irsday., w b k h wHI H kjy o f tb e S O c ta te a . ' K j> tdn .-tfi^ - a f & - a --------------------m d a f c v b i a u g t ^iployB.looks a t a_ ,_ , ____B |

review *'T h e IFB F a lso voted “ To ” upport repeal of the Wildio rscandB urro_A ct.-------------- —

Idaho m em bers a re asking l ie A F B P to ta k e th e le a d ln a n ^ n fb rm o tio n - = p ro g r a m - t o ' ^ o n s u m e rs s p o n so re d by arm ers .T h e program the IF B F h a s •]

n m jnd is one which would, on - L- '^ t l y _ b a s ls_ p Q iD t_ o u t_ — la rgains lo consum ers and * pose pricing Inequities. _'T T H T lFBPatso-votedtofavor— " — h e beef check-off, a m easure > c lng i n i t i a t e d b y th e i A m e ric an N a t io n a l C a t- ' lem cn’S". Association - which - - — vould s c t- u p - a -bo j r d 'o f 08 - ■ — >eopi.c from a ipund the nation0 ad m in ister money received ~ jy tax ing the Sile^Df beef with1 value-added lax .

T he money would-fte used to )rom o le.:'dom estic beef in orelgji m a rk e ts , and fo r beef •escarch.

How To Take A Federal. - income tax deduction of upto$1,5QQ tII I'could show y o u ji way 10 claim a-Fodofal-lncomo . - - lax deduction of 09 much

—88 .Sl.Sfln nvflfY.'yoar |nat____ ____you work ,ond’ uso Ihjo'

"money lo pf'dvldo'for y'our '<fnr\ (otlfoment. would you bo imorostod?

" H~yoij'fo ~~worklfi9~ ind~nol~~ ~ ~ . covofcd'by n pension plan

I mdy bo ablo to.' —

This results from Iho Pen- olon , Roform ~A ^~n’nd - If you're no t.tok ino advan- lago of it you‘ro~misslng - q

U t mo show you how ll w flsm oanltohoipyou , _

___ __ .__Calt_______ ________ —

mW.HAHlflf.JILlC.Is jw JG w l ’ Twl«Wl*!] ^

J - > h . 7 3 3 -0 9 7 6

. - . W here the fu tu re is new -UllrapoJIIinllK; NtvTort, N.Y,

auMUini: - -~n.ni-7isi

Dad cha(j;............................. B oard m em bers Uohe a re a Roy Slroscheln, Sleri alion. if . . . f o r th e rcdcsignatloi (e lo see roads Into Ihc area.S. HlBh- ■ B a rro n sa id h e felt

m ore people lh a t will I d could . \Vhen th e dciegatior I t ' S tale . supply fu rther inform igsa ld It the agency would "11 !d while can get so we c an mak_______________ M ann ing sa id it v,n, said if> in tention to hurt ar ide until p rob lem s so they are

of th e s to le ."

[daho high issues rateBOISE tU P l) “ T he Idaho... . Agrii

uprem e C ourt sa id today a protc llllty 's con tract ra te cannot creoi e changcd unless th e -c o m - ' w asi ony c an show ' It h as an ad- Be erse effect on the public in- alter jre.sL - - thein a . s u i t - b r o u g h t by affcc

igricuilu ral_P roducl5-C orp>-— court C a inst_U lah-Pow eiL 6-L ifihL r. conn !a.,nnd the .:P iih llr ,n rillllP S r a t« lommlsslon the high cou rt said, uled the general ra le increasero lo sle d by A g ric u ltu ra l-------- - -'r w fu c ls ' ''w a s ''ju s ll f ic d Vs WM rdercd b y - th c .P U C - iu t .th e . pcclflc in crc asc ap p lled to th e ppellanl w as not.Agrlcu itu ral Produ c ts Corp..- W

ow known a s _ B eker J fT ustries. hod a p p e a ln f the H ommission’s o rder se ttin g H Hah Pow er & Light Com- H any 's c icc lrica i pow er ra te s Vi n n i r ^ i i H - d n K t n i i i n t y — Woc u m en lc d its p ro je c te d M evenue d e fic ie n c ie s w ith Hudget figures. .. V -Tho co u r t - g a v e - r e l i e f 't o -*® [


~ CACTUS PETE’S S------------- H w y . '9 3 * - -------------------

^ Z 3 3 .M 6 3 _

CINDY’S - RESTAURAHI . '(C lld G h o S lo lo 7 9 -C l.

K l T I I I - r e


------U 3 2 B iu« lo k « » Blvd______ ____ i n n T h . C n f n o t Q L ___ I

. A d d lio n & B lu a L a k o s

THECnVE , N' 496 A ddison W . I

7 3 3 -9 8 4 4 ^


DEPOT GRlll / :5 4 5 S h o th o n o S t . S.

7 3 3 -0 7 1 0 ‘


. 3 6 6 M o ln A v o :M ._ ' '

fiEORGEKT V174 9 K lm hcH y R o o d - '

7 3 4 -3 1 0 0


O p e n D ally 6 a .m .« 1 1 p .m .2 09 6 K im b«H y r o a d

7 3 3 -0 7 0 3

--------: - C o l o r 8 l S a n d o r i ‘---------- --


----------- OflOfff WIU 8£----------------------i f lM o riN M iN u rE sir

jogersohrestaurant: :. GOLDEN R .

C * n f g r o fT h * .D o w n to w n M oll

TURF CLUB :2 3 < F a llr A ..- .^ .

7 3 4 ,2 0 0 0 -T

; U oyd Barron. Fairfield , and ..;lerilng. both said the ixason itlon was to provide be lterI.felt th e beller the road_^lho _ '•

v illbcco m ihg ln lhere.'’ ■ • itlon sought additional llm e.lo ormatlon. Manning told themI "like all Ihe Inform ation wc make theproper decision."il w as r» l the dep artm en t’s r a n y b h c ”“ l)ul' to s jlv e the a re the best for all th e people

s ruleIgricultural .Products in , its irotcst of the specific In- rease applied lo il while It ^as not in operation. .

Before a contract ra te t a n be - iltcred the utility m ust show * he con tract rate adversely iffccts the public Interest, theB urt-ru led .-lf- the com pany--------------onnot_do_that_the_CQntracl--------------a tffs m ay not b f modified. II a id .

O T " ' . -------- ^

'H^Fun Spol Soo'ifi a fif lffB ^cf— --------Dining ol In {[nell. . . Pfopofed A------ byCh'oTGiiy'' ’ F__^BuKoli, Frl„Sot..Son. «. . p

E _ : ' — I• Dolly Buiinoiimon'i lunchoon S• Fomll/ DlnnorSppclol

(Changed Nlghlly)• Ctoon Comlodobte DInirtg

ltuck»- ■ • i !■

• OpenDolly 6 lo 12 P.M.• CtowdSundoy* .• Clo»»irFf«nthD«of _ }-^

~#Wo-»uaaoilRoiorvnHon»‘-----Ebcna.73<.aS5Q--------- Ifl

• F e a tu rin g F inger Slooks. C hicken,Roubon o n d C ornod B e o fS a n d w ich e s

OODANDDRINKSII ” '. '’ 1 7 " -

■ Opon'24Hri,OQily-7day»'SmsfgoibofH Dolly—Noon

Frl.,Soi.,$unNlghlt "Good Food. . . Strvid RIghr


' -Roinonilc Old World ■ Alnioiphere ond Latin [’Americbn’KbiplioHiy'..... T ’

1liOOA.M,-11;OOP.M, DAILY i '. . . . . FRIDAY*SATURDAYS--------------------


• ConlonoJoFoodl

• Lunch«t*Dlnnert• Brcokfotl ......J ____ _______

■ HomoOallvcryS«rvlc«— ------ —

'breakfast - SBrvedAnyJIm#

IUNCHE5- Da(lySp«c(o/» -

'DINNERS-D«llclou>M«oliAIModMlPr/coi ,•

II •Horn# Mod* Sclod*

' '•0«licleuiCr*omPI*i.

----------- F A M IiyD lR lN G — —6 o .m .— 10 p .m .'Tw(nFotfi’tofj |« l

■ ondnnMlRMfotrronr'' T -

tAm*rl<or»-llollofl.Cul»ln* - _■•Bonqu«tFoclliiI#J .

lonngt - •tfv*Mj»ic ^

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

p M

-• • 11--jvpw.^r-n^-Tfi 4 U^— _

• . u- -' ;■ ; . ' . . , ~

{ ^ B l V P p R P K v » -

Radar tra

Sea lions

NORFOLK, V a . ( U P I ) - A t - ^ - r j e a s t Ih rcc sea lions h av e been

■ u se d b y th f fN n v y io rc ir ie v c ncostly , .a n tisu b m o rin c le s t ......rbckct from Ihc bottom of Uic

----------o cean ru 'N avy rpokcsm an sa id itoday.

He sa id .th e sea lions belong to a "Quickfind U nit" of-clghl ; sea lions based in San Diego,

----------Callf.“ T h o w u n it-4 ^ p a rt-< f-a —------- -d iv is io n -c a l ie d - lr ts h o r e -U ir ------______ dersea W ar fare G roup I.__________------ .. The th ree sea llons-w ere al

y ttlfe C reek Amphibious Bose in N orfolk last week lo re trieve

_______n $50.000 antlsubm nrinc rocKcla fte r a test lau n ch .fro m an E as t Coasl frigate.

The round-trip flight for the anim als and th e ir tra in crsco s l $2,000. th e Navy said.

Navy officials a re hopeful the sea lions c an be used on a .

. perm anent basis lo recovcr..........„underscn_L w eapons, l>ccauM. . . th ey ,arc faster, less expensive

nnd m ore safe than hum an divers. ,

The Navy curren tly uses divers who go to a dep th of betw een 150 and 200 feet to

-........... — - — D I C I M B’ ■ CHESTESMA

______ ________________ AdvarliM mtniilAuct!en««rt:W«rirElIi


__ ____ I Aucllenw rsiDon fott


Advtrtl»*m*ntA uellanM rtilyltM oi


AucJl8ti**f»iWtrl, E

---------------- . ------------------- D I C I M- W EPAIKU.


— “ T — r ~ D i e i i y iDON'S TlB£»CtCLt m i l

------- - AuctionMrttWtrt. D

-- ---------------------------- --------------D I C I M

DAM BAST ESTA Ad»#Hl»tm»i«

----------- --------------------- A uctlonM ntW iftrll


' AuctlonMftiWart, Gli

~ “ D i C l M Ij ADAHOUST<



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a c k s d o i £___ :_________


r e tr ie v e rockets, and sea lions a re c ap a b le of going to twice - .th a t d e p t h : .............. .. ' ' L l .

...... T he te s t rockeU -m ake. ashrill ho lsc when they h it the _ oceptT floor, ond the sound is picked u p by Navy men on the ’ ’ su rface , who then send Ihe

; a n im a ls to fetch the rockets.A " g ra b b e r" d c c rc c 'th a t

“ ” u tra c h c a ~ W '’ lJic.. sea lion 's' _ *snoot, a n d a line is attached lo_____

'th e grabl>er. The an im al's job Is to p la c e the grabber nex t to Ihe ro ck e t’s fin, the spokesm an • sa id , a n d It autom atically sn a p s in to -p la ce a ro u n d n h c w eapon.

T he s e a lion Ihen re tu rn s to • the su rfa c e for a rew ard and Ihe ro ck e t is hauled up by the lln e .h e s a id . '

L t. D on RidgVi'ay of San D iego sa id Ihe anim als a re

■ lr a in e d “ by ■ “ simple iopcran t conditioning."

"T h ey do something and are rew ard e d for It," he said, "B e ca u se .they, a re rew arded they w llld o i l again."

I B I R 4 - ................. ...............AARSHAU> iD « c « m b « r2E lIiS T M o w iS Iifi---------------- - -

M B I R 4 '. G O O D M A N , NAMPA

o t U r i o n I Bill f i w e o t ------- -- • ^

M B I R S “INALTORO■ n t l D * t « m b a r3lOil*rtK O oryOtbonia. ........ .........

M B I B 7 ^UNERY. SHOSHONE i n l : 0 * c « m b « r S I, E l l tr « tM * ( » « r tm llh

M B I R a - --------- ----------------U,«tCHnElO ’• n t i ( > « c t m b * r6 ',E!lar«IM*itanmUh.

M B I R 9 ~ -----------------------^ “kVIN FAILS. EVENING SAlE > n tiD * < « m b « r7 ~. B I t f* I M M f t r tm i th — .............. ............

M B I R ^ — -------------- ----------------T A n . O O O D IN O > n li04^ » m b « r 7. - I l l t f t < M n M n m i t h - - ------ -

I B I B I IAIEKS. ID A H O PAUS < tiO M * m b « r9 BU r»lM «»w nm llh _

A B i n iS T O N IS T A T I - ................n l iO * e * m b « r t o .................

Quake pred made by wo

D E N V E R lU P l) - A federa l son »:lentls t says psychics ap- hap ja re n tly a re n 't happy w ith a a 'c :5o_vcnimcnl p ro g ra m ,ih a tJ s_ _ tnU <eeping"tabs on how a 'ccurate H ;hey a rc in p red ic ting ear- pro :hquakes. ~ poh• R oger N. H unter of the loci ^ Ja tio n a l E a r th q u a k e In- mo:[ P _ r fn a l jp n _ C e n le .r ,_ s a J d __ j*arf h u r s d a y - t h e p r o g r a m p r i prom pted one psychicT o call slgj i lm a n d com plain” ll~ w a s ' ruining h e r r e p u la b o n r Ihe

"She asked , m e If I w as (o trying ( o 'f t in he r c a re e r ." he sail >aid_..!:i lo ld her-lL w aa no l my— Cal l n l c n t I o t i J 3 U tJ m ia l_ w a s J h e „ p tc way th e c a rd s v-'cre falling, s o . ' Cal 30 It. • ; lo I

"W e a rc sim ply keeping’ daj scorc on those who c la im to bc able to p red ic t earthquakes, rh o sc ind iv iduals will s tand or fall on th e ir own rec o rd s,"

So fa r . in 197G, earthquakes ha v ek illed a n esllm a ted 4 8 ,0 0 0 ;■ p e r s o n s m a k i n g . l t th e P r dead lle sf .yea r s ince a quake in sal P e ru k illed c7,000-pcrsm is-tn— niT 1970. T h e official death toil ini (rom la s t w eek’s Irem or In prI T u rkey w as3.920. ye.- ^ e —p re d ic tlo n —prog ram ;-------- ^coo rd ina ted by th e NEIC a l e a su b u rb an Golden. Colo,, w as ba o'nnounccd~lasI~W’OOirb U t~ ac- p r lu a l ly - 'i j c g a n inonthS - a g o . " eff H u n te r sa id h e ’s seen abdiil 500 stJ p red ic tio n s and h a d been i im p re ssed with th e accuracy lei of a F lo rid a w om anr • wl

H e sa ld 'shc-appanm lly 'T tm ld— m serise pend lng e arth q u ak e s but sC' w a s u n a b le to: p in p o in t ba lo catio n s and t im e i He sa id of she n o rm ally ca lled h im to say nr she—co u ld —i^feel— a -q u Q k e- ;------com ing . Tl

" S h e Is p re tty d a m rlghl as m o sl o f th e t im e ," , h e said, ar a 'U h o u i^ -rcftis in g -to -ld e n llfy — no h e r . " B u t b e c a u s e ' h e r p red ic tio n s a rc so general - sh e d oesn ’t p rcd lc M o c a lio n a r-. - e x a c t t im e — th e y a r e , . i .

H u iile r sa id p r io r to a recent a to m ic b om b-test th e woman jjiiljcfl_ana-S«iu_iisne.,ieiL iilU '_

i H E— -, -■ .■

*H ere^agreat_______m a k e yourself ar

friend happy this C h evjon teai w ith farnous Ton bring you this on C hevron Service com plete with w

_________ gate and three e>Itb asup ergij

d eliver hours of f it^ ruggedly cons built to la st And tax it^ a special!; all you have to dc

B ring your truck into any p£ C hevron D e^er

.......................g iv e y o u a free b:.... .v.He’U r ^ e sure I

— — .fo r th e winter m(. _____________ d o e s n ! L ta k e J o D g

■ - rave y o u a lotofJ your battery goes

. ^ you have to call i _ truck. T hat coidc

bundle._ . S o see your C

. ____ .D ea ler today for'' c h ec k ,a n d p ick

T onka ta ick for j It could.be th

______truck yqu’U pay :

i i c t i o n s <

O m a n

so m e th in g w a s a b o u t lo. happen and she sa id it wa.s not n 'e a i lh q u a k e , She Ihoughl It tn lg j ilb e p n ex p lo s io n .” .

H e s a i d t h e p e r s o n s . p red ic ting q u a k es w ere given -po in ts on the a c c u ra c y of thelocation , m a g n itu d e , ye a r , m onth , day a n d h o u r of theearth q u ak e . H u n te r sa id som e________p r e d i c t i o n s w e r e m o r e s lgn ifcan l lhan o the rs .

"T h is is b e ca u se a ll p a r ts of Ihe w orld a re not equally likely lo h a v e an e a r th q u a k e ;" he sa id . " P r e d ic t in g .a qunkefinC a lU o rn la ls -m u c h ca s le r-lh a n ------priv4iptlng nnt» for 'c o lo m d o.C aliforn ia is m u c h m ore llkc iy ...........lo h a v e a quake on any given day th a n C o lo rad o ." - ,v

Price conW ASHINGTON (U P I) conl

P re sid e n t-e le c t J im m y C a r te r . "1 sa id today th a t b a rr in g a ilurl

in len tion" of se ek in g w age and aull p r lc c conlro ls in th e nex t four basy e a rs . ■ ■ ................- ..............

— T h e - m o v r - ^ u l d - m o k e - i l ------l»-le a s ie r fo r the s te e l Industry lo the b a c k down on i ts con trove rsia l Intc

~ ^ lc F ~ ti}}(~es~~which^wo»l~lnto~ ~prl(e ffec t th is w ec k lr t the fa“c c o f a nals ta g n a n t econom y .' ' c e

C a r te r sc h ed u le d a n a f - ' llcile m o o n new s con fe rence a t Cw hich he w a s expected lo h in

s e c re to ry of S la te and A tla n ta ' -TCnl b a n k e r Bert L an c e a s d i r e c to r " " m of th e Office o t M anagem ent p nnd Budget.

— In terv iew ed—oni:ilhc.—y ^ C — -.T o d a y p r o g r a m . C a r t e r a s su re d the n a tio n 's business a n d la b o r le a d e rs th a t h e does

-no t.Io rc so g an y .w a g e and pri.c.e-_____



eat w a y to ’’ and a sm all his C hristm a^ earned up b n k a T o y sto . onesDf-a-kind iceTruck, w ork in g tail-extra tir^ . B B ® U gift, and w ill H i lH B iM )f fu n b eca u se K B a H H )nstructed an d f f i H H H i d a t R 9 9 p I u s n H H d b uy! H ere^ . H ^ H B |I'db: . .• car or p ick-up participating . 9 | H H | e r a n d le t h im . .i b a tte ry -c h e ck ......re tha t it^ ready___m on th s. It -D g ^ d it j^ o u ld __□ ftro u b le if- 7 :— . - m j a M U oes dead and - ill a real seryjce.^- idd co st y o u a

r C hevron o fa ~free battery :k u p th e Dr ju s t $4.99. th e on ly serv ice

ly for all winter.-ch----------------------- :----------


- ^ 1

I ■ ■ ------ ------------ -------

Cold snap -iaiiiazinj'’r r :

KANSAS CITY, M o. (UI usually c x ^ t th e u b ^ them o re fiToaxed by th e ex tbe e a s te rn half o f th e Ualti

L C en tu ry old r c c M ^ i n n brrjken. N ational W ea ther

•thT M 'ds for w c a th w thla y e a rs iQ som e a re a s . Nov cold m onth In m a n y naajo'i se t rec o rd s In O ctober.

A t P l t t s b u i ^ , tb e NW— ------- -O c to b e r a n d N ovem ber w c

since rec o rd s v o r e s ta r te d described It a s ‘‘pheoom en

“ A lo t o l these p la ce s i th e ir bid rec o h ls ; they sm i d e sre e s ,” sa id F M O tsb tb e N atlooal S e v d « SUot

■-------- ICansaa City.rrr-;: ------------ ^Otoby.-'W ho-compUod-a

sa id It w as som e of tb e mo h a d e v e rse c n .

ntrol ban ^co n tro ls ln th 6 n e .x tfo u ry e an :. ' rcl

"1 have no in tention a l a ll An during Ihe next four ye a rs lo fi '* |

au thority , even on a sland-1»y to b a s is ," he naid.. gn

-".So t hurc need bo.no concern— Na_{i).(he-l)uslnoi;6H’om m unlly-or--------- -

th e la l» r com m unity tha l 1 tc i Intend to go tow ard wage and B r

-p r ice controls un less there 's a “ K r ■fialional uiiicrgciiL-y - « tlc n - l pc;

c e r t a i n l y d o n ’ t a n- llc ip a le ." de<

C arter, a v irtu a l unknown . Th h im self a year ago, also sa id • -on

-thul-li<M .*K peols-to-m iine-lils— nol T Cnhlnel by Chrlstm a.s and lha t ha'

" m o s t" of the mrmlMT« «'iit jio m :

- - G H A R b E S - L - R C

-Specializinc ______ Naturopathic Trea


5i53 FILtAAOF . . - - ^ 4 ^ 6 3

m u c ii i ^ iE R ^ e i

" ■ ' w .


H B k

I( l I P D j - M etcorologisls ne r ^ t ^ b u t m any of I e x trem e co ld ihls (all In Bo lte d S ta te s . - migQ m a n y c itie s have been j e r S w l c e figures sh o w - Rils cold a r e <me In 1,000 Uni'lovem bcr w a s a r e c o r d ------- Thuijo'r citie s a o d som e a lso ^he

pro-JWS sa id Ju ly ,'A ugust, hw ere th e coldest mohlKs ' led In 1875. W eatherm en . le n a l.” is tl3 didn’t ju s t squeak by Pim asbed (hem by severa l heatsby , d epu ty d irec tor of O'"' o r m t F o re c a s t CentCT In G---------- ................................ . Krcl-a-llstH )(-record-<’ltle8.--------------c u tm ost unusua l w eather b e l h (



V i e w e drcla llve ly unknown to th e ' A m erican public.' '‘ H e a lso sa ld h e :

to b ring about a m ore active growlh r a le In Ihe G ross N allonal P roduct,----------------

re p ly lo Soviet leader Leonid B r e z h n e v a s s i i r l n g l hc_^_ K rem lin Jhal' h e w anis a ' peaceful world,

— W us.nol consulted on th e ’ decision by P re s id e n t ''F o rd - T hursday lo begin production o n lh e B lb o m b c r b u llh a th e r s I w t r ^ o r r l e d - b w ^ u s e ^ i e - w i l l— havii lh e final decision in Ihe ” m a ile r, '

:o g e r s "n ; D 7 ; "n g in t h e . - s a tm e n t of po in , , _

tHE o p e n i n g ' 3FFICEAT.V.' r _

DRrAVE:— — — r6 3 0 ^ - ^ - ^ - .................... | .

kis$4lf s ttm im a u-----

i l i

i i l Q

Here’s soir news aboil

BOSTON iu P I i - Relief fror n ig h t bc on the way for Ihose . fror A 'ho fea rJhcdcn tijirsd rill . - T

R o s c n r c h e r s - a t T u f ls . sorr Unlverslly School uf Medicinc dec; rh u rsd a y reported success in . h lg ;hc la tes t s tage of testing a che Droccss by w hich looth decay B broken downJ>y a chem ical— in d flushed aw ay. •.

" T h fa d v a n la g e o f Ihe spray is th a t it reduces Ihe elem ent Df pa in and a lso conserves Ihe :iealthy portion of lh e - lo o th .~Dr, Melvin Goldman s a id

G o ld m a a jn d D r /JO M p h HT' ■ K ronm an repo rted In ’ Ihe CuniMlLlssue of the Jo u rnal-of- I h e . A m e r i c a n D e n i a l Association 50 pa tien ts wxre- trea te d by Ihc process for 61 cav llies. T hey sa id the process rem oved the decay com pletely L





POUNDS TODAY!o p o iM O J U L - iia rJ t -

HdUT-UTVUTJudy S a n f o r d . . : 4 2 3 ^ ^ 6 . ^ K arin H m i . . ; . 7 7 3 4 - 5 1 7 4 —~BysmESS73«0!IO~~1

Dm m

f ^ V ; . .

•t. _______ ___ _ '

■ (IfMpMlOT

Trtm-NCTnT-TwtrrPBllsrkhihn-a ^

aie good J71

from 58 cav ities a n d p n tiQ l^ ' from th e th ree o the rs . :••••■ •',;

T lie y s a id • d r i l l i n g ’ ik ' som etim es n Jquircd to renlbV e— ’— d e c a y d ilf c u lt to re a c h w lth lh e . h igh p o w e i^ sp ray of (he •. chem ical.G K -lo i, . ^

r EPIMOPAT-^1 ’ CHURCH 1 : " j

ANMUiaAHnQUE - i V.-. CRAFT i — — i

COUKTRY STORE-------D e c J i a f t l i i i _____ _____ •

D « .4 - 1 0 T 1 I 5

21QBtll‘ujiESIlY>.R.‘- PtW ilBA I . . II _ j

0 WIN f i WGAME ^1 ._ _ ___ .BETTER S ^ E LONGER

»EIGMS«f -

. - ; 4 ^ I I T 1 C £ N T E & _

1 _ --------------------------------------------- ------I ----------- . i i . - ,

" M f i t E R A V E rE A S r “


J •_____

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

_________________ I .. . . . . ; . - - . - - I - -

--------- lo i h f r llizr iii< i i f

...................... W illiom E. H ow ard , Pi’ . , R ich a rd G . H igh, M onog

’ Friday, Decembor 3.1' Mofi'buf.o! Audit ButOQU o) Circytoiion o

County Howipaper putjuoni lo Soclion 6' — doy-ii-hcfeby oejtgno'eH-oj-ll'e-dov-ol-i

■noi><« Mill bo publiihod. Publiihed dail/ ( _^da>r, 01 I32_Third Sifoot Won, 7win Falls

V^ll«y NcwjpapbVi. Inc, Enlotod ot Jwon 6. 1916, Ql Iho poll office in Twin rallt. Idol

, M^rchJ IS??. ____ _.......... P h o n e 7 3 3 - 0 9 :

Gilmore exei turned to nig

T he impending, vlQlent death ,G ary_G llm Qre_has Ju riied Jn L c lesliiponiul ro A m erica’ greei

Giiifiore. a m an who ruthles• m en ;;m adelhe.covero f Newsw(

A new national hero is born.His sad poetry fills the pages

m onthly m agazines. T he details life a re retold aga in and again a n ears.. The public knows Gilmc em ploym ent reco rd and all the

- l i f e r - --------------- ---------------------• E ven (he deta ils of Gllmoi^*s-

now. from tho black m ask hew ii_(hf> pnth Rk pnrpqp will fake n

.bu llets th a t piierce his heart;,.. _ I T he ugliness of G ary GUmo

_ am id-.lhelugIIness-jjf_iiie-diG a . which glows around his final day — ABC has offered $5,000 for th interview with the convict.

T he publishing righ ts to G iln■Siio.’oooiast week:----------------

An insurance com pany, sensii worth m ore dead than alive, ha for S46.0Q0 to recover life insura com pany has m ade to G ilm ore’s

Gilm ore’s dea th somehow m em orable event <iven though I vold 'of a n y c o n tr ib u tib n to 'socic m an. To m ake such fuss over his the viciousness of the deeds Gilm

— rY es te rd a y -fo rm c r-Icx o s-G o “ sd g g esled ^G llm o re’s re x c ^ u lf i -B w a u ser-as-G o n n a lly -sa id -w jl,ex e cu tio n s-,g M d be, a n .im p ra-crim e:----:. ■. ., —z i --------— Aridjust-thinkoHhe-moneyrin^i...."A 30 second spot Mid ju st b

w ere pulled would'be worth mllli ivlaybe som ebody will try sel

execu tion. _____— -Ju B g ln g ,Iro m -th e atten tion j, - G a ry G ilm ore in recent days, tl

wbuTds'ell like 5o-yard*line sea ts

Xew child ki^«mergesinj.. M odern_ technology has vlr d isease as the m ajo r c a u sa ' cl^ildrCT. only to rep lace it wi

-th rc a t-^ th e ^ u to m o b ile r ;----------N e arly half of all cHildho(

dustrialized countries a re cam T ciden ts^oports= :tho= JournaL :.

publication of the Insurance Inft And th e percen tage is rising.'A study by th e European Eco:

found tha t ch ildren’s deaths fror ra se from 39 per cent to 45 pei fa la lities during the 1960s.

TThe'“ autbmobile’ epidem ic" betw een the ages of G and 1*1. sa w hich is when children leave thi life, bu t prio r to when they attc essen tia l fo rsu rv ival am id the hz

:A Swedish study conclude m echanized society presonts^i w hich were unknown a hundred in stead of m aking their lives m c rea te d for ch ildren an environr d eadly danger."

n r th l f United Stafes'ih '1974. cidents led all causes of dea

t r o u g h -24:=The -N ational'Safetj :-20.559:fatalities foc-thls age-grouf

Il is adults, not children, -responsib ility—for—m aking-^h€ “ n u m b cr“onc*chlldhoocrkiller.“

C hildren sim ply a re not. suffi -PbysjCj'illy.Q rjnenlallylacopdivl , M erely instructing children ab h as only a-llm ited effect, il says nol and cannot ac t predictably, should include’ adults, and drivl tea ch _ d rlv e rs Ihe special pn ch ild ren .' N ew spaper Enter


' f j

' ___________ \

^ l l e u i i Sn f M ii f’U ' t ' i i l l f y

P u b lish e r _ ______ ________a g in g E ditqr

3.1976 . ,.n and UPI. Official Cily ond > .4 I 60-108 Icfoho Cddo.' ThuM- ^»l-lh®.w«ek-on wfikh ffl'gol- -------^ -ly ond Sundoy. oncopr Soluf'allj, Idoho 63301. by Mogic nrond flo jj moll moitof Apfildoho B3301. under Iho oci of I 1

I 9 3 T ~ ^ [1

icution ghtmare |th by firing squad of _ , ito .a -m nrhid, g risly jed and ca llousness. • lessly m urdered two w eek a few days ago.

js of new spapers andils of his sordid, ugly ___I as h is execution day Tidre’s-shoe s lze ,-b is '~ " '. fie deta ils of h is love \

’STleathTinrold news dll w e ar when shot to. • \ out-oC ;^isQ trt^th~e

n bre’s deeds is lost' wG ap-coram ercialism ______^ays.,the righ ts to a final

Im ore’s life sold for

sing G ilm ore will b e ~ fias sued the convict irance paym en ts the V ’s v ictim s. I.V h a s becom e a i k n 1 the m an’s life was | | \ |:ietF o r to h is fellow ----------lis dem ise is to flaunt Imore com m itted, jg y —John_C onnallvlion—b e —televised. ------ --•jlh-a-sm ileT^ufalic—------------;;esslvp riRtfirrp.nt..tfl ------------

n'ltr-John:— before the triggers

llions. - , ,id lin g tickets to the

E d ilo r.'

i. A m e r l ^ ~ ^ p a i d the tickets probably S i d i

Esat th e yupcr Bowl. R c ^ aindlcali

Idiier.. T^s,”


” ‘ DcpaHi

-------------- ^'Ir tua lly elim inated capacii O r ' f f e 'a t h am ong w ith a m ore le th a l___--------------------------------------------- o f-ih e -lood deaths in in- Hcipale lused by traffic ac- Our i it-o f—Insurance.—a .. ■. ’ iform ation Institate.

S(atcol:onom ic Comm unity in lum om traffic accidents Govern le r cent of all child

the Am

" is m o s l 'v irO le n t '' says the EEC study. .eadi y( the secu rity of hom e pianni tta in the experience h az ard s of traffic . • ‘jed th a t “ m odern ^ r is k s for children d y ea rs ago; In f a c t . ' m ore secure, it has nm ent brlstling_wilh E d iio r . '


1, m otor vehicle ac- cath from ag e one ;ty-Council re p o rte d -^ ’ Vo’coulc■up.------- :............... .... ^ -Dciml1, who must^ ta k e -- .stated h e - a u to m o b il ^ h e - ^ ^ " ^ ^ * ^ .“ s a y s im i lT o u rn a ir“ “ [ficiently developed : systems ivlth-traffic. dangers— - jn j i i i i j ibout traffic hazards creased y srs in ce ch ildren do — 2u_acrc; y. Safely cam paigns f * " iving schools should acrcs. problems posed by ^ fop-u :erprise Association thcobsc■ subdivi£

• by Gill Fc*. Indlvldu be lha t

_ a n d th c i

y (^V W r ; - -

___0 ^ i L g M .1 .......... use .'.he' ( I ow ner. I

. To mi

" ^

K m''-i County.

• • ogcson— -:=^Urprol

‘ com m u

---------- 1---------------------------------- r — ^


IHrlffT vV rJt'*

■ 5

f tS - T j lM M Y r T H


N o hot!ir.T lm cs-N cw s; I ■w e n t a rtic le in your new spaper concc City^ of- I lu pc rl’-s- problem s -follow lt clpntion, in. IhcJg d c ra lly 7w <kd_§u) c a tio n for D isadvantaged Youth F ix a te d tha t Rupert ^ 'o s "p re p a red e” w ilh 'lhcT iih 'oD cpaH m en l o( P a r i t:allon.St. t g se t th e rec b n L sIc alg h t. lhc_ rrim ent of E m ploym ent is the i5rant' InM orlns Ihe pmBrp m .In J .d .h iL ja ! S. wc did a c t as the sub-gran lec. a n d 1 c ily ,-d id worl< w ith R upert lust sun ever, aflcr. tw o .y e a rs of try ing to ■ogram w ork w here Iho -fund ing I ised-untll'only-a-few-weeks-before-lhi ie-5pending-cul-orX ,-w a_declined..tc a le th lsy e a r..r departm en t did not p e rfo rm tlic h is now causing R upert such d ls trt -perform ed.-by-. U ic -l^ ep a rim c n U o l m cnt.-w hich is the ac tua l g ran tee fi ; of Idaho, T he D epartm ent of Empio; im . Is u nde r p ressu re from the Fi ;m m en t. which is s truggling to m e tab ility guidelines now being requesl im erican public.isp ro g ra m h a s been an un(orturialc.Q ra l years . T he la ic funding of the p n ■year leaves ia 'iufficienl tim e for ad( in in g fo r a d m in is t r a t io n n n d lentallon. It Is not anyone's fau lt ; , or- the s ta le level, lh a l it does ni

Land user .T im es-N ew s: -ch could be said abouU ba-c lty and o ling $100,000 for a com prehensive lane 1 w as specifically ba sed on the proble wn a re a . Could it b e th a t fo r a few d< uldTiavcoblaTiied th e m a ste r"co p y ? ^ u i ls - .P c tre q u ln .- lh a 'p la n -designer, 1 th a t h is group rccoiD m ends Iti niim of 5 acrcs be requ ired lo constr :n c c o n _ T h c y .a rg u e jh aU l-m iis lb ca t argC in o rd e r to avoid individual se m s from contam inating tiie g round v LvPorllamt. Ore.. a re a th is .group >n od Iheir ronclusion so ns now they rc JCS -to. Ic'eep U rom . hav ln^j-contiim ir em s. Currently! Ihey a re ac llvc iy pu ise the minim um a c rea g e f r p m ^

'•the pasl 20 years I have w atched d jsence of these supposed prob lem s on v isions having th ree lots p e r acrc , Idual w ater and sew age sy stem s. Co a t th e re a re rc.isons for Ihc re s lric ficn rea l rea.'wn.'i^ ' ' ' _ ram ount of all. freedom is frcedu ;r ty . Unless Ibp person w ho ow ns p ro C-to,m nke Ills own decisions rc Kordli he could nol tH‘ -honestly , c lassifie r. m erely Its^-nn 'iaker and ta x p ay e r, m ost people II is now becom ing ve r

—Goodingh.T im es-N cw s; 'c r e ight years-ago wc t^oved lo Go lly. w ith in this lim e we hav e had (our >ons grow.iy) In G oodingr a n d w e iiav iroblemiT'." ^crlff: Brown I s jn jp rc s le d in .o u r youL munity, I 've heard h is ta lk s 'o n drug u rc this stayed w ith ou r b ig 4-H group

' [ j ' J

'H E - T f 3 \ ( J O T o i lBdmmroi

ttle in.Ruperismoothly, for II Is impossib

ncern ing c ircum slonccs. I t Is csp

S um m er ' ^ n e tl la a c c ru ln g to a l lln v o P ro g ram O urdjcparlm enl rcluclan !d to do y e a r th a t under the circum; a rk s and could not be properly a

plcm entcd. Wc notified itL -Idaho-— E m ploym ent th a t w e woilli m ic e fo r year, nor in th e future. iF o r tw o.___month s Irnil tim>» Is av.ill,

]d In tha t following re lease of thft gri Bummer. - years . Ihe earlieB t'Jho’grai lo m ake w as in Ju ly ;-th e program g Is nol and a ll bills pa id by Ai -Ihe-dule— reeommendutlprvthatHmltl I., lo par-___ sta te . Itself.. lakc_ lhe ,.sam

partic ipa te until.prpper Ico( h e a u d it- Wc do sym pathize wilh F slreas.Lll m a ile rs can be worked l in z E iiE z rsn i ia ra c iio in T o w c v c Y r tir :e fo r the c len r lh a tR u p c rt lsn o ta b o i pioymcnt this departm en t sincc wc a

Fede ra l t^ e fund .ind^are not condim e et .^c•___ feel personally tha t the citylesled by . lo keep Ihe equipm ent bei

fault th e funds a re releasedlc.one.for----------- Sinccroly.— .. ------p ro g ra m DALK \l. ClIRISTiANS a d eq u a te . D ireclor in d Im- _ By Kent Ellis. AdmliiisI It a l th e RccreallonD ivision I no t run - ' ..

e plan oppos<p a re n t 'th a t land planning

d county restrictions, perm its and c and p lan reduce sharp ly Ihe supply b le m so f henciH s driving p rices for /d o l l a r s Is sa fe l a .say lhal m ost ? ^ ‘=-'"'-“ pt'fnionno'"pnm dcT )T ^le r . . h a s ------d isappea red .____________

lh a t a A few years ago a you is tru c t a Twin Falls . Finding th is tii a t l e u s t____ liv.cilify.ili~ciii«i.ly_iK'ii>n

sew age - n e a r Portland. This pare d w ater. n ine a cres of land 'and-w'Jia!LlG:_i___I'Uri({ulJiir(‘j)u rp flses . ll_W:' req u ire from'doWiilown Portland".

piLshl.ng eom pletingU iepurclia.se In ^ to -40 a welj and .septic sysU-m

cefu-scd Ihesc iM.Tmits, sliit 1 c losely not sufficient acreage to i on ru ra l ' 20 a c rc ri'q iiirenients forIX', .w ith__to prevent contamliC ould 'lt^ u l o w as lost and the p r ic t lo n s .. worlliless.

Any io.ss of fede ra l funds .•dum’ of ' o r county o'f Twin F a lls ' wi p roperty In com parison to the i rd ln g ils pni'pertyow ncrshlp.-IficdT inr NOL-SN^ICTOTT--------c r. -.^T w lnF allsv e ry ap-

[g sheriff ‘topderstand ing w hen tragc

Gooding w atched th e s licrlff on m ai o u r teen-- never secnTilm show any" la v e had ' duty. J . , .

- 1 will supJJorl and back tl DuUi and - Gooding, both-.city and coi n ig s nnd tops.)U pm orc ' ' . . . . .


f r 6 0 I N 4 i t e N (

i - - - - . - . r ' . : Z ^ d i l Q r J - . In Ja m


ond legi.........- - g a m i n g .

h o u sc sw , and ou r (

* * ' ■ ......... ..............- p e ti t io n I' stitullona

ossiblc u n der the present W e^wcrc! especially unfo rtunate surround

1 Involved In It.._________ . been pallelanliy decided early th is W asliingcum slances, ih c p ro g ra m • dollly adm in istered o r im- - do llar,led the D epartm en t o f F o r ewould no t p a rtic ip a te Ihis ' -changedrc. unless a t Icasl lhrt?e ond nowiv.iWnhlf» fnr. pri^p.nrnHnn-------pUOCLJ;ift g ran t. In th e la sl th ree g am es. ' I 'g ran t has-been released ;ram m ust be com pleted y Aug. 31. It w as ouruntil th is l5 -rm cd ic d .-lh e — -------^.s a m c _ p i )s l ll^ ._ n n ljiQ t__________ __r lc o d t lm e lsg u a ra n le e d . •r'ilh R upert a n d hope lh a t E d ito r Trked out lo .cvc_iy_of^s______r&e.do_W -.'»nU0_mnKpJt------C iinle-orla b o u f t o d o b a t l le ' 'w i th • fm m she wc a re not adm in istering jjj,conducting th e audit..W e p r iv a te ' } city should be perm itted nrofessic it b ^ a u ^ it is not th e ir ^a sc d so la tc c o c h y e n r . .-

. . . . _ cas le r tcliiiis tra lo r fully pm

, arrognn( , ■ grow, fi,

dangeroi ■* 'T h e fii

ised mXtrea lm c i

mlng. wilh lls 'dem nnd.s,_ n eed ed ) 3nd control. Is helping to ' m y frien pply of building sites and St, Bene 5 for th e siles skyJilgh . ft re lease lost of y e s te rd ay 's com- m em beriUyoiY-^rtlDTinr-sltt'-has-^-------MOTC-l___ _______ ____ _____ w as pre(

young fam ily moved to his to be a good p lace to *'ii' aii a c ri?n[i(n tro rp w n c d - —parcel contained nearly

id -w asn 'l being used for H-Wasjes.s’ th an 20 'iililcs _ E d ilp r . Ti

ind. - . . In a w;d-WaiLfound wht), p r in r J p _ ro u n d Uia I.SC Insisted upon obtaining m uch prc Uem perm it. T h e county som e pco , since the nine a c res w as d an g er of ! to m eet th e ir m lnijnum -oth e r har ; for a ru ra l residence, governmc lam in a tion. O f course, the p ro fit, mo he p roperly Is bUslcaily slow s dov.

nil w an t tlfunds to the s ta |e of Idaho and push. Is will prove riiean inu lcss. on Uielr c he individual rights of c a n 't mak____ ______•________ ___ I t looks

j! th e highs; •' - be going 1

.,, mlnlsLratl It seer

I ? _____ ;______ - . cvcDluall:► | J S • • w h ich 'inj . r . _ _____ ___ o lh c r cx lrt r a g c d y ’ s l'rlk ts ., 1 have' ', ' l la ls o .s 1 m any occasions and have c la im s Ic iT nyT avo rires in lilsIinco f- p ropose

socialismack the law enforcem ent of Socialism id counly, nnd I think h e ’s w here me

.iin d lo o k " answ ers l(


V . J

Gaming pelr.T lm cs-ijew sL . . — - — a n u ary of Uils year, we began clrculal ins4otom chd-t!ic Idaho S la te Constltul egalizc lotteries and o the r form s ig. T ttii-lh irds o f-the leg isla ture of t n r a u Jd h a v e to ag re e td p u l i lo n lh c b a ir goal Is lo p resen t 100,000 signature: in to them a s a m andale a n d -o u r ( onal righ t .to vote, one w ay or th e oil ire Im pelled lo do th is bccausc w e a re 1 inded by s tn l c s jh a l hayoichanged ll

pa lron izlng N evada for ye a rs and in ttlo a Orekoil. fiirdTOiHtjmjnircrvyfiii k illar and m ore Im portant, Ihe toi

■ e xam ple ;, th e : S ta le of Washin, jed th e lr loH cry and gam ing low a'ln ow la x and license blngo, raffles, pull II honrrls- c.ird_rtKinis .ind nm user s . (M ontana also has keno.) In 1975. if-Spokajic.received $250,000 in-taxes


~ M D s x a l l W .r.T lm es-N cw s: — - - ‘<>ntly th e adminlstralPC-Qf Iho Twin F - a n d Hospllol p revented-the local-VV show ing 'the film "A world without ( His succcss gives us another look Into le c lub w c -coll A m erica 's med ssion.h sa la r ie s lh a t a rc alrcadjLoulragco ou r d oc to rs contlpue to pu l Ihclr own gi J o f o u r health . It Is co sier to I re a lsy than to se arch for causes and cures, r to play w ith"chem icals lhan lo thoi p repa re naiuraLsubsU inccs. No wondci ;nnce • of. A m erican doctorsvcontinue , A soft life and a c l p ^ mind jro u s com bination.• film incident w as the la sl s tra w for month I have also seen two friends tre lirt by the m edical profession. One wa Ticnt trom a local ch iropractor, fd X -rays. R a the r than pay for new X-r iend t r l ^ to obtain previous ones 01 :n e d ic t 's H ospital. The h o s^ ta l refuse se these bccausc ch iropractors ore b e rso fth c M D clu b . rC T CC cntlynnothcr friend’discovered iregnan t. F o r a bladder Infection, she

----Socia fi^.'T i'rhes-News: ' ' " ~

w ay our cconomy is like a merry- U ia fs pow ered by Uie profit m o tjv e .' profit m otive m akes It-go too fast : Mxiple get thrown off. T here is also •of 11 b reak ing down a t h l ^ speed. On hand, too m any freeloaders a s well im enl-contro ls and In terference redu m otive and incentive so that the Ih down loo m uch and the paying customII lo ge t off. Tlie freeloaders w on't get ish. and the governm ent c an ’t opcrati Ir ow n bccausc,.be ing 'on ly hum an. U la k e som ething from nothing.)ks like w e 're jusl Kclling over a perloc Jl speed merry-go-roum) and now we n ig to the o the r ex trem e if the C arter ratio n ca rric so u tils in le n lip n s.- • • ccm s tha l w herever h u m a n 'n io t i '

a lly fails, by going lo th e one exjre in tu rn causes govcrmmenl lo go7o ;x lrc m e ._ _ ■_io.seetfis conlraOR’ldry lh a r a read(.f!v

to be a borh-agaln C hristian wo le . m o re -governm cn l co n tro ls n sm as^ th e ,anB,w«r4 to, o u r .p ro h le r sm can only be accep tab ly introdw m en have losl-thc lr tru e sense of vah ok‘ lo”o lher m en .'fo r. th e ir security a •s lo the ir p.rtjbicms w hen they should

'" I .... - r.. . . . . . . .! i'

I,- - - - - ...........................h ■

! « •

g | - - / K / k

f - i E l t lg t i t i o n s c i r c y__________c xpec ls to rccol VO 1300,000:ulating ' T he. ow archcss“ of 'indh :llullon ' couniry Is rap rcccden lcd . m s of N ew H am pshire, the firs t 1 if boih Conslilutlon, w as also th e !: baUot------ s ta te loU cry-Thcy.dldlL laires on schools and since then, lw{ ir con- - joined Ihem . A nowloU cr; o the r. peeled to pay back the!

r e now governm ent, d th e ir D id you know th a t binge 13 have b ascball nnd footbairooo Id now ■ ' p n d illegai? 'D id you kno' j'fiijTor— p ia y im y -B a m ro r^ a w s 'r i tourist o f va lues In a public bulli

and the fine is a maximu hinglon monUis In Jail? If you h a \ ‘In 1972 “ -and would like fo.-'wfllB-i ill labs, m ore Information. We haiscmcnt------now-and noed-your-hclpi—375. the . TERRY B.PEDERSOl tes and • Coeur,d'Alene

Mtprivate^cl■ becn la k in g an a n llb lo llc .l!

n-Ealls___ to-w orry-;-hchad"doaej£a-VAVCA— clanger o f a deform ed baby ul can- Fortunate ly , m y friend w Into the th is and decided lo look ir nedlcal "P hysic ian ’s D csh H e fe n

■ fam ilia r lo all doctors, gcously likelihood of hej: glvjng I a g re e d c h lld w a sv e ry h tg h a f le ral-symp^---------P e rh a p s—ll/c -d o c lo r.-bs. Il is philosophical opposition I h o u ^ t- . diagnosis. -id c rth e The old N orm an Rofkw nucs lo a s a com passionate aulh id .is a bllng. Thank goodness. C(

w hich .would lead a clinic I fo rm e . a public showing of a movi trea te d be w orried about the mon w anted • tak e out of his own pocket r. w ho of the doctors he represent X -rays. He even dragged oul his n f l lc a l • '“ quackery .” But lhat we; fuseS lo now. and wc can sec it Is i a re no t w ilh the finareo fsc lf-ln ler

DENMcKELWAY red 'she^ '-^— “ KlmW rty she had - ' ____

mr’swil=seeiIhe intentions of its Crcalo

•ry-g(f a n d ~ sa v e “ th a t-coun try~ e. Too socialism Is llk d r y ln e lo': St and by throw ing lo him a pillow so th e - P e rhaps Mri- 'C a r tc r On Ihe m inded people would do % .ell (IS th e Bible teaches, tha l a "i educes poor sub'sUlutc for Ihe real

th ing If Mr, C a rte r h im self Is om crs counterfeit im itation, get off •— -Whether freedom os w( ra te U t i ^ e s to exist depends U[ I. Uiey. th e voicc of o u r C reator a r

p roper motives, m orals a riodo f long road back. P roper 'v e m ay ' sc lf<cniered’ values but e r ad- values, He is the only cent

----------- w ork; 'T ' .lotivcs It h as been sa id lhal, ';

ir e m e lh a l ," I f the real GodTsahi lo th e Invent ou r own god anywaj___l _ ._ l . i h e s e .___ __________Jrw ho. ',..~ ~ l)Id you cverjifo p 'lo thi would happen If soclollsm doesn’: nnd - basis? .W ill Uic socialist r i l e m s , , . , , Ihem crry-gD -roundtoslon •duced , T he Bible says tha t. "II values God lhan lo pu l conlldcnci y a n d " s ln r tln g 'lo lc a rn this the h'l uld be _ W cn e e d ilm o rc lh a n m a n j

MS ' I . '

^ - ■

O pO thUycar,-.-=*---------------------rraivniual rights In this led . In -19G7, Uie S ta le of r s t sta te lo sign tho U. S. h c l i r s ls la lc to le g a l lz e o . . . ' , l l a hc lpJuhd th e ir p u b llc .L I_ :_ tw elve o ther sta^e3 have

Ucry In N c w -Y o rlc lsCX-. ____IhcIr dd}t to Uie U. S.

Ingo, raffles, door prizes.pools, e tc.. a re lQ ltcries____•know tha t Is Is Illegal tois 'ro ra n y re p re sc n ta tio n -----------jullding o r In yo'ur home imum of $1000.00 and 12 have nol seen a p e tition .ile and w c wlll’give-you------------! have 50,000 s ignatures


c.IIe rd o c to c lo ld h e rn o troci^.i rrh " Thprew aaflQ ------------a b y ;— ..................id w as nol intim idated by ik inlo Uie m a tte r. In the :ference," a basic guide rs. she found th a l the 'Ig b irth lo an-abnorm al e ra ll .[or,—a m a lo .- . le t h is on to abortlon^cloud his

ckwcll Image of a doctor luUiorily figure is crum - ;. Consider the insecurity nic adm inistra to r to stifle novlc on loelrllc . H e m ust noney lha t laetriic might ket and oul of the pockets scnls.. h is biggest gun. th e word w eapon looks rusty to ^; Is m erely wired together ile resli

m -

ja lor. then for m an lo try t r y - b y - lo a d ln g 'U ’ Inlo ; :lo'.snvc,a.’drow n ingm an , , . Ilowcase full of sponges, c r and other socialist do well lo rem em ber, as a "go ldencalf” I s a very rea l thing. We’ll soon see \ f Is a rea l Christian o r . •

i wc have known it con- s upon w hether w c heed r and gel back lo a lifo of Is and values and It's a; r va lues docsTnol in e a n ------- —-}ul ra th e r God-centered cen te r of values Uial.wUl

ll. '; l f God did not ex is t.____ _■cTjtT)nc:"’O nc'm Ighrad(i ri^hacceplablo lo us, we'll ■way.” Socialism is one of

I think about w hat mlghl ssn’t work on a vo luntary :sl m inded Icaders-allow — ——slondsllll? .- . .................... , ,.

" I t Is b e lter lo Ir&st In ence in p rinces." W c .o n i^ _ c h'ard way. God help usI lanyo f us realize.

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

^ fc

■/ LsEditor,flm es-N cv--s: rc^ jc- M any cittzcns a rc concerned jjapp

about the loss personal • darc i- I fe e d S r is ln Uiis country. “ ¥0 wii

supposW ly live under the w hat CdnsiltutlonaJ guaran tees or s ti ll’t th e B ill of Rights including the | i a p

- freedom of speecli. however, a Comi local situation points ou l Jusl • ^

- how f a r we have progressed on iihp n Ih e c o l lw t lv l s f r o a d to ' sc ree s o c ia U s m a n d u l t i m a t e k {

-s la v ery ; • - ------------ Hie--j^jcase In point U Mrs. Jo lene m lnli

Tunia 's-perBocutlon for Ju s t— mo>^ d ik u M ih g the.use of L aetrile , jnefft a ;n a tu ra l control fo r'ca « ce r, is s u t w ltlia lc rm in a lca n ce rp a tlc n l. m cdi She’ w as fired l)ecausc slie P raci

. d a re d to speak with, a pa tien t ' prodi th a t..w as term inal - . .w h ic h to u s t m e an s tha t the orthodox, pUi k approved TiiK Jlcal'trea tm ents o f P a hadfaU ed.tasj^vehcr. te lls i

A g ro w in g n u m b e r o f b ram — p h y s ic la n s-b e lle v e -L ae tr lie ,— Centi — also-know n 'as’a m ygdalin 'a itd— lu fin

V itam in B-I7, is effective as a Chini • c o n tro l fo r c a n c e r . T h e Uiis

con tra ry , says it isn 't and is faiiu r try in g to s tam p it out w ilh a re ig n of te rro r inc lud ing m ^ n i confiscation, midnight raids , (ocrir and a rre s ts . So Mrs; T um a w a s— ta lre -

- f i r r i from he r Job 'and s ia jc ' T the ib nW5jng.authorlU cs even tried into j

-to re v o k e . her license. And tie r !!

ir: JChanks, 1- -EdilofrTim csnN ew si---------------------------

‘ l a m in the Seventh grade and go School) and hQvea pa p er rou te and 1 do

__iinlll (i:3Q p.m .S o not to m ake itjnconyim y m other delivers the papers a fte r .'ili

— nnrscat-thehosp ital:------------ --------------•The o the r day she hod to w ork the 3-1

p ap ers couldn 't be delivered un til I go t c O ut of m y 9G custom ers, w e had 51

Ju iow w here Lbcpapcrs w ere. ..... .------■5-w ouldlikelo-lhankm y-m othor-for-

m y custom ers so they don 't ge l th e ir j a p p rec ia te h erto o : next week m om h a s d ay s and I hope we don't have so m any 1

.I. w onder how m any m olhers a r c 'd ..theix.Klds SQ.tho custom ers don’l h av e

pQjKsrs. •-ThppVc ^"'1 -J -lnvn y

custom ers too.'A n d thanks to m y dad fo rfo ld lngth 'cr

- ^ ^ ^ - ’SliAWN MCNEIL— --T w in Fails

D o u b le — ~ i "

^ t a n d u f d r ~

- r e v e a l e d —Editor.Tim es-New s:

w as am used to read in the T im c s -N c w s an a r t i c l e rep i; in ted from Ihe NFO rep o rte r. I t roferred to E arl-Butz’ reported ’ fac ial s lu r I which' c a u sc d 'P r^ rd c h f Fordlo accep t h is r c s i^ a lio n a fte r j it becam e c lea r the countryw ouldn 't stand for tha t kind of I

. ' to lk from a cabinet officer. j Y T Jcartlclem adend.m cntlon.-,,, 1

t h i t th e country apparentlyaccep ted the barroom ex- - •pixB sions from liic th e n ' I D em ocratic candldnlc for Ihev ; . |P r e s i d e n c y in P l a y b o y i ,M agazine which was certain ly C

, m o r e u n o c c c p ta b le . So P■ revolving in fad tha t ac- • Q

cord ing lo Tim e M agazine the «.■--New_ Y o r|{ T imes would nol • j

p 'H n'roneexpressIonuscSr’ ' imD o u l i l r - s t a n d a r d s in g

reportirigneed tobe revealed. gMRS. ERNEST S T E T - . g ,

Tw inFalIs“ ~

C o m ic 1 1

s tr ip !

c h id e d !E ditor, Times-Ncws: _ ^_____1

r 'b c H e v e 'y o u 'h a v e ^ b w h . very bad ta ste by continuing l ^ _ _

— p u b lls h “ t h o '‘co'm‘ic s t r ip "D ooncsbu ry ,". .Im m o rality

•■•- should not bccome such an : accep ted pa rt of everyday life.

_ .Ixerta in lydo -po l-w lK h-to -K ce— | - siich scenes w h c n i rea d the com ics. Surely more am using, u (}tiftlng th e m es c a n be

___ c h 'i^ h ]________ _________IW RS. KERRY RA N D ALL" '

"■ Jerome

I F Y O U ' P t A t i f T i w i , I . . . O R F E E D r r . . - - - - - I

, ; .6 1 i l» S « i i I IH iT e ra - , t. SEfDi I

’71^ ^ V j V

aetrile use d<[ncm bcr th a t a ll o f this " Tliis ppcned because M rs. T um a produci r cd to ta lk a b o u tL a e tr lle . R ed Cl tVliich ra is e s Uie question of Hers r i a tc o u n t ry a re w e in ? ls th ls from R irU ieT rec U n lte d S ta tc so rls ing red ireh a s liD f N azi G erm any or horees. m m u n ls t-R u ss ia? And b y lizardp ; w ay . w here a re you phony ' Yes, e ra ls -w h o -a ro -c o n s ta n t iy — Parentl •ecching about free speech? the FD I is' in teresting to note Uiat these ;• F ood a n d D rug Ad- Clilna, n is tra tlo n .^says L ae trile . ou rcoujrn o t.b e -u » d -b ec au s « H t ia— -----------iffective. B ut the Feb. 1376.;u e o f th e p r e s t ig io u s . id ica l m agaz ine P r iv a te a c tlc e discusscs som e of tlie x luc ts FDA does p e rm it you use . F o r instance, th e re is a .I know n b y jts -b c a n d nam e ; 1 w i P an locrln . P r iv a le P rac tice • i s u s l h ls : “ P a n to c r ln is lh e , ^^ho ( in d nam e of a pill m ade by u n it” n lra l - 'M c d lc a l~ M a n u fa c -— oiSTsi ■lhg-Co“ T le n llIn r;R c { t= '- in a ." According to the label. Mr. 5 ,_w ondcr.,p lll-.w iil cu re . . .d .udei^ o u s —oxhflUBtion h e a r t___ buslnclure, im potency, loss of associ jn o ry , fKwr appetite, and prejuc Jnu tritlon . W hat is Pan- boycol r in m ade from ? Well, you Mr- Sr c - ^ c r - a n U e r s " a n d - ^ n d — his-ow jo 'u p 'a n d p if& s'thc pow der Christ J pills. T h a t’s It. D eer an- s u r e h __

mom>0 to 0 'L ,eary (Jun io r High d o n 't got hom e from sciiool nycnlen t fo r m y custom ers _. ^ e gets off w ork. Slie is a

3-11 shift and therefore the it ou l of school ai^cbo p.'mr 51 phone c a lls w anting lo

o r-dc livc rlng .thc .papcrs lQ_:__r p a p c r s - l a te r T h c y ^ o u id - a s lo w ork th o 3-1J sh ill two — ly calls .'d e liv e r in g th e p ap ers for v e to w all BO IdIc t f i m c i f -

! you . And th an k s lo my

icm e v e ry d a y too;--------------------



SilTURDA10:00 A.M. TO

AND2:OOP;M rT 04 :l

HEIk id s

l c d w i E : B y l / ^ N P i «

{ 'O OPEN DAILY 8:00


g I J J g

lefendedils i s - n o l - a n unusua l . Tw bi fucl in o u r new trad e w itli d is c u sChina. Besides d e e r a n - runnlni

. new m edical cu re -a lls job or1 Red China include such too mue d len ts a s d r ie d . .lea , a ilow ees. rhinoceros horns a n d ' ‘Seahojd p a rts . - should s , : , th a r s riglit. I l a p - ' ajjrico' n t ly J s pe rfec tly o k a y jt l lh ——id-LilCFDA if you b u y and u se w orrye p ro d u c ts from - R ed w lilb ra, which is also flooding ' Ml:ountry w ith heroin. Bul in L. AW

Insert defctor.T im e.s-N cw s: "“ no lo n

cificaliy to M r. R . L. S m ilh M orn ' 1 criticized “ The F a m ily would t " in se rt in the N ovem ber th ese•Sunday n e w sp a p er.__________‘-‘‘J n ’t

fr. Sm ith should, h av e in-..,, “ w n f ded th e na m e of th o goodilnc -< a _ w ith _ w h k h -lie .. is--------jc ia ted so anyone who is a s p rcju i lu d ic ed . a s he is cou ld c o ll his.buslness. I a ssu m e [[(,^^3 . Smithy In w riting of h a v in g■own-^eligionT-refcr^^o-the-----------is tian religion. If so. I a m e h e know s th a t p re jud ice Is 7 ,


SA W M O -

■ 'All. - 1BikBS ' 7


Spoke i vBikftShj

-7 3 4 J 1 3 3

s u m m o B fe iB fe t iK K K iK

-0^1) l ( O O l F l |:OOP.M.t W

^ 1

' M;ee Hiwi!



aO lo 6:0Q — FRIDAYS5 IL 9

n F a lls a nurse c a n 't e v e n ____:u 88 L a e tr i le w i lh o u f .................n lng the risk of losing h e ro r losing her license. Is itm uch to ask th a l if w e a re / .wed to. take Red Chinesehorses and lizard p a rts , weu ld a lso be allowed to t a k e ...................ico t k c m a K which o re rich ................

ic t'rile . witliout hav ing to____________Ty Uiat goons from F 0 S I b re a k in a n d a rrc s lu s?MR. A N DM R S. ADRI/\N

\R P. T w i n F a l i s - . . __________ ____

‘endedt onoof'C hrisl's teachings.le g a r d ln g th e " p u s h y ___________irm o n m is s io n a r ie s ." - I - -<uld like him lo know tha t;se a rc young m en w ilh anr n e s l - ,d e s ire " rio ..r tC T ic h i .. _ : ; ~^ e p ls which. If adhered to.’ill m ake bad m en good dnd Dd men be tter ."f^rrS in ith -hadT Jo^a lfow ed r— ----------jjudice to c o lo rh ls thinking. "

would have found m any m s of value in •'The Fa m ily f I

It" - I / j -Sm srJA T!ETW ^------------------- V ; > V

(EDY TH E)D O D DS ^ Tw in F a lls • ..........................

ON SALE. »T0— — -----

f ; Layawajs . ■ ■ ta ll

k ' _ ■ S t m g 8 _ _

^ ■ 'mA vA -F inaac Iig —


W h ^ Z Zilop ......


IL 9 P .M ., ' . . . S ............

On Sa gndS<

y f O ne


W -


COATS= = # i | = = R e g r . ^ o : i

r C h o o 5 o fro m -KM . j ' s ty lo s . S izes 8 I

1 ^. ..................................(I


[ , O n o g r o u p . Siz

£ ‘9 b £



ffS fl

ale Friday rgtorday 0

■ 1

e group:

SPORTSReg. to *29.95 — 1


s : - ^: i 7 9 . 9 5 = ; r = :v x o g u lc r o r p a n t lo n g th '8 th r o u g h 18.

i p e -

(■ala.floor) -

SUITS and - SUITSSizos 8 th ro u g h 18.

Reg. fo >39.95


y - I U H I D IReg. to

. Solid c o lo rs c B E s ty lo s o n d co

h - - 3

______ ^

mI H j l l l

3nly \aM


W- Sizes 8 thru 20

i l l o o r ) '

......■■ i '


Sw oQ lo rs , p a n ts , sk ir ts . Bro th ro u g h 13. S ovo ra l s ty lo s (

( T o p r f H M i i t a


. Goo<j so lo c tio n s o f a ll th o f

q n d s ty lo s . S izos 5 th ro u g h


fi® DR COATS .0 ‘89rs o n d p lo id s . M any d i lfo ro n t •1 c o lo rs . S izos 5 th ro u g h 13.

(T o p q f j h o a t a l r ) ^

^rlday. D ccom bor3.1978 ' Timo9-Nov


a "

: ■ [ 1 ~

p ^ Z z t -------------

B ro k e n s iz o s 5 S . - 05 a n d c o lo r s . ' H j '

H a i r ) _______. — . - ^ ______

lEAR I :s - ' I : -I10 fa l l c o lo rs - •igh 13. ■ r < : ;


l% o f f Zi f t l M S I a I r ) -

______ L _ y ____

No_ws, Twin Falls, Idaho S ’ . ^

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

i--^ n ^ a ^ cm en la n n o fi.n cc

. : BANGKOK, T hollnnd .-(U P I) - ’ ■. I ' nouncud the cnBagcmcnl o f Crown P ' ; (0 Ihc Ihrone of Thailand, to a 20-year

? TIio announcement T h u r ^ a y said ^ PrirftfeSaSum saw alecK itiayakom , a

— :— T hC T Ja tco fth rw cd d in eh asn 'tb en -i^-B aid liio betrothal bccom csofficlal I>

; l ln ( ^ o ^ e o m c king If h is father. Bh ; the throne. ■

- J--llDJKe p le a - ----------• SALSVLAKE CITV (U P I) - H

- Rep.>Mlan llow c has a sked a | | | — .Z -fcdcral i-uurt to se t asldo h is - N ■ ^ C c o n v lc tlo n “ on“ a - c h a r g e “ of“ B

I- solicltlhg 'sex from two pfillce m. d fjcoyp rostltu le s ,-.- .- ■..............1 -

—^ — Hower—a—/resfim an—Utah— fc- 'C. Democrat defeated in Ihe ' M

_;:..N oY cn ibcr_clcc tiQ n ._ /ilcd_an__ I ?*. am cndcdpelltlonT hursday fo r I , ^ a wrll'o f habeas corpus. .:: • The petition asked the U.S. ' p i ;> D ls t r l c t Court lo ove rtu rn the ^ I conviction bn the basis H ow e's ■ ! ' constitu tional r ig h ts w ere I

violated by adverse p re tr ia l I■ • p iK)lr lly • •

: ‘P IH ’jr I s k e y c i j -; L O N lS b N d JP II-W o m c n lak ln S I

a h ighe r r isk of developing coronar;- 'ih e rsa ld T h u rsd a y .- D r. Vfllcrie B eral of th e Londo:

• T ropical Medlclne^salti l « r findngsS sta tistics ' from 21 countries bn womcr

In a- report In th e m edical weekly, - i —n a s f ln lh c rc a s c in the dcalh rale 'inJ

agc co'rirespondcnce" w hich .led to tak ing th e pill faced a g re a te r risk of


- f>

■T / A

_i:;_IIordog re c o r d ______LYNDON, V t. (U P !) - B a rry Wal

— — h a s ^ k e i t t h e w o r i d 's rec o rd forhol I A*junlqrM Lyndon State 'C ollcgc. • four, m inutes and 15 seconds Thursd

. ■ by^Z^'ponds. -T ^p 'prfv in iis rtvnrri. n rro ifllny Ir

.J^ecprrf-t, wn.s20hol,dog.sin rpurm ln

_ L S u r e c u r e _ _ _ _; f b t - c o l d s ? ^ -> lp r^D O N ;(U P Il - Aspirins ; and a n .'occasional sho t of

.* whiskey a re superio r lo doses ' .of -vllam ln C in curing the

. corpmpn cold^ accord ing lo a ' ' ^slxTOonth research p ro jec t by

; Ihc’Britlsh Mcdlea! R esearch. Council...............- . "i , ".W q're still analyzing the I -flnalTpsults but ihc re se em s to ; ^be no cvldcnce lh a t v itam in C ; h c lp sy o u g c lo v e ra c o ld ." s a ld

- V D r,T q m Meade, a 'm cm ber.o f r - thgcojincll. "W hen J gel a cold

■J"Tlake a-ccupleof aspirTns ffT ' f h a v e a h c a d n c h c 'n n d lta k e th e

odd \vhlskey In the evening. T h fl'H n^yw ayofcoplng .’'

I ■■ "W6 now th ink tha t .even ■'■,~W'hcji taken 'in~ ’ltiusc tn rgc ■ '■ I doses, vllnm inC seem s lo have ' ' no ic f i ^ t l ,an cold sym ptom s.!’

~Mondcsaid.» ■ _____________

A P W i W i i l l W

:. I j i n a b f l n g H 10 Ih . COVe I

- ' 5 tOUNCE. Wllh (hit coupon. ■i . j W lt g l» « y o u . . . ■

m1 . ^ ! j l^ ronjll dinneLi; ..fliiilers '! . ihot’i a iocti

C«n«-» illll itlling ih t b« tt' drink* In town Bt - -


I f p T^ I n c o r r a p t lb le ^ r

CHICAGO (UPI) - M ayor ■ R ichard -J. D.ilcy says m any • '• p e i^ n s have tried lo corrup t • h im during his -IS ye a rs In ' g o v e rn m e n t, bu t h e h a s w ithstood all Icmplatlon.

•'T here is not one, m an or w om an In Ihis s ta te o r.natlon who has e v e r corrupled m ci’’- D aley sa id In a speech to Ihc Illinois Association of County Officials Thursday. “ M any of them tried 11.

p e d j l ; : , ___________- T h e royal palace h as an-1 P r in c e Vajlralongkorn, h e ir _ a r-o ld princess.lid th e p rince, 2-J, will m a i ^ .I, a royol relative.e en-announeedbut-lhopalora-------D cc. 17. The prince is first in

Bhum lbol A dulyadej. vacates

— ----------------n-os----------------- '--------- . . ..£,1,

Ihc;b irth control pills m ay face H

a ry a rte ry disease, a resear- bab Dig

don School-of Hygiene and Cac igs w ere based on a study of 'I icnage3T 5-i4 . - ' .rec:y. T h e Lancet, she sa id th e re 'VivIn thn t Tnrt n "Mmn nnH______B£jto h e r conclusion th a t Ihose of h e a r t trouble.

C h e c k u pWASHINGTON (U P fl -

■T he"W hltc” n ousc“ physlc lan“ s a y s _ p re l lm ln a r y find ings f r o n T / a c o m p r e h e n s iv e . ' m e d ic a l checkup In d ica te

- F i r s t Lady.B clty Fo rd h a s had

h e r 197'! b reast surgeryv_ '- ;D r. WlUlam L ukashsald lhal---------

X -rays "d id Indicate s o m e 'm in im a l' progrcsslQn’l_ o f . .n n _ ........a rth r itic condition lh a t causes

44F6i-For<HHiln-in-the-neok-and— — u pper sp inal area,

k'aldner, 22. o f Norwalk, Conn.,hot-dogconsumptfon:---------- ---------------ge, W aldncr a te 21 hot dogs In i^day. break ing (he old record '

’ iQ th e Gulnpw Rook nf Wnrlrf------------ilnu tes and 47 seconds. __________ ^

^ Q !

_ 1

• Toast proposeMRS. Roealyn C a it

P i ^ d ^ - e l e c t Jlm m j_____winnl tnHT* nj lh Snntl

-------------:— forelgD m ln lstfi^ d ir ttM exico's Dew Preslden

_________ the N ational Pala'ca Thi

— -----------------------------------T H

Quliiluplcts ‘doing well’ ^

LONDON lU P n - A 32- t t 'car-o ld British .woman loday(ave birth l a qu in tup lets - ] ) ]h ree giris and two boys. A ^

'flllhougli they a re v e iy sm alll h e y aro d o in g w ell.” .

H e sa lddocto rs de livered the “ 1 la b le s o f M rs. H elen Miles, of p - Jlgsw cli, H ertfordshire , by _ (j 'a e s a r ia n section. ^

T h e G u in n ess B ook of reco rrls ' lls ts r tw o "o U ic r” sur-— R viving se ts of qu in tup lets in ' * B rita in , aeninst the odds of (jO m illlon topne . . • ^


Tho ob|oc(l»o of Jhe fol(hg» It lo lnfo» tuliobilllyo fm ovio conlonf for viowli

A ll aces AOI

— — ^

____ - Hintlll HMilPI ^ |n f ~ * WMfWAItllAlfcC1 I I t I j I witAw i

....................... — anTHicTiI Under 17 roquirot a


: / v N NO ONE UNDER i; ----------------nA ^/T^gffllm U 'm oyvorylr

» l l S ' 1 3 AND S Fill ________ QLIHiM£mQR£lCIURLCODJ

l U t i l


aw a ' Ihc;

su it


■. chec

b re t

^ ^ r . r - . - : • . iM,. -bene

mini‘4 J Ja y r

- i - - 5 5 .I C O conv-----------------------------------------------------chai i t e r , r ig h t, w ife o f U.S. Juny CailOT, m flkes o per*in ttgn Pno l, rv>w PCatr in g -a - ltm c h e o n - tfv e n -b y ---------- Stalie n t Jo se L opez P o r ti llo a t s e n T hu rsday .

W i t h OUTD I S C O T E B T F L ia H Ty o n c a n ^ e t n a l l y

f l y a n a i r p l a n e .

O n l y S i a O O !

f— 1 WtSHRH ™ a i E t r i r a p s

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I -M unicipal Airport— .—BBS3 734-7973philA ulhBo«-7)3-75}8

O R . P A R E N T £ M d _

P E O P L E __________poronli oboul ihff

>wlno by Jhoir chl/dcca_ ^

AOMtTTID'-“*"=“ “ "" -----------—-------

JC tff ttU P__ _________iLMAVriOTlI 'tCTIIHACfn , ■"

ICTEO '____________ . ~ ->» occompany.ngullG uardlon •

{ 17A0MinEDy-ln-mnoln-orTOj)-:.......................... ........ - ■



F ^


rSA T U RD A Y a SUNDAY n ; 3 0 a 3 s 3 0 ^

CHICAGO ( U P I J - I t took 15 on I m lnulcs.for-the tr ia l lo Iwgin i j P l and end and for a J u d g e - lo ,-p r lso aw ard SI million In dam ages lo A^ Ihe widow of sla in m illionaire Jullu h o r« m a n G c o rg e Ja y n c . c o n \

Cook County C ircuit Court Geor Ju d ^ c W aller J.-K ow alsk i s e f by fl th e dam ag e s.T h u rsd ay In a . th e . su it filed by M arion Ja y n e subu against her la te husb an d 's scrv bro ther, who w as convicted of consp lrlng tok ill Jayne.

•'Do I pay Ih’ ca'sh o r by check?’’_ qu ipped.Silas Jaync;—G3r also a- w ealthy h o rse n breeder, of Ihedecision,

Police a ttribu ted the 1970 slaying to a long-standing dom estic fetid Iw tw ecn . th e - J brotlierBr-Jayno-wa&-<iofcndod—In his crim inal .tria l' by at*. * torncy F. I « ’g a |le y and ‘ C h icago a tto rn ey :' G e o rg e , ^ H ow ard, and by a tto rn e i ' g R obert ChapskI In T h u rsd ay 's . b c n ch trla l. - - | H

M rs. Ja yne had filed a $7.5 S million law suit again st S ilas I P J a y n e and Joseph,,L a P laca ,. SI 55. S ilas’' bodyguard, bolh ^ convicted of the consp iracy ®-c h a rg e in Aprll.1973.----------------------f(

J a y n e w as ' b ro u g h t to tni Chicago for the court ap-

_pearance, f ro m _ lh e _ Y fc n n ii_ ^ talo P rlso n .farm rW h erc -h e -le — 41)1 serving a C lo 20 y ear sentence DF

— ------------- M O V I E ^ I F W

— n sH h

n n n n !

j f S o M\ i i m m

~ ~ - - IS*J3*fw■ — ^ w f iw A B !

i l l j l [ th e m o s tm n i Iepisode inthehisti

D8U«f HUMAN s u m i

— l i i R f e S ^


_ I f ij

v r d o w - a w a, the conspiracy - c h a r ^ . termiP lac a Is serving a s im ila r vlctl'■ison sen te jicc ._ _ ThAlso nam ed in the sull w as B arrillu s Barnes, -12. who w as dropjn v lc tc d o f m u r d u r ln g <leci!eorge Jayne on Oct. 28,1970. appe>■ firing a rif le shoL i^rough ThI t fron t w indow o f. h is hearjbu rban h o m e . 'B a rn e s is ’ ’ Ja y r•rvlnfi a 25 to 35 year prison accc


IV v 7 ^ lik i

J) /


41)ElH0S£-WaU-flKHp BtUUDFFHI!! - _____ ^ JIJ*


LA/< 1 1 B I I

y j p y i r o :

r i T J i ' i T : l kBEEBBDr ....


i i i 4 i i T : i a -- n

^ h e iB lj tw body m tho fl

^ A L R ffl) H n m


.AUMVgtSAllb i < o r b » g f « H

°p.n- _ £ a m l l ) r P l i

a r d e d - $ l - r;rm on Ihe m urder con- nighIctlon. , w a sT h e c o m p la in ts a g a in s t 'r c c ra r n i s 'a n d ' La P laca w ere ‘ ccie!ropped a f te r the Judge 's Wlecislon. N either of the m en Stricppearpd in court. th e ;Tho only testim ony a t ihc w ase a r in g ' c a m e from M rs. andayne, 'w ho gave a tearfu l te a rccount of h e r h u s b a n d 's ' knoccath. She testified lha l on tho bl&o


} \ m l W 0 ' - ^

; 1 ^ ^ ^ 11

ucairaar '4 } & J l j k ~ £ n a i L f i 9 C i K i s o i . f j i i w ira n it tD **

PBZESftt_^i |i i iB iiiiitq M lM m M m nw I ;



,____ F r1 d a y a l7 :1 5 A 9 :1 5Sat. a S u n .o t l! lS -3 ; lS * 5 ! lS ^ 7 ;1 5 i

JO 19 !3 0 /S o t* S m t. 2!OQ*4;3P*7;00»

S p tcia l F a rr illy M o tln c ^ a t . ftS u

SufvW * iK o v o dolly a t 7 ;4 S 1 9:^

I family plotj—


DCEDERN’ ” * * * ®m w m E K m mmicniKlWil

> 7 : 0 0 i 1 1 :0 0 .

■ y y i l l l ' l o n _______

li^ io f iiiT s Ii^ m B rlh V fam ily - - v a s in th e h a s e ^ n t •ccreation room of thelr»horne :ciebrairni! her son 's birthday. ..

W hen her- allorney. Herb itr ide . asked h e r to descrilw lie shooting, she sald,.'^Thcre A'asa sho t Uirough the window ind ho dled.^^ Breaking into e ars , she s a i d , " H e w a s . inocked out of his chair- and . 5l&od spurted all over."

0 « A tiK E £ S - (V £ a v - ' * ' ^ - a s i ^ .unitAT


1 ^ 1 2 : 3 ( 1 & 2 ; 4 0 X

J w m r t CEACxtI tWOKM nASHI K k AI l u i u T t n n ' E f l j p i

J Z b i m i i i m in ris^T iiie I B ]L m K J n

'IN G I___

^ 9 -

15 « 9 ; 1 5 ............. H r ......

;00-9:30 J I l U r ] ,

/ I J

i l u n . j I I I

9 :4 5 II P f

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

n ^ ^ R l S

i l l i

r iifv.—Elcctioni- i:ii\ i» lanned-

i»»»*i .....

I l l b o m JW A S H IN G T O N -lU PD - r . .

•4 T h e con troversial P I-bom ber . „•„, f p rb g r a m ,, w hich" th e Ford

’yflrninlstralldri h a s ordered* tato__producHon- sub lcct to

I ' ■ ■ 'jJ^ y .T C n rte r’a rcvlcw .-m ay,, b e pushed even h ighe r by In- fta llbn Uian th e la te s t cost c * ^ a t c of $22.9 billion. -

- ‘------------ -^A irF o rceS ecre tary Thom as — tt - iR « d g a v G T in im p m a t lo r

TMOxsaay w hen h e announced ( ^ t r a c t s , to ta l in g •$704.9

-------------- m l l i lo n - f o r - th e - f l r B t - th r e f r--------------production— m o d e ls—o f '“ t h e- • , . t i im b e r a s well as'"IohB-Iead”

_ ' , „ Iftjit^afor.anothcM lght.------------■ decision lo .procecd had!

b ( ^ expected because of............ • .„ a l^ L im e m s J h n lJ h c _ n a « la J s ,_ mdVJng fast to gain m ilita ry

• superio rity ond "T he B l Is the--------- ,— s t r a t e g in n l t l a t l v i r t t i a r - c a r r

red ress tha t Im balance." The.___ , ,a d jn ln ls tra t!o n Included a■ ^ ‘ 'p r o v is i o n ’a l l o w ln j f 'C n r t c r

. ari^lilnnnl t im e lo decide on taOiproducUon, how ever.

____IIB }th a d m in is tra tio n and^ ^ ^ F 's p d k e s m e n ' 's a i d ' t h e

P s m I


I "S A IL IN G S- ‘‘F l o n g

■ i R e g .7 .B 9NOW . . . - m

------ ;:r Illuminated “

I SANTAS- — - jif«-SNOW mEN-

i t e i ! . i i i 9 5 1 5 ?

*' Junior MBEAUTYC

: An Ideal ^ *— — S gIH - r—

-- !f Rag.'l .89 . — . _

- i i -! : n P M - A i u w

iiSUPYS_ N.. — .................. ..............

rsG T w ..- .-

^ i : l 9

^ ' I B S

' F O R iiE R D E P ir r y e p ca k s In Tokyo iQ sup

I _________( r i ^ t . .b a ck to cam«J H ^ ' s l o u ^ l « r ^ '

_ _ ‘^ T S d o id a T n h e leader P a r ty facUona t i ^ g T a k e o M M ________ _

L b e r c o s t s I- - P rtis lden t-e lec t played no role ..; r - in th e decision . - ; ........................3I__ T h e . to ta l cost of th e BlKl' -p ro g ram Is nearly d o u b le 'th e '[0___ orig in a l-$ l l b illion projection-fy, m ade., in .1970. iie irf sa id^he - n- b e lieved projec tions of 4 p e t , - st c en t In flation during Ihc 1980s

lh a t w ere u se d lo rca ch the a s ..... la te s t 522 .9 -b ililo (r 'C stim a lc“

x l - H e - a i s p l « y c d _ a _ c i m r t _ .9 R o w in g th e p rog ram woiilcL.

s ti ll-b e ‘•e o s t-c rfe c t lv e - lf lh e - ] C ~ .p r lc c ;ro se -ns-inuch 09.25 per I” ■ 'c e n t , a figu rc he sa id " so rt of-------- Ream «Ulk«.a'-ijnntl nnmlTPr tnid; . -p ick ."of C r itic s h av e sa id Ihe bom ber- Is, w ould b e costly nnd. In the.age ry of m issile s , unn'eeded. C arter le sa y s h e w an ts to review thO' 111 p n iy ru iii j f tc r -h e takes 'o fflcc" ' le. b e fo re decid ing w h e th e r 'to a proceotl.

3r— ‘“ C o n g re ^ p a s se d - le g lK ia t lo a - )n lh a t w ould lim it B l spendltT (r

only un til F e b . 1. facing him id w ith a decision w lthiii a few io " :iv d a y so f th e inaugura tion .-----------


SHIP '■ I "595W ____ Reg. 1.79

- M .r ~ i i 5 i ^ "H riong” 6 W - Ofl to ta ^ d » S _ . .R e g .m ,

PO INSII ■ Get them' the selectic

Large - _ 6 ^ p o t i . . . . . . ^

Wiss Je'C A S E ^ - ^ M

$ 1 3 3 l z : J ? 9 -I ~_____ 7 . 8 S Z

C E F w E !^ A R t G A R D I

- ' 5 b lo c k i w e i, * ^ - . 1. , r ' r- C o m o rF llo

L _ r Z Z Z ^ L L L _ —

r y Prem ier Takeo P ukuda • u j ^ r t of HIsnnari Y am ada im m ) In p'rquuntloa (or'd w i lo Q - b i -M fln y - y e a is -------------le r of L f lj^ T )O T o cr B U c ng lo ou ^ F ^ e MWistCT

m a y s o a rJ - . R eed sa id th e new .con lrac ts

. continued th rough Ju n e the $87 I m il lio n - -m o n th ly —sp e n d in g r ■ lim it /a s well a s p lac ing s o m e 'V___ p_roduct|on w s ts In contract-^3 r -o p l io n s ,lh a l .d o n ’l '.havc ' to 'b e . ' t , - dcclded un lll a f t c r n e x t Sept. s 30. th u s g iv ing C a r te r m ore e tim e.c -------- C aT tei— c a i r s t i l l 'h 'a ir

p ro d u c tio n - c o m p le te ly — by- •J -a sk ln t; Connress to do sod__ a n ^ lm e be fo re Ju ly , bu t l iw d 'e — conlehded I t - w o u l d - b e - ^ x - r jrem ely foo jlsh" to do ,,sp_ )f bccause of th e Soviet b u lld u p .~ fl-------Rccd-said n_ prgtl<ict[ori

.. dccislon ..w as in e cd isary now T- - b e ca u se - th e - d e v e lo p m e n t, e c on trac t w ith Rockw ell In- r ' t e r n a t lo r i a l . t h e ' p l i n e ’s e p roducer, ra n ou l Nov. 30 and e-— toclose-the-plant-andT eopen-lt- 0 Iaterw ouldcost$300m illi6n .


3 U i e s ^ l O J ) a j s ^ 5 1 . -


i N O S T O O L ^T H O L D E R —

$ ■ 2 9

ire Place flar-B-Q - '—


(HI while ion is best

$ J 4 9

ewel chimesMUSICBOX —

$ 5 « r

STERNl E N S U P P L Yf e i t 0? ly n w o o d S to p lig h t, . l lo r a P o lk S t . ,T w ln P a l t ( ....... ]

— T e s t s w i l l s t D e p o n e. ' ___ C L E V E L A N D :.(U P I) ’

T es ts will begin nex t m onth on how to‘ destr6y about 100,000 pounds of Kepone. a pesticide

' lh a t polluted th e J a m e s R iver In V lrt^nla and Incurably In- jurcd.30^ w orkers who helped .m a n u fo c tu rc it . — --------------

"since pollution of the Ja m es R iv er, w hich w as c losed for fish ing D ec. 17. 1975, no

. - m e t h o d . h a s b e cn _ fo u n d _ .to _ _ ____ dc s lro y .th c chem ical, used in

h igh ly d l lu t ^ form to kill Qie Colorado potato beetle, an ts ond roaches. ,

M Idland-Ross C orp., based In C leveland, who la s t m onth signed a $200,000 con trac t with

“ V Irg ln I?s -B urc fliro f-S an lta ry— 'E n g in e e rin g lo develop non­polluting w ays to d is p o s e d the

•pestic ide. W ld II p lan s lo bum j th e c h e m lc a l .

. “ A sm allq u ah tlty o tK eo p n e.. abou t 150 pounds.--w ill be

disposed of a l ex trem e ly high to m p e ra tu res In a se ries of con tro lled te s ts a t ou r su rfa ce ' c o m b u s tio n la b o ra to r y in

T e r r o r i s t j

— t h r e a t - ----------—1

— a n c o v e r e d —■■■ '"B E m U T ri^ b a n o n (U P Il - |

- S y rian 'se c u r ity officers have - ' u n rovefed a 's e c r e r t e r r o r l s t

— .—p la n to a ssass in ate le ad e rs In se v era l A rab countries. Ihe p r o S y r la n ' -n e w s p a p e r Al . 'B uyraq sa id today.-: •...... '

Investigations into Ihc a t­tem p ted assassination Wed- » icsdny~ cf—Sy rian — PorcigiT— M T n ls t e f ■''Ab’a c l ~ i r a T l m K haddam ‘‘h a s revealed a

— .- s e r io u s —te rro rist—s c h e m e - to —__ a s sa ss in a te A rab leadgre_and,__ :~ o fficia ls In several countries,”

th e r ig h tis t new spaper, which___ has,,_close_ connectlons’,,_ w |lh ....

' S y r ia sa id .T h e r e p o r t sa id S y rian

se cu rity fo rces had Identified Is . r..-Undcrground te rro ris t ce lls '" . . B7 behind Ihe a tta c k and w ere )g - a r re s t l n g . . .a n d questio n in g _ i 6 ’ d « e n s o f su sp ects: c t r ~ .R i g h t i s t sou rces s a id ' the;De. a ssass in a t io n lis t inc luded >1. .K h aled F a h o u m ., pro-Syrian re c h a irm o tt of th e P a lestine

N ational Council. . , •l i t--------K naaflom T sndhis-w ifcw efc—b y ., la k ln g -a hollflax d r iv e .in Iher— so countryside n ear D am ascus c3 Wc'dnesday ■wncnrnnlttcntKled— >x— gunm en opened fire, wounding - sp _ ..th E ,JQ n ;ig n m lnlaler. In .th e .-“— a rm .o n _ ______________ ^)w ^ ~

D e lic

W .'i ■ I .

— Dine & Danco ti Music o£,_

7 W lu s f ie B ri

- • - J i r r r T iiritU-- .. JA ;M /•• • your kiiiil o f im itir l

r J ;

L . 4 r S H S

s t u d y : ---- -e s l r u ^ t i d n “

L 'T D ledQ . bcglnning^.Jan.- 10.’!. - . I Jo h n Morehouse.' a Midland- ' R oss spokesm an, said.• "T esting will continue for

four w eeks,” M orehouse ad­ded. Sam ples ot th e chemical

> • v^il b e -h e a tb d - to -n b o u f2.000- ' - — d e g re e s F a h re 'n h e lt . 'T h eJ residue, he said, would consist o f w a te r v a p o r , c a rb o n d ioxide, nitrogen and com m on'

> . ta b le s a lt_____________ ________T he A llie < ^ c m ic a l Corp. of

- M o iris t 'dw nrN .'X 7 'w as 'fined s • $13.2 million in U.S. D istrict

Court e a r lie r jW s y e a r for ^ K epone 'po llu llonoflherlver.^ A llied Chem ical supplied ^ r a w , m a te r ia la - lo the now- y “d c T u n c t ;_ n 5 r ^ c n c c s . Inc^.__ I- Hopewell, Va.. lo m a n u fa c tu re '’ c the pesticide. ' •

If a su itab le destrucllon m ethod can b e developed,

1. M orehouse sa id h is com pany ® would then propose to build a b m obile Incinerator for shlp-

m ent to Hopewell (or the e ' d isposal of, the bulk of the n pestic ide.


r ^ M o w i

I ! REGISTER' ^IREroOORP• ■ ^ g r a n d


; . OVEM. S ^ r ouTctf$V— 1 ; ^ 5H0WKAM

h 1 ^ -2 N D PRIZE:!?™' i 2 £ . 3RD PRIZE; S3 I 7 4THPRIZE:S kl■ / . 5 I H PRIZE: K

' .1

t — ■ - — — ^

p r ^ E h i c h e n


% ‘ f o i iFord4 23-52341.

l i c io u s B u f fe t Di

Fri. - Seatood

to the

^rdurrg P ^ I H i irm lay ih ru m il

, KKK-events rise again

CA M P PE N D L B M a ilo e Wbo tdenUfl tb e K u K Iux KIoq VMUg flto n T l n ^

I refualng to obey c r t________________ev en la lav d v ln g lb e .

........— - .........'b y a spokesm an fore

B tfley , “ wbo b u M a KKK om cer, 1 n fu s in g to e a iry ou

------------------- th ity s ta tk jo ," tb e h_ K ot«nc«Dew »reI«a]

M o r e h e l pTRENTON. N .J, (U P lJ -

The New Je rse y S uprem e - C ourt has ruled th a t 0 d ivorced

w om an h as a righ t lo ta k e oul a IKe insurance po licy o p ,h e r fo rm er ■ hDSband lo p r ijlw i" he rse lf against loss of alim ony poyrhents.


' homos lor u to In tho CImillod Aaslodiyl _________

i p m i N B S "iv d . n o .


ir f o r ' VP M ! ^

S l i : ^

^ RES.C“S “ ° ---------- v v im 'AE - I J P CC K EN R A B W \ R o g .I -M O U IA B X $ 1.79:O(£N0tHNEtS -----M O W -----l I N A U n \

f l RnMTime-■ J iM iI k h h i h h b h i

-MAKEJERVATINOW!!R YOUR GROUPClub 93 o r Club 93 ■5772 o H e r 3:30 p . r


D i n n e r s ! - m

B ^ o n o fB e e f S

■Prime Rib______ M ,

-C hicken S H a m j

)FFEESHOP ■ _H li 34 H O U R S ^ ^ ^ ^

/ V —


Of The Bore

Friday. Docombor 3 .19?6 Tin

..................._____ J

LETON, Calif. (U P i) - a........•Ufled hlm adl as a roem bw of • 10 w as a n e sted by N avy lo* I n d ay nijbt oa 1 d u ^ of • D n k n .tb e U te s t ia a s e r te s o ( - - I h e K X X b m .— — . ^ — — . •t i . D i4.B «IIey.vas an n ou oced ....... •or cam p headquarters. !l u ptiiUcly tdeoUfled blmaeU • ir, w a s taken Into c u s t ( ^ loir • ’ out orders to rep<^ to a oew . I e b eadq uartm said ta a ooe- ' •i w e , Q . _ ________ ________________:


Oden Saturdaysfrom 1:0 0 1(


3 0 2 IV

I D E C E M B I-C h lckfln_Timft w ou ld liko t oJ h c V olioy for a w ondorful first y e a r 0 p o n e a our-second location to serv


- S P E C I A I

4 HAMBURGERS'. B L a i l A K I I l O C A T l

. CHICKEN DINKERSi'A ttT H tT R lM ttlN O S-------------------

S - 2 9. 7 7 7 : -

r R I I P I P S I W I T H S \- n i i C A M t p T . r m

H O W l L O C A n O M T O I

70BND.BI .. ........... 734-870frOPi

302 MAIN/ . f 73'4-S500 CLO

l i —• •

P HOLIDAY PAI3 Convention Cen.t< I.m. or Call Collect!

i d i l e s t ,

luth— - —^ r d e r " -

Tlmes-Nows, Twin FaJla. Idaho 7 • ' j

i x t3 0 T 0 7 « l : RIB OR T-BdiJE:: j : S T E A IC D M R [^ lj_ 4 l

■■■', YOUR ■ i w; CHOICE . . ^ ; j : |,• . CompM*OlniMfi • in ' ; $*r*»dToYo«fToH#t •- J'i NORM’S C A Ffcl ^ i• 801 MAIN AVLW. y Z• TVnNFAllS '

p . ' B ------------ ;•*«■ ! i , '

F'JO'y ' ^ f r r n t iRs For AH Ages".,;.,,,,Mt-FII1DAY...1-W;,l'

's Until C liristn iasr- ,) to 5:00 p.m. 1llBOT,Jffliw,-|D.,-32t:tiK. ;

CAICII------' I:oH Lt!! ^ i = n i “ T2 MAIN AVE. NORTH I |

* R ; r * i i i ; I IJ h a n k a ll tha p o o p tflv rf-: ■ 1_j r o f b u 8 ln o i s . . . 'N o v r w « ’ ■ s e rv o yo u e v e n b o tta r . > . . I '

(TOWrtBlKtm ^ I

U K - !


'ISIPIECEBOXES' - ' ! n— CHICKEN... -I^ i !

W T H i j c i M - . s s : ; . I . l p

f o a u v i Y e a . . . - ^ : I i

rBlUE LAKES 1 1jpeN ^ u n d a Vs

«l AVE. NORTH S j | 'Losro-saNDA?s=;‘F j ^ T :

m i l l : ;IRTIES! i lIter Phone * 0 :t 702-755- ' : | | T

7 .- " .-firr i ■ ' ' S ' ®'.-: ■

W ■ K kT

I^ i ^ X E l l .. '

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

— " ~ T n W 5 W R !n W n T a ll3 7 Id a h o

.E piscopal b a za a r In p i•TWIN F A L L S -T h e annual bazaai

orB^nlzatlon opened today In llic Cl BlUc L akes B oulevard N orih. fc;ilur

_____h andm ade itcm a._________ _The event is open io 'ihe piilillc ati(

tonight ond will be open Saturday froi Hot food will be served at noon '

- - • country’ store of hom em ade foods. j a t f l i J n addition. Christm as shop

_____(mills, baby com fortcrs. clothing and-.cye ry th lng frpm pa ln tjngs jind wall h:

yWtiumber of C hristm as dw dra llo r- u n K Item s such a s handcrafled b

a n d te io r a t e wood carvings.Pa rk ing is available a t Ihe re a r o

b u j t ^ g en trance Jo Ihc church au ■ l ic jija rc d isp ia S ttr* “

HQgertnan ch o ir prcse:iM e RMAN - To open Itic holh

BifSiScnnlal year, the choir o t tho Hn Is Ipbscn tlng a c an ta ta , "A F cst R o J J l J . HugJies. In the sanctuary a t ' ' IJt^hls hour. D r. H ughes has Inci

____ hym ns.'and songs expressing, mankir._ G o d .: ;______ _ ..............................

'fliS chdfr is jo ined 'by Valley musii hoC Jv lth the ir ta len ts: Mrs. Joyce S rie t t.Jen o r ; ^ ^ „ H o b s o n . l^ ss . ai

^ Law rason is Ihe n a rra to r and M Dwnw M urphy accom pany on organ ai

- - 'tf ia ch o tr isu n d e r th cd ire c tio n o fM l

E ^ n A dvcnn sts thank igQ EN — Services this Saturday a

-------Adyrotliit q iu iu ii wirtTffglir'a i 3:30 u.Mrs.’E arl Carlson.

•The worship hou r will be a t II a .m . ;___ aiJBfivltcd to allend.

P ^ ia ld L. Robinson, church offlc T h u i^ a y expressing appreciation to i H ffw tttn a re as who have conlrlbulc

— m unilybcnefll program .----------------- -; Robinson said a .door-to^loor sollclU funds lo provide food, clothing and ol

• ivho have s u f fe r ^ m isfortune’’H e a prog ram of IheSevenlh D ay A dventist >

IVazarene le n d e r fea lu r' TW ltJ FALLS - Rev. G rady Conlroll

, . of Ihc Citcrm ountaln D istric t Chureh ( Ihe fea tured speake r on Sunday o t Ihi

— -local church. , ____ ______R ev. C antrell p resides ove r Ihc Intc

— m crly-known a s th e Idah^O rcgon d ls ti of N evada ond Utah fo ra to ta l of 55 chui

• T he m en ol Ihc church will m eet for a 7 a .n u T h c pasto r will speak from th e t a l lh c 7 p .m .sc rv lc c .

M l& lonar^ N peaksln 11;“ “ •HSZELTON’^ M a r g a r c t E . Cariov

m issionary lo Ja p an , will be guest sp e : — tfic Assem bly o t G odchu rcti ln Hazcitc

p a s t o r ! ^ announced. ~ . : i ^ I s ^ Q r lp \^ l f t - a h In s tru c to r 'a t Ci

• Tokyo. S h a tc a d ic s o c lass In .Japanest a n d an Engllsh-as-a-second-Ianguagc cnnd nurs/vs^ - ---------------- r-;S h c visits pa tien ts a t a 400-bcd goverr

c en lc r In M usashl-M urayam a, a subur E nglish Bible w ith on explanation, li

— To)tyo^TnanrU ian35<\5Scm bllc?Brxr« !. Invitations lo speak in Jap an ese lake

a ll ove r J a p an , Including Okinawa., f^ cycry C hris tm as E v e In special

_ O urrcnU y ,ovc r.l ,000pcop lqa ltendS un(

B u sin ess m en se t m eet S• _ • TWIN F A L I ^ - M o n th ly m eeting of — ; f i c n ^ # o u ’shIp Intcm ational.w lll be

B lue L akes Inn.* D inner will be served from 7 p .tr

- ■ -O if io ^ ip m eeting Is planned. At thliigU'tvshort testim onial m essages. '

a fc T racy Hansen, pi iylfffc'Tprcsldent;. B urke V anderhoef. ;b05sctt.trr*asurcr.; I |n n e r reservations should be made

. ; n » ^ g Is open to all in terested person

Serm on to p ic onnon n ceTALLS — "G od. the only caus

■ JltlJJ5yhe serm on Sunday a l IheC hrlstS l i c e s will begin a l 11 a.m ., and

i church, ICO Ninth Ave. E , Sunday s c h d l- iilS ie C hristian Science Reading Roc

; N o i^ r y c a r e p ro v id e d .FALLS - "M an’s Individual

_ J iha lop lcS u iiiW -aU liaF jR L C hucch j)l- ; : 'S c ix lccs will b c 'h e id a l the YM-Y 'N u n ic iy c a re is provided and cvcry'one ;! Rev. Doreen J . W illiams will lead liie

jRejUef S o c ie ty p lans soc•; TWIn' f a L L S - f lic n iK w a rd L D S (■ ho ld 'm i annual C h ristm as Social Dec Stake Center. T he event will bcfjin a l 1

; C h ris tm as progrom . holiday food and [public is Invited.


tlmm e


" f .I^fiduy. Di)C(jmb’of3.19?6

p r o f ^ r e s s ^

j a r of the E piscopal Women’s ■ ^ C hurch of the Asscnslon on K - urlng som e 20 to 30 tobies of_ ___ ______ _________________ g

I'nd will continue unliTD p.m. r o m io a .m .to s p .m . •)n 'a n d Ihe booths Include a j j , j s. canned ' goods. Jellies and oppers will find handm ade id household item s, lncludlng__ p r e I hangings to pillows. ' ' cro ' lo’ns w’lirb c liv a ila b le a T ^ . ‘ ie l« i bu tterfly window hangings d r c

o f l• o f th e chiirch and the reo r - blor audito rium .w here the sa les • Tl------ --------------- :--------------------------- o rH

on- . port

lent.H can ta ta som' o rig

)liday season and close the g j ilogerm an M ethodist Church icgg is llva l of P ra ise " by D r.. ^^as a t 7:30 p.m . Sunday. O n inco rporalcd m any fam iliar she kind 's thanks and p r o ls c , lo _ dowi...._ _ _ _ l - _ v i n Qisi'c lans who will e i i r i ^ the hodi i Snapp. soprano: J im Ben- Ac and M rs. Donna l^lurphy. ., _ d*ed

- r . - . . : . ' : . . . -------------

1 M rs. H elen Berry and Mrs. .I and piano.M rs, M artha V anE pps.

recoii d o n o r s "Qu(r a t the E den Seventh Day c d e t

1. a n d a ll in terested persons .seem - y . . . ____________ ,_sho rt

ficlal. Issued a sto lem cnt 0 residen ts of the E den and . ut'cd to th eT ihu rch tglT om ---

illation w as m ade to collect o lh e r necessities to people ' ' sa id this Is a world-wl3c J ?

St Church. J /

i r e d S u n d a y ••cil, d is tric t superintendent 1 1 1h of IhcJ^azarcric , will be | th e II a .m . serv ice a l Ihc— ’ ......... ~ ’ ' ''IN

stricU now l a k ln g ln a p a r t— reslgr lu rches.r a n c a r ly p r a y c rs c r v lc e a t - c rab je c t o f Christ’s retu rn ' ^ cm a

^ . form i

”. n d ‘ow, an A ssem blies of God . hope K ak c rS u n d ay ot 11 a .m . ^ pa tlc Iton; Rev. W esley Johnson, l l ’i

------ -"andC en tra l B ible In stitu te In Gene

is c fo r m in isteria l s tudents Bible 0 c la ss for nied lca l doctors b y sc

2i7imcni nnipiuu and rehab---------P®®Plu rb of Toicyo, and teaches P®™ ,. In Ja p an e se In th ree of ro tr tn u rc h c s T " : k e M lssC a r lo w lo ch u rc h es M iss C oriow speaks th e re :]1 evangelistic serv ices . ^indayschoo l a t th is church________

workS a tard n y louit o rjh o Full Gospel B usiness . bcaL 7.p .in .S Q lurdny .pH he____

i.m . unlit 8 p.m .. when a i X / h is tim e, hew officers w ill------

presiden t: Tony R am bcr, - M ^ g e f. se c re ta ry and Glenn ■ *■*

ide by ca lling 731-3885. T he ' ' ons. Vanderhoef said.

Wenc• e d C h u rluse and c re a to r” will be the cvani is tlan S clcn c eC h u rc h . md a t 8 p .m . Dec. 8 a l the . h o o lls a l9 :4 5 a :m . -loom . 115 Sccond St. W.. Is ™p s n iu r d a y r ” - ^ ” * ^ ^ ' " - - ' ™ - -

l i a t Y “ A

la lily and Iden llly” will be

•YWCA Chapel a t II a .m . 1 9 n e Is w elcom e. | | Htie serv ice . I h |

> c i a l _ . i f l>S Church R elief Society will B c c . 9 In th e M aurice StreetII lO a .m .a n d w lll ln c lu d c a 1 id aC hrlstm asd lspIay ._T he .

[ te v iv a lsd t STHE Twin F ans CJnircb ot

h)d «lU -present Rev., Hy Landles, P o ca te llo , In ap e c la J - r e v i v a l—m e e ttn g -T ------uoday. 11)6 evening {uogram rill a t 7:90 p.m . lo Utefau n i.ftt 511 Second Ave. E . ~ ~a d Is tb e 'flfs t o ^ a ________I p U y m e e U ^ ' i t ’the Mm*. — I m e .'R e v . R a ^ e s ts a a e m b e r o f t h e S t a t e IvaiigdU m Board o f_ tlte ' Snircbet of God t o both Idaho o d Utah. Tbe pubUcIs lovited> tTM»^lng« _

Santa L-ST O C K H O L H -r^-W hen.U ie calc; am ous Nobel P r iz e w inners— Solsi w ngregatc In Stockliolm for ; p res h e i m p r e s s i v e a w a r d 1753, *rcm ony . th e w inner of the sllll U c r a r y p r iz e u su o lly Is Sonlircscn ted_ ,w i.th_ the_ lask_ of_____Wr o w i n g Stockholm 's ncwjy- an iK tc d L u d a . a beautiful giri * celei Ircsscd in w hite, w ilh a crown aSw f flickering cand les on h e r is. n( ilondohead. ■ O faThe San ta L ucia ccrcm ony obsc

rH )cc:-I3-hi»-deve}oped-lnt6— =flccs n- ev en t o f na tional Im- and o r tan c c In Sw eden - bul ll is deca om cthing of a m yslery In its has rigln. comiSanta L ucia is based on a To

!gend which m a y be tn ic . She comi 'OS b o m and lived in Sicily. LucI: n Uie eve of he r m a rria g e , s p o i le g av e aw ay h e r -en llro - news w r y lo Ihepoo r people of the pa ra iHage nn^d con fe ssed Jh a l she _ _raisli^d becom e a C h ris tian ' •.................... T hA ccused of w itchcraft, she - celeb ed a m a r ty r 's de a th -al llie Stocli ako-on4)6e.-13T -3M -A D ,Sie-—flids. a s la te r canonized a s S a n ta bcco uclo. ^ Lilel:As. ( o r . as trad ition g o es,......m adtu ita L u d a h a s a lw ays been len c cognized in Sw eden a s Uic sclccl Juccn of L igh t” and th e In t Jcbra tion h a s been h d d to ’’Stoc

e d a rk w inter. T h is m ay parac em confusing, s ince llie Swcd o r lc s l_ d a y .g f - lh e . ,y p.ir Is , dccoi in le rS o Isircc6nD ccr22: . 'colori l iw e v e r , th e o ld Ju lian hundi ie n d ar was still In force spccl; len—th e —fcucla—t r a d ltlo rr— Stodc I g ln a t e d , - - a n d In t h i s ------ —

^ormer pf( nvents ‘ne'INTON, Io w a - (U P I) - - spottc

Ig n ih las pa-iio roM he F irs t '., .spo is plls l C hurch two year^ ago, in . tl; found Ihcro w asn 'l m uch ' femal

m and for - a 57-ycar-old cowsi ■m crprcacher:— - . , ands]k ) -h e -p u l -h ! 9 -lrn£rglhallon Sla d bib lica l know ledge to w ork from id c a m e up w ith a n Hem h e He c ipcs w ill becom e.o fad in Ihe twig, itlem of the " P e l R ock .” cu l b I l’s ca llcd th e “ W ant S take" piclu id iB bascd o m i-s to ry -fr ttm — The 1 ;n<sls. tho f irs t book In the -. plant ble, a n d princip les prom oted key II '^ I M m p r o v e m c n ib o o k s ^ - ^ -Thi Sla’loy says h is idea will help - lo aci <^lfr-fio l-w hal4hcy-ivanL -A „_slm ll irson m ere ly places in the withi ake a p ic tu rc of th e object he Ihc I slre s .--- lh en -w o rk 3 -to w a rd — focto a l g o a l ; - A v is u a l iz e d Rock sprcscn ta tlon of a goal will now. lip a person a lla in it. S lalcy Sta y s . onlhiIn’ lh c b lb lica llito rv r 'Ja cn h ll~ha jrked out a deal wllh Is far, Iher-ln-law to get all th e luren restock tha t w as str iped and door.

FerideUMetl lear guest miWENDELL - R ev . H.II. D d>cktcr, Portland , O re.. will • evani

a gucsl m in iste r a l the M elhsndell U nited M ethod ist one IlUrch du ring a s e rie s ' of ' a rea,angelis tic m eetings next scrviirck. field Ifie will speak In th e Wendell appcijurch a t 7:30 p .m , Dec. 8 and iiro u eh D cc .12. vario': ...... - - ' _________ Six

. V South

leade ■ well ,

H P Cnthfl

V ; in I

I ^ S F v S f f l S f loccas

f iE V . n , l i . D O C K T E R

.. .y U C H t

^ F IR S T C H R IS T IW601 S h o th o n * !

. ^ 3 : 4 5 * 4 'HIM F S t m a ’ —

r a i L E f O B i i r ’

i n m u n n t i i a u i

nn mfT :0O P.IlF U IIirB tlO l D

. C H IU « » ,.Y im - . . S j m iC U S S E S ;

■ ...............................V- ' ‘

^ucia fesi e n d a r Dec. 13 w as W inter «kilstlcc.. S w ^ n odc^ted tlie ■'resent G regorian c a len d ar In S753, bu t the rc tu h i of lig h t is | - 5till cele ijro ted on Dcc. 13 — ^onla Lucia Day. ^The Lucia Day_Is p r im a rily S

n p c c a s jo n jf o 'r f a m i ly _____ B nclebratlon and th e re is h a rd ySwedish hom e w here th e day .

i. not trad itionally observed . , ^ If a m ore rcc cn t da te Is the - bscrvanco of th is day In of- 'Ic e s ,-fo c to riea -M d -sc h o o ls;— f ' ; ^nd d u r in g th e In-st. fovi ecadcs the L ucia trod itlon ^ as developed a lso in to a ommunlly festival. VrSkT oday , every la rg e Sw edish ^ om m unlly e lec ts its' ow n ^ ucia. Tlic e lection ' Is u sua lly • I'j-;, p o n s o r e d b y a l o c a l p . - J ew spaper a n d the L ucio arade is com bined w ith fund*lis ln g fo rso m e ch a r ity . ______T h e b l g g c s ’ t p u b l i c ' ^45? •lebration ta k e s p la ce in tockholm, w here hund reds pf

2C om 'inB ':the ‘ " S i o c W i o l m ^ ^ H licla.” The final e lec tion islade b y .p b p u la r.v o le .a m o n g ___L_n cand ida tes who h ave been i c c tc d b y a ju ry . . - ■In th e evening of Dcc. 13 the- Stockholm L ucia" and h e r .te n d a n ts — a n d ~ f o l lo w e r s --------trade the s tr e e ts o f the ved ish c a p ita l in g a ily:CQratcd—c a tx Ja g e s__ T h e _____loriul p a ra d e Is 'w a tch e d by " ' b E indreds of thousand s of- e c la to rs and w inds up n t. K n ockbolm’ l t j r l f a J l r ' : ----------^

r e o c t e r ^ l l

ewfad’ Ioiled. H e took " ro d s" f ro m ......

dIs in them a n d p la cc d -lh em !__. the ground w here ' th e - Tiales could^sec them . T h e ws then g av e b irth to s tr ip e d . id spoiled offspring.Slalcy’s s la k es w ere ta k enom a trcc 'ln . h is 'fron t y a rd . 'e cu l spol m a rk s In cachWg. hollowed out the top and :i f bu l 9 d isp lay spol fo r th e - - -c tu re of. th e Item desired .he ho le In Ih e-to p -ls-fo r-th e ------------- -an ting of the " fa ith se ed .” a2y Item In a tta in ing Ihe g o a l . ,______ - -T he nex t stop is a com icbook I accom pany th e Wanl S take . ■■■ -mlla r to the, book tha t c am e __________ith th e Pci Rock. S taley sa y s c book w as an Im portan tctor-in tliesucces»of-the -Pe t------—ock a n d he is w orking on one .

S taley has a pa ten t pending-------ilh e 'W an lS ta k ca n d b c llcv c s'has~"fc!renl p b le riila r '_S Q ___r, how ever, no m anufac-rers have b e a t a pa th to h is j H H

linister 9D o c k te r I s o n e o f 52 'angclis ts . o f th e U n ite d . cthodlst 6 )urch and th e only IC In th o P ac ific N orthw est va . S ince 1954 he h as been rv ing in th e evangelistic !ld for th e M ethodist C hurch. ipcaring a cro ss the CQnllncnl | 9 id in 13 o ve rseas m issions In ir io u sp a risb fth ew o rld . D R . lS ix .o f.h ls.-m lssions_w ereJn____ ______lU th-’A m e ric a '"w h e re " h e * ' a rk e d w ith c o n fe r c n c c »— id e rs of h is own church a s . .>11 a s o lh e r Pro tcslon t andilhollc churches,____________ __________ :He h a s conducted se m in a rs . I s r a e l a n d . o t h e r J ib lelands" on num erousCMjons. ' • ____ _ ______

Adult BlbU O o * * ^ ih » d r ''^ I— Ih* Book of R*v*lal!oni _ —b f . t a a t . b n t a . . . r B t v I Z„ _ SlibrScWiiu____ _ I

t M ^ b r i l a U U I

' T M O n fM IJ i r j iaiSShoijp

AN C H U R C H = = 1- =l e S t .N . ____________

T ^ T H E J d Y — --------------

of CHRISTWIAS g,J o h n l : ! . 1 4 '

D o r r a l C a m p b f l l l

."ACffllttBfM THE . ■ ;: OmaEFAWlY”

............. ’ ir • ' j" .

! S t i v a l t n

1'.^ ■■

Festival - “ celebrai

-LutheranE dw in f irs t Luther:

* ’ Svnod^

e a r ly ir

1 — - pcar an ~ LSih'cr

---------- r- i- -------M ^ndaAfler

— m ln ls l


body s

, commi 'c h u rc h

M en congrc

^ 1 ^ 9 9 1 1 ^ 9 9I Ycllo\^

> R . E D W I N C . W E B E R pccted

(><ul i o r e x . . . C .onw f f 'u r s l

-TW IH ffltliR E fO R M ES lU th A v e n u e E a :

T w InF olli------- SUNDAY SCHOOL WC

10:00 A JA.




FIRST U N i e MlS h o sh o n e o t 4 th A v i

H 18 C l io rc l i w iH i a

J r s l i i p _ S e r y i c e s J : 4 )

~ B E G I N N I I I G A G AIN 111 B E

By Roy Thomps■ " = = = SP E C IA tM tiS li

B ,O i g C l i t t l C l i g I r " m B a i S J I I

' - S U N D A Y E V | !F o llo w sh lp f i Y ou th G ro u p





- s ,

1 VP to visiVitT~F'AL’i 2 ” ~ R c v “ ” D 7 O nT i 'In C. W eber of Sl, Louis. a ttend I

V lce-prcsidcnt' of the a rea 1 leran Church — Missouri will a ss )d. will be in Ih'e Pacific Church hw cflt-on-a-spenklng^bur. E ram y in D ccem b cr. go lor. W eber’s In itia l ap- engagei ranee will be a t Imm anuel lh a lcv t Tcran'Ch’u rch7T w inT nlIs,7 " take hlid ayat7 :30p .m .------ ------------- OregonHer serv ing In-lhe-pnrish—ils lry in I llin o is a n d - - - - - -higon for 30 years, Weber; e lec ted to se rve as a vice-sidcnt ol th e three-million-j ib e r L u th e ra n c hu rch Hiahy seven ye a rs ago. Since' he has also been a su > rTiber of Ihc denomination'sim lssion on theology andrch relations.le m b c r s of a f f i l i a te d ' ‘™ gregatlons from both Ihe 'F l gic V alley and from the \lowslone clrcuils_arri_£X:________Xtc d to b c ln a t tc n a n c c a t th c ‘ I | ln _ F n ll5..fo n im _ M o n d n y ._ , ? nltig’ ...................... ........... ......... :

r i l i i p H im I f l lh V i

M U R C H — —Eoit torr


.-IhO O A .M . — ~

o r a r ^ CElD N ...‘ASTOR8 KOM£7S4,420S

B D I S T J\v * . East

a ‘lift” - -: 4 5 & 1 1 : l ) f l _

b e S s A a n "pson

O N C i l l S l M J s ' l ^ ' , ^ N

: N I N GJ I S ; i l n g a 6 P .M . -

f e o - ■ -;CH OF UNITED'-.

lal in

IE Queen of L igh t and b e r ladles-ln-n id -aw m ln g 8 e rv lc e .a l.S L -0 IaJ O n i icoplng on D ec. 13, tb e annual San ta Iv ^_ w 1 ilc fa_ t8 c e le b ra te d th rop ien .

• . r r i l 7 ^S i t 1 r1 T uesday forenoon, h e will'” j [ id th e m onthly m eeting of 1 X u the ran p a sto rs who o ssc m b le atZ io n L u th eran , | i q j rch In B uriey .. < RH f

r?1l|10 Boise fo r speaking igem cnt In the cap ita l c lly i f i evening. His I tine ra ry will M : h lm 'to ’s e v e r a r c l t i r a iir~;on ond W ashinglon.-------------------------

:_____________________ ■ , 7C______ • - , SUNO

MINI-CASSIA CHRISTIAN CEN TERllQhwsy 74 next to Fo^lond

Ruptrl. IdahoJ>DAY..;..... lO iM ajn.,IM)AY....................T iM pjn. ' By Iin m s n A Y :.. . ; . .7 .3 0 p j» .: : g

I E V E R Y O N EV — - A l

Comm T ■. Christian

So. Grondvlow 1 Block Soutf

’em Steon, Minister ’.O.-Box 4 8 4

;ElEeRATETHECHIR$IIUSSS u n d a y , D e c e i i

9 :4 5 o.m. Sunday School ■ Ther A v o ry o g o l ‘

ItOO'a.m. Morning Worship U: .Advent.,Cond[o: o‘ Slgniflcanco”; Chom Lovo Wai Born"; Coi

6 :0 0 p .m . "H anging o l th e Grec— - ^— - iim o “ 'af.-:foltow shrpr:

• gro u p s d e c o ro to o il or o n d then gqth pr orou Troo lo r s in g in g , Itoi


FIRST BAPTIST &• 9 1 0 Shoshon. St.; GILBERr'E. MYWS, M)f

7 s

w ^ e d e n

In-waltlngarardi‘.ln_.i: ___________nta L u dairoDBbou t ______________

B I B L E J I M E rby P astor S to iti'' 1 '

‘About....Chrlslmas” ;

S u n d ay A I 9 :I 5 A .M .

< B A R i2 a K ,B y H liY _


~^D ircipf«ofOiffif): -----------7 0 8 .H t y ^ m A v e . f f *

UNOAYSCHOOi...........MO -WItSHIP.................. lOUi


YouthSunday '


(E W ELC O M E A T __ _ _ _ _ _ ■

m o n l t y " :

i n C l n i r c i i

i i th o flh e H o ip ito f , __. !<|

r 3 3 - j 8 t iS Twin F allt

> SEASON WITH l i s i i ~s m b e r S " .

h e r * o r * c la s s e s fo(_,

^llar'tln(i~lho 'S o c on d ~ ' n o sorm on "‘'G il)s” oT lo n co l C h o ir "W hon,; C om m union Sorvico."'

’rM iis" - A b oouliful'^- . rp -os - dossed ' and-*’- I oroos of our church,* iround tho Cblrstmot.- itory and' Chrlsfmoi*. U h0.W 0tld l-------



Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

TNew missiles---------- — --------------- r i ---------------

r ^ e q a a t e w jWASHINGTON (U P l) -

■ The adm inlstfaUon. which Is Ad: buiJiliiig m ore M lxiutem an-III - t j i Inlcgc^iUlncntal m issiles lo r e r s h o w R u s s ia i t m e a n s aft< business, has been unable to t o rd e r , into production (he m o im proved w arheads lh a t go ou l wlth;U>em because of a pparen t m is deltciencles, inform ed defense . hea sourcwsal<1> , •. -iu n

'IJiP .varticads w ere designed ih c lo double th e d c s lru e tlv g _gu | povMfcof p resent M lnutem an furi

~q g g ^ e n s e sources said, y id untgggound ’tests Indicated - t thcStS h c a ds wouldn't deliver : cho th < a 3 fc lg n e d y ie ld -o f 350 - -w if ,

“ k il® ^ o r a n -cx p lo stv c -(o rc c — «r,i•o fW gW onso tT N T ^ -------- -------- - ’ h a s

rS a K nt F o rd lost monlh th isgt>-nhpad-on the___ prt>

s p < 5 l t o ^ ' 7 million to A b u w m ^ c r a L M in u lc m a n l l l pro. ro riirt 'ih ro slc rs to bo lster the - on i COCBECUnlted S ta le s a lre ad y the h a f ly ^ o la l of S50 a re In launch Li s U tw fi^ d y to tirc .' . i |] 's

li f f i t S }U6ht th e ex tra funds thrc - in - 3 E E # p l« n c n to r y -b u d g c l— coul

r « m i a£t spring . .Whco -tbe— dlff.finw '.groducllon decision w as n

■ d l« it i^ .^ .s p o ln a m e n -c ilc d dosi dcQiiJn^§A LT_,negot~Iplion3 ' cu r:

- w l g fT .^he - R u s s i a n s , - a n d - of-o d e g j^ n a t lo n " lo show o u r mlU

-rc35& -in -th c -facc-o f-a -con -—" - T h e-tin lS d^C issiananT isbuiidup . „ d c s t

5 ? ( e n s 'e s o u r c e s s a id la rg p roblem s - c r o p p e d " u p - I a s t ' nuci

- s u m ^ - w h e n - t h e - E n e r g y — silos

{ r i a n t s h i p r■ f e T O N (U P II - Thl! sc c l

• Qiw i n iGllzabeth 2. th e w orld 's -h m ) l o fflSsMiassenger ship and the th e

PimfiM •l.Inp,_u iJJE B gn t rep a irs T hursday New

- f o j y i u u u foot4)olo-in-hcr4?Qw--------Tle a tS e S b y a 13 (on spa re an-. . bow ciB B H S t broke loose in heavy of tl S 4S S ffil c ra shed through he r (ect b ( iw q i» nase below the w ater Ami

lost.3 - - ff lf f l f l lr ie s resu lted Irom^Uic-— - . 3 m R fW tlah tic Inc’ld c n t b u f a a S S S E feet of w ater fUled a ^

^ l t - , j ^ d - b e . . ' e d __ Cap!_____ ___? _ R ( ^ r t 'A r n b ( t Mlt}|'V , V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f - - ‘iJ U M ' tlny hole, only about •

onSftMiC in d iam eter. Q uite ■ J s u f^ l lc fa l . actua lly ," A m ott ^

— toltfr ^y p o tte r a a t Boaton'a - - B Cofiunonwcaltb P ier.w here th e . ■ Q £2bcrthed . . ’ ■- T h e ship ieft.Southhom plon ■

_ N o v . 25 for New_Yor|c ArnoU ■ sa id the G6.6S0' (oh ,^ .9^ foo tV '.7 ■ l ln e r“ m ade p o r t ' I n ’ Boston ~ |b M ouse o rco iilin u ln g heavy------ Hsea s off the U.S. e as t coast. ' H

- T e n 'Buses ,lcfti,fDLNew_York___ HtodajC carrying^O O oftheshlp 's- ■ 887 pas;^necrs . T he liner also* H ca rrie sa c rew o f9 1 5 . H

Am ott said repairs, con- H ~sistlBgT)fTTOldtnB'irtoupleT)f— H

steel pTales In the ship's bow. HwouM.JIk completed tonight Han^^ould nol affect the QE2's ■sctaoc^ed depaclui'e from H

—B{i*?iTnn''| ililiii im |i Unlilji MCaribbean cruise. - H

said the anchor w as ' H

C e l i ^ r a t i o n II

;M iA M ! ( U P I ) - A ■ cetefaVallon in H ovana to H com m em orate the ^ t h an- H n ive rsay of the landing which H led to Fldcl C astro 's lakeover H h a s been postponed, H avana H rad io .-a n n o u n i^ a t S^a^m. T hursday when the cclcbratioii - H wu B w t to begin. ■ H

J h a broadcast, monitored in H h tlam i, said heavy rain s th a l . H sw ept .through H avana . Wed- H n esday night m ade conditions H u n f a v o r a b l e f o r . t h e — H

-celcbrnilon-,The fe sU v ill^o c c — ^ l A now planned ‘ for Saturday ' H

I . ™ * ' - . I-.'-■fl 4 lliH O II 1BFW.T, ■

I — ■

- | - U P I « e « — f - I


. „ „ b y T t u « r o W ' ■

S , , . T b P Q U A L IT Y * ■

■" J I 5 E R 5 S N ’ =

?:arheads— ^^ e se a rc h ...a n d . D evdopm cn t....... - .\dn iin ls tra tion , which builds ;j;S . n u c l e a r w a r h e a d s ,•cfuscd to certify the w arhead if tc r underground lesls.

Tho Air F orce, a l a cost of no re than 54 million, worked m l a new design of p a rt of the ils s ile lo c a r ry la rg e r w a r - ' leads, Iheso u rce ssa id .T h is In u m Increased the weight of he vehicle, c rea tin g further'u id an c c .-p ro b lem sT —A fte r ------------u r th c r_ tc s ls .- th c rc -w a s s t i l l------ -o m e dispu te over the final ield.T he A ir F o rce now m ust •

^ s c 0 lower yield from each.ra’rtiead or accep t th e weight________cnallyT Sourocs saT3 pressure a s T w n op ^ IeS for a 'd«L sion 'His monlh th a t would allow roduction.-A t th e s a m e tim e , no

reduction o rd e r w as given for n im proved m issile, known as iQ M arkl2A .Like th e presen t M inutem an

il's. lhe;M orkl2A would c a r ry . i r e e w arh ea d s th a t each .ould berprogram’m cd to s trtk c ^ ------- ^Ifferent ta rg e ts .----------- ;---------------jyjj^T he new m issile a lso w as j,

j r a c y f ro m . Ihe presen t level____ w .,r-about-I.OOO fee t-a t a -C ,0 0 0 _ . ..g ^ illc_range lo about SOO feel. h e a im ' w a s ' t o ‘'e n s u r e _u«_ 2s tn ic l lo n -o £ _ I .‘h 'ardcncd^i— irgels designed lo w ithstand jc le a r b la sts , such a s missilelOE . ,1 ^ ,

ve ry

repairedx u r e d on th e foredeck but rnVp Trvicp rinHnf. hpnyy rCSCile sh ip encountered S u n d a y " " " '® " ’ bQUl__OOOlmlIe s c a s t of ^ ewfoundiand.Jbc-ancho r-d roppcd .In lo .lhe___D w..strlklng th e bulbous po rt • - r th e sh ip 's nose about th ree !Ct below th e w ater line. * m o lt sa id , T h e ancho r w as • '

___ _^ ____________

I ^I ' l a s t h e L i■ oiilyagm■ c a n love .

I 1


Slor* H ours: X MehdnthrMBbtotw


is iaclc— E n c r g y i i l r o i t M B !

_stilleloudy-__• •.-------- WASHINGTON (UPl

"offers d e a r social, e t offshore o il a n d gss, a r

T be O ffice of Teciioo I t i ) aod g a s use lo 1

«ngl5e e r iiig a ir f" 8tr id

- energy Deeds wfl} be ac sou rces o feoergy .U tes

“ ScduUoQS (0 eoerg; rd a liv ely sm aU co o ser

________________ ilW U houU troog natlDative r e s o u ^ " tbe

T ...............e x ls tln g e ae rg y p a tte r rNooe of tb e exlstln]

e oQ om lc advantages" " N o s ig ^ f lc a n td a iw

Is an ticipated"

- T tw O T A re ix rtco o e V - -en e rg y to m ak e tq > tb e t

' such prog ram s, i t said, t o b e ^ a lo D c e .”

OldNazuSPOKANE, W ash. ( j J P l L i : H ess’ lb«'rt"Specr re'm em bere him beeni i j i curious c ro ss iK lw ecn a , _.An{

hotel conclcrgc.----------— —"— offlcl;S p c c rw a s n n c o fh u n d rc d so f— rncnt azi w ar.c rim ln a ls under the -e le c t la rgc of Colonel Burton C. thelfsid ru 3 re o r tim ¥ n d a n n > rU ie ------- " Tj re m b e rg prison. H e recalls r e p r nIcU 5JxiM ® djllffly .aL lhclr. _A m er •st m eeting and sa id "W e a re RussI ;ry p ic asc d lo h av e y o u .” , prisoi T h irty years a ftc rT K lh m en i Hc50 m em bers of a dwindling Nazi oIc-wrlUns-group-of-lhaiNiui— >vhen Tiod. They pass the , tim e nirph s e a rch in g a n d AvrlUng-their. -.nn.w t em olrs. peac( A ndrus, 84, fee ls Ihe ch an c e with —w rt te ^ b o o k s - sh o u ld b e -prlso i an te d to Rudolf H ess — the ■ Nei s t Irem olnlnR Na2l~ p Iso n e r . n o F l G erm any. vanci " I be lieve th a t an Injustice been ' IS been done ." Aiidnls sa id . “ Hi iJo_prlsoner e v e r serves unlil_... am ni1 d ie s If he.tw haves h im self.

, e w Vr

___________' . . . , 1

J P l ) — N one o f Ib e ex is tin g w r g y siq] , e n v iro n m a ta l o r ecooom lc advontag a rep o rt by a C oQ gress ion^ le s e a rd i a£

Iinology A sse ssm e n t's tw o y e a r stody a D Ibe mld-AUanUc reg ion called for ric to eo ratk iG a ln io o llo rtn g ’'o fy o p o 6 « fsb o reo il becom es a v a i l a b l e , ^ y 20 p o s accom odated , le a v in g tb e re s t to be m tte study sa id .E Tgy'problem s w ill b e -found In puUl se rv a tlo n a n d siq ^ ily p ro g ra m s," tbe rej natlooal p ro g ra m s to cooserve energy b e i q w rt sa id , " tb e m ld -AUantlc sta te t e m s Into (be n e x t c eb tu iy ." tin g a lte ro a llv e a “ o ffe rs c le a r social, » " o v e r tb e o fflb o re tedioologles; tbe n im ag e to (be en v iro n m en t o rch a n g es lr ring ro u tin e o p e ra tlo o o f any of Uie

oaceded It w iM ddbe p ossib le (0 develop J b e e n erg y lo s t i f tb e of fsbore focUlUes a lid, w ould ne ed "s tro n g na ttooal leaden

is writinff biss 's conduct h a s a lw ays wouldi c n ex e m p la ry .’; ' get hirA ndrus—h a s —w rn iW - '- 'tw o .__toS cot■B5rd67it5‘" T i r a ' u n c o o n ted -*— T h ir I lc la ls 'ln " lh c -S ta tc -D e p a rt-— w a s t rent -a b o u t-H c s i .- P re sid e n t-------th e W<K t J im m y-C arlcr-is-D cxL on ... free G fflfst, Uie So“r w an t lo b e sen t' a s ’ a rejecU i p r c s e n t a t l v e o f t h e releas<n c tlc a n . g o v e m m en tJn . .sell______iijiesissla on th e idea of re le as in g sick. Fiso n c rH e ss ." ______to theHess, now 81. w as deputy - sa id , u l p a r ty ic ad e i- in M ay 1341; A so le n -h e - c o m m a n d e e r e d - n n ;— d o w m rp lano a n d (lew lo*Scolland h o u rs j L w haLbc cflllcri n " o n o -m a n . A n d ru a ce m ission" to end th e w a r - a l o n j ,lh E n g la n d . H e h a s been a sym paiso n e rc v e rs ln c e :--------------------------"HciN either h is e x a c t m o tives Andru;i r .w i i a r H l i l e r l l t n c ^ n .a ^ -in rsK flls ::in c e a b o u tth e f l ig h th a s e v e r taientc * n c la rif ied , sa id A ndnis. • paracli "H e ss to ldT nc h e w a s fak ing— landcxl n n e s la a lN u re m b c rg .D u lh e ^ ta rge t.

4 — 4 l i u

- r - -

----------------------- -----------------------



— . -

J p - T '

^ |K 222B lu «L a1(« i Bit ______^IwlnFplli

_ W / / :

. 1 . . .

____________________ I — ^

................................D E

y supplying a l t e r n a t l m .........i n ta g e s " o v e r tb e u s e o f

W p e rc e n to f tb e r ig lo n s kilted be m a d e up by a lte rn a te ^

ncsdapuU l]^ to g e th er m a n y ‘ She J e re p b rtsa ld . _ W aynergy a n d develop a l U ^ . a fic rt ta le s .w iD b eJo d te d in to _______ quest!

parenx ia l . env ironm en ta l c r acknc tb e re p o r tsa id , add ing : ...A uthcjes In p a t t ^ o f l l f e . . . . .________waive

Uie proposed offsho re adult.---------------- ;--- :----------------------- --------PqJ

e lo p altem a iiv e fo rm s o f - ‘hem- ie s a re oo t deployed, b u t- °w ay aderabip and w ould b av e


h im fy -M to ldh

u O O K S polL-------- ----------------------------------------fa lh eouldn’t open up . I cou ldn 't maga :t him lo la lk abou t th e flight tw o siScotlandJ^........................................nolk iThu K u ^ ra n s 'bcll(*ve' H e a ' • Thl a s t r y in g lo o n d 't h c 'W a r o n panic le W estern F ro n t In o rd er-to - p o l ic o oe G erm an -tro o p s to a tta c k then 0 Soviet Union. T hey have. . b « a u Jecled all p le as fo r his The Jease . and ti^ lless is very.flged-and v e ry - - Iw o - ck. Hc couldn’t be a d a n g e r , . b e d n th e Ru.<wiat)s now ," A ndrus _mulli

lid. ......................... .. .................... Pol'A soft-spoken m an . who sUs the_sl iw n-arh lS 'w ritlng lab lce lgR l relate lu rs n d a y In T acom a , W ash., ndrus adm its th a t it took h im — f l M long tim e to build up a

'm pathe lic fee ling for H ess. -"H ess-fascinales m o n o w .lL _ndrus sa id. “ H e h a s m any ___[flIsZrOEvlQusl>!_Jie. w a s . a ________iented nav lgalo r. W hen he 1 irachu ted Into Scotland, hendcxl - o n iy - s lx - ^ m lle s ' ‘o lf“ ......... ...r g e t." ■ . .


-— -ii______-

I- H — —__ ■ '

Blvd. N o r ^ J P

"ZZBoyZaH]) E T R O l f . i U P l ) - d isp u y m o n d -.S h e p ard .-JC ... h a s . ’.— Shcpa m illed slaying his younger feare t j lh e r .and s is te r In .a n com e gum cn t o v e r a le a th e r youth :kct th e ir ' p a ren ts bought molh( n a s a C hristm as gift. d e ad I’ olicc sa id h c adm llted h c Bul te d ,h is b ro ther Michael, 14, d s is te r M echellc. 5, Wed- sday In the ir c a s t side home.Jhepard w as placed in th e •'iyne__County Y outh, home___e r >thrce hours of policc e s t^ n ln g . .O fficers said h is — ren ts w ere p resen t when he know lcdged the slayings, ithorttles w ere socking a liv e r to .lry .thc.youlh a s an . . .u lt. , ' .................Pollcc“ sn id"thc~you th '^o ld“ : m - t h o t - h i s ^ o t h c r ~ w a s ~ - i-ay from h o r ^ and hc-found leather ja c k e t Intended a s a irls lm as gift for him In an s ta irs room.H rchael. -.he said, be ra ted m for ge tting the gill oul and Id h im to pu t ll back.In a n ensuing argum ent, lico sa id .'R aym ond got his t h e r 's —r i f l e — p u t - i n —a — Qgazlne of bullets and lircd .0 sho ts.-h lttlng Michael bu t1.killing h im ..................r h c ’ y o u lh a p p a r e n t l y ~ in M ed and firea m o re s h d lilic o sa ld ,k lll in g M lc h a c Ia n d ___Ml h is slater,- apparen tly — :a u sc e w as a w i t i ^ . rh e ir 'm o th e r ' A nd rea .'3 1 . . d th ree rela tives found th e ;o—c h ild re n —ly in g " o n ~ a — d ro o m f lo u r , d e u d o fu llip leg tinsho t.w ounj^ ________ [Pollcc had a l f irs t theorized l . ^ o p . y n g o i a x J u i a : j K c i i _ laled to a Nov, 2 youth gang=3 NAM i C I I

IF YOth ARE PL/HAVE Alread y

^ F P i ip W lJ ^ MIC

• A M A l i A 4




A m a n a

r - I h y SRadaranges Start

’L E W r F O F l ^ ^ P PARKING! I r

FINANCING 1- A V A II A R i r l ' H

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K S iS la y ujp u lc In - w hich y o u n g Raym c p ard . w as Injured, T h ey — a u speired tha t horm' may, have Raymm e . to Shepard since the wereuth disappeared a fte r h is tionolJlher found Uie two children Polla d ln th c lrh o m e . girl fiBut by la te W ednesday cvenli

T-N Phones 73!(O r use ou r toll-free

F R i- « ^ C o I o r t n l a

“ Bring yo u r 35 negative or any slide . . . We'l and show you h do i t . . . y<ni ea th e print. _

_ R & d 's

O V niA H P iH O fftH O ttW Ta* >honi tn-ifsi ••umY.i , H Q U B tJA Ja.gP .M .M onJo

C«IIRelphofiM »Helm«


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Fflday.Docombor3,197fi Timos-^

lym ond had bccom e a strongisp e c t a n d h is - f a th e r ,------------ — —jym ond Sr., and r t o t h t f ' >>}re ca lled to hom ici^ej^pf- j»noffices,pollccsald. fPolicc found Ihc youth a t l i |s - frl friend’s house Wcdnesrffly f'c n lng . I ■; t

33-0931r e c l i n e s )

i r i 4ilargenieflt r

J5MMCM 1; r | iiy35 MM : : M e'll print ;ihow w e ___ |i?

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— ~ |4Im w lo fp ric - ' ' '

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JRCHASE OR — ^NY OF THB:; t j I S . . . '


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ST RESULTS,;...; ■ OV EN . . .EOF OUR , ,,

ICROWAVe VE va ___________

ipio ow'n th is A m ana} th a n any o th e r bran’ttl '- ' - :n a 's u n su rp assed qusB’'^,'? . 1rea so n . -T hose do1uxe.>>'' [

‘d 'f fio ro—■ , [t ic g o u rm o t-d e f ro ^ j , . , , , ^

ilORs'stbol o v o n ln lo r io r '" '" '{ o l cooking pow er.


3 9 9 9 s

o s - N o w j . T w in F o i l s , M a b o fl ’ : |

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s


— G i & e a n - s a n c

c m n p a i g n 1FRANCISCO (U P ll - ' p

A $!0 million cam paign to (ic c o a te o c c sn s a n c lu a r lc s ra ro ii i^ 'th c earth and lo con- b scn 'c 'reaou rccs from Ihc d c fp , iihas been launched by a n in- n

. I c m a t io n a l c o n s e r v a t io n q

group .' c■ T S ir P e te r Scotl. chairm an of n

V. thcW orJdW lIdllfeFim dFourth- • ItvlcrnnHonal Consress. on- o

nduiiecij Ihe fund ra is in g “cqm paign W ednesday and sa id b

- - " I h e flrst-Rtage of the p ro g ra m -" d.Incluck'i'. c reation of an In- b

' . ■ fem alw nal system of regional ss a n c lu o r ic s fo r w h a le s . . oi

. dolphins ond po rpo ises ,' ,;______ : " 'm e th rea t lo th ^ seas, m

- - lives,“ Is -o n e of 4he most dfdangerous we face,” S to tl lold r:

. Joo.d tiegatcs from 3T, nations• at Ufc-closlng session of the w

( p u r ^ y congress. fc • .‘-This is the biggesl cam - M palgn lha t World Wildlife Fund |ti

vB asevci^m ounted,'’ Scott said, fh Ciollh(|'’Ufc "action p ro g ram " in

- . . w as p rep a re d .fo r U ieJund by ..:---------t trc -Jn te rh o U o n a l-U n io n -fo r ------

C o n se rv a tio n o f '. N a tu ra l ti; •i-- -ftesources. the w orld 's icadirif’i : ; : - a c l e n l l f t c - c o n s e r v a t i o n — {|i ^ ’^ rg fl iiitn ifo iirB fly -tr in iio rg w c n K

Sw iliw ion’d r " ■ sa• • "We w ant to h a n ’e s r food co

T r rr : i r p n i- th <?-seo9-l<>-fe^-o ij^e’< ~ b rpiodin^ hum an’popuTatioh. b'lil w

- . . . flt-ilic_sflm c..i]nnL_w e..pour .^ an

Senutors ap- for voting ny . : : ' W a s h in g t o n ^ _lU PJ > ' Hi

E l ^ t - D em ocratic ,a n d six E: Republican senators have won J (

- •—p e rfe c t s c o re s fro m th e G;A m erican P a ren ts Com m ittee U

--------m r - lf rH cev—v o tM -n ffec tln g —children in Ihe p ast year. Ct

The AFC. w hich 'ca lls itself Et lfie"oiacst cfiilffren’sMobby In "CT

- W osUogton. s a id th e . issues. Scincliidcd .day c arc . juvMlIo^____

y 'Z l.l.“snce_rind>'elo o v e rr id e s , . . '------- R(Those_ rec e iv in g P ^ e c t of

I -------- Sena.- A d ln i-S tevenson. D - - R-Jll:; .-R u ssc ii-L o n g . D -La.; - R-

.. . . E dm im d- Muskie. D -M sinei— or H ub ert'H u m p h re y , D-Mlnn.:

—^ - ^ o o s e m e m b e i' - - t w i n f a l l s - I

------------. o m O le d a lt l ie M o ^ I. V IrgaL .H ugb c9.R l

J o h n io , N oIaaT F T t ' R obert J .H t ir ilw l are

— A fllraB bow lngM oo--------------------------- aa» -F te ld a_W M _B li

'~Z B io o e e s a w J r e fm h u ^ H ie aooouoceiQ eot

tn n n ,

A n y m e r c h a n l 't h a t c a n 't p n h o o l f e r s w o n 't b 8 in b u s ln e

' Y o u d o n ’t s e l l t h a t w a y , s o

. _ ... :W e s u b m i t p u r r e c o r d s lo .il ^ « o n 3 a n d o u r c i r c u la t io n pi

: • T h e y r e p o r t t h e f a c t s a n d fi! : w e o f fe r f o r th e d is t r lb u t io r

— ^ ^ ^ ^ d o n ' t b u y i n - t h e d a r k - T

. . ® ira

■ • ■ ' Ail a member of iho Audil i ------------- T - '- tle ea arp eubjoct lo th« bc

o._PfJday, Doccrrt)cr.3J97D... , -.L

« t « a r y — —

l a i i i i c l i e dpoisons and Itfamlrial efflucnl ■Into liic e stuaries and coastal ren io n s . w hich a re o ften b reed ing or feeding grounds of fish w c catch. In many piace.s • • now th e fish a re until lo eat and deposits of m ercury, c.ndmlum and otiier heavymetalstakeuliumuntoll." ..........

R ich fi-sherles arc twlng overexploited, ho said, and ‘‘c a re le ss handling of oil hasbeen allow ed lo damage and __

-destroy"sca'llfe,- ktlllnfi" sea ............b ird s , fouling shores 'a n d s u f f o c a t i n g m a r i n e o rg an ism s ," ' ’

T h e .o rg an izo lio n .-a lso____,m ounted a cam paign against

■ proposa ls ' to 'u^-"' l!iin5ceOT deep a s a disposal, site for rad ioactive parlicics he said., - ^

P ro fesso r Jacques P iccard , ^ who in I'JGO deep dived 35,815 feet to Uie. bollom of the . M arianna Trench, the deepest _ known in Itie ocean, reported » finding fish and plant life, indicating oxygen in the water. [

. - ■■ bcc— ^ h ljr c le a r lj-d c m o n s tn jtc s— oar t h e h y p o t h e s i s t l h o l l t r e ...c u rren ts clrcu ia lc between . Gui .U io .surlsccand U ieiiotlom sof - -n o r 1 h c rw ^ n r c i i i ;h c 3 . r - P lc c a r d bui sa id . "W hen these w aters esti com c to .the surface, Ihey can li•briilg-up-dum ped-radionelive------ a i rw F s le Tn’ o n e ' f o r m ' o r p e ranoUicrJ.1______ to 4___ . __ _ on

ppJauded >-ecords- - - - - ~zH arrl.^on - WIiliams, D-N.J.: ’ E r n e s t H o ll in g s . . D-S.C .; J 'a m e s - A b o u rc z k .' D S.D .: ^ G a y lo rd N elson .' D-W is.;L ow ell W elcker, R-Conn.; Z t

C h a r le s M a th ia s . R-M d.; . E d w a rd Brooke. R-M ass.;CTifford C a se ;R -N .J ::T ^ lc h a ra ~ -“Schw eiker, R -Pa. o , .

liiad d itio n . four senators, all ^RepubH cans. 'W elv ed scares , u , of w ro . They included:

. S m ___R n rry ~R'AriZ;: . . J a m e s - B u c k lc v . - c :S r c ¥ T ’J 5 S W i r a , R - N . C ; ------and Joke .G om , R -U ta h -

s r s e n r o l l e d ■t!l(

- S ix D ew 'm em ber# wtre • eLod^W ednRdayolflJit.Richard B._Reed, Donald J . \. Qainn, O. J.'Stanley,''and ....... ''( jii n tbo now m em bers. loose a id p n le c t s to m iooli .ahora:.anojO TiD en_flLthe___A p ihmeota. Uumt w a s m ade by Lou Hoff*

I_____________ E£!

provide d ep e n d a b le f a d s on th e | m ess long.

so d o n ’t buy advertising In th e di

>.lhe regu lar.sc ruyny of th e Audit p ra c tic e s to th e discipline of Ihe

figu res tha t tell you the e x a c t circ ion of y o u r ,sa le s m essages.

- ^ o t - w h e n 'y o u 'c a n b T A B ^ T e

n e s ! . i i f i ^ 4 U u i s

a Buroou of Circulations, our clrculollon Bcnjtlny of reguiar field aud iu Mtf tho;

~ H l i n V l a . s k f o r c i

WASHINGTON (U?i •Kang., sa y s Preside

; i ._ _ g lio u I d -» c « m p a n y - f; - Vietnam (fraftn alster

’ presidential task force- .................. A m erlcansra ia lng ln -S

Dole, w bo, strongly o p a h lo a du ring h is c a n v ic e presldenllaJ nomlr a c oncurren t resolutii v enea to .e x p re sa th e s i

........... CongrcB S.. ........-‘T h e P resldent-elec

■ w ould festabllsh 'a p res . In h is admlnistr&Uon I

. fo rt8 ,"D o le sa id . ." I fe d It would be In

________ _ ta a k Jo h M w tre to .b etim e (h a t a n order of ge

Dole s a td h e h o p e d t . V ie tnam , Laos, a ^ Ca

o f A m ^ c a n je rvem en th c w a i.- .

Worst qua since ’7 0 1

D ENV ER ( U P p - T h i s h a s . ,cai )ccn th e de ad lie st y e a r for itk }anhtiuakes"R lnco“ i570.7w tth— 23- r e m o r s e r u p t i n g f ro m ,.bei

Ju a tem alo . to prov inces of I lo rtheast Chin j r t o p pllng c i t y - - B.d ) U i ld in g * ~ u i u n i in in j f . u n " prc ;stim ated«.O O O persons.' thq

In G ualem hla last F e b ruary , Mojn-rarthquafc^kiiied-^.OOO--------lersohs. S e ls ir iic '^ a ’ w aves 30 •'0 ‘to feet high th u n d c rM dow n’ m v^ite_ b M c h es nff the ’fnirpplii'e Islan'3 'of'M indanao, vashing aw ay su rv ivo rs o f a Illc rquakO inA U gusl. ’

"A s f a r a s d e a th s a rc con-'e rn ed r-lh ls-i& - p ro b ab ly - th e ---------icad iiesl y e a r s ince I'j TO when ve had an e a r th q u ak e in Pe ru h a t klHetl in th e neif^borti'ood“ “ if 67.000 p e r s o n r . ." s a id ' V a v e r l y P e r s o n • o f th e < Ialional E a r lh q u a k e In -.

P e rson sa id m a t sn la r 'th ls ?ear,-llKjre h a d been 16 m ajor :a rthquflkcslregIslerlD g.7-5 or— n o r e on th e o p e n -ended =llchlcr S c a le . The s c a le -- ia iiges ,llic IntcnsilyV or"oar“- " ~ h q u a k e s b y m e a s u r in g seismic w aves given off. ----------

i ta i iP a v c r a g e ~ b u l ■ s a td - th c ^ ~ ^ le a th toll w as th e h ip e s t in /o a rs ~ ’li : ia 'u ^ * “ lh e •'q ifa lies x c u r r e d in he av ily populated a reas.'

"A ny tim e y o u gel a ear- llKluake un d Jt^ .ln -n 4Jopulated.' a re a you c an expect it to bo very.—v e ry -d c s l ru c tlv c :" - h e — said . . .

T h e O t h c r _ m a j o r ^ e a r : _ ; , _ I h q u o k e s r e c o r d e d by se ism om eters throughout the United S to les Included ' one April 8 and a-Bccond M ay-l7-in— the U zbek reg ion of the Soviet Union. ' •

Pe rson sa id th e num ber of ■ persons killed In the Russian

e p ro d u c t o r s e rv ice s - i

dark e ither.

dit B ureau o fC lrc u la - --------heir reg u la tio n s.

Irculatlon com m odity ‘

re wltTi

1 ^ a t

Ion records nnd prac* ho-dliclpilncjof ABO- 1

" ," ; y

............... .c ‘ c a s R ^

[ J P I ) - S c a .R x ^ D Q l « ,R - SE Idcn t-dect J im m y C a r td ' Heal f - h lg - g e o w a l -p iW o b '-o ! - — - -(H E ' i m w ith th e fd rm ation of a " requi rce to seek a n accoun ting o l “"m ajInB outheastA sla. - ............. ........... reforiy o p p o se d .C a rtt f s p lanned depa lanipaign a s th e R e ^ l l c a n pa rti m in x , sa id b e w in in trod iK e maki lu lb n w ben C ongress coo- A re suggestloii.a8.thfl se n se oL_____ the v- ............... - ....................... B e rrJcct h a s Ind ica ted (b a t b e reglo resldentlnl de lega tion e a r ly ' h as a m to p in su e a ccoun ting e f- , Th

. due((; In Ib e na tional i n t e ^ If a . . . w iiil b e e stab lished a t Uw - -anjui(g en era l p a n e l s issued .” - T9d th e (ask fcnrcs cou ld v is it refor . Cam bodia to se ek ev idence to tl sen w ho d is a p p e a i td d u r in g . . rnakt

. . . — ----thep

I n s tf — ' ............... - ” mentake year

P arti------- - " tf tlitremors

e arth q u ak e s and those which iT)cl<ed China Ju ly 27 a n d Ju ly .' 23-8ltll-wa5-unknown ‘‘bu t w e — believe il w as ve ry h ig h ." .

H e sa id betw een 5.000 to B.OOO pcrsons w ere m lssjng o r p r c s u n T c a T ! in « r n ) y ^ in R ; j ! r = thquake off M idanao in the M oro Gulf Aug. IG,


_ U g h h - f iA e d iu m O a r i

> 3 * ’CHRISTM


: CIRE1[NOW J$3499

g a s

in c a - U sed.. E a s y t o u s e . N o s p e c i i

t o o l s o r s k i l l s n e e .d e <

HPW7”T ■

^ L E X I M G I O M J W E


R E ( S . :

* 2 8 . 4 9 . . N O W

M a B-d W m ' : \

IIKW HSEATTLE - Secrc .tary-of open

Health. E ducationand W elfare grea fH E W i-D av id -M ath 'ew sq in s - ’ ijub ll requb'sled public reaction lo a irivoi m a jo r r e p o r t in v o lv in g Th reform s'that'^w ould open th e '” ' adop departm ent lo g rea te r cilizen • enco participation in liie decision- w h e m aking prpcess. deci;

Aput>llc forum fo rc itiz cm in o r n the west wtii-tw-heid-DoCr-IC,— -fo lio B e rn a rd E . K elly . HF:W nefc regional d irec tor in Seatiie, —hasannounced. .................... ^ 's y s i

Tho Dcc. IG forum , eon- mee dueled in Snn Diego, Calif.. wide will bc one of four taking place final a ro u n d th e co u n try r _ ■■ poli(

"T he m agnitude of the ' - reform s suggested gn d irectly to the way th is d c p a r tn en t'' r r - m akespolicy ; It is c ruc ial tiiat the public havo an opportunity - - - • - lo-express ils-views beffon*-\<Tr— ' — i n s t i l u l e f i n a l r c c 'n m - •m endations," M athns-ssaid:--------------v

The secre tary appointed the ' ^ HEW T ask Force on Citizen Partic ipation e artie r th is y e a r tn “ tft Identify add iiro n alw a^^ lo Ji


C .O .I . ;imNATlONAl T

;T «lnJ!«ill=r:7:J9M 8S5r “ “ i Coodlng . . . . 994-S4U . . .

I F ' i l l f ' S I

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..........Shop th e Houston ^Lumber Yard

1 Prjces EffectiviL I M I T E D T C

k & m m212 Third Av?.

jeefcs^ore;}cn the department to a solid realcr degree of effective budg Liblle-injeroction ond c itixcn ,— prlof ivoivcmcnt." ■ ' 'T he ta sk (orcc report u rges an i doption of open procedures to “ puhli acouragc public participalion alwu' h e r c v e r m a jo r .p o l ic y pc rsi

ecisions a rc Iwing developed diver r review ed, nnd proposes the [n ) liow lng-O pporlun llles— foe.— lh(u„ leform : d is t i- H E W s h o u l d , form

y s t e m a t l c a i l y c o n d u c t possi ic d in g s and sem inars wilh u tha t: ,'id cv a rie ty o tc llize n sp riu rlo • _ j Inal decisions, on all m a jo r jssuc■olicy m atters.- ' •............. p i t ^

-H E W .staff sliould acllvely

Santa IsComing to

“YouTWlailbox ■PtironU.Give .your Chlldron o leltor ' H' from .Sonio .Clou* ol orily . q ji.OOoBloco.mailaddlfoelly to your Kern#. A thrill ihey'll 'novor forgot. Ooadline ox. tondod io Doc. 17. Drop y«ur lottar at Prico Hordworg or MuiicConiof. ■ ■ '

"C o ll o r w rl le to d a y ;

LARRY EK'ST yp ing S o rv fto -............ ............ ..........

- i 26-sih srwr----------- n;«rom *................... 924-1479 BuTwinFolli............... 731-3267 Qi

iOEFEEJ ,-iiMCi . y | |K s H _

. 6 9 . - N f l W - . | ^ ^

D88“® :K m . __ r - . ^ . ________;?


“ " I

• • • UOOtaOcei' _



i m c- (lim ited 1

-x30'“ GOGOA-------


. . NOW “ j

I Home Center with ojd F d Service, Quality and Pi

ive Nov., 26111 ttiru Dec rosrbcK onhai

M Q M Ep. South / Twin Falls 1208-733-;

e^publicnniliclt the views ot citizens on studli tdgol. legislative and po licy ' i*oul •inrities,— •; - v. . 'J ' . : t :—'The secre tary should have Ihc c1 opportunity t o ' cundud v a rlcihlic forum s "on 'ilecfsion^ com rwut lo bc m ade, aitcm ptlng - I I? r s o n a l ly ' l o ob ta in a n y compvergent o r additional view.s. sum rIn addition, the report cited- its a i ic-net-Kl-for-thcdepiirtmenl-lo— idonti s t r i b u t e p e r l l n e n l in- ’ fu lurirm alion to_ the broadest • - Njsslb ie audience, ll proposes ' shoulla t: Offici—Policy docum ents, such as ficc^sues papers, agency - im- sEilcrn’eniatlohpian.s, evaluation _ Chc

__ _ IWINfAllS ID

SUBSCRIPTIOHOME DELIVERY: BYOn# Month(Doily S Sundoy) - . : ........ 4.00 '


-DELIVERY SERVICE- 7,33-0931 - J S

------- --O fCdH Y oor___________ .wheCarcttr. mal

_ TIMES-NEWS TOLL-FREE P.................. . ■ ■'FIU

BuhVCaTtiilordr.T.. 543.4448 . Moll BurUy. Ruparl. Paul W«iOokUy, Norlond , . . . 67e-2$53

9 ’ Ifingtfi

m . m ■

- - $ 5 4 9 - — - ■

"ineiiisi ' .-------- ^J E G . ’7 .J9 M

IB’ U ngtli________ «

“ l E £ ; e . 2 9 "

' ^ 5 5 9 ' ^

This r u g g o d 's to o l on d bras cylii tho s ln g lo m ost o lfoctlvo w oy

. .h o m o so fo from burglars, it h as to s to d by lo w on iorcem ont a g

“ m axlm um 'protociion .-----------------

R8g:->14.79— NOW I

RIVAL ,.. _C.old»j&vQ£ado,J!]ame_S

CRiliPflTSim m ers fo o d un w atehtd for |

~ tnSTTrrl------------------------ ----- — I

Reg. *19.99 |


^ i i R eI T o S t o c k On Hand)

I fonwen_____S ia m

■ 3 / 8 " X lr a -T o o l . S L- — - M odol 5 9 9 . op»r«rto

I F a s h j o n o d "


Bc. 2nrt-% NIK

t€ E N ® d1 3 -2 2 1 4 ‘

np u t :udles and aud it. repiJrls,.! lOuld bc d issem inated lo Ih e ^ , jbiic;-w ith a d « (u a tc 1 im e f ^ ^ — - ~ v ic departm ent lo rc c d v e ^ o '. a rle ty .o f public views j p d i l D m nw nrs." ■' ~ ' ' '-H E W should • preparc;-_a^.

jm prchensive annual report,- jm m ai'i/in s HEW program s;" ' s aucc tijie s and fuilur_es a n d -lontifying -lhc-clcpa.rlm ent!s._______ _jlu rc goals.-N o t ic e s of HEW actions ,

lould bc avaiiab le 'ih 'P b st^^ ffices. Social .Security. Of- > ces. and city/tow n halls. ■SETTING UP A BUSINESS5... \ Chock lor good vtluos <n inachloorylninDClasslllodMs.;^'



Poyoblslflodvonc* ' i ‘ (OallySSundoy) /

I monih.............................. 4.35.'-,3m on lh i................. 12.‘2S. •'6m oflth r..-.....................24.50''l y e o f - . : ............... r . ,. :-45.00“ --------MolUubtetiplioni oro told [l|

EE PHONE NUMBERS: ^ _Fll*r, tog*fiei>. _ _ _____M oiliiufr:; . ; : . V . \ . 326-5375 — W*rid«ll,J*roni*.^od ln g . Kogorman . 53& .2i3^


f f i S i w u a u t o S ”: O U A R A N T I II . .

iJ............................... ■■ - ‘i

rylindor d o o d lo c k Is , oy o f k oop in g your h as b e e n r igorou sly o g o n c lo s to Insu re ___

1 0 ” ^



eta il^ ^d )


word ond rvvona, for drlir*ondwmo»Ing»cr*»ir»,*!e— •_____1nmar-OrllltforfBtlardrlll- In eoncrot*, moioory,

nm«f<hIitlifochli*l,.B«. tnorlli*. icrpp* point,

i2l*lntulttt»d(or*«tro'.’ '

Ippod with r«mo*obta lid*dll. thud k»Y ond holdor .........■ chuck copoclty. •

‘n r a i t v tn b y

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

B y A b i g a i l V a®U7»*rO«t|.rr*gn,«,T,

D E A R A BBY: I notice th o t rt o j r i n t a le tte r a m ir i .b u t 13 thre q u e s te d nioro than any otho


D E A R CU RIO U S: The h!« a ■TOO L A T E " and h e re i t 1«:

D E A A A BBY: I mn tho mo! e n r th . I a lw ay s found'tim o to go i

. . m y oH , -g ray -ha ired pa ron ta . ' ' loving, m o ju a t tho some.— ^ i n r T M ^ f l l F T T o w - B - g i v r i

h a p p in ess I w as too selfish and; . . w h en I g o to .y is it th e ir g rav e s a

above th e m , I w onder if God wi h c a r ta c h e s I m u st havo causcd

I p r a y th a t you will p r in t this still h av e th e ir p a re n ts lo visit a n d re s p e c t w hile th e re is still til th ink . .

Z ^ D o n ' i -

w a it

D E A R A BBY : i have a 'sugges people w ho a ro b o th e re d by ob

: .'i;ne. n u n u to 'y o u h e a r on obs m o m e n t p le ase ," and w alk a w a j

--------- h a n g in g -u p Jh c-ca llo t-w ilL th iakw hen ho w a its and w a its and yo i o f-w a itin g a n d han g up. Ho ca bM Aiue. y o u r^ )h o n e ' is'off~ thfr" im possib le for tho calle r to u se 1 w om en . A lso , he will ne v er w an d e p riv e d o f h is d e p ra v ed fun .

------------- D E A fl-O P P r-Y « i^ B u g g e f lU (pu n lah lqg th e calle r you ore also

------ use“o f y o u r phone . M a B ill recorIm m ed io tc ly , on^ |f thg ^ l l a w q} w ill u n d e r ta k e c e r ta in aurveiU an lio n w ith th e phone com pany.

I t Beema to m e th a t th e w ise st -. to k e e p y o u r co lltr*s Iine_cQni

~hanging~up) nnd th « - g o to a m - th e o b scen e c n i l lb boU i the'phoD

-------------D E A R 'A B B Y rl'w asm o rr ied tihod tw o so n s, th e n w c w ere divo m a rr ie d m y y o u n g e r s is te r . T h

M y q u e s tio n : A ro m y soni d a u g h te r s j u s t f i r s t cousins? 0 r e la te d ? .

D E A R N E E D S ; Y our sons....... _ d n u g h te rs _ .a re f l r s t cousin s^ B u

sam e fa th e r , th e y ore holf-broth< c lo ser re la tio n sh ip .

'■ 'E v e ry o n e h a s o problem . Whc- — rep ly ; w ri tf to -A B B Y ;-B o * -N o .-

E nclose s ta m p e d , fielf-addressed

- B y U ^ t o ^ C E B r lD ea r D r. L flm b—

I have had a problem with m y hei il is tu rn in g ove r nnd ns It 11 Is com lr

T his Is nol n rap id bcnt-or ju s t-a r r e lA d th is occasionally for som e t a bad fall, th e problem Is daily a r som eH m es la s ts th ree hours. This 1 ond I 'v e becom e very depressed.

My doc to r docs not seem loo aloi g iven m e severa l elcctrocardlogran 'spells occured . He only found lha l i so h e pu t m e on Indcral.• I w ould like your opinion of tbe and if. th e re is a faster acting mei a c llv illc s w ith th is problem?

E ven though I only weigh 97 p problem and control m y d lc la ll thei

. D eo rR e sd cT —T here is no subslitule tor un oct uo

the h e a r tb ea t lo help a doclor mok you have Irregu lar beats oa your s ls ten l ha rd beats m ay bc from the i

has to consider (he rest o l the patic o c cu r com m only In norm al heolUo tccl like th e heart Is turning over o: in people w ilh no heart disease. p rcscncc in a pallen l with q rcce.

’^ r t a n t and requ ires Immedlotc Ire. - T o give you n be tter concept of w:

______lsc n d ln g _ _ y m i_ T h c _ H cn llh _ L cllIrregy lo ritfe s. Skipped Boats. T ac

------- Ih is-ln fo rm allon can send 50 ce:envelope for It. Ju s t send your I<

- new spaper P .O . Box.JS5l.:Radlo.£ 10019.. In d e ra l Is a good medlcijic and h e a r t irregu la ritie s . If youdon’t gel w ilh it you r doctor m ay want to u: g iv c i ta c h a n c e f i rs t , '

M eanw hile, you dan Increase yo — so tne tlm cs helps, 1 wouid sufigesl f

'■ 'o ra n g e ju ice a day. I suspect your to le rate th is addition.

- . If you use coffee, alcohol or. , discontinuing them .______________

. D ea rD r .L am b —'-X I run cross-country and track

• peanu ts during one's training peril ‘like lo h e a r yourvlcw . J.l^avc beet

~ J J T u i r d _ u ^ y legs and I fe tl usflf llioy

\ If your digestive .system loleral • , you discom fort ihey a rc not likely.U

......- - R em em ber tha t about-70 p e r cc:. n rc from fat. They do contain a Ij

• nccd s 'lo cllm lhole or control body- - * th e rT rin -th c intorcst-of controlllni

/an Buren

t re a d e rs so m e tim es a sk you th e re a n y ono th a t h a s boon .


( a ll-tim e w in n e r w a s s ig n e d

nost h e a r tb ro k e n p e rso n on 10 overyw horo olso b i i t lo seo I. T hoy s a t J t - h o m o Jilono, -

n E o n T th o s e ' lflW ,rKpurf=of*-7—= ]({;too b u sy to g iv e , 'a n d now s ond look a t tho g ro e n g ro s s w ill e v e r fo rg ive m o fo r tholed them . -------------h is, A bby, to t^oll th o se , w ho it them a n d show th e ir love tim e. F o r i t is la te r th a n you ■ ■ '


je s tio n th a t roa liy w o rk s for obscene te lep h o n e -callsl ibscene w o ra , sa y , " J u s t d ray from th o phono w ith o u t ' wif i-ni-r ipg b u t ,^00 don ’t r e tu r n , ho w ill tire c a n 't b re a k tho connec tion tf r -h o o k r-T h is -w U l-fn a k e - it--------0 h is phono" to h a ra s s o th e r o n t to call you a g a in a n d bo


i U o n - w m - w o r k ^ u t - w b l l8------------Iso d e p riv in g y o u rse lf o f tb e a m r a e n d a th a t you . h a n g u p ^ rn tin u e . t o c a l l th e police w ho'-______lance p ro ce d u re s In coopera-

;s t cou rse o f a c tio n w o u ld be ? n n e c te d - to _ y o u r f l J b y -o n t , 'n eighb o r’s -p h o n e - to r e p o r t -------—

one com pany a n d tb e p b l i n . — - —

1 to J im e ig h t y e a r s a g o . W e v o rced . T w o y o a r s j a to r J im r h o y hod tw in d a u g h te r s . : jfis a n d lAy s i s t e r ’s tw in”

O r are- th o y m o re c losely ^

N E E D S TO.KNOW _______n:

Ds a n d y o u r s ls te r 'a tw in B u t be ca u se th e y h a v e the t h e rs a n d s is te r s , w h ic h Is a

— - m

'h a t 's y o u r ^ F o r a p e rsona lo.-69700,-L;A „-CaU f,-90069---------ed envelope, p le a s e .___ ^

DMStiBr3"‘5rtAMBrM;D:-------------------------- -------

h w rt Jumping and feeling as If nlngrlglit up to m y throat.l-a flutler but-renl-hard-bcals:----------le tim e but recently, sin ce I had and w akes mb u p .jt nighl. II'' is leoves m e feeling very weak

larmcd atnut it though he has am s. but never when one of the It m y heart was skipping some

1C seriousness of this problem nedicatlon. .Should I lim it my

1 - , pounds I hove a cholesterol

le tim e,

lu a lrccordofan lrregu larltyof , lake n diagnosis. The fact that ir EGG suggests that the per- le sam e cause.lircgulnrlilcrof'fheheart'onc^''' tlent's m edical status. Thoy doUty people. Skipped bents Ihnt____■ as you describe It ofT ^ .occur ".5c. On the other hnnd, the ir', cent heart ntlack Is very lm -_ reatmcnt.’What Irregularities m ean I am •c ltcr.—jium ber__Gtl2.__ HMfC .....'achycnrdla. Others who'want----------cents with a long, stamped- - letter to m e In carc of this o.C lly.Stallon. DIcw-.York, NY -

id Is often sufficient to control gel su cccss or su lflcienl control ' use'som e other medicine,, but

your potassium lnlakc a s thtit it ft couple of 8-ounco g lasses of - — )ur weight and cholesterol can '

jr c igarettes J wquld advise

k and I've heard lhat e o tln g - iriod Is bad for health. I would w:n doing your leg exercises lo loyarostrongcrr:---------

rotes peanuts without causing y.to hurt you. • ' .cen t o f tho c a lo rie s In p e anu ts---------1 lot o f calorlM . A person who (dy fat'wh'ould not eo l m any of ling cniorie-lntqk'c. If a crow-



N A SH V IL L E ,T enn ,!U PI) - K i t t na m e recognized by few of_the yo i m \isic fans who m ade John~Denvei: N cw toiFJohnrlcli^

__ D isc Jockeys undcr.thc a g e of 30.mn a m e, bu t they don’t play h e r m usic.

Y et. Kitty Weils w as the f irs t fem j b c ro m c a s ta r In ilie m ale-doininu muslc-'industcy and slie w as th e firsi llt le '"T hc Queen of Count ry M usic ."

She dom inaled Ihe country m usic ■ l9!52’T ^ I i a “ iird^bixties~Willl"‘B<«. songs, gospel m usic and a n sw e r soi " I t W asn’t God'Wlio M ade Honky To: w hich wos recorded in rep ly lo H ar

"N q T so n g ^ V in J SiHc of n f c . "



kitty Wt-lls is a__- B ut In xcceiil yeyoung coun try 'c c l l p ^ by lltc fen c c r and O liv ia___ Lynn. Dolly Porton.

• W ynettc. l.m a y k n o w th e — , , ,;.'J.kncw l.wQuldrf sic. - tile 57-year-old bi

som ebody w ho's gol ;m a le singe r to .ove r the No. 1 spot.” in a tc d coun try . Along with he r hu I rs t ,to hold th e .- th e ir , so n .. Bobby,-i

fortnblo livlnfi lr a \ lie chart.'; from S ilver E agle lo abot (WallCKniOiTfl' •• ayeu 'r . so n g s such a s Shy, soft-spoken a T o n k Angels.*" success lo h e r husb: la n k W iiliam s stiew aslG .

. " i m i a d n ’riJeen

' _ .SU S A fi Cr;olg, :27 , Son D - lo 'f p r o g n o n c y in lo r lo r o

_______L S / io s o y s r s h o sflK .roo 'chos.i

— — ■ - fG iO O S------------------ c/us»or—o f —o /g h f—in»ei____________n o o r Son M o to o , Calif..

sa llo n p lo c o . fh o com f

^ m ~ e nI y e ars , h e r c a re e r h a s been-- his ; fem ale dynam os like L o re tta ' b u •ton. Lynn Andevson ond T am m y ’ Pc

, ' tr ;u ld flls^a jh< in top .fo rcvc r.'.!sa ld -. sir d b ru n ed c . " T h e re 's alv^'ays | s go ingJo com e along a n d take ha » t . ".T husband, Johnny Wri(^i't. and rei b y ,- th e fam lly -.m akes-ii com - --sit

lr3vellnp“ ln ih e lr custom ized ■' Tu about 200 personal a p p ea ran ces 1

................ - ■— ------ -------------- Yo<en and modesl,' she c rc d ijs lier- M: lusband. who m a rrie d h e r wlien lio]

»een tniveling w illi J o h n n y ~ : i i i 3 . ^


V,ove exp 24 J slgi

- roll In


hov pec

■ '“ dec b lrt


sigibutre p


' , c i u . me

=— " te n


in D /ogo , d o o s n o f_ j r o wM h s o f /b o / I . io s . g r o u n d ; b d / f r « .......

■ ^

s r n io P - N o , -bo f—fh (s ------------ —i f e r c o n n e d e d - d o n iB j -------------- —'If.. Is a g r o a t c o n v o r - __________ _m p /o x w llf faocom o 0 - h o a n r is - f r o f n g - i j tT m ----------^-------

F o f c o o nh is p a rtn e r . I Jusl_ w ouldn 't h ave be< 'b u s in e is . I Jusl v .W ldn't h av e lrav< P eople looked down on an unm arrlc traVc_led w llh a ban d ." sa id the N ass in g e r l ' ------------- .1______________

F rie n d s sa y tlte v e teran entertains hav e one m ore hit record before she r

T hree y e a rs ago. she signed w ith reco rds, th e Macon. Ga.. based lat s ib lo -fo iL Jhc /Ulm an B rolhcrs, the T u ck e r Band and other soutiiem rock__ ,I,tex_rccordinB,.-Of_Bob_-Dyian'i.Y oung ," fea tu ring mcm l)crs-of Ihe Al M arsha ll T ucker band, did not do a s ' hoped.. " I t 's so h a rd lo get In th e Top 40 r

sta'tfons h av e sw ifched 'to 'ihe m ore p

Btireaa birth raWASHINGTON. D .C - The sho

iv e ra g e n u m b e r of ch ild ren 24 3 jxpcctcd by young w ives 18 to 1,9 !4 y e a r s old in 197G show ed no sli(i significant change from tho mo •clalively low .leveis recorded _ jig t n 1975, th e B ureau of the A :e n su s rep o rts . yea

O v er a longer period of lim e, - t h elo w e v e r . t h e b i r t h e x - __ 'pec)octa l'ions of these w ives woi lecllned from on average 2.9 woi ) i r th s p c r w om an In 13G7to2.1 lifen J 9 7 6 .- ........ .............. ...... _.woj

O lder w ives also -show ed Tiignificant decllncs'since 1007:------ of 1)ut th e o n c -> ta r-d ifferen c es ' ' Yes •eportcd betw een 1973 and 197G .c lu ,vprn nnt la rg e cnQ U ghJpJX L ^-n iii :e rto in o f a continued decline. wh

Tlie su rvey , the first to In- m a ; iu d c - s ln c iC '- w o m e n in .. the T ieasurlng. th e le rtility pat-.'.— rep ;c m s nf • A m erlcnn“ women,-^------1

Fingerprii' . MIAMI BEACH, F

fem ale pa tien ts a s a w lth a h c a r t conditio - I t w as found lh a t pa in and Irregu lar h(

------------------------- In tboir-H ngerprintsJD r. M ark H. Swn

repo rted th e dlscove

■— . problem .-disorder, is ca

■ portion of th e h e o r^----------- ------- blood to flow la th d u

________7 T he condition Is fo_ - . h a lf of 1 p e r cent of

serious com plicatior 'The idea to look a t

specula tion the prob clilld betw een tbe th fingerprin t pa ttern s

-----------------------------Sw nrtzspeculfltc t


, j ' ______ . •...................

— FiiUayrOocombot.3.-1976------Tim e^l

— b y —o - ^ o u th o c n —C o flfo rn fa -

_ _ j h o o v o n fu a l, c o m p fe fo d h o m o f $ 2 S 0 ,0 0 0 - p f u 5 . ( U P 0 ■

i n t r y m it>ecn in s h o w - -co u n try so u n d 'an d aveled alone, a rtis ts . W e're loo cc rrled j^rl who B ut she recen tly >lashvlllc-bom' H artm a n . M ary_________ _______ popularity o f the leil in e r hopes to to ber'roc6rd.'.‘~ : : ; IC re tire s . A trad itional wo1th C apricorn a h e a d of h e r caree i latK l re sp o n - ' w hen she c an rei th e ..Marshall _ . . puzzles M d cook...

K k 'g ro iip sT : " E v ery once in a I 's . ." F o re v e r— dow n o reafiing u p o ; Allmans-and-— r c l i r t - w 'd k c e p - o a s well a s she Johnny w ould pro

b u s in e ss .:10 now, R a dio___ '_ ^ut then Ihe fle p rogressfvc" :'Don’re i? e r rd tr i^ 7 '

f^&rrd&itesurvshow s lh a t single women IB io In 24 years old expcct on average s ta 1.9 b irth s p e r Vs'oman — o r only fer slightly few er children than b lr m orried women of-the sam e blaagc-cxpect_______________ . . am

Among older w om en 30 to 34 . Sin y e a rs old, the d ifferences in 30 th e ‘num bcr“ of- children e x -— farpeeled by' single and m orrie d ___ sinwomen ln c rc o « s w ith single / women anticipating on ly’ 0.9 " T life tim e b irtiis and m arried nuiwDm cn2.5blrlh.‘5. _________•.. . ex |

The low er "birth expectancy wo of order, single women is th e fro resu lt'oT Mve'ral fa'ctors. In- * th c e lu d in g th e '. .d im in is h in g — dal nnm hor nf wnmon nt Ihic ngA. oq w ho fo re see an e v en tu a l coi m arriag e ond a reduction In to th e rem ain lnc n um ber of sinrep roductiveyears. ...........- s a i—T hoT cport also' shows' lha l. — -

int pattei!nsI, F la . (U P I) - H e a r t specia lists m oy s a resu lt of a new rep o r t linking a pcci llion p itv a le n t am ong women.Hat pa\ient8-w lth h e a r t valve dlsord< r h e a r tb e a ts a re m uch m ore lik e ly to 1it& U ianpw ^lofroooU bcdcfecL --------iw ortz, cortUologist a t M ount Slnal overy T uesday a l th e annual m eeting sa fd -f in g « p rin l3 - tn o y -h e lp -d o fl8 n

i called m itra l valve p ro lapse. T h a t n ^ f a l l s to close p roperly w hen the h(ic-wrpng dlrecU on*,___ _— — — .— -5 found In a l least 6 p e r cen t of th e n a t of m c i n t o ltcn9eveIops In the203 Ji

lions. ■c a t f i n g ^ r in t s oT patients w ilh th e d l ■rohlcm Is ln b c rl ied .l tT s know n the tn 9 th ird and e igh th w eeks of pregnanc> m s ore initiated du rin g th e s a n ie perlo Itcd some genetic o r env ironm enta l ft

--- ------------ — -------------------------------- -

lOT-NewyTwifTfaliaTWaho ■' 11

0 ^ 0 ^

- - .......... .....................................................I

H i -I

m\a -^ lrm ~ (F o m 6 ---’ - .........- -------w n o r o s f im o io s | ^ to m o o i 0 v o i u o ____________________;

and they won’t - p la y 'lh e o lde r . o country, they M y." ntly cu t a novelty song, "M ary 7 H artm an.’! and,*hopes ..Ihc .. . e lc lc v ls io n sa .tirc w iilc a rry o v er T

wbmon who p laces h e r fam ily ree r, sheiooks fo rw a rd to a lim e

rea d novels. _work crossw ord ■ Ik........... ...................... • ............-■ --------- ;in a wliilc wo Jalk hbout slow ing - ' ■ ‘ ■u pon Ihetra v eiln g .-Ifw c w e reto -------------jp our-publishing com pany-ond--------------probably go into the booking (

e fan s comc around ond say,^ 7 ’ • T3 T

ictsvey fiin 1976, t h e r e w as no * ' s ta tis lica lly significant dlf- - * ference betw een the life tim e - - b ir th expectations of s ln '^e b la ck women 18 lo 24 years old ; * a n d those 30 .to M ,yco rs old. ' ] . Sing le w hile women betw een ;30 and M ,.how ever, expccted • ]

■far few er ch ild ren than young ! ‘ sing le w hile women. • |

A ccording to the repo rt.- • ; I " T h e reow n for .th e h ighe r > ; n u m b e r of lifetim e b ir th s *• e x p e c lc d ...b y ..sing le b la c k . j w om en 30 lo 34 years'oia s te m s ;from the m uch la rger num ber ! ; th e y 'K avT lilrcndy borne lo ' :-j . j

-d a te - (1.7 p e r ’ womon) In '/ • n m p n r t . t n n __ udXh— th l? icorresponding num ber borne : lo da te (0.2 per woman) by '-i ; sing le w hite womeiv of the

- s a m c a g c ." - ------- ---------


seyednoy consider fingerprinting . _ , , 1 pecu liar fingerprint pattern

order tlint-can cause c h e s t- .. p'.tohave anarch in g p a lle m

la l Hospital In New Y ork,' ' - ting of the A m erican H eart - . ra rB -spot-pcc^lc-w llh-the

at m eans a valve in the left r c h e a r t pum ps. This allows

natIon'8"OTn)ffl; bill In 'on ly" - • ' ' ; as'jind occasionally leads to — — :-------

e d isorder w as prom pted by . . . .« h e a r t form s In the unborn...................-.incy.Jt4uslBH hal>pens t h a t______erlod. - —al fac to r Inlerfcrod with Iho

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

-¥ u le m p F o g r a i

TWIN KALLS - An nruiual (I p rn^n im of Christm as musicwill Iw presented Monday at II7:30 p.m. by the Twin F a lls CMusic Club. ' I , J • D

— T tif proRrnni w i n i c a i u r e a ', Cntimbt-r of a re a church choirs ' Cnnd w il l !» presen ted Monday Fat 7:.T0 p.m. by the Twin F a lls RMusic Clnb, ' C

__ The pi’Jin^nm will fca turc a ■■0num tw r of a rea church choire A

-------- ‘a m l-w ili-b e -p re sc iil^ ln 'th e " — GFirst United Methodist Church A of Twin Falls,

Music Club officials say Ihe w---------anniini-qvT nt-hns-bO cn-w eil — Ci

received in th e ' p a st by cf residents from througliout the -Mngic Valley communities. It, atis open to all persons of a ll F(

-- O ^

m ystif_____ ^

■ * A J 9 B S ” *♦ K J1 0 4 “ >

— . * A Q 8 - - onCO

EAST sa-------: --------------S W : ----------- iio

- r K iO H » Q 7___ . _ t j? 7 5 2 » 9 .fl6 . ia_______4.K-J— -----------* 9 7 5 J — nn

SOUTH onJ A . . 0 7 « ^

---- Iim ------ ^Neither vulnerable

“ T 'w m '‘ _ I » - P a « 1 A__________ ;/ Pass, 2 ♦ Paw 2N.T, ^ : Pass 3N.T. Pass Pass an ‘ Pass . us.

__opening lead - 4 » - -_L j— nn|~ i " I I ' _ II ByO »w ald& Jam c*Jac« jby '

..Today-’shandifom -U iat-1930— Tej final m a tch m ay w ell b e c a l l '- ^

' cd a .m ystery band. The bid- A . d in g I h - l b e box Is w hen W ' L i e h tn c r s a t S o u th a n d : Culbertson N orth. I t Is r a th e r ‘ ■7 n o rm a l bldd log and would

. . 1 p robably be duplicated In a '; m odem m atch. P?

Langdon opened the to u r of •I h e a r t f Dum m y’s nine forced

' cai

Tbt'sPetQullt SI;_j--------- ----jgjI I I I M wi I.. ■"S:


I 'l i rn d e of p ln y fu l-p e ts prom ises sweet (ln*ams to lols,

Pussyciil. Iwldy bi-ar. liuck. .b u n n y . - appliiiue pc’ls In

. . colorful varieU i.of jk.-r.'ips for c r ih o ry o iith bed sia-, P a tle rn 717B: jia ttom p lw cs. charts.'

•• d irc-cllonsforqu lll, ••

( S I,00 for eoch pallftrn. Add •35' oo«h pQiiorn fo frfitji '<lo»» moil ond handling,Send fo; Alit* BrooV* Noodle- Cfofi DopT. 132. Timei NowJ.Box 163.-Old ChelioQ Sio.,

: • Now, York. NY lOOll, Prim ' Name. Addtoji Zip. Poliern _’ Number, MORE lhan Over bo-

lore) 300 designt piut 3 free primed inilde NEW 1976

. ■ NEEDUCBAFTtATAlOOiHoi___ovofylhing,75', ••

r Crochet with SquofejCrochet o W ordrobo-.■ $ 1.00

^ N llt/F iliJO 'u iltj...........S1,00Ripple Crochet___ >_^.SM)0

,_ L .Sow--,i.Knil.Oook..,-,.,>rSr,'55------____^Npedlepoini.DooK, . .^..-Sl.QOj. _

■ ; Flower Crochet Booh.. .11,00

iniionl Crochet Booh.. , SI.00 injionl Mocrome Book . SI.OO in»toAlMoney Booh , tl.OO

r- -Comp!etoOlh-Booh,,.,.*I.OO - Complete Alghanj

- . No, U ........................ JI.OO'.13PflioA!ghor>»No,13,.50-

.C', aoQ K ol.l6Q t»il!*N oJ....50-. .-Muioum Quilt Book No. 5 .5 0 ’ •

r - • 15 Quiili lor Todoy No, 3 . . 50":B o o h o ll6 JiHyRi..Ot.........50' ^


l u s l c im s e t

denom inations.Choirs pa rticipatin j' will be

Ihosc of the F irs t Methodist Church. ■ direc ted by M aryD aun: _ lh c__F irs l_ C h r ls t ln n ____ ;Church, M ary f^clson: V alley : C hristian C hurch. Joan C arr:F irs t Baptist Churchi_JVlUa R ider; n th w ard I,DS Church. C a m il le Cox;— B p iftc o p al Church of fhc Ascension. Helen “ Allen, and Ihc E piscopal Youth

.C h Q lr„ a lM .d lc rr If r i hy Mrs.Allen.’ The prog ram will culminalt*

with Ihe singing of Christm as•C a ro ls -b y -th c -au d ie n cc -an d -------choirs.

Tho Tw in F a lls Music Club is affilia ted w ith Ihc National Federa tion of Music G ubs.

---i f i e s J a c b b y s ^ - ^

E as t’s queen. Today, m ore U ia n -45^ ca r3 -Ia le r ,-Jacoby ,-!— ( ’j who sa t ^ t . c a n 't rem em ber bow th e play w ent, bu t It w a s ' | i< one of those hands w here the conservalive L lgh tner played sa fe and s c o re d h is th ree Bolnimp. ■ ^

A t the .o ther tab le, H al Sim s cosi in . th e -N o rth -se aL rcb ld -tw Q — tggiTwtn im p - oveirh ls~ p a rtn e r* s -------- ^one-spade response. Langdon ^oL w ent.to th ree spades, bu t Sim s w it febid to th ree notrum p and m aplayed it there.--------------------- --- met

Efisl opened the deuce o f c o s clubs and Sima m anaged to reelc o l le c n r tr ic k s T :--------- ------------- -reVi

W here does th e m y s te ry ' m com e iny - s im s - w a w - g r c a i— dum m y p layer, bu l neither'o f u i .c a n fin d .an y w ay lh a l he „ m w a g e d t o - g e t - t h a t - H t li

Ten t r ic k s 'y e s . ’T h a i lU hre 3 lIy --m u s tJ ia v e _ re q u ir .e d_som e he lp from th e de fe n d ers .___

Br°»■■■■■■ ^ a i r

A F lo rida rea d e r w ants to Ma linow w h a t .th e ru le abo u t H c i revokes is . We will an sw er Cor pa rt of th is today and the r e s t Kintom orrow .-.,. . ................................ -diu

A revoke occu rs w hen a cic, p layer who has a card o r ' card s in a su it th a t h e should p la y , 'p la y s a c a rd In.somi* o the r su it. It_ becom es es- ~~ la b llsh e d ~ W h e n 'h 'e o r h is p a r tn e r p la y s to th e nex t trick. T he penalty fo r a revoke is two, tn c k s , bu t o n ly . in­cluding th e revoking and la le r -tricks.' T h u sry o u ca n n o r loscTT^^--------trick previously taken if you'revoke. . ----------------------------------

( fo r a COPY o l JACOBY________ROO‘efiiV ,.5ontf SI fo: "Wina l e r f j g o . " _ c /o . t h i s __na'wspapor. P.O . Box 4B9.Radio Cily Station. N ow York,W.V. 10019) ^

O ------- ^


W oll TrS u p ro tr

Fresh ' Croamy Smooth.


- 'r-'-

’, ' / B I B V '

Concert--^ p la n n e d

Cosmeticians-^---- —licensed

BOISE — - A "num ber of * ’ ilaglc V alley residen ts a r^ • ' im ong—ttrc— n c w iy ^ lc c n s c d ■. . osm e tlc ians In Idaho a s a c s u l to f te s ts gIven'Nov. 16. -E x a m ln a tlo t is -w c re -h e ld 'in — 19- Solse, L ew iston and Poca tello 1 ( / i t h a t o t a l o f f o u r ch( n a r i l c u r l s t s ' . ' l O i ' c o s - ■ 1 , nctologists- an d --an o th c r 33-^ mil o sm e tc f tig y H c e n s e s HT f c ;eciprwU^^__Issued following 1 ineviuw of Ihc te s ts . _ .-M ag ic V.alltiy lli-rn sty s in-_____ clU (IC_ChornT^nco, Clem m ns. 113 le l l e v u c ; V ic k ie W a rd , tu riey! T oni Rnrlnn^C nrpV : ^ Scv ci ly -A : ■Hall- nncl- K jTpn— ^ la ll. G lenns F e r ry ; Carol A. #som , H ailey : T am a ra K aye___# _lo o d ro a n d Ca ro n M a ry w ilo o re . H e y b u r n ; D ix ie J Jrasw ell, K lm beriy ; L inda S, a Jllno, M ounta in Home, and C ila ry K a y 'C a rg ltla n d H ild a A . B I c r n a n d f z . b o th R u p e r t ; , J Connie Sw eck . Sun V alley, and 5 <im G lnvln . E llen M., Ross. 5 )iune S.- S m ith and Donna G. - S ' ; ( « p p ^ i t l Tw in Falls . a l| S ro sm eto lopvlicenses. ■. ___

- Q A t E C A R IC0 UR5

___________ In^_Effscllv* Speaking — Humor

-C onftd»nc»— M «tnory Tralnl Id e a s — O vercom e Worr

-------------------------C lcsse tjta r tln gC a l l 734^5S0a.fprTr R IL .'B o v /m a n a n d fi

Bf Loin f-Bone

TEAKT rlm m erf '^A lbB rtJon*!” I l l » m o " S o v o 4 0 ' l b . ^ .-■."V.T. I l J

ef Loin Porterhouse

TEAKTrimmod "A lborfson 't I I omo" Savo 40‘.Lb...................... I | j


I e a c h V '

THREE o f Iho c h o i r dfroi b o p o r l lc lp a l ln g In Ih o Tw

-----------C /u b C h r /s fm o s M u sic c6r\Ci----------- m u s J c J o r -o n © 0 / ./h « fr - g i

F ro m /o ff a r o M a ry N ofsorr, ~ C h u rc h ,', '"C a m l!/® " ^ Coy.” J I

C h u rch a n d M o ry B avn . - f Church. ________ ]______ ;__

R A M O N A ETi - 7 5 6 0 Pr/ncefon Drh

ST A R SPA N G L E D -brer

1 9 - ln ch g m h < im c ra c l(e rc r ijs t - ■ van 1 8hdz. pkg. softened c re a m cruj checse . - q1 c an sw eelencd condensed cheimilk ~ __________ ~ vimIc a n c h il lc d c h e rry p ie fillingL tsp -v o n illa ------- -------------------' i-cup lem on Juice •—P e a t—c re a m —cliees e - t i n l i l - ^ — fight a n d fluffy. A dd milk n n d '-----------



I THEI>USI£R P M 0S r 4J9 Main N., Twin Folli - —

A tro ii Fr»m S«on

INEGIE - ?SEn o n R e la t lo n i — S e lflin in g — .Selllng-Y our— 1 ---------orry o n d T en ilo nj ^ j o o n . ■ ___ __________'informationiT V s T d c I o f o i

S c : ;

”179ib . | _ ®

i d o i - -

d ire c to rs w h o wlH ’ T w in 'F a lls M u sic o n e e r i~ e h e e lr o v o r - — ;—r -g r o u p - n u m ije r s ': --------------------sorr, f ff s f C h rlsfJon '“ J M h - ^ 6 r H 7 lD S ~ ” “ : “ ! ' n, Flrsl M o th o d ls l

M®[TDte-'. ETCHETO ' . P r ) v e . J vWfl_EQ l / s _ : : ____ ___

■blendthorouBhly. - -.........^ S tiF -^ l’n - lo m o n —ju ic o -a n d — vanilla and pour m ixture-inlo c ru s t. - ' I■■ C Iilll2to3hoursandtopw lth . . _

c h e rry ' pie filling Iwfore_ se p — ' 9'■I"!!- _ ................................................. *

I T H o^ I---------------- ^ a t u r

— I S u n d a y ,


. - -yi-Sjt__the /beautiful ' ous fur trii find the p( Mayfair C

„ ---convenien

Linger Holies

-Jeweli: = S » t

Handbi f '

I d - Your gifts i I cial Christn

8 ^ _ J ? e f r a s / i m e

December (-JEROME- Rev. and-Mrs. -She Vernon~KcndalI.'' Jerome;- phol announce Ihc engagement of" inK their ’■daughter.. Chrlsline ' _ Elalrie; to Ricky Ray Phclun. I'l &on of Mr. ond Mrs. Ralph Jtc Phelan, Jerome. •cncMlssKcndalllsagradualcot slly. Shadle Park High School, Tl Spokand, Wash., and has al- wed tended the University of Idaho. Bap

C lu b e l e c t s•TWIN FALLS - New~of iroi !icm of Ihe 4-H Wieels of rep< Progress Club have been' • leac ilected. . .. senAngle SlQvln was elected Cul iresldenl. Serving with her PArnT-be.Greg-Almanel.. vlc_Cluiresldenl: Barbara Bybce. ’ p« secretary: Davey Skinner.

^ BomoE’S --W eicimies Op

JIRlEtWEShe comes to Twin

-years of experlenc¥1r and Montana.

SPECIA-Our Replar’22.50 Periiia _Our-ReplaiJ20.00Eenna

^BONNIE’S^ | | g | - z l 46ElmS


You Are^li

> l l c i a Y O ^jFdayrDeeember-41 y, December-5th-—

LMayfair on,this specic I display of Ciiristmas rimmed coats to glitteri perfect gift' tliat will be Charge, BankAmericarc mt layaway plan;— --

iries. ■ .

les- - - - - - - -i a g s ^ ^

Gift CerllfiIs wili be custom wrapp itmas wrap Free . ,,,.'of Ci l e n t s

" A-Wonderfu! Placi Downtawn, On 7

Twin Foil!

date setIhe Is -o m p lo y o d -a s -a -P ix y p a f ih o to g ra p lic m r^ C .'P e n n cy 's— n K a rcb e r Mall. N am pa. Cor

P h e la n , a g r a d u a te of^ lerom e HIgli Schoo l.'Is at- ^ , ending Boise S late Unlver-

The couple plans a Dec, 28 i-edding a t Ihe Jerom e, F irst j Japlisl Church,

s - o f f i c e r s lun<;r e a s u re r : - S h e i l a - O c r e c r r — e l« x p o r le r : Debbie Brlzee, song ead e r a n d D iana Brlzee. T a ;rg e a t^ l-a rm s , Anna M arie Frii :u lv e r ls re tirin g p r e s i d e n t . " - Ihe

P inas w ere m ade for a Ihe :h r is tm as party to be held excl Dec.” 14"al’ S‘ p :m : :a n n c - E l— hogilariclulb” rcs lau ra f ir •' - 1 v 'a tP

S SALON OF BEA Iperaton_ _m m M1 Falls with 6 In WHl'ngton

p e c ib i - S I I m IIil. P E R M A N Ii i i a i i e i i t - .

r a a n e n l - ^ _____ _____________



ten House4 t h ---------- ^ M b - t o 5 t 3 0

- - - 1 2 i 0 0 - N o o n - t o - 5 :

:lpl weekend for tlie m s gifts ever. From lux ;ring fashion jewelry, yo le sure to please. Use y 3rd, Most6r fharge or

--Sportswe. Sweaters Dresses Coats Pant Suits

ficatespped in the Mayfair's S; Course!'

In fo rm a l M odi■ .• .y T;'

fai)[ico to Shop -:------- --I The M ailills .................. ....

B riefs- TWIN FALLS - -Am ong p a rtic ipants in~a~r c c c n f con-.;;', c e r t of T he College oM daho - C om m unity Sym phony O r­c h estra w as Beth Arnold, who , p la y e d f lu te . A rn o ld , a sophom ore a t th e college, is the daughter of M rs. Helen A rnold.Twin Falls . '

TWIN FALLS - S ta r Social Club will m ecl a t 1- p.m. M o n d a y a t G e o r g e K ’s • R e s ta u ra n t fo r a no-host luncheon. O fficers will Ijc e lec ted ;---------------------------- -------- -------

T W IN F A L L S - T h e Friendsh ip Circle will m eet al the Moose Jiom e Sunday for Ihe annual ■ dinner, and gift exchange. T he social hour b o g in ^ r s p ;m ra n d th e d in n e r" ,'— ~ a t E-prw:---------------------- -------------—


IENT '■ N O W * 1 7 “ . .

.N 0W »I5“ ^

EAUTY j 5•0416

e i ^1 0 — — — —

5 :0 0 ^ — — _ i

most fluxuri* 'i ^you'll I> your I )r our



Spe- —

>deling 1 I

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

— S t a t e ----------------

w inner --

Times tou| since ’337I

D E N V E R ( U P ! ) - havi _ A m e r lc a ’s J a r r a e r s _ a n d , r n n : , ..

chcrs a re facc{J w ilh th e rccc ’ toughest econom ic Umea sincc BaiC■ Ihc depression e ra and th e re is sun

_ n o _ h o p c .fo r afiy_ I m m c d b te . . - of .;Im provcW nl, a c c o rc lln ^ o liie tIPII p resid en t of th e N allonal D

— F a rtn e r 'sU n lo n ;------- . - - cunTony D e e h a n t .-sp e a k ln g -f lt-^ s ln c

— lis ira n n u Q rc o n v cn tio m jM iiu ■' Goii R ocky liloun ta ln F a r m a r s out Union, lold ^ i c e a t c s from ' saU

— e d o ro d o ra n d -W y o m in g 1977 P re ■“ •TTgeing to b c a -b a d y e a r - f o r ~ 3 a ! t- the A m erican fa rm e r ." • - bHu

Dcchanl.' speak ing "al Ihe D an n u al c onven tion of th e plo'

— R ocky—M o u n ln ln - E a tm e r s — pri<■ Union, sa id h e w as ‘so rry lo t e r

TF marketf w T N ' I ^ L s T - Com - I m i

m crc ia rH nd u tility cows and fce<bulls sold 2.00 to 3.00'liighcr a l S

-th e T w in F a l ls L ivestock He;*• ComffflMlohCoVW ednesday,------ '-3SJ

F t iJd e r if ii lU c a n d ~ ^ I v c sw cres trong lo l.(H )h lghcr. 24.C

Good to hlRh cholcc s te e rs 26;ibrought". 4JD0-343 6 ; s ta n d a rd - s icto low good 30.00-33.00: u tility fee<

— 5tccrs .3Q .0 fl-Jg^ ;Jed H nistcln. .fees te e rs 29.00-30,00; good lo corch o ice h e ife r s 30;00-32,00; s te

— a n n a a n tn a if f w -y ) o d -h e lf c r s — con29.00-31,00; u t i l i ty h e ife r s .-20,127.00-31.00: c o m m erc ia l and - 35.1 s ta n d a rd c o w s . 23.00-2G.OO:'' fee

^~utlltty -row 5-2 l.00 -24 ;50^-ean— ,n ers and c u tle rs 14.00-19.00; ■com m ercial bu lls 29.00-32.50; Iu tility bulls 2C.00-29.00; light |bulls24.00-26.50. ________|

S tocke rs a n d fee d ers .H eavy feeder s te e r s 33,00-' 5 ^

;■ 35.25; l l ^ f feeder s te e rs 25.00- r41.25; com m on quality s te e rs ■24.00-29.00; K o lslc in s te e r s ■ 2G.0O*30'.00;. p o o r e r g r a d e J s te e r s 21.00‘2C,0 0 : h e a v y . I

Almanac iU oltedP ressln tehu iU oD al ' ^■ Today ls F rid :iy , Dec. 3. the I 338th day of J976 w ith 28 lo | 'follow......

---------jThe moon Is approa’ching Ils _ _

T he m orning s ta r s a re M ars I-------an d S a lu m ,— __________ ________ | .

'T h e cv c n in g s la rsa rcV e n u s , ■ M ercury and Ju p ite r . !

T hose born on th is da le a re ■' u n d e r the sign of S ag llla rlu s , |

-A m eric an p q r tr a lL p p tn lc r___I .■ O llbcrlS luart-w nsbom bec ,3 , . - g 1755. - ■

O n th lsd a y ih h is to ry : - I. tn 181B. Illinois w as adm ltlcd

to th e U n lo n a s th c 2 ls t 's f a tc . ’ ■ In 1B33,' O beriln College in !

O h io o p e n e d w i t h a n I enro llm ent o f 29 m en and 15 | w o m c n - th e n a t io n 's f i r s t | | tru ly co-cducatlonal school. *

In 1929. th e F o rd M otor Co. ■ ra ised the p a y of Us em ployes

- from SG-to S7 a d a y dospito Iho co llapse ol Ihe A m erican slock ■ m a rk e t, _

~ I n " l94tl.— th e -W h it ta k e r— ■ C ham bere spy cose w as m ade | public; I t 'w a s disclosed th a t | m icrofilm of secre t A m erican ■

-■-documents h a d l>cen found In a ■ -------h o iio w • p u m p k in on - th 'c — I■ " M ary land fa rm of th e fo trocr— |

m agazine ed ito r, a llegedly for | d e liv e ry to a C om m un ist ■ pow er. J

A thought fo r the d a y :■ • ^ | ■Britain w ri te r J a n e A ustin- | sa id .-“ I l l s a tru th u n iv e rs a lly . acknow ledged lh a t a single ■ m a n In possession of a good I

D IS C U ^ O N m eet wlnnei

--------------F a lls , He roccivcs «' . M ike Quesoell, le ft , H iM

” :— r - r o ^ - a n d 'raDcbcrs-chalri Bureau. Jones and bla w ife, i Tw in Falls;

ighestfor f PecHant Siave to say It. bu t I f s tru e . agrei•“ We just can 't m a k e a ^heecovery th a l fast," . D cchant coITaaid, "Wq' v c - got loo m uch Anu rp iu s la b o u l2 b illlo n b u sh e ls - abouf..wheaL.‘ lh is _ y c a c L n n ^ nO ;.cm gm i---------------------------------- - b n s hDechant, who described th e . grair

u rrc n l s ituation asi! the .w orst— - ina r l ince-1933." sa id abo u l 1.000 djnai

■ut of business this y e a r . H e store a id a tc lcR T am ’he sc n l to u p .b ’rcsldcnt-clcct Jim m y. C a r te r r a te a id J t. i .w a s - i 'l m p e r a t lv c - th c - . m a n ilua l ion bc changed ." I D echanl sa id unless 0 floor Is — long

ilaced under world m a rk e t thesi i r l c ^ on food th rough In- he s c r n a O o n a l c M T W ^ l t y : : c am

R• . dcvi

e ed e r hc lfcrs 2G.50-2S»:OOr ligh t p{!°I cederhclfers29,00-31.2G: gQj.c

S tockers and f e e d e r s ------ - - gleavy feed er s lecrs 33.00- B i5 ;.lliih l feeder .steers 23.{W- ' - ii‘.2srco m m o irq u a ll ty ~ sio o rs 14.00-29.00; Holstein s te e rs IG;00-30.00: p o o re r g r a d e ile e rs , 21.00-20.00; h e a v y 1 eeder hc lters 2C.50-29.00; lightc c d e r_ h .c U c i:s _ 2 i;o M L 2 0 j_______ ,:ommon heifers 20.00-23.00; ' i t e e r c a lv e s 41 .00-45 .00 ; ujm m m i.qualH y_st«)t_calvcs ic,00-34.50; heifer ca lves 31.50- !5 .0 0 :-V C a} crs -a 4 .0 O '3 G ;O O r- - •ccdcrcov.>IB,00-22,00. | _

I Local»d from tha. South Eatt comsr I and mlla Eait.


I MODI ' Rial niM 3 placa Hctk)iu1, rid i .browi ■ wlih.matchino round .cn tlw -U blfl--P I caAf - Sm ing a r t - Chrom« Waak1

I proof, approximately 16 ft. and ni<

I A W T IJ.D uncan Phyta.^fop’ teaf-lahlfl.-with.2-

| r« rn f» .— P o n irb « d ro m « * a n !fn ic woodan canan, anJ nice - Solid Oak

L w ay folding mlrtor and wooden a tta t; , |j p o o l coubla bednaad, wtlh »pfingi an

■ of drtwm - OU M m li chair - Soik Hclal drauar - 5 protwd bacK. chain

I drop kaf tabia Okl round ubie . wli iD la tito p ’ C

■Sovalad Blow mirrof - 2 ornato wall (v ■ _ Old tefvtng tray - Soma old picture

.BwOYon.batket, with wooden l>ottom- -§orcurUin rodi---Piac* O f.tapw t^-.-.

I M.■-Rot«v_ lawn. mowCT^gnl¥.:2_YMri old

! . NOTE: Soma irety vary nic* amkiiK avarvotta. Saa you a t tho tala.

8 O w ner-> I -:Sq1(» Managed by

I "THE BUSirI AUCTfONIBMi- - -5 LYLE MASTERSI 6434227. Buhl. Idaho


dustrl Co, tw agric i

^ U c l

m ajor


■ H i-'*F e d

_____ In ­

n e r a t th e Idaho F a rm 's e ^ W X M ig J o n e s rW - --------io a g ra tu la tlo n s-fro m _________ Jr ,rd D istric t young f a ^ ' 'i l n n a n - o f - th e - F a h n ............•e, M ary , f a h n south of

___ _ D e py- , , ...___________“ B

r t - - - "and*lrarm— 71;'•' h ave

---------------------------- ------------------ luLil.says—xeem enls. farm ers a cro ss ^ e p e country face econom ic -ITapse^----------- ---------------- ---------overA m erican farm ers pow e a r n . lOUt . CG per ccnt lof the ir oductlon costs “ f o r - e a c h

a in s sold on the w orid" A a rk e l .- J )c c h a n l_ s a i( l ._ O r- .. .- • narllv, farm ers wuiild be SP lie t o j o r fnH».-,i-i, ; n c 'r n . P a tti ore the g rain until p rices go ). b u th e sa id th e c u rr i 'n l loanite w as n o l enough , to Jccep___P.r .®.a n y fa rm e rs in business,______ J .’^ -" Ifs-ju st-a-questlon -tjf-how — a L an g -w e . c an hD ld-on_undec___esc depressing conditions:*'—; sa id , " O n ly th e strongestiiTTurvlve."------------------------------froiTR e c e n t c u r r e n c y evaluations In other leading w d^xpo rt'n a lions; primurily-=— .u stra lla -^n d C anada, have Pr°> no b l^ 'T oo rf*buyers to pur- hnse a t discount ra te s , ac- ord ing lo D cchant.




ALFORDl u e n o i i ^ar o f B u h l, Idaho 2 m l)e t-E a it t o C edar

, DECEMBER 5,D E R N F U R N IT U R Eo w n In co lo r , n i i ^ e r n D a n lih d a i ig n - 2 r - P la t f o rm ro rfte r - .O v c r « u » e d c h a l f_ - i a k f » t M t, w lih 4~ m a l ^ ln g c h a ir t - Lar


n ic0 - F ed d ar 23,000 B TU w in d o w a ir

r iQ U E F U R N IT U R E. 2 - l e a m 'f ln d .» b l« 4_ m atcM fi9 ch a n i a ; i ts t h « b ig -4 ; p o t ta n - .~ ^ l id ; O a k - i a >ak L o -b o y d rn iD r , w ith tw ivol m irro r — t e t i - S o lid Oak H i b o y c h i l i ! d t« » a r . v a n d m a t t r ^ t - O k l d tM ta r , w ith m lrn

D id b r a n doubM b e d - V e r y o ld Iron b a t I n - ^ u a r o O ak ta b le , w ith sp o o led o rr w ith 3 n t r a l o a m - 3 O ak c h a i n - - O

COLLEC TABLESI m lrrO K - S ilver d ra i ta r m irro r - 3 o r u ro i —. 2 o U d o o r lam p's — W ooden t u v- '35 o ld Law b o o k t d a t in g b a c k t o 100

O U b o o k i r „ 01d_ w ool^ i^uilt to p _ ;

M IS C E L L A N E O U So ld - D lih w - k n W ' n a c k i S m all h o « ro u i t o m en tio n '

q u a fu r n itu r e an d lo m a t h a t n l l l n e e d t r

r 8 m i ! i : " C a s l i D a y o f S a l 8 " ^

- laVaun Alforf M a ite n A uction S e nS IN E S S T H A T -S E R V IC E

G A R Y b S B O f lN E '634-6360, G ood ing . Idaho

GiantiCANSAS CITY. M o.-lU PM basedO ffic ia ls of F a rm la n d ' In- also oritr le s . Inc.. tind Far-M ar- F a rm la, tw o of the nation’s la rg e s t m a n ur ic u l tu ra i c o -o p e ra tiv e s . w h o le it lc lp a tc a p p ro v a l o f a hcadqu:o p o se 'd m e r g e r b y a F a rmijo rity of th e ir m em bers. T . Liiu\b o u t 96 p e r cenl of the m em bc;mlK>rs' of Far-M ar-C o, a nual ciain m arketing-coK Jperallve s a y in g

W ater plan xyisolons aiB O IS E fU P l) — M cm bcrso f _ m u n |d r e Id a h o F a r m B u re a u ’ f h c e d e r a l i o n w a n t t h e called f< g ls la lu rc to have the la st ra tlflc ? Drd on a ll recom m endallons " Riglits

th e p roposed S ta te W ater the nal la n ,- B u rroI n -a -r e s o lu t io n -.ad 'o p t^ a t- - leglslat including sessions “o r a l i s num bei inual m eeting W crdnesday. m a tte r c F a rm B ureau sa id tha t Olhei ily“ i3 “ i> r~ the r28z:rccom -— th u F a r endallons In th e plan requ ire — r g ls la iiv e 'a p p ro v fli rT h e re s t“ prcsldc a y be im plem ented by the - P ; e p a r t m ^ n j _ £ ^ W a t e r w heretCSOiirceS.__________ ~ ]imtify;|^ 'B ecnus^f_ t(ie Impgrfance le g ish i id lm p a c t of th e S ta le W aler ' d lan on-Idahoclllzens,-w e feel— - a l a t e - Is Im portan t tha t the plan le g ls la

ive Icg is iative approval In complyla l .’.'Jh firc .so im ionsald------------- policy.In a n o th e r- re so lu tio n Iho- — I a rm B ureau sa id it fe lt the r i^ t o e p a r t m e n t o f \V aTT r flre a rr e so u rc es should have control T h e /e r. th e s la te ’s w ater q u a l i t y - re e le d c'cepl for th e domesUe and V iew ,

• T hom i - — vice p

- ■— . — -------- JG rg n

At m eeting " o n ie .

S P O K A N E ' - “ M a n n in g - ’a ttc fso n . Gooding ra n c h e r ........ • •id Southern Idaho Produc- [ ~ T o n C r e d i t A s s o c ia t io n Ire s iden t, re p re se n te d the_________IC A 'an T sc rv M S ^^ cH a in n an ~ T^l L a -f6 u i^L a IiO ’C f\::a iiv i^ry i_ ; : a am m ile c m eetln g h c rc . w jiP a lte r s o n - is -o n e ^ o f^ ^ C A i f l Ire c lo rs on th e com m lltee•om Idaho,-M onlana.-O roeon--------Mnd W ashington. T he group . . V ic e ts tw ice a .y e a r to p ro v id e . ^orrQ W C C Jnpul.rcB a^ngP C A ^ _ tiro g ram s and policies which " I . iffcct thcnT.OOO'USCrs o l PCA . L In a n c ln g in th c N o rth w e s l. ' • I j


. p e r b u » h o j S '

S T — —ls6]8-M01tf<23^50M —

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I I M M H M I I j —

dar Bool Dump, 2 fnltei Noiih J ^

5 , 1 9 7 6 I :NO LUNCH | . ^

I ?- 2 matching itep end tabja*- ■ ^r^ - Footitqol - '^ m a g a x iiw ___ |Larga’floor Tamp T'! J " | ' ”

: ' * L• I J jair conditiMaf^**^. | | F

E r ■ Vchairt w>d matching buf lat, _ ■ <-i«r8e’ H t^ y ‘d re » M » ^ n a » ; :r - ^ |; .Jmr - O rM ^B table, with 3 |ir. w ith mirror - O rn«e _nirror and a matching ch« l J ^ baby bod - OW big Poffina | Mornata k p - Walnut top | Y f f

- Obioiig coffoe table, with | ^

" ■" ' > 11or 4 karoune lampi - 3 ttunki | | ;!,havara cigar box - Wicker ■ | ij,1900 - Antkiue ornate drapa ■ J ^- - ■

------- I ,houtahoM iiamt - Arxl g _____

It redone. Som«hing for | f i

)T d !

i r v i c e |

CLERK:-CAL HARPER I&43-6864 M' I ' ’& m 6 7 3 S .Buhl, Idaho , ■

f a n r l c cicd nl - H utchinson. - K an,. • designed0 o re m cm bers-ow ners of ' inlem atlrm land , a fa rm supply, opcratioa n u f a c t u r i n g a n d " U ls ilo le s a l ln g c o o p e r a t i v e th c F a r iid q u a rterc tiin K an sa sC lly , merger,'a rm la n d Presiden t K m est will s tnLlnd-sey add ressed 17.000 export

:m bers a t F a rm la n d 's an- said,■s\ convention W ednesday. “Tlic y in g th e m e r g e r w a s Ftfnulai_________________ .__________ Far-M n

' .1 ’ first r

n nod ?oToa g rib u :

' _ • operate


inicinai-supplle?, bllll'h e F a rm B u re au a lso enoughled for resc ind ing of Idaho’s ^Ifica tion of lh e .,.K n u a l U n ilc ^;lits A m endm ent, repeal of r o m: national Wild Horse and which.r ro A ct a n d l im it in g P ' a ^ | 'l is la llvc-ses .s lona -ln -even - la s L J iS S E j a - f f S r T T o ■ I S a p l ■tiers. -J lh e r recom m endallons oi i F a r m B ureau included;----------- Repeal of the Idaho ■ ■ csldontiQ lprim Q iyclcctton; - B P i -- P a ssa g e of a Sunset Lawlereby ' s ta le a g en c les 'm u s t B j j u i tily .U ie ir u x l s l c n c c ' t o .U i e i r : ^ M ’isla tu re every s ix ye a rs . _____- dppositlon to any new a t e — la n d - u s e —p la n n in g — g ls la tlo n th a t does not . m ply with F a rm Bureau

- R e in fo rc e m e n t-o f the W^ t of c illic n s to have lawful , _____• e a rm ra n d o fh e rw e a p o n s r •T h e F a rm B u re au a lso •e lec ted Oscar- F ield . G ran d - • --------low , I t s r p r e s i d c n r a n d •lo m a s G eary . Burley, ils Jcc presiden t. M axine Bell. • • \rgTn_q- _ jv a a — r c c tcctT nl— 2 ' ~o m e n 'sc h a irm a n . • • • • '

S -1 1 S U N H JA N U A B

m. . * Jet Air Twin ' Boise and Re

ir Deluxe and ( " Class Hotels

t h i:


. ~ ^ I (

" V ■


•>y M

TRAVIL 1 1 SlRVICf l i

2 3 5 M AIN A V L W .- M m TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ■ ■

7 3 4 -7 8 0 6

;Kon B e o b o , O w n or *

• . ^ FriSi

d-c»ps mned to e stab lish a strong . F a rM a r national tr a d e and export subsidia ition, m e rg e rIs ou r firm inlention th a t by Far-1

'a rm land and Far-M ar-C o the ir an ;er, if II is con.';ummatc<l. i i in strengthen-Far-.M ar-C o'a m cm bct r t opera tions." Lindsey " I f Fa

- - '- fo rce - 1 lie m e rg e r vk-ould m a k e • m arket, nland and ils proposed LindseyM nr-Co_,_sufi:jldiory_.lhc___ :^Don’.l_

reg ional co-opera tive m arkeli ig enougli to challenge country le o l t h e p r i v a t e o fie o b u s in e s s g ia n ts t h a t organiz: a le bolh Ih the com m odity below I supply arenas." p riva teic m e reer-w ouid■alvc-.the __A t a .blned company m ore th a n w ith 1 3llllon in annual sa le s . manage igh to m ake 11 one of th e . . . . se y sai( largcsL.com panles in th e foronly e^S t^ les . g ra in blirm laiid and Far-M ar-C o. Voth :h announced this w eek th e n IS lo m erge, first repo rted opera ll - .J u n c .- lh a l_ m c rg e r_ w a s_ a ; t i l tfTconsldcrailonr:'------------------- operatinder te rm s of the p la n , o the r

I ^ ^SA T IIR PA 'If You Hqvo M qcH

s j T Thom to Auction ! ^ A dvertising.

A lready a good soli_______ T hli Ii a n o p po rlun IfY

a n d to .b u y th o m o c h ln i Confac

.............. •• 5A LEM AA u c t o n e o n : j«hnWart

Wtndtll C le rk i J.W. M «innm lth of

V - i a L E D D M

R Y 24t h A N D J

min Foils or * Tours Return Sightsid First ☆ Lei 6r<Is■ ' ■ * Fully_Ei

US YEAR'S TOUR INiH A W A II IMAVIHilo ” Lahaina Volcanoes lao Valle’ vlationol Park • Kona


r""" ’ ATLrnLE"


■ I H A W A I I^ ■ l 23 5 MAIN AVE J

TWIN FAIL57ID;>' YesT I'm interest

H ow aiion Vacatl

B B .; NAME _ B i {ADDRESS ■ J CITY _ i :

r iaay,D ocom bor3.1976 Timoo-Novi

lay merlar-Co wlll bpera le a s u ' "ponysTc d iary oT Farm land. T he -O u r: e r Is subject to approval f a rm c n ar-M ar-Co's m em lw rs a t cxpcelii annual meeting Feb, lo- e rsh lp .’n D enver. F a rm la n d ______bcr^ will vote Friday, ......... seniNCF arm land Is to become a Sachine

r- In th e 'In te rn a tio n a l cet. it m ust bt' b ig ." se y .sa ld In his address. I f f i’lJ o r g c tJ L a U - lh e .g r a in _ . _ . I l r ^ e lingco^ )pe ra livesin the . try w ore combined Into ^

o r g a n iz a t io n , t h a t Inizatlon would still bc far M the s ire of four or five Bte g rain firm s."- a . lolnU news- conference — ---------I F a r-M ar-C o g e n e ra l lagcr G eorge Voth, Lind- said co-operallvcs account inly 7 p e r ccnl of the export H . n business. ■ piijth s a id h e w o u ld lik c lo se e . q,

m e rg e r p ro d u c e a n pL •allon th a t would estab lishd l r c c t - j g r a l i i e x p o r t__ __K<f f l tio n rra th c r 'th a n -u s in E ----------- J q

*r g rain m arkeling com-

3 i i 5 i EConsignment Au<

DECEMBER I B fc hlnory ltem» for S olo , Pli 1 Personnel N ow f o f Auci

e lection of m ochlnery conslj | y j p r _ y ^ to lo l l tha m o c h ln o ry ; lin c ry y o u '3 ^ n t « d In t h l i y « a r oF t a d a n y o l th * A u c tio n P « r« o n n « ( MANAGED BV^ESSERSMITH A U Crt Irvin {llert Jim M aitertm lth

Klmbarljr Jtfom # h of Twin ffllli, Idaho > 8111 Hoddlock. Mr'<

M M e » 'e e e e e e * » e # e e # e # » e *

L T O IE S i

Y S . . . 2 D E P A J A N U A R Y 3 L

m*s and ‘ .T-Servictseeing' . - Taxes

""TVisitF »reeling---------- --Escorted Thirtei

rv/CLUD£S VISITS TO1 K A U A Ila CraiSe'To Fern - ley Grotto • ParodisQ [ ~ FacifiMRe e" s

- ■ ■ f, I I


lA lV V A C A T IO lSE.WESTDAH0 8 3 3 0 r -jsted in theTim es*N ev/s-spoiotion in,1977. P lea se se n d o


Nows.TwinFalls.ldaho 13 I

^sT o sclu p ia le a . . . . r . - |)u r sole existence Is for the ' j!ne rs." he said. ■•They're ; {; {:e ling us In reta in own- r ' ; i,ip ." . - , | i :

TING dP A BUSIKESS; . - i [ ?cK tor flood value* In , • ; ;, < .hlnerylnmoCI»*8iliodM»

HftY H A U LlN G .il illWANTED

10 TONS OR . . j

W£ C A N ~ ~ ~ i l HANDLE IT!F inanc ing A vallob I* ll: :on app rovB d c rsd l t j|

p k o n . i ■ r :Konf, 32,4-8347 1 {16ck7326^9 J r

Jf J U C I I O L j — i :Auction ; ■ ’

I,"1976 j IP l e a s e C o n s i g n S [

u c t l o n S q W B ill •■

i s l g n e d . « - r

try yo ii d o n o t no iid • I'o f 1 9 7 6 7 ----------------------- 1 — n

in*! ; . • U

ucnoN s e r v i c e ' — .Ith Jo* BannaH J

Aiilillng •Ja ro w . Ideh» _ S — • t-i i

D f l n o u R z z i i

A R T U p S -^ "^ '1s t F O R . . . -

E l i/ice Charges and:es Included___________t Four Islands

teen Meals

o . . .

O A ilVS o a Life Po rk • Poly- n o s ia n C u ltu ra l C o n to r

L P-O ocl-IjQ fbQ r. r - K odoh-------------Show — P a ro d iso Pa rk M t. T a n t a lu s — C ity T o u r - l u a u — Invito- lio n lo P o ra d iso Show

i o o i i -| r P E R P E ttS O N

----- - W I l l - H O lO - ^ - - ^ - -------YOUR RESERVATION----------------

1 0 . . . N O W !

1 ■

k i M H i ---------

w v . I '

. . ;

p o n s o r e d - —.........d c o m p le t e d e t a i l s to : | i

E = l;

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

I d a h o

i T e m p e r a t u r e s

f / Mnx.Mln-Aberdeen 44 8Boise ■ 43 IGDuhl 43 IC

•, Diirley 50 17 •. : . - _ _ C n ld w e l l______________ :o . . i i ___

E m m e ll 45 la>’ - ‘Fairfietd « 2

Goo'"n}{ 48 20G rangevillc 44 IS

- - H n i l c y ................... 43.15HiiRtT in 52 14ifomeoulc 40 13

_______ IdnhoF.ill-s_____ ._ , .3 3 IS _ _------------ Icromt;_______________ 5 0 7 ___ ^■' Kimlwrly ................. ' W i a

..Kuna . ■ 44-13McCall 46 13M ounlalnHome .48 IG

■ U 'w lston W 22; Piinn ii *- 41 13 -

Pocalolto 44 21 -Preston • 44 11 ,Hiipert 51. 15SVcsI Yt'llowsloiic 30 ....

Gemrwea---------Tw in Falls, Buriey*Rupcrt and • —J______N o r ^ d e a r e a s : _______^

"M ostly /iitr(on iK hl IhrouKh * Salurilny bul linzy a l time!).IJIgli tem pera lures Saturday

‘i . n e a r 40 and overnight lowB in (he loons.

; ' ___ _ Sunday 's outlook - con- 'trnu ed d ry an d alllilcco o lc r.Cflraas RraW e, H ailey and

: — lowCTW oodRIverValley: T . M ostly fa ir tonlghl Ihrougti • V

; S a turday bul liazy a t limes.:_____ H ig lL lc m p c ra lu r e a . in J h e J a s .^ . and overnlfyil lows n e a r iO,

Blitte r lunch:---------: -------------------------D E N V E R iU P It^

th e m e n u —peanut t--------------------------- -------- TTie t ^ l u l l y o f

____ j__ la y e rs o f peanut btsm ile . I t sells for I I '

-------- -----------------r -r_ -.‘.T l je ld e a ls lo p rU u in |l ," s a id M e te

, , . r ------ :-------------------- ju a l thefftc t th a lJ lr

j i L i s b o n f t'■* © N .Y . T im es Service - - - c_______ I . lS B O N .._ ^ .„ P o r m g a l 's . ._.h

S o c i a l l s l g o v e r n m e n t fi:------- suspended ._cm crgcncy_ farm ___ b

- c r e d i ts W ednesday In a newr n m ove to a ssum e control over ci t h e . C om m im lst^do m lna ted o rcfo rm p ro g ram ,

T he m in ister of agricullure v. 'n 'n n n n j i p f> ri__ * ‘ m n n y____ffIrregu laritie s" in Uie use of Iho U c rc d lls and called on the. ci

--------co llccti vc - if a rm s - to - present-------nU rtlr accounts in a period of 10 p: day s. , U.- U ie suspension of farm ri

J a p a n b e e f - n

• _D E N V E ir rU P l)- - The p residen t of tho U.S. MeatE xpo rt Federation believes it fo

can Increase Ihc m arket for Aidom estic beef In Japan,, on w,. o v e r s e a s m a r k e t now Indom rnatedbv A ustralia. Ai


; . 14^ Timo5-Now9. Twin Falla. Idaho0 Friday, D ocom bcf3.1976

SEAJTLE / IJfA llJ -V ___ V


LOSANaELES— (lOWl , - ^

— ....... ..................



ith§rpatte— Sunday ouUook — conlfnucd- - nc

cold. M-S y n o p sls i— -------------------

Stmny with Icm p e ra tu res Jc T(

Twill Falls B'___________T fn iiirra iurfif

Tw iji.F jlL i / M a i . ' M ln, . . “ Y es te rd ay • .jg igL a s ty e a r 52' 3C ‘•i

, , ____________

l i a o a l • —

itbuU ersandw icbes.- o f'lbe'bouse is m e ijiinm y carter ss butter and a banlc_of_mnrshmollows

I I and Is the m ( ^ expensive Item on th provide a real aocLvlnble lunch for do itevia, 29. ‘TTjat'8 w hat couJd m ake th!Jlm m yCartervflll be President;” ------

■S ' '

arm fuss g• c re d its w as In terp re ted a s a -.w arn ing to Uie Com m unist-led—

fa rm w orkers’ unions who . pj,_bave.tIeIled .lhe .goycm m enL ’s -------

m ove to resto re Illegally oc- r j cup led fa rm land to lls r i ^ t f u l ow ners. be

In th e p ast two w eeks, fa rm be w orke rs have laid s ie g e to four q ,

Jan n s_ w h ich _ w c r£ L re lu rn e d iQ _ flf , Uieir orig inal .-owners, Itr oc- -ji co rdance wiUi Ihe a g ra ria n

p ro p ertie s w ere decla red to be . Illegally occupied a n d w ere ., J re tu rn e d over Tthe la s t two I


m art e y e dAlan M lddaugh. p residen t o t

th e D enver-based organlzjition fo rm e d I h is y e a r , s a id , A ustralia now furn ished J a p a n w ith 90 p e r cen t of lls beef Im ports. M iddaugh sa id the A m erican sh o re could be in- | c re a se d fro m lD to 4 0 p c rc c n l. . j







_ _______________________ I


9 9

- ® 9 9 9

- 9 '- 9- 9

9 9 9 9 9 9I

: 2 0 .2 4 V „ 30^00



lENVER ~ ^

A .1 0 r NEWOHLEAH!S 3 0 .0 0 ( . r • j— LEQEf

ernremaiincar-50-w uro ' h o rm af-aro u n d -------M a g ic V a lley T h u r s d a y ,. .___ c

W r m e s t . i n the valley was’ - d Je ro m e w ith 53 d e c re e s . c T em peratu res this m orn ing ^ w e r e on Ih e coo) s id e , c generally In the tc -n s . 11

No m ajo r weatlic-r chanKCS- s-are— foreeh 'sl"T (rr~ lhe~"arca ------ li-through-the-M -cckend. Strong high p ressu re con tinues- lo d block- Incoming s torm s, sen- - g ' d ing them into C anada and H

_ £ , isb v M _ a n d c.ist n f U m , ic■Connni'.nfnl Divide,______


sandwich which h a s twojw s,nrrnnged_ln:a .sugary_ ' ; __ ^I the 11-sandwich m enu.downtown D e n v e c ia iJ e s s_____ __this place o success — not

^rowing^m onths , in (he a g r a r i a n re fo rm -a rc a -o f-th e <\lentcJo;— proviccyf sni itk fll h c r a ^ ^ .- “T lie Pa rliam en tary -N a tiona l - R epublican .G uard w as cu lled (Ju t.la st week to p ro tec t the besieged f a r m m . T here have been m inor Inciden ts and according lo repo rts from Uie f lrea -T uesdflyrtl« -situallon-la— "explosive,"

rihopafiTr”lor'DIHaronf" A



r lS l!I

5 \ PER!

iD 227 M ain A v o . E.^

) 0

rv TI V ^ Alb^

MfHEIZINo’ (H iy I t tF Atia


.....— ss3 0 .4 8 s ;

f C f T ^ / * Chic

V*ATU^MTA C!C|\\ / / / / t Doll


1^ Dell\ ' Dull• UlAMI E u r

\ ) r . f a l l------------- H - , . K i

( 7 ? g s « o w ' l.'a'lt AIR — ^-5?] SHOWERS^ FLOW

' I Lou. ......................................... - M e t

^ ^ --------------------------------- Mlii■ . MU'

------- ---------------- ----------------Mni• Nevms same r

.....^ ___________________ -Oak

....... iiow over. -tliQ-flow-^iioIt-ls- -_changinfi-.lo .ajnore .no i:U iorly— Pn&

d irec tion , which m ay bring Phil coo ler a ir over Ihc Pacific N orthw est, a long with some cloudiness -nt tim es. Siiow fo r po«Iho sk ie rs will b e lim ited lo ftaps n o w - f l u r r i e s o v e r th e Ited

T he extended outlook Sun- d a y throughT ^josday ca lls for ' oi“V

- g e n e ra l ly d ry -w e a th e r but a Sail l ll tlc cooler, lllg lis in th e 30s. . San

_lpW3 in Ihe toens.— ................ r S a n•________________ Seal

; ---------------------------spoi

= LOSEOIH— GUSTOWl--------


3 3 ^ Off i1 n tM S A S E CLOSE OUT Fl

_____ H E IO E liD m H C O S H E ni

J .O N : ; z S A I r lO :0 0 :

OLD CAMERA(Across from Uie y

n u s p K u b u o n x i s x r a M i a i n m

- 2:

^ O N E F R E E'With.Th.e..Eur.ch


5 ^__ ^_

You'll never find a coTnpleteselectioiir i

RSONAL MEMORY RE(• UMiWrii,in)titn •lh»i

A I S - . : ; ; " '” “ A i■ • S»1 ^ ^ csnitoUtd mctw -— W --------- • M ta r ta n * ioci snd pmr.i p' ^ - .-.Pfcrjbodi.

^ o m a sappi1 3 3 3 O yorlortd Ay««__


. . ........... : -------- X

' ■ --------------- Sec' Ki

N ational mles

T em pera tu res far

' By U nited P re s s In terna tional. IT” - H lghL ow .Pcp .

A lbany 34 -1 .5-1 ‘ “ »Albucjuerque 41 18 TA tlan ta 53 28 .... theBakersfie ld ^G9 41 (roB ism arck 3C IB .... fn ,.B o s to n _ _________ ^45._.9^-,09_U rownsville CO 3 5 " ....Buffalo 27 I ,43 < cpC harlo tte 53 28 ....Chicago 1‘J 4 ....C incinnati 2fl 8 ....C leveland..... - - 28 - 7 -O G -----------D allas • 59 3 2 - . .„ ,,D enver , - ' 62 .30 .... , '

'D e sM olncs ~ ' 23 5 •.... • ■ 0elroit J-I 3 .... ''SFDuluth -3 . -3 .03 GrcE u rek a 47 3C .... prcF a irb an k s 23 -lO .... eimF resno G2 34 ...... J**]'H elena ' -J3 16 ....H onolulu 82 C6ndianupoils 22 9 .02

K nnsajiC ity ______ 30_17— _— IftS'L a s V e g a s CG 36 ..„ 5 ^ '-L os’A ngelcs-----------70'-52 — i rLouisville 35 23 ...; f f l M em phis -------- 44 3fl JW

“Miimii— -----------7 r * ? r ' r i — f rM ilw aukee . 15 5 WM nneiipn ih--------- 9 - 4 -0 7 ^N ew O ricaiis -„v<’ 53 mi ....New Y ork V 42 fl JW N orth P l a t t e ' 3 1 '1 7 .... ' ^

.O a k la n d -— -:- 5 9 - ^ 2 - , : . . --Oklnliomr. Glly------ r .7 -2 0 - ,,.,— W -Omnhii W _ 1 9 _ ,„ ,___«Palm SpV ings tio ;«i .... t iP hso R obles---------- 6 8 -3 U -rr:----- f l j -Ph iladelph ia _ 22 9 .... f l P hoenix 70 49 ...;, J f 'PHt.sburgh ;c -7 .1)4 5 JPortlancLM o. 40 '0 .10 f tP o r llan d rO rc r-------4 3-28—rrr-----R ap idC ity 41 30 .... f f iRed Bluff 70 :17 ..„ # i

R ichm ond, V a. M 16 S ac ram en to 64 .Tl .... ,, ; i . St. L ouis . :M 15 .... MS iilll^akeC ily • 5 0 '1 9 ®San p ie g o ________ 77 .51________J L

"San f-ranc isca , ,, 62 51............ USeattle , , 40 .... ®


- G I F T S ______ i j r

B O U T I Q U E I T E M S ^

C E R A M I C S , y

SO%y IUTFROHfOmrai...... HeiCS,OJlAlH

DO:TO:5:30 P;M:= | |[ACENTER IK -H flR T J to re ) J

ffl^ ■ 'fl 0 O' J -________

\ a M

jwriter fl S ' ^ n d j j p --------------------------- J _ S _

i ^ i lT d a m o m i f

i ; ^ n y w l i e r e : W

RECORDER I J -»- .W (..lo ..l,l.,d .> -----• lhnpcnriUbott«'’>M (B

‘AKMMBlECfT' , ■ f,« .«

•m <iprlv«*— -------- - f l I101 N . M a i n ______ A

H A IL I Y ^

Farmers!"O K Q H O M A c it y ' ( U P I T - City S e c r e lu r r " o r ” SlaH “ Heh>y— fHei; K i s s i n g d r a n d - f o r m e r Ed?A griculture - S ec re tary ;- E arl - WasButz have been subpoenaed to thelesUfy In a -la w su it alleging newfa rm e rs w ere cheated of $50 Tlmillion, in w heat sa les to • JustR ussia, a new spaper reported - a mtoday. lo (

T lie Dally O klahom an sold Poe'the subpoenacs were se rved , Tlf ro m , W ash ing ton fe d e ra l depicou rt, o rdering Butz" and P « i K issinge rto give testim ony bj'— oboiileposlllon for an Oklahoma Rus

_____C r o p c o n t r a c

W ALLA W ALLA. W ash Tl ( U P I ) ' — r ^ c - W a s h i n g t o n ..... witi

G row ers and a Walla W alla .Tl P ro c esso r h av e sig n ed a amc s tandard purchase con tract for fo rih e 1977 crop. ncg

Fe t

trjE R X r

N i r

I ^ ^ S footb


|_ ^ E —- i

i Afj 6 k e r i c a s t ,

{ IIMBODUMPTRUIi _________ _ _ N o J 2 5 0 ----------y H u go s t o o l cium p tr u ck . « h om m od . o d g o s . H on dlllt',o A tion . Sm ok o slo c k . N on tox ic. J L x 7'/4"W , 10 1 /0" H .


? •7IM0-CW

(O p e n Fl S u t i 'd d y s f r o m 11 ;

p u p "I*

[2 0 2 2nd Avo. N. ^"Tv»]i

rsue Henn]jty tr ia l of a c lass action su it conc ltc d 'in ’ l‘J7 2 b y 'A ltu s -fa rm er— durti d g a r W. C le v e la n d . A terniVflshinglon u ltom ey is lo take salehe depositions Monday, the J ilew spapersa ld . - . a t t

The new spaper . sa id • th e Cle\ Justice D epartm ent would file ..- on r1 motion in W ashington lo d a y . Kis50 quash Ihe K issinger sub- • Tl loena. dan

The S ta le and. A gdeulture Clei lep arlm ents a l » w ere sub- , that w enaed to .furnish docum ents . farr ib o u l- th e - w h e a t - - B a le s - to — Pali Russia, reports about w eather of (


ict s ig n e d SaO • • . rest

The agreem ent w as m ade will with G reno r, • lnc-_^ W alla ' . D

.The cunlfacl specifies the Cor] amounts and grade s ta n d a rd s Bun tor the crop. P rice will b e Cooncgollated la ler, probably In TenFebruary. Mln

i n C C i r l u l l U i i l i

ig ll ^ ____FARM-JLP r ^ BARN SET& No. S039. Hours ol (un! LoU of ^ g )_ c e i lo n ^ J » « .h o d .w llK .lh l i - 5 - . ttfm ploco form »#r, Tha plow. dlK1 ond Iwo.wheelod wogon oil ) , oMoch to iho tcoclor. Eoch ilcm

----------- f*ol-thlng ttftd-orw-tontlructod-of durable plotilc ond ruit-

■ foiijlant dlo-coit molol. lh«_ coHon conto mqdo into o' form,

_______ onoddodploy looiure.

Parkei7- Ui®FnrB A tlT T ' " Z Z

fe -BliyOCKEIi K$266

' fin ett M T oifS

«-:k , w itht ' .o p o ra - - - . ic. 19 V4"


,N o .

r y f l l t l E M f D o lo c h a b lo c ab M oin ' l o c id o r ' ol odgos,-N on-tO K lc W )^ 7 -3 /8 ‘'H ;

i F r l . & M o n . N i g h t s ‘*l! 9 : 0 0 1 1 ;0 0 p . m . f o 4 ; 0 0 p .r r i . *til C

« i n i a I l 5 ^ 7 3 3 - 9 2 3 3 _ I

"y, JButzconditions In the Soviet U n io n - ' ' -during negotlBtiona.-pricesond:--------------te rm s of the the prospecllveC.'; - . sa les ,theO k lah om an sald .--

J in r - lk a rd . O klahoma C i t y - a t t o r n e y r e p r e s e n t i n g ; . Cleveland, would not co m m en tf; . on repo rts he had-suhpoenoed Kissinger and Butz.

T he suit seeks $150,000 iii,^' • d a m a g e s ’ and w as filed'by---^ . Cleveland on behalf of m o r a J than 50,000 O klahoma wheat^’., fa rm ers, It contends Clarence^’ -Pa lm by . now .a vice p rcslden l!r .______of Continental G rain Co. a n d " - fo rm er assistan t a g ric u ltu re ^ . se c re ta ry , conspired with f lv e~ g ra in expo rting f irm s lo ^ re s tra in trad e In 'c o n n ec ilo rfT with th e Soviet transaction.■. D efendan ts a re P a lm b y j ^ Contlnenfal. Louis b r ^ f u s ; ; : ^ Corp,,' G am ac G rain Co. a n ij^ ;Bunge Corp., all of New Y o rk i^Cook Industries of M e m p h is^T enn., and Cargill Inc. oT^ M inneapolis. Mlnnr' ' j y -

PflPTflBn H u t u n g— ^ ^ ^ 6 0 0 -

-$1^53 II T - (Slmll.o, lo II!- ’ < u ltra tlon «xv %[J!_____________diK ro d r . w h o o l i - - 3 ^

ond cob). S rOW . fl __

erV ______Toys I

IlERIAl I # L A D D E R r z - |z z :lo . 1211 gab a n d s i^ o lo d d o rs .. jR'o l o v o to s . H om m od fj

5k1c. - 3 0 ' / , - L x -5-5/8"

) o • J ^ ■Il C h r U tn ia s ' J }'

^ ^ E R E 6 l > A R k l N G i H _ 7 „

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

Lawrencc• TWIN F A L L S - t

, in California for 500.......................... F a lls m usic sto re as

A Sound L im ited i tx3lli said Uic fam oi Sunday.

_________________ -Tlmcs-News od'vcCo. In Chlcago 'and

- LuU denied knov/in ■' ' store.

, " N o w a y /’ L u lr s j Ben Haw kins, rc

Gaifdel from Chlca{______ by Tliom as O rgan C^ Law rcnce W elk £

■ m ako Elore a p p ca n . / r lc n d s In California

• When contac ted ' ow ner Ron V ictor s

.• " Twin Falls , but only— . J tie fea tu re head

... . Concert F ea tu rin g a ---------------— r " _ 'A n odycrtlsem ent

______________________ Ih tn e iK L slo ry - ircom ing fo T w in F a

___________ _ .... denied so y ln g h e h a i

"rPalisad _ori pajfi

BURLEY — P a lisades D am is h:____prlo rily JisL foL cxpanded incrfiy -p ix

theN orlliw esl.Rod Vlssia, P acific N orthw est

------d lrc c to r-fa r- lh e .B u rca u -o f-R ed am ;— ^ h e r c ^ u re d a y n h n i -p f l l i iM f d i^ a in

high prio rity by th e b u rea u 's "w c su......c x p a n s lo n s tu d y .^ '-~ ------------ ---------

- - V lss ia spokcatnm ee tlng -lnB urley .

___ .Snake Jli.vcrPln ln ir r lea lo rs -------------. . T he olher two pro jec ts Involve the

— pow er 'p lQ n l-fcaslb iilty -s tudy^ and 'l — F a n Irriga tion feasibility study ,,■ ■ ~ T h e Minidoka pow eM iudy\V asauth

funded to begin ih is fiscal y e a r. VissI____ex p ec lea lo G ko th ree y ea re tocbm 'plf

. I t involves reh a b ilita tio n a n d rcp iaccm cn t of pow er BGneration_t

- - developm ent of new rec rea tional fac a n d w ild life en h an c em e n t a n d

. ._ jlevolopiB enlo!a.vU itorftlC (m tor«i.lhV issla sa id a 'l le rd 'e k S m in a n o 'n '

___m ade. A p lanning conference w ith— l i c la l s - f r o m - W a s h in g to n - a n d —I

'* scheduled in January .' - .................. ....T h e ba id ey F an involves 80,000 ac:

Im m ediately south of Buriey.~ V iss la saFd Ihe” la n d n e cdeS P

Solons set meeti. ..TWIN F A U 5 . - ’I b t .m s u a l . ' . ' i Leglslatars Day” by Uw '

— of CDmnterce wfl] be b d altooooD a t tbe cbam btf oHIces.

Residents viihl&s 30-mioutfi p rivs witb'COO'OT'iuofB legtslstor iu8y~c

— duunb»office,-73M 974;------------------A Ttme»-Newa story T h u rsd ay

p rog ram w ould b e b d d M ooday. T d a te o f Ibe even t Is Tuesday.


Legislator, panel plit

— B y C H R lS P E C lf--------Tlmes-News w rite r

BOISE - Idaho legisla to rs w ere today to postpone any decision lo sp ill pow erful Jo in t F inance-A pproprlallo m lttee until th e « th Idaho L eg isla tu re

— convenesJan .-10; - - - - - — -.-.--r-—The drive to disband the c om m ittee

, . _'Thured_^Qy in the first day of leg organlzoUonol meeting.

Som e leaders In th e House of R e p res rcc n w rc o m h iliiee , w iucn 'se ls th e bii a il s ta te departm ents, Is too dom lnati Senate and doesn’t give fa ir a -p rese r

___Ihe Houscof Representatives.__.6 ince the- finance-appropTInllo n s ci

d w s l t s business early In the leg isiallvi supporters o f the d rive lo sp lit Ihe c( Into separa te House and S enate bud

Coun.......... .............................By B O N N E B A IRD

T lm eS 'N ew sw r_____TWIN.FiVLLS — County conjm lsa

bulonce officials In Twin F a lls ngrecc — T^-ortroufany diiiTigrccmeniVbver e n

.th e a re a wilh bc llcr Com munications. A spoclal-m ecllng w as held T hursi

■ m issloners' ofllce to discuss VrtaL Me — chJiJrman-Boid.-vfes-^'somc-n!ports-w(

th e re w ere com plaints aboul th e h o sp ll H e said th e cqm m iisloners hod h

com plaints cam e from the T w in P a l is j com plaintf upparenlly stem m ed ir o m

" — S tre e t nlM U ttwow ecksago.-------------— .-U « n a rd -a a ld - th e -e o m .m la jlo n en > - . . .. hosp ital em ergency room pcrsooDcl dl

B urvivorw ilhprom pt a ttention.\ Hospital A dm inistrator Ja m e s Rose

police who supposedly m ade Ihe com

e Welk not c<- Law rence Welk repo rted ly will b e ho i iOO friends Sunday - not giving dei a s s ta le d In an incorrect advertisem enl ■d advertisem ent in T liu rsday 's Times-: lo u s musician would be p lay ing th e oi

V ctllslng salesm an R obert M arshall co Id W elk’s personal m a n ag e r, S a m Lul /ing anything about p lans fo r th^ perfc

fsa ld In a telephone interview . . regional sales m a n ag e r for T liom a!

:ago would be appea ring a t ihe s to re S i.Co! lo play concerts on a dem bnstralio ic endorses the T hom as O rgan , H awk arances. Welk Is p lanning a C h rls tm a lia ,'L u tz said.d T hursday and today by the T im es r sa[d h e had never sa id L aw rencc Wc ily th a t the eh lerta lner m ig h t com e, ladllne of the advertisem en t h a d sak g aT hom os O rgan A t Sound L im ited ." ’n ^ h e d u J e d fo_r today ’s e d itions w as c

Fa lls w as obtained by a re p o r te r fror fiadever told th e re p o r tc r tlia tW e lk wji;

le^Danierliikehigh on the irr igation w a le r an

ffrod«c(ionJn_,___boen o verd raftcd .T lia -c ri tlc a l.-w a te r ar

is t regional developm ent o f ne w ' ma tio n .-sa ld— — Vlss ia - s a ld - th o -» ifb c c n given will consider the p s te m energy . add itiona l, g ro u n d ’-------------------- bringlngBuppiem enl?y. review ing S nakeR lve r.

_______ . S a lm on F a ils , wJIho Minidoka, au lhorlzed. V lssia s 1 -iho-Oflkley— 'b c ln g -m a d e-fo rco n :

p ro jec t. - -J t h o r l i e d a n d -------M a n s io n of powis s la sa id it is w ould b e a long-rang p le fe ; ” ■ ^ T n e 'w e s te m cncrg n d possible a ll ex isting a n d poi_c_qulpmcnL____N o m iw c s t.T iie bu rta e ilitlc s , flsli p rio ritie s fo r possi i d possib ly - d a m so rco n s tru c llo i. th o d a m .-------------- Pa)isa<Ic»-ronked-i h 'T ia r b c c n p ro jec ts . V issla sa! h bu reau of- s tudy will be m a d e . . - D e n v e r Is ■ b e au lh o r lz e d lf th e p- V issla .-sald i th e n a c re s of land proaches for a dded p

— jC bcy -jice—onlarg r T d d i l lo n a l re se rv o ir .to provid

ex isting pow er plon , d am and the pow er p

t i n i f S ' construction of------- 5 ------ .^ - s l o caggdow nstfcam‘.‘M e e t . Y o u r^ V lss ia ^ d m llte d ea

le - T w l D - F a l l s '^ overcom^^J d d T u o d a y ~ d a m WTjuld .flood add!

C onstniclion o f 'a v a le sessions in ie rfc re w llh ouldoo

..... ................. VlMin sa id iH eclo ic ry s ta le d the lo Pa lisades, th e le s

T b e c o n e c t . b e w llh cu rren la c t iv : ■ V lssia sa id th e re v re-regU latlng da m an

f's may pos ttmgdecis------- -------- --------m llleea w an ted tlicr it

d ividing the finance-a Deputy A tty. Genei

•e expected id l e r to Ll, G ov. J« lit o p a rt tho 'a dv ising ag a in s t a n y lions Com- during th e organlzatlc

.. ■_ ..H ciser_said_any^i w hich M l . up th e Joi

ee surfaced com m ittee could be s og lsla tu re ’s 1 tg (s ja t„ r i

until Ja n . 10. •esenla.llves Helset- suggested

rosolullon M a y lmj|< a te d by Ihe com m ittee but nol poi ien tallon to a fte r Jon . 10,___ _ .. . Republican a n d C_ci)jT\i«ttt{ft;“ — ipu tn lng w ere • call ■Ive session, recom m endation , ■ com m ltlee- C om m ittee a ss ig n n

iidRol com- . Ihe final day of th e o n

ity, cityI D J O N E S ^ : - * " ' - t c n d ' ■rriter : . lc<Issloners; hospltni-and a n r -------jife c?cd loday they can probably hnsp i e m ergency medical c a re In hospi s . Dr,r sd a y morning In Ihe com- th e h M eri Leonard,, commission am bjw chav (rlicB rd ’^tndicnt!ng---------j lln I™ cr(jin c j;n )o m .I h e a rd Indirectly th a t the . m atti ia p o llc ed c p a r tm e n la n d th e Coi im n fala l accident on Locust soinc

■forgeB -w re - to id -p o lle e -fe lW h « > = :a ifT c i d id not provide the accident , am bi

- , Polisenbaum said since the city D ele, tm plaln l didn't seo fit to a t-, polici

cominglo ld inga Q ir ls lm a s p a rty dem onstrations a t a Tw in ' en t----------es-News and a new s s to ry : o rg an a t So,und-LImlted

co n tac led H jo m asO rg an - " — :.ul2 , tn Hollywood. Colif, ' , T fo rm er to a p p e a r a t th e

nas O rg a n s . 's a ld T io g e r ---------------• Sunday. G audet is h ired lio n b a s ls , ' ' '. w kins sa id , but does not n a s p a rty Sunday for 500

les-News. Sound Lim ited W elk would be'com ing to

;ald, “ L aw rence Welk in

IS cancelled by tlie T im es- • _ '

ro m V ictor. V ic to r.to d ay ,M s.com ing ._ _____ _

i M f f l r

and g roundw ater th e re h as T he s ta le h a s jle c la re d tho fan a re a and placed a ban on

:w w a te r wells.L.th’iyo:ycai:ifcm lt]U ity- s t udy : possib ilities fo r developing ndw ater su p p lies a n d for . !n la l irrigation w a ter.franU he • -

w h ic h - a l r e a d y h a s be en • a sa id p rep a ra tio n s a re -n o w o n s tru c tlo n -o n -th a t'lrr lg a tio n I

o w c rp ro d u d lo n 'a t-P a lls a d e s - ; ngC'plan. ' !crgy-expanslon-study cd v ero d --------poten tia l .pow er sites in the . u reau ’s D enver office th e n sc l * ss ib le en la rg in g of e x is tin g ! Ion of new ones, —e d-h ig li uiiiuiig the 'p ro p o se d » ild a p re lim ina ry a p p ra isa l | e . A feasib ility study will then _ _ e p ro je c t 's tl li looks good. 'e r e - o r e - Ih re e -p o s s ib le -n p -----------d p o w e r a t th e s i le , '

jrgem en t—o M h e - d a m —a n d — — /Ide additional head fo r the an t. en largem en t of bo th the r p lan t o r e n largem en t of bolh of a re-regula ting d a m w ith |im -tro m lh o o x istin c d an ir__________ =e a c h h as its own p ro b lem s'to ’sing Ihe h e lp r o T lh e M ls l in g ____dditionat land u p s lr c a m r ......................a re-regula ting dam would

loor ac tiv itie s sueh a s f ish ing .............•change-th e -w lld life.hnbltat:--::zzr-^ w r th e new dairi could b e b u ilt le ss In terference th e re would tivllles. . • e w ould b e a problem w ith a | and pow er p lan t in d ry y e a r s :------- '-r

Upone ! nonT ie g ts ia tu n n o -v o u n o d a y o n -------- 1e-opp rop rla tlonscom m itlee . | n e ra l P e le rH c is e r J r . se n t a ® •Jo h n -E v an s l a t e .T hursday . iy vo te to spKl th e com m ittee itlonal m eeting, f.

a ttem p t to am enf lh e J a V , , _____■Jolhfflnance^approprlatlons e sub jec t to a legal c h a llc n g i ; Lire w on 't a c tua lly convene

?d the leg is la tu re p a s s a ______idicating a desire lo sp lit the p a ss any new legisla tion until

D o u M ra llc cniicilses fhls_______a iled lo d iscuss H eiscr’a

nm e n lsa lso 'w c re doled ou t in o rganizational m e e lln g .' " ------

ajdes e;id 'ih e mecrfngi h e ~ w o n d e re d '^ 7 th ^L ronard sa id nm bufancepersonn<^..v e o f the young m an in ju red In th e s p l t a l , . ^ c o m p la T n « r ‘ubout-iack-o sp llo l em ergency room. ,Dr. B ruce Buck, w h o h co d s th e c m eri B hospital, sa id there w ere m ore se ri ib u lance a n d hospli.ii p p r ^ n ^ i Uwr» ports, hu t hc.declined to e lab o ra tc l Id h e woul'd w rite the county .com m l a t te r , ..........County C om m issioner W illiam Chan Ticthing seriously ' w nm g a n d he'hopi rget pe rw iia fd lffe ronces a n d get to j F^e'^«lW3-fo^-th^^bcit'’- lr ilc rc stF 'o f^^ ib u la n ce a n d hospital ca re .Police C hief F rank B a m e lt w as o ilectlve C apt. T im Q ualls sa id he k r lice departm en t has ag a in s t cllhcn.lh

SireiByB O B Z U C K ER U A N

T lm e s-N e w sw rild 'TWIN FALLS - A Tw in F a lls r

txfd e scaped In jury e a r ly T hursd w hen oncom ing f ire lru ck s iren s war

___ J l c a i n h is apartm en t________ - ./ B rian Croncr. a College of Sou

/ studen t, w as lylng^ In bed In his ap;house a t 231 F ou rth A ve E ., aboi

■ w hen h is a larm clock w ent off.J ‘I-sw itched I t .o fi." he_said, " a n k ind of loying th e re ad ju stin g lo th w as aw ake. T hen I sm elled sm oke,

" J u s t about th e s a m e tim e. Ih ea n com lngclo scr."

C roncr sa id h e ‘'go t up, pu t on a { and w ent Into Ihe k itchen . I i som ething but It w d ^ ’t until I ba throom door Ihp t th e sm oke r m e ,"' T he sm oke w as billowing ou t of a 1

In th eb a th ro o m . .“ A U lrs l I thought it w as Just in 11

■ • T T T S o m e th ln g -rco u ld com ain .” ' l ' sm oke s ta r ted com ing ou l of two <

m enO icallnR v c rit^* 'Q -o n er sniri


, W orkers b( — bridge rein

ye emeih e o ihe rs w ere there . ~ wrvic<j..v.'ho reported ly sa v ed th e ....... - " If vtic acc iden t enroute to th e see If ( k -of-lm m cdiaio’c a rc 'f lf lh e '” — th e s o i

- “ I ke rgcncy room 'procedure a t hospiti jc^rious com plaints be tw een- to thea n ind ieatedby-som eof the------ rso lu tioc l n fron t of th e p ress . H e .. Qual im lsslonors a le tte r on tho th e tin

, - ........................ .......... .........- -ac o m jlan cey sa id there m u s l _ ^ " I In loped those Involved wBUld of no si to g e th e r to work ou t these « Hc&n h r tn g iv ld u a l u liu. n w l s -------r th c d e t

, Hos{3 ou t of lown today, bu l hC' fell knew of no com plaint the Thurs<

i tb o hosp ital o r am bu lance ; ahd th i

5ns warnHAN - lik e sb u p h it o - C ro n e rs fIlls m an iying in « . . . h i t t i n g ' lursday m o rn in g . e scape Ihes w o rn e d h lm o fa ' door, I sa

.-- ------- --------- -------th e re ," -Southern Id a h o ' T h ree f ir

s ap artm en t In a the, two-hoiabout 7:30 a ,m . .w h en a co

-------m alfunctioi"an d 1 w as J u s l________ m a nagedU

10 the foci lha t I ex tensive s 'ke, • - -and-tw ooth heard a fire s ire n House o^

sa id he couin a p a ir of pa n ts b u ts a ld th e

I could sm ell ’‘T he cro11 I opened th e -m oving In i ke rea lly nailed bet I 'm ^ a i

- C r o n e r s ;of a healing yen l hom e until

. . . - .seemed p< I in the bath room ".Ajjartmerti." bu l then th e ' ' g e ltln g b y rtwo o the r aport-___________ A fire. C rnirt "II wn«i ju s t T jpto."

I ' ^

. k ‘

^ ........ -


m O N ffO R

pboto above b e g i n rem oved by

‘m o v a f -. I I I V Y 2 1 1 a n d lb e n tb e trem o v o lto b e

srgencyrrvice.” ' - ■ " ' ' “ ■" If wo h av e a com plaint, wc .wii! go to.t « If ou r com plain t Is leg itim ate and if c sonn :c;"Q uaIl5 sM d:— T T H " I know of no police o fficers who c ispital serv ices ond if th e re a rc . 1 w ouk th e dep artm e n t h ead s here and lel tl

ilution.-^hcsa!d:------------------ - •Q ualls sa id ho w as notified of th e m ec e lim e told L eonard h e didhol th ink theco m plalritr................................... ................" I Inform edChlcf B a m e lt of th e m eeti no such com plain ts,” Quails said .He sa id h e could sec no reason for a tle i icdepartm tfntAvasnot-oworeof-nny-pro Hospital A dm in is tra to r Ja m e s Ro.scnk :■ felt som e a re a s of d iffcrcnce w ore hursday m eeting . He sa ld the Issues a r ^d they will no doubt b e resolved.

n TF miih lt tin g y o u s tra lg h tin lh e fa c e ," 'r sa id th e next thing he did w as “ gel o Ig th e ground" oulslde his opartm en t h e sm oke. "Righl when I got out ll sa w th e w ho le ,fire departm en t o

f ire tru ck s and 11 fire figh lc rs ballli h o u r-b taz e which began about 8 a .r co al sloker furnace In th e b asem e tioned. fire officials said. F i re fighte 3 lo contain the fire in [he basem ent, b e sm oke dam age w as done to Croner o th e r upsta irs opartm enls.

ow ner Floyd Smallwood. K lm berl :ou ldn 't put a p rice on the fire dam aj th e furnace w as destroyed, crozy Ihing wos 1 w as supposed lo 1 In dow nsta irs." C roncr sa id . ' ‘You ci jla d ia id n 'ln o w ."r sa id will prftbably slay a l a friend t i l he can find ano ther p lace lo live, b

p e ^ lm ls tic about -fIndinK a olac nen is a re h a rd to 'find , a n d I 'm b a nly r l ^ t n o w ." -------------- — ~ ~—C roncr sa id . l.<t“ a h e llu v n 'lh in g lo w a l

H i i i p

if f lp3R K E R S b egan rem ova l' o f th e old ifeflfKHftah-Dridge-^nKgBda y .- to - tfat v e a se c tk m of tb e b H d ^ deck U )y cab lew ay lo tbe no rth r im of tbe I te e n tir e b ridge w ill b e reoKived■ luWlftn 'IrfftWtnj wftlTilhw TVVBffwBy w s t x u c t t ^ b e d . O fficials ex p ec t tbe t b e com pleted by F e b ru a iy .

medicat.9-tbcpOTp_lelnvd_v^a_nd _ em er if 11 can be w orked 'oul ot '" o p e r i

---------------------------------------;----------- ire’3 a re com plain ing about covei lUld hope they would'corac ' Pres( I them try lo work ou l o covei

ic c lln g tjy Leonard a n d at Ihe 'po licc departm en t had

■cling and he sa id he knewp c rs t

[lending Ihe m cclingw hcn ;■

3nbaun) siild this m orning E d D rc-^|fcdcscribcd'—ln ;th e am bi : a rc -pc rsonality problem s' in tu i

__FfiCay, Doeombor3.j970 _ _T)mo»-

ian of fi]!l outm llo / i m j S l mt the

V .

lUled ’

m ent — ' h le rs I. bu t - n e r 's

« r ly . ‘ . >

lo be . ■ a can

''" 'I ’s '•’ilace. .................... .larely -


- <CoctlcIT ttie w a te r oullo

' ' c a n b e e v a c u a le d s u' ____ I " '- '-■ to a^ re th a tth e " i3 a i

He sa id th e first cc g g | f l H . . b e to a ssu re Irrlgatl

th e least Inlerterenci

th e various subconl on th e site now. H e s w orkm en em ployed pow er house for Idat

f i f l t Leo Busch, chief 0t J W J ■ o p c ra iro n s 'fo rlh e '!

norm al flow al ^ ¥ 3 ^ c u ^ ic ’ fe e f 'p e r

___opened. - -' , H e sa ld th c w iiitc i

d c tc rm in c th e a m o i — o n Ju ly -I -ahd b e e

m ining w hether o r schedule.

-----------T h e - ir c x l s t ln g -would be opened. B i

- cou ld be dropped U W M I B d ay s, su rcharg ing

M inidoka"3am {Tp w a te r du ring Ihe c

- V H u A plellon./ V ^ J u k su rcharge ,

F a lls level ond a 40-------- w een tho tw o d a m s 1,

m a in ta in Irrigation- - ------i r e a , - . - - ------------

Busch added tha t ■ ' -J In the b u reau on

__ w ate rs lo he lp rcgulf-------- irr igation in c ase o f 1

' v ; He sa id the ,on ly { v ,;:t i'-n.-.H -n o rm a l ye a r , m ight < j i t j ^ - j | ' a dded th a t th e norm

w a te r seasons h a v e r

J M S t g J Busch com pared t _ a f te r th e b rcach to c

■ 9 p > ^ ' b u rea u w as releaslr Sep t. 1 and only l,Oi

■ H S b Septem ber.B n H esa ld lh e L ak e W

: ■ __ m ain ta ined to prov|dO H ' ra lc r" fo rM in i-C d ss

D ^_._ 1 . -------

j(|i •) F ire dest■ KIM BERLV

- T ^ ' a U.B00 Iran*roorolngpdesb

^ S V . fo u g b ttb e b la; a .m . f n a t r a l l I ',• ,:2 3 0 iiU .s .3 0 .'

o ld a .m .,tIrao ffIc i^{,5---------------------- ' --------N o o o e a a & lI Is C u ity .w b o w atije L ew P ( ^ ,ved ^ U n g M e o d igay - - - - - - . --------- ^ C aUBB~0l~t

■ d e tS n iln e d .b i b u m ln g c ig a n

al care 1'^I feci when w e-go to a full-tim e ph ncrgcn^cyroom th is will be taken^carc lera tions," Rosenbaum 'said, irc~ said -in e u o sp u a t-c x p iic ts--to .-h i iveroge of the em erg en cy ' room .b; ■escnlly, physicians a re on call and ivers full llm co n th e w eekends,

Cloyce E dw ards; ow ner of ftrdglc’Vai: lid th is m orning h e feels the T hu rsday id .w illlead to q b e tte r undcrstind in& t H e sa id ll w as decided, following iHc r jrsonncl and em ergency room nurses onth to d iscuss any problem s they 'm ln g th e ir joint serv ices lo p a tien ts .

E d w ard s sa id In th e post nurses h ave nbu lan ce crow s hiive encountered wl tu rn , am bulance c rew s have not unc

n e rg eney room ., . ,

iq»-Now8,TwinFallMdaho- ’l s ' ' ' , • ' ' ]


;;:H i ' "

^ b r n r r ^ 3---------:-------------------------------— Tj

^-third i- 'i ; !

---------------------------------_____________ LU

tpletec tln ned fro m p . l ) • ju llo o lT su c in h a n h e rese rv o ir Isu ff lc e n t ly b y m id -S e p te m ^ r | j ■3am can then b e breached t"' i tc o n s ld e ra tio n a t.a lltlm esw il l | gallon w a te r to fa n n e ra '-w lth . • I en ce wilh irr igation flow.”■•>11 Pnn<!tnipllnn

:on lraclors have 312 em p loyes------ : if;ie said M orris-K nudsen h a s 200 i yed -ln 'co n stru c tlo n o f theTJCw— \ IdahoP ow erC o. - ”c fo f r iv e rc o n t ro la n d re se rv o l r . ' h c 'bureau.~told lrr lg a lo re tb a l“ ‘ ' | ' V a t A m e ric an -P a lh is 13,000 . !- s w i d wlth~ all 14 slu icew ay s. ■' '!

in ter's sn o w p o cIT aM ru h o frN ^ ji mount of w a te r In th e resery.blr ' ' ' ‘ l e a - k ^ consW eration-in-.drter*—• o r not lo b reach accord ing to ■

n g -g f l tc r -a h d - t t ln e -n e w la le a ------- ;*1. Busch estim a te d th e re se rv o ir ■■ !d lo 4,000 a c re feel In-about-14 — Ing Lake W alcott behlrid tb e . [^p rov ide additional Irrigation le critica l period of dlim com-

ge, along w ilh th e A m erican ! a 400 to 500 a c re feet ^ ln .b e l> | ' 71SIs^xpocledtob& fldequatfrto ■ lion needs l iH h e M lnl-Cassla

ha t discussions h av e been h d d m releasing P a lis ad e s D am gulnte Ihc flow a n d supplem ento f a d r y y e a r .-------i-----------------------ily shortage, com pared w ith .a ^ 1 come In la te S q ilem b er, bill irm Is high because m any good v c m a d e rd e a s e s o fw o te rh lg h '

ed the 4.000 a c re feel plapned to conditions In IM I, w h ra the a sing only 3,000 a c rc feet on <1,000 ocre feet at the CTd;,of :

e W a le o lt le v d " w I llh o v e to b e ) ivlde (the a llocated) am oun t of _ ; Idssiaarea 'irr iga tlon . '

stroys homeIL Y - A f ire ripped th iw igh -allCT bo ta e b m e a i iy Ifalt lesfroyingit,^ f l ^ l e n and o o e f ire b r u d r = ^ - - ^ blaze w h k b b egan abou t 1

traO er bouae Uvbig roo tn a t 30. I b e O re w u ou t b y d :iS I flc la lisa ld .

> w as leasing tb e t r a O v fhHD f f , K im berly, w as a w a y ..

if-tbg-fllre-tua'oot^beefl— :— 1, but fli^ llc la la suspect ai ja re lte .

> s

fuss' physic ian coverage pf'.our — ;a re of In (he course of da |ly

j-h a v c -fu ll- tlm e p h y s ic la n -----------•-I b y F c b 'ru a ^ or March, a n d 'a residency physician

Valley A m bulance bervTce;Jay m cellngw as worthwhileng b y all pn iliesjnyo lved ,.* ..^ ..___ __he m eeting, tha t ombulance^ .■ses will_gct together once a ic y haveicnM untered con-, •

- ............._

a v c iw l.u n d e rs lo o d .\^ a llh e 1 w llh n specific poUent and ,!. understood problem s of the :;

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

. ~ -16". T Jm e ^ o w a . Twin Fairs,'wah

Slock~ ~ ~ ~ N E W Y O R K JU P I) -P ric e s

opeoiKi. h ig h e r F r ld o y in (rad lng on Ihc New

YpjcltSlOck E xchange.T he Dow Jones Industrial

a v e rag e w as ahead 0.2S Jo 9«fB5C“ sh o rU y a f t e r th e

. oiJm ftlV D eclines ied ad- vanees, 140 to 03. among the '

crossing the .tape.. Invcslora w ere cncouraged P resfdcnl-eicct J im m y Carter, in a television Interview early [n iHLnnomih'gVsaid hehad 'no

■ In te n t io n o f asl(Jng fo r w o j ^ ^ c c controls, c said he WDU^ consider such action o^iiy^ir’lhe re w as a" national em ergency, which ho didn't

• fo‘5 ^ . ,CouFcll on W age and Price

S tability sa id T hursday II • - thou g h t-th o -6 tec l-ccm p an lcs -

wei;9u P i s in g prices. In an­tic ip a tio n th e C a r te r ad-

..._____ mlfltetration.w iU Jmposewage:___p rice contro ls, K w arned

_______ othe rs m ay follow. ____' R ep . W illiam S, Moorhead.

-----------^ lin lrin o h 'o rfl'C o tig ro ssio im l—InflaU on - m o n ito r in g Bub- cfflnm inee. sa l^ reccn t price in tm sW cB byV“ s t c c l a n d

_______ a lum inum _C Q m pflJiIcs_m ny___icactJ lo g o v e rn m e n t' p rice coM rtlrf, He 's gfllne-to hold — ilCItMrfp.

J a k < v s ihe m arket o p c ii^ , Ih'^Ij& bbr D epartm ent report

— ' “ tUc nation s • unem ploym ent ' r a te - ro se J o 8 .1 -p o r-M n t-ln -— J Npvcmber'‘^ t s highest level | of th e y e a r — from 7.9 p e r cent ' '

. . t h c . j n o n t h b e fo r e . . 1

.It'AJW. PRICES !-----^N E W -Y O R K -S T W JteX tM /IS C fr^l

YOM ■ {UPQ-rci<>oM<g n (. a p . g r » n r !

~ SM Ntl <, KtMUHi^Ls* IMC g. <

I — • UMtlL. M n S 4D a '« - b (■ «fJOi .W U O III* BN 1IH (

w iuii i a ' i im ysj siH. X (

i.ii a* J ‘__ U«U(J—IJ#— I-I -W t -tA*gp w tB I -41 jirt (

m r in :m n s t .. M U i n I O IJN OH «tj\» H . i

— a - -i - i s s i s ’j s s m : !:-------- « » « - : - ------ 1

A«HoM , JO 4 n II 11. ; i | . u II w e ; aik an su~ h i

- u m lU i n DU « u . h !A*SM , 1J» r u mt im 77»t. i

- . ■ W W .IB J 1 X X X I-------- M U flH jil— ___ I

Mmm: l.« I It :<H MH :iH> H I . M 41 II Ilk J IN , H I

AAMM ' 4 i7 XH n 't SH, U Ia ^ m Itfnt- H 1

. «niiix3 tj> I i n » a u a it i^ 1

i n 51H Iuruft-v /in II 7n sti> »u a n , ^ tKUL' .Corn II 41 n » IN tAcs' Otkr « 4V 11 17H X'tUN- >t k

I U IIH U>» ull'l- H t:---------BUTW7T3— r m i s ^ r a n w T H — i

5 “ * • I* Jm a o i^ .a ti ii bh w m - U

I » uu im imbosTip - J I U tl ..ov,, .

II iu m! ITU' »<»■>*— s a e ' - r i i l s s g ' 5 5 : i i ' ■

B o rM y .^ 1 » n :0 B . ■ I6ofo*r, l a 7 u 77 van a ' . - ' , • >BodEe }U I a }<u »>> :<h *

I ■ 10i« 10 10 - It P»w tsi.. .D I( 71 a k au a ^ . s ■ ta n ^ — tM 1) m o <i« <m-i *; Ki..’5“iiir!riF i

'■ 1! - ' •;

• a a^ ' A * lit !I a «5H e s « u . H„H..U t

" i M ' « a** >> b h ’ '* I

c«icrt .ijo la « '* i‘ . I» ia 13 7 J4>« >* J«H- >, ' I

c«M »uU a. f 4 S '. 5 n i l ’l I• \ Jl?!;: :: ^

OomU I.;x II IN TTt 77H i.■ J 2 5 5 I

1 1U IIH II U I , . . M

:.g r 1:■ iacif9.&i • h V i a w ir . i r . - ' . ^

. CouCrt', 7U 17 JWT* ri'. r t ': . - . uCouOB ' 15 B 7 r , UCsigu*. t» It (9 avt an u.t> ucdG u 714 I M a 7r>. u

r i r r - S r f l ' ^ i i ' r ' n Sli -w' caM-SM 1 7 a n a a u

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: C o m m o ^ CloL ' '■ ^ ‘*>;M alnoPotatocs 9.B ‘ D c ijliv e ca lU e

• • :___ ^ J i v e . CfltUe • ■ ^0 6• 'M arch fec d erca tlic

. D cc. hogs 34.9-----------------2.56;

D ec .co m 2.33',• “ • O ec.effiB— ............... 73-2

D ec. silver . 4 » ,0- p o c .g o ld 131.2

J ^ a y w g a r

- • -- ! --- - < uui|ts<ioni from S

laho. .F rlc tay .O ccam bora,1970

ks a t mLu CSI ora u n 17 }is x s x m - s "* cpcw IX I a « s « s . s- -. C/5w 110 II ?7 «4 I4S '« s ! '♦' Cunisiw DO f 71 n 't ll't ll't

CfPfL. T.40 a la a« n' t- •«I CUoA« « 4 II IN IN IN. I.’ ! , 3 S 5 r s ; - “• CU|TcC lOt 4 I Its US liu

toifii 1M n (a t i s n ti - «. DHTt i,t» r m s a>t c a s - 4

, OelUdil Ih 7 II 7TS aN .aN , sOcftiw 70 I ■ a s a s a s , sDtnmon tl 7 II a 77S aSD«£d>l t.Q 19 ■ IS 14S -U--1 UOiShm ].» . • II US U>t U S. H

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- Er»ffvEI ^ 17 l« » s yjT. a s -ftm*l -I.7» - 7 » JlU-jr J4S. StK&o 'is t X S') a s a s - s

— UlCft—i,<aj— (jM -Jis-iss- I

i s f ' i nh 'i i— fS(*!iut--iJ— »-?ii-il—UN - i i s - s — 1

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— rr^.r.irTT«— i n T m j — m -----------1lOPCS' 7!S » 4» »fupw ' IM t la a s a s a s* s ' f

— r u c------ 1— n tn r t-T T —w r t r s ----- ffaxstf .» 7 .11 SN IN 9N f

—r " u ? K n 1 » sj^ a s M S -'. p fiepiu i n t7'‘ 74 a s 77N a - s

“• C*f cp a I "

CuMHflCo 1 II IS a s a s - a s 7 s nCnA/rOJ Ig U tl MU aS i l s - U___ flCntlK IB U IX >IS »S UN RMoM I.U I la a s x s u x s . s rGwMni a I n IS 10 . s flOmlitUI n » 71 ITS 17 I7S- S B0ff*ui» , 71 . « n J4S H SjU 'J____ Boaum iUd 14CD 71S 71S n s - s n

• OPuWJ !« • I» M US llS ll>>, S , R

OTrt nag i a a s a s a s - s na s f .*3 ' l l \ 5 ^ S , »

_H _JUa>U»—JM_-N:___iGMIM. rs 7S 7S-1JI Siooedic 117 77 a s a s a s - s SI OeaSr< 1.10 19 U a u □ 71> S S- &KtW t.70. I )S 77S n 17S. S S, C.inJ Ui t J I l$S ISS IJH- S s.

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' “i W r 'lJD ” 7 t j i s “ jis 7 i s - s ' " ’~s..Hrnih . JD»_ 7 A.U.. UN .11 ----------s.

..JlinaC.. liO II u 14 -SIN M , .S s>HKtiUfl 71 . -II II UN ION-------- s.HMuK . lA .. 1171'as a s . a s , s — c.

1 li IW »N 7IS 74N, S s.muCi<i I'jl ' II S «S «S « S - S SiH«ttiP X a o t:s IIS t m - s s.HIlOftHo V J 17 »S a s JOS- S 5

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_HOHT^_IJO— I-7I-MS-4IS—OS—S-----CiHoulP l.n I &l T1S n s }IH* S Si

_ ^ 0 IIS 11s IIS ^ SIcTw i.40‘ I uJ »<• a s a s . s s! UIMP t i l to 4S a s a s a s .n FSi« IJO 10 « 7TS 7r 77 n . ' T,

.74 lilM.WN IT'i 17S,S 1.KA Cp Z10 II l» OS 4IS ^ < I) IlixtiU 1.401 u 77 a s a a s . s t.htva Oil II a IIU ITS IIS' TlInoft,) lO 11 a 7 73S .I77S T<S S a !:

- w S ^ r s — r m v ’x rIiuunj .4U I S UH.IIS IHv-S 1.

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atk COfprln X I liS ISN 1SI>- S Ti

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' S I S ' S S S . r S 5 ; 2 s

KIM. ,A.fl . 5 3 40hi40- a .:iu Vic•a:.; s: i.ss'j:: s t: siKll!tlr< 7.II I ar u s 14 44'V- S UI xnw ’ a a i7i 4IS <is < is, s us fcoje, 1« 0 a n s a s c as ui

—11— Unluis*g V3 > IM US 17S 13 . S UC

I 1} 73 II. WN' II * S ' Ucuv»i .»4<i tv IIH IIS - im . s wl o r IKU 7.4J.B—a s a - . , w,UnCrt 7S - > n O - Jis B , '» . UuJjCii IX II a4 U'l US u s , sluion Cog S S3 US ISS I3S- S V*iMtAtM 1 117 IN IS IS - S VtlOwSli MJ, - IS a Il'i 71S 7l'j " v« IIV C«s I u II IIS II , S li

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idday■ - NKuJca }40 <SS 4SS. S

IUA<ln M 11 I US IIS ITS. S HiiDiifl Id I 41 a s n v a

■ M ' . ' ' s r ,Njtttfi- i« I d j a s J4S .a . s icncp 77 17 IW a }4S ua . s Kwp.. IB 1 J a . a s a . ss s : 13 ! S S ! S ! s r "NlMv l a I U UN US I IS 'S — Mdftw 1 a I wr II I S XN- ss s . i s ,! i l s s s ; stoS S ^ 10 l” UN US l lV . S

•• -~ 0 0—OccidrM I U 141 IIH a 71S 093*rc IX 4 11 a s a s a s . sa ^ ta l a lo si a s a s n s . s

■^Olli-J ,l,*l—U .ll u s IIS~1IS» S •. C»UK0 IB - 7 I X a s »

OM KS IS I II SS a X'<- ss s r ,S ! , ! ! ! 5 I !5 IK s s g , . ' ^ , : , 3 S ? S . g : ; . . . i0«rJl 1U I m H-, H i r , .pkOu l a t X3 a s a s a s . s PicLi iu ^ a i; II*. u s o'li** ;•fatPwi IB ’ t 43 r s n s a s . ‘pSfe. '£ ■*'i!i Ts '4 -

l a ij ^ ;pp'.o/' l i ;i IH 4*> 4S...-1— ../

-PwPl ij3 III I t(,.7 1 S Ti^i.s ‘ Peiwa l« 9 U V 51S l l 'i- S ' PeopicCil ] . 7- n II 4JS « S . S ->

— ftfuCo---- 3_lt-lB -«S-llS—Pitfwm ti u E i.a a s a . s > Ritipo l a IS iT^V'i^us v s - s >PfJMo l*X ’ ls* 475'’tll. IIS S |i

—S I S —'TB -if-xl-es-«{s--e;'>rr^------p«>wr 111 u i« ~ * s .a s x s . sp.in«<n <a 7 S4 IIS IIS IIS

M ..17 Iil JJS' js > .r s -“ iPoiUcfi I la II I la «;1. in.

—PTCW— in • I w s m i — n-------------- prtrtJ -IX - |J 115 w '' PuSCcI 141 U 43 US IIS IIS 1--P5EW - 1» — t- in -n s -n — iis-^-,------ 1

Pxmfl IS t a n s a s r s - - i . ' * pkiiC 1 a ., t 14 IIS U’. u s - I Puiuii 111 9 I a s a s a s - s

UalOjf • .« 1} 5U 7J'.. S j

RjjiM i a 11 1 MS h ‘ i « ' - s * flCACorp t u JM a s IIS a 'y— ■■■*

-!Ug-SB--tB— » - -a x s 1 0 S '- I ' i -S " - ' 'f Rff*fl .so 17 :n o s o « - s *• R«ltM 3a t in u s MS Ctss. s *a s 1? " , 5 i S g ; - ' jJtolQ. .IJSj. .9 31 US U S..U S -S . '

nohi wmi *"*a *4s” s ‘ »noTiCC n t s iss u s u s . s ' noTio. itM s a 40> irs «;s» s *!

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-5 0 » lm— B -- r t S i iS ^ l ( ' II Sun ' IU1 U 741 tf>S n s EHH, s -

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illSm* '7 m MS S s rasi s J Itntcs m I IH JIS JI JIS. S ^ Ttucfl I I Hi a s «N a s . s aif ; : : ; "rii^ii I a 11 ?4 a s irs n IiHinjir, 1 ir a iiM sias i m . i s p

_ |o P cL .S d _ ir_ ^

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Valley beaG re a t n o rlh em sra v e

12.00.................................. P ln los: average lO.O

de a le rs a t 10.00,Sm all red s: average 1

Sdea lersa tn .O O .. Idaho plnka: average

............... d e a le ra ti0 .2 S :1 3 d e a lcL.R , k idney: average 1 <3uotallons represent

d eale rs . couHesy of A ssociation Inc. P rlccs Idaho bean ta x and s to r

Mutual!• , torn w m a Qf»;.' ' lc

n I . - / E 3 1 5 ; s , ' S ' j r - t

Uuliol *11 Sh i i 'lOOHL - 'oguMed fr, n i IIASD So Incm ri9HL &« • 111 v£B ISfSHL &

Jn) Ur* -I7C711U C.D . J s r i ’ ™ s

•*2 " ^ !” 'NL 'S S T d IM tiJ ■ l£■ i f* 0. " S " . y ' s F

S?=- JHl*' I*™ < o n u Cl l “ in I r ' '

*«lni m llMUJTtiyei fa ton iiu I*irc ” r.< «M »h UMUl I*

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Am l« , 5IS5M o M . m t OK jvi Era 1711 ui Ui•Am 1 BU an faa .n ttu jY la

---- M<n------4 ?W 74 -1snUf.--------------- ------AflSi . deo t u IC Br

- ' j s i f s - s s - i K i e . s S a - i ! S i ! 5 - a v — 8!

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■ ? a EJ CCOi . 11] .M Eiim f i u ,M U« * O'** • , 7 1 4 . ITiin . ItJSIIL Mil * ° ; Trend nO SII UK

—z i i S. i i 4SSHL «An Cnn Sn isi m 4 S h l uf

«!95f' tXK rd 5M a'to iw, Crtfi Fd an 70 Mon

_pn«f. a 7ei,_siaa . f . .a jj.tis-.K St Irxgn 7 0 Ii3 , lu LUu -^ iH L *WI

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siKt a.io 1(7 onou^ du BIG Clh I0 40 IIX (MIC in 7a Bcr

I*__ 1.11HL CirtH & 5M IW___ ^'OiKfi •;« •••ianL- t n l n K

O^on H 7H L__thJi... Ilf i« «;'T

■ !“ n“ ES'r 3a 3 47 WW 101 Fnd auNL ru utp i(* tr ; tQs< EWituu r n t a rdui «p ijim l GwBencw 474 l u Fd(Sl 717 IM lV5Boti Fdn t a io a riXSs k p umB>0*1I - 140 lir onoup; ’ N E

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J-S ^ 9J4HL- « a“" l lf^ c n loM llSSm llav* N{?

CO IntF • ail 931 (S2fi rSC« Pin 1WHU fcxpm 901 917 "tU

_C*fl_Sfll...11il.lllL. Itat.-Cm.-UHHU-Ka-iCJUI p. tMlOn M«l I. 707NI Hen0>»1 Fd 1U3KS7 tUn Fd lOOINl. 0i««p w g „ Hcni;e la il) On*DOTTOK T) 109 N L OPK

— Fnd-OM—<4S'7M-HcncT------U III1ir~A lrFion Co 3B JP .,h-r« Cc ai7fOI Oo JATl .pi,_,7a U O ^ |_ C lS _ IJI 7M S b

Own fd m a n M FAm' Iiru i TlmJ Ch». Cbi IKSHI hiigoA a i ia a ore ew two w*. ■ M ■ wm— w t e nows s , ! S ! g r ! 3 ! t a s ,S£hut f roo 71S bTT B s i .U i l l in Pmn

COUMAl MVEST ' PMlnxcs: couw a nax»Cemtf 107 911 ooim - 1 57 9 31 PWu Fund t!9U4J C ^ST i iU lH PtiWCmil. 4« SO iS tJI OflOOP: W

-T2 S ^ = - , 'i ? n ’r ^ - E - S S - \ V . l ' - f f i- s s r ' ™ -- A(B' ■ I® m - Uuiiai—- t a n t i - f O t t

C . in Iil SlocA 'l i u a v Bon Conx) Cp 413 l;| $«.etl tM Ua Pm Cart, Bd an 140 v„ P|, . ISI ru PUn« Camp Fd 7 U a a kn Bnft- «H 1«1- PU-I CoTKtd .IIBNL I 8 t PU Corn Inr 10 SO 11» Cntin 4J7 4R PnCt Cns.’n ^ it7H l ticoffl jf i JH Owr CcrUl « {i?Hl. TTsT UI 715 uV K ir coniiT c iir ii7« Till sn icuiifi h«CUxlq 7UHL IJIH Fn) a JS a n NaDCLAihAK V. lUHL Pro Icnoup: Th loaii.n PrwiOKlIf l i a u i l j|ftv» Fd 17UHI.

- t.C - tB Jtfmiln - - » 0 « t - -P i™Del. F 11111717 JOHN HAHCOOt ' fW aDem r 4(7 iOS. cilnc iOi IM Com

Mtv< 1U1HL Bnd Fd l9MHa £»V1|OiKi Cp 4u 40 crwii aoe IMCWoCi . ISUHL KEYSICNE: CraUOl Own 9aiHL CutI Bl UWUO . K ot

Valley graiSoft w hite wheal. 2.1C

m l)iedgra ln3 ;3 ,7 ir " \V heat p rices a re glv

W arehouse Associatior O the r g ra in prices a rt local de ale r quotations I

O v e r The (lounter mQ uolstfoni from n ASD irt-ep- H pueilaialaly nooa. All bidt ar».)n- UrdvoUr bIdt. IntardtoU r quo- Nl

■tctiani da.naUftdudtitlBlLomik:___

Tfi« quolatloni e r* ‘,pro«id*d by ilnclolr and Co. l?(c

B a n k o tA m e r. 26.12>'.- 26,C2'j .F i rs lS e c .C . 35,50 36,50 'Ida . I’s tN a t ’l. 38,75 40,75 • “ P !I d a r l 'w r P f d . 43.00 '45,00ltm n ,G a s . 15,50 16.00Kellwbod 13,50Long, F ib re 1,C5 1.80 “ Pp.N ,K lng 19.12'‘.- 19.62I'. 'P a c ,S t .U f e . . . l .2 S . ..1 .50 S ie r ra U fe . . .7 5 .. IJ15 ..Su re ty Life - 4.37> - 4,87'^,Q uanlex .03 .05

Produce PricesTr

CHICAGO ( U P > i ' - Bulk Ame e e l lin g -p r ie c a -Q s -rc p o r tc d -b y -^ lS ia - USDAi silk -- .n u l tc r :- p r lc c s .p a ld d ( i l lv c rrto 'C hicaK o unchanged: '93“T ^ ^ sc o re 90,82; 92 sco rc 90.62; 90sco re unestab llshcd . ‘ (

Efo{s: p r lc c sp a ld to d c liv e ry ' g . ^ .uni:fiang (^ , _ t r m. J^ rlc ra 'fo re ta ile rs (G radeA , som{ln>^cartons d e livered ): e x tra cy 1l a r g e -78-85: ia rg e -7 7 -8 2 ; slm ilmn/4l<irYt<.>?1.-<l U ....

- ............... .;. I

^ a n s

r a v c ra g e 12.00; 15 de a le rs a t - ' ^

l0 .0 3 ;T d e a lc r a t 10.50; 14................

■age 11.80; 12d e a le rs 'a t \2 M \ (u ------- ^

ragclO .05; id e a lc r a t io .5 0 ; 1 ; . . . jo lea lersatiio .oo . j • ‘ . d(a g c l4 .0 0 ;ld c a ]e ra tl4 ,0 0 , e sent o fferings’ of repo rting s i

of W estern B ean D ealers hi riccs a re n e t, U.S. N o. 1, le ss lii I s to rag e charges.. ■' w:

. se

[.Funds.- -LCuiJ- aj:.l9ilIIJ7.-tnMJ - . .£M.U4 • 111

- -Gm 84- l a to r viia • f ioaii57CutI K1 7M IJO Vo,*4 II00U1I th

.cusi m ' sn SU Rknt« inN L' Cuil SI u t ia B R«un r ICOKL rc

Cull SJ 9XUa n»Y*rt F i l l su „CutI S3 rn la siJk Eq au t aCusI S4 IM 3n-^ 'R S 0 101 171A«ono 1C 4.U scutccn FOS:PoUri lU JO nn- fnj .tlSHl. ’m

■ bL " ” h “ !1l nc"Ce- lew Si* Con txHL sa

Cn«n: " la 'tw S w ^ i« ^ x u t" ' CC. worn___ lOUIiea-.eECLBflY. r a :

— -ftwot—7 T ja iiB -E w i/— ' 17-ra-M ''L _u^w .-:--.a«.^A 4_4««i------ x-ri8—

Ulcom KAIL una .f- SIOII^ ^ m UI S«.M«I il l »

SATUB: EU Fn] a I’siOAP 0. WUHL . Com sa I «I1H

_ ^ ^ ^ I 3 0 « U J ^ «g’„ j _ L l

frS 'flel. t l ” i i» rw '‘V ~ TT'saVcom 1 57 3 B H«t> l<I t a CS

LUTHERAN eno: . I, I D r a__ flna._fd._iafl m t-p x a -fd__ u i .a u ___

Ota tnc tn io u STEAflSCH FE6; bS »9 w 7001IIO Aeere .. r i« r /«

CO; _ Incoa U40Ui; hi{Inw f ■ 7.a lorsn_O firt. II02HL '

Si ■ " X S' ?;-i!5i!S— wo - . 14S1UU 7r« sn 140 t a— «AH)--------Irtsno—vtmui------ T377J.T1-------

uco uni3Si Smin b tw ia UTB lillUOi so UGi UKNL

. -Ujirm____ iia iii_ sa _ c « rf ._ m u L * ___.•fl. Cur i3ai<u s« i t i t ISUI fUi ICONL Salnr G ti3 4t>IW Affl JM 1S3 S<M h. U0IU14u»n, rd 9UI0M sKtte* b o ‘ w a r

,iftu._euA)u n a - s i r . ot ih h l u

77MH?r A lL /^ im H L- r i j i - w j —loaHL— Kr.an--------i-x iil— Wl

NAT KC F[& Ocw IKHL >v. BiUnc I f l u a 5T04 « « fl»Bond S( 40 4tt Djlr« I7UHL Omjn <01.40 ClOin . lUHl

— prti i n— r . i r 7 j7 ^ £ t ------- ij.yw t--------i-K«n -13 117 sa KOKD Cr*in 164 lU Uon Ut lOOHL

WV* E?« I/; Uun Bd UJ/lOO

s f j i i l i s s i r i jj^ e wwcn g a - k- s s i s s

Enng UllNl 7rrp b lOOHLOujd •. - : r a H i rm cm 7io l u

-PlrtiY.----- t«K L -Iiin in. .14IUJ3 —NU. U . LaNL.T(»l t4 10.I31IJU-

T i r ^ s s s t i?:,!.?' is s tIICMlI 1171NL Uoilinl tOI tU

.tau t* -------WIWOI- u w jN -« n « s -----------Netl Mt HVNl onouft'OiK?f 94S157 B(dS h U.OI3B otx ViW II.44HI. - fos-tT. -tit-r .u CmNKH r a Un XM Ui311Jl 9

—AMr—PO— runoj-timeiT—tl—nTinTJ— Ob. .FnJ a a IB IWTIO fUMB;

OTC Stc ' ' « » P ” I m ? ? •PvJ n«. il4 IX ScMnc sn S74P«VI UI 3aKL VKVI il4 IQPmn S4 IJ4NL Uld S<F liSNLPMl rd 7JI 7.n USAA Cl 7i3NL _Phoni 'C t ll l tO US4A h .llU N LPf«»j r »40UV us GrtS UOUI7 sp u n u OP: VAUX LK flftW r<m 1 97UO Vil Ifl* I iu 177

- f f i — , S - i K S - S - ! . M l — -.a-ii"-i.^.i?>is=“ -

•fO ttO -fO ;-------- -MHEEm;'- “ ■ IBon Fd 13BI4B kvofl ' I1BIS15 ‘ Pnw I 13ni4iS Itwejl 713 7» • S

p |5 n « ) - J » S n « - S .d ^ - ‘a ' S -

Own lOBNt VANOUAflO OfP : JKora U.11NL EipM 17.ailt4Hm (ri I1.IIML 'Itl Indi U.irilBNl H« 7.UHL..h«tl 7,75 147

Pio Fd- &MNL kkygn . ll.aiIJI iPiort Cl 770 10 Ttml 9.*4Ua .

J17U7I Worn, u .isu a I

i,-i.i.,-£ .’.siisl9JI, 10i4 1 .11 Vltwd I 350 1(0 • 'G«CO 1)7(1 07 WalCI p I.7I i n JGmtt. lOJSl .71 di«l«L • . ___ ___ ,Incom • a o 177 ------- *

l i n ±.2.10; b a r i ( 7 .3.70; c a ts , 3.70; _

e given b y th e B ean G row ers — a tion. Inc ., da ily a t 11 a .m . s a re iin a v e rag e of several Ions o b ta ined wwiklir.

World gold onl

N E W 'Y O U K (U P I l - PajP o r d g n - o n d Dcom stic- g Dld------ ^p rices T h u rsd a y : L oodoa, ^ ®

W om lng fixing 131.15 uisO.GS., , yq

-----L------------------------------ — L JA ltem oon fixing IX.as. up , ow

0 J5 ,P a r l6 ( f i rc m a r k e t) 132,59 by up 0 ,87 ;F rankfurt 131,41 u p Da:0.99.Zurlch 131,125 up O.SOJ^ew ___Y ork

H andy and H arm an . 131,20 ” up0,7D. • L I. E n g e lh a rd ,-b a se p rice for •’ Z u r e f in in g - s e t t l in g a n d r u n - fab ric a te d gold 131.35 up 0.35 Ja ; p e r tro y ounce, Selling price . • •• ^ fab ric a le d gold 134.63 up ‘o,35*-' p e r tro y ounce.

A n t l i r e e c h c i . - • . \ T ro u sers becam e popular in '

A m erica a f te r lh« W ar of jgci 1 8 l3 a 5 0 -rc ae tl0 n -ag a in stH h e — i i ,-qsiU t~ br eeche8-am i-huse sy n ~ ----------drom e th a t sm a ck e d too m u c h _______o^thi^g3-Br^tish^-The D n k e o f -------- coW elling ton a c tu a lly he lp ed o t p o p u l a r i z e t r o u s e r s I n su E ngland by w earing then j-tO r-. — - s t a t e f u n c t i o n s . E a r l y - j t c a u a 4’ r > ._ wu}r.c - » im p ly - f - .'du - som eth ing to p ro tec t the fan- m t cv b r e e c h e s w hen r i d i n g . ^ pet sim ila r to chaps w orn by cdW- h ir

-Mante-pot cattle dip,

(C o in teyS lD c la lriC oT ) ^ CHICAGO - M aine po ta to F<

■futures took a lim it p lunge 0 'T h u r s d a y w h ib 'ca lU e tu rned ~ c j

low er and the pork com plex. developed s tre n g th ...................

Commodity Ne% 's Serv ice P said Maine spuds hit co n trac t • highs before plum m eting to

• lim it declines a t the close in w hat a trad e r callcd “ a key m ark e t revcrsu i.y Volum e soarcdlo4.402cariots.

The clim b In the face of — heavy early profit taking w as • re spnrked by slrong-speoilatlvc d t in terest but new trade sulllng W

■ and fu rther prolit tak ing h it - -.’wl the m arket on unconfirm ed m' reports of. export order can- ' fir ceilatlons. " 7 ' :

Live cattle closcd mixed but fir•mostly lower a fte r heavy. sti nervous trading. Profit tak ing cl< sa les trim m ed a s much a s 82 dacents off early galn.s. F inal na

-fjuotes ranged from -35 c en ts .wc

----------------- — f c i v e s t t

JO L IE T . H i. lU P I ) - 33 Livestock: • 31

Culllc~siiIcslnsQ [fIcicn i"to j establish a m arket, . ca

Hogs 900: trade ' a c l lv e :~ ........barrows* and gills 25 cen ts 1 h igher: No 1-2 200-230 lbs. (U

-3C-.0036,50;-No-l-3-200-240-lbs;---------<35,50-36,00; No, 1-3 240-2CO lbs. ■ SU


ib irM fe -lJERO M E 'T he Butlons 27

and Bows Square D ance Club - w lllho lda"s(iuaredancea t8 :30 - ^

rS a tun lav - a t - t hp A m p rlg a n _ ^ Legion H all. P e rsons a r e c urged to bring sandw iches.' c ra ck e rs o r potato ch ip s , p .

-W llford-A lllson.Jcrom c,-w U l___ i )be caller. . j

________________________ lb :

"1. u a n a n y X fu Is im a s tr e e ^ lighting s e t b o u s c d .o u t- doors'BHfoty?;

' Q T ruo □ FqIso 35_ 2 _ A _ C h r i8 tm a U tf la _ w llh ____ou

o lo c trlc ligh ts c a t) b e po------ tr im m ed sa fe iy w ith m o t- — G.C

al foil tin so l?— □ T ruo— g - P a lso—

r — A N S W E R S — IS8|jD ieioqri sjsiUMjepunAq


— =..........» 3 u ! i s n - ---------in-8i|lJB3q J |5 J -2 ii! l# m T -

■ .;eui)njgo jnoi( sins sq 'os]v ; ‘tpJtzsifxsoHS puB 9Jjj snojjas- - aujiean Aqjjsij) 'q3!j]os diuej \JO ‘sdiuBi jo s{jBd 9«| p e i ‘..........•U03 /em jjoj ieiSH i s i v j ;2 I ' ■ '^ le iB ii 'HJOijs puB 3J[) snojjas 9|e :•an ueo sjoopino s}K joopui ■JO 3sn Dili „ ’ iuo 8sn JOOpUj 'JOJ„ P3HJBUJ 3JE JOOpUj’

- Joj qas 2uiiqFii i;‘-«n JOOPliO ' , pue JSf) joopiii joj., isqei m 1 3i|| uo p9)|jsui aiB sjoopino asfijoi Jias3uni|3!V3SlVi't

THE '— WORLD----- —


Q&AL TTie Roosevelts w ere the

only p a ir o f cousins to s e rv e . . ■ as presiden ts of the U,S, T rue-False.:,--------• •

2. The Mormon rh u rrh wa? _____ ^organized in 1830 by Jo seph ' Sm ith in (a ) U tah (b) New Y ork (c) M issouri. - S .- L o - G lo c in d t f - f s - f ^ B n - — ^ opera by V enll (b) a .paln tlng . by da’ Vlncl (c) a poem by D ante. . '


1. False. Ja m e s Madlson*and Z a c h a ry T ay lo r s h a re d a ' g r e a t- g ra n d fa lh e r , J a m e s Tayior. 2, (b) 3. ib ) ; Mona ' '


B A R-B S~ U T raiL 'PA S T O R E T

W e’ve y e t to see a w om ­an’s lib e ra tlo n is t w ho ob[ects t 6 h a vlng 'th e m a n o f _____ ^[ h C T io p n o K c .o u d f iO H s K ___— T /jc - /e lfo ti 'w h ^ - jo i/ s -•• • c o m ndtJ iing io 'd rc a m obv io u sly hasn 't-b e cn c o n ­su lt in g a s h r in k la te ly .

I f th e boM fs a ll tH ot d um b , ho w d id b e c v c r .r • m a n a g e th e sp a sm o f T f j i ncTiiu5 th a f. r e su l te d i)| J C m rin g j/o ti?

►tatoes pkt ►Tp^rlrpli

p er hundredw eight low er lii .. beF eb ruary lo 15 cen ts h ighe r In loO c to b e r . T u r n o v e r w a s F( ■csU maledall3.366eunlracLs. _ w ....LlB*)LThyrs^^y'..rua<;_and a

Corn..(ll-/_t,oV A Wl

SINCLAIR & C7 3 3 -6 0 1 3 , T o ll F r e e 1

reduced slaughter .schedule be d u c 'to - la b o r tn ju b le s 'T iT lh e ' wi West kepi trad e rs e d g y ,_ ^ e n -- clt

.’w llh rep o r ts - -fe ed lo ts h a d - ^ i j moved m ost of th e ir well hli finLshcd cattle. of

S lau g h te r c u tb a c k s nnd • ini firm ness In po rk p ro d u c t s i, strengthened live hogs, which ' ad c lo sed -strong and n e a r the a i day 's highs a fte r trad ing In' 1 narrow ranges. L ate gains an .were sparked by-~a'~rally ~ li^ —


t o c k - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO33.50-35.50: No. 2-4 2G0-280 Ibs. p '31.50-33.5O. • - - ------------—

Friday’s esllrnaleil rece ip ts : r yc a ltlei.OOO; hogs 1,200. _

( USDA) - Weekly livestock; ‘ — C a t t l e - a n d - c a iv e s —1490.:— ."P S laughter cows mostly 1.00 higher. S laughter s te e rs few good 2-31000-1200 lb 31,50-32.50. '

-U tlllty^om m crcia l“ slaugn te r— cows 2-1 19.75-24.00. Bulls few 12-1200--1700-rlb-20)--3irra;--- Calves gBbd-choice 250-600 lb 27.5031.00. F e e d e r s t e e r s m ostly choice 350-50rf lb 35.00- 39.50. FeedLT_holfcrs choice “ f« 0^ i W 5;00<>7:«0^ - ^ ---------------

Sheep 251. S laughter lam bs ■ ^ h o l c ^ r i m e - i O a - I b - j S : ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ; F eeder lam bs- choice-fancy , '•CG ^ Ib45:00^9;00;------------------------

Hogs32. Few.U. S, 2-3240-200 ^ lb32,0-33,25. ‘

_______ selP o ta to e s iQi

• ' hoi-DENVER (UPI) - M arket un^

s te a d y . 100-pound s a c k s ___2,5.w ashed-U.Sw num bcr-one^l2c - _ ^ _ A - unless otherwise'~STii'lcd;“ ~C o lo rado -R ound= R eds 5,75----------6.00; 2-‘a to 3'-j. inch 6,50-7.25: ISO -poun ieacks^ - 'r toa-V lneh -— ^3.50; f jlm b n g g a L h a lled -M tJ----------_popn±<i„3,5O4,00._cusscts_0.50;___(Ilm-baRgcUliullcd 5-10 pounds 3.50^.25, Itjalio R ussels 10- -“ P

-O u n c e .m ln lm u m -Z 7 5 -a .5 0 ^ — pound cartons 80s-100s 5,50- , ,

•G,00,-some5.25.-;-------------- ----------- ' “j

' the grow n-up Clantons They p k y e d w ith th

— tminsrthe^ioytnicks, the and the bats. You nam e i

The Clan(on kids w -w ith n o lh in ^ h a s tG h r is

Grandma Clanton ■■ sewed the day. She p u t I

EarlyTunes under A■ -t k tm .------------ -■’ - I

■EarlyTimes. . I I In-the:Glaritqn=7^

clan, it's the gift that, .separates, the m en... & fm m the toys.- - - - - - - « tl»


ins ,bellies. F inal prices were up 25 lo n o points, most active- F e b n /a ry th e leader. Volume w ash c av y a t'4 ,‘J07..^ , • L-- -

A ..in to .raU yJill.ed .pork

I w n c r o [ > s r l s ' . ' -

1 C O . Inc' .2 1-800-632-0807 . "

b e llie s _ sh a rp iy , F ebruary^ w ithin'7 points of the limit; T he c lo se -w as 15O -to-l0O-points- •

TllEJicr. • a t o r n e a r-th e d a y 's • highs, a fte r a m oderate trad e of -3.757 contracts. Favorable in d ic a to rs inc luded low er s l a u g h t e r n u m b e r s ' a n d

' adequa te bacon supplies, plus a re c o v e ry o fca sh .

L ethargy .and huge w heat _ a n d _co rn .M ppU cs gave the

w h ca rm a r k e tm ore'thorrusual___im m unity to shdtfks. aiKJ-Ihe — Soviet .U nion's sw ltch-from .

T W Ions of w h ea fto 3007505— tons of w fjca fhad little effect^ P r lc c s covercd a range of P , _

I c c n ts —to —2^4—c c n tS r-w ith — D ecem ber closing =4 cenls up a n d defern.-d m onths half a

Chicago cash basis was nom inally a nickel hlghcr a t 5 c e n l^ u n d e r W arch“ fo'rTiard w in te r and soft red.

C om traded quie tly In mixed-ac tion -w hat-saw .tha .ncarby6____

fall betw een half a cent and 1' 7 ccflta. .w h llc -d is tan t-m o n th s .r c losed unchanged to up a half cen t. T he p rice movements developed despite the Soviets' o rd e r sw itch. Chicago cash

J ji s lS - T - fo r — b o x c a ’r s ~ w a ^ ^ nom inally unchanged a t 13c e n ts - un d e r- M arch ,- w ith ___hoppers nom inally a half ccnt

Jo w c c —i iL - jL i—c en ts o v e rD ecem ber. ......' ______ _ .

New Y ork gold w as slightly

s e l iln g jn d .liq u id a tio n by a la rg e custom er of a . t r a d e house, wilh the close from . unchanged to 28 poinls of( on

-2,5!M lots..--. ---------------- :______

~ 7 ~ ^ j jv e r j~ _^ ^ E W T O R K ( U P I ) - l i a n d y

and H arm an T hursday quoted SJlver a l 54.305 periflne ounce'

. up 2.0 ccnlsJEngclbard quoted ' a s ilv er base p ricc of $4.305 up___2.0 c en ts o n d a price for

- fa b ric a te d sllvcr-of-« .413 u p — :2.1 cenls.

- - I-jp H f -


t o ■ ■ -------------- 3

r • ' ^Each Christmas » j ns created chaos, !'theelectric . |the balls .... .. ”IC it. Ii were lefi-•ristm as,------------- r—

^ [ i ' _ .

t o l d f e w .

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s


- Q E N E m TENDENCIES: , O u ir t l iu u ihopp log . o r « IwurBSt.

ARIES (Mar. 2110 Apr. 19) \wbere you are headed monetapreaperUy In tho future. Make n

. Evening is best sp en tot home. TAURUS (Apr. 20 to M ay 20

. (Ahers and gain more iniluoa Be more aodal to reK(

constructive linoB.• y O E 4nN H M B y21toJun a21)

■; “ ti« ]r»p ortaeailyand «ftch right could influence you Inthe wrong

MOON CHILDREK (Juno 22 aa many good friends aa you t Study what it ia you want out of in such directions. Avoid Ujnden(

LEO (July22 to A \igr2I) Get iw lp you to havo more pret

--------- --'nity. t o ^ to an iniluentialperso!IT .'T ' : ; f e y o a r t ^ t a r A v o I d ejtravaga

•- . VIRGb (Aug. 22 to’ Sept. 25---------- -ihnrogh w hlchW expreaa-your f

Seek thoM persona who caa b e a--------- liB R A (8 e p t; -2 9 -to O c t7 ^ h__ _____ Work.SQ.llialyotl.know.aiactly-Ti

have m ade to others more intellij be of help to you . Show more affe

--------^ C O R P IO *(O ctr23-loN oO :how (0 make future operations m( to handle vrotk necessary in d witHolliers, alab. R e l a H o ^ T ^

SAOnTARIUS (Nov. 22 to D( and ioeana o f doing important w

------------cy-gaggfliU otsrarco^Q Tker r w l• to y o u .B e h a p p y w ith a lo v o d o o e

............. ... CAPHICORN'fDecV 2 2 'to J a n raoma recreation. Save tim e for int

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb . 1 -home that require intelligent' ha candoiwnwtfmtartalnfay

P BCES (Feb. 20 to Mar. 20} ( tha in forniationyou-need.ao-tha m e n aucceasful in the future. E visiting with good frienda. relativi

IP YOUR CHILDTS BORN TCI have it ve^r easy during youth t put talenta to work r egard ess ol ■0 that (hia becom ea a productiv

' ,tuoe should s ^ e later.

____ p ^ N u r s _ _y_' ■ ■ - - \ I r r--------/A h , A ) (.1

~ ~ — ° - U n o u i r a k w —

: f i iA n p a FeuiM DRe... ' a mANPA FEIOMORE...


» • I__ — I cim

StXJ MISSED AN EASy ..SOl - P i m . B U T L O O K A T X

T H E B ^ £ 3H T ^ID E ... ^


k y

. i z - 3 N v '

_ L

— f e ® c ® §

i i u n . U K i » | , - h T

R D A Y ,D E C E M 6E B 4,1976 '

: A good day to d o som e «flt m aking ou t a Christmas

You understand bettor now - Btarily and can eaj<q' more ) noodod repairs to property.

. ' BI20) B e m ore with ronce within your d r d e ^ f bUovo tenaiona. Ih ink ^long -

1) A ttond.to tb0N.£0DfideD- ........;ht decialona. A void on e w ho • B D gdirection.22 to July 21) Flan to m (]J can and g e t fine resubit. )io f life and tread your efforts EBncy to overspend. , Bt Into Ih a t'^ b lic w o A that'""' • (restige w ithin your commu* ,son for the b a d d o g you n eed i g a h c e . . . . . ; r ^22) J 'in d ln g new Interests a '

r finest'talenta la wiae now . p -I a fine in fluence foryou . ''2)'P ot in tu it i^ bcuH iea to f Tiow-to k© ep"prom iw -yoji lUigently. A l o ^ o n e c o u l d . ; ffection forth iap eraon . I DZlfD lKuaa”"witS“partncra 1 7 m ore aucceaaful. hlijce sure i ’< connection w ith contrada. > .

----------------D ec. 21) F ind better y n j»work ahead erf you. l i s t r a ■

w hlch~cbuU~prave b e $ lu l |o e I a th e e v m in g ._ _________a . 20)"'A“ fine'd ay to enjoy ^1 Interesting re&ding.. 10) Y ou h ave problem s at ^handling today. Later you t

) G et out early and gatherhat you-can-m ake yoar-»ifo-------- ---

Early e v en in g is b e st for ^ iv e s .0 D A 7 ...........h e o r a & w f l l - ---------1b and sh ould b e taught to M " o f^ flu e n t jn Ufotiv e life i f financial i^ f o r - U

• --

^ 6 3 t i . o u i E S ^ A ; \ „ ^ : : | T L

o ' ‘

“ A " ' ; !


D U U N O W S E A S t ^ V l . I TD B U Y A N O T H E R J 50L F= C O U R S ^ ^ ^ I

- o » i o t » ( r * t t e Y ~ — ---------

i H e r e c o m r ^ ^ ^ T y - ' ,-mersnoopqnw

fren’; iqrttin’ esm f t

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"►Jey/ ) ( ~ ^ v i d cMy ^ ^ A T R A C ^ C ;^ \ ;^ ^

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H O S P I T A L ' ^ 4 /m E E T I N G ‘ AFTERMi

V . / T t e q o i r f T i S i

y H;. S V a n h o w f r '

y .liA SO 71RE0^ ~ \T' I \vOf\lYSe ABLE-)----- :— -

Y O U 'U 'A v eT O O eT lP AN' I I / T . R U 5 M C V C K .P lT 'rv f VOT H W F U f> P M .A C »«PD B -r' e

/, MAN.' lWEU.,AS SOOrTl t I WAN > EffT JAS we (SET B^CK OSCAR?.C.5 TO_THE.LAB._Vail..___ IM ',4^ CAN HAVE 0N2 OP _

S O l^ K T i

Ain t r r

l &

■T ALLRt&HT..WHAT%. ON I ' X VOUR MIMS'/ e . \ J 0 6 PVCO T NO ^ J j ^ FIXIN' s e fe r . 1

^ l l Q urr B wiFE^MARtA^

^ ' I W55 R,1TT!5 H. J ^

^ I W E m L l f ^ S ' l U C A L I . Y O U I E H O M F ^ IN G T O B E T O O L A

5 S SO T f i i

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■ ■ ^ O C C S S S F \fl,I^ T \V \r - 'WEV' \WTE Y(PUfi ' ' <5©ITIM?2Y'SC>'B4P

r i ViflLLHAVS O U R ^ 'nJ- 1 I T H IN K , 6 0

1 1 W A N T / T T W r t r r r . | / r o TA KE I YOU T W O

H E R TO V HAVE ONLY <.J . T O W N . > . & E C N 4 ' I

^ W O R K N ' I 7 ? ~ 6 f / 2 5 2 2 Z 3 -H E R B TW O —


1 T T ^ h a v r o ) 6 o r

— - A ) T tw ;f ^ 5 6 P 3 w

h 1 P H snD IC A W -sH c

W U IF I 'M ) | rG O O D M O R M lM G je 3 U T E ^ 11 PR.M ORGA f^ V

. ' . E j B O j Q s

Ji i t t i ? ! ^

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^ / . ' A ___________ U

_____ ^i U P = ^ ' s - g k l G.

— 7------------------------ 1 ^i's \ >0U LET ME ttirO J W057KY ABOUT UTyC TMAT/ ^


- DO

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r e o o p M O R N I N G ,^ ' • ^' W E S .'W O U L P I : Z YOU HAVE A FEtV M ' •

V WITH ME - '’*

■ - f

w t e t f r - '

Within tho village o f S laphorjt religious congregation know n a t tl Church. Young couples w ho belong married un lo it the b ride ii expect! 5 ,000 m em befi lh a t ih l! Jtlpulatlon tually will lead to tho c h u c k 's grov newlyvrods to prove' b e y ^ a quc cerem ony th a t th e y ’re able to multif

M olt o f tho Jlnglo-vi*ion lenses fo by just a few nations! m anufacture to regional labs fo r ab o u t $3. Those tho local op tom o tritts fo r le u than of the old vision-for-profit game.

HATSQ. "In h a u , w tia t't th e differcrt

^bow lgr? '' ■— A. No d ifference. A follow nam

the first o f those ha rd round ridin Then along cam e a Southw ark h a t w ho Improved on th e m odel. Final

. w aarins-those th ings t o th e Eptorn 1780 by th e Eari o f Dort>y. TTio h a i u original nam e, th e Coke.

Q. "Y ou know th a t m a lt |iquor . H ^ d poxxL juppoM dIy .d«vct.a car

high jum p? Who a c tu a l ly ^ ^ s tf» di A .-N bb6dy .-SnH frien turriBd do

ous. W hat's behind th e w heel is a dr<

_ _ GEMINISThe only G em ini ever to serve a t

F . Kennedy. Gem lnis ore said to i - Jh ay 'ff t though t to be a falrly-wri: -there are t h q » ainonfl th em who Scorpios have b e ram e presidents. A corns, Aquariuses, P itce i and Taui

‘ th a t the presiden ts have Included S ^ l tu r ia n i an'd 'C arKers.' A n d 'tw o e Virgos. Th e y console them selves on!

" e -y ie a t luoiiy u ( UlA b rain ier preti( Gemmls.

The d o a th ia te am ong w om en a s ;15 years has d ropped by E5 p e rc e r studied to f ind o u l w hy . B ut they n no o the r reason than th e f a c td ia t i

A studen t o f th e m ind contend -Iaugh-iheH oudesrstiow -tfi6-W 47‘voi

you r conscience w o u ld n 't s tand in yi

_ A British bon tan lst Insists w hat definliely w as no t art app le 'b (it~ r


u m m s 1 ntA llim H C tB lS /K tt/6

L 6 C fe r im i£ 6 A c f am 1 CF-AWPlSCOtt'f S RX.

f f f .A s E ^ S n s c ^ f m i E ' t t T « 5A M s m K N . ^ m

N o io tm . jo o r /T e tm s fO E e &SfiD0iSFtmHANPUOW N a iB K S . mJCONM&StKE imSffATNBS OF A 5IN6ie /H c m t / w u w i m f i & e f t s a t . j e m m s f a i 5 j m s u s > f f f s .. i _ . m - m £ ^ v £ f f s ^ S B g £ i r . . i _

ACROSS 42 Olympic.................................... board (Bbbf.) —

1 Paning 43 Broke brandiiluution 45Fallln(iuty

5 Macao coin 48 Allusion L ii6 Seaths 52 Newspaper 12Nobbl# • - notica (»bbr.) =f

•13 Track circuit 53 Light touch MCroscent 54 Joy ISJumblad SSPubbw erage

16 Motiil ” Foroboding ft} 17Thii(SDl 5BSwlrl

JOWiomIno » ? B o b l l i n J _ (i

r . r . " ” ■ “ OWN ■range ■ jO S- n G o a m a y .fRoiiiical a,oup22 E iT u .; i 2 .N o«| 23 fcy S 'b o lio f* -3 M?h«mm#cl8n_24S

3 3 £ r , „ b „ “ f ' s f >J« idontily ' • 6 Ffuitlpsj * ,

J iM fk a c lo u d y 7 Make o ' ^36 Pertaining to choice "

_ JsufliiL • •' 8 S m o “rhBge_30_N■3rCopp«rfIo[d'n"9‘‘E * p a l ---------3 ^

wife 10 Division m38 In artful form proposition 38 N 410nar(Fr.| ' t l T o n d ai

1 |2 |3 |4 I |5 {6 |7

I T - 13

i s ■ ie

i T ” ” ” 19 ■

i i ” W M 2:

n ^ ’p r ' I ^ r i B p i p ”

31 “ a r P ^ t a p r ”

J38-------------------— 30^ — 3 p C

T T ~

« ” |46 [47 H H T T ”

i T - ~ ] ” " 5 3

55 5? " “

M r ~ . sT " —

F r id a y , D c c o m b o r 3 , 1 9 r a T im o s

I . .M . H o , , | t

jrst in The N etherlands is §•* , ^ 5S tho Reform ed A ssodatio ft ong to it aren’t allow ed to get ^ w tin g . T heory is amor>g th e v tlon In the ir moral co d e ovfr^ ' ‘ jrow th. I t forces every palr'o^ ‘‘ question before th e wtfddlng 'Jitiply. , ' - u :i

>s for eyeglasses are tu m e 'd iw t ^turers. T hey 're sold w holB uia (ilose labs sell them in frame*,ito ' - 1lan $10. So rep o ru an Ip M ^ r 1;

rs . . ■ ■ ;jfcnce betw een a darby"atW ;# ........... r

named William Coke dasIgpw J' jIding h a u in tho early ,10OOt ' ^h a tter nam ed William B ow ler X,inally, th e horsey se t to o k to ' 1 ^ofo Downs races s ta rted u p ;in - ' 4I h a t Is still know n to »ort){f,f>y ^

luof TV com rnerdaL tn w h ic h ______ iicar-dow n a ski lilde and off-afl driving?::__ ;J dow n thfl-Job a s 'to o d a n o e f : ‘I dressed-up dum m y; ■

N is - - •9 as a U. S . p resident w as Jo h n . to consider this u n fo rtu n a te . •. . , i-sansltWa-bwnchranyhovKrend-^---------4ytio rBsent.ihe. fact t f i i l - f iv * ; - i s. A nd fou r each o f th e Capri- raurutes. T l ie / r e aw are, to o , '; led th ree each o f th e U btfts,., V TO e a ^ ofT he Aries; L e d s 'a ^ r n ;: ortly w ith th e krwwlBdoBitfaat' . residential a d v iie rs .h a v f(,,(^n .,

I as a result o f bu m s In th e la st •■cent. Researchers stud ied a n d '' \ ly reported tf ie y co u ld tu rn up - . } la t far m ore w om on o f late a r t - f n ite a d -o f -T f ru n n ra n d - i ilr ti .-----------^

lends th e jokes a t w hich y o u _______ iyo u 'd njally like t o behaverif*^--------

inyourw ray.

h a t M a m and Eve really a te

------------- I I ---------------if T 6 / m V » t l 6 i e J W B « ' •• m w s w m w T R i B w . m ; n & l6 A lA H C £ .te U t& s m > : I R m / w a a s w s . H s i i i i . -/ m R u m m t n n u K f a m r_____u a s B n & B m H A H m u m B - — i v m t x w m p o m ^

M > n m

Answer 10 Prwioui Pusle ' •

19H6lpi * ''37 Official " r :*■ 20S4iman ---------rocords-w'...,..22 Energy unij 39 Hand23 Momlng song - • implement '24 Small valley 40 Poetic foot 25Au,,r.l.an ■ 44 Impel (2 w dt)

29 Hymn’i final# 48 Metric foot30 Not as much -40 Patron s a ln t.;______

rnanufacturlng EO Water grass 38 Nuclear 5U ona»(»l.)

agency (abbr.) 53 Math lymbol

I 7 I |6 .: 19 J l O M l I


I E ®28 29 30

p r . 44

- I 49 Iso 151

sT " T " • ■

' so '

■nos-Nows. Twin Falla, IcJaho,' 17

Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

' ^ p H L I L U j L U J U L m j U J U U

ie Tinies-Nows, TwinFalls. Ida

; ^ = i <

I Y o u

__« \

— i ------- -•

0__________________________________ I

_ « '_ ■ ■ *__ _ ^ _

l - “ W h a

1 I FIRST PRI® (for OQi


Z (Clnom


_ i _ _ _ _ _ AHD H I


‘ : - AGES 8J ■“ , AGES II

i “ T iI

^ ^ (name

8 9 9 0 0 9 B 8 g g « 8~fl gV 0 Tb V V gV g fl '

daho Friday, O ocom bor3.1976

| Y «I a re inv ii

l b . ; - . ' t - v - I i _ .



Just tell u your own

itlLikelWIN VJ

tIZE:’J R -G IR L S ’- W A T C H ~ —iQch a g o g ro u p )


i i z r — ~NAtD'S HAMBURGER SIILKSHAKE . _ _ _


m\ CONTESTe, address, age, phi

S m j u j L i i l L B g »<



GhristmrjC O >

W .

1 . ' ^/ ■

^ F iF 5

-------------------------- ------------

— f - - 1 7 - ^

is . . . in I words:

Most Abi i i , u j n i . i

Winning letf Nows Chrisi on Decembe

I n s t fo llo wL


" (Any IbWoVs wr " • WRITEASHORl



Mail you

I n d s t u e s Ihone number must

iL S!te r the



r r ; T - '

- I k GRE: ^ —FRIZ

lOut Chris.E PRIZE!(Hers wil) be printed in tl isfmas Greetings editio aer 24th. 1976.


u r e n t r y t o :THE TIMES-NEWS Letter Contest

“ P : a r B ^ 5 4 8 "— Twin-FallsrJdaho

AY. DECEMBERst be printed on all €

1 01 _ . ,r

WAnjOfllES.fLOWEfiS.. -6pBft<3r/fe3Mtoiirer3-v;co:

" all occasions. Appointm I , 'niJiJoIivorift!;. 7J4.?02t

I : 02 - ~ iB i i

I B LOST: Red Head BJuo H( ' 0 1031 in Orchard Valloy area

0 MKor32<-«8a.

LOST MALE BLACK Lab. ® DiocK ol Fillmoro Si1 3craicn.Qn.nD5u. niOtO a TV-Sm . r“ LOST; Male Irish Sclior. I, onftindlcO-Cjll734-2313o• &30S. ® FOUNO — Silver chain afo, nico lilllo puppy. Due

• a color, black laco.? or 3 iri o Old, 723-6072, ni-3627. LO'0 al 313 51ft Avcnuo North,

. “ LOST, REWARD ollorcd. :9 Icmalo while and Ian ci• spaniel. Please help'us Iin

^ ^ 9 dog. Wo mi33 her very n A l P . " Losl ln-v(ciniiv ol Harrisof U a . o Fiilmorci.llyounavosocnt

, u»iinitiink youmianinave

^ “ Sab ^■*** °1 LOST - Holsloln Oull C a months Old. 4;3-M5S.

' ■ ■■■• t l o s t - FEMALE HU o CROSS 5 monlhs. black c0 N6arca.Ruwaf(i!733-l7M.

1 HAVE YOU SEEN G.R. ---------------- -My-grnyitripedl.lobby_'

® block foot ond o.ruiiy. Ik 0 ran away Ico'm hit 1^ o porary horns o.i 4ih Ave

° Eoit, Ho may bo tryinc° gol homo lo Jorom? Couo If you havo ioen him. ploo call mo from 8:30 o,m

----- 0 ^-4;30 p,m,: ol 73341974,■ • L W ' • oflor5:30p,m.il324-21i

r r r r II11 y



■ //V ------------------ . / ---------------

• ------- --------------------------

D lJ I z iE A T ^

istmas”= S !

n the big Times- ition, published

le r u le s :ET, WHITE PAPER.

b o accopTod)“ T”WN W;ORDS ON "WHAT I


/ S ' - ■ ...........-

W 83301---------------

o S i z zII entries)

,n»bbi U SpttUlttiear=— n i ■ CHOICE MONTANA' CHRIST-

.. MAS-_TnEES,-wTealhs. co{>ing.;coino.>. .Diankois. and ovurQreonnimonts twuohs. Joo Millor, Sears

•• Parking Loi.________________t i r ^ HOLIDAY SPECIAL 115 POt-‘ • manonts lor. J12.50.' Neiah--T — ~ boihood Boauly Salon. Gladysirea 837- ChMiO'and StiorrlPiorcoy. 733-

, ANYONE CAN LEAPN.- you -ab. Iirsi c n earn. Teach oltiorj a sirrpto

- •ind.cifaiivo pov* bobOrvsmo •oioi. or Trt-Cnom UQuia.-EmbroiUcfy._____ CalI4J3-«5lBcr47JJ597, 'jrTtim&a •13 or 734- SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES

floscti mi-eis. Doich mills. MaOic Mills. Country Cookers.

C vsk in Order your, now, 733-7J83.

HOKY CARPET SWEEPERS Locaiea Gfoa, ,0 , woi)()inQj,.-...An:

:______ nivotsarms, birl/iflays.' Gilt■a. Small /.rappoO. Hajcl Nalu:. 733-562G > cocker .orOJJ-OOJS; " S :

■” ; r , - n"” ?/. ..a.esoon REASONADLY PRICEOWor.734-. MACHINERY Is lor aalo in


" NEED MUSIC (or holiday parly?______ . Slil( 50itio_flat05 available, FI-HUSKY nosi counuy/woslcrn’Group ink coilac.. Maflic Valley, Call tno HiQhM, Country 73J-77M,

.R,? CS Hi;iDtiil Hclicn)y whh------WE-WOULOliko-laciprtsa out'y, ’° ‘®__ aDDfCCiJlion (or Iho ncts_o(» lom- kindness and sympaihy stiowri^vonuo to us during. itio'lllnoL5''anOiring 10 death ol our husband, (aincrCounty, and grandloihw, Marvm R;ploaio Colo, ,

s,m, lo Tho(amiiyolMaivinn,Cole.174. or -- I .-2160. 06. * Ptrsanli

‘GlNGEH'BREAD'HOUSEJ^ Christmas. Small and laroe. Con bo ready InZ days. Call 138-2451,

. . .I I WILL NOT bo held responsible■ lor any debts Incurred by Sherry

______• finif hy, ninpr thiq ff|y ouaaS-Ol» 11-20-70,“ Harold F;Gotctiy,

“ LOSE >8-26 lbs in jusl six sfSbks, a No drugs. Dally counseling. Diet

9 734.5174.42J4W6.

“ ALONE, separalcd, widowed or" divofccd? Social and oduc-g ailonal brjanUalTon lor

--------- o you. Parents VViThoui P.iftncra-______» Call 733.2058 or 32J.flM8.

* 'REDEEM YOUn Lucian’s “ Portrail. KMTW Gill coupon In0 lime lor Christmas, Call 733-5305

. . o foracpoinlmont,* __________- 9 SANTA' CLAUS • LETTERS -

a -w»lllon-IOiyour-^t»W.n7t^nl5; ______?. _por teller. 423-4753.____________


— ; ^ C A L L : - 7 3 - 4 : 5 5 0 2 -

1 n i a t i i l l i k B l l U i t r i a l i

- Z FOR MEN ORA'iOMEN who arc------ o -rww laid-oll'or M.hoaiomaWno

. B S7S-S125 por woek who would a ■nWFIotwllor-ltiomnil’roST-Ex-- B porlertco nol nocoaury. Car

______® hoipiui. Musi t>fl ambitious and

r~ - s permanent pojillonwltti a large______B -company..73J-5619..Fitday.lfoin______f» 3 — 6 n.m. or all day Saturday.

I FINANCE EXPERIENCE - lora Assislsnl Maruoer, Good Ularyo and bonollta, &ill Kay al 733-0 7152 , 260 6th Avenuo NOdli, Tho

---------^-JobStiop. ■

1 C ^E O PRODUCrtONS now , o l,iilng bands, danccrs, rrodcl:.

Q No operienco nccosury. All " ' iTiusl bc oWdot/ai tl. •IJ3.4753.

® IN BUHL p it timo hoip for ® motet cloanlng. Phono 543.6974,

_____ <» . 8A~qYSlTT^NG_ and somoo housework, 10 a:rn, 'llnouoli ® eyonlnas. 5 0ay3awocV..Miisi “ h.ivo car, 713-2365. •® WANTED - Secretary, Parl-

------ -- g -tlmo to woiK inlo lull time. Roale Estate Experience Preloircd, a contact Gem Stale Roaliy 733- ® 5330,

* POWER DlSTRIBUnON lineman* wanted, Ory Lake Eloelnc, 278 - Caldwell-Blvd.. Nampa. Idaho

• ~ a 4S7-2153.® STANLEY HOME .Products o needs ihrco dealers lull or0 [Liniimo. For inienio»t, call 543- a 401B.

“ MATURE Nighi time help “ ■ needed. Apply in persot»-only _ bolero 3 p.m. Burger Pori, 761□ Main, •___________________“ J200 WEEKLY posJiblo slulling “ o n v o lo p o s . Send so il- a addressed, stamped cnvelopo,

-------- « -EdrayJAill».-QaxJfia,Dcpl_22Q_<» Albany, M064402. a

1 Retired1 C o u p l e

N e e d e ? !

* Coupto noodod lo manogo . 0 Fivo-Sror, 99-unlt mobile . * homo pork. Solery and

_____ 2. moblla nomo provrJod (ora <poco for couplai own o mobllo homo). Requlrot

coMoclIng roni end moir).“ lolnlngpork. • -o

= Call 7 3 4 - 4 4 1 1 ■ 9 “ D oysforA p p o in lm on f

o ____________________ ■

^ , . MANAGER TH__ “ •W ill onta ll n ight v^ork

- — a - • Will cha iigd in if fs ovog • M ust h avo good w ork

--------a. — •J A o& tiiaw illlagJo-ro l. » —■ M ust.havadasiro .to .rr

------- ; ---------E so p jo ,_____a • A ttltud o m ost im portc it J575.00 10 siori. Raltoi ihr

» compony (n lh* nIghi door2 :■ looking lor onoihof omployi ® hBlpmakolhlng»ho)5pon.

: C A L L G U A R D ^ A ^

V 733-9403 For

ticn n lobtri i i t t m l l b l i t M

Ini' EXPANDING SALES Force, no ppon • t/a’rell-Tcmlic-Ifinij'j-boneliia - o'•a,3 biarlm'g salary (o S13 000. 3'-/ g

- yoars iraminy ni(,.jrjm Si.-nfl q— . rcsurlirt to Ixn 74S F,iII*._ Q

EtiualOpporlunilyEnir,(!i ';r “ a,

THEATRE CONCESSION ” ' V.londanls. No oxporionce 5

__ necessary, Muji bo at Itasi t,' 1you years, noat and clean in ap- uipto poararco. J2.20 per hour to start aiina -and movie--pacs prtvilogos. 7

Apply Molor-Vu Dn.O in 7 10 10|M.l.d..ily. - • , ;

T T ’ COUNTRY ROCK music lovorj' |Ijll5 lo (ill 200 seals al Gofdos Town0,5' -and Counliy Saloon. Friday, ,

. Salurday. Sunday. Rural ^__ Electric, alariino Doc.3rd, (

(iiGHT CLEANERS NEEDED - (ft/j:...... pafl-.llmo Of lull time, working .

cvenlng3allcf5,OOp.m.Canu50 .man and wile teams. J2.75 per : hour flllOf 60 days employed.

— S3 00 (Of men waieu. Guardian Indusirlos, 733-9403 call lor

EO tT xaS o il COMPANY nooiTs' {in' dcpondaOlo person who can |

work wilhoul supervision in _— ■ Twin Falls, Contacl cuslomerj. '■ 'l>? Age unimpoiiant, t>ui malurilyFI- is. Via Ifain, Wrile J.V, Dick.

I in Pfcs. Soulhweslern Petroleum, igh Fl.v;ofin, T«,^ IT V/ILL PAY YOU , . . to look*

into this. Hero Is a secure iob in ^ consumer linaneo wiih an e«- “ cullenl (uluro. Your ability and

Q,— t(iiimivo"piu:‘Durimii'!rainino-----— program.—assure-your-, rapid-----

and- -P'00'ot;5-io-a-Branch-»/anagot posilion. Wc have an oponmg

p. (or a 'Iraineo who is a hign sctiool gradualo wiin or wilhoul oiperionco. Car (cquired. j Hciocalion my bo necessary no _• worm ttia (uiuro. Phono Jimor «

W o jjat) 733.8406, Capiial Financial S _Saaico i-222.J.laiti-A»cJJ_AH_ _1

J , ' EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EM-iS" ........ ............. .......... -— EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - iblo oicellent posilion aviilablo crry Immediately, Call 733-2282 lof io ( - - appoinlmeni, ----------------

MANAGER NEEDED, Apply In__ person at Ihe Maverlk Countr y ,ika. Store. 3M Washington Street. 13iei boiwoon9_and 3 weekdays, _ '

A PE^ECTLY HEALfHY~i^._ • who halos housework, warns or capable woman as llve-in

uc- housekeeper. No smoke or lor drink. Drive. Salary opctj. Wrilo^5----- omfltt—j c c —rolerencoj—and____

phone numtwr 10 Qoi 466Kelchum. Idaho 8334Q________

n'5 WANTED Fellows 16 and older. •' 1" Part lime nighi work only. Apply '*5 at Maxios PirM Ovon allor 4— P-'T' ■____________________- CASHIER NEeOED. Can work

=i!ffy^niH^^^>fii>u:in-par5on~, u:. ___; _ Coy.'s Ho.ild.ajlnn._____ , '■—------ NURSING SUPERVISOR lor ■■ --------oparaiing -jonm iTi i7?.tioa. ^

general mcdicino and surgery ~\tiiii-t.in.i~fltiniifiinirnHQ[L:

1______Hospital a(1iilaled..wM h ____ Umvor3iiy_ol, V/asninBion, 1-

2 Medical School. Liberal Irlngo benolils and'eicolloni salary.

s s - - 7-BSNdegroo»rtdOReipoilcnco- _^ profoffcd. Liconacd in any staio .

and U.S:'citi:cnjhtp reQuited.- -— Pleaso conijcl CWol. Nursing “ “ c Service. VA Hospital. Oolse. ID>nO - - 83ro2.ORcaHg0a)330-5100,. . . . _; g , . - -WORK OVERSEAS. Ausualla,’2s , Altlca, Soulh Ameilca. Europe,,n(j etc. SonslfdeHon. Sales.

_Eriginocta.-ClotlcaLclc^Ji-00- rgo to <50,000. Eipenses paid. For om omploymunl Inlormallon wtllo:

- Ovofsoas -Employmenl-flox-----1 -l0l1;Boslon,Ma.02l03,-- jlor __________ , Ia«y , DIESEL MECHANICS • ' ’33- INSTRUCTOR .fhe (FARMI .

IDAHO STATE University, '— School ol Vocational-Technicalo* Educailon, Diesel Mechanics 1ci!> Pfogram Is looking lor an in- 1

slruclor lojMch tn iho F.irm___ !Die s o l s ^ ^ n ol the Dioaol 1

■jT. - “ Mikiuinics t'rogram. Applicanl# < should have eight yoars ei.-perionco in tho Farm Dlosol '

— Mechanics. Occupation o f I M53Caa.a.BVnE.deQ:co.olu».- ^

0' lliroo years in iho above ,iisi -cupailof*.-Salary ■ is com- - -__ . monsurale wllh experience, ^■a„. educailon, and background, < loal iClosmo dale (or apphcaiions Is cd, Oocomoor-is.- 1378,-Submir- -IH3- lotler ol ;applicaiion wih (ull 1

resum e o( exp oflonco , 'education, and qualllicaiions 10:' |

nan , Lloyd J. Hutchison, Chairman; '278 Dopanmoni o( Agrlcullufo; ' faho Enviionmenial and Mechanical I

Eifucalion; Idaho Slate

™ .v: iv,7o‘i v , . S I . SR ' Education, Pocatello, ID 63709. . »

i:O0) 238-2581:-Idaho Slato_ • Unlverslly is an Equal Op- 'olp POrlunliy/Alllrmailvo Acllon Iniy Emplovof. - (761

“ 0 H E A D ,


“ --------C O A C H -^ ----------------Rojponjiblo for ihe lolol footboll progrom including,

.oiloblishmenl and m^in- tainbnco of goo(f public rololloni amortg tho dopcri- monl. iho Iniiilullon and tho

__ <Bmmun»y, ■■______________ __

Mu»t hnvr»-fiv«> vnort ox-j. _ parlonco ot hoad cooch;

o junior coltogo or colloge0 levol proforrod. Minimum , d B-S. Dogroo, Moilerj pro-— (ftrrd. ’ •n Soloryndgoiioblo. I( Submll roiuriioby Docembor 1

15.197610; , •Milton "Dubby" Koll OIroclorofAlhlolict Idaho SlaioUnlvoritly Pocolotlo.ldohoe3209 ;

1 "Idaho Siatff -UniTcniir - on Equal Opporlunlly Alfir-

“ J mollvo Acllon Employer."

TRAINEE NEEOED:) r l^ _ 'j v o r y -3 n io n th s _ ........ ....... ~ ' «)rk rocord ^r o lo c o to ----- ;------------------------ -—3.fnanDgD an d w ork .w ilh ____ ____ \

irtant a s so t ' 'through iho yoor lo SetfO.OO per

yoof.- Wg-w o 0 yoi ng. piugiBHlirg^ r — oonlng'bu»lnoi». Wo oro not lull loytfffTburfnorr wtio fool they £on. :

\N INDUSTRIES INC. t •or Appointment 111


117 UiillittfRlllilitFnali

PAP..-TlM6>40UnS — Inslruct- oitiorj •|hT7 7fl-Chom~Llqutd------------------

Embroidery decoraling. No o x p o f le n c e n o c o s s a iy . •

. OpcnlnQs (or. homDtnakers . avaiiabto 820-5263

WORK MY SMALL appliance store pan iime. evenings 6:45 •10.00 p.m. Four nlghis week. day Saturday or live mohls. S260 a monlh or proM sharinn Call 73MJP? • ■ — ......................

3 e7iERAL MANAGER LABOR • ...........CENTER - Knowledge o ( -

carpentry.- plumbing and Ocnoral mainlonarwo, Somo oooVkeeqlnn,required. Salary opiiohal. re1e<oncoa required, CfoTimes-Nows, Bo« &16,LOCAL ROCK BAND now laking auditions (or load singer. In all sorlousnass. Clowns need not opply._7B-3042.'

.c o o k s HEIPER, Dithwaihor ''nooded. Fleitlble houri,Conioci t*aik or Allen at lhaOullawlnn.- ',

__- -SECRETARY: Noedod Immod-- ----------

idloly, Muit hw # 90^ lyp- . . ing ond shorthand tklJIi. Top ' 'poy. good fcfngo bonoillt.

SALES PERSONNEL - tev-~efoI oponihgi—Cood-poy,-:-^.....................

good ^ n «fi|( for right p«r-



----------- OUR F££S BASED----------------------------ON SALARY

Ti SiieurSiiufiM .- Tim » for 0 c h a n g o ?

Hero’t Iho opportunity wo offer:

-----Incroatad-aarnltigi, r ig h t--• from the ttart. At much 01

$25,000 annual incomo• ond mors wilhin your reoch.

No oxporlenc* rtMtttery.Wo Iroln you bt our oxponte in the mott odvoncod solet lochrNiquo*, ----- - - -

1 . ‘‘nailonoL advflrlltiflo pro- . , •-grem--oM urei our solos ' ,

. *j^^epre»eniolivo» ol plocoi lo ' ;go. pboploloioe. ' '

I :iaaflndoLi»ogltir Oiir prtv— - — ,— grom holps o*»uro you of top

.subiiontiol Incomo lo llvo on ofter you retire.

_ Ho'molown oeportunllji. You________ ____ vrtfk Jn_ trio__ community__ _________


Colfmofordfllolli, -—

"JahnSqulrof— — \— • 734.5000. Tuei.-Wed.

9 A.M. 10 7 P.M._____________

_____Is look ing' for a n lF d i* '

• v id u a l w ilh im ogin G - ~ ---------t lon to coil on fronch is-od rotalt drug s to re s .You m ust b o w illin g to r o lo c a to . You m u st h avo 0 k n o w lo d g o o ( I

~ roto iling: bV o B l o to " d isc u ss a d v e r tis in g ; ^m er ch a n d is in g ; - d is- ploy and sto re layout

.. -.w iln -.you r_ cu stom ers............................ _You .w ill travel ow o y

from h o m o four nights a w e e k at our e x -

. -p e n se .-W o furnish c a r . .......;This is not route sa le s .Y ou -d e te r m in e /o u r in com e. If you oro in­te r e s te d in this ch a l­le n g in g opp ortu n ity w ith o future; p lea se

. su bm it a brief resu m e ' to R egionot S o les M an­

ag e r; P. O . Box 41 7 ,L it t le to n . C o lo r a d o ^8 0 1 6 0 .


W A N T E D :A tferitron profdsslbrio! s o le sm a n s— $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 .' ,a n d u p , firs t y e a r .......Tdp m an con o v on do b etter .

_ J n te r n a tlo n o l com p an y ______ _h o o d s o n o r ep resen -

■ tivo tor locot-loirrltory.R o c o n t c o r p o r a t e c h o n g o s put u s in a-

• m a s s iv e - e x p a n s iv e . -- -p r o g rr a m — M u st b o -------------- ™

ovo lla b le n o w .- You m ust bo:

I.Ov'or35,3.Sloblelolocaloroo.3, Hovo a iuccoiiful Ifock

- record.-4, Hovo been in 0 good

incomo brockolt prior.5, Ootirouiof oxiremely

high Incomo.

You will: ,I.Collondeolerionly.

- 2, Hov*wholeiale wiling -------—only,

XTfovolwookl?,— '4. Qopoidohlgrt,

-- commlnlon>ol».--------------—-----• —.S.Bepoldwoekly: ''YOu may hove.thoi opilon________

- ■»f'"on“ anKiJol iJrdw or ' itrolqhtcommi»»lor»,

*Thi» li a o'ncB th a 1lfeiln>*,,_Wfllo:

; - r O ~ ^ 2 } I l ------------------------------So, Cfonn Branch

- ___ Lll!lfljon._CoJ9iodQ— — :------- — , 80t61 '

■ 'i T ' \kj.mi-msn' ‘ ‘WILL BABYSlfTn my homo for ' working molhoct, Morjday through Saturday. 324-43S1 'Oobblo, 'lICENSEO child ram In mV,

Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s


n ■ i J t i s i t B i - u i u c i i i i i T ”

HAPPY ACRES - Pioichool.' MUST"also lull flay c*/o, Monday boauiyIhtouBliFiiday.3.!o6 yoafs.n3- lown i

. ~ " ________ ' Ofoii 1GOOD iHEPhERO DAY CARE Nows. ICENTER Llcetisod "insuicd iTTcTi" nol luncnea. Suoerviscd nlay. ClhM*o/xn3-5735. " ,

loftcod yaid, '’wll'°b!it)75l'l‘’°(?5

.11 .I tROTOTIUlUC ■ ~ Gone HOUSER CnOTHER: .usiom ''“'n loto lillino and Dlaflo wotX, mlnln

------ NooU mowlno.-new-lawns— -od.W__ planlcd. ,Cjll _n3-2l62,of, 733r . . . ______^

JJACKHOE SERVICE - 7 ^ S o . , G E l

(HOMING AND MENDING dono ^tnmyhomo.7U-91M, — . I

— VERY-MATUnE“ M AlE~=“" ---------.aooliino omploymoni wilh . i '

f'f'TI flclvflnccd QC__ "Ib___counHnfl. ihfougniy (amihor with ;_____

• oIKco proeedufos. TrijI SECON baiancos, dcp roc la ilon - Cai SchMulea.' elc. d o - TimoS' cqmly. Nqw5. Oox C-11.’ ______ OunalIi(

------ rAno-ANO'CARDen^etaiiniiiii—•Call allof 3 p.m. FLOv n

N^QEnflY. 73J-<556, '

PART-TIME WORK wanlcdTs-------chyslcianrj—assUlant—anJ----- OJf mi

icchnician, havo hnowledQO ol . I ollico pioeedufcs and lotmi.Enporfcnccd In ecnicullurc and i EKG'3. Much c«peiionco. Call is 7J4-C2«.aliof5. •

- -LAWK-MOWKOr^RIIandrolo-imina73J-58W. .

- — Crown).-RriOfES&lONAL-OnUUBER------—

___ wtlUMoJof hotWay fllgs. aU. nly)o». D4»W Bolstof. ____

. . " . . J ' . TO LlVf- m i h r t i a W -hom cc

------- • ~ -------- DiTu'T'ICUSTOM HAY SWATHING Don Hmft S TaOtr.tSMW.___________^NEloc;

CUSTOM PIOWINO. Watts 3- . kucnor----- twncim Coy..ttwg»: PnonaJzacii iija/aoO!

<B8.UefloJonot,K4-<112. . Ttiaslor

CUSTOM PLOWING. Call boforo ,8 a.n>. Of ollof 8 p.m. 688-7779._.................................CUSTOM PLOWING - Phono immod

----- 733-3g?4wen)noa. ■■ — -IMOGr■ WANT SPUO OR Grain HaullnQ. 2 472:

Havoinowlfucka.82S-Si60.......... -nomo-

------CJi.STQ.M -M A N U R E toS"!SPREADING. Call K4-2245.

----- .HAY.iWATHING.and.bahna.ln_Hanaofi. Kimberly aroar 423. la'Gon5M3,’ovonInQj 423-5370. canniin

___ ■ -- covorc<- MANURErHAULING-.m-Maotc- -W9.900, ..Valloy area. JiH. Custom

------F4rm ^lK -9161_______ ___ • - -

OIXON FENCE. Wu build, fcpal: or loplaco any or all typos ollarrT^ottanchlonco.73j-34D;, ^SPRAYING, Will spray anytlilnp cxcolltS'aliea and laiQcr. Wo lutniah locaiioichemical or lurnlafi own. riouQie

------ HOlii^pTuy-Tlo^prayrZjrm^'' sollonc' - CUSTOM MANURE spreodino.

Ullibfldtio Cuatom Fatmlno- • ppCi,; Phono raWJa.________________________ BY OWDRIVEWAY GRAVEL, any typo, nomco

~ -anf-amoum: •cusiom:maf\utu imiahcc- opr'oadlno,-Ptekoll Cuotom -lol. o«

Farmlno. 326-5941 mofnlnfln. new c ovonlntjr- Skylano

I BEAUTB . .iB ln a Oppaioitj. ^iw^c

0 TOR SALE: Calo and Lountjo. fitTTc Lugo dinino foonf. Four room ownora apartment. J ollico ' u""!, forMala, .wrile IMO RinWa.Vl c ,t„ ,,i

■AVb.Burloy. Idaho, ••

MINIATURE GOLF COURSES'. [‘’'if-®' Earn J18,000 • «5.000 Insiallcd outdoors Of Indoors. Priced at ta.900. Eicollont llnancino LOMMA. ENTERPRISES. INC.

V Sc/aplon. Pa. iaSOt. lolcphoni}.(717)343-4741.___________ for ;

■ BAR A CAFE - noar Goldior Mountain Ski Area. J45.tX»Includoj tnvontory and liquor

• llc«nao. John H. Howard i f*RlCE AasoelaiBa__ 734J232., Lowoit____.atflQ.SC

Wiliar’ own. 3

MOTELS - Wo havo 2 excolleni m-MM.'buyiioflualllyniolelJ. ono Is 15 ' ----- —uniQ and the other is 40 unlia. f f S S S:ootacl. Bobbl Wilson ufGom' 1 1 1

----- SUlftReally, P.O. Box 174, Twin I I J-ails.Idaho208-733-3674, |

—-^OOWNTOWN-IocalWn—Olfice—*in/ir» 4nW nqii.ifft lec l. All now ■_! ' ri hoaiino and air conditloninQ.Will romodo! to suit lennant.tGI CLOSEMain Avenue Weal-Iniorcated? homo.Call Earl Faulkner. 733-1508. $32.00

EXPANDING BUSINESS nooda -.3 ^EDf“— parfttmmroniinrparmorrman------ 177-™

Of woman. Send name and luf.number lo E & 0 Enlurprlaos, j .ggc

- BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME on FHA ter .East Addison. Commorciallonlrig. Flrat claaa prolesaronal _______ollice comploK poasibilitiesl 63' ..'X 324' lol. Soo II NOW? Real ^ ;Estnto Scrvlce. 733-1416.'FOR SALE - Complelo shoo "shop'CQuipmoni, (iitirtoa ond V!lS> ;aupplloa, Frank A. TMua, / ' ( j Tiusteo In bankruptcy, P.O. Do«

___'139, Jetomo. Idaho 83138. Phono -X j-,3244J29or3J4.25i34. ................

<12.000. THRIVING retail ahop. jo o d location. Worth In- '

— -V oa iioa lln o - VJESTERN — -flEALTY. 733-2K5 or__ 734-8112,.___

___________________ _ Tflil.u-------- . 1 : ^ ---------------- wllh 3

— I’j a i * MOHL * TWDi—____n'MojftLi_JQp_£ondliion__ — ^yliil.Sj

iully equipped, color

hoot. M U-'IU- Rom,.1o - ' enpand. E*collenT_mor>»y tonjir

'‘ ""rnokerrflooki bpon' to . “. Intereiied portlot. lovely F

. brick homo. J135.000 .

*’^*'call Projton, Idoho . ‘

\£ B mA N D

m io. eK ijB! Dnwioii) a .

3T SELL IMMEDIATELY,- NEV/ L1STIN(uly salon located in small lorrod. Spilt ’ jn_Maa(S_Vallcy_iJoino_ ? h .nnll buamoss. Wrilo Times- rolrlooraior,

Po«B-te. Realty. 734-3AL MEXICAN tmporis. now ^33^5*8-Maino iloms on'conaiOfi'T'onl. 4 BEDROOMMam Avrnuo West ------ room, (itoplj--------------------------------- ' . REALTY Tnv*;

' $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 ? S h? Tf yoor ormoro l»y»Kat you REALTY 733-Sould oorn a i on owner/ GOOD^ASlj■nagor ol a Power Poc EXPENSIVE,tnorolor Coriier. Will homo that haIn rtjb, m™. S13.000 - rnimum invetlmont requlr- lotmal dinmi•Wrllo -------------^drboIlied-51

:-pOWER-PAC-— ENERATOR.JNC. ; i ’ 'ior.734:6?e

N o .7 -B o rC a l l ..westrealt .3 7 6 .2 0 8 1 ............. - ________

READY TO------------------I t a n t l U a i' -bcfltoom— i(|,pp|

ONO MORTGAGE MONEY " i,!:Cash avaitabio on your ly. No point, no prepayment noany. W f t ilties. Call 734-€930. OLDER 3 bi

'^ lh , jonio Umm partial baseHOUJ ffailal suing, 5,o,jj

• downtown Tv500 Itfst moftgaoo pays S200 • B'iMol Anem rronlh. 9°:. Interpiit. Will ^78. .ovumnn

0 lor small acreaoo, 324- «uT

. ‘ Mb IcLcmb A T T r[Afl_L£SSQNS_beoinnlno____ A - t - l finlermedialo studows. Call ■ ■ ■ i f c vn Muale, 734-8892. Prico slovhi

.Bobu For Sill

'E YOU ALWAYS WANTED Nowonly‘’5 .IVE - ma largo Gruik lam. yle acrcfla Irom a quiul pn<k..................... ....'rr5dk'T(0nrSjwr6olIi“ d7rj------Only S33,9{

OMtlon. Z l-tatfii ovCL3-i0(!____ly Jull.boM1(0 leet. Includes modern i^n, klichcr

-andinimed:tor befl'oom. witn duck. _ds'ol sioiaQO jiid cfoscta.. ■ ■ i c,rod patio. Iruit treca. H i i l f l Ion. double ijaiflgo. privacy. a nclQhOots.. Availnhio ■ ■ lOdialely by owner. S57.9SO. r s r c i r 'Granada Or ntor734’35?5.- ------V J P r I t■2 SQUARE .FEET all brick • BLAINE A (lo-on 2’.V acros. Sprtnkior- — R iJdonilo lalod. Priced to sell' Call Commerci. n Floyd 324^912 or Chuck LI51FHFUKlntRoaltv.TXt-^ - - - - - - - - ^^V^^ond□OUS - 13 room homo. 5 fionchoj

■ __________ KtOIK/ LISTING. You'll lust lovo ff[T| 3b<idr6otn.2bo[h1rl'levelln rTTrtWf ‘ illont Sawtooth School lion. Features lireplaco. aOCc 133jlCLoataon-huilt.lns_ajtat------- --------------jner..covered patio, tcnced '*.-Only-139:W>rCalt-LTTTTl-----------BRirf<nusson. 733-2807. CHUCK . ’KINS REALTY. 733 0-te0. AC3WNER 4 bodroom. 2 bath 5 bodroom COn.TCul-UO MC Dirocl. lull - lQ„a|v honi tied basomont„«.tra larQo oxcclloni-condition, wilh

carpotirfl. 133.000. 117 mo Drive.'733-3025. - - a'P'lyi.oo; UTIFUL Gold Medallion all u o o r $42 trie tri.levcl 4-bedroDm Salo !?„ L V. rtallorh3pie.7M.2344. ■

1 BEDROOM tr.imii hnuso tfonsldrred ato ibcatcd o-i om; ot liio, . now, tmma Idem sirpels in Twin Fa|l3. __ . 'ol ittc properly ta'on a A 'flESt-fl

Bd bid tjauis wiih nnht ol coniirocto jafhy setter. To see this homo, 3 bo10 contact the Trust double otutmoni Twin Falls aink i „ ,t,

- - " ' C)mbcrlO,l97B. ilato Now- s a l e - dV o w W i

"•"'"'"I'00. Call 734-3304 anytime. Gordon I.r neOUCEO. :4B.500. Evonlngv'.:SB!il.lBYCLUcio.Vtoul_____ Lo'O'.Jo"®*

3 bedrooms. 3 baths. Lo»Du-hom kitchcn. double Qarage.

~ T31-IiSE IN, 3 bedroom lovely - ——10, mini condition, 3 hOMES on .000- - Income prc

EDROOM, I b o t h , lux-' m o n \ ^ l / i

JEDROOM, Cleon, com- OUTSTANDII .b l . ho™ „„od p ,„ i .I Streot location. o , ,t.rm o.=lloUo.S:0.900.

ilorone. t covered lor

^ r l R I S H '


E sta te- C w J ' .____7.34;3<O0;^ _O nly516.90.dJrlih........... 33*-5771

733-3937 ,

" - N E W - ............. - .........i SO N S T R U C T IO N — —.unique_2_slofv-homa_________ | ___R!I 3 bedroomi. 3 bathi, \ Conlort. deck on(Lbujlt.ln», \JOdrlor^ortTQ'r annual---------------- ^ —r.,S2(l£00----- ------------------ • '

"KIMBERLY . -£t«JI?JlL_hftmo,»^ftlb^ __—RETItrtcallyheoied ond lo»i I 4 years old with quality —- ,---'’ 5 r ilrocilonrJ33.500- Thli one -j

•, b l K f c f c l_ .....................worMj.'B lliliont tplll levwr homo homo plu: I flroploco and (omily Lorge lin; n on quiet iireet. Only . lor only .

Y mm

Hant: For Sill 2

'Tng — Owner trans- NEW HOME: 0lilt cnity, 3 bedroom, txidroom 2 bath c, buHt.inD with Eionny Oil>e. Elc.3r, $33,500, Everareon balha. lnri;o dout H-3200, Geno Connor. basoment, chttoilvn Way. 711-9250. colors, largo-_______________Marketing Associ;OM. 2 bair>. lamily -----------------------iplace. J45.000. ACE 1900 SQUARE. FEIVWtr , Very .atlracilve 2dfoom. Robert Stuari - ,1 T ’

Zl_______________ baths. 2 lircp1 NEW BUT NOT AS covered pjtio.'E. Older 2 bedioom lencod. (eclucechas been completely MarketmoAsr.oci.

d. Now kltchon. new ' —' paneling, now wiring, ,TIRED OF LOOKIhnmo room, rockoO-ln that you can lit intrslovelnirvinfl'ioomr' -deslgB-eml-boiidJ25,500..CaH ,NOflTH_ lns_ypu. A hoyjtALTY 734-5181, John your stylo and nc

__ built Irom quality------- ;;------ :— r- way lhal will last, (

jcdfoom home in niCo n,.nrM> 7tj 7n?flniJ10,500. Call NORTH Beano. 734-7028 o> »LTY734,5181,

0 M0VE~1NT0 3’ f iP T R P Alamuy_ — r a p

eplace, oaraaii NW FHE HOUil«l lor J29,050, Call Koy - - y A i iR VPI733-2540 or Globe T U U K V tt

_________ HOfbedroom homo, 1 VACANT 3 b<

isomonl, aluminum " foriced yord, t )fage building, closo police jtotion. Twin Falls. $17,500. Jo downtown.:

lency. 326-5068 . 326-lings 326-524I or 713- ’ _iivQ.a£I3fiDCy

extra large 1 ihop' oreo, 1 iu»t ouUtde

INIION!-b l l h„„.S31.SOO ivhed on this oitroc-lOJjn-WolnuLiltaa!----------REALY_SMAfi£>m» and large boje- 4 bedroom; 2oot yord wilh polio, on cornet lol,y 519.900. See thij co:y brick Io w l . ; ^lom iryj/oom .rroo'tor o spociojj wT^omoln-Klmbor-owm ent.andoitel.-----------hen. Good locotion A M E R edlaiopwtostlon,----- “ REAI Est^ J -

-AM LETT--^^„'S^^M . Aldo Strong 01

R e a l t y : a “S,i,vI G E - 7 - 3 3 - 4 0 7 9 - - - ; [ ' ^ , ^ , ‘ 3 =ANDERSON, G,R.I, JudiHowlond;nlbldnd ■■ ■" ' -trc io l--,-., 733-1647 ------------------------FULLMER , - s .

. . . . . . 733.0633’ DwMiETr;8R0KER I---------i " ^ ' ' 'P I:anLa"d.j____ . ..> 0 ^ :..... -J33.4079,- i J S S ^ R l

— . T 3 3 . a

i yiRir IF YOU Would Ii?m7 « * Now HomoVAUn Like Evoryo

1 I E A L Il' YOU BETTER SE9___A TM_CM Double cor g< ___ — ___ ____________ pump_jMah_£

entry woy. (0C K -H Q M E —

\CREAGE Celllngi. Threelom. 0 truly jpociouj lom'e. 3 m iU s .E ol loautilui . dream Kit- bQ'h and ol ull bojomont. huge glosjdoontop 00m. liroploco. oxiro '»ouble gSroge. fruit 142.600 8Vr% loon air «ntlnuou

ojiumed. Jujt ro. “T *10 $53,900, Ownerred, Mu i bo lold built-in dUhw.

t « u y ‘-raw»r--v.tll 'oom ilihbuill

b'o°h. Ml b i« m " 1 ! =»™bl»"'.

n o T » 4 . S ' . 'S ; S » "■'■Ju, m o... l.r ' . nono.- " I’?? !

.i::;d r» irb “ ;

ll, Cfod<etl..8roker

10$"” ' 734-4090 LynnHoimuiier

Tom Floyd........Tod R o n .........

‘ - U J C h u c k PerkTnic

S M L Z ^tU tW HlLVO W.

~ 7 / S T X

on lome lol. good / / R H ^ ^ properly. Ono 3 >*-? x • and ono 1 bed-__ . _ / j L

IDING 3 bedroom , ' ^<ino room, lomilynlng room, lire- OOWNTOWoxiromely large n .- j - ,~ w iiir-w oftd r-of-------------------’352i)f

Booutllol tfoe 733-3ilorgo lot, 3 corChoice locotion Very Nico 3 bee

allj. ori Vl ocre, gorod, potlo. can h

OMS.1 cor gorogo SWIocotion.

.*ln? i'n ? ^ r«1l " •. lot In Twin Follr _ _booullluUvlow <

.900,— ----------- 3room, 3 liropt

y ■ ■ I I Tlovely now hbmi

* .~.“V----- ^ 0/ ■ ilfvcled wilh 3P F A IT Y / / 3 boih.. t orpoio ColiA»T’i">* / / gorogo, - wood...........■ok." ^ vvlih imoll hoi

moko on excelrTIREMENT— -ao«J4<»«.iioA_

SPECIAL 3 bedroom homeo 'y e o fo ld 3 bed- lomll/i'oom. fenboth home, li juil thed. dairy born'

ir Ihe pertorv who Folli,J low.molntononco.. ouL Kr«: i,tplui electric heot. clennnM«Wom

A w i s e i n v e s t m e r

~ n ^ f f 6 w ; N o w i s t

f i n a n c i a l B e t t e r m (

b e s u r e t h a t y o u

A d s e v e r y d a y !

U « ! Fit Sill H Hull! I

" Oualiiy built 3 BY OWNER 3 bodroom.Ith cedar homo on liroplace. full basomont, (Elcctiic hoat. t:>e drapes and carpciino,loubte Qirage. lull homo, UOOO.down. assu'choosc -carpul perconiioan. 733-8281.

' beautiful BmCKHOM locljto,734-1875, Addison, Comr:, FEETOnu le*ci: loning, Frfsl class proleve contemporary ollico complex possibililawtooth School * 324' lot. See It NowJO lamity room. EsialeServieo. 733-I41S.ien.3bcilrooms.2 poR SALE BY OV NERrcplacoa- 24»12 maculate 2 bodroom..10. landscaped, gjrago- largo lot, gardejced \ o - i p m - -ooO'njn.-ln-flXMilcnMcw iales ?34-4075. $22.000.734-4517.

}KlNCIoiahouso1 into? It is lime to ' __________uHd- i-poueo-inai-------- ----------------------------5ujojnJL?nllecU _

H C E Q B c B f c n J l;si’'caiivDSRrjrr!I- - -'aovos ON CHOICE CINDY

In Sowtooth ond : ■ ' ■ • SchojjMljlrlct, 5 bee

j A D V F O R - J o i i S i m ; ;J U ID A Y S IR ^ jlroetlon Ihfougho

/ m o m •O M E sy.tem -lorge coveredI bedroom nice lencod back yard- <jT-wlth-gorogo;------- aontouj,—coll • for-^pd, fight by new ment.j-HS2. ion. eoiy wolkvn. $24 900, 4 BEDROOM. 2 BATH

wilh lull tinUhed bav2QMJiomo.with____iri. Noflh90>L_Twlri .10 goroge ond Lorgo ree. room wll a. on ^ a c r e . p'oce, Pailo deck- . de clly llmln. tented, A»»ume or =u»lne» In the nonce. $44,500. F-4.

rrooni^. fo'r"a REDUCED. MAKE ENDS 500, In thii 3 bedroom, 1

homo on ihorl acre i

I 2 boih home and d lsp o so l.' >lro|lot. worm and Horrlion -' Sluort ;k liroploco In Dltlrlcl, Special al $4 im. Many nice :

10. BRAND NEW LISTIN't4-S6S0 home you con olford.

E R i e w i ? - b > ~ " -^«;A ppraisai— z D r m m z n o n R H i . .ier.......... 733‘:{)65y------- So-<fSyho~Exc!IIngI]ORI 733 0905 Home* in Slorio Ei - ; , “ 733-9655- - 3 , - 4 - ond 5 -b«(ro«ith ,73^49^06_____chooto_l»amr-VA-omrmanT734-3882 opproved, 10 yeor m en, 734-3802 Owoori Worfanly. nd;..-324.S384 fiack Plan, Prlco< --------------- $42,300 lo-SSSIDOO-

734-58(PIRKINSw t n m J Z ^ -BofvM otiofn--------73R E A t n r ^ . BobV ceh..............73

Jock CuppoTt:; . . . 73■ 0 4 8 0 LindoBrohml..........73.................... Honk W oodall-^.. 7Suld like To Hove Dick Irwin G,R,I. . . 73: )m<r Jhni'a.Not _ Chris Mottern . . . . 73:fyone olto's, . R iioGroy............-.73:RSEETHISI.r goroge,' hoot, TT !

-------- ROB

d,oom bo. 0 ' 7 3 3 . (

oUo llidlngtopoilo. • ' VIRGINIAiliw h olovory - (MRS. BEN) ELDREDlomi ol, Jenn. ■ REALTOR

;r b o N “in " lh 3^ ■ Woold liko l o ^ S f ' , 0

h*olh.r'"dIl' i i . i* .! 733-V735‘’or'c

0 coniBr ol Ihe «ogorfo*howyoulhli:luilMnJonn.AIr . CHARMING 3 bed>

llroploce, living roomnoilon lamily lomily room, ovcieating oreo li norl)ied»'localldn, MuiiftJUichen and thiiono. . ,* ?P«" boo;" SUPER VIEW boih norll

ond roin gut- ‘ ’lor $56,850. CHECK this terrific bu

bedroom brick on 3 ocr>33. jao7 ” '«" nl»

I---T . 733:6-465------- I0306LUELAKESBLVtdor c«i 734-6832 Jones..............733-.......... 334-B9I2 BobMcKln»try___ 733-^_. . . . 816.7703 . . . 733,.m et..,733-1874 “i"»eKohlmon . .7 3 4 -

FredThleme......... 733---------------• Vlrglnlo Eldredge . 733-

John Alexander . 734- ~3ahn-Aliman .■ ... 733

X T g l ------------

^ '■ r w u f w o t o u 7 h<



bedroom home, C h om firo f'S ’mme goroge. corpeirn havo hor,ov ONE ACRE

Throe bodroom. Iwo c homo wllh 0 homo. conlomporory.tl•w of-Slrojhone------- Spociourkliclion Incdroomi. fomlly ponlry. Fomlly roam -optocei, 2960 liroploco. Double g

ho» work' -orea. ^educodjo_S59.9qO,

--~’/ r A C R E 'le.iod, don, dbl, _BuhLoteo_4j3edroom od '. cfe<C~ruli bothi, wllh 1900 tq. Il'lo''®,’.. moin lloor, plu* bo»<

io - |-J00-»-250-, ^ o ^ n d ' ^ c ^ o i t o n - hou»e. W ould- Double gorogo. So.

•celloni oflice, _Jovoly homo now, $62,

„ . o „ , o „ o r ' ^ ' ' 734-229^fenced' looting ' ' ’John Howord G,R,I, Ort orn. SEolTwin ' ' lowollWIII*0,R-l,

: . Ajioe.Broker . . 73:

733 j « b -----------Kow'.,d.G,«.l...73;

i : : : : 7 i « ■

l e n t t o d a y c o u l d p (

5 t h e ^ t i m e t o l o o k ' c

m e n t . . T o m a k e

D U r e a d t h e T i m e s -

BB Fi Sill a ‘ H am FiS i

oom, 2 balh, f^ O Y FOR THE HOLIDAYSlont, cuatom this one-yoar-old 3-bedroom.;Cling, new conditioned home, pallaasumo 7t> garage. Price |usi reduced

”81, , $33,000. ImmoduHo Posscssio HOME - ~ n WESTE.IN REALTY 7:

INCREDIBLE Back Yard. Uniqi : BnM acn, complemorNow! ftcjt bricl 3 . bedroom home,

llnished lull basement. 1' . / bat ; n E R ^ Im, «75Clom, doutjle Barden spot.cnilocalionT" ' — ^

■JDY DRIVE I I . J , n iI'nd Stuort I M5 bedfoom. - • ' ™ J}""*.o m o T ^ l lb - ---------------- -----------

5 2 5 — 7 -

“; p , S ! , V B l u e L a k e s B l v d . - ...d p o iio , 7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6fd. Owner

with 3 bedroomi, oil brie

U s T o i h ™ " i^ ° n l> S 3 I .W °.M.wllh fire-"~ ' bedroom homo wllh fi

»ck- .PorlTy untlniihed baiement. no I Of refl-^ . MAHOGANY cobineti -4. *” ' lovely kitchen, carpoie

garoge, don. $24,500.00, ENDS MEET . fonioillt.2.itory_homo .

quiet itr e o i.^ b o iem e n 7 n oportrriont, beouHlul lo_»

at $45,000, -loon Frank...........734-69:... • . JoonHolleyrTT.— 733.72(

_g !9G ja5n ,do rl^ 73< -:i9 : ISTING:. A PottleN oliiger., ,733-63-ford. Prime RoySobolo...........733-72^eoro..-lire^-------Mofy-Vonournoyr7734:72-lio. Sherry Vern Ooihler , , , , 733-18<tu____ • PcIDQihior ....................... 733-18<

PhilPerkInt........... 734.46!n g C h i im ----- ------------- -----

H ” ° l ; : = i i i E M - S I A T [

r , ” " . : ; R E A L T Yrlcod l o r - IJ.proudtooiinounco 0 0 7 ------------------------ the-aiioclollonolA A A J O H N A L T M A N800 euf«branch ollico

■ doled 01 1S5 2nd Ave, Et

. , 733.6161

. ^733-0070- ____

O B E R T -

l O N E S -

.E A L T Y , John il speclallilng‘in re 1 3 * 0 4 0 4 denlial and invottmc

• properlioi. Ho would lik'o invile oil hit Irlonds o

A acquointoncei lo -co ll-h DREDGE for Iheir real utlolo neei ■R wholhof buying or selli i r y o o b u y : . ■‘»'^33-3674.-....................

- g e m S T A T E Hod ond i> R E A L T Y -r lh li: . Downtown Ollicebedroom, 135 2nd St, Eq»l ,733-36 room ondo K c o l l e n i ______________ _________

i,M u»lioe _ , t- -^ . ■ • ■ I—

l c b „ , l 3 I - ' . '■3 o c f o i -letchum. OWNER TAKING A ' LOS'B tvortl.--------- I b l i^ , .o t . i i l d -h o ™ _ jo71T 7A19 ouUide 0! city limln he

3 b ^ ,» m .. ;b o ib .^ i . ,o , i 733 9911 room In lull boiem on 7 i ; A « i oll-oloclrlc,' ho i fongi

nnns di»hwo»hor. di»po?ol,-poHi 733:?73l

“ 33-4317^- ..... ■= . -A N A C JiL V tiu m z E m m

\ ' — _you wont I Lovol'k \ now luxury home hoi| \ ' bedroom}, 3 bo lh i, rc' i I room with wot bor, lorgv / __ couniry kltchon wllh coi

J A HOME ) ■flOfoge. hoot pump, mar y exiroi. $59,500,

D W A R D ' REDUCED TO $33,000 on REALTORS pot»o»tvri on cujioi

built, yoor old home- SlfeetN: bedroohii,. 3 . b a ih i; oa rto conditioned, goroge, poiliimmorce) Booutllully decorotei

custom dfopes,C R E TodSmllh............. 733-494

u .k ‘DonnoBoch........... 543-636' ‘*5 KoyPerklni........... 423-40C7 f J - Ss'ono.W o,,— 33JT56S

1 i?i JimRilchio........... 025-567BomieMo.comkl, 733-792

l i JoA nnH oguo,,,. 324.287*“ ■ J«dyP hlllip» ,.-,,,423-455??; - ____ Ffen«o.Ho«olholtS37,.663D C ---------• Potlielockord.-vr;-734.32fi

' JohnBloye........ ,733-7Di/oomi.JwQ------Helen TrowUidga jfiC) tq. ft, on PoO fStodmon.,,.734-811

fT r^u’- < ^ i« l‘oE'J‘*in» .,,733-667

i" S o o ,th li a hlHTflWlKOBJ.$63,500. .■)— pp,,nnM " '

^ 2 's7b^iBiorr.-Jerome. 3J4-«t

■ r “DEDHOOM io-^ly coun ’ home, completoiy carpolnd a

'..733-2080 . eehoot.chufchandShopplng, chain link lence encloses oni

. . 733"-5755 property, Woll and ditch watr

..733-20B0 Shon acre, 4 E ol Twin, I

, J _ ..........

p a y d i v i d e n d s t o -

c l d s e d t h a n d f o r "

; e t h e w i s e b u y

s - N e w s C l a s s i f i e d

t S i l l a “ ^ W iiT in ita t o :

,YS Ij FOR SALE t bedroom house, m aif Modern o.cept heat IB'<30'10 laiio bo movoo. Boe,t oiler CjiI 837-'Cd to 4415 or 817.6098 ” 1°'; FOR SALE 3 bedroom, garage

'“ • attached, all oleciric. 2 years old- FHA approved, 218 Soulh Se.cnihrBuhrcaiiSa.m: t o 6 ' p.m. Monday tnrough Friday

T>orts ask (o, Ously..

balh, 3BEDn00M house lor sate i i i .2,500 . 5035 _____________________

ALMOST NEW - 3 bedrooms in______ cxcolleni condilion has main^ lloor lamily room and uliMios 1 with l'> baths. Over 1600 square ^ loci ol living space. V/cndell

• * S near flrado school. $11900. Call ,D(ihe_J<;ohimjn. 734-65afl.-or_ n»t>mur,., : Rcjllv. 613-0;04

. J s ' 3 BEDROOM HOME. 2 years old, 324-8950 alter 5. 324-4311 8 M to

1 HOUSE lor sale In Buhl, On 2 3 :ity lois, 2 yosis old- FencedQj____yard, 3 bodrooma, 7 baths Jon-

’Air siove,'Completely caipcled .':_______ -md itFaptxl, q3(,in<?. Calt 54.V. . . ... .‘a57a(ierQ.or733:6208.__ _

'd - ■ BY OWNER - Nico 3 bcdrOom homo lor sale. $29,700. With JtO,DOOdown, Will carry balance al7perconl.543-4913. • '

home --------------------------

IISfd location. $9,M0, Stockmen's

Really, GOO Soulh Lincoln, -0' ' • Jurornu, 324-1845 124-5735J324- h'full ■£71J.324-44J0,

." “in FOR SALE NEW house, 1200 . square leel, all electric, 201 32

tj5raco.Pn6C 5-4392,HA2ELT0N 430 2nd Street, 2

0 on - uodroom --older- homo,—p sn_

"ov"o3I«ocr 2859,

jI rOME $27,500 . 3 bodrooma, -« 2 9 oarage, corner loLFHA loan (or

-POR^SALE^By-owngr-rfCwTy- conatfucted-i'twaroom homo

V a l i '-^5 acroa wilh stream and:ISm a : .■*65U -living and dining room. Central

alrcondllt6ntnrrOoubtirii:i!,iftr»— and workshop. Call 733-59n,

T C ollice or 326-5367, home, .' HOUSE lor sale by owner - 3

bedroom, lamilyiuom, ivj bam, ^rago. $31,500, 124-8454 . 324-

’ JEROME 3 bodroom tiome’electric heat, tiwn and shrubs.

CO lo- S27.500. Handy Really, 124-4353,- Eoii, LUXUm0US_4 bedroom spiit-_---------.lovol-.W o-ln.Hainbow_iub--

Olvlsion in Buhl. Lois ol buifl-in

?' biiill tiomo only ihreo years old.£5 - — -SeolM6aay:afiT(;-HopMnTr54J— IB • 4645, M.J, Schmeckpooer 543-

4549. Town ond Couniry / Realtors.733-0716, • -

1 ’ " COUNTRY HOME IN V/ENDELL.3 bedrooms, $I35 month, $100 cleaning deposit, releroncearequired, 53C-6202.__________

-------------IN-ARtZONA-dosel(rCati(omla-and Old Mexico. Rclrifieraled 2.

A 1 /1. zDCdrgorrv ’rbam-on ll.u largo • lols. laundry room~3toraoo

1 foti,___ room, carport, mlcrowavft, dish-tmoni washer, pailo.-W/W c.irpeting.. jj;. • bearing Orapolruil. Valencia

Orange, Pomunranaio. Dalol-h"m- "O'” - ‘7 many extras. Sacrillco at

$33,500. Paul Scheuneman, Box ,»l'ir’a . _159.-Tacna- AiUona-Phono l- ,

602-785^018.. . OLOER HOUSE at 500 West E.

~ "JoromO. Kitchen, living room, bath, 2 bedrooms up. 2

. bedroomi down. Inquire at 501 .3 .74 West 0. can 324-8768 lor ap- _ _ _ _ pointmont;

NEWER 2 bodroom homo wllh : » ■ lull basement hall linished.

,. . Exceptionally clean inside and - | V oul. Beautilully landscaped.

This ho.mo is located on 2.92 .-icros only \',1 inilos Irom lown.

f r owner will consider irade on nico 2 bodroom homo or in- ’. veslm ont proporty. ihis properly |ust listed and wilt go l-isi. Call M.J. Schmeckcepor, '

OSSI W3^W9, Town and Couniry _ |u il_ Realtors. 713-0716.____________

imily MAL NICE 2 btJroom lioriio in - loni. Quhl. located on oc/e. Price ngor - -Idst reduced, owner very

lubio 'possossiori. will GI. M.J. Sch- ’ I mockpepor:' 543-4549. Gene

Hopkins. 543-4645. Town and_--------- T^niry Realtors, 75 3716:------- ---IING_____ - _______ _

” ^ r l r 3 2 4 - 3 3 ^ J E R 0 M E- 4 0 2 S .U N C O L N H '

and IN BUHI culo log house, ,iom cloto lo school ond park,B 3 '3 bedroom plus nunery. 'oir 517,000.- '

lollo.,ted CIOSE TO CENTER ol

Jerome. 3 bedroom. 3 boih, 4940 - goroge, fenced bock yord. 6366 $32,500,4087 _5659------- 5n05H 0N F ;-4 bodroom56X1 ’pi'l level homo. ho> family 7920 room and liroploco, double ' 2870 goroge, locoied in oreo ol 4553 moiiy olhor finer homo*,6636 548,000, _ ____ , .3282-----------------------------------------------7D64 IN WENDELl,. 3 bedroom. 5602— boih. electric hoot,0113 “ $25,000.---------------------------6673 , ■J________ ACREAGES-- Juit 2 miles ,.— * ■ ~ iro'riniTiWo“btmo!r-now— [iOBUS 3 bedroom. 3 both, lull :------- wolk oul'bojomem on 2

____ SOUTHWEST OF Jeromeountry . »pocloui’3 bodroom homeidarj; on 3,3 acres, looturotlomil/ -in (or room wllh wet bor. lire-l"0' 6‘ - • piece. $63,000. . entire'' ‘7 - CHUCK H en ley ... 334-6367


• --M ,. ucL«ii,oor J. 1976 Tlmos-No

*•: * a — O ilriT m H o K tt a

PRK:ED for QUICK SALE. ’-. brick.duptex.in Hailey; One Two ol F

bedroom wllh garago. one Ihreebedroom. Carpolod with aT3l.replacea. all cteetrlc. 788-3888 51,0evenino._ • ^

■ I' I - . ' . ' ( . .■ 3111


I ALL ELECTRIC 5 bedroom J rrI home in BUKl.'Alfnoit new. ' 4438'----- irh o i'te iro l e iifo s added ejA

1; hSrlTrlllirfoom. 2 JTlho ^’ bodfoomi and plumbed Irorr

2nd bath. Thermopane $120! windows, exlfo Insulation, Ins. I $35,000.


..full).-.detofolBd_ond *“*: urloui homo in KIMBERLY., In besl neighborhood, there — I , ore 4 bedfoomi. 3 bolhs. ’’ '

control air'conditioning.r -flrffptdci— sieo m -so u n o — i' covered potlo. double0 goroge plus innumeroblo3 extras. 5 ,3,


n Known os ihe "Cherry2 Creek House" ll hos 0 wide

reputotion for its hond. ‘ hewn ond hond-corved „ de'olls which ore done to j, pUJ lu il lort I 0**f5edfoomep— y

' _SjU iin hoa**^ un k«n -|io»— — r tub. all oioctric. MUST BE 7 SEEN $79,600.

r CORRAL THE I IDS ft HORSES f,- ! I V,noQf,:: BElLVUE,:Qririhl»”-------pklu»*»<»t«-6-«f«-ipfeod-------51------with -4-bfldfoom homo. r,

LOW— OOWtr—PAYMENT j moves you Into this beouti- 2: ] .fully decorotod showploee, ll' i— -H"gt-lnmlly 0 Ufa- 1111 plocos, oil electric, volloy .1 r~ • botl court. $75,000:-------------------=‘bi

V r : .. r n B i b ^ _

J' 574ACfrES, 6 miloa Irom Rupert. « 4- iwdroom homo, other good <

^ • impiovomonti;, Ownei saya-seli:. • J 10 Call Glenn Schroedor 734-6832 J IS. ot CHUCK PERKINS REALTY ..J. 733-0460. •7-_ ! '•_________ 1 ^a--. :.FARMBuildinaai9l».mo,»od.-r- -1 in 6 buildings. 15’ 6" x-'K'.ly - r7».7404.- : . ------------------ -

-^i^-ACACC-ol.cholce.fow crop____3- land, all Irrigated wilh wheel 'y llnea, modern home, ahop.a and

granarlM,- Located north ol— Rupert, 29 per cent down. For.b; lurther dolalla call Rocky r “ Mountain Realty 733-1400 or Bob

Baylosa837-1543. )

iia- -FIRST-TlME-LISTtO.TTS-acres," — 2. BuhlTSCToola.. .modorn 3

JO bcdrcibm homo. This Is very]o -good.-*aiTor3illcd-(amilrHimi-------h- having f20 sharoa ol water. g.. West ErKl Realty. 130 Soulhla Broadway, -Buhl,- phone-54J. - - to 4409.1 1000 ACRES - new sood' ' ' •; potato ground, grain, nay. ( ’’ caitle. Air strip, tako Irontago,

-f» c re a fio n .o f~ p o le n H o t:------- i_ Evorgr?en Realty. 734-3200. Ii. Gone Connors, 733-4019 - • -{n. MarllynWay. 731-9250,________ ^,? UND.LOCATER, all types. Call t

.423-4008___ _______________80 ACRES South West ol Buhl, • 'nico homo with llreplace. r

ft $120,000. Call Harold Frailer 731- 0I . 2211 ROBERT %fONES REALTY cJ 733-0404, • _ [

2 40 ACRES,wimjilco 3 bodroom . „ homo. .South ol Buhl only 0

1 $26,500, Call M, J, Sch-— -. -mockpoper, 543-4549 or Town — I andCounlrvRoallora,7334716., ^’ . FOR SALE orTradOlDOacrosior c ' a home, business or what have ' you) 4 bodroom homo. Milk 2— Parlor—Buiir-ianir.—mttkorff:------- 5

automatic loodora In parlor.' ' Owner uya lhat ho wants to be j* in Arizona by January I. 1977. , ' Call Twin Falls Realty 4 Ins, Ine.’ 733-3662. 423-4438, Jerry Rob- , ; blna, V

'------3?0-ACReS-4-bcdroqnrhom7:-------r- Milkbaral circle, Tho rest aro “

_ wheel • lirios and hond lines. __'

Irade lor a 40, 80 'acros or’small o farm. Twin Falls Really S Ins..Inc. Jerry Robbins 733-3662 or 5 423-443e.---- • S

- 1,VENDELr--=TTjr3a0“A'bifS------ T: Covered holding pen, concrolo ;*

TcoO racks ar-d aprons.' Two ? bedroom home on 6 acres. Call " Tom Floyd, 324-8912 ot Chuck Perkins Realty. 733-0480. 'Dflinr Doijtile '8 horrinotxjno' milk barn, 200'lroo stalls, bulk lank, milkers, plpo lino, con--

1 Crete pipe feed rack. $115,000.<Call Tom Floyd, 324-8912 or ' Chuck Perkins Really. 733-0480,FIR^ TIME ON MARKET -

— .Large.MagiciVaHtrrlarm,.flood:--------1 improvoments. Iroe and.clear,

Ownor will carry. Call Glenn D.I • Schroedor, 734-6832 or Chuck I Porklns Realty, 733-0460.

ISOLATED 40 acres Soulh ol •Twin-Jalli-With yeat-iound .

— sprtno—wiiL-3acflIlco_fll onlr. ___$10,000, Call Tony al BARNES Ro REALTt. 1043 Blue Ukos Btvd, or,- ~N:T3?TO7~. — 'do60 ACHES with 2 homos close lo im

I ., Jwia-Jalls. Full w.iinr., heavy , “d ,' soiTrooocrtnjrtroi*dfrTTTr-$?w>- -1-51I per aero. Also ll6acros Jerome,I area, havo good’solt. $140.01X3,

wim very nice rem odelodM riw.--^ Also 153 acres In-CastFelord

, aroa- big with improven^nts or -yl , . ^ust Iho ground tGO J"

remodeled 3 .bcdro'cim homo..R.J. -Skeen, 733-4702. Stanley Walters 734-3107, Wllllarp' I- Ralphs, 733-8023. • Harold

' KPitnlov. 733-7400. Town and . _.

a F o i i t e j o - : -

20 ACRES $M,a». Torr ». Wail *ol Filer, John LuU Reaitor. TO- '0124, • , — ----- '87 ACRES.nlce homo, thie-troul ‘

2 ^ - ) a c k ranch Summor 'a r ^ g , Falrlleld, John Lutz ‘Rotors. 733-0M4. '2,120 ACRE RANCH WffSPot •Caatiolord, John LuU fleillors, •733^524, . '31I.ACRES, Eaaytooparaii. All " aprmlilo Irrlgatod. Urge «t>op ar>d machine shed. $450,000,00.Twin Falls'Really & InsiJjw,Jerry Robbins 733-3662 « » J 3 . '4438. .T-K-=v

62MRESdouble4s;deeoim«r. • nooo'oarouni tank tow-titic sou- malic. 40 head ol cowa pickod .Irom 70. Full line ofmechlnery.- - -----$120,000.00 Twin Falls Really & ^Ins. Inc.. Jorry Robbins 733- ' ■36«or42>4436. ^

j2 a c re ? bu h l AREA, - -atu(e«jni*f..ce4T>enl dlteh,^h»-*--------■ y m . __75 ACRE FARM SE of Wertell • ' with sprinkling system and ' '

-Oraviiy-iirioatlon,-Wouid-mak«-‘- --------an excellent supplomentafy ^ . hay-graln operation. $48,500.00 - Contact Bay Sabala al'0»m *■ — State Really 733-5338 Of 733«40 altorBp.m, ;;

. . M O ACRES4 pivpl sprinklers, lor(|« ; • metol shop. 2 granorlM,Soulh al Burley, in GokUn - '

r-Vollayr:^>;OOOrgtlr o g » - : . — Cfo^'Realty. 733-3623 or r 734-3433.

. J 2 5 ..A a « <»n-flell Rapjds.-v- •- full wcrtec.-reody forspuib ,-''-------

-oircr^'s:OTt7-j5C6:&oo'.oo!^-------. Coll JW324-04O6;_______j;

336 Acros — Pump w/wht«l .! lines, fwl spudd^. l o i ^ ■

_lleldi-CQllBlll33^313.''.,- '_4Q 0.A ^s'.—-Dsep.'wsll S d ”.______

Big Wood. Moko Offer. 'Pflcod G» $360,000,0<L-Oj1I ; .

rC oH 334-B046.' ~ • -■-■■■ - Olher Forms — 96 Acres, $106,000. 780 Acres. 545O.OO0._ l2 0 0 “ A«r*f. ' - $800,000. T9a Acre Dolry . Farm. $250,000, Farms ol oili l m - - ........

_ 2 _ A c fe s ,— bflck-hom *.— -------$55,000.00. ___________

CALL LOUISE 324-4525 ortheGongA t.; . i: ,


___ 120 E. Main.Jerome.......... ...334-SI66 -

--------- ro -B o W '* '- - - '----------------

• ■ 40 Acres; 3 bodroorri Home. “good Ictfid only, $75,000.00. .

— tovefy »l* bedroom fiiin»«n----------35 ocfes. Foil boiement

• eomplololyflnlihed.-locOlwJ- - ol tho base of ihe south . hllls.nearMuflaugh.

- 123 A<fes ol good land,' -------nico ’two tedroom heme.

ElleenQulaley543-6174res. '■ lolondOitTer.543-6165^1.'

Vera Joo, Manager Buhl Office...........54M 494

3.120 ACRE RANCH W eil' olCostlelord. '

2.600 ACRE RANCHSummof ■— groilngrFalfftflld.--------------- :---------

87 acre's nice home, live tfoul stream, l^ » w e ll.,„

30 ACRES 539,500. Terms,W eslol Filer. ; ^

Beoulilul Brick Honie on- 7 ocres. Costlelord a r e a ' CxiatlDiiriot Df cdhoti an d !. ' oulbulldlngs.

5 ocres Soldier Mounioin’ SktAfoo. . ;

3 ' Bedroom' home, under-ground iprinkler. outdoor


i f c i i i ' - - '

J O H M i U

--- U l (IIIR -----------73JW 4---------^ -


-------- ANO KIMBERIY' ---------Rorely.can we offer a lop

.producing..(arm..ln. iu«h -o _ _ _ _ _ 'doilroble locollon. 3 sets ol Improvor^enis. 340 s h a m ,

“olJwitufoIlt.conaLwot*fc__ 1 ____

.well, wllh I heodgote. ond cement ditches. You pro-

IbobtfVnOtfnhonhlriyprof— —-----form Is In areal demand,'- .'Oppoflunlty knocks— Kit. ., don'iwoll toolong.

CAtl'iJSlEFUlLMER''A T ........

HAMLETT REALTY '• 7 .3 p .^ 7 9 1

i-Nows,TwlnFBll3.lc)ahO''-19, !

Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

I-------- M TwInFalls.’ idjiho

; \ ( U - * . ' / 9 K

25 Faris 1 R u ; ^ ^

....... to nORE2 Nodh V/(.‘3l ol oiOo( ^

clucltcc-homo $110,000, Will 5Ull tnallno - homuS.-ac,«storJ77.000.Cjll .

NORTH.’,cST REALTY 734.5I8S ucauliliOfNatJCliMoiolnymww }42.K)0.

^ -- S - - ' fcim jP T flffU r a

17DOSOUARE FOOT buitdlnfl (of pavod r wlo'Cricaso. Buhl. Call W - Jb-scti 4i36.“ ac'O- 38USINGSS inc6mc wiin oood BEAUTi »olutnc. J-jlofv hotel all (ut- nilufc ' included. J52.500 00. HaQOtiT Glenns Ferry, idaiio. Coniacl Cfoek,clmoUWjm-CuiiiSuio-flooliy------adoflUJ.aoi3t!WjhoU6-i:3l I»t0atl(

------- ------1- .............. ............ :------------Flnanii;___S ONE QEOnOOM - APART* borlv. <------- MeNTS^-WPnoonl.--An;on3~ UaRNF!

136-MSS ____________ 73J.5948

" - ? w 3 T r J S « 7 S ' ’ ”; r ' ‘ 5 ™si„? 'S “=------m-SOO. -Boal -galaKHSfrrYtce:------

gT-tJlB,-/_______ ;_________ ______PniVATtPAnitiVANISao£uy------

Ciidof.iWimo pfopciiif toQ.TO- ^- - tos^-ol-tx itroo. ?3?-?aa. . - -

M UNIT Moret. 1/1 Wolls, IDI2MI-:Nov.ida, Includos 12 Iraiior apjcat-and 2 hoatoom hofne.. IfllM.VIci

•_J77.000 wiin letms or mioril Wosl ol•-tJjdo (or.lrailor oatX in Mao'C SlQns.C.-•'/jllnu-Jk.li K031k9. BroJior. R|. coopori:.-ZRi_rtTilM1tl-90?0. Wao,;-SPRlNO CLEANING SPECIAL' iT ImT

“v^Janiionji ijcrvise - Htjay is--------'feo'iUiCOOOO. 4 il N REAL H om ^

.*3£l'8fjf AFTER HOURS: 324. 15 ACR33-1-2060 7JJ-m3." Jofomo,

• ______ _________________ _ 324-SMO•^OOOD BUSINESS tar (or salo m _____ 1- e a u '^ W l l . . SORIO

^?HaaL-*Wfimort= b-In oT W ^ r .Ji' WSO.'pof monih upon it>- ’•.voalmeni. Ownof will caiiy r.-q«aH(iAt). buyof. Con.ral .••rocauw>. ChfUilo Eddlnj. Q V o ^TOBeaiiy^TjMsn

>Cusi(jESSOPFJCErOldorhom(, -cw targ*T iot:irrT O icc!icni'eM r- :fi££!h5

..aiiian. suiiabio lor oflico or . r r t T •tjmallbuslnoss, Loeatod ai 31?I-Bliio Lakes Bl.d. Corr^mo:cUl• ’1®.?.°“

„ aa o ft> a — »6,W>7—Markaimo — „^A,M<XMIci..n4Hfl75— _ _

^N W E ST eb IN IDEAL-.I;;— -xw lhwTS'r’ySrx'' rs;Z%-->Tl*jplo«, all olocltle.buill-tna. lull . b' aprI

• .^cairul.. Qataao. loncod yard. o'ataoo•.UoauMuly laiWicapcd. Ownor “o - .V ,'l.ncp9a' lor equity Im-• y , ; '.•mudiatoJv^A largo assumablo •

~ n oaa'j j BU-t>ai.cw U Don’i 'ctll— -ZWO-P;you aro 60il0U3 aboul onoSacn c(oar) unit wiih 10 per 423-47i

; • -------------- 2 ACRt.•SEVERAL RENTAL PROPER... EltColliW

, ‘-TIE5_lfU-Twln. FBitJ._Thojo paaluto.— pjopcilica.aiaAnowlno.fl.fl9C^_ CailTwlr;.7clUfnvO«norwlIlca/rywl!ha2i . 'TM-'SfiU• ,.por conl'down paymonl. Horold c n n ^

- •.•Jtcithlov, -mH O a. Town and , : : <;oMnirY^Roallor».7W716.-v!00j« JZS^CQmOOrclatlocatlon. torlh.W ■-l-lfia itjuar^ (ooi buHfJing with ^ so u f"

_-'Bailfoad iiack and alloy. Lol t» ca'ii*HjfI >e? •p'-'lfily. loncoO. Owner will RORFnT I flrunc a-flWlKiod buyor with 29•^'ot^tTciiiidawn^Caii north —•"WEST REALTY 734-5181. fl^a«~ T3ARe~T> I Cutll3 734-5M3. County,

------ ---------------------- ------- ...... Roally,Jl

BU■ . _Co«r)ir

cnJ(ai driKcd buildlr S0.VOO. 3'/i A< b«tr II

m «llconlyjt

1-* 5000 jquofo fool worohoujfl ”* '

; - S > di°p1oy'IoomTd• : Iiorogo. Solo indudoi oHico I^ iqu lp m on i and groin 5 - .b o o n ml ino oqulpmoni, - ■^.pwnory,.ll(i.^QndoqualiIiod S..:buyor,_2 <llh 29% 'down. ______:-.C oll ifEJIlIH WEST REALTY . . LEAVINI

—•_234.5iaK-------------------------------burial fdGardens

• -; 'fORECLO^e'salE -Park.S8(BY


fo ur co lguOUl-£QmrT«r------- .OgEI^' 7 'tia l lotj- locolod noor main provM. 1 . - lir'ieriociion'ot Dodo. Idoho 2' V' ’r

^ ’■qI iho Conlo County Couri- '■-Zhouje in Bur(oy, Idaho. • 30T ' . Tha proDortv will be ol- —

01 publ,caoction >l , t - -1353jy j i;-h lg h o n biddof lor eojh; coiiO(t«tii--^payoblo ol limo ol »ol». Hl'un,l^^-Thopfoporly woi thoformor cltculaliri-'■lotalion of Dodo Wolding j, Conlj

Co. ond it being lorocJojod 7«-9«’-r^-ptfrrnom io a '{»tia !ft Uo<id------ 7 = —^ ,o f Truji OMignod lo -iho FOR jAI ^-Smoll Buiinoji Adminijtro- ••hli[)0 -'.>'op-_________________________f o r SAI . ■ tor (urthor -informolion 1574 j ~^conloc1: lowionco E. Hort- carpuluO -,(Jor»Q,n, Jr.; loon Oflicor.- ,^TePQM

,-w' S tnolL Jutm oii -Adm inii. ' immL'diji .>..:if0i;05f*-P,O. Box 2618: p^.k J i

: BoljenBoho 83701, Phono ricctnc ‘',*{208)384-1677. paymom

____________________ . 7566.

: 5 k a a t t t Lob ^00,0 ’^

.;::ifiyEsii.ieNr-0 R-KE£Ps-Trm- -Hi^rrtiii- cam 1050.10 .icros wim barn ’

_^;cqrr.iij. ii-;Lj;.cod^tcca...yLjf, _£i3GJfL

•. Buhl. 734-70I0. ° payrnorli

TWa*-28W -.-rH---------------- — — -1973flcr>l^•NICE LITTLE BUILDING SITE on C£5!i''I •':nock Creek Canyon wilh ctych «G1 10 >-.'(ro;iUiOu. 4 jcrt-s. QOf>d vio«. homo, c .••Qooa icrms. Globo ically 733- ! dltloncd. ••■'?6?3or Sian Hnye. 734-2859. - - *W>ul(J CC r!'‘ 10 ACRES, u<-o<I homo, lois ol “"I!,®' ®'

biiilillno.i nil (nrmnble. °L fL - - ^-w.l|crL5{iii05 Miko McUurray I 24«09 4 D n..p..A_.... I ..1 CfifiA

>■ Piiaa'/'hoccm borl.i^T fT ^

t l iPy wi o n i i m 31

10. barn. shop. O'alnory, , ;nr" onTA '-i''"?c!;;aVulilul downiown Haoe.man., n„anj “5®, Marko.ino Aasoclalo,

-----;--------------------------- CIRCUHSTAEAUTIFUL ACRES on Rock- SALE of brandJk Canyon, no' rosiriciionj. 3 bedrooms. 2Id road Ironlago, will soil In consirucik>n. .scro 1019 or all al t4.000 por pay oini2.950.734.4 4 7:, 8J5-SMI,UTIFUL.5. 10 or 20 acre MOBILE HOMojltos with full viaw ol tjcdfoom. lotjcrman Valloy over Billlngsly drivo. cFuin hrek. Many trees and i lOOeorTiurlol

allon. J1750 por aero. VrflLL. PAY CAniing-aviUabJo-Call-Kim. lhre0_J)0(lrDC

423-1727 or42Ma»3 or dOuBIO-widO rr NF5"nEAUTYr7J3aj}7'or“ -789 .— - -

---- ;- ---- - . - , j ;2 SkyIlr o :MNER11; actoii, modorn 2•oom homo, homo corral. Homo Ranch..uro, 5 ear clndof block - - --— -

--------- J g u S K -w7oTo” H:ohwaytirs"ouihuJrviinjrA -orTsitsnoT ■*«*■-------------

.....iflcw.ji:(caaiL.Jll.ot.nafUi-. ol Joromo Goll Courso to fflObiluTiom».Ca/>llnanco,w,lllradeororalo With builflerj. 536- ________

e « 35 DOUBLE:—------ _ CruslGf. Road;

crowi1hifl74l4«58MoblIo oqulpmoni. 17a,AlluHllliBs.4?l-56a2. . 73W027allore■CRES South i^BSl o l- MUST SELL t10.3 bodroom bTilKhomo, batf), all olocti


10 ACRES. Melon Volley. HAClENCl0dowr>,734.701Q, bodroom, no>

IS IT - Tho bost buy In:Va^y (oryourmonoy.7,6 ig „ j qedroi wilt) 7V jharoj ol walor 14 » 70 JtSOOSfcSL-SSEIKul homo silo on small„734-65i0.----------------------- SAL£_J3E_b- — --T — - . ------ -Marlal1tr.-2 SOI.bullHmmaculatohomoln condition, locounUy. closo 10 Twin Falls .COrpo/1. :iloraJg[oma_Br-,viii(Li[!y l.inrt. _Adults. Torms.)d. Ono o( Iho linos2_built FOR SALE, 191ii.i-aroiina— P(ico-iu8l - -mobiio itoriio

t>cdtoom. Alla.loyT33-2400. TOWN AND -condithsner OrTRY REALTORS 73M716. TiT.jjre

:RES. sharp'homo, 2 car 1972 SKYLINE IB.;: Ilraplacos. Iradoa- J ‘lxTQ_J-bcdri ^rod. ACE REALTY 733- -conditioner, s

--------------- - .Ed-9 Mo-Bot-J

-J>ABCeLS,-Oo«-4-*«r09. K4°24*7^ajk (:S acros. Soulh o( KImbu.ly. ™’ “ ^m s days, 423.4950 {b;; STTTT;- e -• - -------------- - slilftod. air cor.RES Souttt ol Joromo.. conc*lllon 423-1:

110.. Price'only.ia.OOO.OO- ' ■ '■•wln^llsnoalty4 lns.,lnc. 3f - - flTlhhl>&ZGo/ddnGruavo«r — :-------- r-—5ALebyowftor.4boaroom RENT 1 i.on 5 acres. Cinder block bam, oul-buildlnfls and ao$39.000934-5370, TWO BEDROO

iarold Frailer 733-2211 I t -RT JONES REALTY 733- COUNTRY_______ _____________ bedrooms, (1-ACREAOE-trT-Jeromo- -aduU#-Oftly_0y, 'j to 22 ac»OS-H,inay .324-6231.', Ji'romo, 324.4153 THREE BEDRO _______________ Norm Wachint


'00. - MONTHLY PA'

Acroi In Norlh SldeV FmmoroPark llubdlvljlon. Excellent tinancino 31

rkllvo covenonli. do. GomSlaloRoailie woler piped 10 lol, -Jt0.900.cotl Bob Veeh ^

ilKE GRAY REALTY . fu r n ish ed 2 '34.se00or734.32n '

II ... ; LARGE STUOlC « tn L lb > paint. tUOplu

^ €hoshono East'ING AREA, Four-gravo ".'TJ - 'g cnm iIpioHLocatcd tn LoVov.ow ^A^P , ons.ol Sunsci MemorialS800. Phone 7334570, - Shoshone East


ta lla frW lT -ED_LAfJD_— iJRA-ap— LStl05h0nfl.SlJ<«t_ Dea.tilul .iow Summer jjicE APART

r c r e c k . i : y ^ : s s "iOlia.iy M fin;iyr_y.733 0473.774-3M5 . “ ^irJi-flU .i-

pois, children.’ ■ ' , 8787.

/ Hciili Hosts FURNISHED 1

VJ£BICAM fl . ;S' 3 Z Z d - .T ^ ,on T ''’o7'i'«rv.; Iwo bedroom, well oloclricity. 733-3

r and a.r eonilitiaiiof. SLEEPING ROCahno 0,1 heat. $2,100 See balh UlililicntJCI hin Comaci. Nc».. cte.iriino .(loixi;

. - ■ J33 Shoshone SSALE 1971 Gunlry H'.TO' _______i[)Oul.324-60W. . FOR RENT S

^LE 14 , 70 Go-u-nor. 3noos'’all uMitiJ Oc-ciroom. I'j tam . ,5 535

diJlo-occunancy.-SKyljriu- 'wiih^j.oludio b3 hcfliooms. J wihj all pj,a $i50.C,ilI7ic. Ll« tlo*n U1.U 0*01 -------------------omj.Hacignoj Home 733- - .APARTMENT -


' 70. all doctric 3 hoot^f u°i'lihesJoms. oxpaniJo living (□, qgip, ;,ni

I l L ' I S t o S ' ‘ CwGrsTuDiO<r>tfV"13 * f.n mr'ii.i.i tptflgnrriint riItor5:30 324--6680 , 20 3 4ih Street Ni10 » 51 DETROII rrobile ONE BEDROO. gas lurnaco, air con- - c»tra larrjo 1cd. lully caipolDd. $3400. carpclcfl, i.jrl1 contide/.uatlo-iin liavel- ._733-e098of 733-:

or camper, Pnoro 3J4-. , ONE OEOnoO

'4 boJroom onprivaio lol. rol/?oe'raiof' ™|i

Sellimes-We Guarantc

r condihoning somo' B! . iiH»J!r->I..Coo(3 clcan_ ;__mo.e<j $«ioo - *,11 . j ' _____1Phone 436._366l [j . '

TANGES FORCE | |»no now 14«70 bomb. ( B q . i .2 (utlbams.Ouahiy , Q M .1n. Froo equiiy. You n950 CaUnco only , /

OMe " - 12 X 56. 2 lotil oiecuic. circlo I hnkod (onco. on 50 rlol.32W 207.

CASH: (or a largroItDQUL__lyro .ha ina_ . . -i_a nwt).io home. 734- P ' J r ^

10 2 bodroom. gas- - ~ * filr*fll 5min{T 1-vy J Mobileh.713-2281. ^ r j L W l l

allor. Iwo bodroom, _ / //~^ ' 7 .. )a.“toii:of3io»floo,'“ ‘ ondltion. J2200. 7E6-

Three bedroom. ■-o t. unlutnlafiod. - ' , <6M.ini.3i«i8. S t t lL 8E flE K II

a T O S s s i - - » W W ' « E R I>ed. 423-5714 . 423-

3L"e” AXLE 1951 Tora » IhifEnlilied ilit lady 10 rostoro lor •» wmumca A{ii

'“?7M M U S T * " ^a r'p i'ol'^d 'pea'.rop.m. ------ Ca'rpbil, $190 monllL two twdfoom, 2 7370. ...................Ktrlc, lurnlshod or wirp 1 h/.riinnmr;Si:NDA 14 X 64. 3' and disposal. Fu now carpot. $500 *'lh' carport or>d Itovor-Mymcnls. 423----- Uaialcd.lfl.auiol.a

yard. Workinncout------------------------- 734-7074 or 733-3742ROOM TAMARACK. ■ '»0 down, take over TV/O BEDROOM A 15T5-Klfiiborl?-HM3“ - laundry lacilii

— — ruimshca.— STS" Leaa<‘^ 2 • > 60 Shoshone. Stop 0

beo“ o-ST o«oli^P ; 2itrniicf.^D:m.'= location. Expando. CASCADE MANOF oraoo. ;E»lra nico. 3 bedrooms, c

1972 GREAT LAKES" -washer, launori me'.' 12 X 60. U o Furriianourvv.iic-r.i

OiKJ-ClOlhos-d<yor, - -CONDOMINUM un

INE mobile homo. nah'T’ siira'fnQni!dr00m.-lkitlcd_aif- . Arrrn'lmnnHJ.^BTJ- Shed soaeo. 27 • -"“."-’ "“"y'■’■’•■'orn et-Alr Trailer PaiK. iCAcmr ?63fnvDnlnaj. Daysk lor Norm. ' ni^ 3 budr’o i^ ''

TTTAN Mobile borfii cll'ndlllDn.Jn ' condiliontrig. dood ’ f.roohco beamc, 3-l746.or829-5371. - and diapijs, buill-i

^ t w n . i t o is l i l i1 bodroom homo, 2 bodroom deli

oncod yard. Clean rolrtflorator, hoat a' _______ . lurnished. No chiii

OOM HOUSE, ap- See at Apartmoni.rapes, carpel, len- -9.00P.M, t26Mar ccenllj remodeled."”

TWO BEonooy u n u c ----- r~X appliance^ "O PO'S- Laurollully carpolod. inonta. 734-4195. _OcposU_requit«J._

............... .................NICE— ono-bodrcROOMKOME- 557. lurnlshod aparlington,-$175 mon- cntldren or pel:pojil.713-4157,. lacllilloa and clear------------------------ ---- lequired. Also bacIpROOM _COuntry_ ,nent, 482_A(ldii<jri_

Ohu Docomb'er Co’-oApbrinionts.I May. Older couple ___________J3-4271allor7p.m. TWO, BEDROOM— room, kitchen, dinin PAYMENTS. — Irom draped air condihc

and 3 -bodronm- -TOtrlgi’r.nor' with V (k Townhouaoa. 100 Dryer tiooXup. $175 I availaWe. Coniaci ‘ plus uhhtius. $75 i loally, 733-3674. pots. Call734-1411.

i . t . « IWO 2-bedroom apM I ftL I Ik{UCZB rent. One $100 mon----------------------^ month. Water an(I 2 bedroom aparl- lurmsheO. 3W Foljrome. all ulihiies Wosl, 733 1802ponth. 324.5940. clTan . one bedro.

P k .fr -l« tic iir3 '2asl- 733-5599. Ma»°,r'i rn,?nU?’n nnlUDIO, new carpot, plus oiccinciiy. 312 y . ' ' '.asl,733-95M. - M

3 STUDIO .opart- SEMt-PFWATE RO Itis Included, $115 lady, good lood and looosit. May 300 317 |ic,jt>so, 733-2513.

--------- ' M^I S CJORMITOR'-RTMENT - all roofT). cooking an imonihly,733.6261. . I,ic.liiie5 $70 per 1

• 2583r=nJOIti(inllily.'iiu---- ^5n. $50 fleoojtl. 324-

' 1 bedroom .ipjrl- ROOMS AND KITC nl<!nl location. $155 — by the day or wuHI uHlltiea-^Tgfnt- -M33-^------ - —U-3047. 734 :969lOOM - J5 . b iU i I

'llciii! Id'^Ji-r'.'ti!'! - f u r n i s h e d to . 00 cotrcet ttolii_705^ 'JllO'pcr^iioiith,' 7!_____ I______ 0 00-

small (ii.niihcd j _______________New carpels and TRAILER SPACE fciliticslurnifincd no 2873M | ^ il 734-3611. TRA,LER s PACe'M AND BATH Hunler's Trailer 111, .lully. luinishcO., K.mbuilyRu-d.733-4

ilI734 tm . LARGE TRAILERr - Parl.,,lly"lur- ^mspluslMlh ontire o( Buht, garden 5piipacioiij (lowniown av a iia b ^

i m V r - 'p t ' s o r r o l X ' Itffl,la W e - io -m r tio lrlr :------ ---- ------- — -----

rcauired. $l£i0. TWO room su.lc,

_ ■ g em statereaij ftlpltm _l700.SQUAflE10QI

-------------------------- -tsnt..ulo, or loa*«DIOAPARTMENI-- 734-4536,

-clwarUnq-dupoW,------0FFK)E-6PACE-^■tNurlh, 734-4 5 34. acuito (ocJ^Ea OOM APARTMENT . P'i«.alo pa.klnp_ Wr

living room, (ully Timos-Nowa. 734 ii'irw '‘ "’.Shcd. ATTRACTIVE RENl 33-2&SS----------------- 'foroKiCoorsmallt

'0 0 M - - ™ . . . ‘ ^ o 't'^ o '^ r A S irTipes. rango and. -2«MalnA»onuoWi $165 mnnlhly. 733: ..7114107________

H ttii■Bfewee Reswlts fo

iVy' \ rr j B j jM —

s i h a m i n j t e : •H £cojiiN 'i-«'A fr.::iW C W S - O f R— GONNA-PKXE-'iCt

Afts. t DopluB '33 '

loa. appliances. 5074.onlh. PhoneTW vALUESI DON’T MISS S_____________ ANY o( them. Road liom unlurnishcd ClassllledAds.tclric wilh stove ■' " '’

Fully carpoied JJ f f |td large-stOfBOO. ____________________Jl.atca.WilM.r leo, .: for cash REflT.160 acro:oucloptolerred. • o( Joromo. pivot Irrii J742. barley lasiyear.Cfcai (or_____________ ihia year. Won'l last loriM APARTMENTS _-59?6 _,J ____’icilities. •jiiitlioi- ' ' ' ■T?—HtsrinrFTTT .-in---------- lD ttina«irft[■p by or call 686- ____________________:--------------------: 2'TO00-0fr?X>AL-«>oti--

■ — - $123. T7ash burner, $45. F JOR apartments healing. $125.543-6069 . r«l?inn'!?lorr(h'h DIAMOND WEDDING Rifid ^ facmtioa------ lU - m i-ii- Mnm ciiiorcdL-r i\d -anltdlion-----piMow—ehaif:—molehinfl-734‘-66o6’ ■ • P'I'O* 9“' "“'0 <----------ii— ----- anfl-pao—Doutjic-Hoiii

unti lorroni. 2 .bid.53S-6Ja6r536-2777.-

'naranr'Dfivaio BRUNSWICK AND OELMOlonih Call Oavo ' cv. and used.16?4DT?34'tf20l— .-hockcr-lwb.oii-«e«vK;_____________ mak?5 Open ove/iinos. UIIG -in ColIfcQO _o:clock,JomciCiaik.733-C

^'duX ros'^ah BICYCLES - used. oiTiniimn nnd -iir -OoOd prices lOOl SpO; tn n fifin Wfiool, 148 AdOlson Avo,

n roil°n r.MnnP -------------------.lill-in appiianco9. REPOSSESSED OPEN Al0 pels. 5350 oor Sowmo machiho with s 34-4321 day9. or stitch. liQ ?ags. tutlon I 5106or734-6924. cic, P-'iymnnta ol $i0.13

733-6055.lal and hot water MUFFLERS installed wh'il. Children or pots. wait. Complelo mulllor Si m l. 19 Irom 5:00 including cuslom duals K MarllnSlrcol pickups ABBOTT S i__________ :___ -SUPPLY—-JOS. .ShaanootOOy APART; '_____________iricos. lurniahed, to" ATLAS Motal culling rol Park Apart- wilh bench ar:jlOOlS.73j-4!

odroom-parliaity- -for...salo_Somo ahlliiuoBparlmonl. No 3755. _________pels. Laundry QUEEN SIZED watorOca. ileaning ddposil' 650 atudded snow iiros ‘ ibachelor apan-. CB antenna, Warrfti pumiWfLftyC—WtJl,___OauOQiftmgufi-4 ■ 6ienf Ir3 Reed Aparimenia H08------ -----------------Shoshono Slreoi Norlh.M with living ________-lining.carpolcd. HOKEY CARPET SWEEPIdihoncd, range. .Froo flill wrap and delivery,h W.i5h.;r and Aplel. 733-5635of 733-9220,1175 per monlh,- _l____________________75 dcposil. No---PIONEER CHAIN SAW - II.-------------------- .culling bar. $85. 2 iracior ------------------- --- in>u row. 12 4x38 on 11"1 aparlments lor 7iinn(iinonlh. Ono $130 ______________anU sanitation 1946 2 TON CHEVRC Fourth Avonuo -TflUCK, n'ydraullc dump. L

and runs good 612 Main Sidroom. carpelD. !l£L__________________». waler and CORRUGATED FIBERGL $185 month. $50 Paneling for patios, gara ildren. no puls, skirting trailers. Several co only. 734-«OJ5 Roducud -pricos. Wos

Garden Supply, 7344434, BUYING, selling, trading ,il

“*■* SWAP SHOP. 451 Main Ave ROOM FOR Twin Falls. 734-6653.

and care. I have SKIRTING FOR mobile hor I. $1 M per runiiing loot, hnanORY, ”lv"gamo* ■ ^ ‘‘ ' ^ '^ '“^ *<5 *'®--

ei'm onm 'm " ALL THE DRAFT beer you (.r monm, m orink, 8 p.m. h llll p.m. Su

ARD — lor Iwo Gordos Town and Coi S.iioon

KITCHENETTES SKATEBOAfiOS Irom $1 wuok. Call 733- B ackpacks Irom $6

— --------------------------- ^ -C«*t<«.*ivi-liuinor-Rooular4• NOW $7.95. Gil|.giving i

. 00. 2 bodroom sa bRE sow $8/$10, lO"- .53'V.C0(rplciu_J225.Elec..' I, 733-4551 .illtt. ja ,j,5 i; ho motor $5 '■ motor $25, Shop vacuum

------------— Old lypewiiier $35, Na: for rum. 734- ads.-Nowish He

. v.ic $35. Hoovurapl. w.isho'i:E (or reni. Otssoll sweepers $5"up, ■r P,irk. 1530 -u l u c r ango 9 $85/133-4248________ -HdcjgcT.Mor ..U35..-SO.____________ mocnmos $10 up. Poll. i.ER spaco in and baby things. I don'l i Norlh. ti '< Ea:l being 56 — hul hato lo Ihlnh

. 5001 and Imtio i.poni 19 years io 1 O.S43-5004. Hidoabods :55/$95. Sola

I Few beds, chairs. Baby cr Itfto & t e la w 5-;3 a - S^V D ^ .- crib $1......... ...... ...........-Ctiutts $20-lo-t70, Oinoile;lie, all litihiics ‘'P- 'umilure has .U-l 3 Uko'. North tJi'il'Uay. II becomes an FnT dar'-' ii.i-i'~ '♦"n”r ‘"Why-not-invc!rir ALTV 711-Sl'it: iinliqueor coilccllbloChfisIJ l i___ ______ proscnt Inr a loved oric?JOLUuUdinoIor- -lxa .e-«»«nr-fl.ce-«td-c tt»o. Duhl-Cail- -cnb-neia-Mcrctarles.- de

o^ans. phonographs, clo=1----------------- ■ lamps, round or square dl— Forrent-Wfr- -nnn-Dthcn-T30IOSntCT^ -Easy .icccij. Tr.ido-ins. layawaya, Walli Wr.io Box C-16 Ganka'tda welcome . Hi h

734-4513, Cindy and Floronco (Ihey dFMTfli .i„ i-,.,i rcadihosbadjoilher.) •*

” ‘.,S

irougC h

for less Than

« MUalineoiiFDrSi

SUNSHINE, lau nd rom at:. — ) ; Still tho only ono in Twin Fal

wlih 10 certs lor 10 mlnutoo i___ _ , 'J r y 'O p e n 7 d a y iJ /o m ‘S 'a .m .i

iO_R-T)^-Vis!l_.our_.nowi »'| romoAlod l.ciiiiios toda' Lj; Sunshino Laundry. 1830 Ai

disonAvonuoE.iii 734-331t. .! 0 FOUR exponsivo wigs lor sal^ cheap. Bicycle, almost no^ (airljrchoap. Dryer, Cheap. Ta'1 J ? A o»«'/ payn'onts on hko-niI r t iP H i washing machine. Inquire Brc

^ S h j f Manor Apartmoni Q. Jeremo. tcmhW','.'3C GALVANIZED. CORRUGATE

I Y ^n t supply! 6" 78c por lool; 8" 9 -porloot:10'‘-St:33perfociir12 J’ -85 por lool. ULLM^

-------C0NSTflUCTlOH-CO-Addi5i5 ^ ^ AvnnueWe.il 71V717Q

HANNAH'S husband Heel hates-hartl-woik so ho cloai Iho lug* wilh Bluo Lustre. Rc olociric shampooof, Krengelj.

^ r - ' - r ■ TOUCH AND SEW Dclu.e Z Zog Sewing Machine, 733-4490 PROOF " se ts ,-1958 lo 197

-pncod fightrOatt 734*7425.

FOR SALE - Ni^l Crawler .and l.shinn/,ici!« Call 734-1944

CANNON EX aulomaiic. SM -S ftH ''— “ -35mm-comera-will»-cflsc-or

Hash. Practically now $135. C; 324-4779- anytime weevond

_ _ allor 5 p.m. weekdays.tJ h i t IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS

ladies coats. 1 drosj lengi[ arua*4 6- C.j; hiiiuiO with v.Uu Buuvi

collar. Paid $160 will sell $6 I -Cashmero -with wde-BeBn

iSS SEEING collar, Paid $160 will sell $6 tad loday's Boautilul car cpat length i.imi

. skin, paid $650,'will lake $20__ , . . Bolh are boloo.V;iil 111 siioB-tin n fa* m l cash omy. 734-7896 to 0010 5:3_________ 326.4416 o v en .n g s anOacroscastt rwoownosrT=---------------- —

ai lor°Dufl s FOUR FOOT railroad ties $t0i It Iona 324- oach, 2 Keg beer,cooler, $300

Hido a_bed couch. $50.73M«3.

gnrait- -” r,rr=:5st>ek-4iovfr—: -14-ln^. .D Iow Tto'ch—Po<(At)i<$45. Round lypewrifer, SledQo hammer. ' hp motor, axe. 3btbes . viso . Ii

r. RING -

;hirtfl-f;oor- eiEOTRfO-Moiers ftt-«f>ote^wig carpel prices. Call Hoddor Electric-Hollywood- ----------------------------1777------- KlRor'VACUUM "w7ih all alELMO poo! laehm onts-and shampoorused. 'Air Shetland lloor polisher and ru(>e>v>ci) Dll shampooor._jQl-pump vrtth-lQQgj. until 10 Ot pipo:Cdiii|ilOlu. 733-BC33,- 733-560t- ONE FLUTE - Liko now, use


--------EOUlPMENT-1--------U3Cd-P«l■— Vn';,' • Constanl VolUge V/oldor 20 .K ' - '-i'’'Jo Vlro Foe.M h stretch w/Siard;' » - Water Coolci

. S",-. r ,ii ■'■“'C'' S Aaoorlcd Tips: t - Al >‘°-}3_,‘d,". .CoolodPofChi-AttO(lod.Tips;.

. .' —SimelalingGasMixerGaqe: r—rjT— _ Co2 Gage: 2 - Rolls Aiun lor Sorvico VV'f® ^^3- 3 - Rolls SlCOt W.ri Jill lor eir MS.: Phono 352-4296. ask (orT'S AUTO WallMinard.__________ ____anoot—St-----roM-SAte-Tir-rcntatr-Bromc

and Toyota knitting machine: iirinQ laino A-'Ofuo Necdlecalt. 507 M F,im Avenue Wcsi.dorome, 32.

“ LlKE:"NEV;-HDMectTf=fT ' wall m .Generator, used

------------ . limoa. $850, Call anyhir.c 5&M7,

' pufniT*'! DO IT YOURSELF BOOKS! En: 'enf Irailerr- -H om o-^ rp cn l^ ,-« -^ av ir noa 833 Homo Energy, $1,95; Ralingar f, Raising Indoor Planis.. $4.9_______ Over 75 books lo choo^o frorVEEPERS. a .Q, HOUSTON, » l Socor Ivory. Rila SiroolSeulh.733-2214.

' PHOTO SUPPLIES - at bi• w _ savings.-Call Wait Biayioci acioriires. - ™ l y Camera Center, 711 11- rims. ?!“ :_____________________

■ BOWLING BAG and ball. 2 nic

EVROLET , ,0 sgo i^ojn i,pmj ji 22891 Z 'su m Avo East. Twin Falls. .

________ ALU OUR SHAKLEE SOapJERGLASS vitamins, cosmollcs, men'

Caragoa. colognes, etc. Are made c ral colors, 100 :. pure organic matnrlals Woslorn Shaklee soap (er instanco 34, .washes ihn gray out ol youinn 11 mo dolhos. Syhua's Shaklee Sion I avo P and Sunshirro Laundry, W

Addison Avenue East, 734-3811,0 homes.' J4.M KIRBY-Clean up sped; linancing Includes Bearings packed

mos.-2a3— JlonQ£?lJ:!' -'>n-''P_.-'lor'fl_WlIreplacement ol motor brushe

------------ *nd belt. Hoibori Apphanco!tr you can 422 Mam Ave. W„ Twin Falls, m.Sunday _______ :_________________

Country (oirlgbrator. Phltce sieve, glas ovon. 19ra Suzuki, all In A-

— 7T ^ • Shape. 543-4485.____________j6 95 2 CROCHETED PANCHOS an.

ula.4 i5.9i - -Baby^Biankota, lor sale, .734ing ideas ® ili________:____________1 Cjclery. FOR SALE Kirby Vacuun 3-0671. Cliunur,'Molorofa radio on S te reo , 54MS72.10"- table . ____________

Elec..lllill3_ .HOSPlIALB£D..150.-dro!;r.or;$5 hp (rom $18 .'beds, pois. pans an<:uum $20, ioia-«t rni&oolloneoua. All

Nabody "oppllancoa aro reconditionedjh Hoovor Your dollar buys more a■ash0'i475. WENDELL NEW AND USEDI up, 30" 536-2774,:85 /$95 . . . .— -------------------------

Sewinn STOW-A-WAY t»d (or rent $Ii.Ooil. pans' a wook. DANNER FURNiTURion'l mind 733-142t7*

''‘'0 300 GALLON FUEL TANK -i°r , trc complelo so! up. UndorgrourW, or above. MUST SaL. $75.00.SS ^r-olles-545- -ALL--qnAti^5n-BIbne'-Whr,a 9 ilS-lOOth Gfind4<. in now condition. 734 , an "an- 3783.'

c S m a s ” SOLID OAK BuI fET - $10C oriIS?_WQ * Liko row lypowtllor,’$50. 734

i! ci«ks: D E W IN G M ACH INE------------------SPfO A L S------------


734-5267 - N<M ,«tlnoSP. ,V-,-,., ,;:.:«99;

niOT°o?r;' NewSupermollc.........$399|ic SWAP ElooSuper .;.■.............J349-E_Twin— -51noor.Touchond5ow.,tl99-

------------ (---------

lii^<a s s i f in 79c a Day! I

U ' Hlsctllnetn For Sill

JTZ. HEATING BILLS TOO HIGH - 'Falls ^3vo us insulate your home or

00 10 . Huy tho insuUlion Irom us and m. lo 'i yoursuil. Free osiir^ies._ Owly_ Appliance Ccnll’r. 733- 3day! ?163. • _________

Ad- TOY SPECIALS - Duality all • t. metal Erti "DUO Print" replicas

ol John Deere tractors, com-

TalTo J’-'5 to $16.00: co'mt)ino. $10 25: eailh excavator. $12.65: till bed

R ,.., truck. $10.50, ley snawmotnlns.,0 $7,75. baler. $7.85. etc, Toys

sold individually or m tot!. Also have plastic model kils slarnng ol!3.I0,Cl.,i.1mau.niaoa!to.

include CD -ad iC t.-t.rrirng-a l" JB 9:gf-

r.' ,hicycic5._5iaiima-fli $55.95. .- Hoinulile and McCulloch chain

lector ol snowmobilo clothing in-:loans eluding suits, boots, .helmcis.. Rcnl Otovos. Slocking caps.10I3. sweaters: CO helmets, vests.

snowmobiletovers.JohnDocro'“ T-shirts, etc. V/ouId you.believo

;__ ___ “wu also have mechaniwL'JooU-.1973 - carpenter tools— How «boul a •

.'.lart.noai $69,967 Or even a n»w InV] snowmobilo or lawn mower? Or ,

. .1 b-irhecuo orill? We're your one-stop Christmas Store. Gem

. r l J - -L-1«'L.and_L-)!5uro_Ccnl<!f.JW_ - ; Second Avonuo South, ra3-7496. onds. — I____ ____________ E f lte t lih jTS 2 _________________________ ,mg l - ^WE S.ftCEaRUSH fOL KS| bY- j

1 $&}. dilion nol imporianl. Call 733- ! rarer- - 6046.-- ■ ■' --------------

WANTED OLU GUVER CR Mm" '-diesellrnctorrpans.-iTtuststiDr' '

. Ihoro, doesn't have lo tun. call l-JO- 823-4566 or wrllo L. Slrode.

Carey, Idaho,______________

— MW. ReasonaBio. Ask lor Mrs.|«M K.lhanonlv.536-6455, . .-.903. WANTED, a loinor plane. 4 or 6

-inch-. Reasonably priced.'733- ttoftr- - 6868- - - - ■ ■

S ’ WAKTEO .H om o , pUnc. < 6 i - - ‘WTr'fleajonabl}—p»te«JW33—

} hi “ “ •COYOTES, Muskrats, coons!

-------Bacilic Iron- and-6leef:H935:lnc. Highland Avo. East. 734-7440,----- • CASH PAID (Of uicfl Bikesand; al- parts. Bluo Lakes Key andoor. . Bike Shop. 530 Blue Lakes Blvd.

— .lorelgn coins, and diamonds used Gold rings, watches, lowolry ctor. olc )_arn.Jn -my..thop. Wo&-

----- nosday, Thursday, and FridayevonlBSB 4:» 10 7.00 p.m,

P4H- -Sal0rdav4l0lo6p.m,-73M593-Homo 655-1215. Coin Sh^Y ra

Fe™ S 'r >- 03 Blvd_, North.^wl^ 'bled• *'[ WANTED USED SADDLES v/o P* -OflircaahrVickor5-Saaaiofy''359' OOM Shoshone Soulh, 733-7096.Wire WANTED: Door. E(k and Mooso‘ (or I'on 4 Stool, 734- ‘

-WANIED;*Good-u9«d-wood- - lno5, lalho.Call5434752alt5r6:00

COLLECTED culler leal boo t>oards,Alter6:00p.m.536-6435. f

^ R E C Y C L E Y O U R J

S C R A P M E T A L S iEnsv C®PP«r. Breis. Afumlnuryi ' avinS------- -Boilcrlei4l,a;M:Cardi ‘ '

H.KOPPELCO.152 2nd Ave, South 1


_ 43 Aitiqililock° • IF IT'S DIFFERENT, it's haro. 7u:> Johnaion Anilquoa and

O o lle d lb le s . 312 Soulh Washlnglon, Alrporl Road, 733-

• hoi ____________ . -'89lh SWAP SHOP has many an-

iiques, Olc. 451 Main Aie. Eaai '___ Twin Falla. 734-6653._________

RED BARN iv/m llos Norm on 0 0, Dishes. Furnlluro

hco, ^UTH Bond wood stove, your E«collcni condition. $450, Oeni Hero wood rocking chair. Oak. $70. 2 '1830 Cfioery wood chairs. $100 pair * ?11. 734-59M. I

' MIRROR FRONT Anllquo plane. 1 In excelleni condition. 733 7336. J

1922 VICTROLA PHONOGRAPH console. Model 90, in e.cellenl

J__ ' condition, wilh manuals. 537-iU i:_ J553---------------------- --—

’ a’? KING GEE STOVE, antique, lor . 9.i!e. $600,829-5630.OAK ROLL TOP DESK-newly '

734- rellnlshed. 1850 Empire sola in '------ Q«ci;llonrcohdiliori“ naru Or- ■----- nile.Early Player Piano needs“on'3 “ 7 = ' '

---------"COLUMBIA GRAPHONOLA- i'•■O'J nocord ptayur. l920.arKl,marblo- -and lop tnblo wilh motaiJuqs 24" tC'’' diameter-. See at 719 Third Ave.

"'•'“j North, or call 733-0330. 1

;ed . i44 ii: !a llc tr iiie m !

$B.M. nev; YAMAHA -PIANOS, ..and - UflE organs. Used pianos, band 4

instruments. Solmer. Conn..“ King Bundy, WARNER MUSIC,

139 Shoshono North In Twin 5.00. Falls,

•_____ DALDWlN,EL£CIBONtC-Organ- -hrial Model 5, .250 , wjl1....noods- : 734- repairs, $500.00,' Firsi Christian (

Church, Buhl.543Jl02. <

HOC. REALISTIC mIjSC oilers besi ' 734- _ doaJ.^ri lad we cuafflnlco-li.-----j

___ ~'i ovjrn ov fn i'ifrAD ' l— *■Prices. Roa’ilsiic Uu'slc; Acro‘99 Jj

____ Irom courihousp.- 129 4ih .“pvonuirNoiinr7a3=8s<i7~ r ,

r.'NE BABY orand piana.678- ■H • _____________________ :

ELECTniC BASE Guitar wilh 99 ; •. ^smallam^Oood lor bocmnorr.- -C 99 $200,733-4931. c49 eiECmiC ORGANT ilouble key- n 99- -txjardanOloolpedals Exccllent- -j

© • O OT

led A! Phone 733-<

0 bilfiitlbtBiib. 5"

Vinyj^ShiflidFanellna, 4^ 1 .0 '» .. . 4'x7'/,'ChorleiieoWood.........

"4' * g'’-$unciowrr,'w$^.T, ,’/i Inch Plywood sheathing Blows.

I • 7/16 » 4' K 8"'0rooon Troll''Vco1<' EccnoSiudi.BS'.^'........................; V ., 4-« r Birch Shop...................

V .x4'x8'A »h............. .............1 4 x 8 k '//'PegBoord....................

Vi " X 4 'X lO'Sended Shop...........i LARGEST STOCK OF PENEI CelvonlzodTlr),2El gouge.............

WlNffR HOUfS: 0:30-5:30 - A!-------------- h o b t u w U t h t w i k


« . H c i I I k M i i I ] f

40“-nOllall nowinslrumonlsand ' accessories in slock now until

Decomber t5ih. REALISTIC __.. MUSIC 733-0590..............................wO_ SAyE-MOVfDURiNG'ontraio-ci^

DocomDor sjin, Kenny and Glnny Oakor's REALISTIC MUSIC. 733-0590.SPECIAL STOCK REDUCTION

~ ■5Aur“ «^ -Q ir~ N o v :n in iir- Docombor l5th, REALISTIC 'o ’''

■ MUSIC across (rom courthouse.' 73343590, ______________

CELLO, used,' boautilul con- Foi[.

. ™ --------------------------------S“ -LEES PIANO, 50 years Old. QOOd ' take .. .conaillon-$2S0.326-5324_________ 734-1

NORMANDY Clailnot.-oicellenl condlllon. New mouth piece:-- $75.734-7811 allor 5 p.m.

i GE I Bolh

.< i Z

3 r A - t ^ ~ ~ ~ Q - «:’ — 3 - l . £ ~ l y -------- - FIVE

• - C ^ f c Galv

J® o SS."h s P‘PO

-------- -- -----------.C648,

. ______________ .STO

- -4PEAKEflSr-tJniaTTn'uar-«r' T^orolPowori: $150 pair. 734-

' ■_________ - . bud IBASE Radio OX 2300s. 23

- ehannoi atih «n—/sm n J ii ro-i.__''"a*'$225 . 734-2177, Car Minl-biVo, 4 horsepower, $100,

fELOW WHOLESALE prices, on ^526. . .llfT'ltCfl.qjanllly ol C-Q;r»<«<M.—

now and .used. Call 734-5985 SB Ernlo-a U Super Save, V, mile Wost-ol Hospital on Addison ^ Firat como lirsl served, 5alui

' FOR SALE 23".Wosilnghouso Hall'console color TV, good con- cmit'i

- dillon, $200,_423-4362. n!-.. PIONEER 'CASSETTE, c a r ' Chrl:stereo, very good condition. ____Bost oiler. Call 530-2969. • HUG3 MIDLAND single side bands,^ 0. rtiebilo, $275 oach. 734-

STEREO Console, hardly u^d. 9 lo'$150 , or trade lor car. 326-9903. Orlvo 326-4102,

F n i m iC i f p i ! . ilw

BRAND NEW 12 > t6 carpel, iil- • 'Wain low loop, Iwo lono green, 733- Sa!u; 8lMdays,733-4li9nvenlngs. ' 5. NEW 12 x.t37", snorl shag MOV carpot and pad. Color. Mountain rang

• tern. 733-8396. ans'

" “ GOOOCAnPETFDRSALE.'SSrat 242 BuonaVisia SIreel. -----

MO48" ROLL.AWAY bnd now °y-°'

" 'niaiirflal 0«cuH«nl condilVori! ^ ,7! Call 324-4912 allr>r 6 0 m.

. CUSTOM-Crall 'cabinolry and lurnllure. buill Ihe way YOU wamii.w-easj. . —

CHEST OF DRAWERS and droasors. Large selection, fo**' Wendell Now and Usad. 536-2274. ______________ S i^FOR SALE Changing carpets. 65 •

- yards green wool-shBO-$300.00 -Call 733-6471, • 5*‘‘c;

SPOT CASH -~rTum ;iu7?, appliances, Thiny; ol value. X , Banner Furniture. i?7 2nd

_AvonuuWo3i, >33-1421. ""=‘°

4? . ' Awliuctt''

CLEAN U^D APPLIANCES - S«- ,rocondillonod and guaranteed - _al low. low prices. Wendell Now WHI1and Used, 530-2774.___________ ^

’ "2 YEAR OLD KITCHEN-AIDE MUSiportable dishwasher, osccllenl ealimcondltlon.423-5942, ^777


COPPERTDNr-washor/dryuF"GOOd'wOrking condilion. $150.----- homilrm.324-5040.‘' ~ _ |/o°“ i

3 PIECE BEDROOM-Suite. •fi'kT’row. name wood, wlih ’book -___caso, ■ head boatd. $249.95, REDCulns.733;711t. ______ _ . Orch

r "G.E..lour butnetrange, 2 yeara - - 5330Old, eitflliohl condition 15,000 _OTU air condilionor window HARmodel, used t year. Your thoic, ’ Sovf

" •$»0-DrBO!t ollar. ru-nuj nti«, innin

ilds!■0931 I

« U l b l l b W - ■

r ...-, _ J 3 ,2 9 e o Z ] .r ~...... .■$3,95m : -r , .^ V r r r . , . . . . ,J 4 .4 9 t a - ' ____1

................... K -95. , ,I'colori............... $tO,95*bV................................. 49-00," ■...................V..........$18.95' ■■............... ...........*24.95'' 1.................................. $4.95 : •

............................$5 .95" 'ENELINO IN IDAHO........................45’ llnwllt.- MON. m u SAT. •r O O D f A U t r l H C . ------- --------------3 l L ^ a 3 r 5 a 0 9 . i z : t : - " - r : r . —

n .

V/ASHER and dryer. Excollont’'-•.onrliiion Call 733-8587.

M O V ^ INTO FURNISHED - ' ' ' " -HOUSE— .•<T-Mer-sell-Mayiatf--— ^ -r

side aide Uoc:oi. irolrlgeraler, 2 yoara ■'Old: ,jFflgidalre range. 2 ovens an'd 1(an6yearjold.326-4205. -rit^W-PORTABLE' MARVSS ---------------- -rolrigerator, 2.2 'cuBic (oot. « — • ' $159.95. Ono year parts and r labor warranty. M & Y Electric. \441 Main Avenue Easl. Twin >Falls. 733-8212._____________ JWASHER-S DRYgn-Oer-18* ^pound toad, lop ol tho lino*0io<lols,'9monlhseId:FIr5YS35O't . ........... ''takes. Rcou'ar P'lCO over $600.‘* —734-7074___________________ ;___________ :MAYTAG, eloctrlc. almost now' wringer lypo washer wilh iut3S .$l00r733 5569.

5E* MobiVo "Ma d ^Dishwasher loth oxcelfoni condition, 734- 293.Elaaioller. •

4) H nlU itA lrC ariliiiiq, ' " T

SPACE HEAT£R.-B5000 BTt}r ~ = used very lilllo. $150,324-8457.:;;

GAS~FURNACES-wall hnalc~.__________ ^tvaiQt-ho,alva^o.lnsutU..fto«_____________estlmates.-of-do ll-yotjrselt-------------

^nlor, 733-7183.__ — v*. ' “

t --"FIVE- 2 f -lenolh9-el-iJ»*d-3=r----------- ----Galvanljod pipe. Threestool windows. ( good (of iroyblaojaM Uffl-^ifl. . -----------/:ONCRETE FORMING.. AIT ■ ypes ol concrole work..uifRuiM^fs-Tiwsis:— --

2.600 FE£i4V,ii.AQS Pipe 2 5 ''...........cents tool, 1,000 FEET 21UU1S-.. . .Pipe 34 conls a (001. Phon« 64V<S648,-—:___________— _________


3 iiE _ X 0 M P-L£.r£--HUT^.___________:h1NGS0N - 8uspen»liJn: jsed-DaylOQ ados. 2-10 h»le.« jud aito. t-6 holo budailo, 2-tO iole bud air aiios — ideal Tor namng-a pup trailer, Ono used 1,ffrnracirhoisrhydrauiie-TBms--------------- -- -used 1 ion Irom axles Ideal lof.,3lpo trailer. 436-9450 or 43&652Q..)526. - -

r " : u m s ite

nvE FAMILY GARAGE SALE Jalurday, December 4 only.-Ai junny View Courts RerrcjHonal -(all. Localod 1 Uuck Wosl oL. imlth's Market, 1st lurnbyLfioc .- Jlcor. Everything and lots ql" - - :hrislrraisthinos: -

HUGE GARAGE SALE, tporv.” . iorod by Horljon School, luP* illuro. clolhing, CDllecllbioSr- =rlday. Docomtxir 3lrom9'to«'i ind Saturday, Decomber 4 trwn"I to 5- Old Town and CounlriT------- - ■Drive in. Blue Lakes -»rdr- Jorih,BIG GARAGE SALE - rn’ari^ \ntcresling Hems. From 'SVu squlprnont to dinotio se i,'818•• iWalnut Slroel Norlh. Friday and J!Saturday, Oecember 3 ondJiai," 1}

MOVING; Many Itoma to-tnoly^----- ^range, sewing nwchlnos. doalr- hanswering device,.clothes etc, 01j7il_E.i31lantl..D{l»a—North._________Docomber3and4th10:00A,M,—‘MOVING MUST s e l l ' ' ''.1jvpryihlng, tables. clothWr 'j--- li.ARGE GARAGE SALEI New' Ioathor coals, vests, and pon-‘:ho's. Boys. Babya. Ladies, and )^onls- good. cJoihlna^QU,oI..--' 4 - ilscellanooua. Evorylhing.very 1 .oasonablo. 187t 4ih Avenue iasi. Friday, Saturday -and Sunday, . .:3R0J — Docombor 3 and 4/Accords, clolhrng. tund made iklcaps.lB4lQtanadaCircle, - SATURDAY MORNING, B-1 pjn;122 Third Ave. North. Eloctrlc ifbye, gun racks, old boiilet, tiisc, • -

il * WTWni'ttEff...........DRESSED GEESE for aalo.-Caii r33-13M,

™ li|iB E " SPUDS FOR s a t '____ ^ _

ilUSCOVY Ducks - good 'alinolgntiotiolWay5.733-OB95.' • iLFALFA HONEY for aalo’^.f>0 a pound. In 5 g'ailb( ,f _rjs ^

:hrlstm.is presonl, 487-3128,iKihhoid............ ...... ........ " '•t --------------- —

lOMEMADEClOER - and i<j0 olicious apples. Col''s Or-hanSn-a-miies-South-v'-fan--------------- - —Ueoi. Buhl, 64 6025.

lED DELICIOUS APPLES. Orr ' ’ ’ • Orchard, 1 mile norlfi ol Cuhl, — - lear Lakes Ro.id. phone S43-.

1330;- — ; ' ' ' ;

HARD WHEAT lor tioui.miHlng.Sovjjral varioltes ol beans, st«}nnlnl»(ln Ih Kintl '

Page 21: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

p i i H-

s S Z E ao d S iis t(£ i i a

— -STRAW MptSTBOoI, lamB or pork. 5237 Wiolo,.-halvos,- quitters and —

------mkg<J.<j,a.lofa,-eo8l prices-(n- -W A'N------- U*.-V»U;/..£»Mii avallaWs- -PROXa

P5on#,J33^M17 dayj, 7IM560 »ilaqo ii r ifh ir- _ . 4S63.:-

W ^TER% LAHOSCAPINQ.ramdno. naw vtl Irimmlna. ---------

, f» trlnW ir ( M U n i . Qood STRAW

. j s s s n i s s s s ^ r ' ' " ' . ™ “■■■ 5685a(l.

— J i ________ f i f t i I i n f l T » m ,

“ ’- “ CCipDfnTflirttorsare.TM^m.—

H^TflUCKERSwill boom load. _^«iolio6msfor»aro.<»-5MI. BAL

~ ■ — • - — - Iracior; ...9 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS. Caao 600- -23M.-.-.

------ • -■-........ ■......— —------ uy 10- <•"*"<» '«y. f « aiKT "'•>'‘"•0'Znd.CuUlnfl, AJw. straw. B<-' <Jollvory

:W5J(:_ . '

— ^ 7 i® H I iE 2 E 3 i in B i^ M S n

€ ' BIG ' " T 'i:_PROFlTS

”■ REMDf“ .

Z . ' ■- ••-BY.tlSTTNG '" • \YOUR SERVICE ' {


— W H J a E E E m i W ^ W n E

_ i S l S A T P W .- IB g Z P g ^

' ^ s r a s ? a 3 f 2B oxm ,

~ 1 _ 1 - WTOBOOYHEPAm ^ r--— AUTO body rap tlrv id painting 3 S 2 ^

BACKHQe ' ------------ ^ V E .t— ;&M>GftieNCEO baoki.u ff - j m S *

, HMt&nabl* n m » , Q«n» _QBAVH tanltfkndiOn.42»«790. , R U ^ T

'B t o a n c ^ ■MDHB BA O O g t

•.................... ....... J .h o r n I

ba ck h o e f S 2? o• BACKHOE-W3rtc.-CUI-'8im *r‘ ^----------

BKkfi6#8«vlc».7SM588. ’• S 5 1 5

aCYCt£REPAlR 'S S ? li5^ A I R 8 alt m«k«#. Skito'

- ........CARPENTRY---------- HOMECGENERAL REPAIRS, palios. K&S H

— liffliacnnl)— i&IUfo'rl3r%I6di-trtCil m d ^umblno. Al Donoho Iw u m c73W5;,.. .. ------- ------------ - -cwpet#.-

__ • .-., -■. wCAnPfa<MV' iRterectiAU ;' P lttM t t>f carptnlry. 'Concnta, raw home, room _____ _addHSona, carpbrte. a n d ^ fo * . MACHINC - |t« 0 - f T l l» ^ 7 3 M M r 55^

’c w E H f r n ' ' ~ 1SS>!2 »,^ ' P H A ^ W CMiMftt arU' . c<i(Mr)lry. .w rt(. Buildlngt.niw |l«llnB, Iramlnfl, rWjm, • _____

a S * w y « .. MACHU■ . ■ . , PRECK

CARPETff«0^ E T Im tr ttt to n a n d ra p a lr . WEWVl*WP**- . 0*W fK

• PAlMTt*

iiaAnrTrrii rmiTTU , .. _ ^' CM J:'8ERVICEMASTER - » O torc I

. ;guannU ^M xk.7M «<7. , ■

CONCRETE FORMiNQ ~ , 'iC W f A a typea Of eUxwreta woili.

■3*nLu5aiBon;73M 5«:^----- '■ m R IC

----------K 1 H C O iniyC T O M HOC86Bu a jw o____ __ __

' AND iwnoMllna. A<WMOf». ..LUOAN

m r o c h H u r n o h r t . « r t l ^ . S , . ' b ,................ .. . . 73M3M

pibw roicow iriw cTioN. O M -O um L H v A ln a . 'lA - ■ — ’

m ht ln a . la n d RAIHQI

■ . c o w T q o g n w ____ — !__C 0H CR ETE^D niV £W A Y .a^._9M P

SMiu#d.NO|W>tobatT«!i.fr«fl IF THE

~ J ______— -rCA>jgaflH Y ^V - ' . L c imlL

KMi > NEEOAN EXPERT * -FAlLBPEOAUhW carotno*. - ■ pcUO wWi giaaavand acr»«n. QOOF»


C' i : . ______ - . S iDRYWAll________________ . m

. SPftAYED aoiouaao ctfino*. CX

IranH ir .C n iitF e d S

VW-/OT.54JO-— Calsd. u i - GOTONSoCn , - . aion.543-WM

F t— T O -B U Y -A -P .- -IMTQNSOF.l XIMATELY- tw—lon^om -----J4l-»nd-2n4x0 in Filer ifca. Phono 326-

- 200 TONS 0■ ml«od tuy. G lURE Sprcialna. Phono slraw-645-Z2C£1703 Of 3:6-I9Sj, Loo's __________ _om Farming, Filer. HAY HAULINC______________________ __ m !« by Itio (r»WFgRSAUF-a?5.5ieg, “

alter 9I1. ortoadi, 324-42 - rr„ . ' ' ^O R .SA L£^ iitD^HArUUYING, jcUinfl tons ol tuy I yi^O-^ywti.cccJjor^M ipiffl -<umng, W, M3-4B??. ^y|o<^AmOfl XtENV MAY, iicavy bales,

bale. .Slraw Jt.M hJlO, . 2J6-2056 trom 9 Un. 730-2281 - - — - ------------------■ QUAllTY AllSALES HAY; Case 500 gas $2.50 a balo. k; Caso Voc. Itaclor, 836- wobVacviro ---------------------------------- ondir734-43(

1MOSTaHFCOnNnof>dp(1~' „ "'' — lo Z90"Tons,' pfolor wall-, X . T ~iraa *ornofs, can lalio ___________ory now. Conlael Vaughn. FOR SALE Fl jr.675-791B.Qurloy, J10,734-7958.,

servicegui and direct!

leooH gTw iw TioH *'"*^ - H itbm w rei ^ ■ A H n j ^ e ^ s ^ock.

>i''nb'problom: & 37^ !~ apeclalty.RM 583. Buhl. Idaho. oSalltyTnsUJl

— 3^«W an9rin W o . obfia]». CHck Q o « , ----------- --- ■ia».-atar-RowlB.— BIISI,- -.5WAP8H0P

■ ■. -------B im N M EQRAVEU Uaid_B»re

E.trucka will haul br ro«l Oe/m- 8«>1 ■t-Ctonp Qny'a pit' >Avf.£-iTii^

/EL-CRU&KED AND PTT TREE&ERW-T O P S O L ^ _________ , WLL CUTWLL (Mhw. »ftnw trm ,c u iu fi• and .neolngnM St btaw»d.73>

eiMPtKVBIEOT ::------------ r^ T O P P »IF^Hli tf>t wltit TREETOPPO

n«frt R«n<xMnd'by Had - « “ • ~ ' rCbcSmfCtfcn.7»OT. .-— — r * — - ; . wv i c iHOUSE O o e u l» bKkl DAHBEL^S ng ttM H x ^ Villay tifiti ^;iy rtm bdallno. ebn- 3»4ZM.Von Md N3RW repdt. .

73X391 M ' BETTER aorvttopping and

Homo claanora; ws STEAMCLEAi iIUo"Itn)awrinjrrniJoi----- sAVETIMr'j

UPHOLSTERYttNESHOPJelo Machlrw Shbp. Also P m 'ntJmat ^ and Motattzlng. J & Q . M M ry SM4 r5».«9 6«rtM b^ l.733.

Klrtflr. .Hbbw_________ • 8«tv)ca all>4tHEVSORK — CLEANER8 ( CtSION MacMna Work. ofZndEastaii aizlng. ahaplno. milling, 1077.

i& % r o " ^ S c T W c 1 » W HEEL^N Roger Bollo ■Whod and I auto aarvSca.:

______________l _ v Sbirth.73M7*WTTE YOU TO Inapact b u r ________ _facntlka and Mtch ybur, WYATraROC b ^ ^ ^ E a a t a r t y * a wYATTSjtec

xn U M C u ^ . Oamd 330 Eati K t K t/i Ite^ a grtcharipfl o*.S2«B81. ._________ ■ ■ BiOf o .< tb. ■ - -1

QAIAN'SPORTRATTS ■ ___0JNQ3. lndMdQU5.-.«amIly • pa.Ourap«el»lty.Koalt^ p .


IQUTTEf^—TMU0U8 SEAMLESS rain tn . Btx cOfon. aO wMi antMd (rM aiUmftaa.,

_ _ I ' lHE TIME HAS ARRIVED ttf"' ' U /W n ' your own business, ct ock 1 1 0 1 1

L.--- - Jusi4aUNQ, atiakaa, ar4Mil, ftw* H a m m , c m_____

C h o c k T h u

S e c iio n F o r ■ 7,90■Xpert Hdi}l. 1 f O u '

i i e e (


Hit. G n ii t Feed i

3F-HAYF0RCALE.— ------------d-culling-Cood 6S4- -DRV—SEASONED________________ .jilno, Culands^ll

giajs and allalla 7^206 .-*PP>-E WOOD, J4i ’2C6orH5-2502, long bo« pickup

. . .---------. . . - _ . — ctiard, 1 mllo noi,ING - also tiay for Cloar.Ukoa Road, r (ruckload: Willjiaul 5330.I o*or 5-lon, Ptiono

alodolloorod by load ^ _______ ~ ^___________ PROFESStONAL (

■ App.^.^m.i«iy m t .SU^tt-flcptico. .vac y llrsi. Mcond and board your dog, ' ng»,-Contael Glon Keno(>Hi’3-5tW

- 'RISH Soilo,<n9a,m..lo5p,m^ ~ Q S a U ? ^ °7 5 ^ ll

alfalfa Hoy - ~]lo. Coll oltof noon, DOBERMANS AK( ro r'a ll-doy -v fook" --Rirtt matorwtioipi430J:-------------------- -- 10- -1B75.-Fof-del

■ - . JoAnn Loveland, f I _____i^V/BllB,N(^v.,S9a35f

■ ... FkfWW^ OBEOiENCe. flufttfi Firewood, lumber.

8 . 73^22M.

- J l ln a o d •. 2 4 lln » o d -J I C I © — ----------------------------------- -CtUtS-SJBVI

------- _ . . DAY FOR.;

leatonabla rates and U I U I Iu a u u o n g i ^ b r [ M V I J

OP I n U U t


FINISIS — --BEFOIIW O andaiirypdaOf U I I U T C.F rw ew m aiaa.734 . n i n i C

1C£ , . , " • ■— fc,--------8 TREE mb»lfttf i ? ' / S ^ rM apad*. ,

n W K C H V B g ^ - )rvk:e for Lssa. troo f|[ nd removal. Froo H j A S773M08a.734-Wa . . . . .........-

EANER3E-and-dbnihi7-UM-------»yro ho i_w 9lor_cn____ ••?-•■■ L - /, building, engines, mBttyreciL-TP^nBO.---------

uDhUatarlng, fair '</ jalHy-wOrkmartaMp. ' w M F ^natsa, pickup and, . ' - j K f g i ! / ■ u m . J

over and E lactro liB .------Jl tnakea. VACUUM ''■‘• I K '3 OF IDAHO, c o o w . / # i itandBlMLakea.733- / #

IQNMENT , .illon'a' Twin Falla J flrtka. Complrtoa. 281 lecuat S tr»« -------- 1-, — -T O . N e e d

^ooxaQEM aM PP^ E x p e r ^ U s e t t

« n « iM - z u 7;ia :oo D irect(lOO 1 ^ fW**Moy», ,: - to jw o » ^ : ^ u>-' w h e n

^ r t c w o « » i . f . - - . ------ n e e d -c' . ^^professic

a d s t o a p

l i t t le (\ L E S - , $ 1 3 . 4 4 p €

i t j m F o r e v e ry

j l n s t a l l o t k

p a i n t i n g ,

_ j , i , „ p l u m b i n g

n X n B - p t i i e r t i o n

T ^ a p a i r s , I

intAdS. ; t ° c h e c k t------------------------B u sm e ss-

, J . , D i r e c t o r y

S t OI3I t o d a y ' s .

~ ” Classified

issm1-0931 133:®

H [ R c

n m r ^ s i h \ s l U

free PUPPIK, part G( I. Doiivorod. 733- si^opnord,-ca»733-7S23atii

,AOORAQLE-haH blood-tw

S{>ilt, DawtWard., barg»ln^.T3>t3«,_______TO BE GIVEN AWAy78 woe

. J40 a tioaplng pupploi. Call 5434645. jp :oad, Orr Or- p u R E B R E D G E R f north ol • BuW, SHEPHERD pups. 734-4372

“ ■■ AKC YELLOW LAB pups. . collent hunting stock, will

■■ * ~ ’III Christmas, 629-5109, ■ P lb tS l^ lilS B WEEK old German Sftoi

L GBOOMmQ,/aQttontna? I'll ' PUREBRED Doberman Pu 'g, Chpfi Miiiftf blackand rust. 5 woeksolc i ■ , M42.Bllor PUDS Pick' IRISH SEHER puppies for Pei a - n § S & =au3i-5-toftr-vm r-noic• 1100. Call 543. ClidjtmaB.tM. Phono File

________ .SflSfl! , ’. . - ...............AKr i ~ n i , ; n ) GEniNG MARRIED, lorei S « NSI,“m U -dei.ils-contact;- ^

Id, P.O. 6o< 64fl, AKC BRITTANYS, bee 05 fTOfl 757-3362, ~^chnouiori~.~AUo~ Palme= -------------- -- Spitz, lobrodors^ ^d~mtfogandwaWf • a,poo., Wo do groo A'«- boaidlno.i: Mot'» Koonoli. 536-2317

----------------; - : 'BEAUTIFUL PURE BREGreat Dane Pupplos, 487-?

FREE - Auslrallan Shop # d - 13,44 ‘ Colllo pupplos. 324-4179.

“d - 17.92 CANINE COIFFUFlit . ?? i Q ■•___ £rolcsstonnlqrfwmlng. JSl

I Lakes Blvd North, behind 1:BVia-fVfSY- - Really, - 733^2352, ' K3R.76DAYS - Williams. . ' . . ..

-------------- ,.ONE.YEAROLD.-.Wolrrf | f \ A 4 SISO.'Champlon broedln(

r U M I _____STAFFORDSHIRE 1_____ — Torrters. ,AKC. papora

podlgroes, Top blood.lino

— .4 PUREBRED German Stw pups, weaned and molh

~ y n l | 2-5 MONTHS Old AKC Bi_ 1 .U U ______ ipupsjof saio.oLlradafor.,

------ , baxrel-22 callbor-pislol oi l U C ' mini rlllo, 543-557;!),


iffllF ~~ ;. A D O R A O t.£_aiO C I

• M y A — ■’ STUFFERS - complete l i n n luulh and iliuir own papQi . i« a a w _ ------- . ^

) P n j | | | | C puppioa win bc.roady.Ic i L r A I K U ' ' -Chtistmoa.oi*ino^733:364

C U C n ■ TINY TOY REGISTEREDw l l b l l lemalo poodlo. Cail438-5i• r in P ' AKC REGISTERED EngllORET C D 7 2 AKC roQlslered Giea| r | l » ........... Tiuppioj; isnck. end I

------- - -iwnalos.-reasorwblopftc/ f O * 61^-


* ' cross Iroo to good homo.

^ V v C r J •• •t J n J w l ^ SHETLAND sn oop

W f ■ -tmlntflluroColllW pupplei \ | ^ ^ chan>pion sirod. JIM. aI w ' Can hold till Chrislma:

- j J m -iCANARiES AND Para

___ ■-lQcaLrai3Pd,_Cnat.j_an'^ pllos. 253 7th Avo. E.

AKC LAM, natiorial boiK

| | . r eg is te re d ” Poled He ' i i i . j C \ Bulls. -Phbno 825-5135. Ki jm i f > S I MaeCIo^.Ednn,

' * • E l - ' ABS Holstein bull calvi t l ' - . '" - E l ages. 2 part Simmonbi

W.' - calvos,423-5750.

’ I '" ONE DAY OLD CALVESy Llvestxk, Wendo

LARGE SELECTION ol hollers and cowa, Somo

■ ' spilngers. Buy, sellortufd a n mile soutri on South Blue

Blvd. 734-2053. .e r t ? ...............- v -T -

. . FRESH .OR Springer cc' t h i s hollers guaratfloed. B

trade for springers or bo<

c * 0 r v

■ REGISTERED HERE p f f l BULLS — oood selecllon

■*. ^ 7 ;--------- TTcKtiivTJora-iffirrrags:s i o n a l ! — h er cs custom mea

Vobllo Bulcherlng,- c iIb u /m ih Dool, yuik Jiiiu ij,l i e y o u r „ k , qooi ^aivos. ,71 eoin n n o n r -CWF-Poik ,78 corns. O u f ^ p o u i Meals Available. 004 41h Ak / f l n / Weal. Pfiono 733 M17.— - ~ 7 Z . .60.. STOCK-<»W9—w.- ‘ a s registered bulls. .Clean

raised, pastured and I e a S ' private (arm lando. Your

. . I . J3$0.6a6.753S.-, p e r BUCKO CATTLE sqt

. • cnuto,-U5odvoryiimo,‘734 THREE' YOUNG REGlST Herelords, 2 bred ;

T y i n i n g roglstorod bulls, duo M,i n g u t t e r i°^ -°--°»iibynide.4fl7 .

t i o n t o NOW OFFERING A.'.‘y i L l y -CROUP OF-.iO RWISl g , HEREFORD BULLS. 2

ig a n d

>, b e s u r e Uno»,-AI»o a lew ]

k t h e - - a v . ' ” ' " '- . __£A K ltJLU EM FO RJ

--------------- -------------------------- lEROME------r y ip ' -E(i324-546B Keith 324

• Jlm7Q8-406l.Bflllev

HORSE .SHOEING:- . . . . . . 'Qallamator. graduj

Oklahoma Farriers Collet___ i.. Duhl m -W 4 _________I M I ' PINTO AND 01101l> U I ooidinos. aiDO a black :

* 473JJM, •, —^rrrr^:-------:----- t -t

B s u l l

stSqiplltt EO Herairl German 7 YEAR OLD sorrel gelding, wc 33afler5, broke,•biflhor6e7733.€512,

i_old*’'‘wiil' "REGlSieRED.^yoaf^JldJAH gelding, probable enduranc

-------- prospoct,caltat.erB,788-29t4,-6 week old ~ -S. SADDLE - BOOT REPAlic n t . . „ Custom-leather work. Andy'

M372 •

k .'" .in i.;5 » aAv oELDim« _ • oajy lo caich load and shw2:----------- .Oenllo,$400,324-2621,1 Sftopherd ' ::_______590. WANTED TO BUY - 2 gocan'P ub s- used aaddles. Call 543-5534.iksold.324- HORSES AND MULES for sal________ 734-3585.es for sa'e. ' _

X , 3 ° r . r ^ K K ' S, forced to PURE BRED ARABIAN 7 mont ifcat' Dar o... otd Bay cdl and 2 year old.Ba

_________Fiilie._Nleo Chti3lmas,gili9,.3J,-beog le i, __ '

Jolmolloni ■ FOR SALE OR TRADE: For ha mvj cock-" ~t9;o~p<snii5i wiih caiis aj oroomlno «fnoS3os and ono three ye

-3 3 n o'O “ “ '0 horso. Call evertiniatS4M433. . __________ ;

BRED •— — - i ----------- --------------- •


F U R E S,ig,-3$0Blu<>'ihlnd Globe A

—.Welmaraner. ledlng,, (503)

<r~BULL ' 6 ^ .apcrs and. ^d.llnes. 324-

inShorlhalf- molher lor ’

KC Brlllany f # / f ^ S S(Uoi.ajQoa-

>EAKE BAY- ' I m ^ - •________——

Loc.K.iNG^ • m mnplelo with ■ ■ paparjlAK'."Ulsh Setter |Q g |idy.JofjQur. ________ _33:3645 allC7 JT_: .

:red aprlcoi H I438-5522. ■ m \ - ,EnoUsh Bull S S140 oiler B:00 ___

Great Danoind brindlo. C n • ,e pfice.-734— - K M —

E N SIA N D - - I B —n Shepherd B I Ilomo. Ptiono

leop doo b S I ' ■upples.-AKC- 100, and up. . ' n n islmas. 543- f l w


-"“^ - I S - Y o o - c a n - b e l

f r a : l | ~ ~ Y ° u - ° - i m i B -'lnlago.320- WOnt tO He'

—S ii V'■ B * u n w a n te d ! i K S S m T i m e s - N e w sIB " /“x '■® "cdrog. Ajj i H i - e q u i p m e n t ,

“ I I w h a t m u ' n

ETiS . Boi’ H “W .II.S 36 . m . y o u r c t i e c k ,

~ ~ B Y o u 'll BE SISomo close-' ■ ■ ■


g^-i-SK+SWD. ■ c u s l^ ' P H •

71 cents LB ^IS. Counter — ■4lhAvenuo ‘ I I H IL . SB !

Sred- - S I — - — r!:iean herd. H i '.{>nd (ed on |Yourctiolce — j

squoozo. H I■o,-73*-2C80. ' C a ■ ; — ■■ !EGISTERED i H . - 3d Al loJO 28. Ib b I I9.487-2517. W QI I

’ A TOP I WISTEREO-- B 9 r ................ '

2 yeors | ■ ■ trformonco ' B B plus lire* P * 3

seteeled S t f - Jf(ven-blood-'- ------------

R ■FORDS____ ; H

1324-0213 S UIflllevue ' .. _____

-— = BB r o m _

■JG: Harry Maduaio ol- I g y y j V l r ; ,College. Call — JUn '_________ ^lUCKSKlN E H a lack ud(llo.

_____ /______

. ■ - , V r^

is! "3» » ii "" i« o.well SORREL' B-year old golding.

Goniio lor anyone. Caprlola----------- Slock..Sa<Jdlo,-goodeond.ltoft.-J \/ab . ..M6-271D.__________ ;__________;?*®. ..ONE OREY.maro..7.yeats old....

OJira gentle. J275.324-8963.PAIR ATTENTION HORSEMEN - idyf Horse shoeing. • trimming lor *iln. vrlnier monihs. Denver Fine, •

326^831. Beforo 7:30 a.m and — alturep.m,

. . ■_ good **'®' P*'®"* *

FOR SALE - Swine Feeder Pigs, 423-5833,

m 0 - a w >-FORSALE;-E*ciHI«rt-qoaHty-

lonth A^ullpjk yearling Rams. 543^752,LBay-1__________— • ~-

_NANNYGOAT-20monlhJoId., U5, Call 324^551 evenings or

■ UMBlN0 8 H E D -2 8 i9 8 C an ' bo, moved In aecilona. No ■'""a* canvis,$275.324-4181.


>etrskiihg IS going to cost" I B~ m ore~t h i s yeg r~&o7 we'- lelp you out!^ Get extra need by selling all your 1 ski equipment Iri^the* N S SKI SWAP'Section, in the m arket for ski’

^ t h e .M l . .W A P has .n e ^ at bargain prices;

couport out belcw, with :k, and send i t I f O D A Y ,


. I N E S 0 D .


TnSis-NEWS_ i ----------------P ^ B o * S48 TWIN

' 5 N A M T •

I 'A D D R E SS ' ~

■ CITY __________________' i i i ~ w e iiD S 1

I MY A D : _________ •■ 1I

I . I V A D D in p N A lC H A R C r F

■ a i l l IB i i ■■ I M ■ ■ I


'■fioay. Oftcomtjora, 1B7B Tlmo3-No»

tUEKOPUSCLiiles-IO-Day:P a ll a n A d-V isor T o ib y . ,


l 3*7W C0M6 SSF O K I (


AT Y<3UR ^ M Y BR^Tft^y m X A E R '^ \ £\U CZ HE 5

• PLACE. JAKE? \ WANT TO T '. 6 0 r T A t , : jM IB fSO f* E

) ^ W E £ . T O R OI K ? y -,


t ,--------------

o . m r W e * v e B n

^ M The Cost 1 1. '■ M' YonOi: r I t

S . _ ; ■ j® * _ T a k e advantage of6 % . ' ' rotrN ow lS k iS w a



S CLASSIFIED fIN F A U S , I D ^ O I -------------- ^ ■_ _ S T A R T DATt^____________ J

Z lJ W ir O U N T i I

____ P H O N E ________!________ I

T O 3 L I N I S j-------------------------------------------------1 .___________ I

■ • _________________I

ip O R EACH WOM ) OVER 1 2 " |

— S K I ^ k = 3 3 M

^ (I T ’SWOI

733___. • i o f w

■Nows. Tvrlrt Falls. Idah* ' 2i '~. .



~ — ^ ' h . . . rj

. .w ith M ojor - j

1 W PPIN J 1 PRf,C,T!£.-l.YZi;______ . iB_i?UT-JwE_Bifi'_Tr2WN/-zJi-,_______ ;I L E F T .'^U BEEN BEACW'; -i

^ K R ^ ' r r i S r A W T O W ^ ---------- ^

tiE R ^ B£EN . A m ? r & ^ 1 :E $ a P 5 < 7 M E BCWK'. 1 : '•OTEACri HIM A . L t m ^ - ;!N BEFC7REI u r < W E ' ; i i ^ - .;s 'R ooL L ie$ , M w ii 'W.HWW.' ' 'S

r o p p e a V ^ V n

K'^UelpMliout! Ipg:: o h ^ a p M l a ] I g S f l H *

a ^ w d E R 1 7 lh .

sai^ eeE I = ., l _ ------------------------- V ' 'B:""I ' n ' p J w M

B. i ----------- -------------^ ' ' ' - ^ . 1 8 1 —I .......................... : : i f

I ■ f f lII - —II - ' l i -BI - S 'j

i F S U i s r :


W i f

Page 22: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

S G n ai - or

k 3 lii

i F * * * * * * * * * * i i * * i t i u l* ” M M a ..... .................................................

, i i m ______________ ' '

■¥' ^ i• < S R j&V“G0ATS lor u lo and 5 F0r1 3

; DOMmtXif. 7W-j;si allor 5. tiyOrojI,- • ' .... "

MtitbttH K— I , ? * * ~ - ‘ — laig. )

• K ^ " n hole wire caoos. Sloveni.... i .saHno-H«loqulft<-^lln».-W ..................

-----fSlST-------- -------- ----------------------3B0TTC-•-“ ' ~ --------- pfowwrCoso S50. u - irash’tu

|ftfc(fcfg.^now dfopcfa- tickio. _40aalW

“ jMcWrnalhHomoS^OS?:”"' NEW'l--------------------------................iftiiof,.

___~ 's U S E & « - ’and 4" Amot Hail -::4 cB aftit ian d .llr« .,^ x^ *n ief- - ,7; ^

_.,riBDi:.w5lh:i30 Ralnblfds, Ex- 'colloni condlllon, Over a.DOO z*'"

— :jdWUiliJh-et«h,-WiH-«feiw:^ _Cfawici ■ »AMES IRRIGATION SERVICE

^Nynpo. Idalio 'MASsf} F O ^ ^ ; . 3 booslor punipa

1 U a Layno art - 0*vl0 -__;a6Mfll'.l25 hOfMpowor shofi ooHwry

^couplod tufbln. 1800 gpm. And 1 ^-Layno and Bowlor 7S hor- ,'3i.V r

abort couplcd lurbln. Ic.,.! „,:w f tS r A lM 600 syphon lubos ” *jL® ?r W M W . 20^" i IM". m ^ 1 ,•M gM eiM SiT. ______ 1; , “ “

>:2S-J»fMpowof tutblno pump, pORSA' ‘ nj8B C * 3eharao head, panel,- -irjciof

® “’’'“ iu ‘

, yARM DUTY oloeirlc motors al 3a- pni

- !"*'!■____________ • HlflhlanclI! U8£ORAlftOAOT«d-----

- - Rough ocon. 2"x8," «9M, W(< ; ,^ jo o o h l.n ,b < ,r ,n a ilW o a .

: : H .r W ? M M Q a ■

IE^ b ln o s|< row oi•' -h arvo

j _ I ^ o e - A l U o u ' t Z -------------J

I: Irrig a lio n 'N so d s , ^ "

5 W :K )M t r e a s u r e *

K E C H rtR B R O f ' —--*,_ ^ -U '___- ^ - ~ ~ s r r ....... •’ ' " ^ " LEARN .

r " - -pS ”;_fi DEERE 15.5*33 tcj/ ' 3 ^ ’-

f Il.r**arl,5«l5 Itonl 1I101, y.hool — ----- -K weiQhta.' duals. Iioni «n(] 0 'J, wolohls, Holland s w a i h a r , ----------;• tfloacl englno. cab, air. 7aS-?6?3. U' DUCf ■“' 2 BOnOM Inlctnalional 2u ° ;■ platrMltrcyllndor. row shatos. _ l 2 !►i toullcfa. 54J. 5AILOO/

' • iTTCJb'T Tilt bed' caulnrrcm *'*“ •: irallof, -W-3075 or 733-r69• t1900. » ‘n 81• . .__ .LotutiJ

-hfi74raMTERNATI0NAL Ullllly FOR SAIa, Trantrf. <00 nouis wiih duals, wiih 10

<4ri5it, _ motor a;: FOn,SALE.~*Hoath-8 row djy: bean cuitor and 8 fow eonior

_ ^ M E llQ H I= 5.W - JOlWlil;ganoraior. 10 hp QtIqos antr lino ol

f Slrslloh onolno. Mai. Zfsinps, Equlpmo ;:;.iato?40t)ollaao.S<M ^ ■ ^»• 200 AM(> Waler coolod porlaWo . LIGHT V

CiMOln Weldor. <23-5682.__ . boat, «0

|.-6 nB 7NTERNATIONAL B row trallo 'TKbtabeulllvalor. comploio with 44I' aiitBdrs.MMaeo, ^ —

\ . —— -----------------:--------1= - CALHOU «9T8 inlern4iionalHM.4 EJoiiom lortilliof:

-?.-«Jtl£piownJ7S-GMC-2%-ion— f to a .soS mmcm.- . _____

i r a n t e e d ir y o u r n i o n e


7 9 ■ Bu)

rntaflatits i ~SALE Inlorrultonal F lOM NOTICE. Thi ■Qr._1970 taclOfV cab.- - pmp, tn hnotiailc iransmlgglon, 3 Marks can c. virfdo Ifoni. 12 wolQhla. 2 EOulomonl}.' No phono, localcid; 10 409 2nd Av

inKlnijFafm! 1. , —TTOMINTERMATIONAL214” ‘“ C IlT y r ^ ,wlih cylinder, row Bharos. . "AAolori,I tumors and coultors, 543. rm ill!iIl£Lap-m......... r-TEH^rr i4 fL'8ueko flod#on«ir . g n i c ■ »f..Hydf«ullc-df»ln-.dump. — " P J -i.Lf jt iift rafit TflrffiB. ■ ■ ■]at 603 Wott Addlion. n4<

SALE IHC 966, 1975 modol, ' ------------Jiours, (aclory cab with,

■or. and hoator, Liko now, ’ lY l'-J .r ..

10 TRACTOR SALVAGE. .otb u l ST, lof uso<) wnool .and.

»lcUf9eiOf8._SaYO-5fl-PQf- onparls.733« 93. . .ovoninn.^^

SE7 HARRIS 22 Iroclof.. has boll puiloy. Caw andI - B/»dioy 4^001 sid» --------- :ory-raXes-tof-hay _»nd_ .BRUNSWICK s. 7330944. _ labioi nowntornallonan4ee. 4 BottomI plow. 1975 OMC 2rt ton PP®" . 1965 Ffolohlllnor wllh 35 ® crocKjamo!11 Iralier, Call boforo 8 a.m. . J . . i> "ar8p.m,MM47».--------^ ~ r W C —

SALE-4230 JOHN DEEREil. Cab, air, radio, power .V SQ fiS . '?

476 hours, oicollonl Hion..67&-3<W. f » . ; y r

PORTABLE PTO driven 243Mo»Tb«l<i- 5ort augers.-Buy nou-for *-o''q

5”! ??.” iSIS3ndA»enuo.T.F, or phone — ' -■ ■■74. • . WINCHESTER--------------- __________ gaugo doubleHOLLAND 912 Swalhot n«o. VR, Mc«

ab. Pracllcalty new. 0 row Olos, M7-4834.man-Bool Thinner nover oi/~cnu r-a,

“ •f»w. Musi Sell

SHOTGUNS. R^ 670. 12-gauso t

now condlllon. 12-oauge wllh

______________________ bo*, make o«cOlfls.54M32t.

MODEL 12 WIrFREEH ss,:e,'SicKUPAiBiDaivar ..

-cmy m ojor bvor-II o r rocon d ltloD ' moving - M

o f , ,a c ,o r .^ c o .s . : _OS, b a lo r s , w ind - ____________,o r , e n d f o r o g .v ostors, ___________ViConFlnont*Vour - ' 9 ^ ARCTIC

MolofOyyhaul_________ >ycllcCatCho. orKicondlllenlnB ^ TWO"l973Skk r u rn illD U C U T aooand 1200 rU n T U U In T iL lIt and trailer. Jl

Kln(l>.ritM.L. 7W314,Foil* 73J.7J72 ---------------- -

1973 SKI-OOC akldfand now

' • - ovothaulod, ■JiTiltfM ^condjilon, 7?J-

■N . TO FLY. Fllglil li>., 1973 440 ARI lion and Air Crill Rental. 1 condition. »00

I n t i t l b r iw t i M i ■— —ICK QOAT Wllh ttailor. «0 I powered jcl 1000. Tw>ti Virporl. 733-4190.

foAT SPECIAL Nalion.H '.Coionado.---15's. .woio-

i. How J1795. Fully .293RUPP ped Wllh uallor, Caiallru 1 8lOCk, SAIL HAUS 332 s SC0 RP1CH-TwmFalla.-73M»r.------------ 9WSIOOOOSALE 15' ALUMINUM boat 440SKIDOO 10 hofseoower Evlnrude .. 3t*$Klt>00 ■ and cujiom built trallot. f « o d cabin al Magic. ' ” ‘ « « C A

v-rr^ . ' '— : ^ ? n K i B « r DEALERI E»Clu5i.flly lor 197 i4 i0yA ,

Jty molofs. comploio lino ‘ jjnDtiM 'Tx >r Crali beau, E-2 loader « 0 « U ^ 7 *lim VcaUt^ia. comploio--------- UouldCoolOl accessories. Gem 197J.440POI

■moni Lawn arxJ Leliiiro, , T X * 4 0 ... K) Avenue South. 73J.7496, H7ANUA»r ■■ —.....— .... . —^ UOTXTr V/EIGHT 14' ]01 Duck • n9tYAMA*HAMO snow machine onoino,tl pump, J1000 fnciudmo p r i t l• Twin Falls Airport. 733- C tN I

DUN 4-ion landom ailo AUCTOI OMg^adcrs, Brand.n?w — a H t t « i - l n

R e s u l t sjy back ;

m W, ONE PAIR 160 wooden Olyfnpla

sklla. Bost olfcf. 1 pair sl:# 5 '., ,-Hlenkoi»oia. SICLlpal/»Uoe -____PodorsonFottrafiUod like now._____

- -J21»8-44i8o^ninQs.--------------------

t KAJH Women Kotlack oiasiic ' 'buekclboolieU o5,TarSrK^

condltton.»)73^flOW •

• START SKllNp (or as llitlo 'as in g .« , Thls^KludM fiberglass ski*, bwjii; bindings, and poles - «om P^er-Saig

• SKI PACKAGE FOR SALE; Only 2 years old. In oicollonl con-

■ dllkjn. 160 Innabfueh-skis Ihal aro rod. white and blue; slio B yellow tJd bool*; along wllh

_^poie»jnd.blndlnBs.-Compiou», - aki pacKago lor only tioooo Call 734-5487 0 734-5650.

_CTYSfAL SKIS - ISO Rolker"':— rBoota. aize ladiea 9. Poles. tCO


m M muy it in the Times-Ne -SKLSWAIL

Those people who had ^^E SNOW iMO -lMJobuUl.Ai-8ud-and- «H£«! in pick them up al Gem inl Lawn and Loliuro, ChoolAvonuo South. Twin

• -- Mercury. Com Eqi

i « | = ? S i C h y S y

iB IB P E B «fcN IC O . JD « John.Deor. i. U ncoJn.T iroirir"- 3 mS i -------------- ^ ° —•

RUP 834 mapnufT

'SKI-OOO 3 cyllni .BLE - Balls and cuo- Mrd.Ulionow.73: ilical center, Musi seo JOHNSON 437 0! i0l0.829tS537_________JaAJ«vofM,01d*

rH y DAVIDSON 4.(Tcart. Jt695, ni06Sa SHOWI------------------------------sotl'wlin-of^M'iinoi~ _________. 734-2033,_//

sI ng le SNOW Ckle, and cuns._ 734._ TRAILER lor ~ . ' Evenings, 734.7071

t^ANDOELWOpool- ........ ~ow and used. Air '* ________w ball, Son ico all EQUALIZER hllehi

nesClajli 7n.vwi «Kflng, weidlno, Ph

r a r o ------^ SPARTAN tratten-acarpeled, coolor.

~RllfIDIS i Slieol,nioKJI600.’ COBiiR 1958 17 II. Konskt; __________ _^ 22St, _________ _______

i*g,-neweondl|lon.-4.- ipo. 21 bo.os ol« 4^57 • Campora. OK Cai

• - - Shelley, Idaho, LotER - Modol 24, 1? Wm, C. Maudo.jblo. Modol 17, phono U7.4492..(odbl 70. 2«'scopo, ___ ____________0 1 BEFORE YOU BU

go*om'^l!d u“ do?'

; Remington model focroalional vi10 wilh voni ri&,.|lko - - 9>'T*M9.Lc33.tyfQron. And model 1100 .P"?” ', -

__________ / • paymenis.'Musi bjWlnchesior nGmp 12 03i4or734-7572allevariable ch6ke. Ji95 _______________r733-459l^llor6. 16' 1971 AUO camf_ 0717,

, S w V tk ie ltt -• Musi soU-Ski Whli 1 9 7 7 T A Iiro pans. Days 733- - , ^ ngs54Ki070, 1 9 T r O

J i i f jo ' T r a i l e

ric"cAT 440. 1978 ‘:hoota,543-<fl7g, — —

ki^oo Silver BulleiTr” — NORfflGi- - - - - R H J E I I

(next to Bill Work )06 440 T^T.- new , 73<-803lOwirack.onfllfleluDl' 'I, Cover, . In good - 74 OJ-ITftl . ■ '*ARCTC CAT Good 10'1957 SHASTA C 400 Firm, 731-aiBS............... .............. • J500.20’ 6th, Flier.

place snowmobile ------------------------volTonguo.-3^075— WE-HAVE-BUYEH

• , . ' used Campers ar ww— Loavo on Con ■ ■ ■ ■ B B l i MADRON CAMPER

Main North, across 731-2861.733-2874. CAMPERS WANTEI lor tucd .carnQC covors and cars.'

....................U 9 5 Sales. 1B9 AddisOiP10 N . . . . . . *49S ■'>0 ............... *459 ■ BEFORE YOU BUY>0 .; ’4 9 5 STOCK ol no> VI ' l i e O - ^"’PO'9. 91 0!.........v .’^ 59 Tort Inc.. Souih Ma

‘’"''*•‘‘0 headguatc *.T..v ’ouf-'MroaltoflaLYaf•0 .1 . * . . . . ’4 l 5 - • «-«538.LoBifiverhi VWAAHA 5 1 4 9 5 >'lse»

f f l 5 - : i _ j „ ^ X A M E E I t S |

m ' . ' . ' . ' . ’ u h i n s t a l l

Jin iR Y . ■ J f l R l H W [flH O U K , R.V.CEH1

HHOMEMADE CAMI trailer. Good llros, Insi

.' :3ioro.CaiiB25--5662.“

j . liti......................... I • OFF-SEASON SPEa/

_ .rent. 19« 25‘ Explor. ^ homo by iho day, 1

'wnlh. Roservo now, FIscus. Jeiomo 324-442

^SSSevenlngs.- -

s"eE th e now 23- Tlo •• • rnolof homo and comc

priccs and quallly, 1 Ford Inc., South Main, G Norihslde hoadquartof: your recreational

• noods. 934-4536. Lojs o

ITO CHASSIS mounl ' j homo, 7330717,; 1 IFOR PENT; 23 ll, Wli ' J molor home. Day. v . j monlh.-.Roaorvo noi

_______________2 _PONT[AC-GMa-Joion---------------------- ■ - 2394nlghlB324-}447. - •

5 FOR RENT; Now Hunts W solf-conlalnod mini

. 4 home. Call RulMl Ea . ^ 8244,

• W The kappiest MOTor- * OWNERS OF ALL-; .',

iholr’a Irom Inibrm 'M -Motor Homos In Wondo a ,.BOl a barpain , , , and t

—• J 8on>icoovorl538-2Ml. "S. ^TASTIC VALUEU19

W Olympian, 9,700 actual r W rool sioal at S86S# ^^1'OunWln Mobile Horn

------------ ;------ ^ -FOR HENT-noWTtrarS

S Sloops 8, MaclOhda Hor Wost Addlsan, phone ; Evenings 733-3751.

# ^ SALE - 1974 22’- # PION Motor Home, low r • » W-5567. alter 5.438-3883

"VI S ' i f S B■ W I # Afnigo 27' model, Kltkm-— M _ ______i l -.Co.._119_Soum_Pajk-

t------C Weal, phone 733-3921,

lews II F o r n e w l 9 '

J M T n T A A o fo

H o m e _


---------------------- (npxl to eill WorkmenMOBILES , all « - 734-B035

■ ____'5. Enamplo: 1973looia was ss95,oo i 7 T 7 7 T |T T 7 T T er models (n Slock I I lin 1 ■ ' ll |l |naVa, Sno-Jel, T y ]Equlpmenl Lawn J ■ X H I

■aofliantfra»onue- I T e T I T

' BEnmrYiiiiBincore. - 800 m iles.- — f " —

y a a a - fiOODIHGfOHInum wllh hearth' L T E f iR y .& TAURUS

^iw oT eoT bii? .' .......TfSVfil TrallWS”•733-^ 30- T in e ir Oieciric sianer

— m te r H iM iir -

inoui’iranofr'^ir' — YOU'LL .SAVE!!

lehes. Installed.

! 'X n e “7 ; ^ T FORMIERCURVilor.^504 Nortti Oooding »34-M77GOOrAilernoons: " -O ntitm drnf^11, JIOOO, 53G- ■- . - n ^ A i t i S n l a - f r t tiallnn.ll Fnnlf%. ______

Motor Homoa. f w MAG WHEELS

...................... ...... FOR 3ALEri960 VW IranBUY. look at our *1M you pulland usod travel W6-2384, ^^•G®«“‘'’OFord FOR SALE four now Coo

“‘w i radials and 3 c Q«x5'lch snow radlais. F aivohlclo noods. 324-8W

lYorfieadilowof- . ______________. . . FORD MAG wheels, r

j BOll, Call 733- WE REBUILD Hydraulic lac allere. ABBOTT'S AUTO SUPPLY

Shpshone St, Souih. amp trailer, 733- WANTED; OLDS Toronado 1

laior. wrecked or dama ____________ must havo good chaaais,

< KNCKMFF Jnju.,r a v e l i S S i

® ’’ VAN PARIS - sun rool. 1I A M ‘ 36", liniod, STS. Triangle'k holo windows. S35. Still In

^ ' ' box. Call 734-6072, ask tor (

IG A IE -—ENiER— - S s p & SorkmonFord) '3035 80 tjtk iiu

. , :?»CC TRAiL'ljiko^llliO M yers ' ,Undcf 50 miioa. Sacrilico

_____________ 423-4414,A Campo Trallor ________ ;__________ _Hon. Must soil cF/iO Honda 1973. low ml

Oates bags, lour pack, t:

’' a'nd Tr allory 1975 BULTAC0 350, Alpin; •onsignm ont. . «>f<«aloiler,733^350,

SMl^om^lwrf3as Irom Soars, qooo tondliion • Cali 734*- - ailor5:00.ITED. Cash paw; HONDA TL-125 Tru.lsi;;i;7m -"uX /^^rsV ‘“W f i « r A T w « ' , ^ " « '° '.' -o n ly .5 0 0 .a i,

I________ _______i i n SUZUKl.250._1874.Si5UY. LOOK AT 185. Bestoller328-5443.

1:75SU2UKIRM 125-dirt

" S ' S n ' S X - »5» IB«C T ,. . ,

3157, --------* FOR SALE: t973 •750-Triui

^ | w \ -------------T(id«nt^aMllenl—condilI B ' " ' headers. 11200. Moro^ tormailon436-4133.

- S H E L L S -------197»-HON0A-360-6«<iml;I l V r \ 'Eicellont condlllon. 1.000 ml.L L C U J900, Wilh all tho oilrat. Ph

B A II 1974HONDARD3SOA.u<COl• i r i r n ' ‘ eonomon. 3.000 rallo»,-J75CJlItR ol'o'-irkmonFoitJl

---------- r----------------r - r —

~ Cj^ I m -C y t t e lS ipCAMPER on FOR GALE —>'^0 Carl a, Injulaiod. oil Brlaja-Straiiorf moiof. Call S2.“ : : jiM —

~ „ . ........ •' YAMAHA Mmi-Enduro. tM r fim S Marco I0-Spocd,s45si2o6ai

------^ ^ n u lo tn liy e io th o 3 .4 2 3 -4 4 t4 .PEOAL I F o f ----------------- -----------------xplorof Moior FOR SALE 1973 YAMAHA25ilay, week or In good condition, will aoiinow, Jerome 350. Call 655^317 tor rr

24-4420 or 733- inlormation.________________ - S HONDA 90 Trial. G ~^ (2“ Tloca mini dillon. 837-6335. ■ ■c o m ^ our -,974 suZUKI 30Occ 4500 mi

I fnount Fahrlng. Loa

5 'M S _______053 overhead 1® KAWASAKI - 175 c

mllM lik»n«_w.J475.622-465

mount moior 'FOR-SALE— . 1976 Mon Enduro, 240, miles, S995.

I, Wlnnebagc _ i : _ z _______ • -------ay. week or 197B 370 DULTACO cycle,I now.- LEE low mileage. Call alter 5 Joiomo^324.___ 733J177.-----------------------17,---------------- -- - Tr:-----------------^ r ; ni9 'mini molor PwdajddlMBike. 734-4|Q7..II Easy, 733- 1972 HONDA " I See

•115 Filer Ave. Musi « tOTOR HOMP' hurry, momingj.

and Ihi Phono 73^ 136 allor 5p,m. Ml. — -------------

J8695. In- 50lJ.Unc*ln. J*rom*aHomes.536-' JJ4-33II

uraror nomu, ;I1 ■ "dtifttrTniila Homos. 002 -- ~lone 733-7568 TRAILER-Lgw llalbod Iflclfl a

heavy duly with ramps.'81X ;- - Idoal ler-enuipmont di r

’7 2 2 ’ CHAM- >«uM]W1.734.fW.. low mileage, ■ .6-3883, C toljEipilB

^ c e s . No* ■;----------------------- T""—ch. Used 1973

D f o r U S E D " ^

e : I N D U S T R I A L

: = E Q U i E M E t i r ;

J. "joHNDEEMaoOB cmonFord) ............. , , , 5 0 0

___________^ 'C M U ____ __________ I Ifrnm m m mm ............... W500.I f f l l l J B IHCTDI5 - I I j m l B CrcwUf.............>10,500.

[ y l ^ H MIOverlondAva. r r i T l l ^ B 77— 3ftff)»y7tdntioTinr:


I BUT—— -------------- 1 MomaPhon*.. .733-Ti90'

----- OortJyJohflionI j llll j___ __ Hom*Phofi*...7M*52M

imus---------FOR-8 ALE 1971 Che»rol<

pickup.noedssomowotk.a3 i1 S1200: High book t 2200. to book S137J, Call 734-4832 alter

.J.. p.m. or Trm M flurlnp vwihours, Asklor Jim,_________

, , FOR_SALE 1972 Ford Vi-toiL L ---------- -I2GOO.-phono'73*^4833-or'73

S406.ask lor Jim,,__________-1970 CHEVY-FLAT BED noe<

y come wofk, 11000.-625-5377.

V S2 iransmisilon, now onoi and paini, now rubber. J28( 788-4000, or7B8-3343.

u n . I (969 INT flNATlONAL 161»,£_______ -Roadalor.-175'.:_V/Q-aux-irai4477 smisaion. Factory tag. S3800 1fciT*------- ■wilhancw20‘V/il3onoraint)O(

I J7300. Call 733-2509 or 423-5042.' 1973 CHEVROLET TRUCK - c l

r t l j l e m . - 5-»pood-wllh-2-Bpood. laclor. - tnaa, newly ovorhauind 3£

—1 — :__'ongino.~18'Spud'bod wilFTBei - 8 hole 537-€734niiere. . . . ..wido, lires. __________ :126-5029. 1071 FORD FlOO plcku

. Automallc. 69,000 miles. J190

J pull II. Call t lli l i:____________ -1971 FORD V-8. 360 aulomalh

— 3- ------ oxcollont. many exlraa, goo2 ^ r a “ - <1950,734-8851.

®l»- PfiOM SH ^P . 1973 FOROF100, hcav duly V8. four speed, auxillarS,’do“ '

ke. Choice g cyllndor, 4-spood• « ton, goodcondiiion, 734-5101,

'IfJ, 1®“ '"Of'D pl'''-up. 6 cylinderPPLY. X5 M75orb03lollot,733-5664,

a, • 1975 OATSUN:' 16,000 MILESMdo 68 Of. oxcoiienl condilion. 934-5977 01saa™ low 3a-9964, _____________r, 734-6219 1® 5 DATSUN long bed, period ---------- • condilion, 5436798,

condlHon! CHEVROLET Pickup, 11200837-6247.

0-1 lA" . 1968 INTERNATIONAL IBOI ^ o'non- f’Md8ler1B7''WB5and2apee< ;i»r in ihn Iransmiasion, Faclory too '’S ;"oJSrl »500-Call423.5042or 73^2509.°

------------ welding rig wllh winch ready tc

IBCO KENWOrTh Cab over wllh . . "*"0' ‘»'l.

K ils lK * '’Tli'irn 1974 OATSUN PICKUP wltt

camper jnoll, 33,000 miles t27D0. Excellent condition, alioi

------ ------- 8.324-8222._________ .icT'nMSW 1952' FORO 8. tVi.ton, duals,

good rubbs/,'6 > IB' oli aImL A i F i ^ p?£°‘qy^°qi°^^T229,0, 1957 Vi-lon CHEVY robulll 283------------ ongino, mag wheels, wido tiros,

,Sharpl 1095,326-5029.

■ 196# FORD Iwo ton truck wllh IG blko wiin' ^<1 I'l cxcellenl

1 blko IS a eo'xjyion. J2850. 733-00.00,734. 73^' -__________1974 CHEVY SUPER CHEYENNEl74.Sujukl-. - ,.P-OJ¥«/.- .»'Oorlno,. .powci3. brakes, automallc. dual lanks.— '' 38,000 miles, exfollenl con-— dirt blko, aiiion. Consider any irade


T /^ p _ h _ iWflJJQDaLHo'UlaltK.'d.ltuTlu- j n l . con -- wilh t»we»«t«ering and brakes )llor^__n stock trallof, 20' bed and B_______ ovorehol, 4 oilra tires lor truckjjrlumph t5,500,Loonliiilolleld, 423-4451.

»oro In-'"' 19«t FORD W Ion pickup, run: good, call 543-4565.

eramblw^MOmilos. condilion, nojr now ongino, la. Phono' .11400,or twsi oiler. 621 GranI

.AvcnmLJaiiSKa.'-------------uxcellent '®74 TOYOTA PICKUP with-J750 or- •c4mp«r»h«ll,2i,000miloi...... -

, Avoouo o»celIent condition, J2095 . 543-507B.Aflori:»._____________

r—.— :— .-1973-couniEn:. siaoi= radiilt, SI790.423-4502.

“ . ' V. - < W•{ii^'i’ 1873 . FORO COURIER. 33.100,111 324- -n,iie,..-riEju) ,|,oj. o.teilenr

:cDnflii;fln:733B2Di.- t150. 1976 pYOTA Hi'lUX Longbod

6 andB pickup. Like now, 7000 miles 14. _ 734-3B94.evenlnos. ' ImoiTx f o r SALE- 1953 C hevrolet'aoii lor 10'' *ilf> steel llai bed, good• moro condlllon.324-8588.

-------Oieyy W-lonr ^ - condllloh.“ _B78-151B, Burley.

I miles. truck 3615.ap«d-Loaded • * “** 2-opoed. laclory |» no 734- *u9P«nslon, 32.000 actual miir

Phono 734-4582.

5 0“ Y FOR SALE- 1975‘i lonFord4 x •4556^ 4 Pick-up, Heavy duty T—— Ihroughoul, A-l condlllon,

3».000mlio3Ciilboloro7:Mam crallor6p.m,326-463l.1953 »i. ton. ford pickup,

lie, vory_ Auxiliary Walson and 2 spoed ■ 5 p.m.- -transmission, I350or boat oiler." -----------42J.4725.--------- r-----------------------

iiaiiwo 1974 I Ion FORD XLT Rangor - i07._ • 361 industrial engine, power ,

aloorlng, power dijc brakea, '•* o l harsh hoisi witn Toaco com- I sell, blnation bed.5435064,. - 19H FORO Ji ion 4 X 4 , 360 4.74 33A spoed, 324-5875, allor 5 p.m, 324-:uki » : ____________ ■n. I9C4‘F0RD'5 lonpick-upnoodj

__ _ some work, RUNS,' S150 , 733-377a,_____________________

CO. - ONE ALUMINUM lialbod8'x 18- m* Parks&Sona 733-4 <4ldays,

1970 CHEVY ’.i ion long whool baao. 350 cnoino, auiomallc air.

rnifirr" ---------_____. FOR SALE 1954 ChoviololIpaxlo Pickup, runs good, 734-5127 1x24', allor5;00.• '“ ^ - - 1 K 5 2 'TON, twin icrow air

brakes, 478 onolno. 5 plua 3' ■ ' ' 1ransmls3lon,J3530.734-4 M2.

1 ..— U

1972. OPEL RALLEY. super.:___ ^ ,»hape^39,000.milca_U.1ichclin_•V radlaia. $1600 llrm. Call 734-4927

a lio r ^___• _ MUST SELL, going back“ w'

Jchool. 1973 VW Super Beetle. Only 38 000 miles. Good gaa

■, mileage, ciceiioni condition,----- --------Ca»«7>-64?6-or:€7845t6eak-lor-


L 1969 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE -r ------- aunrool, rear'Jefroalof. AM/FM-I-----= - -ntdioroooij 'iliBa, Can agintrm ~ ‘

^ Elmaller6.I8*0.- 1973 VOLKSWAGEN Super .

/ Boeilo and 1968 Ford Torino.. 500 Excoiloni condition. Phono 734-

4734-6158.4;49Suml3QNatUi. , . '00. Fon SALE 1974 Tfanj-Am

> Flreblrd.red.J4000,324-4iai,OO. - - , ' ■....., ,

brakor-and afiocks. Very

• FOR SALE: '69 Volks Bug,, Ji£fi£lajiQmQjiodiiitQJu.floi3um-.


!M - - --19»rvw.B«oiio,-luel lniee1lon,- '.. .-.low-.mlloaBo^OOtlect.condlllon.

,OnlyJ2300J29-5566.SunVailoy. ^ 1974 '.VOLKSWAGEN. Sedan.

Z flUil undcf.fact0ty.wan3my.734-U it . . . 7940. ________ ------------------

tow ,1073 2402 excellent condlllon, Uer 5 Assume paymonla plus eqully,

------Ooodcrwt>^24-448a: ■ — —____ 1972 VOLKSWAGEN, Rodi-lon, Wonderbuj. air conditioning. ■'733- radial llrea. 47.000 miles, J2.000


"W b HAr Xll. «.«X1 _ wheel*. «300, Call 733-

^•lon- -inglno 1973 DATSUN 240Z, Excoiloni J2800. condlllon, 717 South Lincoln,

Jerome. J3695. Phone 324-44f6____Daytlme078-lB20evcn!nQs.

1600 ^ E R 'buy IBHToyoia Corona’----- Staitort-waoonr Ouiit -in-ranir

t>oe>'wiino.lr3s 733-9652,....)42, ' 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan, new

wondahioid new aoal covers,"— C50 J7S0.326-4502 beloro 8 00 a.m. or elory- -altoreflOp.m;— . — “


TIRES, J850 , 423-4551 309I19M'1-4041 ~ . . ■_ 15 .IWMOrim

CHEVROLET . gooo Cheyonno 4-wheel drivo. 4x4 ,;____ pickup lully loaded', J3995, 324-

3454,cavy - .......... ............. . , _FORSALE-1971 Ford Wlon4 x

5M9- 4 , 360, V-B, 4-speed, In good '•___ -sftapo, 13000,543«77. ’ood. ■___________ - ,101. F0RSALE-19684 «41.H, pick-

up good drive aysiomj noods clutch. Cheap, Seo at ton 2nd

— Avonuo Woai, Twin._________1978 jeep 4 wheel drive, ton, Changing |oba, must soil,

— Regular $7200 now only J4995.'oct Jusl Ilka new wilh 15,000 milea.

Call 734-4720, ______________■joo, FOR SA LE'- 1906 4x4 I.H,

pickup good drive syatoms — : noods ciulch. Choap, Soo at 1600 t 073 2nd Avonuo Weal, Twin.>oed _______ - - ; . _ .■“O, 1975 iE£P CHEROKEE ouod-

rolroc. • CB Kookud. S4SQQ ivcnr '73'3-3l/l 7TnXiTO

t~72CHEVROlFT4...oni:,.r— TpltKupr very good condition .vllh Caj£73Mfl.-«niier53njj4i 1978 FORO 4x4 SWO. See al

_ ,Un^ledpll,or_73J.84S/iu(lor5:00.with' -----------—......................... -iies, 1B75DOOGEViion4 x 4 power ilior wagon, wllh v, jfioli, IG.OOO__ mllos, Beal oiler, 72H961,laia. 1974 BLAZER', power alooting, ««L - -4»waUjrakfl*raulomatic, 28,000

mll03.U50pnono734.6159. .283 1978 CHEVY Scotsdflle. 4 x t ,os. automallc, air, j56Wor make

oiler. 733-3075 or 733-3269.I7b 1 »Mtfn, 4.whooi, drive, onl excoiloni conoition, sport hnhl.•33. roll bar, brush guard, huadors,

dual cxh.iusl. 750 x 18 mud and — snow llros. Also o»ira sol,12 x INE 10,5 llros. white slotiod rlma.WCI_ ...73JH299___________________'0^ MUST SACRIFICE - 1974 rtft Datsun, 4x4 , red custom scat

and Inlorior, luck oil, walor amp, aiiimoler, lull oaunos. wticM.

1, om/lm 8-lracK, ■ CD, campcr.-snnit. Riiieii-.giiiirpu3taminnT .

g pbiform motor, headers, U S carba. cam valvo lialn head.

5, Mual Sool Over J8000 invoalEd._ _SaefillCPi;W5,73<-4C63.- . runs ,1951 WILLYS JEEP pickup. 4-

wheel drlvo. needs some

rani 1973 CHEVY 4-wHooi drlvo •-------- ptcktjp,--shorl bo«.''s:i.i)t'~Sim

black- siiipe and black shell,_ headers, chrome whocla, 543

543. “ 38;_____________ -1973 FORO RANGER, 4-i 4, low

T77- miIago,oxcoIlonlcorKlilio'n,733---- --7330. ' - y

5o. IS___________ '4Wkt>BriTC * r166 ai-«ER. 326-5685.J |- Of 7D3 Idaho Street. Fuef alloi E,' '—

£ -1974-CHEVROLET 4.*n00l- ' - <K) f1fi»e. pickup, <Mon, |ois ol >3, « '« 3 . Seo 10 appreclalo 878-

7503 or 678-7217 Burley, ask lor . ' _ . H a n y r , , - : ; - ; -

od 1973 CHEVROLET CUSTOM DELUXE - 4 X 4, V-8. power

— woerjng and automallc. dual 31' tanks. *3605,5436177. _ .

FOR SALE. 1965 “lourlrt^^Jl f33- -drtvo-Scoof-Qood-eondttion;----- H

Iwo gas lanks, chroma whoela.' $1375,734-2127,____________

1975 CHEVY Ion, 4 x 4,_ canopy. 26,000 mllos. Excoiloni X condilion, 734-7961 alter 5.

ly .. ~ _0 Tndo t


LIQUIDATII_ 1 9 7 5 C H E V Y -C H E Y ^ N E -

rt 1 9 7 5 FORD 3 5 0 ECONOllN 197 4 FORD ECONOLINE-

' — CALL BUHLTf A fter Hours: 543-4649 . ‘

51 ■:-----------------K - - — -— U a f w i i k .

n_ T97I OLDSMoniLg'hFt'VX M 7. • runs good. Seo lo appreciate. Z

Soiling bciow blue book, 423- N . . 46ffl. . . . _

1. l«M RAMBLER lor pans. 1971 I' a Duster lor parts. 487-2530: q

____.l^FQBaGALAJtlESOO a o ^ -J*^ J250.7334)607. ^

i r - C — ■ - jU te r r S i l l B

* ^ R o y l e ’ H d fd y -■ Check Tills B• ‘ W C H E V R r i l f V A i j

6 .cylindor o n g in o , - - 2 jROO<^ fran sm lsslon ! : . .

lOEamiDiiiAnDiiiamvEUifiodlo, hooter.oulomoilc troniml»»lon -.V.'. . . . . .

1968 AMC RAMBLER 4 DOORV-a ongino. oulomalic tron»mliilor power steering, power broke*, olrcondllloning .................

■; isKMERcuiiyHoiniffir.4-Door Sodoo. Automatic tronimii* power ttoering. rodio...............

mpiYHoinHFURy4 dooc hardtop. V-0 ongine, outomi trontmitiion. power steering, power brokei. air condiiloning ,.

1972 TOfOTASTAnOH WAGONRodio, heeler.4-ipaed Iransmbtlon. shcrpflnd cleo^i .........................

1971 FORD FIIITO“ • —2 door. 4 cyllnderonglnB, i

4 (peed tronimltilon ....................

:power Meflflno. ond Keket^ 0]r c ditionlna. rodiol tiros, beouillul maroon wllh while vinyl to p ........

1972 D0D6E DARI------------3 door hardtop, 6 <yllnder-engln».-- outemotic transmission, rodio, poyvef steering................................

1974 DATSUN PICKUP ,Camper shell, radio, heeler.4 speed IronimUsion ___

1973 FORDTON PICKUPAu'omotictronsmission, radio, hooier andchrome wheels ___

1972 FORD wisiANE ”6 cylinder pngine.;3 speed tronsmi*

“ itorTrlloorshilf.-vlnvl-toprAMTodlo

1974 DUICKAP01102 door. 6 cylinder engine, 3 speed

. -■ Ironimlssion. vinyl lo p ..................

lOTPiyHOinHVAIM4 door, vinyl lop;’6 cylinder engine, power ilecring: oir.condiiloning, Ipy

'■"mlleaae. oulomalic Ir'onsmlillon . .



? T n tb

r i O N S A L iE— LOW.MILES______..JUNE — 2r<Too MilesI-LOW MILES

: = 5 4 3 ^ 4 3 3 1 - ^19. S43 -4756 . 5 .43-666»;

ClASSIFIEDS ■ ■' 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

■ M o l i t B F c M

iTi5 model 25 Maxwoil* 4 cylindor. baaket case. J200:1942 6 cylinder Packard Sedan, toild roslorallon proioct. 90^. ch/omo dono, plus-gbodlea. • I

■ttSO FIRM. 324-4271. .. ' !

“ We’ve ^ B iE IJ V e E =

I SOUseil I Cars. Pickyps

„ & 4 - i e e l - .


Drives I

t h o o s e , ^J


U M lm

b z M.....

^ J880inn I

m '>1675

' E m "<2390

: : r ’^ ................


Page 23: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

......MUSTt<SELL 1975 Chfivollo . ----------

"■ C as3 ic 'a» ro ic ." J» a 'b e lo w : 'W ME - -waol*ttl«Uu»l.Mfl,lol)«liflvo,- - BfOuofW~7a«7S»I.” ---------------------- •........-«tfrcnjl3i

OOOGE OAHT SwinflOf- e.- . colloni-coftditlon. Now rafllali,

- oow«ftKo»,-f«nii.fw.(«1, <36- ■- i2 £ £ !£ r 4535, 1971 FORI.. ...............■ ------ • powof brIS75>«GnEMUN - .jlr con- S1?<norbdllltfning. aulomailc. low S.mllosao. Bood cofidilion. 7W. ^491B. .....................rnEPOSSE

___197liSilAVEHlK.tcvlltxJct.-ox-collMK»naillon Inlerlor-8ftd o x to r lo * . now fu b b o f. Rjni, t, mKMnlMlly o«>d. rA-XOi. gpanm o

JBM TORINO 2-doof hafdlop. 4- S ? 4 fo o i. spooa.- 330 V-6. Candy a p p l a _______a e* - tio ro o . Molted chfomo . . '^ ^ V E C mkMqoIs. oood mbbar. A real “sKirpc«.ltJM.65W J49or65i.4272, *1200. Phi

- a f t t f PINTO HATCHBACK' - •’973 CAI -.46:0(OTmii«rAM/FMr?0(30'ce:— J,’;?:’ "®'!

Wffyr.-iop. Mieholln Radial#. . ^- 3aW).on»stoller.7!WB403(tci-------S y / ^ a ,

: - i W S S25SQMC SUBURBAN 4-spood Oiflino. '

■ - 1057 CH!J W CHRYSLER LEBARON - dUiori. 323Bfl<>mallc Ovoryihlng. power ollor. 780-u S itd o o and biakos. Askina .«*l#9!r34-J?JJ. • VERY NHtS S il i__ I _ i____________ Fury II PiITOST'. SELL 1869 ChfyslOf . 733-U66. Sawport Cusiom., wwof/alf.

oood condl»Oh. 7J4-Oder. 733.

1971 8WINGER. 31B aulomallc. 1066 CH-g«xJcondltioft.Jl500. Call 731^ -«Ofrtilion

7M2nJiorJp.m,ofweulionds. Salurtay

MUSV.'SELL 1S67 MUSTANG,, ' 1971 CMC3 f i . ^ ; M E f ^ ^ ‘.15W_J:OBO. :_MS0J,. f«Tou(Hi.,5iWS7J, around, i

— ------------------- ------ ■ 324.8078 a

t^ . 4 . ^ 0 0 0 0 £ MONACO dillon,73:BROUOHAM, all power, air. --------------cfuiM.Jin sleerino wtiaol, tioel

- faai4j»ti.oood-o*9-mi1ea5ere5t- W W # car I've ownod. 733-8458 #

lj ^ 3 A LE - 1973 Dodoa Vtn S ‘iSnWiJiaod, carpel itiroughooh 5 ,l} IIH..(rl. couch, windows all W iluound 34,MO mllM. «450 . 734-^ # J

18»vMACH I Muslano' 331, 4 IT M spood htaderi..834-1820 alter;

n^VEG A HATCHBACK, good w l j r *1 condition. Call alter 5 p m w weekendj, 734-T858. A

—ovdrluut. new checks and liroj. 4 clean paneled,.carpoicd: cur- & Fuel-ln •lalt»8. teoo , 423^75 «Her 5:30- S--A M /FM t ,e a r .^71D74 Mbreu^ Colony Park. 0 f f . color,o :f»»*?W D«0<w.:l«dcd.-N(fwr g " — i l l-f»diJli.^oad>flvefef-mtcri.-im-- # ------- H irruculsie, MO boiow book, 733- * '

733-2698. A l i i 111:i« n . u6bGE-0£U0N— e « ^ ___ .".'.'-Tcolleni condition, new lutjbor. » _ _ » a j> .»4-<m, ______ J y^Aong

- !* " Mo'Sury # S S Cotn«.-.4-doofrLowrnlleapff.— * --------- =

.HIlB.gt5mJWOTa."'r J . IIjrn OMC «4on Bubuffdn; j s r " f f B T t i f V8, aulomatlo, radto. $1200. 733- J J4I4 bolween M . Monday- W

’lS60 PONTIAC Fufloral Coa^< -i f f i Wilh ■cipinrEncollonnrocnamcaliy.— ff-» iM fWGood J re s . V-8, aulomailo V Codllla

- iransml&an. potlKactlon, long * m i l vrtiocltU8O.»fi00,78M151. & - | i | I U 1089 FIREBIRD, good condition, f t , *

-aulomoik!, 400 cvtjlclneh,-Jl200 S M M X .oft)o»lollof.733-aoO. J T1972 MUSTANO, 302 aulomallc. £gee*WK)lllon.S4M642allor5. S Thi>1u>

• « __________ , . 2 o while^ 5 IMPALA. 283 engine, slick O 27.000i s s s y i r “'- f —HI

.oowHlkwlno. new t\foa. UOO.. - « ------;—6 7 ^ ^ . . . # 'T O ffm E ts'TB AMCPacorX,- A Skyhiu

••W iir.lqaood .-de laxe r-iow - mileage. 934-4141 alter 5 :» p.m, O J.^,oou lUti^HRYSLER NEW YORKER S C f lD D fo t^im ; loaded wllh all-the .S ' - | | | | |

DEPENDABLE 1069 Pontiac # "IMUOS S7S5.00 or will trade lo r. * / ,n*w«rcjr, 733-2625- #«» ... ...................................- W power

' W Ifockic

® a s h pF o r Y o u r C a r f .

m i s u s e d CARS I R I ■ J U 5 3 3 - 7 3 6 5 S i o i M .


f l 19]7BuickCeil!lS>ock No. 7767. Mondofin ofonge wilh

i ^ r l miriort. power dlic broket, cri ’•^ulomolic fronimljilon, till iloeflnB '

. reof »peoker, cuitom Irlm. convenloi |; ^ ^ t e n l iltipe*. Ilnl^gloM , door fluord

I ~ W S_ ■ S ^ - P I K IO 3 Door- oUAhbi

thirtg to behold, IB,000 on o n• Mtllet, tporty roeing color, green

• ‘Ip b n ,wf»e«li o"d„.ro<}lQl ;~ ^ f s r o ln 'o i r m w l-------------------limrryt

■I r A B B I E U R

- 7- . - • ......."Where Com pfefi-S C ^ 12M clln-A ve;l5Q oth-^ ^

. JbtB Fir Sill I '

MERCURY MARQUISturn 4 door..lull power... allots.7344U6"S S "ra :r

« " SALE OS!> r b o .io i te .n » /n ! .i i , ; g . y . S " ,

-__________________ _ • MOB.1970 ShaiiSESSE01978 Plnlo MPQ......Now llree. MusiI Wagon, .12.000 miles. • oiler over SIBOO.mt-condllton,-Accepttrtg— 0166.-------------

bids at Fifsf Secuiiiy -- ----------------Twin Falls. TImoway FOR SALE: 197

ment, 733-3594. new. lowmllcaaiIAL6: 1970 Camafo Z-28 1968 CHEVY ST,pood. J24M 788-4157. -ooodcondilloi/EGA HATCHBACK, ox-' ’STO^UICK. G!I 033 mltoago. Slool *^0 wheels. ‘

ladiaii low njileago, "'"'Minn j?or:, 7Phono 73M026, — ---------------S ilLLAC t u DO».DQon|-eondilicnr-38;000- Wliialmnefl 7i*i

733-5288 alter 6 andvs. 1974 PONTIAC (---------------------- hatcMbaclf:—auLDSMOBILE 442 - good smitsion. radial I. iransmlsslon. and In- '7,000 miles, j: 886-2001.Shoshone. Bo«585HalJoy.

:hEVY. *cry .oood~coi> W BUiCK El M7 engine, ttOO or best over paymenls ti

^ 3 ^ ' Avenue NoiIh.T.

NICE 4-dOOr sedan 1972 LINCOLN CONTII Plymouth. See 240 Ash. 4Kloor. AM-FM !>8;__________________ __ imorior, cruiseORD RANCHERO GT - 5®"®"'condtlton. 13300 or best 733-2100__'3 3 ^ '- 19721MPAU.4C CHEVY VAN -^ good ion.--733-1804-Mondey-ayOavs. FIREBIRD FORI.

.UCSPRlNTrvrithCragor: h^idor'rSM” rat

. now.jadUI .TAJlfcs.alL -I^^sSlold.-elf J. now Tonlo cover. Call cubic engine 871r8 alter 5.00.___________ ;B«'rucuv 'gT,lUSTANG.MACH.I — 351 j.Joor 4-spo

V OOH. C 733-7977, 73M96B.

f V _ MC"P re^Q ^eci L u x u r y

“F o r The H o l i d a y

197GDATSUN288 Z2 + 2-Injecled 6 cylindor-*ngIne. 4 jpeeo Ifdr FM fodlff, tpoke whoeli. rodtol lire*, rear t tpcller, quorli runnlno llohti. baoutlful da r, ond only 12,000 mile*.

iOElDAnSVINGS'OP:inglne. oulomoli; Irontmlition, power ilee< bVe». oTr condilloriing. AWFM'rodlo, ip ^ i rtiful beige saddle vinyrrool. ond only 6.000


ig ? 5 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILbeculKul bronie luxury cor hoi o white iwhlle J«othe> ihterTor. Fully looded w

rtrtg; power broKeiToIrwndilionihg.'ond ol Hoc option*.


luxury cor Is completoly loaded. Maroon in ille roof and notching erduroy maroon Inli 00 ocluel milctt, Thii cor look* brond newl

lOUDAYiAVINGS-OFiu t m m j u u u « « « » i .t.i .w u j

13741INC0IHHM:iV;bluo in.color .wllh a d « k blue Vinyl rtui. oni ilorior. tooded wllW every opilon ovolioble00 octuol milei, Thltcar'can'nbcb'e'lold If0(


pped,,wilh o V-8 engine, aulamollc Iroi er iieering, mwer broket, oir condltlonl (lope, jwlvel bucket tftoti, looks brand net

OUlG THE HOLIDAYS SAVE*:1 g fl a ft «,aji,a a .8 .o .iA iu u n


u ty I s O n ly .

enlury 2-Door Hardtop(ith bucktkln londou vinyl lop, feor windoj cruUe control, 350 V-8 engine. 4-borrei a wheel.-whllawall.rodlelt, eleclric eliKk ilence group, body side mouldlngi. bVm| jrdi.-lroni otvd reor Jloor malt.

l !n .! rC l lI lA S S -^ := ^SUPREME

or Hordlop. Sold new, , ......“ h |m Hb h t a j n d m ^ b r t

W 90—RlGUEN, INI9f/«on-ls M a d o — N of Mef,"-

: ■T w l D : P a i i 5 , : _ _ : _ 7

U b Fv U i

JW )— vteellen •• - - H^PumS2995. W ■

:STATE WAGON - ' '*. mags, fadials. 31 f A■37-6811.

'R TRADE very nicePRIX, Consider old *do»1gO. 436-5692,

Runs good. usi eoU eoon,-Beel

1975 LcMans, like :aae. Call 733-3340. .STATK)N WAGON willon.54>58l5.

° f n ^ o n f l i n o : 1 9 7 4 J E E P C Hr:,7.^V3?lS • .. Power steering . . .

POWER .- - 4 5 4 - - 1 9 7 2 S C O U T;^^R ^0L B .00Q :

c “Vefltura Sprint. 1 9 7 2 T R A V E L -amomaiic-irarv111 llres. like new »■'»«>«»...................

1 9 7 5 F IA T 1 3----------------4 door. 5 speed . . .ELECTRA. Take

Vwln^FaMs'” 1 ^ 7 6 ^ |A T - 1 2• _____ U.OOOmlles .........

NTWENTAL. 1074.1 7 7 2 F I A T 1 2

ton. “ lUonsid”; ; Newrodlo!..AM/F^

^4~^r';;dara iV , 1 9 6 7 C H E V R Cig, power brakes. TON PICKUP. She

JRMULA 400 tT a 1 9 6 0 F O R D '/^and-snow..liros. - V-8 engine, comper racing cam, high

-el^^M.ervd^OO- - 1 9 7 2 F O R D ‘W

s“Z n WACOM V . . S . d . n . , . ^ , . , ipeod. chrome. Call 733-9592 or ■ ■

a s‘OTOI^I— — ■

y Cars I I

4Hifbnsmlsslen.- # - - - . .. ...........ir tun shade. * dork blue in A ’

uuujm .^

JOO miles. - 5 I "

---------llllE I —le vinyl fool. A wllh p«w er__A

i oil the other S '

IIPE 5I in color wilh Jfc-.Interior, only fl

ondollleoth- Sble. ond only ^ _________

fE ^3M I VVe hav 8AimA8.a.8JtS ,; j e v e r na<

t th-new. and hot Q •

»34B I ° ..OCK I From tir

e r b e e n

■j) BRAND Iigjif _ ----------------- — PIGKU

a i . i ; ----- ---------- N o;-?-:

190f l i tdow delogger.'ei cotburelor, x k rodlo_wllh_jn i^ r guord*.' " ■ • ...............' j

i i r r “ ' '

B u iln a ii am30.0IW mllet 580% A ddfiglne. 3 ipeed 7 3 3itmliilon; muit ' I

F- ACr , ---------- -------— :— i « | j

J 3 3 : 8 7 2 H

A R S & 4 x 4 s :

I jM H^ IhC H E R O K E E 4 x 4 $ 3 9 9 5

IT 4 x 4 ^ — ----------------unoiirTronimiiilon'Trrr:—E L A L L 4 x 4 . _ _ _ _ ^ 2 - 9 - 9 5

.... :...... :J34951 2 8 W A G O N 5 3 0 9 5

1 2 8 W A G O N $ 1 Q O < ;/FMradio ............. I 0 7 J

.......... .,.*995

I 'M A V E R IC K — $ ] ' 7 9 ’5

MAGIC VAllEY NTERNATIONAl4 th A v » .W . 733-4261


^ E S ^ Eive m ore new cars ad . . . (and no plac hem moving . . . Co . .-We can 't refuse a

FIFTEEN 1976 PICI■he U.S. Forest Servi n titled.ID NEW ........./ / NEWm , mSUPS— — »GARU)7 ' 2 0 8 - -----------N o .7 * 2 6 9 ------

t a r l g a K aFully equip



□nd M ain S «rv ld« B ody S hop .d d l io n A v o . W . 2 6 0 2 n d A v a . 3 3 -3 0 3 5 ---------7 3 5 : 5 0 3 7


... ______ lU sSH easursA

CEHANtii_'H's Fun To P rlv« A ^77 1B lu a - L a k f i s B lv d . -----------


’ "All Cars H ave BI 13671l)yiITAPICKlf .

Wllh Comp«r .U ll, only Sa.OO miles, 4 cylinder engine, 4sp< Ironimitsion. radio, like new

- - imCIHRIUTII(«A2l....................Si«.cyllndet«nglne. 3 speed.

Ironimitsion. rodio. oir condil

1972MCGKMUH2 D001__ .B^U odeunaino.iiandordlrcrodio. bucket seals, save on tl

>5 “1970C«£Vif0inBaAII|iV-8 engine, oulomotlc Irontml power tleerlnq t broket, tee

^ la/fMBiSlircOMlTlA^ilnder engine, oulomailc I

1966 £MC 2 ION TRUCKf S c a b t CHASSY. V-6 engine.

^ 5 * 2 t ^ e d irontmittlon , ; .

>5 IJjUHRYSURHEWPOin4 door sedon. V-8 engine. oui(

> _ tlon. power steering S broket

^ imDODffi TONPICKlI C 6 cylinder engine, aulomoMc I

' ond tilt on o shorl wheel bail

, c 1567 CHEVROLnVi TUN P6‘eyllndorenglno.'QUiortiotlc ii Save on this o n e ...................

>5 mYiiraiMinF4 door sedon, V-6 engine, outi

_ mistlon. power steering, oir Cl

[B BBimb—n r ^ t . W O

1 2 4 3 B i l l . i o t . i


E'REjOPErs a n d t r u c k s n o w a c e to p u t th e m ) . V C o m e o n o u t a n d t( ; a n y r e a s o n a b le o f

C K O P S J U S T R E T ^rv ice. A s lo w a s 3 ,C

NEWisn10- - - - - - - NOVA-COUPE--i:---------- - - N o . 7 .2 2 6 ----------

g j - | - ^ 39W -j:iPAlA:pOflOEDM3oquipp^ with air. No. 7-213.


ICE AHEAjih o p ' Port*IVva.W. I 9 6 0 H ig h la n d Avo. E U 3 9 ~ ^ ------------------ - 7 3 J 8 4 4 0 --------


e Doing B u s in e sS ^ T ,

rr th p y y - A h A ll-ito iei

■ Frk

(HANFORD’S RBARGAINS - rB o o n W i n l o r l i e d "

' 895

S : - ,>1495 ;!

i'dooRSEDM $ o fln e „llclronimljilen. ▼ / I | l l * l |lyplutl-.-.TT-,-— - f c U l I U ' • P

= : »i395 ;SQcn °ouiomatle ironinflt- ’ I ,

ket. air conditioning U U U

CKIIP' t l t f t C :lOJw 'N PICKDP ' $ n n c !lie Irontmliiionr------' '

1oulomotlc front- ^ | J l J l r l ilr conditioning I U V w

OPENS m i o 7 p m —

lORKMANFORD« iB I» d .W .^ — 7 3 3 -5 1 1 0

'______________ ;____




\/ th an w e h av e W e have go t to t a k e a d v an tag e Dffer.

mm,000 miles, hey-


- ................ .N0.-7-182— ............


iS —Hoflvy D uty-Trucki

j,E . 818CbmmorclarAvB. ----------------^“ 7 3 3 ^ 1 6 2 ----------

iONTH OR Y E A ? ^ '

r . . . _ ■■

R O L E Tl e r l c a n C a r l ", - . . - : 7 3 3 - 3 0 3 3 -

Friday,Oocembor3,'l!l7B TImeS'Nows.'

i i r iCROP BU

1974 0li)SDaiA!8........Beoulilul two lone point, low mllii, oulc power steering t brokes. oir conditionin'

1973 M AiigillSBR0IIEIU II4D D 0llRegular got V-8 engine, automatic ti sleefing &-brokes, o<r Coodilloniflg. we s

1973 F0R B J1L 4D O O R . . . . . "Pbiiil blue, controlling roof,-V-6 engii million, power steering i b'roket, oir co

1374 K RCliRY CAPRI .V-6 engine. 4 tpeed trontmiuion, bri: operalM sun rool. fully Intlrumentollon

1 S 6 7 C K C U I I I C T . . ...............340 CIO V-8 engine. oiJfemoUc Irontmls S broket, oil white exterior with red btr

i 9 7 4 m n - i ^ T 0 n r m-V-8 engine, oulomotlc Ifonsmlisleft;-! ond runt like brand new. Come In lodo)

1975 m l m i i i A R j i j i s . . T 7 ?2 door hardtop, excellent sh6pe, V-i trontmlttlon. power steering S broke*.

197DilK.SIlBliffiAILIIIAE[IL...V-8 engine, 4 tpeed tronimlssloct, pow< oir condllioning. just troded In. . '

1 9 7 5 'F 0 l i m t B 0 M E m £ . . . .a door hordlop. bright red with contros -aoiffmaile-irohsmllmwrpowtntiirtni Honing, one'of the mosi beoullful cers <

137JtltDSIlilBUtUn*SS-;r.Smdll V-8 engine, outomolic irontmls a brakes, rodio ond heoler.

T S l i ' i m i r C l l H T T T T T T :4 door ledan, medium green wllh whi glne, slondordiironsmitsion, wesold tl

1572 « 0 i n t 6 0 l f t ‘4 DOOR . . :-V;8 engine,' outomatte-tronsmltiion.-| ond heoler. • .___________ _

1971 K R M l l O l S T y T3 door hQr‘drap,‘V-B"engin#;ouiomail steering S brokes, oir conditioning. wi

O T BSTSI»12IB2 I1I!0REconomicol 4 c y lli^ r engine, .oiilor dlo. heoler, oil green in coTof.____

1376 MIRtURV COUGAR XR-7- tWhile with burgundy roof S.vlnyl Int broRet. auiomollc Irontmlstlori. rodi(

w r p S c M M l i l A4 door bordlop. while wall llret. ' Irontmlition. fully powered and bod)

1975 MONARCH t M A . . . . . .- .l9fluljtuLiil«cblve,meJ5LIJtwi!h_i

onomlcoringine^Sidiutly looded.

1973 MIRCURY'c O K 1 . . . . .4 door sedon. six cylinder engine, o radio, heoler. bench seal*, deluxe wh

137E ,M Q !C U R yH 0K IE G 0in ;'.4 door hordlop, luxury group opili m i ^ n g t . unique wheal covert, fuHy

1975 HIERCURVMOinEeO . . .4 door tedon. ouiomollc Irontmltil broket. low, low miles.

1976C(iaASSSUPiSME40DOR.This cor hos lets than 10.000 octualmjstlon. oir conditioning, cruite con tr

1972 FORD C A lM S T A liO IIW AAll green. V-B engine, oulomotlc oir conditioning.

1372 CI«i!0iniMPAlA,,..4 door hordlop. grey. V-0 engine, lul motic Irantmlision, oir condllioning.

1571 fORO 1 1 0 . . - . . . ^ . .7 door hordlop, potlel.llme, coniri Iron tnwio'n. lood« Vtlh Oir njnditio1 9 7 4 C H E V R 0 U I H I P A l j l . . . ..4-door.hordtop..V.8.engine,-olr-«o«( Ing, oir condllioning, owner.

iM FOBi RAieiiRo .Brighi red in color V-B engine, oi radio and hoalftr.

1974 CAOUAC COUPE D e v a ii .Dove groy wilh o contrasting rool, o ond of courte ihli luxury I* loaded onetiw nor.. . . . . . .

1965 COIOHY PARK W A G O H ..V-0 engine, oolomollc Ironimltiion. on excellent iTontportoilon fomily coi

1966 B l l l C K S l m M T 7 , T r ^4 door lodon. extra thorp, oqulppc outomolic Iron'smiiilon. power tleer^

1976 0 0 I1 E £ A S P B I.. . . . . TPottet-blmnwlilruTwhiig-TirTrl-roofr

£ iy M 6 tt-^ a rrm i

niEISENIip l e w h i W w

« . Twin Falls, Idaho 23,' . f ' /

f W f iUYS! -4. . . '3H9S t

onlng ond more.

I I R _ . . ' W : IIlie tronsmlttloo, power.....................F.we sold this on* new. - * ------------ 4

Z Z W I Irngirte. outomatlciMans-. I.!lir coodlMonlng. w • • ,

, bright ofar>ge. m anud ijiloo ponel., •» ■

d btKket seats. \ .• '

-T. , '3lfiiOisft;-r^lo .-hM ter.-loo)i^ ...........odoyl t x t

, VA engine, OHtomotkr •'ke*. air coftdltloolng. • ' ■ i

. . . . .1 1 ® - J^ w e r steering e iB o l* u _ ^

......m Iitros1lngrool,V-««riBb*,; 1irtn ff* b ra k e in itn 5 n d k : — — ira rso n used car lot.

tmlsslon, poww siMrtttg

whlle.rtwf, 6 eylindef-en- • | -!ld this one new. . . . . . . .

on.-power-st*eflf*grTdf59r - p

matlc'trcnsmlssten,-p0w ei^ ------— ^g . w e s o l d l h l o n e n t W . i

Ji lo m a ll t- irm im U .jT O jj:

I Interior, power steK/lOfl^ Irodio end neoter. ■ -^-v '

. . . . . . . . * 2 1 0 0 " Iet, V-8 engine, automatic 1body side ntouldines. c |

.........m I'ilh 0 controttlnn rCbf;'ac- •

• wheel covers. *, , ■

J . : : : «option, deluxe body' sk{« fully e<|ulpped •

. . . . . m :nittlon, power steWIng A I

lual mile*, ovlomollc irons* Jontrol. extra sho rp^JJ^JT -

jtlc trontmlsikjn, .loadwJ.^

: ......I, lully powered w lthM lo .

"8- • S S i -

sntrotiing roof. ouTbmotk

' '.*2508= : & l i 8; z». oulomotlc Ironsmitsion.r

3I, ond rod lebiher Interior. jled wllh every op llan joco l f

± . m Jlion, rodio. Kooter ^ H I* f i

lipped with a V-0 .efjalee, oerlng. ____

t o n - J - — — ---------- -- - —

MOTORSnewM telw y * •» . j ___

Page 24: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

F g \

i / - ' ■ l y A

f ( n H t ^

' i ^


_ £ i- t y \ M ^

: a

" \ [ MIRROF— ! - J S S O R I E D - ^ i

-, > . SELECTION i

S y


p C O F~ t : : J ! ;

; :

I i Set Includes:,I 4 q u a rt_ sau ce I inch s k ille t. /

' I „cook, se rv e .I Festival" pgttei

- iiUElli-^ - i 705 Blue


“ - -

5 ^ ® ^ ^ i i ' A

r a ’

i th M -

R s z r j ^ ^

% o n -


^NINCC A . ■

— — : ~ i 5 " 2 z z

. 1 quart, 2 q u a rt s e p an s , 8 inch a n d -A IL w lth J id s^ E ree ;. Popular "CoUr ern.

S # E p ile loke» Blvd. North 733-7




IO % o

7 WAf

^ r lO-PIEG

d .10 . ............-

^ e z e , ^ S 4 f l

jn try

IN FALLS Al--7000— ------- T ' :

1O F f;s: R

Sw r ^

0 1 0 (i_ r - _ i _ ^ y ^ w a y — \ m

I t — - m e i


RE J- - - - - - - - DRESS P

ZESET-------------------------/ -—G ree

F ^ P . Sizes^ - ,Wais(

E — MATCHIN^ 1 0 Coorc




l W a y s f i r s-SAtlSFACTIONC


......................Durable 1Denim of

4-6X '

$ ^ 3 3


0 X1

WithRoller I . Soles . . „

z ^ E z :CHARGE

— " , , X V -, I E N S 1 » R E - W ^ F


$ J 7


SALE2 5 %wi; p w s -ownr€ol^on7-WiHe-&rN< ilyester Double K nit^r Ni ■eeivAuburnr|n*Rolyeste ! 6 S 29-42 W aist. 36-' Inse □ist are slightly higher

IING-LEISURE&DRESSlordinating-colors with pc :es 40-46..



--------- —

' U -^ R L S „

lSH j e a n <e W eight Blue if 100% Cotton

7 - 1 4

$ 5 3 3


FORDS$ 9 9 ^

; h - - •

►N► ......I



F t ____

Novy, — ^ Navy, Iiter-Gohordine._______ fseam 8 44-45

S S J A C K E T S _ _ _pants. -


r - Y MONDAY IHRU SAI 10 A .M r . - 9 P


f I mB iS

I : sr ® '^ .V _ 2 B



-Built for rough and rui

r = i Hf e l l

H iK ttx s h s *

j h h ®

‘''3 'H ' f T

i | n Kl ® P•■vh E m m -

■ p ®

i b 3 A


_______ ________ J '.'■

IS : >


\ ■■

« W- \ \ . \W . V A I I

BOOT i lORK BOOT rugged work

t f = F

•______________ J l ___

SS| - '

m v : ■ I


B •.''■•?/ '•'1' • V

■ - , . _

n ■ —' ' *

M : ^ 0 ~ 1 ' -

Page 25: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

K e n t u c k y w a l l o p s T<LEXINGTON. Ky. (U PIl - Sixth-rot

Juniors Rick R obey and Mike Phillipsdc ra ca lh T hursday nlghl, shot a blister field In the flrst.half to pull away from lopsided victory in ITyears, 103-53.

The victory. Kentucky’s I2lh stral • helped p rese rv e the nation 's longest

s tre ak and w as TCU’s first loss in Ihrcc . Robey scored 21 points nnd Phillips 17

hitting mostly on longrange Jum pers, s. ,_ G iy c n s h a d 20.............. .......... .............

S a i n t s f i l e s n i tST. PAUL lU P ll - The new .M ir

• - T h u rs d a y filed a W.S-ml]ljon Iaw suifaC ham ber of Com m erce.' the F irs t Natlo th ree individuals. '

The suit, filed In R am sey County I, m llllon lnactualdam agesandJS m llllo r

The law suit alleges noncompllance lu re the hockey.team to S t. Pau l th is sui S aln ls w ere form erly the Cleveland

The su it alhjges the defendants under 4 ,000.guarantccd season tickets, comm to <niarantce th e season tickets nnd toll .th a t the s c a ^ n ticket sa les would proba

Longley gets nodSA NDIEGO <UPI) - F o r m e r D allas '

rep lace Dan F o u ts a t quarterback for hom econtest ag a in s t the San F rancisco

C hargers Coach Tom m y Pro th ro sale — L cng!eycou !ddoundcr“ no rm alclrcum

L on^ey , 24,- w a^ acquired from Dal season and h as been “.way behind,"

He also explained h e put off s ta rting no t w ant anyone to think he w as blaming

’ poo rball movem ent. - .- - “ Fouls haa h o d two go o d ^ m es-n o w r

Longley this w eek ." P ro th ro concluded.

ORU beite TnlsaTULSA. O kla. (U P I) - Anthony Ro

_ T h u r e ^ y j i l g h i j o pa ce Ora l R o ^ r^ s , v ictory overT ulsa 'U niversity .

All four of O ra l Roberts’ o lher s ta r te r figures a s A rnold D ugger had 19, Chuck Iand U onel W orrell lo r -------

D anO 'L eary la id In IG points to leadT u

~finllct!reiid'droQgiitATLANTA (U P I) - W ashington, pni

carce r-h lgh 33 points, defealed the T hu rsday n ight, snapping the Bnllpt.<;' Uv

- I t w as tho B ullets’ firs t win on the road A tlan ta ’s b e s t output of th e nlghl can

f irs t qua rte r , oulscoring W ashington I M• B utW ashinK ton’respondedw ith scvcnst]

f i r s t pe riod lead .Robinson scorc d 15 points In the f irs t p(

.RACkelslbnmpiBu^^- H O U ^ N ( tM ) = R U d y T o m jQ n 6 v

th e Houston R ockets se t a Sum m it scoi v ictory ove r th e M ilwaukee Bucks T hurs

T h e victory w a s the Rocket's seventh club all-tim e rcco rd . T om janovich’s 38 1 sonal'h lgh a g a in s t Phoenix iM t 'O c to ^ r .

Calvin M urphy added 26 for Houston a a s Houston s c o r ^ 30 o r m ore points in ca

Warriors ontlast Spur.. _ OAKLAND (U H I) -_ H lck B a n y s c o re

decisive second q u a rte r T hursday nlghl W arrio rs w ithstood a San Antonio Spurs' v ictory.

~ -T t> o w in w as Iho th ird stra igh t for Gold Its reco rd a tlM O ..

T he to rrid W arrio rs h iadc 15 of 21 shots b la iln g .714 pe rcen tage , and went a head j

Son Antonio, behind the scoring of La juid G eorge G ervln. fought back to will w ith four m inutes rem ain ing In the gam e,

Ph il Sm ith’s lay-up and a i t f R a y ’s "W arriorB som e b rea th in g ■room,.and Bai

b o sk e ts lo w ra p itu p .

Badgers beat St. Mar;MADISON, W ls. (U PI) - Freshm an

..s c o re d 23 points. Including eight stralgl . Ihe U niversity o f Wisconsin held o ff-a f

M ary ’s o f C alifornia to post i;n 82-7<i vlclc

sp lurge with W lsconsin^hanging on to . G rego ry 's e igh t points irius guard Bob F pu t Wisconsin ahead7t-<>2 w llh Just ove r:

Nick P appageorge lod St. M ary’s with

COLLEGK PA R K. Md. (UPI) second-half freeze b y Long Islond T hiir

-w a lk e d aw ay w ith q'49-15 v lcforyrlcW -1 ju m p e r a n d f re e throw-wlth 14 scconds Ic

S heppard led th e T e ^ s wilh 17 points M alcolm sh a re d sco riiig liona isfo r the-] in a gam e m a rk e d by no scoring a t ' all

_ha_lf. . 1 . •

Cplnmbla stnns RutgeNEW BRUNSWICK (UPI) - Forw art

26 points and R icky F re e added It) pt T hureday 'n lgh t to lead ^ l u i ^ l a jo an I

" ra h k ed R u tg c re .Columbia, now 2'-4rmoved out lo a 19-1

h a lf when M l t c ^ l connected for seven i ' lo 'a3^27Jia lItim c lead and the Lions nevi - r - R u tg c r s c re p t wilhTtt'5552 a t th e m ld \ ‘ ha lf, bul a dunk by F re e nnd a layup by

who had 12poin ts and e ight assists, gave Desplt,Q,a20-pql.nt-pcrformnncefrom (>

^nnd ISpolnU by guard E d Jo rd a n 4 h a S c n a e lo sc r lh an s ix during tlie rem ainder c

Scoreh(hCSm.ColumWiSilrffi - Snicon

........Wfnan83i.t»,Whlttiefl* • tarrUiSfxiHa^Kiliell.QnulFuitU - T«>nel| nrwi’ii%gM,NorthotnColi»»doM Koniuc

. ......................' ' Ulnc n.

rcu Tjranked Kentucky, wllh G-JO' W r ps scoring conslslen lly un-- lering64 p e rc e n t from the )m TCU and sc o re Its m ost . ^

ra lg h t ove r two se a so n s ,, 1 | !Sl m a jo r co llege w inning e eg a m es. ' " ' i l7 .F re sh m a n Ja y S h ld lc r , ST. , scored 16 po in ls and J a c k T h u n- ......... - ......... ...........................- - Alhlei

• — ............ , . hadUnlvc

r f ln n e so ta llg h t in g S ain lsJ- - r a ^ 'I r i s f t h e S t : P a id A rea” ' i tio n a lB an k o fS t.-P au lan d

r D istric t C ourt, ask s 51.5.Ion in punitive dam ages. v c ry j :e w ith p ro m ises mfldc to sum m er. T he new Flghling 'p leasf Crusaders. rulingie rto o k a p ro g ra m lo obta in-;— '" 'T h e im un lca ted th e y w ere ab le lold club o w n er Nick Mllcti ibablytopS,000.

as T exan O in t Longley will '■ for San D iego in Sunday 's e o49ers. .a id h e w an ted to see w hat itt ts tan icS ;"D allas a l th e s ta r t o f the ro th ro said .ig Longley because h e did .__ -ing Fou ls fo r th e (B a rg e rs ’ !

w, and we'r e going to s ta r t ■ ' ^ ■ ■d.

R oberts sco rcd 31 po in ls t s J i n [ycrslty to a io & ^

tc rs a lso sco rcd lii double | H kD ahm s 12. Alvin Scott l i H

T u lsa .,____________ H I

paced by L en Robinson’s - . H 9 e A tlan ta H aw ks i(tt-90 _____ W

a d in e ig h t tr ic s . - • - H:am e in the m iddle of the p B H a n d ta k in g o l5 -1 2 1 e a d . H s j t a l g h t p o l n l a f l n d i i ^ - ^ ^ i ^ : *

I period.________________________ H

g - - - . ----------M

ib W c h 's c b i^ 33 po in ts os coring m o r d in a 137-110 irsd a y n ig h L -)th in a ' row, equalling tho S points equalled h is per-

n and Jo h n Johnson h a d 20 cach q u a rte r .

Iired 16 of h is 30 po in ts In a ----------ghl a n d th e G olden S ta le _ irs‘ raIly fp ra l2 4 -1 1 6 N B A ' H

)lden S ta te w hich sq u a re d ........ ............ -

o ts In th e s ^ n d periix ira"" ' ' , id a tthchalf63 -59 .L arry K enon, Billy P a llz /ilh in tw o po in ts , 11^114, ne. - -/'b follow sh o t g av e th e '3arry sco red th e la s t two " '

r y ’s h ean c en te r J a m e s G regory light down th e s tre tch , a s ! , ' a second ha lf ra lly by S t . ' d o ry T h u rsd ay night.C,. began h is sccond half lo a one-point lead , 61-(X).) F a lk 's Jum p shot quicWy c rs lx m ln u te s le fl. c lu b h ith 20 poinls. m en a. . . WillRl\- ■ • - . ■ ' C oac

WallaM aryland w ithstood a s ta te o

lursday n igh t a n d lite ra lly a c t lo| :fed-by a -5 te v e Sheppard— - F r id a yJ l c f t , ________________________ -CSLiIts a n d M ike H ay and Kim le-B lackblrds w llh 14 each ‘all for 10:30 in th e sccond *>park.

effort t------- -- - ............ -T h rc

i e r s ■ . ■a rd Ju a n M ilchcll scorcd poinls and 10 rebounds

in 8 M 5 'v ic lb ^ 'o v c 'rl8 lh -_ '- '

9-14 lead e a r ly In the first in s tra ig h t po in ls en roiile e v e r tra ile d ag ain . . Touredidw n y p o in t-o fth e sccond------- rulc-toby tiny g u a n l Alton Byrd, ve the Lions a 59-52 lead:*

------- Srr- ___• ' While h

y a r d — ^ S ilu.lnoJOO Wh»o?ingro - ■___^isuiair.cii-fHjtr-Pomoiuu strong

- -- tw oye;

x)«itijndn.D>B«n74 ' I w e’v e rOrigi

c<nnalB.P<nu^rJ.lU' . WhllnC

I ' —


r r . PAUL, Minn. fU PI) - A feder£ ursday d irec ted the N ational Cc ile tic A ssociation to lift ar>indeflnlli 1 Imposed on oil m en’s te am s Iversity of M innesota 'b e ca u sc of rac tions by th ree basketball p loyera. Jniversily officia ls w ere Jub ilan t ovi •ca lled a “ firs t round vic to ry" In th o ; jilenge of a probation im paw d by th e I T h is c lea rs Ihe u n ive rs ity ," Presli le r M cG rath sa id a t a news conferenc( y p le a se d .”‘au l Giel, a th le tic d irec tor, nlso 'w ai a sed and dciigh led '' a t th e strong ly Ing of U.S. D lslflc l Judge E d w ard D e\ "he NCAA ban had b a rred a ll m en ’i

^ . -

- " ........ . -


iagles drub ( ost tall WallWIN FALLS - Coliege of S outhern Ing excellent nll-.iround play from t •tin In Ihe sccond half. (Icfonlcd Co In 77-5G for Ils fifth s tra ig h t decision. 10 E ag les now -jw a i lUic F xlday jilgb t- ?alla W alla Com m unity College. Jud c h 'B o y d 'G ra n t to be 'lire ijlCiffst te I h a s faccd th is yc a rrT lie W arrio rs st 1 a t (i-8 and a no ther 6-5 im dcm ealh , give them tho heiglit advan tage.}ach G ran l sa id h is scouting rep o r ts li )u w aiia m ay be Ulu illt‘ollf’W | icfllH e o f W ashington but thus f a r h a sn ’t togsther. T hai one will s ta r t a t 7 :;lay a l llic.C Slgym D asium -----------------SLu'cnt to a pa tto rnpd gam e and piny jn s iv c ly m o sto f th e llm e . t tlm E ag les didn’t liave '.a g rea t i rk. Som e of th a t could h av e been.duc rt lh a t CBC pul inlo ils defense. iro u B h -ttie -n rsi h a i r . 'C S r - ’ whicH led — had leads fluctuating from 10 its u n tir th e c lo sing .m inu te-;w hen

White S o x

IlCAGO V u P l'/ - The C hicago Whi rsday nlghl look a dvan tage o f a cc to sign .frco a g e n lln f ie ld e rT lm -N o n tw o-year c on trac t, g iving them Ihcl

ilry d ra ft sign ing in tho lo st two w eeks )rdbrook. 27 .'p layed la st y e a r fo r b< im ore O rioles a n d -ih e C nllfom la f e ie u in g h ls 'op tlon m n ou t. t h e Whl ^.one of.sbc..tcflin s - lo n ego tia te wil e h e was a fre e agent.' le ’a a very fine hn iip i»ynrs you nddlllonal de p th ." satd 'W R neSt idenl R oland .H em ond;-‘4 I o H asn 't I Ig h lltw bu t h e ’s played v e ry lil tlc tlyears. — ------------- ---------------------Ve jo s t five p la y e rs In expanslon-;in 'e rc p lc n ish e d o u rsu p p ly b y th rc e ." .Iginally in th e Nov. 4 free OROnL d n'nCnv ____Lil/lTrt

I judge 0

ite suspe(oral judge post-season p laCollegiate sponsored television app

n ile b a n il D «vitt g ave, the uni' i s ' a t the in junction it sought, c o f a lleg e d - im pose no fu rther sanct

fu lih e a r in g o n th e m erit!o v e r w h a t ...........At a-ne.w s confcrench e s c h w l 's d e c lln e d to c la lm lh a t tl He NC<\A. college had won such a e s id en t C. pow erful NCAA. But ■nee. " I am p r iv a te ly . "T h is is the f;

been successfully chaiie: w as-” vcry • th e issue of p layer ellgibl ?ly w orded M cG rath sa id he h( D cviu. n e ce ssary to pursue thejn ’s team s He sa id the 'lin lv ersltv

^ r T t - -

' / ' t

. ' ^ 8

■■“ f a r i n g A ntonio M artin sk i C o lum b ia B asin H aw k fo r a s la m di po in ts d i ^ g action l l i i n d a y d e fe a te d Ibe Haw ks 77-56 and wlU e W allaW aU aa t7 :30 tonight.

Columbia Bi lla WaUa toni>rn sharpslioolur Scolt U b n .■ n A n tS io t o W U k p o lm s 1IM1.1.C olum bia , b lseos n,«rBln.-.l39.'«.

„ M arlin s ta r ted com ing;ht n rrival I " ‘ l“ napoli

'k > am i^fs Iw th e n d so r th e e o u r t. ile i s t a r n « o M v c n -m lnucospanas lhe n il which aw ay . M arlin 's liisl buck

g a m e for keeps — gav

is in d ic a te - a dvan lage . . Z ^Ti n r in -»ie--------- Latr J n .Uip gam p, .S m l

n’t ou t !ls7:30 p .m tog lveC S I its b iggest lea(

I n y c d w e i l - ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^c«u .. . - 5 0 s.to

.it deal of j : } 'id u e lo Iho ' 0 1 : 1

n.-rjf-J.'' 10 5 ?

iich“ nevef '10 lo fuur Tout!!.!.!....... .,!,.d ii u n • ■

hen frosti ^ .......... ......... , - ' .

x ^ g l ( i f r e e a-V h lte S o x '' own C alifornia club cl

com plex nego tiate with N drdbrool lo rdbrook' ' ~a nd T ex a s each Blgned U h e ir Ihlrd agen ts , leaving N ordhroo eks. ; le a rn s besides Callfori ‘ bo th the negotiate.n. A ngels._____.U nder.-the .ru les. .b .t iiV hlteSox Bowie Kuhn held a lo lle iy w ith, h im - Ihe lotis! num ber o l d u b s I

six . Of four partlclparits ^etiandU l— A Illw a u k e o ^ Q re w e rs i^ l FSoiTvrec C ievcian tflijd ians, the Cu I't been a ! - Ihc s ixth tea m - ^ i t h wh 0 th e last ■ ncgotiale. ^

- - ' r h e Sox;-'t)clng d n ^ 'f (1 -;ind-now - . th e /ig h l to continue to n c f " . so. w hile T exas w ithdrew .d ra f t the C ity also r e t a in ^ the ir rig

orders P ensioirc

play a n d from NCAA* unless I 1 appea rances.

un ivcrsily th e te m p o rary “ I w I t. o rdering th e ' NCAA to ih e jn a :anctlons un lll h e c o n d u c ts o - " i d o n merits. - 'to fightcrenee,- M c C ra th -a n d Gle|- - Howi la l Ihls w as th e f irs t tim e a m essaj ch a co u rt c ase og a ln st th e concer B ul an o th er o fficia l said a re Ire. Ihe first tim e th e NCAA has The i la iienged in fede ra l cou rt on Impose m m i y r .duelede hoped It w ould no t be infract I th e m a tte r in th e c o u rts but denyin •sitv w ould p re s s th e case The

Dave \----- — ---- - — : —involv(

- ...............V..L-! .th e ir i


i BUHl fense \

. : yu T hursd. ' • ^ 1 ' .

.••••• : • . . . . rem ain......... . offcnsh

Hecani.. ' • M-3C Ui

.............. bucket'________________________ I . T h e t

•' ■ breaklr ^ second

^ " advant;Whlh

•" ■ : —r j ; : -------Buhl al d o u ^



------- and -F iThursd

- John



— e Bom


— “1— - ------------------llahser

fiklca o v e r a , s°0^vim d u n k a n d tw o ' . ’c.'la y n ig h t. CSI dU e n te r ta in ta il .

FJasin,- Bir#

' . s lra igh, 1 . Althc

m ostol

jib ru m c am e off th e bcnch ; th ird buck et g av e CSI Its 2c,. eiglilol

n lng on e a r ly In th e sccond

1.H e poUeilclgl)! points In .1 . .. ' s th e E ag les .started pulling bucket — before he left ihe

g av e tn c tOagles a -tD- .O ^

S r n l l .C n r r y J i l t J l i r f r . l ip ld - J lI.EI T ell and L alirum two each ran Ihi Ileadat75-4H -.................................. defcalii


! ■ D o«n .................. 7 -«a • ihrbugli■S sss......... !!!••! »•! ic«

? ................. j 0 J l-r re lum sJ wjih,nQiM s » J ■ entertal

.,5 . J^!?L-------- ----- - - i i l J — shoshor

in - T--...-..................G lenns:........................... n M - j; • Shosh

: ...................“ GictinsFink 2 , '

a g e n t 7 j ,b c la im ed th e rig h t loarook. B u l th e Wlill6 Sox__ _ MUR’e d l l i e in in i i r o n v v o " n x o sc-coiid-1 brook w ith on ly two o lh t r Hogcrn' l l f o r n la - w ith w hich to uhbeale

Both t

I tery T h u rsd ay to inc rease M lie I u bs elig ib le tcrntTgollale ro .- ualll lii )a rits ,_ lhc C h iiT a^ Cubs. period \ ^ ^ l o n t r e n l —B xpog^ tm tT ’ broke tl e Cubs won. m a k in g them ' She r I w hich N ordbrook could jw lnls a

ofBcnniT3( tho o r tg ln iifc lu b s . had------ ’ Hagci0 ne g o tia te and chose lo do MurU Irew. O ak land a n d K ansas n'ill't or ir rlglit lo continue, b u t th tf • H agern


NGAAttofiVImiii'SS Ihere w as a change of heart by tiie N

: would hope the NCAA WTiuid re-exf m a ile r and lift the ban on its ow n." he0 nol enjoy stirr in g up trouble. 1 do nol gh l Ihls ou t In c ou rt.'; .. . . Dwever. McGra'th ' said he hopes s a g e goes oul lh a t ttie un iversity is :em ed th o t a ll students. Including alh I re a led fa ir iy .''fie university w cnl to court a fte r th e ! osed the ban even though hearings led by 'un iversity com m ittees found Ih actions d id not w arran t Ihe lough pern ying the studen ts the rlghl to play. he_ p lay ers involved w ere Mike ’Thon le Wlnby and P hil Saunders. The infra 3 ivo (i-incr5cilingT irnnsK ct6ain icrcc ir face va lu e and the accepting o

j n e r i c a n F a l

r e s s ~ t o “ t o p p l (

JH L - A m erican F a lls sta lled Buhl e with a zone p ress In the sccond rsday n l ^ l and rolled in to? 55-12 decis le B eavers tra lied 28-23 a lh a if tim e bul s ta r t 'o f ih c M h lrd iq u arre r 'u h lirn B o u i ained In th e gam e. Buhl could do nc nslvely ex cep t fo r sophomore J im S n :anned e igh t points ns th e Indians fell b j unlll C h ris Bell gol the first non-Sr { c to n a tlp in .)c team s p layed a lleh t f irs fh a lt.w ith iklng aw ay In the closing m inutes \ ind qu a rte r . T he Indians surged from i antage lo 28-23 Jusl beforo the buzzer, h lle the B eaver defense w as con lr1 a t ono-ond.-B uhl-(ound-no-answ cr-' 3le sco ring punch of Swally and c f g e r.d id m uch of the point d'am nce

l E i l e r - d r o p s

iVlN FALLS — L auri Johnson’s fre e 1 a second le ft th re w jh e gam e inlo ovi -F iic r -w c n fb n 'to -d c fea t-T w in F a ltE irsdaynight.Dhnson’s c h a r ily to ss equalized a ga ir r each te a m dom loate most of a ha lf

— HanseB-openlANSEN - T he H ansen Huskies defea itleford W olves 31-23 Thursdoy nigh :s baskelba ll gam e, aslleford shot the ball well fo r a f in m bul had trouble against ih e v isen defense In handllng ll.

Jh e .d e fcn d ln g ch a m p io n ..ro d o . it e ffort o f K im S tanger and th e tebo;Connie P e a rso n to th e win. ___ansen ta k cs its la s t-year laurel's to I VTWonday”h lgh t'w hen ‘(h'e” iru sk IeJ 'fi e feated te am w ithout,p lay-m aker Sh Tis; out fo r the season wilh a broken anl lc f o r d . . . . ' . .................................. C 13£en. ........ IT. :r .7 ! ■.V.';'.:. . C ' 17istleford — Owens 9, Jones 9. K ram er: Ow ens 1. H ansen — Pearson 7, R . Pc

a n g e r 11. M alone (3. Borah 4, L cm a 2.

Fresno tips B S l3 ISE - -F resno S ta te picked up ils ight v ic tory and sen t Boise S tale lo its ight loss 74-G8 T hursday niglil.Ithough n e v er m ore lhan e ight ira ted Ihe two team s. Boise S la te t to f llie tim e .3ise S la te ’s Inability lo hit fre e t: ributed to ils downfall, The Broncos hi it of 20 w hile F resno collectcd nn 10 of i: •csno’s b iggest lead cam e a t 59-51."' !S Boise S ta le c losed to within tw o poln d n lg c t i lo s c r ,______________ _

GF tops IntlianiJ : NN.S F E R R V - TUp nipnn.; F n rrv Ih elr re c o rd - lo 4/L T hursday nigl

a ling Ihe Shoshone Indl.nns 20-14. enns F e r ry had things all ils own w ay ftnmr7TT7iTiaRMl~'())ily-iotR‘ - f r e e .^ t tighoul th e f irst half. T hai gave th e Pi lend arid they coasted In. G lenns 1 m s the v is it lo Shoshone M onday nigli r ta ln sF lle rT liu rsd ay .h o n e . - . . . ................. 1 .1, n s F e r r y . . . . „ ........................... G 14' 1oshone — G reen 8. Beltiz 4, Sorcns ns F e rry — W lrtz 4. H eath 8, McAnu 2,T r a u d l2,C n im rln e 2. ‘

Hagermari winsJRTAUGH - J a n e Waile w arm ed up I t ld -n a ir 'p o in ts~ T liU rb d y y n I^ ir tO “ ' ?'rman pasl-M urtaugh 24-lB in a ball a ten g ir ls le am s.th team s sliowcd'lhe nervousness a tte i c^u)otouliand.lhcyJ}aU lcd.la a l o w ^ ie 'lh 'rougli the.T lirsfhnlf. I t 's ta y e d e

liic -c lo slng 'thnK T T O lm itcr-o f-thc ' )d when W alle cam e up with six points e the P ira te s inlo nn 18-11 lead. - e ad d id four o f H agcrm an’s closlni is and M urtaugh. despite the 13-poinl i mnell. w asn ’t ab lo to get closer th a n fiv igcrm nn a lso took Ihe prelim inary 20-11 irlaugh trav e le s tO' Caslleford 'Mo I and en terta in s Valley,Thursd.iy. . ' j r m a n .V . ,................... '!.......... .'G' 8 ^ 1

day, Docombor 3,1978 ' Tlmos-New

0 remol i6!SotacNC<\A. - . Iodg ln g .fo o d an d u se o fa

D evilt sa id th e universl ex am ine ..show n " a strong probab h e sa ld . m e ri is ."

nol w ant T h e Judge a lw wcnl a . . c la im lh a t the players ha

e s “ the to a due process hearit ■ h e a r in g c leared them

a th leles. req u ire d lo stand by then th e penalities Imposed by

leN C A A D evilt, sa id il was ngs con- p re lim in a ry hearing thoi1 lh a l tlie ir rep a ra b ly harm ed if a enalty of is not issued and lhal tl

h a rm e d if it is issued." lom oson. “ I t apparen tly has not ifractlons — b y lh e NCAA lhal its mer :rci5"flvcr : dua l“ obllgaiion to the [ O f - f r e e s tu d c n ts ." h e s a id .

i l l s u s e s z o n <

l e " B u l i l “ 5 5 ^

uh l's of- th ird q u a rte r a s Americond ha lf 40^34. C iinger m ade il 4v ision . opened w ith Sm ulny tibu t from second-half field goal. w ur2 :30 '. ■ T h en ^ ca m ^ ix .'iw ln lsI no th ing m o re from G in g e r as t Sm utny. lheir'51-36 lead lo nail thiII behind .............B uh rsla ftky jayveesw i-Sm utny - ........................ ............

d th B u h l____!s of th e .'j i i sm a20-19 w e ^ '! ! '" ! ! '"!"! ' i d o tr. ........... J J j IJinlrolling Qn*3o»..!! !' .!’!.! i o ■ > o r-to th o — ................i-c i - 5" c f e i T —Je in th e Oun ...................................

s - I * E n S j O K e

00 th row contro lled th e first pci o v e rtim e w h en ,th e Tw in F a lls ’ alts '54-53-------b a c k to w ith in a point.-:

T w in F a lls owned U ^ m e 'th a l F i le r ra ll lc d b a c k lo g s lalf. F iler;- B ru in P a tty K a se l;

th e e x tra sessions but nex l six poinls, Johnst

n S . . - ^ l l , ™ w , ^ V I ™ . e n M = n. ' G a r tn e r h it a sho t ju

fea led th e • m a k e it 54-50. light In a Tw in F a lls cam e ba

B re n d o F a la sh frc e th i f irs l-y ca r F i le r will enterta in1 v e te ran a n d trav e l lo Glenns

F a lls goes lo Jeromdolho-14-____ E rld o y -- .: -----------------(bounding - F i l e r ..................... ._____ T w in F a l l s ...................:o H oger- F i le r — Johnson 8. f fo c c atT A I l c n " 9 r W a l I i ^ l O Shannon M uldoon 4. Fa lash 21.

i ank le. K asel 20,3 17 23 _

ier2!cox - Jerom e iJ E R O M E - T h , J .

' M ountain Home Thursd. w rcsllingdecision ,

1 ¥ T Je ro m e lo st only two38-12decision .B ullheji

ils th ird o58K )vlclory • _its fourth ' J e ro m e will partfcipa

in v lta tib n a lF r ld ay a n dI po in ts 32-tcam ba tlle royalc~ tM ii7d” w eekend , e ira iiea

• throw s f irs t, includc 98 pound D um il 3 ^ ; 105. Yu

, ( j 3 M oreland ; 112, Wall de1 'T l ire e C ooley decisloned Mi lo ln lshu t decisloned Nielsen 1,7-1

G rim m e ltll-G ; 138, Var----------W S r '^ S h z a le s pinne

decisloned Johnson 3-2 - - K nudscn '. 185. Ford dc

~ heavyw eighl.G atT iiatle


;ay w h ^ n _ ^ p e n e d thclr_v-:rcslljng_L ^ lia jy ''------w illio -t^ ffd ec is lo h o v e i' “ -The Vikings rem ain In IS 1-o rry p a rtic ip a tin g In a IG-lc: ight and F rid a y a n d Salurdny,

, R esu lts of Ihe m a id ;• , ! l i r s ir in c lu d c : ' ■- ' ^ •{M tjwunds.Ilarrallwor un.son 2. decisloned Coleman lfi-5 Vnully 2. B ennell; ll9 ..a jild c i

S tin n e tt decis^ioncd Jen--------------- d « is lo n « l-b y -D a n c e -1

_ _ G ibson; 145, Bodenham;,9-a; 155.J,S o rcnsonp ln i de cisloned E aton 12-8; 1

iip fo r lO F ie ld s , and heavyweighta -jp n rK — --------------------------------ja llle of

. M cRae wi^ c l u g — — j^E W -Y O R K -^ U P i)- J c lo sed -.— K ahsuV C lly R oya lsw a ic - lh ird ; — w inner or'l>''-'“A '''cricui Inis th a t • D eslg n n tJ^ 'H lttc r" nw;

'* ■ s c a so n in w h lc h h e b a lte sing six M c R a e .'b a rd y beater n l effort t id e by le am m ale Geoi I five. p la c e v o le s -tro m a pi 0-10. b tx jad ca stc W 'S id p u b ll M o tiday ' leag u e c itie s . Runnerup

I th e C leveland- Indians1 18 24 pa nslon T oronto Blue J a

-Jewo. Twin Falls, Idaho 25

i\e 4

o fac a ro n d tc leo h o n p . , / ?•

'c rslly and the p la y ers had ! ■: [: babllily of success on the'.-.'; . '

nl along w ilh Ihe school’s - ts h a d a c o n s t i lu 'l to n a lr ig h l- - ....... - ilaring and th a l once th is ' cm the univcrsily w as '■'' them ra th e r than lo accep t dbytheN CA A , . '.>vas establfshed a t th e . thot "M innesota w ould be ; if a prelim inary injuhctlop It th e NCAA would no t be :

not been fully app recia ted memberin s lltu tion s h a v e a ' the’ N C A A _ a n d - to - th e - . -

l e - :

r 4 2 ^ - - - - - - - - - — tlerican F a ils m oved ah ead • ;Iil 42-34 a s the la s t period ' \\

y then adding h is fourth , \I , _ _ _ _ _ 1:ilnls'.from .Sw aily a n d . lw o . , _____ sl;as th e B eavers m oved Inlo ' ' lljilthingsdow n, • 1 |Les won the first gam e 64-17. ‘ .

« ....... ......... li

I’ i IS;:::::;;;;;;::;;;;! i V . -4 1 1! K S S ;; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;■! j . " i lI t ...................t « I » , 4

i i .

. ■ . 1' . - )

s S i ^ i Z Z Z Z i: period until th e la te s ta g ss— I l i i s i irc s s h d p e d th e B n iln sInt;----------- — — — :---------!d tho sccond period 3MQ b u t.0 g e t Into overtkne.s d k i l l Tw in F a lls a h ea d i n 'bul th e WUdcals ree led off th e ______hnson collected tw o m o re fre e

if ju m p e r o ff’tHeTMiMllne to ; i

3 back with a field goal and bT ' e lh ro w w ith n in ese co n d s lc f l. ':ain K im berly M onday night - j ;nns F e rry TTiursday. Twlii I ' rom e Tuesday and C o jJila l.

................... 17 24 48 54', i |....... [ \ . 9 23 39 ’ 4 8 '5 3 uj

1 8. Vincent G, G ar tn e r 13. ■ I" T T T bder 4. Twin F a lls - T ' ' i[j I 21. Lnndsbury 2. M um m 6 , ' M.rf; rips ]Vr.H. I't Je rom e T ige rs dom inated •! jrsd a y night in tak ing a d u a l '

two m atches in posting th e - I h c jay v e esd id b e tte r . tak ing - j

c ipalo inH hT l9jefim ;M IH lcp"' " ! and S a turday and i r a v d to a '/a l in N yssa. O re,, nex l {!

a lchcs, J e b m e m en l i s te d ' ! tunds. Chapm an decisloncd j Y urkevic jo i^ p inned ..by ! <

I decisloncd D allas 4-2; 119.1 M ullins 4-3; 126. C ailen ;

17-1: 132, H arra i decisloned- • VanHoozer pinned Johnson^ ’ [ nned P r a t t ; 155, S lone iI 3-2; 1C7. Gook p ln n e d -b y . - '1 dccislonetl G ra ss 7-5. and . . . - a decisloned Livengood 5-0. '

N - T he. V alley V ikings ,Ing season T hu rsday nlghlover4hoW ondolt-Trojans.— !-------In In action this w eekend by !M cam loum am cnl a l B u h l; . .• j[/, ■ ■alchcs. V alley m en listed ' !

w-on by forfeit: 105. S tew art ’ lfi-5; 112, D, C ryder pinned v

ildcrs pinned l>affcrty; 126; ' Jenks.10-4: 131 J ,-C ry d c r;e-10-i; 138. Black p inned------^^-4!lam prdccisloned by Gibson ; ‘ pinned Laffcriy: 167, Dixon . -8; 185, Sorenson-pinned b y . Igh l.D a y w o n b y fo rfc Il, ' j _____ r

ivins award=*I)-------H al-M cR at’- o f ' t h e — — “'w a s ■nnmod,Thursday 1976 • ; • rican l/caguc ‘.’O ulslanding- aw ard a fte r 0 b rillioh t DH • a iled .329. • 1 ,aten oul for Ihe A ,L ba tting 3coVge B rell.,drew -53 f irs t "1 p o n d of sports w riters , . | ubllc rd a tlo n s d irec to rs In • i rup.Rico Carty. fo rm eriy of ; ; m s an d ' now w ith '-the-ex- .• i-j e J a y i received 18 vo tes fot; - "

Page 26: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

26 TImoj-Nows, Twin Falls. ItJal


UPI SpOTts Writer. -T h e -S t. ..L ou is^ .C ard lnals .

• r . 's tn n d on t h e ' b r in k of r- cllm inallon from th e National

;• ♦- Foollwll Lc'flgue p layoff Chase and Ihe Ballim orc Coils stand

•• ready to apply the final shove, n Throughout the season, the

... ..p a n jjap C ards" h av e shown ; . . an affmity for doing things the j • ' hard way. In o rd e r to Icecp

“i....... tliclr slim playoff hopes a l iv e ...i Uie Cardinals now m ust beal

;■ the Colts S a turday , which i - seem s a difficult enough task

1 to hofd the ir in te rest for the full GO minutes.

^ T he S a tu rd a y fa ttcrn o o n •f • contest In St. Louis gives the

Colts the opportunity to clinch I; th e E as tern ^Division title in f l the A m erican Football Con-

~ f c r c n c c . but th a l c an be done / r 'th e followlng*week.,loo. Whal

J th e C o lts a re f lg h tln g fo r is th e• ' ' home field a dvan tage in the

•• — playoffs.- .^The Cardinals a rc battling '

; fo rsu rv lv a i.E lth e rlh ey w ln o r ; ' they forget about th e playoffs.

■ After riding lo th e lop ol th e ' T N a t b n a l F o o lT ja l l ' .Con-

; ferencc’s E as tern Division the ; p a st two years .on th e "b ig • ' p la y ," t h e C a r d i n a l s a re

concerned especlalJy wlth the : Colts’ " l/iu ls lan a Connection" .

r Mitchell!: B A L T IM O R E ( U P I ) -

; '.- .-L y d e ll-M ltch e H -s tiH -rP lo ce s— Baltim ore Coil v ic to ries ahead Df“ pe rsona I' a flilcvcm cni, of

___I__ ,.c o u rse ._ b u l he...w ould v e ry .. .r m uch like to win th e A m e ric a n ,_• ■ Footbuil Conference rushing ; championship.

- -p ac k . MllchcH is a g a in chasing .: Buffalo’s O .J. S im pson, last: y e a r 's winner. S im pson se t a

N a tio n a l -Foot_ball L eag u e__“ :— record by rushing lo j ir73 yards -

___ agn ln tt rVtmfl-ThiinlcRglvlnBr D ay. givlng hlm 1,129 for the '• season . _________‘ “ I t ’s a little d ishearten ing

- . i . . ; ..... h e 's thc.^only.one_that CM do _' som ething like th a t. T h e on ly_

• * . o n e ," B o id M itc h e l l ,w h o ra l^ h is t o t a l j o J .U 2 j a r d s . J a s t —

- S iw d a y 'w ith a ” 93-yard day; a ^ l n s t th e New Y ork J e ts . H is _

— | . „ bea t : glng > e :p e rfo m an ce :h flS — ; I b e e n 136 y a r d s a g a in s t j - ' ' . Houston.

, J T h e rush ing UUe w in .llke ly — V b e d e c id e d D e c . 12 a t

I , B a l t i m o r e ’ s M e m o r i a l ; ; s ta d iu m when 't h e playoff- ; ibound Colls host Buffalo. TI\ls

->':5'>WDc>{cndrBaltlmoro~plays~st^.-^ . « - '/ - L o u is . a n d B u f fa lo f a c e s •

t . > liam l, I- j E ven if h e Joses ta Sim pson.^—

J ' . M i t c h e l l still h a s an Im-. » prcsslve lis t of ach ievem ents. •I H c becam e the f irs t l,000 -yard__ I . .ru n n c r ln C o l th is to ry la s ty c a r . .- . ; ‘ (1.193) and th is y e a r ’s yardage^

, - '■ - 'h a s moved him to th ird 'o n


I : - ' m ,

11 " ■ G'■T '— '*~lfyou 'reno1

^ Deere Gift ( ■ ' ■ ^ ' oftop-qualil

garden trac' '■ ■ M SOO”- We

« giftselectio


1 1 1 O v o r l a n d A v o . : \ - J ' Burloy ' .' : 6 7 8 -5 5 8 5

tJaho Friday. DocomborS. 1D78

pit pla>igainst i

of qu a rte rb ac k Bert Jones and wide rcceivc rno jie rC flrr .

s. . ^ ■ N o b o d y ’s.'really-glvcn h im .•f h is ju s l dues." St. Louis safe ty '1 Ken R eaves said of C arr, c “ T h a t’s why he’s been running d • p a st people.’’ '

C a rr h a s run past defenders c ' 10 tim es th is season for touch-. ■ f> -— dow ns, w hile Jones has sp read — c h is oUier 10 scoring passes [> am ong Glenn Doughty. Ray ^ - 'C h e s t e r , D on-M cC auIey-and t Lydell Mitchell.1 ' W ide receiver P a l Tilley,< • who w en t to Louisiana Tech ! , w ith C a rr, said of his fo rm er

te am m ate ; "R oger.ju s t .runs 1 r ig h r ;a t h is m an and then runs- righ t p a s t him. H e's very 1 d e c e p tiv e .' It looks like h e ’s ) run ing full speed, the 'defen­

d e r’s sta y in g w ith h im , and? then h e tu rns on Ihc af- I te rb u m ersan d lsg D n e ."; T illey sa id th c -e o rd ln a ls c o u ld s lo p su c h ta c t i c s ,

though.! ■ “ H e 's going to be running a l • R oger W ehril, then h e 's going-

lo be try ing to run past h im ,”' '^Eley sa id . "I don't thinJc h e

can b caT W efirinhat w ay. His speed Is a lot IH tcC arr’s - i t ’s deceptive. Yoii ge t downfleld, you t r y lo run p ast W chrll and you find you can 't do It.’’

H ow ever, the Colts p rese n t -.

Ijgck to chas- -B a ltim o re ’s a ll-lim e .rush ing — rila t.-b c h ln d 'te im y ^ M o o 'rO n a . .Tom M a tte ............. ' .

H is c r e d e n t i a l s a s a

JEBfinand: — : in T W I N FAI

2nd M o r t g c

J ' “ u p t o “ $ 2

_____ Y o u r- re a lra ta t© e q u i ty —"tJiI y o u ow e on y o u r h o m e a n d i I y o u r k e y to b o rro w in g conv j

rr-. . . 'm o c tr -y o u T - .m a ja r- f in a n d a l- r c s tr ic tio n s on .the u s e o f Ihi

. F in a n c ia l H o u m a lso jJ fT e ^ ^ B onal a n d fam ily lo a n s fo r w ith p ro m p t, p e rso n a l, profe : p h o n e to d a y fo r a c o n fid e n tif

G eT ogether with

! W a l t e r S c h w a b- — 4 9 V S h o ilw n ‘* S t .N o . --------

r V a - w M o ■ ' ■ '

I H f i n a n c i



o t s a r e w h a r t d g i v e , g iv e t C e r t i f i c a t e . W e h a v e a fi illty i t e m s in s t o c k — f r o m

i c to r s r r : f r o m t i l l e r s l o ^ t M f e 'r e r e a d y to h e l p y o u m ; Io n a l i t t l e e a s i e r t h i s y e a


4 0 9 2nd Avo. So. TwInFoIli 733-7496

Coltso th e r p rob lem s for th e St. L ouis defense.

. M itchell.,w ho Is sccond on ly , to O .J. S im pson in rush ing and le a d s th e c o n fe re n c e in

/ receptions, Is fo rem ost am ong • them .

As if th e C ard inals need any■ m orc p rob lem s, B a ltim ore

. . . .c o ac h .T e d M archibroda_w cntto h is fo rm er boss, W ashington

■ coach G eorge Allen, for adv ice on how. to .b c a t.th e C a rd in a ls ,. .. w hich th e R edskins have done tw ice Ih ls season . Looked In a ba ttle w ith St. Louis fo r the w ild c a rd berth in th e NFC, Allen w as only too g lad to oblige. • • .

In a n o th e r S a tu rd ay contest, th e R a m s c an c linch th e N F C ’s W cstenrD iv islon crow n w ith a v ic to ry o v e r th e A tla n ta F a lc o K in L os AnKoles.

S u n d a y ’s g a m e s h a v e T am p a B ay a l P l ttsb u rg fv ^ • W ashington a t N ew Y ork a g a in s t th e Je ts . D allas a t Ph ilade lph ia . D etroit a t New Y ork again st th e G iants. N ew ' O rlea n s a t N ew E ng land . Ifouston a t O e veland. G rcc i} Bay" a t M innesota,.K ansas c ity a t dcnver, Buffalo a t M iam i,San F rancisco- a l San Diego and C hicago a l Seattle , - ’

C incinnati Is ,a l-O ak land In - .Ihe M onday n igh t gam e.

ising p . J .~w r k h o r s c a rc .s c c u rc ^ iL h a s — m o re c a rrie s this season than a n y o th e r running back in theAFC. .................... ...........................

^ m T th e

[ i a l h o i i ( Q . „i^lLS f o r .jage Lopns —^ °25t O 0 G F = ^ 'the difTer^oTxitween w h a t' j

d its actual value may bo ' ivcniently, without delay, to iLnecds. Plus tbere-«ie-no- . the money you borrow! ISC ; I - ra budgeting, financing, per- ’ ^ or any worthwhile purpose^ . ifessional service. Stop by or I ifial appointment •

" "”9 1 * ' '

r a ! h o u w ^ 1}

:e£ : l ---;^^aZldtTfP 3 full range g ngrlllsto',;)ols. Stop ^nake your ’ i S .’ !ar .


^ o f o m r -------- _3 24-3311

Hole*in*one---------- -------------------T f f l N F A U i — G

p o s te d tb e f M b o ie 4____B ltie L akes CountiyC

U n . w a i f c o o v ^ o o tb e p a r th ree , 195- w m H a iy Obeocbal Jooes.;.'

UTEPseletE L P A S O ,T e x .(U P I) -B m p

M ichae l, fo rm e r a s s is ta n t bc o ach a t O k la h o m a w ho c resigned during a tran s c r ip tscanda l v.hlch Jn n d ed tb e ISooners o a ' p ro b o tlo n ., T h u ^ ' Tsd ay w as nam ed head football .acoach a l the U n iversity of. eT exas a l El Paso . si

D r. Richard Burfis, chair* tlm an of the U T E P A thletic t«C o u n c il, a n n o u n c e d t h a t (I M ichael will re p la c e GllBartosh, who announced h is Bresignation th is season w ith gfour gam es rem aining. A

“ We a re e x lrcm ely p leased yto have a man o f Bill’s c a lib e r AJoin us,’; said U T C P A lh le lld ' giD irK to r^ tm B o w iten r"H ls -------

— .'know ledge o f . . th c . . a r e a w e - ^r e c ru i t p lu s a p rey T o u s ^association with th e U n ive rsity „of Texas a t El P a so m ake h im q.,

• a lop notch choice to he ad the football p rog ram h e re ."

MJchaeJ re s ig n ed a s - a n — O k la h o m a - a s 6 l6 t a n t - a f l e r - a n _

NCAA Investigation revealedlha t he was a w a re o f th e s t

. . altera tion of th e high school wtranscrip t of K erry Jackson a t thG a l ra to n Ball High School. _ . 19T he a ltered g ra d e re c o rd . yc

— a llo w e d r J a c k s o a ^ o _ c n tc r .: : : r_ c rOklahom a. • m

The Sooners w ere placed on fo

I 1

R E P A I R ^ M A N U A L

: : ^ = S A V E - ~

l O O l ^

- u n i u M U i — ....... - - - VWIDM^OnW«ia^ndMslAl««nc>OI _ la a jj.« .ctnrrefflim ' & Q C

. roif7».Atw«DAa M 7 0 M O I W ^ 1

[ yS?*

SUPER RAMP H E A V Y D U T Y A U T O R A M P S - ^On*nM*e«m)ruclWA.ItalM« ' CorllnchMOflCnMnl • W*leh>On>r»U».Nrrol>. - ■- ^ B S ^ Hv>oal>l*AAdtrochobUFor Canl'oraO'.NsTmWWA Umiwiem,60COUw,Capcclry



^ ^ P l R f a irt G y U i B r u n

' | H | | - S S "

' 3 9 9 , H

— G e e ir g U W n to o fT w lo F a llf - » ie4 iH )oe of her 0 df cajreer. at t jr y d u b lh tn d a y . ‘iv o le d bear aevefrlroo teM bot ,U S -yah lttx tb b o le .W ltae8s e t I

g1«a VAUgbU ODd GoQ J

ects coacli II

p r o b a t io n fo r tw o y e a r s b e ca u sc of the Jackson In­c iden t.

O f M ichael’s appointm ent, U T E P President Dr.;^ A.B. T em pleton sa id; " I think the .se lec tion of BUI Michael Is an . exce llen t one and tb e council sho u ld bejM m m ended fo r ils ' th o ro u g h se a rc h a n d l n - _ te rv lew ln g procedure an d . Its f in a l rccom m chdatlon."

M ichael Is a na tiv e of B lythevllle, Ark., and Is a 1939 ■ g ra d u a te of the U niversity of A rk a n sa s. He le ttered a ll four y e a r s in football and w as an • A ll 'S o u th w c s t C o n fe re n c e g u a rd In 1958.____________________

H is f irs t coaching position ' w a s a s a n -a ss is ta n t football

c oach a t Thom as Jefferson H igh School In P o rt A rthur,T ex ., followed by a y e a r cach a s a n a ss is ta n t a t-.Sherm an. T ex ., and C aprock High in A m arillo , T ex . ^

In 19&1 h e joined th e U TEP s ta f f a s defensive coordinator w h ere he se rved untU he joined th e U n lv e i^ ly of O klahom a In 1967. While th e re he se rv ed two

. y e a r s coach ing Ihe defensive : r_ cnds_and_ llncbackcre_ .tefo ro__

m ov ing lo the offensive ^ t^ff" fo r four y e ars .


U m ! K A .C .< I A W lM V A M r u n - a e i m m n MAOaanAM.ADnmOuellv,

ramaamtarnm TrJ* m mua (A S C Y L V H IS IT l o u M i i c n aUioMCenSupprMMrWlr..DMnelMSiotlc.Cem« i lQ Olir y ^ O

i p u i n M - n SM o n n ” “

I m i l

n N M O n 1 1 1 ^ M C A u n n o * n l l V

£ j [ | b a u K i . J U M

SlOfa swans.

i H i M s , . - 'l l l f l l l l l l JMtregrlrito

J . Yoi«Ga»TB>k.M U M a . OMMYeur

Corburater •

E A V Y D n r X k " = ^ 0 ^ = O B U \ v U U T N M S E S ^ M i(kYourIe«oMr pw™t f^ S c h T S Swacrwitf,------------

j gm e m n i w A k

2 P W A K ~ m * ^ ^ C A R V A S I

'w a ihb!(.

M l |2 9

. 0 A i r l r i K

L a n d r y w (' “ PH IL A D E L P inA ’ lU P lr ’ £

D a lla s Coach Tom Landry,w hose te a m c an clinch its 10th - :p layoff appca rance In 11 ye a rs Iw ith 0 w in h e re Sunday, Is >looking for a gam e w here hc (d o e sn 't h av e to “ w orry righ t Iu p to th e e h d ." f

Sunday ’s m a tch between the .v C o w b o y s , 10-2. a n d th eP h i la d e lp h ia E a g le s . 3-9, 2 w ould a p p ea r to be one o f . Ithose, bu t L and ry doesn't Ihlnk s

a B ~ ~

b r 7 8 „ 3 s g g M ^ ^

F R 7 0 x UG R 7 0 x 1 4G R 7 0 x l5 - * P '*

^ R 7 0 * U , , _H R 70X 15 5 1 9 Q 9 5 IR 70X 1S p r .

LynwooiTSiC6rn e M > f B lu

- Piione7 .9o r le a \

■SS; H M d C m i S o f ?l i t 5 ? t ? u o

9 9 « l l g ^

E C H A N I C S Q U A I I I C A R & T R U I J A C


T r \ «I *1 MuvnuacttiI ] a I IDfeMr»tMlarSiwl — -

I BII f lV II HTMUilKIAOt ID■ K I I Proo<{ol«rr.Ce>npl«i* I I II : W


^ ^ g O r m m r j A o c


I .“ ■nSSSSiSSSSSS” '™ r HEAVY DOTY SHOCKS 1 ' H S S . V , . ^ .

I IU<hn.lldiJ%tC»nlan. ***■*In * c ia f M in ■ ■ I

rrAIRrADJUSTABLTSHOl: S r — —- . i s s - l s r ^ ' o ' t p o r t r c . ^ ^ *

C A n . A i m

iTOjild enjoy ‘■■■so."' '■■■...... 7 " ' ' ' . ' ' “ p

" P hiladelph ia seem s to play h- a t hom e awfully tough and p

th e y - a lw ays p lay us veryw ell," sa id Uindry, whose flC ow boys c a n c lin ch th e IIE a s te r n - D iv ision of th e & N ational Conference w ith a

. w in a l V eterans Stadium . &T he E ag les’ la test loss w as a ii

2-1-0 defeat by the W ashington hRedskins la s t Sunday in a P ga m e ' In w h lch ..lhe:_ tlcfcnse.. s:


I n c l u d e s F R E E M o u n f l i

S t u d s A v a i l


sy 3 _ _ 6 7 8 x 1 3 «

_ _ _ _ _ n o x u “ i T 7 8 i n i r ~ _

TG 7 8 « M I G 7 8 « 1 5 _

~ H 7 i« i 5 ' ♦

1 7 8 ,1 5 ♦

alHlanlServirol u e L a k e s & F i l e rk 9 8 S 3 t e f H t £ P i c l (- i i p & D i

r a v e y o u r c a r w l i l l e 's l i o p p in e

i r lS P^ 9 9 « & 4 9 «

LIIYVl'MARIpAW U C K 3- S P E E D S H I Iw iSuh “ noo.nol.»WiVl<^io«».H«r,

I Q W 2 6 ” ^

10”IM .1 2 .tS IW B I U *

1 1 9 9 1 ^ ^c w u ir u T M

™ * K H $ n aWIjTKig^Hy.

^W .O eU m . * A 5 Acwl.fO.»ffw.v.noctt,y«i. ^ i P

p p eE H # b«li)anlTa0ei,01l<Wct(r.•Ql AIlomAMl MM ,WAl - " Y«ftm.<Wlp. .......« * • . « . «

s y 9

‘laugher’“ played well but th e te a m got

hurt by a couple of big Redskin plays and tu rnovers.

L andry sa id , “ Looking a t the ; . films of th e W ashington gam e.It is hard to figure how the score got to w here I t w as.”

Eagles’ Coach Dick V erm eil said the D allas team Is so Im pressive "w e m ay p la y a helluva lo t b e tter th a n we played lo s t Sunday a n d not

. show.lt."


n f l n g S B a l a n c i n g

a l l a b l e

S M E R E A R D S 1 K 5


♦82» p , V - ' ♦89« p r ^♦99» V I

;e gwjjjIng

--------I Z

\ ' — \ 8 * 8 0 ) ---------r B u i M m i \ W - -

' - oarl^Z X. - J B 9 9m A fl6 iu ,

» r m u S m . .. Ammew.oa,

y 1 2 9 9

H W E T H » ^ I f l E R

M M W *

T l a c j s s a s^ tMHard.AldkM^ CowMtow

m UdiPreel.UM

! ^ S S £ S X .

m im - 2 - A o»*«n.

19 s t ~ S 9 ^ ~

r - ^U'HAVTNTr■oesnicABus

"... U U V O O i - - ^ - :------------W t t n w

! ? S r ? 7 9 9 ■

., .....■' ' i

Page 27: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

W ID lifC H V IlV A SllV lftS ■

A y « w w » m

T A C K i i .V ^ : ' ■

; | 3 i ; ; ; : : p

- - 1

i n D ' T ; ' , ■ WOWNIIt- ■

V e S ( I H. . .Tr A i x i t L ^ M

■ u ^ 3 - m i z ; •. - ■ -.-M

; N EW Y O R K ( U P I ) - ' de<S e c o n d - r a n k e d ' S o u l h c r n te r

■ C alifornia nnd Ihlrd-rankcd Ed - :. Michlfeon, w hich w lil m ecl in Ar

th e R ose Bowl on New Y ear’s 'i ,„ D ay. le d tho-lndlyidual ta len t Ihi ^ p a r a d e T hursd liy by nam ing Do

Uiree p la y e rs eac h to tho 197C jui U nited P r e s s In terna tional so] All-A merica, collcge foo tball' an

. Icn'm ,.........1.................. ................... ... firT he T ro jans, who posted a Pc

IM rec o rd cn rou te to th e Vr P a c i f i r ^ I ^ t cham pionship, ch placed running bock Ricky Bell, o lfctislvc tack le M arvin fi« Pow ell ond defensive tack le do

' G ary J c le r on th e 23-man first Iqam while th e once-bcatcn W olverines w ere reprcsc ijlcd

'b y running back Rob Lytle, , gua rd M ark Donahue and_ Ilncbackc rC alv inO ’N eal.

T o p - ra n k e d P U ts JJu rg h , lO lh -ra n k c d T e x a s A&M, 12lh-rankcd N otre D am e a n d --

------ roth-ronked— N ebrosko—e ac h —nam ed tw o-playcrs lo. the Icam _

-^..vi.ttM e. .T ennessee ,, ’stanfort!."* RlceTW ake F o rest, O k lah o m a,! '

■ UCLA, P enn-S to le. O klahoma S la te and G eorg ia cnch hod

, . ono p la y e r sc lec led.T he firs t te a m offensive un it -

consists of w ide receiv e r L arry Se lve rs o fT enncssee .J igh t end

■ "K en M acA fec of N o trcD am e,, ta c k le s Pow ell a n d M ike

V aughn of O klahom a, guards D onahue and-O oel P a rrish of-_- G e o r g la , c e n t e r D e r r e l l G ofourth o f O klahom a Slate, q u a rte rb ac k T om m y K ram er of R ice a n d runn ing , backs Bell.. Tony D orsctt o f -P i l t - sburgh and Rob Lytle of

“ M ichigan. .T o n y 'F ra n k lin of-------T ex a s 'A tM ls th c p la c c k ic k c r ;~— O rd e fc n s tr r th e l ln r c o n s ls ts " '' •'— oren■dJR05S■B^ow^3^^ro^Nol^u—

D am e-and-D unenn-M cG oll-of— S tanford (w hose father. Bill,

■ 'w a s - a ^ l w o - t l m c U P I All-AmcWcn In 1950-511 ond ta ck le s J e le r ond M ike Fultz of N eb rn 8ko, AI R om ono--o f P l t l s b u r ^ ' l s a l middJe gua rd -

, . w llh R obert Jackson of T exas_ _ I A 11 » I IIH n n D A r t n

f nse-' U P


fense UPS iII

■ ■ akm>t son o~ "WAKi

deep backs a re D ave Bul- - - inlerfle ld of N ebraska, O sca r , aveiE dw ards of UCLA ond Bill andA rm s tro n g o fW a k e F o re s t^ and

T h e only underclassm en on ledth e te a m a re M a cA feo , 1,94;D onahue and Browner, a ll g a nju n io rs , a n d F r a n k lin . , n .. t Djsophom ore, Bell and MacAfce n is ia rc rep e a te rs from lost y e a r ’s LyUf ir s t . t e a m w hile D o rsc tl. y a nPow cfl. Je te r . McColl and lalllV aughn w ere sccond te am _ ti

choices a y e a r ago. aveT h is y e a r ’s offensive back- ihe

field accounted for 70 touch- 249.dow ns. K ram er led the nallpn 0


t m m m t m m m m m m m m

— -IN G IN E ^. JnclOdo* Inilallollon of «1ght Aulolllo ! _lRBClipn.«Lthol<«. Ihfofllo llnkoM ,jpt ' -and liming. Four*, lixei and lolla tl6lo


OIL and 01IncludQt Molorcroll oil llllof ond live qi oil. Four^qoori £Cpoclty con *von lo» .


WHEaflLIGNMENTli T O T M t o R ^ .‘^ - W I N T l R ^ H E e

C h te k in g o l o n tW r

W i

M 1 9 7 6


a c k m c k -i s i t t T ’ l y i i i n u a o H ‘: . M i c H i o 4 w :

i r «VKTN ' ■ riANKliN T it i M A i r - S a i x ^ A y U

P I 1 9 7 6

B ' fDWAKDSP r :v 7-rtfCVA;-:-"'' l W I L

1 - passing , com pleting an T env c ra g e of 27 passes pe r gam e Mlclnd th row ing for 3,317 y a rd s nan:n d 21 touchdow ns; D orselt The;jd th e nation In rushing wllh Chrl,948 y a rd s (177 y a n ls p e r Joh ia m e average ) and scored 22 BrUi'D a; Bell ranked th ird In Nicl ush ln g and scored 14 TDs and.y tle lop^ped the nation in p 7a r d s p e r c a r ry (G.9) and Ia llied 13TDS. ^ T h e in te rio r offensive line

.ve rages 255 pounds whilehe de fensive line averages 6-4. " 49.

O hio S ta te , unseated a s Big - ^

LAR SERVICE SPI■ WORKMAN f(10 Spork PluB*. Molorcroll Point Sol ond iDOtkcluq wlrci , onrt Hlitrlbulot cop; oni bio ignlDon* ovon Ian, Eeonollnoi iMghtl)

i"F)L“ i T m c 1>quartio(

j u I u h W h


€ R ' Y O 0 ^ e f t R T O R- f rM x * . c h « c k h o i i i , o n d c o o lin g




-■ O U A IIP r| - -

• lO M A N O ^ r iT T S lU K O H B W b IIm

’e n -c h am p io n th is y e a r by back !I lch lgan , had five p la y e rs ' brolh(lam ed to th e sccond team . Troph *hey incii^ded offensive tack leJhrls Word, nm n ing b a c k P e le ^ ohnson. defensive e n d Bob5rud2lnskl. defensive , tack le k * JickB uonam ic l and d e fen sive , ’ n

D O W N TOW N ESQUIREpn>»d , »>n(K-K.• Ih* It


I ll1Uink.Mtl.H. 7J4.<ni

M L S I : FORD - t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

n i l -----------------------------------------

and Motoreroll «ondon»or;,ln- ''jiiidJidiuilmoQljjLlQtJjuailfiL-. _ ^ „ ihtly highor. - y

i f T "$ 9 0 0 i

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U l l -

) i m U E ! l —in g l y i l a m . '[ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I '


J . ■

I l ' oga lrB dumj:

G H T IN O seosolA o c A f ll Th<) T t l O A M I k h av e

s tre a__Hunti

' InJuria S K « & ^ ■: Hunii

B ^ I B E ^ ^ ^ v . to ru i

^ • Ram:' ovcc

• ' t w 2 --i (' im po

N . ■ j M ' "As

--------------;------------ Chuc

W C K II 1 “A U O H A NK L A H O M A \

i 'T A H y o i p ^

... . . M C K t l ---------_ J l U i ---------------------------------

~ Ia c k R a y G riffin . G riffin Is th e 9 ro lhcr of tw o-tim e H cism an | s [ 'rophy w inner A rch ie G riff in.


f-_-_Geniiii!i ^ SHEEPSII

COATS\ ^'v

' Feel th e W arm tl s _ a n d C om foji of c s Luxurious Sheeps!

coat around you

UlADIES- L j1B5“-r » ’18Ti MENSI


i 336M

• Fri

JRamseye-f(LOS A N G E L E S-(U P I) - A tlantle. Los Angeles R a m s . a r c som ek'orcd by 14 points lo w hip a t th«5 A tlan ta Falcons S a tu rd ay Ustedd w rap up th e ir fourth a 1 Je inse cu tlv o N FC W este rn jc n k lrvis[on title and a berth in th e in d u d iper Bowl playoffs. y o tRookie q u a r te rb a c k P a t ninneiiden wUl be m aking h is B ean iirth s ta r t a s firsl-stringer.'. lalnst the Falcons, who w ereimped by the R a m s In th e 1ason ’s opener, 3&-14. IThe R am s a rc 8-3-1, a n d | rive a tu-o-gamc w inning ■reak . 5A tlan ta also has a re la tive ly J - y fW = q u a rto rl)a cJr-In = S co lt— i ~ I iin te r , replacem ent foe. th e ■ dlu re d S teve B a r tk o w sk l. ■ 'm le r has engineered u p se ts !■er San Francisco a n d D allas ■ru n th cF a lco n rcc o rd to 4 -8 , |An expectcd w in . by th e ■ ’am s would en larg e th e ir le a d ■c f the second-place 49ers to ■

gam es ond would m ake 11 I ip ( » ib ie - f o r S a n - F r a n c ls c o '~ J —win the division. ' ■ ' ,As a lw ays, R a m C oach ! • luck Knox would no t buy a n y - ■ ■'-*Ik of on easy win o v e r * *


— e o n d o c t e d - b y - o u i

^ ^d jM an ldem onstrating

' N ew Sharp ==withEtii'e3caiLtiu;

• Relreslinie

M -

m JlS

F a _ _


F o r J h e b e ^ H ^ h ?

g jw B tiJ -, I I l - r r I I - - 1 ■ r ^

Main Avo. South

Friday. Docombor 3,1976 TImos-Nt

EouFth-westean la . saying: " ^ e y have Collinno gam o-broaklog p layers backth e skill ^ U l o n s .” - H c (315).ed rece ive rs Jo h n G illiam .' T h(Je n k in s ond J im M itchell. L aw r ik ln s .has '.caugh t ^ p a sses ....87. yalud ings lx fo rtouchdow ns. - recorf o u n g a n d d a n g e r o u s ' Ov<in e ra fo r 'A tlo n ta a rc B u b b a 1G2-2an 1426 ya fflsV . SnnnV /

■ iw ff 0 9 M MOW n n cevi


LOW, LOW P|w»t q r p u n d .th i.c o m i

Irt'g c o m b U f* a u )o on d tm o ir d l ic o u n l l R * m « m b * r ,w * h o v * 2


T u ia n s s t t i i i i i I 3 / o



-5 3 2 .W a th ln g to n -S tr M t . . .■ Twinr n m m m m m m m m m m m

vave Coo lonslratio


m = 1 r f

u r o w n — ^

Iker We lnvit tve

9 f h o s o w h o OW

' p a n d t h o s e w i

- j f

lents-of____ —

eng 2 0 4 M a in A v > .N . . ‘"

m i j j i r? W est sh o p o t . . .

mmr - t . - I ■ — I -

___- — Phbin

5-Nowa, Twin Falls, Idaho 27

eFn-tkle—--illins (306), Huskcil S tan-ick (303) nnd Mike E sposito------.15). , -T h e to p R a m r u n n e r , ’ Bwrence McChilchcon, needs '. y a rd s to beat his personal x o rd of 1.023 for a season. • - - ‘ - - O verall, the Ram s h av e a . . t a-2 m a rg in ove r thi* Falcons.

w v » o i i p o « » i s c o n n 9 i l | r


PRICES ■ ■?m>r:iow f l f aff<r..r 1 —- - r ' oil truck r i ^ l r i ot o ' B v * 2 6 y « a r « '* x p a r l tn c * - |[ ^ i i

ncTHAMSissioHs:;; ■> / D M in . . ’ I •; fO QiUBoikPun.' ! ;'iT ION S £

to M B E R^a 1

ITO REPAIR I Iw in F o l l i - " - 7 3 W 4 B 2 — i ------ t lt m m m m m m u m m -

i i i S ]1 " ^ '' 1 urday, ■ - | nber 4th

>.AA. ,

j t e T ^ — -4e r y o n e . . . . |own oh oven (;w ho do not. '

B :^ B -

- S B I N j -

Page 28: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF325/PDF/1976_12_03.pdfUnemploymen leaps again V W A S^G TO N (U T '- • Jumped to the yew’s

U ;___ ___________

• ■ ?S Timc3-Ncw3-Twin Falls, Idaho

i Miirtaug;] ; mont after reti]■ ‘ CHESTKR. P a . (UPI) -

; • F o rm er Plllsbiirgti P lra lc s. M anager Damiy MiirlnuRli.

who retired Just two months ■ ago so he coulJ spcnti more

• I tm c wittj his grandchildren, i 1 died Thursday ni(;hl. two days ,i ; a»ersuftcrinK ast,ij>k'j,

~ Rturtauch. 59 years old, w as i p ronoaiiicd dead a l 8;M p.m. ;

: .U _ „ E S T - - .« U .C r o ie r - C h c a l e r ^ _ . l : " ; — niL 'dicarctiiitcj'' w h e rc h tn n is— :

rushed T uesday aHernoon ; - fro m -h is - -h o m e-in - nciirby - -(

W o o i l t y n . ' A h o . s p l t a l spokesm an- sa id M urtaugh's <

, ;■ cftndltlon slipped from serious ' .1 ; , lo c rltic a lln le ss th an 4 B h o u rs ., i

FuneraJ arrangem ents w ere \ Incomplete. ■ «

M urlaugh led the P lra lc s to i

{ . " ’ -th ree o the r divisional, lilies i during 15 years and four dif- t

■n--------{CTCTHlinla-es-fleid-managep,-------N am ed, th ree lim es M anager ^

• • o l Iho Y ear by his peers, w as h• a s w on know n fo r h is v ' pugnacious wit a s for his ..’u

m anaging prowess.A chew of tobacco stuffed t

-jnlo a check of his w rinkled, j;prizcflghler-llkc face w as-his i<tradem ark . He pilnctualetl h is n

_ ‘ frequent prac tical jokes by r spilling Ih ciu lce fron ilhe plug

• a tlh esu b jec lo fh ls tc as ln g . • ,b. . M urtflugh’fi death w as Ihc • d sccond 'ln the official " P ira te s<

T - - “ fD m tly '';stncc-thei97G -scoson-'isj ended. P itch e r Bob Moose w as ir

, k illed .ln O ctobcr in an oulo- - 'o c c ld cn t. - .....................ai

M urtaugh, whose l^ y e a r ir

r l f f K a n s a s T i

Brbylei’ iii. LITTLE ROCK. Ark, (U P IJ- U

; - A U nlverslly of A rkansas sialhlcU c departm en t official si

■ T hursday aa ld F ra n k Broyles■ had decided to resign as___ g]

football c oach d u r in g ‘‘a Gj w eaker m om ent" and could bc n------- co n v lnccd -to -con tlm ic-lL lhc___ S. R a io rb ac k s defeat Texas on o

: ■ S aturday , ' h.. .B roy les m eanw hile refused y

fl , . _to conflm i a decision he ob^. v iously h a d s h a re d w ilh d

m em bers of his sta ff. hy R eachcd by U PI. Broyles d

------- • S a 7 r o r U i^ s I p a l I o n f a lk r ‘‘r - T i;7^-havc-no-C T nnncntT 3irthat?rhe-^— f:

■ ■ opllunS'fliu nut firmtran d-ffhen— di■ • they a rc . r i ) let the decision be qi i . know n." w ( . ' D r. Lon F a rre ll, assistan t ‘ ui • oUilctic direc tor, said he was:--------D ne-D fT in iy-a-nandfunirpey‘ " r c!_■___s o n s , Broy les told of the T l[ resignation. G;

"F ran k m ay have m ade this ; decision in a w eaker moment Bi

when things w eren 't going w ell.....this season ," F a rre ll said. ••Personally. I feel th e re is a

li strong chance lh a f if we win J th is gam e w ith T exas, that I F rank might reconsider. Many . people, and I will be one; will ] try to ta lk F rank out of this [ situation.", ' R ozo rback co ac h es and I " -players'W pro shocked al Ihe"I ,repoEls-Brolyes -w ould-rcsign__I. ;a s coach but rem ain a s athlctic '; --d ire c to r . M em bers of the i 'coaching s ta ff acknowledged ; Broyles told them h e planned

lo resign a fle r tlie nationally leleviscd gam e against the Longhorns on Saturday.

Arkansas, expccied lo start

/ ^ S C H W I N N ^C U T E . . . P E R T . . . p

JA N D P E T IT E F O R ____; T H E G R O W IN G G IR L

• ISMirofilriiBta?

• r i S S T ' 5IW85• oucw ttrituddi* . 0 4

• - . • N«w nortl ud<]l«or courig «h« w jrit • genuln*

■ Schwinn SUrg Riy. md hit« it li, p«ifecv>»nd ptIlU for in# |icr-inj ^lil. The new Schwinn III' Chik It )uit

, lighlLSmrUic. c«mp4ct, intf detained lot Ih.’younj tldtf 5 lo 7. Wh« i

------ jwnderlul lnvcitm«nl .in .hippirieti_And - it no e jtii ch«rj» - wt'll MtnBla. .djutl. iM hive it «e.a, ii>.


. i l3 4 S # c o n d S f .E . ,, oh

ho Friday. becQmbor_3.1976

; h d i e s

thsi r i n g

w as plagued w lih '.lllness and h e a r t problem s, h a d com e.out of re tirem en t th ree different tim es lo m anage. But.when he a n n o u n c e d h i s f o u r t h re tirem en t Oct. I. Just four clays a fte r G eneral M anager Jo e L Brown had announced h i s , M u r ta u g h a s s u r e d rep o r te rs it was h is final leavc-

_ .t flk ln g ^ ^ — r--:-:^-.^-_—— •! ■ th in k 'lh a i . r v c - h o f t n

a ro u n d ' long e n ^ g h ," Mur--tiiuglisald.- • ^ -------- - •- --

" I th ink . th a t h iy own ch ild ren w ere n c ^ e c te d n little

' .b ll w hen I w as in th e process of m a n ag in g In m y ' younger y e a rs , a n d natu ra lly I didn 't spend os m uch tim e w ith them ns I should have w ith them . So

T m gorngTo try fb m aR eljp fo7 it by spending a lll lle more tlm ew lth lh eg ran d c h lld rcn ." - - • -

— But—M urtfiugh—a a id - p o o r --------health had a s m uch to do wjlh h is re tirem en t a s h is desire to w atch h is g randchild ren grow

• up.“ I think this y e a r w as one of

th e w orst ye a rs I 'v e had in the la s t th ree n s f a r a s m y health is concerned. I w a s 'lll a few m o re tim es lhan anybody rea lized ."

H i i r ta u g h 's p r p f e s s T o n a r ' b aseba ll c a rc e r spanned four d c c Q d c s , g o in g b a c k tbs? ra p p y gam es on Ihe tough_____

'isand lo ls 'h c re , iwl fflr 'from Ws.--------m o st rccen t hom e in Woodlyn.

H e began playing p ro ball as - a n Infieldcr In 1937 a n d b roke -

Into tho m a jo r leagues w ith Ihe -P h iU Ic s- in .1041_______ ___________

l i o p e s t o c h a

Hs f if th ' q u a r te r b a c k 'o f th e Useason.- again st T ex a s, h a s nis tru g g le d to a W -l r ec o rd . si

‘•It ta k e s m e by a he lluva u;

G re g Koch. " I hope lie d o e sn 't- f( resign , Last_ y e a r h e was

-SouU iw cst C onference Conch " sio f the Y ear.'Y ou d o n 'l go jrp m ____ 1!th a l to a bad coach In one ' p y e a r ." • . O'

"T h ere ’s no question h e ’s II d o n e ,a n ou tstand ing Job as h e a d c o a c h a n d a th lc t ic d irec to r. T h e reasons h av e to

a ll personal, i don'’t think - fan -p re ssu re -h ad -an y th ln g -to — -do— >vlth ‘.vlt i" aa ld— fo rm er— q u a rte rb ac k Jon B ritlenum , • w ho led the RazorbacJcs lo an . u nbeaten 19GC reg u la r season.

T h e s to r y o f B r o y le s ' resTgnalTon f ir s t , a p p e a re d '

jrhu rsday_ ..ln ...Q n A rkanaaa'__ G az e ilc s to ry .

Spo rts In form ation D irec to r . B utch H enry, who is th e son of

We Give Guarani

100% O f c~ f o r y o u r -A m o f I c a n 'c a r . lf any

b y S co ttl sh o u ld - fa il , il w ill b o fo r a s lo n g o s y o u o w n th o c< fro o ro p la c o m o n t 12 m o n th s fr

S e e

' ■:

• W ' -Ed S fo c k i h a o d i o u r Scofll M ul

^ M o lo ^ C o . Ed cOfUBi to u t w ith r ^ o n cTli o b lg to hanTtV ^a lf y o u r ■■quickly a n d p ro p o r l ly . You c o n '

------------- ^ - J V o J n i t a l l .d i i a l a x h

m REESE M-------------- " T b r D a D l a r r e i r C a

SOO S a d AV0 . to ir tfa

i ,

Beating the odds

i n g e

th e G a ie tte spo ris editor, d id ___ _not deny Ihc validity of the s to ry , bul sa id Broyles was upse t because o f-Ils possible

fo rm ance against Texas."C oach Broyles feels the

s to ry IS a d i l t lo unfair a t this_____tim e tweause ho Is try ing lo . p re p a re a team for w jia t.ls

. ac tu a lly th e b iggesl gam e on th e sch e d u lo ," H en ry sa ld . • ........

TURKEY - S H O a i ^ _


Sfh, 1 2 th , 19th— i T d o p r M i ; -------------------— By Ih * B o H « y A Irp o rt— -

S p o n io ro d b y -C o is la Rod a n d G u n C lub.

A100% itee OilOur W orkm y o x h o o s i p a r t tn i i a l l o d ’>0 ro p lac o d f ro o o f c h a r g e - -

c o r. Fo r y o u r im p o r t co r, f ro m p u rc h o s o d a lo .

i t t im


L e t u s r o p lo c a y o u r n o lty w o rn o u t m u li lo r b o tw o o n n o w a n d D o c o m b o r - 3 1 t t , f o r o n ly . . .

* 2 S ? -lu H ls r D o p t. a t B ob R « * foh j n o n y .y ta r i • x p « r l# n c « ,_ -------i/C J ix h a u iL s y ita m jiB f id J L . _> n d # p # n d ,o n Ed S fo c k i. .

nhow il f y i t t m t . - - - _

MOTOR CO.: IIaiTDap;0 Bd O a ''


hands a rdiouDd aw ay froiQ Jones (13). John Johnson ( » ) D cit (44) in an N B A H ittrsday . ] 110. (U P I telephoto)

Vbu asked'for a t___ ________ m eet to d ay 's m

You g o t ' itl'The - • -A-sp,eciai Corollc

A car built Toyot< high gas mileage The lowest price( Based on a com retail prices, not

car that costs Ies swer* has som e

H ighest g a s mil:— mi i eac...... tests‘The Answei

city. These rating

T W ' r ^ T FI ....dl'

- to




' All ...bai

m lchi

w ^ . . . ■

^ B t ta n 'w in S n T o a ^ ^ - ~ “-Dm R o ck ets Dwight ( » ) a n d Kevln-K un- lay . H ouston w on I

— W M

a to s n e e d s .The Answei'.* irolla from. Toyota.- )yota tough to meet the dem a jage and a low price.That's 'T iced, h ighest gas m ileage car :omparison of manufacturers' not including tax. license, trai

c h a rg e s tionaleqi

m \ L ow est |■ In_Amer

N - ^ «-The Ansv ; less than many used cars. Ar )mething no one else h as—i

a t unbeatable touQh pi m ileage car in America: Thai leaQe-no-onae lsa caam atch . ii >wer* got 49 m^g bn the highwc tings with a 1.'2 liter engine are



^ ^ Y O U A S K

^ - B b E S S E r

Anhoiihcen]■ .N E W Y O RK lU P l i - in M uham m ad All will o r will not _ U )r com o oul of h is ‘‘re lirem en t" un to defend his h c a v y w e i^ l tille ' S e against D uane Boblck F eb . 28 s tj in .M adison., Square G a n le a pei John Condon, the G arden’s $5c p res id en t of boxing, sa id Bo T hu rsday night. rn(

Condon sa id he will have “ a Ve definitive announcem ent" to ^ m ake a t a news conference f M onday In New Y ork bu t said • ^ he could npt confirm o r deny rc{ » rts th a t All would m eet Boblck.

Only W ednesday, Ali sa id in A tlanta th a t he w as definl'lely r e tl re d n o w ,a d d In g " lh e w o rs t - - - th ing I could do would be to go b a c k in th e r ln g ." ,

B o b l c k . u n d e r t h e m a n a g e m e n t of f o r m e r . c h am p io n "Jo e F razier,:, had been s la ted lo fight Ken Norton ^

................................. .— -


1 4 3 S h o ih o n a S t. North. Tv


nands f o r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ F Ho■■Rie Answer.* “The

ar in Arherica. the durable,s ' suggested /nated some oransportation - didn’t touch tt’es. a n d op- things like we}quipment, tion, steel g irt priced car' McPherson St erica. That’s . came'TheAniiswerTT^ new m r k n t r - ^And-The An- | T | l j l-u n b ea tab le . ^ T i lprice. y B W W

hat's~‘The An-U h 1 Q _ 7 7 P P A

iway,36inthe I m W u t ire estimates, ' - L .__ — _

E S r S T I C K G A S M I L E j ^ E R i C


matcH on oi nent slated Iin February,:. However, Nor- wo

-Ion, w ho' lost a c lose but ni(unanimous, decision lo All in c lS e p t e m b e r In Y a n k e e doS ta d iu m , w as a p p a r e n tly (persuad ed to step a side If his wi tW.OOO guaran teed pu rse for ag BoblckwasuppedloJGM.OOOto . a r m eet Ron Lyle instead in L as ihiV cgas. T he.N orton-L yie txiut nc

/ “PROSTHETIC fN tw "bt«athlng" •y n th tlle tk ln ihal b tc o m t i p u t of your scalp wlthoui *iir8«fy jQi^o ELSEWHERtFOF

.SPE C IA I S C e r ° i Vpe°5 " l i—OFFFO-'---------5TOCK.-CU5TOMI26C, T • AND REPAIRED CAll

$ i c n| | | n INTOUtHOMIOIOMIC


H A U F O R PwHh '-Mdrclo*s" a t B

-l& bA K E L A N Et h e N p i n e . B m w i

e r F o r g e t t h e C o q

TwinFoil». i

To> «

The actual mile will vary depend

l ^ ^ - y o u r driving-habits-ar - c a r 's condition and equipn

How did Toyota com e up wh he Answer"? We started wit e. proven_Corolla and elim 3 O f the luxury features, Bul w 1 the car’s quality You’ll still fir welded .unitized-body constr guard door reenforcem enti i Strut front suspension. This s Answer." A car that’s inexpensi

--------- r ~ ] A c a r thatI B J — ^ tains,t h e tOL

a part of th t i o n . S ee

r d ea le r tod-Or'iv-Qne-W

l y . / C I E . y ” you'TbeAr


T A© U S G T I T - ^

i r o f f ? - M b n d a y ^

would be held on tho same nigh t and te lecas t closed • c i r c u i t a s p a r t o f a doubleheadcrwlthAll-Boblck,

Condon w ould no t sa y w hether All h a d , ac tua lly j. agreed to go a long wilh these arrangem en ts but Indicated _ the path w as c lea r lo a signing ' next week.


J» id ^ — -----------

I r i B O C w r a p7 ^ 2 5 7 7 ^ .

t B lu e L o l c t lnn_

> q l __ I B I J p ;

^^UHM osIirru!sA!ln^^ .

nileage you get mding on-a n d -y o u r -^ * -----ip m e n t.^ ^ 1 \ w i t hwith / U

tw e \I findi s t r u c - \ 3 y 'jnts ands special car be-' ' nsive,.not cheap. la t carefully re- toughness that's . '’ the Toyota tradi- ' '?e your Toyota loday H e's the }-who-caashow— _I Answer.'

E fI