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Template-Bas5. Template-Based Synthesis of Nanorodor Nanowire Arrays

Huamei (Mary) Shang, Guozhong Cao

This chapter introduces the fundamentals ofand various technical approaches developedfor template-based synthesis of nanorod ar-rays. After a brief introduction to various conceptsassociated with the growth of nanorods, nano-wires and nanobelts, the chapter focuses mainlyon the most widely used and well establishedtechniques for the template-based growth ofnanorod arrays: electrochemical deposition,electrophoretic deposition, template filling viacapillary force and centrifugation, and chemicalconversion. In each section, the relevant funda-mentals are first introduced, and then examplesare given to illustrate the specific details of eachtechnique.

5.1 Template-Based Approach .................... 170

5.2 Electrochemical Deposition .................... 1715.2.1 Metals ........................................ 172

5.2.2 Semiconductors ........................... 1735.2.3 Conductive Polymers..................... 1745.2.4 Oxides ........................................ 174

5.3 Electrophoretic Deposition .................... 1755.3.1 Polycrystalline Oxides ................... 1785.3.2 Single Crystal Oxide Nanorod Arrays

Obtained by Changing the Local pH 1785.3.3 Single Crystal Oxide Nanorod Arrays

Grown by HomoepitaxialAggregation ................................. 179

5.3.4 Nanowires and Nanotubesof Fullerenes and Metallofullerenes 180

5.4 Template Filling ................................... 1805.4.1 Colloidal Dispersion (Sol) Filling ..... 1805.4.2 Melt and Solution Filling ............... 1815.4.3 Centrifugation ............................. 181

5.5 Converting from Reactive Templates....... 182

5.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks......... 182

References .................................................. 183

Syntheses, characterizations and applications of nano-wires, nanorods, nanotubes and nanobelts (also oftenreferred to as one-dimensional nanostructures) are sig-nificant areas of current endeavor in nanotechnology.Many techniques have been developed in these areas,and our understanding of the field has been signif-icantly enhanced [5.1–5]. The field is still evolvingrapidly with new synthesis methods and new nanowiresor nanorods reported in the literature. Evaporation–condensation growth has been successfully applied tothe synthesis of various oxide nanowires and nanorods.Similarly, the dissolution–condensation method hasbeen widely used for the synthesis of various metal-lic nanowires from solutions. The vapor–liquid–solid(VLS) growth method is a highly versatile approach;various elementary and compound semiconductor nano-wires have been synthesized using this method [5.6].Template-based growth of nanowires or nanorods is an

even more versatile method for various materials. Sub-strate ledge or step-induced growth of nanowires ornanorods has also been investigated intensively [5.7].Except for VLS and template-based growth, most ofthe above-mentioned methods result in randomly ori-ented nanowires or nanorods (commonly in the formof powder). The VLS method provides the ability togrow well oriented nanorods or nanowires directly at-tached to substrates, and is therefore often advantageousfor characterization and applications; however, catalystsare required to form a liquid capsule at the advanc-ing surface during growth at elevated temperatures.In addition, the possible incorporation of catalyst intonanowires and the difficulty removing such capsulesfrom the tips of nanowires or nanorods are two dis-advantages of this technique. Template-based growthoften suffers from the polycrystalline nature of theresultant nanowires and nanorods, in addition to the dif-



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ficulties involved in finding appropriate templates withpore channels of a desired diameter, length and sur-face chemistry and in removing the template completelywithout compromising the integrity of grown nanowiresor nanorods. The discussion in this chapter will focus onnanorod and nanowire arrays, although nanotube arraysare mentioned briefly in conjunction with nanorod andnanowire fabrication. In addition, the terms of nanorodand nanowire are used interchangeably without specialdistinction in this chapter; this is commonplace in theliterature.

In comparison with nanostructured materials inother forms, nanorod arrays offer several advantagesfor studying properties and for practical applications.Significant progress has been made in studies ofthe physical properties of individual nanowires andnanorods performed by directly measuring the proper-

ties of individual nanostructures. However, such studiesgenerally require a lot of experimental preparation. Forexample, for electrical conductivity measurements, pat-terned electrodes are first created on a substrate, andthen nanowires or nanorods are dispersed in an ap-propriate solvent or solution. This nanowire colloidaldispersion is then cast on the substrate containing pat-tern electrodes. Measurements are carried out afteridentifying individual nanowires or nanorods bridgingtwo electrodes. The options for manipulating nanowiresor nanorods are limited, and it is difficult to improve thecontact between the sample and the electrodes to ensurethe desired ohmic contact. For practical applications,the output or signal generated by single nanowire- ornanorod-based devices is small, and the signal-to-noiseratio is small, which means that highly sensitive instru-mentation is required to accommodate such devices.

5.1 Template-Based Approach

The template approach to preparing free-standing, non-oriented and oriented nanowires and nanorods hasbeen investigated extensively. The most commonly usedand commercially available templates are anodizedalumina membrane (AAM) [5.8] and radiation track-etched polycarbonate (PC) membranes [5.9]. Othermembranes have also been used, such as nanochannelarray on glass [5.10], radiation track-etched mica [5.11],mesoporous materials [5.12], porous silicon obtainedvia electrochemical etching of silicon wafer [5.13],zeolites [5.14] and carbon nanotubes [5.15,16]. Biotem-plates have also been explored for the growth of nano-wires [5.17] and nanotubes [5.18], such as Cu [5.19],Ni [5.17], Co [5.17], and Au [5.20] nanowires. Com-monly used alumina membranes with uniform andparallel pores are produced by the anodic oxidationof aluminium sheet in solutions of sulfuric, oxalic, orphosphoric acids [5.8, 21]. The pores can be arrangedin a regular hexagonal array, and densities as high as1011 pores/cm2 can be achieved [5.22]. Pore size rang-ing from 10 nm to 100 μm can be achieved [5.22, 23].PC membranes are made by bombarding a nonporouspolycarbonate sheet, typically 6 to 20 μm in thick-ness, with nuclear fission fragments to create damagetracks, and then chemically etching these tracks intopores [5.9]. In these radiation track-etched membranes,the pores are of uniform size (as small as 10 nm), butthey are randomly distributed. Pore densities can be ashigh as 109 pores/cm2.

In addition to the desired pore or channel size,morphology, size distribution and density of pores, tem-plate materials must meet certain requirements. First,the template materials must be compatible with the pro-cessing conditions. For example, an electrical insulatoris required when a template is used in electrochemi-cal deposition. Except in the case of template-directedsynthesis, the template materials should be chemicallyand thermally inert during synthesis and the followingprocessing steps. Secondly, the material or solution be-ing deposited must wet the internal pore walls. Thirdly,for the synthesis of nanorods or nanowires, the depo-sition should start from the bottom or from one endof the template channel and proceed from one side tothe other. However, for the growth of nanotubules, de-position should start from the pore wall and proceedinwardly. Inward growth may result in pore blockage,so this should be avoided during the growth of solidnanorods or nanowires. Kinetically, the correct amountof surface relaxation permits maximal packing density,so a diffusion-limited process is preferred. Other con-siderations include the ease of release of the nanowiresor nanorods from the templates and the ease of handlingduring the experiments.

AAM and PC membranes are most commonlyused for the synthesis of nanorod or nanowire arrays.Both templates are very convenient for the growth ofnanorods by various growth mechanisms, but each typeof template also has its disadvantages. The advantages



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Template-Based Synthesis of Nanorod or Nanowire Arrays 5.2 Electrochemical Deposition 171

of using PC as the template are its easy handling andeasy removal by means of pyrolysis at elevated tempera-tures, but the flexibility of PC is more prone to distortionduring the heating process, and removal of the templateoccurs before complete densification of the nanorods.These factors result in broken and deformed nanorods.The advantage of using AAM as the template is its rigid-

ity and resistance to high temperatures, which allowsthe nanorods to densify completely before removal.This results in fairly free-standing and unidirectionally-aligned nanorod arrays with a larger surface area thanfor PC. The problem with AAM is the complete removalof the template after nanorod growth, which is yet to beachieved when using wet chemical etching.

5.2 Electrochemical Deposition

Electrochemical deposition, also known as electrode-position, involves the oriented diffusion of chargedreactive species through a solution when an externalelectric field is applied, and the reduction of the chargedgrowth species at the growth or deposition surface(which also serves as an electrode). In industry, electro-chemical deposition is widely used when coating metalsin a process known as electroplating [5.25]. In general,this method is only applicable to electrically conductivematerials such as metals, alloys, semiconductors, andelectrically conductive polymers. After the initial de-position, the electrode is separated from the depositingsolution by the deposit and so the deposit must conductin order to allow the deposition process to continue.When the deposition is confined to the pores of tem-



PotentialEnergy levelof electrons




A + e A–

Energy levelof electrons





A – e A+

Electrode Solution Electrode Solution

Fig. 5.1a,b Representation of thereduction (a) and oxidation (b) ofa species A in solution. The molecu-lar orbitals (MO) shown for speciesA are the highest occupied MO andthe lowest vacant MO. These ap-proximately correspond to the E0’sof the A/A− and A+/A couples,respectively (after [5.24])

plate membranes, nanocomposites are produced. If thetemplate membrane is removed, nanorod or nanowirearrays are prepared.

When a solid is immersed in a polar solvent oran electrolyte solution, surface charge will develop.The electrode potential is described by the Nernstequation

E = E0 + RT

ni Fln (ai) , (5.1)

where E0 is the standard electrode potential (or thepotential difference between the electrode and the so-lution) when the activity ai of the ions is unity, F isFaraday’s constant, R is the gas constant, and T is thetemperature. When the electrode potential is higher than



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the energy level of a vacant molecular orbital in theelectrolyte, electrons will transfer from the electrodeto the solution and the electrolyte will be reduced, asshown in Fig. 5.1a [5.24]. On the other hand, if theelectrode potential is lower than the energy level ofan occupied molecular orbital in the electrolyte, theelectrons will transfer from the electrolyte to the elec-trode, resulting in electrolyte oxidation, as illustrated inFig. 5.1b [5.24]. These reactions stop when equilibriumis achieved.

When an external electric field is applied betweentwo dissimilar electrodes, charged species flow fromone electrode to the other, and electrochemical reactionsoccur at both electrodes. This process, called electrol-ysis, converts electrical energy to chemical potential.


Time (s)




Current (mA)

0 1000

Porous membrane

Copper film






Fig. 5.2a,b Common experimental setup for the template-based growth of nanowires using electrochemical deposi-tion. (a) Schematic illustration of the arrangement of theelectrodes for nanowire deposition. (b) Current–time curvefor electrodeposition of Ni into a polycarbonate membranewith 60 nm diameter pores at −1.0 V. Insets depict thedifferent stages of the electrodeposition (after [5.26])

The system used to perform electrolysis is called anelectrolytic cell. In this cell, the electrode connected tothe positive side of the power supply, termed the an-ode, is where an oxidation reaction takes place, whereasthe electrode connected to the negative side of thepower supply, the cathode, is where a reduction reac-tion proceeds, accompanied by deposition. Therefore,electrolytic deposition is also called cathode deposition,but it is most commonly referred to as electrochemicaldeposition or electrodeposition.

5.2.1 Metals

The growth of nanowires of conductive materials inan electric field is a self-propagating process [5.27].Once the small rods form, the electric field and the den-sity of current lines between the tips of nanowires andthe opposing electrode are greater than that betweentwo electrodes, due to the shorter distances betweenthe nanowires and the electrodes. This ensures that thespecies being deposited is constantly attracted prefer-entially to the nanowire tips, resulting in continuedgrowth. To better control the morphology and size, tem-plates containing channels in the desired shape are usedto guide the growth of nanowires. Figure 5.2 illustratesa common setup used for the template-based growthof nanowires [5.26]. The template is attached to thecathode, which is brought into contact with the depo-sition solution. The anode is placed in the depositionsolution, parallel to the cathode. When an electric fieldis applied, cations diffuse through the channels anddeposit on the cathode, resulting in the growth of nano-wires inside the template. This figure also shows thecurrent density at different stages of deposition whena constant electric field is applied. The current doesnot change significantly until the pores are completelyfilled, at which point the current increases rapidly dueto improved contact with the electrolyte solution. Thecurrent saturates once the template surface is com-pletely covered. This approach has yielded nanowiresmade from different metals, including Ni, Co, Cu andAu, with nominal pore diameters of between 10 and200 nm. The nanowires were found to be true repli-cas of the pores [5.28]. Possin [5.11] prepared variousmetallic nanowires using radiation track-etched mica.Likewise, Williams and Giordano [5.29] produced silvernanowires with diameters of less than 10 nm. Whitneyet al. [5.26] fabricated arrays of nickel and cobalt nano-wires, also using PC templates. Single crystal bismuthnanowires have been grown in AAM using pulsed elec-trodeposition and Fig. 5.3 shows SEM and TEM images



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Template-Based Synthesis of Nanorod or Nanowire Arrays 5.2 Electrochemical Deposition 173


3 nmnm

60 nm

a) b) c) d)







Fig. 5.3a–d SEM images of Bi nanowire arrays: (a) top view, (b) tilt view. (c) TEM image of a typical Bi single nanowire.(d) HRTEM image of a typical Bi single nanowire. The inset is the corresponding ED pattern (after [5.30])

of the bismuth nanowires [5.30]. Single crystal copperand lead nanowires were prepared by DC electrodeposi-tion and pulse electrodeposition, respectively [5.31,32].The growth of single crystal lead nanowires requireda greater departure from equilibrium conditions (greateroverpotential) compared to the conditions required forpolycrystalline ones.

Hollow metal tubules can also be prepared [5.33,34]. In this case the pore walls of the template are chem-ically modified by anchoring organic silane moleculesso that the metal will preferentially deposit onto thepore walls instead of the bottom electrode. For exam-ple, the porous surface of an anodic alumina templatewas first covered with cyanosilanes; subsequent elec-trochemical deposition resulted in the growth of goldtubules [5.35]. An electroless electrolysis process hasalso been investigated for the growth of nanowires andnanorods [5.16, 33, 36]. Electroless deposition is actu-ally a chemical deposition process and it involves theuse of a chemical agent to coat a material onto thetemplate surface [5.37]. The main differences betweenelectrochemical deposition and electroless depositionare that the deposition begins at the bottom electrodeand the deposited materials must be electrically con-ductive in the former. The electroless method does notrequire the deposited materials to be electrically con-ductive, and the deposition starts from the pore walland proceeds inwardly. Therefore, in general, electro-chemical deposition results in the formation of solidnanorods or nanowires of conductive materials, whereaselectroless deposition often results in hollow fibrils ornanotubules. For electrochemical deposition, the lengthof nanowires or nanorods can be controlled by thedeposition time, whereas in electroless deposition thelength of the nanotubules is solely dependent on thelength of the deposition channels or pores. Variationof deposition time would result in a different wall

thickness of nanotubules. An increase in depositiontime leads to a thick wall, but sometimes the hol-low tubule morphology persists even after prolongeddeposition.

Although many research groups have reported onthe growth of uniformly sized nanorods and nanowireson PC template membranes, Schönenberger et al. [5.38]reported that the channels of carbonate membranes werenot always uniform in diameter. They grew Ni, Co, Cu,and Au nanowires using polycarbonate membranes withnominal pore diameters of between 10 and 200 nm byan electrolysis method. From both a potentiostatic studyof the growth process and a SEM analysis of nanowiremorphology, they concluded that the pores were gen-erally not cylindrical with a constant cross section, butinstead were rather cigarlike. For pores with a nominaldiameter of 80 nm, the middle section of the pores waswider by up to a factor of 3.

5.2.2 Semiconductors

Semiconductor nanowire and nanorod arrays have beensynthesized using AAM templates, such as CdSe andCdTe [5.39]. The synthesis of nanowire arrays of bis-muth telluride (Bi2Te3) provide a good example ofthe synthesis of compound nanowire arrays by elec-trochemical deposition. Bi2Te3 is of special interestas a thermoelectric material and Bi2Te3 nanowire ar-rays are believed to offer high figures of merit forthermal-electrical energy conversion [5.40, 41]. Bothpolycrystalline and single crystal Bi2Te3 nanowire ar-rays have been grown by electrochemical depositioninside anodic alumina membranes [5.42, 43]. Sanderand coworkers [5.42] fabricated Bi2Te3 nanowire ar-rays with diameters as small as ≈ 25 nm from a solutionof 0.075 M Bi and 0.1 M Te in 1 M HNO3 by electro-chemical deposition at −0.46 V versus a Hg/Hg2SO4



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a) b)

c) d)

300 nm


300 nm

Fig. 5.4a–d SEM photographs of AAM template andBi2Te3 nanowire arrays. (a) A typical SEM photograph ofAAM. (b) Surface view of Bi2Te3 nanowire array (erodingtime: 5 min). (c) Surface view of Bi2Te3 nanowire array(eroding time: 15 min). (d) Cross-sectional view of Bi2Te3

nanowire array (eroding time: 15 min) (after [5.43])

reference electrode. The resultant Bi2Te3 nanowirearrays are polycrystalline in nature, and subsequentmelting-recrystallization failed to produce single crystalBi2Te3 nanowires. More recently, single crystal Bi2Te3nanowire arrays have been grown from a solution con-sisted of 0.035 M Bi(NO3)3·5H2O and 0.05 M HTeO+

2 ;the latter was prepared by dissolving Te powder in5 M HNO3 by electrochemical deposition. Figure 5.4ashows a typical SEM image of AAM. Both Fig. 5.4band Fig. 5.4c are surface view of Bi2Te3 nanowire ar-ray with different eroding time, Fig. 5.4b is 5 min andFig. 5.4c is 15 min. Figure 5.4d is cross-sectional viewof Bi2Te3 nanowire array. Figure 5.5 shows TEM im-age of a cross section of a Bi2Te3 nanowire array and anXRD spectrum showing its crystal orientation, respec-tively. High-resolution TEM and electron diffraction,together with XRD, revealed that [110] is the preferredgrowth direction of Bi2Te3 nanowires. Single crys-tal nanowire or nanorod arrays can also be made bycarefully controlling the initial deposition [5.44]. Simi-

larly, large area Sb2Te3 nanowire arrays have also beensuccessfully grown by template-based electrochemicaldeposition, but the nanowires grown are polycrystallineand show no clear preferred growth direction [5.45].

5.2.3 Conductive Polymers

Electrochemical deposition has also been exploredfor the synthesis of conductive polymer nanowireand nanorod arrays [5.46]. Conductive polymershave great potential for plastic electronics and sen-sor applications [5.47, 48]. For example, Schönen-berger et al. [5.38] have made conductive polyporrolenanowires in PC membranes. Nanotubes are com-monly observed for polymer materials, as shown inFig. 5.6 [5.49], in contrast to solid metal nanorods ornanowires. It seems that deposition or solidification ofpolymers inside template pores starts at the surfaceand proceeds inwardly. Martin [5.50] proposed that thisphenomenon was caused by the electrostatic attractionbetween the growing polycationic polymer and the an-ionic sites along the pore walls of the polycarbonatemembrane. In addition, although the monomers are sol-uble, the polymerized form is insoluble. Hence there isa solvophobic component leading to deposition at thesurface of the pores [5.51,52]. In the final stage, the dif-fusion of monomers through the inner pores becomesretarded and monomers inside the pores are quickly de-pleted. The deposition of polymer inside the inner poresstops.

Liang et al. [5.53] reported a direct electrochemicalsynthesis of oriented nanowires of polyaniline (PANI)– a conducting polymer with a conjugated backbonedue to phenyl and amine groups – from solutions us-ing no templates. The experimental design is based onthe idea that, in theory, the rate of electropolymerization(or nanowire growth) is related to the current density.Therefore, it is possible to control the nucleation andthe polymerization rate simply by adjusting the currentdensity. The synthesis involves electropolymerizationof aniline (C6H5NH2) and in situ electrodeposition, re-sulting in nanowire growth.

5.2.4 Oxides

Similar to metals, semiconductors and conductive poly-mers, some oxide nanorod arrays can be grown directlyfrom solution by electrochemical deposition. For ex-ample, V2O5 nanorod arrays have been grown on ITOsubstrate from VOSO4 aqueous solution with VO2+ asthe growth species [5.54]. At the interface between the



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Template-Based Synthesis of Nanorod or Nanowire Arrays 5.3 Electrophoretic Deposition 175

2θ (deg)

Intensity (arb. units)



(110)a) c)b)


0.2190.219 nm


Fig. 5.5a–c TEM images and XRD pattern of a single Bi2Te3 nanowire. (a) TEM image and (b) HRTEM image of thesame nanowire. The inset is the corresponding ED pattern. (c) XRD pattern of Bi2Te3 nanowire array (electrodepositiontime: 5 min) (after [5.43])

50500 nmnm

b)a) Fig. 5.6a,b SEM images of polymernanotubes (after [5.49])

electrode (and therefore the subsequent growth surface)and the electrolyte solution, the ionic cluster (VO2+)is oxidized and solid V2O5 is deposited through thefollowing reaction

2VO2+ +3H2O → V2O5 +6H+ +2e− . (5.2)

A reduction reaction takes place at the counter elec-trode

2H+ +2e− → H2(g) . (5.3)

It is obvious that the pH and the concentration of VO2+clusters in the vicinity of the growth surface shift awayfrom that in the bulk solution; both the pH and the VO2+concentration decrease.

ZnO nanowire arrays were fabricated by a one-step electrochemical deposition technique based on anordered nanoporous alumina membrane [5.55]. TheZnO nanowire array is uniformly assembled into thenanochannels of an anodic alumina membrane and con-sists of single crystal particles.

5.3 Electrophoretic Deposition

The electrophoretic deposition technique has beenwidely explored, particularly for the deposition of ce-ramic and organoceramic materials onto a cathodefrom colloidal dispersions [5.56–58]. Electrophoreticdeposition differs from electrochemical deposition inseveral aspects. First, the material deposited in theelectrophoretic deposition method does not need to beelectrically conductive. Second, nanosized particles in

colloidal dispersions are typically stabilized by electro-static or electrosteric mechanisms. As discussed in theprevious section, when dispersed in a polar solvent or anelectrolyte solution, the surface of a nanoparticle devel-ops an electrical charge via one or more of the followingmechanisms: (1) preferential dissolution, (2) depositionof charges or charged species, (3) preferential reduc-tion or oxidation, and (4) physical adsorption of charged



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176 Part A Nanostructures, Micro-/Nanofabrication and Materials

Counter -ion

Distance from the surface x

Electricpotential � �0


Diffuse layerwith excessnegative charges



Particle Particle


Electric field EParticle velocity υ

Shear surface

Ions moving with the particle

Immobile ions

Fig. 5.7 Schematic illustrating electrical double layer structure and the electric potential near the solid surface with boththe Stern and Gouy layers indicated. Surface charge is assumed to be positive (after [5.59])

species such as polymers. A combination of elec-trostatic forces, Brownian motion and osmotic forcesresults in the formation of a double layer structure,schematically illustrated in Fig. 5.7. The figure depictsa positively charged particle surface, the concentra-tion profiles of negative ions (counterions) and positiveions (surface charge-determining ions), and the electricpotential profile. The concentration of counterions grad-ually decreases with distance from the particle surface,whereas that of charge-determining ions increases. Asa result, the electric potential decreases with distance.Near the particle surface, the electric potential decreaseslinearly, in the region known as the Stern layer. Outsideof the Stern layer, the decrease follows an exponentialrelationship. The region between the Stern layer and thepoint where the electric potential equals zero is called

Fig. 5.8 Schematic showing electrophoresis. Upon application ofan external electric field to a colloidal system or a sol, the chargednanoparticles or nanoclusters are set in motion (after [5.1])

the diffusion layer. Taken together, the Stern layer anddiffusion layer is known as the double layer structure inthe classical theory of electrostatic stabilization.

Upon the application of an external electric field,charged particles are set in motion, as schematicallyillustrated in Fig. 5.8 [5.59]. This type of motion is re-ferred to as electrophoresis. When a charged particlemoves, some of the solvent or solution surrounding theparticle will also move with it, since part of the sol-vent or solution is tightly bound to the particle. Theplane that separates the tightly bound liquid layer fromthe rest of the liquid is called the slip plane (Fig. 5.7).The electric potential at the slip plane is known as thezeta potential, which is an important parameter whendetermining the stability and transport of a colloidal dis-persion or a sol. A zeta potential of more than about25 mV is typically required to stabilize a system [5.60].The zeta potential ζ around a spherical particle can bedescribed using the relation [5.61]

ζ = Q

4πεra (1+κa)


κ =(

e2 ∑ni z2




, (5.4)

where Q is the charge on the particle, a is the radius ofthe particle out to the shear plane, εr is the relative di-electric constant of the medium, and ni and zi are the



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Template-Based Synthesis of Nanorod or Nanowire Arrays 5.3 Electrophoretic Deposition 177

bulk concentration and valence of the i-th ion in thesystem, respectively.

The mobility of a nanoparticle in a colloidal disper-sion or a sol μ, is dependent on the dielectric constant ofthe liquid medium εr, the zeta potential of the nanopar-ticle ζ , and the viscosity η of the fluid. Several forms forthis relationship have been proposed, such as the Hückelequation [5.59, 61, 63–65]

μ = 2εrε0ζ

3πη. (5.5)

Electrophoretic deposition simply uses the oriented mo-tion of charged particles in an electrical field to growfilms or monoliths by transferring the solid particlesfrom a colloidal dispersion or a sol onto the surface










202θ (deg)


8030 40 50 60 70

TiO2 nanorodsTiO2 powder

Relative intensity

a) b)


1 µm1 µm

1 µm

Fig. 5.9a–d SEM micrograph of TiO2 nanorods grown by template-based electrochemically induced sol–gel deposition.The diameters of the nanorods are approximately: (a) 180 nm (for the 200 nm polycarbonate membrane); (b) 90 nm (forthe 100 nm membrane); (c) 45 nm (for the 50 nm membrane). (d) XRD patterns of both the grown nanorods and a powderderived from the same sol. Both samples consist of the anatase phase only and no peak position shift was observed(after [5.62])

of an electrode. If the particles are positively charged(or more precisely, they have a positive zeta potential),deposition of solid particles will occur at the cathode.Otherwise, deposition will be at the anode. The elec-trostatic double layers collapse at the electrodes and theparticles coagulate, producing porous materials made ofcompacted nanoparticles. Typical packing densities arefar less than the theoretical density of 74 vol.% [5.66].Many theories have been proposed to explain the pro-cesses at the deposition surface during electrophoreticdeposition. However, the evolution of structure on thedeposition surface is not well understood. The elec-trochemical processes that take place at the depositionsurface and at the electrodes are complex and vary fromsystem to system. The final density is dependent upon



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the concentration of particles in sols or colloidal dis-persions, the zeta potential, the external electric field,and the reaction kinetics between the surfaces of theparticles. A slow reaction and a slow arrival of nanopar-ticles onto the surface would allow sufficient particlerelaxation on the deposition surface, so a high packingdensity would be expected.

5.3.1 Polycrystalline Oxides

Limmer et al. [5.62, 67–69] combined sol–gel prepara-tion with electrophoretic deposition to prepare nanorodsof various complex oxides. One of the advantagesof this technique is the ability to synthesize complexoxides and organic–inorganic hybrids with desired sto-ichiometric compositions. Another advantage is theirapplicability to a variety of materials. In their ap-proach, conventional sol–gel processing was appliedto the synthesis of various sols. By controlling thesol preparation appropriately, nanometer particles ofa desired stoichiometric composition were formed,and electrostatically stabilized by pH adjustment. Us-ing radiation-tracked etched polycarbonate membraneswith an electric field of ≈ 1.5 V/cm, they have grownnanowires with diameters ranging from 40 to 175 nmand lengths of 10 μm, corresponding to the thicknessof the membrane. The materials include anatase TiO2,amorphous SiO2, perovskite BaTiO3 and Pb(Ti, Zr)O3,and layered perovskite Sr2Nb2O7. Figure 5.9 showsSEM micrographs and XRD patterns of TiO2 nanorodarrays [5.62].

Wang et al. [5.70] used electrophoretic depositionto make nanorods of ZnO from colloidal sols. ZnOcolloidal sol was prepared by hydrolyzing an alco-holic solution of zinc acetate with NaOH, with a smallamount of zinc nitrate added as a binder. This so-lution was then introduced into the pores of anodicalumina membranes at voltages of 10–400 V. It wasfound that lower voltages led to dense, solid nanorods,while higher voltages caused the formation of hollowtubules. They suggested that the higher voltages causedielectric breakdown of the anodic alumina, causing itto become as positively charged as the cathode. Electro-static attraction between the ZnO nanoparticles and thepore walls then leads to tubule formation.

5.3.2 Single Crystal Oxide Nanorod ArraysObtained by Changing the Local pH

A modified version of sol electrophoretic deposition hasbeen used to grow single crystalline titanium oxide and

vanadium pentoxide nanorod arrays from TiO2+ andVO+

2 solutions respectively. Miao et al. [5.71] preparedsingle crystalline TiO2 nanowires by electrochemicallyinduced sol–gel deposition. Titania electrolyte solutionwas prepared by dissolving Ti powder into a H2O2 andNH4OH aqueous solution to form TiO2+ ionic clus-ters [5.72]. When an electric field was applied, theTiO2+ ionic clusters diffused to the cathode and under-went hydrolysis and condensation reactions, resultingin the deposition of nanorods of amorphous TiO2 gel.After heating at 240 ◦C for 24 h in air, single crystalanatase nanorods with diameters of 10, 20, and 40 nmand lengths ranging from 2 to 10 μm were synthesized.The formation of single crystal TiO2 nanorods here isdifferent to that reported by Martin’s group [5.73]. It issuggested that the nanoscale crystallites generated dur-ing heating assembled epitaxially to form single crystalnanorods.

During typical sol–gel processing, nanoclusters areformed through homogeneous nucleation and subse-quent growth through sequential yet parallel hydrolysisand condensation reactions. Sol electrophoretic deposi-tion enriches and deposits these formed nanoclusters atan appropriate electrode surface under an external elec-tric field. The modified process is to limit and induce thecondensation reaction at the growth surface by chang-ing local pH value, which is a result of partial waterhydrolysis at the electrode or growth surface

2H2O+2e− → H2 +2OH− , (5.6)

2VO+2 +2OH− → V2O5 +H2O . (5.7)

Reaction (5.6), or the electrolysis of water, plays a veryimportant role here. As the reaction proceeds, hy-droxyl groups are produced, resulting in increased pHnear to the deposition surface. This increase in pHvalue near to the growth surface initiated and pro-motes the precipitation of V2O5, or reaction (5.7).The initial pH of the VO+

2 solution is ≈ 1.0, meaningthat VO+

2 is stable. However, when the pH increasesto ≈ 1.8, VO+

2 is no longer stable and solid V2O5forms. Since the change in pH occurs near to thegrowth surface, reaction (5.7) or deposition is likelyto occur on the surface of the electrode throughheterogeneous nucleation and subsequent growth. Itshould be noted that the hydrolysis of water hasanother effect on the deposition of solid V2O5. Reac-tion (5.6) produces hydrogen on the growth surface.These molecules may poison the growth surface be-fore dissolving into the electrolyte or by forming a gasbubble, which may cause the formation of porousnanorods.



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Template-Based Synthesis of Nanorod or Nanowire Arrays 5.3 Electrophoretic Deposition 179

The formation of single crystal nanorods fromsolutions by pH change-induced surface condensa-tion has been proven by TEM analyses, includinghigh-resolution imaging showing the lattice fringesand electron diffraction. The growth of single crystalnanorods by pH change-induced surface condensationis attributed to evolution selection growth, which isbriefly summarized below. The initial heterogeneousnucleation or deposition onto the substrate surfaceresults in the formation of nuclei with random orien-tations. The subsequent growth of various facets ofa nucleus is dependent on the surface energy, and variessignificantly from one facet to another [5.74]. For one-dimensional growth, such as film growth, only thehighest growth rate with a direction perpendicular tothe growth surface will be able to continue to grow.The nuclei with the fastest growth direction perpen-dicular to the growth surface will grow larger, whilenuclei with slower growth rates will eventually ceaseto grow. Such a growth mechanism results in the for-mation of columnar structured films where all of thegrains have the same crystal orientation (known as tex-tured films) [5.75, 76]. In the case of nanorod growthinside a pore channel, such evolution selection growthis likely to lead to the formation of a single crystalnanorod or a bundle of single crystal nanorods per porechannel. Figure 5.10 shows typical TEM micrographsand selected-area electron diffraction patterns of V2O5nanorods. It is well known that [010] (the b-axis) isthe fastest growth direction for a V2O5 crystal [5.77,78], which would explain why single crystal vanadiumnanorods or a bundle of single crystal nanorods growalong the b-axis.


55 µmµm 5 nm 2 nmnm


a) c)

Fig. 5.10 (a) SEM image of V2O5 nanorod arrays on an ITO substrate grown in a 200 nm carbonate membrane by solelectrophoretic deposition; (b) TEM image of a V2O5 nanorod with its electron diffraction pattern; (c) high-resolutionTEM image of the V2O5 nanorod showing the lattice fringes (after [5.54])

5.3.3 Single Crystal Oxide Nanorod ArraysGrown by Homoepitaxial Aggregation

Single crystal nanorods can also be grown directlyby conventional electrophoretic deposition. However,several requirements must be met for such growth.First, the nanoclusters or particles in the sol must havea crystalline structure extended to the surface. Second,the deposition of nanoclusters on the growth surfacemust have a certain degree of reversibility so that thenanoclusters can rotate or reposition prior to their irre-versible incorporation into the growth surface. Thirdly,the deposition rate must be slow enough to permitsufficient time for the nanoclusters to rotate or repo-sition. Lastly, the surfaces of the nanoclusters mustbe free of strongly attached alien chemical species.Although precise control of all these parameters re-mains a challenge, the growth of single crystal nanorodsthrough homoepitaxial aggregation of nanocrystals hasbeen demonstrated [5.79, 80]. The formation of singlecrystalline vanadium pentoxide nanorods by template-based sol electrophoretic deposition can be attributed tohomoepitaxial aggregation of crystalline nanoparticles.Thermodynamically it is favorable for the crystallinenanoparticles to aggregate epitaxially; this growth be-havior and mechanism is well documented in theliterature [5.81, 82]. In this growth mechanism, an ini-tial weak interaction between two nanoparticles allowsrotation and migration relative to each other. Obviously,homoepitaxial aggregation is a competitive process andporous structure is expected to form through this ho-moepitaxial aggregation (as schematically illustrated inFig. 5.11). Vanadium oxide particles present in a typ-



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Fig. 5.11 Schematic illustration of the homoepitaxial ag-gregation growth mechanism of single-crystalline nanorods(after [5.54])

ical sol are known to easily form ordered crystallinestructure [5.83], so it is reasonable to expect that ho-moepitaxial aggregation of vanadium nanocrystals fromsol results in the formation of single crystal nanorods.Single crystal nanorods formed in this way are likely toundergo significant shrinkage when fired at high tem-peratures due to its original porous nature; 50% lateralshrinkage has been observed in vanadium pentoxidenanorods formed by this method. In addition, it might

be possible that the electric field and the internal sur-faces of the pore channels play significant roles in theorientation of the nanorods, as suggested in the litera-ture [5.84, 85].

5.3.4 Nanowires and Nanotubesof Fullerenes and Metallofullerenes

Electrophoretic deposition in combination with tem-plate-based growth has also been successfully exploredin the formation of nanowires and nanotubes of car-bon fullerenes, such as C60 [5.86], or metallofullerenes,such as Sc@C82(I) [5.87]. Typical experiments in-clude the purification or isolation of the fullerenes ormetallofullerenes required using multiple-step liquidchromatography and dispersion of the fullerenes ina mixed solvent of acetonitrile/toluene in a ratio of7 : 1. The electrolyte solution has a relatively low con-centration of fullerenes (35 μM) and metallofullerenes(40 μM), and the electrophoretic deposition takes placewith an externally applied electric field of 100–150 Vwith a distance of 5 mm between the two electrodes.Both nanorods and nanotubes of fullerenes or met-allofullerenes can form and it is believed that initialdeposition occurs along the pore surface. A short de-position time results in the formation of nanotubes,whereas extended deposition leads to the formation ofsolid nanorods. These nanorods possess either crys-talline or amorphous structure.

5.4 Template Filling

Directly filling a template with a liquid mixture precur-sor is the most straightforward and versatile method forpreparing nanowire or nanorod arrays. The drawback ofthis approach is that it is difficult to ensure completefilling of the template pores. Both nanorods and nan-otubules can be obtained depending on the interfacialadhesion and the solidification modes. If the adhesionbetween the pore walls and the filling material is weak,or if solidification starts at the center (or from one endof the pore, or uniformly throughout the rods), solidnanorods are likely to form. If the adhesion is strong, orif the solidification starts at the interfaces and proceedsinwardly, hollow nanotubules are likely to form.

5.4.1 Colloidal Dispersion (Sol) Filling

Martin and coworkers [5.73, 88] have studied the for-mation of various oxide nanorods and nanotubules by

simply filling the templates with colloidal dispersions(Fig. 5.12). Nanorod arrays of a mesoporous material(SBA-15) were recently synthesized by filling an or-dered porous alumina membrane with sol containingsurfactant (Pluronic P123) [5.89]. Colloidal dispersionswere prepared using appropriate sol–gel processingtechniques. The template was placed in a stable sol forvarious periods of time. The capillary force drives thesol into the pores if the sol has good wettability for thetemplate. After the pores were filled with sol, the tem-plate was withdrawn from the sol and dried. The samplewas fired at elevated temperatures to remove the tem-plate and to densify the sol–gel-derived green nanorods.

A sol typically consists of a large volume fractionof solvent, up to 90% or higher. Although the cap-illary force may ensure complete filling of the poreswith the suspension, the amount of solid occupying thepore space is small. Upon drying and subsequent fir-



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Template-Based Synthesis of Nanorod or Nanowire Arrays 5.4 Template Filling 181

b)a) c) Fig. 5.12a–c SEM micrographs ofoxide nanorods created by filling thetemplates with sol–gels: (a) ZnO,(b) TiO2 and (c) hollow nanotube(after [5.73])

ing processes, significant shrinkage would be expected.However, the actual shrinkage observed is small whencompared with the pore size. These results indicatethat an (unknown) mechanism is acting to enrich theconcentration of solid inside the pores. One possiblemechanism could be the diffusion of solvent throughthe membrane, leading to the enrichment of solid on theinternal surfaces of the template pores, similar to whathappens during ceramic slip casting [5.90]. Figure 5.12ais a top view of ZnO nanotubules array, Fig. 5.12bis TiO2 nanotubules array, Fig. 5.12c is hollow nan-tube array. The observed formation of nanotubules (inFig. 5.12 [5.73]) may imply that this process is indeedpresent. However, considering the fact that the tem-plates were typically emerged into sol for just a fewminutes, diffusion through the membrane and enrich-ment of the solid inside the pores must be ratherrapid processes. It was also noticed that the nanorodsmade by template filling are commonly polycrystallineor amorphous, although single crystal TiO2 nanorodswere sometimes observed for nanorods smaller than20 nm [5.73].

5.4.2 Melt and Solution Filling

Metallic nanowires can also be synthesized by fillinga template with molten metals [5.91]. One example isthe preparation of bismuth nanowires using pressure in-jection of molten bismuth into the nanochannels of ananodic alumina template [5.92]. The anodic aluminatemplate was degassed and immersed in the liquid bis-muth at 325 ◦C (Tm = 271.5 ◦C for Bi), and then highpressure Ar gas of ≈ 300 bar was applied in order toinject liquid Bi into the nanochannels of the templatefor 5 h. Bi nanowires with diameters of 13–110 nmand large aspect ratios (of up to several hundred) havebeen obtained. Individual nanowires are believed to besingle-crystal. When exposed to air, bismuth nanowiresare readily oxidized. An amorphous oxide layer ≈ 4 nmin thickness was observed after 48 h. After 4 weeks, thebismuth nanowires were completely oxidized. Nano-wires of other metals, such as In, Sn and Al, and thesemiconductors Se, Te, GaSb, and Bi2Te3, were also

prepared by injecting molten liquid into anodic aluminatemplates [5.93].

Polymeric fibrils have been made by filling the tem-plate pores with a monomer solution containing thedesired monomer and a polymerization reagent, fol-lowed by in situ polymerization [5.14, 94–97]. Thepolymer preferentially nucleates and grows on the porewalls, resulting in tubules at short deposition times.

Metal, oxide and semiconductor nanowires haverecently been synthesized using self-assembled meso-porous silica as the template. For example, Hanet al. [5.98] have synthesized Au, Ag and Pt nano-wires in mesoporous silica templates. The mesoporoustemplates were first filled with aqueous solutions ofthe corresponding metal salts (such as HAuCl4). Af-ter drying and treatment with CH2Cl2, the sampleswere reduced under H2 flow to form metallic nano-wires. Liu et al. [5.99] carefully studied the interfacebetween these nanowires and the matrix using high-resolution electron microscopy and electron energy lossspectroscopy techniques. A sharp interface only existsbetween noble metal nanowires and the matrix. Formagnetic nickel oxide, a core–shell nanorod structurecontaining a nickel oxide core and a thin nickel sil-icate shell was observed. The magnetic properties ofthe templated nickel oxide were found to be signifi-cantly different from nickel oxide nanopowders due tothe alignment of the nanorods. In another study, Chenet al. filled the pores of a mesoporous silica templatewith an aqueous solution of Cd and Mn salts, dried thesample, and reacted it with H2S gas to convert it to(Cd,Mn)S [5.100].

5.4.3 Centrifugation

Filling the template with nanoclusters via centrifugationforces is another inexpensive method for mass produc-ing nanorod arrays. Figure 5.13 shows SEM images oflead zirconate titanate (PZT) nanorod arrays with uni-form sizes and unidirectional alignment [5.101]. Thesenanorod arrays were grown in polycarbonate mem-brane from PZT sol by centrifugation at 1500 rpmfor 60 min. The samples were attached to silica glass



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182 Part A Nanostructures, Micro-/Nanofabrication and Materials

5 µmµm

a) b)

5 µmµm

Fig. 5.13a,b SEM images of the topview (left) and side view (right) oflead zirconate titanate (PZT) nanorodarrays grown in polycarbonate mem-brane from PZT sol by centrifugationat 1500 rpm for 60 min. Sampleswere attached to silica glass andfired at 650 ◦C in air for 60 min(after [5.101])

and fired at 650 ◦C in air for 60 min. Nanorod ar-rays of other oxides (silica and titania) were prepared.The advantages of centrifugation include its applica-

bility to any colloidal dispersion system, includingthose consisting of electrolyte-sensitive nanoclusters ormolecules.

5.5 Converting from Reactive Templates

Nanorods or nanowires can also be synthesized usingconsumable templates, although the resultant nanowiresand nanorods are generally not ordered to form alignedarrays. Nanowires of compounds can be prepared us-ing a template-directed reaction. First nanowires ornanorods of one constituent element are prepared,and then these are reacted with chemicals contain-ing the other element desired in order to form thefinal product. Gates et al. [5.102] converted singlecrystalline trigonal selenium nanowires into single crys-talline nanowires of Ag2Se by reacting Se nanowireswith aqueous AgNO3 solutions at room temperature.Nanorods can also be synthesized by reacting volatilemetal halides or oxide species with carbon nanotubesto form solid carbide nanorods with diameters of be-tween 2 and 30 nm and lengths of up to 20 μm [5.103].ZnO nanowires were prepared by oxidizing metal-lic zinc nanowires [5.104]. Hollow nanotubules ofMoS2 ≈ 30 μm long and 50 nm in external diam-eter with wall thicknesses of 10 nm were prepared

by filling a solution mixture of the molecular precur-sors, (NH4)2MoS4 and (NH4)2Mo3S13, into the poresof alumina membrane templates. Then the templatefilled with the molecular precursors was heated toan elevated temperature and the molecular precursorswere thermally decomposed into MoS2 [5.105]. Cer-tain polymers and proteins were also used to directthe growth of nanowires of metals or semiconductors.For example, Braun et al. [5.106] reported a two-stepprocedure using DNA as a template for the vecto-rial growth of a silver nanorods 12 μm in length and100 nm in diameter. CdS nanowires were prepared bypolymer-controlled growth [5.107]. For the synthesis ofCdS nanowires, cadmium ions were well distributed ina polyacrylamide matrix. The Cd2+-containing polymerwas treated with thiourea (NH2CSNH2) solvothermallyin ethylenediamine at 170 ◦C, resulting in degradationof polyacrylamide. Single crystal CdS nanowires 40 nmin diameter and up to 100 μm in length were obtainedwith preferential [001] orientations.

5.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks

This chapter provides a brief summary of the funda-mentals of and techniques used for the template-basedsynthesis of nanowire or nanorod arrays. Exampleswere used to illustrate the growth of each nanorodmaterial made with each technique. The literature asso-ciated with this field is overwhelming and is expandingvery rapidly. This chapter is by no means compre-

hensive in its coverage of the relevant literature. Fourgroups of template-based synthesis methods have beenreviewed and discussed in detail. Electrochemical de-position or electrodeposition is the method used togrow electrically conductive or semiconductive mater-ials, such as metals, semiconductors, and conductivepolymers and oxides. Electrophoretic deposition from



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colloidal dispersion is the method used to synthesizedielectric nanorods and nanowires. Template filling isconceptually straightforward, although complete fillingis often very difficult. Converting reactive templates isa method used to achieve both nanorod arrays and ran-domly oriented nanowires or nanorods, and it is oftencombined with other synthetic methods.

This chapter has focused on the growth of solidnanorod and nanowire arrays by template-based syn-thesis; however, the use of template-based synthesis tosynthesize nanotubes, and in particular nanotube ar-rays, has received increasing attention [5.108]. Oneof the greatest advantages using template-based syn-thesis to grow of nanotubes and nanotube arrays isthe independent control of the lengths, diameters, andthe wall thicknesses of the nanotubes available. While

the lengths and the diameters of the resultant nano-tubes are dependent on the templates used for thesynthesis, the wall thicknesses of the nanotubes can bereadily controlled through the duration of growth. An-other great advantage of the template-based synthesisof nanotubes is the possibility of multilayered hollownanotube or solid nanocable structures. For example,Ni@V2O5·nH2O nanocable arrays have been synthe-sized by a two-step approach [5.109]. First, Ni nanorodarrays were grown in a PC template by electrochemicaldeposition, and then the PC template was removed bypyrolysis, followed by sol electrophoretic deposition ofV2O5·nH2O on the surfaces of the Ni nanorod arrays. Itis obvious that there is a lot of scope for more researchinto template-based syntheses of nanorod, nanotube andnanocable arrays, and their applications.


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