Download pdf - Tehya coati

Page 1: Tehya coati

CoatiBy Tehya

Page 2: Tehya coati

What does it eat?

Earthworms,Insects,Fruit,Eggs,Vegetables, and Lizards.

Page 3: Tehya coati

How does it find it’s food?

It digs every where in the ground.

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what layer of the RAINFOREST DOES IT LIVE


It lives in the understory.

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HOW does it move?

It crawls,jumps,and climbs.

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how does it raise it’s young?

They have 2 to 6 young. They stay in their nest for more then a month.

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who are it’s predators?

Jaguars, Humans.

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special facts

Curls up like a ball until dawn.It can be taught to do tricks like a dog.They can sleep up in a high tree.
