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Copyright © 2000 Tighe Industries, Inc. Member: United States Gymnastics Suppliers Association

on official publication of USA Gymnastics


Robert V. Colarossi


Luan Peszek


Christa Engle


CHAIR: Ron Froehlirh; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorossi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Tim DoggeN; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Srhmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Parillo; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG EXECUTIVE COMMlillE: Jay Ashmore, Ron Froehlich. FIG WOMEN'S TECHNICAL COMMlillE: Jorkie Re; FIG MEN'S TECHNICAL COMMlillE: George Beckslead; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Peler Vidmar, Susan True; ATHlETE DIREGORS: Chari Knighl·Hunler, John Roelhlisberger, Vanessa Vander Pluym, Karl Heger; USOC ATHLETE DIREGOR: Dominick Minicu"i.



CHANGE Of ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TECIINIQUE magazine, noli" of rhange of address should be made eighl weeks in advanre. For foslesl service, please endose your presenl mailing label. Direct all subsuiplion moil 10 TE(IINIQUE Substriplions, USA Gymnaslirs, 201 S. Copilol Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. POSTMASTER; Send address rhonges 10 TECHNIQUE r/ o USA Gymna~irs, 201 S. Capilol Avenue., Suile 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.

Tf(IINIQUE(ISSN 074B·5999) (USPS 016B72) is published monlhly excepl bimonlh~ in Sepl/ Oct and Nov/ D" by USA Gymnastirs, Pan Amenrcn Plaza, Suile 300, 201 Soulh Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317·237·5050) o"isit online @ •• v· us a· gyana st i cs . org Periodircl p~age paid a1 Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subsuiplion prires: U.5.-525 per year; Canada/ Mexiro-54B per year; all 01 her foreign (Qunlries--560 per year. If available, bark issue single ropies 54 plus pasloge/hondling. All reasonable rore will be loken, bUI no responsibility ron be assumed for unsolidled moleriol; endose relurn poslage. Copyrighl 199B by USA Gymno~irs and TE(IINIQUE. All righls reserved. Prinled by Spo~ Grophirs, Indianapolis, IN.

Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all artie/es, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to th. author and USA GymnastiCS expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.


Beginning Uneven Bars. .5

What Do Coaches Make? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13

National Congress 2001 . .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . ... . ...... ..... . . .... . .. 15

APR I L 200 1




President's Message ................................ 4

What's New? ...................................... 10

MELPD Workshop Schedule .................. 24

KAT Workshop Schedule ..... .. .... ... .. .. .. .. 25

Classified ..................... ....... ... ...... ... ... . 46

Event Schedule .................................... 47

Safety Certification Schedule ..... .. ......... 48

• VOLUME 21 • #4




Women's Technical Symposium '''''''''''' 1 1

Women's High Performance Coaching Seminar ............. .............................. ... 23

Men's Program Update ............ .... ........ 31

Women's Program Update .. ..... .. ........... 34

Men's Selection Procedures .................. 37

Rhythmic Selection Procedures .............. 38

Women's Selection Procedures .... .......... 42


'N'NW. usa

I hope many of you had the opportunity to watch the Visa American Cup live on NBC Sports, February 24th. It was a great competition with 14 of the 16 competitors being 2000 Olympians. It was a good preview of the changes made in the new Code of Points and the direction of gymnastics at the international level. Congratulations to Blaine Wilson and Sean Townsend for taking first and second all-around in the men's competition by a wide margin, and to Russian Elena Zamolodchikova who won the women's title. Zamolodchikova earned three medals at the 2000 Olympic Games-a gold on vault, a gold on floor and a silver in the team competition. Fourteen-year-old Kristal Uzelac finished third all-around in her debut event in senior international competition.

Another big gymnastics competition took place in France, the 10th International France Telecom. With more than 40 male gymnasts competing, including World and Olympic medalists, Sean Townsend won a bronze medal on rings and a silver medal on parallel bars while Blaine Wilson placed in the top six on three events.

We're preparing now for the Pontiac American Team Cup in Hawaii. This is a tri meet with the USA, China and Romania and will be televised on NBC Sports April 7 and 14. This is a very important competition as it is our first team competition in the new quadrennium.

As I mentioned briefly in my last editorial in Technique, USA Gymnastics Member Clubs were asked to give input via a broadcast email questionnaire about what initiatives they would like to see incorporated into the Strategic Plan for USA Gymnastics. The three most mentioned items were: o National advertising campaign for the sport o Coaches education o Customer service / satisfaction

In response to creating a national advertising campaign, we have appointed a working group of club owners from large and small clubs that are geographically distributed throughout the United States. This working group will make recommendations on how the Member Clubs can work together and partner with USA Gymnastics to create national awareness of gymnastics, particularly around heavy registration time periods. This initiative could greatly benefit our sport, ideally we would create a cooperative advertising pool, much like the Dairy Industry did with the "Got Milk?" Campaign. These dollars would be dedicated to advertising Member Clubs on a national level and help drive enrollment in Member Clubs across the u.s. I encourage and challenge all of you to think about ways that we can work together to accomplish this initiative. Please forward any comments or suggestions to Loree Galimore, the USA Gymnastics Club Services Manager, at [email protected]. Working together we can make a difference and help our sport grow.

The second suggestion involving coaches education is already in the planning phases. Although nothing is set in stone, there are plans to establish a USA Gymnastics professional certification program that would bridge the gap between program-sponsored educational opportunities and the more traditional safety and education programs. Ultimately we will create a linear progressive system in which designated programs and events would earn education credit at recognized colleges and universities. There would be four levels - I = Bronze, II = Silver, III = Gold and IV = Master of Sport. Do you have suggestions and / or comments? Contact Kathy Feldmann at [email protected].

In the area of increased customer service we are currently in discussion with a technology company to upgrade our telecommunications system. The new system will be user friendly, dynamic and will significantly raise the level of service to all of our members. It will be fully operational in time for the heavy member registration period this summer.

Good luck to all of you as you prepare your athletes for their championship competitions this spring and please continue to forward your suggestions to the office on how we can better serve you.

President, USA Gymnastics rl-::::

4------------------1( TECH N I QUE • APR I L 200 I )~-------------------------

One of the most frustrating parts about coaching uneven bars is dealing with students who lack the strength to adequately perform what is demanded by the event, regardless of skillievel. A shortcoming of most inexperienced coaches is that the1J become impatient in the development of the necessary strength. The end product is usually poor technique, lack of success and, in turn, frustration on the part of the athlete and the coach.

A key to getting qualihJ long term results is the ability of the coach to combine fun learning with disciplined physical preparation (possibly without the student even realizing that they are being physically prepared). It is futile to emphasize one end of the spectrum or the other. In other words, the coach that drives uneven bar conditioning "down the throats" of the athletes daily will certainly end up with unhappy, unmotivated gymnasts and most likely a very high attrition rate. Similarly, the coach who endlessly "plays" on bars will end up with unsuccessful, weak athletes who will undoubtedly struggle to be productive. The key is finding a combination that fits your program.

Another key to successful bars is "time management" i.e. getting the most out of your athletes in the allotted time. Since every gymnast is mysteriously drawn to the addictive chalking ritual, I suggest developing "IDLE TIME STATIONS" that limits their opportunities to meet at the chalk box. Coaches may also want to practice the following secret phrases used by the worlds top uneven bar technicians: a) "Get out of the chalk!" b) "Get on a bar" and c) "Get out of the chalk! !" I have found this to be my secret to successful uneven bar coaching

Idle Time Stations GLIDING:

• Prone Leg Lifts-Lying flat on your back, hanging onto a stationary object (base of the bars) lift your legs until they touch your hands.

Prone Leg liFts

• Incline Leg Lifts-Lying on a "cheese mat" inclined downward, hanging onto a stationary object, lift your legs to your hands.

Incline Leg liFts

-------------------1( TECH N IOU E • APR I L 2001 )f----------------=s:--.I

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• Hanging Leg Lifts-Either hanging from the uneven bars which allows a bit of swing or from a wall bar which eliminates the swinging and therefore makes the exercise more difficult.

• Barrel Glides-Hang onto the low bar, place your feet on a barrel. Extend your body as if you were gliding using the barrel for support.

• Tube or Rope Glides- Hang onto the bar, place your feet in a tube (surgical tubing, bicycle inner tube etc.) or rope. Practice gliding forward and backward.

Tube or Rope Glides

• Elevated Straight Body Holds-Lying on your back, place your feet up onto an elevated surface (spotting block), hold an extended body position for 30 seconds. Add time and weight (weight belt or weight plate on the stomach) to increase difficulty.

• V-Holds-Hanging on the bar hold your feet to the bar for 30 seconds. Add time and / or weight (ankle weights) to increase difficulty.

kIPPING: Stomach- See gliding drills Arms-• Prone Straight Arm Pulls-Lying on your back with appropriate bar bell weight held over head, pull the weight to your thighs. Sets of 8-12.

Prone Straight Arm Pulls

• Inclined Straight Arm Pulls-Lying on a "cheese mat" with your feet up at the high end and weight in hand. Pull the weight to your thighs. Sets of 8-12.

• Inverted Straight Arm Pulls-Hanging from your knees on the bar (use a spotter to hold the legs), with weight in hand, pull the weight to the bar. Sets of 8-12. You can also do straight arm pulls with tubing.

• Wheel Pulls-Using a "wheelan a stick" get on your hands and knees, round your back, squeeze knees and butt, and place the hips in front of the knees. Extend the wheel forward while maintaining the desired hollow body shape. Pull the wheel back to the starting position using straight arms. Do not let the hips move from the initial starting position.

Wheel Pulls

• Push Up Position Wheels-These are very difficult. Get into a hollow body push up position while hokling onto the wheel. With the assistance of a spotter (spotter stands straddling the gymnast and grabs the waist) extend the wheel forward as far as possible.

Push Up Postion Wheels

Let' 8 meet in


• Kip Machine-Hang on the bar placing the feet in a tube or rope that is tied or hooked to the bar. Execute sets of straight arm kips standing up in the rope/ tube to assist with the action. This drill can also be done while sitting on the rope / tube to increase the difficulty and more closely resemble the kip.

kip Machine


There are many phases in the development of a proper cast. Physical preparation is key to success but all to often this is just limited to the arms. Arm strength is of little use if the athletes can not maintain and control her mid body. Fear is also an

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important aspect to consider in the ability to cast as some beginner gymnasts are simply afraid to lean forward over the bar or afraid to fall.

Core Body Conditioning-

• Arch or Hollow Rocking-Lying on your back in a hollow body shape or on your belly in a tight arch position, rock for 30 seconds. Increase time and or arm position to increase difficulty. Start with arms by the sides, then arms across the chest, then arms crossed behind the head and finally, arms straight over head.

• Arch or Hollow Holds-Same as above except hold the position still. To increase difficulty add weight held across the chest and or ankle weights.

• Horizontal Tube Extensions-Using a floor bar for your hands, place your feet in tubing tied to the spreader of the uneven bars. Obtain a push up position and extend the body forward, stressing the body shape and the forward leaning action.

Horizontal Tube Extenstions

• Horizontal Tube Holds-Same as above except hold the position with the shoulders well in front of the hands.

Horizontal Tube Holds

• Side Sit Ups/Holds/Rocks-As it is important to condition the sides as well as the front and back of the body.

• Sit Ups/Up Hill Sit Ups-Hanging from a bar execute sets of 15-25 up hill sit ups. To increase difficulty change the position of the arms from a) by your sides b) across the chest c) behind the head d) behind the head with weight.

Arm Conditioning-

• Straight Arm Pulls with Weight-Stand with your back flat against the wall, bend your knees to insure the lower back stays pressed to the wall, pull an appropriate amount of weight straight over head using straight arms.

Straight Arm Pulls with Weight

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Jeff Lulla is a member of the USAG Preschoof Advisory Board and co·author of the Kinder Accreditation for Teachers (KAT) course. He is afso a USAG National Safely Instructor, an industry consultant, and is a seminar presenter for the USAIGC, and USA Gymnastics. He owns two successful gyms in Southem California.

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..... -=-a---------------1( TECH N IOU E • APR Il 2001 )>----------------

• Straight Arm Tube Pulls-Lying flat on your back, pull tied off tubing from your thighs to an overhead position. Maintain a tight hollow shape throughout the pulling action.

• Press Handstands-Various types including straddle, pike, from a stand, from the floor, against the wall etc. This drill represents the casting action of the arms and serves well to condition this movement.

• Push Ups-Ranging from regular to handstand push ups and all angles in between.

• Tucked Planche Holds-On a set of paralettes or men's P­bars, tuck the knees to the chest, lean the shoulders forward over the hands, and lift the hips to a position slightly higher than horizontal. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Add a weight belt to increase difficulty. This drill strengthens the shoulders and the ability to lean forward while casting.

Tucked Planche Holds

• Planche Presses-With the assistance of a spotter, the body is lifted from a hollow body push up position to a handstand in an attempt to closely simulate the cast handstand. The gymnast maintains a tight hollow shape while "planching" the shoulders forward as the spotter assists them through the press. This is an excellent conditioning drill but is very "coach intensive."

Planche Presses •

-----------------1( r EC H N IOU E •

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Martha Karolyi Named National Team Coordinator ~ Martha to head

up National Team for USA Women through 2004 Olympic Games

Martha Karolyi, head coach of the gold medal winning 1996 Olympic Team, has been named National Team Coordinator for the U.S. women's program through 2004.

Martha will be responsible for establishing the overall training program for the women's national team through the 2004 Olympic Games. She will be available as an advisor to the individual coaches of the national team athletes. Martha will direct the team's preparation for the 2001 and 2003 World Championships and the 2004 Olympic Games, and play an integral role in the final composition of each of the teams.

"I am confident that Martha Karolyi will

C_G_et_y_o_u_r C_L_U_B_L_IS_T __ ) ••••••••••••••••••• :

Would you like to have a list of all 4,300 clubs found in the USA Gymnastics database?

As a Member Club you can purchase a hard copy of the directory, including club names, addresses and phone numbers, for $100.

Many have asked if they can obtain the directory on disk. The answer is yes, but this is an exclusive benefit of an Industry Member, therefore, you must become an Industry Member.

Industry Membership -The cost is $325 and you not only get the club list on disk but you also get a

subscription to USA Gymnastics and Technique magazines, a website listing and link, the state and regional chair newsletters published by USA Gymnastics, decaL Industry Member certificate, Industry Member banner, and a listing in USA Gymnastics and Technique magazines each year.

For more information on becoming a Member Club or an Industry Member call USA Gymnastics Member Services at:


.......: ..................... .

• • •

successfully lead the U.S. Team back to the medal podium," said Bob Colarossi, President of USA Gymnastics. "Martha's emphasis on technique and drive towards excellence is the push our program needs to be medal contenders."

USA Gymnastics recently engaged in strategic planning for the organization through the 2004 Olympic Games. The goals established for the women's program include remaining among the top six ranked at the 2001 World Championships and contending for medals at the 2003 World Championships and 2004 Olympic Games. To accomplish these goals, national team training camps will be conducted throughout the years, uniting individual athletes, coaches and national staff as a team.

"We have a lot of depth and promising young talent in this country," said Martha Karolyi. "By implementing our program goals at the beginning of the Olympic quadrennium, we have ample time to develop the young athletes into strong medal contenders." •

< attention: > Clubs with

Multi Locations Hey club owners. If you own multiple gyms USA Gymnastics will reduce your Member Club fees! The rate structure is as follows:

• First Member Club Membership .... .. ... $150 each

• Second location ...... $125 each

• Each additional location ............. $100 each

--.-=-,-c:co---------------j( TEe H N 10 U E • APRil 200 I )r---- -------------





SYMPOSIUM 2001 June I-l, 100 I


Limited Enrollment, Don't Be Left Outl

WHO: Coaches & judges who work with the Women's

junior Olympic Levels 4-10 Here's your chance to leam first-hand the following

new material for the 200 1-200S cycle: • Changes in the compulsory exercises & deductions • New Optional rules & changes in element values

WHEII: June 1-3,200 I

Plan on arriving Friday,june I by 5 p.m. and leaving Sunday, june 3 after 5 p.m.

Registration: Friday,june I from 12 noon to 6:30 p.m.

A complete schedule and map will be mailed upon receipt of your registration.

WHERE: Lilly Conference Center, attached

to the Marten House Hotel 180 I W 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260

317-872-4111 Located on the northwest side of Indianapolis, approximately 25 minutes nort of the airport

HO'l'EL IIiFORMA'I'IOII: Marten House Hotel

Special rates for USA GymnasticsTechnicaJ Symposium: $89 Singie/OoublefTriple/Quad

plus city/state taxes (presently I 1%) To guarantee the group rate, reservations

must be made by May 2,200 I 1-800-736-5634 Mention Women's Technical

Symposium or for reservations online:

'l'RAIiSPOR'I'A'I'IOII: No transportation is provided by USA

Gymnastics.There is an airport shuttle available: Carey Indiana at 1-800-888-4639. Reservations are recommended. Approximately $16 plus tip, one-way. Go to Ground Transportation Center

across from Baggage Claim # 1 & 2

LEARII FROM THE BEST-Scheduled Clinicians Include: Members of the Women's Technical Committee.

COSTS-Checks payable to: USA Gymnastics

"EARLY BIRD" Postmarked Before April 23 USAG Professional/Instructor Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 150

2nd Prollnstructor Member coach from same club. . . . . . . . . . .. $125

Non-Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175

Regular Registration USAG Professional/Instructor Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $200

2nd Pro/Instructor Member coach from same club. . . . . . . . . . .. $175

Non-Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $225

RESTAURAIITS-In addition to the hotel restaurant, there are numerous places within walking distance to frequent during your stay.

ADDITIOIIAL IIiFORMATIOIl-Check our web page: www.usa­ or contact Connie Maloney, Junior OlympiCS Program Manager, USA Gymnastics, by phone at (317) 237-5050 ext. 228 or e-mai l [email protected].

-----------------------------------------~ 2001 Women's Jr. OIijmpic Technical Sijmposium Registration Form June 1-3, 200 I Indianapolis, Indiana PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE' ONE NAME PER FORM

Nome _______________ Social Security# __________ _

USA Gymnastics Professional/lnslructor # Exp. Dote ____ Safety Exp. Dote __ _

Moiling Address ___________________________ _

City ____________ State _________ Zip, _______ _

Day Phone ____________ Evening Phone _____________ _

E-mail ______________ ,Fax number

PAYMENT INFORMATION: All forms and fees are due by May 15, 2001

Regular Registration ___ S200 ___ SI75 ___ S225

USAG Professional or Instructor Member 2nd USAG Professional or Instructor Member from some club Non-Member

"Early Bird" Postmarked by APRIL 23, 2001 • All forms MUST be sent together with one check or one credit card payment in order to receive this special discount

___ SI50 USAG Professional or Instructor Member S125 2nd USAG Professional or Instructor Member from some club

---SI75 Non-Member

PAYMENT Make Check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics

Amount Enclosed Credit Cord information: 0 Visa ~ PREFERS ! VISA I 0 Other ___ _

Cord No. ___________________ Ex,p. Dote ________ _

Nome _________________ Signalure

Office Use Only: Received _____________ Postmarked _________ _

Form of poyment _______________ ,Amount Received _______ _

Send completed form to: USA Gymnastics Member Services, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Phone: (317) 237-5050· Women's Program 1-800-345-4719 • Member Services Fax form with credit card information to: (317) 692-5212 E-mail: [email protected] (Note: This will be on UNSECURE method of sending your infomotion)

------------------------------~(~~T~E~CH~N~/~O~U~E_.~AP~R~ll~2~0~0~1 ~)~--------------------------~1~1~1

With prompting from Laprise Harris, I distributed a

. salary survey via the internet to gymnastics coaches on my email list. The purpose of the survey was to

get an idea of the levels of pay that gymnastics coaches were making. The brief survey also asked the age, experience, area of coaching, and whether the coach was a head coach or assistant. For those coaches who reported their pay as an hourly wage, I converted the pay to an annual salary by multiplying the hourly wage by 40 hours per week and then by 50 weeks per year.


Seventy-six coaches responded to the survey. The respondents were evenly divided by gender: thirty­six males and thirtY-Six females. Four surveys did not indicate gender. Twenty­six surveys (34.2%) were college coaches, while 45 surveys (59.2%) were completed by club coaches. Five surveys did not indicate the type of coaching. Nineteen surveys (25%) were completed by assistant coaches and 53 surveys (69.7%) were completed by head coaches. The demographic and descriptive data results for all coaches are shown in Table 1.

Note that the lowest annual salary for a gymnastics coach was received by a female high school coach and the maximum salary was received by a female college coach. Income was

significantly correlated with age (r = .58, P < .01) and experience (r = .66, P < .01). A statistically significant difference in income due to gender (t = -1.68, P = .87) was not observed. Average male income was $35,034 (SD = $18,735.7) versus average female income of $34,394 (SD = $13,062.1 ). There was a statistically significant difference between college and club coaches however (t = 3.94, P < .001). College coaches' average salary was $44,325 (SD = $17,777). Club coaches' average salary was $29,733 (SD = $13,198). The salaries of head coaches and assistant coaches were not statistically different (t = -0.707, P =

.48). The average salary of assistant coaches was $32,974 (SD = $16,714), while the average salary of head

coaches was $36,055 (SD = $16,152).

When analyses are confined to club coaches only, the results indicate significant correlations

between salary and age (r = .49, P < .01) and experience (r = .70, P < .01) . The

difference in salary based on gender among club coaches did not reach

statistical significance due to the high

variability in salary. The

average male club coach salary was

$32,632 (SD = $15,006) while the average female salary was $26,640

(SD = $10,958). Comparison of head (ave = $31,133) and assistant (ave =

$27,250) coaches revealed no statistically significant differences in

salaries (p > .05).

When analyses are confined to college coaches only, the results indicate

significant correlations between salary

---------------~( r EC H N IOU E • APR Il 200 1 )}----------------'--:3:-w1

and age (r = .62, P < .01) and experience (r = .63, P < .01). No statistical difference was observed between genders. However, unlike club coaches, the female coaches earned more on average than the male coaches (male = $42,033, SD = $17,375) vs (female = $46,700, SD = $18,602). No statistical difference was observed between average annual salaries of head (ave = $44,941) and assistant coaches (ave = $42,786).

The variability in salaries indicates a wide range of salaries for gymnastics coaches. The information gathered from this survey also indicates that

gymnastics coaches, on average, are making more than the last salary survey conducted ten years ago (1). The average age and experience of the surveyed coaches also appears to show that the population of gymnastics coaches is older and more mature. Finally, it is clear that college coaches make a higher average salary than club coaches.


1. Sands, W. A., R. S. Crain, and K. M. Lee. Gymnastics coaching survey - 1989. Technique 10: 22-27,1990.

Table 1. Demographics - Descriptive Data

Variable Average StdDev Min Max Range Median

Annual Salar~ ($1 $34,979 $15,931

Age (~rl 36.8 8.7

Experience (yrl 15.9 7.8

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..-.-=-1-=4:----------------« TEe H N' QUE • APR Il 2001 )1-----------------

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information, including the Congress Information Guide valued at over $50.

• Learn from, interact with, and watch the best the U.S. has to offer.

• Discount tickets for the 2001 U.S. National Championships.


• Marketing & Managerial Sessions. • Staff Retention & Improvement Lectures. • Gymnastics Lectures: beginner to elite, all

disciplines. • Plan on attending the Club Owners' Business

Conference Add-On.


• More than 100 vendors in the Exhibit Hall. • Your one-stop gymnastics shopping showcase. • Congress specials, promotions & discounts • Save $$$$$ on shipping.


• Improve all areas of your business in one exciting weekend.

• Beginner coaching & office management lecture series.

• Member Clubs-Register your non-member class teachers as Instructor Members and bring them to Congress for a discounted price. Contact Loree Galimore.

• Reward and educate your staff. • Spread out, attend a variety of lectures, and share a

wealth of knowledge. • Professional Members & Member Clubs receive

special prices on almost all Congress functions.


• Rich in history, one of America's oldest cities. • Plan your family vacation around Congress.


• Learn the latest information concerning: Technique, Training, Rules, Policies, Marketing, Routines & Business.

• Listen to, and interact with, the leaders of our industry in all areas.

• Raise the level of safety awareness in your gym and across the USA.

*$ubjecllo changes

SCHEDULE ~OOl N alional Coagress &

U .S, CLftInpionships

Wednesday ... s is Add-On Courses p-nd Se ... inars 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m .... Certification Courses and Seminars

9:30 a.m.-5 p.m .. .. Congress Registration Booths Open

1-4 p.m ........ . . Jr. Men's AA & Event Finals

7 p.m . . .... . ... . . U.S. Championships Sr. Men AA Prelims & Event Finals

Thursday -, 8/9

7 a.m.-5:30 p.m .. . . Congress Registration Booths Open

8:30 a.m. -4 p.m. . . . Congress Sessions

10:30-11 :30 a.m . . . . Exhibit Hall: Gym Club Owners Preview

11 :30 a.m.-4 p.m ... Exhibit Hall: Open To All Congress Participants

1-3:30 p.m .. . . . ... U.S. Championships Jr. Women AA Prelims & Event Finals

7 p.m .. . . . .. . .... U.S. Championships Sr. Women's AA Prelims & Event Finals

Fridp-y - S /10 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m .. Congress Registration Booths Open

8 a.m.-4 p.m. . ... Exhibit Hall Open

8:30 a.m.-4 p.m .... Congress Sessions

10 a.m. -1 :30 p.m .. . U.S. Championships Rhythmic Jr. AA Competition

2:45-6: 15 p.m .... . . U.S. Championships Rhythmic Sr. AA Competition

7 p.m ..... . .... .. U.S. Championships Men's AA Finals

Salurday- SlIt 8 a.m. -3 p.m ... . .. . Congress Registration Booth


8 a.m.-2 p.m . .. .... Exhibit Hall Open

8 a.m.-4: 15 p.m . . . . Congress Sessions

1-3:30 p.m ... ... .. U.S. Championships Jr. Women AA Finals

2-4 p.m . .. .. .. ... U.S. Championships Rhythmic Jr. & Sr. Event Finals

6 p.m .. . . . .... ... U.S. Championships Sr. Women's AA Finals

9:30 p.m ... .. .. . .. Dance Party


• Registration at Marriott Begins Wednesday, August 8, 9:30 a.m.

• Pre-Congress Add-Ons at Marriott Wednesday, August 8 (Times subject to change) (Additional fees, see Regish·ation)

Safety Certification 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. or 1 :00-5:00 p.m. KAT Certification 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. MELPD Certification 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. General Gymnastics Seminar 1 :00-5:00 p.m. Club Owners Business Conference 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Member Club Website Training 12:30-4:30 p.m. (By Invitation)

Date and Time TBD (Additional fees, see Registration)

National Safety Instructor Course TBD Notional KAT Instructor Course TBD Women's Judges Certification Exams T8D Rhythmic National Judging Course TBD

(By Invitation) (By Invitation)

Please Note: Congress sessions begin early Thursday and end late Saturday. The Women's Finals are on Saturday night. Suggested travel days for Congress are: In Tuesday (for add-ons) or Wednesday and Out Sunday.

RATES AND REGISTRATION DATES Individual USA Gymnastics Professional & Instructor Members • $205 Pre-registration (postmarked by July 13, 2000) • $230 For on-site registration Non-Member Congress Registration • $305 for Pre-registration (postmarked by July 13, 2000)

$330 on-site registration NOTE: Use the Individual Congress Registration Form.

No Individual pre-registration forms will be accepted after July 13, 2000. After this date, you must register on site.

Congress Attendees with special needs must notiftj USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 13 pre­registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with their Congress Pre-registration Form.

USA GYMNASTICS MEMBER CLUBS For USA Gymnastics Member Clubs that pre-register their staff as a group (who are USA Gymnastics professional or instructor members) by June I, 2001, the following group discount will apply:

• $205 for the first listed person on the Member Club Congress Registration Form. S 180 each for the next listed staff members (up to five additional names) on the Member Club Congress Registration Form. Further discounts for 6-101

NOTE: Member Clubs will receive this special Member Club Congress Regish'ation Fonn on the Member Club website. It must be returned poshnarked no later than June I, 2001 to receive this special group rate.

CONGRESS DANCE PARTY Included in Congress registration Marriott Hotel Saturday, August 11 • 9:30 p.m.

CONGRESS EXHIBITION HALL One of the highlights of the annual USA Gymnastics National Congress is the Exhibition Hall. This is where gymnastics industry suppliers and consultants display and sell their products and services. You will find the latest and greatest in gymnastics equipment, apparel and services! The Exhibit Hall will be open to all Congress participants Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Day passes to the exhibit hall for the general public will be available at the Congress Registration desk for $5.

NOTE: Children under the age of 12 will be admitted free when accompanied by their parent or guardian.


Alfendees should keep in mind that the Congress sessions are designed for adult gymnastics professionals who have paid 10 attend sessions in order 10 increase their professional skills and knowledge base. USA Gymnastics strongly discauroges attendance of children in any Congress sessions. Congress Hosts and Hostesses will monilor entrance 10 Congress sessions 10 those displaying appropriate credentials.

u.s. £:HAMP'IONS


Liacouras Center at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA

* Convenient location to Congress

* August 8-11, 2001

* Watch the crowning of prestigious National Championship titles along with qualification to the u.s. Team for the upcoming World Championships in Belgium.

* Will Blaine Wilson win his sixth straight national title?

* Who will replace Elise Ray as the U.S. National Women's Champion?


All Session Ticket for only $65. That's a $135 ticket value.

USA Gymnastics has discounted individual sessions and packaged Free Tickets to all Junior and Rhythmic events.

What a deal! Available only to National Congress registrants. USA Gymnastics wants you, our valued members, to attend the most important U.s. gymnastics competition of the year and support your USA National Team. Sign up for National Congress and you will receive the information on this program. Limited tickets available, register early.

Want to participate in discounted ticket sales program ($75 all session ticket) to the u.s. Championships for your clients? Plus, you can earn a rebate for your club, VIP tickets and credentials, entry into the spirit competition, and a club listing on our web page and program. Visit our web site and simply download the information and sign up to participate.

General public tickets are available at the Liacouras Center Ticket Office, all Ticketmaster outlets, charge by phone at 215-336-2000, or

USA Gymnastics prefers Visa.









Minimum age for Congress registration is 16.

No Pre-Registration after July 13 After July 13 you must register on-site

(omplete one Form per person- Photocopy for additional Registrations.

Your Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnastics member database) will be used lor all correspondence.


PRO & INSTRUCTOR MEMBERS $205 Pre-registration (postmarked by July 13)

$ 230 for on-site registration

NON-MEMBERS $305 Pre-registration (postmarked by July 13)

$330 for on-site registration

Name ............. ... .. .. ... .................... .. .. ........... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ..................... ........... ..................... .. .... .. ..................................................... ............................... Social Security No . .. .

Birth date ..... .......... / .. USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. No . .

Mailing Address ..... . ......................................................... 0 This is a new address

........................................................................................................................................................................................ State ..................................................................................................... Zip

Day Phone ( Night phone

Club name ........ .. ............................................................................... .. ..........................................................................................................................._ Club number .

Must check club owner box for admittance to Exhibition Hall Preview Check all that apply: 0 Member Club Owner 0 c lub Owner 0 Coach 0 Judge

o State Chair 0 Regional Chair 0 National Chair o Men's Artistic 0 Women's Artistic 0 Rhythmic 0 Trampoline and Tumbling 0 Group Gymnastics


Total Amount Enclosed ... I_$ ________ ~I Make check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics

Charge: 0 Visa ~ PREFERS 13 1 0 Discover 0 Mastercard 0 AMEX

Card # ...... .. ............... ... .. ....... ...... .............. .. ................ .... ............................................................................. Exp . ................................................................................. Signature ..

please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol, Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-237-5069 ATTENTION: MEMBER SERVICES


• Credential for entrance to Congress sessions and clinics August 9-11, 2001.

• Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services.

• One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday evening, August 11 . (Additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/guests are $35 each-available at on-site registration).

Language: The Official Language of Congress is English . USA Gymnastics wi ll make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages.

Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 13 pre­registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress Pre-registration Form.


All cancellations must be in writing.

Before July 13th - registration fee less $30 service charge per person canceled

After J uly 13th - 50% of registration fee per person canceled

Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics, Attention: Cathy Allen

Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is perm itted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her session may not be videotaped.

NO REFUNDS after AUGUST 15, 2001.


Congress Attendee Substitution Fee: $25 if received in writing BY August 3 . $50 after August 3 .

2001 CONGRESS ADD-ONS REGISTRATION FORM No Pre-Registration after July 13 After July 13 you must register on-site for a $25 additional late fee per course per person



NOTE: Due to limited space and materials, admission to Congress add-ons is not guaranteed unless pre-registered. Due to time constraints, several courses may overlap. Please be aware of this when scheduling add-ons. CRCD APP 1#

I i

Use this form to register for the 2001 Congress tests, examinations, certifications, etc. One form per person. Photocopy for additional add-on registrations. NOTE: Your Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnostics member datobasel will be used for all correspondence .

Name ...... . ...... ..... ... ................. ....................................................... .. ....... .. .................................................... Social Security No.

Birth date ........... w./ . j .................. USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. #

Mailing Address

City .......State

Day Phone (

Check appropriate space for the add·ons you wish to attend.


SAFETY CERTIFICATION COURSES Minimum age lor Salety Certification is 16

Wed. August 8, 8:30·12:30 p.m. a For recerts. MUST be currenlly safely

certified AND a pro-member. N/A a For Ihose nol already safely certified. $50

Wed. August 8, 1·5 p.m. a For recerls. MUST be currenlly safely

certified AN D a pro-member. a For Ihose nol already safely certified.

N/A $50

$0 $50

$0 $50

N/AO $100 0

N/AO $100 0

MOVEMENT EDUCATION AND LESSON PLAN DEVELOPMENT (MELPD) a Wed. August 8, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. $100 $100 $1250 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a MELPD Workbook. Enrollment is limited. Minimum age is 16.

KINDER ACCREDITATION FOR TEACHERS (KAT) a Wed. August 8, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $140 $140 $1650 NOTE: Pre-registration guarantees a KAT Workbook. Enrollment is limited. Minimum age is 16.


Club Owners Business Conference a Wed. August 8, 8 a.m.-S p.m.

Limited enrollment.


$100 $2000

Me!,,~er Club. Website fr e e training Session Wed. August 8, 12:30-4:30 pm (Sub;ect to change) By Invilalion 10 Member Clubs only. Questions contact Steve Whitlock 317-237-5050 ext. 236 or email [email protected]

........................................ Safety Expiration Date

Night phone (



General Gymnastics Seminar a Wed. August 8, 1-5 p.m.

Rhythmic Judging Course a TBD

$25 $25 $50 0

Women's Judges Certification Exams a TBD Call JCI ta register. Contact

Rene Niecolloi 561-395-4104

Language: The OlficialLanguage of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages.

Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 13 pre· registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress Pre· registration Form.

Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permiHed FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her session may not be videotaped.


Amount Enclosed LI..;$ _____ ...... I ~ PREFERS I:EI Chorge to: 0 VISA 0 Discover 0 Mastercord 0 Amex

Card No . .

Exp. Date ..

Signature (required) .....

Please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress Pan American Plaza 201 South Capitol, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317·237·5069 ATTENTION: Member Services

$200 Video Package includes your choice of any 12 videos


o 2000 John Hancock Championships Sr.- Part 1 o 2000 John Hancock Championships Sr.- Part 2 o 2000 John Hancock Championships Jr.- Part 1 02000 John Hancock Championships Jr.- Part 2 02000 Pontiac International Team Championships - Part 1 02000 Pontiac International Team Championships - Part 2 o 2001 Visa American Cup o 2001 Pontiac American Team Cup 02001 U.S'/American Challenge optionals only o 2001 U.S. Classic Sr. - Part 1 o 2001 U.S. Classic Sr. - Part 2 02001 U.S. Classic Jr. - Part 1 02001 U.S. Classic Jr. - Part 2 o 2001 National Gymnastics Festival o 2001 U.S. Championships Sr. - Part 1 02001 U.S. Championships Sr. - Part 2 02001 U.S. Championships Jr. - Part 1 02001 U.S. Championships Jr. - Part 2 o 2001 World Championships Training - Part 1 o 2001 World Championships Training - Part 2

o 2001 World Championships Prelim tape o 2001 World Championships Team Finals o 2001 World Championships ANEvent Trials tape

o 2001 USNFrance Meet o 2001 USNCanada Meet o 2001 Reese's Gymnastics Cup

All video tapes are shot by amateur photographers and are for educational use only.

Price includes shipping and handling.

Allow 6-8 weeks following an event for shipping.

Mail or Fax to : 317 -237 -5069

Attn : Bob Neat USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Ave. Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225

---------- .. Name ______________________ __ Membership #~ __________________________ _

Address ____________________ _ Cit~'f-( ____________ _ 81 ZIP Phone ________________________________________ _

Charge o VISA 0 Discover 0 MasterCard OAMEX Exp. Date'--____ _

Card # ___________________________ _ Am 0· .... 1 I LLJn t'--___ _

Signature of card holder ________________ _ Printed nam"'e'--_________ _

If paying by check Make checks payable to USA Gymnastics MM PREFERS I VISA I Total amount of check _______ _








July 6-8, 200 I

Limited Enrollment, Don't Be Left Out!

WHERE: Just 30-45 Minutes from the Airport

DeVeau's Gymnastics 903 2 Technology Drive Fishers, Indiana 46038

Less than 5 minutes from Hotel to Gym. No transportation is provided

by USA Gymnastics.

WHA'r: A course utilizing interactive and practical workshops covering the

effective teaching of basic gymnastic skills, Junior Olympic levels 1-4.

H O'rEL IIIFORMA'rIOIl: Omni North

8181 N. Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46250 phone: (3 17) 849-6668

Only 30 minutes from Indianapolis International Airport (No airport shuttle transportation provided by the hotel.)

$89 Single/Double Rates guaranteed unt il June 5.

Reserve early.

Note: Mention USA Gymnastics for this is a special rate.

LEARII FROM 'rHE BES'r-Scheduled Clinicians Include: Junior Olympic Committee Memebers-John Geddert, Cheryl Jarrett,Tom KolI,Tim Rand, Neil Resnick; National Coaching Staff-Tammy Biggs; National Sports Science Staff-Dr. Allison Arnold, Dr. Larry Nassar, Dr. William Sands.

'rOPI CS- Coaching Etiquette,Warm-Ups, Lesson Planning, Class Management, Skill Progressions, Spotting and Problem Solving.

REGIS'rRA'rI O Il-Must go to O mni North to Register Fri.,July 6, 12 noon-3:00 p.m.

COS'rS-f<EARLY BIRD" (extended until April 23) Postmarked Before April 23

I st registered coach ........... ... .. ........ ... .... .. ... $220 Additional coaches from same club ........ $ 195

Postmarked After April 23 I st registered coach ... ..... ...... ..... ................. $235 Additional coach from same club ...... .... $210

Non-members, add $25.00.

to appropriate fee .

Registration fees will include admission to the 200 I U.S. Challenge Competition.

ADDI'rI O IlAL-Check our web page: or contact Connie Maloney,Junior Olympics Program Manager, USA Gymnastics, (317) 237-5050 ext. 228, [email protected], or contact Women's Program.

.------ --- ------ ------ - --- -- --------------~ 2001 Women's High Performance Coaching Seminar Registration Form July 6-8,200 I Indianapolis, Indiana PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE· ONE NAME PER FORM

Name ______________ Sodal Security # _________ _

USA Gymnastics Professional/Instructor # Exp. Date ____ Safety Exp. Date __ _

Mailing Address _________________________ _

City ___________ State ________ Zip ______ _

Day Phane ___________ Evening phane ____________ _

E-mail Fax number ____________ _

PAYMENT INFORMATION: All forms and fees are due by June 1,2001

Regular registration fee $235.00 _l sI coach and $210.00 each additional coach from same club

__ $235.00 Additional coach same club $210

"Early Bird" Postmarked by APRIL 23, 2001 - All forms MUST be sent together with one check or one credit card payment in order to receive this special discount

__ $220.00 Additional coach same club $195

PAYMENT Malee Checle/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics

Amount Enclosed Credit Card information: 0 Visa o Other MM PREFERS EI

Card No. _________________ Exp. Date _______ _

Name ________________ Signature

Office Use Only: Received _ ___________ ,Postmarked ________ _

Farm of payment ______________ .Amount Received ______ _

Mail: USA Gymnastics Member Services, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Phone: (317) 237-5050 - Women's Program 1-800-345-4719 - Member Services Fax form with credit card information to: (317) 692-5212 E-mail: [email protected] (Note: This will be an UNSECURE method of sending your infomation)

-------------------i( TECH N IOU E • AP R Il 2001 )f---------------2-3--.

USA GYMNASTICS 2001 MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE (Pre-registration guarantees a MELPD workbook and place at the workshop)

Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop The Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop consists of five enlightening hours of

preschool teacher education. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall

emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knOVviedge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans. emphasize developmentally appropriate practices. fundamental skill development. SKILL deconstruction and sample rotation actMties. This workshop is designed to help instructors meet

the needs of the individual st udents and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity!

Please call Pat Warren at 317-237-5050 ext. 337 or email [email protected] if you are interest ed in attending or host ing a MELPD workshop.

21 Columbu OH

21 nastics

22 GA

29 MA Mass.

M 6 NC American Stars

June 3

29 ress

ust 8 USAG National

ust 19 Little Inc.

September 3 GAT/Capital Gymnastics















~1~2~4--------------------------~C~~T~fC~H_N_/~O~Uf __ . _A_P _RI_l _2O_O_I~)r------------------------------

USA GYMNASTICS 1001 KAT WORKSHOP SCHEDULE (Pre-registration guarantees a KAT workbook and place at the workshop)

A KAT Workshop consists of six enlightening hours of preschool t eacher education. The workshop covers

philosophy, understanding t he preschool-age child, how to be an effective teacher, safety considerations, class management, lesson plan development, and much more!

Please call Pat Warren at 317-237-5050 ext. 337 or email [email protected] if you are interested in attending or hosting a KAT workshop.


.6.Er il 18 Westford, MA One Stop Fun

A~ri l 21 Woodstock, GA World of Gymnastics

A~ril 22 Plainfield, IN Hoosier Gymnastics

May 6 Media, PA Double 'D' Gymnastics, Inc.

May 20 Milpitas, CA Pegasus Gymnastics Acad

June 2 Fredericksburg, VA Pa ragon Gymnastics

June 27 Forest Hills, NY Central Queens YM -YWHA

Jul;t 27 Downers Grove, IL USAG Illinois State Congress

August 8 Philadelphia, PA USAG National ConCjress

August 17 Papillon, NE OmeCja School of Gymnastics

August 18 Stow,OH Little Leapers, Inc.

August 23 Milpitas, CA Region I Cong/Pegasus Gym

August 31 Austin, TX GAT/Capital Gymnastics

3" SILHoumE

















1}{,' GYM



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- --------- ---------1( TEe H N 10 U E • APRil 2001 )}-- --------------,2,.-,s=--1



Debra Johns Al. Jessica Pearson CA DavidreiTan CA Lani Napoli CA Rose Ann Sayler CA JenniferCarollo Anita Howarrl Al. Ashlee Rouse CA Alison Webberson CA Lynda Bistline CA Jean Teng CA David Amory

Bobbie Farfalla-lvanoff AK Sherri Taylor Be Janelle Walls CA Thomas Yerton CA Douglas Windsor CA Julie Nix CA Leigh Bucca

Rhiann Golder AK MichelleJones Be Kelly White CA Carolyn Nealon CA Jan Dimmitt CA Carrie Berg CA Ann Gilbert

Donna Davenpcrt AL Tanya Leeper CA BeckyErrea CA Charlie Smithson CA Deanna Howay CA T risha Beeman CA Amy McCracken

Charlotte Pratt AL Jack Baldwin CA Sarah King CA Jayeleene McLaUIJhlin CA Robin Soronen CA Debbie Wollman CA Helen Hallstrom

Rachel McCombs AL Amy Biddinger CA ErinDi Rosa CA Sharlene Fong CA Melinda Beauchemin CA KarinWald CO Barbara Cerino

Audra Harmon AL Mike Fretwell CA Jill Fredriksen CA Susan Osterhoff CA Celeste Cutter CA Kimberly Miller CO Karin Burnes

Charles McDaniel AL Zach HarriS CA Tena Swigart CA Desinee Herran CA Stacey Raspc CA Aliesa Winick CO Melinda DiPietro

Nora Griffin AL Holly Zimmerman CA PedroPuga CA JeniferCatlett CA MaritUi Loyola CA EliUlbeth Trevethick CO Rhoda Catalano

Juliana Gaines AL Heather Locarnini CA Heather Gooden CA Matisha Battershall CA Valerie Saito CA KristiPrice CO Tracie Saxon meyer

James Mc Corrl AL Roseanne Johnson CA Amy Frederick CA Angela Zanarrlo CA Daniel Hurley CA AmieMiller CO Dorothy Schaffer

Destini Woods AL Leslie Bittle CA Susan Wilson CA Cynthia Marchetti CA Madonna Cates CA MelodieWarrl CO Michael Pedicini

Linda Wallace AL Crystal HarriS CA Dianna Castaneda CA AlexSalimov CA Jennifer Williams CA Brandi Martinez CO Elaine von Plachecki

Georgia Tyrrell AL Cindy Gulker CA Jeaninie Hartpence CA Andrea Mayer CA Ellen Morelli CA Kathleen Hubel CO Donna Carpenter

Lucrecia Perkins AL Andrea Richarrls CA Julie Armitage CA Carol Loeffler CA Katherine Mac Kay CA Cassy Chavez CO Richard Walters

Misty Nix AL Niwle Talbot CA Chelsea Mock CA Kathy Fischer CA Ariel Quirolo CA Deann Sisson CO Veronica Ernst

Laurel Spears AR Denise Bulman CA Florence Medina CA Marsha Moeller CA Linda Stewart CA Taleia McCurrly CO Jill Sohon

Sarah Turner AR Linda White CA Rhonda Hawkins CA Amanda Hartaugh CA Michelle Kile CA Traci Price CO Mary Ann O'Connor

Connie Raley AR NiwleHunt CA Kenesa Summit CA Agnes Sugino CA Kristi Birk CA Deborah Larcinese CO Eva Lorincz

Miranda Cloutier AR Aspen Hext CA John Bongcaron CA Glenn Gork CA Danielle Shaw CA Seana Meitler CO Geralyn Swpp

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GA TrinaMesser GA GA Rainey Perry GA GA Julia Maresca GA GA Derrin Moore GA GA Paula Tucker GA GA MichelleJohnson GA GA lisa Wheaton GA GA Julianne Blumhardt GA GA Angela Grall GA GA Rachel Foster GA GA Jennifer Gudridge GA GA Amy Finkel GA GA Karen Rhino GA GA Janice Webb GA GA Crystal Hightower GA GA Dawn Cayton IA GA Steve Holtzman IA GA Jill Schlott IA GA Laurel Griffin IA GA Paige Roth IA GA Susie Maxwell IA GA Christina Allender IA GA Kelley Harbecke IA GA Jennifer Whitlock IA GA Frances Fitzgerald IA GA lisa Fandrich IA GA Diana Strayer IA GA Mae Crider ID

Becky Ross ID linda ling Melissa Moss ID Alison Ringger BnaOmmen IL Vicki Wright Tammy Scott IL Melody Gibson Annette Nocek IL Jill Mirise Maureen Franzen IL Kristina Russell Nina Joiner IL Kathy Baumgardt Julie Belshaw IL Kristin McCarty Guy Merker II IL Hope Graves Jori werts IL Trudie Miller Maryellen Guido IL Robyn Weaver Maureen Appelgren IL Beth Coons Diane McNally IL Polly Keown Came Jaramillo IL Michele Callahan Michelle Merz IL Erin Thompson Tina Lopez IL Kelsey Watkins Sue Blair IL Callie Beals Kel~ Dominick IL Heather Blevins Nyla Claussen IL Alecia Franklin Rebecca Walquist IL Tiffany Smith Debbie Underwood IL Christina Osenni Rochell Thompson IL Lisa Bachtte Tracey Callahan-Molnar IL lisa Howam Melissa Tennikait IL Kerensa Smith Elizabeth Spradling IL Cameron Street TenyKenney IL Yvette Bailey Rebecca West IN Karina Mc Donald Kimberly Miller IN Janet Gunderson

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------------------l( r EC H N IOU E • APR Il 200 1 )f----------------=2:-=7~1

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130 TEC HNIQU E • APRil 2001


Meet ing called to order at 9 a.m. Pacific Time by Chair Marc Yancey

I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Marc Yancey George Beckstead Steve Butcher Tim Daggett Yoichi Tomita Barry Weiner John Roethlisberger Mihai Bagiu Ron Brant Dermis McIntyre Butch Zunich Ron Galimore

MPC Chair. & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep.

MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. Vice-Chair. for Men

Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. (absent)

Athlete Rep. Athlete Rep.

Sr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Jr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

NGJA Rep. (voice, no vote) Senior Director, Men's Program (voice, no vote)

II. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SELECTION PROCEDURES 1. Athlete Selection- Brant began the discussion by reviewing comments from last night's USECA meeting. He said that the elite coaches generally agree with the proposed document, but requested that we are specific about how the #5 and #6 gymnast will be selected.

Several team score scenarios were discussed. It was followed by a lengthy discussion regarding the use of individual or pairing selection for the #5 and #6 gymnasts. The MPC agreed to look at every possible scenario in making the final decision. Galirnore mentioned, for the benefit of the new committee members, that the selection of the last two gymnasts are not decided by the office staff, but by the athletes' and coaches' representatives who have votes on the committee. The gymnasts and coaches in our community have selected these representatives and must give them their trust in selecting the best team for our country.

Motion: To accept the World Championships Selection Procedures document (updated 12/10/00) in its present form.

Motion: S. Butcher Second: George Beckstead PASSED: Unanimous

2. Coach Selection- Discussion began regarding a proposed amendment to part VI of the document. A lot of conversation centered on the timing for head coach selection. Galimore suggested that we select a head coach far enough in advance that we can promote him internationally as we do our athletes. He feels that this type of exposure at other competitions prior to the World Championships could benefit our team. Daggett agreed that developing international relationships is an important role of the head coach. He also commented that a consistent head coach is what we need to be successful. It may not seem fair, but it is in the best interest of the program. Brant agreed about consistency, but felt that we should not lock someone in for four years at this time.

Motion: To approve Article VI of the World Championships Selection Procedures with the following amendment:

The MPC is requiring the Sr. National Team athletes and coaches to

PASSED: Unanimous

Motion: To adopt the World Championships Selection Procedures and all modifications.

Motion: Y. Tomita Second: G. Beckstead PASSED: Unanimous

III. U.S. CHAMPIONSHIPS AND QUALIFIER 1. New FIG Vault Table AAI should have the new tables available by April 1.

Motion: To utilize the new FIG vault table at the U.S. Championships and the Qualifier.

Motion: T. Daggett Second: M. Bagiu PASSED: 6 for, 1 opposed, a abs.

2. Uniforms Motion: To utilize the FIG pants rule at the U.S. Championships and the Qualifier.

Motion: G. Beckstead Second: S. Butcher PASSED: Unanimous

3. Addition of Six Additional Juniors to U.S. Championships Motion: Add six additional 14-15 year olds from the Qualifier.

Motion: S. Butcher Second: T. Daggett PASSED: Unanimous

The conversation regarding this motion clarified that this would now permit six 16-18 years olds and six 14-15 year olds to qualify to nationals from the qualifier. The 14-15 year olds would get to compete in that division based on their USAG J.o. age determination. All 16-18 year-old gymnasts (based on their USAG J.O. age determination) that turn 19 in 2001, must qualify as seniors to the U.S. Championships.

Steve Butcher left the meeting at 11:00 a.m. Minutes taken In} John Roethlisberger.

4. U.S. Championships Senior Division Qualifying There was conversation regarding specialists and how they can qualify.

Motion: To approve the following gymnasts to the Senior Division at U.S. Championships:

14 National Team members 13 Top all-around gymnasts from the qualifier Two 3-event qualifiers Two 4-event qualifiers Two 5- event qualifiers Plus approved petitions

Also, individual event specialists must qualify by placing 1st or 2nd on their apparatus at the qualifier. They must also be the highest ranked specialists on their apparatus. ~

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Motion: Y. Tomita Second: T. Daggett PASSED: Unanimously

5. Juniors at U.S. Championships There was a proposal to create a procedure for top junior gymnasts to compete in the Senior Finals at the u.s. Championships. Following discussion, the proposal was withdrawn unanimously. A junior would have to qualify as a senior at the U.S. Championships in order to participate in the senior all-around finals.

6. Specialists at the U.S. Championship Qualifier Motion: To require the specialists to compete in the first session of the Qualifier with the National Team gymnasts.

Motion: M. Bagiu Second: J. Roethlisberger PASSED: Unanimously

7. Grouping of Athletes at the U.S. Championships The proposal was to continue the same grouping of athletes at USA's as in the past. However, if a coach has a team split into two groups he will have the option of choosing which athletes will be paired together. The starting event will not be given to the coach until after he decides which gymnasts will compete together.

This proposal was added to the U.S. Championships Qualifying motion. Passed: Unanimously

8. Site for the U.S. Championships Qualifier Galimore announced two bids: Ohio State and Chris Waller / Gym Jam. Tomita proposed that we have the qualifier at Santa Barbara to make the travel costs fair to the West Coast athletes because of having to travel east for the upcoming U.S. Championships. There were also some concerns about the equipment that would be provided in Santa Barbara. Bagiu called Chris Waller to express these concerns. Chris Waller promised to address all of the concerns about equipment and matting.

Motion: To have the 2001 U.S. Championships Qualifier at UC Santa Barbara.

Motion: Y. Tomita Second: G. Beckstead PASSED: Unanimously

IV. MIKE DUTKA'S REQUEST TO EXTEND NATIONAL TEAM STATUS Motion: To extend Mike Dutka's position on the Senior National Team until the U.S. Championships.

Motion: M. Bagiu Second: Y. Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

V. APPOINTMENTS TO VACANT MPC POSITIONS Weiner's senior rep. position and Yancey's junior rep. position are in need of appointed representatives until a regular election can be held at the U.S. Championships. Several names were proposed for both positions. There was a great deal of discussion about the individuals being considered. The MPC appointed Kurt Golder to the senior rep. position and Bill Foster to the junior rep. position until the election at the U.S. Championships. At the U.S. Championships, the representatives will be selected for two-year terms.

VI. NEW CHAIR NEEDED FOR MPC A new chair was needed to replace Yancey. The MPC was in support of Tomita. There was a great deal of discussion about the workload and responsibilities of the chairman. Tomita said that he would accept the appointment to this position until the u.s. Championships. At that time, he will reevaluate his interest in continuing in the position. The MPC unanimously appointed Yoichi Tomita as their interim chair.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. PT Respectfully submitted by: Steve Butcher, MPC Secretan) •


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USAG MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE CONFERENCE CALL MINUTES February 16, 2001 Meeting called to order at 8:05 a.m. Pacific by Chair Yoichi Tomita

I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita George Beckstead Steve Butcher Tim Daggett Kurt Golder Bill Foster John Roethlisberger Mihai Bagui Ron Brant Dennis McIntyre Butch Zunich Ron Galimore

MPC Chair. & Sr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. (absent, attending FIG course)

MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. Vice-Chair. for Men

Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep.

Athlete Rep. Athlete Rep.

Sr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Jr. National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

NGJA Rep. (voice, no vote) Senior Director, Men's Program (voice, no vote)

The Chair welcomed new MPC members Kurt Golder and Bill Foster. The Chair also stated that his goal is to have this call take approximately one hour. Tomita also wants to help minimize the length of all future calls by providing an agenda and other information in advance.

II. MEN'S NATIONAL TEAM AGREEMENT Galirnore reviewed the last revisions that were made to the National Team Agreement. These revisions came as a result of a meeting with Galirnore, Bob Colarossi, athletes, agents, and the USOC legal counsel. Only small modifications can be made at this time without going through the whole process again.

RoethJisberger and Bagiu both expressed additional concerns from the athletes about the word "psychological" in Section I, Athlete's Obligations, #2 Testing.

Motion: To strike the word "psychological" from Section I - Athlete's Obligations, #2 Testing.

To strike the wording about the reduction of up to 50% of the amount of annual funding stated in Section III, Other Terms of the Agreement, #3 Other Sanctions.

To add the phrase "if it is detrimental to the training and future performance of the athlete" in Section I, Athlete's Obligations, #3 Competition.

Motion: B. Foster 2nd: J. Roethlisberger PASSED: Unanimously

These recommendations will have to be reviewed by Colarossi and legal counsel before final approval can be granted.

Use of Image section was discussed. Roethlisberger suggested that we give the athletes prior review before an item is released.

Lengthy conversation ensued regarding athletes receiving individual sponsorships.

Bagiu left call at 8:45 a.m. PI

III. INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION SELECTION Several international competitions have been cancelled. Brant

mentioned the importance of our best gymnasts competing in Europe.

Motion: To send Blaine Wilson and Sean Townsend to the France Telecom meet with Coach Kevin Mazeika

Motion: S. Butcher 2nd: J. Roethlisberger PASSED: Unanimously

Motion: To send Paul and Morgan Hamm, along with the next four rank-order gymnasts to the Pontiac American Team Cup. One of the coaches would be Stacy Maloney with a second coach being the named personal coach of the next highest ranked gymnast.

Motion: S. Butcher 2nd: J. Roethlisberger PASSED: Unanimously

Motion: To send the next two rank-order gymnasts that have not already received a 2001 assignment to the World Stars meet in Moscow.

Motion: S. Butcher 2nd: J. Roethlisberger PASSED: Unanimously (after several interruptions in our call due to a connection problem. The final vote was taken bye-mail that day)

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m. PI Respectfully submitted by: Steve Butcher, MPC Secretary

------------------« r EC H N' 0 U E • APR Il 2001 )~----------------------~3~3~1


Roll Call: TomKoli Jan Greenhawk Roe Kreutzer Gary Anderson Cheryl Hamilton Chari Hunter Jackie Fie (absent) Kathy Kelly

Tom opened the meeting at 8 p.m.


Athlete Rep FlG Consultant

Sr. Director Women's Program

Kelly stated that the deadline for nominations for the position of Women's Program Committee Chairman was February 15. Koll was the only nomination received.

Koll addressed the committee with concerns that were expressed at the Board of Director's Meeting regarding his serving in multiple roles as the JO Committee Chair, the Vice President for Women and the Chairman of the Women's Program Committee. Koll stated at Board Meeting that he would address the concerns with the WPC prior to the election.

The committee affirmed their support of Koll as Chairman of the WPC and have no reservations about his multiple roles. It was expressed that these multiple roles could actually prove to be an advantage to the program.

Koll was elected by acclamation as the Chairman of the Women's Program Committee.

The main purpose of the Conference Call was to complete the work that was begun last May on updating the Women's Operating Code. The WPC and all its sub-committees reviewed their committee structure, criteria for nomination and duties and responsibilities to guarantee that the document

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properly reflected the policies and procedures needed to fulfill the responsibilities as described in the USAG Bylaws.

The recent proposals for amendments to the Operating Code from the IEC were also discussed.

Motion: To accept the Operating Code as amended.

Motion: Jan Greenhawk Second: Chari Hunter PASSED

The Operating Code will be presented to the Executive Committee for approval at its next meeting and published on the USAG Web site.

It was the unanimous decision of the committee that the FlG consultant remain a vital part of the Women's Program. The committee would like access to her expertise and input on International issues. The committee would like the FlG consultant to be special advisor to the WPC and its sub­committees.

Kelly informed the committee that 2001 World Championships Selection Procedures should be completed by the IEC on Wednesday March 7 and copies of the final draft would be emailed to the WPC for their approval. The procedures will then be presented to the Executive Committee on their next Conference Call.

Kelly discussed the World University Games and USAG participation. The committee asked for specific information regarding budget, procedures and timelines. Direction will be provided after review of those items.

Koll thanked the committee for their diligence and adjourned the call at 10:40 p.m.

Pending the recommendation made by the IEC on March 7 Conference Call, the WPC completed the voting process to approve those changes on March 9 . •

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discussed inclusion of the FIG Consultant, the necessity of her input on international issues and the needs of the elite program. The following decision was made.

March 7, 2001

I. ROLL CALL: Roe Kreutzer Kelli Hill Valeri Liukin Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Mary Lee Tracy Martha Karolyi Larissa Fontaine Tom Koll (ex officio) Kathy Kelly

Call commenced at 12 noon.


NIECC Coach Representatives

National Team Coordinator Athlete Representative

Vice Chair Women Sr. Director Women's Program

Koll apprised the committee regarding the actions taken by the WPC on their recommendations to the Operating Code. The committee

Motion: Recommendation that the FIG Consultant be included on the IEC (ex officio) for input and advice on international issues. A list of duties and responsibilities for this position will be included in the Operating Code.

Motion: Rybacki Second: Karolyi PASSED

The committee charged Koll to represent their issues to the WPC for the change and to the Executive Committee regarding the importance of immediate communication from the FIG Consultant on issues that affect the development and training of our athletes.

III. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SELECTION PROCEDURES The committee reviewed the latest draft of the 2001 Selection Procedures and made the following recommendation which is reflected in the document. The procedures will be presented to the WPC and the Executive Committee for approval. The committee


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requested that they have an opportunity to amend the procedures if any changes are made by the FIG to the competition format of the World Championships

Motion: Recommendation that the World Team Selection Committee be the National Team Coordinator, the Chairman of the International Elite Committee and the Athlete Representative.

Motion: Mary Lee Tracy Second: Larissa Fontaine PASSED

Motion: Recommendation to accept the 2001 World Championships Selection Procedures as amended.

Motion: Strauss Second: Tracy PASSED

IV. FUNDING PROGRAMS Kathy presented the funding proposals for Athlete and Club Support as directed by the committee at their January meeting. The committee amended the proposals based upon new information received, and made the following recommendations.

Motion: Recommendation that for the 2001 competitive season the Senior Age Division be 16 and over.

Motion: Strauss Second: Tracy PASSED

Motion: Recommendation to accept the funding proposals for Club Support as amended.

Motion: Rybacki Second: Strauss PASSED




Motion: Recommendation to accept the funding proposal for Athlete • f Support as amended.

Motion: Strauss Second: Tracy PASSED

V. WOMEN'S TEAM RESPONSIBILITY MANUAL The committee members will review the Women's Team Responsibility Manual for any necessary changes. The following sections were assigned:

Kelli ..... .. .......... . . General - Overview Mary Lee ................. National Team Coordinator & Athletes Donna ..... . . . .. ... .. .. .. National Tern Coordinator & Athletes Steve . ... ... . . . ... . .... . Coaches Valeri . .... . . . .......... . Coaches

VI. WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES Kelly apprised the committee of the financial situation regarding the World University Games and the difficulties with Selection Procedures, etc. The committee agreed to support the collegiate program with administrative assistance and Olympic Committee interface but that the small amount of money available from the Olympic Committee to support international competitions ($11,500.00) could best be used toward providing another team experience for our elite athletes.

A conference call will be conducted next week to finalize the manual and review the National Team Training Plan and Calendar. The call will be March 16, 2001. •

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,.--. Men's Selection Procedures , , 2001 World Championships

October 28 -November 4 Ghendt, Belgium


Athletes may qualify for the Men's 2001 World Championships Team in one of three ways: A. Finish among the top four gymnasts under the

evaluations system identified in Section III - A below; B. Be the gymnast chosen by the Men's Program

Committee as the fifth or sixth team member; C. Successfully petition directly onto the World

Championships Team through the process set forth in Section IV below.


A. Qualification to Participate in the Championships 1. An athlete may qualify to participate in the National

Championships through USA Gymnastics approved qualifying competition(s).

2. Members of the National Team selected from the 2000 Olympic Team Trials or 2001 Winter Cup Challenge will autamatically qualify to participate in the 2001 National Championships.

B. TIme and Place The 2001 National Championships will be conducted August 8 - 11 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


A. The top four gymnasts using a combined total with 50% of the score taken from the National Championships All Around Preliminary and 50% of the score taken from the National Championships All Around Finals ("Competitive Results") will be on the Team. In case of a tie for 4th place, ties will be broken in the following manner: 1. Highest AA total from the second day only at the

National Championships; 2. Highest AA total using five events from the combined

results at the National Championships. B. The fifth and sixth member of the Team will be chosen,

from among the competitors at the National Championships by the Men's Program Committee and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics. The MPC will consider the following factors when selecting the fifth and sixth position: 1. Evaluation of the team's strengths and weaknesses

based on the four athletes selected using the rank order Competitive Results.

2. Team score scenarios using the Competitive Results which would maximize the team score.


3. Past domestic and international performance and experience including such information as type, frequency and level of domestic and international competition and routine hit percentage in major domestic and international events.

C. Two alternates to the 2001 World Championship Team will be chosen from among the competitors at the National Championships by the Men's Program Committee and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics. 1. One alternate will be the highest ranked athlete, not

selected to the World Championships team, using the competitive results.

2. The Men's Program Committee, using the criteria cited in III.B, will select the other alternate.

D. In the case of an injury or other circumstance which would necessitate the replacement of a World Championships Team Member prior to the World Championships competition, the World Championships Coach, after consulting with the assistant coaches, personal coaches and the Senior National Team Coordinator, will determine which alternate will be placed on the World Championships Team.


Petitions to enter the National Championships or to be placed onto the World Championships Team, other than through the competitive process described above, will be considered by the Men's Program Committee.

A petition onto the World Championships Team may only be submitted by the athlete who is the highest ranking u.s. gymnast from the 2000 Olympic Games. If an athlete were petitioned directly onto the World Championships Team, this athlete would displace the fourth ranked gymnast from the Competitive Resu lts, leaving only three athletes selected based on their score.

In order to be considered by the Men's Program Committee, petitions must be submitted in writing to the USA Gymnastics' national office as soon as practical after the athlete becomes aware of his inability to participate in the applicable competition. The petition must state the specific injury, illness or unusual circumstance, which prohibited the athlete from participating in the competitive process. In the cose of a petition based upon an injury or illness, the petition must be accompanied by a physician's statement, and the nature and extent of that injury or illness is subject to verification by a doctor selected by USA Gymnastics.


A. Head Coach The Men's Program Committee will select the head coach a minimum of six months prior to the start of the World Championships. The MPC requires that it must receive up to three recommendations for the head

coach position from the Senior National Team Coaches and up to three recommendations for the head coach position from the Senior National Team Athletes, a minimum of one month prior to the coach's selection. The selection of the head coach will be based upon the following criteria and must be approved by the President of USA Gymnastics: • proven team leadership ability • international experience; and • ability to communicate to the athletes and follow the

established World Championships training plan. B. Assistant Coaches

Two assistant coaches will be selected by the Men's Program Committee following consultation with the head coach and the personal coaches and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics. The two ass istant coaches must come from omong the personal coaches of World Championships Team members.


An othlete or coach may be removed from the World Championships Teom if he violates the USA Gymnastics Code of Ethics or foils to attend the World Championships Teom Training Camp for the full durotion of the camp. An athlete may olso be removed from the World Championships Team in the event of injury or illness, which inhibits peok performonce at the World Championships. Verification of injury or illness will be by two doctors selected by USA Gymnostics in consultation with the USoc. Cooches may olso be removed if the Men's Progrom Committee receives 0 no confidence vote from the Senior Notionol Teom cooches. Removol may only occur by action of the President of USA Gymnastics after consultation with the, USA Gymnastics Senior Director for Men, the World Team Cooching Staff and an interview with the athlete and his coach. Any decision to remove an athlete or coach is subject to review through USA Gymnastics Grievance Procedures.


These Selection Procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Men's Progrom Committee and USA Gymnastics.


These 2001 World Championships Selection Procedures have been reviewed and approved by USA Gymnastics.

Each athlete and coach participating in the process for selecting the teom as outlined in these Selection Procedures has carefully reviewed, understonds the terms of these Procedures. That understonding is reflected by the signature of the athlete ond coach on a copy of these Selection Procedures.

• ---------------~( Trc H N IOU E • APRil 2001 )f----- -------------=3-=7=--1

. 200 I World Championships [I ~hythmic Gymnastics

- Selection Procedures


The process for qualifying for the Rhythmic 2001 World Championships Team in individual competition involves:

The selection of the Team will be determined from a combination of all-around scores from the 2001 Rhythmic Western Competition (40%) and 2001 National Championships (60%). The first place athlete will automatically qualify to the Team and the selection committee will determine the additional 2 or 3 athletes that will compete at the World Championships.


A. Qualification to the 2001 National Championships 1. Qualification to the Rhythmic Gymnastics National

Championships is through two qualifying events which are open to all level 9 & 10 rhythmic gymnasts in the USA. The Rhythmic Western Competition will take place July 7-8 in San Rafael, CA and the Rhythmic Eastern Competition will take place July 21-22 in New Britain, a. Refer to the 2001 Rhythmic Rules & Policies, Section 16.

B. Petitions to the 2001 National Championships 1. Petitions to enter the 2001 National Championships

will be accepted for a gymnast unable to compete at the Qualifying competitions because of injury, illness, or extraordinary circumstances.

2. The petition must be submitted in writing to the


Rhythmic Program Director at the National Office as soon as practical aher the gymnast becomes aware of the situation that makes her unable to compete. In the case of a petition based on illness or injury, the written petition must be accompanied by a physician's report specifying the nature or extent of the injury or illness. Petitions will be accepted or denied by the Rhythmic Program Committee which includes an elected athlete representative.

3. An athlete accepted into the 2001 National Championships by petition will be in addition to other athletes who qualified into the National Championships through the processes identified in Section II.A above.

C. Qualification to the 2001 World Championships Uhe combined all-around results from the 2001

Rhythmic Western Competition will count 40% and the all-around results from the 2001 National Championships will count 60% in determining the top six (6) athletes to attend a National Team camp one month prior to the World Championships.

2. The first place athlete will automatically qualify to the World Championship Team.

3. Subject to the petition process as identified below, the Team members will be selected from among the top 6 athletes at the camp by the Selection Committee and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics.

4. The Selection Committee will consist of Rhythmic Vice Chair, National Team Coordinator, and an Athlete Representative. A Brevet Judge will also sit on this committee with a voice, but no final vote.

D. Petitions to the 2001 World Championships Team

1. Petitions to attend the National Team camp one month prior to the 2001 World Championships will be limited to the top four (4) athletes at 2001 Rhythmic Western Competition and/or the 2001 National Championships.

2. The top ranking athlete from the previous World Championship will be allowed to petition onto the 2001 World Championships Team.

3. In order to submit a petition to be placed on the Team, the gymnast must submit a written petition to the Rhythmic Program Director as soon as practical aher learning of her inability to participate or continue to compete in the National Championships. Petitions based on illness or injury must be accompanied by a physician's report indicating the nature and extent of the injury and illness. Petitions will be accepted or denied by the Rhythmic Program Committee which includes an elected athlete representative.

E. If an athlete who has been named to the 2001 World Championships Team is injured or becomes ill prior to the Competition and this injury or illness requires the athlete to withdraw from the Team, the Selection Committee will decide if a replacement is needed. If the Selection Committee decides an additional athlete is needed on the Team, they will determine who that athlete will be with the approval of the President of USA Gymnastics.

F. Removal: 1. An athlete may be removed from the 2001 World

Championships Team or from any steps of the process for selecting the Team if that athlete violates the terms of the USA Gymnastics' National Team

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Agreement (including the Code of Conduct incorporoted in that Agreement).

2. An athlete may also be removed in the event of injury or illness which inhibits performance at the World Championships. Verification of injury or illness will be by two doctors selected by USA Gymnastics.

3. Removal may only occur by action of the President of USA Gymnastics after consultation with the RPC, Rhythmic Program Director, and an interview with the athlete and her coach.


The Head Coach for the 2001 World Championships Team will be the National Team Coordinator. Any additional coaches (personal coaches from the selected team) will be determined by the RPC.

IV. These procedures have been approved by the Rhythmic Progrom Committee and USA Gymnastics Executive Committee.


The 2001 World Championships Rhythmic Individual Selection Procedures will be published in the April, 2001 issue of USA Gymnastics and Technique magazines and distributed to all qualified athletes from the 2001 Challenge and National Championships.


Each athlete and coach participating in the process for selecting the Team as outlined in these Selection Procedures has carefully reviewed and understands the terms of these Procedures. That understanding is reflected by the signature of the athlete and coach on 0 copy of these Selection Procedures.

New Program Materials

Order on page 40 OR CALL


New PrDgram Malerials


#1101 2001 FIG Code of Points .... .. .... ............. .... ...... ....... $50.00

Please note that the Womens FIG Code of Points is currently on back order. The tentative release date is April 1, 2001 .

The following materials have been updated for 2001 and will soon be available:

• #1120 2001 TOPS ManuaL ........................................... .... . $10.00

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#1201 2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ...... .. .... .. ............ ... ... $50.00

#1202 2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book .............................. $35.00

#2221 2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ...... .. .................... $19.95

#61 2001-2004 NationaL Team Program Video ................ $19.95

RHYTHMIC PROGRAM #1301 2001-2004 FIG Code of Points .... .. .. .. .... ........ .. .... .. *$50.00

#1302 2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book ........................ .. .... $30.00

#1303 2001-2004 TechnicaL Book ......... .. .... .... ................... $15.00

#2321 2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ...... .... ... ...... .... .. .. . $25.00

#2312 2001-2004 JO Compulsory CD ........ .. .............. .. ...... $15.00

*Please note that this book is currently on back order, but will soon be available.


#2415 2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ...... .. ...... ..... .. ........ .. . $50.00

#2414 2001-2004 JO Program Guide ........................ .......... $30.00

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Educational Materials for Gymnastics Professionals

How To Booklets . ....... .. ........... ~ch Now on SALE! Just $10 each

How To Open A Gymnastics Business .... .... . .. . .... . ........ . .......• . ... .... .#3607

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How To 510rt A General Gymnastics Program ..•...........•..•.......••.......•.. .#1009

This booklet is great to get school groups, gymnastics programs, and special interest groups together. This step·by·step proven system offers how to set up a general gymnastics program, how to market your new program, sening up curriculum and sample classes, staff, educo~on, space and safety guidelines.

How To Organize and Run An Event ....•......................•............... .#1100

This booklet was wrinen to help you put together a show, recital, guest speaker or competition. 11 gives you tips on dealing with hotel and cor rental agencies as well as specific items needed to run a successful event.

How To 510rt A Rhythmic Gymnastics Program ............. •............ •..... .. #1300

This booklet has a step·by·step proven system that offers suggestions on how to set up a rhythmic program, how to market your new program, sening up curriculum and sample classes, staff, education, space and safety guidelines.

How To 510rt A Bay's Gymnastics Program . . .......• . ................•........• . . .#1200 This booklet has a step·by·step proven system that offers how to set up a boy's program, how to market your new program, sening up curriculum and sample classes, staff, educ~on, space and SlIfety guidelines.

How 10 510rt a Trampoline & Tumbling Program . .. .. ...............• . ... ...... •.. .. .#2416 This booklet has a step·by·step proven system that offers how to set up a trampoline & tumbling program, how to market your new prog ram, sening up curriculum ond sample classes, staff, education, space and safety guidelines.

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VIDEOS & BOOKLETS Order OR page 40 DR CALL 1-800-34S-4719

GROUP GYMNASTICS #2608 What is General Gymnastics? .................................. $10.00

This video helps answer the question, What is General Gymnastics?

#2609 1997 Swedish TeamGym ........................................ $15.00 This video shows examples of TeamGym competition.

#2610 1999 World Gymnaestrada-The USA Experience ........ $15.00 This video is the USA routines from the World Gymnaestrada in G6teborg, Sweden.

#2611 1999 World Gymnaestrada-The International Experience $15.00

#2612 2000 Gym Fest & TeamGym ..................... ........ ..... $15.00


-The following videos are available to USA Gymnastics members only.

*#2140 1999 John Hancock National Championships Juniors (2 tapes) .......... ... ... ............ .................. .. .. $25.00

*#2141 1999 John Hancock National Championships Sr. AA Finals ........................................ ................ $20.00

*#2142 1999 John Hancock National Championships Sr. Event Finals ...... ..... ...... ... ......... ........ ...... ......... $10.00

*#2143 1999 World Team Trials (2 tapes) ..... ...... ................. $25.00


#2144 1999 World Championships Team Prelims & Finals Various Routines (2 Tapes) ....... ...... .. .... ...... ......... ... .......... .. ............. $25.00

#2145 1999 World Championships AA Finals & Event Finals Various Routines (2 Tapes) (Bonus Men's Footage - Floor, Vault & High Bar) .... $25.00


#2146 2000 American Classic Senior Competition (2 Tapes) .. .... $25.00

#2147 2000 American Classic Junior Competition (2 Tapes) .... $25.00

#2148 2000 Visa American Cup Series-RCA/ Aussie/Visa Finals .. $15.00

JUDGES TRAINING VIDEOS All of these videos include a written script.

#2191 Level 5 & 6 Judges Training Video (2 tapes) ............ $29.95 #2195 Level 7 Judges Training Video ... ........ ..... ... .... ......... $19.95 #2192 Level 8 Judges Training Video ............................ .. .. $19.95 #2193 Level 9 Judges Training Video ................................ $19.95 #2194 Level 10 Judges Training Video ........ ..... ... .... ..... ... .. $19.95


#2105 J.O. Program Compulsory Video Level 1-6 ................ $35.00 #2127 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's Incorporating Leg Swings into Your Workouts .... .. .... .. ....... .................................... .......... ... $20.00 #2149 Women's National Team Training Warm-Up Video ... ... $15.00 #2498 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Train

a Front Handspring Safely ... .... ...... ....... ...... ............ $20.00 #2499 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Master

a Perfect Handstand ... ...... .... ........ .. .... .... ............... $20.00 #2961 Gheza Pozsar's Ballet Bar Training for Gymnasts ..... ... $10.00 #2962 Bela Karolyi's Running Training Video ................ .. .. .. $10.00

MEN'S 1999 COMPETITION VIDEOS -The following videos are available to USA Gymnastics members only.

*#2274 1999 John Hancock National Championships ............ $20.00 *#2275 1999 World Team Trials ......... .............................. ... $20.00 #2277 1999 World Championships (3 tapes) ...................... $45.00


#2276 2000 Visa American Cup Series-RCA/Aussie/Visa Finals .. $15.00 #2278 2000 National Championships Jr. Competition .......... $25.00 #2279 2000 National Championships Sr. AA Finals .............. $25.00 #2280 2000 National Championships Sr. Event Finals .......... $25.00


#2370 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Jr. Event Finals (2 tapes) .. $15 .00 #2371 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Sr. Event Finals (2 tapes) .. $15.00 #2372 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Group Competition .. ..... ..... $15.00


#2373 2000 Rhythmic Challenge .. .. ............ ... ........ .... ......... .. $15.00 #23742000 Rhythmic JO Championships Levels 7&8 (4 Tapes) .. $50.00 #2375 2000 Rhythmic JO Championships Group Competition .... $15.00


#2325 Rhythmic Group Compulsory Video & Text ........ .. ...... $29.95 #2320 Rhythmic Ball Group Compulsory Video, Text & CD .... $25.00


#2400 1999 National Championships Double Mini SyncrojTumbling ............................ .. ............... ..... $15.00

#2401 1999 National Championships Trampoline .. .. .. ..... ..... $15.00 #2412 1999 World Championships ........ .......... .. ....... ......... $30.00 #2413 1999 World Age Group Games ................... .. ......... .. $30.00


#2402 Trampoline Code of Points Booklet ......... ... .............. $10.00 #2403 Power Tumbling Code of Points Booklet .................... $10.00 #2404 Double Mini-Trampoline Code of Points Booklet ........ $10.00 #2405 Trampoline & Tumbling Jr. Olympic Program Video .... $20.00 #2406 Teaching Somersaults Video ....... ... .. ...... ........ ...... .... $20.00 #2407 Basic Trampoline - The Beginning Steps Video .......... $20.00 #2408 The X-Factor - Twisting for Trampoline Video ... .... ..... $20.00 #2409 Front & Back Rotation - The Beginning Steps

of Flipping Video ...................... .... ................ .. ...... $20.00 #2411 Roundoff, Power Hurdle & Mountain Climber Video .... $20.00

PLEASE NOTE All USA Gymnastics videos are designed to be used for educational purposes by gymnastics coaches and judges. All videos were produced with commercial equipment by amateur videographers unless otherwise stated. Our OlympiC technical videos are presented from one camera angle and show the entire exercise without cuts, close-ups or other effects and enhancements. Except for women's floor exercise, the videos do not have sound. The Atlanta Technical videos are available for purchase to USA Gymnastics members only.


--------------------1( TE C H N I QUE • AP R Il 2001 )~----------------------~4~1~1



In the event that the competition format of the 2001 World Championships the IEC requests the opportunity to review these procedures and make any necessary amendments to them.


The process for qualifying for the Women/s 2001 World Championships Team involves the following sequence of events:

1. Qualifying for the 2001 U.S. Championships either (0) through the U.S. ClassicI or (b) by being one of the eight (8) members of the 2000 Olympic Training Squad.

2. Finishing in the top 4 All Around at the conclusion of the 2001 U.S. Championships

3. Be one of the two (2) gymnasts chosen as team member at the conclusion of the U.S. Championships by the World Team Selection Committee (Notional Team Coordinatorl International Elite Committee Chairman and the Athlete Representative) and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics.



The all-around score for each of the event which are port of this selection process • U.S. Championships - two rounds of optional

exercises • Day One Comp I Rules FIG Code - counting 50% • Day Two Comp IV Rules FIG Code - counting 50%


A. Qualification to Participate in the Championships LAn athlete may qualify to participate in the 2001

U.S. Championships through the USA Elite Regional meets and then the U.S. Classic. The U.S. Classic is scheduled for July 21 -22/ 2001 1 the site is TBD.

2. The 2000 Olympic Team (8) will automatically qualify into the 2001 U.S. Championships.

B. TIme and place The 2001 U.S. Championships of the USA will be conducted in Philadelphia l Pennsylvania August 8-121



A. The combined All-Around rank order from both rounds of competition (50% - 50%) at the 2001 U.S. Championships will determine the top four gymnasts.

B. Subject to the petition process identified beiowl the remaining two members will be chosen from among the other competitors at U.S. Championships and petitioning athletesl by the World Team Selection Committee and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics.


Notwithstanding the process identified in the preceding sections of these Selection Procedures l USA Gymnastics recognizes that circumstances may occur which would couse on athlete otherwise deserving of a spot on the World Championships Team because of her previous competition resultsl to be unable to participate in one or more of the steps in that process. AccordinglYI USA Gymnastics will allow athletes to petition USA Gymnastics for the right to (0) participate in the u.s. Championships or (c) be named as a member of the World Championships Team. The procedures governing such petitions are as follows:

Petition Requirements

1. In order to be considered l petitions must be submitted in writing to USA Gymnastics as soon as possible aHer the athlete determines her inability to compete.

2. The petition must state the specific injurYI illnessl or other circumstance which prohibits the athlete from participating in the competition. In the case of a

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petition based on illness or injury, the written petition must be accompanied by a physicians's report specifying the nature or extent of the injury or illness.

3. Petitions for Classics or Championships will be decided by the Athlete Selection Committee.

4. Petitions onto the World Team will be decided by the World Team Selection Committee.

S. Only athletes who are current or former Women's National Team may petition to any part of the competitive process including as a member of the World Championships.

VI. According to the World Championships Organizing Committee regulations, up to two alternate(s) will be named by the World Team Selection Committee and will travel with the team. The two (2) alternates will not have a rank order.


Immediately aher the final Team Selection, the World Team Selection Committee will determine a Head and Assistant World Championships Caach (one of whom must be a woman) according the criteria listed below: • The coaches will be selected from

among the personal coaches of the team members.

• The Head Coach must have been a fully credentialled Head or Assistant Coach at a previous Warld ar Olympic Games.

• If no coach meets this Head Coach criteria the National Team Coordinator may be named as the Head Coach with the approval of the President of USA Gymnastics.

Criteria: • The team's needs • Ability to lead, organize and control

under high responsibility and stress situations

• International experience and performance

• Fulfilling the necessary criteria established by USA Gymnastics, including: • professional member in good

standing • current USA Gymnastics Safety



An athlete or coach may be removed from the World Championships Team or from any step of the process for selecting the Team, if he/she violates the terms of the USA Gymnastics National Team Agreement (in case of the athletes) including the Code of Ethics incorporated in each Agreement. An athlete or coach may also be removed from the World Team in the event of injury, illness or non compliance with the criteria listed in the Women's Team Responsibility Manual which inhibits performance at the World Championships. Verification of injury or illness will be by two doctors selected by USA Gymnastics. Non compliance of the Team Responsibility Manual will be determined by the National Team Coordinator, the Women's Program Director and the Head Coach, with approval by the USAG President. The decision will be made at least twenty-four hours prior to the submission of the line-up based upon the criteria as listed.

Any athlete who is named to the World Championships Team or alternates to the team by petition as a result of illness or injury must demonstrate her readiness to compete in the World Championships prior to the time of the submission of the line-up and must agree to submit to an examination of her injury or medical condition by doctors selected by USA Gymnastics. Removal may only occur by action of the President of USA Gymnastics aher and an interview with the athlete and her coach. Any decision to remove an athlete or coach is sub ject to review through USA Gymnastics Grievance Procedures.


These Selection Procedures have been reviewed and approved by USA Gymnastics.

Each athlete and coach participating in the process for selecting the World Championships Team as outlined in these Selection Procedures has carefully reviewed, understands and agrees to the terms of these Procedures. That understanding and agreement is reflected by the signature of the athlete and coach on a copy of these Selection Procedures.

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GK IS proud to have been chosen byad,das' to

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USA Gymnastics

POSITION AVAILABLE lWO FUll·TlME INSTRUCTORS WANTED. Gymnastics Instructor(s): We are curren~y seeking a Boys' Team Coach and a Girls' Team Cooch. Applicants must be career minded and dedicated. Our program is growing fast! We are seeking all·around coaches who work well with boys, girls, tumbling, and preschool classes. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Full and port·time posiHons available. Send references and resume to: Spectrum Gymnastics Acodemy, 26 Buttrick Rood, londonderry, NH 03053 or email [email protected]

INSTRUCTORS/ COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P IT·F IT Weekdays/ weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive otHtude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. CompeHHve Team Coach leve~ 5·10. Company sponsored certincaHons (Safety, CPR, Rrst Air) Full benefits/poid vacaHon & sick days, compony matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state­of·the-art, approx. 11 ,000 sq. It. located in the NY/NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all maior highways. Contact Dot: 201·767-6921 or fax resume to 201·767·6693 or e·mail: [email protected]. 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648.

COACHES NEEDED. Eastern NcHonal Academy is looking for caaches in Pompton Plains and Paramus, NJ. We are looking for directors for Preschool and General program, Team coaches qualined in all levels of development. ENA is in a perfect locaHon for any lifestyle, we are located centrally between the Metropolitan New York area and the Pennsylvania Poconno Mountains. Rrst Air/ Safety CertincaHon a plus or must be obtained within 6 months of employment. Salary is commensurate upon qualinccHons and experience. Contact Rich at 973-835·1665, fax resume to 973-835·6225, or E·mail us at [email protected]. Eastern National Academy, 210 West Parkway, Unit #II, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444. HTTP://WWW.ENAGYM.COM

GYMNASTICS FACILITY MANAGER. large Midwest gymnostics school seeks management oriented individual to oversee one of our two 10caHons. Established in 1973 we curren~ have two 10ccHons and over 1200 students. Very stable business with experienced staff in place. Great opportunity for customer service oriented individual who accepts responsibility. Excellent teaching skills ond references required. Managerial experience helpful but not essential for the right individual. Competitive coaching possible if applicant desires. Contact Jill Schlott at 319·331 ·1820; FAX 319·338·0187: e­mail JIM [email protected]

SENIOR PRE·SCHOOL COACH. Mature professional with proven track record in the development and organizcHon of a pre·school program. EssenHal that you are a team player, willing to share your

experience and possess excellent communiccHon skills. Benefits include above average pay, medical, dental, 401 k, great staff and a new, corporate sponsored faCility opening this year. Interactive Gym, 12388 Hancock St., Carmel, IN 46032. Fax: (317)705·0495. E·mail: [email protected]. Phone: (317)705·0500.

TEAM COACH(S)/ CLASS INSTRUCTOR(S). All·Star Gymnastics is seeking dedicated, experienced instructors and cooches for girls/boys recreaHonal classes and compeHHve teams (levels 4·10). PosiHons curren~y available for port/ full time. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Send resume or call: Tom Bonacci @ AlI·Star Gymnastics Center, 5 Kidder Rd ., Chelmsford, MA 01824. Fax (978)256·7779, phone: (978)256·7766.

COACHES NEEDED: The Cobb Challengers Gymnastics is seeking for Boys and Girls Coaches. There are several posiHons available. Boy's Assistant coaches and Girls compulsory (level 4-6) and assistant OpHonal coaches. Candidate should be enthusiastic, organized and responsible to manage compeHtive Team. This is a part Hme posiHon but addiHonal hours could be done with classes. Salary commensurate with teaching experience and gymnastics knowledge. Send Resume or call: Christophe Voisin (770)528· 8777 Fax (770)528·8479 or email at [email protected] Our gym is located 20 miles north of Atlanta, GA. Cobb Challengers Gymnastics, 524 Fairground Street, Marietta, GA 30060.

GYMNASTICS TEACHERS wonted to start August 2001 at Patti Komara's gym in Dyer, Indiana (l hI. SE of Chicago). Full or port time at a recrecHon only gym. BeauHluI, bright, clean gym. Great poy and a great boss. Call now (219)865·2274 or fox your resume (219)865·2389.

HEAD COACH. Coach and develop boys team and preteam program. Assist with recreational and preschool classes. Applicant must be moHvated and enthusiastic. SIGN ON BONUS. Salary and benefit package based on experience. Call Tim Madore, New England Gymnastics Training Center, Hudson, NH at 603·880·8482, fox 603·880·1800. Email negtc@aoLcom. Visit our website

WORLD CUP GYMNASTICS is looking for a qualined Athletic Coach to assist boys' Program Director in all aspects of operation of gym program, incl. RecrecHonal classes & USA Gymnastics sanrnoned competitive teams; schd. Classes & workouts; organize team training; schedule competiHans; hire & train staff; two yrs. Exp. Req'd. Full Hme, 40 hrs/wk. World Cup Gymnastics, 170 Hunts lane, Chappaqua, NY 10514, phone: 914-238·3568; fax: 914-238· 3568; e-mail: [email protected]

GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR NEEDED: Come to sunny Florida and cooch at the beach. We are looking for an enthusiastic individual to head our team. We are in a new facility with a rapidly expanding team program. Salary commensurate with experience. Come ioin the fastest growing gymnastics school in North Florida. If

interested please call (904)241 ·5583 or fax resume to (904)730·0491 or mail to Beaches Gymnastics, 12190 Basolt Dr. S., Jacksonville, FL 32246.

FlAMES GYMNASTICS ACADEMY in Phoenix, Arizona is seeking a compeHtive girls team coach. Must have strong beam and floor choreography and dance background. Must have experience with team girls levels 8·10. Judging experience nice, but not required. Salary package bosed on experience and certincaHon. Come ioin a winning team in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. Submit resume to Flames Gymnastics Academy, 2802 W. Cactus, Phoenix, AI. 85029 or fax (602)942·0595 or online at [email protected]

POSITION AVAILABLE. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACH. Gymnastics school in Brooklyn is looking for enthusiastic and experienced coach. We have recreational and campeHtive team. Immediate position available. Convenient hours. Salary commensurate with experience. Call (718)368· 0034. Ask for Leo or Valery.

FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL FOR WINDOWS: all the class management and accounts receivable features needed to run a school, a reasonable price, networkable, and FREE SUPPORT! Don't spend another year or another month wasting resources running things by hand or on a system that's difficult to use and doesn't give you what you need. doss Control has point and click ease, a flexible setup, and a wide variety of reports. Only $500 ($250 per addiHonal workstaHon), includes free training and personal technical support. Serving Gymnastics since 1990. Call Vaughn Soltware Services at 800·821 · 8516 for informaHon and a free demo. E·Mail: [email protected] AMEX/MC/VISA

Score Master· NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data! Score Master, the most widely used soltware, iust got even better! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotaHons, assign /fs, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/ mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/ trampoline,

compulsory/ opHonal. www.$ . FREE demo & user listing. Contact Mark Mahoney, POB 31421 , Charlotte, NC, 28231, 704·523·1812.

Videos and Lesson Pions. NaHonally known speaker, Patti Komaro, has 48 training videotapes and Lesson Plan books and tapes for Preschool and School·age Gymnastics classes. And Now, Preschool Dance Lesson Plan. Training tapes such as Teaching Tumbling to Preschoolers, Bock Handspring Drills, How to Spot 8eginner Gymnastics, Preschool Discipline, and Activities on the Tumble·Trak and Air Trak. 8usiness topes such as Hiring and Keeping a Top Notch Stoff, Birthday Porties, Owning a Gymnostics School, and Advertising and Marketing for a Gym School. Fun topics such as Props, Warm·Ups, Parachute and Gomes. Online catalog or (219)865·2274.


GET CONTROL OF YOUR BUSINESS: Discover why, since 1991 , 700+ Gymdub owners hove invested 4 doys of their lives at the Gymdub Owners' BOOT CAMP. BOOT CAMP teaches you on integrated, 9~ep strategy to re-create your business so you can reap the rewards this industry has to offer and you deserve. It is no acodent that Queen City Gymnostics!Kids Rrst Sports has experienced enrollment increases every year for 26 years with enrollment of 4800 students under one roof. Dates: June 14-18; Nov 1S-19, 2001; Mar 14-18, 2002. FREE 50 pg. portfolio: JEFF MElZGER: (513) 489-7575 • [email protected] •

Have Pirtti Komara train your stoff: Teaching with Passion, DiScipline, lesson Plan Themes, Equipment & Music, Cartwheel Obstacle Course, Warm·Ups, New Games, Teaching Tumbling, Teaching Tumbling, Bars & Beam, Proper Spotting, Props for Beginning and Ending Activities, Secrets to Teaching Parent & Tot Classes, and 8irthday Parties & Camps. 2001 Sunday, April 29 - Ft. Lauderdale, F~ Saturday, July 28 -80ise, 10; Saturday, August 25 - Dyer, IN (Patti's Gym). If you con't make the seminars, purchase Patti's videotapes so you can refer to the knowledge anytime. Online catalog of training topes and seminar info (219)865-2274.


101-200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique will automatically be placed online for 30 days at no addifionaJ charge. The address ~: www.usa-gymnastics.arg/dassifieds/ Your 30 days Wl11 begin on the next regular polling date. DEADLINES ISSUE DEADLINE FOR AD


~£~~::: :: :: : ::::::::: : :::::: ::ri :8 ApriL .. ... ............... ......... Mar. 10 May ..... ... ................... .... Apr. 10

~~~e .. ::::::::: : ::::::::: :: :: : ::::::~: 19 ~t!;~. : :: :.:::::::::::::::::: t1·:~ NOTE: If 'he 'O,h 'all, on a weelr.nd or holiday, 'he preceding work day i, considered 'he deoJli ••.

SUBMIT Mail yaur atl anti payment to:

USA GymnastiCS, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Sle. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax to 317·237·5069.

IF YOU FAX. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURl Pleose designole if your od should appear in Technique magozine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMImD WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnoslks reserves Ihe righllo vary formol. Technique is re,eived br more than 13,000 USA Gymnastics professiona members plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad onli.e. Advertise your emptoyment opportunity, product, servi,e, or competition here lor great results. Questions? (all luan Peszek at 311-237-5050 ext. 246.

rl~4~6----------------------------~(~ __ r_E_C_H_H_/O~U_E __ ._A~P_RI_L _2~OO~1 ___ )~------------------~-----------

W = Women R = Rhythmic M = Men GG = General Gymnastics

TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling

NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.

DATE APRIL 19-21 21-22 28-29 TBD

MAY 3-6 4-6

12-13 19-20


JUNE 1-3 1-3 1-3 7-9 10-16 15-17 16-17 22-24 24-30 30 TBD TBD

JULY 5·8 7-8 7-8 20-22 21-22 23-29 26-28 TBD

AUGUST 1·4 8-11 8-11 16-26 Aug. 22-Sept. 1 25 29-Sept. 9

OCTOBER 5-7 17-21 Oct. 28- Nov. 4 TBD TBD

2 o o EVENT

NCAA Notional Championships (W) level 9/10 Regional Championships (W) lost dote for level 9 Regional Championships (W) NCAA Regionals (M)

J.O. Notional Chompionships (M)


2nd World Championships Team Trials & 3rd World Age·Group Team Trials (TR/TU) level 1 0 J.~. Notional Championships (W) level 9 East/West Championships (W)

Senior Notional Team Camp (M)

Spring Executive Commi"ee/ Board of Directors Meeting Women's Technical Symposium (W) J . ~ . Nationol Championships, Individual & Group (R) Jr. & Sr. Elite Notional Championships (TR/fU) levels 5-10 J.D. Notional Championships (TR/fU) FIG Colloquium Competition in General Gymnastics (GG) level 9 Championships (R) Notional Gym Fest & PAGU Invitational GymFest (GG) Notional Judges Course (W) U.S. Notional Championships Qualifier (M) Elite Regionals (W) American Sokol Notional Slet (GG)

Women's High Performonce Coaches Seminor (W) U.S. Challenge (W) Rhythmic Western (R) u.s. Classic/ Notional Gymnastics Festival (W) Rhythmic Eastern (R) Future Stars Camp (M) World Championships (TR/fU) Elite Regionals (International Only) (W)

World Age-Group Gomes (TR/fU) U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/ R) USA Gymnastics Notional Congress World Gomes (R/TR/fU) World University Gomes Notional Gymnastics Day Goodwill Gomes (M/W/R/fR)

TOPs Notional Testing (W) Rhythmic World Championships - Individuals (R) Artistic World Championships (M/W) Reese's Gymnastics Cup (M/W) Sr. Notional Team Training Camp (TR/TU)


Future Stars Notional Championships (M) Jr. Notional Team Training Camp (TR/fU)


Athens, GA Various Sites Various Sites Various Sites

Minneapolis, MN Wichita, KS

Eugene, OR East - landover, MD West - Son Diego, CA Colo. Springs, CO

Indio no polis, IN Indionapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Son Antonio, TX Son Antonio, TX lillsved, SWE Chico go, Il Orlando, Fl Indianapolis, IN Santo Barbaro, CA Various Sites Detroit, MI

Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Son Rafael, CA TBD New Britain, a Colo. Springs, CO Odense, DEN Various Sites

Odense, DEN Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Akita, JPN Beijing, CHN

Brisbane, AUS

Indianapolis, IN Vienna, AUT Ghent, BEL TBD TBD

Colo. Springs, CO THO


DECEMBER 6-11 Senior Notional Team Camp (M) 12-16 Four Continents Championships (R) TH O TOPs Notional Training Camp (W)

2 o o 2

MARCH Visa American Cup (M/W) 2 or 30

16-17 23-24 TBD

(#1 of 2) level 1 0 State Meets (W) (#2 of 2) level 1 0 State Meets (W) Rhythmic Challenge (R)

(' see below) (' see above)

APRIL 6 NCAA Regionals (W) 6-7 level 9/ 10 Regional Championships (W) 13-14 level 1 0 Regional Championships (W) 18-20 NCAA Notional Championships (W) 27 -28 level 9 Eost/West Championships (W) TBD USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W) THO USA Gymnostics National Invitational Tournament (W) THO 2nd Information Meeting, 2003 World Gymnoestrada (GG)

MAY 1-5 J . ~ . Notional Championships (M) 3-5 J . ~ . Notional Chompionships (W)

JUNE 8-9 Pontiac American Team Cup (M/W) 21-23 Notional Gym Fest & PAGU Invitational Gym Fest (GG) THO U.S. Challenge (W) THO J . ~ . Notional Championships, Individual & Group (R) THO level 9 Championships (R)

JULY THO U.S. Classic/ Notional Gymnastics Festival (W) THO Rhythmic Eastern/Western I (R) THO Rhythmic Eastern/Western II (R)

AUGUST 7-1 0 U.S. Gymnastics Chompionships (M/W/R/TR/fU) 8·10 USA Gymnastics Notional Congress

OCTOBER 11 -13 Rhythmic World Championships - Group (R) THO Artistic Wo rld Championships (M/W) or Nov. TH O Reese's Gymnostics Cup THO Future Stars Nationol Championships (M)



APRIL 5-6 12 12-13

USA Gymnastics Winter Cup Challenge (M) American Clossic & Challenge (W)

Visa American Cup (M/W) Pontioc American Teom Cup (M/W)

level 9/ 10 Regionals (W) NCAA Regionols (W) level 1 0 Regionols (W)


Colo. Springs, CO Curitiba, BRA TBD

Orlando, Fl Various Sites Various Sites THO

Various Sites TBD THO Tuscaloosa, Al THO THO THO lisbon, POR

Son Diego, CA THO




Paris, FRA Hudapest, HUN TBD THO



Various Sites Various Sites Various Sites

-----------------« TECHNIQUE · APRll2001 )~----------------------4=7~1

1001 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website LATE REGISTRATIONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED A BOOK OR ADMISSION TO THE COURSE. Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard TIme) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received alter that time or on site will be chorged an additional $25. Minimllm age for Safety Certification is 16 years. 18 is minimum age for Professional Membership.

APRil 29 City of South EI Monte, CA; 1·5 p.m.; South

EI Monte Community Center; me: NG04292001 CA; Directions: Felicia Perez 626-579-2043; Instructor: Nicki Geigert 760-943-6986

22 Decatur, GA; 10 a.m. -2 p.m.; Varsity Gymnastics; me: CC04222001 GA; Instructor: Chris Calvert 404-687-9911

MAY 6 Mukilteo, WA; 8 a.m. - 12 noon; Gymagine

Gymnastics; me: KD05062001 WA; Instructor: Kelly Donyes 425-513-8700

JUNE 2 Oakwood Village, OH; 1-5 p.m.; Turles

Gymnastics; me: BF06022001 OH; Directions: Kathy Turle-Waldron 440-439-3547; Instructor: Bobbi Montanarri-Fahrnbach 614-777-9430

16 Tampa, Fl; 6-10 p.m.; lightening City Gymnastics In conjunction with Florida USAG State Clinic; me: ML0616200 1 Fl; Instructor: Marci Levine 305-861-8753

16 Stroudsburg, PA; 1-5 p.m.; International Gymnastics Camp; me: PF06162001 PA; Directions: Bruno Klaus 570-629-0244; Instructor: Phil Frank 856-786-3977

23 Hilliard, OH; 12 noon -4 p.m.; Universal Gymnasts, Inc; me: BF062320010H; Instructor: Bobbi Montanari-Fahrnbach 614-777 -9430

OCTOBER 10 To Be Announced - call Chris Calvert

404-687-9911; 6-10 p.m.; Region VIII Congress; me: C(1 01 02001 GA; Instructor: Christine Calvert 404-687-9911

21 Hilliard, OH; 1-5 p.m.; Universal Gymnasts, Inc; me: BFl 0212001 OH; Bobbi Montanari-Farhnbach 614-777-9430

For safety certification courses listed

by state, visit the

Member Services section of



Soc.Sec. # ___________ BirthDate _______ _

Address: _____________________ _

City: _________ State: ______ Zip: _____ _

Telephone: (H) ________ (W)

Course Code:

Course City/State: ___________ Date:

I Professional or Instructor #: Current Safety Exp. Date: _____ _

Form of Payment: 0 VISA 0 MasterCard 0 Discover 0 American Express

Payment Amount: ___________________ _

Pro·Member with Current Safety Certification

Pro~~~~~et~ ;fthe~t!~r~d"~'; 'N~~'s~i~~'(~'rtiii~~ii~~ '::::::: :: :: : SO c~~~6~ Instructor Member ................................................................ S 50.00 Non-Member or Associate Member .................................... .... S 100.00 • You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for

on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received after that time or on site will be charged an additional $25.

• All materials (including the Safety Handbook) for 4th Cycle courses are provided at the course and are port of the course fee.

• Certification is valid for four years. Please make checks payable, in full, to USA Gymnastics Safety Certification

Name on Card: Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services

Number: Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 USA 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 GYMNASTICS

! Exp. Date: ___ / __ Signature: or Fax to 317-692-5212 PREFERS I:EI ._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------