Download pptx - TeamNUS Summit 09

  1. 1. 5
  2. 2. teamNUS Summit 09
    21st - 24th July
    Earth camp @ Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia
  3. 3. Registration time!
  4. 4. Ice-breakers game
  5. 5. Its the friends you can call up at four a.m. that matter.
    ~ Marlene Dietrich
    Late supper
  6. 6. Teams Common Goal: Eat!
  7. 7. Day 2: Rise and shine as its briefing time!
  8. 8. Earth Camp
    Its no ordinary camp!
  9. 9. Our toilets!
  10. 10. The journey there is like climbing a mountain ...
  11. 11. Theres always gonna be another mountain ...
  12. 12. Im always gonnawannamake it move
  13. 13. Sometimes ivegotta have to lose
    Always gonna be an uphill battle
  14. 14. Ain't about how fast YOU get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
  15. 15. The struggles Im facing The chances Im taking
  16. 16. But NO Im not breaking
    OIE! Dont splash water le!
    Sometimes might knock me down
  17. 17. But these are the moments that
  18. 18. Im gonna remember most yeah
  19. 19. Just gotta keep going
    And I, I gotta be strong Just keep pushing on
  20. 20. Looks familiar?
    White water Rafting!
  21. 21.
  22. 22. Opppsss!!
  23. 23. In the bus on our way back!
  24. 24. We went hardships together
    We laughed together
    We had fun together
    And now, were like FAMILY!
  25. 25.
  26. 26. B 3 B3 B3B3! *CLAP CLAP*
  27. 27. TeamNUS Summit 09 Hood B3
  28. 28. There is no "I" in "TEAMWORK".
  29. 29. My Reflection
    Participants POV
    Endurance Just keep on going!
    Facilitations POV
    Be mentally, physically & logisticallyprepared
    Observe, feel and change