

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

A SeaTeam Newsletter | May 2016 Issue No. 21

M/T Front Ocelot passes through the Danish Straits,

between Denmark and Sweden


02 HOST Donations Approach $300,000!

03 Sea Star is Star for the Show in Chennai

04 Golden Empress Renewal of ISM & ISPS Verification Audit 03-04 March 2016

08 Ship / Shore Casualty Drill facilitated by GARD Singapore

09 Empty Mind Devils “Craftsman” Workshop

10 SeaTeam 6th Annual Officers Safety Conference 2016

12 Importance of Feedback and Disclosure in Leadership

16 New Teammates

15 Shore Training Staff attend Golden Kathrine

14 M/V Golden Endeavour recognized for Superior Safety Performance

“The Good Move”

SeaTeam Management

HOST Donations Approach $300,000!

Support for HOST continues to surpass all expectations with donations as at end

of March totaling $290,519. By the time you are reading this newsletter we fully expect to have broken the $300,000.

We continue to provide regular support to Precious Heritage Orphanage in Manila, Gnanodaya School and the HOST learning center in Chennai on a monthly basis allowing them to budget ahead with a certainty of funding. In addition we have embarked on a few projects since the start of the year.

well as winning 2 medals in the Federation of Private Schools at a Regional level.

In February, HOST sponsored a trip for 140 students from the Opportunity School for the mentally challenged in Chennai. This is the second excursion for the school that was sponsored by HOST. The earlier one inspired the children to perform a circus act on the annual day in 2014.

Finally we have selected 3 boys from the slum areas in Chennai who we will be sponsoring to complete their pre-sea training as ratings in the coming months. On successful completion of their studies the company shall offer them places at sea onboard. This follows the success of the program we started in 2013 where we run a similar program with one cadet completing his sea time mid-year and two trainees now sailing having obtained their watch keeping certificates.

Precious Heritage School for the Orphans was previously only able to take students up to middle school. This year we have provided funding to assist in the completion of 2 additional classrooms for elder children to allow them to offer classes right through high school. The classrooms are now nearly completed and we expect they will be shortly certified by the Department of Education. Academically the school is doing extremely well and was awarded 3rd overall in an academic competition in the Association of Private Schools of Antipolo as

HOST funded building project at Precious Heritage School has new classrooms under construction


SeaTeam Management

Sea Star is Star of the Show in Chennai

On 24th March 2016 evening we arrived at the gate of Chennai Port Trust. Security guards ushered us in once we handed them visiting

pass arranged by Capt. Ramaswamy. We saw all those huge ships for the very first time with her deck loaded with crew and huge cranes operating right here and there. Scorching sun and resounding noises never wavered these workmen from their operations. And there amidst of all those dust and buzzing sounds we got first glimpse of Sea Star anchored right there. We were just Awestruck!

Wondering what’s so special in seeing a vessel unloading at port? Yes it’s such a beautiful experience for all of us. Yes we do work with officers and crew all the time and yes we do coordinate all those crew changes. But have we seen a ship before or at least been to a port before? BIG NO! And this article narrates our beautiful story of how we actually got to experience and learn things which we have been trying to understand only through sheer paperwork all these years.

Team visited Sea Star: Nishad Nair, Kanmani Ravi, Madhan Kumar, Nivethaa Natarajan, Manjju Annithaa and Malar Rajan with the guidance of Capt. Ramaswamy.

Vessel Sea Star, a bulk carrier managed by SeaTeam Management Phils Inc. was on her voyage to Chennai port on 24th March 2016 for discharge operations. SeaTeam India office staffs were taken on board Sea Star. As we entered the harbor, we had a glimpse of Sea Star at a distance. We were warmly welcomed by Capt. Melchor and were taken to the mess room. Soon we were introduced to C/O Reymond and he escorted us to the bridge.

From bridge, we had an eagle’s eye view of the unloading operations that was in progress. On the bridge we had a chance to learn/experience the working of ECDIS and radars. After a brief

photograph session, we were treated with cakes, cookies and beverages. Next on the agenda was a visit to engine room. We donned PPE prior entering engine room and were pleasantly surprised by the massive engine, generators and various other machinery onboard.

During the course of our stay and interactions with personnel onboard we got to know the challenges faced by the officers and crew who work onboard.

Later, we were taken to galley, provision store area and we even visited officer’s cabin. It was

quite difficult for us to climb up and down, but the excitement and adrenaline rush ensured we kept pace with the personnel onboard.

Capt. Ramaswamy, on behalf of SeaTeam India addressed the crew on board and provided a short motivational talk and wished all the seafarers a safe and pleasant sailing and to make the visit a memorable one, we joined the Sea Star family and captured a picture.

Many of us joined SeaTeam fresh out of college without any clue about the industry. Finally today we experienced for a short while what life at sea is all about and how the industry work. The visit helped us to relate to our job.

And this experience e a r ned u s l o t s of respect for all seafarers.

by Nivethaa, Malar, Manjju and Kanmani


SeaTeam Management

by C/O N.G. Sevilla

The M/V Golden Empress underwent Renewal of ISM & ISPS verification audit carried out by Mr. Emmanouil Angelinas of ABS MSC

Piraeus Office on 3rd and 4th of March 2016 while the vessel lay afloat at Jorf Lasfar, Morocco. Led by the outgoing Master, Capt. Mark Albert L. Cardenas, together with incoming Master, Capt. Nicolasito B. Albino, the Shipboard Management Team, Officers and Crew of Golden Empress managed to develop good rapport with ABS Inspector assigned and this resulted in a smooth and successful with Nil non conformities or observation noted during the course of this audit.

The scope of the audit which was explained during the opening meeting was to verify compliance with ISM code and the SSP and vessel’s compliance with the ISPS Code and the special requirements of Hong Kong Flag Administration.

The objectives of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment and property. While the objectives of the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code are to ensure security of ships and port facilities.

Golden Empress Renewal of ISM & ISPS Verification Audit 03-04 March 2016

From L-R : Bosun Rex P. Galas, C/E Arvin R. Villanueva, Capt. Mark Albert L. Cardenas, Mr. Emmanouil Angelinas of ABS MSC Piraeus Office, In-coming Master Capt. Nicolasito B. Albino, C/O Neville G. Sevilla, 2/E Roxan RG G. Villarin, Fitter Darwin Cris Aliado

A walkabout was made in order to assess the condition of decks, accommodation spaces and machinery spaces, which appeared to be in good condition.

Throughout the audit, vessel crew staff was interviewed in English language with good cooperation and generally were found to be proficient of the company Safety Management System and able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system.

The Safety Management System procedures and records were sampled; these included navigational procedures, cargo loading and discharging operations, engine room operations, vessel’s maintenance, garbage management and critical shipboard operations.

According to documentation sampled onboard, vessel was found to be in compliance with applicable Class and Statutory requirements, with no overdue surveys.To help reduce the risk of ship being detained as a minimum, we strongly complied with HSQE 002–OHSAS, MLC & HSQE Integrated Internal Audit Checklist, PSC Inspection Checklist for Hong Kong Registered Ships and ABS Pre-Port Arrival Quick Reference Guide.


SeaTeam Management

First ImpressionGangway & Moorings, Access control, Hull Condition

First ImpressionAccommodation and Outside Decks

ISM & ISPS CHECKLIST1. First Impression

• Gangway and moorings• Access control• Appearance of gangway watch, officers

and crew• Appearance of accommodation and

outside decks• PSC Officer Inspector or Auditor should

be accompanied by senior officers during inspections/tour of the vessel

2. Certificates and Documents• All required classification, statutory and

other trading certificates are readily available.

• All ISM Manuals, procedures and instructions are available in the latest revisions

• A copy of the company’s safety and environmental protection policy is available.

• All records required by the ISM procedures are available and completed as required.

• Ship’s library, documentation and manuals are valid, complete and available as applicable and as required by the procedures and flag administration.

3. Resources and personnel

4. Inspection and Maintenance

5. Emergency Preparedness

6. Shipboard Operations



SeaTeam Management

Emergency preparedness well conductedAbandonship Drill

Emergency preparedness well conductedFire Drill


SeaTeam Management

Access Control and Security Drill

Team Golden Empress Officers & Crew

Congratulations Gentlemen for the job well done


SeaTeam Management

Ship / Shore Casualty Drill facilitated by GARD Singapore

SeaTeam staff together with GARD Singapore for the closing debrief

On the 7th of April 2016 representatives of GARD Singapore facilitated an extensive Ship / Shore Casualty Drill involving the crude oil tanker Front Lion and the Singapore Office Emergency Team. GARD’s Senior Manager Claims, Mr. Johan Henriksson and Loss Prevention Executive, Mr. Kunal Pathak were brought by Marine Manager Capt. Baskar Padmanaban to lead the exercise.

The drill simulated in a collision, fire, pollution, and with loss of life in the Malacca Straits off Port Dickson with a fully involved major fire and oil spill. Owners, Charterers, Class ABS, Regional Coast Guard, Salvage and pollution response resources, were involved as if the scenario were real. The company’s emergency response plans were activated as scenario role playing was provided by GARD Singapore. The drill provided emergency training and testing of newly employed staff in the mock exercise and required crisis management in mustering of the Office Emergency Team. Players were challenged in internal exchange of information, coordination of external resources, information to next of kin, and media handling. A post exercise debrief was conducted with participants to critique

the pros and cons experienced by those involved. Finding were populated in the ShipNet Database, closed-out, and distributed to fleet vessels for reference during audits and inspections. At the end of the drill, GARD’s Johan Henriksson presented a Certificate of Accomplishment to DPA Weston Fitzgerald, in attestation of the company’s involvement in the emergency exercise.

GARD’s Managing Director, John Martin presented a Certificate of Accomplishment to DPA Weston Fitzgerald

by Weston Fitzgerald, Senior Manager HSQE


SeaTeam Management

Empty Mind Devils “Craftsman” Workshopby C/O Nishchay Maken

In modern shipping industry where sailing is all about work pressure to meet demands of various oil majors, fun factor slowly seems to

be fading away. It is not often that you meet a seaman onboard with a varied skill, who is not only a dedicated worker but who likes to dedicate his spare time in doing something that he loves, his inner talent, being “CRAFTSMAN”.

Such is the story of Mr. R.T Corera, one of the many extremely talented, energetic and highly professional boatswain who forms an important part of SeaTeam Management. Mr. Corera Hails from city of Tuticorin and is blessed with a unique skill of Craftsman. He believes in proper utilization of spare time and defies saying “Empty mind, devils workshop” by replacing “DEVILS” with “Craftsman”.

During evening time while walking on the bridge wings, you hear gentle tapping of hammer on nail or crisp sound of saw moving up and down over the wood, one tends to look over the side and find Mr. Corera working patiently on scrap wood, slowly and steadily carving it into the shape of a ship. When asked why he has to toil so hard at this age after working the whole day he replies with a gentle smiling face and says “It’s my passion and it makes me happy to utilize the waste material in

making them into ships”. That is another extremely wonderful part of his creations that all the ships that he makes are made of scrap woods from pallet, used chipping needle, waste pipes, metal scrap, tins etc.

A man who is dedicated worker during the day and a talent during evening.

It is a pleasure to work with a person who is so positively energized and give right life lesson to young “sailors”.

Mr R.T. Corera – Constructing with a smile

Handing over ceremony to proud owner Capt. Cedric.


SeaTeam Management

SeaTeam 6th Annual Officers Safety Conference 2016

On the 27th to 28th of April 2016, SeaTeam Management India hosted the SeaTeam 6th Annual Officers Conference. The two days conference followed by the Gala Night was held in Crowne Plaza Hotel in Chennai. The attendance summed up to 70 officers and office representatives from Norway, India and Singapore.

This was a great opportunity for our Indian Officers to meet the company representatives, get an insight of the most important topics on management’s agenda as well as contribute with feedback and presentations.

The event was opened by our great host Capt. Ramaswamy, CEO of SeaTeam Management India. He has given a brief introduction to the conference and invited the VIP guests to participate in the traditional auspicious lamp lightning ceremony.

Our Managing Director, Alasdair Smith has taken the helm and kicked off the event by introducing the audience to latest updates of our company. He continued addressing the audience with the most important topic and theme of the seminar “Safety; Our licence to trade”. He walked us through the importance of safety onboard from individual crew members to impact on vessel operations and finishing with a holistic overview of the impact on the company operations. He has based his presentation on a real life case study of the incident onboard Front Cecilie, concluding with the short and longer term impact and effects of such an incident.

We had the pleasure to receive a good insight on the “Challenges and Opportunities” that Frontline faces in today dynamic market, directly from Technical Director Frontline, Mr. Olav Eikrem. Olav has highlighted the company’s growth plans, the position that SeaTeam has in the Frontline’s portfolio of shipmanagers; position that can be maintained with a continuous Quality Safety Focus and efficient operations of our vessels. He has not hesitated stressing the management commitment to safety.

Our colleague, Marine Manager Capt. Baskar Padmanaban, has walked us through the vetting process, the company’s results for the past 12 months and the efforts put into this, both from shore side as well as sea staff. It is a team effort to ensure we clear a vetting inspection with nil deficiency and this was the message that came across very clear after Capt. Baskar facilitated a discussion with a few selected senior officers on how each individual department prepares for a vetting inspection. This has been acknowledged further in the “Operations” presentation performed by Frontline Operations representative, Anders Jensen. His message was that commercial operational efficiency is one of the important pillars of a good running company.

Senior Officers, VIPs, and SeaTeam crew in attendance

Frontline Technical Director, Olav Eikrem, explains some of the challenges and opportunities facing owners and SeaTeam

by Simona Toma, Group Crewing Manager


SeaTeam Management

Technical department was represented by Technical Superintendent Kamal Jeet Singh. His presentation described the budgeting process for the vessels; delivery of spares and stressed on the importance of the communication and support between vessels and shore.

As expected, we had the pleasure to be entertained by external speakers as well.

MTI Media Consultants – “Think Before You Post” has been a clear eye opener on the impact media has today in realising their stories to the world. Social media exploitation can have a negative impact on the company hence the encouragement to think before posting anything from the work environment. They had engaged the audience in

human element plays in the Navigation Incidents and the relationships onboard the vessels. He has brought into the discussion cultural aspects; operational atmosphere/environment and power distance onboard the ships.

The seminar would have not been complete without the “Views from the Fleet”. This was a segment where our own senior officers have presented their views on life onboard our vessels; proactive initiatives towards Quality Safety; reasons to be a member of SeaTeam. It was really motivating to see the passion C/E Dinesh Narahari, 2/E Vikram Shetty and C/O Sajan Murugesan had when sharing their onboard experiences.

From left, C/O Abhishek Bhanawat, Capt. Uday Marya, Marine Manager, Capt. Baskar Padmanaban, C/E Sanjay Kumar Singh and 2/E Sailesh Pai provided ship and shore perspectives on preparing for vetting inspections

GARD, Kunal Pathak providing detailed insight into the latest loss prevention concerns

The seminar concluded with a Gala Night Dinner & Dance on 28 April at the Crowne Plaza Chennai

Managing Director, Alasdair Smith sharing personal experiences with SeaTeam seniors

a few interactive exercises where they highlighted the danger of misinterpretation of information. The key take away message was to always refer the media to the company appointed representatives who are well trained to manage these kind of situations.

A good part of the time was allocated to the human factors. Our Managing Director, Alasdair Smith has taken the liberty to introduce the audience to the “Decisive actions” as being part of the soft skills elements that contribute to the Quality Safety Campaign.

Building on the same human elements, Mr. Kunal Pathak from GARD P&I has highlighted the role the

The entire event has been ended with positive and encouraging messages. The HOST update has been welcomed by all attending guests. Capt. Ramaswamy has concluded the entire event with the key highlights of the past 6 years of SeaTeam India. It was a beautiful journey, filled with challenges and accomplishments, and the team is looking forward to many more years of service and celebration.

The entire event could not have been possible without the dedication of Capt. Ramaswamy and all my colleagues in SeaTeam India office. It took amazing coordination, advanced planning and hard work to organize an event of this magnitude.

We thank you all for your hard work and enthusiasm always!


SeaTeam Management

Human resources are the most important part of an organization. Effective utilization of human resources requires dynamic and effective leadership.

Leadership is the process of influencing behavior of individuals to achieve certain pre-determined objectives in a given situation. The process of leadership comprises of three factors: the leader, the follower and the other variables. Each factor plays its own part.

Thus the leader alone cannot achieve the objectives. Moreover, a leader who is successful in one situation may not be successful in another situation. A good

by Capt. A. Aziz, Master of Front Puma

Importance of Feedback and Disclosure in Leadership

leader however must be good at communication – verbal as well as non-verbal. Verbal communication here meaning written or spoken symbols and non-verbal meaning anything beyond spoken words e.g. tone of voice, facial expression, eye behavior, head nodding, hand and finger movements, one’s posture and manner of walking etc. even clothes hair style and such other things.

There are many different leadership styles. However what leader possesses is Leadership Personality and what influences behavior of follower is Leadership Style. Leadership Personality is leader’s perception of his own style plus his style as perceived by others whereas Leadership Style is only the other’s perception of leader’s behavior. People always respond to their own perception rather than leader’s perception of his style. Presence of gap between the two causes misunderstandings. A leader should therefore try his best to bridge this gap.

Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham have explained how to bridge this gap between the leader’s own and other’s perception of his leadership style. They have done so with the help of “Johari Window”. The expression being constructed using first part

Team Front Puma

Capt. Aziz on the bridge of the M/T Front Puma


SeaTeam Management

of their names. Arrangement of “Johari Window” is as shown below:

Johari Window

Known to self

Unknown to self

Known to others PUBLIC BLIND

Unknown to others


“Johari Window” enables us to see all compartments of our leadership personality. As shown above, the total area of “Johari Window” depicting leadership personality has been divided into four quadrants.

PUBLIC is the area of one’s leadership personality which is known to self as well as to others. This area is extremely important. Effort should be made to increase this area as effectiveness of the leader increases.

BLIND is the area unknown to self but known to others. Almost everyone believes that all virtues and knowledge are concentrated in him, but the reality is known to others.

PRIVATE is the area of one’s personality which is known to self but is hidden from others. The leader manipulates or influences the behavior of followers but they do not know that they are being manipulated.

UNKNOWN is that part of leadership personality which is neither known to self nor to others. We may call it sub-conscious or un-conscious. Although all are unaware of it, yet it continues to influence behavior.

As mentioned earlier the effectiveness of leadership can be increased by widening the Public Area. This can be done by resorting to open two-way communication. However, open two-way communication requires open and frank atmosphere, which the leader should endeavour to create.

By creating such open and frank atmosphere, the leader will encourage his followers to say more and more and by being receptive to what others say he will know more and more about the way his leadership is perceived by others. This process of “feedback” will result in horizontal expansion of the Public Area and corresponding shrinkage of the Blind Area. More the feedback he gets from others, larger would be the Public Area.

Along with the feedback, process of “disclosure” by the leader will result in vertical expansion of “Johari Window”, thereby again increasing the Public Area and as a result shrinking the Private Area. The more the leader will disclose himself, giving uninhibited expression to his feelings, attitudes, passions, tension, apprehensions etc. more he will make them known to others and to that extent the Private Area would shrink in size.

Considering the two processes of feedback and disclosure simultaneously we can see that if both occur simultaneously the unknown area would automatically shrink. On the contrary if the processes of feedback and disclosure are ignored, Public Area would shrink in size and Unknown Area would spread out to cover the entire window. In such a situation both the leader and the follower will be alienated from each other and continue to behave in certain ways which no one would be able to know why?

In the context of a ship, senior officers must develop good listening skills as well as skills to interpret non verbal communication so as to understand how their leadership is perceived. Only then they are in a position to make changes to their own behaviour to bridge the gap between Leadership Personality & Leadership Style. Disclosures by senior officers help create an atmosphere of trust between the senior officers & their subordinates where open & frank two-way communication is achieved, resulting in a safe, efficient & happy ship.

Team Front Puma enjoying comradery and fellowship


SeaTeam Management

M/V Golden Endeavour recognized for Superior Safety Performance

The M/T Golden Endeavour was recognized for its superior safety performance in achieving five (5) consecutive years without

an occupational injury resulting in days away from work. A Certificate attesting to the vessel’s Superior Safety Performance was presented to Capt. Alexander C. Undag by DPA Weston Fitzgerald during an informal ceremony while onboard in Lumut, Malaysia. The vessel’s Technical Superintendent, James Yeap joined the Master to accept the award along with Chief Engineer Charlie V. Sy, Chief Officer Jim Rhoy S. Conzales, and Second Engineer Florian S. Dabandan. After five years of flawless injury prevention, a supercharged safety culture was evident in eighty two (82) Near Miss Reports recorded during the first quarter of 2016 and completion of ABS ISM/ISPS/MLC Audits with zero findings.

The unbroken safety record reflects well on SeaTeam and all the men who have served onboard the Golden Endeavour during the last five years and shows what can be achieved with good teamwork and safe routines. Congratulations is extended to all who have served onboard the Golden Endeavour during its’ five year injury free run.

“Capt. Alexander C. Undag accepting the Certificate Superior Safety Performance from DPA Weston Fitzgerald, together with Superintendent, James Yeap, Chief Engineer Charlie V. Sy, Chief Officer Jim Rhoy S. Conzales, and Second Engineer Florian S. Dabandan”

M/V Golden Endeavour alongside Lumut Port Coal Terminal in Malaysia

by Weston Fitzgerald, Senior Manager HSQE


SeaTeam Management

Shore Training Staff attend Golden Kathrine

We started our in-house shore training for Chief Engineer in our Singapore office on 19th April 2016 and it has been to say the least a memorable experience. A training program drawn up very methodically which ensures we spent sufficient time in the various departments of the shore management office. It was indeed an eye opener for us to see what really happens behind the scenes and was a very satisfying learning curve. As we progressed through the days, along came one of our assignments as part of the training which was anxiously awaited. A vessel calling Singapore and we were to visit together with both the Technical and HSQE department personnel. Albeit on a weekend, we looked forward with anticipation. The day prior, we were given a safety briefing and also the focus points of the visit. Bunkering was the main purpose of call of the loaded Capesize – Golden Kathrine. A change of command was also to be done during the port call.

At 0800 hrs LT on 30th April 2016, we were at Marina South Pier where we met up with the incoming Master, Capt. Arado, Technical and HSQE staff and other on signers. A quick check of our safety gear and brief of visit and we were on our way. After a short launch ride, we boarded the vessel and straight away were escorted to the Master’s cabin. Capt. Elmer Sagang in command was as courteous and welcoming of our visit and was indeed a pleasure to meet him again. A short introduction followed by a brief from the Technical and HSQE departments of the visit. Then we left the incoming and outgoing Master and followed Technical Superintendent, Marcel Stewart on his inspection rounds of the vessel. An interesting period and a quick guide on how to identify areas

which needed improvement, areas well maintained and areas which needs to be monitored. Bunkering in Singapore and the bunker figures on completion has been a bone of contention in the recent past with numerous cases of shortages. “Cappuccino” bunkers is something that has become synonymous with these operations. The “Golden Kathrine” team knew what needed to be done and this ensured a smooth operation.

Then it was that time for us to disembark prior the lovely lady set sail to her discharge ports in China. We got off with a few additional things in our perspective which were not really part of us in these sailing years. Thanks to all onboard for making our visit a pleasant one.

We leave back to Manila in a few days after a very fulfilling 3 weeks here in Singapore. This in-house training surely forms part of “ The Good Move” which SeaTeam Management stands for.

Off-signing Master, Capt. Elmer Sagang and joining Master Capt. Niel Ritche O. Arado giving visiting C/Es the VIP treatment during their attendance onboard Golden Katherine

C/E in Training Dennis E. Tinong and C/E in Training Emmanuel P. Saculo in full PPE and ready to board M/V Golden Kathrine together with Senior Marine Superintendent (Bulkers), Capt. Vinod George and Technical Superintendent, Marcel Stewart

by C/E in Training, Timong and Emmanuel


Contact Us



10 Hoe Chiang Road, #19-03/04/05 Keppel Towers, Singapore 089315Tel: +65-6631-9850Fax: +65-6631-9851



Amble Side, V Floor, No. 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Nungam-bakkam, Chennai-600 006, IndiaTel: +91-44-2833-3100Fax: +91-44-2833-3102



1A & 2B Maria Daniel Bldg. 470 Corner MH Del Pilar & San Andres St. Malate, Manila, Philippines 1004 Tel: + 63-2353 -9807Fax: +63-2353 -9813


SeaTeam Management

New Teammates








PURCHASING OFFICERNurhaliana binte Abdul Latiff





