
Team Offense: The 200 Set

The 200 Set: Level of Play

The “200” set is a simple set that is suitable

for players of all ages and skill levels. “200”

can be used in much the same was “60” and

“60 Go” are used, as a set designed to “take

the air” out of the ball, slow the pace of the

game and give the defense time to rest. For

simplicity sake we will only be implementing

the “200” at the higher levels.

•Level of Play

The 200 Set: Set Up

This offense utilizes a wide, creaseless 2-2-2

formation (or a 2 circle) which consists of two

players up-top in front of the goal, two wide

players even with the crease, and two players

behind the goal. Typically the players up-top

are midfielders and the players behind the

goal are attackmen. The players on the crease

are, therefore, one attackman and one



The 200 Set: Set Up

A1 and A2 start approximately 5-7 yards

behind the goal and 5-7 yards to the left and

right of the goal respectively. M1 and M2

start at the top of the restraining box and 5-7

yards to the left and right respectively. M3

and A3 start midway between the restraining

line and the goal line and on the right and left

edges of the box.

•Set Up (Continued)

The 200 Set (M1 Dodging)





The 200 Set: Execution

This offense can start at any of the four

locations: the high left wing (M1), the high

right wing (M2), the back right corner (A1)

and the back left corner (A2). The “22” is

designed to spread the defense out and force

them to slide adjacent (due to a lack of a

crease). Regardless of which player attacks,

the movements in the “200” will be identical

and will involve the adjacent player cutting

through to create space.

•Execution (General)

The 200 Set: Execution

Regardless of the above method of attack, the

crease players always want to align

themselves opposite the ball to maximize

dodging space and create longer sides. If the

ball is behind they want to be higher. If it is up

top with the middies, they want to stay low.

•Execution (General Continued)

The 200 Set: Execution

If M1 starts the offense with a 1v1 alley dodge

or a dodge “down the side”. M3 will

immediately cut through, while looking for

the ball. His man will be the slider, so he will

be open momentarily, as the second slide will

have to come from a longer distance than

normal. M1 will look for the M3 on the cut. As

this movement is happening, A1 wants to curl

to the ball, A2 wants to move to “X” behind

and M2 wants to follow the dodger. A3 wants

to pinch to the backside.

•Execution (If M1 Alley Dodges)

The 200 Set (M1 Dodging)

A1 A2




The 200 Set (M1 Dodging)

M1 wants to look immediately for M3 if the

shot is not available. Otherwise he wants to move the ball on to A1

ahead or M2 on the rollback.

The 200 Set: Execution

If M1 throws to A1, then M3 wants to cut

toward the ball. A1 will look to the crease, or

to the backside for A3, otherwise he wants to

throw the ball to A2 at “X” who will then re-


• If M1 Throws To A1

The 200 Set (M1 Dodging And Throwing to A1)

A1 wants to look to the crease for M3, then he

wants to look to the backside at A3.

Otherwise he will move the ball to A2 at “X” for

the re-dodge.

On the re-dodge, A2 wants to dodge for his shot. If he

doesn’t get his shot, he wants to look ahead to M2 or into the crease. Otherwise, he

wants to roll-back, or throw ahead and settle the ball.

The 200 Set: Execution

Sometimes A1 is covered on the initial dodge

and M1 cannot throw the ball to this player.

In this scenario, M1 has to “roll back” away

from pressure and throw to M2. In this

instance, M2 will look to re-dodge, while M3

and A3 will look to find openings for feeds.

• If M1 Throws Back To M2

The 200 Set (M1 Dodging And Throwing to A1)

On the re-dodge, M2 wants to look for his shot. If that is

unavailable, he will look to the crease or to the front-side

sneak from A2. Otherwise he can roll back and throw back

up top.

The 200 Set: Execution

If M1 sweeps across the top instead of “down

the side” on the initial dodge, then M2 and

the adjacent player, whether it’s an

attackmen or a midfielder (in this case it’s

A3), need to “cut through” to create dodging

space, while also looking for the ball if their

defender slides. A2 wants to show for an

outlet. M3 wants to roll up top. M2 wants to

cut all the way through to the backside…

• If M1 Sweeps

The 200 Set (If M1 Sweeps)

A1 A2




The 200 Set (If M1 Sweeps)

On the sweep, M1 is looking for his shot. If the shot is not available, he wants to look

inside at the crease. Otherwise he wants to move the ball down the side to A2, or he

wants to throw back across the top to M3 rolling up to replace.

The 200 Set: Execution Attack Dodging

The “200” can be initiated by M1 or M2, but it

can also be initiated by A1 or A2. In both

attack dodging scenarios, the off-ball

movement is an inverted version of the off-

ball movement used during the midfield


•Execution (Attack Dodging)

The 200 Set (A1 Dodging)





The 200 Set (A1 Dodging)

A1 wants to look for the M3 on the “cut through”. If that is not open, or if A1 is unable to get his shot, he wants to look to his skip lanes. Otherwise

he wants to roll-back to “X” or throw the ball up top to M1.

The 200 Set: Execution

If A1 decides to dodge toward A2, A2 can

either set an on ball screen or cut through. If

he cuts through, then he needs to “mirror”

the dodger and circle behind the cage to

provide back up. While this is happening, the

next adjacent (A3 in this case) will also cut

through, while looking for the ball in the

event that his man becomes the slider. M2

wants to roll down for the ball. M1 wants to

look for a skip lane.

• If A1 Sweeps Toward A2

The 200 Set (A1 Dodging)





The 200 Set (A1 Dodging)

On the sweep, or two-man game, A1 wants to look for his shot. If that’s unavailable, he wants to look to the crease to A3, to the backside for M3,

ahead to M2, or to M1 on the skip. Otherwise he wants to

rollback and re-set.

The 200 Set: Final Thoughts

The “200” is a simple “circle” set designed to

slow the pace of the game. The set can also

be used as a base set. The wide open,

“creaseless” offense, forces defenses to slide

adjacent. These are easy for offensive player

to read and they create excellent cutting and

feeding lanes. The “200” is also a nice pace

setting way to move into the “21”.

• The 200 Set: Final Thoughts