Page 1: Teaching Commendations 2011

Notification of Teaching Commendation Arts TLC [[email protected]] Sent:

Monday, 5 December 2011 12:46 PM

To: [email protected]

Dear Remy, On behalf of the Teaching and Learning Committee, I’m pleased to forward on to you twenty-three commendations about your teaching and/or unit of study, recently received from students. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Orla McGovern Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy was an excellent tutor as he presented all unit content in an accessible manner and explained complex gender theories in detail. He also demonstrated how the course concepts applied in a tangible sense in society, as well as how they were applicable theoretically. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Katherine Werrett Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:I would not hesitate to recommend Remy for any position, I found him to be a great tutor, very wise with many words of encouragement. On more than one occasion i found him to be very helpful, especially if there was a concept that I was unsure of- as he would take the time to explain the concept in laymens terms- which for me- as a first year student was a great help. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Natasha Wong Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:As it was my first semester of my first year of university, Remy stood out to be a welcoming figure and assisted in the ease of the transition to university life in the engagement with both my learning experience and socialization with peers. Remy also made it clear to all that he was available to assist with any problems inside and outside the classroom , this made me feel comfortable in that I had a figure that I could consult with if I needed help. Generally he hasbeen a kind and engaging teacher for me who has enriched my learning and university experience. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy was the most enthusiastic lecturer and tutor I have had. He was brilliant at keeping me enthused and excited about the course. He keeps the course content relevant and modern. He is an asset to the teaching staff at Sydney uni.

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Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy tutored me in the introductory cultural studies course in the first semester of this year and, by far, was the most compelling of all my tutors. He has an innate ability to make seemingly random ideas and topics come together and complement each other nicely; he can break down complicated (and even convoluted) theories and make them easily accessible. While I did acknowledge these abilities at the time he taught me, I did not fully realise them until this semester when he was no longer my tutor. Despite the interesting content of lectures, I find it far more difficult to engage with class content this semester. That is not to say that he in any way spoon-feeds his students; quite the contrary! He encourages his students to be interested, involved and inspired. Out of all the tutors (and lecturers) that I have so far encountered in my studies, Remy is one of the most natural teachers. It is quite genuinely a disappointment to no longer be his student. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Rebecca War Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:As a tutor, Remy was constantly well prepared for all tutorials and enagaged and taught in a way that ensured i was having fun and enjoyed the content being raised and discussed. He gave feedback that was both helpful and easy to understand which has aided me across my subjects and has been, by far, my best university tutor so far. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy is an excellent tutor. His ability to explain complex subjects in everyday terms made my learning experience so much easier and more enjoyable. He's approachable and very passionate about cultural studies which I found inspiring. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Bianca Camilleri Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy was fantastic at making all of the course content interesting. He rewarded us with a clear understanding of the topics covered in every tutorial and was always more than happy to answer any questions, ensuring that everyone had an equal opportunity to engage in class discussions. I left every tutorial with confidence having properly discussed and elaborated on lecture material. I am very pleased to have had Remy as a tutor and his teaching methods are certainly to be commended. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified

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Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Oliver Taborda Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:- Remy was my tutor for my introduction to Cultural Studies and was really amazing. - class discussion never actually became dull as everyone had something to say, and Remy's humorous personality really kept the energy alive. I see him even now in my second semester and always have a catch up talk to see how everything is going for the both of us. As a first year student his tutelage has really helped add to my enjoyment at university. I really recommend him to everyone. While he seems nice he also is a fair marker as well. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Angela Coradine Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy offered in-depth explanations of cultural constructs and discourse. Engaging communication style, informal while appropriate. Encouraged open discussions involving critical thinking and concise theory evaluations. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Stephanie Pepper Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:He does an excellent job engaging class discussion and keeping seemingly dense topics understandable and fun. He relates current events to discussion topics to help grasp the material and keep older philosophies more relevant and up to date. I would definitely take another course of his. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy was very enthusiastic about GCST1001 last semester. He inspired me to continue with a major in cultural studies. He was very good at explaining theoretical concepts in ways we would understand. His enthusiasm seemed to rub off onto the other students as we all looked forward to his tutes. He arranged fun activities to promote learning and encouragedeveryone in the class to be active in their ideas. He is very good at making everybody feel comfortable in class...something which I feel a lot of tutors lack. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Always willing to help with assessments and always has time for his students. He uses relatable sources and stories to capture his students attention and to assist with learning. Friendly, funny and was the reason behind me continuing with studying subject from gender/cultural studies.

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Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy Low has taught me as a tutor for two semesters; semester 1 in 2011 for cultural studies and currently in semester 2 2011 for gender studies. He is by far the best tutor I have encountered, and is always around to give extra help to students who seek it. This he did for me personally, helping me in the transition to university and I believe it was his help that has resulted in the huge improvement in my grades. His postivie attidute to every class and always being understanding about the occaional stresses of being an undergraduate is why i want to commend him for being such a great tutor. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:I have studied at uni for 3 years and in my experience it is rare to find tutor/lecturer who is as excited about their subject, and able to communicate that passion, as Remy. Remy has great skill in facilitating tutorials in a way that makes everyone feel comfortable and willing to express their ideas. He is also very good at making the theories of his subject very accessible. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy is a really nice tutor, motivate students in tutorials, and he makes the tutorial interesting. He also gave a lot of help on essay question. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:He makes class fun and interesting, and he is very knowledgable about gender studies. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Anonymous Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy's teaching methods were excellent. He really helped link the theory discussed in the lectures with everyday life.Making the concepts relative for students and easily understandable. He also really encouraged students to be passionate about the subject by interweaving theoretical discussion with current events.

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Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Abby Clarke Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Fantastic tutorials! So helpful by really solidifying all the content in the lecture! Was able to get the whole classinvolved, with no-ones voice heard louder than the rest. Was an absolute pleasure being in his class :) Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Jay Ng Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:He is one of the best tutors for me this semster, where he gives very useful guidelines and feedbacks before and after my assessments. He made Gender Studies fun and explained complex idea in a way that students would understand, especially for me because English is not myfirst language. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Cassandra Comans Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:Remy made GCST1602 Introduction to Gender Studies very enjoyable. He was very knowledgeable and was able to communicate this to us very effectively. He was always willing to help and explain things and made the course and tutorials interesting and engaging. You always feltlike you wanted to attend the tutorials. There were mature age students as well as younger students in our tutorial and it was clear that he could effectively teach and communicate with both of these groups. Remy was able to reach a very nice balance between work and learning and enjoying and having fun with a unit of study. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Tania Mullis Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation:A fun teacher, who puts a completely different slant to learning. Teacher, Tutor or Co-ordinator: Remy Low Unit of study: Not specified Semester in which student was enrolled: Not specified Student Name: Georgia Woolf Commendation for: Teaching Reason(s) for commendation: Remy created a great learning atmosphere

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What’s this about? Students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences can use a Student Commendation proforma, available on the Teaching and Learning website at whenever they wish to commend individual teachers or units of study. The Teaching and Learning Committee hopes that this page will encourage students to express their views about what works well for them in their learning. This student commendation facility is also a way ofsupporting and recognising the efforts of teachers in the Faculty. A teaching commendation may provide affirmation of the positive effects of your teaching for particular students. Some comments may be indicative of effective practice in specific areas of teaching and learning. Along with other indicators, such as USE results, peer review and scholarship in teaching, student comments help to make a case for excellence in teaching design and/or practice. Accordingly, if you have received a student comment, you may wish to consider building a case for a Faculty Teaching Award. Yours sincerely, Ian Maxwell Pro Dean, Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning Network | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY

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