Page 1: te THE DAILY JBURNAL RED fOOSE-Tfce %'ftwa Margaret ^ y THE DAILY JBURNAL WmiOX RE


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" Hue V o w of&rfertw County "

^ !«'• I J W I W . 1 . ^ - ^ 1


PiUjAfca«!*«*!ijfte.r>>c^e*fce-p\Sana^y, Daily Journal Building, 413 M-un Street, By The Dally Journal Ptiblft1lmg{Compan,y, Inc.

\ r " opuielE'ns- - ' * '*• A t O N ? C 4. VTfc&St % 6 * % i t < , , . ' " i < , " L M , HlWCHEY, Vice President t ^

; ^ JOHN S I N C W M , •SeflrStaty-tfeisurer i t - * - * —

I H E OFFICIAL ] S ! E W S P A P B r ~ O t y o f Moa(nS, ¥<rtrti-df Shelby, Town i •draidge*iy^andOrl£an-s3Gefarity. ( ^

'Tinkered at the tostoftce'fyiedina.ifcj IY as iieecfad class ttMfctcr f < t 1—T--*—.1-1-

s , , 'PhdmeaOfmAHt^iArfiaifefli*

- * - .'Estal?lishe41n 1 S 0 3 Ii&<J*|«>lBtffe^ihJtS»09

Nati6nal(Adv Representative, Thomas rV Clark Ga.Snc H&swYrjA, Chicago

' O0"t> EVfeNIM^

FOfc 2t>I>AY *fL^or—-Tlioiefoi'e the Loid <&&& seat liitti forth fiotoj

ihe garden of Eden, to till tke grotm4 from whence lao was iakeh —iGreHests'S 23.

TONEiftSFAPfcRS Every citizen m yoiu city is trade* oMisatito to its

, newspaper. Without one your 'flanatonmiy cannot pi'og-i J|ess and wvonl4*-iemai& stagnant—if n^clie nl time. £ ^Yoja can pay tins debt in two -frays: Fifst, by stibse-nb-^g"to'i,heliifap6i? regularly. Second, by adveittsing m its jfeWlimnSj tb.ere'by making it piosfpetfeus aiicl a bettor sales-( man for yon In no other tvay can ;?(m flielpta honest paper, and that will be ample,

Stop, and think vrkexe your city -would be without it& lepiesentafcive In tlie suilowndmg temtoiy.

The cheapestllung you buy is your papei, for tvhidh' you pa^"'about onevhalf the aMiouht it costs tlie publisher

"to: produce it. 5CK6 advertiser buy's bib space at a consider ably less amount than i t -would cost to bend ins announco-inekis eithei by n<ail or circulars delivered by hand

'i .Inhaffton of yotn pHiMislier is to try io give von xhebe&t paper possibr with theiDfiMiey He pets from you i Don't compaie jour papei with tue Cnicago Tiibune or )$•$& Yo;rk. Times -and wondei wliy yoiu paper is not b&tteii, hut- stop and thinfe "Ani I in any way helping my

fl pnlihsW to~ptt'«idude a'befcfcel'newspaper'" ^ ?| __ Many published are capable of jwodncmg papers, hut I ^ l a ^ t l t e fcash ]flb publisher can continue; long to put into I? „ his paper nioie titan lie la-Tces out. and yotn eonitaunity, I "J should not expect to compare its paper with any other, \{ ptrblieatron except'on a population and cash loceipt basis *il "^AMtilso ask youfself if yoit 'fire doing your part — N "ST. ft *&$&*> ?Ubhs3iei, St 'JteaL (Mm*) Daily News.


_ The^Yagion 6i ^tashtngLbn this wintei 'by the first army o f "hunger maiche'is^'lias failed. Jt has been Tepol-l<?d>much nioxe .proiaptly than''tbe celebrated bonus march

"lit lM last congwjssiwial session, alld by less questionable The Washington police -weafe talcing no chances tins1

time. They let tlie; intfadcis ent'ef, fotitjiei'ded thorn Mo a neighbdrhood where the" cou'd do no Jtarti, dtew a cordon around theni-and kept thorn there under constant surveill­ance. The el^raaAtesidenls, alsto -wise from oAperience, did liot wlli'nteel to feed this uninvited "army" or otherwise eiMSourage it Even the statesmen'on Capitol Hill forbore to make -things, pleasant for the jntfudfeis No marching was allowed. Tlie leader was pei|uitled t6 piesonl a petition to Congress, as w*ts llig dig^ht, but there was no oratory, no detfions'tiatiGu. 'Tilts iWaders, xvith slim lations and p6or slieltejr, d^pifed aftei a tonple of days that ihey had M t e i go liome\ fihfcl Gftrfn to Mter oTit of the city.

Some of those V&ie doubtless sincere, but *HB59t of tht*a W6Te 'either plain f akcrs or seekers after ex-ottwnei^ and nofeiie'tj Mufty had m6ney m tkeir pockets,

""'of tlsein s-^ftrncctlilath but adequate rft«alg olffei'ed them oirtjieway, demanding better fare, they did not'"march.1" at «llj fhesy lode in trucks and begged ttieh gasoline. Tliey oonid ae&omplislx nothing, eVbn if tllev were^honest and in% lhg<?ni > ^jJltt&sp'itable-tlVatmenf o'f tlie vangnaid Would soon,

h^re Swamped "Washingt&h with tens of tl\otisand<t of pi'o-pAgajidiiS s. and payasites fiom all over tlie ooutffciy, platfu-i!jig the city and threatening the government. How there will tie less'eagBi'UGHg evefywherfeto enter upon suchcra^y jtt¥i?nto*es. (tresideiit and t l o n ^ s s way be left to the jkw'taslt of'planning for 'the Welfare" of these misguide* Mb£ and all otTiers, in cdnipaiative peace,

Elfts ¥nm tab x Sent Into

^HMichigran Forests if, I . I . . .

F'cttm t h e Detroit N e w s

riitntjUm •H^Uh»»


^*p^tii»jinlM>»i«t> nfcutm itrtMfcrl

A -i-OttNQ W 6 M K 1 W O IS MM e»feafeed m a ^ r ^ 6 an nftiDtt"-^Mtti C*iiisttnijS 'ov Wltliflny^ gift t***iy ^j<t*g UiAft who *!i*<i alieidyJ

Itfentilqftv Ks l i e Iras AeTfeT lecelv-*ft*a fettt Mm* inhn -iSfco is n

rt»TB»«a omy"amk him a g eetih |(H'd.

8 TJieSinlulFxuit •rh* OhurchW»n t

I Oik Iter ivaV to solioai* Mona^y iiomins a, little »trl dr&p&ed lh

| t t h i pJ»r«onai5e "witli a, Jwaket *f itpptes.

4^»%[e*ia the. hiinUteSr "$hey iH«MtcWt«. I d*1»Qj)©, howeven

« U Hot tMh«r tH»m yerter^ay.

; % j f c ' jttid tht ohiW "I pick-

TwfaitvUd oik fipm the Detioit Jioo iirrl how. i. pilvately ovvned, hbid at'* "heiug, "plwtefl' Tjy the •MIclitfe&n jCotoBGiVation, tK>pnW taeat in tlve Htmglitoh Lake State loiesti

f lie Sttit& miide Its ftrat planting x>t etik fa flie Slate tofcesta Jn IMS A trtfcrftSi In l i ie tegeoh Rivei'' lo&eTve lias Jieon estimfeteil to»haVe in&efwea to S )0 nlinttiils, thougli thei e tt no IneaTO of malstaig- an dp' aifato cliocfc. 'iThe Hotfghto'ii Lalfe foi est consists tt 4G.0O0 aciea, {|H •closed to hunting i , , _ - i_ ed thbisi eftviy t h i s waning'—*rat Mi y6u t i o y not \ i imt tlie-jn. tept. K60 thfey Wr& ^ 6 w i n g a l l d i y ye! tarda? *

, Ttle'l^edin^JDaily Jonrriaj '7&&fe&> December lg,L lg32. <#*• -te • " " r r r .

nJ«p»^mfc.i^i»ii>Miiih<aiii-iiilfaiM j

'mWiw nitti-f»iMiiiiiJitw»iiiiiiiiMiiii

What Are The Things WKat aie the tftihgsl tiiat mafce

We bUffht' "A stai gleam in ihe nigW

Whit hearts us foi the coming fiay? -, i

The dajfn tints Of the day What help5! to speed the weary

mile' A brothel's friendry smile

What tiftns o' gol& thfe evening «iay*

A floTVei beside tlxe way —Paul Laurence Di nba-Vj


l!OROSG(^E .mi,mm M,'.li.,mJ,,

Tuesday, Decembei 13, I'flSS Neutral Conditions exist tod-ty

and very little action is expekt?1^ ataong the eaitiv's inhabftants dur mg the next 24 hours, aecoid'mg to the seen

The days activities indicate less, stimulation, 01 exertion foi jiew entei puses, 01 pioneering enorb.' The geneial tendency will "be to let things take fheii own comse s

Howeve i , there is a sign -which is auspicious foi finishing Up ,ind completing odd joljs and d e a l i n g •the-decks foi the holiday .seasdn ,

Shipping steamsli'lp nayigat on, ias wetl as any toi m of tra*nspor1a Won, is, lavoied at, this t ime,

The domestic u i £ e 1 elating to .personal affairs and piopel ly , 'is act ive *ancl favoiabie to "kee>i In., teres>t and act ion i n al l tlifiigs pel t a m i n g to tlie home anuTfts tipkeep1

The s t a i s are f a v o i a b i e to iii);ei i6r decbiatiou, and hourfe f i l i m s h , i n g s t o i e s s1ioli\d advei t i se ifieti products nnd seiVfce- a t t l i f s tirtife, whi l e t l ie public fancy HIBB lh il i is channel (

"This is l ead hs an hiispicioUS day foi an rirrftteis connected with ho tel, hospital management and con ttuct

*6eWfng cii clfes, bridge oiuus, b u n , co parties, family leunlbji , etife'r t&trtme'nt in the hoifie, alift nrfeet-i h g old tiihe adqUaitfta-n^s, all are! ap-oropjiate auihrg thiSTpgifod, t h e s e e l s declare

ABti'otegefa'ag're'o'tffat tlie tfaV et TJianus whi le in llhe%6fiiac (to' Hon of Tnlefshlp, -shttMflL ''brmgi about le forms in tlitt adlftinlstra t lon dE countries luted ^by Khvgs, and a l io In republic* 1tt« tendency will b e more conatructiv^ at this t ime than ^during t h e prior three yea l s , and an eftoH may be m s d e by those in execut ive p6sitions t o bring about ohamge& oifffiitq

* mmtm ahttWhMHWMHf

By Gladys^ <5reiw«n

Household Sc ience Inst i tute .

Spend Hdirr A ^ ^ y In 'I5-font t>f


RED fOOSE-Tfce %'ftwa AK ^ N M A N S T O R Y

iot B o y s andi Giils by Carlyfe mitefjr

A l v m Carter has been, hack­ed 'against a t ree b y Mhchiel, a n onftittw "wbro plasms 4t> pleiA his m o n e y belt Weasel , Micb,-ael'e pdbti^ait tficfd t0w»Vl tA. l -vin, *b\it„ Michae l ' 0Yerheir<J S

him and I s-(i)iR;k Jr«n, down . N o w go*bm With'tlte ^tc*y "" „

"Alvin i^as a btavie yduiigfter, but i t ' tetfst be adnul^ecl lift tlioifght Ws^ ttnfe l iaa dftme Tphteii he iftOOfl 'facing TSf|elj5ieI' 1y-ea!s«l =was "stffl tin t h e g i J t e d , ttnSlile. to give any-ihfelp and Su^h&e^ iMid) threateaecl t o Blioc/t wheen He cdurtt ed xt& *t& three

"Pbr the I s s t ynre-—ai e yo ; i gOihgl " " - i

4 f v l n t f ia-nks U e S '^0^t<<

Bvidence « f the faotHHat ^Ainerl' can Ronton a i e diltgeatiy ^umutng) all the sources iot 'beauty comes from Alice JRogina Oiarfc, who is, courisetloi of t h e Nation*! jBe*uty Inst i tute and <tine of^fhe idremost authoiit ios 4h the oountby onl beali-ty oitltme vj1, ' \

Miss Olark w i t e s a s i f o l l o ^ "You w a y be interested in these

s ta t i s t i c s which hay* Just -dome to m y atitentiony showUngthort A-nert c a n women spend, u e a i l y one bil Hon doUajs a yehr on beauty*

"Of t h i s aniouiit, ttpproxim«tely JS.' goes *>r prodttotB t h a t are used in the ihome an*, thfe b*l. ance igoes for hdttik, hklr *aYin«rt< Und othei beauty Kliop *eivl<ies v

"Amerkaai w o m e a annuaUy con sumo 60,000 tons of obld ore»m, W,\ boo totnH of Jj-nney fae«» «re«i«5( SS, 000 tons of skm lot ions , 9>0OO tonsi b£ toi let soa^, 6,000 tons of b a t h sa l t s , 4,000 ton's o f fac* pow-der, and 2,000 tone of range and llp« stick "^

All "tlie leafllnfc Hives a* b e t t w cosmet ics such «as ^ a f t d o n , Mel-ba, t>jei*Hss, 03elettre*t a n d otIt6is„ il a In g i owing ae tn tod , Misa1 OWiX t e l l s i n e , s t i n t i n g out that the'epen taoniic depieSsion1i*S'mad«4tiH&rfc h e c e s a n i y f o i lwon*eft—e&pe,eiaHjfl tlio«!e i n business—to look then-best

inciaentalty, ^ ^ s ^ o l i a l k *]90 r^i ports tha^ i h e i v e r a f e "tfbiMitti spends 60 tnittntea every day in front of •ftie mirror That's mor^ tha i i m a n y wonieiv spend over the k i tchen s tove

to g ive me fhrtt bel f"' ho-groirted

But now a * n e w h o p e ^pifljig >uj) in A l v m s Jieait Sowdbociy wae. coming t h r o u g h ^ t h e Itoiest H o thonght he ttaSitetaa a sounil Ue ffaie, b u t Ititl aed ided ft^tvnv a lhbbit There It w a s again, tl\6 u n lAibtakeablo sound of homes ' hoofa t iampl ing t h e tfrtdel brush " ~

Michael h e a i d xt ttsofttnd s * l n g ing ai*uitfl fqiildlcly eaileO.

"Who's t h B i e ' " Wifhmit answer ing , I lea Qattm

and his fa the i , Red E a g l e diasrtied through the bushe l on their InMa|i itfctHlds"

'•^Vhht d o ' y o u Indians w a t t f dnalled MieHael, keofung a ftaay flngei dh 'the 'tii&gfer d f his gun

"Hfed Single h a s c o m e to ta'ltq A l v in Cartel back t o I^oit teidgleY, and to take him back safely,' w a s the l e p l y of the Oj ibwa Chief

"Well, this is -none df yotn busl ness , do you mulei stand Get ou t of 'here , both of y o u 1 "

A s itficlmel spoke, h e raised 'his gun as if to fte, but«quiekei than tilie j u m p of a rahbit, a sho t Tang out, and with, a cry o£ pain, Mich ael dropped h l i gun

"Good shot,'1 <«riea Alvin, r u n ning ove i a n d throwing both aimq a?tjtflid R«d QbOse

tim 33«gl<S rtisrriBUntefl otrlo'kiy, boftnd Mfcliaelis httHds ibeWnfl > i ^ bkcfe, thfe-n dresaeS t h e «m&H wound l a his arm. t h a t h a d been unailb Itf the bitHet front the Tine of Red ©cose, afift mepatt id t o ta"ke hfnj book a prisoner

"Oh, Red tlabse," auld AIVH), "h6w- -can r e v e r thattk y o n tati Red naglb? Yp-u . l tave saved m y t t te" Then ^he tfdded, "Bat h o w in the -Woiia idid y o h ^?et ilifele, and tahat made y o u ddme?"

"Yam? -sister and brother came <o Fort Rijlg-ley t#o - f l ays « t 6 l J.OU teavd Tonr b r 6 t h e r - s a y Miehael ;

'hm ^ a n , | s o tted 'Goo^ib eohw to hlhMfVnitihanlr." i . .

„ fiouUhtf. t i y * Afloat A S6bd place t& m sVp^h* "»

tim the dibit or fo* w»* «* it Kticnk «c Petri frlv*r- *o -Oktix^ I Clhinn, sajs a trfxm. 3 * * Wr%t ana canals, are aH&9 with WelMrt anfl maim tjriTt, *«*%ftix* Virt termer -are ihtthtttMrflKe * » # » « » .

carved *lrtftt*rl«*««(tt«». J\%^

am mt Juuy«H«»**o»i*»i» bom and UT« « « * * t tti t)MjM bMM, rarely coming *«h«i«.


T&cie w*ere tmTq *«f g^f taao In, Althi's •feyta JM he ^ W f a t ttxb hawfle -of hrs Indian f iend aiW *hey cbangeo: to testa of h'SpfilhSsn

*~#m ifegt^ar; tfieettng of t»e' toMm AYe&tto: Hohia and *Schboi iQHfb -te«n fe lieia tonight at b'Aoolcv

[•nimtTw Ii*i1nlft,

^ASSOCIATION , %*wwij . WbKte any tfaMh k**t*> * v 5 * M s crt*tt*^ i i ^ ^ i . ^ • - ^ • •

m*< A*J '•mm, i#%

<Q**mr v *i H mm^


otnr IUU.


A ROMANCE: I Margaret ^LtyHtcfemer

r i OKAKE^t iZ

"iTOlSS. FREBNBB «l» '»we*t to mt," iSaMa iiaHL to Eitlier. ,

""Strhy *K>t?" Part »t*f«tp to h « Aed bfli«»ii*B-Sttitr-.lfi»o«t*- * A o the {eflge with <me wet hand., 'Scmit're a Hamb, .bestaes being PM-War Xady and Manuel Roee's briJte-olSCt"

'.'A£ybo*,l!»f«ftr,4 pH(«atty t«31 tis fto e^t ttm hell «rt of b*rt 1i W& Jiigh-Tiittea h*r—(«it ffe'y%nt& ccttiBto. Hfes? Via t<iiia(g *» abk tettllH* *hteii

tliWB^^t « » tftift., HDSarl&e *fi(*l--bilityi" ^oliti.SLknm (fiMti^a Ms Waafe <h(f*d in t*e V^«r<^ftin. lfe

•on jh»Jcrraw1l»<^0ra«r'i|(fiSlk o* 'clfa itre « » f fa "lsvfe 0 » yao,*" he e # * i Tiafclt thYotielh -th« cWtliltftfe ^4fe1r. S a bSi—tde-ji* tHie t * i**r 'ota

yfiS6t»«r''„ ^ B«)wr '-Spn«* c% *m mi We %«Ht

lUsiSSr « th^'K 'ilvs-<S, If* trfier *«a lafcfcfe «te

ftihey s%^d'viWb't!lfe1wl(ifer. '<Ycni m &ta4bhm" HethsftSi * stefeHt •Ytftt *<Jt tiiat •««(«&, that ctfrfata -thing—h

Sftfilta-drtfr^a i«ti>t]fo«(j«l ^vateV. W * M she iift«a /h«r «e£a 't&fici tor «Wh dSi* *M*fea ptA •t*£ck ~ ^ » i w y wiie <o%«jg «<;«*« W e trffti tfi -hia t&thfdg * « t H e 'rMcli«a-.aotoi and « i s « a 'BttsUfc! Heffrer, tirtaWllHEr bat Wt-aAiie%, -iJtfofeffl TJHII «3own Su»a

. klta&MiH •- i r**i(l-ei«' , 'S»SJMiU«a*ta, "to get •Here i n t«hi* rtt> 1?lSfSr roiMKl a httle '»=

"SCM11 X w i l t e d .Howe*t<2hBi!s** atfa ,loi»r,<,/t^ii*ils-TytllH: >Mann*, afttln-g-

« r w * OR s'the M « e *4& -taMne: Bn»«fa'A Wet fiaffd, 'Of latte he *ev^r was anywhere near heir f^tOrattttnaH-ine •6cnWe >gehUe ^pcMlit^t keeftare o t tticjosqrtsloSi She did not mind it •exactly, B a t ehe^lmeW, thongh she scarcely /"dared face It in her ntmd, that she d^adedHhc letting (ooso df tiro <fllfcs that IS? tnider this Ifehf glow.

H e turned to where Miss Myra sat litkr the edfee 'lit tho waters i n her <!ahopI<i<H!cIiaJr,,! watichlns the pool With pleasure

11-'btought along m y old mother," he said "Xhe chauffeur -will <M\ o her sontewKiiSSs "fot dinner — she's old-faShtohea, ybu Kno*r, t iothlns but kosher cookhier, Me*r her heturt. But bhe wants to hear the concert."

"I liflbW," s a l h t a S s JiyrS, beitolng-and xesdtfitcty tttti&L "is-u^ipbfee I t s tho way I feel about—about sewing on Sanday.'

She"Vtf«oKto TibbbW ih t o Welcothe Mrs Eosen, that -Wieged and cryptic matriarchxSho would never cease to fed caste and rank distinctions, but she would never admit or show It. And as Mrs 'ftosen felt tho same way hut did It perhaps a little more subtly, they got on •very -well Each felt that tho other "was surprisingly human (MrfbW of theftt Msed all this sitt ing on. turf Thoy would rock comfortably on t i e broad, screened vciSada aao *dlBCiiSar the ydirafr people and what wfcd 'going t o bfc-cdtoe of the WbrtJ, and have n good time.

ttanhy ioorrffeu to" dnHStlWly- high s • • •

* sbirfta B e yelled and skylarjced w^th yonng-Joto , he scrambled after Eta-tlier aiid Ufearly' dueked her; pres­ently-they a l l c*awl*<l out cool andj dripping ana played a dohple of sets "ego. jmriMd 4n again to g e t cool. Some of l&ern * i l f W i n from tho 'river and swam and played more timnis atfd ?3Wa*h ugaln, and finally •fraMeA to the house to dress, after tea. and iced drinks under the neasr-t est uaibrena It > wife one df "those dftys wheti everything h a s befen ftightly haranomous; when t h e •weather and the people and the talk. iKwe toeea easy, irierry, content, p a l l i a found Se*seK laaghijbft, oiltei -With the rett, no t the lady from cSfars, the stranger from n&ieteen-'elshteen And stahhy, a s they l in-^ r e a behind the others, Tield heV and 'stfoKe seftly

"I'm getting encouraged about you, I think yon like me a lot moi* tliah you ever did"*'

•'Oh, yes*' "YouVo different from other

•women, you'd never let go before people the toSy these lode do A ftt-tle if rem you means a lot"

She remembered how she held clung i n Roger-e arms, the day in. relham She 'could He for Hdger t h e girl tsmilia, Jray 'and passionate ana vividly a l ive , never Tor Manny. B u t Manny must never know that. H e went on talking boyishly.

'•i was discouraged I—" he* laus&fca a nine, shyly, ' I Wrote a sad song hit about yon "

"Vain person'" "They always are hits," he said

slliiply. ' But you ve been so sweet a know I w a s a fool to be discour­aged. I'm going to teftr i t up when I get hotrie tomorrow &hS do a happy oije '

"Don't waste it," She told him, laughing "Wiitc the. happy one too"

D o t s corps of ticket sellers had ddne good Work ttt 4 as an Outdoor concert. Dot had commandeered the' Valaty lawn.

"Thc"n tho poor lambs of Invalid sotcftois can get t h e gdtfd <tt It, too," site "had decreed "Ana l i toaes t h e audience can see * h o m -they're do-l lug it for"

Esther Was prtvatfcly cynical latfaut this

"Dot is thoroughly established do­ing goqd under Rogers nose," she obsiervoa "She's so old-fashioned, •Why dotan't she tell h!rn she wonts to marry him? Believe i t or not, i t •svfll never dawn on him any other* •rtay"

EraiHa was grateful for a still niore Old-fashioned thtnfe', the control df:

voice ana feature which made hor able fb say smilingly, "Ho will prob­ably aWalten to it some day ™

Esther was abotit to ansveer her with fury when Manny's leisurely voice called up from the floor -be low *Woar that light blue satin dress with tho lace petticoat slibw-i sg through the slit, Emilia, ^anil'the blue ribbon round y o u * hair Some ot tho boys remember that dross Thoy, aUked -for it-" ' 'ShTd raOfer t f i e y W n ' t , T i m haft

been Rogers' fayonte dress, too; eac-aotty like one she h ^ w o r n in hey wairtlme -coaeeTte. l » e n shfe was-•ashamedi If ! * e *o«erl( i ,wanted ^ t they'Sholt have ft. ^»tt"t » Wa« so phantom-Mho,» tWe ^teottng in the blue satin a*fl 'a ingag foV 1he''sol-djers Sa»e"*oBderodv'fl: i * e opnld g o thrown, ,%Nh « . 9*Wi» "ftrohia he &> many gHosfe fb 'sihg te^therfe i n t h e Valafip «Wjde»r . '

* h o » nT«r*- iswo^t l a u g h m r through the gap ( to the -lilac Hedge and dWae4:*she'S»d.frot ana Manny-t o the arisoT!. 'yfhlci tfaS to be the stage erWrSrfeS, thfeife* into t h e a v dldiKie

MkuWy « i * IrtfeiaHsBalSle h a d i b»o«ghl -W> a.eSfple' -bt-ttooailglit*: the ^ a a t e S , those ot-flforirWKk- SoHilof do l lg^t^Wiri} Ha yfc*1tg celoredf eieBtne"l*hte f6V«?-the teKce ftltd W}th Mdhtg dhalrs. OTey deTtaad, it* a SHJiaarc^the blesik J* wet s , KM. crosj*d a'&eVe t h e ^natefice's 'heads. The pWtfermJ lcn<Kl*d tip of rough boaras b y 1Se Saimfe soldiers, w a s having the t o y piano Hanuy frfoUght iirom Pelhani jpUshed into It from the raoonHfc-Jawn.- tt^e-'floodftghf s, fotased. en lt'frofti W t h Hoe*.

Suddenly Jt became id ErtiHui.,, standing at tBe e'irtrtne-ft <of tllo'roee aib*r,"Unr^a and WorSdlble I t V a s att -a dceam, certainly, o n e o t ^hoae y(vld4 atef imtfoBWrJie -dreaifta wheio one-place and scene- are-fused wrtk aniftKer pKce aild ocene;*-and pedpte •frdm fifties -artd ptaifca which have neVer touched StrayJ ilnfcodc'ewledlj-about together

"H t was teH&ig the %eBroA t* Roger," she thought ^ T would say . Instead df i o u and, father and Rohm,*, I drefiWa our lav^h Was full of strange people. Cousin lSfyra w a n there, only she had gray hair and w a s lame, and there was a girl A a red lace dress*who said she w4us baby Esther but she w a s grown up. B u t I must have had m y war-work on my tnlftfl too, because there w a s a platfornt and a 4ueer httle piano, and some of the audience was-sol— fliers slttyig i n front. B u t the-queer-est thing t)t all w a s ^ I a n n y Rosen. t H e l was accompanying mo on tho strange TiaHo: but toe. was -all t idy knd groomed and m becoming eve­ning clothes Arid fn the dream h e Was a ffamott* iSian—I sufcpdse h e -cauae he Was a lways saying so when the boys tormented, him, i poor Maahy1—jixfo! I was going to marry h i m " "

The sense of dreamhkeness faded, fortunately, a s Dot bustled past her aha meite-a, i n the 'dusk outside "the strung lights, into a .group of her anxious aides. After all, it Was real, this , strange postscript life had i buchsafed her, Jsfift the life anyoWe would have plannecUfor her, b u t Whoso life fs? And this crazy, youth­ful trick of orienting' every thought and feeling t o Roger, of inventing Jong eohVcftsSfldnft with him about everj tftihg that happened t o her, the moment her itilhd was frbe for • minute—that would wear- aw ay. Sh» mdst And more jb do

(>rO ate aomtNVED)

£ •

Soviet OrgkRuntioa. Tbe Octobilsts is tlie joungest of

Russia's youth organizations, tnclud lng in fls membership boU-and g h l s

ttom eight to "ten -i-ems ot age (These clultlLCn ni'e binaed rnto fectiool giotfBS'witli'80 oi%b eluldi6h i n %ncb division, t h o aivlsrcins being broken up Into ttnlts of s tars 1 with febiht-or ten jnombois. The svmbw t s a red s tar worn over the heart, ttlhe members are instructed to help Hie w'or'kers htafl -peasants ot all laflan ttt feerr l i g h t f o r freedom, to feftndy diligently, -anB t o strengthen the OrSnnfWittbll Oftic rtttne co»i> i bemor^rtcs the Octdbel l ^ o l o t l o n tot 101T>

i . i I i IN t rtfr- . ,

CJirtJOTH tJinchl i- Tlfe 'exflellehce 0t1r>e s h o ^ tliat, While pover ty l i i s «S'awtavhntft§e!f, Jmodorn, conditlohs * t e >a thon'sjthd Wniesan.or^adva^fn)tepBisitnft& cioij-4iti(ir<»6f.jgreafrlwc'ilUj^ K v o a ^ r e , Vvell off. and have no need 1Q p » s s yo'ur cliftdren, thejr are In more dan-iger than the*e fchMrSn Whose par t^rit* m b pbor. ajhrose clrcnin. istances in life, not {&tfe*a'firinHreSs

t h a t l a y him under t h e hetMssits- -of being and doing, as the very condi­tio* 6f; his.-etbitene'e, inake staunch mt6n.-»-Exchang*.

V h e n I w heard, t h a t his T>( other, ' f w child harth l? and severely, t a t « n a s iste i -vvoie -ftaitins; f o i h i ta " • ' • - ' • • — " -•'-•>••-- - - < •- -a t Fort ^Idgley

W h e n t h e y K'sturnea, several days later, ' throre was •mneK Rejoicing a n d o n t o ai?atn Rn$ "Gooso jLdcerVcd much piaise Svlflbh wa took Jnefaastty Alvin t r l •ed Do A e t a t a hfm btrt t h b ybitijg 'Oiibwa t f e k ^ a t o tr tce fenytMft* ' • « e « 'Ooosfe ^ iad t o Tselp trlijiraJ' * e s a i a sftaiylj'. fcirt needless •to1

ant, ihft fcfttt Alrts i %•&*) tost ttfend, for fttfcfcy ysoa's

(To he •contiiMtefl) ;

Advet t i sea goods, a r e half sold.



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