:^*JK-*^ -%Ufe X.V A~- fe*t- v t TOWN . *0TifcEST* ; • ' .. . 'Sept ao.-f-Mr. tfeimis Broderiek in Visiting his, brother, "ffim. BrodeWok, Sr.- for a few -days. —Mrs.' David Robhe (has . returned from TMr Visit to 1st. Lawrence. Oo. —*We yfere all ttajned to hear of the sudden ' (death tfi ' Mbs- J*ofhn ' ; Pa.raV which "c^curred at Piattsburglk last' "Weak. J ' •' ' ; •I , " —Mrs.. Wm, Brodfei-iek', 'Jr., ihis i?e— turned ti'bn^ber visit to her f atlijar'in. the West. ' \ .• •> —Wh it might have been -a serious accident occurred at the /homei of B.. So.Gregijr on Monday, when, a ball from a gun entered tjie roof of the back parcn within two.tedtf<dfWikere .the blfr<ta'0irl,. : Em>mia Ploof, was eri- agep work, game are; gettih'g nowadays. I ' : People, in search of a-little too" qafel,ess~ Plaltsburgh Daily; Press, 'FRIDAY, SETT. 21. 1§00: _ Fire Alarm Signals. Fjunttefc—R. VV. SVeeks, Tarrytown|, }L O. Bennett, Cnitago; R. J. Sheldon, ^uAammh; John Dorsey, Ogdensburg; r\- J. llamson. E. Spencer, Newburgh;• .Mi* Robert Mason. Willsboro; -E. C. I'C;J!I, Washington-; R, J. Greeder, j-qtfroerof North Catherineaud Brinkerhofl ^ Vhiladetpbia. Mrs. J . G^ ROSman, Mi&i " v '" ' °-—-'- ' Hwn'an, Brooklyn, Mrs. M. W. Bow- ers", Ntw-.York: F. L.. Case, B. "W. P o r - ter. William Johnston, JF'. L. Cochran. Albiinv. : 'Witty-rill—6. S. Benedict, Roches-i r-•; C. E. Johnson, New York'/ A. H.. David, H. N. Clough, J. A. Col-vin, C. W. Little, Boston; Mj\ and Mrs. C. W. Pavi>. Montreal; W. H. Tindale, Clintonville: F. A." Long.. Ausable Forks; F. Steffbn, Philadelphia; E. N. H -Rear ot Normal Sdiiol - r - fi -Carn-T ot William- .in! Biinkerhofi.. - sj—earner Ivorraiue uml siillv A-ve. jb—6-fiee of Biteer Bra-, ^umncr Co. SS-iViHtam-i •\l4aufacturma Co. 43—Corner Piatt aiid Cornelia. 54 -C>fair Margaret an J Protection- Are. fe—Corner of South Cnt-tf-ri'ie and Baitery yj—^jrq,?r oi Peru ami Bfn1g?i fe— Corner of *iirgraret and Him. ; St«,—Plait^-ir^h Barracks •' PERSONAL MENTION. t —T. H, -Ballagk. left la<n nigkt for TTOT,, where his wire- is visiting rela- jSves,- —-Henfy J. Lang)p% left yesterday to emer Union Ooliegl^. mora; A. W,. Badger, Barm, Vt.;., F. L'if.riejohn, Wxs. Ohapimttn and Ion, Sept J - I9.-^1*h8! fatr^ -as uatial, brought tis plentyi-.of raiin and.OTeryjr- thing fa locking fresh, T^ith cfoolttii^BMs and pdt yery warm days. 'Si^glht frosts with at ite a heavy o$e Tnesdiay night, liave Jvisited thiis 1 place, though as yet not much' damage ihas "been done and.ei^Jps are nejarly ; -all ojut of the' way', except late c^nk' piu'Qh of it be- ing latii 'on lac-count oi the. rain jin Che spring whiclh delayed the planting. -Set era! -from fihis town have gone to the Ottawa faif, leaving Johnson's station, early 1*ues|day (morning,' where they went -by team. (Wf s'ee by "the "Press that the Gpugh House is offered for.ske, a^id that there «re some suggjestiohs inajde of ituning; it into a hospital, whidh wouldfeea great Messing to a gr«w- ine:" to^Vn .like Plattsburgh, and some^ thing lotueh more meeded ^anl-a ihotel as -there seems to be plenty lot thtsSe there #Lieady. A -hospital is ineeded I TV, Matone; 'James, H. A'len. Port . . , ,, Henry:' H. y. Hoard. Cambridge; J, evete town, ot importance, :anft if H Freti^rick Albany. - ** e Vfvple of Plattsbul'gih tsiic<seed in •'^tlimberland—John" i b'Lear-,'. Banne- esta=bH*h.ing One & the GougJh-.Ho'uSe, W-Benton Turner yesterday.n-turncd SuraUac; Charles A. Burke, Malone from a business trip' ro-fsew York. 11*. W. Ferrett Chateaugay; Ri N. —Joseph Tiernev rkua-ne'd to Mon- l C"raves. Ohamplain; C. H. Moeh>n, Al- treal yffsterdav to resume his eccles- Iwy.; P- M. Jacicson, Saraaac Lake; iastieal studies. ' - . —Mr: and Mrs, I -Scheier left last erenlng for a shu*; -vi&.t with frk-nd-i ail -New Y'ork. --••.. —sirs: Charles Payette is -making a short jvisit v/ith friends at-her foiimer feoifis* HarkneSb. —Misses Sterns and Donahoe left last evening for New York to buy. fall millinery goods. —A. S. Clark, of the firm of Clara: •.& BonKiny. went to Albany on a busi- ness trip last night. —-E. J, Culver leave" town this morfs- issg to visit with his daughter, Mrs.- f. 3. ITaxfleld at Potsdam. t~-J. C. Buckley, of the Prescott & Buckley Construction Co. last evening xetumed from a business trip to Syra- . -ease, i\ \\V Fc-rreli. editor of the Ghat- *a«gsy Record, spent yesterday in ?»Tr. and Mrs. P.- E. Stanley, Boston It. i. Vosbufgh,v George .H, Goyo, Sar- nrutc Like;-' L, Allen, C. H. Allen, BAH- iiy" Hill; Nj J. '.Murray, Troy; 15. J. -Flarrtnscton, Hampton; Peter Kearney,' Montreal. , ' J">evlin—Mr. and. Mrs. Frank- Ano, fold Brook; Louis Liberty, West PlattsbOTgk;! James Murnane, Saranac Lake. ' - . . Tlie Xtitt* IIosiffTal,, ^ | The , people of 0afan^e Lake are nutting forth every possible^ effort to secure the State "hospital foli'pulmoa- ary diseases, Authorized by the last legislature, and yesterday, a commit- tee, composed-of Di: J. C. Russell, H. P. Coats, '.esq., and "W. -'J- Callanan, representing the citizens of that .place, , went to Albany, where p. "meetiag qt t'ae State, Sanitary Commission was heW, te 1 -^!©* to that body the advan ta|res of^.taat' place. . The comrittttee .town, returmfis ho;ne on the evening 'took' vl in. them an offer,from. the-.peo- *i*».»n- ' ' 'pie of the Adtrondftck metropolis to eppivibute $f..0OO toward the (construc- tion of the thospftal, • • VTHE NA0GNAL -G$ffl£ . tram. ^—A- I. Fosburgh, editor of the Adi- _ asonaaek Enterprise, Saranac • Lake. . ^as in town yesterday, en rctute a to ' Jfe^: Toiiv. •_ - ' . —George F. Foy, of Sarana.c Lake spent yesterday in.town, retur*ning 'l-GTO.e by Jfgy of Malone in the e'ven- Jne; '"•:. ... —T"n\--S J- Parish of New York.wfho Trias been spending the -summer at ' Westpbrt inn, spent yesterday in town ietni'ning to Westport on-the evening' - - teain. . ; " . —S. ;S. Moore, formerly one of tftf| Tannehill and ^imiW"^ t»est-k?xevm coromeroial ttave^rs .in-ffjnd of Sth; tljaxlniess, *his s«kion, now in the mining busi- At Boston -mess at T-Uson. Wyaming; Is, i n town I>hJ3adelpMa... sfov'a few days, . '" Boston' —Mr. and Mrs.- George Laiotrr and •*chfidren. who have been visiting the "past two weeks at Capt. Louis Par- •iKSD'&retiirned yesterday to t h e i r ho-Tae- is Nasbuai H T . . . ,' ."-•—Bdward O'ConnelL who has. .beep. fjpendin^ the summer with bis tipcaa, Tery Rev. T. IS. Walsh, 'hatojyesterday! for Montreal, to. resume Ms studi&5' •for the priesthood. " - ' ."'. —D. M. McFherson,. tlie Montreal "horseman, who won the (majority of- the pttrses -in. last week's rr&ces;. at the -CJiinton 'raunty fair, left last night \-with his ihorses for tYestfield, Mass.; ^rhere .he races next week. .. '—Prof, and ifrs. Jas. G, feig,gs. of t»:>H'S Ferry arrived in. Kew. Y'ork on ""VvCSneKrfay, .on the steaaner Lauren- ' liar, of tte Allen line,'after" haying .spr-iit thn.-e m'«nths visiting the Paris -•txyosition- - and various: countries In ,35a:fope, ", ' . : " : ^ -~Z irMr. A,' .- ?f»hift : '. and . '-faimily, ' of ; lg:>artneraorhr «ill leave for Plaits- . Ihursrh on.-. Satuniay evening' 4o STtf-nd thr-ir ftolv d.'.ys jtnd-'frtm t?iere 3tr. Sehifi wili' depart for _. the .Kew "i".>rfc ami Btiston ••markets' xo_purdiuis'e.. ,.l»is fall and winter- gt*®fis:-~?::- .. TnK&TXUV&l. NOTES.'-. . At New YKork'* . • . : Brooklyn *..,*.„. .... New York; .. ... —.,. »., Batteries'—Kitson . and. Taylor and Bowermap. ' At Pittsburg: St. Louis,.. ,. Ptttstiuxg "Batteries—PoweTi: ;;^.nd Tannehill and ^imiW'^i'. Game .. 2 %• 1- |rieQuir«.; . R-BU33. .'. 4 11 I .. 1.0 13 t iRobinsoini Batterie c 5—Ortb and Lewis and. Siffiitlm. •" 7-'*Othfir-;People's- .Money/' tiie Crarh- ' <?Ar whic-^ vj.-ts' consider«-*d on** of the jp"V;':t*-si f<»rui'<i.v .riiT:*r-essPt- - l a s t , s e a v o;i £,jid.-the talk .at all who witnesseid the called " ~ R jB[.*€4. ... (2 1 0 , E ... 5 8. 2 JfoFarlaad;. w. H. H. wjnm^'s I*EW BOOK: W Jft'.B .Mui'fay, «ora'ea- to xhe-ftont after Ibng seclusion nvtth a'-boak.en- ^titled "How. X attji Educating mv ".Dattsghters," As -v^as' to be expect- ;ed;'be develops some n&y:el ideas. For.qiie thing,- Mr. Murrav^ljlrtnks that thftdir^a should bo educated rh.r •ocirely at bomeC He tolls'- us that '"ib'-y (his dairghtors)-!&ave .never been TO ss^hopl or church, JI«F haye" they ever h'i'd a iilayronW^m- thetnios't casual-fte- (iuajntjan.ee - witij'. aiiy : dhildreh beyon-i their own homei.ciraie>" . . : *to ;detaills, Wir Murray . .^ays; "£)»e. thing seemed .|'ti-ang;e to me and unacwuntsiilr.* •! That'". in this land of liherts and chm-rtresJ of. schools and collefVs, T could iitid bo Jwak. emirate- ; ..mg tl<e ries'la^Rtton-of Jn'dtperideixce and the ,c,onst1t5tIdn' 'pf life--.raited. '"-rtafn's for popjuiai! rea'4tfvg, ;atid''TX-V -.volume' containling the "wb'i^js^of. $§£u.j '.-t*i'e wiFcfet'rhan who ever lived: who ''spakp. Rf.no o8her-rnan-S!nake-~-prjnt-7i,. J~-h. 'srinj-ihUtt sfiledsin in letter's, for the .study .ah,d;i miw6rl.zjition/pi;;,those fwho ife-or wduld- be. pis dist'%fes." iH'.» does pot theah. tha^ %bei£. an- no.. New "'f'f^ranten-tk, bu#-fthVf the.'word's tlpit VK;HS-uttered, by-.thamRelyes, are,not: pnfdished. rle publi'ifhps them hiimseif | n t h i s b.?f«l%,-,as-.he 'fcutgltters., fripni, tle'igtrnpel of "Luke. p>i. {v-vt Is' divide i -llntV tecitafcious.. , S'imik'riy'ihev were led to de&T'h, pro-j iKfRTjuanct for duyt afterwards,- wiU tl ,j.j.. 5rrthoSf ' of -frbefRjble >ahd-those of !•«••• prorlwrd at. ;l-w tl:R«itre tonight:. taiight tiiem .'to'.hls. Th>- . i-ori!-p;ti!. ! -. he:*Uedt.y that' priiw-' Ht-npf^Pj Leroyle, ar- awi ftntairin'that po|j- Jti u ii'tJc ;n!n»,. Miis May S-irpvi't .s'jf I'fmn'ntiNn^. Ti'Vf-il ;rt n--.itit., t,ne p'jeo'plt'i?. of 'tiif. I world—-and. many <i5-thf-f<e ^rovertj-s'. Wave -been set d'd-wri T4 Kbow.'tbt'.raftthdq. '- ' i '~Jn: like •'. mapijt^r-lhe^ is giving these ,arls a voiiebulary 6f- the LnplWh iah- '-'uagt- by -thi'' ^mple process of sele.c- V.'ri" -.il'.t"-;u in. -HIT-.'tiiC-l«t eumwl rVt'A*- <ii .ftiiM-i' s>uir.lHru',.,l-a.:ift Water.s.. •• ••}•';• it- 'I:' km.:u.-, in, iniHif; i5:tr-!fJl. fauj- ••-•;-.•-'. Wi'.i, .L.i. .Harntrnit r. nwnfiatiy. .-_.(.-. - ; >i<. LH: V '<H . Mr. li»!.u;. if- h a i ni< t •' vji*i?.i 1 m;:':'(>( li'siii f-i'^ir ?.,-jn (; iri^t-urMrc;' " ' "- !>i vinr-.tz-.h' .••! Luf'.'bhii-oii' lio:". ?•• v.,.j.-.-. -nii::!, i.- "Tin-rt- i^- n-uli- •'i'- --''','-•• "' •"• ni. m M . r.inS nil a;or>-.-'f ;,. -ir.il-,: j,) ,I|I)I . f . ' 1.- r.i.n-1 •-•' Hi '.»!•- ,'t tij<- bt—i! fiif'i i f tj'r •i-'-iUS.- nti Hn- iitiiaf .Jt'- t ' i - - 1I1 t'tniii .IT.I>, ii larci- JHJI!-^ ' 1-!H - 'I.i tfi'4. II ail-: ' V.'O' <• Jtey.-that ap<»ita fch". i'dge,. and ./juali-hes a'pid 'and .ettsy..pr»>- J il»t, n i.l.4I.I«L,.- , *l. l * It -' i>. .'! I* ' r"-TT> I "> v <i .'WEMIISTREPEAT,. .V.'h^n E'.IT..;WV u, l':a.r'.-t.urfl^Ti;-ii* tlli-- riiLDJI Hi OVA. f .:•• -r .H^'sn., -^ Y'.Xr ~tX±. hurt! to t .:t\ iit-v. Thi'liirs iiiioui f »«.-ii'fe-, Kuitii y J*4b„ 'i in-'^Tiii-e. tin t.«ii aim di'uuiL' !>;t'.f;, rite -'.suflfr -tritiv Litinry tiis-nnlers- mid' th'- 'xrou -, I'III-- oi *n*ts» v. Ui/f^- ui.:mt>i-.i. w'AKirtzJt. tr \':TU\;L> .it: 11 i. U'-Uirti'. .Til-H thi'V ' dii _^V±X^ '";".'• •--.-> lii p r . 6 t e - ll'jii'l lu>t it ->. .-. T ;;t i>1 ',u.:(-!,» ri-ma-ifl.-. Plllrth- *fb- -iliir-eni-n', .ir It--. ;i-( - < inzeii-s-. 1* f-u*;'!\ %'T-KI-VK-U. ll*';it'. '?!..?• CU-.t- . - : ' -" 31f. K::-^rf'.-r or JO Un.ise St.. ;-:•'>*.—*'i !u«tl J.::ins- ovW : If,v l;i(lii--.iK- :.::,'!' a: t iir>-5i/. lanffiiei':-, 'in riie hau ' <•»;'- my .:.«•!. j_ p-u.t *; f :»iu-! ' Lmii' i."--iin't T';!l.- -jj.'i roi :, u->i at Lartmi a ,->;c'v-'(jri- ' 1'.-. tin- .fjf-ji-" I u-td halt 01 ''lui'I'i fb«- jiaii: a in-' idi!H-hi-.-H ittf'f II"- «!!'' .1 V.i; .f:>-f ffuUi all 'Ulilill-J- - '•{•»• fr'>-t- fin- Ki.fn»-y ,K.'i-rH!ui:». 1 .-'f'.-rv,;«r*-i- •••• •••ii-,-;! tjir-m fur a tj-nind \-.":j \ f< -r.:' : .•iitifh^'-aaid fiity had -.f.-J ..-\ ( .,, J,;n, fr »")1 . iiii'? .fiulur*-' f. if y< -,!,-.- * ' .-»}•! ii> ;,";: H-^:'i-r- j»r-'>--..*»<' fi-'rus {•!.<?:-:. ru^'.-r Mi'« Hl ,- p f .', BH'H-JO, 1«* '•*. : ni- ;-..•.•!;-»• .fd«- ' h i V.- n -...-n,'•- it. ia!-.» i*u oiiji- r. IU-, 1 :! SpeU,_.yiEOnp«,n'('ft, fin*', and- uw- ^yot-ijlK'prope.rt'j. ljj,--«s ; l ofu.-ctvf, the first thing that it ehil'i h(-.ih<' I'lf'.'-tintEfht. 'Mastery 'of word 1 uoi'vjf ii'.i- is the >t;'wM'_. -r»i'.7 iil-1 = -know} liWi-li.lii tfi.iuake -r •4'•<•*•< in ail stiAhes. '"SV'it.i.i'hild-rWthus ^*uni}.i"i! for uieattt| at'tmisition ret-cii- ii:f h a ti»'li*.;itt;itnii 'study.an-enter- Ci'.rniwnt, Jtiul not i.'tas-k At eight it :.-i-:iJfb\ ti«d 1 f"vn'|turl hah criaie'tb u ••i-ri.uf wia.-i. rt-t'i'ii^vi-iw'fi* of '•mt'Uibry i- ->j",va'vv r^niurk^iU'. and iii.maiiy .1 .!-•••> yi'.ijTuimi.tml ] She 'is' then ai l . a l IITii': > liftj-'lliijl. .Vv'uidh, pkraSi'K, •d?ti.iiath ^j.pressii^iR'. anc( tmtire sen- 'I'l-i'-^, 11-..' ,ri-i.«-isi-ii (iH.ii white pasfe re-- • •,%•<-:- t)*e ft rit-ii-ss;, of the pen.' Later. -...- 10TM-, to I.IK.-; 1 ertiotiuiml period,. !_•"•! \.i't tf.'itin- peri'efifiv'e and reasott- ii- .".U.:*<.._ aii(i"Iu'st pf.4ll- to. the reget- "•'.,i«u ( f IH 1 ae ,bi.-|fihhmg of her prb- •'•f.aihc- ; njQVi-.niif'nt a s a. mwfal force .-ivi-s tin- ^ighetjft -(fxliresaipn of, j.nuiuii s- " ,•'.'"'' hi- -Tiwlarajion .'jnf Independ'-nc • rlijf Vtfiistittrtioji |are given.'in di^ iiii-., nVi Ua- K-iildri-n learned them. •ri- y nif.«i' a dis'siij'rtauon on TJun'*- , :»fid rn-tr the i ioae -r.-eitatiohs of Tiv . with the yir-tfth'f-Kce g i v e n to- -ihtij j.u.t'.-, ',fu Tfitu Mo->re, l.'ry- lmlWL. Si'ott . : it will be a 'blessing to the -cominun- ity and-a monumetit tb the orlglnaltoors of the i^lea as well as to the late Tihos. Atmsfirpng. ' X. IROJJA .. "- : SepLt 19.—Rentien. Downs' has fe- tnrned ihome . from| 'Walpole, Jf. H „ where,be ; has been' working, •Ret 1 . Sylvester Sayford, Who 1s preacM&g in Vermont, '. -csslled' at Chaune*y "Davenport's for a sbwrt vis, it a feijp days' afio. . •' •Wei extend our congratulations to our frrands, 'Mr, andi'Mrs, Efdwin? S!art- well for being awaVaed su'db a valu- abfe prize fot -thavin^one of the. pret- tiest babies..'at *be PlattSbuargl* fatit. —MrJ James.- Sayers of ^IPeMn-'' bronki P,' Q., is' staying ambile anion^ relative^ here. . ] —Mr.' ana Mrs. Edgar Davenport; With- tbeir little, daughter Faanie, went fa Onateangay last Friday fa visit thwr brothef-inJlaw, "Wm, Oasmp- hell..' i*hat «ame evening febe 3jaby was ' tajk«n sick and <ciied Tuesday morning, -The. corpse was brftitgbt •home W a y . Mfc a»d Mrs., Davettiport have th& fttllest sympathy of our peo- ple in the loss of t&eir bbsjld, whose .little wtrn lj ? lng ©bid aad whit© to ; its sno«y saroud fs as beautiful as an angek 3 ' - ' -• 1 >.- , Septi.-lis.—Howard Bates w h o ' ^ s been spending & f»w 4ays With his par&ntie left today over -the jOhasteau,- gay to Saranac.Lake. 'From tiisre toe goes-to'his position id Atttwa pri|3on, —Our band leader, •>» 8. Baker 'lias reeerv^tjt a new -cornet It is ! a tine in* •sw'unwat of-Freac^.ajannfactore. ~3dmi Bufcatt ihas-. pur-cbaaed (of I* A. Mietetder, «an . elegant , sittrgadaie range; jmadft^by the Sold <Mn .Stove 0& «J! jfroy. ABy/o&e % # W ^ stoves, and* ranges ican do no ibetter flian. to, buy of Mm. He has tteee. diflfereat kinds of janges^HonseboW, Aborn and" Gold CpSn. m -also »has ail l£tad« of parlor stoves for ooal and wrooia. —feenry Sfcbeief,'*|as in town'yes)-; 'teraoy, '•' I i ' •' Mil,. Wood of'West -Chazy is visL= iting- her daughter; Iflrfi. M. R.-Ostfan der, , , . • . -I MO.ItRI^ONVJ'1,1**, ' < J Se|»L •$•£-Rev, -Ifather iRe'langer, pastor of St. Alexander's ^hiircji, -ai- rivedirbtb. ParJs'.'bn'Qie i7t-h tmst &«! was -.gieebd vilthj a hearty welcbme of j»t*toeB 4tod Bineet com. L«4, beans and tomatow tutve tlpeaed., Our 'Sbdk':f|al 'ftjoit «Ui«e M«y,,.fei|l,oin tw llglitiy* ttoe itttb,inst. FAranfera. «re plowing; «nucin« k Bhonwm<teal. •• \ —J. <3. Ware Is -eonne^tiing; Ma.frotMf witfti, ,th^ sewer.' ; :• ".\, < • "• . -^CliaTleS. Cfoff L Was retu!rned from Sjirin-gneld, Mass. — - , , -r^The IffisSes .'Thew wiH iteacih in _Pem. ( . ' ;>-., l •.= . , - ' ; . .! . wflrate Regers Co. OiaVe a. laS*^ foree of linen stpokading the '.-liver, banks on'"—< thi/ Wlai-ejand BrewiateT 'items, Pi'JBP'i'whIte'half paratbry to fall ^flooding. -. ' Aadi*m Hci ;;,"; ..... - .... ,, —Platid Cfeib has .tbouglft-the AM- Crown-Point ..,:;4,,., 3.10 «'io.It WindaoifLxydge.. ' ' 1 \ \ . - ; ^S in '•• 1 "*f"' |f iff 'T-MarsbaR-Lamoy-'thas soldj Ms <?ot-. # h X n s W r V H ' * : . w " . 4% tage, pn>perty for-i$5,-5i)0 and; expeteta $•*&* *-. ' ' ••••'- ; to remove *6 New'Yo^fc oity; , ^"{fxenti ; -tJafmes .Stanton went iMbtt^ay witk v&lconrv.r.:.*..v....i;. a party.intp-cfltop"at Mooiae poM, . ||iua Point ,..-,..L, —Rev, TiJipTtoas ^ M % n , 'm. years' a? ^SSgM Sv "f" -OongrejSa'tlonal, mfinister, *• . > residence- BeekmahTOWn _ _ .here, wis cbnfiTmed as a, imetniber of J^?-st Ohazyv,.,*'*,^. -B.t-5' ; Yra.S •toe'Bpi^opial^bnircaiAie.Stb insL . r^^^Hi«*'?'***"r''' , '' , -l'?< • i'?i -There hav^iibeen rsever* i g g ^ v S ^ S S ^ ^ l t f e r ^ : [ ** vated e ises at tonsiMtis ite jNewmab., ' | , •and vifig nity. " ''.«:!'-' - r^ J! " w --^—; '<'•_ r ,-,- .-.-;,... -. , ^Thsf State. library . ^^ociation 1_ Gpiyf> goiCTq.;,, Will -metet at Plabiid CUbib «b»: ^5^7 of SeDtemljier. Timefily information :giveh 'Mrs, ._ 3r „^._..._,.^. ,„ ©eorge Long, of. Kew Steifevilie, I |}|J|g^|g » r Ohio, prevented, a dreadful -tragedy', Bluff-Poiiit ....'. and savad two; llve^f. -A- jfrigbitful w e o u t ,..„,„., cough haa lbbg kept jter awake ev- -vJm^^ro "f"-""' "fi'So ery nigiiit.- ,S5ie (had tried many -reme- Essex •"-..'. 1 !.t.''.'.*""L''I** 21*o» dies anld- doctors bnft ! steadily igrew Whaiionsbarkh - 4 — n.te worse imtil utged to try Dr. King's |?„ e 4- I w^—'"*""^"^ "* New 'D-sdovefy. One >ix>ttae wholly enred 'hers and she Wrftee tniS mar- velous ' nedicine als<? cured Mr, Long of a severe«ttack x>f Pn,eusnpniav Such cures ate positive proof of «Khe match- less toetlt'of Itos. grand' | reiheay fbr curing | ail throat, chest «nd lung troubles. ' Only SOe and $i0.. Every bottle guaranteed:. Trial -bottleis free at M^s. D. K. Gilbert's. "Drug 966t?e. - BG^»T TTJRNS-TO;-AMERICA. Amerkajhs Ask^d to Exploit Re- sources in the Khedive's Realm. Houses Point CoopefvMe "... Chaw ......... W**(l Chaxy , BeekWautown Port-JKeKry .. Orowa Point Addison Jet . w)Mteh*Il .... Leavis Kattjibnryri. a,m 8.3W * Bluff Pdihtil.. k ..,.^.i VM Soutb Juridtkon .... ;..! 6.38 Salmon Riy&r a..,-,. l# i - 6.41 j, .... 4 6.SS .... ,;, ?<* '* Peru " P«rrolri» .„• '" Koareir* ...: . Anflve Ausable Forks Gom* 7i5 p.m •1.-0I' LIS 1,»: i.a L* l.» i.w -Jl.il NOBTH. Botera ... " . y*rrona ., - ",. .Harkn'e^s "I ,,'Pferu .*.*.; "'; "Laohliams 3 •*'•> Sateon B., " South JUticttott w..*«, 8.01 " BlUff'P6httfl,.i 3 *.« Arrtare P]&»isJ5Uiffrh. ..*.,.. . . . 8.1R a*m 7,26 ... „,.,,„., "?.« us ;..,..« 7.55 •er,Mi... rK .i 8.00 p.m *•«' 4.JC .44a *.» Hessiji |BtrbaTi t a ntembef'-ot tbe Egjrptian f overiiment, whQ'is on a dip Ipmatjc, nission to England,.said; in an interview-the oiiher afternoon with tbej ^London' correspondent ot the New YtorK-Leave Ajisahle. Fojrks ,«......Herald: "Egypt's great industrial need can .bo supplied only by a large influx of Atner ca-n -energy, fde&s and maehin- ery. Espyt's; material, wealth lies praetiedly undeveloped., Ages «go tout titrtwois h etueraldi «aid r gold Wmz were operated, hut for eenturies Mley have la™ useless. ' ' \ -, • . >' '. . "Recently the Efcyptian.'g^yertt«ieh.t gt-anted co»eessio»i[to Britisb. .capital- ists Involving the whole tui'ijubise de- posits.! iPresuraably, thfer^^are, WeiWHi Leave Plattebwfch ts& •*.-**.-; ^Seelc- itttbrtry have actlvitv telthe tnytjubise mmttmn S.«? *.<.ms, West Chasy^.«,a, region, but nobody seems to be- talcing', "*ji Ctow* ^^XcZf^S^h^?* any tetirest in the emerald «ad gpld ^*L*" ^ Awiv#Moc*irs jtmutioa 9.» depbsft? of the e'dtmtry. "Ftirtieraiore^ the vast Sharble guatr- •ries of ipgyjit are asserted* They eonr tain Jnepfbaustlbje *auantities pi stone m. edlNa SOTJTH. Leayef '*rc<*i*s UH» iwrauiuwwinc 'J^KMHWIIVO V* OWWI 4.£?%$*£*. *"w»"^*» •"tMrMM" ^w m .'-JPtt of the- rhost c o a W t t#»ture ftndstm-if tI ^,-%?^/ t ^Vv-^i1^ ^^"3US ceptiblek the highest possible^^Tisb. fj^ ? ^V&bu^h ttoT 1 ^" .'tearing- jthe «lay* at Rome's gf&HaflWi*—-———•••:•• .;..• w^'.-^v'.i^—>— '^*^ CSHAI^A.yC|AY| RAITjEWAP. i thtf e otlorries' were drawn- oil K»r the i conlstrutjtion »f monhroenw, temples! and public bnildiEJgs lit various, parts j of Europe.'. ' ' ; - {•..*-,•,"•—.- -,.-„,., "Recently when j:he Oennans disco v*>\ ered the nuns of a Roman temple near S?*S^'JJ56lj t>i»sd«nJ the falser of d#ed,it to he re-, CafyvW* .. built, but no marble cottld.be fftobd in »anpemora,*.. T ,I."" r .u 91* the ! neighborhood coitesponlpifag ^ ^ y ^ j ^ ^ V i i i " ' ^ ! * " I'M "*'-•'•- -•-- "**'''*"'"UK :::irlT ., S.47. fineries^ kit auaiJty to tbat «r : the orl- i Son LW .," **l"* m ginai SOTietur^. It was th^n siwigested Bioojpinirdai*, "'.".7*1?*., xi: siKjgested BJoojpi!ti«rdai» •that tbe[tnarbie had cmae..frb«b.Egrypt. f ^ u g ^ S ^ * * ** ; The ewnoror.brdered aji : ihye^tigatioft ^r w "" '** to be rraadi?, and a. G'wnibn« j^ologiat took samples of the material toiEgypt and 'iiitw discovered the, very tmafry p.m 140 L4» / tan/ ».» 4.25 ,4 40 ; S.tO - aojsra ***' and t l i w discwered the,-very.-quarry ; • \ •"' • - % -^ t r p ^JT Attbejifse theTOatefialibr' Sift temple'LpJei Piaca ..,...»»„;.,:. i.10 >f,qo had heeA-dng: Fureher -tnvest^atioa ' • f g S ^ J S S ^ *"r"*M|-rl !; f'S showed that the eountrv-abounded in fiS^lX: "H"-/-|f-S. i-S showed hat tke ctiuntsy .ftbounded in jjo^jJStui ..,.>.i.,«i '94s marble ut like texture atfd VttWe. i Lyon ^fountain '.»v/ • ? ° * "Our i gricultrtrat yesdurces «T^to-.£bW^Lake -*^'.»/»•«. |Q,|4 «nense. b[ut they &fe utfii?ed IR only > c S l y v i l o «.\*.*U*^*"" nS tbftmoftt prliiilfclve way, We ihatveat' Morrinonvflie- -/.4.«.» Ji,4* n'h«at w lb the scythe, as Eutope and PJatt^urgh' *„;-.» ,U, tfjff .4«n»eM«a; harvested the #awie -iBraln b'aif v 3.» 4.24 4.40 5.M 6.0C -/-.; n'"rt«^iit'^t""«rt^"'' , '5r*rA" ^T^STi;?*^r»Jf - AMltlonsl >s*rvl,ce ..ibetweeii "Sarapae a tfentux'jr. ago. The slumber of,past 1 T.,^,. Ma i4ikMA4_*i«,-' .««riiT.«ri-r*i» ftgra seems tfl emelopti«. We need" 14 wa PMteia.i-Leave.sarAnao, Lake the vigtS '* 'and tt-rarfphaat pbaxitieal Siftsof- «be Tankeea to' tom-otar ^reat n:gm seems' to mxetppm. We'need "YW;,:, te / , sm . .i w ^ w „ • A> , natoral .jppsotfrces' to account, t by bis numerous' 'ftiends and .patifops of b!is, .parish, tils lefetets, lOnft dated. at tiid'toft'-of. <Efl61-Tojiy*i- 13je rest at .o^itftf ,'exposition' and |Era#gt. w]th much lihterest . ;- : . '' .-' —FJlR .Pierce metttKned 1 -home Sun- day nl^rht from Allegheny <?o„ K. Y,-, and refiortt a coptinuous 4nd ancreas- :ing fiojs'.., ol : oil front his' wiajpany's wells.. | ; . ' ..'].' ' ^—CoM -Casweil '• Who lcaxne. near los- ing, lii4-iifr* in thfenttnie i*x>m at P. M.' Pur-dy -s r milli.' as ! slbwly 1 reeflfvering from :ws'.-sevf;re injuries. • It. arfpeafs that in.bis efforte to start tjie works- with a hea"vy"levt:ir the wneel sudd,en- ]y tu^iie^;; tii.row|ns.;- tlte lelver vli'th fearfull velocity against; his ehest, plh' ning-hitnf to a .dofep'i jaijri and inflicting a s«vo.'t j '-i>\-ound-',''i'n -the back of : b'is head.' •Ke'.waa. taken to bis home' in- sepkibit-;!^3r: G.'U>eWltt Daa-e wa«;Un- mediatr-jyf', called' iwhb' dresse-'l . >his! woundji.-and left Mm; -^in a cdin^cious •condition:;: No.bones." .Avere broken. 'ft!'e---bruiscs op Ms" C'best l r would" tbdi-'; i>ate";-:tba;t ;it- wail- almost,-', a jmifacle tftb-t -bCii-as niit brpabefl/fo 4pa.tU'''•'-. 40rn« l st-.j and I'Al'itfe'.'Banker,, W^bo = b»ve been honSe viisitiiigl' their .father, Silas Bitnkei, .hit vr--returned 'tolFtjrt' Edward to resume, their vocations;". Miss Ban- ker is prhK-ipal .of the .Kindergarten stibool 7 ., ia.s re'ttii-rield;to the care 02 her —Mi One of. berVch Vtav.' Ernest Adaajis frqm Ellenbufgh -wjas' homf -to see "Iris .motljer Purdy^h'buses, v,tbeice'she' antb ii.^ren wilj .niake.fche^r -iyintefcs -Depot- ... .., , whohasbeenl-ili, jbu,t is pow, recovering ; —Mm.! 'E- 'f. I>USQ frotn; 'Saranac '.Lake ^ttupped wv^r night at-B. J/ /F.. San- •born'/i oh her .way -home' 'frbm ( v-er- :.mtmt.. ; . —- ,; 'I-olicej Conv^l''' at. San-bof-n's- justire affile* -h: a. ih.k;,S.35 a." at-."-! S,3S. a,-' ni.; 3136' ,&qld .by Mrs, D, j «•_;«;.; .LSJ n> m.; 3.20, p* iH4;5,4Q,.p. m.; down pebble. .Et*clry />pCtie guaranr :IUQ teed.^ Orlyn>0-ceribs: .Sold .by Mrs, D, i s - ; ., K.'Gilbert.. Broggtel./---'; : • " ".'" j * » p-'»- ^ __ .. . .11 v,. , , , , . -I .-!'.- -. QOIN|&.. WEST.- j , , .Lv, r Port .Kent) |.45-a. 'm.;;S.4l. a. m/, ,, A new ,v, + . in 'that.citv. Mira,. Delia Dare New- (J: a rsey tb restBHe: late sister's tshildrfen* ' , . .. s.' Helen',.MeAlister b«S| rdttted /operate, ..using 'the sir in the roban or , . In effect ; yonaay ? J£ay S8,1000. ,' .Ht«sry mt» Wlwy«? T j To bbjl llound band *nd fpot fori yea.re byil the chains .of. -diseasp- is the worst, Jbrto of slavery,' George I). WUliftms, or Manchester;; Mi^t,:, tells bow ssweb a .slave ^ts- made' froe, ••'H. ' Sa-y-fc: "jy wfiebas" beeb so belpl^ forfi% v eyears that ske-eould pot tttrn ttve'r ,fa. bedjjilbne, ; After using/two •bottles of- Eieetrio 'Bitt^rf, sbe!4sywon- derfiilly.improved .apd able tb #0 l^.'S*ch«mpUia«»«i^lorUrioa«o: own'wori'." TMs sui*reroe.remedy.fori ' GbrSa EAST' female .d:spjjai^qHitfkiy'cbr#''b.erv'ousi-.',,- '.- -^-- ^ •- ness, sfejplesaness. ineiancboiy.; toeatl- s fe\ ;K l es . e W]S l^r,^ Td'^^Tv SPPHS. '[*hls miracle" wwking med 1 }- j-skbie' Cha»nj-,, s t,30 u m.i SM; a. m.; *.« cine- isjla godsendjto %**ttfc, sickly, run , ^"pf *?£*'•! 1 -* J ?' .^"^ 06 - V^ m .H 7S»..p; -pi,- L«.«,'\5e'.Sja1«»-'?i»*ia' , 10.30-.a i tr.80 p . / m . < 'Airrlvs Saranac Lake.. 10,56 a ta.' t fewJJ m | '-'-'• -> ^raiiis if111 coaaW -it Fort Xe&t with pa^wn-.; 'b"« "••F*-. tr *- te, 5 ^ ^* J>;.«t.H:.c.co.,»nd bo«bi oi KEA^N-G-'BY tfouz 'i%e jabas. aifp arran: the ,pb;'.'an.u ]the -heti ed in/by a nVetollic casiag. The beat- ejr^'caii ta , aw' "aJ.r,from W-Itbout .'the! mtr. ')-'. Two "o^."these, heaters will,'at'is 'said, heat, a 40 3|>ptcar"1o the proper.temf In i-utn^iijg. \vUi> h bn iiu.n»- Jt.MXl.'t: —U.lxli _' " r A' «' Haiiiiin.i'or Bangor, silys '• iir- r-'e-i'i/i '»"•« Jourjlal."- "is to erect ." ll.fl :.l{-|-.ll ini'l' 1 if .r|n in i'.ful vTi.Tna. for yeir;. PnK,hitni.afiuijd<i\ tribe o' JII!S:-IIS-.. id tl,f. hlin.i«-,.t)f a" dark gre»h|' -•yeftiti-ivu.b. -I'* diwi t in IHW. and lis siavV* tin.-' m vi-r lippr/ marked.' Dr. (-iariiliti v:i^-a t;»\6iite friend of •|(i.".a'f. 41i tu»ajfd the ,togue.-fbr 7"'*'« 'ujluji-yn isulmo tunria- and thL '.-».,t*i«- w:t\ a' iijifVii' by Atrassiz. The •i«i:.!Mi.i-r.t ' b'iK l»»'.«ri - ITIC j- ipM H.t'< d i'S '•o'.it' f'f,U-t HuutiT. "•.June Ih'jti, 7-: years .A m? In Bangoi;. -fu'll.itvt-: 'Peol ' NtiJjh man. ii. . C. H.* " frecyuerit, session for, t.wc/ Wjee-Jra. p a s t , j i f is t A-'feti^lkj feeling, appeafs "ta e?eist. be^ the.ai tween a-ft*^families/in 1; 'southern', neighborhood of.jthis) village a%d pet-. ;tv assaults- have heeji' frequently niade of lafe. ,: As yet no vely serious as- s:nilts| have liefxdyrba.de. ' , ' I '-saul'ts, -hpye.beed made but.from the combative disposition' ' manifested by nienl Woineri tirtd <Sifl.dren.jit may be presumed that more serious conse- Hiuepcjs -niay r-eianlt and an ex?tn|plft be made ; of som'e- of the hbt-^eadeti ones that irari put a .Quietns.on their bight- brawl >• ajnd rey'engefuli propensities;- j , -~Ahsr>n -.- E. Ayres' ' ! .-is ' ; hreaking.' ground:' -for a new--bouse on the Em? ery pioti. neaf H Wfllard-'s a-esidence". 1 UfcEEpf/MTU-ERI*. -, •! Sept 1^.—Mr- lEimest Biirbank aqd sdstw. Mattie have i;'eturn:ed"froin their visit IB K T ew Malniishire. -1 - ' . , -Mr-, and' Mrs. C. P.. Joy spent =a few -ditys to Burljmgtori lasi week,'/tSte 1 giKft|; -of Mr, ai|d riStrjs. -'George .Mace •and Mr:, and; Mrs. L^W- 'Thomas., —.Mr, ,Lt Page \s very sick, x— \p: : : and -Mrs. Hamilton 1 Straight, alsb^Mr. and.Mirsi C. P.'Joy are spend- ing affew'days at jSarauac Lake with his daughter Nellie, who is.yery ijl." —J.^.1*. HenW- Hagon is very 41.1. * . T.^TtlkriiArrii.' Sept.; IS".—Tlie prssent season hab been /.remarkable, fpr^oil prodncte. Plentjfui rains lins&red 3-?'?^ » i_ tEeanufflTT. system ^-^leetrfc heat ^'i^-^^m^tl^-^ia'J^iff qn. the markeL/It^onslytsof an«iec-|B.fia ,p'l' ffl,;'!ia'-)/«J'Ar-i Keeseviile, trical he iter-and a-blower, says Tbe. 8-OS. a. in,;,».0t a. wte t«;00 ia. m..;...U.H Saientllic American. The motoi- is of. M^'"-^:TI : f W P- OT -ii 6.07.P. ^-J »he ^nqindt.^aa-.tyPY -« Il< I' is : se<:uml' __*' • ' - * tb a-.eoiflcba metal ^ei- There is an J air wt the back... The heaw'^Q, er cousteiffl of clay tubes! wound wltli. ' Ane: GeJroaa silver-wire and eovere4j •' with i/o!'4 insulating «>at. »f ,.enamel t 'j •m* --At. ] Port. Kent, 9,40 a, -m.-i 1L30I a..a>.; LE9 p.. in:: 3.4t j»;im.;- 5.47-#. .-w.; 10;c2 .p. m',". Xivi 1 Au- ble -Chasroi;. *.t)0 ]a, in-f 8.5CI a. ms, 9.5fc pji in.i ZM p. m»; lensburg and lake Champiair Railway lim^Ta&le. pd radially, and' Cot i& £ ^ M , m ^ ( ? tor art-, botjh^closrj. . •• ..^tm^. StmiifrA ' '• T-touqsrs LEAvfe it6trsEs FOT^T-. ."" rboiit or «ar! or in cold leather «ib 7-00 Al/.H. MArL'I^PREsa;cpnnec.un« 7 ^^ wl^h. p;.<fc : a. icraln JeavlnR' Platts- rxa . biAuh at 035: 41 At. ipr Chareangsiy BfI.al.one, Norwood,' Dfiaeasbursr aP4 ,lpterm«diat.o stactons..• 210' -P«r I^irut'-l5xwe.«: t-bVirecdnK Witi p, ,& ill -.Win JOU'VUIK LPfe ttsburg-b as .ill .,. „_. _ - t 32 ^ P. M; fer 'Maion'e 4nd agOehs- -Dure-. - ' - 1 -' pemture/ in the ordinary ' system some of. the persons in the .ttaa's are uncomfaittalily warm, while, orliers ar£ ^Q. cold, but vrviii 'the Jan distribution the .heat is positively distributed. , Thi fan will also "prove useful in' s'Cjhooil I building? 1,. ion ships' and .war .vessels'. 2)»epy "-and. ,it wiiLlfe specially valuable whetti . , t< Ve been in vessels ca-ei-ont of 4cknmission, Where TRAINS "ABWVB -A.T EOTJIES POINI to-, P.- "X>1 . fi.TR • .. M. L'S;PRESS. . cowiectlns vwdtt. - ' X>| Sc H. tjraui' leavlniF Bftttsburgh at . -6JJ6_„P;„ M. J;Ot Ohatm-UKbj.', ,?4alone B P S ^? _ ,._ is rciM ir F««R, Ojtdensburcr awa mate istfetions,.'.. Fq^kt&'D -Sleepii-g Bfiuiisjs J'emt t;o Chicaso Jvla Kiasats lnterme leepii-g Cat des|iref to 'hot|i warm and move air.- When a married Kvamab' goes forth to look' after -her .r|ght$ liei'. husband usually pays at home anq nurses his wrongs. DeWit:'s Little* .Early ; Risers are •prsimpt, palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying . little -piUls. Mrs, • Gilbert, Plattsburgih; K. E.. Gillespie, Arable Forks,' Ihrrtoh & Kelly, Keesarflle. When - there is'an HSBficje'.' f o r ^ e a c h .seeker itbe' millenniilm will-be in sight, and it will ;Uot be'necessary - ( tofwailt for the ! ion and t3ie lamb }tO lie -down, together .-;•-. ' , . J ' • \' FOt|UJL>-r-A solid .g'old duff button. Qwlier.;cab haye satue-by caijing at dils "office and.-paying %o$ adVei-^sigi ment The progressive nat?ons of tihe',world are the ; great food consuming nations. Good ! fofd well digested 1 gives fetcength If ydu <ahnot .digest' all you. eat; you, >need JCodpi- Dyspepsia 'Chire. It di- gests ",wimt you' eat.- You need not diet yotcrselt tt wilt even digest; aH classes' >f food in a "bottle, .-jajb o%er prf|pai'ai3on- Will .do -tbis. It Inetanitly relieS-es and : iguiekly. eur,es all stomach troubles .. Mris. GUbeft, Maittsihurgib; H. E. GiResplei Ausable FaFks; Bur- ton & Kelly, KeesevlHe.' : *• •lapghter is always \- Iow> but low laupteryig nevver. loud." '• ... .The c ejnand ior ^rood advice is not equal tjf the supply.. BSatesrsv-- se,,«»* 9 1§ A ' AL V> PKiBJSS. firoro. iOgdensoui Norwood,. Malone, CliateatuKty ain intermediate stations •conjiectlhK wltl D. & H i train leaving Bomses Polni 31..40 A- M. t arrtvtnjr at .JEIattauurci .12115 P, M. r ' p 7.50. p. M.- KAlL EXPBESte.'from depsburer, Norwood, Mdlo'je,- Chateau gay and Ifltermediate Btu/tlohs -• con nectlpc with i>. & ja,i train leavm* Bouses point $.40 p, M., arrlvina at • • .plattsburEh »;S0 B. 1 M. H. VA. a.OI?G¥J.. * «. B. HIBBASD, TratCio ManaKeri - GenJ Pass' ' : ' ', Butfancf. V.t, Act , 'Tiie imore the church ir ingles yflkh «riie- woi'ld. the lees it «an M-1or;- CJhBjst,, Pot-ao'tion /reiad .Homei; And'-Sjoottv. anvthinr ToniiaTen,i «riwp«^rt,; s3«o get j PflOTECTIQ** ^adliaodeL f k e ^ o r p t o t o , {f0*ft«Bexamwatlo|aand£ajdoe. '.^ ratL - .A.SNGW&CO, RTrysrs. W^Sr-M-.WGTQW.-O.'O.j 1 Write'J v***««-.v i|t]|i|-:will .Soon- st& ^^s^-^m^f (m) of t&r If. < .. i ' '-t**^1t'i ,»St l'/ i \ tym (give tue Tkcpugh our trade .w4 i sti of'the '"'"*•'''"-' : •• v ""'•"''"'•""•'^"..aaidiis mm m$e&®£< I a tiiini 1* dttfeatild,;'.."ThMIt g prices; te^l S&ri; ; . - se£t*red t|te. Mgliest |^%3|pift^ ''loti. If^sel ^agems ^ C^n& Rain,. \fedSr,tbe:-^^^ at^ o^k fe00ie, 3 : |B4^ j |n. : ; Stetf SHIexn,, fe •'!•! - - - -! . ' rf'^ .-•- . A < . ''•• f^nat in. 1-2 m. Hi Don fpsjc on these se agpns are.j tohgue, whifle:rees aii iifeckvoy -• -^••-•••• •*- 'M'-'i,;. i,.,. v/? J ,-^;> :-, ' • ' » ' l- •'. i " ' •"'- ••„• i e reacft j thiepv :double readij ' '-^[oisonoiu m'ifgbMoonii de|tb4 thij thf genusn wbiep ypfi toadstools " resedihling Shave .caused frequent ear. Be stu-'eto nsi only. -i - Observe the. saanb care ^m'i ' » i ' ^ ^ for -DeWitts.'Witch! ? W :S^lrt.' -^There are podsdnous .colnterfeltLi'-DeWitt's. is 'the' only l oriMnal;W|?tJh'Hazea Salve,' It 'Is a salfc and :pj*:aia core, for' piles 'akd ati Rk|n::disek4ee. .Mrs. .Gilbert, ''platts-' bpipb; H, ; E. Gsiitespie, Ansabte Forks- Bupobfe Kjlly/Keeseville. ^ ' .' i) j ! I; ,r-——•-'.;. ,, iL The' man fvhb ind-nlges in, tooi'manv eye-openers-;is blind ;to his.Wtt'lnter*-- ear 1 .•'.-.•-. •• r ••>-.• Vr*,fV*!' I.!' : .j Siatrke ,.st n .^spots, astronomers' sav cMsed-. the. ; e xteme Heat-this sulmmer ,, anp.doctbts djeea^e;nearly ali i&e pftMratfibfls: were induced hv, disorders o ( f ft>hest0x»;ch., Good -heaith IfeJIowk fut'^M^T^^ 0 ^ ' •• Oysfpepsa-a (Hi|;e d i g i t s ' rwbat yon ,eat w ^L. ^li t o ! l w ^ii^PsJa it win quickly "^elkve and permanentttv' ouirp pott' Mrs; G:ilbert,.Plattebuirgai;'^- |? %i!esple,j;ltsable Forike-, BnTtcS' r &- .Ke|y, 1 Ke4'dvi.ae f ' I-- £> ,^ l f l l .*. %fig*3$&£f*£S& ! i~ mmwmm -)smi,W£ *-wiihi,l«.„-kiU_-m"V p4Si ^ S % ! '* os «!«, t"li 1 TS U ^ ^f^ '^ u l Smitb*s - fan" lioop. Lakej Hotel; On 9 Mbta pb fcfa*!, ;IpPwMgnk .a,".child ^• fun ;js: :(t hb %1'ojrst ps^ible.fpr-la.of .sa-.Joke.-,;.' J,|Q , P # I S i J i i o » , niieMy duje t^rpat -^id lung tut^' with . Minfife C6n®b- cswre;'- Mrs." m. helti'Plattibirgb;' H.: »;flflieml4' AM.-, ok J^ o^& ¥•'' ^ R '^- ; fetal,ow 5 i t ^ F - b - ^ if raTa ^ Preserve, Hotel,' mfi£- ¥*.^!»^P8.- - Tract include^ p=4<3» *ff# in c^ultivaticin. Twelve uculars,- pjaps,; etcu ap^yfe-"° p '' ^gWAR% W; BiTFgt^ work >taeo4i.ene.tw^T^f - w Xtl^ S ^tll^ £ ^ W m REWftRO. ISUD.iat ' ItM p n -$-iturLii..v. : SlSti .p. m.. it-.|.: i>.oy <@f HOu. j ! his Rir'rhier •.!'>":: Point, 'was, ill'.;' clmsitkrul-h- f f-.a < i "wuey sfiiant.was-.U--i b> t^fl| Spveral shpti; jr.. i;U-* K- JflpJ 4... sJutSJ'- ( of ,;,. -md rphli it|nre "^.as ,>h maiV wbo,did Mve heen-'a tjiU- h-^y ffla1 ?' two o#£Jn ijvl't-p 10.0 iy^l be; for the 'arret* s t o s \yijro' d •any informal. yt...,t'r.i : thv ip;<l^ aj-r-'i^H-erj'JpT^ yu fu.ltri-.i:this_ciWfl .41'. to J. P. ctri\MXHi\M-. Sh. $ept.= ie. eti Q'enegee PtJrc;Fo'>-i Co., starves to use .. Ve tired. aM'^J j thr-Ui-U tW^f| ' ti.e. 1 ^LXitia^ "see? 2 -Mil a ? ->!.--*u'J «'tjr« rj . ftj nirit.ia tefl^ PlaJtsjurgfc', 3 ! tu. Lei*! y4avs.'''Mv bfoth.^ wa< a »>| ^tinker-." He kvai 'taken sm* .cftjcter said coffee'wa-s the- ahd.toM ixiMi use GRAIN-Og. a •packftge,|bujt did not HW ft* hm no*/w'pu|d,not be wi bt'pthey has^ been, well &&J& it-, Tours II i lb;t^nJ J-" all l.rir NS-"

^^s^-^m^f (m) of t&rnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1900-09-21/ed-1/seq-4.… · treal yffsterdav to resume his eccles- Iwy.; P- M. Jacicson, Saraaac Lake; iastieal studies

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Page 1: ^^s^-^m^f (m) of t&rnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1900-09-21/ed-1/seq-4.… · treal yffsterdav to resume his eccles- Iwy.; P- M. Jacicson, Saraaac Lake; iastieal studies

: ^ * J K - * ^ -%Ufe




• v t

TOWN . *0TifcEST* ; • ' ..

. 'Sep t ao.-f-Mr. tfeimis Broderiek in Visiting his, brother, "ffim. BrodeWok, Sr.- for a few -days.

—Mrs.' David Robhe (has . returned from TMr Visit to 1st. Lawrence. Oo.

—*We yfere all ttajned to hear of the sudden ' (death tfi ' Mbs- J*ofhn ' ;Pa.raV which "c^curred a t Piattsburglk last' "Weak. J • ' •' ' ; • I , "

—Mrs.. Wm, Brodfei-iek', 'Jr., ihis i?e— turned ti 'bn^ber visit t o her f atlijar'in. the West. ' \ .• • •>

—Wh it might have been -a serious accident occurred a t the /homei of B.. So.Gregijr on Monday, when, a ball from a gun entered tjie roof of the back parcn within two. tedtf<df Wikere

. the blfr<ta'0irl,.:Em>mia Ploof, was eri-agep i± work,

game are; gettih'g nowadays. I '

: People, in search of a-little too" qafel,ess~

Plaltsburgh Daily; Press, 'FRIDAY, SETT. 21. 1§00:

_ F i r e Alarm Signa l s .

Fjunttefc—R. VV. SVeeks, T a r r y t o w n | , }L O. Bennett, Cni tago; R. J. Sheldon, ^uAammh; John Dorsey, Ogdensburg; r\- J. l lamson. E. Spencer, Newburgh;• .Mi* Robert Mason. Wil lsboro; -E. C. I'C;J!I, Washington-; R, J. Greeder,

j - q t f r o e r o f North Catherineaud Brinkerhofl ^ V h i l a d e t p b i a . M r s . J . G^ ROSman, Mi&i " v'" ' ° - — - ' - ' Hwn 'an , Brooklyn, Mrs. M. W. Bow­

ers", Ntw-.York: F . L.. Case, B. "W. Por­ter. Will iam Johnston, JF'. L. Cochran. Albiinv. :

'Witty-rill— 6 . S. Benedict, Roches-i r-• ; C. E. Johnson, New York'/ A. H . . David, H. N. Clough, J . A. Col-vin, C. W. Little, Boston; Mj\ and Mrs. C. W. Pavi>. Montreal; W. H. Tindale, Clintonville: F. A." Long. . Ausable Fo rks ; F . Steffbn, Phi ladelphia; E . N.

H -Rear ot Normal Sdi io l - r

- fi -Carn-T ot William- . in! Biinkerhofi.. - sj—earner Ivorraiue uml s i i l l v A-ve.

jb—6-fiee of Biteer Bra-, ^umncr Co. SS-iViHtam-i •\l4aufacturma Co. 43—Corner Piatt aiid Cornelia. 54 -C>fair Margaret an J Protection- Are. fe—Corner of South Cnt-tf-ri'ie and Baitery yj—^jrq,?r oi Peru ami Bfn1g?i fe— Corner of *iirgraret and Him. ;

St«,—Plait^-ir^h Barracks •'


t — T . H, -Ballagk. left la<n nigkt for TTOT,, where his wire- is visiting rela-jSves,-

—-Henfy J. Lang)p% left yesterday t o e m e r Union Ooliegl^.

mora; A. W,. Badger, Barm, Vt.;., F . L'if.riejohn, Wxs. Ohapimttn and Ion ,

Sept J - I9.-^1*h8! fa t r^ -as uatial, b rough t tis plentyi-.of raiin and.OTeryjr-t h i n g fa locking fresh, T^ith cfoolttii^BMs and pdt yery w a r m days. 'Si^glht frosts with at ite a heavy o$e Tnesdiay night , l iave Jvisited thiis1 place, t h o u g h as y e t not much' damage ihas "been done and.ei^Jps are nejarly;-all ojut of the' way', except late c^nk' piu'Qh of it be­ing latii 'on lac-count oi the. rain jin Che spring whiclh delayed the planting.

-Set era! -from fihis town have gone to the Ottawa faif, leaving Johnson's station, early 1*ues|day (morning,' where they went -by team.

—(Wf s'ee by "the "Press that the Gpugh House i s offered for . ske , a^id that there «re some suggjestiohs inajde of ituning; it into a hospital, whidh would fee a great Messing t o a gr«w-ine:" to^Vn .like Plattsburgh, and some^ thing lotueh more meeded ^anl -a ihotel as -there seems t o be plenty lot thtsSe there #Lieady. A -hospital i s ineeded I TV, Matone; 'James, H. A'len. Port . . , ,,

Henry:' H. y. Hoard. Cambridge; J , ™ evete town, ot importance, :anft if H Freti^rick Albany. - **e Vfvple of Plattsbul'gih tsiic<seed in •'^tlimberland—John" ib'Lear-,'. Banne- esta=bH*h.ing One & the GougJh-.Ho'uSe,

W-Benton Turner yesterday.n-turncd SuraUac; Charles A. Burke, Malone from a business trip' ro-fsew York. 11*. W. Ferrett Chateaugay; Ri N.

—Joseph Tiernev rkua-ne'd to Mon- l C"raves. Ohamplain; C. H. Moeh>n, Al-treal yffsterdav to resume his eccles- Iwy.; P- M. Jacicson, Saraaac Lake; iastieal studies. ' - .

—Mr: and Mrs, I -Scheier left last erenlng for a shu*; -vi&.t with frk-nd-i ail -New Y'ork. --••..

—sirs: Charles Payette is -making a short jvisit v/ith friends at-her foiimer feoifis* HarkneSb.

—Misses Sterns and Donahoe left last evening for New York to buy. fall millinery goods.

—A. S. Clark, of the firm of Clara: •.& BonKiny. went to Albany on a busi­ness trip last night.

—-E. J, Culver leave" town this morfs-issg to visit with his daughter, Mrs.-f . 3. ITaxfleld at Potsdam.

t~-J. C. Buckley, of the Prescott & Buckley Construction Co. last evening xetumed from a business trip to Syra-

. -ease, — i \ \\V Fc-rreli. editor of the Ghat-

*a«gsy Record, spent yesterday in

?»Tr. and Mrs. P.- E. Stanley, Boston It. i. Vosbufgh,v George .H, Goyo, Sar-nrutc Like;-' L, Allen, C. H. Allen, BAH-iiy" Hill; Nj J . '.Murray, Troy; 15. J . -Flarrtnscton, Hampton; Pe ter Kearney,' Montreal. , '

J">evlin—Mr. and. Mrs. F rank- Ano, fo ld Brook; Louis Liberty, Wes t PlattsbOTgk;! James Murnane, Saranac Lake. ' - . .

Tlie Xtitt* IIosiffTal,, ^ |

The , people of 0afan^e Lake are nutting forth every possible^ effort to secure the State "hospital foli'pulmoa-ary diseases, Authorized by the last legislature, and yesterday, a commit­tee, composed-of Di: J . C. Russell, H. P. Coats, '.esq., and "W. -'J- Callanan, representing the citizens of that .place, , went to Albany, where p. "meetiag qt t'ae State, Sanitary Commission was heW, te1-^!©* to that body the advan ta|res of^.taat' place. . The • comrittttee

.town, returmfis ho;ne on the evening 'took' vl in. them an offer, from. the-.peo-*i*».»n- ' ' ' p i e of the Adtrondftck metropolis to

eppivibute $f..0OO toward the (construc­tion of the thospftal, • •

VTHE N A 0 G N A L -G$ffl£

. tram. ^—A- I. Fosburgh, editor of t he Adi-

_ asonaaek Enterpr ise , Saranac • Lake. . ^ a s in town yesterday, en rctute a to ' Jfe^: Toiiv. •_ - ' .

—George F . Foy, of Sarana.c Lake spen t yesterday i n . t o w n , retur*ning

• 'l-GTO.e by J fgy of Malone in t he e'ven-J n e ; '"•:.

... — T"n\--S J- Parish of New York.wfho Trias been spending the -summer a t

' Westpbrt inn, spent yesterday in town ietni 'ning to Westport on-the evening'

- - teain. . ; " . — S . ;S. Moore, formerly one of tftf| Tannehill and imiW"^ • t»est-k?xevm coromeroial t t ave^ r s .in-ffjnd of Sth; tljaxlniess,

*his s«kion, now in the mining busi- At Boston - m e s s a t T-Uson. Wyaming; Is, i n town I>hJ3adelpMa...

sfov'a few days, • . '" Boston' —Mr. and Mrs.- George Laiotrr and

•*chfidren. who have been visiting the "past two weeks at Capt. Louis Par-•iKSD'&retiirned yesterday to their ho-Tae-i s Nasbuai K« HT . . . ,' ."-•—Bdward O'ConnelL who has. .beep. fjpendin^ the summer with bis tipcaa, Tery Rev. T. IS. Walsh, 'hatojyesterday! fo r Montreal, to. resume Ms studi&5' •for the priesthood. " - ' ."'.

—D. M. McFherson,. tlie Montreal "horseman, who won the (majority of-the pttrses -in. last week's rr&ces;. a t the -CJiinton 'raunty fair, left last night

\-with his ihorses for tYestfield, Mass.; ^rhere .he races next week. .. '—Prof, and ifrs. Jas. G, feig,gs. of t»:>H'S Ferry arrived in. Kew. Y'ork on ""VvCSneKrfay, .on the steaaner Lauren-

' liar, of t t e Allen line,'after" haying .spr-iit thn.-e m'«nths visiting the Paris -•txyosition- - and • various: countries In

,35a:fope, ", ' . : " : ^ -~Z irMr. A,' .- ?f»hift: '. and . '-faimily, •' of

;lg:>artneraorhr «ill leave for Plaits-. Ihursrh on.-. Satuniay evening' 4o

STtf-nd thr-ir ftolv d.'.ys jtnd-'frtm t?iere 3tr. Sehifi wili' depart for _. the .Kew "i".>rfc ami Btiston ••markets' xo_purdiuis'e..

,.l»is fall and winter- gt*®fis:-~?::-. . TnK&TXUV&l. N O T E S . ' - . .

At New YKork'* . • .:

Brooklyn *..,*.„. . . . . New York;. . . . . — . , . ».,

Batteries'—Kitson . and. Taylor and Bowermap. ' At Pittsburg: St. Louis, . . , . Ptttstiuxg

"Batteries—PoweTi: ;;^.nd Tannehill and imiW' i'. Game

. . 2 %• 1-


. R-BU33. .'. 4 11 I . . 1.0 13 t iRobinsoini

Batteriec5—Ortb and Lewis and. Siffiitlm. •"

7-'*Othfir-;People's- .Money/' tiie Crarh-' <?Ar whic-^ vj.-ts' consider«-*d on** of the

jp"V;':t*-si f<»rui'<i.v .riiT:*r-essPt- - last ,seavo;i £,jid.-the talk .at all who witnesseid • the


" ~ R jB[.*€4. . . . (2 10, E . . . 5 8. 2 JfoFarlaad;.

w. H. H. wjnm^'s I*EW BOOK: W Jft ' .B .Mui'fay, «ora'ea- t o xhe-ftont

after Ibng seclusion nvtth a ' -boak.en-^titled " H o w . X attji Educat ing mv ".Dattsghters," As -v^as' to be expect-;ed; 'be develops some n&y:el ideas.

For .q i i e thing,- Mr. Murrav^ljlrtnks tha t thftdir^a should bo educated rh.r •ocirely a t bomeC H e tolls'- us t h a t '"ib'-y (his dairghtors)-!&ave .never been TO ss^hopl or church, J I«F haye" they ever h'i'd a iilayronW^m- thetnios't casual-fte-(iuajntjan.ee - witij'. aiiy : dhildreh beyon-i their own homei.ciraie>" . •

. :A» *to ;detaills, • W i r Murray . .^ays; "£)»e. th ing seemed .|'ti-ang;e to me and unacwuntsiilr.* •! That'". in th is land of liherts and chm-rtresJ of. schools a n d collefVs, T could iitid bo Jwak. emirate- ;

..mg tl<e ries'la^Rtton-of Jn'dtperideixce and the ,c,onst1t5tIdn' 'pf l ife-- .rai ted.

'"-rtafn's for popjuiai! rea'4tfvg, ;atid''TX-V -.volume' containling the "wb'i^js^of. $§£u.j '.-t*i'e wiFcfet'rhan who ever lived: who

''spakp. Rf.no o8her-rnan-S!nake-~-prjnt-7i,. J~-h. 'srinj-ihUtt sfiledsin in letter's, fo r t h e .study .ah,d;i miw6rl.zjition/pi;;,those fwho i f e - o r wduld- b e . pis dist'%fes." iH'.» does pot theah. tha^ %bei£. an- no.. New "'f'f^ranten-tk, bu#-fthVf the. 'word's t lpit VK;HS-uttered, by-.thamRelyes, are,not: pnfdished. • rle publi'ifhps them hiimseif |n this b.?f«l%,-,as-.he

'fcutgltters., fripni, t l e ' ig t rnpel of "Luke. p>i. {v-vt Is' divide i -llntV tecitafcious..

, S'imik'riy'ihev were led to de&T'h, pro-j iKfRTjuanct for duyt afterwards,- wiU t l , j . j . . 5 r r t h o S f 'of-frbefRjble >ahd-those of !•«••• pror lwrd at. ;l-w tl:R«itre tonight:.

ta i ight tiiem .'to'.hls.

Th>- . i-ori!-p;ti!.!-. he:*Uedt.y tha t ' priiw-' Ht-npf^Pj Leroyle, ar-awi f tn ta i r in ' tha t po|j-

Jti u ii'tJc ; n ! n » , . Miis May S-irpvi't

.s'jf I'fmn'ntiNn^. Ti'Vf-il ;rt n--.itit.,

t,ne p'jeo'plt'i?. of 'tiif. I world—-and. many <i5-thf-f<e ^rovertj-s'. Wave -been set d'd-wri T4 Kbow.'tbt'.raftthdq. '- ' i '~Jn: like •'. mapijt^r-lhe^ is giving t h e s e ,arls a voiiebulary 6f- the LnplWh iah-'-'uagt- by -thi'' ^ m p l e process of sele.c-

V.'ri" -.il'.t"-;u in. -HIT-.'tiiC-l«t eumwl rVt'A*- <ii .ftiiM-i' s>uir.lHru',.,l-a.:ift Water.s..

•• ••}•';• it- 'I: ' km.:u.-, in, iniHif; i5:tr-!fJl. fauj-••-•;-.•-'. Wi'.i, .L.i. .Harntrnit r. nwnfiatiy.

• .-_.(.-. -; >i<. LH:V '<H . Mr. li»!.u;. if- hai ni< t •' • vji*i?.i 1 m;:':'(>( li'siii f-i' ir ?.,-jn (; iri^t-urMrc;'

" ' "- !>i vinr-.tz-.h' • .••! Luf'.'bhii-oii' l io : " . ?•• v.,.j.-.-. -nii::!, i.- "Tin-rt- i - n-uli-•'i'- --''','-•• "' •"• ni. mM. r.inS nil a;or>-.-'f

;,. -ir.il-,: j , ) , I | I ) I . f . ' 1.- r . i .n -1 •-•' Hi '.»!•- ,'t tij<- bt—i! fiif'i i f tj'r

•i-'-iUS.- n t i H n - i i t i i a f .Jt'- t ' i -- 1I1 t'tniii .IT.I>, ii larci- JHJI!-^

' 1-!H - 'I.i t f i '4 . II a i l - : ' V.'O' <•

Jtey.-that ap<»ita fch". i'dge,. and ./juali-hes a'pid 'and .ettsy..pr»>-J i l » t , n i.l.4I.I«L,.-,*l.

l * It

-' i>.

. ' ! I* '

r"-TT> I

"> v <i

.'WEMIISTREPEAT,. .V.'h^n E ' . I T . . ; W V u, l':a.r'.-t.urfl^Ti;-ii*

tlli-- riiLDJI Hi OVA.

f .:•• -r

.H^'sn., - ^


~tX±. hurt! to t.:t\ iit-v. Thi'liirs iiiioui f »«.-ii'fe-, Kuitii y J*4b„ 'i in-'^Tiii-e. tin t . « i i a im di'uuiL' !>;t'.f;, ri te -'.suflfr

-tritiv Litinry tiis-nnlers- mid ' th ' - ' x r o u -, I'III-- oi *n*ts» v.Ui/f - ui.:mt>i-.i. w'AKirtzJt.

tr \':TU\;L> .it: 11 i. U'-Uirti'. .Til-H thi'V ' dii _^V±X^ ' " ; " . ' • •--.-> l i i p r . 6 t e - ll'jii'l lu>t it

• ->. .-. T ; ; t i>1 ',u.:(-!,» ri-ma-ifl .- . P l l l r t h - *fb--iliir-eni-n', .ir It--. ;i-( - < inzeii-s-. 1* f-u*;'!\ %'T-KI-VK-U. ll*';it'. '?!..?• CU-.t- . - : '

-" 31 f. K: : -^rf ' . - r or JO Un.ise St . . ;-:•'>*.—*'i !u«tl J.::ins- o v W : If,v l;i(lii--.iK-:.::,'!' a: t iir>-5i/. lanffiiei':-, ' in r i ie hau ' <•»;'- my .:.«•!. j_ p-u.t *;f:»iu-! ' L m i i ' i."--iin't T';!l.- -jj.'i r o i :, u->i a t L a r t m i a • ,->;c'v-'(jri- ' 1'.-. tin- .fjf-ji-" I u - t d h a l t 01 ' ' lui 'I ' i fb«- jiaii: a in-' idi!H-hi-.-H ittf'f II"- «!!' ' .1 V . i ; .f:>-f ffuUi al l 'Ulilill-J-- '•{•»• fr'>-t- fin- Ki.fn»-y ,K.'i-rH!ui:». 1 .-'f'.-rv,;«r*-i- •••• •••ii-,-;! tjir-m fur a tj-nind \ - . " : j \ f< -r.:' : . • i i t i fh^ ' -aaid f i i ty h a d

-.f.-J ..-\(.,, J,;n, fr »")1 . iiii '? . f iulur*- ' f. if y< -,!,-.-

*' .-»}•! ii> ;,";: H-^:'i-r- j»r-''>--..*»<' fi-'rus {•!.<?:-:. ru^' .-r Mi'«Hl,-p f .', BH'H-JO, 1«* '•*. : ni- ;-..•.•!;-»• .fd«- ' h i

V.-n-. . .-n, '•- i t . ia!-.» i*u oiiji- r.

I U - , 1 : !

SpeU,_.yiEOnp«,n'('ft, fin*', and- uw- ^yot-ijlK'prope.rt'j. ljj,--«s;l

ofu.-ctvf, the first thing that it ehil'i h(-.ih<' I'lf'.'-tintEfht. 'Mastery 'of word

1 uoi'vjf ii'.i- is the >t;'wM'_. -r»i'.7 iil-1 = -know} liWi-li.lii tfi.iuake -r •4'•<•*•< in ail stiAhes. '"SV'it.i.i'hild-rWthus ^*uni}.i"i! for uieattt| at'tmisition ret-cii-ii:f h a ti»'li*.;itt;itnii ' s t udy .an -en te r -Ci'.rniwnt, Jtiul not i. ' tas-k A t eight it :.-i-:iJfb\ ti«d 1 f"vn' | turl hah criaie ' tb u ••i-ri.uf wia.-i. rt-t'i'ii^vi-iw'fi* of '•mt'Uibry i- ->j",va'vv r^niurk^iU'. and iii .maiiy

.1 .!-•••> yi'.ijTuimi.tml ] She 'is' then ai l . a l IITii': > liftj-'lliijl. .Vv'uidh, p k r a S i ' K , •d?ti.iiath ^j.pressii^iR'. anc( tmtire sen-'I'l-i'-^, 11-..' ,ri-i.«-isi-ii (iH.ii white pasfe re--• •,%•<-:- t)*e ft rit-ii-ss;, of the pen. ' Later.

-...- 10TM-, to I.IK.-;1 ertiotiuiml period,. !_•"•! \.i't tf.'itin- peri'efifiv'e and reasott-i i- .".U.:*<.._ aii(i"Iu'st pf.4ll- to. the reget-

"•'.• ,i«u(f IH 1 ae ,bi.-|fihhmg of her prb-•'•f.aihc- ;njQVi-.niif'nt a s a. m w f a l force

.-ivi-s tin- ^ighetjft -(fxliresaipn of, j.nuiuii s- " , • ' . ' " ' ' hi- -Tiwlarajion .'jnf Independ'-nc •

rlijf Vtfiistittrtioji |are given. ' in di^ iiii-., nVi Ua- K-iildri-n learned them. •ri-• y nif.«i' a dis'siij'rtauon on TJun'*-

, :»fid rn-tr t h e i ioae -r.-eitatiohs of Tiv . with the yir-tfth'f-Kce given to--ihtij j.u.t'.-, ',fu Tfitu Mo->re, l.'ry-l m l W L . Si'ott . :

it will be a 'blessing t o the -cominun-ity and-a monumetit tb the orlglnaltoors of the i^lea as well as to the late Tihos. Atmsfirpng. • ' X.

I R O J J A .. "- : SepLt 19.—Rentien. Downs' has fe-

tnrned ihome . from| 'Walpole, Jf. H„ where,be ;has been' working,

•Ret1. Sylvester Sayford, Who 1s preacM&g in Vermont, '. -csslled' at Chaune*y "Davenport's for a sbwrt vis , it a feijp days' afio. . •'

•Wei extend our congratulations to our frrands, 'Mr, andi'Mrs, Efdwin? S!art-well for being awaVaed su'db a valu-abfe prize fot -thavin^one of the. pret­tiest babies..'at *be PlattSbuargl* fatit.

—MrJ James.- Sayers of ^IPeMn-'' bronki P,' Q., is ' staying ambile anion^ relative^ here. . ]

—Mr.' ana Mrs. Edgar Davenport; With- tbeir little, daughter Faanie, went fa Onateangay last Friday fa visit thwr brothef-inJlaw, "Wm, Oasmp-hell..' i*hat «ame evening febe 3jaby was ' tajk«n sick and <ciied Tuesday morning, -The. corpse was brftitgbt •home W a y . Mfc a»d Mrs., Davettiport have th& fttllest sympathy of our peo­ple in the loss of t&eir bbsjld, whose .little wtrn lj?lng ©bid aad whit© to ; its sno«y saroud fs as beautiful as an angek 3 ' - ' -• 1 >.-

, Septi.-lis.—Howard Bates w h o ' ^ s been spending & f»w 4ays With his par&ntie left today over -the jOhasteau,-gay to Saranac.Lake. 'From tiisre toe goes-to'his position id At t twa pri|3on,

—Our band leader, •>» 8. Baker 'lias reeerv^tjt a new -cornet I t is !a tine in* •sw'unwat of-Freac^.ajannfactore.

~3dmi Bufcatt ihas-. pur-cbaaed (of I* A. Mietetder, «an . elegant , sittrgadaie range; jmadft^by t h e Sold <Mn .Stove 0& «J! jfroy. ABy/o&e % # W ^ stoves, and* ranges ican do n o ibetter flian. to, buy of Mm. H e h a s t t e e e . diflfereat kinds of janges^HonseboW, Aborn and" Gold CpSn. m -also »has a i l l£tad« of par lor s toves for ooal and wrooia.

—feenry Sfcbeief,'*|as in town'yes)-; 'teraoy, • • '•' I i ' •'

—Mil,. Wood of 'West -Chazy is visL= iting- her daughter; Iflrfi. M. R.-Ostfan der, , , . • . -I

MO.ItRI^ONVJ'1,1**, ' < J Se|»L •$•£-Rev, -Ifather iRe'langer,

pastor of St. Alexander's ^hiircji, -ai-rivedirbtb. ParJs'.'bn'Qie i7t-h tmst &«! was -.gieebd vilthj a hearty welcbme

of j»t*toeB 4tod Bineet com. L«4, beans and tomatow tutve

tlpeaed., Our 'Sbdk':f|al 'ftjoit «Ui«e M«y,,.fei|l,oin tw llglitiy* ttoe i t t tb, inst . FAranfera. « re plowing; «nucin« k Bhonwm<teal. • •• \

—J. <3. Ware Is -eonne^tiing; Ma.frotMf witfti, ,th^ sewer.' ; :• ".\, < • "• .

-^CliaTleS. Cfoff L Was retu!rned from Sjirin-gneld, Mass. — - , ,

-r^The IffisSes .'Thew wiH iteacih in _Pem. ( . ' ;>-., l •.= . , - ' ; . .! .

wflrate Regers Co. OiaVe a. laS*^ foree of linen • stpokading the '.-liver, banks on'"—< thi/ Wlai-ejand BrewiateT ' i tems, Pi'JBP'i'whIte'half paratbry to fall ^flooding. • -. ' Aadi*m Hci ;;,";..... - . . . . ,,

—Platid Cfeib has .tbouglft-the AM- Crown-Point .. ,:;4,,. , 3.10 «'io.It WindaoifLxydge.. ' ' 1 \ \ . - ; ^ S i n ' • • 1 " * f " ' | f i f f

'T-MarsbaR-Lamoy-'thas soldj Ms <?ot-. #hXnsWrVH'*:.w". 4% tage, pn>perty for-i$5,-5i)0 and; expeteta $•*&* *-. ' ' • • • • ' -

;to remove *6 New'Yo^fc oity; , ^ " { f x e n t i •; • -tJafmes .Stanton went iMbtt^ay witk v&lconrv.r.:.*..v....i;. a party.intp-cfltop"at Mooiae poM, . | | iua Point ,..-,..L,

—Rev, TiJipTtoas ^ M % n , 'm. years' a? ^ S S g M Sv "f" -OongrejSa'tlonal, mfinister, *• ..> residence- BeekmahTOWn _ _ .here, w i s cbnfiTmed as a, imetniber of J^?-st Ohazyv,.,*'*,^. -B.t-5' ;Yra.S •toe'Bpi^opial^bnircaiAie.Stb insL . r^^^Hi«*'?'***"r' ' ' , ' ' ,-l'?< • i'?i

- T h e r e hav^iibeen rsever* i g g ^ v S ^ S S ^ ^ l t f e r ^ : [ * * vated e ises a t tonsiMtis ite jNewmab., ' | , •and vifig nity. " ' ' . « : ! ' - ' - r^ J ! " w - -^—; '<'•_ r ,-,- .-.-;,... -. , • ^Thsf State. l i b r a r y . ^oc ia t ion 1 _ Gpiyf> goiCTq.;,, Will -metet at Plabiid CUbib «b»: 5^7 of SeDtemljier.

Timefily information :giveh 'Mrs, ._3r„^._..._,.^. ,„ ©eorge Long, of. Kew Steifevilie, I | } | J | g ^ | g » r

Ohio, prevented, a dreadful -tragedy',Bluff-Poiiit ....'. and savad two ; llve^f. -A- jfrigbitful w e o u t , . .„ ,„ . , cough h a a lbbg kept jter awake ev- -vJm^^ro "f"-""' "fi 'So ery nigiiit.- ,S5ie (had tried many -reme- Essex •"-..'.1!.t.''.'.*""L''I** 21*o» dies anld- doctors bnft ! steadily igrew Whaiionsbarkh - 4 — n.te worse imtil utged to t r y Dr. King's | ? „ e 4- I w^—'"*""^"^ " * New 'D-sdovefy. One >ix>ttae wholly enred 'hers and she Wrftee tniS mar­velous ' nedicine als<? cured Mr, Long of a severe«t tack x>f Pn,eusnpniav Such cures a te positive proof of «Khe match­less toetlt'of Itos. grand' |reiheay fbr curing | ail throat, chest « n d lung troubles. ' Only SOe and $i0.. Every bottle guaranteed:. Tr ia l -bottleis free at M^s. D. K. Gilbert's. "Drug 966t?e. -


Amerkajhs Ask^d to Exploit Re­sources in the Khedive's Realm.

Houses Point CoopefvMe "... Chaw ......... W**(l Chaxy , BeekWautown

Port-JKeKry .. Orowa Point Addison Je t . w)Mteh*Il . . . .

Leavis Kattjibnryri. a,m 8.3W *

Bluff Pdiht i l . .k . . , .^ . i VM Soutb Juridtkon ....;. .! 6.38 Salmon Riy&r a..,-,.l#i - 6.41

j,....4 6.SS . . . . , ; , ?<*

'* Peru " P«rrolri» .„•

' " Koareir* ...: . Anflve Ausable Forks


7 i5

p.m •1.-0I' LIS 1,»: i .a L * l . » i.w -Jl.il


Botera ... " . y*rrona .,

- ",. .Harkn'e^s • "I ,,'Pferu .*.*.; "'; "Laohliams 3 •*'•> Sateon B., " South JUticttott w..*«, 8.01 " BlUff'P6httfl,.i 3 *.«

Arrtare P]&»isJ5Uiffrh. ..*.,.. . . . 8.1R

a*m 7,26

... „ , . , , „ . , "?.«

us ; . . , . .« 7.55 •er,Mi...rK.i 8.00

p.m *•« ' 4.JC .44a


Hessiji |BtrbaTit a ntembef'-ot tbe Egjrptian f overiiment, whQ'is on a dip Ipmatjc, nission to England,.said; in an interview-the oiiher afternoon with tbej ^London' correspondent ot the New YtorK-Leave Ajisahle. Fojrks ,«......„ Herald: "Egypt's great industrial need can .bo supplied only by a large influx of Atner ca-n -energy, fde&s and maehin-ery. Espyt's; material, wealth lies praetiedly undeveloped., Ages «go tout titrtwois h etueraldi «aidr gold Wmz were operated, hut for eenturies Mley have la™ useless. ' ' \ -, • . >' '. .

"Recently the Efcyptian.'g^yertt«ieh.t gt-anted co»eessio»i[to Britisb. .capital­ists Involving the whole tui'ijubise de­posits.! iPresuraably, thfer^^are, WeiWHi Leave Plattebwfch ts& •*.-**.-; Seelc-itttbrtry have actlvitv telthe tnytjubise mmttmn S.«? *.<.ms, West Chasy^.«,a, region, but nobody seems to be- talcing', "*ji Ctow* ^^XcZf^S^h^?* any tetirest in the emerald «ad gpld ^*L*" Awiv#Moc*irs jtmutioa 9.» depbsft? of the e'dtmtry.

"Ftirtieraiore^ the vast Sharble guatr-•ries of ipgyjit are asserted* They eonr tain Jnepfbaustlbje *auantities pi stone

m. e d l N a SOTJTH.

Leayef '*rc<*i*s U H » i w r a u i u w w i n c 'J^KMHWIIVO V* O W W I 4.£?%$*£*. *"w»"^*» •"tMrMM" ^ w m.'-JPtt of the- rhost c o a W t t#»ture ftndstm-iftI^,-%?^/t^Vv-^i1^ ^ ^ " 3 U S ceptiblek the highest possible^^Tisb. f j ^ ? ^ V & b u ^ h t t o T 1 ^ " .'tearing- jthe «lay* at Rome's gf&HaflWi*—-———•••:•• .;..• w^'.-^v'.i^—>— '^*^


i thtf e otlorries' were drawn- oil K»r the i conlstrutjtion »f monhroenw, temples! and public bnildiEJgs lit various, parts j of Europe . ' . ' ' ; - {•..*-,•,"•—.- -,.-„,.,

"Recently when j:he Oennans disco v*>\ ered the n u n s of a Roman temple near S?*S^'JJ56lj t>i»sd«nJ the f a l s e r of d#ed , i t t o he r e - , CafyvW* . . built, b u t no marble cottld.be fftobd in »anpemora,*..T,I.""r.u 91* the ! neighborhood coitesponlpifag ^ ^ y ^ j ^ ^ V i i i " ' ^ ! * " I'M

" * ' - • ' • - - • - - " * * ' ' ' * " ' " U K

:::irlT . , S.47.

fineries^ kit auaiJty to tbat «r: the orl- i Son L W .," **l"* m ginai SOTietur . It was th^n siwigested Bioojpinirdai*, "'.".7*1?*., xi: siKjgested BJoojpi!ti«rdai» •that tbe[tnarbie had cmae..frb«b.Egrypt. f ^ u g ^ S ^ * * **;

The ewnoror.brdered aji:ihye^tigatioft ^ r w " " '** to be rraadi?, and a. G'wnibn« j^ologiat took samples of the material toiEgypt and 'iiitw discovered the, very tmafry

p.m 140 L4» / tan/ » .» 4.25

,4 40 ; S.tO -

aojsra *** ' and t l i w discwered the,-very.-quarry • ; • \ •"' • -%-^t


Attbejifse the TOatefial ibr' Sift temple'LpJei Piaca ..,...»»„;.,:. i.10 >f,qo had heeA-dng: Fureher -tnvest^atioa ' • f g S ^ J S S ^ *"r"*M|-rl ! ; f'S showed that the eountrv-abounded in f i S ^ l X : • "H"-/-|f-S. • i-S showed hat tke ctiuntsy .ftbounded in jjo^jJStui ..,.>.i.,«i '94s marble ut like texture atfd VttWe. i Lyon ^fountain '.»v/ • ? ° *

"Our i gricultrtrat yesdurces «T^ to-. £bW^Lake -* '.»/»•«. |Q,|4 «nense. b[ut t hey &fe utfii?ed I R only > c S l y v i l o «.\*.*U*^*"" n S tbftmoftt prliiilfclve way, We ihatveat' Morrinonvflie- -/.4.«.» Ji,4* n'h«at w lb the scythe, a s Eutope and PJatt^urgh' *„;-.» ,U, tfjff .4«n»eM«a; harvested the #awie -iBraln b'aif v

3 . » 4.24 4.40

5.M 6.0C

-/-.; n'"rt«^iit'^t""«rt^"'','5r*rA" ^ T ^ S T i ; ? * ^ r » J f - AMltlonsl >s*rvl,ce ..ibetweeii "Sarapae a tfentux'jr. ago. T h e s lumber o f , pa s t 1 T . ,^ , . M a i4ikMA4_*i«,-' .««riiT.«ri-r*i» ftgra seems tfl eme lop t i« . We need"1 4 • w a PMteia.i-Leave.sarAnao, Lake the vigtS '* 'and tt-rarfphaat • pbaxitieal Siftsof- «be Tankeea to' tom-otar ^ rea t

n:gm seems' to mxetppm. We 'need "YW; , : , te / , s m . .i w ^ w „ • A>,

natoral .jppsotfrces' to account, t

by bis numerous' 'ftiends and .patifops of b!is, .parish, t i ls lefetets, lOnft dated. at tiid'toft'-of. <Efl61-Tojiy*i- 13je rest a t .o itftf ,'exposition' and |Era#gt. w]th much lihterest . ;-:. '' .-' —FJlR .Pierce metttKned1 -home Sun­day nl^rht • from Allegheny <?o„ K. Y,-, and refiortt a coptinuous 4nd ancreas-

:ing fiojs'.., ol: oil front h is ' wiajpany's wells.. | ; . ' ..'].' ' ^—CoM -Casweil '• Who lcaxne. near los­ing, lii4-iifr* in thfent tnie i*x>m at P. M.' Pur-dy -s rmilli.' as! slbwly 1 reeflfvering from :ws'.-sevf;re injuries. • It. arfpeafs that in.bis efforte to start tjie works-with a hea"vy"levt:ir the wneel sudd,en-]y tu^iie^;; tii.row|ns.;- tlte lelver vli'th fearfull velocity against; his ehest, p lh ' ning-hitnf to a .dofep'i jaijri and inflicting a s«vo.'tj'-i>\-ound-',''i'n -the back of:b'is head.' •Ke'.waa. taken to bis home' in-sepkibit-;!^3r: G.'U>eWltt Daa-e wa«;Un-mediatr-jyf', called' iwhb' dresse-'l . >his! woundji.-and left Mm; - in a cdin^cious

•condition:;: • No.bones." .Avere broken. 'ft!'e---bruiscs op Ms" C'best lrwould" tbdi-'; i>ate";-:tba;t ;it- wail- almost,-', a jmifacle tftb-t -bCii-as niit brpabefl/fo 4pa.tU'''•'-.

40rn«lst-.j and I'Al'itfe'.'Banker,, W bo = b»ve been honSe viisitiiigl' their .father, Silas Bitnkei, .hit vr--returned 'tolFtjrt' Edward to resume, their vocations;". Miss Ban­ker is prhK-ipal .of the .Kindergarten stibool 7 .,

ia.s re'ttii-rield;to the care 02 her

— M i One of. berVch Vtav.'

Ernes t Adaajis frqm Ellenbufgh -wjas' homf -to see "Iris .motljer

P u r d y ^ h ' b u s e s , v,tbeice'she' antb ii.^ren wilj .niake.fche^r -iyintefcs

-Depot- . . . .., , whohasbeenl- i l i , jbu,t is pow, recovering

; —Mm.! 'E- 'f. I>USQ frotn; ' Sa r anac '.Lake ^ttupped wv^r n ight at-B.J//F.. San-•born'/i oh her .way -home' ' f rbm (v-er-:.mtmt.. ;

. —-,;'I-olicej Conv^l'' ' a t . San-bof-n's- jus t i re affile* -h:

a. ih.k;,S.35 a." at-."-! S,3S. a,-' ni . ; 3136' ,&qld .by Mrs, D , j «•_;«;.; .LSJ n> m.; 3.20, p* iH4;5,4Q,.p. m.;

down pebble. .Et*clry />pCtie guaranr :IUQ teed.^ Orlyn>0-ceribs: .Sold .by Mrs, D, i s - ; ., K.'Gilbert.. Broggtel./---'; • : •" ".'" j * » p - ' » - ^ _ _ .. .

.11 v,. , , , , . -I . - ! ' . - -. QOIN|&.. WEST.- j , , .Lv,rPort .Kent) |.45-a. 'm.;;S.4l. a. m/,

,, A new

,v,+. i n 'that.citv. Mira,. Delia Dare

New- (J: arsey t b restBHe: late sister's tshildrfen* ' , . ..

s.' Helen',.MeAlister b«S| rdttted /operate, ..using 'the s i r in the roban or

, . I n effect ; yonaay ? J£ay S8,1000. , '

.Ht«sry mt» Wlwy«?Tj To bbjl llound band *nd fpot fori

yea.re byil the chains .of. -diseasp- is the worst, Jbrto of slavery,' George I). WUliftms, or Manchester;; Mi^t,:, tells bow ssweb a .slave ^ts- made' froe, ••'H. ' Sa-y-fc: " j y wfiebas" beeb so belpl for fi%ve years that ske-eould pot tttrn ttve'r ,fa. bedjjilbne, ; After using/two •bottles of- Eieetrio 'Bitt^rf, sbe!4sywon-derfiilly.improved .apd able tb #0 l^.'S*ch«mpUia«»«i^lorUrioa«o: own'wori'." TMs sui*reroe.remedy.fori ' GbrSa E A S T ' female .d:spjjai^qHitfkiy'cbr#''b.erv'ousi-.',,- '.- -^-- • ^ •-ness, sfejplesaness. ineiancboiy.; toeatl- s fe\;Kles.eW]S l^r,^ T d ' ^ ^ T v

SPPHS. '[*hls miracle" • wwking med1}- j-skbie' Cha»nj-,,s t,30 u m.i SM; a. m.; *.« cine- isjla godsendjto %**ttfc, sickly, run , " p f ™ *?£*'•! 1-*J ?' . ^ " ^ 0 6 - V^m.H

7S»..p; -pi,- L«.«,'\5e'.Sja1«»-'?i»*ia',10.30-.ai tr.80 p . / m . < 'Airrlvs Saranac Lake.. 10,56 a ta.'t few JJ m | '-'-'• • ->

^raiiis if 111 coaaW -it Fort Xe&t with pa^wn-.; 'b"« "••F*-.tr*-te,5 ^ * J>;.«t.H:.c.co.,»nd bo«bi oi

KEA^N-G-'BY tfouz

'i%e jabas . aifp arran: the ,pb;'.'an.u ]the -heti ed in /by a nVetollic casiag. The beat-ejr^'caii ta ,aw' "aJ.r,from W-Itbout . ' t h e !

mtr. ')-'. Two "o^."these, heaters will, 'at 'is 'said,

heat, a 40 3|>ptcar"1o the proper.temf


i-utn^iijg. \vUi> h bn

i iu .n»- Jt.MXl.'t: —U.lxli

_' " r A' «' Haiiiiin.i'or Bangor, silys '• iir- r-'e-i'i/i '»"•« Jourjlal."- "is to erect

. " ll.fl :.l{-|-.ll

ini'l' 1 if . r |n in i'.ful vTi.Tna. for yeir; . PnK,hitni.afiuijd<i\ t r ibe o'

JII!S:-IIS-.. id tl,f. hlin.i«-,.t)f a" dark gre»h|' -•yeftiti-ivu.b. -I '* diwit in IHW. and lis siavV* tin.-' m vi-r lippr/ marked. ' Dr. (-iariiliti v : i ^ - a t;»\6iite friend of •|(i.".a'f. 41i tu»ajfd the , togue. - fbr 7"'*'« 'ujluji-yn isulmo tunria- and t h L '.-».,t*i«- w:t\ a' iijifVii' by Atrassiz. T h e •i«i:.!Mi.i-r.t ' b'iK l»»'.«ri •

- ITIC j - ipM H.t'< d i'S ' •o ' . i t ' f'f,U-t H u u t i T .

"•.June Ih'jti, 7-: y e a r s .A

m? In Bangoi;. -fu'll.itvt-: 'Peol ' NtiJjh m a n . i i . . C. H.* "

frecyuerit, session for, t.wc/ Wjee-Jra. past, j i f is t A-'feti^lkj feeling, appeafs "ta e?eist. be^ the . a i tween a- ft*^ families/ in 1; 'southern', neighborhood of.jthis) village a%d pet-.

; tv assaults- have heeji' frequently niade of lafe. ,: As yet n o vely ser ious as-s:nilts| have liefxdyrba.de. ' , ' I

'-saul'ts, -hpye.beed made bu t . f rom the combative disposition' ' manifested by nienl Woineri tirtd <Sifl.dren.jit may be presumed tha t more se r ious conse-

Hiuepcjs -niay r-eianlt and an ex?tn|plft be made ;of som'e- of the hbt-^eadeti ones tha t irari pu t a .Quietns.on the i r bight-b rawl >• ajnd rey'engefuli propensities;- j ,

-~Ahsr>n -.- E . Ayres''! .-is ' ;hreaking. ' ground:' -for a new--bouse on t he Em? ery pioti. neaf H Wfllard-'s a-esidence".

1 UfcEEpf/MTU-ERI*. -, •! Sept 1 .—Mr- lEimest Biirbank aqd

sdstw. Mattie have i;'eturn:ed"froin their visit IB KTew Malniishire.-1- ' . , • •

-Mr-, and' Mrs. C. P.. Joy spent =a few -ditys to Burljmgtori lasi week,'/tSte1

giKft|; -of Mr, ai|d riStrjs. -'George .Mace •and Mr:, and; Mrs. L^W- 'Thomas.,

—.Mr, ,Lt Page \s very sick, x — \ p : :

:and -Mrs. Hamilton 1 Straight, alsb^Mr. and.Mirsi C. P.'Joy are spend­ing affew'days at jSarauac Lake with his daughter Nellie, who is.yery ijl."

—J. .1*. HenW- Hagon is very 41.1.

* . T.^Ttlkri iArri i . ' Sept.; IS".—Tlie prssent season hab

been /.remarkable, f p r ^ o i l prodncte. Plentjfui rains lins&red

3-?'?^ »


tEeanufflTT. system ^-^leetrfc heat ^ ' i ^ - ^ ^ m ^ t l ^ - ^ i a ' J ^ i f f

qn. the markeL/I t^onsly tsof an«iec-|B.fia ,p'l' ffl,;'!ia'-)/«J'Ar-i Keeseviile, trical he iter-and a-blower, says Tbe. 8-OS. a. in,;,».0t a. wte t«;00 ia. m..;...U.H Saientllic American. The motoi- is of. M ^ ' " - ^ : T I : f W P-

OT-ii 6.07.P. ^ - J »he ^nqindt.^aa-.tyPY -«Il<I' is:se<:uml' __*' •'- * tb a-.eoiflcba metal ^ e i - There is an J

air wt the back... The heaw'^Q, er cousteiffl of clay tubes! wound wltli. ' Ane: GeJroaa silver-wire and eovere4j •'' with i/o!'4 insulating «>at. • »f ,.enamelt'j

•m* --At. ] Port. Kent,

9,40 a, -m.-i 1L30I a..a>.; LE9 p.. in:: 3.4t j»;im.;- 5.47-#. .-w.; 10;c2 .p. m',". Xivi 1 Au-

ble -Chasroi;. *.t)0 ]a, in-f 8.5CI a. ms, 9.5fc pjiin.i ZM p . m»;

lensburg and lake Champiair Railway lim^Ta&le. •

p d radially, and' Cot i&£ ^ M , m ^ (?

tor art-, botjh^closrj. . •• ..^tm^. StmiifrA ' '• T-touqsrs LEAvfe i t6 t rsEs FOT^T-. .""

rboiit o r «ar! or in cold l e a t h e r « i b 7-00 Al/.H. MArL ' I^PREsa ;cpnnec .un« 7 ^ ^ wl^h. p ; .<fc : a . icraln JeavlnR' Platts-rxa . biAuh at 035: 41 At. ipr Chareangsiy BfI.al.one, Norwood,' Dfiaeasbursr aP4 ,lpterm«diat.o stactons..•

210' -P«r I^irut'-l5xwe.«: t-bVirecdnK Witi p, ,& ill -.Win JOU'VUIK LPfe ttsburg-b as . i l l .,. „_. _ - t 32 P . M; fer 'Maion'e 4nd agOehs-

-Dure-. - ' -1 -' pemture/ i n the ordinary ' system some of. the persons in the .ttaa's are uncomfaittalily warm, while, orliers ar£ ^Q. cold, but vrviii 'the Jan distribution the

.heat is positively distributed. , T h i fan will also "prove useful in' s'Cjhooil

I building? 1,. ion ships' and .war .vessels'. 2)»epy "-and. ,it wiiLlfe specially valuable whetti . , t<

Ve been in vessels ca-ei-ont of 4cknmission, Where T R A I N S " A B W V B -A.T E O T J I E S P O I N I

to-, P.-"X>1 .

fi.TR •

.. M. L'S;PRESS. . cowiectlns vwdtt. - ' X>| Sc H. tjraui' leavlniF Bftttsburgh at . -6JJ6_„P;„ M. J;Ot Ohatm-UKbj.', ,?4alone BPS^?

_ ,._ is rciM ir F««R,

Ojtdensburcr awa mate istfetions,.'.. Fq^kt&'D -Sleepii-g Bfiuiisjs J'emt t;o Chicaso Jvla Kiasats

lnterme leepii-g Cat

des|iref to 'hot|i warm and move air.-

When a married Kvamab' goes forth to look' after -her .r|ght$ liei'. husband usually p a y s at home anq nurses his wrongs.

DeWit:'s Little* .Early ; Risers are •prsimpt, palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying . l i t t le -piUls. Mrs, • Gilbert, Plattsburgih; K. E.. Gillespie, A r a b l e Forks,' Ihrrtoh & Kelly, Keesarflle. •

W h e n - there i s ' a n HSBficje'.' for^each .seeker itbe' millenniilm will-be in sight, and i t will ;Uot be 'necessa ry -(tofwailt for the ! ion and t3ie l amb }tO lie -down, together . - ; • - . ' , . J ' • \'

FOt|UJL>-r-A solid .g'old duff bu t ton . Qwlier.;cab haye satue-by caijing at dils "office and.-paying %o$ adVei- sigi ment

The progressive nat?ons of tihe',world are the; great food consuming nations. Good !fofd well digested1 gives fetcength If ydu <ahnot .digest' all you. eat; you,

>need JCodpi- Dyspepsia 'Chire. I t • di­gests ",wimt you' eat.- You need not diet yotcrselt tt wil t even digest; aH classes' >f food in a "bottle, .-jajb o%er prf|pai'ai3on- Will .do -tbis. I t Inetanitly relieS-es and :iguiekly. eur,es all stomach troubles .. Mris. GUbef t, Maittsihurgib; H. E. GiResplei Ausable FaFks; Bur­ton & Kelly, KeesevlHe.' : *•

•lapghter i s always \- Iow> bu t low l a u p t e r y i g nevver. loud." '• ...

.The c ejnand i o r ^rood advice i s no t equal tjf the supply. .

BSatesrsv-- se , ,«»*

9 1§ A ' AL V> PKiBJSS. firoro. iOgdensoui Norwood,. Malone, CliateatuKty ain intermediate stations •conjiectlhK wltl D. & H i train leaving Bomses Polni 31..40 A- M.t arrtvtnjr at .JEIattauurci

• .12115 P , M. r ' p

7.50. p . M.- KAlL EXPBESte.'from 6« depsburer, Norwood, Mdlo'je,- Chateau gay and Ifltermediate Btu/tlohs -• con nectlpc with i>. & ja,i train leavm* Bouses point $.40 p , M., arrlvina at

• • .plattsburEh »;S0 B.1 M. H . VA. a.OI?G¥J.. * « . B . HIBBASD,

TratCio ManaKeri - GenJ Pass ' ' : ' ', Butfancf. V.t,


, 'Tiie imore the church ir ingles yflkh «riie- woi'ld. the lees i t «an M-1or;- CJhBjst,,

Pot-ao ' t ion /reiad .Homei; And'-Sjoottv.

anvthinr ToniiaTen,i «riwp«^rt,; s3«o get j PflOTECTIQ** ^adliaodeL f k e ^ o r p t o t o , {f0*ft«Bexamwatlo|aand£ajdoe. '.^ratL-

.A.SNGW&CO, RTrysrs. W^Sr-M-.WGTQW.-O.'O.j

1 Write'J


i|t]|i|-:will .Soon- st& ^^s^-^m^f (m) of t&r

I f . < .. i ' '-t**^1t'i , » S t l'/i\

tym (give t u e

Tkcpugh o u r t r a d e .w4i s t i of ' the

'"'"*•'''"-': ••v""'•"''"'•""•'^"..aaidiis mm m$e&®£<

I a tiiini 1* dtt featild,;'.. "ThMIt

g prices;

te l S&ri;

;. - se£t*red t|te. Mgliest |^%3|pift^ ''loti. If^sel ^agems C ^ n & Rain,. \ f e d S r , t b e : - ^ ^ ^ a t ^

o^k fe00ie,

3 :|B4^ j |n.:; Stetf SHIexn,, fe •'!•! - - - - ! . ' rf'^ . - • - . A < . ''••


in. 1-2 m.

H i Don fpsjc on these

se agpns are.j

tohgue, whifle:rees a i i iifeckvoy -• • -^••-•••• •*- ' M ' - ' i , ; . i , . , . v / ? J , - ^ ; >

:-, ' • ' » ' l- • ' . i " ' • " ' - • • • „ • i

e reacftj

thiepv :double readij

' '-^[oisonoiu m'ifgbMoonii de|tb4 thij thf genusn wbiep ypfi

toadstools " resedihling Shave • .caused • frequent ear. Be stu-'eto n s i only.

-i - Observe the . saanb c a r e ^m'i ' » i ' ^ ^ f o r -DeWitts.'Witch! ? W :S^lrt.' -^There a re podsdnous .colnterfeltLi'-DeWitt's. is ' t h e ' only loriMnal;W|?tJh'Hazea Salve,' It ' I s a salfc and :pj*:aia core, for' piles 'akd ati Rk|n::disek4ee. .Mrs. .Gilbert, ''platts-' bpipb; H,; E . Gsiitespie, Ansabte Forks-Bupobfe Kjlly/Keeseville. ^ ' .' i) j ! I; , r - — — • - ' . ; . ,, iL

The' man fvhb ind-nlges in, tooi'manv eye-openers-;is blind ;to his.Wtt'lnter*--ear1 . • ' . - . • - . •• r ••>-.•



: .j Siatrke ,.st n .^spots, as t ronomers ' sav cMsed-. the. ; e x t e m e Heat-this sulmmer,,

anp.doctbts djeea^e;nearly ali i&e pftMratfibfls: were induced hv, disorders o(f ft>hest0x»;ch., Good -heaith IfeJIowk

f u t ' ^ M ^ T ^ ^ 0 ^ '•• Oysfpepsa-a (Hi|;e digits ' rwbat yon ,eat w ^L. ^ l i t o # ° ! l w ^ i i ^ P s J a i t win quickly "^elkve and permanentttv' ouirp po t t ' Mrs; G:ilbert,.Plattebuirgai;'^- | ? %i!esple,j ; l tsable Forike-, BnTtcS' r&-.Ke|y,1Ke4'dvi.aef ' I-- £>,^ lf l



mmwmm -)smi,W£ *-wiihi,l«.„-kiU_-m"Vp4Si^S%!'*os«!«, t " l i 1

T S U ^ ^ f ^ ' ^ u l Smitb*s - fan" lioop. Lakej Hotel; On9Mbta pb fcfa*!,

; I p P w M g n k • .a,".child ^ • fun ;js::(thb %1'ojrst ps^ible.fpr-la.of .sa-.Joke.-,;.'

J,|Q , P # I S i J i i o » , niieMy duje t^rpat -^id lung t u t ^ ' with

. Minfife C6n®b- cswre;'- Mrs." m . helti'Plattibirgb;' H.: »;flflieml4' AM.-,

ok J^ o^& ¥•'' ^ R ' ^ - ; • fetal ,ow5

i t ^ F -b - ^ ifraTa^ Preserve, Hotel,'

mfi£- ¥* .^!»^P8.- - Tract include^ p=4<3» *ff# in c^ultivaticin. Twelve

uculars,- pjaps,; etcu ap^y fe-" ° • p

' ' ^ g W A R % W; B i T F g t ^

work >taeo4i.ene.tw^T^f - w X t l ^ S ^ t l l ^ £ ^


m REWftRO. ISUD.iat

' ItM p n -$-iturLii..v. :

SlSti .p. m.. it-.|.: • i>.oy <@f HOu. j !

his Rir'rhier •.!'>":: Point, 'was, ill'.;' clmsitkrul-h- f f-.a < i "wuey s f i i a n t . w a s - . U - - i b> t^ f l | Spveral shpti;


i;U-* K- J f lpJ 4... sJutSJ'- (of ,;,. -md rphli

it|nre " .as ,>h maiV wbo,did M v e heen-'a tjiU- h-^y ffla1?' two o#£Jn ijvl't-p

10.0 iy^l be; for the 'arret* s tos \yijro' d •any informal.

yt...,t'r.i: thv ip;<l^ aj-r-'i^H-erj'JpT^

yufu.ltri-.i:this_ciWfl .41'. to

J. P. ctri\MXHi\M-. Sh.

$ept.= ie. eti

Q'enegee PtJrc;Fo'>-i Co.,

starves to use

.. Ve tired. a M ' ^ J

j thr-Ui-U t W ^ f |

' t i .e.1 ^LXitia^ "see? 2-Mil

a?->!.--*u'J «'tjr« •

rj.ftj nirit.ia t e f l ^ PlaJtsjurgfc',3!


L e i * !

y4avs.'''Mv bfoth.^ wa< a »>| ^tinker-." He kvai 'taken sm* .cftjcter said coffee'wa-s the-ahd.toM ixiMi use GRAIN-Og. a •packftge,|bujt did not HW ft* hm no*/w'pu|d,not be wi bt'pthey has^ been, well &&J&

it-, Tours






