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Page 1: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

Who lies beneath?

Cowan Hall haunter: Does Twyla really roam Fritsche Theatre? 5

Ohio EPA enters lawsuit for Kilgore cleanup dollars 2

Otterbein grad takes reins as Wildcats’ head football coach 11

photo by kristen sappsix feet under: Otterbein Cemetery is the resting place of the Anti-Saloon League founder and the first African American Otterbein student.

tan cardinal& otterbein university

wednesday, oct. 26, 2011

vol. 93, issue 9

Just in time for Halloween, the Otterbein archivist shares the buried pasts of some of Otterbein Cemetery’s residents 6

Page 2: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

Lindsey Hobbs Editor-in-Chief

Josh Adkins News Editor

Kaity Vorbroker Assistant News Editor

Leah Driscoll Opinion Editor

Steven CollinsArts & Entertainment Editor

Jordan LaBatteSports Editor

Mike CirelliCopy Editor

Kristen SappPhotography Editor

Anna SchiffbauerBusiness Manager

assistant editors

Alyssa Cook-AlexanderKristen Davis

Kathleen Quigley Laina ThompsonLindsay Paulsen

contributing staffPaola Casale

JT HillierMelissa Kent

Lindsay LoshboughEvan MatsumotoJeremy Morgan

Karly SmithHaley Young

contact us614-823-1159

[email protected] & Cardinal

Otterbein UniversityWesterville, OH 43081

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contact Anna Schiffbauer at 614-823-1159 or by email at

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policies The views expressed on this page do not necessarily refl ect the views of the faculty and administration of Otterbein University. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the writer and not of the newspaper staff. Positions in unsigned editorials represent a consensus of the editorial staff. The fi rst copy of the Tan & Cardinal is free to the public. Each additional copy is $0.50, and pay-ment can be made at the offi ce at 33 Collegeview, Westerville, OH 43081. Offenders will be prosecuted. The T&C staff would love to hear from you. Write a letter to the editor and tell us what you’re think-ing. Letters to the editor are letters responding to a writer or an article published in the Tan & Cardinal. Please keep your letter to 300 words or less. It is at the discretion of the Tan & Cardinal staff as to whether or not the letter will be published. Letters attacking an indi-vidual will not be accepted. Letters must include the author’s fi rst and last name, signature, phone number, address and affi liation to Otterbein University.

&t&c editorial staff

wednesday, oct. 26, 2011Tan & Cardinal2 news

EPA wants ball rolling in cleanup effortsStill no decision on who will pay $4 million to clean military waste from Kilgore property


The state of Ohio has now entered the ring in the “who pays it” fi ght for cleanup of the former Kilgore property behind the Otter-bein Center for Equine Studies. Otterbein is negotiating with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to see who will provide the $4 million in cleanup costs for the 40 acres behind the equestrian center that was used for disposal of explosives and other military waste. This suit has been dragging on since 2008. In the newest chapter of this series, the state of Ohio, on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Pro-tection Agency, is fi ling what Ohio EPA spokeswoman Erin Strouse called in an email a “friendly lawsuit” against Otterbein and the DOD. The suit is for past and future costs related to the cleanup re-sponse for the Kilgore Property. The other complaints in the suit include allowing “hazardous mate-rials” to sit on the property while negotiations for payment have been in the court system. The Ohio EPA’s main concerns are Munitions and Explosives of Concern, or old explosives, as well

as these chemicals seeping vertically into shallow ground water. The materials are allegedly “con-tributing to water pollution and/or soil contamination,” accord-ing to the Cost Recovery Action submitted by Mike DeWine, Ohio attorney general. Otterbein administration said that this suit was not unexpected because they had hoped to cooper-ate with the Ohio EPA to speed up the negotiation process for $4 million from the DOD. “I won’t say that we invited them, but we looked for their involvement in this process,” said Rebecca Vazquez-Skillings, vice president for business affairs. “Otterbein looked for the EPA’s assistance in the cleanup process, and it actually helps to give us legal standing in our suit against the U.S. Department of Justice.” According to court documents, Otterbein originally fi led suit against the DOD for the cleanup costs, claiming that the Compre-hensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 gives the government author-ity to take care of the problem. However, the state is citing a United States Code that says all costs of remedial action “not inconsistent” with the national

plan for emergency cleanup falls to “the owner and operator of a vessel or a facility.” The United States Code also defi nes a “facility” as a place where hazardous waste sits. At the end of September, attorneys for both Otterbein and the DOD fi led a joint status report that said they have made “signifi cant progress” in fi nalizing the negotiations and have reached a “tentative agreement.” But that still requires “fi nal approval from the appropriate decision makers.” Once an agreement is made about who is responsible, the Ohio EPA can begin cleaning the site. “The order will outline responsibilities in investigating and remediating the remaining 40 acres,” Strouse said. The 111-acre Kilgore Farm was donated to Otterbein in 1962 by the Commercial Credit Corp. after it was used for 20 years by Kilgore Manufacturing. Kilgore used it for “experi-mental work on explosives and other energetic materials, and the manufacture and assembly of explosives, incendiary items, and detonation devices,” according to the Remedial Investigation/Feasi-bility study by TetraTech.

TetraTech is the environmental fi rm that Otterbein hired to study the property and develop a cleanup plan on behalf of the Ohio EPA. Otterbein’s equine center sits on approximately 69 acres of this land, but was cleaned up under the EPA’s Voluntary Action Program and then approved for use. In its last public presentation in June, the Ohio EPA estimated that it would take 2–5 years to remove all of the hazardous materials from the eight “areas of concern” on the still-contaminated property. These are areas that were used for drainage, experiments, burn piles, underground oil storage and the burial of dangerous materials. Over 40 chemicals like arsenic, lead, mercury and antimony were found in the ground by the EPA, though not every chemical was measured at unacceptable levels. “While we don’t have any data indicating that contaminants are traveling off of the Otterbein property, the university is planning to conduct off-property sampling to investigate this issue,” Strouse said in her email. The next step in process is a public announcement of the Ohio EPA’s “preferred plan” for remedy. This could take several months, according to Strouse.

iLLustration by kristen sapp

badLands: Each area of concern (AOC) was used in some way to dispose of hazardous materials like chemicals and explosives 20 years ago.


Page 3: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9 vol. 93, issue 9 3news



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Susan Millsap as Senate Parliamentarian for 2011-12

From the Curriculum Committee: proposal for the addition of a nutrition minor

From Faculty Council Executive Committee: proposal to amend Faculty Council Article XIX, Section 4 of the bylaws

From Teacher Education Committee: proposal to amend Teacher Education Committee Ar-ticle XIII, Sections 1 and 2 of the bylaws

From Student Life Committee: proposal to approve the Association of Fundraising Profes-sionals Constitution

From the Graduate Committee: proposal to create a Graduate Academic Appeals Council

inforMation CoMpiLed by paoLa CasaLeTrading traditionsInternational students share their homeland’s Halloween experiences

photo proVided by LaVinia haane

street party: Senior Lavinia Haane ( far right) hails from Düsseldorf, Germany, and said that she and her friends have dressed up as a group each year for the Karneval celebration since they were 16 years old.


Staff Writer and News Editor The Ohio leaves are falling and the world’s fall celebrations kick into high gear. However, the U.S. isn’t the only country partaking in cel-ebrations as the leaves start to turn. In Germany, Halloween has just begun to become bigger over the last few years, according to student and Düsseldorf, Ger-many, native Lavinia Haane. “Really all we know about it is what we see in the movies like ‘Means Girls.’ The girls dress slutty and the boys like it and there are lots of parties,” she said. Koblenz, Germany, native Torben Schmitz said the holiday is not celebrated on a large scale and is mainly for children. Only a few people participate in it. “(We) dress up, walk around houses asking for sweets or playing tricks on the people who don’t give sweets,” he said. Mengyun Zhao said that people in China know about the mostly American holiday, but don’t typically celebrate it.

She said that some high school students dress up and celebrate alone, but only a few. While Schmitz said he has dressed up as a woman for Hal-loween, Zhao said she chose the easier and cheaper route by dressing up as a mummy. Haane said the main holiday celebrated in Germany is called Karneval, during which there are parades and costume-clad people celebrating in the streets. While Halloween takes place on the last day of October, Kar-neval begins on Nov. 11 at 11:11 a.m. each year. Haane said that teachers don’t like to teach on this day during this time period because students run out of their seats, dance in the hallways and play loud music. “One time my teacher locked us in the classroom because he didn’t want us to leave, but we slammed our books on the desks so loud he let us go,” she said. The festival ends in February on Ash Wednes-day, Schmitz said.

“The deeper meaning (of Karneval) is to get rid of nega-tive ghosts and get rid of the winter and celebrate spring,” Schmitz said. “So there is no real meaning behind (it). Just get dressed up, play tricks or get sweets, or if you’re older, get drunk and party.” Karneval is also sometimes referred to as “the crazy days,” according to the Festival Com-mittee of the Cologne Carnival of 1823’s website. Schmitz said that the biggest celebration of Karneval takes place in Cologne, Germany.

iLLustration by kristen sapp

&Senate Meeting: Oct. 20, 2011


Page 4: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

wednesday, oct. 26, 2011Tan & Cardinal4 news




DeVore Hall

Engle Hall

Mayne Hall3

5Davis Hall

Campus Center eastparking lot



Clements Hall

1. 10/18 A bicycle was reported stolen from Mayne Hall.

2. 10/18 Criminal damaging was reported in DeVore Hall.

3. 10/19 Criminal damaging was reported in Clements Hall. A toilet paper dispenser was broken off of the wall.

4. 10/19 Drug abuse was reported in the east Campus Center parking lot.

5. 10/21 Criminal trespassing was reported in Davis Hall.

6. 10/22 Vandalism was reported in Engle Hall. A fi re extinguisher was discharged.

7. 10/22 Vandalism was reported in Engle Hall.

8. 10/23 Criminal damaging was reported in Mayne Hall.

According to the Otterbein University Police Daily Crime Log, the following has been

reported from Oct. 18-23.& POLICE REPORT

inforMation CoMpiLed by kaity Vorbroker


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BY HALEY YOUNGContributing Writer

NBC’s ‘Parenthood’ cast member Sam Jaeger and wife Amber star

TV star alumnus debuts film


Sam Jaeger ’99, an Otterbein theatre graduate, is a star on the hit NBC drama “Parenthood.” This week he brought his inde-pendent fi lm, “Take Me Home,” starring his wife, Amber Jaeger (also an Otterbein alumna), to Columbus. Sam Jaeger wrote, directed and starred in “Take Me Home,” showing at the Arena Grand Movie Theatre through Oct. 27. While at Otterbein, Jaeger worked at Raisin Rack on the corner of Schrock and Cleveland in Westerville. About one-third of the fi lm was shot in Ohio. While fi lming in Westerville, the crew stayed in the Otterbein Commons Apartments. Many of Jaeger’s professors and friends from his Otterbein days appear in the fi lm.

Coming from Perrysburg, Ohio, why did you choose Otterbein as a col-lege destination? I knew I wanted to go into acting since age 13. I had been accepted into a couple of acting conservatories, but I liked Ot-terbein because art should be a refl ection of what you learn in life. I saw conservatory train-ing as something where the art majors were only surrounded by other art majors, and I thought

they were neglecting the college experience and outside world. I liked how Otterbein had other things to offer other than just theatre.

What activities were you involved in at Otterbein, and how did Otterbein prepare you for an acting career? I wasn’t involved in that many activities. I was kind of an anti-college student. I also was a fi lm nerd who watched a lot of movies. That occupied a lot of my time. Otterbein gave me confi -dence, and I think every career is based on confi dence. Otterbein helped me learn how to cope with rejections. I had great teach-ers, some of the best, which I used in “Take Me Home.”

If there’s one thing you could take from Otterbein to Los Angeles, what would that be? One a.m. donuts. My favor-ite thing to do was walk around Westerville late at night, which was so comforting to me.

You were quoted as saying that the NBC hit show “Parenthood,” in which you star, has gripped people like no other project you’ve worked on. What did you mean by that? Most shows on TV are crime dramas. You can pick them up and let them go pretty easily.

“Parenthood” gets under peo-ple’s skin. People identify with the struggles of the characters, people make bad choices on the show like in real life and people fi nd it comforting to watch other people make similar mistakes.

Do you prefer acting in fi lms or TV so far in your career? I don’t have a real preference. Movies afford you the opportu-nity to travel, and they are a fi nite experience. I enjoy the opportu-nity to get to know people who become like a family to me. I try to make it a concerted effort to appreciate wherever I am as best I can. We learn the most from the situations that challenge us.

Your fi lm “Take Me Home” has won critical acclaim at many independent fi lm festivals. Were you surprised by the reaction to it? I was surprised, but the awards were the ones that I had hoped the movie would get. I wanted to make a movie that had hope and took people places, and wanted people to see the movie as a journey across the U.S. I couldn’t have asked for much more based on audience response.

How did the “Take Me Home” project come about? What is the fi lm’s take-away? What did you learn?

I once drove from New York to LA when my friend and I moved to LA together. I like America’s landscape. A large part of this country isn’t seen in movies. I knew I wanted to show that landscape in fi lm. I started writing “Take Me Home” about 7 1/2 years ago and we started fi lming 2 1/2 years ago. “Take Me Home” is about fi nding the right person for you and not trying to force it to happen. I wanted to share with people what I was going through at the time, and what it means to be married — which is a theme throughout the fi lm. It’s about being in your mid-20s and trying

to fi gure out where you fi t in the world and where you want your life to go. I learned that I don’t want to be the writer, actor and director on a fi lm ever again. It was chal-lenging. I could do two out of the three, but by doing all three jobs, I was free labor to myself.

What are you most proud of? I’m most proud that we did it, we persevered, we made a movie that had a very small budget but you wouldn’t know it watching it. It’s a pretty large fi lm and I think it still has the spirit I set out to capture.

photo proVided by dan steinberG

seasoned: Jaeger’s advice to students is to stay close to your friends.


Page 5: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9 vol. 93, issue 9 5arts & entertainment

Even with a lack of evidence, mysterious things occur in CowanBY LINDSEY HOBBS AND

STEVEN COLLINSEditor-in-Chief and

Arts & Entertainment Editor

Twyla the theatre ghost

Cowan Hall is haunted, or so some members of the Otterbein community believe. As the story goes, a young actress named Twyla, who tried out for an Otterbein perfor-mance and became upset over not getting the part she wanted or any part at all, decided to end her life in the most theatrical of ways: She somehow climbed to the light fi xtures above the stage in Fritsche Theatre and jumped more than 30 feet to her death. While there are slight varia-tions on the story, Otterbein archivist Stephen Grinch said that the story is false. “There is no truth to this story in the historical record,” he said. There was no one named Twyla enrolled at Otterbein. There was never any death recorded at Cowan and the event supposedly took place 30 years before the building was even built.” While the story may be false, unexplained events have still been reported by Otterbein stu-dents both past and present. “Theatre professors, students and even some people who have been in the building at oppor-tune moments have felt a pres-ence,” Grinch said. “A friend of mine from undergraduate days remarked that out of nowhere, a noose appeared hanging from

the (lights above the stage), and no one had seen it before and it wasn’t set for the stage. It simply appeared. Lighting cues will be wiped from the board only to reappear under mysteri-ous circumstances. Things will be moved and weird noises will happen. Not just building creaks either, but things that cannot be explained.” Otterbein professor Ed Vaughan fi rst heard about Twyla during his undergraduate days.

“Twyla’s presence was well-established when I arrived here for my freshman year in 1967,” Vaughn said. “Any odd noise or gust of wind in Cowan Hall — and there were many — or an odd occurrence in rehearsal or in performance was followed by a brief pause and then someone whispering, ‘Twyla,’” he said. While many people who have been on Otterbein’s campus for many years have had major experiences, current students

photo by kristen daVis

Who you Gonna CaLL?: The story goes that Twyla jumped to her death from the light grid above the stage.

”“Twyla’s presence was well-established when I arrived here for my freshman year in 1967.

Ed VaughanOtterbein professor

Name: Daryia CarsonYear: freshmanMajor: philosophyHometown: ColumbusWhat’s your flavor? black raspberry chipIf you could be any animal, what would it be and why? Komodo dragon. They’re sweet.If you could have any superpower, what would it be? invincibilityAny hidden talents? sarcasmFavorite color: black

If you’re interested in being next week’s flavor, please contact us at [email protected].

photo and inforMation CoMpiLed by kristen sapp

&What’s your flavor?

haven’t had experiences of the same caliber. “There are creepy sounds, but that’s generally as far as it goes,” junior theatre major Katie Falter said. Twyla is listed in “Haunted Ohio III,” a book written by Chris Woodyard about the vari-ous haunted places in Ohio. The book mentions several of the things Grinch noted, but also states that people have slipped on the supposed spot where Twyla hit the stage, doors open and close without warning and supposedly, when the building is very quiet, you can hear Twyla crying. Supporting Grinch’s state-ment about the missing lighting cues, “Haunted Ohio III” said that right before a theatre perfor-mance of “Stepping Out,” all the lighting cues magically disap-peared from the board. Light-ing designer Rob Johnson had to frantically reprogram them. “Whenever anything goes wrong in Cowan Hall, we traditionally blame it on Twyla the Theatre Ghost,” Johnson said in “Haunt-ed Ohio III.” While a majority of students have heard about Twyla, there are a few that haven’t heard her story. “I didn’t even know there was a ghost in Cowan,” senior theatre major Lili Froehlich said. “I wish I would have known.”t&c

Page 6: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

arts & entertainment 7wednesday, oct. 26, 2011Tan & Cardinal6Hundreds of years of history buried in the groundLocated just a few blocks north of campus, Otterbein Cemetery is the fi nal resting place for many important fi gures in Otterbein and Westerville history

BY STEVEN COLLINSArts & Entertainment Editor

Benjamin Russell HanbyJuly 22, 1833-March 16, 1867

Otterbein graduate of 1858, composer Hanby, a composer, published his fi rst song, “Darling Nelly Gray,” in 1856, when he was a student at Otterbein. After graduating in 1858, he worked as a fundraiser for Otterbein. In January 1859, he was granted a license to preach for the United Brethren Church. Hanby was a vocal abolitionist, and because of that and his ideas on music in church and worship for children, his time at the church was not peaceful. He wrote the Christmas song “Santa Claus” (now known as “Up on the Housetop”). He moved his family to Chicago to work for the George F. Root music publishing company. He died of tuberculosis in Chicago. He was buried next to his parents.

McFadden was a local physician in Westerville when he began his ser-vice at Otterbein. First he was asked to be the secretary for the Board of Trustees because of his beautiful handwriting, and then he was asked to be a professor because of his experience in medicine and fi nally, he became the science chair for 20 or so years of the institution’s history. He left the university in 1861 along with a brass band to volunteer in the Civil War as a fi eld surgeon. He served at the Battle of Shiloh. The war broke him both mentally and physically. He lamented to his wife about wanting the basic tools he had in his offi ce at Westerville. He could not save men’s lives and sometimes felt like a butcher because he couldn’t save arms or legs. Certain things could be done in the offi ce that couldn’t be done on the battlefi eld. He returned to Westerville but still wanted to serve in the military. He was then put in charge of a prisoner of war camp until his health deterio-rated. He continued to teach until the end of his days.

Thomas enrolled just before the Civil War and was Otterbein’s fi rst Afri-can American student. Faculty and students were split on him. Many wel-comed him with open arms and minds. Those that opposed his enrollment didn’t stay at Otterbein very long. Thomas decided to enlist in the Civil War and was shot in the arm during the second battle at Fort Fisher. He had to have his arm amputated. Thomas didn’t return to Otterbein after the war, serving as a lawyer in the Carolinas before his retirement in Central Ohio. After retirement, Thomas moved into a hotel and died in poverty and obscurity. He has a Civil War veteran’s marker in the cemetery, making his plot stand out.

Rosselot played football during his time as a student from 1902-1904 and was an assistant coach from 1905-1911. Rosselot was a French professor at Otterbein for several years after he graduated. In the early days when professors taught multiple subjects, he also taught history and government. He was one of the fi rst students to be involved in country clubs, which were social groups similar to Greek Life before it was established. He was one of the proponents of the Greek system becoming formalized on campus. His daughter developed the “immersion courses” that Otterbein uses to teach language and that became a national standard for foreign language courses. He was known for being an outspoken civil rights believer. In the 1920s, the KKK marched through town and he jumped in his car and drove through the parade to break it up. The next day he had a fl aming cross on his lawn. Rosselot is interred in the mausoleum.

Russell was the founder of the Anti-Saloon League, which was the birth-place of Prohibition in Westerville and subsequently the United States in the early 20th century. A lawyer by trade, Russell gave up the profession to study ministry at Oberlin College. Russell was such a good speaker that back when chapel was mandatory for Otterbein students, they saved their two excused absences per year for when he spoke. He traveled the country promoting Prohibition and made the Anti-Saloon League a single-issue cause and a nonpartisan issue, gaining 5 million pledges against alcohol. Russell is famous for saying, “This is a dry funeral. We’ll take a slice if we can’t get the whole thing and we’ll take the crust if we can’t get a whole slice.”

In 1908, Cherrington was the assistant editor of an Anti-Saloon publica-tion that printed 40 tons of anti-alcohol literature a month. A year later, he became the editor-in-chief. He helped form the World League Against Alcoholism in 1919, and in the 1920s, he wrote The Standard Encyclopedia of the Alcohol Problem, a six-volume set of encyclopedias used to educate people about the evils of alcohol. He spent most of his life working for the Anti-Saloon League.

Koeppel was a member of the Aeolian Male Quartet at Ohio Wesleyan University. He was well-known as a singer. He was a participant in both the Spanish-Amer-ican War in the 4th Infantry and World War I in the 42nd Regiment. During World War I, Koeppel received the Distin-guished Service Cross, the second highest honor be-hind the Medal of Honor. As the story goes, he was wounded by shrapnel. Against the urging of his men, he directed them across a river while under fi re and made sure everyone crossed and that the next person in command knew what to do before he sought the attention of the medics. Koeppel’s third wife, parents and two of his chil-dren are buried in the cemetery.


William Hannibal ThomasMay 4, 1842-Nov. 15, 1935

First African American student at Otterbein

Thomas McFaddenNov. 9, 1825-Nov. 9, 1883

Otterbein professor, Civil War surgeon

Howard Hyde RussellOct. 21, 1855-June 30, 1949

Founder of the Anti-Saloon League

Ernest CherringtonNov. 24, 1877-March 13, 1950

Anti-Saloon League publication Editor-in-Chief

Oscar O. KoeppelJuly 25, 1875-Nov. 18, 1946

Distinguished Service Cross recipient

Alzo Pierre RosselotJan 18, 1882-July 18, 1966

Otterbein student and professor There is a man interred in the mausoleum at Otterbein Cemetery that once broke up a Ku Klux Klan march in the 1920s by driving his car through the middle of it. For his troubles, he awoke next morning with a burning cross in his yard. The cemetery is located two blocks north of campus on the corner of Knox and Walnut. An association was put in charge of the purchase of the lots, burials and maintenance of the property. The oldest section of the cemetery was divided into 1,959 lots. Two additions were made to provide more burial space. In 1924, the mausoleum was dedicated, which added 290 crypts to the grounds. In 1940, another land purchase, now called the Knox section, extended the capacity by 1,165 additional plots, bringing the total number to 3,414. In 1952, Wester-ville dissolved the association in charge of the cemetery and took over ownership, and to this day it still holds ownership. The mausoleum was originally supposed to hold 400 crypts and have dimensions of 72 feet by 60 feet, but revisions during construc-tion limited it to the present-day dimensions of 56 feet by 82 feet, which reduced the number of pos-sible crypts. Buried in the cemetery are several former Otterbein found-ers, professors and staff members and veterans from the Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II. There are also performers and writers and mem-bers of the Anti-Saloon League, which successfully lobbied for Prohibition and the 18th Amend-ment in 1920. Otterbein Cemetery holds the remains of a few thousand people, all of who lived their lives and died, leaving behind fascinating stories. With help from Otter-bein archivist Stephen Grinch, Westerville Library’s Local His-tory Coordinator Beth Weinhardt and Westerville Department of Public Service Administrative As-sistant Sharon Lytle, we’ve pieced together some of those stories.

Page 7: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

arts & entertainment 7wednesday, oct. 26, 2011Tan & Cardinal6Hundreds of years of history buried in the groundLocated just a few blocks north of campus, Otterbein Cemetery is the fi nal resting place for many important fi gures in Otterbein and Westerville history

BY STEVEN COLLINSArts & Entertainment Editor

Benjamin Russell HanbyJuly 22, 1833-March 16, 1867

Otterbein graduate of 1858, composer Hanby, a composer, published his fi rst song, “Darling Nelly Gray,” in 1856, when he was a student at Otterbein. After graduating in 1858, he worked as a fundraiser for Otterbein. In January 1859, he was granted a license to preach for the United Brethren Church. Hanby was a vocal abolitionist, and because of that and his ideas on music in church and worship for children, his time at the church was not peaceful. He wrote the Christmas song “Santa Claus” (now known as “Up on the Housetop”). He moved his family to Chicago to work for the George F. Root music publishing company. He died of tuberculosis in Chicago. He was buried next to his parents.

McFadden was a local physician in Westerville when he began his ser-vice at Otterbein. First he was asked to be the secretary for the Board of Trustees because of his beautiful handwriting, and then he was asked to be a professor because of his experience in medicine and fi nally, he became the science chair for 20 or so years of the institution’s history. He left the university in 1861 along with a brass band to volunteer in the Civil War as a fi eld surgeon. He served at the Battle of Shiloh. The war broke him both mentally and physically. He lamented to his wife about wanting the basic tools he had in his offi ce at Westerville. He could not save men’s lives and sometimes felt like a butcher because he couldn’t save arms or legs. Certain things could be done in the offi ce that couldn’t be done on the battlefi eld. He returned to Westerville but still wanted to serve in the military. He was then put in charge of a prisoner of war camp until his health deterio-rated. He continued to teach until the end of his days.

Thomas enrolled just before the Civil War and was Otterbein’s fi rst Afri-can American student. Faculty and students were split on him. Many wel-comed him with open arms and minds. Those that opposed his enrollment didn’t stay at Otterbein very long. Thomas decided to enlist in the Civil War and was shot in the arm during the second battle at Fort Fisher. He had to have his arm amputated. Thomas didn’t return to Otterbein after the war, serving as a lawyer in the Carolinas before his retirement in Central Ohio. After retirement, Thomas moved into a hotel and died in poverty and obscurity. He has a Civil War veteran’s marker in the cemetery, making his plot stand out.

Rosselot played football during his time as a student from 1902-1904 and was an assistant coach from 1905-1911. Rosselot was a French professor at Otterbein for several years after he graduated. In the early days when professors taught multiple subjects, he also taught history and government. He was one of the fi rst students to be involved in country clubs, which were social groups similar to Greek Life before it was established. He was one of the proponents of the Greek system becoming formalized on campus. His daughter developed the “immersion courses” that Otterbein uses to teach language and that became a national standard for foreign language courses. He was known for being an outspoken civil rights believer. In the 1920s, the KKK marched through town and he jumped in his car and drove through the parade to break it up. The next day he had a fl aming cross on his lawn. Rosselot is interred in the mausoleum.

Russell was the founder of the Anti-Saloon League, which was the birth-place of Prohibition in Westerville and subsequently the United States in the early 20th century. A lawyer by trade, Russell gave up the profession to study ministry at Oberlin College. Russell was such a good speaker that back when chapel was mandatory for Otterbein students, they saved their two excused absences per year for when he spoke. He traveled the country promoting Prohibition and made the Anti-Saloon League a single-issue cause and a nonpartisan issue, gaining 5 million pledges against alcohol. Russell is famous for saying, “This is a dry funeral. We’ll take a slice if we can’t get the whole thing and we’ll take the crust if we can’t get a whole slice.”

In 1908, Cherrington was the assistant editor of an Anti-Saloon publica-tion that printed 40 tons of anti-alcohol literature a month. A year later, he became the editor-in-chief. He helped form the World League Against Alcoholism in 1919, and in the 1920s, he wrote The Standard Encyclopedia of the Alcohol Problem, a six-volume set of encyclopedias used to educate people about the evils of alcohol. He spent most of his life working for the Anti-Saloon League.

Koeppel was a member of the Aeolian Male Quartet at Ohio Wesleyan University. He was well-known as a singer. He was a participant in both the Spanish-Amer-ican War in the 4th Infantry and World War I in the 42nd Regiment. During World War I, Koeppel received the Distin-guished Service Cross, the second highest honor be-hind the Medal of Honor. As the story goes, he was wounded by shrapnel. Against the urging of his men, he directed them across a river while under fi re and made sure everyone crossed and that the next person in command knew what to do before he sought the attention of the medics. Koeppel’s third wife, parents and two of his chil-dren are buried in the cemetery.


William Hannibal ThomasMay 4, 1842-Nov. 15, 1935

First African American student at Otterbein

Thomas McFaddenNov. 9, 1825-Nov. 9, 1883

Otterbein professor, Civil War surgeon

Howard Hyde RussellOct. 21, 1855-June 30, 1949

Founder of the Anti-Saloon League

Ernest CherringtonNov. 24, 1877-March 13, 1950

Anti-Saloon League publication Editor-in-Chief

Oscar O. KoeppelJuly 25, 1875-Nov. 18, 1946

Distinguished Service Cross recipient

Alzo Pierre RosselotJan 18, 1882-July 18, 1966

Otterbein student and professor There is a man interred in the mausoleum at Otterbein Cemetery that once broke up a Ku Klux Klan march in the 1920s by driving his car through the middle of it. For his troubles, he awoke next morning with a burning cross in his yard. The cemetery is located two blocks north of campus on the corner of Knox and Walnut. An association was put in charge of the purchase of the lots, burials and maintenance of the property. The oldest section of the cemetery was divided into 1,959 lots. Two additions were made to provide more burial space. In 1924, the mausoleum was dedicated, which added 290 crypts to the grounds. In 1940, another land purchase, now called the Knox section, extended the capacity by 1,165 additional plots, bringing the total number to 3,414. In 1952, Wester-ville dissolved the association in charge of the cemetery and took over ownership, and to this day it still holds ownership. The mausoleum was originally supposed to hold 400 crypts and have dimensions of 72 feet by 60 feet, but revisions during construc-tion limited it to the present-day dimensions of 56 feet by 82 feet, which reduced the number of pos-sible crypts. Buried in the cemetery are several former Otterbein found-ers, professors and staff members and veterans from the Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II. There are also performers and writers and mem-bers of the Anti-Saloon League, which successfully lobbied for Prohibition and the 18th Amend-ment in 1920. Otterbein Cemetery holds the remains of a few thousand people, all of who lived their lives and died, leaving behind fascinating stories. With help from Otter-bein archivist Stephen Grinch, Westerville Library’s Local His-tory Coordinator Beth Weinhardt and Westerville Department of Public Service Administrative As-sistant Sharon Lytle, we’ve pieced together some of those stories.

Page 8: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

Alternative rock and great shows - that’s what WOBN the Wildcard delivers! Tune in every day for something

new and different.

Shows not to be missed:Girl Talk, Mondays 8-9 p.m.

In the Know, Tuesdays 7-9 p.m.Name That Show,

Tuesdays 10-11 p.m.

So, OK, some areas of Co-lumbus can be a little scary in the not-so-Halloween, trick-or-treat sort of way, but the Brewery District? Believe it or not, there was a time when this rather traditional neighborhood, now sandwiched between I-70, Pearl Street, Greenlawn Avenue and the Scioto River, was the stomping grounds for one of America’s earliest serial killers: David R. Hoster, better known as the Brewery Butcher. The story is straight out of a Wes Craven fi lm (or maybe a John Carpenter). While work-ing as an apprentice at one of the fi ve breweries in the district at the time (between 1901 and 1905), Hoster slaughtered 38 people in cold blood, usually discarding and incinerating the bodies in vats of chemicals at the Columbus brewery where he worked. His story, relatively unknown to locals, is one of many thrilling thematic platforms for Terror-Fest, a 20,000-square-foot house of fear, fi ttingly located in — you guessed it — the Brewery District. Eat your heart out, Mr. Craven. Whether you know the Hoster backstory or not, an eerie, warehouse-y look and

feel contributes to an unsettling atmosphere while attendees take their long, respective waits in line. The not-so-subtle sounds of dulled chainsaws and prepubes-cent screams don’t help ease any worries for fear dwellers. It only gets scarier as attend-ees shuffl e inside, with well-crafted scenery and backgrounds adjoined by narrow, cornered hallways on shaky ground estab-lishing the general look and feel early on. The house is divided into two incarnations (and lit by a ridicu-lous amount of strobe lights). Stage one is the Butcher’s Realm, which features lopsided dining rooms, haunted libraries, unnerv-ing asylums, blood-soaked op-erating rooms and a few run-ins with the butcher himself. The second stage is a three-dimensional circus show thanks to some rather trendy glasses that are handed out to anyone who isn’t covering their eyes or already wearing glasses. The 3-D experience is truly a distinctive feature of this house, which works as a crucial fear factor. The distinction between soaring, crazed clowns on bun-gee cords equipped with fake machetes, and harmless ce-ramic props evenly drenched by presumably broken glow sticks becomes increasingly blurred, literally.

But while it’s all scary, if not just confusing, the clowns and the glowing plastic skulls don’t seem to fi t with much of the house’s original Brewery Butcher vibe or storyline. I’d say the greatest detriment to TerrorFest was this general lack of thematic focus from room to room, place to place and scare to scare. Overall, TerrorFest is surpris-ingly a great haunted house, and compared to Pataskala’s Haunted Hoochie or Mansfi eld’s Haunted Prison, TerrorFest is pretty conveniently located for those of us still living on the outskirts of Columbus. From the makeup to the wardrobe to the performance, TerrorFest certainly had me shaken up enough to not want the 20 bucks back.t&c


Columbus area haunted house is scary but lacks central themeDon’t fear the butcher


Behind 477 S. Front St. Friday and Saturday: 7:30 p.m. to midnight Thursday and Sunday: 7:30-10 p.m. $20 per person, $5 for park-ing Open through Nov. 1



wednesday, oct. 26, 2011Tan & Cardinal8 arts & entertainment

photo proVided by steVen kopeLMan

Correction: The T&C called volleyball player Ally Nagle a senior, but she is a junior. The football record last week was listed as 1-6, but it was actually 1-5. They are now 2-5 on the season.

boiLer rooM: TerrorFest, located in the Brewery District, has more than 20,000 square feet of pure fear.

Page 9: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

The holiday isn’t just for kids, but two pasts yield clashing views

Sophomore urges students to protest




If nothing else, Otterbein students should be up in arms about infl ating student loans





t&c vol. 93, issue 9 9opinion



The frustration of limited parking availability, the disap-pointment of Campus Center cuisine on the weekends, a lack of entertainment to fi ll a typical Saturday night — aside from these miniscule com-plaints surround-ing college life, Otterbein students tend to submit to a trend of authoritative acceptance. Despite the fact that Otter-bein is collegiately classifi ed as a small, private liberal arts estab-lishment, the students within this college campus are surprisingly unmotivated to participate in any kind of political protest or to fi ght for their rights. Throughout its history, Otter-bein has produced its fair share of students eager to participate in controversial demonstrations. On Jan. 20, 1969, Ohio State University’s student newspaper, The Lantern, published an article documenting the protest of students from various colleges throughout Ohio. Four hundred and fi fty stu-dents from Otterbein, Oberlin, Kent State, Ohio University and the University of Cincinnati protested alongside the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Anymore, it almost appears as if this motivational mentality has diminished over the years. I am in no way insinuating that Otterbein’s student popula-tion should immediately pur-chase plane tickets directed out east to stage political protests on the streets of Washington, D.C. However, what I am inquiring is when was the last time you, as a college student, stood up for something? When was the last time you acknowledged your en-titlement to certain rights or rec-ognized that some of your rights were being infringed upon?

Or maybe you are saying to yourself, “I would stand up for something, but nothing political affects me right now.” Chances are there is, and it’s called subsi-dized loans. Consider the following in-formation from Two-thirds of the student population will graduate with substantial loans (approximately 1,778 individuals of Otterbein’s student population). Today, college is 400 percent more expensive than it was 30 years ago. Student loans have nation-ally exceeded credit card debt, placing a $1 trillion burden on college graduates. Total loan student debt is increasing in the United States at a rate of $2,853.88 per second. If this is not a situation per-taining to you, consider yourself fortunate, but for two-thirds of Otterbein’s population, this is our harsh reality. So why do we simply accept the thousands of dollars of debt we are dealt as college students? How do we convince our-selves that a 400 percent infl ation in college tuition over the past three decades is OK? To decrease the urgency of this situation, most college students simply ignore it, leaving the debt as something to “deal with later.” On a global standpoint, the United States contains the sec-ond largest quantity of colleges and universities in the world. So, with such a vast amount of students, why not advocate for a change? Circulate a petition, support a fi nancial cause or do some-thing to stand up for our fellow students, our generation and our future.

For someone who doesn’t even like candy, it’s a bit strange that I’ve always liked Halloween. Yes, I just said I don’t like candy. Yes, that extends to chocolate. Yes, I am a hu-man being and not a cyborg. Every year of my life, whether it was my choice or not, I’ve dressed up for Halloween. When I was young, my mom went with a princess motif, and trust me, she got very inventive with the princess costumes. I went as Snow White and a Japanese prin-cess with an original kimono. If you have seen my skin tone, you can imagine how hard that would be to pull off. Call me a sucker, but as I’ve gotten older, Halloween has always been there to evolve with me to the next stage of my life. When I was younger, there was just something magical about running around with masks. And no matter what, by Halloween, Cleveland always had that crisp fall smell. Even though I do remember one year it snowed. When I got older and decid-edly more emo (yes, I was. No, we won’t talk about my poor life choices), Halloween was

my favorite holiday. It gave me a legitimate reason to listen to “Nightmare Before Christmas.” I am totally judging you hardcore, people who listen to “Nightmare Before Christmas” year round. Let it go. “Hocus Pocus” is way better. Whether I am dressed as Death from Neil Gaiman’s “The Sandman,” Four from “Doc-tor Who” or keeping it low key because it’s my roomie’s birthday, Halloween still incites that giddy childish feeling that speaks to all of us.

photo proVided by brian drisCoLL

Ghosts of the past: Apparently, one of these two took Halloween costumes more seriously back in the day.

When I was in fi rst grade I wanted to be a Beanie Baby for Halloween. I wanted to be the Dalma-tian, and for the fi rst time, my mom la-bored lovingly over the cos-tume: white sweatpants and sweatshirt with black felt spots, a headband with felt dog ears and a large cardboard Beanie Baby tag that was safety-pinned to the side of my sweatshirt. And on Halloween night, everyone thought I was a cow.

Despite being my birthday, Halloween’s always been uncom-fortable for me, probably be-cause I’ve been socially awkward since birth. Demanding candy from strangers doesn’t feel right. It was just never a holiday that my family got excited about. My costumes usually consisted of things lying around the house. In fi fth grade I used my soccer uniform to be — surprise — a soccer player. Another year I used the white dress I’d worn at my uncle’s wedding to be a bride. To this day the only decora-tion adorning our house Hallow-een night is an underwhelming but well-loved mechanical ghost named Strobie that vibrates and “woooo”s unconvincingly when triggered by a loud noise like clapping or a door slamming. By high school, I was over Halloween. I gladly passed out candy to children and grudgingly handed over Kit Kats and Snick-ers bars to kids my age, wearing an old witch’s hat. Nowadays, costume parties don’t interest me. I’m not the Scrooge of Halloween, but I’m no Bob Cratchit, either. If you’ll pardon the terrible pun, I’m happy to watch the spirit of the holiday live in others … except those high schoolers trick-or-treating with pillowcases.

Halloween editionphoto proVided by aLyssa Cook-aLexander

Page 10: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

wednesday, oct. 26, 2011Tan & Cardinal10 opinion

Confusion and mix-ups from semester conversion led one student to making four attempts to get papers in order





For me, this will be the se-mester I lost 10 pounds running between different departments just to make sure I’ll gradu-ate in Decem-ber. Come hell or high water, I’m leaving this university with a piece of paper. Now, whether Otterbein has decided that I have completed my major is debatable. The fi rst time I tried to graduate from Otterbein, they told me I was applying too early in the year and that people who planned on graduating in De-cember 2011 should apply when we returned to school in the fall. Keeping a cool head, I returned to school knowing that there was going to be mass con-fusion about graduation. Well, I certainly wasn’t wrong. The close friends I knew that were also planning on graduating in December would tell me their

Registrar’s Offi ce horror stories. Things about degree audits tell-ing them they wouldn’t graduate because of missing rudimentary classes or strange new INST requirements. The second time I tried to apply to graduate, the attempt ended quickly. My degree audit showed that I hadn’t taken a sophomore-level journalism class, my creative writing minor credits were incomplete and I was missing an INST history class that I’ve never even heard of. My mild confusion led me to Laurie Mayhew, the assistant registrar for graduate services. In the Registrar’s Offi ce, Mayhew has seen too many students to count, but the students that have come to her with questions either showed up at the Registrar’s Of-fi ce or in my case, their adviser pointed them in her direction. When I fi rst talked to May-hew, she explained that the offi ce was still in the process of build-ing the transition majors and minors into the system, which is a tedious and slow process.

“We are also dealing with an upgraded system for Banner. We’re still learning that,” Mayhew said. Mayhew was extremely help-ful because she went into the system and personally fi xed the problems with my degree audit. My degree audit was fl awless. The third time I tried to apply for graduation required me to go somewhere else. I was turned away with my degree audit because I didn’t have the offi cial copy of my Individual Advising Plan (IAP). My problem was I didn’t know where to fi nd it. The Registrar’s Offi ce pointed me in the direction of the Center for Student Success. The Individual Advising Plan functions as a failsafe in case the degree audits of graduating seniors were inaccurate. This pink piece of paper was my fi nal ticket to getting out of this place in December. Of course it wasn’t that easy: When I arrived at the Center for Student Success, my IAP wasn’t even on campus at the time.

With the transition, all departments and offi ces have been playing catch-up over the summer and fall. Kate Lehman, the assistant dean for student success, has been going through each IAP that students submitted last spring. “Many departments submit-ted them to us on a rolling basis in the spring,” Lehman said. “The (communication) depart-ment was simply one of the later departments to submit, and they submitted a large batch of them at the end of the academic year. I try to keep them on campus at all times. A lot of times I take small batches home with me, and then I take them back to campus. They’re never away from campus for more than 48 hours.” When I walked into the Regis-tar’s Offi ce and the Center for Student Success, I could feel the strain and tension. Both offi ces seemed overworked. Maybe a possible explana-tion for the tension is the lack of help. Aside from the Center for Student Success opening, the administration decided not

to hire anyone else to help the Registrar’s Offi ce or the Center for Student Success. Lehman was already employed to Otterbein before her position was created. “We’re sitting here and we’re converted,” Lehman said. “I think things have gone well. Sure, we could have had a lot more people helping us. I think we’re trying to be fi scally responsible and think about what’s reason-able. Students are already sensi-tive to the cost of tuition, and I think it’s important that we’re responsible with students’ fees.” The fourth time I applied for graduation, Mayhew accepted my packet with a smile. I imagine that if I had prob-lems, who knows how many stu-dents have had the same? There’s no way to know. It goes without saying that my journey into graduation has been rocky at best. We will look back on it as the year we wish never happened.


Senior jumps through hoops to graduate

Only about 1,400 endan-gered Bengal tigers are left in the world, according to Jack Hanna. And because of a series of bi-zarre, tragic and sickening events last week, there are now 18 less. But who is to blame for the massacre of 49 wild animals that were set loose by their suicidal owner in Zanes-ville, Ohio, last Tuesday? Obviously, the Zanesville sheriff ’s department is the easi-est target because they shot and killed them. They had tranquil-izers at their disposal. And the Columbus Zoo professionals were on their way to help. However, these were starving and abused animals that weighed hundreds of pounds and that could see in the dark — if you



look at it that way, the sheriff didn’t really have a choice when the big cats and the bears started running for civilization. So, then the deranged hillbilly who owned these wild beasts as pets is the culprit then, right? He clearly could not take care of them properly and had been fi ned dozens of times for the way he treated his animals. He didn’t have to free them before taking his own life, and the animals may have been spared to zoos and shelters. But then again, he was al-lowed to own his lions, bears, leopards, monkeys and the like. Ohio doesn’t ban the selling and trading of exotic animals. Ah … yes. There’s the prob-lem now, isn’t it? The buckeye state has some of the most lenient laws against exotic animal trade in the entire nation, and it seems that our mostly agricultural landscape

provides a perfect backdrop for those who are just dying to build their own private zoo — that pun was intended because Ohio also has some of the highest statistics for injury or death from an exotic animal. Maybe the convenience of our landscape is why Gov. John Kasich let the statewide ban on buying and selling these animals, passed by former Ohio governor Ted Strickland, expire in April. Or maybe he simply forgot about it because the paperwork is in his other desk at the gover-nor’s mansion over there in that horrid “ghetto” of Bexley. Or maybe it’s just because he was too busy with stripping away the collective bargaining rights of union members. No, wait. This must be why we’re allowed to carry guns into bars now, right? As protection in case a mountain lion decides to stroll in?

But, I digress, because blam-ing never leads to progress. Jungle Jack, I expect a great new campaign to get a ban on exotic animal trade passed again. Those graphic pictures that were plastered all over the news would probably do the trick.

Next time I see Kasich in Kroger, I’ll hold him hostage in that hippie liberal health food aisle until he’s on board.


into the WiLd: Former Columbus Zoo director Jack Hanna urged a panel last week to impose stricter rules on exotic pet ownership in Ohio.

Ohio plays the blame gameJunior considers all sides of the exotic animal deaths in Zanesville

Page 11: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9 vol. 93, issue 9 11sportsNFL losing sight of tackles Should the NFL permit hard hits and aggressive play in games?

Kish becomes the leader at UAOtterbein grad is the University of Arizona head football coach

Saturday, Oct. 29Home vs.Mount Union3:30 p.m.M




Saturday, Oct. 29 Homevs. Mount Union1 p.m. W


’s s


r Saturday, Oct. 29 @Mount Union1:30



Saturday, Oct. 29@Mount Union3:30 p.m.




&What’s next in sports


� e Pi Beta Scholarship Foundation is accepting ap-plications for scholarships to be awarded this semester. � is is open to all full-time undergraduates of Otter-bein University. � e application should include, but is not limited to, your class year, major, GPA, activities, community involvement, telephone number, email ad-dress and any other information that you feel is perti-nent. Applications are due by Nov. 4, 2011, and can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to R. Beckner, 339 Mainsail Dr., Westerville, OH 43081.

when talking with prospective players and their families. “Recruiting is all about building relationships with the prospective student athletes and their families,” noted Kish. Now, as Kish heads into week eight of the college football sea-son, he has assumed a new role among the coaching ranks, as former head coach Mike Stoops was relieved of his coaching responsibilities at the University of Arizona, leading the way for Kish to take the reins. “Obviously this is not the way I would have chosen to become a head coach,” he said. “But I take a lot of pride in helping to guide and mentor this team in a tough situation.” With a hectic week of prepa-ration, Kish has stayed focused on why he has been awarded this position in the fi rst place. “It should be all about the players and the team,” he said. “Our oath we take as profession-als is to mentor positively all of our players, both on and off the fi eld.”

Recruiting violations have reared their ugly head, as players and coaches have come under the microscope of the NCAA. “The pressure to win, sky-rocketing coaches’ salaries, the media exposure available and scholarship limitations have lev-eled the playing fi eld,” Kish said. In last Thursday’s matchup versus PAC-12 rival UCLA, two Otterbein football alumni squared off on opposite side-lines. Former Otterbein defensive coordinator Joe Tresey dialed up the defensive signals for UCLA as he stood opposite Kish along the Wildcats sideline. Now with his fi rst head coach victory under his belt in a victory over UCLA, Kish will begin preparation for PAC-12 foe Washington this Saturday in Seattle. “We have accomplished some great things since we came here 8 years ago,” Kish said. “We have been in three consecutive bowl games, sent numerous players to the NFL and improved our graduation rate.”

For the past 35 years, coach Tim Kish has roamed the side-lines for 10 different football teams, both at the high school and Division I college level. Since the end of his play-ing days in 1976 at Otterbein College, Kish has now taken the positon as the head football coach of The University of Arizona. “I take in all the stops and experiences I’ve had playing and coaching throughout my career,” he said. Developing is exactly what Kish has done. Ever since his days in the secondary as a defen-sive back in a Cardinal uniform and all the way through his coaching career thus far, he has esteemed himself as one of the top recruiters in all the nation in college football. So what exactly merits Kish as a top college football recruit-er? For starters, Kish abides by an honest and up-front approach


from head-to-head contact dur-ing play. Don’t get me wrong. I think the rules do decrease the number of injuries, like concussions, due to dangerous hits. But at the same time, the stricter rules change the way players play the game. “I had a chance to put my head in there, and it looked like he was crouching down,” Pitts-burgh Steelers’ linebacker James Harrison said in an interview. “I didn’t want to get a helmet-to-helmet (hit). I didn’t put my face in there, and he went down, and luckily he didn’t scam-per for another 10 or 15 yards.” As much as it pains me to say it, James Harrison can hit. One of the most notorious players for hard knocks was fi ned $125,000 in 2010 for hits deemed illegal by the League. When the Eagles’ Sheldon Brown hit Reggie Bush of the Saints in 2008 on a quick pass

out of the backfi eld, I swear the camera shook from the impact. Now it seems that a linebacker can’t breathe down the neck of a quarterback without a 15-yard penalty and a $20,000 fi ne from Roger Goodell in the mail. The new rules are protecting players, but they are changing the game for the worse. Players like Brandon Meriweather, Harrison and the rest of the enforcers in the League have to change the way they hit and relearn the art that is delivering a cringe-worthy blow. In most cases, this means going for the legs. But if the League is dish-ing out fi nes for big hits, at least these players are making millions of dollars to pay their debts off. So I say keep the hits coming. It is far too common now to watch an entire game and not see one hit that will raise the collective blood pressure on both sides of the ball.


I’ve always been a fan of football — the grind-it-out,

hard-nosed, big-hit type of football that is a dying breed in the National Football League today. What’s worse than the lack of a running game is the fact that

the League is cracking down on the big hits that come from the other side of the ball. The new rules for hits are trying to protect “defenseless” players, which are defi ned as a quarterback in the act of throw-ing, a receiver trying to catch a ball, a kicker or punter during the kick, a receiver who receives a blindside block and a quarter-back at any time after the change of possession, according to These rules are trying to further protect players t&c

sCheduLe inforMation froM WWW.otterbeinCardinaLs.CoM

Page 12: T&C- Fall 2011, Week 9

wednesday, oct. 26, 2011Tan & Cardinal12 sports


Cards set for OAC championshipCross country in line for conference showdown at Ohio Northern

first touCh: Junior Dusty Kiaski is a 3-year varsity letter winner and leads the team in assists, with five. inforMation CoMpiLed by JereMy MorGan

and photo by kristen sapp

off the field& On the field,

around the bend: Senior Tim Williard will be key to the men’s chance at a top finish. photo by kristen sapp

truCkin’: Junior Bekah Reese placed third in last year’s OAC conference championship.

Name: Dusty Kiaski

Hometown: Massillon, Ohio

Position: midfi eld

Year: junior

Major: accounting

Favorite athlete:Xavi Hernández Favorite way to relax: Playing guitar

Favorite soccer moment:Beating Urbana while recording one goal and two assists as a freshman

Senior captain Tim Williard led the men’s side with a 76th-place individual fi nish and a time of 27:14. Behind him for the Cardinals was junior Mark Bayman, who claimed the 149th spot in 28:04, and sophomore Andrew Mantell with a time of 28:05 for the 152nd spot. The previous year, the OAC championship gave the women’s side a second-place team fi nish that was due to Reese and Elliott, who fi nished third and 17th respectively. The men combined for a fi fth-place team fi nish with this year’s lead runners Williard and Mantell placing at 27th and 47th. “Our goal is to show the OAC that we are not as ill-talent-ed as they think we are,” Williard said. “Individually we have had great days, but teamwise we have not had one day where everyone is on top of their game.” The competition for both sides will be stiff. Among the OAC competitors for men, Ohio Northern, John Carroll and Hei-delberg are ranked eighth, ninth

and 10th, respectively, in the Great Lakes regional team rank-ing for Division III, according to the U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association on Oct. 18. Head men’s coach Scott Alpeter said the men will be content with a team fi nish some-where in the fi fth, sixth or even seventh place spot despite being ranked ninth in the OAC. The women will be facing similar diffi culties, with Ohio Northern ranked third, John Carroll seventh, Baldwin-Wallace eighth and Wilmington 10th. “They’re really good teams,” Reese said. “Obviously North-ern has a really good chance at making it past regionals … but I think we just all need to get out and compete.” “Once everyone has crossed that fi nish line and they have given it everything, then we’ll come out happy,” Williard said. The meet begins with the women running at 11 a.m. and the men at noon in Ada, Ohio.

Otterbein cross country will be setting out on an OAC cham-pionship meet at Ohio Northern that will be more competitive than recent years. Both teams have been out of competition for two weeks, with their last meet at the Oberlin Invitational on Oct. 15. In that meet the women placed an overall eighth-place fi nish out of a 33-team competi-tion. Leading them was junior Bekah Reese with a 10th-place standing out of 282 runners and a time of 22:50, the best time among OAC competitors of that meet. Following her was senior Nicole Elliott with a 31st overall fi nish and a time of 23:23, and then sophomore Kaila Cramer at 24:14, leaving her at 80th. The men competed for a 25th team fi nish out of a 34-team, 315-runner fi eld in the same meet. t&c

photo by kristen sapp