Download pptx - Target market

Page 1: Target market


Page 2: Target market


For my target market I have decided to look at the

more teenage/ young adult market. This is because

people this age are more likely to buy a music

magazine and are more interested in music. I have

also chose this market because I am a young adult,

so can relate to my market and identify their needs

much easier that I would say a 50+ magazine.

Page 3: Target market


Most popular music magazines aim there magazine

at this market, because this is such a popular

market. Magazines such as ‘billboard’, ‘NME’,

‘Rolling Stone’ etc. These are magazines I hope to

use for information and inspiration.

Page 4: Target market


Theories suggest that more females buy music

magazines as more females feel like they can relate

to the lives which are in the magazine. However I

plan to make my magazine more androgynous so

that it appeals to a larger target market. However

the problem with this is that it is harder to create a

magazine which suits both male and female.

Page 5: Target market


If I am doing a magazine for young adults, I need to look at iconic

figures for this age rang, and how I could include them in my


Iconic figures for this ages range would be:

Rihanna Jesse J Oasis

Arctic Monkeys Bastile Lady GaGa

Beyonce Calvin Harris/ David guetta

KOL Jay-Z/ Kanye west

One Direction Eminem

The Scrip The Wanted/Lawson

Page 6: Target market


Young adults may be more interested in the gossip about famous

icons and what they are getting up to in their lives. So interviews

and gossip would be a good selling point for my magazine, as this

is more what the viewer is interested in. For my two page spread,

I feel that an interview would be a good use of space for my style

magazine. I will also have the person I am interviewing to feature

on my front cover. However Young adults like things to be

different and statement so I will have to think of a cover which

stands out and catches my target markets eye.